HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-12 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet (B)AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING  Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION    In an effort to help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID­19), the District will be facilitating  participation in this meeting via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N­29­20  issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020.  Information for accessing this meeting is  provided below.  Public comment related to items on this agenda or other matters within the District’s  jurisdiction will be facilitated on the teleconference or can be submitted in writing via e­mail to the  Board Secretary at bodsecretary@ylwd.com by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12, 2020.  If you choose to  submit comments via e­mail, please identify the agenda item you wish to address (if applicable).  Your  comments will be shared with the Board prior to the meeting.  For questions regarding participation  please call 714­701­3020. Computer/Mobile Device:  https://zoom.us/j/95790857849 Telephone:  669­900­6833 or 346­248­7799   Meeting ID:  957 9085 7849  (No participant ID is required.)  2. CALL TO ORDER 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL   Phil Hawkins, President Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Brooke Jones, Director J. Wayne Miller, PhD, Director Al Nederhood, Director 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA  Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two­thirds vote of the Board, or a  unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which  came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2))  6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS  6.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports  6.2. Federal and State Legislative Update Page 1 of 70 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS  Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state  the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the  individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed  on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest  within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3)  8. CONSENT CALENDAR  All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion.  There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests  separate consideration.   8.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held April 28,  2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as  presented.  8.2.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize  disbursements in the amount of $419,169.26.  8.3.Unaudited Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited  Financial Statements for Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020.  8.4.Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Third Quarter  of Fiscal Year 2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors'  and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Third Quarter of Fiscal  Year 2020.  8.5.Reject and Refer Claim from Southern California Edison (SCE)   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors reject the claim filed by  Southern California Edison and refer it to ACWA­JPIA  for further handling. 9. ACTION CALENDAR  This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board or Committee discussions  are needed prior to formal action.   9.1.General Manager's Employment Agreement   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors consider whether to: (1)  approve the Employment Agreement for the Position of General Manager in  substantial form as negotiated by the District's Designated Representative;  and (2) adopt Resolution No. 2020­XX approving the Classification and Salary  for the General Manager effective May 12, 2020 and rescinding Resolution  No. 2019­30. Page 2 of 70  9.2.Transmittal of Election Information to OC Registrar of Voters   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors authorize the Board Secretary  to submit the Transmittal of Election Information to the Orange County  Registrar of Voters, indicating that a Candidate's Statement of Qualifications is  to contain no more than 400 words and will not be paid for by the District. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS  This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action  of the Board or Committee at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies,  or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the  District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at  another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only.   10.1. Status of Operations Activities  10.2. Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per­ and Polyfluoroalkyl  Substances (PFAS) 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS  11.1. Directors' Reports  11.2. Assistant General Manager's Report  11.3. General Counsel's Report  11.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS  12.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood)  Next meeting is scheduled Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.  12.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones)  Draft minutes of the meeting held Monday, April 20, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.  are included in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.  12.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Hawkins/Hall)  Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.  are included in the agenda packet. Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR  13.1. Meetings from May 13 ­ June 30, 2020 Page 3 of 70 14. ADJOURNMENT  14.1. Two Board Workshop Meetings are scheduled to be held Tuesday, May 19,  2020 at 5:30 p.m. and Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.  The next Regular  Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, June 9, 2020.  Closed Session (if  necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Prior to the Governor’s ‘Stay­at­Home’ Executive Orders regarding COVID­19, non­exempt materials related to  open session agenda items that were distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors or Committee Members  less than seventy­two (72) hours prior to the meeting were made available for public inspection in the lobby of the  District’s Administrative building during regular business hours and posted on the District’s website shortly  thereafter (GC 54957.5).  As the District’s lobby has been closed to the public in accordance with the Governor’s  Executive Orders and to help mitigate the spread of COVID­19, staff will make these materials available on the  District’s website (https://ylwd.com/) as soon as possible following receipt. Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability­related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for  participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701­3020 at least 24  hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 4 of 70 ITEM NO. 8.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held April 28, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes (Special) 2.Draft Meeting Minutes (Regular) Page 5 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING (TELECONFERENCE) Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 6:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. 3.ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary Brooke Jones J. Wayne Miller, PhD Al Nederhood ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS Board Secretary Alexander confirmed that no written public comments had been received for this meeting and that there were no members of the public on the call desiring to comment. 5.CLOSED SESSION The Board entered Closed Session at 6:03 p.m. on a separate call. All Directors were present along with General Counsel Gagen. Page 6 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.2 2020-XXX 5.1.Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representative:Andrew Gagen, General Counsel Unrepresented Employee:General Manager The Board returned from Closed Session at 6:31 p.m. General Counsel Gagen announced that the Board took no reportable action during Closed Session. 6.ADJOURNMENT 6.1.The meeting ended at 6:32 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 7 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING (TELECONFERENCE) Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Brooke Jones Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Al Nederhood Pasquale Talarico, Director of Public Affairs Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary Kaden Young, Sr Management Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 5.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. Page 8 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.2 2020-XXX 6.INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1.Elected Official Liaison Reports Mayor Pro Tem Gene Hernandez, City of Yorba Linda, commented on guidelines released by the Orange County Board of Supervisors for businesses and the public to transition back to a normal state of activity from restrictions put in place due to COVID-19. 6.2.Federal and State Legislative Update Director of Public Affairs Talarico also commented on the Board of Supervisors’ guidelines and then reported on the status of legislative activities and the release of a video message from President Hawkins. 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS Board Secretary Alexander confirmed that no written public comments had been received for this meeting. No members of the public expressed an interest to provide comment at this time. 8.CONSENT CALENDAR Director Nederhood requested to remove Item No. 8.4 from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Director Hall made a motion, seconded by Director Nederhood, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 8.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held April 9, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held April 14, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.3.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $2,125,113.32. Page 9 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.3 2020-XXX 8.5.Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending March 31, 2020 Recommendation; That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending March 31, 2020. 8.6.Notice of Completion for the Camino Verde and Mickel Waterline Improvement Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion for the Camino Verde and Mickel Waterline Improvement Project, Job No. J2018-03. 8.7.Notice of Completion for the 2019 Sewer Main CIPP Rehabilitation Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion for the 2019 Sewer Main CIPP Rehabilitation Project, Job No. J2019-39S. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION 8.4.Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending March 31, 2020 Staff responded to questions from Director Nederhood regarding the financial reports and the impact of COVID-19 on the District’s investment portfolio. Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Hall to receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending March 31, 2020. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 9.ACTION CALENDAR 9.1.Approving Issuance of Negotiable Promissory Notes for the Purpose of Financing Capital Projects Staff explained the 3-year revolving line of credit would be utilized to finance the costs of acquiring, constructing, and installing facilities and improvements to the District’s water distribution system. Anna Sarabian, Principal at Fieldman Rolapp & Associates, reviewed associated interest rates and fees. Director Miller made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX Approving the Issuance of Negotiable Promissory Notes for the Purpose of Financing Capital Projects and Approving the Execution and Delivery of Certain Documents in Connection Therewith and Certain Other Matters. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Page 10 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.4 2020-XXX 9.2.PFAS Treatment Facilities and Program Agreement Staff provided a broad overview of the agreement’s provisions. General Counsel Gagen noted there would be no impact on the groundwater producers’ insurance policies with ACWA-JPIA. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to authorize the General Manager and General Counsel to execute, in its substantial form, the PFAS Treatment Facilities and Program Agreement among the Orange County Water District (OCWD), Yorba Linda Water District, and other Groundwater Producers. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. General Counsel Gagen explained that the Board had previously agreed in Closed Session to approve a separate legal services agreement with OCWD contingent on approval of the PFAS treatment facilities and program agreement. As the PFAS treatment facilities and program agreement was now approved, this meant the legal services agreement was also approved and considered a reportable action. 9.3.Amending Schedule for Regular Board of Directors Meetings President Hawkins and Vice President Hall commented on the reasons for converting the regular meetings on the fourth Tuesday’s of each month at 6:30 p.m. to workshop meetings beginning at 8:30 a.m. Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Miller, to adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX amending Section 10.1(A) of the Board of Directors’ Policies and Procedures Manual regarding the schedule for regular meetings. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 9.4.Nominations for OC LAFCO Regular Special District Member Seat Staff explained nominations were due May 8, 2020 and that the only candidate thus far was Jim Fisler, Director at Mesa Water District. No Directors expressed an interest in being nominated as a candidate. Staff will present an item for the Board’s consideration at a future meeting to support a specific candidate if more than one files. Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to designate President Hawkins as the primary and Director Nederhood as the alternate voting representatives in the election for the OC LAFCO Regular Special District Member Seat. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Page 11 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.5 2020-XXX 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1.Review of Projected Expenses to Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 Staff noted that an updated financial report had been distributed to the Board. While staff was working on displaying the revised report, Assistant General Manager Barbre explained that a member of the public had contacted him and wished to comment on Item No. 9.4. Fred Brockmiller, Director at Mesa Water District, requested the Board’s support of Director Fisler’s candidacy for the OC LAFCO Regular Special District Member Seat. As mentioned above, this request will be presented to the Board for consideration at a future meeting if more than one candidate files. Staff reviewed budgeted versus forecasted revenues and expenses for FY20 and highlighted the financial impacts of the following: having to switch to 100% import water because of lowered PFAS response levels; implementing requirements of SB 998; suspending water service disconnections for non-payment and decreased commercial water consumption, both due to COVID-19; and late season rainfall. Staff will present updated projections at the budget workshop in May. 10.2.Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Staff reviewed the work OCWD would be assisting the District with related to the design, construction, and equipping of the District’s treatment systems, per the agreement that was just approved by the Board under Item No. 9.2. Both systems are expected to be on line in April and June of 2021. 11.REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1.Directors' Reports The Directors noted their attendance at the listed meetings and events. 11.2.Assistant General Manager's Report Assistant General Manager Barbre reported on the District’s property tax distribution percentage collected in April and each fiscal year since FY08. He also reported on the status of delinquent and late bill payments, transitioning customers from the old online bill pay system to Invoice Page 12 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.6 2020-XXX Cloud, and total expenses for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project. He then updated the Board on the District’s COVID-19 mitigation efforts. 11.3.General Counsel’s Report General Counsel Gagen briefed the Board on Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-54-20 suspending some CEQA filing and noticing requirements. 11.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Jones requested an item on a future agenda to review the District’s calculation of pass-through expenses. 12.COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood) Next meeting is scheduled Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 12.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 12.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. 13.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1.Meetings from April 29 – June 30, 2020 The Board made no changes to the activity calendar. 14.ADJOURNMENT 14.1.The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 13 of 70 ITEM NO. 8.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Paige Appel, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $419,169.26. SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. DISCUSSION: The Accounts Payable check register total is $126,652.35 and Payroll No. 9 total is $292,516.91; where disbursements for this agenda report total is $419,169.26. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: 1.CapSheet 2.Check Register 3.Credit Card Page 14 of 70 Summary of Disbursements May 12, 2020 CHECK NUMBERS: 05/12/20 Computer Checks 76100 - 76156 $ 126,652.35 $ 126,652.35 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 126,652.35 PAYROLL NO. 9: Direct Deposits $ 183,704.38 Payroll Taxes $ 47,743.73 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #9 $ 39,708.93 Third Party Checks 7367—7371 $ 21,359.87 $ 292,516.91 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 292,516.91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 419,169.26 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF MAY 12, 2020 ==================================================================. Page 15 of 70 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 76100 05/12/2020 MICHAEL HERNANDEZ 91.81 CUSTOMER REFUND 76101 05/12/2020 PHILIP PARKE 46.10 CUSTOMER REFUND 76102 05/12/2020 OLIVIA DE LA ROSA 1.03 CUSTOMER REFUND 76103 05/12/2020 RONALD ESGUERRA 145.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 76104 05/12/2020 BRANDON PETERSEN 37.62 CUSTOMER REFUND 76105 05/12/2020 COLLEEN SMITH 6.84 CUSTOMER REFUND 76106 05/12/2020 CHERISE STONE LIZARRAGA 55.53 CUSTOMER REFUND 76107 05/12/2020 GRIFFITH COMPANY 263.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 76108 05/12/2020 ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 475.00 ACWA AD FOR SENIOR ENGINEER 76109 05/12/2020 AIRGAS INC 8.00 WELDING SUPPLIES 76110 05/12/2020 Annie Alexander 3,038.58 EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT University of Redlands-ALEXENDER, A 76111 05/12/2020 Aramark 222.10 UNIFORM SERVICES 76112 05/12/2020 ATS Communications 530.00 PROFFESSIONAL SERVICES-MAR 2020 76113 05/12/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 2,874.08 ATT CALNET 3 76114 05/12/2020 BASE HILL INC. (JAN POINT) 3,492.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 76115 05/12/2020 BENNETT-BOWEN & LIGHTHOUSE INC 1,971.96 PARTS FOR UNIT#228 & MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 76116 05/12/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 5,295.90 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 76117 05/12/2020 CalCard US Bank 20,362.51 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - MARCH 2020 76118 05/12/2020 CERTAPRO PAINTERS OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 10,400.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE - LAKEVIEW 76119 05/12/2020 Chameleon Beverage Company, Inc. 15,091.38 BOTTLED WATER - OFFICE SUPPLIES 76120 05/12/2020 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 4,436.74 ELECTRICITY CHARGES MARCH 2020 - VARIOUS LOCATION 76121 05/12/2020 City Of Placentia 305.00 REPAIR ASPHALT WATER LEAK 76122 05/12/2020 CPR1 LLC 1,851.90 CPR - NEW DEFIBRILLATORS 76123 05/12/2020 Daniels Tire Service 612.27 TIRES FOR UNIT#190 &213 76124 05/12/2020 DCL America Inc. 8,173.92 WELL #1 ENGINE EMISSION PARTS 76125 05/12/2020 Dell Marketing L.P. 236.63 IT SUPPLIES 76126 05/12/2020 Delta Wye Electric, Inc. 6,661.00 J19-41 ELECTRICAL WORK - SANTIAGO 76127 05/12/2020 Factory Motor Parts 535.18 PARTS FOR UNIT#200 76128 05/12/2020 FedEx Office 56.00 J20-13 THERMOMETER SHIPPING FEE 76129 05/12/2020 Fuller Truck Accessories 1,249.53 TRUCK BOXES UNIT#228 76130 05/12/2020 Haaker Equipment Co. 889.00 PART FOR TRUCK #215 76131 05/12/2020 Hach Company 573.06 CLORIMETER FOR WATER QUALITY 76132 05/12/2020 Hydrex Pest Control 252.00 PEST CONTROL 76133 05/12/2020 Jesse Diaz 89.00 COLLECTION R1 CERTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT - DIAZ 76134 05/12/2020 Konica Minolta Business 788.78 COPY CHARGES-C258 & C558 76135 05/12/2020 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 117.50 LEGAL SERVICES - MARCH 2020 76136 05/12/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 234.89 MECHANIC SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 76137 05/12/2020 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 219.79 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 76138 05/12/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 2,656.07 FUEL 4/1-4/15 76139 05/12/2020 Office Solutions 428.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76140 05/12/2020 Psomas & Associates 3,700.00 J20-20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - HIDDEN HILLS 76141 05/12/2020 Quinn Company 1,613.95 PARTS FOR WELL#5 76142 05/12/2020 Resource Computer Solutions 11,148.75 NETWORK/HARWARE CONSULTING SERVICES 76143 05/12/2020 RKI Engineering, LLC 2,400.00 SCADA SUPPORT & RADIO INTEGRATION 76144 05/12/2020 Robertson's 1,147.50 J19-41 CONCRETE FOR FIRE HARDENING - SANTIAGO 76145 05/12/2020 R & S Overhead Doors of So-Cal, Inc 533.00 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 76146 05/12/2020 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 1,110.38 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 76147 05/12/2020 Security Solutions 310.00 SECURITY SYSTEM WORK 76148 05/12/2020 Selman Chevrolet Company 173.28 PARTS FOR UNIT#213 76149 05/12/2020 Shred Confidential, Inc. 63.00 SHRED SERVICE 76150 05/12/2020 South Coast AQMD 3,738.86 EMISSIONS ANNUAL FEES & CERTIFICATIONS 76151 05/12/2020 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 26.94 CONDUIT FOR RADIO TOWER - LAKEVIEW 76152 05/12/2020 Sunrise Medical Group 532.11 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL PHYSICAL 76153 05/12/2020 United Industries 233.44 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 76154 05/12/2020 United Rentals 322.78 J19-13 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 76155 05/12/2020 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 4,276.18 LIFE, AD&D, STD & LTD-MAY 2020 76156 05/12/2020 YO Fire 546.86 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 126,652.35 For Checks Dated: 04/29/2020 thru 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 16 of 70 04/30/2020 PAYROLL #9 - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 183,704.38 04/30/2020 PAYROLL #9 - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 47,743.73 04/30/2020 PAYROLL #9 - CALPERS & TASC 39,708.93 7367 04/30/2020 Colonial Life & Accident 112.13 7368 04/30/2020 Lincoln Financial Group 5,673.09 7369 04/30/2020 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 14,822.81 7370 04/30/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7371 04/30/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 384.92 292,516.91 Payroll Checks #9 Page 17 of 70 Vendor Name Amount Description Home Depot 47.57 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Southwest Airlines 105.99 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACWA LEGISLATION RECEPTION - TALARICO, P Light Bulbs Etc 255.37 BUILDING REPAIRS - FACILITIES America's Instant Signs 338.50 WINDSOCK - OPERATIONS Sears Stores 517.19 STOVE REPLACEMENT - FACILITIES Statehouse 4.75 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACWA LEGISLATION RECEPTION - TALARICO, P Hyatt Regency Hotels 23.58 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACWA LEGISLATION RECEPTION - TALARICO, P Home Depot 30.64 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Schorr Metals, Inc.36.71 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 42.98 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Home Depot 20.10 BALL VALVE FOR MECHANIC LIFT Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.20.98 PARTS FOR UNIT#197 THE CITIZEN HOTEL 26.25 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACWA LEGISLATION RECEPTION - TALARICO, P John Wayne Airport 28.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACWA LEGISLATION RECEPTION - TALARICO, P Sprout Social 84.15 SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULING Baci Di Firenze 91.15 LUNCH MEETING-3 ATTENDEES Smart & Final 144.02 SUPPLIES-GM RETIREMENT LUNCH United Rentals 180.50 RENTAL OF CUTTING SAW CONCRETE OC United 3,500.00 LOVE YLWD PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP - BARBRE, B Lyft 20.18 TRAVEL EXPENSE ACWA LEGISLATION RECEPTION - TALARICO, P Baci Di Firenze 2,988.64 EMPLOYEE EVENT-MM Baci Di Firenze (2,988.64) REIMBURSEMENT - BARBRE, B VONS 20.97 SUPPLIES FOR ALL HANDS MEETING VONS 91.36 SUPPLIES FOR ALL HANDS MEETING Amazon.com 106.80 MINK OIL FOR OPERATIONS Amazon.com (6.79) REFUND ON INCORRECT ITEM Home Depot 110.34 MATERIAL - FACILITIES REPAIRS Factory Motor Parts 181.25 RIGHT BRAKE ROTOR UNIT# 211 Factory Motor Parts 181.25 LEFT BRAKE ROTOR UNIT# 211 Best Buy (53.86) RETURN SOLAR PANEL DOOR RINGER Home Depot 9.14 REPAIR PARTS DOOR SWEEPS - RICHFIELD PLANT IN-N-OUT RESTAURANTS 26.67 LUNCH MEETING-3 ATTENDEES CROSS COMPANY 29.78 PARKER CONVERSION ADAPTER - OPERATIONS Best Buy 53.86 SOLAR PANEL FOR DOOR RINGER Sunstate Equipment Co 68.96 PROPANE REFILL - OPERATIONS BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS 107.74 EZ -UP FOR SEWER CREW Home Depot 226.48 FACILITIES - HARDWARE SUPPLIES Roseburrough Tool Company 377.46 CONCRETE HAND TOOLS Amazon.com (70.35) REFUND-EMPLOYEE SERVICE RECOGNITION GIFT RING INC 53.29 SOLAR CHARGER FOR RING VIDEO DOORBELL Orange County Water Association (45.00) REGISTRATION REFUND OCWA LUNCHEON - HAWKINS, P Orange County Water Association (30.00) REGISTRATION REFUND OCWA LUNCHEON - JONES, B Orange County Water Association (30.00) REGISTRATION REFUND OCWA LUNCHEON - NEDERHOOD, A ZOOM 14.99 VIRTUAL MEETING FACILITATION Home Depot 36.42 CONSTRUCTION METER REHAB BATTERY SPECIALISTS 37.65 BATTERY FOR HAND HELD READING UNIT Kristy's Donuts 38.45 SAFETY MEETING SUPPLIES Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.90.02 PRODUCTION PARTS Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.107.90 PARTS-FAIRMONT OIL CHANGE SYSTEM Orange County Water Association (30.00) REFUND OCWA EVENT - WESTON, R Marriott Hotels (268.68) REFUND TRAVEL & EXPENSES CMTA CONFERENCE - LUGO, D Marriott Hotels (268.68) REFUND TRAVEL & EXPENSES CMTA CONFERENCE - LUGO, D 12-May-20 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Page 18 of 70 Adobe 52.99 ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD - TALARICO, P Bed Bath & Beyond 15.04 TEAM BUILDING SUPPLIES Home Depot 12.21 HARDWARE SUPPLIES - PRODUCTION Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 24.35 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Jobs Available 30.