HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-11 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PacketAGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING  Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL   Phil Hawkins, President Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Brooke Jones, Director J. Wayne Miller, Director Al Nederhood, Director 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA  Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two­thirds vote of the Board, or a  unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which  came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2))  5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS  5.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports  5.2. Federal and State Legislative Update 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS  Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state  the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the  individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed  on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest  within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3)  7. CONSENT CALENDAR  All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion.  There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests  separate consideration.   7.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held January  28, 2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as  presented.  7.2.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize  disbursements in the amount of $890,097.50. Page 1 of 29  7.3.Additional Capital Improvements for Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors authorize staff to re­prioritize  the 5­year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to cover an estimated $380,000 in  additional expenses for the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Upgrade Project to  improve the safety and functionality of the facility.  7.4.Claim for Damages Filed by Shernoff Bidart Echeverria, LLP.   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors reject the claim filed  by Shernoff Bidart Echeverria, LLP and refer it to ACWA­JPIA for further  handling. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS  This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action  of the Board or Committee at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies,  or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the  District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at  another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only.   8.1. Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per­ and Polyfluoroalkyl  Substances (PFAS)  8.2. Status of Engineering Activities 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS  9.1. Directors' Reports  9.2. General Manager's Report  9.3. General Counsel's Report  9.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS  10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood)  Next meeting is scheduled Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at  YLWD.  10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones)  Next meeting is scheduled Monday, March 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at YL  City Hall. Page 2 of 29  10.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Hawkins/Hall)  Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.  are included in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. at  YLWD. 11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR  11.1. Meetings from February 12 ­ March 31, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT  12.1. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, February 25, 2020.   Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at  6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Non­exempt materials related to open session agenda items that are distributed to a majority of the Board or  Committee less than seventy­two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby  of the District’s Administrative building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia CA 92870 during regular  business hours. When practical, these materials will also be available on the District’s website  (http://www.ylwd.com/). (GC 54957.5) Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability­related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for  participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701­3020 at least 24  hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 3 of 29 ITEM NO. 7.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:February 11, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held January 28, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes (Special) 2.Draft Meeting Minutes (Regular) Page 4 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held January 28, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 5:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Brett Barbre, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary J. Wayne Miller, PhD Al Nederhood ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS Jon Conk, Vice President of Project Dimensions, commented on issues related to the provision of sewer service to the Lakeview Senior Living development project. He requested the District allow the City of Placentia to provide this service to the project. 4.CLOSED SESSION The Board entered Closed Session at 5:36 p.m. All Directors were present. Also present was General Manager Marcantonio, Assistant General Manager Barbre, and General Counsel Gagen. The following items were taken out of order. 4.2.Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Page 5 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held January 28, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.2 2020-XXX Name of Case:Irvine Ranch Water District v. Orange County Water District, et al. (Los Angeles County Superior Court – Case No. BS168278) General Manager Marcantonio and Assistant General Manager Barbre left the Closed Session prior to discussion of the following item. 4.1.Public Employment Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title:General Manager The Board returned from Closed Session at 6:21 p.m. and took a brief recess. The Board reconvened in Open Session at 6:30 p.m. General Counsel Gagen announced that the Board took no reportable action during Closed Session on Item Nos. 4.1. and 4.2. President Hawkins noted that the issue related to the Lakeview Senior Living development project was not discussed during Closed Session as it wasn’t agendized. President Hawkins then advised Mr. Conk that he’d spoken with General Manager Marcantonio and Assistant General Manager Barbre and asked them to meet with him. 5.ADJOURNMENT 5.1.The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 6 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held November January 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Brett Barbre, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Manager Al Nederhood Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary Kaden Young, Sr Management Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 4.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5.INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1.Presentation of Special District Leadership Foundation’s District of Distinction Accreditation Renewal and District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Renewal Chris Palmer, Public Affairs Field Coordinator for the California Special Districts Association, reviewed the requirements for both accreditations and presented the Board with renewal certificates. Page 7 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held November January 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.2 2020-XXX 5.2.Elected Official Liaison Reports None. 5.3.Federal and State Legislative Update None. 6.PUBLIC COMMENTS Jon Conk, Vice President of Project Dimensions, commented on issues related to the provision of water service to the Lakeview Senior Living development project. In response to a request from Julia Schultz (resident), Brett Barbre, in his role as Director for MWDSC, reported on the status of a minor incident that occurred at the Diemer water treatment plant over the weekend. 7.CONSENT CALENDAR Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0-0-0. 7.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held January 14, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $4,969,513.18. 7.3.Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending December 31, 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending December 31, 2019. 7.4.Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2019 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending December 31, 2019. Page 8 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held November January 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.3 2020-XXX 7.5 Purchase of 2021 Dump Truck Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to purchase a 2021 Dump Truck from Inland Kenworth – Montebello in the amount of $206,685.24. 8.ACTION CALENDAR 8.1.Reimbursement of Costs Incurred Before Issuance of Tax-Exempt Obligations for Funding of District’s Capital Improvement Program Staff reviewed key assumptions considered in evaluating the financial impact of anticipated lowered response levels for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). This included expenses associated with switching to 100% import water and the construction, operation, and maintenance of a water treatment plant. Staff also reviewed financial metrics the District is required to meet in order to stay in compliance with its bond debt covenants. Anna Sarabian, Principal for Fieldman Rolapp, presented multiple scenarios for addressing the financial impact of PFAS, funding YLWD’s 5- year Capital Improvement Plan, and meeting the District’s minimum bond debt covenants through FYE24. Ms. Sarabian then reviewed Fieldman Rolapp’s recommendations. Extensive discussion amongst the Board, staff, Ms. Sarabian, and members of the audience followed. Director Hall made a motion, seconded by Director Nederhood, to: (1) direct staff to issue a request for proposal to pursue a line of credit; (2) adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX regarding intention to issue tax exempt obligations for the purpose of permitting the reimbursement of not-to- exceed $20,000,000 for incurred costs related to the current capital improvement program which are incurred before the issuance of tax- exempt obligations, and rescind Resolution No. 18-25; and (3) direct staff to present funding alternatives to the Board for review and approval prior to moving forward with obtaining a line of credit or issuing bond debt. Ms. Sarabian responded to questions from the Board regarding the estimated interest expense for a line of credit. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a Roll Vote. Page 9 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held November January 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.4 2020-XXX 9.DISCUSSION ITEMS 9.1.Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Staff briefed the Board on a PFAS workshop held the previous week at OCWD, upcoming tours of the District’s pilot plant, and the results of recent pilot plant testing. 10.REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1.Directors' Reports The Directors noted their attendance at the listed meetings and events. 