HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-01 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 8:00 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS Due to the continuing state of emergency declared by the California Governor related to preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and pursuant to California Government Code Section 54953(e), this meeting will be facilitated in a hybrid format. As such, Directors and members of the public may choose to participate in person or by video/teleconference. Information for accessing this meeting by telephone or internet-based service is provided below. For questions regarding participation, please call the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020. Computer/Mobile Device: httos://us06web.zoom.us/i/81278042914 Telephone: (669) 900-6833 or (346) 248-7799 Meeting ID: 812 7804 2914 2. CALL TO ORDER 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brett R. Barbre, President Trudi DesRoches, Vice President Phil Hawkins, Director Tom Lindsey, Director J. Wayne Miller, PhD, Director 5. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board (or Committee) discussions are needed prior to formal action. 5.1. Request for Concurring Nomination Resolution for ACWA-JPIA 2023 Executive Committee Election Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX concurring in the nomination of Fred R. Bockmiller, Director for Mesa Water District, to ACWA-JPIA's Executive Committee. 6. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or a unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2)) 7. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 7.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board (or Committee) is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest Page 1 of 50 within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3) 9. CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests separate consideration. 9.1. Reauthorizing Continuation of Virtual/Teleconference Board Meetings Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reauthorize the continuation of virtual/teleconference meetings pursuant to AB 361 for an additional 30 days based on the findings that (1) the Board has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency for COVID-19, and that (2) state and local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. 9.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $7,310,964.93 9.3. Cash and Investment Reports for the Month Ended December 31, 2022 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Month Ended December 31, 2022. 9.4. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23. 9.5. Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23. 10. ACTION CALENDAR CONTINUED 10.1. Call for Nominations for ISDOC Executive Committee 3rd Vice President and Secretary Vacancies Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider this matter and if Director interest is expressed, adopt Resolution 2023 -XX endorsing their candidacy for the position of 3rd Vice President or Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Independent Special Districts of Orange County. 10.2. Identification of General Manager as Agency Designated Representative for Labor Negotiations Recommendation: That the Board of Directors designate the General Manager as the District's representative for labor negotiations with the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association pursuant to Subdivision (d) of Section 30580 of the California Water Code. 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1. Director's Reports 11.2. General Manager's Report 11.3. General Counsel's Report 11.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Page 2 of 50 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD Miller/ DesRoches - Next meeting will be scheduled when needed. 12.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda Lindsey / DesRoches - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia Lindsey / DesRoches - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12.4. Joint Agency Committee with City of Brea Barbre / Lindsey - Initial meeting yet to be scheduled. 12.5. Joint Agency Committee with Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District Barbre / Lindsey - Initial meeting yet to be scheduled. 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from February 2, 2023 - March 31, 2023 14. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 14.1. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representative: General Manager Employee Organization: Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. A budget workshop meeting is scheduled Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meetina Non-exempt materials related to open session agenda items that are distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors (or Committee Members) less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's Administrative building located at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 during regular business hours. When practical, these materials will also be posted on the District's website at https://ylwd.com/. (GC 54957.5) Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability -related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for participation in the above -posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020 at least 24 hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 3 of 50 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX concurring in the nomination of Fred R. Bockmiller, Director for Mesa Water District, to ACWA-JPIA's Executive Committee. DISCUSSION: ACWA-JPIA will be conducting an Executive Committee election during the JPIA's Board of Directors' meeting to be held May 8, 2023 at the spring conference in Monterey, California. This election will fill four Executive Committee member positions, each for a four-year term. The District has received a request from Mesa Water District for support of the nomination of Fred R. Bockmiller as a candidate for re-election to the ACWA JPIA Executive Committee. Mr. Bockmiller is a member of the Mesa Water District Board of Directors. JPIA members may concur in the nomination of as many candidates as they wish. The candidates must each receive concurring nomination resolutions from three other JPIA members in order to have their names placed on the ballots. Nominations must be submitted to ACWA-JPIA by Friday, March 24, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. Final notice of the qualified candidates will be included as part of the ACWA-JPIA Board of Directors' meeting packet. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Candidate Info 2. Resolution Page 4 of 50 ITEM NO. 5.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Veronica Ortega, Executive Assistant / Assistant Board Secretary SUBJECT: Request for Concurring Nomination Resolution for ACWA-JPIA 2023 Executive Committee Election RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX concurring in the nomination of Fred R. Bockmiller, Director for Mesa Water District, to ACWA-JPIA's Executive Committee. DISCUSSION: ACWA-JPIA will be conducting an Executive Committee election during the JPIA's Board of Directors' meeting to be held May 8, 2023 at the spring conference in Monterey, California. This election will fill four Executive Committee member positions, each for a four-year term. The District has received a request from Mesa Water District for support of the nomination of Fred R. Bockmiller as a candidate for re-election to the ACWA JPIA Executive Committee. Mr. Bockmiller is a member of the Mesa Water District Board of Directors. JPIA members may concur in the nomination of as many candidates as they wish. The candidates must each receive concurring nomination resolutions from three other JPIA members in order to have their names placed on the ballots. Nominations must be submitted to ACWA-JPIA by Friday, March 24, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. Final notice of the qualified candidates will be included as part of the ACWA-JPIA Board of Directors' meeting packet. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Candidate Info 2. Resolution Page 4 of 50 Re-elect Fred R. Bockmiller, P.E. to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee Fred R. Bockmiller, P.E. Director, Mesa Water District OBJECTIVE: To further the goals of ACWA JPIA in best serving its members, by applying analytical and leadership skills, and risk management experience, while continuing to serve our members on the ACWA JPIA Executive Committee during this time of significant transition for the organization. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS: • ACWA JPIA Executive Committee, 2019 -present • ACWA JPIA Committees — Risk Management, 2008 -present; Workers Compensation, 2022 -present; Personnel, 2023 -present • ACWA JPIA Board, 2006 -present • ACWA Energy Committee, 2002 -present • Mesa Water District Director, 1996 -present — Five -term Board President; Chaired every Mesa Water District Committee (Executive, Audit Ad Hoc, Finance, Human Resources, IT Ad Hoc, Engineering and Operations, Public Information) • Engineering Manager, University of California, Irvine (UCI) Department of Finance and Administration • Ex Officio member, California Building Standards Commission Plumbing Electrical Mechanical and Energy Code Advisory Committee, 2015 -present BIOGRAPHY: Fred Bockmiller represents Division 1 -- encompassing the West Side of Costa Mesa and portions of Newport Beach -- on the Mesa Water District (Mesa Water®) Board of Directors. He has served as Mesa Water Board President for five terms. Throughout his elected service, Director Bockmiller has championed water quality and cost-effective service reliability through a perpetual agency philosophy of long-term planning for the future of Mesa Water and continuous infrastructure maintenance, renewal, and improvement. He has been a relentless supporter of high- quality, fact -based decision-making. Director Bockmiller has represented Mesa Water at the City/Districts Liaison Committee, Orange County Council of Governments, Orange County Water District, and the Costa Mesa Westside Revitalization Oversight Committee. For more than 15 years, Director