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE - HR Home Depot 35.83 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS VOLVO CONTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & SERVICES 80.42 IGNITION SWITCH - UNIT# E-89 Schorr Metals, Inc.104.75 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Home Depot (32.17) RETURN OF THRESHOLD Smart & Final 15.57 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES Home Depot 50.15 (2) THRESHOLDS - BUILDING REPAIR Home Depot 86.58 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS Canva Pty Ltd.1.00 SOCIAL MEDIA CLIP ART SONIC ELECTRONIX 243.56 CAMERA FOR UNIT#200 Home Depot (34.25) REFUND FOR RETURN OF PERMETEX Home Depot 392.37 SOIL TOPPER & WAREHOUSE SUPPLY Amazon.com 94.58 (1) UTILITY PRO RAIN JACKET - OPERATIONS Amazon.com 140.06 COMPUTER SUPPLIES RING INC 35.53 BATTERY FOR RING DOOR SYSTEM KB Design 39.87 (2) DISTRIST LOGO JACKETS - ENGINEERING CROSS COMPANY 187.40 M22 ADAPTER FOR PRODUCTION Los Angeles Times 272.95 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA)89.00 CWEA GRADE 1 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL -CUELLAR, R Dick's Lock & Safe Inc.211.92 DOOR REPAIR ON TRAINING ROOM Dick's Lock & Safe Inc.446.60 DOOR REPAIR ON TRAINING ROOM BACKGROUNDS ONLINE 43.00 BACKGROUND CHECK FOR VOLUNTEER Southwest Airlines (332.30) REFUND TRAVEL & EXPENSES GFOA CONFERENCE - YOUNG, K Lamp Post Pizza 76.76 LUNCH-HR INTERVIEW PANEL Home Depot 110.17 FACILITIES SUPPLIES RIO SUITES 146.26 TRAVEL & EXPENSE AWWA CONFERENCE - JONES, B RIO SUITES 146.26 TRAVEL & EXPENSE AWWA CONFERENCE - DECRISCIO, J Amazon.com 76.11 (1) UTILITY PRO RAIN JACKET - OPERATIONS Fairway Ford Sales, Inc.89.60 REPLACE BRAKE LIGHT UNIT#184 SPIN POKE & GRILL 69.98 LUNCH-HR INTERVIEW PANEL Howard Industries 106.19 A/C REPAIR PARTS Costco 135.59 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES RIO SUITES 146.26 TRAVEL & EXPENSE AWWA CONFERENCE - MCDONALD, J Alternative Hose Inc.383.86 REPLACEMENT COOLANT PIPE - HIGHLAND Amazon.com 27.54 MECHANIC SHOP TICKET HOLDER Home Depot 48.70 DOOR SWEEP AND WEATHER PROOFER AWWA - CA-NV Section 549.00 TRAVEL & EXPENSE AWWA CONFERENCE - MCDONALD, J Home Depot 105.51 FACILITIES & OFFICE SUPPLY Kaiser Permanente 375.00 CLAIM PAYMENT FOR DENGES YourMembership.com 698.00 JOB ADVERTISEMENT - ASS & SR ENGINEER McDonald's 14.01 OPERATING EXPENSE - MAIN BREAK OT MEALS 7-Eleven 15.04 OPERATING EXPENSE - MAIN BREAK OT MEALS Sprout Social 84.15 SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULING Walmart 12.93 J20-13 (6) HAND SANITIZER VONS 23.66 SUPPLIES FOR ALL HANDS MEETING Walmart 25.96 J20-13 CLEAN SUPPLIES-METER SHOP B & M Lawn and Garden Inc 26.65 J20-13 FACE PROTECTOR & GOGGLES Costco 42.15 J20-13 4PKS SANTIZING SPRAY SKS BOTTLE & PACKAGING 53.51 J20-13 (4) CASES PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 75.00 J20-13 LCW WEBINAR - KNIGHT, G Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 75.00 J20-13 LCW WEBINAR - LIM, V Amazon.com 108.30 J20-13 (6) PK HAND SOAP ESAFETY SUPPLIES INC 138.69 J20-13 (6) R&R INDUST LOTION Page 19 of 70 Costco 146.70 J20-13 CLEANING WIPES (15) PKS Home Depot 151.67 J19-41 FIRE HARDENING-SANTIAGO Home Depot 203.93 HARDWARE SUPPLIES MPI DIGITAL 409.90 J20-13 50 NONCONTACT THERMOMETERS Home Depot 453.87 J19-41 HARDWARE SPPLS SANTIAGO Amazon.com 583.94 J20-13 (5) INFRARED THERMOMETERS THAO N. VU 975.00 J20-13 150 - ADULT FACE MASK Gem Meats 1,363.00 J20-13 EMERGENCY PROVISION SUPPLIES Best Buy 106.98 J20-13 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 17,373.87 Page 20 of 70 ITEM NO. 8.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Unaudited Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for Third Quarter of FY20. BACKGROUND: For the period, ending March 31, 2020, staff is presenting “unaudited” statements in the CAFR format. We have included a Statement of Net Position, a Debt Service Ratio Calculation, Consolidated Budget to Actual Statement, as well as the individual Water and Sewer Budget to Actual Statements. As reported in the Balance Sheet of the Statement of Net Position, the District’s Net Position reflects a negative result when compared to that of the same reporting period of the prior fiscal year by approximately $374,887. This is prominently due to a decrease in Capital Assets with the depreciating of these assets during the fiscal year. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the Period Ending March 31, 2020, reflects an average increase in customer consumption of approximately 5.88% as compared to prior year for the same reporting period. Residential classified customer connections have had the largest decrease in consumption for this reporting period. Total Variable Water Costs results reflect 15.61% increase when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The increase in costs is predominantly reflective of the increase in total water demand, which as reported, is 8.21% above that of prior year and switching to 100% import water. Page 21 of 70 With the issuance of the Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A the District covenanted “…to fix, prescribe and collect rates and charges for Water Service which will be at least sufficient to yield during each Fiscal Year, Net Revenues equal to 125% of the Debit Service for such Fiscal Year.” To confirm the covenant is upheld, staff calculates the Debt Service Ratio quarterly and is received and filed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the “unaudited” Debt Service Ratio Calculation of the Water Enterprise for the Period Ending March 31, 2019 is being reported at 229%. This demonstrates the District’s strong financial health. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B - Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Financial Reports and Graphs for 3rd Qtr FY20 Page 22 of 70 ASSETS March 2020 March 2019 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents 34,205,950$ 32,640,404$ Investment 4,174,655 2,091,615 Accounts receivable - water and sewer services 3,009,204 2,463,107 Accrued interest receivable 17,901 8,709 Prepaid expenses & other deposits 533,397 511,383 Inventory 249,411 272,829 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 42,190,518 37,988,047 NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs 332,104 356,935 Deferred Pension Plan 2,335,328 2,749,826 Deferred OPEB Plan 462,680 399,599 Capital assets: Non-depreciable 4,023,770 14,209,503 Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 182,977,222 178,307,519 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 190,131,104 196,023,382 TOTAL ASSETS 232,321,622 234,011,429 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 2,983,727 1,596,246 Accrued expenses 736,909 1,087,324 Accrued OPEB - - Accrued interest payable - - Refunding Revenue Bond(s) - current portion 1,230,000 1,175,000 Compensated absences 402,797 418,662 Customer and construction deposits 815,420 561,578 Deferred revenue 221,792 269,283 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 6,390,645 5,108,093 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue 12,741,647 13,236,693 Compensated absences 1,208,392 1,255,985 Net Pension Liability 8,449,114 8,575,054 Net OPEB Liability 2,046,040 2,273,415 Deferred Pension Plan 430,507 639,586 Deferred OPEB Plan 43,597 44,966 Deferred Inflow - Gain on Bond 94,255 99,349 Refunding Revenue Bond(s) 36,269,098 37,755,074 Certificate of Participation - - TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION)61,282,650 63,880,122 TOTAL LIABILITIES 67,673,295 68,988,215 NET ASSETS:164,648,327$ 165,023,214$ YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS March 31, 2020 (With March 31, 2019 Actuals for comparison only) Page 23 of 70 March 2020 March 2019 OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales 23,834,691$ 21,962,299$ Sewer revenues 2,013,231 1,845,450 Other operating revenues 740,436 757,742 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 26,588,358 24,565,491 OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs 11,480,310 9,930,011 Personnel services 7,424,582 7,168,801 Supplies and services 3,839,368 3,254,137 Depreciation and amortization 5,828,880 5,508,399 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 28,573,140 25,861,348 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS)(1,984,782) (1,295,857) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes 1,240,434 1,185,314 Investment income 468,034 530,526 Interest expense (976,995) (1,015,812) Other nonoperating revenues 478,367 690,235 Other nonoperating expenses (163,179) (986,613) TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES 1,046,661 403,650 NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, SPECIAL/EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S)(938,121) (892,207) SPECIAL ITEM(S) - CONSERVATION CREDIT - - SPECIAL ITEM(S) - RATE CREDIT - - CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 149,784 38,556 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (788,337) (853,651) NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR 165,436,664 165,876,865 NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END MARCH 31, 2020 164,648,327$ 165,023,214$ YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS March 31, 2020 (With March 31, 2019 Actuals for comparison only) Page 24 of 70 YTD Debt Prior YTD PY Debt Actual Service Actual Service FY20 Calculation FY19 Calculation Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)11,413,434$ 11,413,434$ 10,439,982$ 10,439,982$ Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,303,112 1,303,112 1,299,310 1,299,310 Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)2,911,434 2,911,434 2,694,904 2,694,904 Water Revenue (Service Charge)8,206,711 8,206,711 7,528,103 7,528,103 Other Operating Revenue 676,037 676,037 707,391 707,391 Total Operating Revenue:24,510,728 24,510,728 22,669,690 22,669,690 Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 399,626 399,626 454,329 454,329 Property Tax 1,240,434 1,240,434 1,185,314 1,185,314 Other Non-Operating Revenue 473,328 473,328 660,377 660,377 Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,113,388 2,113,388 2,300,020 2,300,020 Total Revenue 26,624,116 26,624,116 24,969,710 24,969,710 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)11,480,310 11,480,310 9,930,011 9,930,011 Salary Related Expenses 6,723,782 6,723,782 6,507,499 6,507,499 Supplies & Services 3,599,880 3,599,880 2,955,983 2,955,983 Depreciation 4,751,747 - 4,477,243 - Total Operating Expenses 26,555,719 21,803,972 23,870,736 19,393,493 Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 976,995 - 1,015,812 - Other Expense 130,321 130,321 977,238 977,238 Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,107,316 130,321 1,993,050 977,238 Total Expenses 27,663,035 21,934,293 25,863,786 20,370,731 Net Position Before Capital Contributions/Special Items (1,038,919) 4,689,823 (894,076) 4,598,979 Special Item - Conservation Credit - - - - Transfers (To)/From - - - - Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -81,810 - 34,500 - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position (957,109)$ 4,689,823$ (859,576)$ 4,598,979$ DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues 4,689,823$ 4,598,979$ Debt Service 2,045,217$ 2,053,692$ %229% 224% Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Water Enterprise Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending March 31, 2020 (With March 31, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 25 of 70 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending March 31, 2020 Annual YTD March YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Mar Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 Mar 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,548,758$ 11,482,071$ 1,154,455$ 11,413,434$ (68,637)$ 465,873$ 10,439,982$ 973,452$ 9.32% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,872,073 1,369,609 120,853 1,303,112 (66,497)88,114 1,299,310 3,802 0.29% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,917,982 2,866,396 228,096 2,911,434 45,038 26,351 2,694,904 216,530 8.03% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,988,263 8,241,197 922,956 8,206,711 (34,486)838,578 7,528,103 678,608 9.01% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,421,665 1,816,249 210,736 1,800,324 (15,925)188,051 1,655,230 145,094 8.77% Locke Ranch Assessments 324,173 187,242 22,327 212,907 25,665 17,353 190,220 22,687 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 964,708 723,531 52,931 740,436 16,905 54,104 757,743 (17,307)-2.28% Total Operating Revenue:37,037,622 26,686,295 2,712,354 26,588,358 (97,937)1,678,424 24,565,492 2,022,866 8.23% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 812,306 609,229 23,347 468,035 (141,194)47,588 530,526 (62,491)-11.78% Property Tax 1,820,471 1,152,176 132,492 1,240,434 88,258 117,866 1,185,314 55,120 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 632,909 474,683 (236,797) 478,367 3,684 148,373 690,235 (211,867)-30.69% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,265,685 2,236,088 (80,958) 2,186,836 (49,252)313,827 2,406,075 (219,239)-9.11% Total Revenue 40,303,307 28,922,383 2,631,396 28,775,194 (147,189)1,992,251 26,971,567 1,803,628 6.69% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)15,110,810 11,055,069 1,231,436 11,480,310 425,241 590,007 9,930,011 1,550,299 15.61% Salary Related Expenses 11,664,922 7,480,478 756,725 7,424,583 (55,895)738,490 7,168,801 255,782 3.57% Supplies & Services 5,449,301 4,011,468 358,230 3,839,368 (172,100)411,032 3,254,137 585,231 17.98% Total Operating Expenses 32,225,033 22,547,015 2,346,391 22,744,261 197,246 1,739,529 20,352,949 2,391,312 11.75% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,303,967 977,975 107,685 976,995 (980) 111,601 1,015,812 (38,817) -3.82% Other Expense 13,520 13,520 (40,214) 163,179 149,659 (671) 986,613 (823,434) -83.46% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,317,488 991,495 67,471 1,140,174 148,679 110,930 2,002,425 (862,251) -43.06% Total Expenses 33,542,521 23,538,510 2,413,862 23,884,435 345,924 1,850,459 22,355,373 1,529,061 6.84% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 6,760,787 5,383,873 217,534 4,890,759 (493,113)141,792 4,616,193 274,566 5.95% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 402 149,784 149,784 - 38,556 111,228 0.00% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 6,760,787 5,383,873 217,936 5,040,543 (343,329)141,792 4,654,750 385,793 8.29% Depreciation & Amortization 7,720,659 5,790,494 648,758 5,828,880 38,386 607,846 5,508,399 320,480 5.82% Total Net Position ($959,872)($406,621)(430,822) (788,337) ($381,715)($466,054)($853,650)$65,313 7.65% (295,000) (221,250) (28,445) (179,084) 42,166 (18,475) (268,466) 89,382 -33.29% (With March 31, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 26 of 70 Annual YTD Mar YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Mar Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 Mar 2019) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,548,758$ $11,482,071 1,154,455$ 11,413,434$ (68,637)$ 465,873$ 10,439,982$ 973,453$ 9.32% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,872,073 1,369,609 120,853 1,303,112 (66,497) 88,114 1,299,310 3,802 0.29% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,917,982 2,866,396 228,096 2,911,434 45,038 26,351 2,694,904 216,530 8.03% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,988,263 8,241,197 922,956 8,206,711 (34,487) 838,578 7,528,103 678,608 9.01% Other Operating Revenue 902,996 677,247 50,373 676,037 (1,210) 51,706 707,391 (31,354) -4.43% Total Operating Revenue:34,230,072 24,636,520 2,476,733 24,510,728 (125,792) 1,470,622 22,669,690 1,841,038 8.12% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 698,777 524,083 19,939 399,626 (124,457) 45,187 454,329 (54,703) -12.04% Property Tax 1,820,471 1,152,176 132,492 1,240,434 88,257 117,866 1,185,314 55,120 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 608,430 456,323 (207,941) 473,328 17,006 142,941 660,377 (187,049) -28.32% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,127,678 2,132,581 (55,510) 2,113,388 (19,194) 305,995 2,300,020 (186,632) -8.11% Total Revenue 37,357,750 26,769,101 2,421,223 26,624,116 (144,986) 1,776,616 24,969,710 1,654,406 6.63% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)15,110,810 11,055,069 1,231,436 11,480,310 425,241 590,007 9,930,011 1,550,299 15.61% Salary Related Expenses 10,528,255 6,728,003 682,100 6,723,782 (4,221) 654,829 6,507,499 216,283 3.32% Supplies & Services: Communications 228,183 163,637 9,344 139,096 (24,541) 6,697 115,245 23,851 20.70% Contractual Services 496,717 329,038 40,583 300,427 (28,611) 37,821 275,595 24,832 9.01% Data Processing 324,069 213,052 27,308 189,739 (23,312) 18,493 231,567 (41,828) -18.06% Dues & Memberships 78,862 59,147 2,138 75,190 16,044 4,128 73,333 1,857 2.53% Fees & Permits 290,271 253,203 27,134 250,792 (2,411) 21,534 210,811 39,982 18.97% Board Election - - - - - 52,742 (52,742) -100.00% Insurance 304,468 217,851 22,427 214,757 (3,094) 22,996 205,282 9,476 4.62% Materials 948,195 711,146 59,499 722,187 11,041 68,950 650,816 71,371 10.97% District Activities, Emp Recognition 43,371 32,528 7,981 29,974 (2,555) 903 24,918 5,056 20.29% Maintenance 565,165 423,874 571 381,693 (42,180) 43,537 304,459 77,235 25.37% Non-Capital Equipment 200,778 130,584 7,210 112,187 (18,397) 10,108 82,699 29,488 35.66% Office Expense 33,950 25,463 2,811 29,196 3,734 3,892 28,247 949 3.36% Professional Services 585,971 585,971 71,546 618,572 32,601 69,259 288,399 330,172 114.48% Training 78,301 41,225 2,142 30,856 (10,369) (2,146) 23,238 7,618 32.78% Travel & Conferences 126,278 66,208 3,114 52,907 (13,301) 10,110 57,625 (4,718) -8.19% Uncollectible Accounts 4,185 3,138 (61) 3,557 418 1,380 4,122 (566) -13.73% Utilities 179,258 134,443 12,944 153,038 18,595 15,776 126,447 26,591 21.03% Vehicle Equipment 335,600 251,700 25,651 295,712 44,012 31,171 200,438 95,275 47.53% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,823,620 3,642,208 322,342 3,599,880 (42,328) 364,609 2,955,983 643,897 21.78% Total Operating Expenses 30,462,685 21,425,279 2,235,878 21,803,972 378,692 1,609,445 19,393,493 2,410,479 12.43% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,303,967 977,975 107,685 976,995 (980) 111,601 1,015,812 (38,817) -3.82% Other Expense 13,520 13,520 (40,214) 130,321 116,801 (671) 977,238 (846,917) -86.66% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,317,487 991,495 67,471 1,107,316 115,821 110,930 1,993,050 (885,734) -44.44% Total Expenses 31,780,172 22,416,775 2,303,349 22,911,288 494,513 1,720,375 21,386,543 1,524,745 7.13% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 5,577,578 4,352,326 117,874 3,712,828 (639,499) 56,241 3,583,167 129,661 3.62% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - - 81,810 81,810 - 34,500 47,310 137.13% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 5,577,578 4,352,326 117,874 3,794,638 (557,689) 56,241 3,617,667 176,971 4.89% Depreciation & Amortization 6,289,903 4,717,427 527,982 4,751,747 34,320 492,994 4,477,243 274,505 6.13% Total Net Position (712,325)$ (365,101)$ (410,108) (957,109) (592,008)$ (436,753)$ (859,576)$ (97,534)$ -11.35% Capital - Direct Labor (225,000) (168,750)(26,969) (152,891) 15,859 (14,652) (212,141) 59,250 -27.93% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending March 31, 2020 (With March 31, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 27 of 70 $22,572,702 $23,718,578 $23,096,797 $26,107,075 $24,969,710 $26,624,116 6.63% $19,242,416 $17,637,070 $19,110,715 $21,286,549 $21,386,543 $22,911,288 7.13% $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 Mar. 2015 Mar. 2016 Mar. 2017 Mar. 2018 Mar. 2019 Mar. 2020 Water Revenues & Expenses -3rd Qtr 2020 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 28 of 70 Annual YTD Mar YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Mar Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 Mar 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue 2,421,665$ 1,816,249$ 210,736$ 1,800,324$ (15,924)$ 188,051$ 1,655,230$ 145,094$ 8.77% Locke Ranch Assessments 324,173 187,242 22,327 212,907 25,665 17,353 190,220 22,687 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 61,712 46,284 2,558 64,399 18,115 2,398 50,352 14,047 27.90% Total Operating Revenue:2,807,550 2,049,775 235,621 2,077,630 27,855 207,802 1,895,802 181,829 9.59% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 113,528 85,146 3,408 68,408 (16,738)2,401 76,197 (7,789)-10.22% Other Non-Operating Revenue 24,480 18,360 (28,856) 5,039 (13,321)5,432 29,858 (24,819)-83.12% Total Non-Operating Revenue:138,008 103,506 (25,448) 73,447 (30,059)7,833 106,055 (32,608) -30.75% Total Revenue 2,945,558 2,153,281 210,173 2,151,077$ (2,204)215,635 2,001,857 149,221 7.45% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,136,668 752,475 74,626 700,800 (51,675)83,661 661,302 39,497 5.97% Supplies & Services: Communications 13,412 10,059 703 6,561 (3,498)504 5,908 653 11.05% Contractual Services 30,764 23,073 2,933 19,925 (3,149)2,578 17,007 2,918 17.16% Data Processing 21,382 16,037 2,011 10,232 (5,805)953 14,166 (3,934)-27.77% Dues & Memberships 5,928 4,446 161 5,660 1,214 311 5,520 140 2.54% Fees & Permits 15,509 11,632 1,559 13,472 1,841 660 8,549 4,924 57.60% Board Election - - - - - 3,970 (3,970)-100.00% Insurance 22,917 17,188 1,688 20,148 2,960 1,731 15,381 4,767 30.99% Materials 65,206 33,905 4,079 12,134 (21,771)898 33,663 (21,529)-63.95% District Activities, Emp Recognition 3,264 2,448 498 2,153 (295)68 1,807 346 19.12% Maintenance 171,135 88,351 978 36,741 (51,610)27,480 75,553 (38,812)-51.37% Non-Capital Equipment 39,542 29,657 4,748 17,412 (12,245)4,359 18,262 (851)-4.66% Office Expense 2,555 1,916 212 2,149 233 252 1,918 231 12.04% Professional Services 156,229 72,172 10,279 36,647 (35,525)2,965 33,683 2,964 8.80% Training 8,569 6,426 322 7,103 677 486 16,512 (9,409)-56.98% Travel & Conferences 14,362 10,772 234 5,216 (5,556)527 5,403 (187)-3.47% Uncollectible Accounts 315 236 (46) 312 76 126 404 (93)-22.92% Utilities 13,493 10,119 974 11,260 1,141 1,187 9,882 1,379 13.95% Vehicle Equipment 41,100 30,824 4,553 32,366 1,542 1,337 30,566 1,800 5.89% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 625,681 369,260 35,886 239,491 (129,769) 46,423 298,154 (58,663) -19.68% Total Operating Expenses 1,762,349 1,121,735 110,512 940,291 (181,444) 130,084 959,456 (19,166) -2.00% Expenses (Non-Operating): Other Expense - - - 32,858 32,858 9,375 23,484 250.51% Total Non-Operating Expenses:- - 32,858 32,858 - 9,375 23,484 0.00% Total Expenses 1,762,349 1,121,735 110,512 973,149 (148,586) 130,084 968,831 4,318 0.45% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 1,183,209 1,031,546 99,661 1,177,928 146,382 85,551 1,033,026 144,903 14.03% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 402 67,974 67,974 - 4,056 63,918 1575.89% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 1,183,209 1,031,546 100,063 1,245,902 214,356 85,551 1,037,082 208,821 20.14% Depreciation & Amortization 1,430,756 1,073,067 120,776 1,077,134 4,067 114,852 1,031,156 45,978 4.46% Total Net Position (247,547) (41,521) (20,713) 168,768 210,289 (29,301) 5,926 162,843 2748.08% Capital - Direct Labor (70,000)(52,500) (1,476) (26,193)26,307 (3,823) (56,325)30,132 -53.50% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending March 31, 2020 (With March 31, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 29 of 70 $1,387,791 $1,471,989 $1,709,587 $1,806,586 $2,001,857 $2,151,077 7.45% $908,664 $910,662 $1,048,563 $1,095,388 $968,831 $973,149 .45% $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 Mar. 2015 Mar. 2016 Mar. 2017 Mar. 2018 Mar. 2019 Mar. 2020 Sewer Revenues & Expenses -3rd Qtr 2020 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 30 of 70 ITEM NO. 8.4. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Paige Appel, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT:Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Second Quarter of FY20. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Travel & Expense Report 2.BOD & GM Summary 3.BOD & GM Summary YTD Page 31 of 70 Role Name GL Date Trip Date Trip Name Trip Location Meal Travel Event Lodging Grand Total DIRECTORS Brooke Jones 1/30/2020 1/30/2020 ISDOC Luncheon Fountain Valley, CA 17.00$ 17.00$ 1/31/2020 1/1-31/20 OCWD, WACO & ISDOC Several Locations 99.36$ 99.36$ 2/27/2020 4/6-9/20 CA-NV AWWA Conference Anaheim, CA 549.00$ 549.00$ 2/27/2020 05/6-8/20 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA 725.00$ 725.00$ 3/5/2020 2/19-21/20 UWI Conference Palm Springs, Ca 97.81$ 97.81$ 3/5/2020 2/1-29/20 SAWPA, MWDOC, WACO & MWDOC Several Locations 118.05$ 118.05$ 3/28/2020 2/19-21/20 UWI Conference Palm Springs, Ca 230.11$ 230.11$ 3/28/2020 3/4/2020 Backup Power Incentives Seminar Irvine, Ca 20.00$ 20.00$ 3/28/2020 3/18/2020 OCWA Luncheon Irvine, Ca 30.00$ 30.00$ 3/31/2020 3/1-31/20 MWDOC & WACO Fountain Valley, CA 54.86$ 54.86$ Brooke Jones Total 370.08$ 1,341.00$ 230.11$ 1,941.19$ Al Nederhood 1/30/2020 12/11-13/19 CRWUA Conference Las Vegas, NV 100.63$ 165.29$ 265.92$ 1/30/2020 1/30/2020 ISDOC Luncheon Fountain Valley, CA 17.00$ 17.00$ 1/30/2020 1/15/2020 OCWA Luncheon Irvine, Ca 30.00$ 30.00$ 1/31/2020 01/1-31/20 ISDOC, OCWA, SAWPA, & MWDOC Several Locations 146.86$ 146.86$ 2/27/2020 1/22/2020 ISDOC Ad Hoc Committee Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 10.11$ 10.11$ 2/27/2020 2/19/2020 OCWA Luncheon Irvine, Ca 30.00$ 30.00$ 2/27/2020 2/19-21/20 UWI Conference Palm Springs, Ca 575.00$ 194.11$ 769.11$ 2/27/2020 04/6-9/20 CA-NV AWWA Conference Anaheim, CA 549.00$ 549.00$ 2/27/2020 5/6-8/20 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA 725.00$ 725.00$ 3/16/2020 2/19-21/20 UWI Conference Palm Springs, Ca 106.72$ 106.72$ 3/16/2020 02/1-29/20 ISDOC, MWDOC, & OCWA Several Locations 58.25$ 58.25$ 3/28/2020 2/19-21/20 UWI Conference Palm Springs, Ca 6.97$ 6.97$ 3/28/2020 3/4/2020 Backup Power Incentives Seminar Irvine, Ca 20.00$ 20.00$ 3/28/2020 3/18/2020 OCWA Luncheon Irvine, Ca 30.00$ 30.00$ 3/28/2020 2/19-21-20 UWI Conference Palm Springs, Ca 194.11$ 194.11$ 3/31/2020 3/1-31/20 ISDOC Ad Hoc Committee Fountain Valley, CA 25.53$ 25.53$ Al Nederhood Total 6.97$ 437.99$ 1,986.11$ 553.51$ 2,984.58$ Wayne Miller 1/30/2020 1/15/2020 OCWA Luncheon Irvine, Ca 30.00$ 30.00$ 1/31/2020 1/1-31/20 OCWA, MWDOC & OCWD Several Locations 64.34$ 64.34$ 2/27/2020 2/27/2020 ASCE OC Annual Awards Anaheim, CA 175.00$ 175.00$ 3/5/2020 02/06-07/20 ACWA Energy Committee San Diego, CA 17.35$ 112.82$ 98.63$ 228.80$ 3/5/2020 2/1-29/20 MWDOC, San Gabrial Water Meet & OCWA Several Locations 82.69$ 82.69$ 3/28/2020 2/12/2020 OCWA Luncheon Irvine, Ca 30.00$ 30.00$ Wayne Miller Total 17.35$ 259.85$ 235.00$ 98.63$ 610.83$ Phil Hawkins 2/27/2020 1/30/2020 ISDOC Luncheon Fountain Valley, CA 20.00$ 20.00$ 3/28/2020 3/3/2020 OCWA Luncheon Irvine, Ca 45.00$ 45.00$ Phil Hawkins Total 65.00$ 65.00$ DIRECTORS Total 24.32$ 1,067.92$ 3,627.11$ 882.25$ 5,601.60$ GENERAL MANAGER Marc Marcantonio 1/30/2020 1/30/2020 ISDOC Luncheon Fountain Valley, CA 17.00$ 17.00$ 1/30/2020 12/2-6/19 ACWA CLE Workshop San Diego (35.00)$ (35.00)$ 1/30/2020 12/11-19/19 CRWUA Conference Las Vegas, NV 282.61$ 282.61$ 1/31/2020 1/1-31/20 OCWD, MWDOC & Kidman Gagen Law Several Locations 76.19$ 76.19$ 2/27/2020 2/25-27/20 ACWA DC Conference Washington DC 521.81$ 710.00$ 