10.2.General Manager's Report General Manager Marcantonio reported that the District’s Admin facility would be serving as a vote center in the upcoming election. He also commented on recent media coverage related to PFAS and then asked each of the managers to report on activities within their respective departments. 10.3.General Counsel’s Report None. 10.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Nederhood requested a copy of the District’s financial model and inquired as to the status of American Water Works Association’s most recent benchmarking survey and a summary of total expenses for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station (FBPS) Upgrade Project. Staff noted that the benchmarking survey had been e-mailed the previous week and that the expense summary for the FBPS Upgrade Project was forthcoming. 11.COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood) Meeting scheduled Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. was cancelled. Page 10 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held November January 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.5 2020-XXX Next meeting is scheduled Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at YLWD. 11.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, March 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at YL City Hall. 11.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. will be provided when available. Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. at YLWD. 12.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1.Meetings from January 29 – March 31, 2020 The Board made no changes to the activity calendar. 13.ADJOURNMENT 13.1.The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 11 of 29 ITEM NO. 7.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:February 11, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Paige Appel, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $890,097.50. SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. DISCUSSION: The items on this disbursement list include: a check of $47,234.50 to Sanders Paving, Inc. for concrete and paving repairs, work and supplies; a check of $128,677.97 to ACWA-JPIA for February 2020 medical and dental premiums; a check of $40,117.66 to City of Anaheim for December 2019 electricity charges for various locations; a check of $167,200.00 to Big Ben Inc. for a Pressure Station at Highland, Job #2019-37; a check of $66,430.37 to Cedro Construction Inc for waterline improvements at Camino Verde and Mickel, Job #2018-03. The balance of $148,582.81 are routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $598,243.31 and Payroll No. 2 total is $291,854.19; where total disbursements for this agenda report is $890,097.50. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. Page 12 of 29 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Cap Sheet 2.Credit Card 3.Check Register Page 13 of 29 Summary of Disbursements February 11, 2020 CHECK NUMBERS & WIRES: 02/11/2020 Computer Checks 75579—75675 $ 598,243.31 ____________ $ 598,243.31 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 598,243.31 PAYROLL NO. 2: Direct Deposits $ 177,048.74 Third Party Checks 7315—7323 $ 25,657.95 Payroll Taxes $ 45,286.60 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #2 $ 43,860.90 $ 291,854.19 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 291,854.19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 890,097.50 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF February 11, 2020 ==================================================================. Page 14 of 29 Vendor Name Amount Description American Airlines 586.60 Travel & Expense - MER Conference-Arambarri, T Home Depot 730.76 J2019-41 Fire Hardening-Santiago Harrington Industrial 221.13 Parts For Lakeview Injection Vault Amazon.com 76.02 Office Supplies Myers Tire Supply 193.37 Mechanic Shop Supplies Myers Tire Supply 9.65 Mechanic Shop Supplies VOLVO CONTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & SERVICES 237.82 Replacement Parts for E-152 Eventbrite 149.00 Privacy OC Seminar-Arambarri UBER 30.81 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Al Nederhood UBER 4.19 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Al Nederhood UBER 14.27 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Al Nederhood UBER 3.00 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Al Nederhood Wild Zebra Creative 1,500.00 Video Production-YLWD History Project Amazon.com 23.93 Cleaning Supplies Kristy's Donuts 35.85 Safety Meeting Supplies Sprout Social 84.15 Social Media Scheduling Alea Cafe 25.00 Operating Expense Amazon.com 410.10 Stremlight 45801 E-Flood Light Lamp Post Pizza 65.73 Operating Expense GSE 76 15.33 Operating Expense BALLYS HOTEL 165.29 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Nederhood, A Caesars Las Vegas 282.61 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Marcantonio, M UBER 11.36 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Al Nederhood UBER 3.00 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Al Nederhood UBER 34.00 Travel & Expense - CRWUA Conference-Al Nederhood Facebook, Inc.75.00 Facebook Ads Myers Tire Supply 268.88 Mechanic Shop Supplies Monoprice Inc 58.47 Computer Supplies Stater Bros. Markets 88.14 All Hands Meeting Supplies Sunstate Equipment Co 36.64 Refill Of Propane Bottles Fullerton Paint & Flooring 234.46 Paint For Hydrant Crew Costco 89.89 All Hands Meeting Supplies PayPal CC Payments 795.00 Sacramento Advocacy Trip Smart & Final 70.60 All Hands Meeting Supplies American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)300.00 ASCE Annual Member-Agrawalla, D Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.41.65 (2) Pack Locitite For Sewer Crew Stater Bros. Markets 26.73 All Hands Meeting Supplies Home Depot 81.72 Sod For Landscape Repair Village Nurseries 155.27 