HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-07 - Public Information-Technology Committee Meeting Agenda Packet 'rb Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC INFORMATION-TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Michael J. Beverage Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Cindy Botts, Management Analyst 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Notice of Public Hearing to Consider 2009 Water Rate Report Recommendation: That the Committee approve the Notice of Public Hearing to Consider the 2009 Water Rate Report and direct staff to provide notification of the hearing to District customers according to Proposition 218 requirements. 2.2. Water Conservation Ordinance Table Tents Recommendation: That the Committee approve the purchase of 2,500 table tents at a price of approximately $820. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Spanish Translation of Trifold Brochure Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance 3.2. July 2009 Bill Insert Regarding Water Conservation Stage 2 3.3. OC Register Advertisement Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance 3.4. Permanent Signage Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance 3.5. PYLUSD Reverse Calling Message Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance 3.6. Letter to HOA's Regarding Assigned Watering Schedule 3.7. Final Version of MWDOC/YLWD Truck Magnets Regarding Water Conservation 3.8. 2009/10 Promotional Products Order List 3.9. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Public Information-Technology Committee will be held August 4, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Subject: Notice of Public Hearing to Consider 2009 Water Rate Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee approve the Notice of Public Hearing to Consider the 2009 Water Rate Report and direct staff to provide notification of the hearing to District customers according to Proposition 218 requirements. ATTACHMENTS: S-l ption_ Type. Notice of Public Hearing.pdf Draft Notice of Public Hearing Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District PO BOX 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309 Yorba Linda Water D:L~ri ct Yorba Linda W District NOTICE OF PU_WCJ_ HEARING ON' WATER RAM.E..INCREASE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ,that a publici€ear 40 ~ ~o consider crease in water rates effective Septem~.:1., 2009, wilf e. Id on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the Yorba nft,,,JWater Distr _Board Chambers, 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia CA $870.; Public Notice R uirement California law kW: requirW~.hat propeft'owners or' tenants paying for water service receive a wr en note mailed 46 days before a public hearing on such proposed:wwater rate ei a her ft6motice published in a newspaper as has. the pmt ' f you4. eeeirre k notice but are not the property oW or the tenant resp~,nsible f _:payment of the water bill, please forucl this notice the p,erty owner immediately. Additional information about7#00 rate increase ican be found in the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) 2009 Watet-Rate Report (WWater Rate Report) which is available for public review at the Yorba da Water".0istrict office located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia CAA 92870. The report can also be viewed by accessing the District's website at www. wd.com. Ex lanation of WaterRate Increase: The District provides water service to residential customers (single-family, multi-family units and apartments), commercial, industrial, landscape and agricultural users within the cities of Yorba Linda, and portions of Placentia, Brea, Anaheim and unincorporated territories of Orange County. The water rate is made up of a number of different factors. This notice describes those factors, how they fit together and how the rate will increase for consumers. The current base rate is $8.35 per month plus $9.79 per hundred cubic feet (hcf) of water used. One hundred cubic feet of water is equal to one unit or 748 gallons. A typical single family residence in our service area uses an average of approximately 28 units of water per month. p~ District customers are billed approximately every 30 days (the "billing period.") The average single family residential water bill is currently $58.47 per billing period. The average commercial water bill is $162.29 per billing period. The YLWD water rate was last increased in 2008 and that increase was solely used to pay for new debt payments on money borrowed to construct new, improved and replacement infrastructure projects (Capital Projects) such as wells, booster pump stations, reservoirs and pipelines. YLWD is required to charge water rates that cover the costs of service. Even before the last rate increase, the costs of service increased substantially, specifically from increases in the costs of purchase ter, energy, supplies and services, fuel and labor. The existing water rare not covering the current costs to provide water service. The Wad; -,Report shows the cost breakdown of providing service and also piaq"gdfs increa ;l. costs in the future. "Costs of Operating Service" include fi the day-to-day °enses to operate the water system and the capital cd -for maintenance aid, 4eplacement of facilities. This includes, but is not limitedlk-,-I) variable operating c enses to a) purchase groundwater, b) phase importd c) pay for"ergy costs (electricity, natural gas and I~ ~ to boosfifi ater into 7 different pressure zones; 2) staffing requiremenqplies ar~~ervices and 4) vehicle and equipment capital outlay. In ado6;=° post orvice includes repair and updating of capital fac1lities to ser "xistingfstomers- as explained below. Commodity Reife _ortion the Wa r lnc : To cover the costs of service, the waf Late is *',,posed to n Tease by .73 per hcf. The base cost would increase t~ .2.52 .r_ hcf effeve on all water rate billings after Septem.,00( 4909 Fi)4 Rate portion -err min m MoiiW Service Charge: This flat or fixed mo charge is c 'ently7 5 per month. The FY 2007109 Water Rate ReporF blished t1ii a at-27- of the non-variable operating costs. This charge alms the Dis to continue to cover some fixed and overhead expenses, ardless of:'f amount of water purchased and sold. The water system assetd as the"pipes, meters, hydrants, wells, booster pump stations and reservoirs, alE need t -be maintained and operable regardless of the amount of water that is p sed and sold on a yearly basis. If the water rate recommended in the'-Water Rate Report is approved, the minimum monthly service charge will be $10.20 for all meter sizes regardless of meter size. If a volumetric fee is approved, the monthly minimum charge will range from $3.76 for a 518-inch diameter meter to $962 for a 10-inchdiametr meter. If the volumetric fee is approved over 93% of residential customers will pay between $3.76 and $9.62 per month for this fixed charge. Total Water Rate Increase: The increased rates, if approved at the public hearing, will become effective for all water rate billings on and after September 1, 2009. The new rates will remain in effect until changed by Board resolution after notice and hearing. The Board reserves the right to charge a lesser amount and thereafter to return to this base rate without additional notice and hearing or to credit other amounts against the base rate without adjustment to that base rate. Pass-Through Amounts: In addition to the water rate increase effective September 1, 2009, the Water Rate Report recommends the Board of Directors adopt a resolution that will automatically pass through the increased costs of purchased water which become effective after September 1, 2009. These pass through charges come from rate increases charged Wj. , ie Municipal Water District of Orange County ("MWDOC"), Orange C,y-Water District ("OCWD") and the Metropolitan Water District of Souther ifornia ("MWD"). A YLWD pass-through rate increase would vary deperiie amount of an increase from any of these agencies and the affecs7`6f thin"'pease on the District's operating costs. YLWD knows that one:w~c:€€tore of thes~ncies may increase their rates after July 1, 2010. For ex, OCWD may pease to increase its rate in July 2010 and or may lower tlv$asin Production Pe tage (BPP) or amount of water allowed to be pumped fe the loll, basin. A ruction of the BPP will cause an increase., water v` `M' ►ets since m ° a xpensive imported water must be si ted for thWiW aced groundwater no longer . available to be pumped. Any ssugh increailn YLWD's water rate would take effect at the time such increse iLosed u"e District by the outside m... agency or utility prodder. The VIfiC Ra±rt corgis a five-year history of such increases afid estimate cad#uturC~Meres. 