1,231.81$ 3/5/2020 2/1-29/20 OCWD & MWDOC Several Locations 74.23$ 74.23$ 1/16/2020 12/1-31/19 MWDOC meeting Fountain Valley, CA 19.31$ 19.31$ Marc Marcantonio Total 691.54$ 727.00$ 247.61$ 1,666.15$ GENERAL MANAGER Total 691.54$ 727.00$ 247.61$ 1,666.15$ Grand Total 24.32$ 1,759.46$ 4,354.11$ 1,129.86$ 7,267.75$ DIRECTOR'S & GENERAL MANAGER'S RECAP OF TRAVEL/CONFERENCE EXPENSES THIRD QUARTER OF FY 20 JANUARY - MARCH 2020 Page 32 of 70 HAWKINS MILLER HALL NEDERHOOD JONES SUB-TOTAL MARCANTONIO TOTAL REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 5 5 5 5 5 25 25 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 1 0 0 0 2 3 3 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 10 19 0 18 21 68 68 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD 18 25 6 24 29 102 102 DIRECTOR FEES QTD $2,700 $3,750 $900 $3,600 $4,350 $15,300 $15,300 MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $22,500 $22,500 TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD $65 $611 $0 $2,985 $1,941 $5,602 $5,602 TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $1,887.50 $9,438 $9,438 DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD $2,765 $4,361 $900 $6,585 $6,291 $20,902 $20,902 FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $31,938 $31,938 GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD $1,666 $1,666 GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD $5,948 $5,948 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD $2,765 $4,361 $900 $6,585 $6,291 $20,902 $1,666 $22,568 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $6,388 $31,938 $5,948 $37,885 FY 20 3RD QUARTER REPORT FROM 1-01-2020 TO 03-31-2020 DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Page 33 of 70 HAWKINS MILLER HALL NEDERHOOD JONES SUB-TOTAL MARCANTONIO TOTAL REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 11 12 13 14 13 63 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 3 1 1 1 3 9 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED 6 2 1 1 7 17 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 23 59 1 42 55 180 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD 43 74 16 58 78 269 269 DIRECTOR FEES QTD $6,450 $11,100 $2,400 $8,700 $11,700 $40,350 $40,350 MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD $13,500 $13,500 $13,500 $13,500 $13,500 $67,500 $67,500 TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD $131 $3,142 $0 $4,291 $8,705 $16,269 $16,269 TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD $5,663 $5,663 $5,663 $5,663 $5,663 $28,313 $28,313 DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD $6,581 $14,242 $2,400 $12,991 $20,405 $56,619 $56,619 FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $19,163 $19,163 $19,163 $19,163 $19,163 $95,813 $95,813 GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD $8,101 $8,101 GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD $17,843 $17,843 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD $6,581 $14,242 $2,400 $12,991 $20,405 $56,619 $8,101 $64,720 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $19,163 $19,163 $19,163 $19,163 $19,163 $95,813 $17,843 $113,655 YEAR-TO-DATE REPORT FROM 07-01-2019 TO 03-31-2020 DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT FY 20 Page 34 of 70 ITEM NO. 8.5. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager SUBJECT:Reject and Refer Claim from Southern California Edison (SCE) RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors reject the claim filed by Southern California Edison and refer it to ACWA-JPIA for further handling. BACKGROUND: On April 21, 2020, the District received a claim for damages filed by Southern California Edison stating the District had damaged an electric cable during a repair of a water leak 6 feet from the electric cable. District staff was present onsite when SCE exposed the cable and staff informed SCE that the District's line was 6 inches above the electric cable. SCE is seeking unknown reimbursement for the repair of the damaged electric line. Staff does not believe they caused the damage to the electric cable. The supporting documents related to the claim are on file and available for review on the office of the General Manager. Page 35 of 70 ITEM NO. 9.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Andrew B. Gagen, General Counsel STAFF CONTACTS:Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager SUBJECT:General Manager's Employment Agreement RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider whether to: (1) approve the Employment Agreement for the Position of General Manager in substantial form as negotiated by the District's Designated Representative; and (2) adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX approving the Classification and Salary for the General Manager effective May 12, 2020 and rescinding Resolution No. 2019- 30. BACKGROUND: In late December 2019, the District’s General Manager, Mr. Marc Marcantonio announced his retirement. In March 2020, the Board designated General Counsel, Andrew B. Gagen, as the District’s representative to negotiate terms of employment with Assistant General Manager, Brett R. Barbre, as the District’s next General Manager. In late April 2020, Messrs. Barbre and Gagen concluded those negotiations. During oral presentation of this agenda item, and in accordance with the Brown Act, Mr. Gagen will “report a summary of a recommendation” regarding the negotiated terms for the Board to consider whether to take final action as recommended above. As a result of these negotiations, and in the interest of promoting the Assistant General Manager to General Manager, the Board of Directors may wish to enter into an Agreement with AGM Barbre for a three year term at an annual base salary of $241,849.35, effective May 11, 2020. The remaining proposed terms are contained in the attached draft Employment Agreement. Additionally, in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 2, § 570.5 and the Public Employee Retirement Law at Government Code § 20636, all Public Agency members’ pay amounts are required to be paid pursuant to a publicly available pay schedule that has been Page 36 of 70 approved and adopted by the employer’s governing body. To be in compliance, staff created Exhibit A, General Manager Classification and Salary, effective May 11, 2020, which defines the salary for the position of General Manager. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Agreement 2.Resolution Page 37 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 1 of 8 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR POSITION OF GENERAL MANAGER This Employment Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between the Yorba Linda Water District ("District"), a county water district created and operated pursuant to Water Code Section 30000 et seq., acting by and through its Board of Directors ("Board"), and Brett R. Barbre ("Employee"), an individual, (collectively "Parties") on May 12, 2020. RECITALS WHEREAS, the District is responsible for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a potable water delivery system and a wastewater collection system which provides service to customers located within its sphere of influence; and WHEREAS, the District desires to retain the services of Employee as General Manager of the District by way of this Agreement and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, Employee desires to accept employment as General Manager of the District by way of this Agreement and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, and Employee is qualified to perform such duties; and WHEREAS, the District and Employee desire to formalize the employment of Employee as General Manager of the District by way of this Agreement and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual covenants, conditions, terms and representations contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1.Term of Employment. The term of this Agreement is for three (3) years, commencing May 11, 2020, and ending May 11, 2023 (“Term"), unless extended during the term of this Agreement by separate action of the Parties or terminated before the expiration of the term in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 2.Duties and Obligations of Employee. Employee agrees to and shall faithfully discharge the duties of General Manager and devote his full-time attention and energies to the performance of these duties to the satisfaction of the Board. Employee's duties as General Manager include, but are not limited to: a.Overseeing the administration, operation, and construction activities of the District, Page 38 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 2 of 8 b.Those set forth in the California Water Code Sections 30580 and 30581, c.Fulfilling the duties set forth in and adhering to the District's most recently adopted Rules and Regulations for Water and Sewer Service, d.Fulfilling the duties set forth in and adhering to the most recently adopted Rules and Regulations, Policies, Resolutions, and Ordinances of the Board, e.The specific duties set forth in the District's General Manager job description, as amended from time to time, and f.Other duties, responsibilities, and services as directed by the Board. 3.Employee Compensation. Employee shall receive an annual base salary of two hundred forty one thousand eight hundred forty none dollars and thirty five cents ($241,849.35), payable in twenty-six equal biweekly installments, for performance of his services as General Manager. The annual base salary may be adjusted during the Term at the sole discretion of the Board. Any such increase in salary shall not be construed as altering or amending any provision of this Agreement, except the Employee's compensation amount, or unless specifically agreed to in writing between the District and Employee. Any increase is not effective until the Parties draft and sign an amendment to this Agreement that states the new annual base salary and the effective date of that new salary and such amendment is adopted by the Board at a duly noticed public meeting. 4.Employee Benefits. The District will provide Employee the following benefits for performance of his services as General Manager: a.Health Benefits. The District agrees to pay Employee's health benefits as set forth in this section. All health benefits under this section will cease upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement. i.Medical Insurance. The District agrees to pay Employee 100% of the premium for hospital and medical and two/thirds (2/3) the additional premium toward Employee's dependent coverage insurance starting the first day of the month following his date of hire in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his salary to cover his 1/3 share of the dependent coverage. The District agrees to pay Employee’s medical deductible up to six hundred dollars ($600) for the first fiscal year of this Agreement ending June 30. ii.Dental Insurance. The District agrees to pay Employee 100% of the premium for dental insurance and two/thirds (2/3) the additional premium toward Employee's dependent coverage insurance starting the first day of the month following his date of hire in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his salary to cover his 1/3 share of the dependent coverage. iii.Vision Insurance. The District agrees to pay Employee 100% of the premium for vision insurance and two/thirds (2/3) the additional premium toward Employee's dependent Page 39 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 3 of 8 coverage insurance starting the first day of the month following his date of hire in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his salary to cover his 1/3 share of the dependent coverage. b.Retirement Benefits. The District is a member of the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS). The District shall follow all retirement requirements as mandated by the California Public Employees ' Pension Reform Act of 2013. If Employee maintains CalPERS reciprocity he shall be subject to the retirement plan available to District employees on or before December 31, 2012. If Employee is a new employee or new member as defined by Government Code section 7522.04, subdivisions (e) and (f), the District shall provide Employee the Local Miscellaneous 2% at 62 retirement plan with a full benefit of 2.5% at 67 and a minimum retirement age of 52. c.Life Insurance and AD&D. Under Section 5.05 of the Personnel Manual, the District will provide Employee, at no cost to Employee, group term life insurance in the amount of up to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) on the first day of the month following his date of hire in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. Under Section 5.06 of the Personnel Manual, Employee may purchase separate supplemental term life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (“AD&D”) insurance not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) by authorizing the additional premium to be deducted from his salary. The District agrees to pay the monthly premium for the supplemental term life and AD&D on behalf of Employee. If supplemental term life and AD&D insurance coverage limit exceeds $500,000 during the initial Term of this Agreement, then the District will pay Employee’s monthly premium for up to $1 million in coverage. d.Long Term Disability. The District will provide Employee a long-term disability plan which has a ninety (90) day elimination period and provides at least two/thirds (2/3) of Employees salary for a designated period of time in accordance with coverage procured by the District from a carrier to be determined at the District's sole discretion. e.Deferred Compensation. The District will match dollar for dollar, not to exceed 2% salary earned per payroll period, of Employee's salary or Employee's actual amount of deferred compensation per payroll period, whichever amount