Bockmiller has represented Mesa Water on the Board of the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA). He presently serves on the ACWA JPIA Executive, Risk Management (Chair), Workers Compensation (Vice Chair), and Personnel Committees. Director Bockmiller has been the Engineering Manager in the Department of Finance and Administration at UCI, a leader in energy conservation and construction efforts for more than 25 years, including completion of more than $3 billion in major capital construction projects; more than $300 million in reconstruction and extensive energy and water conservation retrofits, which tripled the developed building space, reduced energy consumption in laboratories by 50 percent, slashed the campus carbon footprint, improved the energy infrastructure, and decreased per capita water use by more than 30% while improving the built environment for research, teaching, and public service. Developing the next generation is an area of interest for Director Bockmiller. He is a regular guest lecturer in UCI's Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, a mentor in the Junior Mentor Program at Newport Harbor High School, and served for 17 years on the board of Youth Employment Service -- a local charity that provides youth with the tools to find jobs -- where he served as CFO and President. Page 5 of 50 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 -XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CONCURRING IN NOMINATION TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ("JPIA") WHEREAS, this district is a member district of the JPIA; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to JPIA's Executive Committee, three member districts must concur with the nominating district; and WHEREAS, another JPIA member district, the Mesa Water District has requested that this district concur in its nomination of its member of the JPIA Board of Directors to the Executive Committee of the JPIA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District that this district concur with the nomination of Fred R. Bockmiller of Mesa Water District to the Executive Committee of the JPIA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Board Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the JPIA at P.O Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of February 2023 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brett R. Barbre, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Resolution No. 2023 -XX Concurring in Nomination of Fred R. Bockmiller to ACWA-JPIA Executive Committee 1 of 1 Page 6 of 50 ITEM NO. 9.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Reauthorizing Continuation of Virtual/Teleconference Board Meetings RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors reauthorize the continuation of virtual/teleconference meetings pursuant to AB 361 for an additional 30 days based on the findings that (1) the Board has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency for COVID-19, and (2) state and local officials continue to recommend measures to promote social distancing. BACKGROUND: At the October 24, 2022 Board meeting, pursuant to AB 361, the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 2022-30 and authorized the Board to continue to have remote meetings based on the continued state of emergency for COVID-19 and the finding that state and local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing. If the Board wishes to continue to hold remote meetings pursuant to AB 361, and assuming a state of emergency is still in place, it must make similar findings at least every 30 days. At the time this report was prepared, there was a continued state of emergency for COVID-19, and state and local officials continued to recommend measures to promote social distancing. This item is on the agenda for the Board to consider whether to continue remote meetings pursuant to AB 361 for an additional 30 days and to make the appropriate findings. Page 7 of 50 ITEM NO. 9.2. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Keri Hollon, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $7,310,964.93. BACKGROUND: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when the Board of Directors has approved them. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for January 6, 2023 through February 2, 2023, for the Board of Directors' approval. Items within this disbursement list include: Other Routine Invoices Accounts Payable Check Register Total P.T�roll No. 01 Payroll No. 02 Total Disbursements 6.095.52 8.15 581.5&9.28 6,597, 917.44 379,171.60 334, 675.69 S 7.310.9&4.93 A summary of the disbursements is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Page 8 of 50 Ten Hi hest Ex enses for disbursement Orancle Coun ',':rater District 4,47;9.954.40 BIANNUAL REPLENISH ASSESS`,'ENT JULY -DECEMBER 2022 Orange Court',':'ater District 68;9,612.44 ANNUAL OCWD ANNEXATION CHARGE 2021-2022 munic, s.l':`; ;ar District 396 651.77 WATER DELIVERIES - NOVEMBER 2022 AC4IMPIA 135 349.60 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM FEBRUARY 2023 CA Stake Water Resources Control Board 85 