Sod For Landscape Repair Francisco Meat Co 226.00 All Hands Meeting Supplies El Farolito 153.55 All Hands Meeting Supplies Tlaquepaque Restaurant 346.25 All Hands Meeting Supplies CalCard US Bank (35.00) Refund ACWA CLE Conference-Marcantonio, M Amazon.com 56.44 Cell Phone Supplies Harrington Industrial 510.44 Parts For Cl2 System IN-N-OUT RESTAURANTS 34.91 Operating Expense 11-Feb-20 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Page 15 of 29 Stater Bros. Markets 3.87 Meter Maintenance - Highland Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA)104.00 CWEA Collections G4 -Woller Stater Bros. Markets 3.22 Meter Maintenance - Highland Hollinger - Metal Edge 784.91 Archive Supplies Kristy's Donuts 35.85 Safety Meeting Supplies King's Fish 122.52 Lunch Meeting - (3) Attendees Amazon.com 21.10 Office Supplies Amazon.com 29.84 Meeting Supplies Adobe 52.99 Software License APPLE 53.29 Cell Phone Supplies Amazon.com 109.62 Cell Phone Supplies Walmart 54.04 Water Quality Sampling Items Home Depot 41.33 Cleaning Supplies Amazon.com 54.38 Service Recognition Award Hollinger - Metal Edge 203.19 Archive Supplies Facebook, Inc.90.00 Facebook Ads Home Depot 55.94 Mechanic Shop Supplies GSE 76 15.26 Operating Expense Alea Cafe 22.28 Operating Expense GSE 76 14.86 Operating Expense FASTSIGNS 113.14 Acrylic Backers Hedrick Fire Protection 610.00 Replace Backflow Sensor-Bldg 4 Amazon.com 731.76 Stremlight 45801 E-Flood Light CalCard US Bank (10.70) Archive Supplies - Return CalCard US Bank (2.72) Archive Supplies - Return Light Bulbs Etc 320.93 Facility Supplies SARBS-CWEA 40.00 TCP Certification Preparation Seminar - 4 (Attendees) Smart & Final 295.20 Meeting Expense CalCard US Bank (22.80) Refund Cell Phone Supplies Stater Bros. Markets 95.77 Meeting Supplies Stater Bros. Markets 9.98 Meeting Supplies Home Depot 53.15 Gas Supply Line-Emergency Prep Amazon.com 38.76 Cell Phone Supplies North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 180.00 Disposal Of Old Road Material Alea Cafe 47.46 Meeting Supplies Quinn Company 10.69 Repair Parts For Highland Engine #1 Stater Bros. Markets 56.86 Bathroom Supplies Home Depot 109.88 Hardware Supplies - Facilities 1 2GO LIVE SCAN & 2GO NOTARY 50.00 Scanning And Notary Services 1 2GO LIVE SCAN & 2GO NOTARY 234.00 Scanning And Notary Services Home Depot 24.68 Cleaning Supplies AWWA - CA-NV Section 830.00 Backflow Test Course Orange County Water Assn 70.00 OCWA Membership Renewal-Miller, D Orange County Water Assn 30.00 Registration Nederhood, A-OCWA Luncheon PayPal CC Payments 17.00 Registration Talarico, P-ISDOC Luncheon PayPal CC Payments 17.00 Registration Nederhood, A-ISDOC Luncheon PayPal CC Payments 17.00 Registration Marcantonio, M-ISDOC Luncheon PayPal CC Payments 17.00 Registration Jones, B-ISDOC Luncheon Southwest Airlines 235.96 Travel & Expense - ACCOC - Talarico, P Amazon.com 22.83 Cell Phone Supplies Amazon.com 21.74 Cell Phone Supplies Page 16 of 29 Fleet Services, Inc 27.59 Reflectors For Unit# 197 Amazon.com 971.82 Whelen Mini Light Bar Orange County Water Assn 70.00 Membership Renewal - Decriscio, J UTILITY PRO 2,209.60 Uniform Expense Home Depot 19.35 Mechanic Shop Supplies Nikki's Kitchen 24.84 Breakfast Meeting - (2) Attendees Yorba Linda Chamber 23.00 Yorba Linda Chamber-Meeting Home Depot 59.51 J2019-50 Materials For Well 22 Amazon.com 341.44 Uniform Expense Costco 107.03 Meeting Supplies Home Depot 114.47 Condenser Removal For Facilities Costco 77.74 Supplies - PRA Software Training Orange County Water Assn 30.00 Registration Miller, D-OCWA Luncheon PayPal CC Payments 20.00 SCIE-ARMA Registration-Millen, M SAN SUSHI JAPANESE RESTAURANT 15.50 Lunch Meeting - Muttaraid, M SHELF MASTER 652.23 Archive Supplies Home Depot 231.67 J2019-50 Fence For Well #22 Orange County Water Assn 30.00 OCWA Meeting Staples 55.89 Office Supplies CVS Pharmacy 20.19 Office Supplies CVS Pharmacy 20.01 Office Supplies Best Buy 43.09 Radios For Flushing Program Home Depot 31.87 Facility Supplies Chili's 39.28 Travel & Expenses AQMD - Ojeda, F & Carreon, M NPELRA 195.00 NEPELRA Membership-Knight, G MENDOCINO FARMS 372.34 PTA Software Training Meeting Amazon.com 604.80 Ecco Directional Led Lights Sprout Social 84.15 Social Media Scheduling 21,157.48 Page 17 of 29 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 75579 02/11/2020 CalCard US Bank 20,135.54 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - FEBRUARY 2020 75580 02/11/2020 Aramark 272.14 UNIFORM SERVICES 75581 02/11/2020 ATS Communications 2,250.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - DECEMBER 2019 75582 02/11/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 2,595.05 ATT CALNET 3 75583 02/11/2020 EyeMed 2,871.65 EYE MED - JANUARY & FEBUARY 2020 75584 02/11/2020 Infosend Inc.1,858.20 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE - DECEMBER 2019 75585 02/11/2020 James Almanzar 4,827.47 DAMAGE CLAIM SETTLEMENT 75586 02/11/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 587.71 MECHANIC SHOP EQUIPMENT 75587 02/11/2020 Occu-Med, Ltd.100.00 PRE EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL 75588 02/11/2020 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.1,419.68 ROAD MATERIAL 75589 02/11/2020 Sunrise Medical Group 80.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXPENSE 75590 02/11/2020 Time Warner Cable 203.53 SPECTRUM BUSINESS - MIRALOMA 75591 02/11/2020 Titan Water Technology Inc 295.00 SERVICE WORK - JANUARY 2020 75592 02/11/2020 ACWA/JPIA 128,677.97 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM - FEBRUARY 2020 75593 02/11/2020 Aramark 258.55 UNIFORM SERVICES 75594 02/11/2020 Autoscribe Corporation - PaymentVision 1,296.50 TRX VISION GATEWAY-DECEMBER 2019 75595 02/11/2020 Carlos Murillo 94.00 CWEA 2 CERTIFICATION REIMBURSE 75596 02/11/2020 City Of Placentia 610.00 ENCROACHMENT PERMITS 75597 02/11/2020 John Decriscio 90.00 WATER TREATMENT RENEWAL REIMBURSE 75598 02/11/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 48.58 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 75599 02/11/2020 Sunrise Medical Group 40.