HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-08 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet (B)Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS Due to the continuing state of emergency declared by the California Governor related to preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and pursuant to California Government Code Section 54953(e), this meeting will be facilitated in a hybrid format. As such, Directors and members of the public may choose to participate in person or by video/teleconference. Information for accessing this meeting by telephone or internet-based service is provided below. For questions regarding participation, please call the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020. Computer/Mobile Device: https://us06web.zoom.us/m/87590893515 Telephone: (669) 900-6833 or (346) 248-7799 Meeting ID: 875 9089 3515 Live -stream: https://www.ylwd.com/youtube 2. CALL TO ORDER 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL J. Wayne Miller, PhD, President Brooke Jones, Vice President Trudi DesRoches, Director Phil Hawkins, Director Tom Lindsey, Director 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or a unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2)) 6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports 6.2. Federal and State Legislative Update 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3) 8. CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. There Page 1 of 173 will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests separate consideration. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held February 8, 2022 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2. Re -Authorizing Continuation of Virtual/Teleconference Board Meetings Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2022 -XX finding and determining that: (1) a state of emergency related to COVID-19 continues to be in effect; (2) state and local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing in connection with COVID-19; (3) due to the COVID-19 emergency, meeting in person could present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees; and (4) continued remote meetings are hereby re -authorized for the period of March 8, 2022, through April 7, 2022, pursuant to California Government Code Section 54953(e). 8.3. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,062,097.20. 8.4. Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending January 31, 2022 Recommendation That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending January 31, 2022. 8.5. Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2022 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2022. 8.6. Award of Construction Contract for Well 22 Equipping Recommendation: That the Board of Directors award the Construction Contract for the Well 22 Equipping to Pascal & Ludwig for $2,215,100.00, Job No. J- 2009-22 #22. 8.7. Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with James and Lisa Francese Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with James and Lisa Francese, 5771 Highland Avenue, Yorba Linda, Job No. J -2021-48S. 8.8. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Gonzalo Diaz Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Gonzalo Diaz, 5261 Highland Avenue, Yorba Linda, Job No. J-2021-18. 8.9. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Robin H. Borden Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the President and Assistant General Manager to execute a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, subject to review as to form by General Counsel, with Robin H. Borden of 28500 Brush Canyon Drive, Yorba Linda. 8.10. Quitclaim Deed of 1275 Yorba Linda Blvd Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the Assistant General Page 2 of 173 Manager to execute a Quitclaim Deed to abandon a portion of an existing easement on Penske Automotive Group's property. 9. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board or Committee discussions are needed prior to formal action. 9.1. Independent Audit Services Contract Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the Assistant General Manger to execute a Professional Services Agreement for Independent Auditing Services with Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP for a three-year contract with two subsequent one-year options to Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP for an amount not to exceed $176,230. 9.2. Periodic Review of Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Manual Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider if amendments to the manual are needed at this time. 9.3. Request for Funding for Santa Ana River Watershed Weather Modification Pilot Program Recommendation That the Board of Directors consider this request and provide direction to staff. 9.4. Request for Sponsorship for Santa Ana River Watershed Displays Recommendation That the Board of Directors consider this request and provide direction to staff. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board or Committee at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 10.1. Status of Engineering Activities and PFAS Water Treatment Plant 11. REPORTS. INFORMATION ITEMS. AND COMMENTS 11.1. Director's Reports 11.2. Assistant General Manager's Report 11.3. General Counsel's Report 11.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Miller / DesRoches) - Next meeting will be scheduled when needed. 12.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Miller / Lindsey) - Next meeting is scheduled Monday, April 25, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. 12.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones / Lindsey) - Next meeting will be scheduled when needed. Page 3 of 173 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from March 9 - April 30, 2022 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. A Board budget workshop meeting is scheduled Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Non-exempt materials related to open session agenda items that are distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors (or Committee Members) less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's Administrative building located at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 during regular business hours. When practical, these materials will also be posted on the District's website at https://vlwd.com/. (GC 54957.5) Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability -related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020 at least 24 hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 4 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACTS: 1'i�1 41 x416 /_1r]=161197_11N=1a*]AI March 8, 2022 Board of Directors Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Alison Martin, Public Affairs Manager Federal and State Legislative Update Attached is the monthly legislative report from Townsend Public Affairs. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Monthly Report 2. Legislative Matrix ITEM NO. 6.2. Page 5 of 173 T(I".)WNSEND T PA MEMORANDUM To: Yorba Linda Water District From: Townsend Public Affairs Date: March 3, 2022 Subject: State and Federal Legislative Monthly Report State Leaislative Update The month of February saw the introduction of over 1,800 new bill vehicles, the approval of several early budget action items, and numerous COVID-19 procedural updates. This month, legislators and the Administration focused on establishing consensus on funding priorities included in the Governor's January Budget framework proposal and introduced the bulk of their legislative priorities for the year. State Legislature February 18 marked the 2022 Legislative Session's bill introduction deadline for all new legislative vehicles. Although new bills have trickled in since the January 3 start of session, most legislators wait until the final deadline week to introduce the bulk of their proposals. Both the Assembly and Senate introduced a total of 2,115 new bill vehicles. While the deadline for new bills has passed, legislators will still have the opportunity to amend or "gut and amend" existing bill vehicles into new legislation. However, Assembly and Senate leadership have set hard mid-March deadlines for major amendments and amendments to "spot" legislation, meaning new and evolved legislative language will materialize in the coming weeks. State Budget Throughout the month of February, legislators participated in full budget and subcommittee informational hearings on specific provisions contained within the Governor's January Budget framework proposal. During these hearings, committee members heard from Department of Finance and Legislative Analyst's Office representatives, as well as other relevant stakeholders, to consider the implementation of proposed funding programs contained in the Governor's Budget. Each of the hearings were informational in nature with no action items that would immediately alter the existing budget framework. Prior to the May budget revision, negotiations and updated budget policies will materialize — which will reflect consensus between the Administration and the Legislature. State Capitol Office • 925 L Street • Suite 1404 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • Phone (916) 447-4086 • Fax (916) 444-0383 Southern California Office • 1401 Dove Street • Suite 330 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Phone (949) 399-9050 • Fax (949) 476-8215 Central California Office • 744 P Street • Suite 308 • Fresno, CA 93721 • (949) 399-9050 • Fax (949) 476-8215 Federal Office • 600 Pennsylvania SE • Suite 207 • Washington, DC 20003 • Phone (202) 546-8696 • Fax (202) 546-4555 Northern California Office • 300 Frank Ogawa Plaza • Suite 204 • Oakland, CA 94612 • Phone (510) 835-9050 • Fax (510) 835-9030 Page 6 of 173 The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office released several succinct analyses of various aspects of the Governor's budget proposal, which include assessments of proposed expenditures and issues for legislative consideration. Budget committee hearings will continue into the month of March before the Legislature shifts into agenda -heavy policy committee schedules to consider and take action on policy bills. In addition to the steady pace of budget informational hearings, in February the Governor signed a handful of budget items into law marked for "early action" — meaning funds would be made available immediately. These early action items included the following: • SB 113 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) Economic relief. COVID-19 pandemic. This measure transfers $150 million into the California Emergency Relief Fund to fund remaining eligible waitlisted grant applicants from last year's California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program. Additionally, the measure restores the net operating loss (NOL) deduction and lifts the cap on business incentive tax credits that were suspended and capped in the 2020-21 Budget. SB 114 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) Employment: COVID-19: supplemental paid sick leave. This measure provides 80 hours of paid COVID-19 leave for covered employees working for an employer with over 25 employees. The previous law requiring coverage (SB 95, Statutes of 2021) expired Sept. 30, 2021. SB 114 mirrors the provisions included in the previous law, with two notable changes, which include the following additional qualifying cases for taking paid sick leave time: o Attending an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or a vaccine booster for the employee's family member; or o Caring for a family member who has symptoms from a COVID-19 vaccine or a vaccine booster. • SB 115 (Skinner) Budget Act of 2021. This measure amends the language contained within the 2021 Budget Act to provide for the immediate disbursement of funds marked for early action. This includes $1.9 billion from the General Fund to the California Emergency Relief Fund for COVID-19 mitigation, which includes increasing testing capacity, enhancing vaccination programs, and supporting frontline workers. In addition to the new funds for COVID-19 mitigation and support, the measure allows the state to backfill funds for rental assistance not covered by federal dollars. COVID-19 Updates California lifts statewide indoor mask mandate -With Omicron cases rapidly declining, this month the State lifted the universal mask mandate for indoor public spaces on February 15. The original masking mandate was instated December 15, 2020 and was designed to last until January 15, 2021. However, due to the spike in Omicron cases from the holiday season, the mandate was extended another month, until February 15. 2 Page 7 of 173 California to lift all masking mandates for vaccinated individuals and school settings – Following the State's announcement lifting the indoor statewide masking mandate, on February 28, the Governor announced the State would lift all masking mandates, including mandates that apply to school children and school personnel. Beginning March 1, masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated individuals, but will be strongly recommended for all individuals in most indoor settings. In schools and childcare facilities, after March 11, masks will not be required but will be strongly recommended. Masks will still be required for everyone in high transmission settings like public transit, emergency shelters, health care settings, correctional facilities, homeless shelters and long-term care facilities. Local jurisdictions may have additional requirements beyond the state guidance. Legislation introduced to mandate vaccines for employees of all businesses – This month, Assembly Members Wicks, Aguiar-Curry, Low, and Akilah Weber introduced AB 1993, which mandates vaccines for workplaces (for both employees and independent contractors) and requires employers to verify that their workers are immunized. New hires would need to have at least one shot by their first day — and the second within 45 days. Exemptions are made for persons ineligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine due to a medical condition or disability or who hold a sincerely held religious belief. Assembly Member Wicks previously considered a similar proposal at the end of the 2021 legislative session, but ultimately decided to wait. AB 1993 is currently pending referral to the appropriate legislative policy committee for consideration. It may be heard in committee as soon as March 13. Governor unveils "SMARTER" Endemic Phase COVID-19 Plan – This month, Governor Newsom and various health leaders unveiled the state's endemic strategy plan for COVID- 19. The seven -part strategy – dubbed the "SMARTER" plan – will focus on addressing the late stages of the pandemic through shots, masks, awareness, readiness, testing, education, and Rx medication treatments (with each of the first letters of the words arranged in the acronym SMARTER). The strategy will use the $1.4 billion in early action budget funds to bolster pandemic mitigation efforts. Governor Rolls Back All but 5 Percent of COVID-19 Executive Orders – This month, Governor Newsom announced his action to lift all but 5 percent of COVID-19 related executive order provisions, while maintaining the State of Emergency. The remaining provisions include maintaining California's nation -leading testing and vaccination programs and protecting hospital and health facility capacity, key components of the state's SMARTER Plan to guide California's evolving pandemic response. Altogether, Newsom has issued 561 executive actions, specific legal waivers or directives contained within his executive orders, since the start of the pandemic. He has since rescinded all but 82. The order lifts 52 of those remaining executive provisions by the end of June. Among the measures he terminated immediately were orders to allow fairgrounds and other state-owned property to be used for pandemic relief and to direct the state to distribute COVID-19 stimulus funds, which have already been allocated. Maintaining the State of Emergency provides for such things as continued Brown Act flexibility for local agencies. The Governor has not yet released a timeline for which he plans to end the State of Emergency. It is not unusual for California governors to keep emergency proclamations open for years in response to disasters like wildfires and earthquakes. Cl Page 8 of 173 Legislature to consider ending the COVID-19 state of emergency — This month, Senate pro Tem Toni Atkins released a statement on a Senate hearing to debate the merits of a resolution to end California's state of emergency. SCR 5, authored my Senator Melissa Melendez, is set for the first Senate Governmental Organization Committee hearing of the year on March 15. The Committee will debate the merits of the resolution and the implications it will have on California's ability to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. Senator Melendez introduced an earlier version of the resolution in July 2020, but it died in the Senate Rules Committee. If passed by both houses, SCR 5 would effectively end the current state of emergency without the Governor's input. Certain executive orders, federal reimbursements, and federal/local agency coordination that correspond to the COVID-19 state of emergency would cease. Additionally, the passage of SCR 5 would limit the Governor's executive powers within the scope of the declared emergency. Ballot Initiatives The month of February saw notable changes to the status of priority ballot measures. These included: Amended "The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act" Receives Title and Summary -The Attorney General issued title and summary for the California Business Round Table -sponsored "Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act." Initiative proponents withdrew a previous version of the initiative language in order to push forward the initiative's amended language. Following the issuance of title and summary, proponents can begin signature gathering. They must submit 997,139 valid signatures in order to qualify for the November 2022 ballot. The Secretary of State's recommended date to turn in signatures is April 29, 2022. Proponents have not yet passed the 25% signature gathering threshold. The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act would amend the California Constitution to restrict the ability of the state, local governments, other local agencies, and the electorate to approve or collect taxes, fees, and other revenues. It would require voter approval of all state taxes, would further restrict local fee authority by limiting it to the "minimum amount necessary" to provide government services, and would require voter approval for local measures such as franchise fees. Its provisions would make it easier to challenge local revenue measures by increasing the burden of proof on local agencies while disallowing an agency's characterization of a measure from being considered in cou rt. Initiative opponents comprise a coalition of organizations including the League of California Cities, California Professional Firefighters, AFSCME, SEIU, and the California Alliance for Jobs. Proponents withdraw measure that would allow local land use law to override state housing laws: - Local government proponents withdrew a proposed ballot measure which would provide that local land use and zoning laws override conflicting state laws. The Coalition — called "Our Neighborhood Voices" announced that it would set its sights on qualifying for the November 2024 ballot, after citing challenges associated with COVID-19 and the dramatic spike in the cost of paid signature gathering. 0 Page 9 of 173 Indoor Residential Water Use Standards In 2021, Assembly Member Friedman introduced AB 1434 which enacts indoor residential water use standards that are stricter than what the State set through SB 606/AB 1668 (Hertzberg/Friedman) in 2018. AB 1434 was amended to reflect the recommended standard in DWR's Final Report and would establish, beginning January 1, 2025, the standard as 47 gallons per capita daily and, beginning January 1, 2030, 42 gallons per capita daily, representing a significant decrease. AB 1434 failed to pass the first -house deadline on January 31 and is now dead. However, Senator Hertzberg recently introduced SB 1157 which mirrors the language inside the now dead AB 1434. A coalition group of ACWA, CASA, CMUA, and Watereuse are proposing amendments to SB 1157 that would change the standard to 47 gallons per capita daily in 2025, but would not propose additional standards until after a comprehensive study is conducted by DWR in consultation with an expert review panel consisting of representatives from various water and wastewater stakeholders. SB 1157 has been referred to the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee and has not yet been set for a hearing. Federal Legislative Update February saw an acceleration of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law implementation, that was passed in November 2021. The historic investments into infrastructure programs are beginning to take shape through a series of comment periods and the beginning of what will be many new grant opportunities for states and localities. Congress continues to work on the FY22 appropriation package that has been in negotiations since Summer of 2021. With a third continuing resolution passed earlier this month, Congress has until March 11 to strike a final deal. Federal FY22 ADorooriations On February 18, President Biden signed into law another short-term government funding bill, extending FY21 funding levels through March 11, 2022. This will give Congressional negotiators the time they need to complete an agreement on FY22 funding. In early February, House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro and Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy announced a framework agreement had been reached for Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations. Most members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees said they are optimistic about making the March 11 deadline to enact the 12 -bill spending package. Each of the 12 subcommittees received their topline funding allocations and negotiations are in full swing. This final agreement will include congressional earmarks previously vetted by the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. Status of Earmarks According to sources on Capitol Hill, appropriations committees are calling offices to confirm aspects of earmarks submitted back in 2021. This action indicates that work is proceeding, and earmarks are in play. Congressional offices have also stated in February that inclusion of earmarks in the final bill are an "all or nothing" proposition. If an earmark was included in the .01 Page 10 of 173 House and Senate bills released in 2021, they will make it into the final deal. If negotiations are derailed and a deal is not struck, earmarks will not advance. Congressional offices are cautiously optimistic that a deal will be finalized before the March 11 deadline. Some of the most controversial policy riders have been resolved, and increases in defense spending have been agreed to, which has allowed the process to move forward following months of delay and protracted negotiations. FY23 Appropriations to Begin Soon After Passage of FY22 Bills Sources on Capitol Hill have indicated that there will be a tight turnaround between passage of a final FY22 appropriations agreement and the initiation of the FY23 appropriations process. The House and Senate Appropriations Committees typically begin soliciting input from Members in February, following the release of the President's budget. But this year President Biden has delayed the release of his budget until State of the Union Address, scheduled for March 1. That, combined with the delayed finalization of FY22 appropriations, has led to a late start to the process. The Appropriations Committees solicited input on funding levels for authorized programs and language for inclusion in their respective committee reports. It is anticipated that another round of community project funding and congressional directed spending requests will be accepted. Appropriators will be eager to get going on the FY23 process with deadlines for submission of these requests in the House likely coming in mid to late April with Senate deadlines not far behind. Phillips Station Survev Shows Statewide Snowgack Falls Well Below Averaae After the driest January and February on record, the Department of Water Resources reported that the manual survey recorded 35 inches of snow depth and a snow water equivalent of 16 inches, which is 68 percent of average for the location for March. Although early season storms helped alleviate some drought impacts, a lack of storms in January and February heightens the need for conservation. The Governor has asked all Californians to cut backwater use at least 15 percent compared to 2020 levels. Regionally, the Northern, Central, and Southern Sierra snowpacks are all standing just above 59 percent to 66 percent of average for this date, impacting watersheds across the state. Reclamation releases blueprint for implementation of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in 2022 The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has released a blueprint for implementation of the Bureau's portions of the bipartisan infrastructure law passed in November 2021. Reclamation will be provided $1.66 billion annually to support a range of infrastructure programs through 2026. The FY 2022 spend plan allocations include: • $420 million for rural water projects that benefit various Tribal and non -Tribal underserved communities by increasing access to potable water. • $245 million for WaterSMART Title XVI that supports the planning, design, and construction of water recycling and reuse projects. • $210 million for construction of water storage, groundwater storage and conveyance project infrastructure. • $160 million for WaterSMART Grants to support Reclamation efforts to work cooperatively with states, Tribes, and local entities to implement infrastructure investments to increase water supply. 0 Page 11 of 173 • $100 million for aging infrastructure for major repairs and rehabilitation of facilities. • $100 million for safety of dams to implement safety modifications of critical infrastructure. • $50 million for the implementation of Colorado River Basin drought contingency plans to support the goal of reducing the risk of Lake Mead and Lake Powell reaching critically low water levels. • $18 million for WaterSMART's Cooperative Watershed Management Program for watershed planning and restoration projects for watershed groups. • $15 million for Research and Development's Desalination and Water Purification Program for construction efforts to address ocean or brackish water desalination. • $8.5 million for Colorado River Basin Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation Programs. Central Vallev Proiect Initial Allocations Released The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation released its initial allocations to contractors of the Central Valley Project in February. Based on current hydrology and forecasting, Reclamation announced the following initial CVP water supply allocations: North -of -Delta Contractors • Sacramento River o Irrigation water service and repayment contractors north -of -Delta are allocated 0% of their contract total. o Municipal and industrial water service and repayment contractors north -of -Delta will be provided water for public health and safety needs consistent with the CVP M&I Water Shortage Policy. o Sacramento River Settlement Contractors' water supply is based upon settlement of claimed senior water rights and the 2022 water year is currently designated as a critical year, as defined in their Settlement Contracts. American River o M&I water service and repayment contractors north -of -Delta who are serviced by Folsom Reservoir on the American River are allocated 25% of their historical use. In -Delta Contractors M&I water service and repayment contractors who are serviced directly from the Delta are allocated 25% of their historical use. South -of -Delta Contractors • Irrigation water service and repayment contractors south -of -Delta are allocated 0% of their contract total. • M&I water service and repayment contractors south -of -Delta are allocated 25% of their historical use. • For San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors and San Joaquin Settlement Contractors, the 2022 water year is currently designated as a critical year, as defined in their contracts. Wildlife Refuges II Page 12 of 173 • For water supply for wildlife refuges (Level 2), north- and south -of -Delta, the 2022 water year is currently designated as a critical year, as defined in their contracts. Friant Division Contractors • Friant Division contractors' water supply is delivered from Millerton Reservoir on the upper San Joaquin River via the Madera and Friant-Kern canals. The first 800,000 acre-feet of available water supply is considered Class 1; Class 2 is considered the next amount of available water supply up to 1.4 million acre-feet. Given the current hydrologic conditions, the Friant Division water supply allocation is 15% of Class 1 and 0% of Class 2. Additional COVID-19 Relief Considered There is debate on Capitol Hill over whether to include additional COVID-19 relief funds in a final funding agreement. On February 15, the Biden Administration announced they would like to add $30 billion in COVID-19 spending to the $1.5 trillion government funding package. Although there are sufficient funds to respond to the pandemic, the Administration has said it wants to continue to be sufficiently prepared for future outbreaks and variants. The $30 billion would include: • $18 billion for medical countermeasures (antivirals and vaccines) • $5 billion for testing • $3 billion for treatment of the uninsured • $4 billion to prepare for future variants There is also discussion of another $500 million for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention operations. Since COVID-19 cases continue to decline in much of the country, there is skepticism around adding additional funding for restaurants and other businesses in this proposed COVID- 19 package. The White House does not seem likely to include small business relief to benefit industries, such as restaurants. Senate Appropriations Chairman Patrick Leahy (D -VT) is opposed to attaching additional COVID- 19 relief proposals to the current funding bill, in fear that it would derail negotiations. Some Republican lawmakers are pushing for a disaster aid bill supporting states struck by natural disasters such as Louisiana, Kentucky, New York, and California, which could be a potential vehicle for additional COVID-19 aid, should Congress decide to pursue that path. Senator Padilla's FEMA Wildfire and Response Bill Gains Momentum On February 2, Senator Alex Padilla's bill to strengthen the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) wildfire preparedness and response efforts advanced out of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC). The legislation will move to the full Senate for consideration in March. The measure, FEMA Improvement, Reform, and Efficiency (FIRE) Act (S. 3092) would allow FEMA to explore ways to pre -deploy resources during a red flag warning - similar to how the agency already does in advance of hurricane warnings. The bill would also require FEMA to prioritize survivors of disasters when selling portable housing units, thus ensuring survivors have a place to live during the rebuilding process. Additionally, the legislation would direct FEMA and the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study on potential solutions to address the availability and affordability of wildfire insurance. The bill requires separate studies to be Page 13 of 173 conducted too, which include examining gaps in wildfire response and improving how the agencies provides post disaster housing assistance. President Biden Announces Supreme Court Nominee President Biden announced he will nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court. This nomination will be a prime focus of the Senate over the course of the next several weeks, adding another item to the Senate's already long to-do list. Jackson would bring a unique perspective to the court as she would be the first former public defender to serve on the court. She also served in retiring Justice Breyer's chamber as a law clerk. Jackson was confirmed to the D.C. Circuit last year by a 53-44 vote, obtaining three Republican votes, indicating that her confirmation is likely. 0 Page 14 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Thursday, March 03, 2022 AB 155 (Committee on Budget) Budget Act of 2022. Current Text: Amended: 2/16/2022 html pdf Introduced: 1/8/2021 Last Amend: 2/16/2022 Status: 2/16/2022 -From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on B. & F.R. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 1/6/2022-S. BUDGET & F.R. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floorl Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House Conc. Summary: Would express the intent of the Legislature to enact statutory changes relating to the Budget Act of 2022. Position AB 170 (Ting D) Budget Act of 2022. Current Text: Amended: 2/16/2022 html Of Introduced: 1/8/2021 Last Amend: 2/16/2022 Status: 2/16/2022 -From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on B. & F.R. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 1/6/2022-S. BUDGET & F.R. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floorl Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House Conc. Summary: Would express the intent of the Legislature to enact statutory changes relating to the Budget Act of 2022. Position AB 1001 (Garcia, Cristina D) Environment: mitigation measures for air and water quality impacts: environmental justice. Current Text: Amended: 1/24/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/18/2021 Last Amend: 1/24/2022 Status: 2/1/2022 -In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/1/2022-S. RLS. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Flood Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House Conc. Summary: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a lead agency, as defined, to prepare, or cause to be prepared, and certify the completion of an environmental impact report on a project that it proposes to carry out or approve that may have a significant effect on the environment or to adopt a negative declaration if it finds that the project will not have that effect. CEQA also requires a lead agency to prepare a mitigated negative declaration for a project that may have a significant effect on the environment if revisions in the project would avoid or mitigate that effect and there is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, would have a significant effect on the environment. This bill would authorize mitigation measures, identified in an environmental impact report or mitigated negative declaration to mitigate the adverse effects of a project on air or water quality of a disadvantaged community, to include measures for avoiding, minimizing, or compensating for the adverse effects on that community. Position AB 1774 (Sevarto R) California Environmental Quality Act: water conveyance or storage projects: judicial review. Current Text: Introduced: 2/3/2022 html pdf Page 1/10 Page 15 of 173 Introduced: 2/3/2022 Status: 2/10/2022 -Referred to Corns. on NAT. RES. and JUD. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/10/2022-A. NAT. RES. Desk I Policy] Fiscal I Floor Desk I Policy I Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House Conc. Summary: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a lead agency, as defined, to prepare, or cause to be prepared, and certify the completion of an environmental impact report (EIR) on a project that the lead agency proposes to carry out or approve that may have a significant effect on the environment or to adopt a negative declaration if it finds that the project will not have that effect. CEQA also requires a lead agency to prepare a mitigated negative declaration for a project that may have a significant effect on the environment if revisions in the project would avoid or mitigate that effect and there is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, would have a significant effect on the environment. CEQA establishes a procedure by which a person may seek judicial review of the decision of the lead agency made pursuant to CEQA. This bill would require the Judicial Council to adopt rules of court applicable to actions or proceedings brought to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the certification or adoption of an environmental impact report for water conveyance or storage projects, as defined, or the granting of project approvals, including any appeals to the court of appeal or the Supreme Court, to be resolved, to the extent feasible, within 270 days of the filing of the certified record of proceedings with the court to an action or proceeding seeking judicial review of the lead agency's action related to those projects. Position Watch AB 1784 (Smith R) Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014: groundwater sustainability projects: grants and loans. Current Text: Introduced: 2/3/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/3/2022 Status: 2/4/2022 -From printer. May be heard in committee March 6. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/3/2022-A. PRINT Deski Policy Fiscal I Floorl Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House 11 Conc. Summary: Current law provides for the sum of $900,000,000 to be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature from the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Fund of 2014, for expenditures on, and competitive grants, and loans for, projects to prevent or clean up the contamination of groundwater that serves or has served as a source of drinking water, as provided. Current law requires a project that receives funding to be selected by a competitive grant or loan process with added consideration for those projects that leverage private, federal, or local funding, and outlines the additional requirements and processes applicable to projects that receive funding. This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to these latter provisions. Position Watch Watch AB 1845 (Calderon D) Metropolitan Water District of Southern California: alternative project delivery methods. Current Text: Introduced: 2/8/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/8/2022 Status: 2/18/2022 -Referred to Corns. on L. GOV. and W.,P., & W. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/18/2022-A. L. GOV. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floorl Desk PolicylFiscal Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd H 11 Conc. Summary: Would authorize the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to use the design - build procurement process for certain regional recycled water projects or other water infrastructure projects. The bill would define "design -build" to mean a project delivery process in which both the design and construction of a project are procured from a single entity. The bill would require the district, if using this procurement process, to follow certain procedures, including preparing and issuing a request for qualifications, preparing a request for proposals including the scope and needs of the project or contract, and awarding projects based on certain criteria for projects utilizing either lowest Page 2/10 Page 16 of 173 responsible bidder or best value selection criteria. Position AB 1944 (Lee D) Local government: open and public meetings. Current Text: Introduced: 2/10/2022 htmi pdf Introduced: 2/10/2022 Status: 2/18/2022 -Referred to Com. on L. GOV. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/18/2022-A. L. GOV. Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor I Desk I Policy I Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd H I Conc. Summary: Current law, the Ralph M. Brown Act, requires, with specified exceptions, that all meetings of a legislative body of a local agency, as those terms are defined, be open and public and that all persons be permitted to attend and participate. Current law, until January 1, 2024, authorizes a local agency to use teleconferencing without complying with those specified teleconferencing requirements in specified circumstances when a declared state of emergency is in effect, or in other situations related to public health. This bill would specify that if a member of a legislative body elects to teleconference from a location that is not public, the address does not need to be identified in the notice and agenda or be accessible to the public when the legislative body has elected to allow members to participate via teleconferencing. Position AB 2041 (Garcia, Eduardo D) California Safe Drinking Water Act: primary drinking water standards: compliance. Current Text: Introduced: 2/14/2022 html Introduced: 2/14/2022 Status: 2/24/2022 -Referred to Com. on E. S. & T. M. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/24/2022-A. E.S. & T.M. Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor I Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: Would require the State Water Resources Control Board to take specified actions if the state board adopts a primary drinking water standard with a compliance period for which public water systems are given a designated period of time to install necessary measures, including, but not limited to, installation of water treatment systems, to comply with the primary drinking water standard without being held in violation of the primary drinking water standard. Those actions would include, among other actions, developing a financial plan to assist public water systems that will require financial assistance in procuring and installing the necessary measures. Position Watch Watch AB 2054 (Quirk -Silva D) Corporation taxes: exempt organizations: mutual ditch or irrigation companies: public water system: mutual water companies. Current Text: Introduced: 2/14/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/14/2022 Status: 2/24/2022 -Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/24/2022-A. REV. & TAX Desk I Policy] Fiscal I Floorl Desk LPoricy I Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House Conc. Summary: Current law requires mutual water companies that operate a public water system to comply with various open meeting and record accessibility requirements for eligible persons, defined to include shareholders, specified persons receiving drinking water from that public water system, and elected officials of a city or county who represent those persons receiving drinking water from the public water system. This bill, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, and before January 1, 2028, would exempt from the taxes imposed by the Corporation Tax Law a mutual ditch or irrigation company Page 3/10 Page 17 of 173 that operates a public water system if the company complies with specified requirements, including those open meeting and record accessibility requirements for eligible persons. The bill would provide that gross income does not include specified funding provided by the State Water Resources Control Board to a mutual ditch or irrigation company that operates a public water system or to specified mutual water companies. Position AB 2157 (Rubio, Blanca D) Urban water use objectives: indoor residential water use. Current Text: Introduced: 2/15/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/15/2022 Status: 2/15/2022 -From printer. May be heard in committee March 18. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/15/2022-A. PRINT Deski Policy I Fiscal I Floor Desk I Policy Fiscal J Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House 11 Conc. Summary: Current law requires the Department of Water Resources, in coordination with the State Water Resources Control Board, and in collaboration with and input from stakeholders, to conduct necessary studies and investigations and authorizes the department and the board to jointly recommend to the Legislature a standard for indoor residential water use. Current law, until January 1, 2025, establishes 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use, beginning January 1, 2025, establishes the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, establishes the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use. This bill would make a nonsubstantive change to the provision requiring the department and the board to collaborate with, and seek input from, stakeholders with regard to the studies, investigations, and report. Position AB 2168 (Daly D) Santa Ana River Conservancy Program. Current Text: Introduced: 2/15/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/15/2022 Status: 2/15/2022 -From printer. May be heard in committee March 18. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/15/2022-A. PRINT Deski Policy Fiscal I Floorl Desk I Policv I Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: Current law establishes the Santa Ana River Conservancy Program to be administered by the State Coastal Conservancy. Current law requires the conservancy, for purposes of carrying out the program, to utilize the services of the California Conservation Corps and Community Conservation Corps, as provided. This bill would make a nonsubstantive change to the above law relating to the conservancy's use of the corps programs. Position AB 2247 (Bloom D) Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) products: disclosure: publicly accessible reporting platform. Current Text: Introduced: 2/16/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/16/2022 Status: 2/17/2022 -From printer. May be heard in committee March 19. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/16/2022-A. PRINT Desk I Policy I Fiscal I Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: Current law, beginning January 1, 2025, prohibits the manufacture, sale, delivery, hold, or offer for sale in commerce of any cosmetic product that contains any of several specified intentionally added ingredients, including perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), except under specified circumstances. This bill would require the Department of Toxic Substances Control to work Page 4/10 Page 18 of 173 with the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse to establish, on or before January 1, 2024, a publicly accessible reporting platform to collect information about PFAS and products or product components containing regulated PFAS, as defined, being sold, offered for sale, distributed, or offered for promotional purposes in, or imported into, the state. The bill would require, on or before March 1, 2024, and annually thereafter, a manufacturer, as defined, of PFAS or a product or a product component containing regulated PFAS that is sold, offered for sale, distributed, or offered for promotional purposes in, or imported into, the state to register the PFAS or the product or product component containing regulated PFAS, and specified other information, on the publicly accessible reporting platform. Position AB 2639 ( uirk D) Water quality control plans and water rights permits. Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2022 htmi pdf Introduced: 2/18/2022 Status: 2/19/2022 -From printer. May be heard in committee March 21. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/18/2022-A. PRINT Desk I Policy I Fiscall Floor Desk I Policy I Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: Would require the State Water Resources Control Board, on or before December 31, 2023, to adopt a final update of a specified water quality control plan for the Bay -Delta and to implement the final San Joaquin River/Southern Delta update of that specified water quality control plan, as provided. The bill would prohibit the state board from approving any new water right permits or extensions of time for any existing permits resulting in new or increased diversions to surface water storage from the Sacramento River/San Joaquin River watershed until the state board has taken those actions. Position Watch Watch AB 2742 (Friedman D) Water meters: urban water suppliers. Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2022 htmi pdf Introduced: 2/18/2022 Status: 2/19/2022 -From printer. May be heard in committee March 21. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/18/2022-A. PRINT Desk I Policy Fiscal I FloorDesk PolicyFiscal Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: The Water Measurement Law generally requires the installation of a water meter as a condition of new water service on and after January 1, 1992. The law, with certain exceptions, requires an urban water supplier to install water meters on all municipal and industrial service connections that are located in its service area on or before January 1, 2025. This bill would delay that requirement for an urban water supplier to install the water meters to on or before January 1, 2030. Position SB 45 (Portantino D) Short-lived climate pollutants: organic waste reduction goals: local jurisdiction assistance. Current Text: Amended: 1/3/2022 html pdf Introduced: 12/7/2020 Last Amend: 1/3/2022 Status: 1/24/2022 -Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 36. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK Deski Policyl Fiscal I Flood Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House I Conc. Summary: Current law requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, in consultation with the State Air Resources Board, to adopt regulations to achieve the organic waste reduction goals established by the state board for 2020 and 2025, as provided. Current law requires the department, no later than Julv 1, 2020, and in consultation with the state board, to analyze the progress that the Page 5110 Page 19 of 173 waste sector, state government, and local governments have made in achieving these organic waste reduction goals. This bill would require the department, in consultation with the state board, to provide assistance to local jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, any funding appropriated by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act, for purposes of assisting local agencies to comply with these provisions, including any regulations adopted by the department. Position SB 54 (Allen D) Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act. Current Text: Amended: 2/25/2021 html Of Introduced: 12/7/2020 Last Amend: 2/25/2021 Status: 1/24/2022 -Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 29. Noes 7.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK Deski Policyl Fiscal I Floorl Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor I Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House I Conc. Summary: Would establish the Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act, which would prohibit producers of single -use, disposable packaging or single -use, disposable food service ware products from offering for sale, selling, distributing, or importing in or into the state such packaging or products that are manufactured on or after January 1, 2032, unless they are recyclable or compostable. Position SB 230 (Portantino D) State Water Resources Control Board: Constituents of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water Program. Current Text: Amended: 1/20/2022 html pdf Introduced: 1/19/2021 Last Amend: 1/20/2022 Status: 1/26/2022 -Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 37. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 1/26/2022-A. DESK Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floor Desk I Policy I Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House Conc. Summary: Would require the State Water Resources Control Board to establish, maintain, and direct a dedicated program called the Constituents of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water Program for 5 years to assess the state of information and recommend areas for further study on, among other things, the occurrence of constituents of emerging concern (CEC) in drinking water sources and treated drinking water. The bill would require the state board to convene, by an unspecified date, the Science Advisory Panel for 3 years to review and provide recommendations to the state board on CECs for further action, among other duties. The bill would require the state board to provide a final report to the Legislature by June 1, 2026, on the work conducted by the panel. Position SB 832 (Dodd D) Water rights: measurement of diversion. Current Text: Introduced: 1/3/2022 html pdf Introduced: 1/3/2022 Status: 1/19/2022 -Referred to Com. on N.R. & W. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 1/19/2022-S. N.R. & W. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Flood Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: Current law requires a person who diverts 10 acre-feet or more of water per year under a permit or license to install and maintain a device or employ a method capable of measuring the rate of direct diversion, rate of collection to storage, and rate of withdrawal or release from storage. Current law requires the measurements to be made using the best available technologies and best professional practices using a device or methods satisfactory to the State Water Resources Control Board, as specified in regulations adopted by the state board. Current law requires a permittee or Page 6/10 Page 20 of 173 licensee to maintain a record of all diversion monitoring, as provided, and to include those records with annual reports required to be submitted to the state board. Current law authorizes the state board to modify these requirements if the state board finds that strict compliance with these requirements is infeasible, is unreasonably expensive, would unreasonably affect public trust uses, or would result in the waste or unreasonable use of water, or that the need for monitoring and reporting is adequately addressed by other conditions of the permit or license. This bill would clarify existing law that a person diverting 10 acre-feet or more of water per year under a registration is subject to these water diversion measurement, recording, and reporting requirements. Position SB 890 (Nielsen R) Department of Water Resources: Water Storage and Conveyance Fund: water storage and conveyance. Current Text: Amended: 2/23/2022 html pdf Introduced: 1/31/2022 Last Amend: 2/23/2022 Status: 2/23/2022 -From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re- referred to Com. on N.R. & W. Is Urgency: Y Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/9/2022-S. N.R. & W. Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor Desk PolicyFiscal Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House 11 Conc. Summary: Would establish the Water Storage and Conveyance Fund in the State Treasury to be administered by the Department of Water Resources. The bill would require all moneys deposited in the fund to be expended, upon appropriation by the Legislature, in support of subsidence repair and reservoir storage costs, including environmental planning, permitting, design, and construction and all necessary road and bridge upgrades required to accommodate capacity improvements. The bill would require the department to expend from the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, specified monetary amounts to complete funding for the construction of the Sites Reservoir, and to restore the capacity of 4 specified water conveyance systems, as prescribed, with 2 of those 4 expenditures being in the form of a grant to the Friant Water Authority and to the San Luis and Delta -Mendota Water Authority. This bill would make these provisions inoperative on July 1, 2030, and would repeal it as of January 1, 2031. Position Watch Watch SB 891 (Hertzberg D) Business licenses: stormwater discharge compliance. Current Text: Introduced: 1/31/2022 html pdf Introduced: 1/31/2022 Status: 2/9/2022 -Referred to Com. on RLS. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 1/31/2022-S. RLS. Desk I Policy] Fiscal I Floor Desk I Policy I Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House 11Conc. Summary: Current law requires, when applying to a city or a county for an initial business license or business license renewal, a person who conducts a business operation that is a regulated industry to demonstrate enrollment with the NPDES permit program by providing specified information, under penalty of perjury, on the application, including, among other things, the Standard Industrial Classification Code for the business. Current law requires the city or county to determine, as specified, the applicability of any Standard Industrial Classification Code and, if applicable, to confirm that the information submitted to demonstrate enrollment corresponds to the business requesting the initial business license or business license renewal, and requires the city or county to transfer that information to the State Water Resources Control Board upon request. Current law requires the State Water Resources Control Board, on or before April 1, 2020, to post on its internet website a list of applicable Standard Industrial Classification Codes for the purpose of the determinations made by cities or counties, and requires the state board to update that list, as specified. This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to these provisions Position SB 892 (Hurtado D) Cybersecurity preparedness: food and agriculture sector and water and wastewater systems sector. Page 7/10 Page 21 of 173 Current Text: Introduced: 1/31/2022 html pdf Introduced: 1/31/2022 Status: 2/17/2022 -Set for hearing March 15. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/9/2022-5. G.O. Desk i Policy] Fiscal I Floor Desk i Policy I Fiscal I Floors Conf. I Enrolled I Vetoed I Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: Would require the Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) to develop, propose, and adopt reporting requirements applicable to companies and cooperatives in the food and agriculture industry if they identify a significant and verified cyber threat or active cyberattack. The bill would require a water and wastewater systems sector entity serving more than 3,300 people to report their risk assessments and emergency response plan required by the America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 to the California Cybersecurity Integration Center, the Department of Water Resources, and the State Water Resources Control Board. Position Watch Watch SB 991 (Newman D) Public contracts: progressive design -build: local agencies. Current Text: Introduced: 2/14/2022 htmi pdf Introduced: 2/14/2022 Status: 2/23/2022 -Referred to Com. on GOV. & F. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 2/23/2022-S. GOV. & F. Deski Policy Fiscal I Floor I Deski Policy I Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House I Conc. Summary: Current law, until January 1, 2025, authorizes local agencies, as defined, to use the design - build procurement process for specified public works with prescribed cost thresholds. Current law requires specified information submitted by a design -build entity in the design -build procurement process to be certified under penalty of perjury. This bill, until January 1, 2033, authorizes local agencies, defined as any city, county, city and county, or special district authorized by law to provide for the production, storage, supply, treatment, or distribution of any water from any source, to use the progressive design -build process for public works projects in excess of $5,000,000, similar to the progressive design -build process authorized for use by the Director of General Services. The bill would require specified information to be verified under penalty of perjury. Position SB 1059 (Becker D) Water Recycling in Landscaping Act: recycled water producers. Current Text: Introduced: 2/15/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/15/2022 Status: 2/23/2022 -Referred to Corns. on GOV. & F. and N.R. & W. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/23/2022-5. GOV. & F. Desk I Policy] Fiscal I Floor Desk I Policy j Fiscal I Floor Conf.I Enrolled I Vetoed I Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: The Water Recycling in Landscaping Act requires a recycled water producer, as defined, if the recycled water producer determines that within 10 years they will provide recycled water that meets specified conditions within the boundaries of a local agency, to notify the local agency of that fact and other specified information. This bill would instead require a recycled water producer to provide that notification if they determine that within 8 years they will provide recycled water that meets specified conditions within the boundaries of a local agency. Position SB 1157 (Hertzberg D) Urban water use objectives: indoor residential water use. Current Text: Introduced: 2/17/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/17/2022 Status: 3/2/2022 -Referred to Com. on N.R. & W. Is Urgency: N Page 8/10 Page 22 of 173 Is Fiscal: Y Location: 3/2/2022-S. N.R. & W. Desk I Policy] Fiscal I Floor Desk I Policyl Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: Current law requires the Department of Water Resources, in coordination with the State Water Resources Control Board, and including collaboration with and input from stakeholders, to conduct necessary studies and investigations and authorizes the department and the board to jointly recommend to the Legislature a standard for indoor residential water use. Current law, until January 1, 2025, establishes 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use. Existing law establishes, beginning January 1, 2025, the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, establishes the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use. This bill would eliminate the option of using the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily and the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily, as applicable, or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use. Position SB 1188 (Laird D) Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: financial assistance. Current Text: Introduced: 2/17/2022 htmi _df Introduced: 2/17/2022 Status: 3/2/2022 -Referred to Com. on E.Q. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 3/2/2022-S. E.Q. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Flood Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd H 11 Conc. Summary: Current law, the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Law of 1997, establishes the continuously appropriated Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to provide financial assistance for the design and construction of projects for public water systems that will enable those systems to meet safe drinking water standards. Current law authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board, to the extent permitted by federal law, to provide up to 100% grant funding, and principal forgiveness and 0% financing on loans, from the fund to a project for a water system that serves a severely disadvantaged community. Current law requires the interest rate for repayable financing provided from the fund to be 0% if the financing is for a public water system that serves a disadvantaged community with a financial hardship or if the financing is for a public water system that provides matching funds. This bill would delete those provisions relating to 0% financing and interest and would instead generally authorize the board, to the extent authorized by federal law, to provide reduced or 0% financing to further the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Law of 1997. The bill would delete the requirement that a water system serve a severely disadvantaged community in order to be provided with up to 100% grant funding or principal forgiveness and instead authorize providing that grant funding or principal forgiveness to certain other water systems. By making moneys in the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, a continuously appropriated fund, available for new purposes, the bill would make an appropriation. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. Position SB 1197 (Caballero D) Water Innovation and Drought Resiliency Act of 2022. Current Text: Introduced: 2/17/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/17/2022 Status: 3/2/2022 -Referred to Com. on N.R. & W. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: Y Location: 3/2/2022-S. N.R. & W. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Flood Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd H 11 Conc. Summary: Existing law declares that the protection of the public interest in the development of the water resources of the state is of vital concern to the people of the state and that the state shall determine in what way the water of the state, both surface and underground, should be developed for the greatest public benefit. This bill, the Water Innovation and Drought Resiliency Act of 2022, would create the Initiative to Advance Water Innovation and Drought Resiliency at the office for the furtherance of new technologies and other innovative approaches in the water sector. Page 9/10 Page 23 of 173 Position SB 1442 (Borgeas R) Water conservation and reclamation projects. Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/18/2022 Status: 2/22/2022 -From printer. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/18/2022-S. RLS. Deski Policy] Fiscal I Floor Desk I Policy I Fiscal Floor Conf.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House lConc. Summary: Current law establishes the Water Conservation Projects Act of 1985 and declares the intent of the Legislature to encourage local agencies and private enterprise to implement water conservation and reclamation projects. This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to related legislative findings and declarations. Position Spot SB 1459 (Caballero D) State water policy. Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2022 html pdf Introduced: 2/18/2022 Status: 2/22/2022 -From printer. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/18/2022-S. RLS. Deski Policy Fiscal I Floorl Deski Policy Fiscal I Floorl Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House I 2nd House 11 Conc. Summary: The Porter -Cologne Water Quality Control Act requires the State Water Resources Control Board to formulate and adopt state policy for water quality control. This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to that provision. Position Spot Spot SB 1485 (Rubio D) Water quality: statewide program. Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2022 htmi pdf Introduced: 2/18/2022 Status: 2/22/2022 -From printer. Is Urgency: N Is Fiscal: N Location: 2/18/2022-S. RLS. Desk I Policy Fiscal I Flood Desk I Policy Fiscal I Floor Conf. Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered 1st House 2nd House Conc. Summary: The Porter -Cologne Water Quality Control Act designates the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards as the principal state agencies with authority over matters relating to water quality. The act requires the state board and the regional boards to, among other things, coordinate their respective activities to achieve a unified and effective water quality control program in the state.This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to the latter provision. Position Watch Watch Total Measures: 29 Total Tracking Forms: 40 Page 10/10 Page 24 of 173 ITEM NO. 8.1. ' rba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1aelAI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held February 8, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Meeting Minutes (Special) 2. Draft Meeting Minutes (Regular) Page 25 of 173 1 2 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 5:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS Were included on the agenda. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m. 3. ROLL CALL 4. 5 DIRECTORS PRESENT J. Wayne Miller, PhD, President Brooke Jones, Vice President Trudi DesRoches Phil Hawkins Tom Lindsey 2022 -XXX STAFF PRESENT Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Veronica Ortega, Assistant Board Secretary ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP PUBLIC COMMENTS 1► 156N0 CLOSED SESSION The Board entered Closed Session at 5:34 p.m. All Directors and General Counsel were present. 5.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Irvine Ranch Water District v. Orange County Water District, et al. (Los Angeles County Superior Court — Case No. BS168278) Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. Page 26 of 173 2022 -XXX 5.2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: Three 5.3. Conference with Real Property Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code Property: APN 343-591-19 Agency Negotiators: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Negotiating Parties: City of Yorba Linda Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment The Board returned to Open Session at 6:49 p.m. General Counsel Gagen announced that the Board took no reportable action during Closed Session. 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Lindsey, to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Veronica Ortega Assistant Board Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. 2 Page 27 of 173 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS Were included on the agenda. 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. 5 0 Vice President Jones led the pledge. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT J. Wayne Miller, PhD, President Brooke Jones, Vice President Trudi DesRoches Phil Hawkins Tom Lindsey 2022 -XXX STAFF PRESENT Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Alison Martin, Public Affairs Manager Paige Appel, Budget Analyst Veronica Ortega, Executive Assistant ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Elected Officials Liaison Reports Yorba Linda Mayor Pro Tem Gene Hernandez stated that the City had no reportable updates. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Page 28 of 173 7 0 2022 -XXX 6.2. Federal and State Legislative Update Staff reported that Townsend Public Affairs (TPA) was in the process of evaluating new bills of interest. President Miller requested an update on grant funding opportunities. Staff commented on efforts related to evaluating District projects for grants and other funding opportunities and mentioned that depending on priority, the Board may want to consider retaining a grant writing consultant or expanding TPA's scope of work to include this service. Staff also noted that if the Board was interested, TPA could provide a presentation on best practices for securing grant funding. Staff then briefed the Board on the new PIPES Act, which is complementary to the WIPPES Act, and in tandem will help address issues related to the marketing and labeling of single -use wet wipes. Staff also reported on the status of federal funding for construction of an additional heli -hydrant, previously proposed and potentially proposed legislation related to SWRCB's compliance timelines for MCL's. PUBLIC COMMENTS John Koeller, resident, commented on his experience connecting to the District's sewer collection system and commended staff for their associated efforts. CONSENT CALENDAR Vice President Jones requested to remove Item Nos. 8.8. and 8.9. from the Consent Calendar for separate action. President Miller also requested to remove Item No. 8.12. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held January 11, 2022 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held January 18, 2022 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. 2 Page 29 of 173 2022 -XXX 8.3. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held January 25, 2022 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.4. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held February 1, 2022 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.5. Re -Authorizing Continuation of Virtual/Teleconference Board Meetings Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2022 - XX finding and determining that: (1) a state of emergency related to COVID- 19 continues to be in effect; (2) state and local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing in connection with COVID-19; (3) due to the COVID-19 emergency, meeting in person could present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees; and (4) continued remote meetings are hereby re -authorized for the period of February 10, 2022, through March 12, 2022, pursuant to California Government Code Section 54953(e). 8.6. Communications Activities Monthly Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Communications Activities Report for the month ending January 31, 2022. 8.7. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,950,866.73. 8.10. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021-22 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021-22. 8.11. Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021-22 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021-22. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. 3 Page 30 of 173 2022 -XXX 8.13. Claims for Damages filed by the Law Offices of Lee E. Burrows Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject and deny the claim filed by the Law Offices of Lee E. Burrows. 8.14. Terms and Conditions with J&J Fitness Made Fun Inc. (DBA My Gym), 18525 Yorba Linda Blvd, Job No. J-2021-52 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Terms and Conditions for Water Service with J&J Fitness Made Fun Inc., 18525 Yorba Linda Blvd, Job No. J-2021-52. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION 8.8. Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending December 31, 2021 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending December 31, 2021. Staff responded to questions from Vice President Jones regarding the total revenue. 8.9. Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2021 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2021. Staff also responded to questions from Vice President Jones regarding the status of the District's unfunded accrued liabilities. 8.12. Ratifying Revised Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of Fiscal Year 2021-22 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2022 - XX ratifying amendments to the budgeted positions for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021-22. Staff then responded to questions from President Miller regarding the revisions. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to approve Item Nos. 8.8., 8.9., and 8.12. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 9. ACTION CALENDAR 10 re" Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. 4 Page 31 of 173 2022 -XXX 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1. Status of PFAS Water Treatment Plant Staff briefed the Board on the status of the plant and associated groundwater production plan. Director Lindsey requested staff keep track of and periodically report on expenses associated with attending events to present on the treatment plant. 10.2. Periodic Review of Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Manual Staff explained that the Board periodically reviewed the manual and that any desired amendments could be adopted at a future meeting. The Board discussed taking some additional time to review the manual and conducting two regular meetings each month and/or scheduling additional budget workshop meetings. Staff also noted that the monetary limits for travel related expenditures may need to be updated. This matter will be brought back to the Board for consideration at the next regular meeting. The Board and staff then discussed topics to be covered during the first budget workshop meeting. 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1 Director's Reports A list of meetings and events attended was included in the agenda packet. Director Hawkins noted that he would be absent for the regular meeting on March 8, 2022 due to a schedule conflict. 11.2. Assistant General Manager's Report Assistant General Manager Davert reported on the status of COVID-19 related activities at the District and the pending reinstatement and retroactivity of associated supplemental paid sick leave. 11.3. General Counsel's Report None. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. 5 Page 32 of 173 2022 -XXX 11.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. Staff briefed the Board on the status of the District's Bastanchury Waterline Relocation Project and coordination efforts with the City of Yorba Linda in relation to their Bastanchury Road Widening Project. Discussion regarding both projects followed. Mayor Pro Tem Hernandez indicated that he would look into whether the City is receiving funds from the Orange County Transportation Authority for their project. 