HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-12 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet (B)AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING  Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL   Brooke Jones, President Phil Hawkins, Vice President Andrew J. Hall, Director J. Wayne Miller, Director Al Nederhood, Director 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA  Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two­thirds vote of the Board, or a  unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which  came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2))  5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS  5.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports  5.2. Federal and State Legislative Update 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS  Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state  the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the  individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed  on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest  within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3)  7. CONSENT CALENDAR  All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion.  There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests  separate consideration.   7.1.Minutes of Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held October 22,  2019   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as  presented.  7.2.Payment of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize  disbursements in the amount of $1,119,828.71. Page 1 of 50  7.3.Purchase of 2020 Kenworth Dump Truck   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager  to purchase a 2020 Dump Truck from Inland Kenworth ­ Montebello in the  amount of $118,416.21.  7.4.Unaudited Financial Statements for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited  Financial Statements for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020.  7.5.Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for First Quarter  of Fiscal Year 2020    Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors'  and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for First Quarter of Fiscal  Year 2020.  7.6.Award of Construction Contract for 2019 Sewer Main CIPP Rehabilitation  Project   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors award the Construction  Contract for the 2019 Sewer Main CIPP Rehabilitation Project to Insituform  Technologies, LLC for $271,740.70, Job No. J2019­39S. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS  This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action  of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or  similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time  permitting, it is generally in the District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting  and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for  information only.   8.1. Draft Policy for Discontinuation of Residential Water Service (SB 998)  8.2. Status of Operations Activities 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS  9.1. Directors' Reports  9.2. General Manager's Report  9.3. General Counsel's Report  9.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS  10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Jones/Hawkins)  Next meeting is scheduled Monday, November 25, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. Page 2 of 50  10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Jones/Hawkins)  Next meeting is scheduled Monday, December 16, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at  YL City Hall.  10.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins)  Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. to  be provided when available. Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. 11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR  11.1. Meetings from November 13 ­ December 31, 2019 12. ADJOURNMENT  12.1. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 26, 2019.   Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at  6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Non­exempt materials related to open session agenda items that are distributed to a majority of the Board or  Committee less than seventy­two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby  of the District’s Administrative building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia CA 92870 during regular  business hours. When practical, these materials will also be available on the District’s website  (http://www.ylwd.com/). (GC 54957.5) Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability­related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for  participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701­3020 at least 24  hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 3 of 50 ITEM NO. 7.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held October 22, 2019 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes (Special) 2.Draft Meeting Minutes (Regular) Page 4 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held October 22, 2019, 2019 at 5:30 p.m.1 2019-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 5:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Brooke Jones, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Phil Hawkins, Vice President Brett Barbre, Assistant General Manager Andrew J. Hall Annie Alexander, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary J. Wayne Miller, PhD Al Nederhood ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 4.ACTION CALENDAR 4.1.Determination of Agency Designated Representative Director Hall made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to identify Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, as the District’s designated representative to negotiate an amendment to the present employment agreement with the General Manager in accordance with Government Code Section 54957.6(a). Motion carried 5-0-0-0. 5.CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:31 p.m. All Directors were present. Also present were General Manager Marcantonio, Assistant General Manager Barbre, and General Counsel Gagen. Page 5 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held October 22, 2019, 2019 at 5:30 p.m.2 2019-XXX The following items were taken out of order. 5.3.Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases:Unknown General Manager Marcantonio and Assistant General Manager Barbre left the Closed Session prior to discussion of the following items. 5.1.Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title:General Manager 5.2.Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representative:Andrew Gagen, General Counsel The Board then reconvened in Open Session at 6:35 p.m. General Counsel Gagen reported that no action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 5.ADJOURNMENT 5.1.The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 6 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.1 2019-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 2019, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Brooke Jones, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Andrew J. Hall Brett Barbre, Assistant General Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Al Nederhood Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager DIRECTORS ABSENT Pasquale Talarico, Director of Public Affairs Phil Hawkins, Vice President Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Divya Agrawalla, Principal Engineer Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary Paige Appel, Accounting Assistant II Danielle Logsdon, Senior Engineer ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP Fred Soroushian, Vice President, Jacobs Engineering Group Phil Sudol, Director Growth & Sales/Design Build, Jacobs Engineering Group 4.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5.INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Finance Manager Lugo introduced newly hired Accounting Assistant II, Paige Appel, and provided the Board with an overview of Ms. Appel’s background and work experience. The Board welcomed Ms. Appel to the District. Page 7 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.2 2019-XXX 5.1.Elected Official Liaison Reports None. 5.2.Federal and State Legislative Update Staff reported on activities associated with a press conference scheduled October 30, 2019 for the newly constructed heli-hydrant. Staff also responded to questions from Director Miller regarding potential community outreach activities in preparation for the upcoming release of a water industry related movie and patenting staff improvements made to the heli- hydrant. 6.PUBLIC COMMENTS Julia Schultz, resident, thanked the Board for the brief presentation on the heli- hydrant at the recent Yorba Linda City Council meeting. Staff then responded to questions from Ms. Schultz’s regarding maintenance of the heli-hydrant. 7.CONSENT CALENDAR Director Nederhood requested to remove Item No. 7.3. from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Director Hall made a motion, seconded by Director Miller, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 4-0-0-1 on a Roll Call vote with Director Hawkins being absent. 7.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held October 8, 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2.Payment of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,628,500.88. 7.4.Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for period ending September 30, 2019. Page 8 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.3 2019-XXX 7.5.Revise Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of Fiscal Year 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX ratifying the Budgeted Positions for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2020 and rescinding Resolution No. 2019-20. 7.6.Amend the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2019-2023. 7.7.Amend District’s Conflict of Interest Code Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2019-XX adopting a Conflict of Interest Code which supersedes all prior Conflict of Interest Codes and amendments previously adopted. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION 7.3.Budget to Actual Reports for Month Ending September 30, 2019 Staff responded to questions from Director Nederhood regarding key information contained in these reports. Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for month ending September 30, 2019. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Hawkins being absent. 8.ACTION CALENDAR 8.1.Election for Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA President and Vice President for 2020-2021 Term The Board briefly discussed the candidates. Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to authorize President Jones as primary and Director Miller as alternate to cast the District’s ballot for ACWA President and Vice President at the Fall Conference on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Hawkins being absent. Page 9 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.4 2019-XXX 8.2.Reschedule or Cancel Regular Board Meeting on December 24, 2019 Director Hall made a motion, seconded by Director Miller, to cancel the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 due to the Christmas holiday. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Hawkins being absent. 9.DISCUSSION ITEMS 9.1.Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Staff provided a presentation to the Board regarding the implementation strategy for the proposed treatment plant. This included an overview of a 19-month schedule, planned pilot testing, progress to date, meetings with consultants and vendors, tours of other treatment plants, anticipated lower response levels, and terms of the draft reimbursement agreement with Orange County Water District (OCWD). Staff then reviewed estimated costs for construction of the proposed plant and potential locations for pretreatment, the plant itself, a booster pump station, and reverse osmosis plant if needed. Staff also touched on testing results of the District’s wells. Staff then presented three options for project delivery and the benefits of utilizing a design-build approach. Staff then recommended the immediate issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for and subsequent selection of an owner’s representative to begin working on Phase I of the project. Lengthy group discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Board that staff move forward with the issuance of an RFP for and selection of an owner’s representative. Staff then responded to questions from members of the audience regarding the proposed treatment plant and community outreach and education efforts related to PFAS. Fred Soroushian and Phil Sudol representing Jacobs Engineering Group briefly commented on the proposed project. 