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXPENSE 75600 02/11/2020 Time Warner Cable 650.00 SPECTRUM BUSINESS - DECATUR 75601 02/11/2020 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 4,722.64 LIFE, AD&D, STD & LTD-FEBRUARY 2020 75602 02/11/2020 NatPay Online Business Solutions 26.69 DOCULIVERY - DECEMBER 2019 75603 02/11/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 4,170.68 FUEL 1/1-1/15 75604 02/11/2020 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.4,041.71 METER REGISTERS 75605 02/11/2020 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc.1,523.59 METER LIDS 75606 02/11/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.14,394.00 LANDSCAPE WORK 75607 02/11/2020 Cla-Val Co.206.25 CLA-VAL PRODUCTION PARTS 75608 02/11/2020 Coastline Equipment 293.16 WINDOW FOR UNIT# 206 75609 02/11/2020 Daniels Tire Service 526.92 TIRES FOR UNITS #203, 222, 227 75610 02/11/2020 Delta Wye Electric, Inc.1,450.00 ELECTRICAL SERVICES - HIGHLAND RTU 75611 02/11/2020 Dion & Sons, Inc.4,731.91 OIL FOR STATIONARY ENGINES 75612 02/11/2020 DME Incorporated 161.38 PARTS FOR VALLEY VIEW ENGINE 75613 02/11/2020 Dean Criske Trucking 1,142.47 ROAD MATERIAL 75614 02/11/2020 Elite Equipment Inc 303.27 PARTS FOR E-213 75615 02/11/2020 Factory Motor Parts 1,531.75 MECH SHOP SUPPLIES & VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 75616 02/11/2020 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc.466.23 PARTS FOR UNIT# 204, 180 75617 02/11/2020 Fleet Services, Inc 901.87 PARTS FOR UNIT#197 75618 02/11/2020 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 76.16 MARKING PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES 75619 02/11/2020 Haaker Equipment Co.1,054.64 PARTS FOR UNIT# 215 75620 02/11/2020 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 257.34 PART FOR UNIT# 213, 144 75621 02/11/2020 KB Design 547.91 EMPLOYEE SHIRTS 75622 02/11/2020 Killingsworth Gear 13,048.34 REBUILD HIGHLAND GEAR DRIVE 75623 02/11/2020 Nickey Petroleum Co Inc 2,466.67 OIL FOR STATIONARY ENGINES 75624 02/11/2020 Office Solutions 813.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES 75625 02/11/2020 Safelite Autoglass 654.03 WINDOW REPAIR OF UNIT# 198, 174 75626 02/11/2020 Sanders Paving, Inc.47,234.50 CONCRETE & PAVING REPAIRS, WORK AND SUPPLIES 75627 02/11/2020 Sergio D. Fierro 2,250.00 MAINTENANCE PARTS 75628 02/11/2020 Sunstate Equipment Co 1,113.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FOR FACILITIES MAINTANENCE 75629 02/11/2020 United Water Works, Inc.1,986.73 WATER SERVICE PARTS 75630 02/11/2020 Western A/V 2,111.80 A/V EQUIPMENT AND INSTALL 75631 02/11/2020 YO Fire 151.07 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 75632 02/11/2020 Factory Motor Parts 455.29 PARTS FOR UNIT# 204 75633 02/11/2020 AIRGAS INC 1,124.22 WELDING SUPPLIES 75634 02/11/2020 Alfredo Vargas 186.75 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSE 75635 02/11/2020 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 40,117.66 ELECTRICITY CHARGES DECEMBER 2019 - VARIOUS LOCATION For Checks Dated: 01/29/2019 thru 02/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 18 of 29 75636 02/11/2020 Omni Enterprise Inc.6,380.00 JANITORIAL SERVICES 75637 02/11/2020 Praxair Distribution 224.01 WELDING SUPPLIES 75638 02/11/2020 GRACY MONTES 34.90 CUSTOMER REFUND 75639 02/11/2020 VICTOR ARREOLA 2.33 CUSTOMER REFUND 75640 02/11/2020 DOUGLAS EVANS SR 373.10 CUSTOMER REFUND 75641 02/11/2020 JACK GREEN 71.51 CUSTOMER REFUND 75642 02/11/2020 RICHARD RAFANOVIC 43.51 CUSTOMER REFUND 75643 02/11/2020 SUZANNE STRINGFELLOW 108.21 CUSTOMER REFUND 75644 02/11/2020 GEORGINA MOYERS 171.44 CUSTOMER REFUND 75645 02/11/2020 LYDIA CHUN 75.28 CUSTOMER REFUND 75646 02/11/2020 BRIANNA HUGHES MYERS 28.22 CUSTOMER REFUND 75647 02/11/2020 KARIN COLLINS 63.75 CUSTOMER REFUND 75648 02/11/2020 CLARENCE YOSHIKANE 225.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 75649 02/11/2020 JOHN S MEEK CO 182.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 75650 02/11/2020 SHERRI KLEIN 34.90 CUSTOMER REFUND 75651 02/11/2020 LOMAVISTA362017,LLC 3.07 CUSTOMER REFUND 75652 02/11/2020 TROJAN CAPITAL INVEST LLC 135.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 75653 02/11/2020 ANA CORTES 183.52 CUSTOMER REFUND 75654 02/11/2020 A2Z HOMES INC 91.05 CUSTOMER REFUND 75655 02/11/2020 A.M. ORTEGA 162.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 75656 02/11/2020 JOHN RONEY 77.24 CUSTOMER REFUND 75657 02/11/2020 OFRS 665.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 75658 02/11/2020 TANIA B SALAMEH 197.44 CUSTOMER REFUND 75659 02/11/2020 S2 REAL ESTATE CORP 34.81 CUSTOMER REFUND 75660 02/11/2020 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH INC.167.40 CUSTOMER REFUND 75661 02/11/2020 HANZHUO LI 117.61 CUSTOMER REFUND 75662 02/11/2020 DOTY BROS EQUIPMENT 162.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 75663 02/11/2020 HOLCOMBE FAMILY TRUST 69.