897.40 WATER SYSTEM ANNUAL FEE 7+22-6123 Southem Calif Edison Co. 67 300.31 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - DECEMBER 2022 VAR IDU8 LC-C„TI0NS Southem Callif Gas Co. 65 910.93 GAS CHARGES - DECEMBER 2022 VARIOUS LDCAT IQNS Pascal & Ludwig Constructors Inc 65 815.40 J09-22 422 WELL 22 EQUIPPING Pacific H drotech Corporation 64 414.75 J18-27 HIDDEN HILLS BOOSTER PUMP STATION SERVICE Resource Computer Solutions 46 660.56 J22-44 SERVICE WORK & IT CONSULTING SEPTEMBER & DECEMBER 2022 Other Routine Invoices Accounts Payable Check Register Total P.T�roll No. 01 Payroll No. 02 Total Disbursements 6.095.52 8.15 581.5&9.28 6,597, 917.44 379,171.60 334, 675.69 S 7.310.9&4.93 A summary of the disbursements is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Page 8 of 50 1. Cap Sheet for February 02, 2023 2. Check Register for January 19, 2023 3. Check Register for February 02, 2023 4. Credit Card for February 02, 2023 Page 9 of 50 Summary of Disbursements February 2, 2023 CHECK NUMBERS: 1/19/2023 Computer Checks 81324-81386 $ 351,878.45 2/2/2023 Computer Checks 81395-81465 623,751.89 $ 975,630.34 WIRES: W010923 Southern Calif Edison Co. $ 67,300.31 W011223 Municipal Water District 316,651.77 W01 1223A Switch Ltd 667.00 W011823 Southern Calif Gas Co. 65,910.93 W012623 Orange County Water District 688,612.44 W013023 Orange County Water District 4,478,954.40 W020323 American Business Bank 3,390.25 $ 5,621,487.10 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 6,597,117.44 PAYROLL NO. 01: Direct Deposits $ 214,869.63 Payroll Taxes 55,323.28 EFT -- CalPERS 47,384.67 Third Party Checks 81320-81323 61,594.02 $ 379,171.60 PAYROLL NO. 02: Direct Deposits $ 209,624.76 Payroll Taxes 52,195.54 EFT -- CalPERS 48,722.81 Third Party Checks 81387-81394 24,132.78 $ 334,675.89 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 713,847.49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISBURSEMENT TOTAL $ 7,310,964.93 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10 of 50 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 01/06/2023 thru 01/19/2023 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 81324 01/19/2023 SHERRILLTROVATO 6,604.62 CUSTOMER REFUND 81325 01/19/2023 JEFF WILLIAMS 9,532.40 CASH SURETY BOND REFUND J20 -55S 81326 01/19/2023 ANDREW SMALTZ 9,532.40 CASH SURETY BOND REFUND J20 -55S 81327 01/19/2023 AMY CROWLEY 9,532.40 CASH SURETY BOND REFUND J20 -55S 81328 01/19/2023 STEPHANIE THOMAS 73.89 CUSTOMER REFUND 81329 01/19/2023 Placentia Veterans Village L.P. 6,575.00 J21-36 EASEMENT CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT 81330 01/19/2023 JENNIFER MARTINEZ 176.51 CUSTOMER REFUND 81331 01/19/2023 JHT GROUP INC 474.07 CUSTOMER REFUND 81332 01/19/2023 ACWA/JPIA 33,266.45 WORKERS COMPENSATION 10/1/22-12/1/22 81333 01/19/2023 Alfa Laval Inc. 12,968.32 PARTS FOR HIGHLAND BOOSTER 81334 01/19/2023 Amazon Capital Services 217.14 J22-34 PROJECT PARTS & FACILITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 81335 01/19/2023 Anthony Varian 140.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT - DISTRIBUTION 4 81336 01/19/2023 A Plus Awards By Dewey 85.95 NAMEPLATES 81337 01/19/2023 Aramark 501.22 UNIFORM SERVICE 81338 01/19/2023 ARTHUR LEIGH ROBERTSON 9,532.40 CASH SURETY BOND REFUND J20 -55S 81339 01/19/2023 AT & T- Calnet3 134.17 ATT CALNET 81340 01/19/2023 BASE HILL INC. 5,127.58 JANITORIAL SERVICES 81341 01/19/2023 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 COLONY ABATEMENT 81342 01/19/2023 BHI Management Consulting 1,125.00 BOARD MEETING WORKSHOP SERVICE 81343 01/19/2023 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc. 4,525.55 METER LIDS 81344 01/19/2023 CB Technical 5,047.00 GIS & CMMS IT WORK DECEMBER 2022 81345 01/19/2023 City Of Placentia 9,214.64 SEWER COLLECTIONS - DECEMBER 2022 81346 01/19/2023 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 1,630.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK 81347 01/19/2023 Codekas Tools & Equipment 675.01 MECHANIC SHOP EQUIPMENT 81349 01/19/2023 Core & Main LP 993.14 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 81350 01/19/2023 Don Wolf & Associates Inc. 2,411.48 EMISSION TESTING PARTS 81351 01/19/2023 Drake Controls - West, LLC 13,213.13 PARTS FOR HIGHLAND BOOSTER & GENERATOR 81352 01/19/2023 Elite Equipment Inc 237.05 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 81353 01/19/2023 ESRI 25,000.00 ESRI SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE RENEWAL 2023 81354 01/19/2023 FedEx Office 87.14 SHIPPING EXPENSE 81355 01/19/2023 GREGORIO VALENZUELA 775.00 TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT - OSHA 510 81356 01/19/2023 Harrington Industrial 1,208.70 CL2 PARTS 81357 01/19/2023 Infosend Inc. 2,469.12 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 81358 01/19/2023 Jackson's Auto Supply- Napa 42.57 PARTS FOR UNIT #203 81359 01/19/2023 Kidman Gagen Law 23,038.50 LEGAL SERVICES - DECEMBER 2022 81360 01/19/2023 Kimball Midwest 25.68 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 81361 01/19/2023 Koeller Family Revocable Trust 9,532.40 CASH SURETY BOND REFUND J20 -55S 81362 01/19/2023 Minuteman Press 1,597.72 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS FOR OPERATIONS 81363 01/19/2023 MultiFUEL Solutions LTD 8,587.29 ENGINE PARTS FOR LAKEVIEW AND VALLEY VIEW 81364 01/19/2023 NatPay Online Business Solutions 40.63 DOCU LIVERY -AUGUST 2022 81365 01/19/2023 County of Orange 337.26 J20 -59/S & J21-36 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NOVEMBER 2022 81366 01/19/2023 Orkin Pest Control 708.00 PEST CONTROL 81367 01/19/2023 Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. 