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Miller/Des Roches) - Next meeting will be scheduled when needed. 12.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Miller/Lindsey) - Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 25, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. 12.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Lindsey) - Next meeting will be scheduled when needed. 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from February 9 — March 31, 2022 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m. Motion passed 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Veronica Ortega Assistant Board Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Page 33 of 173 ITEM NO. 8.2. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Re -Authorizing Continuation of Virtual/Teleconference Board Meetings RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2022 -XX finding and determining that: (1) a state of emergency related to COVID-19 continues to be in effect; (2) state and local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing in connection with COVID-19; (3) due to the COVID-19 emergency, meeting in person could present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees; and (4) continued remote meetings are hereby re -authorized for the period of March 8, 2022, through April 7, 2022, pursuant to California Government Code Section 54953(e). SUMMARY: Governor Newsom signed into law AB 361 which amends the Brown Act to allow the Board to continue to meet remotely during declared emergencies proclaimed by the Governor due to COVID-19 under certain conditions: (1) state or local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing; or (2) the Board determines or has determined as a result of the emergency, meeting in person could present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees. BACKGROUND: In order to continue holding Board meetings remotely and by virtual/teleconference as has been previously occurring, the Board will need to reconsider and make a determination that as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 emergency, meeting in person could present imminent risks to the health and safety of the attendees. The Orange County Health Care Agency, which is responsible for health orders in Orange County, has provided recommendations for social distancing and masking for indoor events. Additionally, COVID-19 variants, especially Omicron and Delta, continue to spread throughout the Orange County community. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that the Omicron and Delta variants are highly transmissible and continues to recommend wearing masks in public and in indoor settings. For these reasons, staff recommends that the District continue to hold Board meetings remotely Page 34 of 173 by virtual/teleconference for the next 30 days. AB 361 also adds new procedures and clarifies the requirements for conducting remote meetings, including the following: 1. Public agencies may not require public comments to be submitted in advance. 2. In the event of a technical disruption, the public agency cannot take any further action on the agenda until the technical issue is resolved. 3. Beginning 30 days after the first meeting, the legislative body must reconsider the continuing need for virtual meetings every 30 days. The legislative body must find each time that it has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency, and the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person or state and local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. If a majority of the members of a legislative body do not adopt these findings, then traditional Brown Act provisions for teleconferencing will apply. Should the Board vote to re -authorize implementation of the provisions of AB 361, these requirements will apply: 1. Notices and agenda requirements remain the same under the Brown Act. 2. No physical location is required for public attendance or public comment. However, the public must be able to access and participate in the meeting through a call-in or an internet-based service, and instructions for how to participate must appear on the posted notices or agenda. 3. Teleconference meetings must protect the statutory and constitutional rights of the parties and the public. 4. If there is any disruption of the call-in or internet-based service, the agency must suspend the meeting until the problem is fixed. 5. Legislative bodies may allow public comments to be submitted prior to a meeting, but must also allow the public to participate in real-time through call-in or internet-based service. 6. If an internet-based service requires registration through a third party, individuals can be required to register with the third party to participate in the meeting. 7. When providing a public comment period, whether after each item or during a general comment period, a legislative body must allow reasonable time for members of the public to comment and must also include reasonable time for members to register with a third party host, if applicable. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2022 -XX - Continuation of Virtual Meetings Page 35 of 173 RESOLUTION NO. 2022 -XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT RELYING ON THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY ON MARCH 4, 2020, AND RE -AUTHORIZING VIRTUAL BOARD MEETINGS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 361 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District ("District") is committed to preserving public access and participation in meetings of the Board of Directors. WHEREAS, all meetings of the District's legislative bodies are open and public, as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Sections 54950-54963), so that any member of the public may attend and participate in the District's meetings. WHEREAS, starting in March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in the State of California, the Governor issued a number of executive orders aimed at controlling the spread and mitigating the effects of COVID-19. WHEREAS, among other things, these orders waived certain requirements of the Brown Act to allow legislative bodies to meet virtually. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Governor's executive orders, the District has been holding virtual meetings during the pandemic in the interest of protecting the health and safety of the public, Board members, and District staff. WHEREAS, the Governor's executive orders related to the suspension of certain provisions of the Brown Act expired on September 30, 2021. WHEREAS, on September 16, 2021, the Governor signed Assembly Bill 361, Government Code Section 54953(e), which allows legislative bodies to meet virtually provided there is a state of emergency declared by the Governor, and either: (1) state or local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing; or (2) the legislative body determines by majority vote that meeting in person could present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees. WHEREAS, such conditions continue to exist in the District, specifically, a state of emergency has been proclaimed related to COVID-19 by the Governor of California as of March 4, 2020, local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing, and because of the ongoing threat of COVID-19, meeting in person could present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors previously adopted Resolution No. 2022-02 on February 08, 2022, finding that the requisite conditions exist for the legislative body of the District to conduct remote teleconference meetings without compliance with Government Code Section 54953 (b)(3). Resolution No. 2022 -XX Re -Authorizing Virtual Board Meetings Pursuant to AB 361 Page 36 of 173 WHEREAS, as a condition of extending the use of the provisions found in Government Code 54953(e), the Board of Directors must reconsider the circumstances of the state of emergency, and the Board has done so. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: SECTION 1. Remote Teleconference Meetings: Consistent with the provisions of Government Code Section 54953(e), the Board of Directors finds and determines that: (1) a state of emergency related to COVID-19 continues to be in effect; (2) state and/or local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing in connection with COVID-19; and (3) due to the health and safety of attendees, and, based on the foregoing facts, findings, and determinations, the Board re -authorizes staff to conduct remote teleconference meetings of the Board of Directors, including Committee meetings, per the provisions of Government Code Section 54953(e). SECTION 2. Effective Date of Resolution: This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption and shall be effective for 30 days unless earlier extended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of March 2022 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: J. Wayne Miller, PhD., President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Resolution No. 2022 -XX Re -Authorizing Virtual Board Meetings Pursuant to AB 361 2 Page 37 of 173 ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Keri Hollon, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,950,866.73. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Section 31302 of the California Water Code, staff is submitting a list of disbursements to the Board of Directors for approval. The items on this disbursement list include a wire of $1,037,745.32 to MWDOC for December 2021 water purchases; a wire of $155,871.39 to So. California Edison Co. for January 2022 and prior months electricity charges at multiple locations: a wire of $20,048.05 to So. California Gas Co. for January 2022 gas charges at multiple locations; a wire of $714.00 to Switch for the remote data hosting co - location; a wire of $3,000.00 to USPS for fund refill of postal meter; a check of $65,890.00 to Zelman Yorba Linda LLC for J20-16 cash bond release; a check of $40,795.00 to A & Y Asphalt for concrete repairs at various locations; a check of $62,062.38 to Kidman Gagen Law for January 2022 legal services. Additionally: a wire of $4,158.87 to Bank of America for February 2022 interest accrual payment; a wire of $3,615.41 to So. California Edison Co. January 2022 electricity charges at multiple locations; a check of $143,777.64 to ACWA/JPIA for March 2022 medical and dental premiums; a check of $47,500.00 to Certapro Painters for headquarters painting maintenance; a check of $43,080.00 to RKI Engineering for J20-05 SCADA support and SCADA control support. The balance of $567,388.37 are routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $2,195,646.43; Payroll No. 03 total is $324,595.02, Payroll No. 04 total is $344,051.72, and Payroll No. 5A total is $197,804.03; where disbursements for this agenda report total is $3,062,097.20. A summary of the disbursements is attached. Page 38 of 173 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cap Sheet for March 8, 2022 2. Check Register for February 22, 2022 3. Check Register for March 8, 2022 4. Credit Card for March 8, 2022 5. BOD Credit Card for March 8, 2022 Page 39 of 173 Summary of Disbursements March 8, 2022 CHECK NUMBERS: 2/22/2022 Computer Checks 79476-79557 $ 451,069.37 3/8/2022 Computer Checks 79558-79632 519,424.02 $ 970,493.39 WIRES: W020822 US Postal (Halser) $ 3,000.00 W021022 Southern Calif Edison Co 155,871.39 W021522 MW DOC 1,037,745.32 W021622 Southern Calif Gas Co 20,048.05 W021622A Switch Ltd 714.00 W022822 Bank of America 4,158.87 W022822A Southern Calif Edison Co 3,615.41 $ 1,225,153.04 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 2,195,646.43 PAYROLL NO. 03: Direct Deposits $ 200,644.52 Payroll Taxes 52,543.11 EFT -- CalPERS 49,558.25 Third Party Checks 7691-7695 21,849.14 $ 324,595.02 PAYROLL NO. 04: Direct Deposits $ 212,968.87 Payroll Taxes 55,882.02 EFT -- CalPERS 49,578.47 Third Party Checks 7969-7704 25,622.36 $ 344,051.72 PAYROLL NO. 5A: Payroll Processing 7705 $ 111,971.62 Payroll Taxes 85,832.41 $ 197,804.03 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 866,450.77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISBURSEMENT TOTAL $ 3,062,097.20 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 8, 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Page 40 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 2/9/2022 thru 2/22/2022 Check No. Date Vendor Name 79476 02/22/2022 PAMELA ADAMS 79477 02/22/2022 LESLIE LAYMAN 79478 02/22/2022 TOLL BROTHERS 79479 02/22/2022 JON POLENTZ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO 79480 02/22/2022 ZELMAN YORBA LINDA LLC 79481 02/22/2022 QUALTEK USA LLC 79482 02/22/2022 CHRIS VOLLARO 79483 02/22/2022 LEMON TREE SPA 79484 02/22/2022 PATRICIA AFIF 79485 02/22/2022 ONYX PAVING CO. INC. 79486 02/22/2022 OADEER HOME 79487 02/22/2022 T.E. ROBERTS 79488 02/22/2022 ZILLOW HOME INC 79489 02/22/2022 JASON KOREN IRREVOCABLE TRUST 79490 02/22/2022 BOBO HOME INC 79491 02/22/2022 BUSRA KARAASLAN 79492 02/22/2022 WHITING DEVELOPMENT 79493 02/22/2022 Albert A. Webb Associates 79494 02/22/2022 All American Asphalt 79495 02/22/2022 Amazon Capital Services 79496 02/22/2022 Aqua -Metric Sales Co. 79497 02/22/2022 Aramark 79498 02/22/2022 AT & T - Calnet3 79499 02/22/2022 A & Y Asphalt Contractors Inc. 79500 02/22/2022 BASE HILL INC. 79501 02/22/2022 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc. 79502 02/22/2022 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 79503 02/22/2022 CDW Government, Inc 79504 02/22/2022 City Of Placentia 79505 02/22/2022 Griswold Industries dba Cla-Val Co. 79506 02/22/2022 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 79507 02/22/2022 Codekas Tools & Equipment 79508 02/22/2022 Culligan of Santa Ana 79509 02/22/2022 Cummins Pacific, LLC 79510 02/22/2022 C. Wells Pipeline 79511 02/22/2022 DCL America Inc. 79512 02/22/2022 Dion & Sons, Inc. 79513 02/22/2022 Dean Criske Trucking 79514 02/22/2022 Elite Equipment Inc 79515 02/22/2022 EMEDCO 79516 02/22/2022 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. 79517 02/22/2022 ESRI 79518 02/22/2022 FedEx Office 79519 02/22/2022 Golden Bell Products 79520 02/22/2022 Grainger 79521 02/22/2022 Haaker Equipment Co. 79522 02/22/2022 Hach Company 79523 02/22/2022 Hayes Automation Inc. 79524 02/22/2022 Infosend Inc. 79525 02/22/2022 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 79526 02/22/2022 Jensen Hughes, Inc. 79527 02/22/2022 Kidman Gagen Law 79528 02/22/2022 Kimball Midwest 79529 02/22/2022 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 79530 02/22/2022 Managed Health Network 79531 02/22/2022 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 79532 02/22/2022 Mc Master -Carr Supply Co. 79533 02/22/2022 MICHAEL FRAUENTHAL & ASSOCIATES INC 79534 02/22/2022 Minuteman Press 79535 02/22/2022 NatPay Online Business Solutions 79536 02/22/2022 NATEC International, Inc. 79537 02/22/2022 GovernmentJobs.com Inc. DBA NEOGOV Amount 49.47 CUSTOMER REFUND 34.30 CUSTOMER REFUND 55.98 CUSTOMER REFUND 472.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 65,890.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 372.35 CUSTOMER REFUND 68.90 CUSTOMER REFUND 120.47 CUSTOMER REFUND 64.52 CUSTOMER REFUND 170.50 CUSTOMER REFUND 500.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 2,050.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 458.47 CUSTOMER REFUND 418.02 CUSTOMER REFUND 388.39 CUSTOMER REFUND 58.19 CUSTOMER REFUND Description 373.69 CUSTOMER REFUND 780.00 J09-22 WELL 22 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JANUARY 2022 24,559.43 J20 -59/S MANHOLE & VALVE BOX ADJUSTMENT 401.90 J21-38 CAMERA MOUNT, IT SUPPLIES & PRODUCTION TOOLS 18,754.16 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 849.82 UNIFORM SERVICE 1,444.79 ATT CALNET 40,795.00 J21-43 ASPHALT REPAIRS & CONCRETE REPAIRS FOR VARIOUS LOCATIONS 3,587.58 JANITORIAL SERVICES 1,279.21 METER LIDS 34,071.95 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 2,868.28 J21-38 QUARTER HORSE SECURITY CAMERA 8,127.04 SEWER COLLECTIONS - JANUARY 2022 2,216.07 CLA VALVE PARTS 1,300.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK 1,155.90 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 1,419.55 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 2,050.85 ELK MOUNTAIN GENERATOR REPAIRS 4,445.16 HYDRANT REPAIR PARTS 10,006.09 REPLACEMENT CATALYST FOR WELL#1 307.16 DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID 786.88 ROAD MATERIAL 3,011.61 SEWER CREW REPAIR TOOLS 77.19 SAFETY SIGNS 10,586.28 WATER QUALITY TESTING 25,000.00 ESRI SOFTWARE MAINTENACE RENEWAL 2022 179.51 SHIPPING EXPENSE 7,573.50 SEWER ROACH CONTROL 272.52 PART FOR UNIT #195 & MECHANIC SHOP TOOLS 1,880.61 REPAIR ON UNIT #168 & SEWER CAMERA PARTS 429.97 WATER QUALITY WORK MATERIALS 309.77 SCADA MATERIAL 6,692.81 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 1,292.25 PARTS FOR UNIT #205 & OIL FILTERS 705.00 J21-40 CODE CONSULTING SERVICES 62,062.38 LEGAL SERVICES - JANUARY 2022 1,049.61 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 1,329.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JANUARY 2022 177.75 EAP - FEBRUARY 2022 415.29 PRODUCTION & SEWER SERVICE TOOLS 2,090.41 PRODUCTION TOOLS & PARTS FOR PFAS PLANT 6,000.00 J21-02 LA PALMA APPRAISAL 387.16 IMPORTANT NOTICE DOOR HANGERS 93.71 DOCULIVERY- JANUARY 2022 1,990.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL SAFETY TRAINING 2,602.54 ONBOARD SOFTWARE LICENSE 4/22-4/23 Page 41 of 173 79538 02/22/2022 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 8,029.87 FUEL 01/16/22-01/31/22 79539 02/22/2022 Office Solutions 88.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 79540 02/22/2022 Orange County - Tax Collector 125.00 OCSD RADIO CHARGE 79541 02/22/2022 County of Orange 111.97 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 79542 02/22/2022 Orkin Pest Control 2,808.00 PEST CONTROL 79543 02/22/2022 OUR FIRST AID COMPANY 167.23 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 79544 02/22/2022 Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. 198.99 WELDING SUPPLIES 79545 02/22/2022 Redline Detection 3,508.93 AIRBRAKE FOR MECHANIC SHOP 79546 02/22/2022 Rosedale Products, Inc. 13,244.42 PFAS PLANT FILTER BAGS 79547 02/22/2022 Saber 28,500.00 J20-36 LAKEVIEW RESEVIOR REPAIR 79548 02/22/2022 Shamrock Supply Company 453.84 SHOVELS FOR OPERATIONS 79549 02/22/2022 Staples Business Advantage 506.42 PRINTER SUPPLIES 79550 02/22/2022 Sunrise Medical Group 1,995.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE & EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL 79551 02/22/2022 Superior Printing, Inc. 68.21 DEPOSIT SLIP BOOK 79552 02/22/2022 Trench Shoring 159.87 SAFETY TRAINING 79553 02/22/2022 Underground Service Alert 474.90 NEW TICKET CHARGES & CA STATE FEE 79554 02/22/2022 WattLogic, LLC 1,432.98 LIGHT PARTS FOR FACILITIES 79555 02/22/2022 United Water Works, Inc. 320.81 VALVE CAN & WAREHOUSE MATERIAL 79556 02/22/2022 West Coast Batteries Inc 226.12 BATTERY FOR UNIT #187 79557 02/22/2022 YO Fire 19,686.79 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL W021022 02/10/2022 Southern Calif Edison Co. 155,871.39 ELECTRIC CHARGES - JANUARY 2022 & PRIOR MONTHS VARIOUS LOCATIONS W021522 02/15/2022 Municipal Water District 1,037,745.32 WATER DELIVERIES - DECEMBER 2021 W021622 02/16/2022 Southern Calif Gas Co. 20,048.05 GAS CHARGES - JANUARY 2022 VARIOUS LOCATIONS 1,664,734.13 Payroll Checks #03 324,595.02 Page 42 of 173 01/20/2022 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 200,644.52 01/20/2022 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 52,543.11 01/20/2022 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 49,558.25 7691 01/20/2022 Colonial Life 112.61 7692 01/20/2022 Lincoln Financial Group 4,511.09 7693 01/20/2022 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 16,473.60 7694 01/20/2022 CA State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7695 01/20/2022 CA State Disbursement Unit 384.92 324,595.02 Page 42 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 2/23/2022 thru 3/8/2022 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 79558 03/08/2022 CRAIG SMITH 67.04 CUSTOMER REFUND 79559 03/08/2022 YL WEST ESTATE LLC 750.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 79560 03/08/2022 HEN KELS & McCOY BU#400054 2,047.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 79561 03/08/2022 AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT LLC 5,089.53 CUSTOMER REFUND 79562 03/08/2022 AJAX LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT LLC 1,879.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 79563 03/08/2022 VERONICA MYERS 113.52 CUSTOMER REFUND 79564 03/08/2022 JULIE BENNETT 150.88 CUSTOMER REFUND 79565 03/08/2022 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH 1,984.66 CUSTOMER REFUND 79566 03/08/2022 ACWA/JPIA 143,777.64 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM MARCH 2022 79567 03/08/2022 AIRGAS INC 132.32 WELDING SUPPLIES 79568 03/08/2022 Alfa Laval Inc. 2,620.56 PARTS FOR HIGHLAND BOOSTER 79569 03/08/2022 Aljon Graphics, Inc 690.46 WINDOW ENVELOPES 79570 03/08/2022 Alternative Hose Inc. 39.52 PART FOR WELL #18 79571 03/08/2022 Amazon Capital Services 660.55 IT MATERIAL & BACKPACK FOR PRODUCITON 79572 03/08/2022 Aramark 870.03 UNIFORM SERVICE 79573 03/08/2022 AT & T - Calnet3 1,856.02 ATT CALNET 79574 03/08/2022 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc. 3,962.51 METER LIDS 79575 03/08/2022 CalCard US Bank 33,208.88 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - JANUARY 2022 79576 03/08/2022 Carlos Murillo 96.00 CERTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT- COLLECTIONS 2 79577 03/08/2022 CertaPro Painters of Huntigton Beach 47,500.00 PAINTING OF YLWD HEADQUARTERS 79578 03/08/2022 CIPO CLOUD SOFTWARE INC 475.00 CLOUD MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 79579 03/08/2022 City Of Anaheim -Anaheim Public Utilities 4,027.50 ELECTRICAL CHARGES JANUARY 2022 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 79580 03/08/2022 CNS Environmental, Inc. 400.00 J20-61 ASBESTOS SURVEY 79581 03/08/2022 Coast Surveying, Inc. 4,061.00 J21 -49S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JANUARY 2022 79582 03/08/2022 Codekas Tools & Equipment 1,141.88 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 79583 03/08/2022 Dick's Lock & Safe Inc. 228.34 KEY COPIES 79584 03/08/2022 Dion & Sons, Inc. 294.77 DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID FOR SEWER VEHICLES 79585 03/08/2022 Dean Criske Trucking 796.28 ROAD MATERIAL 79586 03/08/2022 E. H. Wachs Company 746.83 WATER VEHICLE PARTS 79587 03/08/2022 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 7,950.00 ICE TESTING FOR HIGHLAND & LAKEVIEW 79588 03/08/2022 Fuller Truck Accessories 715.10 SIDEBOX FOR UNIT #155 79589 03/08/2022 G.M. Sager Construction Co., Inc. 30,200.00 ASPHALT PAVING FOR VARIOUS LOCATIONS 79590 03/08/2022 Graybar Electric Co 769.93 SCADA MATERIALS 79591 03/08/2022 GREGORIO VALENZUELA 90.00 CERTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT- D3 79592 03/08/2022 Haaker Equipment Co. 17,715.28 BACKUP CAMERA FOR SEWERS & PARTS FOR UNIT #215 79593 03/08/2022 Harrington Industrial 108.42 CL2 PARTS 79594 03/08/2022 Hushmand Associates Inc 34,977.50 J20-61 & J20 -26S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79595 03/08/2022 Infosend Inc. 3,664.10 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 79596 03/08/2022 Irma Munguia 476.52 BENEFIT EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 79597 03/08/2022 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 15.97 PART FOR UNIT #232 79598 03/08/2022 Jeremy Smith 575.00 REIMBURSEMENT FOR OSHA CLASS 79599 03/08/2022 Kimball Midwest 249.66 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 79600 03/08/2022 Mario S. Banuelos 500.00 WELL #21 WELDING SERVICE 79601 03/08/2022 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 831.16 PRODUCTION & SEWER SERVICE TOOLS, PAINTING SUPPLIES 79602 03/08/2022 Measurement Control Systems, Inc 577.49 PRESSURE GAUGES 79603 03/08/2022 Minuteman Press 290.53 IMPORTANT NOTICE DOOR HANGERS 79604 03/08/2022 Murcal, Inc. 29,346.09 PARTS & LABOR FOR WELL #5 79605 03/08/2022 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 9,028.68 FUEL 02/01/22-02/15/22 79606 03/08/2022 North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 500.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL 79607 03/08/2022 PLACENTIA POLICE DEPARTMENT FALSE ALARM 254.00 FALSE ALARM FEE 79608 03/08/2022 Psomas & Associates 4,192.50 J20 -16S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - JANUARY 2022 79609 03/08/2022 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC 151.96 POSTAGE MACHINE INK 79610 03/08/2022 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 1,947.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JANUARY 2022 79611 03/08/2022 Resource Computer Solutions 17,485.00 IT CONSULTING 2/15/22-3/14/22 79612 03/08/2022 RKI Engineering, LLC 43,080.00 J20-05 SCADA SUPPORT & SCADA CONTROL SUPPORT 79613 03/08/2022 Sagecrest Planning and Environmental 1,040.00 J20-46 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JANUARY 2022 79614 03/08/2022 Shred Confidential, Inc. 74.25 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE Page 43 of 173 79615 03/08/2022 Siemens Industry 2,343.56 PARTS FOR PFAS PLANT 79616 03/08/2022 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 51.62 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT & REGISTRATION FOR UNIT #206 79617 03/08/2022 Step Saver Inc 3,587.15 SALT FOR Cl2 SYSTEM 79618 03/08/2022 Sunrise Medical Group 290.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE 79619 03/08/2022 Tetra Tech, Inc. 11,524.00 J20-37 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - TIMBER RIDGE JANUARY 2022 79620 03/08/2022 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. 2,500.00 CONSULTING SERVICES - FEBRUARY 2022 79621 03/08/2022 United Industries 1,246.60 OPERATIONS PPE & CLEANING SUPPLIES 79622 03/08/2022 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 5,478.47 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD - MARCH 2022 79623 03/08/2022 United Water Works, Inc. 10,694.44 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 79624 03/08/2022 Vision Service Plan 2,579.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN - MARCH 2022 79625 03/08/2022 Vossler Company Inc 6,457.13 PARTS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES 79626 03/08/2022 Web Cam Pro Shop 978.00 OCULARIS SOFTWARE RENEWAL 79627 03/08/2022 Westside Building Material 260.49 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES 79628 03/08/2022 West Coast Batteries Inc 405.03 BATTERY FOR UNIT #139 79629 03/08/2022 Western A/V 720.00 BOARDROOM MAINTENANCE 79630 03/08/2022 WIENHOFF DRUG TESTING 75.00 ANNUAL DOT CONSORTIUM MEMBERSHIP 79631 03/08/2022 YO Fire 2,121.21 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 79632 03/08/2022 Konica Minolta Business 1,637.16 COPY CHARGES FOR C258 & C558 W020822 02/28/2022 Bank of America 4,158.87 INTEREST ON BOA LOC - FEBRUARY 2022 W022822A 02/28/2022 Southern Calif Edison Co 3,615.41 ELECTRIC CHARGES JANUARY 2022 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 527,198.30 Payroll Checks #04 Payroll Checks #SA 7705 02/17/2022 EMPLOYEE PAYROLL PROCESSING 111,971.62 02/17/2022 PAYROLL -PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 85,832.41 197,804.03 Page 44 of 173 02/17/2022 PAYROLL -EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 212,968.87 02/17/2022 PAYROLL -PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 55,882.02 02/17/2022 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 49,578.47 7696 02/17/2022 Colonial Life 114.93 7697 02/17/2022 Lincoln Financial Group 4,517.47 7698 02/17/2022 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 16,447.80 7699 02/17/2022 CA State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7700 02/17/2022 CA State Disbursement Unit 384.92 7701 02/17/2022 Allstate 1,209.37 7702 02/17/2022 Midland 200.00 7703 02/17/2022 Reliance 54.55 7704 02/17/2022 Ameritas 2,326.40 344,051.72 Payroll Checks #SA 7705 02/17/2022 EMPLOYEE PAYROLL PROCESSING 111,971.62 02/17/2022 PAYROLL -PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 85,832.41 197,804.03 Page 44 of 173 8 -Mar -22 Cal Card Credit Card U 5 Bank Vendor Name Amount Description Starbucks Store 17.95 SAFETY MEETING SUPPLIES Tom's Place 125.63 SAFETY MEETING SUPPLIES ORANGE COUNTY CIRCUIT BREAKERS 969.75 GREEN CREST ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES IN -N -OUT RESTAURANTS 89.11 SAFETY MEETING SUPPLIES Schorr Metals, Inc. 107.59 ALUMINUM SHEET FOR UNIT#E-112 Reel Lumber Service 90.97 WOOD PANELING FOR UNIT #E-112 Holliday Rock Co., Inc 1,357.65 SLURRY FOR WATER OPERATIONS REPAIR Home Depot 140.83 TOOLS FOR PRODUCTION TRUCK Schorr Metals, Inc. 107.59 ALUMINUM SHEET FOR UNIT#E-112 Verizon Wireless 4,072.99 VERIZON 11/21-12/20 West Coast Energy Systems LLC 424.88 ELK MOUNTAIN GENERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING Home Depot 28.43 CONCRETE SUPPLIES Home Depot 2.50 TOOLS FOR HYDRANT CREW Home Depot 5.60 TOOLS FOR HYDRANT CREW North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 250.00 DISPOSAL -OLD ROAD MATERIAL North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 250.00 DISPOSAL -OLD ROAD MATERIAL North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 250.00 DISPOSAL -OLD ROAD MATERIAL North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 250.00 DISPOSAL -OLD ROAD MATERIAL North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 250.00 DISPOSAL -OLD ROAD MATERIAL Amazon Capital Services 51.69 MARKING FLAGS FOR INSPECTORS CANVA PRO 119.40 CANAVA PRO ANNUAL FEE 91 Express Lanes 30.00 OFFICE EXPENSE Urban Water Institute (275.00) UWI CONFERENCE REGISTRATION REFUND - DAVERT, D Urban Water Institute (275.00) UWI CONFERENCE REGISTRATION REFUND - MARTIN, A Time Warner Cable 659.53 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Home Depot 61.04 SANTIAGO ELECTRICAL PARTS Home Depot 535.37 J21-38 QUARTER HORSE SECURITY UPGRADE MATERIALS TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS 360.00 TRANSLATION SERVICES Staples 15.48 OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES Home Depot 220.90 CONCRETE FOR REPAIRS SMARTSHEET 19.00 MONTHLY SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION ZOOM 84.97 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS 250.00 TRANSLATION SERVICES JD SQUARED 402.50 MODEL 32 DYE FOR MECHANIC SHOP Home Depot 124.04 SCADA TOOLS BNSF Contractor.com 10.00 BNSF SAFETY TRAINING City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 2,000.00 J09-22 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Republic Services #676 608.67 DISPOSAL SERVICE ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 454.40 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION Costco 318.97 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES Orvac Electronics 15.04 SCADA MATERIAL Foundation Building Materials 296.84 ELECTRICAL ROOM DOOR PARTS FOR BUILDING 4 Home Depot 167.09 FACILITIES TOOLS Home Depot 98.71 PAINTING SUPPLIES & WASH RACK REPAIR PARTS Adobe 52.99 SOFTWARE LICENSE Hilton Hotels (202.29) UWI CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - MARTIN, A Stater Bros. Markets 12.91 OFFICE SUPPLIES Home Depot 66.70 J21-38 QUARTER HORSE SECURITY UPGRADE MATERIALS Placentia Chamber Of Commerce 350.00 PLACENTIA AWARDS DINNER - 5 ATTEND Home Depot 33.92 GREEN CREST LIFT STATION MATERIAL FIRSTAID SUPPLIES ONLINE 361.44 FLEET FIRSTAID SUPPLIES KB Design 178.35 WORK COATS EMBROIDERY Smart & Final 2.79 CLEANING SUPPLIES Del Taco 18.76 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT Laserfiche 1,050.00 CERTIFICATION COURSES - ARAMBARRI, T Nexa Receptionists, LLC 564.00 AFTER HOURS PHONE SERVICE Cal Society -Municipal Finance Officers 110.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - LUGO, D Home Depot 51.56 FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES Gatehouse Supplies 450.56 PARTS FOR MIRALOMA GATE REPAIR 76 Gas Station 27.55 DRINKS FOR STAFF WORKING OT Privacy Bootcamp 349.00 CIPP EXAM & MATERIALS - ARAMBARRI, T Urban Water Institute 250.00 UWI CONFERENCE REGISTRATION -JONES, B Pho Vina Noodle 55.09 LUNCH MEETING - 3 ATTEND Page 45 of 173 JRTT AUTO SERVICE 300.00 WIRING HARNESS REPAIR FOR UNIT #223 Discount Tire Centers (Andonian Enterprises Inc.) 80.00 TIRE ALIGNMENT UNIT #205 The Bouqs Company 76.17 OFFICE EXPENSE City Of Yorba Linda 2,017.00 LITTLE CANYON PROPERTY SURVEYOR REVIEW Del Taco 14.67 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT Time Warner Cable 215.57 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES 76 Gas Station 24.48 DRINKS FOR STAFF WORKING OT Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware (1.51) MECHANIC SHOP PART RETURN Byblos Mediterranean Grill 40.64 LUNCH MEETING - 2 ATTEND Del Taco 38.04 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 9.05 TOGGLE SWITCH FOR UNIT #175 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 22.20 TOGGLE SWITCH FOR UNIT #175 Better Way, Inc 212.00 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SUPPLIES Wordfence 99.00 WEBSITE SECURITY UPGRADE O'Reilly Auto Parts 55.40 FACILITY KEYS Pacific Urgent Care Center 1,040.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE Home Depot 67.05 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS AWWA 895.00 AWWA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - WESTON, R Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 7.50 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - LUGO, D Mona Lisa 71.65 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - LUGO, D & KNIGHT, G Oakland International Airport 14.00 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - LUGO, D Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 3.83 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - KNIGHT, G Ferry Plaza Wine Merchant 39.65 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - LUGO, D & KNIGHT, G Oakland International Airport 25.00 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - KNIGHT, G Petromax Inc 9.00 CAR WASH FOR UNIT #227 Home Depot 647.37 GATE REPAIR TOOLS Home Depot 266.65 WIRE & CONDUIT FOR MIRALOMA GATE Home Depot 83.72 FACILITIES CLEANING SUPPLIES Harbor Freight Tools 132.26 TOOLS FOR OPERATIONS Home Depot 42.88 PEA PEBBLE FOR LANDSCAPE REPAIRS Home Depot 61.75 PEA PEBBLE FOR LANDSCAPE REPAIRS AIIM International 160.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES-ARAMBARRI, T Santa Monica Express, Inc 68.50 J20-61 COURIER SERVICE Avenue of the Arts Wyndham Hotel 16.00 ACWA/JPIA TRAVEL EXPENSE - LOGSDON, D Hilton Hotels 257.35 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - LUGO, D California Department of Motor Vehicle 28.00 UNIT #206 REGISTRATION FEE California Department of Motor Vehicle 0.65 UNIT #206 REGISTRATION FEE Fleet Services, Inc 94.13 TRAILER PLUGS FOR UNIT #196 Orvac Electronics 243.48 GATE WIRING TOOLS Uline 361.14 HANDTRUCK & PLATFORM FOR RECORDS Avenue of the Arts Wyndham Hotel 16.00 ACWA/JPIA TRAVEL EXPENSE - MARTIN, A Hyatt Regency Hotels 696.34 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - LUGO, D ONTARIO AIRPORT LOT 63.00 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - LUGO, D Boudin Bakery & Cafe 16.09 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - KNIGHT, G Hyatt Regency Hotels 696.34 LCW CONFERENCE TRAVEL EXPENSE - KNIGHT, G IN-N-OUT RESTAURANTS 46.87 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT Carl's Jr Restaurant 52.38 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT Time Warner Cable 221.94 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Time Warner Cable 2,035.25 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES ACWA/JPIA 35.00 MEETING REGISTRATION FEE - KNIGHT, G ACWA/JPIA 35.00 MEETING REGISTRATION FEE-SEGURA, J Home Depot 35.49 FLASHLIGHT & PATCH TAPE SiteOne Landscape Supply 117.14 LANDSCAPE REPAIR SUPPLIES SSL Guru 279.95 FIREWALL CERTIFICATE Home Depot 69.92 PRODUCTION HARDWARE SUPPLIES Home Depot 310.14 BODY REPAIR PARTS FOR UNIT #175 Home Depot 110.50 WELL#5 WIRING SUPPLIES Veriato 420.00 VERIATO LICENSE & MAINTENANCE RENEWALL Home Depot 134.43 TOOLS FOR SEWER CREW Discount Movers, Inc 105.00 SERVICE DEPOSIT 76 Gas Station 22.83 PROPANE REFILL Smart & Final 595.32 DISTRICT EVENT SUPPLIES Amazon Capital Services 326.24 STAND UP DESK FOR ENGINEERING 33,208.88 Page 46 of 173 8 -Mar -22 Cal Card Credit Card Board of Directors - Vendor Name Document Amount ' Description Brooke Jones Urban Water Institute 250.00 UWI CONFERENCE REGISTRATION -JONES, B 250.00 Page 47 of 173 ITEM NO. 8.4. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT: Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending January 31, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending January 31, 2022. BACKGROUND: For the month ending January 31, 2022, staff is presenting Budget to Actual Reports for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported for the month ending January 31, 2022, reflects an average decrease of 13.12% as compared to the prior year for the same reporting period. Landscape customer connections had the highest decrease in consumption sales of 17.31 % as compared to reported results from the prior year. Total Variable Costs results, as reported through the month ending January 31, 2022, reflect a 49.42% increase when compared to the prior year for the same reporting period. The increase in costs is predominantly reflective of the increase in import water purchases. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B — Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: Financial Reports and Graphs for January 2022 Page 48 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY21 ProForma - Use of Funds January 2022 Page 49 of 173 FY22 Annual YTD Actuals thru YTD % of Budget January 2022 Budget Water Revenue (Residential) $ 15,834,595 $ 8,832,491 55.78% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,555,486 981,800 63.12% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,782,756 2,410,451 63.72% Service Charges 13,412,193 7,725,421 57.60% PFAS Impact Fee 894,116 889,401 99.47% Other Operating Revenue 771,723 582,729 75.51% Total Operating Revenue 36,250,869 21,422,293 59.09% Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest 240,000 44,284 18.45% Property Taxes 2,025,000 1,222,903 60.39% Property Taxes - CFC Charges 2,985,028 1,856,915 62.21% Other Non -Operating Revenue 591,046 267,532 45.26% Total Non -Operating Revenue 5,841,074 3,391,634 58.07% Total Revenue $ 42,091,943 $ 24,813,927 58.95% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water -Related Costs $ 18,147,954 $ 13,337,618 73.49% Fixed Costs 1,426,078 566,256 39.71% Power -Related Costs 1,755,798 326,068 18.57% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 21,329,830 14,229,942 66.71% Salary Related Expenses 10,467,250 5,320,846 50.83% Reduction for Capital Project Labor (344,250) (191,642) 55.67% Salary Related Expenses Total 10,123,000 5,129,204 50.67% Supplies & Services Communications 139,402 61,549 44.15% Contractual Services 584,405 305,913 52.35% Data Processing 303,500 107,367 35.38% Dues & Memberships 82,295 68,351 83.06% Fees & Permits 339,889 245,470 72.22% Insurance 263,500 142,888 54.23% Materials 702,120 399,607 56.91% District Activities, Emp Recognition 45,026 18,537 41.17% Maintenance 768,630 517,450 67.32% Non -Capital Equipment 128,208 63,507 49.53% Office Expense 37,821 23,048 60.94% Professional Services 1,510,723 477,832 31.63% Training 61,277 15,418 25.16% Travel & Conferences 79,511 8,263 10.39% Uncollectible Accounts 8,330 2,968 35.63% Utilities 169,150 92,170 54.49% Vehicle Expenses 302,770 155,622 51.40% Supplies & Services Sub -Total 5,526,557 2,705,960 48.96% Total Operating Expenses 36,979,387 22,065,106 59.67% Expenses (Non -Operating) Other Expense 7,665 5,179 67.57% Total Non -Operating Expenses 7,665 5,179 67.57% Total Expenses $ 36,987,052 $ 22,070,285 59.67% Net Revenues 5,104,891 2,743,642 53.75% Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest) 2,728,919 2,052,551 75.21% Transfer to/(from) Reserves 2,375,972 691,091 29.09% Net Total $ - $ - Page 49 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending January 31, 2022 (With January 31, 2021 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD Jan YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Jan Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY22 FY22 FY22 FY22 YTD Budget FY21 Jan 2021) PY Actual $ PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): 179,667 21,143 65,411 (114,256) 54,481 173,406 (107,995) -62.28% 2,025,000 Water Revenue (Residential) $15,834,595 $9,705,023 730,959 $8,832,491 $ (872,532) $1,111,752 $10,352,594 (1,520,103) -14.68% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,555,486 953,357 86,319 981,800 28,443 112,088 1,059,995 (78,195) -7.38% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,782,756 2,318,451 63,954 2,410,451 92,000 250,135 2,915,129 (504,678) -17.31% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 13,412,193 7,823,779 1,125,227 7,725,421 (98,358) 969,902 6,696,734 1,028,687 15.36% Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) 894,116 894,116 - 889,401 (4,715) - - 889,401 100.00% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,844,118 1,659,069 234,744 1,654,129 (4,940) 201,617 1,426,113 228,016 15.99% Locke Ranch Assessments 331,878 193,596 8,708 193,381 (215) 8,095 178,904 14,477 8.09% Other Operating Revenue 812,526 504,848 31,719 711,589 206,741 43,537 439,748 271,841 61.82% Total Operating Revenue: 39,467,668 24,052,239 2,281,630 23,398,663 (653,576) 2,697,126 23,069,217 329,446 1.43% Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Property Tax Property Taxes - CFC Charges Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Powe Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses 308,000 179,667 21,143 65,411 (114,256) 54,481 173,406 (107,995) -62.28% 2,025,000 1,256,250 110,807 1,222,904 (33,346) 132,953 1,176,569 46,335 3.94% 2,985,028 1,820,867 81,335 1,856,914 36,047 - - 1,856,914 100.00% 601,446 355,177 60,506 432,502 77,325 444,540 882,635 (450,133) -51.00% 5,919,474 3,611,961 273,791 3,577,731 (34,230) 631,974 2,232,610 1,345,121 60.25% 45,387,142 27,664,200 2,555,421 26,976,394 (687,806) 3,329,100 25,301,827 1,674,567 6.62% 21,329,830 13,073,053 2,096,921 14,229,942 1,156,889 915,454 9,523,633 4,706,309 49.42% 12,050,996 6,109,079 842,356 5,976,674 (132,405) 789,497 5,780,090 196,584 3.40% 6,506,608 3,266,021 610,230 3,160,007 (106,014) 411,243 2,830,770 329,238 11.63% 39,887,434 22,448,153 3,549,507 23,366,623 918,470 2,116,194 18,134,493 5,232,130 28.85% 1,286,985 750,741 101,965 726,346 (24,396) 106,624 761,172 (34,827) -4.58% 13,365 7,796 (1,933) 17,172 9,376 3,924 (21,021) 38,193 -181.69% 1,300,350 758,537 100,032 743,518 (15,020) 110,548 740,151 3,367 0.45% 41,187,784 23,206,690 3,649,539 24,110,141 903,450 2,226,742 18,874,644 5,235,497 27.74% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 4,199,358 4,457,510 (1,094,118) 2,866,253 (1,591,256) 1,102,358 6,427,184 (3,560,931) -55.40% Capital Contributions (Non -Cash - - 8,966 8,966 - 87,950 (78,984) Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 4,199,358 4,457,510 (1,094,118) 2,875,219 (1,582,290) 1,102,358 6,515,134 (3,639,915) -55.87% Depreciation & Amortization 8,115,685 4,734,150 730,804 5,115,628 381,478 658,855 4,590,019 525,609 11.45% Total Net Position ($3,916,327) ($276,640) (1,824,922) (2,240,409) ($1,963,768) $443,503 $1,925,115 ($4,165,524) -216.38% (405,000) (236,251) (29,810) (236,100) 151 (19,710) (163,005) (73,095) 44.84% Page 50 of 173 Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Property Tax Property Taxes - CFC Charges Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Position Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Position Capital - Direct Labor Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending January 31, 2022 (With January 31, 2021 for comparison purposes) AnnualYTD Jan YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Jan Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY22 FY22 FY22 FY22 YTD Budget FY21 Jan 2021) PY Actual $ PY Actual % $ 15,834,595 $9,705,023 $ 730,959 $ 8,832,491 $ (872,532) $ 1,111,752 $ 10,352,594 $ (1,520,103) -14.68% 1,555,486 953,357 $ 86,319 981,800 28,443 112,088 1,059,995 (78,195) -7.38% 3,782,756 2,318,451 $ 63,954 2,410,451 92,000 250,135 2,915,129 (504,678) -17.31% 13,412,193 7,823,779 $ 1,125,227 7,725,421 (98,358) 969,902 6,696,734 1,028,687 15.36% 894,116 894,116 889,401 (4,715) - - 889,401 100.00% 771,723 481,046 $ 30,554 582,729 101,683 40,956 402,643 180,086 44.73% 36,250,869 22,175,773 2,037,013 21,422,293 (753,480) 2,484,833 21,427,095 (4,802) -0.02% 240,000 140,000 16,691 44,284 (95,716) 39,926 132,674 (88,390) -66.62% 2,025,000 1,256,250 110,807 1,222,903 (33,347) 132,953 1,176,569 46,334 3.94% 2,985,028 1,820,867 81,335 1,856,915 36,048 - - 1,856,915 100.00% 591,046 344,777 64,383 267,532 (77,245) 446,214 874,345 (606,813) -69.40% 5,841,074 3,561,894 273,216 3,391,634 (170,260) 619,093 2,183,588 1,208,046 55.32% 42,091,943 25,737,667 2,310,229 24,813,927 923,740 3,103,926 23,610,683 1,203,244 5.10% 21,329,830 13,073,053 2,096,921 14,229,942 1,156,889 915,454 9,523,633 4,706,309 49.42% 10,123,000 5,170,196 726,066 5,129,204 (40,992) 671,691 4,957,760 171,444 3.46% 139,402 81,318 4,482 61,549 (19,769) 10,701 82,618 (21,069) -25.50% 584,405 325,403 63,199 305,913 (19,490) 92,531 320,890 (14,977) -4.67% 303,500 118,042 24,298 107,367 (10,675) 17,935 150,459 (43,092) -28.64% 82,295 48,005 5,653 68,351 20,346 9,227 63,285 5,066 8.01% 339,889 198,269 98,734 245,470 47,201 17,497 225,387 20,083 8.91% 263,500 153,708 18,931 142,888 (10,820) 19,640 141,235 1,653 1.17% 702,120 409,570 81,157 399,607 (9,963) 51,882 363,680 35,927 9.88% 45,026 26,265 4,090 18,537 (7,728) 290 9,851 8,686 88.17% 768,630 473,368 75,142 517,450 44,083 6,274 163,630 353,820 216.23% 128,208 69,788 11,140 63,507 (6,281) 11,678 76,978 (13,471) -17.50% 37,821 22,062 5,069 23,048 986 3,589 15,930 7,118 44.68% 1,510,723 516,255 67,363 477,832 (38,423) 65,829 379,970 97,862 25.76% 61,277 35,745 4,796 15,418 (20,327) 1,303 9,880 5,538 56.05% 79,511 21,381 1,919 8,263 (13,118) 1,849 1,440 6,823 0.00% 8,330 4,859 - 2,968 (1,891) 977 5,611 (2,643) -47.11% 169,150 98,671 18,668 92,170 (6,501) 13,347 116,741 (24,571) -21.05% 302,770 156,116 32,657 155,622 (494) 29,669 285,834 (130,212) -45.56% 5,526,557 2,758,825 517,298 2,705,960 (52,865) 354,218 2,413,419 292,540 12.12% 36,979,387 21,002,074 3,340,285 22,065,106 1,063,032 1,941,363 16,894,812 5,170,294 30.60% 1,286,985 750,741 101,965 726,345 (24,396) 106,624 761,172 (34,827) 4.58% 7,665 4,471 (1,933) 5,179 708 3,875 (26,724) 31,903 -119.38% 1,294,650 755,213 100,032 731,524 (23,688) 110,499 734,448 (2,924) -0.40% 38,274,037 21,757,286 3,440,317 22,796,630 1,039,344 2,051,862 17,629,260 5,167,370 29.31% 3,817,906 3,980,380 (1,130,088) 2,017,297 (1,963,084) 1,052,064 5,981,423 (3,964,126) -66.27% - - 8,966 8,966 - - 8,966 3,817,906 3,980,380 (1,130,088) 2,026,263 (1,954,118) 1,052,064 5,981,423 (3,955,160) -66.12% 6,590,000 3,844,167 606,903 4,248,321 404,154 536,080 3,730,872 517,449 13.87% $ (2,772,094) $ 136,214 $ (1,736,991) (2,222,058) $ (2,358,272)1 $ 515,984 $ 2,250,551 $ (4,472,609) -198.73% (344,250) (200,813) (24,536) (191,642) 9,170 (17,702) (146,025) (45,617) 31.24% Page 51 of 173 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 1 $18,789,594 $14,390,185 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Jan. 2016 Water Revenues & Expenses - January (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) $19,223,566 $15,745,267 Jan. 2017 $21,520,844 $17,299,308 $21,368,267 $21,748,917 $17,839,586 $17,729,993 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Jan. 2020 Total Revenue 4-- Total Expenses $24,813,927 5.10% $23,610,683 $22,796,630 29.31% $17,629,260 IP Jan. 2021 Jan. 2022 Page 52 of 173 Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue Locke Ranch Assessments Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest Expense Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Position Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Position Capital - Direct Labor Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending January 31, 2022 (With January 31, 2021 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD Jan YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUF Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Jan Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY22 FY22 FY22 FY22 YTD Budget FY21 Jan 2021) PY Actual $ PY Actual $2,844,118 $1,659,069 $ 234,744 $ 1,654,129 ($4,940) $201,617 $1,426,113 $228,016 15.99% 331,878 $193,596 8,708 193,381 (215) 8,095 178,904 14,477 0.00% 40,803 23,802 1,165 128,860 105,058 2,580 37,105 91,755 247.28% 3,216,799 1,876,466 244,617 1,976,370 99,904 212,292 1,642,122 334,248 20.35% 68,000 39,667 4,452 21,127 (18,540) 14,555 40,732 (19,605) -48.13% 10,400 10,400 3,877 164,971 154,571 1,674 8,290 156,681 1890.00% 78,400 50,067 575 186,098 136,031 12,881 49,022 137,076 279.63% 3,295,199 1,926,533 245,192 $ 2,162,468 235,935 225,173 1,691,144 471,324 27.87% 1,927,996 938,883 116,290 847,471 (91,412) 117,807 822,330 25,141 3.06% 24,600 14,350 1,121 10,636 (3,714) 1,888 14,612 (3,976) -27.21% 87,335 45,945 8,985 38,534 (7,411) 15,445 49,197 (10,663) -21.67% 46,500 27,125 3,769 18,331 (8,794) 3,165 21,214 (2,883) -13.59% 14,504 8,461 998 12,062 3,601 1,628 11,082 980 8.84% 47,951 27,971 3,553 19,268 (8,703) 3,012 21,909 (2,641) -12.05% 46,500 27,125 3,341 25,216 (1,909) 3,466 25,070 146 0.58% 73,030 42,601 7,278 44,577 1,976 881 14,368 30,209 210.25% 7,946 4,635 722 3,265 (1,370) 51 1,735 1,530 88.18% 229,770 109,533 41,143 101,567 (7,966) 166 34,355 67,212 0.00% 63,742 29,683 7,093 21,872 (7,811) 1,380 11,298 10,574 93.59% 6,674 3,893 354 3,527 (366) 563 2,966 561 18.91% 159,417 92,993 7,480 107,145 14,152 19,030 136,290 (29,145) -21.38% 16,748 9,770 807 6,030 (3,740) 24 2,404 3,626 150.83% 16,084 9,382 339 557 (8,825) 326 198 359 0.00% 1,470 858 - 869 12 278 1,479 (610) -41.24% 29,850 17,413 3,294 16,265 (1,148) 1,675 21,939 (5,674) -25.86% 107,930 35,459 2,657 24,327 11,132 4,049 47,235 22,908 -48.50% 980,051 507,196 92,934 454,048 (53,148) 57,027 417,351 36,697 8.79% 2,908,047 1,446,079 209,224 1,301,519 (144,560) 174,834 1,239,681 61,838 4.99% 5,700 3,325 11,993 8,668 49 5,703 6,290 - 5,700 3,325 11,993 8,668 49 5,703 6,290 - 2,913,747 1,449,404 209,224 1,313,512 (135,892) 174,883 1,245,384 68,128 5.47% 381,452 477,129 35,968 848,956 371,827 50,290 445,760 403,196 90.45% - - - - - - 87,950 (87,950) 87,950 381,452 477,129 35,968 848,956 371,827 _ 50,290 533,710 315,246 59.07% 1,525,685 889,983 123,901 867,307 (22,676)1 122,775 859,147 8,160 0.95% (60,750) (35,438) (5,274) (44,458) (9,021) (2,009) (16,980) (27,478) 161.83% Page 53 of 173 Sewer Revenues & Expenses - January $2,500,000 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) $2,000,000 - $1,500,000 - $1,000,000 - $500,000 - oti _'As7_nq7 $1,408,550 $2,162,468 27.87 $1,730,812 $1,691,144 � $1,599,946 $1,313,512 5.47 1K $1,245,384 $722,449 $751,776 Jan. 2016 Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Jan.2020 Jan. 2021 Jan.2022 Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 54 of 173 Variable Costs Analysis 3,000,000 Page 55 of 173 2,412,958 2,439,092 2,500,000 2,240,006 2,249,247 2,093,627 2,096,921 1,929,318 2,000,000 1,671,801 1,729,514 1,805,038 1,898,999 2,065,064 2,084,721 1,660,561 / 1,512,043 1,448,941 1,518,953 1,494,768 1,556,303 1,435,706 1,636,877 1,103,786 1,372,040 1,460,113 1,340,186 1,392,832 1,306,610 1,200,582 1,370,194 1,500,000 1,367,226 1,311,137 1,361,053 1,058,481 1,231,436 1,286,293 1,469,440 1,143,9 1,358,893 915,454 1,505,340 1,492,928 1,307,477 1,100,471 939,601 1,305,692 1,000,000 1,132,782 1,019,271 772,447 981,384 1,019,234 788,116 945,974 500,000 590,007 657,883 460,667 0 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May luno t FY18 Var Costs tFY19 Var Costs tFY20 Var Costs tFY21 Var Costs --0--FY22 Var Costs Page 55 of 173 ITEM NO. 8.5. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_'sV=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT: Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ending January 31, 2022. :(r]:191110103 Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make a monthly report of investments to the legislative body. The Cash and Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash and Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments by the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last seven years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending January 31, 2022 is .34%. The District's Total Cash and Investment balance as of January 31, 2022 resulted in an overall decrease from the previous month by approximately $95,000. The Water Operating Fund decreased $44,708 due to the negative net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month of the fiscal year and the Sewer Operating Fund increased $134,077. Water Capital Project Reserve Fund decreased by $162,497, due to the cost of pay -go capital -related expenses. The PARS Fund decreased by $25,194 due to a decrease in the value of investments. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 4C - Manage cash flow to maximize investment income. Page 56 of 173 ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investment Reports and Graphs for January 2022 Page 57 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report January 31, 2022 Market % Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account. $ 976,900 $ 976,900 Wells Fargo Bank $ 976,900 $ 976,900 2.41% Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: $ 1 $ 1 US Bank (Revenue Bonds) 0.00% $ 2,570,724 2,570,724 US Bank (Money Market) 0.60% $ 1,673,363 1,673,363 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) $ 4,244,088 $ 4,244,088 10.47% Total 0.60% Certificates of Deposits: $ 247,835 247,000 $ 247,031 245,000 $ 247,031 245,000 $ 247,080 245,000 $ 247,080 245,000 $ 246,673 245,000 $ 247,166 245,000 $ 1,729,896 $ 1,717,000 PrivateBank & Tr Chicago Ill CTF Capital One Bank USA Capital One Bank NA Ally Bank Sallie Mae Bank Synchrony Moran Stanley Bank NA 4.27% Total 03/30/22 2.19% 06/27/22 2.18% 06/27/22 2.18% 06/27/22 2.23% 06/27/22 2.23% 05/17/22 2.43% 06/13/22 2.53% 2.28% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 33,567,923 $ 33,567,923 Local Agency Investment Fund 0.23% $ 33,567,923 $ 33,567,923 82.85% 0.23% $ 40,518,807 $ 40,505,911 100% Total Investments 0.34% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant 1/31/22 Page 58 of 173 Cash & Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of January 2022: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2022 Yield Maturity January 0.34% 6 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 1/31/2021 1/31/2022 Monthly - January Year -to -Date $ 54,481 $ 21,143 $ 173,406 $ 65,411 Budget 2020/2021 2021/2022 Interest Budget, January YTD $ 411,250 $ 179,667 Interest Budget, Annual $ 705,000 $ 308,000 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $40.5 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the Bond payment and PARS for the pension/OPEB payments. The number of Days in Cash are 305 for the Un -Restricted Water Reserve balance and 902 for the Un -Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of January 31, 2022, which is subject to change with the final audited numbers. Fund Description Water Operating Reserve Water Emergency Reserve Water Capital Project Reserve MWD Contingency Reserve Rate Stabilization Reserve Un -Restricted Water Reserve Balance Conservation Reserve Employee Liability Reserve Restricted Reserve Balance Sewer Operating Reserve Sewer Emergency Reserve Sewer Capital Project Reserve Un -Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance Total Reserve Balances Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating Sewer Operating US Bank Held (Restricted) Rev. Bond 2012A & 2017A -Principal & Interest Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted) Total Cash and Investments 1 1 1,698,557 1,673,363 $ 40,613,657 $ 40,5189807 Page 59 of 173 FY22 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments December 2021 % Alloc January 2022 % Alloc "Target Available for Balance 12/31/2021 Balance 1/31/2022 Levels" CY Obligations $ 15,604,428 40.76% $ 15,346,994 40.53% $ 16,790,090 $ (1,443,096) 7,328,814 19.14% 7,332,191 19.36% 6,915,040 417,151 3,677,832 9.61% 3,515,335 9.28% 11,861,304 (8,345,969) - 0.00% - 0.00% 0 0 4,244,052 11.09% 4,244,961 11.21% 4,195,582 49,379 30,855,126 $ 30,439,481 39,762,016 (9,322,535) $ 105,924 0.28% $ 105,980 0.28% 105,769 211 309,495 0.81% 309,657 0.82% 309,040 617 415,419 $ 415,636 414,809 827 $ 4,404,353 11.50% $ 4,405,723 11.63% 2,945,513 1,460,210 1,969,363 5.14% 1,968,261 5.20% 1,926,014 42,247 639,372 1.67% 639,442 1.69% 1,837,000 (1,197,558) 7,013,089 $ 7,013,426 6,708,527 304,899 $ 38,283,633 100.00% $ 37,868,543 100.00% $ 46,885,352 $ (9,016,809) 236,202 448,928 395,264 527,973 631,466 976,900 1 1 1,698,557 1,673,363 $ 40,613,657 $ 40,5189807 Page 59 of 173 INVESTMENT BALANCES (AS OF 1-31-2022) ■ Checking Account: ■ Money Market Accounts: ■ Certificates of Deposit: ■ Pooled Investment Accounts: Checking Account. Money Market Accounts: Certificates of Deposit: Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 976,900 2.41% $ 4,244,088 10.47% $ 1,729,896 4.27% $ 33,567,923 82.85% Total $ 40,518,807 100.00% Page 60 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report January 31, 2022 Local Agency Investment Fund - 33,567,923 - 33,567,923 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 1,729,896 - 1,729,896 Total Investments $ - $ 35,297,819 $ - $ 35,297,819 Page 61 of 173 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Local Agency Investment Fund - 33,567,923 - 33,567,923 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 1,729,896 - 1,729,896 Total Investments $ - $ 35,297,819 $ - $ 35,297,819 Page 61 of 173 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Transaction M Date Transaction Description Water .. Pension .. OPEB Operating Sewer PensionOPEB Operating Account Total Beginning Balance as of 7/1/20 870,961.56 662,095.61 90,207.30 78,236.46 1,701,500.93 7/31/2021 Management Fees (429.46) (326.47) Iff (44.48) (38.57) 1,700,661.95 7/31/2021 Investment Gain/(Loss) 4,178.40 3,176.38 432.77 375.33 1,708,824.83 8/31/2021 Management Fees (433.71) (329.71) (44.92) (38.96) 1,707,977.53 8/31/2021 Investment Gain/(Loss) 10,390.85 7,899.01 1,076.20 933.39 1,728,276.98 9/30/2021 Management Fees (433.75) (329.73) (44.92) (38.96) 1,727,429.62 9/30/2021 Investment Gain/(Loss) (24,087.23) (18,310.85) (2,494.76) (2,163.70) 1,680,373.08 10/31/2021 Management Fees (434.79) (330.53) (45.03) (39.06) 1,679,523.67 10/31/2021 Investment Gain/(Loss) 22,700.96 17,257.02 2,351.19 2,039.17 1,723,872.01 11/30/2021 Management Fees (432.17) (328.52) (44.76) (38.82) 1,723,027.74 11/30/2021 Investment Gain/(Loss) (12,525.82) (9,521.99) (1,297.33) (1,125.15) 1,698,557.45 12/31/2021 Management Fees (435.58) (331.11) (45.11) (39.13) 1,697,706.52 12/31/2021 Investment Gain/(Loss) 16,930.70 12,870.54 1,753.55 1,520.85 1,730,782.16 1/31/2022 Management Fees (435.94) (331.40) (45.15) (39.16) 1,729,930.51 1/31/2022 Investment Gain/(Loss) (28,955.65) (22,011.78) (2,999.00) (2,601.02) 1,673,363.06 Account Balance by Account Type 856,558.37 51.19% 651,146.47 38.91% 88,715.55 5.30% 76,942.67 $ 4.60% 1,673,363.06 100% Pension Initial Contribution as of 12/28/2017 $ 247,599.00 Additional Contribution 6/26/19 $ 1,105,248.00 Total Contributions = Total Distribution to CalPERS $ (631,392.00) Total Gain (or Loss) from Inception $ 241,073.91 Total Management Fees from Inception $ (17,254.99) OPEB Total - 247,599.00 587, 339.00 1, 692, 587.00 1,940,186.00 - (631,392.00) 150,442.05 391,515.96 (9,691.91) (26,946.90) Balance as of 8-31-21 = $ 945,273.92 $ 728,089.14 $ 1,673,363.06 Page 62 of 173 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) $35,020,000 413 $30,020,000 376 378 $25,020,000 $20,020,000 $30,343,543 $26,585,928 $27,722,843 $15,020,000 1 _ $10,020,000 $5,020,000 $20,000 1 $28,495,928 $29,009,388 $29,955,835 Jan. 2016 Jan. 2017 Jan. 2018 Jan. 2019 Jan.2020 Jan. 2021 Unrestricted Reserves (Water) --W-Days in Cash (Water) Jan. 2022 46 41 36 31 26 21 16 11 60 Page 63 of 173 ITEM NO. 8.6. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Rosanne P. Weston, PE, PMP, Engineering Manager Reza Afshar, PE, PMP, Senior Engineer SUBJECT: Award of Construction Contract for Well 22 Equipping RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors award the Construction Contract for the Well 22 Equipping to Pascal & Ludwig for $2,215,100.00, Job No. J-2009-22 #22. SUMMARY: On January 20, 2022, the District solicited bids for the construction of the Well 22 Equipping. On February 23, 2022, bids were received from five contractors. A summary of the bids is shown below. No. Contractor 1 Pascal & Ludwig 2 Big Ben Engineering, Inc. 3 Pacific Hydrotech Corp 4 T.E. Roberts, Inc. 5 MMC Inc. Total Bid Amount $2,215,100.00 $2,288,500.00 $2,319,780.00 $2,369,243.80 $2,748,500.00 Following a review of the bids, staff recommends awarding to the low -bidder, Pascal & Ludwig for $2,215,100.00. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $1,560,798 Cost Estimate: $1,903,000 Job No: J-2009-22 #22 BACKGROUND: In FY17-18, the District completed drilling Well No. 22 and in FY18-19, the plans and Page 64 of 173 specifications for equipping the well were completed by a consultant; however, the project was placed on hold at that time due to concerns about PFAS. The design of the project was recently modified to address the operational impacts of the PFAS Water Treatment Plant on the well. The project specifications include a 2,500 GPM vertical turbine pumping unit and a 350 hp premium efficiency motor. The District will request reimbursement from OCWD for the additional cost of the Surge Tank which was added to the Well 22 design because of the PFAS Treatment Plant. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: On June 22, 2021, the Board of Directors approved the Construction of Well 22 Equipping as part of the FY21-22 Annual Budget Document. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G1 Al -Work towards service reliability and efficiency by developing additional well sites and sources; and G1 4B - Address infrastructure needs by updating/implementing the Capital Improvement Plan. Page 65 of 173 ITEM NO. 8.7. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Reza Afshar, Senior Engineer Adrian Ayala, Assistant Engineer I SUBJECT: Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with James and Lisa Francese RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with James and Lisa Francese, 5771 Highland Avenue, Yorba Linda, Job No. J -2021-48S. SUMMARY: James and Lisa Francese have requested to connect their property at 5771 Highland Avenue to the public sewer system. The existing home is currently utilizing a septic system. The property is approximately 0.44 acres and is located within the District's Western Service Area. In order to service the property, the applicant would need to build a new sewer main on Highland Avenue and construct a terminal manhole and sewer lateral. An exhibit depicting the project location is attached as a reference. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding Source: Developer Funded Account No: 2-2600 Job No: J -2021-48S :kel 219111 0113 The project is located within Drainage Area 2 of the District's Sewer Service Area. The District has an existing 8 -inch sewer main on Highland Avenue that terminates at a cleanout near the corner of the property at 5771 Highland Avenue and is adequate in size to serve the project. The applicant will need to extend the sewer southerly on Highland Avenue and install a new 8 - inch pipeline to their connection point. The applicant will also be required to remove the existing cleanout, install one terminal sewer manhole and one 4 -inch sewer lateral. Page 66 of 173 The Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with James and Lisa Francese, 5771 Highland Avenue, Yorba Linda, are attached for the Board's consideration. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Terms and Conditions 2. Exhibit Page 67 of 173 Date: March 8, 2022 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: James and Lisa Francese LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5771 Highland Avenue, Yorba Linda CA TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: J -2021-48S SEWER: N/A LOT(S):1 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an "X" following the number. 1) 0 The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) 0 The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) 0 The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 4) 0 Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. 5) ❑ The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 6) ❑ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. Page 68 of 173 Page 2 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: JAMES AND LISA FRANCESE LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5771 HIGHLAND AVENUE, YORBA LINDA 7) ❑ The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. 8) ❑x The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District's approval of the construction plans. 9) N The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 10) ❑x The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 11) ❑x The applicant shall provide, per the District specifications, the "As Built" AutoCAD file (version 2016 or earlier) of the Water and/or Sewer facilities. 12) ❑ The applicant shall complete a Water Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 13) ❑ The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the District. 14) ❑ The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 15) ❑ The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 16) ❑ The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. Applicant shall also provide to the District with a copy of conditions of approval issued by the Fire Agency having jurisdiction. 17) ❑ The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 18) ❑ The applicant's engineer shall provide a computer hydraulic analysis report to confirm that the District's existing water system can accommodate the project. The District's consultant will verify, using the hydraulic model. If system deficiencies are found, the applicant shall be required to provide mitigation to the satisfaction of the District. Page 69 of 173 Page 3 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: JAMES AND LISA FRANCESE LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5771 HIGHLAND AVENUE, YORBA LINDA 19) ❑ The applicant's future water facilities shall be conveyed to the District as indicated on applicant's future Water Improvement Plans approved by the District. 20) ❑ The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test, and provide an approved copy to the District. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 21) ❑ The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 22) ❑ The applicant shall install _ water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District's Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 23) ❑ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 24) ❑ The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 25) ❑ All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 26) ❑ The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 27) ❑ The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 28) ❑ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 29) ❑ The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all buildings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 30) ❑ The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. Page 70 of 173 Page 4 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: JAMES AND LISA FRANCESE LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5771 HIGHLAND AVENUE, YORBA LINDA 31) ❑ The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 32) ❑ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly. 33) ❑ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 34) ❑ The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District's Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross -Connections. 35) ❑ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 36) 0 The applicant shall complete a Sewer Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 37) 0 The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 38) 0 The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the District. 39) 0 The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 40) 0 The applicant's engineer shall provide sewer flow calculations to confirm that the District's existing sewer system can accommodate the peak wastewater generation from the project. The District's consultant will verify, using the sewer hydraulic model. If system deficiencies are found, the applicant shall be required to provide mitigation to the satisfaction of the District. 41) 0 The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. Page 71 of 173 Page 5 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: JAMES AND LISA FRANCESE LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5771 HIGHLAND AVENUE, YORBA LINDA 42) 0 The applicant's future sewer facilities shall be conveyed to the District as indicated on applicant's Sewer Improvement Plans approved by the District. 43) 0 The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District's Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 44) 0 All existing sewer laterals that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 45) 0 The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 46) N The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 47) 0 The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 48) 0 The applicant shall remove one sewer cleanout. The applicant shall extend the 8 -inch sewer main as needed and as determined by the District, and shall install one manhole per approved plans and District Specifications. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the March 8, 2022 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Sewer Service Agreement between Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant is not executed for the project under consideration. Douglass Davert, Assistant General Manager Page 72 of 173 NAME OF APPLICANT: JAMES AND LISA FRANCESE LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5771 HIGHLAND AVENUE, YORBA LINDA Reviewed by: Rosanne P. Weston, PE, PMP Engineering Manager Reviewed by: Reza Afshar, PE Senior Engineer Page 6 of 6 Page 73 of 173 5741 HIGHLAND AVE. EX. 4 -INCH SEWER LATERAL EX. 1 -INCH SERVICE LINE & METER PROP. 4 -INCH SEWER---t--- LATERAL EWERTiLATERAL I I 5771 HIGHLAND AVE.L R, 3 I =AI.0USEI I I PROP. TERMINAL MANHOLE EX. BUILDIN I EX. BUILDING I - — ------------------ I I EX. 6 -INCH WATER LINE I N A 5795 HIGHLAND AVE. LOCATION MAP I I I I I 3 I I I � I I I I I I I 1�EX. 8 -INCH VCP SEWER MAIN I I 18021 HOLLY CIR. SEX. TERMINAL CLEANOUT VT O BE REMOVED ROP. 8 -INCH SEWER MAIN O BE EXTENDED AS NEEDED HOLLY CIR. I 18022 HOLLY CIR. I I I I I PROJECT LOCATION —7 VICINITY MAP N.T.S PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: NTS YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DATE: SEWER IMPROVEMENTS El 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE FOR 03/08/2022 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 5771 HIGHLAND AVENUE FILENAME: (714) 701-3100 JAMES & LISA FRANCESE J -2021-48S E.UENAISTAVE z A a 0 a a a J o - w LL ANNA MARIE ROAD Q HOLLV CIRCLE CAMINO DE LOS CABALLO VIA RANCHER MARIPOSA AVE VICINITY MAP N.T.S PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: NTS YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DATE: SEWER IMPROVEMENTS El 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE FOR 03/08/2022 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 5771 HIGHLAND AVENUE FILENAME: (714) 701-3100 JAMES & LISA FRANCESE J -2021-48S ITEM NO. 8.8. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Reza Afshar, Senior Engineer Ariel Bacani, Assistant Engineer III SUBJECT: Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Gonzalo Diaz RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Gonzalo Diaz for 5261 Highland Avenue, Yorba Linda, Job No. J-2021-18. SUMMARY: The applicant, Gonzalo Diaz, proposes to redevelop two existing homes at 5241 and 5251 Highland Avenue, and develop a new single-family residential house and accessory dwelling unit on a 1.19 -acre lot with the address of 5261 Highland Avenue. The project is located on the west side of the District's Highland Reservoir within the City of Yorba Linda, as shown in the attached exhibit. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding Source: Developer Funded Account No: 1/2-2600 Job Nos: J-2021-18 & J -2021-18S BACKGROUND: The District has an existing Zone 2 water pipeline that is adequate in size and of sufficient pressure to serve this project. The applicant is required to install separate water service lines and meters for the proposed single-family home and accessory dwelling unit at 5261 Highland Avenue, and is conditioned by the Orange County Fire Authority to install a fire hydrant nearby. The applicant is also required to relocate the two existing water meters at 5251 Highland Avenue to the side of the proposed driveway. The project is located within Drainage Area "2" of the District's Sewer Service Area. The Page 75 of 173 District has an existing 8 -inch sewer main that terminates at the property of 5251 Highland Avenue and is adequate in size to serve the project. The applicant proposes to install a lateral from the sewer main to serve 5251 Highland Avenue and run a private sewer line across 5251 Highland Avenue to serve 5261 Highland Avenue. Staff reviewed the existing sewer system and approved the proposed sewer lateral location. The applicant is conditioned to provide copies of the recorded private easements of the private sewer lines crossing through 5251 Highland Avenue to serve 5261 and 5241 Highland Avenue. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Terms and Conditions 2. Exhibit Page 76 of 173 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: GONZALO DIAZ LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5261 HIGHLAND AVENUE TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: J-2021-18 Date: MARCH 8, 2022 LOT(S): 1 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an "X" following the number. 1) 0 The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) 0 The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) 0 The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 4) 0 Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. 5) 0 The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 6) 0 The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 7) ❑ The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. Page 77 of 173 Page 2 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: GONZALO DIAZ LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5261 HIGHLAND AVENUE 8) 0 The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District's approval of the construction plans. 9) 0 The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 10) 0 The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 11) 0 The applicant shall provide, per the District specifications, the "As Built" AutoCAD file (version 2016 or earlier) of the Water and/or Sewer facilities. 12) 0 The applicant shall complete a Water Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 13) 0 The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the District. 14) 0 The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 15) 0 The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 16) 0 The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. Applicant shall also provide to the District with a copy of conditions of approval issued by the Fire Agency having jurisdiction. 17) 0 The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 18) ❑ The applicant's engineer shall provide a computer hydraulic analysis report to confirm that the District's existing water system can accommodate the project. The District's consultant will verify, using the hydraulic model. If system deficiencies are found, the applicant shall be required to provide mitigation to the satisfaction of the District. Page 78 of 173 Page 3 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: GONZALO DIAZ LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5261 HIGHLAND AVENUE 19) 0 The applicant's future water facilities, shall be conveyed to the District as indicated on applicant's future Water Improvement Plans approved by the District. 