HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-11 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1211 March 11, 1976 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President Clodt at 8:30 a.m. in the offices of the District on Plumosa Drive March 11, 1976. Directors present and answering the roll: Mr. Clodt, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Knauft, Mr. Lindow and Mr. Korn. Also present, Beverly Ross and Darrel Dalton local realtors, Ralph Shook general manager, Jean Mathews secretary, DuWayne Lidke engineer, P.D. Royere operations manager and Richard Davalos engineering. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Wagner to approve the minutes as mailed for February 26, 1976. Motion carried un- animously. President Clodt turned the meeting over to the general manager. General manager Shook read a letter from Darrel Dalton dated 3/10/76 regarding sewer service to the Carlton. Tract Blocks 12 and 13. Discussion regarding different solutions, one being a force pump and the second the possibility of using a siphon, either of which would be a temporary solution until development in the area brings the sewer under Imperial Highway. Referred back to staff for more study with a report to be made at next board meeting on March 25, 1976. 8:40 a.m.attorney Rodger Howell came into the meeting. General manager said that the Local Agency Formation Commission had sent customary forms regarding Annexation 76-1 to the City of Yorba Linda. This is the Thurston property on Ridgeway and Short. In- formation item only, Mr. Shook alread had sent LAFCO a letter stating District had no objections to said annexation and that water and sewer service was available upon application and payment of necessary fees. Mr. Shook announced a work shop for supervisors on March 26 and asked authorization to send the water and sewer supervisors (foremen) to the one day meeting. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow authorizing the general manager to send the two staff persons at district expense. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Lindow reported on the March 1, 1976 city council meeting. Mr. Knauft reported on the March 10, 1976.11planning commission meeting. Mr. Knauft also reported on the Palm Springs special district P:sminar for presidents and directors. Both Mr. Knauft and Mr. Korn were very impressed with all the work shops and felt the District could do more with regard to publicity both within the work force of the District and to the people in the district and not present a low key roll as so many special districts seem to. 1212 March 11, 1976 (continued) President Clodt appointed Roy Knauft and Art Korn as a committee to investigate publicity and public relations for the district and report back in April. Attorney Howell and directors attending the mini seminar at Indian Wells reported that it was a very well planned and eff- ective meeting, good seminar and great interest. Attorney Howell said that it was very important that the District show and active interest in legislation affecting the district and if necessary to to Sacramento to show that interest and support. Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director Korn granting general auth- orization to the board members and general manager to attend meetings in Sacramento regarding legislation of interest to the District. Motion carried unanimously. Rodger Howell said that it had been suggested that a one day seminar held at either the L.A. or San Francisco Airport would be very effective for those who could not spend more than one day away from their offices. He also said they were checking into the possibility of printing just the County Water District Act as a separate printing inasmuch as it was not available from the State Printing office. Recess at 10:00 a.m. Reconvened at 10:10 a.m. Rodger Howell left the meeting and Art Kidman from Rutan and Tucker took his place at the meeting. DuWayne Lidke of James Montgomery gave a report on his review of MWDQC's report pointing out areas that were not even mentioned and his recommendations. All this to be put in written report form. Discussion. DuWayne to bring the finished report back for board review. 10:45 a.m. President Clodt asked to be excused and turned the meeting over to Vice President Knauft. DuWayne Lidke also reported on the bid opening of March 10, 1976 for Job 850. Seven bids were received ranging from $83,500 to $112,000 with the low bid from Triad Mechanical Inc. Mr. Lidke said that he had checked very thoroughly and recommended that the contract be awarded to Triad Mechanical Inc. for the sum of $83,500. 'Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn awarding the con- tract to Triad Mechanical Inc. for the sum of $83,500.00 and authorizing the execution of the documents by the proper officers. Art Kidman reported on the Exley case - he said that because it was now going to be set for trial, he would need depositions from Leonard Dueker and Mr. Exley and his associates. This will be a jury trial in either late 1977 or early 1978. Arrangement to be made 1213 March 11, 1976 (continued) to take these depositions as conveniently and as soon as possible. Ralph Shook reported that he and Rodger Howell had met with Creative Communities and had agreed to release one-half of the units upon execution of the agreement and at that time Creative Communities will pay the required sewer service fees prior to the release of the second half of the units. The agreement is being prepared by the attorney's office. President Fred Clodt returned to the meeting at 11:20 a.m. P.D. Royere reported on the City of Placentia Planning Commission hearing on the Miraloma alignment. Mr. Royere also reported on the C.E. Mitchell property off Rose and Imperial. Still no decision on how many parcels or how it will be developed. Mr. Shook reported that Jim Wilson from the engineering department had completed graduation requirements to receive his A A degree in Water Utility Science from Santa Ana College. Board felt this was an achievement well worth noting and proper acknowledgement should be made to Jim at an employee's meeting with pictures and a press release. Staff to make the arrangements. General manager reported: Cal Caroll an engineer for the Yorba Property has been in the office checking water and sewer fees for possible development of the pro- perty. Information item only at this time. C. Michael was initiating an annexation of 295 acres of the Dominguez property to Sanitation District No. 2. Soil study from Moore and Taber tabled no report as of this time. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow carried un- animously to approve for payment the audited bills and rate deposits in the amount of $80,323.15 on checks 644 through 760. Upon motion by Director Lindow seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously all Directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Richard Davalos came back into the meeting with the following new jobs for review: Job 784 Winners Circle one acre for two lots East of Eureka and North of Imperial. Water fees $665.00 and sewer $1792.00. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Korn to approve staff re- commendations for both water and sewer, motion carried unanimously. Job 883 Tract 8870 on 9 acres for 15 lots for Wills Development on Lakeview. Exhibits and applications for both sewer and water re- viewed. Moved by Director Wagner, seconded by Director Knauft 1214 March 11, 1976 (continued) carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations for water and sewer and also noting that the developer will stand the relocation costs of water line that will have to be moved because of the grading of the property and also that all necessary easements will be acquired at this time. Job 912 for Tract 8368 Grinners Circle south of Buena Vista and East of Richfield, 5 lots on 3 and 1/3 acres. Exhibits and ap- plications reviewed. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Knauft to approve staff recommendations, motion carried unanimously. Don Schug letter regarding the review of his job and the sewer under Resolution No. 154, was read by the general manager. Discussion, the figures given Mr. Schug in 1972-73 are now not realistic and the recommendation of the staff is that $2700.00/ per acre fee would be more in keeping at this time. Referred back to staff for further review and report back on March 24th meeting. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow to adjourn at 1:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Jean E. Mathews, Secretary