202.69 WELDING SUPPLIES 81368 01/19/2023 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1,109.68 ROAD MATERIAL 81369 01/19/2023 Pump Check 6,440.00 PUMP EFFICIENCY & WATER METER TESTING 81370 01/19/2023 Quinn Company 6,373.30 PARTS FOR WELL #18 ENGINE 81371 01/19/2023 Roberto Cuellar 200.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT - COLLECTIONS 2 81372 01/19/2023 Southern California Fleet Services, Inc 408.66 SMOG CHECK FOR VARIOUS UNITS 81373 01/19/2023 Staples Business Advantage 833.06 PRINTER TONER 81374 01/19/2023 Sunrise Medical Group 455.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 81375 01/19/2023 CA State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCE 85,897.40 WATER SYSTEM ANNUAL FEE 7/22-6/23 81376 01/19/2023 Trench Shoring 1,068.88 SHORING MATERIAL 81377 01/19/2023 Underground Service Alert 366.24 NEW TICKET CHARGES & CA STATE FEE 81378 01/19/2023 United Industries 878.21 OPERATIONS PPE 81379 01/19/2023 United Rentals 1,196.26 J22-30 &J22-33 EQUIPMENT RENTALS Page 11 of 50 81380 81381 81382 81383 81384 81385 81386 W010923 W011223 W011223A W011823 81320 81321 81322 81323 01/19/2023 United Water Works, Inc. 01/19/2023 Vivian Lim 01/19/2023 West Coast Safety Supply Co 01/19/2023 Westerly Meter Service Co. 01/19/2023 YO Fire 01/19/2023 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 01/19/2023 Communications Lab 01/09/2023 Southern Calif Edison Co. 01/12/2023 Municipal Water District 01/12/2023 Switch Ltd 01/18/2023 Southern Calif Gas Co. 14,919.33 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 113.43 DISTRICT EVENT SUPPLIES 2,254.81 SEWER TOOLS FOR CLEANING 35.00 METER TEST 6,206.84 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 773.13 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 5,000.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JULY 2022 67,300.31 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - DECEMBER 2022 VARIOUS LOCATIONS 316,651.77 WATER DELIVERIES - NOVEMBER 2022 667.00 DATA HOSTING CO -LOCATION 65,910.93 GAS CHARGES - DECEMBER 2022 VARIOUS LOCATIONS 802,408.46 Payroll Checks #01 01/05/2023 PAYROLL- EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 214,869.63 01/05/2023 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 55,323.28 01/05/2023 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 47,384.67 01/05/2023 California State Disbursement Unit 751.84 01/05/2023 Colonial Life & Accident 86.73 01/05/2023 Lincoln Financial Group 3,623.91 01/05/2023 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 57,131.54 379,171.60 Page 12 of 50 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 01/20/2023thru 02/02/2023 Check No. Date Vendor Name 81395 02/02/2023 JACK FRANKLIN 81396 02/02/2023 ADAPTIVE ENG 81397 02/02/2023 KIM MILLS-GARCIA 81398 02/02/2023 OMAR AKHTAR 81399 02/02/2023 C & C DEVELOPMENT 81400 02/02/2023 GRACE CHO 81401 02/02/2023 DYLAN MCINTIRE 81402 02/02/2023 HECTOR CABEZAS 81403 02/02/2023 KEVIN LEE 81404 02/02/2023 Lawton Real Estate 81405 02/02/2023 AD FIDUCIARY LLC 81406 02/02/2023 ACWA/JPIA 81407 02/02/2023 All American Asphalt 81408 02/02/2023 Amazon Capital Services 81409 02/02/2023 Aqua -Metric Sales Co. 81410 02/02/2023 Aramark 81411 02/02/2023 AT & T - Calnet3 81412 02/02/2023 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc. 81413 02/02/2023 Bob Mardigian Floor Covering 81414 02/02/2023 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 81415 02/02/2023 CalCard US Bank 81416 02/02/2023 CIPO CLOUD SOFTWARE INC 81417 02/02/2023 Citizen's Business Bank 81418 02/02/2023 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 81419 02/02/2023 Griswold Industries dba Cla-Val Co. 81420 02/02/2023 Communications Lab 81421 02/02/2023 Culligan of Santa Ana 81422 02/02/2023 Dell Financial Services LLC 81423 02/02/2023 Dunn -Edwards Corporation 81424 02/02/2023 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 81425 02/02/2023 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. 