'Me increase would be applied to waterblirs by d mining nd er hcf, which would then be allocated by a er usages; The me ology is explained in greater detail in the Water Rate Repot. Howi+yourrease r e after September 1, 2009: Take $2 per hcf xIXnamber dif- ting unit`s:,e your water bill for number of units usdt,d add the mcaum Mlanthly Service Charge. Public Heafing and Protest of Provosed Rate Increase: Any interested person may appear'*.the publicaring and comment on the proposed increase. The property owne~ro'rAtenant -*sponsible for the payment of water rates may protest the fee increase t Hsu ai tt"ng a written protest to the Board Secretary at or before the time oft , T06lic hearing. Any written protest must be mailed to P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda; CA 92885-0309 or faxed to (714) 701-3028 and received before the time of the hearing or brought to the public hearing. The protest must identify the property and include the signature of the property owner or tenant responsible for payment of the water bill. Protests cannot be received by phone, email or stated orally at the public hearing. If written protests are submitted by a majority of the affected property owners or tenants, the proposed rate increase may not be imposed. If you have questions regarding this Notice, the increase or a protest, you may contact the District's General Manager Ken Vecchiarelli at (714) 701-3021. ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $17,600 To: Public Information-Technology Cost Estimate: $820.00 Committee Funding Source: Water Operating Fund From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 1-2020-0580-50 Manager Presented By: Cindy Botts, Management Dept: Administration Analyst Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Water Conservation Ordinance Table Tents SUMMARY: The Public Information-Technology Committee has previously suggested the need for table tents detailing that water would be served only upon request for those restaurants who wished to use them. Staff was instructed at the June 2, 2009 meeting to estimate the possible count of table tents and procure pricing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee approve the purchase of 2,500 table tents at a price of approximately $820. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Ordinance TableTent 3up 11x17.pdf able Tent Backup Material - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i i i i 10-60 aneulp.io of luensmd suoiloPlsaa 10-60 a3ueulp.io of luensmd suoiloPlsaa 10-60 a3ueulp o of luensmd suoiinulsam worpmIA-mmm le punol aq ueJ sail leuolllppy worpmIA-mmm le punol aq ueJ sail leuolllppy worpmIA-mmm le punol aq ueJ sail leuolllppy xep1peat'1SU0jj20 02-S l aneS xep/peat'/SU0jj20 02-S l aneS xep/peat'/SU0jj20 02-S l aneS •peay .Ial>ful.IdS OUIWal a .Iledaa •S •peay .Ial>fuljclS NlWal a .Iledaa •S •peay .Ial>fuladS NlWal a .Iledaa •S xep/suopeo stp aneS •slainel xep/suopeo stp aneS •slainel xep/suopeo stp aneS •slainel -g SpeayJamogS mog-mol pelsul •t> >g SpeayJamogS mog-mol pelsul •t> >g SpeayJamogS mog-mol pelsul •t, xep/sU01120 SZ aneS xep/sU01120 SZ aneS xep/sU01120 SZ aneS •111e6 pue nldg uaamlaq Rluo a11201.I.II •111e6 pue Wc19 uaamlaq Rluo a11201.I.II •111e6 pue Wc19 uaamlaq Rluo a11201 I.q xep/suope;; Os-S l xep/SU011120 Os-S l xep/SU011e0 Os-S l aneS -Aipunel to speol pnl Rluo ysem •Z aneS -Aipunel to speol pnl Rluo ysem •Z aneS -Aipunel to speol pnl Rluo ysem •Z •ulua/su011e0 S aneS xep •ulua/sU01120 S aneS xep •ulua/sU01120 S aneS xep aad ulna Z Jo I Rq S.IaMOgS uaIJOgS • l .lad ulna Z .IO I Rq S.IaM0gS ualjoyS • l .lad ulna Z JO I Rq S.IaMOgS uajJ0gS • l •asn oo noR .Ialem aqj qpm lua:)Wa a.Iow •asn oo noR .Ialem aqj qpm lunwa a.Iow •asn oo noR .Ialem aqj qpm lua:)Wa a.Iow aq pue alsem .Ialem ampa.I 01 l.led JnoR op aq pue alsem .Ialem ampa.I 01 l.led JnoR op aq pue alsem .Ialem ampa.I 01 1.112d jnoA op nOA dlaq ueJ Sall oulmopol ay,t •saj.Inosa.I nOA dlaq ueJ Sall oulmopol ay,t •saj.Inosa.I nOA dlaq ueJ Sall oulmopol ay,t •saj.Inosa.I snolJa.ld 10111.Ino to auo sl .Ialem snolJa.ld lsow .Ino to auo sl .Ialem snolJa.ld lsow .Ino to auo sl .Ialem ;a>r.