HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-12 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1623 February 12, 1981 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President Knauft at 8:30 a.m. in the offices -of the District on Plumosa Drive. Directors Knauft, Lindow, Clodt, Korn and Cromwell present. Also present Ralph Shook general manager, Jean Mathews secretary, Betty Emblidge auditor, Art Kidman attorney, Bob Seemans engineer, Bill Robertson project manager. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn to approve as mailed the minutes for January 22, motion carried unanimously. Art Korn reported on the planning commission meeting January 28. Roy Knauft reported on the city council meeting February 2. Fred Clodt reported on the planning commission meeting February 11. Elaine Wise and Ray Harsma came into the meeting at this time. President Knauft presented their service award pins. Elaine Wise has been with the District one year as of February 11 and Ray Harsma has been with the District twelve years and one month for which he received a ten year pin. President Knauft remarked Ray would be there again soon to pick up a fifteen year pin. Betty Emblidge auditor's December financial report was reviewed and the January Investment report also. She said that 16 2% was interest she could get on $600,000 at Valencia Bank on Wednesday. Attorney Art Kidman spoke regarding the 1981 attorney's fee schedule. He said that their overhead costs were increased about 15 to 20% and he felt these rates were very fair and the District would be and had been getting very good service. Mr. Kidman also reported on the reservoir acquisition for the De Los Reyes reser- voir and said that the papers had been drawn up and sent to the interested parties and he felt the agreement had been put on paper as it had been discussed in his office. He did feel however that the trial date as set should be kept just in case something did not meet their conception of the agreement, then we would still have an alternative. Mr. Kidman spoke of the financing of I.D. # 2 and the need for more money than could be realized by a bond issue. Also the tax rate would be so high that it would be grossly unfair to the new property owners and would hurt the sale of the homes once they were built. Alex Bowie represents Campo Development the owner of the Bryant Ranch and he had felt there was a solution to the problem and a way to even out the tax burden. The proposal as presented by Alex Bowie was to draft legislation to change the County Water District Act to allow a standby assessment to be levied without limit and it would apply on the entire ranch instead of on just the newly developed portion. The cost to do this will be borne by the Developer or land owner and in return they would like the Dist- rict to present or front this legislation. Discussion. Art Korn said he would support the staff recommendation. Art Kidman did say that he had asked Alex Bowie to express to his land owner that this Board would feel better if they could sit down with them and discuss this matter instead of dealing with the attorney who says he is expressing the desire of his client. One more re- quest from Campo is to receive interest from their funds on deposit for the installation of facilities. Discussion February 12, 1981 (continued) Moved by Director Cromwell seconded by Director Clodt to approve the new business as follows: S 9-620 David Jeng 18912 J and J Lane .395 acres for $726.00 and S 16-560 Wm. Kelley 4565 Vallecito on .459 acres charge $841.20 and water job 81-06 for Bailey-Findley Trees in the amount of $1080.00. The out of state motion was also included, motion carried un- animously. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to approve for payment the audited bills and refunds in the amount of $180,167.05 on checks 11490 through 11592. Motion carried unanimously. 1624 The denial of claim on D. Loeschke was approved on a motion made by Director Cromwell seconded by Director Lindow, motion carried. Director Korn reported on the CSDA meeting in Sacramento on February 11, 1981. Art Kidman and Art Korn met with John. Frazier and Bob Beckas and discussed the legislation that had been prepared regarding the tax problem with newly annexed territory. Some suggestions were made so that the legislation would apply to all areas not just this District and Art Korn said he felt now that CSDA would be of assistance. Bill Robertson referred to the Job 80-55 San Antonio Road memorandum and explained a little further how he wanted to have the job bid. Discussion. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Cromwell to approve staff re- commendations and authorize staff to advertise for labor and equipment bids with District to furnish material. Motion carried. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow to approve Job 80-50 Lusk Development for Tract 11174 and to authorize staff to issue application and agreement for the job. Motion carried. President Knauft called a recess at 9:50 a.m. President Knauft called the meeting back to order at 10:05 a.m. with all Directors present. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Korn to go into closed session, to discuss Diemer Intertie Negotiations with the attorney, motion carried. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Lindow to go back into regular session of the Board of Directors. President Knauft said there was no action needed. Mr. Shook reported on the meeting with Artukovich regarding the change order for more time on the reservoir job. Mr. Artukovich agreed they had a well prepared memo and he proposed they would pay the inspection directly to Montgomery from January 16. Discussion. President Knauft congratulated the staff, Art Korn, Ralph Shook and Bill Robertson for a fine job on the Artukovich matter. Bill Robertson gave a short review on the NOCCCD property and said that terms and conditions of the annexation would have to be drawn up. A work session of the Board was discussed. Decided to make the February 26th meeting an all day one with work session in the afternoon. 1625 February 12, 1981 (continued) Bill Robertson presented a letter from Mrs. Moore which claimed more water damage due to construction on the Bryant X.Feeddr.. Discussion. Staff in- structed to refer the matter back to the City but for public relations keep up a line of communication. Rules and regulations for the operation of the Diemer line is being re- viewed by the attorney and general manager. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Cromwell to adjourn at 10:50 a.m. motion carried. Jean E. Mathews Secretary