20) 0 The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test, and provide an approved copy to the District. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 21) 0 The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 22) ❑ The applicant shall install _ water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District's Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 23) 0 The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 24) ❑ The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 25) ❑ All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 26) 0 The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 27) ❑ The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 28) 0 The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 29) 0 The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all buildings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 30) 0 The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. Page 79 of 173 Page 4 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: GONZALO DIAZ LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5261 HIGHLAND AVENUE 31) ❑ The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 32) 0 The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly. 33) ❑ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 34) 0 The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District's Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross -Connections. 35) ❑ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 36) 0 The applicant shall complete a Sewer Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 37) 0 The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 38) 0 The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the District. 39) 0 The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 40) ❑ The applicant's engineer shall provide sewer flow calculations to confirm that the District's existing sewer system can accommodate the peak wastewater generation from the project. The District's consultant will verify, using the sewer hydraulic model. If system deficiencies are found, the applicant shall be required to provide mitigation to the satisfaction of the District. 41) 0 The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. Page 80 of 173 Page 5 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: GONZALO DIAZ LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5261 HIGHLAND AVENUE 42) ❑ The applicant's future sewer facilities shall be conveyed to the District as indicated on applicant's future Water and Sewer Improvement Plans approved by the District. 43) 0 The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District's Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 44) ❑ All existing sewer laterals that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 45) 0 The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 46) 0 The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 47) ❑ The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 48) 0 The applicant shall install two water service lines and meters, and one fire hydrant assembly, per approved plans and District specifications. 49) 0 The applicant shall relocate two water meters at 5251 Lakeview Ave., per approved plans and District specifications. 50) 0 The applicant shall install one sewer lateral to serve both units at 5261 Lakeview Ave., per approved plans and District specifications. 51) 0 The applicant shall provide to the District, copies of the recorded private easements of 5261 and 5241 Highland Ave.'s private sewer lines crossing through 5251 Highland Ave. Page 81 of 173 Page 6 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: GONZALO DIAZ LOCATION OF PROJECT: 5261 HIGHLAND AVENUE 52) ❑x The applicant shall execute a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for 5241 Highland Ave.'s driveway and other non-structural improvements encroaching the existing 10 -inch water main pipeline. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the March 8, 2022 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Water and Sewer Service Agreement between Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant is not executed for the project under consideration. Douglass Davert, Assistant General Manager Reviewed by: Rosanne P. Weston, PE, PMP Engineering Manager Reviewed by: Reza Afshar, PE Senior Engineer Page 82 of 173 i ---EX. 10" CIL WATER EX. 4" SEWER LATE AL EX. 10" CIL WATER EX. HOUSE FOOTPRINT //\/_l' 5241 -EX. WATER SERVICE & METER 10" CIL WATER 5251 EX. F.H. �L OP 5261 �p`�� EXISTING WATER SERVICES \ �OJ�OPi PROPOSED AND METERS TO BE RELOCATED / FOR 5251 HIGHLAND AVE. QPQ- •� PROP. FIRE HYDRANT EX. 8" WATERLINE PROPOSED WATER YORBA LINDA BLVD. SERVICES & METERS FOR 5261 HIGHLAND AVE. w ¢ o J o w g z z can O Ofm > YR Moo 14219 40� ¢ p w = ¢ oQo ��4G 00 �M PROP. DRIVEWAY KENNON U 0 LT Of —1 L 20' EXISTING ¢ O ROAD EASEMENT & CALGARY. PUBLIC UTILITY o PROJECT PURPOSES 20' EXISTING ROAD = SITE EASEMENT z Z HIGHLAND AVE. 0a BUENA VISTA N LOCATION MAP VICINITY MAP N.T.S. N.T.S. PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT 1"=80' PROPOSED WATER &SEWER SERVICE DATE: 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE FOR 03/08/2022 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 5261 HIGHLAND AVENUE (714) 701-3100 GONZALO N. DIAZ FILENAME: J-2021-18 ITEM NO. 8.9. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Reza Afshar, Senior Engineer Adrian Ayala, Assistant Engineer I SUBJECT: Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Robin H. Borden RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the President and Assistant General Manager to execute a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, subject to review as to form by General Counsel, with Robin H. Borden of 28500 Brush Canyon Drive, Yorba Linda. SUMMARY: The District has a recorded pipeline easement located within Lot 29 of Tract No. 13484. The property owner, Robin H. Borden, is requesting permission to construct new improvements inside of the easement and to retain existing encroachments as shown on the attached exhibit. Engineering staff recommended the encroachments and recommends execution, subject to review as to form by General Counsel. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: Property owner Robin H. Borden has existing improvements on her property that encroach on a 15 -foot -wide easement dedicated to the District at 28500 Brush Canyon Drive (Lot 29 of Tract No. 13484) and is requesting permission to construct new improvements that will encroach on the easement. The existing encroachments include a concrete masonry unit wall, garden curb, palm trees, trees, hardscape, landscape, roof overhand, and house walls. The proposed encroachments include an Alumawood patio cover, and a new room addition to the main house that includes new building walls, footing, and roof overhang. The existing and proposed improvements run parallel and across the easement area as shown in the attached exhibit. The District reserves its right to construct, own and maintain future facilities within the easement. Page 84 of 173 Staff reviewed the applicant's request and determined that the encroachments would have minimal impact on the District's easement. However, if the District needs to excavate within the easement to facilitate the installation of future facilities, the subject property owner's improvements may need to be removed and may be damaged in the process. The owner understands that with the execution of a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, the District would not be liable for damage to and replacement of these improvements. Staff recommends the execution of the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, subject to review as to form by General Counsel. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: The Board of Directors has authorized the execution of similar Declarations of Restrictive Covenants with various developers and property owners. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Declaration of Restrictive Covenants 2. Exhibit Page 85 of 173 RECORDING REQUESTED BY and when recorded return to: Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, California 92885-0309 This is to certify that this Declaration of Restrictive Covenants is presented for recording under the provisions of Gov. Code Sec. 27383 by the Yorba Linda Water District in performance of an official service thereof Douglass Davert Assistant General Space Above This Line for Recorder's Use DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (ENCROACHMENT ON YLWD EASEMENT) THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ("Declaration") is made and effective on March 8, 2022 by and between YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ("YLWD"), a public agency, created and operating under the authority of Division 12 of the California Water Code, and Robin H Borden ("Owner"). YLWD and Owner are sometimes referred to herein individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties". RECITALS A. The Owner is the legal owner of that certain real property located at 28500 Brush Canyon Drive, Yorba Linda, CA 92886 ("Subject t Property"), which is more particularly described as follows: LOT 29 OF TRACT NO 13484 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 625 PAGES 6 TO 9 OF MISCELLANEOUOS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. B. YLWD owns an Easement, as identified on Tract Map No. 13484, recorded on February 10, 1989, in Book 625, Pages 6 through 9, Official Records of Orange County, California ("Easement"), across a portion of the Subject Property. Within the Easement, YLWD may construct, own, and maintain, appurtenant structures ("YLWD Facilities"). C. The Owner desires to construct an Alumawood patio cover, a room addition to the main house which includes walls, footing and roof overhang and retain existing house walls, existing roof overhang, an existing concrete masonry unit wall and wrought iron gate, a property wall, garden curb, palm trees, trees, hardscape and landscape (collectively herein referred to as Page 1 of 5 YLWD — Dec of Restrictive Covenants (8/21) Page 86 of 173 "Improvements") within and along the Easement area. This Declaration prohibits Owner, without YLWD's authorization and a recorded amendment to this Declaration, from constructing and/or retaining any improvements ("Unauthorized Improvements") other than the Improvements. D. The construction, existence, and/or use of the Improvements within and along the Easement area is hereinafter referred to as the "Encroachment", which is illustrated in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. E. YLWD conditionally consents to the Encroachment as stipulated in this Declaration. The Owner is aware and hereby acknowledges that the Encroachment may lead to problems affecting and/or interfering with YLWD's use of the Easement and access to YLWD Facilities. F. Although the construction and subsequent existence of the Improvements within and along the Easement area may interfere or restrict YLWD's Easement rights, which may cause the Improvements to be damaged or demolished as authorized under this Declaration, the Owner wishes to proceed with the Encroachment. DECLARATION NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and terms and conditions herein, the Parties declare as follows: 1. Covenant Running with Land. This Declaration constitutes a covenant running with the land as provided by the California Civil Code Section 1468 and shall benefit, burden, and bind the successive owners of the Subject Property and the Easement. 2. Successors and Assigns Obligation. Since the Owner wishes to retain the Encroachment, this Declaration obligates the current and future owners of the Subject Property to remedy any current and future adverse events and to fund any necessary maintenance and repair costs on the Easement and/or Subject Property that may arise in full or in part due to the existence, construction, or damages to the Easement and/or YLWD Facilities caused by the Encroachment. 3. Damages to YLWD Facilities. The Owner assumes full responsibility and liability and shall pay for any cost(s) or damage(s) to YLWD Facilities, arising from the Encroachment. YLWD shall not be responsible for any cost(s) or damage(s) to YLWD Facilities that arise from the Encroachment. 4. Damages to Third Parties. The Owner, its successors or assigns, agrees to defend, indemnify and hold YLWD, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and consultants, harmless against any third -party claims arising out of the Encroachment. 5. Damages to Improvements. The Owner acknowledges that the Improvements may be damaged or demolished to permit access to, or work within and under, the Easement area Page 2 of 5 YLWD — Dec of Restrictive Covenants (8/21) Page 87 of 173 and YLWD Facilities. YLWD, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and consultants, shall not be responsible or liable for any damage(s) to, or demolition of, the Improvements which result from YLWD's exercise of rights under the Easement. The Owner, its successors or assigns, waives all known, unknown, and future claims, liabilities, causes of action, and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees) against YLWD, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and consultants, for losses and damages to the Improvements and from any obligation to protect, preserve, repair, or replace the Improvements. 6. Unauthorized Improvements. Owner shall not construct and/or retain any improvements other than the Improvements. If Owner constructs and/or retains any improvement other than the Improvements, YLWD may (a) require the improvement to be removed promptly at the Owner's expense, (b) revoke the Encroachment, and/or (c) exercise any other legal remedy available to YLWD. Such Unauthorized Improvements shall be treated as Improvements and subject to this Declaration until YLWD makes it election under (a), (b), and/or (c) of this provision. GENERAL PROVISIONS 7. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct. 8. Entire Agreement. This Declaration represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. 9. Amendment to this Declaration. This Declaration may be amended only by written instrument signed by the Parties. 10. No Implied Waivers. If any term, condition, or provision of this Declaration is breached by either Party and thereafter waived by the other Party, that waiver will be limited to the specific breach so waived, and will not be deemed either to be a continual waiver or to waive any other breach under this Declaration. 11. Governing Law and Interpretation. This Declaration is to be governed under the laws of the State of California and interpreted according to its plain meaning as if drafted by both YLWD and Owner. 12. Relationship of Parties. Nothing in this Declaration shall be deemed to create any form of business organization between the Parties, including, without limitation, a joint venture or partnership. 13. Resolution of Disputes. Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 638 et seq., any dispute arising out of this Declaration shall be resolved by judicial reference, in Orange County, by one judicial referee to determine all issues in dispute, whether of fact or of law, and to report a statement of decision. This is a waiver of any right that may exist to a jury trial, but the right to appeal is preserved. Page 3 of 5 YLWD — Dec of Restrictive Covenants (8/21) Page 88 of 173 The Parties shall meet to select the referee no later than thirty (30) days after service of the initial complaint on all defendants named in the complaint. The referee must have substantial experience in the type of matter in dispute and without any relationship to either Party, unless the Parties agree otherwise. All costs incurred in connection with the judicial reference proceeding, including the cost of the stenographic record, shall be advanced equally by the Parties. However, the referee shall have the power to reallocate such costs among the Parties in the referee's statement of decision. 14. Attorney's Fees. In the event of any claim or legal action arising out of this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney's fees. 15. Severability. If any provision, right, or covenant of this Declaration is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the voided provision, right, or covenant shall be deemed severed from the remaining provisions of this Declaration, which shall remain valid and enforceable as permitted by law, and the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to replace the unenforceable provision(s) in accordance with the original purpose and intent of this Declaration so stated in the above Recitals. 16. Counterparts. This Declaration may be signed in multiple counterpart copies (signatures may be by facsimile or electronic mail), each of which shall be deemed an original. 17. Capacity of Signatory. The undersigned executing this Declaration on behalf of YLWD and Owner hereby personally warrant by signing this Declaration that they are authorized to bind such Party in executing this Declaration and are acting within the course and scope of that authority. 18. Recording of Declaration. This Declaration shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Orange, California, and shall constitute notice to all successors and assigns of the title to the Subject Property of the rights and obligations in this Declaration. Page 4 of 5 YLWD — Dec of Restrictive Covenants (8/21) Page 89 of 173 Approved as to Form: Kidman Gagen Law, LLP Andrew B. Gagen General Counsel Rosanne P. Weston, PE, PMP Engineering Manager YLWD — Dec of Restrictive Covenants (8/21) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT J. Wayne Miller President Douglass Davert Assistant General Manager OWNER: Robin H. Borden Page 5 of 5 Page 90 of 173 REVISED I N F�/�ceRFF2F O EX. 12" YLWD WATE-RCUIgE— — "_L �2 R G) c - W �2 C O o O BRUSH CANYON w ' c m ? m m BR _ SS _ADRIVE Z SS — _ Z _ BRUSH CANYON DR. � EX. 8 YLWD SEWER MAINLINE - EX. SIDEWALK EX. SIDEWALK EX. HARDSCAPE LOCATION �j EX. DRIVEWAY EX. PALM TREES EX. GARDEN CURB LEGEND .c WALL W/ ATE EX. Ji EX. Z CMU WALL LANDSCAPE oWITH GATE EX. EX. RESIDENCE0 28500 BRUSH d HARDSCAPE PROP. ALUMAWOOD CANYON D a EX. HOUSE WALL AND I PATIO COVER* RIVE ROOF OVERHANG* 28490 BRUSH CANYON I DRIVE EX. LANDSCAPE Iv �I 28510 BRUSH CANYON I r DRIVE 28520 BRUSH CANYON EX. PERGOLA I� DRIVE AREA w PROP. ROOM ADDITION O WITH WALLS, FOOTING AND I ROOF OVERHANG* I EX. HARDSCAPE EX. POOL EX. TREE EX. 15' YLWD DEDICATED EASEMENT EX. LANDSCAPE *NOTE: THE EXISTING EASTERLY HOUSE WALL PROPERTY LINE 75' ENCROACHES ON THE EASEMENT BY JJ------6-INCHES, THE EXISTING ROOF OVERHANG eX. PROPERTY WALL ENCROACHES AN ADDITIONAL 6 -INCHES, TOTAL ENCROACHMENT BY THE EXISTING _ EX. CITY OF YORBA LINDA BUILDING IS 12 -INCHES. THE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE EASEMENT ROOM ADDITION WALL, FOOTING,ROOF ■x OVERHANG AND PATIO COVER WOULD ALSO ENCROACH 12 -INCHES INTO THE LOCATION MAP EASEMENT. PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT "All SCALE: N.T.S YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DATE: DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE 3/8/2022 1717 E MIRALOMA AVENUE COVENANT FOR 28500 BRUSH PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 CANYON DRIVE, YORBA LINDA FILENAME: (714) 701-3000 EXHIBIT ITEM NO. 8.10. Yorba Linda Water District /_1(r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Douglass Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Reza Afshar, Senior Engineer Adrian Ayala, Assistant Engineer I SUBJECT: Quitclaim Deed of 1275 Yorba Linda Blvd RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the Assistant General Manager to execute a Quitclaim Deed to abandon a portion of an existing easement on Penske Automotive Group's property. SUMMARY: Penske Automotive Group, owner of the property at 1275 E Yorba Linda Blvd in the City of Placentia, requested that the District quitclaim a 15 -foot wide portion of an existing easement that crosses along their property line so that they can utilize this portion of their property for their use as part of a new car dealership. Staff recommends execution of the attached Quitclaim Deed. IaRfey_inILT, l:7_ToIF None. BACKGROUND: On March 3, 1965, the District was granted an easement within Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Yorba Linda Tract, located east of Rose Drive and north of Yorba Linda Blvd. The District currently maintains and operates an existing 6 -inch waterline and an existing 8 -inch sewer main, located within the boundaries of the easement. On November 10, 2020, the Board of Directors approved Terms and Conditions for Water Services with Penske Automotive Group, Job No. J-2020-17, property owner at 1275 E. Yorba Linda Blvd, Placentia. These Terms and Conditions required the property owner to enter a Water Service Agreement with the District, to abandon an approximately 255 -foot portion of a then -existing 6 -inch waterline. The property owner entered into a Water Service Agreement with the District on April 13, 2021, and as part of the terms of the Agreement, the District Page 92 of 173 agreed to abandon a 15 -feet wide portion of this easement where the abandoned waterline was located. The property owner has completed the abandonment of the waterline and is in the process of finalizing the project. An exhibit depicting the location of the project with a detailed metes and bounds description is attached. Staff verified abandonment of the existing 6 -inch waterline and determined that the portion of the existing easement referenced is no longer needed and the quitclaim will not unduly hinder the District's ability to maintain its facilities. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: The Board of Directors has authorized the execution of similar Quitclaim deeds with various developers and property owners. On November 10, 2020, the Board of Directors approved Terms and Conditions for Water Services with Penske Automotive Group, Job No. J-2020-17. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit 2. Quitclaim Deed Page 93 of 173 �w w w w �w EX. DEDICATED EASEMENT PORTION OF EASEMENT I TO BE QUITCLAIMED N mw - v � p ABANDONED 6" WATER MAIN I- P I P w 8 N - w ' FF -33420 PAD -333A5 i w C w; I ----- w w w w w - w il i� YORBA LINDA BLVD LOCATION MAP PREPARED BY YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE PLACENTIA, CA 92870 (714) 701 - 3000 EXHIBIT QUITCLAIM EASEMENT FOR 1275 YORBA LINDA BLVD w w w SCALE N.T.S DATE: 01/12/2022 FILENAME: J-202017 FEE WAIVED PER GOV. CODE §§ 6103 AND 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Yorba Linda Water District, a public agency MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: PAG North Orange Al, Inc. 1450 Auto Mall Drive Santa Ana, CA 92705 Attn: Geoff Burns Order No.: Escrow No.: APN: 334-161-06 and 334-161-05 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USE QUITCLAIM DEED Job No. 365 THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S): DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS Computed on full value of property conveyed, or Computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Unincorporated area City of For valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Yorba Linda Water District, a public corporation of the state of California hereby REMISE(S), RELEASE(S) AND QUITCLAIM(S) to PAG North Orange Al, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, the real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described and depicted in Exhibits A and B, respectively, attached hereto. Dated: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Douglass Davert Assistant General Manager A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On appeared before me, ) SS. Notary Public, personally who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE Page 95 of 173 EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Lot 12 in Block 4, Yorba Linda Tract, as shown on Map recorded in Book 5, Pages 17 and 18, Miscellaneous Maps of the office of Orange County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 12; Thence North 89°35'42" East 432.02 feet along the Northerly line of said Lot 12; Thence South 01°12'56" East 315.37 feet, parallel to the Westerly line of said Lot 12, to the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 89°35'42" East 229.06 feet, to the Easterly line of said Lot 12; Thence South 01°13'20" West 15.00 feet, along said Easterly line to the South line of the North 1/2 of said Lot 12; Thence South 89°35'42" West 228.42 feet along the said South line to an extension of previously said line that is parallel to the Westerly line of Lot 12; Thence North 01°13'31" West 15.00 feet along said parallel line to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 3,483 square feet, more or less. Attached hereto is exhibit `B' and by reference made a part hereof. 4 A -- )OL� 3`2Y-zoz/ Ryan J. C e i Id, PLS 91 IV Date Page 96 of 173 LA WA'Y �SG'A CL L.S. 9117 9TF OF CAL�F�Q- PREPARED BY: /1 RYAN FIELD PLS 9117 3 - Z Y- ZOV DATE T: crs\iam3 nAmi u (0552) ,may K 20 - xmp, EXHIBIT "B" L1 � POB I ------------ — — — — — — - W U I I rn NN I I X I PARCEL 1 C rn ll REMAINDER �I INSTRUMENT NO. , PORTION OF I EASEMENT I 2018000176745,0.R. I o' 50, 100 200' I I SCALE: 1" = 100' I TPIOB _ "'- N112 LOT 12 F — JL6 L3 S112 LOT 12 j L5 PORTION OF I EASEMENT YORBA LINDA TRACT BLOCK 4 I QUITCLAIMED HEREON ,fl I M.M. BK 51 PG 17-18 I REMAINDER I PORTION OF � I LINE DATA TABLE I ' EASEMENT PARCEL 2 LINE BEARING DISTANCE I INSTRUMENT NO. L1 N 89'35'42" E 432.02' I 2018000176745,0.R. L2 S 0112'56" E 315.37' L3 N 8935'42" E 229.06' I I L4 S 0113'20" W 15.00' L5 S 89'35'42" W 228.42' L6 N O1'13'31" W 15.00' YORBA LINDA BOULEVARD LA WA'Y �SG'A CL L.S. 9117 9TF OF CAL�F�Q- PREPARED BY: /1 RYAN FIELD PLS 9117 3 - Z Y- ZOV DATE T: crs\iam3 nAmi u (0552) ,may K 20 - xmp, ITEM NO. 9.1. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager SUBJECT: Independent Audit Services Contract RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the Assistant General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement for Independent Auditing Services with Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP for a three-year contract with two subsequent one-year options to Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP for an amount not to exceed $176,230. SUMMARY: On January 13, 2022, staff solicited a Request for Proposals for Audit Services (Proposals) from four independent accounting firms with offices in Orange, Riverside and Los Angeles Counties to perform annual audits of the District's financial statements for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2022, 2023, and 2024, with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional one-year periods for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, and 2026. Interested auditing firms were asked to submit a proposal by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 14, 2022. Three of the four firms responded and submitted proposals by the specified deadline, all of whom met the listed qualifications. The District's Review Committee evaluated the submitted proposals based on: experience and expertise of auditing similar agencies; the thoroughness of their audit approach; and overall cost for their services. Review of the Cost Proposals for professional auditing services was not conducted until the mandatory elements and technical qualifications were assessed as presented in the proposal submitted by each interested firm. Following an evaluation of the submitted Proposals, staff recommends awarding a three-year contract with two subsequent one-year options to Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP for an amount not to exceed $176,320. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2022 Request for Proposals for Auditing Services 2. LSL Technical Proposal - YLWD Audit Services RFP 3. LSL Dollar Cost Bid - YLWD Audit Services RFP Page 98 of 173 Yorba Linda Water District Request for Proposals for Audit Services I. INTRODUCTION A. General Information The Yorba Linda Water District (the "District") is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for INDEPENDENT AUDITING SERVICES from qualified firms of Certified Public Accountants with expertise in auditing the financial statements of governmental agencies for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2022, 2023, and 2024, with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional one-year periods for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, and 2026. These audits shall be performed in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States and the standards set for financial audits contained in the Government Accounting Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and the State Controller's Minimum Audit Requirements for California Special Districts (Title 2, California Code of Regulations, Sections 1131.1 et seq.). . There is no expressed or implied obligation for the District to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. Proposals submitted will be evaluated by a three-member committee of District staff and presented to the Board of Directors. During the evaluation process, the District reserves the right to request additional information or clarifications from proposers, or to allow corrections of errors or omissions. The District reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this request for proposals, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed in the contract between the District and the firm selected. To be considered, please submit a proposal, as well as all other required documentation, by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 14, 2022 to Delia Lugo via email at dlugo(@ylwd.com or to the District's office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870. Inquiries concerning the RFP should be addressed to Delia Lugo at dlugo(@ylwd.com. Staff from the Finance and Executive Management Divisions will review and rate proposals submitted. Additional information and clarifications may be requested. It is anticipated that the selection of the auditing firm will be completed by the Board of Director's approval at the meeting scheduled on March 8, 2022. Following notification to the selected firm, it is anticipated that a contract will be executed between both parties by March 31, 2022. B. Description of the Yorba Linda Water District 1. The District was established on January 2, 1959, according to the provisions of the County Water District Law, Division XII of the California Water Code of the State of California. At the time of its formation, the District encompassed approximately 4,710 acres and its area has been expanded to the present 14,475 acres through annexations. The District provides water service to approximately 25,500 accounts and sewer service to approximately 25,000 accounts within its boundaries. 2. The governing body of the District is a five -member Board of Directors, elected to staggered four-year terms. The General Manager of the District heads a staff of 80 employees and administers the policies of the Board of Directors. The District is organized into five (5) departments: Administration, Engineering, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations. The accounting and financial reporting functions of the District are centralized. Annual Budgets, Official Statements, and Audited Financial Statements have more detail on the District and its finances. The District's Page 99 of 173 accounting records are maintained on an accrual basis and it utilizes accounting principles appropriate for an enterprise fund to record its activities. The District consists of two funds: Water and Sewer. 4. The general ledger, accounts payable, and payroll accounting are processed on the Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains platform. Accounts receivable is processed on the Cogsdale CSM module, which is a third party add-on. A Local Area Network is utilized for all PC applications. II. NATURE OF SERVICES REQUIRED A. General Information The District is soliciting the services of a qualified firm of Certified Public Accountants to audit its financial statements for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2022, 2023, and 2024, with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional one-year periods for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 and 2026. These audits are to be performed in accordance with the provisions contained in this RFP. More detail information on the District and its finances can be found in the FY 2021-22 Operating Budget and the FY 2020-21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, which are located in the District's website at www.ylwd.com/transparency. B. Scope of Work to be Performed The District desires for an audit to be performed in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards in the United States of America, the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and the State Controller's Minimum Audit Requirements for California Special Districts (Title 2, California Code of Regulations, Sections 1131.1 et seq.). The auditing firm will express an opinion with respect to the District's financial statements based on its audit. The auditor will also evaluate the adequacy of the District's internal control system and, where weaknesses are noted, make appropriate recommendations for improvements. A management letter in accordance with SAS 115 will be submitted by the auditor if material weaknesses are noted or if otherwise deemed appropriate. Auditors will also communicate to those in governance in accordance with SAS 114. The audit will cover the District's general purpose financial statements, statements by specific funds, as well as supporting documentation and schedules. The auditor will assist the District in providing more meaningful and concise financial statements by seeking improved methods of reporting. The auditor will be familiar with the high standards of reporting of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board to assist the District in preparing an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) to meet the standards of and ultimately obtain the Governmental Finance Officers Association "Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting". In addition, the auditor will be available on a day-to-day basis for consulting with ongoing auditing needs and keep the District abreast of new developments affecting municipal finance and reporting and Government Accounting Standards Board pronouncements. The auditor will also provide advice to District staff related to the proper accounting treatment of transactions as needed without additional costs. The District desires the final portion of the audit to begin the third week of August of each contracted year. The auditor shall submit a draft of the auditor's report, basic financial statements, supporting footnotes and schedules, management letter in accordance with SAS 115 and auditor's communication with governance in accordance with SAS 114 for each year being audited no later than September 15 of each year. The partner in charge of the audit shall present the final draft audit in October at one of the District's regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings, in which he/she shall discuss the report and related matters. The District will prepare all the components of the Introductory and Statistical Sections and Management's Discussion and Analysis. The auditor will prepare the auditor's report, the basic financial statements, supporting footnotes and schedules. The auditor will provide a consolidated print -ready PDF file containing the complete Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. Page 100 of 173 C. Reports to be Issued Following the completion of the audit of the fiscal year's financial statements, the auditor shall issue: 1. A report of the fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. 2. A report on internal controls over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters based on an audit of the financial statements performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. 3. A report on compliance with requirements applicable to each major program and internal control. D. Internal Control and Compliance Reports In the required reports on internal control, the auditor shall communicate in a letter to management any reportable conditions found during the audit. A reportable condition shall be defined as a significant deficiency in the design or operation of the internal control structure, which could adversely affect the organization's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. Reportable conditions that are also material weaknesses shall be identified as such in the report. Non -reportable conditions discovered by the auditors shall be reported in a separate letter to management, which shall be referred to in the report on internal controls. Auditors shall be required to make an immediate, written report of all irregularities and illegal acts of which they become aware to the Finance Manager, the General Manager, and the Assistant General Manager. Auditors shall assure themselves that the District is informed of each of the following: 1. The auditor's responsibility under generally accepted auditing standards 2. Significant accounting policies 3. Management judgments and accounting estimates 4. Significant audit adjustments 5. Other information in documents containing audited financial statements 6. Disagreements with management 7. Major issues discussed with management prior to retention 8. Difficulties encountered in performing the audit E. Working Papers Retention and Access to Working Papers All working papers and reports must be retained, at the auditor's expense, for a minimum of five (5) years, unless the firm is notified in writing by the District of the need to extend the retention period. In addition, the firm shall respond to the reasonable inquiries of successor auditors and allow successor auditors to review working papers related to matters of continuing accounting significance. Page 101 of 173 III. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. General Requirements 1. Inquiries Inquiries concerning the request for proposals and the subject of the request for proposals must be made to: Yorba Linda Water District Delia Lugo, Finance Manager 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue Yorba Linda, CA 92870 (714) 701-3042 dlugo(awlwd.com 2. Submission of Proposals The following materials are required to be received by February 14, 2022 for a proposing firm to be considered: a. A Technical Proposal should include the following: i. Title Page — showing the request for proposal's subject, the firm's name, address, and telephone number of the contact person and the date of the proposal. ii. Table of contents iii. Transmittal Letter — a signed transmittal letter briefly stating the proposer's understanding of the work to be done, the commitment to perform the work within the time period, a statement why the firm believes itself to be best qualified to perform the engagement, and a statement that the proposal is a firm and irrevocable offer for fiscal years ending June 30, 2022, 2023, and 2024 and option years for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, and 2026. iv. Detailed Proposal — the detailed proposal should follow the order set forth in Section 111.6 of this request for proposals. v. Executed copies of Proposer Guarantees and Proposer Warranties attached to this request for proposals (Appendix A and Appendix B). b. The proposer shall submit a dollar cost bid in a separate email (Subject: Dollar Cost Bid) as follows: DOLLAR COST BID PROPOSAL FOR YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT FOR PROFESSIONAL AUDITING SERVICES FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 — 2024, and for June 30, 2025 and June 30, 2026. c. Proposer should send files of the completed proposal consisting of two separate PDFs (one with the original technical proposal and one with the dollar cost bid) to dlugo(@ylwd.com by the indicated date and time. Responses to the request for proposal that are not received by the indicated date and time, do not contain all the required information and completed forms, or do not meet all minimum qualifications shall be deemed non-responsive and rejected without consideration. B. Technical Proposal 1. General Requirements The purpose of the Technical Proposal is to demonstrate the qualifications, competence and capability of the firms seeking to undertake an independent audit of the District in conformity with the requirements of this request for proposals. As such, the substance of proposals will carry more weight than their form or 4 Page 102 of 173 manner of presentation. The technical proposal should demonstrate the qualifications of the firm and of the particular staff assigned to this engagement. It should also specify an audit approach that will meet the request of the proposal requirements. THERE SHOULD BE NO DOLLAR UNITS OR TOTAL COSTS INCLUDED IN THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL DOCUMENT. The Technical Proposal should address all the points outlined in the request for proposals (excluding any cost information that should only be included in the dollar cost bid). The proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the proposer's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the request for proposals. While additional data may be presented, the following subjects, items Nos. 2 through 9, must be included. They represent the criteria against which the proposal will be evaluated. 2. Independence The firm should provide an affirmative statement that it is independent of the District as defined by generally accepted auditing standards. The firm should also list and describe its professional relationships, if any, involving the District for the past five (5) years, together with a statement explaining why such relationships do not constitute a conflict of interest relative to performing the proposed audit(s). 3. License to Practice in California An affirmative statement should be included indicating that the firm and all assigned key professional staff are properly licensed to practice in California. 4. Firm Qualifications and Experience The proposal should state the size of the firm, the size of the firm's governmental audit staff, the location of the office from which the work on this engagement is to be performed, and the number of professional staff to be employed in this engagement on a full-time basis and the number and nature of staff to be so employed on a part-time basis. If the proposer is a joint venture or consortium, the qualifications of each firm comprising the joint venture or consortium should be separately identified and the firm that is to serve as the principal auditor should be noted, if applicable. The firm is also required to submit a copy of the report on its most recent external quality control review, with a statement whether that quality control review included a review of specific government engagements. The firm shall also provide information on the results of any federal or state desk reviews or field reviews of its audits during the past three (3) years. In addition, the firm shall provide information on the circumstances and status of any disciplinary action taken or pending against the firm during the past three (3) years with state regulatory bodies or professional organizations. Partner, Supervisory and Staff Qualifications and Experience The firm should identify the principal supervisory and engagement staff, including engagement partners, managers, other supervisors and specialists, who would be assigned to the engagement and indicate whether each such person is licensed to practice as a certified public accountant in California. The firm also should provide information on the government auditing experience of each person, including information on relevant continuing professional education for the past three (3) years and membership of professional organizations relevant to the performance of this audit. The firm should provide as much information as possible regarding the number, qualifications, experience and training, including relevant continuing professional education, of the specific staff to be assigned to this engagement. The firm should also indicate how the quality of staff, over the term of the contract, would be assured. Page 103 of 173 Engagement partners, manager, other supervisory staff and specialists may be changed if those personnel leave the firm, are promoted or are assigned to another office. The District requests, if possible, that the auditing personnel in the field be the same each year. These personnel may also be changed for other reasons with the express prior written permission of the District. However, in either case, the District retains the right to approve or reject replacements. Consultants and firm specialists mentioned in response to this request for proposal can only be changed with the express prior written permission of the District, which retains the right to approve or reject replacements. 6. Similar Engagements with Other Governmental Entities For the firm's office that will be assigned responsibility for the audit, list the most significant engagements (maximum of 5) performed in the last five years that are similar to the engagement described in the request for proposals. These engagements should be ranked based on total staff hours. Indicate the scope of work, date, engagement partners, total hours, and the name and telephone number of the principal client contact. 7. Specific Audit Approach The proposal should set forth a work plan, including an explanation of the audit methodology to be followed to perform the services required in Section II of the request for proposal. In developing the work plan, reference should be made to such sources of information as the District's budget and related materials, organizational charts, manuals and programs, and financial and other management information systems. Proposers will be required to provide the following information on the audit approach: a. Proposed segmentation of the engagement b. Level of staff and number of hours to be assigned to each proposed segment of the engagement. c. Sample sizes and the extent to which statistical sampling is to be used in the engagement d. Extent of use of IS/MIS software in the engagement e. Type and extent of analytical procedures to be used in the engagement f. Approach to be taken to gain and document an understanding of the District's control structure. g. Approach to be taken in determining laws and regulations that will be subject to audit test work. h. Approach to be taken in drawing audit samples for purposes of tests of compliance. 8. Identification of Anticipated Potential Audit Problems The proposal should identify and describe any anticipated potential audit problems, the firm's approach to resolving these problems and any special assistance that will be requested from the Yorba Linda Water District. Miscellaneous If it should become necessary for the District to request the auditor to render additional services to either supplement the services requested in the request for proposal or to perform additional work as a result of the specific recommendations included in any report issued in connection with the engagement, then such additional work shall be performed only if set forth in an addendum to the contract between the District and the firm. Any such additional work agreed to between the District and the firm shall be performed at the same rates set forth in the schedule of fees and expenses included in the bid proposal. C. Dollar Cost Bid 1. Total All -Inclusive Maximum Price The Dollar Cost Bid should contain all pricing information relative to performing the audit engagement as described in this request for proposal. The total all-inclusive maximum price to be bid is to contain all direct and indirect costs including all out-of-pocket expenses. Costs should be specified for each fiscal year. Costs within each fiscal year should also specify the amount for each individual assignment. The District will not be responsible for expenses incurred in preparing and submitting the Technical Proposal or the Dollar Cost Bid. Such costs should not be included in the proposal. Page 104 of 173 The first page of the Dollar Cost Bid should include the following information: a. Name of Firm b. Certification that the person signing the proposal is entitled to represent the firm, empowered to submit the bid, and authorized to sign a contract with the Yorba Linda Water District. c. A total All-inclusive Maximum Price for each year of the three (3) year engagements and 2 one (1) year options. 2. Rates by Partner, Specialist, Supervisory and Staff Levels Times Hours Anticipated for Each The second page of the Dollar Cost Bid should include a schedule of professional fees and expenses, which supports the total all-inclusive maximum price. The cost of special services should be disclosed as a separate component of the total all-inclusive maximum pricing. All estimated out-of-pocket expenses should be presented on the second page of the dollar cost bid and charged against the total all-inclusive maximum price submitted. Rates for Additional Professional Services If it should become necessary for the District to request the auditor to render any additional services to either supplement the services requested in this request for proposal or to perform additional work as a result of the specific recommendations included in any report issued on this engagement, then such additional work shall be performed only if set forth in an addendum to the contract between the District and the firm. Any such additional work agreed to between the District and firm shall be performed at the same rates set forth in the schedule of fees and expenses included in the Dollar Cost Bid. 4. Manner of Payment Progress payments will be made on the basis of hours of work completed during the course of the engagement and out-of-pocket expenses incurred in accordance with the firm's dollar cost bid proposal. Interim billings shall cover a period of not less than a calendar month. IV. EVALUATION PROCEDURES A. Committee Submitted proposals received by the listed time and date will be evaluated by a committee selected by the District consisting of staff members. B. Review of Proposals The committee will evaluate all proposals to determine responsiveness to the request for proposal. The committee will recommend the selection of the responsible proposer whose proposal is most advantageous to the District. Accordingly, the committee may not necessarily select the proposer with the highest technical ranking nor select the proposer with the lowest total all-inclusive maximum price if doing so would not be in the overall best interest of the District. The overall criteria listed below are in relative order of importance. As proposals are considered by the committee to be more equal in their technical merit, the evaluated cost of price becomes more important so that the when technical proposals are evaluated as essentially equal, cost or price may be the deciding factor. C. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated using three sets of criteria. Firms meeting the mandatory criteria will have their proposals evaluated and scored for both technical qualifications and cost. The following represent the principal selection criteria, which will be considered during the evaluation process. Mandatory Elements a. The audit firm is independent and licensed to practice in California. b. The firm has no conflict of interest with regard to any of the work performed by the firm for the District. c. The firm adheres to the instructions in this request for proposals on preparing and submitting the proposal. Page 105 of 173 d. The firm submits a copy of its last external quality control review report and the firm has record of quality audit work. e. The firm's past experience and performance on comparable special district engagements. f. The quality of the firm's professional personnel to be assigned to the engagement and the quality of the firm's management support personnel to be available for technical consultation. g. Adequacy of proposed staffing plan for various segments of the engagement. h. Thoroughness of approach to conducting the audit of the District and demonstration of an understanding of the objectives and scope of the audit. i. Commitment to timeliness in the conduct of the audit. i. Maximum fees to conduct the audit. 2. Technical Qualifications: (Maximum Points — 60) a. Expertise and Experience (Maximum Points — 30) i. The firm's past experience and performance on comparable special district engagements. ii. The quality of the firm's professional personnel to be assigned to the engagement and the quality of the firm's management support personnel to be available for technical consultation. b. Audit Approach (Maximum Points — 30) i. Adequacy of proposed staffing plan for various segments of the engagement ii. Adequacy of sampling techniques iii. Adequacy of analytical procedures Price: (Maximum Points — 40) Cost Will Not Be The Primary Factor In The Selection Of An Audit Firm D. Oral Presentations During the evaluation process, the review committee may, at its discretion, request any one or all firms to make oral presentations. Such presentations will provide firms with an opportunity to answer any questions the committee may have on a firm's proposal. Not all firms may be asked to make such oral presentations. E. Final Decision It is anticipated that the Board of Directors will approve the selection of a firm on March 8, 2022. Following notification of the firm selected, it is expected a contract will be executed between both parties by March 31, 2022. Page 106 of 173 APPENDIX A PROPOSER GUARANTEES The proposer certifies it can and will provide and make available, at a minimum, all services set forth in Section ll, Nature of Services Required. Signature of Official: Name (printed): Title: Firm: Date: Page 107 of 173 APPENDIX B PROPOSER WARRANTIES A. Proposer warrants that it is willing and able to comply with the State of California Laws and is licensed to practice in California. B. Proposer warrants that it is willing and able to obtain insurance policies of $1,000,000 for commercial general liability, workers' compensation/employer's liability and errors and omissions for the willful or negligent acts, or omissions of any officers, employees or agents thereof. Proposer warrants that it will provide additional insured endorsements for commercial general liability and waivers of subrogation for workers' compensation/employer's liability. C. Proposer warrants that it will not delegate or subcontract its responsibilities under a contract without the prior written permission of the Yorba Linda Water District. D. Proposer warrants that all information provided by it in connection with this proposal is true and accurate. Signature of Official: Name (printed): Title: Firm: Date: 10 Page 108 of 173 ���: LSL Proposal Presented to PREPARED BY: Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP Certified Public Accountants License Number 2584 203 N. Brea Blvd. Suite 203 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 672-0022 Yorba Linda Water District Request For Proposal for Audit Services CONTACT PERSON: Ryan Domino, CPA Engagement Partner Ryan. Domino@lslcpas.com (714) 672-0022 February 14, 2022 Focused on YOU w Page 109 of 173 LS0L•� TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEOF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................................1 TRANSMITTALLETTER.........................................................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................4 INDEPENDENCE.....................................................................................................................................4 LICENSE TO PRACTICE IN CALIFORNIA.............................................................................................4 FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE.........................................................................................4 AboutOur Firm......................................................................................................................................4 Location.................................................................................................................................................5 Desk Review / Disciplinary Action.........................................................................................................5 PeerReview..........................................................................................................................................5 PARTNER, SUPERVISORY, AND STAFF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ..............................8 OrganizationalChart..............................................................................................................................8 EngagementTeam................................................................................................................................9 Qualityof Staff Assurance.....................................................................................................................9 SIMILAR ENGAGEMENTS WITH OTHER GOVERNMENT / WATER ENTITIES................................10 SPECIFIC AUDIT APPROACH..............................................................................................................12 ProposedSegmentation......................................................................................................................12 Level of Staff and Number of Hours to Be Assigned...........................................................................13 Sample Size And Extent Of Statistical Sampling.................................................................................14 SoftwareCapabilities...........................................................................................................................14 Type And Extent Of Analytical Procedures.........................................................................................15 Approach to Understanding the District's Internal Control Structure...................................................15 Determining Laws And Regulations Subject To Audit Test Work........................................................16 DrawingAudit Samples.......................................................................................................................16 IDENTIFICATION OF ANTICIPATED POTENTIAL AUDIT PROBLEMS.............................................16 MISCELLANEOUS.................................................................................................................................17 GFOAAward Program........................................................................................................................17 SingleAudit Experience......................................................................................................................17 EXHIBIT A — ENGAGEMENT TEAM RESUMES EXHIBIT B — CURRENT LIST OF MUNICIPAL CLIENTS EXHIBIT C — PROPOSER GUARANTEES EXHIBIT D — PROPOSER WARRANTIES Page 110 of 173 LSU9:::0 TRANSMITTAL LETTER February 14, 2022 Delia Lugo Finance Manager Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 Dear Ms. Lugo, LANCE, SOLL & LUNGHARD, LLP ("LSL CPAs", "LSL") is pleased to respond to your request for proposal for audit services. We value the opportunity to present our professional qualifications to the Yorba Linda Water District ("District"). Our proposal highlights our firm's strength and stability, along with our demonstrated experience, knowledge, passion, and creative problem -solving capabilities. Our dynamic team is committed to excellence and is comprised of the brightest talent within the industry. With our comprehensive government experience, we believe you will find that LSL CPAs is one of the most qualified accounting firms for the District. LSL CPAs will perform audits and issue opinions on the District's financial statements for fiscal years ending June 30, 2022, 2023, and 2024, with the option to extend for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025 and 2026 at the District's discretion. These audits will be performed per the auditing standards as defined in the Government Auditing Standards, generally accepted in the United States of America as set forth for financial audits. LSL will also evaluate the adequacy of the District's internal control system and will make the best recommendations for the District's growth and improvement. Throughout the year and during the period of this engagement, our team will be available on a day-to- day basis for consultation on accounting and reporting matters related to new government accounting standards and other ongoing auditing needs. We will also communicate new state and national developments affecting municipal finance and reporting standards and trends, including changes in federal/state grant program accounting, and other reporting requirements. All working papers and reports will be retained at our expense for a minimum of five (5) years unless we are notified in writing by the District of the need to extend that retention period. Upon written request, we will make working papers available to parties designated by the District. Furthermore, we will respond to the reasonable inquiries of successor auditors and allow successor auditors to review working papers relating to matters of continuing accounting significance. Page 111 of 173 LSU9:::0 We affirm that our proposal is in accordance with all terms, conditions, and requirements contained in the RFP. Our proposal is a firm and irrevocable offer for 90 days following the closing date of the receipt of proposals. Ryan Domino is the assigned Engagement Partner for this proposal and is authorized to make representations on behalf of our firm. He can be reached at the address below, by phone at (714) 672- 0022, or by email at Ryan. Domino(@lslcpas.com. Ryan Domino, CPA Engagement Partner Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP 203 N. Brea Blvd., Suite 203 Brea, CA 92821 Page 112 of 173 LSU9:::0 INTRODUCTION LSL provides auditing services to over 70 municipal clients in California, including cities, counties, water and electric utilities, and compliance with OMB Uniform Guidance. This accounts for approximately 30% of our firm's services! Generally, our government sector services break down into the following major classifications: attestation, compliance, consulting, outsourced accounting, staffing, strategic planning, and tax services. We believe that our extensive experience in local government auditing has led to the development of efficient procedures and a comprehensive understanding of all federal and state grant programs typically awarded to municipalities. LSL has also performed engagements related to bond reporting, including issuing letters of comfort and other services. Our approach takes full advantage of our accumulated experiences, which we believe will be the most effective and efficient for an entity such as the Yorba Linda Water District. INDEPENDENCE LSL CPAs meets the independence requirements as defined by the Government Auditing Standards and are independent of all component units of the District as defined by those standards. Our partners do not own any other business organization that has in the past, or will in the future, be providing services, supplies, materials, or equipment to the District. A listing of our firm's clients is distributed annually to all employees for review and proper documentation of possible independence threats. LICENSE TO PRACTICE IN CALIFORNIA LSL CPAs is a limited liability partnership and is not a wholly owned subsidiary of a parent company. LSL is a public accounting firm licensed by the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, as a Public Accounting Partnership. As a firm, we are members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the California Society of Certified Public Accountants. All key staff to be assigned to this engagement are or will be licensed by the State of California to practice as Certified Public Accountants. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ABOUT OUR FIRM LSL CPAs was established in 1929 and has grown as a leader in the governmental auditing industry. LSL is a full-service accounting firm with company headquarters in Brea, California and additional offices located in Laguna Hills, Sacramento, and Santa Ana, California, as well as in Houston, Texas. Our firm has consistently been named one of the "Top Orange County Firms" by the Orange County Business Journal, and LSL is currently the largest CPA firm headquartered in Orange County, California. Page 113 of 173 LSU9:::0 Our firm has approximately one hundred twenty-five (125) employees, including fourteen (14) partners. Our governmental staff consists of four (4) partners, one (1) senior manager, three (3) managers, four (4) supervisors, six (6) seniors, and fourteen (14) professional staff. We have a dynamic team of educated professionals with extensive experience in auditing a full range of government entities. We have also provided seminars on GASB Statement No.75, "Accounting and Financial Reporting" for post -employment benefits other than pensions (OPEB), and GASB Statement No. 87 Leases, and are knowledgeable and ready to assist the District in implementing upcoming GASBs. The engagement team for the District will be staffed by our Brea headquarters, a full-service office offering services in audit and attestation, tax and accounting services, and consulting services. LSL will not be subcontracting any portion of the audits. The members of our team have extensive experience providing auditing services for cities, counties, and special-purpose government agencies. All staff assigned to the District will be employed by LSL on a full-time basis. DESK REVIEW / DISCIPLINARY ACTION There have been no disciplinary actions against our organization since its inception. There have been no litigations against our firm in the past three years. Our Single Audit reports are desk reviewed either by the federal cognizant agency or the State Controller's Office acting as the Oversight Agency. We have never had a report rejected by any of these agencies and are highly regarded and recognized by the staff of the State Controller's Office for top quality reports. PEER REVIEW Our firm has participated in the Peer Review Program since its inception. All our peer reviews have covered governmental engagements and have received pass ratings. Our most recent peer review was conducted by Mark F. Wille, A Professional Accountancy Corporation. A copy of the report is included on the following pages. Page 114 of 173 LS0L•� MARK F 'MLLE Ccn f ed Public Accountant h cum PPNAt A=kNr"<, C<*MA non Report oa the Firm's System of Quality Cord January 17, 2020 To the Partners anco, SulI & Lunghard, LLP and thu ?otr Review Committee of the California Society of CPAs We have reviewed the system of giudity comrol for the accounting and auditing practice of Latsoe, Solt & Lunghard, LLP (the firm) in effect for the year ended May 31, 2019, Ow peer review was conducted in accordance with the Standards for Pezfomiing and Repcoing on Peer Reviews establislmed by the Peer Review Hoard of the American Ins-titute of Certified Public Accountants. A eummary of the nature, obicefives, seoM limitations, of, and the prou&res performed in a Sysrt n, Rcview as ci wrib in the standards nay be found at www.aicpa.or9JmsummarY. The summary also includes an explanation of how engagements identified as not performed or reported in conformity with applicable professional smndards, if any, are evalijWed by a peer reviewer to determine a peer t eview rating, Firm's Responsibility The firm is responsible for desigrdng a system of gtmlity control m}T.d complying with it to provide the firm with reasonable nuance of performing and reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material resp-, ts_ '111C firm is also responsible for evaluating ardans to Iromptly ranodiaw engagements deemed as not performed or reported in conformity with professional standards, whm appropriate, and for remediating weaknesses in its symern of quality wntrel, if any, Peer Reviewer's Responstb[1 ty Engagements seIacted for review included engagements performed under Governwnt AudihW Dandoi ls, including compliance audits under the SingIe Audit Act and audits of employee benefit plans, Our responsibiliity is to express an epiamaon cam the design of the �ysteni of qu2rlity contml and the fi n's compliance dwrewith based on our review, Required Selections and Considerations As a part of our rcyicw, we wrnidunA reviews by regulatory entities as communicated by the firm, if applicabic, in dctcrmining the nature and extent of our procedmes. ME ■m 1451 Quail Street N2 10 Newport Beach, C.?lifprrkq 9366¢ "9.651AHO Fax 949,952,1045 mfvrcpa.eom Page 115 of 173 LS0L•� Opinion In our opinion, the system ofquality control for the accounting and auditing practice of Lance, :kill & Lunghard, LLP in effect for the year ended May 31, 2019 las been suitably designod and complied with to provide the firm )with reasonabie assurance of puforn g and reporting in corn iity with applicable professional standards in all ind0 rial respects. Funis can receive a rating ofpass, pas€ with defide acyrres) gr ail. Lace, Soll &. LunghwJ, LLP has received a peer inview railing of pass, ri 01 ark F Wille A Professional Accounumey Corpom ion am !m Page 116 of 173 LS0L•� PARTNER, SUPERVISORY, AND STAFF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE At LSL, our engagement teams are curated with an optimum mix of talents and formed based on the specific engagement scope of work. Additionally, each of our professionals have developed expert -level skills in complementary subjects through their work with other clients in various industries.The partners at LSL are an integral part of the audit process and will be overseeing and supervising staff personnel in the field. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Brandon Young, CPA Technical Resource Over 11 years of experience Yorba Linda Water District Ryan Domino, CPA Engagement Partner Over 10 years of experience Mirian Rodriguez Audit Manager Over 7 years of experience 1 Elijah Mosham Audit Senior Over 3 years of experience MMMI-Staff Auditor Staff Auditor Deborah Harper, CPA Quality Assurance Partner Over 21 years of experience Page 117 of 173 LSU9:::0 ENGAGEMENT TEAM The engagement team for the District has extensive experience in all municipal accounting operations. Team resumes can be found in Exhibit A which lists their education, professional credentials, governmental auditing experience, applicable continuing professional education for the past three years, and memberships in professional organizations relevant to the District. All audit teams will also consist of an additional 1 to 2 staff auditors based out of our Brea headquarters for audit fieldwork. Deborah Harper and Brandon Young both serve on the CaICPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee, a committee specific to the State of California that has been responsible for numerous white papers and technical clarifications, including those for GASB 68 and 75. This equips our firm with the latest knowledge and expertise to train our government audit professionals on the proper implementation of new GASB pronouncements, an advantage that extends to our clientele. QUALITY OF STAFF ASSURANCE LSL ensures the quality of staffing over the term of the engagement through firm policies which provide for maintaining continuity of engagement teams, except in instances where an employee has left the firm or has been promoted. All other changes in staffing at the supervisor level and above will first have the District's expressed written permission. Our focused efforts to obtain and retain quality staff have further enabled us to provide high levels of services to our clients. If changes are required, our extensive team of government auditors provides for qualified replacements. Page 118 of 173 LS0L•� SIMILAR ENGAGEMENTS WITH OTHER GOVERNMENT / WATER ENTITIES Below is a list of the most significant engagements performed in the last five years that are similar to the engagement described in the request for this proposal: Name of Organization Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Contact Mr. J. Adams, Chief Financial Officer E-mail Address adamsj@emwd.org Address 2270 Trumble Road Dates of Service Perris, CA 92570 Telephone 951-928-3777 Dates of Service Fiscal Year 2020 — Present Scope of Work Audit of an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) which receives the GFOA award. In addition, we audit the District's annual single audit, and a separate audit for the Assessment Districts. Engagement Partner Bryan Gruber Total Hours 656 Name of Organization East Bay Municipal Utility District Contact Ms. A. Miller, Controller Contact E-mail Address Andrea.Miller@ebmud.com Address 375 Eleventh Street Oakland, CA 94607 Telephone 510-287-0271 Dates of Service Fiscal Year 2019 — Present Scope of Work Audit of an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) which receives the GFOA award. In addition, we audit the District's annual single audit, Employee Pension and Health Benefits Plan audit and separate district audits for Bay Area Clean Water Agencies, Freeport Regional Water Authority and the Dublin San Ramon Services District. Engagement Partner Deborah Harper Total Hours 642 Page 119 of 173 LS0L•� Name of Organization Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Contact Ms. A. Aguer, Controller E-mail Address aaguer@scvwa.org Address 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road Santa Clarita, CA 91350 Telephone 661-513-1237 Dates of Service Fiscal Year 2019 — Present Scope of Work Audit of an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). In addition, we issue a report on the Agency's GANN appropriation limit and prepare the State Controller's report. Engagement Partner Bryan Gruber Total Hours 336 Name of Organization Monterey One Water Contact Mr. F. Marsh, Chief Financial Officer E-mail Address fred@my1water.org Address 5 Harris Court Monterey, CA 93940 Telephone 831-645-4630 Dates of Service Fiscal Year 2015 — Present Scope of Work Audit of an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) which receives the GFOA award. In addition, we audit the Agency's annual single audit. Engagement Partner Bryan Gruber Total Hours 296 Name of Organization San Bernardino Municipal Water Department Contact Ms. C. Mouser, Director of Finance E-mail Address cindy.mouser@sbmwd.org Address 1350 S. E Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Telephone 909-453-6010 Dates of Service Fiscal Year 2019 — Present Scope of Work Audit of an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) which receives the GFOA award. In addition, we audit the Department's annual single audit. Engagement Partner Bryan Gruber Total Hours 262 Page 120 of 173 LSU9:::0 SPECIFIC AUDIT APPROACH We utilize a governmental audit program which we will tailor to the District's operations. The tailoring is necessary to accommodate specific circumstances and differences in organizational structure. Our audit programs are organized by financial statement category. This approach takes full advantage of our accumulated experience. The primary benefit is to substantially reduce the risk of omitting important procedures. We believe that this approach tends to be the most effective and efficient for an entity such as the Yorba Linda Water District. The audit procedures are listed in the most logical sequence which improves efficiency. The savings in effort and time gained by using our audit program can free an auditor's attention for unusual or difficult situations that may arise. The audit programs are designed to increase audit efficiency by linking financial statement assertions, audit objectives, and procedures that are basic to most governmental audit engagements. PROPOSED SEGMENTATION The services will be divided into three segments. Segment 1 - Planning and Obtaining an Understanding: LSL will provide an annual audit communication letter, engagement letter, and Government Audit Quality Center Information letter. The audit communication letter is to be provided to the Board of Directors. In addition, this can be communicated orally to the Board of Directors or audit committee, if requested. This communication will discuss the planning stages, the responsibilities of the Board of Directors, Auditors, and Management, and provides an opportunity for communication with us as the auditors. An entrance conference will be scheduled ahead of