HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-27 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1411 April 27, 1978 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President Knauft at 8:30 a.m. in the offices of the District on Plumosa Dr. Directors present and answering the roll: Roy Knauft, Howard Lindow, Arthur Korn, Fred Clodt and Whit Cromwell new director appointed to complete the term of Merwin Wagner who resigned in March, 1978. Also present Ralph Shook general manager, Jean Mathews secretary, Rodger Howell attorney, Bob Ryan from Alexander Bowie's office, Richard Davalos project manager, P.D. Royere assistant general manager, DuWayne Lidke engineer and Chuck Hobbs consultant. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Clodt to approve as mail- ed the minutes for April 13, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence from Western Water Foundation dated April 17, 1978. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow to receive and file, motion carried unanimously. Resolution proposed regarding the Safe Drinking Water Act. Discussion. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to write a letter explaining the District's feeling rather than adopt a resolution, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Knauft had nothing to report from the April 12 planning commission meeting. Art Korn reported on the April 26 planning commission meeting. Bernard McCune of S and S Construction Company was in attendance and made the statement that they were willing to landscape with the District's pur- pose and approval in mind. Discussion, Board felt that staff should get with the S and S company and ask them to develop a landscaping plan for the reservoir site. Richard Davalos gave the board an issue memorandum regarding the eastern area development. The initial study for the improvement districts has been distributed and no adverse comments have been received. The Negative Declaration will be posted April 27, 1978. Annexation 78-1 has been completed and is filed locally does not have to go to Sacramento anymore to be filed. 78-3 annexation has not yet been approved but apparently will be. 78-4 leaves an island inasmuch as it was withdrawn, and 78-5 has been approved by LAFCO but maps and legal -not returned as yet. Art Korn commented that the planning commission said that building permits would not be issued until the Weir canyon bridge matter has been resolved. Ralph Shook reported on the AWWA conference at Palo Alto, very im- pressed with the mini computer for use on the pumping facilities, Also water quality monitering via computer. April 27, 1978 (continued) 1412 Art Korn and Ralph Shook had attended the CSDA county chapter meet- ing on April 20th. County chapter voted to oppose the Jarvis-Gann proposal # 13. Rodger Howell reported that LAFCO has asked for a detailed report on a special district representative for LAFCO. Mr. Shook asked the Board for their opinion on his memo regarding the ACWA Conference. Mr. Knauft is not going from the District and Mr. Shook request to have Mr. Cromwell go in place of Knauft to help him get acquainted with the Association matters. Discussion. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to authorize Director Cromwell to attend in the place of Director Knauft at the ACWA Conference, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Korn thanked Ralph for the conference reports included with the agenda and said he felt it very worthwhile to mail the packet out early so that they could come to the meetings informed about matters on the agenda. Art Kidman not present. Brea Placentia YLCWD agreement matter continued to next meeting, upon a motion made by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow, motion carried unanimously. Olinda street lease continued to next meeting on mot, on made by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow, motion carried un- animously. Roy Knauft reported as a director on MWD that it looked like MWD would purchase Orange County Feeder No. 2 and the general manager had recommended that if MWD did purchase Orange County Feeder No. 2 then they should plan to purchase the Diemer Intertie line other- wise known as East Orange County Feeder No. 3. Director Lindow said he had talked to a member of the N.O.C.C.C.D. regarding the easement requested by the District for the Diemer Intertie, their concern being the kind of structure that would be involved in the intertie. Discussion. President Knauft agreed to talk to Bob Hawthorne about the matter. President Knauft declared a recess at 10:00 a.m. Meeting reconvened by President Knauft at 10:10 a.m. with all dir- ectors present. Items 1 through 4 under new business: Job 1078 water only, for $8160 Job 1026 water only, for $7137.88, Job 1077 water only, for$8343.16. and Job 1073 for water and sewer, fees for water $6400.60 and sewer $18,357.62. Moved by Director Cromwell, seconded by Director Korn to approve staff recommendations on all four items, motion carried unanimously. Richard reported that LAFCO hearing on Annexation 78-6(Hatch)had been set for May 10. 1413 April 27, 1978(continued) Mr. Shook announced a communication from Esperanza Hospital re- garding a health fair to be held September 9th. Asking the District to take part with a pure water booth, or something along that.line. Director Cromwell said there would be a blood mobile there, im- munization clinic, blood pressure station and many other things. A committee planning meeting will be held on May 13. President Knauft asked Director Cromwell to represent the District at that meeting. General manager Shook delegated assistant manager Pete Royere to coordinate with Director Cromwell concerning the health fair. Ralph Shook reported the cleaning of both reservoirs almost com- pleted and all going very smoothly. He also reported about a $48,000 saving with the in lieu replenishment. He also asked regarding sending staff to a conference in Riverside, concerning the proposed tax initative. Discussion. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to send one staff member to the Riverside conference, motion carried unanimously. Modification to the EIR has been reviewed by ACWA. Discussion, moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to direct staff to come back with the modification to EIR, motion carried unanimously. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to approve for payment the audited bills and refunds in the amount of $124,053.28 on checks No. 5857 through 5949. Motion carried unanimously. Motion also included the directive for the listing of bills to show the expenditures to the East each time, broken out as separate items. Moved by Directors Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to allow all Directors to leave the state for either business or personal reasons between this meeting and the next regular meeting of the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion regarding city meetings: Decision to relieve the President from attending these meetings unless there is one that the other 4 6_r_ector's can not attend. City council assignments May 1 Director Lindow, May 15 Director Cromwell. Planning commission assignments May 10 Director Korn, May 24 Director Clodt. Mr. Shook said the auditor Bob MmAtee had prepared a draft of a pro- posed budget and suggested that a finance meeting be set for a review. Meeting set for 2:00 p.m. May lst with Mr. Mac Atee to attend. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Cromwell to adjourn to May 4, 1978 at 8:30 am. Motion carried unanimously. Jean E. Mathews, Secretary