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 75664 02/11/2020 BRUCE KELLY 166.04 CUSTOMER REFUND 75665 02/11/2020 OC PRO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 101.26 CUSTOMER REFUND 75666 02/11/2020 BILLIE J BIDNICK TRUST 393.45 CUSTOMER REFUND 75667 02/11/2020 Big Ben Inc.167,200.00 J19-37 HIGHLAND PRESSURE STATION 75668 02/11/2020 Cedro Construction Inc 66,430.37 J18-03 CAMINO VERDE & MICKEL WATERLINE 75669 02/11/2020 VOID 1,021.94 VOID 75670 02/11/2020 Infosend Inc.4,155.24 BILLING & POSTAGE CUST BILL - DECEMBER 2019 75671 02/11/2020 Kidman Gagen Law 423.50 LEGAL SERVICES 75672 02/11/2020 Resource Computer Solutions 10,125.00 NETWORK/HARWARE CONSULTING SERVICES 75673 02/11/2020 United Water Works, Inc.4,391.36 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 75674 02/11/2020 YO Fire 3,543.08 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 75675 02/11/2020 LA Networks 4,700.00 J15-SWRCB - LEGAL SERVICE & TECH SERVICES 598,243.31 1/23/2020 PAYROLL #2 - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 177,048.74 1/23/2020 PAYROLL #2 - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 45,286.60 1/23/2020 PAYROLL #2 - CALPERS & TASC 43,860.90 7315 1/23/2020 COLONIAL LIFE 112.13 7316 1/23/2020 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 6,126.27 7317 1/23/2020 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 15,170.29 7318 1/23/2020 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 7319 1/23/2020 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 384.92 7320 1/23/2020 AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE 1,376.13 7321 1/23/2020 MIDLAND LIFE INSURANCE 200.00 7322 1/23/2020 RELIANCE DI 66.61 7323 1/23/2020 AMERITAS 1,854.68 291,854.19 Payroll Checks #2 Page 19 of 29 ITEM NO. 7.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:February 11, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Divya Agrawalla, Principal Engineer SUBJECT:Additional Capital Improvements for Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to re-prioritize the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to cover an estimated $380,000 in additional expenses for the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Upgrade Project to improve the safety and functionality of the facility. SUMMARY: Operations has identified additional improvements at the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station that are necessary to improve site security, fire hardening and functionality of the facility. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $300,000 Change Order: $380,000 Cost Estimate: $680,000 Funding Source: Water Fund Job No: 2018-27 BACKGROUND: The Hidden Hills Booster Pump Upgrade project was initiated due to the new Cielo Vista Development Project. The design and construction of the improvements needed to serve this development are being paid for by the Developer, North County BRS Project. Operations and Engineering had previously identified the need to add a back-up generator at the site that would be paid for by the District. Funds for the back-up generator ($300,000) were approved Page 20 of 29 by the Board in May 2019 as part of the CIP. Since then, Operations and Engineering have identified additional improvements that are necessary to improve site security, fire hardening and functionality. The District will realize a cost savings by making these improvements now, rather than constructing them in future under a separate project. In order to design and construct these additional improvements, staff is requesting that the Board approve additional funds in the amount of $380,000. The additional work will include: Security fencing around the property; Replacement of the existing deteriorating flowmeter and vault; Retaining wall for flowmeter vault and generator; Upsizing the generator and electrical equipment to operate all 4 boosters on site for added fire hardening; New MCC/switchboard; Relocation of the RTU; and LED light conversion for electrical efficiency. Psomas has been tasked by the Developer to design the Developer improvements and to design the back-up generator. The additional work will also be designed by Psomas to establish a single point of responsibility on the design of this project. The fees for the new design elements, preparation of construction documents, and construction costs are included in the total cost noted above. The District will bid the project and manage the construction of both the developer-funded and District-funded portions per the Agreement between the District and the Developer recorded on November 1, 2019 with the County of Orange. A breakdown of the design and construction costs is attached. Funds for this project will be made available from the CIP budget by re-prioritizing existing projects currently budgeted in the CIP. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: Board-approved funding of $300,000 for back-up generator in May of 2019. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: SR G1 4B Address infrastructure needs by updating/implementing the Capital Improvement Plan; SR G3 2B Address the District's future infrastructure needs; and SR G3 2C Evaluate and maintain sustainable operations (e.g. energy and water use efficiency). ATTACHMENTS: 1.Hidden Hills BPS - Capital Expenses Summary Page 21 of 29 Design by Psomas 61,000$ Contingency (10%)6,000$ TOTAL DESIGN COSTS 67,000$ Security Fence and Concrete Paving 72,000$ Ventilation and AC 5,000$ Flow Meter & Vault Replacement 46,000$ Water Quality Instrumentation Replacement 10,000$ Retaining Walls for Generator and Flow Meter Vault 25,000$ Back-up generator, Acoustic Enclosure, Transformer, MCC 374,000$ SUBTOTAL 532,000$ Contingency (15%)80,000$ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 612,000$ TOTAL PROJECT COST (DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION)680,000$ BOARD-APPROVED FUNDING FOR PROJECT (MAY 2019)300,000$ ADDITIONAL FUNDS NEEDED 380,000$ Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project Capital Expenses Summary DESIGN COSTS ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION Page 22 of 29 ITEM NO. 7.4. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:February 11, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager SUBJECT:Claim for Damages Filed by Shernoff Bidart Echeverria, LLP. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors reject the claim filed by Shernoff Bidart Echeverria, LLP and refer it to ACWA/JPIA for further handling. BACKGROUND: On January 16, 2020, the District received a claim for damages filed by Shernoff Bidart Echeverria, LLP stating that their client Rosemary Ramirez, had sustained a personal injury arising from a slip and fall on July 15, 2019 due to a large puddle of water at the intersection of Toyon Terrace and Country View Drive. A visual inspection of the intersection and surrounding area was conducted by District staff. At first glance, the intersection of Toyon Terrace and Country View Drive does not have any sidewalks. During the inspection, staff noticed a small stream of water in the gutter at the intersection and in the gutters along the surrounding streets. Staff witnessed the water in the gutter was coming from various homeowners' properties. The water was either coming from front yard irrigation (sprinklers) or water was coming from drainage pipes from the homeowners' backyards. Staff took several photos depicting where the water was coming from as well as where it was going. Both the run off and the water coming out of the drainage pipes was flowing into the gutter. The supporting documents related to the claim are on file and available for review in the office of the General Manager. Page 23 of 29 ITEM NO. 9.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:February 11, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Directors' Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1.MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee - January 29, 2020 (Nederhood) 2.YL Planning Commission - January 29, 2020 (Hawkins - As Needed) 3.ISDOC - January 30, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones/Nederhood) 4.ISDOC Executive Committee - February 4, 2020 (Nederhood) 5.SAWPA Commission - February 4, 2020 6.YL Chamber Luncheon - February 4, 2020 (Jones) 7.YL City Council - February 4, 2020 (Jones) 8.MWDOC Board - February 5, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 9.OCSD Operations Committee - February 5, 2020 (Jones) 10.OCWD Board - February 5, 2020 (Jones) 11.WACO - February 7, 2020 12.ACWA Energy Committee - February 7, 2020 (Miller) Page 24 of 29 ITEM NO. 10.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:February 11, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager SUBJECT:Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Hawkins/Hall) Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. are included in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. at YLWD. The minutes from this meeting are attached for reference. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Meeting Minutes Page 25 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD-City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee Meeting Held Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT JOINT AGENCY COMMITTEE MEETING WITH CITY OF PLACENTIA Wednesday, January 15, 2020, 3:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. 2.PLACENTIA AND YLWD ATTENDEES YLWD COMMITTEE MEMBERS YLWD STAFF Phil Hawkins, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Brett R. Barbre, Asst General Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Pasquale Talarico, Director of Public Affairs Divya Agrawalla, Principal Engineer CITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS PLACENTIA STAFF Jeremy B. Yamaguchi, Mayor Pro Tem Damien Arrula, City Administrator Rhonda Shader, Councilmember Luis Estevez, Director of Public Works Masoud Sepahi, City Engineer 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS Jon Conk, Project Dimensions, expressed his concern regarding sewer service for his project, Lakeview Senior Living. 4.DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1.Future Housing Developments Upcoming projects include the Brandywine development at Golden Avenue Bridge. This project is undergoing plan checking at Placentia. Other projects include HQT Homes and Veterans Village. Placentia sends out a weekly email regarding upcoming projects and YLWD should sign up for this. 4.2.Sewer Service Billing Rates Delia Lugo confirmed that the Sewer Billing Service Agreement has been signed by both parties and that YLWD has submitted the required certificates of insurance. Ms. Lugo also confirmed that rate adjustments will be calculated by the end of April each year. Page 26 of 29 Minutes of the YLWD-City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee Meeting Held Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.2 4.3.Reimbursement of Stormwater Line Expenses Brett Barbre discussed four (4) areas within YLWD’s service boundary where Placentia owns sewer. Mr. Barbre explained that it makes more sense for these sewers to be transferred to YLWD. This can be done in exchange for the reimbursement money that Placentia owes to YLWD. Damien Arrula said that the idea has merit, but he needs to investigate this further. Mr. Arrula will set up a meeting in February to discuss this further. He requested the following information: number of customers, a copy of the sewer transfer agreement with the City of Yorba Linda, approximate revenue, and difference in Placentia and YLWD sewer rates. 4.4.PFOA/PFOS Pilot Test and Treatment Plant Marc Marcantonio and Rosanne Weston gave an update on the Pilot Test and the value of it in designing a PFAS Treatment Plant. 4.5.Regular Updates on GSWC and YLWD Projects and Capital Improvements to Share with the Community via City’s Social Media and Other Communication Outlets YLWD provides frequent updates on projects via its website and also prepares a monthly newsletter. Placentia provides has quarterly utility meetings attended by YLWD. Pasquale Talarico will send information to Mr. Arrula. 