~}sfQ ,1a}eM ;a>!r3sfQ aa>Ge!►rr~ ;a>l.e3s>Q .1atpM epuil uq.foA epui-i egaoA epui-l eq.JboA LVE Yorba Linda Yorba Linda Yorba Linda Water District Walter District Water District Thirsty? 'N Thirsty? Thirsty? i Did You Know....ti~" .t Did You Know...Did You Know... p.; ♦ If fakes 3 gallons of ♦ If fakes 3 gallons of 2 , ♦ It fakes 3 gallons of wafer to serve a single 12 wafer to serve a single 12 tee wafer to serve a single 12 oz glass of wafer? oz glass of wafer? ' oz glass of wafer? ♦ Most restaurants ♦ Most restaurants ♦ Most restaurants serve 300-500 glasses of ,.j serve 300-500 glasses of -1 serve 300-500 glasses of 1 " wafer per day? F wafer per day? F. wafer per day? ♦ Only 250b of those ♦ Only 250o of those -d•~` ♦ Only 250o of those glasses are consumed? - glasses are consumed? glasses are consumed? In order to conserve water, In order to conserve water, In order to conserve water, this restaurant will serve glasses of this restaurant will serve glasses of this restaurant will serve glasses of drinking water drinking water drinking water Only Upon Request. Only Upon Request. Only Upon Request. Thank You for doing Your Part to help conserve water. Thank You for doing Your Part to help conserve water. Thank You for doing Your part to help conserve water. More tips can be found on the reverse of this card and at More tips can be found on the reverse of this card and at More tips can be found on the reverse of this card and at www.ylwd.com www.ylwd.com www.ylwd.com i i I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Subject: Spanish Translation of Trifold Brochure Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Trifold Spanish Translation Price Est..pdf Spanish Translation Pricing Backup Material AVANT A R 1) F lff~S: It?questforServices DATE 06.22.09 1O: Cindy Botts, 00 ORGANIZATION: Yorba Iinda WaterDistAct FROM: Charley Bell, Creative Director PRO JEC T. HU hise rt De sign & Print PROJR2TMANAGER: Charley Bell, Creative Director PRO HY TNUMBER: 11D Piojected Completion Date: UD DescripdonofSenices-ENGI1SH Est. Tmefiame COST 1. HUhrseA- Print&PxnrtManagement- Reprint 1lD $2,671 • Slab missio n o f' Paint Re a d y File s Fe e 375 • 8.5" x 11", 'Ili-Fo Id, Full-C o to p 2-Slide d C o st / Pint 2,296 • 100# G1ossBookwith Overall AQ • Quantity: 30,000 De sc rip do n o f 'Se rvic e s - STANISH Est. Tme fia me C O ST 1. Ealhrsert - Print&MintManagement - Spanish 71~ $1,148 • Spanish Ta nsla no n Fe e 840 • Slab missio n o f' Paint Re a d y File s C o st / Pint 308 • 8.5" x 11 Ti-Fo Id, Full-C o to p 2-Sid e d • 80# Gloss Book with OverAHAQ • Quantity: 1,000 Sub-T)tak $3,819 AFUMVID10 PRUCIID: lax &Shipping: $315.85 Sub-1)taL. $4,135 Authorized Representative Date Pa yme nt Re q uire d Frio r to Pint 1 1 I/' PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: `Signature ofthis woxkorderis an 'o kay to proceed' with workto rthe pike above. All approved, completed, print-ready de signs will re ma in pro p e rty o ft he c lie nt, this do e s no t inc lude wo Adng o Have n d file s. AVANT-GARDE ha s p e mussio n to showcase de signs in thenpoAfolio online and in pint to promote itsservices.All de sign woicincludestwo xevisions.Any additionalre visionswill be billed at 5001ofthe regularhourlyrate. Picesare go odto r1month--costsmay fluxtuate af'terthis p e io d d ue to rising c o sts in m a to is Is. AVANT-GARDE 1601 S. Valencia Ave. Ste. 250, Brea, CA 92823 1 Phone.626.657.7000 Fax.626.657.6000 ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Subject: July 2009 Bill Insert Regarding Water Conservation Stage 2 ATTACHMENTS: July 2009 Bill Insert- Stage 2.pdf fly 2009 Bill Insert Backup Material h Mandatory Conservat'b on Water ConseR tat~or Water Conservation STAG Stage 1 Minimum Water Shortage Reduce usage by 10% Beginning restrictions include tae u ~ ~ v u1e. ""gage • Watering Limited to 3 timeslweelr Reduce usage by 10% - 20% i Odd Billing Addresses. M_yy-F Stage Severe Water Shortage 6 Even Billing Addesses: T-Th-Sat Reduce usage 2{}% - 35% i Watering Limited to 5pm-9am Stage 4 Critical Water Shortage Reduce usage by more than 35% 6 Watering Limited to 15 