HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-25 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1704 March 25, 1982 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President Knauft at 8:30 a.m. Directors present, M. Roy Knauft, Howard Lindow, Fred Clodt, Whit Cromwell. Director Korn absent. Also present Ralph Shook general manager, Jean Mathews secretary, Betty Emblidge auditor, Mike Payne engineering manager and Art Kidman attorney. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Lindow to approve the consent calendar as follows: the minutes for 3/11/82 and 3/15/82 and the out of state motion, motion carried unanimously. Bill Robertson project manager was on jury duty. Art Kidman reported on the C-W Associates Agreement progress and SAVI update. Chuck Hobbs arrived at 8:40 a.m. Ralph Shook reported on the meeting with James Erickson and the City and Bill Robertson. P.D. Royere came into the meeting at 8:55 a.m. A rather lengthy discussion of the Home Owners Agreement settlement in I.D. # 1 and the need for a resolution from this Board which would be part of that agree- ment as an exhibit. Directors reviewed the resolution. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 82-03 entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RE DISCLOSURE OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 BOND TAXES TO NEW RESIDENTS. Roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Lindow, Clodt, Cromwell and Knauft. Noes: none, Absent: Director Korn, Abstain: none. Passed and adopted this 25th day of March'82. Art Kidman made his legislative report and asked the Directors to consider the resolutions regarding the annexation in the East area that were affected by the passage of Proposition 13 and upon which we do not receive any tax increment. There is a resolution for each annexation. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to adopt the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 82-04 entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING NEGOTIATION ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUE INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 77-1, RESOLUTION NO. 82-05 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING NEGOTIATION AL- LOCATION OF TAX REVENUE INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 77-5, RESOLUTION NO. 82-06 RES- OLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERN- ING NEGOTIATION ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUE INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 77-6, RESOLUTION NO. 82-07 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING NEGOTIATION ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUE INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 78-1, RESOLUTION NO. 82-08 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING NEGOTIATION ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUE INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 78-3, RESOLUTION NO. 82-09 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING NEGOTIATION ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUE INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 78-5, RESOLUTION NO. 82-10 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIR- ECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING NEGOTIATION OF TAX REVENUE INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 78-6, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING NEGOTIATION ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUE March 25, 1982 (continued) 1705 INCREMENT IN ANNEXATION 78-7, A roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Lindow, Clodt, Cromwell and Knauft. Noes: none. Absent: Director Korn,Abstain: none. Passed and adopted this 25th day of March, 1982. The disclosure statements on Form 730 have all been returned to the Secretary. The resolution on Proposition 9 was presented for Board action. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 82-12 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT IN SUPPORT OF PROPOS- ITION 9. Roll call vote: Ayes; Directors Lindow, Clodt, Cromwell and Knauft. Noes; none. Absent: Director Korn. Abstain: none. Passed and adopted this 25th day of March, 1982. Personnel Director Ralph Shook reported that the Orange County Employees Assoc- iation have forwarded 12 members authorization cards which makes over the 30% needed to call an election. A letter from Attorney Larsen has stated that every- thing is in order and that a notice shall be posted for 15 days so that any other organization has a chance to present a petition for representation. Ralph Shook read a letter from the Grand Jury with a long questionaire on special dist. which involves a lot of things that the auditor would have access to. Price Waterhouse to prepare the final report for the Grand Jury with the information sent in by all the special districts. The auditor's report for January and February investment report and the January financial report were received and filed. President Knauft asked for a ten minute break at 10:15. Meeting reconvened at 10:30 a.m. with all directors present except Director Korn. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to approve for payment the audited bills and rate deposits. Discussion, question regarding the two checks to the County of Orange which total $9722.04. The County's explanation was that the District had been over paid on unsecured taxes in one tax year and over paid in secured tax money in another year. Attorney Kidman felt this was not sufficient explanation. Auditor to get further details from the County. Checks removed from the audited bills and a check for $350.00 to Junior Properties a refund on a construction meter was also pulled because of a dispute between developers. The motion to approve audited bills and refunds in the amount of $126,343.99 on checks number 735, 789 through 815 and 817 through 844, and 847 through 891 was unanimously approved. Auditor Emblidge 's Issue Memorandum on uncollectible accounts was reviewed. The amount written off in January was incorrect and the correct amount is $1268.21. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to rescind the motion made in January for a write off $2799.86 and to authorize the write off in the new amount of $1268.21 was approved unanimously. The recommendation of the finance committee for the firm of Conrad and Associates for the outside Auditing firm was discussed. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to approve the firm of Conrad and Associates proposal for the 1981-82 audit in the amount of $6,600.00, motion carried. 1706 March 25, 1982 (continued) The Issue Memorandum for the New District Reserve of $500,000 "Reserve for Power Recovery Station" was discussed. Finance Committee's recommendation to set up this reserve. Moved by Director Cromwell seconded by Director Lindow to approve the "Reserve for Power Recovery Station in the Amount of $500,000." Motion carried. Moved by Director Cromwell seconded by Director Lindow to authorize the Auditor to execute a Bank Deposit Agreement with Lloyds Bank and with Wells Fargo Bank, motion carried unanimously. The proposal for a feasibility study from Boyle Engineering was reviewed. Moved by Director Cromwell seconded by Director Lindow to approve the Task Order Feasibility Study for a Hydroelectric Power Generation Plant in the amount not to exceed $7900.00, motion carried. An 0 and P committee meeting set for April 1st at 7:00 p.m. Director Cromwell reported on the March 15th city council meeting. Director Knauft reported on the planning commission meeting March 24. City Council assignments for April 4 Director Lindow for April 19 Director Cromwell. Planning commission for April 14 Director Clodt and April 28 Director Korn. Director Lindow reported on the ISDOC meeting of March 16, 1982. Next meeting to be at Mesa Consolidated on May 25. Ralph Shook reported on the Orange County Water District meeting of March 17- public hearing on the ground water conditions. Assistant general manager Pete Royere reported on the Municipal Water District Orange County meeting of March. 24, 1982 . Reservoir road discussed, problem brought up by Director Clodt. Staff to get a price for the repair of the portion that belongs to the District, not to include the private portion. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to go into closed session for client attorney priviledge, motion carried. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to come out of closed session. Motion carried. No action taken. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to adjourn to March 31 at 7:30 p.m., motion carried. J an E. Mathews, Secretary