is less. f.Paid Time Off. Employee will receive six (6) weeks paid time off as described below in Sections (g)(i) - (iii). For the initial three-year Term of this Agreement, the six weeks of Employee’s paid time off will not be increased. i.Vacation Leave. Employee shall accrue a total of 4.615 hours of vacation time per pay period. Employee shall accrue vacation commencing with the start of employment but shall be ineligible to use accrued vacation time prior to the successful completion of six (6) months of service. The maximum accrued vacation balance Employee can accrue shall be limited to one and a half (1%) the annual maximum accrual of vacation time. lf Employee has accrued one and a half (1%) the annual maximum accrual of vacation time, he will cease accruing any further vacation leave until the vacation balance is reduced to less than the maximum limit. Deductions of the vacation balance shall be by means of use of accrued Page 40 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 4 of 8 unused vacation hours or the sale of up to forty (40) hours of accrued unused vacation time upon thirty (30) days prior notice if Employee takes a minimum of one-half (1/2) the vacation time to which Employee is entitled within the same annual period of the sold vacation time. ii.Management Leave. Employee shall accrue a total of forty (40) hours of management leave with pay during each year of this Agreement. Unused accrued management leave time at the end of each fiscal year, June 30, will expire and may not be carried over to the next fiscal year. Employee acknowledges and understands that accrued but unused management leave will not be paid out at the end of the fiscal year or upon termination or expiration of this Agreement. iii.Executive Leave. Employee shall accrue a total of eighty (80) hours executive leave with pay during each year of this Agreement. Unused accrued executive leave remaining at the end of each fiscal year will carry over to the next fiscal year. Employee acknowledges and understands that accrued but unused executive leave will not be paid out at the end of the fiscal year or upon termination or expiration of this Agreement. g.Holidays. Employee is entitled to holiday compensation for each holiday as set forth in the District's annual Holiday Schedule in an amount equal to the number of hours Employee normally would have worked other than for the holiday. Employee is only eligible for holiday compensation if he is at work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly scheduled workday immediately preceding the day observed as the holiday and the regularly scheduled workday immediately following the day observed as the holiday. h.Sick Leave. Employee shall accrue and be entitled to use sick leave on the same basis as all other management employees of the District. Employee acknowledges and understands that accrued but unused sick leave will not be paid out upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement. i.Automobile Reimbursement. Employee is expected to use his own vehicle in the performance of his services as General Manager, including being available twenty-four (24) hours per day when practical to respond to emergency situations for the District. Employee shall be paid six hundred dollars ($600.00) per month, payable in bi-weekly installments, as reimbursement for automobile expenses. The monthly reimbursement may be adjusted at the sole discretion of the Board. j.Professional Growth. The District agrees to pay the following expenses on behalf of the Employee, subject to the Board's discretion and approval: i.Professional and Civil Affiliations and Professional Development. The District agrees to pay for professional dues and subscriptions on behalf of Employee which are reasonably necessary as determined by the Board for Employee's continuation and full participation in national, regional, state or local associations and organizations necessary and desirable for Employee's continued professional participation, growth, advancement, or for the good of the District. All fees or expenses contemplated under this section must be approved by the Board before they are incurred. Page 41 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 5 of 8 ii.Professional Development. The District agrees to pay the travel and subsistence expenses of Employee for official travel, meetings, and events reasonably necessary to continue the professional development of the Employee as General Manager of the District and reasonably necessary to fulfill official and other functions for the District, as determined to be reasonable and necessary by the Board. These meetings and events may include, but are not limited to, the annual and semi- annual conferences of the Association of California Water Agencies, the American Water Works Association, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and other national, regional, state and local conferences of governmental groups and committees in which Employee may participate from time to time. All fees or expenses contemplated under this section must be approved by the Board before they are incurred. iii.Continued Education. The District agrees to reimburse Employee for all costs associated with continuation education credits, courses, and the pursuit of an advanced degree, which are directly related to Employee's essential job duties for the General Manager position, if and when such costs are approved in advance and deemed necessary by the Board. Employee agrees to be subject to the terms and conditions of District Policy Number 7010-006: Educational Reimbursement Policy, including completion of the Exhibits to the Policy. Pre-approval or denial for Employee to take any courses/programs, however, will come directly from the Board at a regularly scheduled Board meeting following Employee's timely submission of the Intention to Take Courses/Pre-approval application to the Board. 5.Taxes. Employee shall be responsible for any and all federal, state, local or other taxes resulting from any compensation or benefits provided to him by the District. District shall withhold from any compensation or benefits provided under this Agreement all federal, state, local or other taxes as may be required pursuant to law or governmental regulation or ruling. 6.Expenses. Employee shall be entitled to reimbursement for transportation, business and travel expenses incurred in the performance of his duties as General Manager, including but not limited to those detailed in section 4(1) of this Agreement, subject to the Board's discretion and approval. Employee shall submit to the District an itemized account of all such expenditures, setting forth the date, the purpose for which each expenditure was incurred, and the amounts thereof, together with such receipts showing the payments. The District shall bear the full cost of any fidelity or other bonds required of Employee under any law or ordinance. 7.Performance Evaluation. The Board and Employee may develop annual goals, objectives, and performance standards for Employee for the benefit of the District and in attainment of the Board's policy objectives, and may further establish a priority among those goals, objectives, and performance standards to be reduced in writing. Additionally, the Board may periodically establish goals and objectives regarding the Employee's performance of the duties of General Manager. The Board shall, in its sole discretion, review and evaluate the Employee's performance on an annual, quarterly, or other basis, or pursuant to the District's performance evaluation policies. 8.Termination of Agreement. The District employs Employee to serve as its General Manager, at the pleasure of the Board, upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Notwithstanding the Term of this Agreement, Employee shall be an "at-will" Page 42 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 6 of 8 employee of the District and will not be afforded any termination or discipline- related access to due process, appeal, or grievance procedure. Employee's employment may be terminated with or without cause, at any time, with or without notice, by the Board or the Employee. i.Severance Payment. In the event the Employee is terminated by the Board before the expiration of the Term and during such time that Employee is willing and able to perform the duties of the General Manager position, the District agrees to make a lump sum severance payment to Employee as follows: (a) For the first year of the initial Term of this Agreement, an amount equal to six (6) months of the Employee's monthly salary at the time of termination; (b) For the second year of the initial Term of this Agreement, an amount equal to five (5) months of the Employee's monthly salary at the time of termination; and (c) For the third year of the initial Term of this Agreement and each year thereafter, an amount equal to the lesser of (i) four (4) months of the Employee's monthly salary at the time of termination, or (ii) Employee's monthly salary at the time of termination multiplied by the number of months left on the unexpired term of Agreement. District is obligated to pay a lump sum severance payment in an amount described in subsections (a)-(c) if, and only if, Employee signs a full release that waives any claims Employee may have against the District. This severance payment shall be made within fifteen (15) days of the effective date of the termination or the Employee's execution of a full release, whichever occurs later. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 53260, in no event shall the lump sum severance payment provided herein exceed the monthly salary of Employee multiplied by eighteen (18). The lump sum severance payment is in addition to any accrued and unused vacation to which Employee is entitled. All sums paid herein are subject to applicable withholding taxes. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 53243.2, any lump severance payment paid to Employee under this section shall be fully reimbursed by Employee to the District if Employee is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his office or position as set forth in California Government Code Section 53243.4. ii.Ninety Day Courtesy Notice. Employee and the District recognize that the District prefers Employee provide it at least a ninety (90) day advance notice before Employee voluntarily resigns from the General Manager position. While such courtesy is desired, it is not required as the employment relationship created in this Agreement is "at-will." In the instance of voluntary resignation, Employee understands and acknowledges that he will not be eligible to receive any severance pay. In that instance Employee will only receive his accrued but unused holiday and vacation leave, if any. iii.Cessation of Benefits. Employee understands and acknowledges that all health and other benefits set forth in this Agreement shall cease on the day of termination of this Agreement by either Party or expiration of this Agreement. Page 43 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 7 of 8 9.Confidential Information. Employee acknowledges and stipulates that in the performance of his duties, the District discloses and entrusts him with certain confidential or proprietary information. Employee agrees not to directly or indirectly disclose or use at any time any such information, whether it be in the form of records, lists, data, personnel information, drawings, reports, or otherwise, of a business or technical nature, which was acquired or viewed by Employee during Employee's relationship with the District unless such disclosure is authorized by the District in writing, required by law, or required in the performance of the duties of the General Manager. This provision shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 10.Notice. Any notices required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery or overnight courier service to the Party to whom it is to be given at the address set forth below, or at such other address as each Party hereto may direct by notice given in accordance with the terms and conditions of this section. All notices shall be deemed effective upon personal delivery or upon three (3) business days following deposit with any overnight courier service in accordance with this section: For Yorba Linda Water District: President of the Board of Directors Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885-0309 Any notice required to be given to the Employee under this Agreement shall be addressed to him at his last known address as reflected in the District's personnel records. Any Party may change its address for the purpose of this section by giving written notice of such change to the other Party in the manner herein provided. 11.General Provisions. a.Governing Law & Severability. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. lf any clause, sentence, section or other provision of this Agreement is, for whatever reason, deemed void, unlawful or otherwise unenforceable, then such shall be severed herefrom and the balance of this Agreement construed as if the severed language was not a part hereof. b.Modification, Amendment, Waiver. No modification or amendment of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless approved in writing and signed by both Parties. The failure of a Party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement shall in no way be construed as a waiver of such provisions and shall not affect the right of either party thereafter to enforce each and every provision hereof in accordance with its terms. c.Assignment. Neither the Agreement nor any of the rights or obligations created herein shall be assignable by Employee without the written approval of the District. d.Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The transmission of an executed signature page by any Party may also be Page 44 of 70 YLWD Employment Agreement for Position of General Manager May 2020 8 of 8 accomplished via facsimile or via electronic transmission, and such copies of such documents may be treated as if they were originals. e.Section Headings. The section headings used herein are not a substantive part of this Agreement and are included solely for convenience and have no bearing upon and do not in any way limit the application of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. f.Incorporation. The Recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. g.Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated contract between the District and Employee and supersedes all prior understandings, negotiations, representations, or agreements. h.Voluntary Agreement. Employee represents and warrants that he has read carefully and fully understands all the provisions of this Agreement, that he is free to enter into this Agreement and to render the services described in it, that he entering into and performance of this Agreement will not breach or violate or conflict with any other agreement (written or oral) to which he is a party, and that he has had an opportunity to consult with his legal counsel prior to entering into this Agreement and have either done so or voluntarily chosen not to do so. Employee is voluntarily entering into this Agreement. The District represents and warrants that it has the right and power to enter into this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have entered into this Employment Agreement for the Position of General Manager as of the date first written above. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEE By:By: Phil Hawkins, Board President Brett R. Barbre APPROVED AS TO FORM Kidman Gagen Law LLP ______________________________ Andrew B. Gagen, General Counsel Page 45 of 70 Resolution No. 2020-XX Adopting the General Manager Classification and Salary 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE GENERAL MANAGER CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY EFFECTIVE May 11, 2020 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2019-30 WHEREAS,pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 2, §570.5, CalPERS requires governing bodies of local agencies contracting with CalPERS to approve and adopt a publicly available pay schedule in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950 et seq.); and WHEREAS,in late December 2019 the District’s General Manager, Marc Marcantonio, announced his retirement which became effective May 4, 2020; and WHEREAS,in March 2020, the Board of Directors designated General Counsel, Andrew B. Gagen, as the District’s representative to negotiate terms of employment with Assistant General Manager, Brett R. Barbre, as the District’s next General Manager; and WHEREAS,in late April 2020, Messrs. Barbre and Gagen concluded these negotiations and in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, Mr. Gagen reported “a summary of a recommendation” regarding the negotiated terms for the Board to consider whether to take final action as recommended; and WHEREAS,as a result of these negotiations and in the interest of promoting the Assistant General Manager to the position of General Manager, the Board of Directors took final action at a Board meeting on May 12, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to adopt the General Manager Classification and Salary effective May 11, 2020 as set forth in Exhibit A and attached hereto; and Page 46 of 70 Resolution No. 2020-XX Adopting the General Manager Classification and Salary 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1.The General Manager Classification and Salary as set forth in Exhibit A and attached hereto is approved and adopted, effective May 11, 2020. Section 2.That Resolution No. 2019-30 is hereby rescinded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of May 2020, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed and approved as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 47 of 70 Resolution No. 2020-XX Adopting the General Manager Classification and Salary 3 EXHIBIT A Yorba Linda Water District General Manager Classification and Salary Effective May 11, 2020 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY FLSA General Manager Hourly $ 116.27 Exempt Monthly $ 20,154.11 Yearly $241,849.35 Page 48 of 70 ITEM NO. 9.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Asst / Board Secretary SUBJECT:Transmittal of Election Information to OC Registrar of Voters RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the Board Secretary to submit the Transmittal of Election Information to the Orange County Registrar of Voters, indicating that a Candidate's Statement of Qualifications is to contain no more than 400 words and will not be paid for by the District. BACKGROUND: Staff received the attached from from the Orange County Registrar of Voters requesting information relative to the November 3, 2020 Presidential General Election. In addition to providing a map of YLWD's boundaries, the District needs to identify if it intends to limit a Candidate's Statement of Qualifications to 200 or 400 words and if it will pay for the associated cost of publication. While the estimated cost of the 2020 General Election has been included in the FY21 budget, the cost to pay for candidate statements has not. The deposit amounts for the 2018 general election were $951 for 200 words and $1,585 for 400 words per candidate (based on two candidates submitting statements for the same seat). PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: For the November 2018 General Election, the Board determined to limit candidate statements to 400 words. Historically, the District has not paid for publication of these statements. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Transmittal of Election Info Page 49 of 70 NEAL KELLEY Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Mailing Address: 1300 South Grand Avenue, Bldg. C P.O. Box 11298 Santa Ana, California 92705 Santa Ana, California 92711 (714) 567-7600 FAX (714)567-7627 ocvote.com April 24, 2020 APR 2 9 2020 TO: General Manager/Director YORQA UNC, FM: Marcia Nielsen, Candidate & Voter Services Manager BY RE: Election Information for the November 3, 2020 Presidential General Election Enclosed is a Transmittal of Election Information form to be completed and returned to the Registrar of Voters' office by May 20, 2020. On the Transmittal of Election Information form, please list the name(s) of Director(s) whose term(s) expire and whose seat(s) will be scheduled for election on November 3, 2020. This would include any Director(s) appointed since your last election. Appointed Directors must file for the two-year unexpired term if they were appointed to fill a vacancy which would not have been scheduled for election until 2020. We also need to know if your District will or will not pay for a Candidate's Statement of Qualifications and if the District is authorizing 200 or 400 words to be used in that statement. Please send the completed Transmittal of Election Information form to me at Registrar of Voters, 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA 92705 or email to Marcia.Nielsen@rov.ocgov.com. Pursuant to Elections Code § 10522, the District is required to submit a map showing the current district boundary lines, with divisions (if any), regardless if changes have occurred by May 20, 2020. We would prefer to receive the map in shape file format by email to Matthew Eimers at Matthew.Eimers@rov.ocgov.com. Candidate Filing for the November 3, 2020 Presidential General Election will be July 13, 2020 through August 7, 2020, 5:00 p.m. The Candidate's Handbook will be on our website before the filing period begins. We ask that you post this information to advise your members of these important dates. If you have any questions, please contact me at Marcia.Nielsen@rov.ocgov.com or (714) 567-7568. Thanks for your assistance. Enclosure Page 50 of 70 TRANSMITTAL OF ELECTION INFORMATION SPECIAL DISTRICT (EC§10509, §10522) .DISTRICT DISTRICT BOUNDARIES: Choose One: ❑ I will send the Registrar of Voters an electronic shape file of District boundaries and the boundaries of the Divisions of the District, if any, in which a Director is to be elected at the November 3, 2020 Presidential General Election. (Note: This is the Registrar of Voters' preferred method of transmittal.) ❑ Attached is a map showing the boundaries of this District and the boundaries of the Divisions of the District, if any, in which a Director is to be elected at the November 3, 2020 Presidential General Election. Choose One: Voters in the District will be voting: ❑ At-large ❑ By Division THE ELECTIVE OFFICES FOR WHICH AN ELECTION WILL BE HELD WITHIN THE SPECIAL DISTRICT ON NOVEMBER 3, 2020 ARE: Choose One: Director(s) to be elected at-large (# of directors) OR Director(s) to be elected in the following Divisions: in Division (#of directors) (# of division) in Division (#of directors) (#of division) in Division (# of directors) (#of division) in Division (#of directors) (# of division) Please list below the names of the Incumbents/Appointed Incumbents for the above-mentioned positions.- (Name) ositions:(Name) ❑ Elected ❑ Appointed (If appointed, the term ends in 20_.) (Name) ❑ Elected ❑ Appointed (If appointed, the term ends in 20_.) (Name) ❑ Elected ❑ Appointed (If appointed, the term ends in 20_.) (Name) ❑ Elected ❑ Appointed (If appointed, the term ends in 20_.) The District authorizes the Candidate's Statement of Qualifications to contain no more than: (Circle one) (200) or (400) words. The District (will) or(will not) pay for a Candidate's Statement of Qualifications. Dated (Signature) (District Seal) (Print Name) Phone#: Email: NOTE: Please return the above information no later than May 20, 2020 to the Registrar of Voters' office, 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA 92705, Attn: Marcia Nielsen or email to Marcia.Nielsen@rov.ocgov.com. Send the boundary map to Matthew Eimers at 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA 92705 or at Matthew.Eimers@rov.ocgov.com. Page 51 of 70 ITEM NO. 10.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:John DeCriscio, Operations Manager SUBJECT:Status of Operations Activities Staff will provide the attached presentation during the meeting ATTACHMENTS: 1.Presentation Page 52 of 70 Nr Yorba Linda Water District Status of Operations Activities Presented on May 12, 2020 Presented by: John DeCriscio Operations Manager Ilk -74 05/12/20 `-" -o--ba t nc a-VV Pag f 70r -. J Mani ICN 100% Import Water System Capacity: • OC-66 = 30 CFS or 19.5 Million Gallons per Day • OC-89 = 5 CFS or 3.2 Million Gallons per Day • OC-51 = 10 CFS or 6.5 Million Gallons per Day 05/12/20 a —r( ba fln—d,& /a P Challengesimp during 100% Operation System Capacity: • OC-66 = 30 CFS or 19.5 Million Gallons per Day ■ Not enough capacity during peak summer water demands • OC-89 = 5 CFS or 3.2 Million Gallons per Day ■ Combined with OC-66 to not exceed 30 CFS • OC-51 = 10 CFS or 6.5 Million Gallons per Day ■ Primarily Supplies Western Service area of District s 05/12/20 a -IQ-;ba uncia Va r7opom L } ,Y 1 f� 0 r 05/12/20 `� a —IQ—;baffih- /a fr - = — y Par 70 — - I y _ Lakeview Pressure Reducing Station s kill". i 77, E ► r 05/12/20 a —IQ—;ba-Ell"n-C�/a s! —ta, y - Pag f 70 Painting of Lakeview Booster Station Before 2008 After 2020 t _ - - _- - -_ -y-- ! LO WA P12, pl$j: Opt ` Y 05/12/20 Borba-E n-& dVa Com .:+ - - _ -� Pa Refraining From Flushing Before After Y.: z , 1at� dA r vt 55 re ,, ea a � y .a _ Q. 05/12/20 `—' a —IQ—;ba tlhdi�Va Y 7 Page~51?bf 70 Iry Questions? 05/12/20 —rib a tIn-dia-V p Za� i�:4 a;mA.r7O ITEM NO. 11.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Directors' Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1.WACO - May 1, 2020 2.SAWPA Commission - May 5, 2020 3.CSDA Budgeting for COVID-19 Recession - May 5, 2020 4.YL City Council - May 5, 2020 5.MWDOC Board - May 6, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 6.OCSD Operations Committee - May 6, 2020 (Jones) 7.OCWD Board - May 6, 2020 (Jones) Page 61 of 70 ITEM NO. 12.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) Draft minutes of the meeting held Monday, April 20, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. are included in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. The draft minutes from this meeting are attached for reference. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes Page 62 of 70 YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Minutes April 20, 2020 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF YORBA LINDA Land of Gracious Living YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT/ CITY COUNCIL JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES April 20, 2020 4:00 p.m. 1.TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION In an effort to help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Committee will be facilitating participation in this meeting via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. Information for accessing this meeting is provided below. Public comment related to items on this agenda or other matters within the District or City’s jurisdiction will be facilitated on the teleconference or can be submitted in writing via e-mail to the Board Secretary at bodsecretary@ylwd.com by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 2020. If you choose to submit comments via e-mail, please identify the agenda item you wish to address (if applicable). Your comments will be shared with the Committee prior to the meeting. For questions regarding participation please call 714-701-3020. Telephone: 669-900-6833 or 346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 916 8026 2164 (No participant ID is required) 2.CALL TO ORDER The Yorba Linda Water District/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting convened at 4:01 p.m. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Phil Hawkins 4.ROLL CALL Committee Members City Council:Beth Haney, Mayor Gene Hernandez, Mayor Pro Tem Page 63 of 70 YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Minutes April 20, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Water District: Phil Hawkins, President Brooke Jones, Director 5.PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6.ACTION CALENDAR 6.1 Minutes of the YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting held on December 16, 2019. The YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee approved the minutes of the December 16, 2019 meeting with Mayor Beth Haney abstaining as she was not part of the Committee in December. 7.DISCUSSION ITEMS 7.1 Pending and Recently Chaptered Water Related Legislation Assistant General Manager Brett Barbre briefed the Committee on the status of pending legislation. 7.2 Strategies for Addressing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Engineering Manager Rosanne Weston updated the Committee on the progress of District treatment strategies. 7.3 Formation of Sewer Assessment/Community Facilities Districts Engineering Manager Rosanne Weston stated that the District was still moving forward with this project but progress had been temporarily delayed due to activities related to COVID-19. John Koeller, resident on Sandra Drive, stated his support of the District’s Community Facilities District Program. 7.4 Proposed Property Transfer Near YLWD Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station in Exchange for Water Filling Stations in City of Yorba Linda Operations Manager John DeCriscio provided a brief report on the proposed transfer of property near the District’s Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station in exchange for placement of multiple water filling stations throughout the City. 7.5 Future Meeting Date and Agenda Items The Committee agreed to meet again on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. No additional items for the next Agenda were discussed. Page 64 of 70 YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Minutes April 20, 2020 Page 3 of 3 8.ADJOURNMENT 8.1 Assistant City Manager Dave Christian adjourned the meeting at 4:29 p.m. to the next Yorba Linda Water District/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Page 65 of 70 ITEM NO. 12.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Hawkins/Hall) Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. are included in the agenda packet. Next meeting yet to be scheduled. The minutes from this meeting are attached for reference. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Meeting Minutes Page 66 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD-City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee Meeting Held Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT JOINT AGENCY COMMITTEE MEETING WITH CITY OF PLACENTIA (TELECONFERENCE) Wednesday, February 29, 2020, 3:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. 3.ROLL CALL YLWD COMMITTEE MEMBERS YLWD STAFF Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, Asst General Manager Brooke Jones, Director Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager CITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS PLACENTIA STAFF Jeremy B. Yamaguchi, Mayor Pro Tem Damien Arrula, City Administrator Rhonda Shader, Councilmember Luis Estevez, Director of Public Works Masoud Sepahi, City Engineer 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5.DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1.Future Housing Developments This matter was not discussed. 5.2.Reimbursement of Stormwater Line Expenses City Administrator Arrula reported that City staff and legal counsel had reviewed the reimbursement agreement between the City and the District for storm drain improvements on Van Buren St. As there is only one other benefited parcel, the City was of the opinion that the District was owed approximately $23K from past storm drain acreage fees and not $400K. Page 67 of 70 Minutes of the YLWD-City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee Meeting Held Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.2 Assistant General Manager Barbre disagreed and summarized previous discussions of this matter and provisions contained in the agreement. Following discussion, it was determined to schedule a meeting between staff at both agencies in the near future to further review the matter. 5.3.PFAS Treatment Strategies Engineering Manager Weston provided an overview of the District’s efforts to construct PFAS treatment facilities. Construction of all 3 plants is expected to be completed by July 2021. 5.4.Regular Updates on YLWD Projects and Capital Improvements Director of Public Works Estevez reported on the City’s upcoming paving projects. 5.5.Pending Water Related Legislation Assistant General Manager Barbre explained that there was no water related legislation activity to report on and the majority of future legislation is expected to be centered on COVID-19 mitigation. 5.6.Status of Connecting Septic System Properties to Municipal Sewer Utility Engineering Manager Weston provided an update on YLWD’s steps toward helping YLWD customers transition from septic tanks to the YLWD sewer system. 5.7.Future Meeting Date and Agenda Items The next meeting date is yet to be determined. 6.ADJOURNMENT 6.1.The meeting was adjourned at 3:26 p.m. Page 68 of 70 ITEM NO. 13.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:May 12, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Meetings from May 13 - June 30, 2020 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Board of Directors' Activities Calendar Page 69 of 70 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendees May OC LAFCO Wed, May 13 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, May 13 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, May 19 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, May 19 9:30 AM Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, May 19 5:30 PM YL City Council Tue, May 19 6:30 PM Miller MWDOC Board Wed, May 20 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWD Board Wed, May 20 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, May 26 8:30 AM OCSD Board Wed, May 27 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, May 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Thu, May 28 4:00 PM Hawkins/Nederhood June ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Jun 2 7:30 AM Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Jun 2 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Jun 2 6:30 PM Nederhood MWDOC Board Wed, Jun 3 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Jun 3 5:00 PM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Jun 3 5:30 PM Jones WACO Fri, Jun 5 7:30 AM Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jun 9 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Jun 10 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Jun 10 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) TENTATIVE - Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, Jun 11 8:30 AM WACO Planning Committee Tue, Jun 16 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Jun 16 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Jun 16 6:30 PM Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Jun 17 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWD Board Wed, Jun 17 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Jun 23 8:30 AM OCSD Board Wed, Jun 24 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Jun 24 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) As of May 6, 2020 Page 70 of 70 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 1 Headquarters BoringsHeadquarters Borings ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 2 ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 3 ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 4 ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 5 ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 6 La Palma Ave Huckleberry Basin Conrock Basin Warner Basin 11 20 21 22* 15 Miraloma Ave Offsite WellsHQ 23*Future Future ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 7 Well 20 Borings Well 20 Boring ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 8 ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 9 Well 21 Borings Well 21 Borings Well 21 Boring ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 05/12/2020 Yorba Linda Water District 10 Well 21 Borings ITEM NO. 10.2. SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Assistant General Manager’s Report May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 1: GFOA Award –10th Straight AwardItem 1: GFOA Award – 10 th Straight Award NOTE: Delia has been with YLWD for Ten Years ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 2: April Delinquent Water BillsItem 2: April Delinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 2 RES February 2020 $2,220.53 $192.42 $2,412.95 55 RES----5 COMM March 2020 $53,373.19 $10,918.72 $64,291.91 782 RES----45 COMM April 2020 $75,464.33 $52,086.89 $127,551.22 962 RES----168 COMM Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts -$194,333.39 or 2,019 customers Total Residential -$131,135.36 or 1,801 residential customers Total Commercial -$63,198.03 or 218 commercial customers NOTE: JAN - Last month prior to SB998; FEB - first shut-offs under SB998 - May 4, 2020 Governor's order to suspend all shutoffs - March 4, 2020 All data as of April 28, 2020 ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 2: Current Delinquent Water BillsItem 2: Current Delinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 2 RES February 2020 $1,679.26 $116.20 $1,795.46 38 RES----3 COMM March 2020 $37,756.75 $9,735.16 $47,491.91 520 RES----37 COMM April 2020 $50,909.55 $16,467.15 $67,376.70 624 RES----39 COMM May 2020 $75,361.88 $13,742.71 $89,104.59 938 RES----65 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts -$205,845.97 or 2,266 customers Current Total Residential -$165,784.75 or 2122 residential customers Current Total Commercial -$40,061.22 or 144 commercial customers All data as of May 12, 2020 ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 2: Current Delinquent & Late PaymentsItem 2: Current Delinquent & Late Payments Date Residential Commercial Total April 28, 2020 $131,135.36 $63,198.03 $194,333.39 May 12, 2020 $165,784.75 $40,061.22 $205,845.97 Difference $34,649.39 -$23,136.81 $11,512.58 Date Residential Commercial Total April 28, 2020 1,801 218 2,019 May 12, 2020 2,122 144 2,266 Difference 321 74 247 ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 3: Historic Payments in 27 DaysItem 3: Historic Payments in 27 Days Month Cycle Total Bills % Paid 27 Days July 2019 Month 25,082 93.3% August 2019 Month 25,111 92.8% September 2019 Month 25,142 93.3% October 2019 Month 25,186 92.9% November 2019 Month 25,185 93.3% December 2019 Month 25,172 93.8% January 2020 Month 25,214 93.8% ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 3: Historic Payments in 27 DaysItem 3: Historic Payments in 27 Days February 2020 Cycle 1 7,947 94.5% February 2020 Cycle 2 5,630 93.9% February 2020 Cycle 3 5,889 90.4% February 2020 Cycle 4 5,755 92.0% February 2020 Month 25,221 92.9% March 2020 Cycle 1 7,943 91.4% March 2020 Cycle 2 5,623 91.0% March 2020 Cycle 3 5,882 87.9% March 2020 Cycle 4 5,749 89.4% March 2020 Month 25,197 89.7% ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 3: Historic Payments in 27 DaysItem 3: Historic Payments in 27 Days April 2020 Cycle 1 7,933 90.8% April 2020 Cycle 2 5,630 91.4% April 2020 Cycle 3 April 2020 Cycle 4 April 2020 Month ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read 108 Routes 25,329 Meters ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read 4,771 – 18.84% Manual Read 20,558 – 81.16% Radio Read 51 routes (14,602 meters) 100% Radio Read ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read Route 8 Cycle 1 364 Meters 364 Radio Read ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read Route 31 Cycle 2 778 Meters 778 Radio Read ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read Route 661 Cycle 3 318 Meters 107 Manual Read 211 Radio Read ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 4: Manual vs. Radio ReadItem 4: Manual vs. Radio Read Route 715 Cycle 4 446 Meters 172 Manual Read 274 Radio Read ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 YLWD is still at Risk Level 3 •Meetings that require attendance by 6 or fewer persons may be held in departmental conference rooms. Meetings that require attendance by more than 6 persons will held in the Training Room. Not more than 1 person may sit at each rectangular table in the Training Room so that individuals can remain at least 6 feet apart. Room reservations will be made in advance using the intranet calendar system. •Employees shall maintain a minimum 6 feet distance from each other whenever possible. •Employees shall wear face masks or face shields whenever interacting with each other in person and during meetings. Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 5: Reopening YLWD to the PublicItem 5: Reopening YLWD to the Public YLWD Infectious Disease Emergency Response Plan ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Item 5: Reopening YLWD to the PublicItem 5: Reopening YLWD to the Public Preparing the Lobby to be Open to the Public •Temporary Plexiglas Barriers – 6” above counter – 4’ barrier; •Signs about Masks being required to transact business; •Wipes and Hand Sanitizer Available for Public; •Cleaning Protocol after customers enter the Lobby; •Brochures on Payment Plans; •Updating Safety and Security Camera System. ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020 Item 11.2 –AGM Report – May 12, 2020 Questions? ITEM NO. 11.2. SUBMITTED BY: Brett R. Barbre MEETING DATE: May 12, 2020