min/station/day K'rO Yortba Linda Water Waste Hotline: Water District For More Information, visit www.yrlwd.coim (714) 701-3029 4 d ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Budgeted: Yes To: Public Information-Technology Cost Estimate: $1,188 Committee Funding Source: Water Operating Fund From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 124580 Manager Presented By: Cindy Botts, Management Dept: Administration Analyst Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: OC Register Advertisement Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance SUMMARY: This is the first of three advertisements to be placed in the Yorba Linda STAR and the Placentia News-Times. The ads will be full color and are scheduled to run three consecutive Thursdays- June 25, July 2 and July 9, 2009. These three ads are the first in a contract of seven within one year to be placed with the Orange County Register at a discounted price. ATTACHMENTS: esci ipticn: Type: OC Register Ad- 062509.pdf DC Register Advertisement Backup Material ~rj [10, 0 1 1s_GJ~> r r ~.LL.LJ Yorba Linda ElWater District Water Waste Hotline: 714-701-3029 ITEM NO. 3.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Subject: Permanent Signage Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: Conservation Ordinance Permanent Signs DRAFT.pdf Permanant Signs DRAFT Backup Material D7 s~r%.rcF i 0 I I~~7 0 yn; , - 27 ITEM NO. 3.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Subject: PYLUSD Reverse Calling Message Regarding Water Conservation Ordinance SUMMARY: The reverse call opportunity was offered to YLWD through PYLUSD as part of an agreement negotiated during the annexation process of the new YL High School to YLWD and as part of PYLUSD's commitment to share in the conservation efforts and emergency outreach as needed. The message was delivered by Ken Vecchiarelli and was sent out to nearly 13,500 households in our District on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 6:00 pm. ATTACHMENTS: YLWD_Conservation _Ordinance _Messaging Script REVISED.doc _ Ca , ag-e ~ e a YLWD Conservation Ordinance Messaging Script Hello, my name is Ken Vecchiarelli and I am the General Manager of the Yorba Linda Water District. I am calling today to remind you of YLWD's new water conservation ordinance that will go into effect this Wednesday, July 1St, in a Stage 2 water supply shortage. Remember: • No watering between 9:00am and 6:00pm • No washing down of hard or paved surfaces, and • Watering is limited to 3x's/week With Odd billing addresses: M-W-F And Even billing addresses: T-Th-Sa Please pay close attention to your billing inserts and take the time to visit our website at www.vlwd.com. Thank you and have a great day. ITEM NO. 3.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Subject: Letter to HOA's Regarding Assigned Watering Schedule ATTACHMENTS: HOA Assigned Watering Schedule Letter FINAL.doc -etter to HOAs- Watering Schedule Backup Material June 29, 2009 Customer Name Street Address Address Dear Customer, As you are aware, the State of California is in the midst of a water shortage. Due to both environmental and regulatory drought, the Yorba Linda Water District has instituted a Water Conservation Ordinance effective July 1, 2009. As of this date, the District is in a STAGE 2 water supply shortage, which means our water supplies for the year have been cut by 10% to 20%. As a result, we are asking our customers to cut back on their usage by at least ten percent to avoid substantial water purchase penalties. Within the District's boundaries, approximately 70% of the water used is in landscaping. As a homeowner's association, you may be adversely affected by more severe allocations in the future and we ask that you review the watering restrictions in the enclosed pamphlet. While the pamphlet states that the schedule of watering days is based on your billing address, this statement applies to residential customers and does not apply to homeowner's associations. As a large water user, the District has assigned a schedule to your particular association. This schedule was based on your past usage level and cannot be changed without written approval through this office. The assigned schedule may or may not be the same as it would be based on your billing address; however, the assigned schedule takes precedence. Please note that all other water waste and outdoor water use restrictions remain the same for homeowner's associations. Your Association's Assigned Watering Schedule is: If you have any questions on your specified watering schedule or would like to participate in our Landscape Certification Program, please email cbott§(Lylwd.com or call 714-701-3024. Additional information on conservation can also be found at www.ylwd. com. Regards, Cindy Botts Management Analyst ITEM NO. 3.