10.REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1.Directors' Reports The Directors noted their attendance at the listed meetings and events. Page 10 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.5 2019-XXX 10.2.General Manager's Report General Manager Marcantonio asked each of the managers to report on activities within their respective departments. Engineering Manager Weston noted the District had received a certificate of appreciation for collaborating with the US Geological Survey on the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program-Priority Basin Project. 10.3.General Counsel’s Report None. 10.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 11.COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Jones/Hawkins) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, November 25, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Jones/Hawkins) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, December 16, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at Yorba Linda City Hall. 11.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) Next meeting is scheduled Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. at Placentia City Hall. 12.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1.Meetings from October 23 – December 31, 2019 The Board made no changes to the activity calendar. Page 11 of 50 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.6 2019-XXX 13.ADJOURNMENT 13.1.The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 12 of 50 ITEM NO. 7.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT:Payment of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,119,828.71. SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. BACKGROUND: The items on this disbursement list include: a check of $55,555.46 to Aqua Metric Sales Co. for operations work material; a check of $70,760.37 to the City of Anaheim for September 2019 electricity charges at multiple locations; a check of $46,997.60 to George Chevrolet for a 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe; a check of $53,580.00 to Superior Tank Co. for a 2700 gallon storage tank for J2019-36 Heli-project; a wire of $16,414.44 to So. California Edison for September 2019 electricity charges at multiple locations; a wire of $76,146.76 to So. California Edison for September 2019 electricity at multiple locations; and a wire of $45,481.59 to So. California Gas Co. for September 2019 gas charges at multiple locations. The balance of $204,448.84 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $569,385.06, Payroll No. 21 total is $290,801.48, and Payroll No. 22 is $259,642.17; where the total disbursements for this agenda report is $1,119,828.71. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: Page 13 of 50 The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Cap Sheet 2.Check Register 3.Credit Card Page 14 of 50 Summary of Disbursements November 12, 2019 CHECK NUMBERS: 11/12/2019 Computer Checks 75093-75193 $ 431,342.27 ____________ $ 431,342.27 WIRES: W 102919 So. California Edison $ 16,414.44 W 10182019A So. California Edison $ 76,146.76 W 10182019 So. California Gas Co. $ 45,481.59 ____________ $ 138,042.79 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 569,385.06 PAYROLL NO. 21: Direct Deposits $ 176,679.33 Third Party Checks 7267-7275 $ 24,993.06 Payroll Taxes $ 48,122.49 EFT – CALPERS #21 & TASC #21 $ 41,006.60 $ 290,801.48 PAYROLL NO. 22: Direct Deposits $ 187,280.34 Third Party Checks 7276-7280 $ 21,118.72 Payroll Taxes $ 51,243.11 $ 259,642.17 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 550,443.65 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 1,119,828.71 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 12, 2019 ==================================================================. Page 15 of 50 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 075093 11/12/2019 BRIAN M CRAWFORD 38.24 CUSTOMER REFUND 075094 11/12/2019 MARK GAY 191.91 CUSTOMER REFUND 075095 11/12/2019 PAUL OLIVARES 18.36 CUSTOMER REFUND 075096 11/12/2019 PACIFIC LEGACY 253.61 CUSTOMER REFUND 075097 11/12/2019 JOE L FRIZELL 108.99 CUSTOMER REFUND 075098 11/12/2019 ERIN WILSON 34.37 CUSTOMER REFUND 075099 11/12/2019 RONALD HAYES 97.86 CUSTOMER REFUND 075100 11/12/2019 VINCE BAUERLEIN 11.31 CUSTOMER REFUND 075101 11/12/2019 PATRICK VAIL 121.91 CUSTOMER REFUND 075102 11/12/2019 CITY OF YORBA LINDA 106.19 CUSTOMER REFUND 075103 11/12/2019 RICHARD COSNER 113.65 CUSTOMER REFUND 075104 11/12/2019 KRISTIN COSSEL 157.02 CUSTOMER REFUND 075105 11/12/2019 CAPROCK PARTNERS MANAGEMENT, INC.167.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 075106 11/12/2019 HARVEST REALTY DEVELOPMENT 413.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 075107 11/12/2019 PATRICK CRAWLEY 144.89 CUSTOMER REFUND 075108 11/12/2019 LOMAVISTA362017,LLC 51.61 CUSTOMER REFUND 075109 11/12/2019 RYAN NICHOLS 165.76 CUSTOMER REFUND 075110 11/12/2019 WINNIE FLEEMAN 158.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 075111 11/12/2019 HARVEST REALTY DEVELOPMENT 187.13 CUSTOMER REFUND 075112 11/12/2019 KATE CARDENAS 152.79 CUSTOMER REFUND 075113 11/12/2019 MEGAN COOKE 148.13 CUSTOMER REFUND 075114 11/12/2019 JANICE CLARK 89.84 CUSTOMER REFUND 075115 11/12/2019 OFRS 937.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 075116 11/12/2019 SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT 339.70 CUSTOMER REFUND 075117 11/12/2019 TOP SHELF REALTY 421.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 075118 11/12/2019 LOLA CASTRUITA 91.59 CUSTOMER REFUND 075119 11/12/2019 HUI LI 202.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 075120 11/12/2019 ONYX PAVING CO. INC.160.20 CUSTOMER REFUND 075121 11/12/2019 ROCHELLE LAMM 169.85 CUSTOMER REFUND 075122 11/12/2019 KAISAIER AYISAIHAIER 10.36 CUSTOMER REFUND 075123 11/12/2019 HARVEST REALTY DEVELOPMENT 365.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 075124 11/12/2019 FRANCISCO ESQUIVEL 86.01 CUSTOMER REFUND 075125 11/12/2019 HODGINS FAMILY TRUST 383.94 CUSTOMER REFUND 075126 11/12/2019 AIRGAS INC 58.19 WELDING SUPPLIES 075127 11/12/2019 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.55,555.46 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIALS 075128 11/12/2019 Aramark 954.03 UNIFORM SERVICES 075129 11/12/2019 AT & T - Calnet3 1,933.39 ATT CALNET3 075130 11/12/2019 Autoscribe Corporation - PaymentVision 1,490.25 TRANSACTION VISION GATEWAY - SEPTEMBER 2019 075131 11/12/2019 BC Traffic Specialist 123.92 TRAFFIC SIGNS 075132 11/12/2019 Bee Busters, Inc 125.00 COLONY ABATEMENT - COMMERCIAL 075133 11/12/2019 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc.1,104.60 METER BOX, LIDS & VAULTS 075134 11/12/2019 B & M Lawn and Garden Inc 1,130.30 120 VOLT PORTABLE INVERTER 075135 11/12/2019 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.3,744.70 LANDSCAPE SERVICE - NOVEMBER 2019 075136 11/12/2019 Calif Special Districts Assn 7,615.00 2020 CSDA MEMB RENEWAL MM 075137 11/12/2019 CalCard US Bank 37,018.18 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2019 075138 11/12/2019 Certified Laboratories 2,352.25 HYDRANT REPAIR PARTS 075139 11/12/2019 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 70,760.37 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - SEPTEMBER 2019 075140 11/12/2019 City Of Placentia 150.00 ALARM PERMIT 2019 075141 11/12/2019 Cla-Val Co.1,427.27 CLA-VALVE PARTS 075142 11/12/2019 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern.1,315.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK - SEPTEMBER 2019 075143 11/12/2019 Coastal Ignition & Controls 736.54 CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS - FLEET MAINTENANCE 075144 11/12/2019 Cogsdale Services Corporation 11,812.50 MICROSOFT DYNAMICS GP & CSM 075145 11/12/2019 ARC 125.96 J19-39S - PW DOC MANAGEMENT 075146 11/12/2019 Culligan of Santa Ana 480.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTNER 075147 11/12/2019 Daniels Tire Service 4.00 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE 075148 11/12/2019 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 5,044.00 FINAL BILLING ON AUDIT 075149 11/12/2019 Dean Criske Trucking 763.14 ROAD MATERIAL 075150 11/12/2019 Eisel Enterprises, Inc.325.94 SEWER MAN REPAIR PARTS 075151 11/12/2019 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 4,800.00 ICE TESTING HIGHLAND & LAKEVIEW 075152 11/12/2019 FedEx Office 20.64 SHIPPING FEES 075153 11/12/2019 Firemaster 600.00 FIRE TRAINING 075154 11/12/2019 George Chevrolet 46,997.60 2020 CHEVY TAHOE - UNIT #227 075155 11/12/2019 Graybar Electric Co 409.39 SCADA REPLACEMENT PARTS 075156 11/12/2019 Greenshades Software 420.00 GREENSHADES ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 075157 11/12/2019 Haaker Equipment Co.8,347.16 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #197 & #210 075158 11/12/2019 Harrington Industrial 1,939.77 CL2 REPLACEMENT PARTS Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 10/23/2019 thru 11/12/2019 Page 16 of 50 075159 11/12/2019 Hydrex Pest Control 193.00 PEST CONTROL 075160 11/12/2019 Infosend Inc.2,148.56 BILLING & POSTAGE - CUSTOMER BILLING 075161 11/12/2019 Jacqueline Segura 402.35 TRAVEL EXPENSE - NEOGOV TRAINING 075162 11/12/2019 JILL PRODUCTIONS LLC 1,181.12 YLWD PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 075163 11/12/2019 Kidman Gagen Law 3,407.00 LEGAL SERVICES 075164 11/12/2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 946.30 LEGAL SERVICES 075165 11/12/2019 Marc Marcantonio 28.71 TRAVEL EXPENSE - ACWA REGION SUMMIT 075166 11/12/2019 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 378.49 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 075167 11/12/2019 Murcal, Inc.51.65 REPLECEMENT PARTS - HIGHLAND BOOSTER 075168 11/12/2019 NatPay Online Business Solutions 26.35 DOCULIVERY - SEPTEMBER 2019 075169 11/12/2019 Nexus Office Environments 735.00 ROOF REPAIR 075170 11/12/2019 Office Solutions 2,065.33 OFFICE & PRINTER SUPPLIES 075171 11/12/2019 Omni Enterprise Inc.3,190.00 JANITORIAL SERVICES 075172 11/12/2019 Orange County Register 174.97 NEWSPAPER YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION 075173 11/12/2019 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.2,764.68 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #145 075174 11/12/2019 Quinn Company 17,148.76 ENGINE MAINTENANCE - HIGHLAND #1 075175 11/12/2019 RACHEL PADILLA 213.07 TRAVEL EXPENSE & CUSTOMER SERVICE WEEK REIMBURSEMENT 075176 11/12/2019 Resource Computer Solutions 9,204.00 NETWORK/HARDWARE CONSULTING 075177 11/12/2019 Sanders Paving, Inc.1,976.00 ASPHALT PAVING - 19020 MAPLE 075178 11/12/2019 Security Solutions 987.63 TROUBLESHOOTING SERVICE CALL 075179 11/12/2019 Shred Confidential, Inc.63.00 SHRED SERVICE 075180 11/12/2019 Snap-on Incorporated 3,318.03 MECHANIC SHOP EQUIPMENT 075181 11/12/2019 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 72.50 PETTY CASH - O100119 075182 11/12/2019 Step Saver Inc 4,032.96 COARSE SALT 075183 11/12/2019 Sunrise Medical Group 951.00 POST EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL EXAMS 075184 11/12/2019 Superior Tank Co., Inc.53,580.00 J19-36 - 2700 GAL STORAGE TANK 075185 11/12/2019 Underground Service Alert 537.78 DIG SAFE BOARD FEES & DIGALERT - SEPTEMBER 2019 075186 11/12/2019 United Industries 840.43 PPE EQUIPMENT 075187 11/12/2019 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 4,383.15 LIFE, AD&D, STD & LTD - NOVEMBER 2019 075188 11/12/2019 USA Blue Book 775.03 D-CHLORINE TABLETS 075189 11/12/2019 U S Bank 3,000.00 YLWD ADMIN FEES - 2012A 075190 11/12/2019 United Water Works, Inc.17,430.33 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 075191 11/12/2019 Valverde Construction, Inc.12,381.54 GREEN CREST - WATER MAIN EMERGENCY REPAIR 075192 11/12/2019 Wayne Miller 77.14 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - SEPTEMBER 2019 075193 11/12/2019 YO Fire 6,889.36 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIALS W102919 10/29/2019 Southern Calif Edison Co.16,414.44 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - SEPTEMBER 2019 W10182019A 10/18/2019 Southern Calif Edison Co.76,146.76 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - SEPTEMBER 2019 W10182019 10/18/2019 Southern California Gas Co.45,481.59 GAS CHARGES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - SEPTEMBER 2019 569,385.06 10/17/2019 PAYROLL #21 - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 176,679.33 10/17/2019 PAYROLL #21 - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 48,122.49 10/17/2019 PAYROLL #21 - CALPERS 38,669.71 10/17/2019 PAYROLL #21 - TASC 2,336.89 7267 10/17/2019 COLONIAL LIFE 107.10 7268 10/17/2019 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 5,485.92 7269 10/17/2019 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 15,150.78 7270 10/17/2019 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 7271 10/17/2019 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 384.92 7272 10/17/2019 AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE 1,376.13 7273 10/17/2019 MIDLAND LIFE INSURANCE 200.00 7274 10/17/2019 RELIANCE DI 66.61 7275 10/17/2019 