HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-02-10 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes889 February 10, 1972 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President McGuire at 8:30 a.m. in the offices of the District. Directors present and answering the roll: McGuire, Hastings, Knauft and Clodt. Director Wagner absent. Also present DuWayne Lidke of James Montgomery consulting Engineers and Julia Carey reporter from the Star. Minutes of January 27th meeting approved as mailed on a motion made by Director Hastings seconded by Director C1odt carried unanimously. DuWayne Lidke reported on his contact with Gordon George of Southern California Water regarding an emergency connection and upon request of Mr. George had made a formal request by letter. Initial contact with Mr. George not too encouraging. Mr. Shook read a letter from James Montgomery Consulting Engineers regarding the updating of our Engineering Service Contract, reviewed and discussed. Moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously to approve the up dated contract executed by the proper officers. Landon Exley came into the meeting at this time with some questions regarding the refund contracts on S-231, S-214, and S-377. Rodger Howell attorney for the District arrived at 9:00 A.m. Mr. Exley presented his questions and asked the Board for their sug- gestions, ideas on how to resolve the matter. Discussion generally agreed that there was not time to come to any decision but that the sewer program needed to be reviewed at a work session of the Board very soon, probably early in March on a Thursday. Letter from Hanson Peterson Cowles and Sylvester second quarterly audit report. Received and filed on a motion by Director Hastings seconded byDirector Clodt carried unanimously. Ralph McGuire and Jim Kerfoot reported briefly on the'retirement plan research. Jim reported that the State of California plan is available but suggested that the entire Board should review material he had re- ceived. H. Rodger Howell reported on the insurance claim,his staff did not recommend court action but would report further after he had met with trial department and see if their thinking had changed at this point in time. DuWayne Lidke reported that he had talked with Anaheim and suggested several possibilities with an emergency water connection from La Palma so that the District and the City of Anaheim would mutually benefit. He felt that something could be worked out if District paid all costs of installation. The water facilities for McCarthy Sant will be from zone two with a pressure reducing station in an 890 February 10, 1972 (continued) easement - estimated cost of facilities without easement acquisition approximately $8000. Cost of facilities within tract $77,000.estimate. The emergency connection with Anaheim going under railroad will be about $20,000. Discussion moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously that DuWayne Lidke be given authorization to submit interconnection plans to and negotiate with Anaheim regarding an emergency tie in. Discussion regarding the water service to Tract 7413, moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously that upon request of the present developer of Tract 7413 staff is authorized to give in- terim water service and to provide permanent service in anticipation of its annexation to the District and to Orange County Water District. Tract 7570 Klug Development Job 654 23 acres - moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Knauft that upon request of owners that annexation of the acreage be processed. Discussion regarding a line of credit - moved by Director Knauft se- coned by Director Hastings carried unanimously authorizing staff to negotiate open line of credit for maximum amount permitted under the law,and also the minimum amount they would lend, we would need for District for not less than 30 days or more than 90 days, submit to Board for Board approval. Jim Kerfoot presented uncollectable bills for presentation to small claims court. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously that Mr. Kerfoot be authorized to appear as agent of the District for any uncollectible bills in small claims court. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Hastings carried un- animously to authorize payment of audited bills and refunds in the amount of $24,672.80 on checks 19374 through 19478. Moved by Director Hastings seconed by Director Knauft carried un- animously all Directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Job 501 discussion Developer ready to go but we are unable to go ahead with construction of facilities because of work over load. Moved byDirector Hastings seconded by Director Knauft carried un- animously authorizing General Manager to negotiate bids on this job and other emergencies in water facilities construction as needed. Mr. Knauft left at 12:05 noon. General Manager stated that our water specifications were badly in need of being up dated. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously suthorizing DuWayne Lidke to up date the Standard Flans and Specifications for Water and furnish District with bound copies. 891 February 10, 1972 (continued) Job 622 Morse on Ohio previous Board approval. General Manager asked that this be modified that after further research he would recommend a change in the requirements. Moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously to revise Job 622 water cost at $834.50. Tract 4071 Eureka and Bastanchury staff recommendations reviewed, moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations for water and sewer for Job S-664, J-664 and 5646. Job 485 tract 7165 Colwell Bonner Company, staff recommendations reviewed moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations for water fac- ilities to this tract. S-28-1005 Don Stevens on Lake Haven staff report reviewed, moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Hastings approving sewer applic- ation as presented, motion carried unanimously. Job 656 staff recommendations for sewer and water reviewed, moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously to approve both water and sewer. Moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director Clodt meeting ad- journed at 12:50 noon. ~Jean E. Mathews Secretary