HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-09 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1009 August 9, 1973 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by Vice President Hastings at 8:30 a.m. in the offices of the District on Plumosa. Directors present and answering the roll: Hastings, Clodt, Knauft, Wagner and Lindow. Also present were General Manager Ralph Shook, Secretary Jean Mathews, James Montgomery engineer DuWayne Lidke, and Rodger Howell of Rutan and Tucker. Vice President Hastings stated that the first order of business was the election of President and Vice President. Vice President Hastings asked for nominations for office of President. Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director'Lindow, Director Hastings be nominated for the office of President. Vice President Hastings asked for other nominations. No further nomin- ations. The secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Director Hastings as President. The unanimous ballot cast electing Director Hastings President. President Hastings then asked for nominations for the office of Vice President. Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director Knauft to nominate Director Clodt for the office of Vice President. President Hastings asked for other nominations, no further nomin- ations. President Hastings instructed the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Director Clodt as Vice President. Unanimous ballot cast electing Director Clodt Vice President. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Wagner carried unanimously to approve as mailed the minutes for July 26, 1973. Merwin Wagner stated that if the District wanted a Factory 21 trip for business people and officials from the District that he could arrange for one on a Saturday in October. Discussion. October 13 decided as the best date. Each director asked to submit a list right away so that persons could be contacted for the tour. Pete Royere came into the meeting at 9:00 a.m. General Manager Shook read a letter from the State Department of Public Health dated July 30, 1973. Stating that a field examin- - ation of District facilities had proved to be satisfactory and made suggestions as to minor corrections and asked the District to pursue cross connections and anti siphon devices as a protect- ion of the water supply. Letter received and filed. Pete Royere suggested that perhaps the letter could be used to the District's advantage by using the first paragraph as suggested and then to bring in the emphasis on protection of system through back flow devices. Ralph Shook read a letter regarding the Orange County Water Manage- ment Agency with attached Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Creating Orange County Water Management Agency. Discussion - Attorney Howell suggested that perhaps we should express an 1010 August 9, 1973(continued) interest that it might become the super water agency of the County. Directors to receive material and review at next meeting. Letter from the City of Anaheim dated 7/19/73 regarding Ordinance 3190 redevelopment plan for area which included our Well # 11 site. Information only received and filed. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Clodt to adopt resolution no. 73-23 entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER MAINTENANCE. Roll call vote: Ayes: Hastings, Clodt, Wagner, Knauft and Lindow. Noes, none. Absent, none. Passed and adopted this 9th day of August 1973. Roy Knauft reported on the August 6, 1973 city council meeting. Merwin Wagner left the meeting at 9:10 a.m. Ralph Shook reported on the LAFCO hearing on August 8th. Smith annexation for Tract 7533 was approved with very little discussion. Rodger Howell read excerpts from staff reports on the annexation known as Annexation No. 7-5- . ~ 3 1, Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow to adopt Resolution No. 73-24 entitled RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DESIGNATED "ANNEXATION NO. 7533" TO THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC- TIONS 56310 to 56323, INCLUSIVE, OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE, to completethe Annexation for Tract 7533. Roll call vote: Ayes, Hastings, Clodt, Wagner, Knauft and Lindow. Noes, none. Absent, none. Passed and adopted this 9th day of August, 1973. Hearing on August 22nd at Lafco on Brea Annexation 73-5. Letter received from LAFCO asking for District comments on this annex- ation. Mr. Shook had written a letter approved by the attorney stating the facts regarding this portion of the District that has been served for over 60 years by District facilities. Copy to go to the City of Brea Mr. Wedin. Discussion regarding the suggestion of M.W.D. of O.C. regarding a rate for green belt areas. M.W.D. of O.C. checking the pos- sibilities of a change in the rate, a:resolution would be required. Suggested that a letter should be written regarding the idea with copies to be sent to the cities within our district stating that the idea had been discussed and that the change would have to come from M.W.D. but that various agencies were interested and in hopes that some such rate could be forthcoming and that this District was very much in favor of a special rate for green belts. General Manager reported that the Notice of completion had been filed on the east side reservoir and that August 31 would be the end of the 35 day lien period. New locks installed. Notice regarding the meeting at OCWA regarding water wells. 1011 August 9, 1973 (continued) Rodger Howell asked the Board's opinion regarding attendance at Council meeting should it be someone with more technical infor- mation and not the District Directors who attend? If Pete were asked to attend his work load during the day should be decreased or extra compensation should be considered. Agenda item for next meeting. New job S 20-68 Cooper on Sunny View Circle inspection and plan check 15.00. Moved byDirector Knauft seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations. S14-128 Henry Majors at 4701 Garden Place costs $179.40. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations. Job 763 Tract 7533 R.B. Smith Inc. Discussion regarding the water. This tract to be built in three phases. District would not accept unless 100% complete on each phase. No occupancy until released by the City. Staff to prepare the Application with the refund portion included giving the developer the option to have system built by the District or by a contractor who has submitted a bid, the bid to be approved by the District. Developer should be given this option because of the time element involved. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Clodt approving staff recommendations, motion carried unanimously. Sewer for Tract 7533 Job 763 staff recommendations reviewed. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations. General Manager said that he would like to engage the services of a writer for press releases. Discussion - Board agreed that it might be well worth the money and to give it a try. District open house on August 18th tour of the reservoir and pump station. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously to authorize the open house for Saturday the 18th, with cookies and punch to be served. Suggested that people attending be invited to make suggestions for the use of the area on the top of the reservoir. DuWayne Lidke reported that the Master Plan was about 70% complete and material still being gathered. Tax rate for the ensuing year discussed, budget should be ready by the next Board meeting. Discussion - item for next Board meeting. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Clodt to approve for payment the audited bills and refunds in the amount of $189,598.11 on checks 23016 through 23143. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Knauft carried unanim- ously to allow Directors to leave the State for either business or personal reasons between this meeting and the next regular meeting of the Board. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to adjourn at 11;45 motion carried unanimously. --mac. ~ean E. Mathews, Sec.