AMERITAS 1,854.68 290,801.48 10/28/2019 PAYROLL #22 - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 187,280.34 10/28/2019 PAYROLL #22 - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 51,243.11 10/31/2019 PAYROLL #21 - CALPERS 38,000.19 7276 10/28/2019 COLONIAL LIFE 107.10 7277 10/28/2019 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 5,109.00 7278 10/28/2019 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 15,150.78 7279 10/28/2019 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 7280 10/28/2019 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 384.92 297,642.36 Payroll Checks #21 Payroll Checks #22 Page 17 of 50 Vendor Name Amount Description Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware (106.65) Return - shop equipment America's Instant Signs 301.70 "YLWD" flag Home Depot 17.21 Hardware Supplies Home Depot 158.78 Electrical supplies Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 106.65 Shop equipment parts Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 40.29 Warehouse supplies Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 180.37 Hardware Supplies ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 290.00 Travel expense - ACWA Regulatory Summit - Talarico, P Southwest Airlines 366.96 Travel expense - ACWA Regulatory Summit - Talarico, P Southwest Airlines 272.96 Travel expense - ACWA Regulatory Summit - Talarico, P Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 1,190.00 Travel expense - Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 2020 Conf - (2) attendees Amazon.com 280.70 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #204 CalCard US Bank (134.92) Credit - Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Lim, V Harrington Industrial 66.76 J19-36 - Heli-hydrant parts Sprout Social 84.15 Social media scheduling tool Dunkin Donuts 83.21 Donuts and coffee for tour Adobe 52.99 Adobe monthly subscription Harrington Industrial 450.70 CL2 system replacement parts Southwest Airlines 272.96 Travel expense - ACWA Regulatory Summit - Pres. Jones ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 232.00 Travel expense - ACWA Regulatory Summit - Dir. Miller ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 725.00 Travel expense - ACWA Conference - Dir. Miller Marriott Hotels 18.00 Travel expense - CSDA Annual Conference - Dir. Nederhood Delta Airlines 266.60 Travel expense - City Works Conference - Logsdon, D Home Depot 67.16 Digalert marking wands and measuring tape R.E. Michel Company, LLC 33.49 Supplies for A/C Repairs Marriott Hotels 268.68 Travel expense - CMTA Annual Conference - Lugo, D Alternative Hose Inc. 190.53 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #139 GREENHECK FAN CORP 861.51 (2) HP motor - A/C parts PayPal CC Payments 355.22 (6) drain spade shovels Answer One Communications 468.65 Virtual receptionist service - After hours Amazon.com 21.74 Digalert marking flags Orange County Water Assn 450.00 Travel expense - Operator EXPO - (10) attendees Home Depot 38.80 Hardware Supplies Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 136.32 Gauges & O-Rings - Production ESPERANZA BURGERS 31.38 OT meals - Operations crew 7-Eleven 6.04 OT meals - Operations crew Alternative Hose Inc. 194.32 Hose assembly - Unit #215 ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 595.97 Online utility & utility exchange Verizon Wireless 3,093.07 Verizon wireless - 07/21-08/20 Time Warner Cable 3,084.06 Internet & district tv services Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 192.00 Membership renewal - Murillo, C SKC West, Inc. 193.58 Filters for gas detectors R.E. Michel Company, LLC 380.40 Filters for A/C system Smart & Final 323.40 YLWD team building EZAutomation 700.00 HMI for Unit #2 - Richfield plant REDLION HOTEL 7.54 Travel expense - Notary renewal training - Alexander, A REDLION HOTEL 8.00 Travel expense - Notary renewal training - Alexander, A NCH Software 56.66 Audio/Video editing software 12-Nov-19 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Page 18 of 50 Amazon.com 29.35 Office supplies Harrington Industrial 66.48 Parts for Richfield CL2 system RMJ Technologies 192.87 GTB GO Device Kit Grainger 47.84 (12) A/C filters Grainger 115.74 HP Utility pump - production Solarwinds Inc. 1,621.07 Annual maintenance renewal Sunstate Equipment Co 21.55 Propane tank refills King's Fish 100.96 Lunch meeting - (3) attendees Government Tax Seminar, LLC 1,525.00 Government tax seminar - (4) attendees SCIE-ARMA 20.00 September 2019 Chapter meeting - Millen, M FLUID CONSERVATION 300.53 Leak detection equipment TASTEA 6.25 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K MARINATE KOREAN BBQ 13.23 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K WETZELS PRETZEL 7.15 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K BART OAKLAND AIRPORT 22.00 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K THE PARIDIES SHOP 2.97 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K THE OLD SIAM THAI RESTAURANT 32.00 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K Home Depot 42.42 J19-36 - Heli-hydrant parts Flappy Jacks 50.00 Lunch meeting - (4) attendees SiteOne Landscape Supply 44.86 Landscape repairs parts Grainger 100.34 (24) pleated air filters Pivot Interiors, Inc. 352.35 Repair parts - office chairs Home Depot 21.69 Landscape repairs parts Kimball Midwest 365.55 Shop supplies Home Depot 88.75 Painting supplies for facilities Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 46.11 Pendent switch - Production THE OLD SIAM THAI RESTAURANT 27.00 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K OAK PIZZA 25.86 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K YANK SING RESTAURANT 133.94 Meeting expense - reimbursed district Home Depot 301.85 Cleaning supplies BALLYS HOTEL 55.56 Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Marcantonio Caesars Las Vegas 123.58 Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Marcantonio BALLYS HOTEL 55.56 Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Nederhood Department of Toxic Substance Control 220.00 EPA Fees Costco 185.01 Breakroom supplies Placentia Chamber Of Commerce 550.00 Annual membership fee ExxonMobil 14.08 OT meals - Operations crew AIRGAS INC 75.90 Welding supplies Fleet Services, Inc 92.15 Repair hose - Unit #197 Alternative Hose Inc. 26.50 Repair hose - Unit #197 Orange County Water Assn 30.00 OCWA Luncheon registration Orange County Water Assn 70.00 OCWA membership dues Apola Gyro Grill 79.44 HR Department appreciation lunch - (5) attendees SCIE-ARMA 40.00 September 2019 Chapter meeting - Arambarri, T Government Finance Officers 345.00 GFOA Budget application fee - Young, K Marriott Hotels 1,114.71 Travel expense - Bond Buyer Conference - Young, K Starbucks Store 35.90 Staff meeting supplies Kristy's Donuts 33.50 Staff meeting supplies Cal Society-Municipal Finance Officers 75.00 CSMFO membership - Trujillo, M Cal Society-Municipal Finance Officers 425.00 CSMFO Annual Conference registration - Lugo, D CalCard US Bank (149.66) Credit - Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Marcantonio CalCard US Bank (123.58) Credit - Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Marcantonio CalCard US Bank (149.66) Credit - Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Dir. Nederhood Marriott Hotels 18.00 SDLA Governance - parking fee Marriott Hotels 18.00 CSDA Annual Governance - parking fee Page 19 of 50 Caesars Las Vegas 158.17 Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Marcantonio Marriott Hotels 18.00 Travel expense - CSDA Annual Conference - Dir. Nederhood El Pollo Loco 796.23 Lunch - Employee Health & Benefits Fair Notary Learning Center, Inc. 39.00 CA notary exam fee - Millen, M ARMA International 215.00 ARMA International membership and Chapter meeting - Arambarri CalCard US Bank (55.56) Credit - Travel expense - CRWUA Conference - Marcantonio Notary Learning Center, Inc. 35.00 Repeat fee notary exam - Millen, M Amazon.com 23.91 Archival supplies for job files Village Nurseries 265.66 Sod for landscape repairs Fleet Services, Inc 531.25 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #210 Amazon.com 71.66 Shop supplies Orange County Water Assn 30.00 OCWA Luncheon - Marcantonio Association of California Cities - OC 290.00 Travel expense - ACWA Regulatory Summit - Pres. Jones Smart & Final 161.99 All hands meeting supplies BACKGROUNDS ONLINE 76.60 Background check - Accounting Assistant II Costco 223.18 Meeting supplies - various events Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 276.00 Special event insurance - Employee Health and Benefit Fair Amazon.com 1,097.69 Drinking fountain - Building #2 Cal Society-Municipal Finance Officers 150.00 Government Accounting class - Trujillo, M Travelocity 159.84 Travel expense - JPIA LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - Lugo, D United Rentals - Fullerton (99.74) Deposit refund - equipment rental United Rentals - Fullerton 200.38 Concrete mixer rental & 1 Yard concrete Expedia.com 148.74 Travel expense - ACWA/JPIA program - Knight, G Red Wing Shoes 193.94 Safety boots - Lent, J Doubletree Resort 27.00 Travel expense - ACWA/JPIA - Knight, G Sunstate Equipment Co 71.12 Propane tank refills Stater Bros. Markets 60.08 Supplies - NASSCO training Starbucks Store 53.85 Fire extinguisher training Kristy's Donuts 64.15 Fire extinguisher training Smart & Final 119.32 Meeting supplies - operations Costco 206.29 Meeting supplies - operations Francisco Meat Co 15.00 Meeting supplies - operations Amazon.com 24.40 Office supplies Amazon.com 12.20 Office supplies Grainger 145.47 (108) Fluorescent bulbs Amazon.com 22.29 Service recognition award Home Depot 92.30 J19-36 - Heli-hydrant parts Association of California Cities - Orange County 50.00 ACWA webinar - Navigating Social Media archiving - Arambarri Mirage Hotel & Casino 10.50 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J Mirage Hotel & Casino 21.00 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J SiteOne Landscape Supply 53.22 Shovel - leak crew Doubletree Resort 22.00 Travel expense - JPIA LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - Lugo, D Amazon.com 76.11 Replacement die heads - Shop UBER 18.89 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J UBER 2.00 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J Amazon.com 78.69 Service recognition award Amazon.com 27.19 Service recognition award Amazon.com 36.95 Office supplies Mirage Hotel & Casino 21.00 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J Smart & Final 85.42 Supplies - All Hands Meeting Francisco Meat Co 273.76 Supplies - All Hands Meeting Gem Meats 229.51 Supplies - All Hands Meeting Stater Bros. Markets 76.55 Supplies - All Hands Meeting Stater Bros. Markets 75.74 Supplies - All Hands Meeting Home Depot 450.40 (1) Impact wrench Page 20 of 50 Costco 229.27 Supplies - All Hands Meeting Rite Aid 66.56 Supplies - Water Professional Appreciation Week - ice cream social BBQ Galore 86.08 Supplies - All Hands Meeting Haaker Equipment Co. 134.36 Vehicle maintenace - Unit #168 Factory Motor Parts (68.00) Battery core credit Costco 72.90 Meeting expense - District water professional week Costco 160.82 Meeting expense - District water professional week Mirage Hotel & Casino 12.97 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J Mirage Hotel & Casino 5.75 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J FIRST AID SUPPLIES ONLINE 135.66 First Aid supplies FASTSIGNS 656.09 (3) Room signs for facilities Action Wholesale Products Inc 111.97 Shrink wrap Tlaquepaque Restaurant 44.20 Meeting expense - reimbursed district VONS 15.39 Supplies - Water Professional Appreciation Week - ice cream social Factory Motor Parts 368.03 Batteries for Well #5 Factory Motor Parts 49.60 Vehicle maintenance - Unit #214 Cobra Solutions, Inc 445.00 Annual maintenance - Cobra Software Red Wing Shoes 167.00 Safety Boots - Woller, Z Red Wing Shoes 204.71 Safety Boots - Ostiz, M Lippert Components, Inc. 282.91 Replacement jack for Unit #E193 Factory Motor Parts 209.99 Cleaning supplies - Mechanic shop UBER 1.00 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J UBER 19.70 Travel expense - NEOGOV Conference - Segura, J Amazon.com 65.24 Piep die holder for mechanic shop ISDOC 51.00 ISDOC Quarterly Luncheon - (3) attendees 37,018.18 Page 21 of 50 ITEM NO. 7.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Freddie Ojeda, Operations Superintendent Harold Hulbert, Operations Assistant SUBJECT:Purchase of 2020 Kenworth Dump Truck RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to purchase a 2020 dump truck from Inland Kenworth - Montebello in the amount of $118,416.21. SUMMARY: It is District policy to submit vehicle and major equipment purchases to the Board of Directors for approval. District purchasing policy also dictates the means and methods for procurement of vehicles and equipment of this value. The District’s procedures have been followed in obtaining bids for the subject dump truck. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: $125,000 Total Budget: $125,000 Cost Estimate: $118,416.21 BACKGROUND: In the budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, funds are included for the purchase of a dump truck. After staff developed a set of specifications, a competitive bid packet was sent to five (5) vendors that could provide the dump truck that the District required. The bid deadline was set as November 5, 2019, with the bid opening at 2:00 p.m. Five bids were received on time. The following are the bids received in order of cost: Page 22 of 50 Inland Kenworth - Montebello: $118,416.21 Inland Kenworth - Carson: $120,591.24 Inland Kenworth - Phoenix: $120,902.54 Inland Kenworth - Fontana: $121,502.00 Inland Kenworth - San Diego: $121,906.28 Staff reviewed each of the bids to ensure all specifications were met. All five (5) bidders submitted their bids in the approved District format and as such all were accepted as complete. Staff recommends accepting the Bid from Inland Kenworth - Montebello in the amount of $118,416.21 for a 2020 dump truck, as the lowest responsive bidder that meets the District's specifications. Inland Kenworth - Montebello has the equipment and resources needed to meet the District's need for this vehicle and supported equipment. Copies of the Specifications and Bid Packet are available for review upon request. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: The Board approved the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget which included $125,000.00 in the Vehicle & Capital Outlay section for this vehicle. Page 23 of 50 ITEM NO. 7.4. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Unaudited Financial Statements for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020. SUMMARY: Presented are the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending September 30, 2019 for the District. BACKGROUND: For the period, ending September 30, 2019, staff is presenting “unaudited” statements in the CAFR format. We have included a Statement of Net Position, a Debt Service Ratio Calculation, Consolidated Budget to Actual Statement, as well as the individual Water and Sewer Budget to Actual Statements. As reported in the Balance Sheet of the Statement of Net Position, the District’s Net Position reflects a negative result when compared to that of the same reporting period of the prior fiscal year by approximately $255,000. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the Period Ending September 30, 2019, reflects an average decrease in customer consumption of approximately 6.07% as compared to prior year for the same reporting period. Commercial classified customer connections have had the largest decrease in consumption for this reporting period. Revenue, as reported, resulting from the assessed Service Charge has increased by approximately 7% when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. This is a result of the Board Page 24 of 50 approved 9% adjustment on the Service Charge that was applied to customer monthly billings as of August 1, 2019. Total Variable Water Costs results reflect 6.60% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The decrease in costs is reflective of lower demands from the water system and the District's increased ability to support demand with groundwater. With the issuance of the Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A the District covenanted “…to fix, prescribe and collect rates and charges for Water Service which will be at least sufficient to yield during each Fiscal Year, Net Revenues equal to 125% of the Debit Service for such Fiscal Year.” To confirm the covenant is upheld, staff calculates the Debt Service Ratio quarterly and is received and filed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the “unaudited” Debt Service Ratio Calculation of the Water Enterprise for the Period Ending September 30, 2019 is being reported at 342%. This demonstrates the District’s strong financial health. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for Fourth Quarter of FY19. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: G2 3B – Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Financial Reports and Graphs Page 25 of 50 ASSETS September 2019 September 2018 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents 32,330,756$ 31,628,012$ Investment 3,893,651 3,783,733 Accounts receivable - water and sewer services 4,237,620 4,353,284 Accrued interest receivable 20,737 7,233 Notes Receivable - - Prepaid expenses & other deposits 886,281 1,002,755 Inventory 250,237 232,717 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 41,619,282 41,007,734 NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs 344,519 369,351 Deferred Pension Plan 2,335,328 2,749,826 Deferred OPEB Plan 462,680 399,599 Capital assets: Non-depreciable 2,825,580 11,820,836 Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 186,373,697 181,765,055 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 192,341,804 197,104,667 TOTAL ASSETS 233,961,086 238,112,401 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 1,561,551 3,043,921 Accrued expenses 2,203,093 1,989,869 Accrued OPEB - 1,820 Accrued interest payable - - Refunding Revenue Bond(s) - current portion 1,230,000 1,175,000 Compensated absences 402,989 448,181 Customer and construction deposits 693,038 600,161 Deferred revenue 224,267 265,988 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 6,314,938 7,524,940 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue 12,989,170 13,484,215 Compensated absences 1,208,966 1,344,544 Net Pension Liability 8,449,114 8,575,054 Net OPEB Liability 2,046,040 2,273,415 Deferred Pension Plan 430,507 639,586 Deferred OPEB Plan 43,597 44,966 Deferred Inflow - Gain on Bond 96,802 101,897 Refunding Revenue Bond(s) 36,397,086 37,883,062 Certificate of Participation - - TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION)61,661,282 64,346,739 TOTAL LIABILITIES 67,976,220 71,871,679 NET ASSETS:165,984,866$ 166,240,722$ YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS September 30, 2019 (With September 30, 2018 Actuals for comparison only) Page 26 of 50 September 2019 September 2018 OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales 9,492,349$ 9,418,826$ Sewer revenues 590,506 558,642 Other operating revenues 295,616 346,202 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 10,378,471 10,323,670 OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs 4,589,196 4,913,358 Personnel services 2,183,295 2,099,533 Supplies and services 1,208,646 1,051,692 Depreciation and amortization 1,806,126 1,841,964 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 9,787,263 9,906,547 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS)591,208 417,123 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes 36,395 37,444 Investment income 114,952 126,233 Interest expense (330,887) (346,204) Other nonoperating revenues 192,469 130,287 Other nonoperating expenses (57,201) (3,348) TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES (44,272) (55,587) NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, SPECIAL/EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S)546,936 361,536 SPECIAL ITEM(S) - CONSERVATION CREDIT - - SPECIAL ITEM(S) - RATE CREDIT - - CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1,266 2,320 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 548,202 363,857 NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR 165,436,664 165,876,865 NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 165,984,866$ 166,240,722$ YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS September 30, 2019 (With September 30, 2018 Actuals for comparison only) Page 27 of 50 YTD Debt Prior YTD PY Debt Actual Service Actual Service FY20 Calculation FY19 Calculation Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)5,012,523$ 5,012,523$ $4,916,961 4,916,961$ Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)489,785 489,785 548,425 548,425 Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)1,311,621 1,311,621 1,448,588 1,448,588 Water Revenue (Service Charge)2,678,420 2,678,420 2,504,852 2,504,852 Other Operating Revenue 256,951 256,951 315,029 315,029 Total Operating Revenue:9,749,300 9,749,300 9,733,855 9,733,855 Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 100,277 100,277 113,532 113,532 Property Tax 36,395 36,395 37,444 37,444 Other Non-Operating Revenue 174,409 174,409 120,319 120,319 Total Non-Operating Revenue:311,081 311,081 271,295 271,295 Total Revenue 10,060,381 10,060,381 10,005,150 10,005,150 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)4,589,196 4,589,196 4,913,358 4,913,358 Salary Related Expenses 1,969,607 1,969,607 1,909,645 1,909,645 Supplies & Services 1,132,909 1,132,909 973,390 973,390 Depreciation 1,461,570 - 1,498,478 - Total Operating Expenses 9,153,282 7,691,712 9,294,871 7,796,393 Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 330,887 - 346,204 - Other Expense 38,839 38,839 575 575 Total Non-Operating Expenses:369,726 38,839 346,779 575 Total Expenses 9,523,008 7,730,551 9,641,650 7,796,968 Net Position Before Capital Contributions/Special Items 537,373 2,329,830 363,500 2,208,182 Special Item - Conservation Credit - - - - Transfers (To)/From - - - - Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - - - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position 537,373$ 2,329,830$ 363,500$ 2,208,182$ DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues 2,329,830$ 2,208,182$ Debt Service 681,739$ 684,564$ %342% 323% Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Water Enterprise Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending September 30, 2019 (With September 30, 2018 for comparison purposes) Page 28 of 50 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending September 30, 2019 Annual YTD Sept YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Sept Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 Sept 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,548,758$ 5,472,674$ 1,770,922$ 5,012,523$ (460,151)$ 1,518,843$ 4,916,961$ 95,562$ 1.94% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,872,073 619,095 160,526 489,785 (129,310)169,112 548,425 (58,640)-10.69% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,917,982 1,295,677 453,566 1,311,620 15,943 473,418 1,448,588 (136,968)-9.46% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,988,263 2,747,066 918,422 2,678,421 (68,645)834,277 2,504,852 173,569 6.93% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,421,665 605,416 196,515 590,151 (15,265)192,769 558,471 31,680 5.67% Locke Ranch Assessments 324,173 - 355 355 355 130 171 184 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 964,708 251,177 92,934 295,616 44,439 139,913 346,202 (50,586)-14.61% Total Operating Revenue:37,037,622 10,991,104 3,593,240 10,378,471 (612,633)3,328,462 10,323,670 54,801 0.53% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 812,306 153,076 41,386 114,952 (38,124)41,124 126,233 (11,281)-8.94% Property Tax 1,820,471 28,824 34,101 36,395 7,571 35,523 37,444 (1,049) 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 632,909 158,228 16,533 192,468 34,240 (3,835)130,287 62,181 47.73% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,265,685 340,128 92,020 343,815 3,687 72,812 293,964 49,851 16.96% Total Revenue 40,303,307 11,331,232 3,685,260 10,722,286 (608,947)3,401,274 10,617,634 104,652 0.99% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)15,110,810 4,997,145 1,435,706 4,589,196 (407,949)1,512,043 4,913,358 (324,162)-6.60% Salary Related Expenses 11,664,922 2,200,318 822,183 2,183,295 (17,023)798,914 2,099,533 83,762 3.99% Supplies & Services 5,419,301 1,205,325 490,867 1,208,647 3,322 404,461 1,051,688 156,959 14.92% Total Operating Expenses 32,195,033 8,402,788 2,748,756 7,981,138 (421,650)2,715,418 8,064,579 (83,441)-1.03% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,303,967 325,992 107,685 330,887 4,895 115,401 346,204 (15,317) -4.42% Other Expense 13,520 3,380 47,558 57,202 53,822 (1,251) 3,349 53,853 1608.02% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,317,488 329,372 155,243 388,089 58,717 114,150 349,553 38,536 11.02% Total Expenses 33,512,521 8,732,160 2,903,999.0 8,369,227 (362,934)2,829,568 8,414,132 (44,906)-0.53% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 6,790,787 2,599,072 781,261 2,353,059 (246,013)571,706 2,203,502 149,557 6.79% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 504 1,266 1,266 - 2,320 (1,054) 0.00% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 6,790,787 2,599,072 781,765 2,354,325 (244,747)571,706 2,205,822 148,503 6.73% Depreciation & Amortization 7,720,659 1,930,165 602,042 1,806,123 (124,042) 612,963 1,841,964 (35,841) -1.95% Total Net Position ($929,872)$668,908 179,723 548,202 ($120,705)($41,257)$363,858 $184,344 50.66% (295,000) (73,750) (14,641) (45,777) (45,777) (33,286) (83,522) 37,745 -45.19% (With September 30, 2018 for comparison purposes) Page 29 of 50 Annual YTD Sept YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Sept Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 Sept 2019) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,548,758$ $5,472,674 1,770,922$ 5,012,523$ (460,151)$ 1,518,843$ 4,916,961$ 95,562$ 1.94% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,872,073 619,095 160,526 489,785 (129,310) 169,112 548,425 (58,640) -10.69% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,917,982 1,295,677 453,566 1,311,621 15,944 473,418 1,448,588 (136,967) -9.46% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,988,263 2,747,066 918,422 2,678,420 (68,646) 834,277 2,504,852 173,568 6.93% Other Operating Revenue 902,996 225,749 88,596 256,951 31,202 138,186 315,029 (58,078) -18.44% Total Operating Revenue:34,230,072 10,360,260 3,392,032 9,749,300 (610,960) 3,133,836 9,733,855 15,445 0.16% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 698,777 124,694 36,838 100,277 (24,417) 37,234 113,532 (13,255) -11.68% Property Tax 1,820,471 28,824 34,101 36,395 7,571 35,523 37,444 (1,049) 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 608,430 152,108 13,778 174,409 22,301 2,758 120,319 54,090 44.96% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,127,678 305,626 84,717 311,081 5,455 75,515 271,295 39,786 14.67% Total Revenue 37,357,750 10,665,886 3,476,749 10,060,381 (605,506) 3,209,351 10,005,150 55,231 0.55% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)15,110,810 4,997,145 1,435,706 4,589,196 (407,949) 1,512,043 4,913,358 (324,162) -6.60% Salary Related Expenses 10,528,255 1,964,491 767,041 1,969,607 5,116 725,973 1,909,645 59,962 3.14% Supplies & Services: Communications 228,183 42,046 11,398 36,313 (5,733) 6,913 64,176 (27,863) -43.42% Contractual Services 496,717 109,179 34,119 102,840 (6,339) 35,319 86,152 16,688 19.37% Data Processing 324,069 51,017 8,749 42,749 (8,268) 26,035 67,016 (24,267) -36.21% Dues & Memberships 78,862 19,716 3,341 22,341 2,626 620 27,283 (4,942) -18.11% Fees & Permits 290,271 45,068 29,829 55,663 10,595 31,166 54,950 713 1.30% Insurance 304,468 76,117 33,759 76,212 95 22,681 66,913 9,299 13.90% Materials 948,195 227,549 89,669 224,558 (2,991) 90,769 237,505 (12,947) -5.45% District Activities, Emp Recognition 43,371 10,843 2,691 5,229 (5,614) 3,302 6,627 (1,398) -21.10% Maintenance 565,165 146,291 61,175 162,773 16,482 40,305 73,961 88,813 120.08% Non-Capital Equipment 170,778 42,695 8,456 35,433 (7,262) 5,674 48,215 (12,782) -26.51% Office Expense 33,950 8,488 3,034 11,528 3,041 1,876 7,125 4,403 61.79% Professional Services 585,971 163,993 98,110 179,663 15,670 61,482 97,919 81,744 83.48% Training 78,301 9,575 3,604 6,541 (3,034) 4,538 9,161 (2,620) -28.60% Travel & Conferences 126,278 14,069 3,126 11,099 (2,970) 2,891 12,979 (1,880) -14.49% Uncollectible Accounts 4,185 1,046 1,452 1,311 265 422 (145) 1,456 -1006.01% Utilities 179,258 57,314 32,796 65,143 7,829 8,504 45,584 19,559 42.91% Vehicle Equipment 335,600 88,900 41,384 93,510 4,610 20,529 67,969 25,541 37.58% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,793,620 1,113,905 466,692 1,132,906 19,001 363,026 973,390 159,516 16.39% Total Operating Expenses 30,432,685 8,075,541 2,669,439 7,691,709 (383,832) 2,601,042 7,796,393 (104,684) -1.34% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,303,967 325,992 107,685 330,887 4,895 115,401 346,203 (15,317) -4.42% Other Expense 13,520 3,380 40,142 38,839 35,459 (1,500) 575 38,264 6649.91% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,317,487 329,372 147,827 369,726 40,354 113,901 346,779 22,947 6.62% Total Expenses 31,750,172 8,404,913 2,817,266 8,061,435 (343,478) 2,714,943 8,143,172 (81,737) -1.00% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 5,607,578 2,260,973 659,483 1,998,946 (262,028) 494,408 1,861,978 136,967 7.36% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - - - - - - - - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 5,607,578 2,260,973 659,483 1,998,946 (262,028) 494,408 1,861,978 136,967 7.36% Depreciation & Amortization 6,289,903 1,572,476 487,193 1,461,573 (110,903) 498,468 1,498,478 (36,905) -2.46% Total Net Position (682,325)$ 688,497$ 172,290$ 537,373 (151,125)$ (4,060)$ 363,500$ 173,873$ 47.83% Capital - Direct Labor (225,000) (56,250)(13,794) (43,231) 13,019 (26,488) (66,288) 23,057 -34.78% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending September 30, 2019 (With September 30, 2018 for comparison purposes) Page 30 of 50 $7,422,206 $9,230,006 $9,620,312 $10,005,150 $10,060,381 0.55% $6,482,837 $7,720,291 $7,309,532 $8,143,172 $8,061,435 -1.00% $- $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 Sept. 2015 Sept. 2016 Sept. 2017 Sept. 2018 Sept. 2019 Water Revenues & Expenses -1st Qtr 2020 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 31 of 50 Annual YTD Sept YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Sept Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 Sept 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue 2,421,665$ 605,416$ 196,515$ 590,151$ (15,265)$ 192,769$ 558,471$ 31,680$ 5.67% Locke Ranch Assessments 324,173 - 355 355 355 130 171 184 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 61,712 25,428 4,338 38,665 13,237 1,728 31,173 7,492 24.03% Total Operating Revenue:2,807,550 630,844 201,208 629,171 (1,673)194,627 589,815 39,356 6.67% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 113,528 28,382 4,548 14,675 (13,707)3,890 12,701 1,974 15.54% Other Non-Operating Revenue 24,480 6,120 2,755 18,060 11,940 (6,593)9,968 8,092 81.19% Total Non-Operating Revenue:138,008 34,502 7,303 32,735 (1,767)(2,703) 22,669 10,066 44.41% Total Revenue 2,945,558 665,346 208,511 661,906$ (3,440)191,924 612,484 49,422 8.07% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,136,668 235,827 55,142 213,688 (22,139)72,941 189,888 23,800 12.53% Supplies & Services: Communications 13,412 3,353 858 2,725 (628)520 2,718 7 0.27% Contractual Services 30,764 7,691 1,737 6,303 (1,389)2,392 5,070 1,233 24.31% Data Processing 21,382 5,346 659 2,483 (2,863)1,929 4,284 (1,801)-42.04% Dues & Memberships 5,928 1,482 251 1,682 200 47 2,054 (372)-18.12% Fees & Permits 15,509 3,877 1,033 2,397 (1,480)736 1,727 671 38.83% Insurance 22,917 5,729 2,541 5,736 7 1,707 5,036 700 13.90% Materials 65,206 6,302 245 4,064 (2,238)12,868 21,352 (17,288)-80.97% District Activities, Emp Recognition 3,264 816 203 394 (422)180 431 (37)-8.52% Maintenance 171,135 17,784 628 14,531 (3,253)13,169 13,169 1,362 10.34% Non-Capital Equipment 39,542 9,886 2,592 4,046 (5,840)668 5,004 (958)-19.14% Office Expense 2,555 639 217 830 191 125 520 310 59.62% Professional Services 156,229 9,057 4,657 8,502 (555)3,402 5,957 2,545 42.72% Training 8,569 2,142 3,414 4,259 2,117 321 604 3,655 605.60% Travel & Conferences 14,362 3,591 235 1,328 (2,263)218 949 379 39.89% Uncollectible Accounts 315 79 95 57 (22)78 (38) 95 -248.68% Utilities 13,493 3,373 2,469 4,903 1,530 691 3,635 1,268 34.88% Vehicle Equipment 41,100 10,275 2,341 11,500 1,226 2,384 5,830 5,670 97.25% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 625,681 91,420 24,175 75,740 (15,680) 41,435 78,302 (2,562) -3.27% Total Operating Expenses 1,762,349 327,247 79,317 289,428 (37,819.01) 114,376 268,190 21,238 7.92% Expenses (Non-Operating): Other Expense - - 7,416 18,362 18,362 248 2,773 15,589 562.17% Total Non-Operating Expenses:- - 7,416 18,362 18,362 248 2,773 15,589 0.00% Total Expenses 1,762,349 327,247 86,733 307,790 (19,457) 114,624 270,963 36,827 13.59% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 1,183,209 338,099 121,778 354,116 16,017 77,300 341,521 12,595 3.69% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 504 1,266 1,266 - 2,320 (1,054) -45.43% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 1,183,209 338,099 122,282 355,382 17,283 77,300 343,841 11,541 3.36% Depreciation & Amortization 1,430,756 357,689 114,851 344,553 (13,136)114,495 343,486 1,067 0.31% Total Net Position (247,547) (19,590) 7,431 10,829 30,419 (37,196) 355 10,474 2948.70% Capital - Direct Labor (70,000)(17,500) (847) (2,546)14,954 (6,798) (17,234)14,688 -85.23% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending September 30, 2019 (With September 30, 2018 for comparison purposes) Page 32 of 50 $428,273 $421,470 $497,197 $538,770 $612,484 $661,906 8.07% $314,931 $295,754 $312,047 $321,481 $270,963 $307,790 13.59% $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 Sept. 2014 Sept. 2015 Sept. 2016 Sept. 2017 Sept. 2018 Sept. 2019 Sewer Revenues & Expenses -1st Qtr 2020 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 33 of 50 ITEM NO. 7.5. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT:Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for First Quarter of FY20. SUMMARY: Presented are the First Quarter Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for FY20. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Travel & Expense Report - Q1 2020 2.BOD & GM Summary - Q1 2020 Page 34 of 50 GL Trip Trip Trip Event/ Director Date Date Name Location Meals Lodging Travel Conf. Fee Misc.Total trip Total Hawkins -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Miller 8/27/19 7/1-7/31 OCWD Meeting Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 24$ -$ -$ 24$ 8/26/19 7/17/19 OCWA - Lucheon Irvine, CA -$ -$ -$ 30$ -$ 30$ 9/20/19 8/19/19 OCWA - Lucheon Irvine, CA 30$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30$ -$ 84$ Hall -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Nederhood 8/26/19 8/13/19 OCWA - Lucheon Irvine, CA -$ -$ -$ 30$ -$ 30$ 8/26/19 9/5/19 MWDOC Water Policy Costa Mesa, CA -$ -$ -$ 90$ -$ 90$ 9/20/19 8/21/19 OCWA - Lucheon Irvine, CA -$ -$ -$ 30$ -$ 30$ 9/26/19 9/25/19 State of City Address Placentia, CA -$ -$ 3$ -$ -$ 3$ 9/26/19 9/26-9/27 CSDA Annual Conference Anaheim, CA -$ -$ 28$ 625$ -$ 653$ -$ 806$ Jones 7/20/19 6/9-6/13 AWWA Annual Conference Denver, CO 13$ 1,107$ -$ -$ -$ 1,120$ 7/20/19 7/30/19 ACWA Region 10 Mission Viejo, CA -$ -$ -$ 75$ -$ 75$ 7/20/19 6/26-6/28 CA United Water Conference Auburn, CA -$ 360$ 50$ -$ -$ 410$ 7/20/19 12/3-12/6 ACWA Fall Conference San Diego, CA -$ -$ -$ 725$ -$ 725$ 7/20/19 7/17/19 OCWA - Lucheon Irvine, CA -$ -$ -$ 30$ -$ 30$ 7/30/19 7/1-7/31 OCWD, MWDOC, OCWA, WACO Meeting Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 274$ -$ -$ 274$ 8/26/19 12/11-12/13 CRWUA Conference Las Vegas, NV -$ -$ -$ 475$ -$ 475$ 8/26/19 9/5/19 MWDOC Water Policy Costa Mesa, CA -$ -$ -$ 90$ -$ 90$ 9/11/19 8/14-8/16 UWI Conference San Diego, CA -$ 257$ 109$ -$ -$ 365$ 9/11/19 8/1-8/31 OCWD, MWDOC, SAUPA, WACO Meeting Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 265$ -$ -$ 265$ 9/20/19 8/29/19 Water Solutions 4 Irvine, CA -$ -$ -$ 40$ -$ 40$ 9/26/19 9/1-9/30 OCWD, MWDOC, WACO Meeting Various Locations -$ -$ 146$ -$ -$ 146$ -$ 4,014$ Total Director's 43$ 1,723$ 899$ 2,240$ -$ 4,905$ 4,905$ General Manager Marcantonio 7/20/19 6/9-6/13 AWWA Annual Conference Denver, CO 25$ 1,107$ 94$ -$ -$ 1,226$ 7/20/19 10/16-10/17 ACWA Regulatory Summit - Registration Sacromento, CA -$ -$ 215$ 232$ -$ 447$ 8/26/19 7/17/19 OCWA Registration Irvine, CA -$ -$ -$ 45$ -$ 45$ 8/26/19 8/5-8/8 Tri-State Seminar Las Vegas, NV 43$ 107$ -$ -$ -$ 150$ 8/26/19 12/3-12/6 ACWA Fall Conference San Diego, CA -$ -$ -$ 725$ -$ 725$ 8/26/19 9/26-9/27 CSDA Annual Conference Anaheim, CA -$ -$ -$ 625$ -$ 625$ 8/26/19 12/11-12/13 CRWUA Conference Las Vegas, NV -$ 150$ -$ 475$ -$ 625$ 8/27/19 7/1-7/31 OCWD & MWDOC Meeting Dir. Hall Meet with MWD Various Locations -$ -$ 91$ -$ -$ 91$ 9/26/19 9/1-9/30 MWDOC, OCWD, Lunch meetings Various Locations -$ -$ 116$ -$ -$ 116$ 9/26/19 9/25-9/26 SDLF GOV Training & CSDA Anaheim, CA -$ -$ 11$ -$ -$ 11$ Total GM 68$ 1,363$ 526$ 2,102$ -$ 4,059$ 4,059$ Total Director's & GM 111$ 3,086$ 1,425$ 4,342$ -$ 8,964$ 8,964$ DIRECTOR'S & GENERAL MANAGER'S RECAP OF TRAVEL/CONFERENCE EXPENSES FIRST QUARTER OF FY 20 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 Page 35 of 50 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES 1ST QUARTER REPORT FROM 07-01-2019 TO 09-30-2020 FY 20 HAWKINS MILLER HALL NEDERHOOD JONES SUB-TOTAL MARCANTONIO TOTAL REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 3 3 4 4 5 19 19 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 1 1 0 0 3 5 5 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 6 14 0 9 16 45 45 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD 11 19 5 14 25 74 74 DIRECTOR FEES QTD $1,650 $2,850 $750 $2,100 $3,750 $11,100 $11,100 MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $22,500 $22,500 TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD $0 $84 $0 $806 $4,014 $4,905 $4,905 TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $9,438 $9,438 DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD $1,650 $2,934 $750 $2,906 $7,764 $16,005 $16,005 FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $31,938 $31,938 GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD $4,059 $4,059 GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD $5,948 $5,948 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD $1,650 $2,934 $750 $2,906 $7,764 $16,005 $4,059 $20,064 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $31,938 $5,948 $37,885 Page 36 of 50 ITEM NO. 7.6. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Danielle Logsdon, Senior Engineer SUBJECT:Award of Construction Contract for 2019 Sewer Main CIPP Rehabilitation Project RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors award the Construction Contract for the 2019 Sewer Main CIPP Rehabilitation Project to Insituform Technologies, LLC for $271,740.70, Job No. J2019-39S. SUMMARY: On October 3, 2019, the District solicited bids for the rehabilitation of 4,348 linear feet of sanitary sewer mains using cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) technology and rehabilitation of 157 linear feet of sewer manholes. On October 30, 2019, sealed bids were received from three contractors. The three bids are shown in the summary below. No. Contractor Total Bid Amount 1 Insituform Technologies, LLC $271,740.70 2 Nu-Line Technologies, LLC $310,567.40 3 Sancon Technologies, Inc. $322,850.90 Following review of the bids, staff recommends award to the low-bidder, Insituform Technologies, LLC for $271,740.70. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: $350,000 Total Budget: $350,000 Funding Source: Capital Job No: J2019-39S Page 37 of 50 BACKGROUND: As part of the District’s continuing Rehabilitation & Replacement (R&R) Program to replace aging infrastructure, sewer line rehabilitation is planned for FY20 and FY21. The proposed method is relining where a new liner is cast and cured in place. This method is proven to be a cost-effective, technically optimal solution for sewer line rehabilitation. This project was identified in the District’s 2018 Asset Management Plan. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: On May 28, 2019, the Board of Directors approved the Sewer System Rehabilitation and Replacement Project as part of the Capital Improvement Plan in the Biennial Operating Budget for FY 20 and FY 21. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: G1 4A - Address infrastructure needs by updating/implementing the Asset Management Plan. Page 38 of 50 ITEM NO. 8.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager SUBJECT:Draft Policy for Discontinuation of Residential Water Service (SB 998) BACKGROUND: Staff has worked with Andrew Gagen of Kidman Gagen Law, District’s legal counsel, to develop a Policy for Discontinuation of Residential Water Service (“Discontinuation Policy”) as required under Senate Bill 998 (“SB 998”), which is known as the Water Shutoff Protection Act. SB 998 was signed into law in September 2018 and takes effect on February 1, 2020. The crux of SB 998 is that it prohibits the District from discontinuing residential service for nonpayment for at least 60 days (87 days from the “bill date” for the District). Under existing law (California Safe Drinking Water Act) the State Water Resources Control Board administers provisions to regulate drinking water to protect public health. Existing law declares it to be the established policy of the state that every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes. As stated in SB 998, it is the intent of the Legislature to minimize the number of Californians who lose access to water service due to inability to pay. Water service discontinuations threaten human health and well-being, and have disproportionate impact on infants, children, the elderly, low-income families, communities of color, people for whom English is a second language, physically disabled persons, and persons with life-threatening medical conditions. As also stated in SB 998: When there is a delinquent bill, all Californians, regardless of whether they pay a water bill directly, should be treated fairly, and fair treatment includes the ability to contest a bill, seek alternative payment schedules, and demonstrate medical need and severe economic hardship. It is the intent of the Legislature that this act provide additional procedural protections and expand upon the procedural safeguards contained in the Public Utilities Code and Government Code as of January 1, 2018, relating to utility service disconnections. Page 39 of 50 In accordance with SB 998 and its Legislative intent, the attached Discontinuation Policy establishes the District’s obligations to communicate with, and provide required services and information to, residential customers pertaining to (1) their monthly billings, (2) notifications of potential discontinuation of services, (3) available payment options, and (4) requirements for reconnection of service. The Policy also establishes special programs for low income customers and the qualifying requirements to be eligible for the program. This Policy must be available in at least 6 prescribed languages, available on the District’s Web site, and provided to customers in writing, upon request. The expanded timeline to 87 days poses an increased financial risk to the District for uncollectible accounts because customers potentially can have three unpaid bills on file before service may be discontinued for nonpayment. The District wrote off $8,847 in Fiscal Year 2019 for uncollectible accounts, and this amount could potentially double or even triple under SB 998 and this Discontinuation Policy.The Discontinuation Policy as presented is in draft form and we encourage any Board comments or questions, which may be incorporated in the final version. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Policy Page 40 of 50 1 DISCONTINUATION OF RESIDENTIAL WATER SERVICE FOR NONPAYMENT POLICY 1.0 GENERAL POLICY AND AUTHORIZATION 1.1 Yorba Linda Water District, as an agency of the state, formed as a special district pursuant to the County Water District Act (Water Code § 30000 et seq.), is governed in the execution of the collection of delinquent accounts by California Government Code Sections 60370 – 60375.5. As an urban or community water system that supplies water to more than 200 service connections, the District is also governed, effective February 1, 2020, by Sections 116900 - 116926 of the California Health & Safety Code, which is known as the Water Shutoff Protection Act. 1.2 The Yorba Linda Water District Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment Policy (“Policy”) establishes policies and procedures when a water bill becomes delinquent. Discontinuance of water service for nonpayment is considered the final phase of the collection procedure and will be instituted only after both sufficient notification and all other reasonable payment alternatives have been exhausted. To the extent this Policy conflicts with any other rules, regulations, or policies of the District, this Policy shall control. 1.3 By adoption of this Policy, the Board is authorizing the General Manager and their designee to exercise certain duties and responsibilities under this Policy that are essential for the operation of the District. 1.4 Contact Information. For questions or assistance regarding your water bill, including options to avoid discontinuation of service for nonpayment, the District's Customer Service staff can be reached at 714-701-3000. Customers may also visit the District's Customer Service desk in person Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except on District holidays. 2.0 DISCONTINUATION OF SERVICE FOR NONPAYMENT OF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS 2.1 Delinquent Accounts. Delinquent accounts are any water service bill that remains unpaid by 5:00 p.m. on the 27th day after the billing date. This Policy applies to the collection of delinquent accounts. 2.3 The District will discontinue water service for water service charges that have become delinquent for at least sixty (60) days. 3.0.NOTICES TO CUSTOMER 3.1.Written Notice to Customer or Occupant/Water Consumer at Service Address. The District will provide a mailed notice to the customer of record by 5:00 p.m. on the 29th day after the billing date (but no less than thirty (30) days before discontinuation of water service). A ten percent (10%) late fee will be assessed at that time. If the Page 41 of 50 2 customer’s address is not the address of the property to which residential service is provided, the District will also send notice to the address of the property to which residential service is provided and will be addressed to “Occupant/Water Consumer.” 3.1.a.The mailed notice required in Section 3.1 above will contain: i.the name and address of the customer; ii.the amount of the delinquency; iii.the date by which payment or payment arrangements must be made to avoid discontinuation of service; iv.a description of the process to apply for an extension of time to pay the delinquent charges; v.the procedure to contest a water bill; vi.a description of the procedure by which the customer may request a deferred, or alternative payment schedule, including an amortization of the delinquent residential service charges vii.the telephone number where the customer may request a payment arrangement or receive additional information from the District. 3.2 Telephonic Notice. If the mailed notice is returned through the mail as undeliverable or the customer has not paid their delinquent account at least ten (10) days before discontinuation of service, the District will also make a reasonable, good faith effort to contact the customer of record, or an adult person living at the premises of the customer, by telephone. The District will offer to provide in writing a copy of this Policy and to discuss options to avert discontinuation of water service for nonpayment, including the possibility of an extension or other payment arrangement listed in Section 6 below. 3.3 Posting of Notice to Occupants at Service Address. If the District is unable to make contact with the customer or an adult person living at the service address by written notice and by telephone, the District will make a good faith effort to visit the residence and leave a notice of imminent discontinuation of residential service (e.g. a door tag) and both a phone number and link to this Policy in a conspicuous place at the service address. The notice and both phone number and link to this Policy will be left at the residence at least five (5) days before discontinuation of service. The posted notice (e.g. door tag) will contain the same notice information required above in Section 3.1.a 4.0 EXTENSIONS AND OTHER ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS. 4.1 Time to Request an Extension or Other Alternative Payment Arrangement. If a customer is unable to pay a bill during the payment period, the customer may request an extension or other alternative payment arrangement described in this Section 6. If a customer makes a request prior to discontinuation of service by the District, the request Page 42 of 50 3 will be reviewed by the Finance Manager of the District. District decisions regarding extensions and other alternative payment arrangements are final. 4.2 Extension. If approved by the District, a customer's payment of their unpaid balance may be temporarily extended. Such extension may not be provided more than 3 times during a 12 month time period. The District's Finance Manager shall determine, in their discretion, whether to provide an extension, and how long an extension shall be provided, to the customer. The customer shall pay the full unpaid balance by the date set by the District and must remain current on all water service charges accruing during any subsequent billing periods. The extended payment date will be set forth in writing and provided to the customer. 4.3 Amortization. As determined by the District's Finance Manager in their discretion, a customer's payment of their unpaid balance may be amortized over a period of months not to exceed twelve (12) months. If amortization is approved, the unpaid balance will be divided by the number of months in the amortization period, and that amount will be added to the customer's monthly bills for water service until fully paid. During the amortization period, the customer must remain current on all water service charges accruing during any subsequent billing periods. The amortization schedule and amounts due will be set forth in writing and provided to the customer. 4.4 Alternative Payment Schedule. As determined by the District's Finance Manager in their discretion, a customer may pay their unpaid balance pursuant to an alternative payment schedule that will not exceed twelve (12) months. If approved, the alternative payment schedule may allow periodic lump-sum payments that do not coincide with the District's established payment date or may provide for payments made more or less frequently than the District's regular payment date. During the period of the alternative payment schedule, the customer must remain current on all water service charges accruing during any subsequent billing periods. The alternative payment schedule and amounts due will be set forth in writing and provided to the customer. 