81426 02/02/2023 Evoqua Water Technology LLC 81427 02/02/2023 General Pump Co., Inc. 81428 02/02/2023 G.M. Sager Construction Co., Inc. 81429 02/02/2023 Grainger 81430 02/02/2023 Infosend Inc. 81431 02/02/2023 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 81432 02/02/2023 Jorge Lopez 81433 02/02/2023 Killingsworth Gear 81434 02/02/2023 Koff & Associates, Inc 81435 02/02/2023 Leighton Consulting, Inc. 81436 02/02/2023 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 81437 02/02/2023 Managed Health Network 81438 02/02/2023 MAP Communications 81439 02/02/2023 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 81440 02/02/2023 Minuteman Press 81441 02/02/2023 Michael K. Nunley & Associates 81442 02/02/2023 Murcal, Inc. 81443 02/02/2023 NatPay Online Business Solutions 81444 02/02/2023 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 81445 02/02/2023 Office Solutions 81446 02/02/2023 Pacific Hydrotech Corporation 81447 02/02/2023 Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc 81448 02/02/2023 Psomas & Associates 81449 02/02/2023 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 81450 02/02/2023 Quinn Company 81451 02/02/2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 81452 02/02/2023 Resource Computer Solutions 81453 02/02/2023 Selman Chevrolet Company 81454 02/02/2023 Shred Confidential, Inc. 81455 02/02/2023 Southern Calif Gas Co. Amount Description 2,312.16 SEWER DEVELOPER DEPOSIT REFUND J18 -15S 237.28 CUSTOMER REFUND 117.57 CUSTOMER REFUND 140.97 CUSTOMER REFUND 4,368.18 WATER & SEWER DEVELOPER DEPOSIT REFUND J19 -48/S 41.62 CUSTOMER REFUND 45.07 CUSTOMER REFUND 44.29 CUSTOMER REFUND 65.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 5,638.43 WATER DEVELOPER DEPOSIT REFUND J21-52 427.25 CUSTOMER REFUND 135,309.60 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM FEBRUARY 2023 10,951.34 120-59/S MANHOLE & VALVE BOX ADJUSTMENT 656.78 PRODUCTION MATERIALS & LIGHTS FOR FACILITIES 2,804.55 SUPPORT SOFTWARE FOR METERS 752.91 UNIFORM SERVICE 2,890.26 ATT CALNET 2,700.22 METER LIDS 3,205.00 CARPET TILE FOR REPAIRS 3,190.00 MONTHLY LANDSCAPE SERVICE 36,758.88 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - DECEMBER 2022 650.00 CLOUD MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 3,464.00 109-22 #22 PASCAL & LUDWIG ESCROW HOLDING 8,599.21 ELECTRICAL CHARGES DECEMBER 2022 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 19,422.75 122-43 CLAVAL PARTS FOR WELL#18 5,000.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DECEMBER 2022 2,216.10 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 221.19 DELL MONITOR 38.49 PAINT SUPPLIES FOR FACILITIES 2,750.00 ICE TESTING FOR PASO FINO 10,942.50 WATER QUALITY TESTING 10,415.00 INSPECTION & CLEANING FOR PFAS PLANT 702.00 TIMBER RIDGE SITE SERVICE 7,000.00 CONCRETE REPAIR FOR VARIOUS LOCATIONS 475.41 FACILITIES ELECTRICAL PARTS 12,255.78 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 3,153.03 PARTS FOR UNIT#213 & WELL#18 55.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT -T1 1,639.79 PARTS FOR WELL#18 18,375.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DECEMBER 2022 2,393.40 118-28 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2022 4,545.00 EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS CONSORTIUM & LIBRARY ACCESS 173.25 EAP -JANUARY 2023 387.39 AFTER HOURS PHONE SERVICE 412.12 PRODUCTION & SEWER TOOLS, MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 449.86 HANGING DOOR TAGS 38,612.19 121-32 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DECEMBER 2022 2,138.79 STATIONARY ENGINE PARTS 27.54 DOCULIVERY - DECEMBER 2022 6,261.79 FUEL 12/16/22-12/31/22 162.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 64,414.75 J18-27 HIDDEN HILLS BOOSTER PUMP STATION SERVICE 65,816.00 109-22 #22 WELL 22 EQUIPPING 21,000.00 J21-36 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DECEMBER 2022 1,492.51 ROAD MATERIAL 26,965.64 WELL#1 ENGINE REBUILD 5,762.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DECEMBER 2022 46,660.56 J22-44 SERVICE WORK & IT CONSULTING SEPTEMBER & DECEMBER 2022 48.38 PART FOR UNIT #236 79.88 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE 54.00 122-48 MOUNTAIN VIEW WATERLINE REPLACEMENT ATLAS SHEETS Page 13 of 50 81456 02/02/2023 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 81457 02/02/2023 Staples Business Advantage 81458 02/02/2023 Sunrise Medical Group 81459 02/02/2023 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. 81460 02/02/2023 United Industries 81461 02/02/2023 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 81462 02/02/2023 United Water Works, Inc. 81463 02/02/2023 Vivian Lim 81464 02/02/2023 West Coast Safety Supply Co 81465 02/02/2023 Konica Minolta Business W012623 01/26/2023 Orange County Water District W013023 01/30/2023 Orange County Water District W020323 02/03/2023 American Business Bank 01/19/2023 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 14.14 DRINKS FOR STAFF WORKING OT 655.37 PRINTER TONER 260.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 5,000.00 CONSULTING SERVICES -JANUARY 2023 470.72 OPERATIONS PPE 5,602.83 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD -FEBRUARY 2023 2,502.86 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 105.96 DISTRICT EVENT SUPPLIES 945.77 SEWER TOOLS FOR CLEANING 303.48 COPY CHARGES FOR C258 & C558 688,612.44 OCWD ANNEXATION CHARGE 2021-2022 4,478,954.40 REPLENISH ASSESSMENT JULY -DECEMBER 2022 3,390.25 PACIFIC HYDROTECH RETENTION ESCROW HOLDINGS 5,794,708.98 Payroll Checks #02 209,624.76 52,195.54 48,722.81 783.15 1,635.15 751.84 88.11 3,623.91 200.00 17,011.61 39.01 334,675.89 Page 14 of 50 01/19/2023 PAYROLL -PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 01/19/2023 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 81387 01/19/2023 Allstate 81388 01/19/2023 Ameritas 81389 01/19/2023 California State Disbursement Unit 81390 01/19/2023 Colonial Life & Accident 81391 01/19/2023 Lincoln Financial Group 81392 01/19/2023 Midland Life Insurance 81393 01/19/2023 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 81394 01/19/2023 Reliance Plan Insurance 14.14 DRINKS FOR STAFF WORKING OT 655.37 PRINTER TONER 260.