4.6.Pending Water Related Legislation Updates from Sacramento AB 756 triggers notification requirements for PFAS effective January 1, 2020, if water is served that exceeds the PFOA and PFOS Response Levels set by the state. AB 535 most likely will not pass the Senate and makes PFAS hazardous under CERCLA. 4.7.Update on Connecting Septic System Properties to Municipal Sewer Utility Ms. Weston provided an update on YLWD’s steps toward helping YLWD customers transition from septic tanks to the YLWD sewer system. 4.9.Future Meeting Date and Agenda Items The next meeting is scheduled April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. at YLWD. 5.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Page 27 of 29 ITEM NO. 11.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:February 11, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Meetings from February 12 - March 31, 2020 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Board of Directors' Activities Calendar Page 28 of 29 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time February OC LAFCO Wed, Feb 12 8:15 AM ACWA Water Quality Committee Wed, Feb 12 12:30 PM Miller MWDOC Policy Forum Wed, Feb 12 5:30 PM Jones/Nederhood YL Planning Commission Wed, Feb 12 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Feb 18 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Feb 18 9:30 AM SAWPA Emerging Constituents Task Force Tue, Feb 18 1:30 PM Miller YL City Council Tue, Feb 18 6:30 PM Hall MWDOC Board Wed, Feb 19 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWA Luncheon Wed, Feb 19 11:30 AM Nederhood UWI Spring Conference Wed, Feb 19 12:00 PM Jones/Nederhood OCWD Board Wed, Feb 19 5:30 PM Jones UWI Spring Conference Thu, Feb 20 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood UWI Spring Conference Fri, Feb 21 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Feb 25 6:30 PM OCSD Board Wed, Feb 26 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Feb 26 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) March ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Mar 3 7:30 AM Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 3 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Mar 3 6:30 PM Miller MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 4 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Mar 4 5:00 PM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Mar 4 5:30 PM Jones WACO Fri, Mar 6 7:30 AM Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Mar 10 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Mar 11 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 11 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Mar 17 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 17 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Mar 17 6:30 PM Nederhood MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 18 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWA Luncheon Wed, Mar 18 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Mar 18 5:30 PM Jones Joint Committee Meeting with City of Yorba Linda Mon, Mar 23 4:00 PM Hawkins/Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Mar 24 6:30 PM OCSD Board Wed, Mar 25 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 25 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Thu, Mar 26 4:00 PM Hawkins/Nederhood As of February 4, 2020 Page 29 of 29 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING 2/11/2020 1Yorba Linda Water District “Get the Facts About PFAS” ITEM NO. 8.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 2 San Gabriel Valley Water Company GAC & IX Treatment Facilities ITEM NO. 8.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 3 IX and GAC Facilities ITEM NO. 8.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 4 Vessel Comparison Internal Cone Underdrain vs. External Ring Underdrain ITEM NO. 8.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 PFOA & PFOS Treatment Plant Schedule 5Yorba Linda Water District Conduct Pilot Test Prepare RFP, Advertise and Award Design-Build Contract Staff to obtain Treatment Plant Certification Prepare RFP, Evaluate Owner’s Rep Proposals Plant Commissioning, Startup and Staff Training Execute Owner’s Rep Contract YLWD/ OCWD Reimbursement MOU & Agreement Design, Permitting and Construction of PFAS Treatment Plant 19 Month Schedule 2.5 months 4.5 months 12 months Early Purchase of Vessels and Media State to Lower Response Levels Q1 2020 ITEM NO. 8.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 6 PFAS Pilot Test – Sacrificial Columns ITEM NO. 8.1. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 Status of Engineering Activities 2/11/2020 Presented by: Rosanne Weston Engineering Manager 1Yorba Linda Water District ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 2Yorba Linda Water District ASCE OC Branch Outstanding Water Project Award Fairmont Booster Pump Station ASCE OC Branch Outstanding Water Project Award Fairmont Booster Pump Station ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 3 UC Riverside Women Engineering Student Mentorship Program •Pathways to Engineering, Education and Occupations •A Day in the Life of an Engineer ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 •On-Call Professional Services Contracts •ESCO Qualifications Submittals 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 4 Miscellaneous Activities ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 5Yorba Linda Water District Highland Pressure Regulating Station ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 6 Camino Verde and Mickel Waterline Improvements ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 7 CIPP (Sewer Lining) ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020 2/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 8 Vacation 2/14 to 2/24 ITEM NO. 8.2. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: February 11, 2020