the on-site visit that is used to obtain an understanding of the District's internal controls over the District. This meeting helps to ensure that the transition to new auditors is as seamless as possible. Discussions in this meeting include, but are not limited to, the following: Understanding of reports and key milestones for deliverables, prior audit reportable conditions and issues, and "Prepared by Client" (PBC) schedules. LSL's audit team will meet before our initial on-site visit to brainstorm and discuss economic conditions, industry elements, and new standards that will affect the District. A trial balance is requested for our planning meeting to assist the LSL team in obtaining knowledge and preparing expectations for the audit year. We will compile a list of PBC items based on our review of the prior year's financial statements and the information gathered. This will be provided to the District one month prior to our visit or earlier if requested. We operate on a paperless software system and provide a secured cloud -based portal for all clients. The District will have a separate folder that can be customized to organize, and upload requested schedules, support documents, etc. If available, a current Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) will be evaluated during this segment to make a preliminary determination of the District's major programs. This allows us to properly Page 121 of 173 LSU9:::0 plan and schedule the timing of the Single Audit with the appropriate finance personnel as well as appropriate grant managers. LSL will make every effort to be proactive in our network of federal grants during the interim stages of the audit. After our interim on-site visit, we will have an exit meeting to discuss potential weaknesses, if any, and provide any feedback for improvements or valuable information we have gathered from our outside clientele that would benefit the District. Segment 2 - Financial Audit Testing: Based on the information gathered each year thus far, we will utilize a customized audit program based on the risk assessment developed during our assessment of the District's internal controls and Government Auditing Standards. The primary benefit of a tailored program is a focused set of procedures to address relevant areas. We believe that this approach will be the most effective and efficient by linking financial statement assertions, audit objectives, and procedures that are basic to most governmental audit engagements and critical to compliance with other material laws and regulations. We will annually compile another customized PBC list for the year-end on-site visit provided at least one month prior or earlier if requested. We will request trial balances from the District for our analytical review to be provided one week before our arrival. Year-end fieldwork will include testing of the balance sheet, revenue and expenditures accounts, confirmation of selected balances, analytical procedures, evaluation of the internal controls, and preparation of reports and letters. Segment 3 - Conclusion: Based on our year-end exit meeting we will schedule a plan to finalize the ACFR according to the timetable of the District. We will schedule dates for the initial and final drafts including time for LSL's and the District's review and approval of the financial statements. This period will also account for the review of the engagement partner and quality assurance partner. After the review and receipt of the signed Representation Letter from the District, we will provide the final report by mid- October of each year. LEVEL OF STAFF AND NUMBER OF HOURS TO BE ASSIGNED Reports Interim Testwork 0 0 40 40 5 85 Year -End Testwork 0 0 40 40 0 80 Report/Review/Supervision 10 25 20 0 5 60 Page 122 of 173 LS0L•� SAMPLE SIZE AND EXTENT OF STATISTICAL SAMPLING Our approach is to utilize statistical sampling in the areas of receipts, disbursements, utility billing, and payroll, where we develop a statistical conclusion based upon an initial computer selected random sample based on the population and other risk factors identified. If errors are noted in the sample, the sample size will be expanded. We believe that a random selection can be efficient while providing each item in the population an equal chance of being selected. Additionally, we may select a stratified sample of all transactions over a specified dollar limit for review. This allows us to cover all high dollar value transactions not otherwise selected in the random sample. Our samples are selected randomly utilizing IDEA data analysis software. SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES LSL is always at the forefront of technology and finding ways to increase efficiency in our audits. Our goal is to effectively streamline the audit process to make the burden of an audit easier on our clients, and to ease any technical disagreements. ADAPTING TO A REMOTE AUDITING RELATIONSHIP We are equipped with software and communication tools to support a remote audit process. We leverage both Zoom and Microsoft Teams to easily connect over a video call in a face-to-face setting, giving us the ability to share screens and information in real time. Additionally, having the customizable LSL CaseWare Cloud Portal makes the exchange of secure information easy and painless. CASEWARE At LSL, we partner with and utilize CaseWare to perform our audit and retain electronic work papers and supporting documentation in a fully cloud -based platform. During our preparation of the ACFR, all financial statements and schedules are linked to CaseWare and audit documentation which ensures accuracy and consistency with County records and eliminates the risk of manual errors. LSL CASEWARE CLOUD PORTAL Our web -based portal system gives our clients the ability to share information in a secure platform that is user friendly and easy to use. This portal is integrated with CaseWare OnPoint Collaborate, a state-of- the-art tool which takes collaborative and accounting and auditing to the next level. It facilitates direct communication with clients throughout the audit to provide and receive feedback, tracks activity, such as, audit requests, client uploads, and audit progress, all within a secure hub where access can be restricted to only individuals needing the information where necessary. This tool eliminates the need to send sensitive documents through e-mail and provide efficiencies. Each client dashboard can be customized to ensure it fits their exact needs. DATA EXTRACTION & AUDIT ANALYTICS We believe a software is only as effective as those who know how to use it. That is why we train all of our staff and incorporate into our audit approach the use of CaseWare Analytics Al and IDEA. These two complement one another to create a risk-based transaction analysis tool that we utilize to scan transaction sets and find exceptions that warrant further investigation, as well as give our clients additional assurances that previously may not have existed. These tools give a high-level summary to Page 123 of 173 LSU9:::0 users and reduce the time spent in transaction analysis but automatically performing multiple tests on the entire transaction set assisting in identifying duplicate payments, high risk journal entries and developing expectations for analytical procedures utilized during the audit. EXPERIENCE WITH ERP SYSTEMS Many of our clients have updated their systems software with new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems through the years. We have been available for questions and recommendations, including assistance with the vendor selection process. Our clients upgrading to more sophisticated ERP systems has allowed us to gain a better understanding of each ERP system and its unique capabilities. We often obtain read-only access to our clients' software and can work directly within the system. This allows us to provide useful observations and recommendations in internal control and also provides for efficient audit test work. Some of the ERP and Property Tax System we have extensive experience with include Tyler Technologies (Munis, New World, Eden), One Solution, Oracle, SAP, Infor & Megabyte and more. TYPE AND EXTENT OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES For the audits of the financial statements, we will use analytical procedures as an overall review of the financial information in the preliminary and final stages of the audits. These procedures are designed to assist us in planning our audits and in assessing the propriety of the conclusions reached and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The procedures to be utilized consist of determining expectations for changes to significant revenue, expenditure, and balance sheet accounts, reading the financial statements and related notes, reviewing the budget and related material, and focusing on overall relationships within the financial statements. Once determined, these are reviewed to evaluate if the changes appear reasonable or require further analysis. For all significant differences, explanations are obtained as to why the situation occurred and additional substantive procedures may be applied, and related evidence gathered to resolve concerns and questions. We ask that the District provide a check register electronically for July 1St forward (period after the audit year), so we can pre -select our sample for accounts payable cut-off test work and provide that information ahead of time. Our PBC list will detail out schedules we would like provided, which is directed straight from the audit report. Support requested and sampling for these schedules will be assessed each year based on the strengths and weaknesses of the internal control processes of the District, and the materiality level of the account. We will discuss our analytical variances with the District and obtain documentation that provides support for the accounts. APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING THE DISTRICT'S INTERNAL CONTROL STRUCTURE To gain an understanding of the internal control structure over the financial statements, we will perform procedures as required by SAS 122-125. This will include a review of internal controls in the areas of financial reporting, cash, revenues and receivables, utility billing, expenses, and accounts payable, payroll, capital assets, long-term debt, and grant reporting, as applicable. Based on the result of our review, we will issue a management letter (SAS 115 Letter) that will identify any significant deficiencies and/or material weaknesses noted. This report is required by the Government Page 124 of 173 LSU9:::0 Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Auditing Standards require auditors to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment along with assessing the risks of material misstatements. LSL obtains an understanding through a variety of ways throughout the year, but the most pertinent time each year is during our interim on-site visit. We will conduct interviews with the management of finance along with each audit section responsible party (e.g., cashier, accounts payable clerk, payroll clerk, etc.) to review the processes and controls through observation and discussions. Based on our observations, we will sample transactions as part of a "walk-through" to verify the system of control is working in accordance with policies and procedures. Each year, we will provide a list of randomly selected District employees to interview for SAS 99 fraud interviews. This list will consist of all levels and across all departments within the District. DETERMINING LAWS AND REGULATIONS SUBJECT TO AUDIT TEST WORK The Laws and Regulations that will be subject to audit test work are determined from the applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements which we identify through the understanding we obtain of the District and our extensive experience with governmental entities. DRAWING AUDIT SAMPLES For tests of controls, we use audit sampling. Tests of controls are procedures directed towards determining the effectiveness of the design or operation of an internal structure policy or procedures. Normally, audit sampling is used for tests of controls and tests of compliance that involve inspection of documents and reports indicating the performance of the applicable policy or procedures and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. These sampling procedures test the operating effectiveness of an internal control structure policy or procedures by determining how the policy or procedure was applied, the consistency with which it was applied during the audit period, and by whom it was applied. To achieve this goal, we will draw samples for disbursements, receipts, and payroll when applicable. Each document selected will be tested for various attributes that are designed to verify compliance with different aspects of internal controls and applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, each sample item will be tested for coding to the proper accounts and posting to the general ledger. Sample sizes vary based on the population and risk-based calculations. IDENTIFICATION OF ANTICIPATED POTENTIAL AUDIT PROBLEMS The most recent relevant accounting issue impacting the District is the implementation of GASB Statement No. 95, Postponement of Effective Dates of Certain Authoritative Guidance. This statement postponed several key GASB pronouncements as a temporary relief to governments and other stakeholders in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The major pronouncement that could impact the District being delayed is GASB Statement No. 87, Leases. This statement is now effective in fiscal year 2022. GASB Statement No. 87 will require all leases the District currently is under contract for, both as the lessor and lessee, to be analyzed and recorded on the District's financial statements. The term "operating" and "capital" leases will no longer be relevant, and all leases the District is under contract for will now be recorded and disclosed in some form. Page 125 of 173 LSU9:::0 MISCELLANEOUS GFOA AWARD PROGRAM We understand the importance of obtaining and maintaining the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the GFOA. We are confident that our firm has the depth and breadth of experience to support the District in obtaining the award of excellence in financial reporting. We prepare the financial statements and footnote disclosures for most of our local governments that have received the GFOA award. All of our governmental partners, managers, and seniors have been closely involved in the preparation of these reports. A detailed list of clients currently receiving the award is located on Exhibit B. SINGLE AUDIT EXPERIENCE Our firm has significant experience in performing Single Audits for local government agencies. We perform Single Audits for many of our clients under the audit requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements of Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). A list of government audit clients is included on Exhibit B and notes clients for which a single audit has been performed in the last fiscal year. In addition, the table below details a few examples of federal programs that LSL has had recent experience in auditing. U.S. Department of Agriculture 10.557 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant, and Children U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 14.195 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 14.218 Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants U.S. Department of Transportation 20.507 Community Development Block Grants/State's program and Non -Entitlement U.S. Department of Housing &Urban Development 14.228 Grants in Hawaii U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 14.239 HOME Investment Partnerships Program U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 14.856 Lower Income Housing Assistance Program Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 14.871 Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers U.S. Department of Transportation 20.106 Airport Improvement Program U.S. Department of Transportation 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction U.S. Department of Transportation 20.507 Federal Transit Formula Grants U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 66.458 Capitalization Grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.563 Child Support Enforcement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.667 Social Services Block Grant U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.676 Unaccompanied Alien Children Program U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.778 Medical Assistant Program - Medicaid Cluster U.S. Department of Homeland Security 97.036 Disaster Grants- Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) U.S. Department of Homeland Security 97.067 Homeland Security Grant Program Page 126 of 173 LS0L•� EXHIBIT A - ENGAGEMENT TEAM RESUMES Page 127 of 173 ACHIEVEMENTS LSU9:::0 Ryan Domino, CPA Engagement Partner Ryan currently serves as a technical reviewer for the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). He has been involved with teaching current audit and accounting related material at Lance, Soll & Lunghard's in-house training seminars. LICENSE Certified Public Accountant - California 2016 Advanced Single Audit Certificate — 2018 CONTINUING EDUCATION Total hours were 231 over the last three years, 204 of which were in governmental accounting and auditing subjects. Ryan has met the Governmental Auditing Standards requirement for governmental CPE. MEMBERSHIPS California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CaICPA) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, Associate Member (CSMFO) Government Finance Officers Association, Special Review Committee Member (GFOA) EXPERIENCE Ryan has over ten years of experience in governmental auditing including financial statement audits (including audits and preparation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports), Housing Successor compliance audits, TDA compliance audits, Single Audits, Federal Student Financial Aid audits, and various consulting and agreed-upon procedures projects. Ryan is one of the firm's leaders for ensuring audit quality control and Government Practice training for staff. He has also made several presentations to City Councils, Boards of Directors, and Audit Committees. Page 128 of 173 LSU9:::0 Ryan Domino, CPA, Engagement Partner (Continued) Ryan has been involved in the following municipal engagements: Big Bear Fire Authority City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Dept. City of Agoura Hills City of San Clemente City of Big Bear Lake City of San Marino City of Canyon Lake City of Santa Monica City of Chino Hills City of Solana Beach City of Chula Vista City of Vista City of Fullerton Clean Energy Alliance City of Indio Coachella Valley Association of Governments City of Malibu Diversified Education Company City of Moorpark Inland Empire Utilities Agency City of Oceanside Los Angeles County Development Authority City of Pasadena Orange County Fire Authority City of Riverside Rainbow Municipal Water District City of Rolling Hills Six Basins Watermaster City of Rosemead This work entailed: • The preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for those entities involved in the award programs of the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers and the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. • Review the audit of these entities and provide technical assistance throughout the year to deliver the most up to date information with current GASB pronouncement. • Present the overall audit results to audit committees or other Board Members. EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting — California State University, Fullerton, 2012 Page 129 of 173 LSU9:::0 Deborah Harper, CPA Quality Assurance Partner ACHIEVEMENTS Deborah was accepted as a 2015 and 2016 executive committee member of the AICPA Government Audit Quality Center, which is a national division for governments. As an executive board member, Deborah participates in the development, review, and first-hand discussion of new standards and guidance published in the AICPA Audit Guides which is provided to audit firms across the country. In 2017, Deborah participated in the GASB Research Note Disclosure Reexamination Roundtable. Deborah leads the Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP training program and serves as the firm Learning Director. LICENSE Certified Public Accountant - California 2005 CONTINUING EDUCATION Total hours were 132 over the last three years, 68 of which were in governmental accounting and auditing subjects. Deborah has met the Governmental Auditing Standards requirement for governmental CPE. MEMBERSHIPS California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CaICPA) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) California Society of Municipal Finance Officers, Associate Member (CSMFO) Government Finance Officers Association, Associate Member (GFOA) Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee AICPA Government Audit Quality Center EXPERIENCE Deborah has over twenty-one years of experience in governmental audits. During her time with the firm, she has performed all phases of our government audits and made numerous presentations to Boards of Directors and Audit Committees. Page 130 of 173 LSU9:::0 Deborah A. Harper, CPA, Quality Assurance Partner (Continued) She has been involved on the following similar engagements: City of Banning City of Santa Monica City of Brea City of Seal Beach City of Camarillo City of Thousand Oaks City of Claremont Coachella Valley Water City City of Corona Cucamonga Valley Water City City of Monrovia East Bay Municipal Utilities City City of Orange Inland Empire Utilities Agency City of Pasadena Sutter County City of Riverside Yolo County This work entailed: • The preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for those entities involved in the award programs of the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers and the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada • Review the audit of these entities and provide technical assistance throughout the year to deliver the most up to date information with current GASB pronouncement • Present the overall audit results to audit committees or other Board Members TRAINING COURSES Deborah provides training courses throughout California. She provides training to the California Association of State Auditors, the County Auditors, and the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers. In addition, Deborah provides courses to a variety of Cities throughout the year on current and upcoming GASB pronouncements. Recent courses included: • GASB 87, Lease Accounting • Introductory to Government Accounting • GASB update • Preliminary Views on Financial Reporting • Internal Control Risk Assessments EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting — California State University, Fullerton, 2000 Page 131 of 173 ACHIEVEMENTS LSU9:::0 Brandon Young CPA Technical Resource Partner Brandon is an up-and-coming expert in the field of Governmental Accounting and Auditing, serving a wide range of clients in both type and size throughout the state of California. He relocated to Sacramento in 2017 to establish LSL's first Northern California office, and he has nearly tripled the size of the office in just over two years, building a fantastic team along the way. He regularly teaches current audit and accounting related material at LSL training seminars, webinars, and client education workshops and training events. Brandon routinely presents at CSMFO local chapter meetings and State Association of County Auditors Accounting and Reporting Mangers meetings throughout the state on current accounting and auditing material. He currently serves on the CaICPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee, which released the white paper for both GASB 75 and 84, and has also served as a technical reviewer for the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for over 3 years. LICENSE Certified Public Accountant - California 2014 ,Ole] Z III I I ki 111 ki"=1 �1�leT_YiLeLI Total hours were 125 over the last three years, 74 of which were in governmental accounting and auditing subjects. Brandon has met the Governmental Auditing Standards requirement for governmental CPE. MEMBERSHIPS California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CaICPA) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) CaICPA State Governmental Accounting & Auditing Committee (GAA) California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) Government Finance Officers Association, Associate Member (GFOA) EXPERIENCE Brandon has over eleven years of experience in governmental audits. During his time with the firm, he has performed all phases of our governmental audits and has made numerous presentations to City Councils, Board of Supervisors, Board of Directors, and Audit Committees. Page 132 of 173 LSU9:::0 Brandon Young, CPA, Engagement Partner (Continued) He has been involved on the following recent engagements: City of Camarillo City of Roseville City of Chula Vista City of Santa Monica City of Citrus Heights City of Shafter City of Coronado Coachella Valley Water District City of Dinuba County of Sutter City of Dixon County of Yolo City of Emeryville Covered California City of Galt East Bay Municipal Utility District City of Lathrop Georgetown Divide Public Utility District City of Live Oak Inland Empire Utilities Agency City of Livingston Monterey Peninsula Airport District City of Menlo Park Orange County Water District City of Newark San Joaquin Council of Governments City of Pasadena Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency City of Pleasanton Three Valleys Municipal Water District City of Riverside Union Sanitary District This work entailed: • The preparation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for those entities involved in the award programs of the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers and the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada • Review the audit of these entities and provide technical assistance throughout the year to deliver the most up to date information with current GASB pronouncement • Present the overall audit results to audit committees or others charged with governance • Single Audits in accordance with new Uniform Guidance, including REAC Submission • Risk assessment and internal controls evaluation with COSO Framework EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting — Magna Cum Laude — Vanguard University, 2012 Page 133 of 173 ACHIEVEMENTS LSU9:::0 Mirian Rodriquez Audit Manager Mirian has earned the Advanced Single Audit Certification issued by the AICPA, for planning, performing, and evaluating Single Audits in compliance with the Uniform Guidance. LICENSE CPA Exam completed — Pending licensure from the California State Board of Accountancy CONTINUING EDUCATION Total hours were 132 over the last three years, 132 of which were in governmental accounting and auditing subjects. Mirian has met the Governmental Auditing Standards requirement for governmental CPE. EXPERIENCE Mirian has progressed in an outstanding manner. During her time with the firm, Mirian has performed all phases of our government audits, including water districts, other special districts, ACFR audits, successor agency audits and Single Audits. She has been City of Chula Vista City of Corona City of Dixon City of Galt City of Grand Terrace City of Lake Elsinore City of Monrovia City of Moorpark City of Ontario City of Pasadena City of Pleasanton involved in the following City of San Dimas City of Santa Barbara City of Santa Fe Springs City of Solana Beach City of Thousand Oaks City of Vallejo City of Woodland County of Sutter County of Yolo Georgetown Public Utility District Three Valleys Water District municipal engagements: EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting — California State University, Fullerton, 2014 Page 134 of 173 LSU9:::0 Eli iah Mosham Senior Auditor LICENSE Certified Public Accountant — In Progress, tests complete, pending application submittal CONTINUING EDUCATION Total hours were 110 over the last two years in government accounting and auditing subjects. Elijah has met the Governmental Auditing Standards requirement for governmental CPE. EXPERIENCE Elijah has two years of governmental auditing experience. During his time with the firm, Elijah has performed and supervised all phases of our government audits, including ACFR audits, successor agency audits and Single Audits. He has been involved in the following municipal engagements: City of San Clemente City of Cypress City of Cathedral City City of Dinuba City of Diamond Bar City of Moorpark City of Fullerton City of Indio Ontario International Airport Authority City of Chula Vista City of Banning City of Barstow Coachella Valley Association of Governments Clean Energy Alliance City of Monrovia City of Rancho Cucamonga City of Corona City of Big Bear Lake EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration, Concentration in Accounting — California State University, Fullerton, 2019 Page 135 of 173 LS0L•� EXHIBIT B - CURRENT LIST OF MUNICIPAL CLIENTS Page 136 of 173 Agoura Hills * Big Bear Lake Burbank Camarillo Canyon Lake Ms. C. Pinuelas, Finance Manager Ms. K. Ent, Director of Government Services Ms. C. L Giraldo, Financial Services Director Mr. M. Uribe, Finance Director Mr. C. Mann, City Manager F F, S 1 F, S F 7 24 11 5 27 818-597-7319 909-866-5831 818-238-5487 805-388-5320 909-244-2955 * Cathedral City Mr. K. Biersack, Fiscal Officer F, S 12 760-770-0378 * Chino Hills Ms. C. Buhagiar, Finance Director F, S 25 909-364-2600 Chula Vista Ms. S. Schoen, Director of Finance F, S 8 619-409-3818 * Citrus Heights Mr. R. Prasad, Accounting Manager F, S 3 916-7274705 * Citrus Heights Water District Mr. A. Preciado, Accounting Manager F, U 1 916-735-7703 Covered California Mr. J. Watkins, Chief Financial Officer F, S 6 916-228-8223 Cypress Ms. D. Mullally, Assistant Finance Director F, S 5 714-229-6700 Diamond Bar Mr. J. Jacobsen, Finance Director F, S 12 909-839-7051 * Dinuba Ms. K. Solis, Interim Administrative Services Director F, S 4 559-591-5900 * Dixon Ms. K. Zawadzki, Finance Director F, S 7 707-678-7000 Downey Mr. A. Gandhy, Finance Director F, S 7 562-904-7265 * East Bay Municipal Utility District Ms. A. Miller, Controller F, U 3 510-287-0230 * Eastern Municipal Water District Ms. W. Garriz, Controller F, S 1 951-928-3777 * Fullerton Ms. C. Moynihan, Fiscal Services Manager F, S 11 714-738-3133 Galt Ms. C. Nguyen, Accounting Manager F, S 4 209-366-7140 Georgetown Divide Public Utility District Mr. A. Coyan, General Manager F, S 4 530-333-4356 Grand Terrace Ms. C. Clayton, Senior Accountant F 8 909-824-6621 * Indio Mr. R. Rockwell, Assistant City Manager/Director of Finance F, S 6 760-391-4029 Inglewood Ms. L. Gomez, Accounting Manager F, S 7 310-412-5127 * Irwindale Ms. J. Duran, Finance Director F 27 626-430-2268 Jurupa Community Services District Mr. S. Popelar, Director of Finance and Administration F 3 951-685-7434 * Lake Elsinore Ms. S. Buckley, Finance Manager F, S 5 951-674-3124 Lathrop Mr. T. Hedegard, Deputy Finance Director F, S 1 209-941-7320 * Live Oak Mr. J. Ramsey, Finance Director J1116. F, S 5 91 - 9-8511 Livingston Ms. V. Portillo, Finance Director/Interim City Manager F, S 1 209-394-5550 * Lompoc Ms. C. Donnelly, Acting Management Services Director F, S 1 805-875-8283 Los Angeles County Development Authority Mr. M. Fortin!, Finance Director F, S 5 626-586-1890 * Malibu Ms. R. Feldman, City Manager F 18 310-456-2489 * Manhattan Beach Mr. S. Charelian, Finance Director F 17 310-802-5553 * Menlo Park Ms. P. Barboza, Interim Finance & Budget Manager F 3 650-330-6632 Monrovia Mr. B. Bullis, Director of Administrative Services F, S 21 626-932-5510 * Monterey One Water Mr. F. Marsh, Chief Financial Officer F, S, U 7 831-645-4623 Monterey Peninsula Airport District Mr. T. Bergholz, Deputy Executive Director of Finance and Administration F, S 3 831-648-7000 x201 * Moorpark Mr. P. Gagajena, Finance Director F, S 4 5-517-6213 Newark Ms. K. Lee, Finance Director F 3 510-5784288 Oceans! Ms. J. Moya, Accounting Manager F, S 13 760-435-3887 Ontario International Airport Ms. K. Snow, Finance Manager F, S 5 714-415-9636 * Orange Ms. K. Bandhauer, Assistant Finance Director F, S 1 714-744-5500 Orange County Fire Authority Ms. G. Cheung, Accounting Manager F, S 3 714-573-6000 Orchard Dale Water District Mr. R. Richard, Finance Manager F, U 3 562-941-0114 * Palm Desert Mr. J. Espinoza, Assistant Finance Director F 5 760-346-0611 * Pleasanton Ms. T. Olso, Finance Director F, S 1 925-931-5402 Rancho Cucamonga Ms. T. Layne, Finance Officer F, S, U 44 909-989-1851 * Redondo Beach Ms. J. Paul, Finance Director F, S 5 310-372-1171x2428 * Rialto Ms. K. Stevens, Deputy Director of Finance F, S 1 909-421-7242 * Riverside Ms. N. Garcia, Controller F, S, U 3 951-826-5466 Page 137 of 173 Rolling Hills Mr. R. Samario, Interim Finance Director F 13 310-377-1521 Rosemead Ms. G. Molleda, City Manager F, S 4 626-569-2146 * Roseville Mr. N. Rosas, Accounting Manager F, S 1 916-774-5314 * San Bernardino Municipal Water Department Ms. C. Mouser, Director of Finance F 3 909-453-6010 * San Clemente Mr. J. Rahn, Finance Director F 4 949-361-8360 * San Joaquin Council of Governments Ms. G. Orosoo, Manager of Finance F, S 3 209-235-0454 * San Juan Capistrano Mr. K. AI -Imam, Chief Financial Officer F, S 1 949-443-6301 San Marino Mr. M. Siegfried, Controller F 28 626-300-0700 * Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Ms. A. Aguer, Controller F, U 3 661-513-1237 * Santa Monica Ms. G. Decavalles-Hughes, Finance Director F, S 6 310-458-8281 * Shafter Mr. R. Sanchez, Administrative Services Director F, S 1 661-746-5043 Six Basins Watermaster Mr. L. Stahlhoefer, Controller F 13 949-420-3030 * Solana Beach Mr. R. Smith, Finance Director F 10 858-720-2463 Sonoma County Fair & Exposition, Inc. Mr. M. Margetts, Fair Financial Officer F 3 707-573-9342 Sutter County Mr. N. Black, Auditor -Controller F, S 2 530-822-7439 * Three Valleys Water District Mr. J. Linthicum, Chief Financial Officer F, U 14 909-621-5568 * Union Sanitary District Ms. L. Brenner, Finance & Acquisition Services Coach F, U 5 510-477-7647 Yolo County jMr. C. Rinde, Chief Financial Officer F, S 3 530-666-8050 Service Codes: F - Financial Audit S - Single Audit I - Internal Audit U - Utility Agency * - Participated in the GFOA Award Programs and has received or anticipates receiving outstanding awards Page 138 of 173 LS0L•� EXHIBIT C - PROPOSER GUARANTEES Page 139 of 173 PROPOSER GUARANTEES The proposer certifies it can and will provide and make available, at a minimum, all services set forth in Section II, Nature of Services Required. Signature of Official: Name (printed): yan Domino Title: Engagement Partner Firm: Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP Date 14, 2022 Page 140 of 173 LS0L•� EXHIBIT D - PROPOSER WARRANTIES Page 141 of 173 PROPOSER WARRANTIES A. Proposer warrants that it is willing and able to comply with the State of California Laws and is licensed to practice in California. B. Proposer warrants that it is willing and able to obtain insurance policies of $1,000,000 for commercial general liability, workers' compensation/employer's liability and errors and omissions for the willful or negligent acts, or omissions of any officers, employees or agents thereof. Proposer warrants that it will provide additional insured endorsements for commercial general liability and waivers of subrogation for workers' compensation/employer's liability. C. Proposer warrants that it will not delegate or subcontract its responsibilities under a contract without the prior written permission of the Yorba Linda Water District. D. Proposer warrants that all information provided by it in connection with this proposal is true and accurate. Signature of Official: C� Name (printed): 4an Domino Title: Engagement Partner Firm: Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP Date: February 14, 2022 Page 142 of 173 LSL0000 PREPARED BY: Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP Certified Public Accountants License Number 2584 203 N. Brea Blvd. Suite 203 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 672-0022 DOLLAR COST BID Proposal for Yorba Linda Water District for Professional Auditing Services FY ending June 30,2022-2024, and for June 30, 2025 and June 30, 2026 CONTACT PERSON: Ryan Domino, CPA Engagement Partner Ryan. Domino@lslcpas.com (714) 672-0022 February 14, 2022 Focused on YOU w Page 143 of 173 r L LS0L•� Dollar Cost Bid Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP ("LSL CPAs", "LSL") is pleased to respond to your request for proposal for professional auditing services. We value the opportunity to present our dollar cost bid to the Yorba Linda Water District ("District"). TOTAL ALL-INCLUSIVE MAXIMUM PRICE LEVEL OF STAFF ASSIGNED AND NUMBERS OF HOURS TO BE ASSIGNED TO REQUIRED SERVICES Reports Interim Testwork 0 0 40 40 5 85 Year -End Testwork 0 0 40 40 0 80 Report/Review/Supervision 10 25 20 0 5 60 Partner $ 310 1 $ 319 $ 329 $ 339 $ 349 Senior Manager $ 215 $ 221 $ 228 $ 235 $ 242 Manager $ 200 $ 206 $ 212 $ 218 $ 225 Senior Staff Clerical $ $ $ 155 110 80 $ $ $ 160 113 82 $ $ $ 165 116 84 $ $ $ 170 119 87 $ $ $ 175 123 90 MANNER OF PAYMENT Progress payments will be made on the basis of hours of work completed during the course of the engagement and out-of-pocket expenses incurred in accordance with the firm's proposal. Interim billings shall cover a period of not less than a calendar month. The final ten percent (10%) of the total all-inclusive maximum price will be paid upon delivery of the firm's final reports. Page 144 of 173 LSU9:::0 Ryan Domino is the assigned Engagement Partner for this proposal and is authorized to make representations on behalf of our firm. He can be reached at the address below, by phone at (714) 672- 0022, or by email at Ryan. Domino(@lslcpas.com. Ryan Domino, CPA Engagement Partner Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP 203 N. Brea Blvd., Suite 203 Brea, CA 92821 Page 145 of 173 ITEM NO. 9.2. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Periodic Review of Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Manual RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider if amendments to the manual are needed at this time. BACKGROUND: The Board routinely reviews the policies and procedures manual to determine if any amendments are desired. Additionally, a minute action of this review is also required as part of the renewal application process for the Special District Leadership Foundation's District of Distinction accreditation which staff is currently working on. The Board last amended the manual in July 2020 to reflect a change in the regular meeting schedule. Should the Board desire additional amendments to the manual, this action could be ratified by resolution at a future regular meeting. The manual can be viewed on the District's website using the following link: (https://www.ylwd.com/board-policies-and-procedures-manual/) STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G5 2D - Maintain a strong District culture and ethics as described in core values. Page 146 of 173 ITEM NO. 9.3. ' rba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1aelAI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Request for Funding for Santa Ana River Watershed Weather Modification Pilot Program RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider this request and provide direction to staff. BACKGROUND: At the regular meeting on January 11, 2022, Mark Norton addressed the Board regarding SAWPA's proposed Santa Ana River Watershed Weather Modification Pilot Program. Mr. Norton subsequently contacted staff to inquire about the District's interest in funding the program at a cost of $10,000 during Fiscal Year 2022-23. At President Miller's direction, this funding request is being presented to the Board for consideration. Attached is additional information regarding the program. FISCAL IMPACT: Cost Estimate: $10,000 in FY22-23 ATTACHMENTS: Program Information Page 147 of 173 Targeted Areas What is Cloud Seeding? Cloud seeding is a type of weather modification used to increase the amount of precipitation, including snow or rain, during the storm season. This process works through releasing particles of silver iodide into clouds, which increase the chances of droplet con- densation. i ne program was designed to be impiementeci in tour distinct mountain regions in the watershed. These areas were selected based on their contribution to past seasonal runoff. SAWPA has analyzed multiple storm events in the watershed over the several winter seasons, allowing them to compile a detailed climatology of the Santa Ana River Watershed region. From this, SAWPA has compiled an array of seeding sites for the Watershed's four target areas which then would be seeded by 13 ground seeding locations. 0 CNG Seeding Locations C S AHOG Seeding Locationsas:��' ID' v Target Areas � ^ Q Santa Ana River Watershed 'r Grm El AL o �r o 1C G _ _ _ 0 9 tS Milos Benefits The following are some of the major economic and environmental benefits of implementing ground based cloud seeding in the Water- shed: • Increase of 8% in precipitation, increasing runoff/streamflow in the Santa Ana River, mitigating the negative effects of climate change, and enhancing riparian habitat • Increase in water supply for the region, enhancing groundwater recharge and reducing reliability on imported water • Increase in snowpack for snow season recreational activities Page 148 of 173 How does cloud seeding work? 1. Storms come into the Watershed region, bringing in clouds and moist air (humidity) 2. Silver iodide particles are released into the atmosphere using ground based seeding systems 3. Freezing in the clouds is activated by silver iodide particles 4. Snowflakes fall to the ground, increasing the amount 0 of snowpack in mountainous regions Cloud Seeding is Safe From 50 years of research, there have been no hu- man effects caused by the cloud seeding agent, sil- ver iodide. The concentration of silver in rainwater or snow from a seeded cloud is much less than the U.S. EPA's standard for silver in drinking water. The potential environmental impacts of silver iodide have been studied extensively and represents a negligible risk to the environment. Cloud seeding Jan 2022 Notice of Intent submitted for pilot project & Public re- view period Jun 2022 SAWPA Board of Commissioners to review documents Mr Cloud Seeding Method Ground-based seeding consists of two methods, called Cloud Nuclei Generators (CNGs) and Automated High Output Ground Seeding (AHOGS). CNGs are manually operated and burn a solution of silver iodide and acetone, creating a continuous plume of seeding material that covers broad area over mountainous terrain. AHOGS systems are remotely operated units, burning in-place flares that rapidly release a high concentration of silver iodide and are ideal for seeding convective bands with high concentrations of supercooled liquid water and strong vertical updrafts. These systems are more expensive than traditional ground generators and are therefore used sparingly where the benefit outweighs the added investment. Program Schedule Feb 2022 CEQA Public Meeting CNG AHOGS Page 149 of 173 Ensuring Wildlife and Community Safety from Wildfires The cloud seeding process uses "burn -in-place" flares, meaning the flare never leaves its point of origin. Any embers from the aerial flares will extinguish before they hit the ground because of the elevation. The CNG and AHOGS systems use specialized spark arrestors to catch embers and prevent them from hitting the ground around the installations. In addition, weed reduction is performed to prevent weeds from encroaching on the seeding stations. The AHOGS towers are also equipped with cameras that are used during the seeding process. These systems have been in use for almost 30 years without any issues in California. Suspension Criteria for Flood Prevention & Water Quality Protection When large fires occur, an experienced weather modification contractor will work closely with flood districts to determine the best approach for the season or seasons following the fire. Fires can result in some adjustments to suspension criteria in affected areas of the program. The Santa Ana River Watershed's four target areas are fairly well - isolated from each other and are all targeted during different wind regimes. Probability would indicate that the cloud seeding program would only miss one event every two years due to program design to avoid flooding con- cerns in the downwind area of Riverside County (Southwest target area), which would have only a marginal impact on the overall program effective- ness. In Increasing Streamflow in the Santa Ana River Increases in precipitation in the Santa Ana River Watershed yield a roughly 1.15 multiplicative factor on stream flow. For example, a 10% increase in precipitation will yield a 15% increase in streamflow. Waterways are generally more efficient when more runoff is present, as a smaller percentage of the augmented runoff is lost to soil absorption. As a result, a positive impact down the entire stream & river network in the Santa Ana River Watershed can be predicted. Calculating Precipitation Increases with Past Climate Data The average rainfall is determined by averaging values at the available precipitation stations. The average projected rainfall was not based on the most recent five seasons. Instead, the study sought to ensure that the program would be cost effective even if there were dry years mixed in with average years. Therefore, five noncontinuous seasons from the past 10 historic years were evaluated. These five selected seasons were selected to represent a modified average that would more accurately represent the benefits of seeding during naturally occurring "dry," "normal" and "wetter" years. The expected increase in urban, populated areas is projected to be dramatically lower, as they are not a primary target for any of the generators. The largest increases would be for areas downwind from the AHOGS in the Southwest area. Page 150 of 173 Who is SAWPA? SAWPA is a Watershed Agency Focused on Regional Water Issues The Santa Ana River Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) was created to help resolve interagency con- flicts and address regional water issues in the Santa Ana River watershed. SAWPA tackles issues related to water supply reliability, water quality improvement, recycled water, wastewater treatment, groundwater management, and brine disposal. SAWPA's Role SAWPA Supports its Member Agencies and Other Organizations with Water Planning SAWPA is a joint Powers Authority of five member agencies that supports water resources planning: Eastern Municipal Water District, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Orange County Water District, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, and Western Municipal Water District. SAWPA seeks to create and facilitate partnerships with and between organizations pursuing shared interests and overall watershed sustainability. Our regional leadership provides a model of collaboration and cooperation utilizing integrated solutions. SAWPA's Mission is to: • Facilitate • Secure funding communication . Implement programs • Identify emerging . Build projects opportunities Operate and maintain • Develop regional plans facilities SAWPA Administers Multi -Agency Task Forces SAWPA serves as an administrator for several Task Forces within the watershed through meeting facilitation, contract service administration, and Task Force Agreement coordination. Through collaborative processes, SAWPA creates value by building relationships among regulators, SAWPA members, and regulated parties that allow for economies of scale, reduced costs, or increased benefits in addressing water related issues; provides regional capacity and neutral venue for supporting multi -agency forum(s) to address the water resources challenges in the Santa Ana River Watershed; and assists in the establishment and on-going facilitation of stakeholder processes to address watershed -specific issues. IEUA l s,. WMWD Santa Ana River Watershed SAWPA and Member Agencies sa� aema,d��a r� SBVMWD cs OCW .. s S4WVA Boundary NnaM1eim sa a�a EMWD Pacific Ocean Learn More and Contact Information To learn more about the Pilot Weather Modification Program, please visit: sawpa.org/latest-i nfo/watershed- cloud-seeding-feasibility-study/ Contact Mark Norton at: mnorton@sawpa.org Page 151 of 173 ITEM NO. 9.4. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Request for Sponsorship for Santa Ana River Watershed Displays RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider this request and provide direction to staff. BACKGROUND: Paul Sherwin, representing Bri Communications, contacted President Miller requesting the District's sponsorship of a new edition of Santa Ana River Watershed displays for a period of 23 months. The $1,860 sponsorship would allow the District to be represented under the Water Agencies section of each of the 75 3' x 3' displays and help cover the cost of keeping them up within the District's service area as well as support the overall effort to educate the public on the Santa Ana Watershed. Additional information regarding the displays is attached. This expense was not included in the District's budget this fiscal year and given current financial constraints, staff would not recommend participating in this opportunity at this time. Staff was also made aware that MWDOC has chosen not to participate in funding this project either. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: No Cost Estimate: $1,860 I_'Iir_[d:ILY, 14011& 1 Display Sponsorship Information Page 152 of 173 Promote a Healthy, Sustainable Watershed! Inform the public on the major watershed issues — especially those they can help solve through lifestyle changes. The large outdoor displays help people identify and connect with their local watershed and are one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to educate the public. 25 more displays in 2022! • Easy method to partner with other agencies and NFPs in public outreach • Cost and time effective • Focuses on a healthy, sustainable watershed • Proven, non-partisan, solution oriented Bri Communications • Paul Sherwin • 206-378-1055 • paul@bricomm.com P.O. Box 1291 La Quinto CA 92247 Now in 75 prime locations* Riverside County Rancho Jurupa Park (Riverside County) Hidden Valley Park Overlooks (2) (Riverside) Carlson Dog Park (City of Riverside) Fairmount Park (City of Riverside) UC Riverside Riverside -Corona RCD Land Use Learning Center Pedley Beach (JurupaValley) Higher Grounds Coffee House (Idyllwild) Idyllwild Library Lake Hemet Picnic Area (USFS) Lake Perris Marina Lake Perris State Park San Jacinto Wildlife Area (CAFW) Noble Creek Park (Beaumont) Jurupa Mountain Discovery Center Canyon Lake POA Glen Ivy Hot Springs (Corona) Corona Library SycamoreCk Interpretive Ctr. (TemescalValley) Norco Horsemen's Corydon Stagging Area Santa Ana River Trail (2) (Eastvale) Diamond Valley Lake (MWD) Orange County Centennial Park (Santa Ana) Civic Center (Santa Ana) Santiago Creek Nature Center (Santa Ana) Carl Thornton Park (Santa Ana) Heritage Museum (Santa Ana) Grijalva Park (Orange) Silverado Canyon Market Santa Ana River Trail at Moon Park (Costa Mesa) Fairview Park (Costa Mesa) Shipley Nature Center (Huntington Beach) Bolsa Chica State Beach Interpretive Center Life Guard HQ Building (Huntington Beach SP) Huntington Beach State Park Balboa Fun Zone/Ocean Quest (Newport Beach) Newport Dunes Marina (Newport Beach) Back Bay Science Center (Newport Beach) Newport Aquatic Center Buck Gully Reserve (City of Newport Beach) Newport Dunes Beach Area (Newport Beach) School of Sailing & Seamanship (Newport Beach) Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Ctr. (BSA) (Orange) Bolsa Chica Conservancy Windows to Our Wetlands (Bolsa Chica Conservancy) Acacia Park (City of Fullerton) San Bernardino County MomyerTrail head (USFS) (Forest Falls) Big Falls Picnic Area (USFS) (Forest Falls) Thurman Flats Picnic Area (USFS) (Yucaipa) Lytle Creek Ranger Station (USFS) Applewhite Picnic Area (USFS) (Lytle Creek) Heaps Peak Arboretum (Rim of the World) Bonita Falls (USFS) (Lytle Creek) Sylvan Park (Redlands) Mom's Country Orchards (Yucaipa) Victoria Arbors Park (Rancho Cucamonga) Cucamonga-Guasti Regional Park (Ontario) Mill CreekVisitor Center (USFS) (Yucaipa) Mary Vagle Nature Center (City of Fontana) Hortencias at the Cliff Hanger (Crestline) Meadow Park (Big Bear) Boulder Bay Park (Big Bear) Big Bear Alpine Zoo Oaks Restaurant (Angelus Oaks) San Timoteo Nature Sanctuary (Redlands) Redlands Gateway Ranch (Redlands Conservancy) Caltrans Rest Area (East Bound) (1-10) (Yucaipa) Riley's at Los Rios Ranchos (Oak Glen) EI Dorado Ranch Park (City of Yucaipa) Yucaipa Regional Park Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park Amy's Farm (Ontario) Machin Open Air Market (Ontario) Chino Basin Water Conservation District (Montclair) Crafton Hills Open Space Trailhead (Yucaipa) * Individual locations not guaranteed pa e2 10 Page 153 of 173 Mock-up Only Actual Size: 36"x 36" Help educate the public on their watershed UM&TITTMB iTTs Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes What is a Watershed? _ AersM1etl ao 4 l na tl wnrcM1 —NO arq Ab y bosdgwroes es Tec allyact.. ummer rF vae evela3p In wlletRsa �tlran ogle lar9erbptlwaucer G tlypftlM1 ma llake, developnroblting aduhs Wea allgbacolOredslongskevesFa�Wpa`ntOs.Avoid a bya "M nearyvegetati°n and remembertnepeakblting timesaredusk smataareca�lee tnestlra:agetl�vitle.Thesetlrainpage Ws wnvst ola aantl daw Repell¢n wuM1DEET Rca Idin, ORe(Leme ucalyptua and ns"Ilawalltl,erunded nqg renndwatn Wa ersnedss ppyusvitnntl Onewater!neWatershed R3535areptmntobmostercecn againa[msquhos %drinkwagncuroreldustry.p rgeneratio",recre ,and` { �I � haRiUe rm Beh amwalmn<m<sama ana Rivarwarerenm Brame a $SO mewnu nna Rw erwarannetl is npmemme con°epr and plan tan¢a w re.ma <a na mapa<:pemmnenrorang<ib iac h<a ptDWDw.OWOWreGep[sappmp<h<nel Rroundwater Recharge D<roar"dine,ana n,Anq<I<ecnnnn<, Irr,nnm<tn marttnanemillinnr eHoimewaieln'rreaanawaterreenprtee. hizanlrneyraldea mesantanna R�verandir,rrcFRer prharglnrer rt.eam p<npiemesama Anafil.<rDnw, mnr<tnan lhP mdeeand arainsm< ,,m � °°'�""aan°e.'1PI�, romps... a......... een sa do can non rs 1 fl swfii Hare tlive eat er lano uas e<h IargeA wastal strea y... m,"So"mer"[gator"n. * urArrM o n alµryp w rll«al surto an a groundwzteramponegnsrolrm hegrountlwateraneagWhrstmeugnouttne watersnea. wme rerl asco 1. m fasingle terns rc ineao-icably Thi Ova rswretl untl r untl e a so eof 951 viml�s "'"' Fyd alo5r. a>�bne:�`nearyei peama�alre onnung wamrana om<r wbanrenKaiam<....... gratMmuld-beneficial and wllaboraeve, a uzmdYWe GtlDaesinaw mpmveaw erlevelsantlw "_ sr�f°°f yyyr'yr0°'^ s,aA tlDpm'dAglaeret aqr, ra A Irr�x mkwdR R wl naaha Water Conservation ""' �"`� `§`><. � � * a •, a Cn 8 i k p I�iedd nl lv.Fal FF ore t `4 a� $ ,y� -dFN"R rr'dre" rurs,..bw mw ,.m ra [ -.--� 9 p ii M1 pi g 4 F 5 l '§a r� •. h s war"" wdlrm ^` Z:..... oram"w,m{nadirex n«„aw,b.•�.. savR•ntwai<¢r am`ly a �' c 6 ' Sane no OnG a Water Conservation w o� a im"pavaueyierside 11— rya"dk ernye Ws PORRO" a sit w.aoe bm...4s.✓wr+•e SAN 9 •. � ar la.rwram ,,., � INTO eP OU AINS ns o¢ D nn a' w g 17 �7 $silts Ana nm �an t e �cd" taw pray Pollution Prevention VVV wean d,.driv ands Sustainahlelandseaping mtuds oa oet�iu :ie a:,doinar p"il�cnnnt°,winl Ovate¢ taleeyr:,notF nowi''�ntr<aiea Inio'��ior`m peeninsalM UlRma[ely[he Pxlfic ocean.WaterwaNhomalltM1ednev wnhm the soma nna metletldonswemake lnourgardenscan wmnbute tomenealtM1of Beach Water ualll wt<n ameg<aam<ppnutannmmmnprcgmhin<mmak<atpaamlemr<maaann< pprwmerenaAi,�mhaaeemamtnrland nn<Ipprot<n Q Y hamaulm humanne11 rd wlltlllk. Anewyyhnmay seemsmal4 me pd 1. 1, wminanlau I, w Ova nano P—P,epr water Py. Imo+ swyau, a•r'0"w,wn awumulatesantlwn M1avealary<el by petlaheahh o1,, watersM1etl. Help Prmenegrwater .nllew99ardensrocaptur¢held anelnfilrrate ralnwater .a o�.uawe'im-ssn e. resw s Hong po uton atmswrce .preuentpollutbnbydve"g 4 aRl g [er d) r •propnh dspose pferazh lner ana retytlanles M1mugh mukn app p pl "9 ae p� -sap am nec eizn nusnutnces map Pn waste ha94andPut tin [neagar ege Eelocalryaaapum pl ltatroab Nl Dl rs rermrw.r F.H.. package nsnuctlpnsfmpese claesanaten n rokoveruse eaurlNly,antl prov r sand po rem ry n ornarelmem _I kero w�"enReanal.aven �xerwe , 3 #grtw•�­,717 Ire ra.anaw Wltereln " o ,u.wl I'thrupa 1P.111 Conservation ® District �/�Y111UfrM ®GTOARWATER PROGRAM San 13errreralneVW k SamRE,FIIFen h [h��salm�a mwuwmn wit am �iwsws .s.�w.avwmu " "w.dm�»m,mag w.waumag assns ea ar - pnsxauu m A y .. ,� s m., sin arp,m.¢wna.m,. Ova.. aq ¢vrzew,y mazsn r ra.m.,a�naM � rs... r— wwrasa...lmpw ece�cem locations75 23 months 1,050,000 (* estimated - based on an average of 20 viewers per display- per day) Sponsorship: $7,500 • 3" by 3"formatted ad space (11 spaces maximum) • Installed 2022 Listing and locator: $1,860 • Cost per month $326 • Cost per viewer:. penny • CPM: $7.14 Bri Communications • Paul Sherwin • 206-378-1055 a paul@bricomm.com Page 154 of 173 ITEM NO. 10.1. ' rba Linda Water District MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACTS /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1aelAI March 8, 2022 Board of Directors Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Status of Engineering Activities and PFAS Water Treatment Plant Staff will provide the attached presentation during the meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Slide Deck Page 155 of 173 10.1 Status of Engineering Activities and PFAS Water Treatment Plant Presented by: Rosanne Weston, PE, PMP Engineering Manager Yorba Linda _�_ BNSF Waterline Xing — Between Veterans Village and S. Highland Ave. Imperial Highway Water Main Lining Main Street Sewer Main anchury Road Water Line Replacement Design Started Feb. 2022 30% Design 90% Design 90% Design — Project Under Evaluation Yorba Linda WxalerlNsuic Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Page 157 of 17Z Timber Ridge Booster Pump Station Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station 1 0 Stonehaven Water Main if Well 22 Equipping AHydraulic Model and Water Master Plan Bid Documents Completed. Pending Property Acquisition to Bid Project Evaluating Bids Pending City's Approval and Recordation of Cielo Vista Final Tract Map Pending Board Approval for Award Mar. 2022 Advertise RFP Mar. 2022 FY22 CIPP Sewer Rehab and Replacement Awarded Jan. 2022 and Construction Starts Mar. 2022 Yorba Linda %ov- &--le r. -INStric Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Page 158 of 13 BNSF Xing - Waterline at Weir Canyon and Esperanza Rd. and Abandonment of Intertie at Fairbury Lane FY22 CIPP Sewer Rehab and Replacement Grandview Ave and Ridge Way Waterline Improvements Lakeview Reservoir Site Stabilization Construction Starts Mar. 2022 Construction Starts Mar. 2022 Construction Completion Mar. 2022 Land Movement Monitoring Devices Installed/Ditches Repaired Feb. 2022 Landscaping Improvements Start Mar. 2022 LM Yorba Linda -� Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Page 159 of 174 Treatment Plant Operational - District Serves Groundwater Project Completion Final Resin Delivery (3 trains, 6 vessels) Dec. 20, 2021 April/May 2022 Mar. 7, 9, and 11, 2022 Yorba Linda %%- 4-leu-INstr!" e _MW Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Page 160 of 17'� Jupsti-C Yorba Linda %%- 4-IerA:,)iSUiCr-' �. _mw Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Pa ITEM NO. 11.1. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Director's Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: FEBRUARY OC LAFCO - February 9, 2022 YL Planning Commission - February 9, 2022 (Hawkins - As Needed) WACO Planning Committee - February 15, 2022 SAWPA Commission - February 15, 2022 YL City Council - February 15, 2022 (Jones) MWDOC Board - February 16, 2022 (Miller/Lindsey) OCWA Luncheon/Webinar - February 16, 2022 (Hawkins/Jones) UWI Conference - February 16-17, 2022 (Jones) OCWD Board - February 16, 2022 (Jones/DesRoches) MWDOC Water Policy Forum - February 23, 2022 (DesRoches/Lindsey) OC Sanitation - February 23, 2022 (Jones) I►yi1_1:Z41: ISDOC Executive Committee - March 1, 2022 SAWPA Commission - March 1, 2022 YL City Council - March 1, 2022 (Hawkins) MWDOC Board - March 2, 2022 (Miller/Lindsey) OCWD Board - March 2, 2022 (Jones/DesRoches) WACO - March 4, 2022 Page 162 of 173 ITEM NO. 11.2. Yorba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1161AI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager SUBJECT: Assistant General Manager's Report SUMMARY: A brief update on District activities and matters of interest. COMMENTS: 1. COVID: Consistent with the Governor's latest declarations and updated CDC Guidelines, we will be discontinuing the mask requirement. There are no cases of COVID at YLWD, and this will be the last report on this issue unless something changes. 2. On February 23, 2022, we were pleased to host E. Joaquin Esquivel, Chairman of the State Water Resources Board, for a tour of the PFAS Water Treatment Plant. He was escorted by Mike Markus, General Manager of the Orange County Water District. Engineering Manager Rosanne Weston, Vice -President Jones, and I were on hand to welcome them and respond to their questions. 3. The previously announced tour with members of the Governor's staff was postponed at their request. 4. On February 28, 2022, we were pleased to host Michael Dunbar, General Manager of the Emerald Bay Services District, for a tour of the heli-hyrants. After the large wildland fire near their community 2 weeks ago, they are exploring ways to enhance fire protection in their area north of Laguna Beach. 5. As noted in a previous communication, we had a significant leak in a 24 -inch transmission line near Hidden Hills Road where it meets Esperanza Road adjacent to the railroad tracks. As of the preparation of this report, the repair was nearly completed and the line nearly ready to be placed back into service. There were no interruptions in service for any YLWD customers. 6. It has been one year since construction began on the PFAS Treatment Plant (start date Page 163 of 173 was March 1, 2021). We have 8 of the 11 trains filled with resin with the last 3 scheduled for this week. As of the preparation of this report, we are meeting approximately 63.5% of our demand for groundwater. We had budgeted 40% by now, so we are exceeding our goal. We are still waiting for Edison and the Gas Company to connect service - Edison for the Booster Pump Station, and the Gas Company for the backup generators. With all trains filled with resin and the Booster Pump Station online, we will be able to maximize our use of groundwater. 7. The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) is in the process of developing and adopting water loss performance standards that all Urban Retail Water Suppliers must comply with by 2028. Supplier -specific water loss performance standards are determined using an economic model that incorporates parameters from audits submitted for 2017 — 2020 and default input values provided by the State. Acknowledging that the default values in the model may not be representative of each supplier's system, the SWRCB is allowing suppliers to request custom input values calculated using their own data. YLWD has been an active participant in providing feedback to the state on the water loss standard as well as tracking updates to the regulations. On December 24, 2021, the SWRCB began the formal rulemaking process for the water loss standard. YLWD's draft default real loss standard was determined by the state's model to be 21.5 gallons per connection per day (gpcpd). This would have required YLWD to comply with a 16.5 gpcpd (43%) leakage reduction by 2028. In anticipation that the draft default target was unrealistic to achieve, given that YLWD has been proactively engaging in acoustic leak detection surveys to cost-effectively reduce water loss for several years, YLWD Engineering and Operations staff worked with E Source to provide data and calculate custom input values for the economic model. YLWD submitted a custom input request to the SWRCB prior to the end of the formal rulemaking process on February 11, 2022. Within a week, the SWRCB approved YLWD's request, which effectively decreases YLWD's leakage reduction compliance requirement from 16.5 gpcpd to 3.8 gpcpd. YLWD staff anticipates that the newly approved reduction can be achieved through continued leak detection and repair, combined with other water loss initiatives. 8. Staff continues to work diligently on the FY2022-23 budget in anticipation of our next budget workshop on March 22, 2022. 9. Attached is the monthly communications status report for reference. Staff is available to answer any questions. I_'%aIf_[S]:ILY, 14kik&I Communications Activities Report Page 164 of 173 Communications discover your voice February Activity Resort TO: Alison Martin, Public Affairs Manager, PIO, Yorba Linda Water District FROM: Diego Teran, Sr. Account Manager, Communications LAB DATE: Feb. 23, 2022 RE: Current communication's projects Below are highlights of current Communications Lab projects for Yorba Linda Water District: • Social Media a) Social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) calendars for Mar. 15 - May 15 approved. Additionally, the agency submitted KPI and SWOT analysis on Feb. 24. Next stens: Client to receive new graphics for approval. b) On Feb. 8, the agency sent an email blast via Constant Contact with an approved PFAS message and a redesigned header. Next stens: Schedule next electronic outreach e -newsletter. c) The agency created new highlight icons in client's approved categories for Instagram feed. Next stens: Send graphics for approval on the 4th week of Feb. 2022. d) Client provided feedback and agency will submit edited style guide on last week of Feb. • Graphic Design a) The agency is working on the design of invitations for the PFAS Plant Dedication. Next steps: Agency will submit draft designs to client in Feb. 2022. b) The agency presented final FOG poster with edited Spanish copy, along with illustration files connected to QR code and website. c) Agency will design executive summary and design template for annual financial report on Mar. 2 and expand document as staff provides content. • Other The agency created a punch list for the Planning ceremony for PFAS facility on Mar. 31, 2022. Next steps: Expand ceremony detail in the list as date is firm. 701 e chapman ave. orange, ca 92866 www.communicationsiab.com Page 165 of 173 AL41111 mi,11:1 7! THE WRONG WAY x LA FORMA /NCORRECTA Do not pour cooking residue directly into the drain. No vierta restos de comida directamente en el desague. r YL W Do not dispose of food waste into the garbage disposal. No eche restos de comida en el triturador de comida. Do not pour waste oil directly into the drain. No vierta residuos de aceite directamente en el desague. ic Do not wash floor mats where water will run off directly into the storm drain No lave tape tes de piso en un lugar donde el agua corra hacia el alcantarillado. _�t'a M&4M UMW YW tom! THE RIGHT WAY,,/ LA FORMA CORRECTA Ch Wipe pots, pans, and work areas prior to washing. Limpie con una toallita las ollas, cazuelas y areas de trabajo antes de lavarlos. Dispose of food waste directly into the trash. Deseche los restos de comida en el bote de basura. Collect waste oil and store for recycling. Junte el aceite usado y guardelo para reciclarlo. IL Clean mats inside over a utility sink. Limpie los tapetes de piso dentro sobre un lavabo o fregador 173 YL W I ABOUT YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Yorba Linda Water District provides reliable water and sewer services to residents and businesses of Yorba Linda, portions of Placentia, Brea, Anaheim, and areas of unincorporated Orange County. The District is dedicated to financial integrity and superior customer service while protecting public health and the environment. Yorba Linda Water District accomplishes its mission to improve the quality of life for those they serve by: embracing proven technology, improving customer satisfaction, providing efficient and responsive operations, and ensuring reliable infrastructure. PRIMARY LOGO Yorba Linda Water District This is the primary and preferred format of the YLWD logo, to be used in all applications and on white/light colored backgrounds whenever circumstances allow. APPROVED VARIATIONS Yorba Linda Water District To be used whenever the logo needs to be so small that the tagline would be rendered illegible if it were to be included, ie. social media posts. Used when full YLWD recognition has been previously established and for special circumstances in advertising, El signage, fleet, uniforms, etc. Page 167 of 1731 CLEAR SPACE Our logo requires a clear space (indicated by shaded box) to maintain visual impact and legibility. No other elements — typography, graphics, photos, etc. — may breach this clear space. ®Yorba Linda Water District El Yorba Linda Water District BRAND INTEGRITY COLOR AND CONTRAST Care should be taken to ensure the YLWD logo is as visible as possible. Proper logo usage requires a high degree of contrast and readability; separation from the background must be maintained. Always use the logos as provided in original artwork files. Never alter the logos physically or select another color combination that is not already pictured here. Consistent and correct use of the YLWD logo ensures brand integrity is maintained. So our rule is simple: When in doubt, don't! Here are some examples of misuse of our logo. These and any other alterations should be avoided at all times. ®Yorba Linda Water District Never alternate or change the colors of the logo. Never use the logo on a background that inhibits legibility. Yorba Linda ® Water District Never reposition logo elements. to)brba Linda Water Dial ri r t Use the correct file type to maintain appropriate resolution. ®Yorba Linda Water District Never substitute with another font. Never stretch, distort, rotate or add a drop shadow to the logo. Page 168 of 1732 TYPOGRAPHY PRIMARY PREFFERED FONT Century Gothic Pro Regular Century Gothic Pro Bold SECONDARY PREFFERED FONT Bebas Neue Pro Regular Bebas Neue Pro Bold HEADLINE FONT Use for all headlines and titles, when you want to make an impact. Generally, the headline should be placed in ALL CAPS, as this replicates the treatment used on the logo itself. ADDITIONAL ACCENT FONTS Century Gothic Pro is a digital sans -serif font family offering flexibility in its application, without the need for multiple fonts. Use it across all communications, both electronic and physical, for body copy as well as headlines. Headlines may be composed entirely in all -caps. AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhliJjKkLIMmNnOoPp QgRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bebas Neue is a large and versatile sans -serif font family offering flexibility in its application, without the need for multiple fonts. Only Regular - Bald are approved. Use it across all communications, both electronic and physical, for body copy as well as headlines. Headlines may be composed entirely in all -caps. Do not use expanded or semi expanded. AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhliJjKkLIMmNnOoPp QgRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Matrice - Black AaBbCeDdEeFfGgHhlijjKkL.lMmNnOoPp Qq RrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The fonts listed below should be used in materials as a headline, accent, or call -to -action, but never as body copy, and never taking up a majority of the design. They may not be in all -caps. When used sparingly, they can be a great tool in creating variety and interest across collateral. (Nickainley can be downloaded on www.fontspace.com) � I ' c4aJ3&(P,r, V cLF,eccr,�V,� &cz/bc%b�ycc7�kV6`27ra-` "a'0o,Pp `Q 76cau,V66Vu,lSrz�y,Zl,, X 2 3 -/{ 5 6 7 8 9 , , �a �46; �Fr' f, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unless stated otherwise, all fonts litsted in this brand guide can be activated through the AdobeFont store for free. If you do not have an Adobe account, they may be purchased at MyFonts.com individually or as a package. Page 169 of 1733 COLORS In order to maintain a strong brand presence, only utilize the colors included in this document. The primary brand colors will be the focal point of all branding and must constitute the majority of colors present in any design. Appropriate usage includes backgrounds, headlines, body copy, accent copy, and color blocks. The secondary brand colors are intended to complement and amplify the visual brand identity while only constituting a minority of the colors utilized in any design. Appropriate usage includes callouts, accent copy, and calls to action. PRIMARY BRAND COLORS C:96 R: 31 C:70 R: 29 C:71 R: 60 C: 0 R: 255 M:76 G:80 M:0 G: 181 M:28 G: 152 M:0 G: 255 Y: 15 B: 143 Y: 24 B: 191 Y: 0 B: 212 Y: 0 B: 255 K: 4 K: 5 K: 0 K: 0 SECONDARY BRAND COLORS C:0 R: 250 C: 16 R: 152 C:0 R: 186 C: 81 R: 27 M:28 G: 180 M:37 G: 114 M:79 G:39 M:0 G: 140 Y: 87 B: 32 Y: 0 B: 181 Y: 68 B: 60 Y: 94 B: 8 K: 2 K: 29 K: 27 K: 45 ICONOGRAPHY At YLWD, we use simple and friendly icons and pictograms to convey easy -to -understand instructions or messages at a glance, independent of language or cultural differences. These graphics are used across our marketing communications to aid in our mission to further educate and engage our diverse audience. Reference artwork files for the full suite of icons. T-�Ip ,g.�4. � R 0000 O � On CSP 0 O -V 0,' WT Page 170 of 1734 VISUAL IDENTITY Yorba Linda Water District is a community focused water and sewer service provider. The District is diverse in landscapes and people and that should be reflected in visual elements. Pictures and images of water should be clean, and clear. Images of people, weather employees, community members, or stock images, should depict a positive tone. When possible, images should promote the efficient use of water. SAMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA GRAPHICS TCS T Aw!aE LINES CLEAR THE CLOG w.ylwo.com/sove-frees Yb to Llnda Water Dtst,tet T = PS TO I #= SAVE LINES L BRINGING SERVICE TO Y 0 U www.ylwd.c=/services Page 171 of 1735 ITEM NO. 13.1. ' rba Linda Water District /_[r]=1►1I7_\V=1aelAI MEETING DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Meetings from March 9 - April 30, 2022 ATTACHMENTS: Board of Directors' Activities Calendar Page 172 of 173 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance By March OC LAFCO Wed, Mar 9 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 9 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Mar 15 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 15 9:30 AM DesRoches YL City Council Tue, Mar 15 6:30 PM Lindsey MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 16 8:30 AM Miller/Lindsey OCWA Webinar Wed, Mar 16 11:30 AM Jones/DesRoches OCWD Board Wed, Mar 16 5:30 PM Jones/DesRoches TENTATIVE - FIRO Workshop Mon, Mar 21 1:00 PM Jones TENTATIVE - FIRO Workshop Tue, Mar 22 8:00 AM Jones Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Mar 22 5:30 PM TENTATIVE - FIRO Workshop Wed, Mar 23 8:00 AM Jones OC Sanitation Wed, Mar 23 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 23 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) TENTATIVE - FIRO Workshop Thu, Mar 24 8:00 AM Jones April WACO Fri, Apr 1 7:30 AM ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Apr 5 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Apr 5 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Apr 5 6:30 PM DesRoches YL First Responders Breakfast Wed, Apr 6 8:00 AM Hawkins/Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 6 8:30 AM Miller/Lindsey OCWD Board Wed, Apr 6 5:30 PM Jones/DesRoches Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Apr 12 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Apr 13 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Apr 13 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Apr 19 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Apr 19 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Apr 19 6:30 PM Miller MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 20 8:30 AM Miller/Lindsey OCWA Webinar Wed, Apr 20 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Apr 20 5:30 PM Jones/DesRoches Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Wed, Apr 20 5:30 PM MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee Wed, Apr 27 8:30 AM Miller/DesRoches OC Sanitation Wed, Apr 27 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Apr 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) ISDOC Quarterly Meeting Thu, Apr 28 11:30 AM As of February 28, 2022 Page 173 of 173