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 5,000.00 CONSULTING SERVICES -JANUARY 2023 470.72 OPERATIONS PPE 5,602.83 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD -FEBRUARY 2023 2,502.86 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 105.96 DISTRICT EVENT SUPPLIES 945.77 SEWER TOOLS FOR CLEANING 303.48 COPY CHARGES FOR C258 & C558 688,612.44 OCWD ANNEXATION CHARGE 2021-2022 4,478,954.40 REPLENISH ASSESSMENT JULY -DECEMBER 2022 3,390.25 PACIFIC HYDROTECH RETENTION ESCROW HOLDINGS 5,794,708.98 Payroll Checks #02 209,624.76 52,195.54 48,722.81 783.15 1,635.15 751.84 88.11 3,623.91 200.00 17,011.61 39.01 334,675.89 Page 14 of 50 2 -Feb -23 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Vendor Name Amount Description Amazon Capital Services 392.86 STANDING DESK FOR ENGINEERING MENDOCINO FARMS 41.97 TEAM LUNCH MEETING - 2 ATTEND Amazon Capital Services 32.61 OFFICE SUPPLIES Verizon Wireless 4,411.26 VERIZON 10/21-11/20 Greenshades Software 684.00 GREENSHADES ANNUAL RENEWAL Home Depot 167.83 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON SUPPLIES Costco 231.73 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON SUPPLIES Michaels Arts & Crafts, Brea #2111 2.68 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON SUPPLIES Smart & Final 130.13 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON SUPPLIES Sprouts 11.96 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON SUPPLIES Village Nurseries 135.53 SOD FOR LANDSCAPE REPAIR Home Depot 13.99 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON SUPPLIES Party City 31.16 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON SUPPLIES Tlaquepaque Restaurant 1,622.60 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY MEAL Home Depot 178.05 J22-34 VALLEY VIEW ELECTRICAL MATERIAL Home Depot 308.02 PROPANE TANK, PAINTING SUPPLIES & BATTERIES Sunstate Equipment Co 58.09 PROPANE TANK REFILL City Of Placentia 1,830.00 ENCROACHMENT PERMITS ZOOM 84.97 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Amazon Capital Services 198.99 EMPLOYEE SERVICE RECOGNITION Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 305.00 JOB POSTING - MW 3 COLLECTIONS Brown And Caldwell 200.00 JOB POSTING - MW 3 COLLECTIONS Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 25.00 NEGOTIATIONS WEBINAR DOWNLOAD FEE Home Depot 393.08 FACILITIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Minuteman Press 59.26 BUSINESS CARDS FOR STAFF COUNTY OF ORANGE RECORDER 2,548.00 J21-36 BNSF COUNTY RECORDING Home Depot 385.44 BOOM LIFT RENTAL GSE 76 18.78 DRINKS FOR STAFF WORKING OT Time Warner Cable 659.58 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Amazon Capital Services 189.11 EMPLOYEE SERVICE RECOGNITION ZOOM 14.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION SMARTSHEET 19.00 MONTHLY SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Urban Plates 139.84 EXECUTIVE TEAM LUNCH MEETING -6ATTEND Home Depot 27.91 FACILITIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ZOOM 14.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Orange County Water Assn. 250.00 ANNUAL AGENCY MEMBERSHIP BUNDLE Adobe 54.99 SOFTWARE LICENSE Republic Services #676 694.47 DISPOSAL SERVICE ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 49.21 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 384.40 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION Medii Kitchen 220.95 RETIREMENT LUNCH - 9 ATTEND Home Depot 275.78 MATERIAL FOR SCADA REPAIRS One Source Distributors, LLC 195.12 SCADA REPAIR MATERIAL Home Depot 48.25 MISCELLANEOUS WAREHOUSE MATERIALS Michaels Arts & Crafts, Brea #2111 64.61 OFFICE SUPPLIES - FRAMES UTILITY PRO 949.80 OPERATIONS PPE UTILITY PRO 94.99 OPERATIONS PPE Buffer, Inc 24.00 SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENTTOOL Bitwarden Inc. 180.00 PASSWORD PROGRAM Government Finance Officers 250.00 PAFR SUBMITTAL FEE Alaska Air 437.21 TRAVEL EXPENSE - GFOA CONFERENCE - PHUONG, S Hollinger - Metal Edge 441.26 ARCHIVAL SUPPLIES ACWA/JPIA 160.00 HR GROUP MEETING REGISTRATION - KNIGHT, G Smog Tech 500.00 SMOG TEST FOR VARIOUS UNITS CalCard US Bank (395.00) CSMFO CONFERENCE REGISTRATION REFUND CVS Pharmacy 4.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COPY OF PHOTO Sticker Mule, LLC 3.26 YLWD PINS Amazon Capital Services 46.22 RECORDS OFFICE SUPPLIES NPELRA 220.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL- KNIGHT, G SHRM 229.