4.5 Failure To Comply. If a customer has been granted a payment arrangement under this Section 4 and (a) the original amount due is delinquent by at least sixty (60) days and (b) the customer fails to: (i) pay the unpaid charges by the extension date; (ii) pay an amount due under an amortization schedule; or (iii) pay an amount due under an alternative payment schedule by its due date, then the District may discontinue water service and customer forfeits the right to any payment arrangement under this section for 12 months from the date that payment was due. The District will post a final notice of intent to discontinue service in a prominent and conspicuous location at the service address at least five (5) business days before discontinuation of service. The final notice Page 43 of 50 4 will not entitle the customer to any investigation or review by the District under Section 12. 5.0 RECONNECTION OF SERVICE 5.1 Customers whose water service has been discontinued may contact the District regarding requirements to reconnect service. 5.2 Reconnection will be subject to (a) payment of a reconnection fee of $40, (b) the amount of the delinquent account, including applicable interest or penalties, and (c) a security deposit, if required by the District. All payments must be made by cash, credit card, or certified funds. Requests to reconnect after 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday, or any time on Friday through Sunday, or holidays will be charged an after-hours reconnection fee of $210 and any applicable fees listed as (a)-(c) in this paragraph. 6.0 WHEN SERVICE WILL NOT BE DISCONTINUED 6.1 General. The District will not discontinue water service for delinquent accounts (a) on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or at any time during which the District’s office is not open to the public; during (b) the District’s investigation of a customer complaint; or (c) a District-approved extension, amortization, or alternative payment schedule, if the customer remains in compliance with one of these payment plans. 6.2.Special Medical and Financial Circumstances with Alternative Payment Arrangement Agreement. The District will not discontinue water service if all of the following are met: i.The customer, or a tenant of the customer, submits to the District the certification of a licensed primary care provider that discontinuation of water service will be life threatening to, or pose a serious threat to the health and safety of, a resident of the premises where residential service is provided; ii.The customer demonstrates, as required below under Section 6.2.a., that they are financially unable to pay for residential service within the District’s normal billing cycle. The customer is deemed financially unable to pay during the normal billing cycle if: (a) any member of the customer’s household is a current recipient of CalWORKs, CalFresh, general assistance, Medi-Cal, California SSI/SSP, or California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, or (b) the customer declares under penalty of perjury that the household’s annual income is less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level; and iii.The customer is willing to enter into a written agreement with the District regarding an extension or other alternative payment arrangement under Page 44 of 50 5 Section 4 above for the delinquent charges. The District will select terms and conditions of the payment plan that will be memorialized in a written agreement. 6.2.a.The customer is responsible for demonstrating that the qualifications above have been met. Upon receipt of documentation from the customer, the District will review the documentation within seven (7) days and either: (a) notify the customer of the terms and conditions selected by the District and require the customer’s signature on the payment plan agreement; (2) request additional information from the customer; or (3) notify the customer that they do not meet the qualifications. 6.2.b.The District may discontinue water service if a customer, who has been granted an alternate payment arrangement under this Section 6, is delinquent for sixty (60) days or more and fails to do either of the following: (a) pay any amount due under the payment plan; or (b) pay their current charges for water service. The District will post a final notice of intent to discontinue service in a prominent and conspicuous location at the service address at least five (5) business days before discontinuation of service. The final notice will not entitle the customer to any investigation or review by the District. 7.0 SPECIFIC PROGRAM FOR LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS 7.1 For residential customers who demonstrate household income below 200 percent of the federal poverty line, the District will: 7.1.a Upon request by the customer, waive interest charges or penalties on delinquent bills once every 12 months. 7.1.b.Limit a reconnection of service fee during normal operating hours at fifty dollars ($50) and during nonoperational hours at one hundred fifty dollars ($150), but neither reconnection fee is to exceed the actual cost of reconnection if it is less. Both reconnection fees shall be subject to an annual adjustment for changes in the Consumer Price Index beginning January 1, 2021. 7.2 How to Qualify as a Low Income Customer. The customer is deemed to have an income below 200 percent of the federal poverty line if: (a) any member of the customer’s household is a current recipient of CalWORKs, CalFresh, general assistance, Medi-Cal, California SSI/SSP, or California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, or (b) the customer declares under penalty of perjury that the household’s annual income is less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level. 8.0 PROCEDURES FOR OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS TO BECOME CUSTOMERS OF THE DISTRICT Page 45 of 50 6 8.1 Applicability. This section only applies when a property owner, landlord, manager, or operator of a residential service address is listed as the customer of record and has been issued a notice of intent to discontinue water service due to nonpayment. 8.2.Agreement to District Terms and Conditions of Service. The District shall make good faith effort to inform the residential occupants, by means of written notice, when the account is in arrears that service will be terminated at least 10 days prior to the termination. The written notice shall indicate the District will make service available to the actual residential occupants if occupant agrees to both the District’s terms and conditions of service and the District’s Rules and Regulations for Water Service, which are available at www.ylwd.com or upon request. 8.2.b.If one or more of the occupants are willing and able to assume responsibility for the subsequent charges to the account to the satisfaction of the District, the District will make service available to the occupants who have met those requirements. 8.3 Verification of Tenancy. In order for the amount due on the delinquent account to be waived, an occupant who becomes a customer will verify that the delinquent account customer of record is or was the landlord, manager, or agent of the dwelling. Verification may include, but is not limited to, a lease or rental agreement, rent receipts, a government document indicating that the occupant is renting the property, or information disclosed pursuant to Section 1962 of the Civil Code, at the discretion of the District. 8.4 Deductions from Rental Payment. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 60371(d) and 116916(e), any occupant who becomes a customer of the District pursuant to this Section 8 and whose periodic payments, such as rental payments, include charges for residential water service, where those charges are not separately stated, may deduct from the periodic payment each payment period all reasonable charges paid to the District for those services during the preceding payment period. The District has no authority to enforce Section 60371(d) or 116916(e) and any such decision by the occupant to deduct charges is made by the occupant and not authorized by the District. 9.0 OTHER REMEDIES 9.1 In addition to discontinuation of water service, the District may pursue any other remedies available in law or equity for nonpayment of water service charges, including, but not limited to: (a) securing delinquent amounts by filing liens on real property, (b) filing a claim or legal action, or (c) referring the unpaid amount to collections. In the event a legal action is decided in favor of the District, the District will be entitled to the payment of all costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and accumulated fees. 10.0 DISCONTINUATION OF WATER SERVICE FOR OTHER CUSTOMER VIOLATIONS Page 46 of 50 7 10.1 The District reserves the right to discontinue water service for any violations of District ordinances, rules, or regulations other than for nonpayment of a Delinquent Account. 11.0 FEES AND CHARGES INCURRED 11.1 Except as otherwise expressly stated in this Policy, any fees and charges incurred by a customer under any other rules, regulations, or policies of the District will be due and payable as established in said rules, regulations, or policies. 12.0.PROCEDURES TO CONTEST A WATER BILL 12.1 Time to Initiate a Complaint or Request an Investigation. Any customer may initiate a written complaint to, or request an investigation by, the General Manager into the charges on their bill within twenty seven (27) days of the “bill date” on the contested bill. The District will not discontinue water service during an investigation of a timely complaint or request. 12.2 Review by District. Upon receipt of written complaint/request, the General Manager shall review the complaint and/or conduct an investigation determined to be appropriate in the General Manager’s sole discretion. The General Manager’s review will include consideration of whether the customer may receive an amortization (described below in Section 5.2), or alternative payment schedule under this Policy. During the review and/or investigation, the customer will be provided an extension from its noted due date in order to avoid late fees , but the customer will not be provided an extension of the 60-day time period provided under Section 2.3. The investigation shall be completed within 10 business days from receipt of the written complaint/request, where the customer shall be notified of the General Manager’s decision. The decision of the General Manager is final. 12.3 Outcomes of the Decision. If the review and/or investigation results in favor of the customer, where the billing is incorrect, an adjustment shall be applied to the customer account. If the billing is correct, the bill balance shall be due 10 days from the customer being notified of the General Manager’s decision. If before completion of the investigation, additional bill(s) become due, the customer is required to make payment of the entire amount due by the specified due date. Failure to do so may result in assessed late fees or discontinuation of service, due to non-payment, in accordance with this Policy. 13.PUBLICATION ON THE DISTRICT WEBSITE AND TRANSLATED VERSIONS 13.1 This Policy is available on the District’s website at www.ylwd.com. This Policy and all written notices issued under this Policy will be provided in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Korean, and any other language spoken by at least ten percent (10%) of the population within the District’s service area. Page 47 of 50 ITEM NO. 9.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Directors' Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1.OCSD Board - October 23, 2019 (Hawkins) 2.ISDOC - October 24, 2019 (Hawkins/Jones) 3.OCSD State of the District - October 25, 2019 (Hawkins/Miller/Nederhood) 4.WACO - November 1, 2019 (Miller/Nederhood) 5.ISDOC Executive Committee - November 5, 2019 (Nederhood) 6.SAWPA Commission - November 5, 2019 (Jones - As Needed) 7.YL City Council - November 5, 2019 (Jones) 8.MWDOC Board - November 6, 2019 (Nederhood) 9.YL State of the City - November 6, 2019 (Jones/Miller/Nederhood) Page 48 of 50 ITEM NO. 11.