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Subject: Final Version of MWDOC/YLWD Truck Magnets Regarding Water Conservation ATTACHMENTS: Conservation Truck Magnet FINAL.pdf `'vVD©Ca'LWD Truck Magnet FINAL Backup Material ITEM NO. 3.8 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $39,596 To: Public Information-Technology Cost Estimate: $18,243 Committee Funding Source: Water Operating Fund From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 1-2020-0580-50 Manager Presented By: Cindy Botts, Management Dept: Administration Analyst Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: 2009/10 Promotional Products Order List mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm mmmmmm SUMMARY: This list includes typical promotional products ordered on a yearly basis. The amounts ordered are anticipated to last the District for the full year and will cost roughly half of the District budget for promotional products. The remaining half of the budget is intended to cover any promotional products ordered specifically for District events, such as a "Water Awareness Week". DISCUSSION: The water bottles, pencils, children's activity books, stickers and sponges were all ordered previously. The key rings will replace a secondary pencil and the license plate frames will replace the temporary tatoos. The stress reliever droplet is an updated version of the previously ordered stress reliever droplet with arms and legs. All of the products that were replaced were either not of a high interest to customers or there was a request to get a more updated version. The plastic bags have not been ordered since 2005. ATTACHMENTS: Promotional Items.pdf promotional Items Backup Material 2009-2010 Promotional Items.xls ~~omotional Items Backup Material 41mprint Checkout - Review and Submit Your Order Page 1 of'2 F i l k i i• 1 k i Ss'` t t 411 r, - . J I 3 ,s_n Your Pp" } nl~ ?Cii~ L. th- ?t.A.C F b L-1-1 to finish. You-1 o rd-c-, is 1 7. .5,C,: TC-I'AL t16,03563 •t 5~ ~"o a ~1~. k1•~ ~ a:4 t .S 3 Sbnfi ~4: Cindy D.• Invoice Yorba Ltma %Vater D;,,w-t. "13 S. Richfiebl L` l o _ CJ's Arl,a - 7F e K t i-rtrr 15 7,c ~6 S64,16 Sn]'.i" a?"Pur..h Pull Can 8, oz... ?2©f1C1 6o 50 .t30 X9,434.87 rr 1,.,,... Fill Me AN, 4r - _tc ? 31 .0 1 ".00 7?cz.9-~ S4,111.93 no-c Gut San 1 < 1210100 3 f -s 55-011 +13 IAS2 IS ,O' g s~ LOI.f'. f ~.:J 1L._S15.00 ~175-[;°`.J ~827,19 Joni .yc _i of ,ter. e r, ra 6; .W t, rGl, ._.:11'Ir:na1 t r https: ;'securc.4iniprizit.corn/sopi"prcconfiniiation.aspx 7;'1!20f}9 License Plate Frame Promotional Items Water - Use It Wisely OnlMe Store Pa(Tc I of 1 4 License Plate Frame Ito-- 71 C- L's .E.,...:..: accourq'. for r,,..rr or;li?t t: i S.. stare or with pfEiCing en order' Ter d i' to !14!I'..... n.{5°1 fit.., rn D eta'^. F s 1.2d 250 Add to cart Send to friend Your n,~ Your ficcii•genYs _ . SrFld to friend Ilttp:iiwateruseitwisely.cortz+'storelproduct.php'productld=161 37&cat --250&pa,(Ye- I 7:2/2009 2009/2010 Promotional Items $ Item Quantity I Unit Price 4- Imprint Biodegradable Die Cut Plastic Bag- 16 "x12" 1,000 $ 0.36 1,110.00 Sports Bottle- Fill Me Design w/ YLWD logo 12,000 $ 0.60 $ Foiled Pencil- Blue 3,510 $ 0.21 750.00 Stress Reliever Droplet- Blue 3,000 $ 1.31 18,243.22 Key Ring Light- Blue & White 1,500 $ 0.74 Channing -Bete "Let's Learn About Using Water Wisely" Activity Bk 500 $ 0.99 Water Conservation Stickers (25 sheets /pkg) 20 pkgs $ 15.65 Credit on Account Water: Use It Wisely License Plate Frames 500 $ 0.99 Geiger Sponge- Droplet 1,000 $ 0.75 Sales Tax Shipping TOTAL $ 360.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 737.10 $ 3,930.00 $ 1,110.00 $ 495.00 $ 313.00 $ (206.88) $ 495.00 $ 750.00 $ 60.00 $ 3,000.00 18,243.22