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 12, 2019 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Meetings from November 13 - December 31, 2019 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Board of Directors' Activities Calendar Page 49 of 50 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance By November OC LAFCO Wed, Nov 13 8:15 AM Nederhood (As Needed) YL Planning Commission Wed, Nov 13 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Nov 19 7:30 AM Jones/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Nov 19 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Nov 19 6:30 PM Hawkins MWDOC Board Wed, Nov 20 8:30 AM Nederhood OCWA Luncheon Wed, Nov 20 11:30 AM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Nov 20 5:30 PM Jones OCSD Board Wed, Nov 20 6:00 PM Hawkins Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Mon, Nov 25 4:00 PM Jones/Hawkins Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Nov 26 6:30 PM YL Planning Commission Wed, Nov 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) District Offices Closed Thu, Nov 28 7:00 AM December ACWA-JPIA Fall Conference Mon, Dec 2 8:00 AM Jones ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Dec 3 7:30 AM Nederhood ACWA Fall Conference Tue, Dec 3 8:00 AM Jones ACWA-JPIA Fall Conference Tue, Dec 3 8:00 AM Jones ACWA Groundwater Committee Tue, Dec 3 10:00 AM Jones ACWA Energy Committee Tue, Dec 3 1:00 PM Miller ACWA Water Quality Committee Tue, Dec 3 3:00 PM Miller YL City Council Tue, Dec 3 6:30 PM Hall ACWA Fall Conference Wed, Dec 4 8:00 AM Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Dec 4 8:30 AM Nederhood OCWD Board Wed, Dec 4 5:30 PM ACWA Fall Conference Thu, Dec 5 8:00 AM Jones ACWA Fall Conference Fri, Dec 6 8:00 AM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Dec 10 6:30 PM CRWUA Annual Conference Wed, Dec 11 8:00 AM Nederhood OC LAFCO Wed, Dec 11 8:15 AM Nederhood (As Needed) YL Planning Commission Wed, Dec 11 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) CRWUA Annual Conference Thu, Dec 12 8:00 AM Nederhood WACO Fri, Dec 13 7:30 AM CRWUA Annual Conference Fri, Dec 13 8:00 AM Nederhood WACO Planning Committee Tue, Dec 17 7:30 AM Jones/Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Dec 17 9:30 AM Jones (As Needed) YL City Council Tue, Dec 17 6:30 PM Miller TENTATIVE - Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Dec 17 6:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Dec 18 8:30 AM Nederhood OCWA Luncheon Wed, Dec 18 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Dec 18 5:30 PM Jones OCSD Board Wed, Dec 18 6:00 PM Hawkins District Offices Closed Tue, Dec 24 7:00 AM Disrict Offices Closed Wed, Dec 25 7:00 AM As of November 5, 2019 Page 50 of 50 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING Yorba Linda ITEM NO. a ' Water District An Informed Approach to Sanitary Sewer System Maintenance ED BY: Nick Hollon ,iNGoa,E November ,,. ,a,9 ITEM NO. 8.2. Objectives Introduce the " Informed Approach " Define key terms Equipment overview Compare & Contrast VIM, Int r i MATERIALS MEETING DA -`------ � 2 ITEM NO. 8.2. What is Sanitary Sewer System Maintenance? Sewer cleaning Video inspections I . F . O . G . program Odor control Vermin abatement Repair activities C . I . P. TERIALS SUBMIT c Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe 3 ITEM NO. The Numbers Assetinventorya (6 , 225 ) Sewer e ManholesSewer Lift-Station \ a 1 (266) Miles of Sewer Main ( 1 3100) feet of Force Main (Green Crest Sewer Lift a • • IALS ITEM NO. 8.2. 1� The Numbers V EqUipment I (2 ) Sewer Combo-trucks �3 R (2 ) CCTV Trucks ( 1 ) Easement Cleaning jaiF� Machine ( 1 ) Crew/ Utility Truck ( 1 ) Light pick- up truck - A q (Two operators running the easement machine) MATERIALS SUBMIT Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe 5 ITEM NO. 8.2. Tools of the Trade Sewer Combination Truck lei i F MATERIALS SUBMIT c Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe' 6 ITEM NO. 8.2. Tools of the Tre CCTV Truck . - LAW f 0,13A i t 1 • • 7 • - • - 1 • ITEM NO.Tools of the Trade CCTV Truck SAW lira II IIIS -_ I —- I ` ii �.��, Wmer�ryitr ��V 14703z� MATERIALS S ITTED Y '' •;,MEETING DAT 8 ',k ITEM NO.Tools of the Trade CCTV Truck �t r '�f�,. .J?,�• �1 yd '�r�'I � I'� �: T .cSy�. 'AES+,'} AI MATERIALS S MEETING DAT ................ ---• ITEM NO.Tools of the Trade CCTV Truck 5 - Y y. S; ;r MAWITTED BY:- Nick Hollon mv l •`,,MEETING DAT • 0 k Tools of the Trade CCTV Truck Ai 4r + ` • ILA NP MATERIALS SS TL ITTED BY: Nick H6Wn MEETING DA k r r r, ITEM NO.Tools of the Trade IMACP LACP MA1:12 CCTV Truck 1;3792 Distance Code J-12-66 �rrY*�R''RY/LiTri � 0-DD AMH r�,r.xi ter.v[.oun/(s,wuo was 0-DD MWL 87-45 TFC f 136-12 RFJ 149-57 RMJ Z 187-5D TFC a/ 307-78 TFC r r 39697 RMJ 40379 B- 7 407-99 TFC ATERIIDAT Im:D BY: Nick Hollon ` 1-12-03 434.14 AMH 2 MEETIN -• - •• • - ITEM NO. 8.2. Tools of the Trade CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System Jill Seaz n. 111111 ►1111:97110L Inbox Recent v Work Order v Inspections v Service Request v Reports GIS Search Projects Entity Lockup Designer Equipment Changeout Event Layer Storeroom Crew Manager Main SERVICE REQUESTS j COLLECTIONS �}�' CREW Sewer Repair Sewer Crew Performance and 5fatistics Sewer RepairTasks ROACH ABATEMENT GRAVITY MAIN REPAIRS-CONTRACTED OUT a 4>v CCTV OPEN OPEN Open - � I U Wo Descnption Prionty Status Submit To Proj Start Date Proj Finish Date Actual Start Actual Finish + 6 7 FJ 112350 Sewer Main CCTV 2 OPEN HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 052012015658 AM 51 �•-� y _ - II 11 Gd1 G.urae �q U 112351 Sewer Main CCTV 2 OPEN HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 95208015658 AM 49 ❑ 112701 Sewer Main CCN 2 OPEN HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 061112015 1.21 P11 ® P 57 14 �6 <16 U 112705 Sewer Main CCN 2 OPEN HOLLOM,NICHOLAS A. 9611120151'21 PM P-9 2.1�2'2, 56 DRAINA Ea. 4 --—-—-z_ M1�G 7 54 55 ���� '21'_ ❑ 112736 Sewer Main CCN 2 OPEN HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 06!1120151.21 PM G 52 - I 22 ��ttJ` 537 19 � f ❑ 112737 Sewer Main CCN 2 OPEN HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 0611120 151:21 PM 2 ` �= VS R-P20,� 5 ❑ 138047 Sewer Main CCTV 2 OPEN HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 091612016 7.47 AM Q 12 25 37 .I„ �a 26in 27 Rcws� 7-7.1`733 / 111, a 29 11 30XS�' Ica 2005-2019 `"'' CLOSED r r Op.. Search... 300 _ ❑ Wo Description PNanty Status Submit To Proj Start Date Proj Finish Date Actual Start Actual Finish ❑ 101314 Sewer Main GCN 3 CLOSED HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 1V1612014 8 37AM 11102O1410:28 AM U 101315 Sewer Main CCN 3 CLOSED HOLLON,NICHOLAS A 111102014837 AM 111102014838 AM 200 ❑ 103997 Sewer Main CCN 1 CLOSED HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 911512015 1.11 PM 1111920141 13 PM U 112699 Sewer Main CCN 2 CLOSED HOLLON,NICHOLAS A 0611120151:21 PM 07282015421 AM ❑ 112704 Sewer Main CCN 2 CLOSED HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 0611120151:21 PM 95M 20171C:55AM 0511120171C:55AM IOU CJ 112131 112731 Sewer Main CCN 2 CLOSED HOLLON,NICHOLAS A 061112015121 PM 05111201711:55 AM 0511120171155 AM ❑ 112738 Sewer Main GCN 2 CLOSED I HOLLON,NICHOLAS A. 061112015 1:21 PM 9319!201711 09 AM 1 I I I I1 R.wsr 1-7.1`5073 / G ♦► ,P ,� _I`p.-,p,hT�-h I� ♦I. I l��_111_— - ♦ ♦b ♦b ♦b �e ♦1 ♦1 ♦1 ♦'l ♦1 ♦A ♦0 ♦b ♦0 ♦4 ♦B ♦4 ♦q ♦A ♦A ♦0 ♦A CLEANIIRG SUBMITTED al'. Nick H ul � ITEM NO. 8.2. Tools of the _ r CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System 0 131. � P* 4 V --� 94g' �` 18965 1g 8945 a 1 8"VilrilieQ craY Rrp eJ-20g3?0 35 18939 lo Ail 896( �-p�— a 18954 n"�nrnic�crw�,aud zo'� ti q3 1 819 189 , 18952 ,x 189'6 89 18956 n �� 2 \ 'TR946 RIALS SUB _yr'i X 6090376.927,Y 2276036.799 06 _ Z 2 W l� sir 4 Y'_� � r T . ■ � :i `y ter. -.A'T rh . r +-j a� [\UVJ � �".. ��:;,.. ;.r � 1�,-�;t� •�,':'.� : ,�. oa O 'l. NN'i ITEM NO. 8.2. Maintenance Acti" vities Proactive / Preventative Maintenance Continued performance and operation Help prevent catastrophic failures Extend the life of an asset Or - w W7% MATERIALS MEETING DA- 16 ITEM NO. 8.2. Maintenance Actl" vities Proactive / Preventative Maintenance , , t �Ya VIII� 'ISI 9 �Li�il� S r 4 oll ✓ ` t ., MATERI MEETIN 17 ITEM NO. 8.2. Efficient Effective Efficiency and Effectiveness Matrix C Low Effectiveness High Effectiveness .r High Efficiency High Efficiency t� w Right Things Right Things Wrong way Right way F4-1 _ L W iR >- Low Effectiveness High Effectiveness � Law Efficiency Lew Efficiency C u :u w wrong Things Wrong Things Wrong way Right way J Law Effectiveness High Effectiveness Effectiveness (Right way) A ERI UBMITTED BY: Nick Hollon ME TING DATE: November 12, 2019 8 ITEM NO. 8.2. The " Classic Approach „ to fewer System Maintenance Aggressive cleaning schedule Video inspections Repair work � In - house vs . Contractor F . O . G . C . I . P. -- � '1► ;'� O� It I 1 MATERIALS SUBMIT c Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe 19 ITEM NO. 8.2. Pros / Cons of the " Classic Approach " Pros Cons Effective High water usage Simple to administer Higher equipment costs Low information yield Prioritize cleaning over video inspection "Blind Luck" Can be disruptive to customers NOR- MATERIALS SUBMIT Hollon 20 `MEETING DATE: Novembe ITEM NO. 8.2. why Change, " If it ain 't broke . . . " The business model or the pipe? More data means Informed decision - making Prioritize high Consequence -Of- Failure assets Tailored Cleaning Program 1W I I ir ERIALS SUBMIT ly I II MEETING DATE: No - L1 21 ITEM NO. 8.2. Data on Reactive W09s Locke Ranch Sewer CCTV Assessment February 2018 to duly 2019 Manhole-to- Manhole Sections Inspected .) 8 " Reactive Cleaning" Work Orders Generated 4 � 17% 1 L,I.MMATERIALS SUBMIT HollonEETING DATE: Novembe 22 ITEM NO. 8.2. Transition Phase Prioritize CCTV inspections New Equipment More data Reactive work orders Asset condition history CHANGE AHEAD NOR- h MATERIALS SUBMIT Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe ITEM NO. 8.2. [! ems Tech & New Equipment New sewer CCTV truck Software CMMS priority dispatching Reactive work orders and "H / M / L" priority ratings Analog to digital Data-driven workflow Mapping problem areas Tailored maintenance programs CIP budgetting � ol MATERIALS SUBMIT Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe »•-- 24 ITEM NO. 8.2. The Pole - Camera NNW mK - SUr "4ITtED'BY: Nick Nc 2 5 nb& 12, 2019 4 • .. Alf " , 44 Fe rzN of 5 f. u 'r _ate"r • _ .�- � �• r� .� L y�S�.f`�1/•� rte. ' _ �- _ _ ����� qk, •sY �;�/`���,� � •li ����• � l� it �r1 -_'. - IFi`, t •5 ' •'I \, F f.'m : G `c�: fk V) -F--� • M Cil `, - _ s� ""'-"�''� moi.+ I � GT �'• � � ::�' i• �.1. m � " 9,j r �1. •F �R ji • Q) V <S> } . =3 OO • ;° ,ti L_ c cr) 0 (10 (S) � . Yorba Linda Nater District Van Buren Test " K- 9 -48 <- K- 8 - 34 10/ 10/ 2019 09 : 26 AM �s k r u i • , '6 Hollon 27 4ilEETING DATE: • i� " Informed Approach " ITEM NO. 8.2. to Sewer System Maintenance Visual inspection • • Data- driven w • • Clean only as needed 2 . 5 year condition assessment Ramp - up / down resources ............ Fairlynn Blvd, , Yorba Linda , CA Easement Yarba Linda , CA `� , BrookmontDacia Hi.l1z Yorbat Linda ,CA I-12.96 I-12-13 `1211 I• �1i6 �. �.. J-12-56 J-12-67 8intb•Vitrified Clay Pipe c1z lfi 15incFt Vi triFiad Cla , j s �► f' M � i t13. @°F -14° 13° -2.U. 09:1a : US. 0 . 2U19 �� "' 3:46a 04. 18. 2919 76.09" M ` or - 4 Hw- 13m-27 H- 13m29 � r F --inch Vitrified Clad � ♦Y 7 A. M �F - 4 1 t r 5 1 ti 140. WO 2 ,� 01 : l i x JLVitrified j* .pipe -� •F Ohl rJPh AP i i i ! 1 1 ■ �' 7 - IN- s �• • r 1419 F- , h '.` , 046 : .147 1). 41 if `t�' ; �{ ! TNk h . .. ITEM NO. 8.2. Pros / Cons of the " Informed Approach " Pros Cons Scalable production Higher admin burden Reduced water usage Data management issues Lifetime Cost Savings Slower than just cleaning More DATA! Higher quality of service Work smarter, not harder Increased operator safety Less disruptive , MATERIALS SUBMIT Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe 31 ITEM NO. 8.2. Conclusion 1 Increase the lifespan combo -trucks 1 Annual water cost savings Safe r 1 Better customer service Better approach ATERIALS SUBMIT c Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe 32 ITEM NO. Guess That Lateral ! n � TERIALS SUBMIT ^^ � • ^ � W^tar Oixtrtrt orha ltnda Mater Di cfnct Ynrhn linda Matar Dt:fnrY _� •� Yorba LSntla CA Yorba Lintla CA vorpa Linda CA inch Vitrified tla Pi Circular inch Reinforced Plastic Pipe Ilruss Pipe) Circula inch Vitrified Cls Pi Circular tt, 9D./1 ft aV 1a a4 •T .�1.aU.1H1 � _ 1a:lU-:+ 11. D.L81�, i .� 11 11_k16-2819 orha Linda Mater Di zf n rt -- orha Lin a Malar Dist n rt Yorba Linda CA - Yorba Linda CA -1Z-SS c- M•1Z-87 -8-64 -> P•8-BS Minch Vitrified Cta Pie - Circutnr inch Vitrified t;ta Pi c Circular i -`7 11 19 3 1 �4.SH tT _ 11:41:4.3 11.dU.1B19 r Holion EETING DATE: Novem, w n 1 i Guess That Lateral ! - � _ '�,� tet+ • Yo I nda Wator District o[ a Lt nda Watpr O1:trict Yorha llnda Wator District Yorba Linda , CA Yorba L1nda , CA Yorbo Linda . CA ,x-13.44 <- K-Li-45 V•13-54 ri-13-3`J nl-1J-3d cinch Vitrified Clay Pipe - Circular flinch Reinforced Plastic Naps (truss PCircum tiinch V1trLfLcd Clay Pipe Circular W lap Fart- ' y "do at 2 o'clnrk, die/height: 41nc -'tap Fartory A^•••••t n rinrk, Ain/�._-- =:nr _�11' althin R lrtrh ; ..Ilthln 8 Inch Wig t 14 8- li 14 Bd o L n a Yater Ot stmt tartar Ot st rt cT •, . Yorba Linda CA Yorba Lintla CA -12-68 �- FF-lY-87 =8-84 ji inch Vitrified Clay Nlpr Circular inch Vitrifi_nd Clay Pi tireular le FERIALS SUBMIT ap Factory Hr'- -• o'clock, dLa/height: eine , lihln 8 inch r 1 v I Hollon MEETING DATE: Novembe Yorba Linda ITEM NO. 8.2. Water District Thank You -SUBMITTED BY: Nick Hollon TING DATE: November 12, 2019