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL- KNIGHT, G ACWA/JPIA 40.00 HR GROUP MEETING REGISTRATION-SEGURA, J Costco 28.98 RETIREMENT LUNCH SUPPLIES US DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 62.50 DOT CLEARINGHOUSE QUERY PLAN Lucille's Smokehouse BBQ 2,352.36 RETIREMENT LUNCH SUPPLIES Polly's Pies 57.95 RETIREMENT LUNCH SUPPLIES Page 15 of 50 Smart & Final 42.00 RETIREMENT LUNCH SUPPLIES Trader Joes 61.28 RETIREMENT LUNCH SUPPLIES Fleet Services, Inc 112.98 LIGHTS FOR UNIT #193 Farmer Boys 54.79 FOOD FOR INVENTORY COUNT- 6 ATTEND Sur-Seal, Inc. 923.80 GASKETS FOR PFAS PLANT Orange County - Tax Collector 1,123.73 J20-59/S & J21-36 SERVICES OCTOBER 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 400.00 AAWRE CREDITATION - TOY, M Smart & Final 53.30 FACILITIES REPAIR PARTS Home Depot 148.68 HARDWARE & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR FACILITIES Michaels Arts & Crafts, Brea #2111 48.46 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES Time Warner Cable 226.48 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Home Depot 300.00 DEPOSIT FOR BOOM LIFT RENTAL Home Depot 76.52 BOOM LIFT RENTAL GoDaddy 199.98 SECURITY CERTIFICATE BACKGROUNDS ONLINE 306.53 NEW HIRE BACKGROUND CHECK Amazon Capital Services 192.87 BUSINESS ACCOUNT ANNUAL FEE Amazon Capital Services 24.73 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR HUMAN RESOURCES The Hat 89.70 NEW HIRE LUNCH Staples Business Advantage 4.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 202.00 CWEA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL- LOPEZ,1 Costco 219.25 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES Michaels Arts & Crafts, Brea #2111 56.02 OFFICE SUPPLIES - FRAME Municipal Water District 850.00 WATER POLICY FORUM TABLE SPONSORSHIP Amazon Capital Services 39.14 OFFICE SUPPLIES Home Depot 697.21 PAINTING SUPPLIES FOR FACILITIES AWWA-CA-NV Section 235.00 CERTIFICATE RENEWAL -BF ASSEMBLY- MALDONADO,R Home Depot 187.24 FACILITIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Home Depot 195.53 FACILITIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES TrafFix Devices, Inc. 178.77 TRAFFIC SIGN STAND Alonti Cafe & Catering 204.26 YLWDEA LUNCH MEETING - 8 ATTEND Time Warner Cable 232.11 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Time Warner Cable 2,038.04 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 202.00 CWEA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL- CUELLAR, R Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 1,425.00 LABOR RELATIONS CERTIFICATION REGISTRATION - SEGURA, J AWWA - CA-NV Section 1,000.00 BACKFLOW TEST COURSE RMJ Technologies 443.93 SUPPLIES FOR SKIDSTEER CVS Pharmacy 4.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COPY OF PHOTO De Soto Sales, Inc. 271.59 CARPET SUPPLIES FOR EOC UPDATE Fleet Services, Inc 87.28 SIDE MARKERS FOR UNIT#215 Orange County Water Assn. 30.00 OCWD EVENT REGISTRATION - DESROCHES Clark County Assessor 2.00 CLARK COUNTY PROPERTY TAX FY2022-2023 FEE Clark County Assessor 75.06 CLARK COUNTY PROPERTY TAXFY2022-2023 36,758.88 Page 16 of 50 ITEM NO. 9.3. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo SUBJECT: Cash and Investment Reports for the Month Ended December 31, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Month Ended December 31, 2022. SUMMARY: The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments by the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last seven years. The average portfolio yield for the month ended December 31, 2022 is 1.99% The District's Total Cash and Investment balance as of December 31, 2022 resulted in an overall increase from that of November 30, 2022 by approximately $2.9 million. Large account balance changes occurred as follows: an approximate $3 million combined increase between the Water and Sewer Operating Funds due to positive net results between cash receipts and accounts payable activity for the reporting month in addition to the scheduled apportionments received from the County of Orange Tax Assessor Office pertaining to Ad Valorem taxes and the Sewer Maintenance Charge and Capital Finance Charge special assessments. ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investment Report for December 2022 Page 17 of 50 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report December 31, 2022 Market % Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: $ 1,767,636 $ 1,767,636 Wells Fargo Bank $ $ $ 1,767,636 $ 1,767,636 2.54% Total 0.00% Depository Account $ 1,994,972 1,994,972 US Bank Depository Account (Cielo Vista) 1.50% $ 1,994,972 $ 1,994,972 2.86% 1.50% Money Market Accounts: $ 21,030,476 $ 21,030,476 US Bank (2017A & 2022A Revenue Bonds) 1.50% $ 4,349,584 4,349,584 US Bank (Money Market) 4.09% $ 1,135,017 1,135,017 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 1.40% $ 26,515,077 $ 26,515,077 38.06% Total 2.01% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 39,390,189 $ 39,390,189 Local Agency Investment Fund 2.17% $ $ 39,390,189 69,667,874 $ $ 39,390,189 56.54% 69,667,874 100% Total Investments 2.17% 1.99% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. Delia Lugo, Finance Manager 12/31/22 Page 18 of 50 YLWD Cash & Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of December 2022: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2022 Yield Maturity December 1.99% 1 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 12/31/2021 12/31/2022 Monthly - December $ 4,658 $ 48,034 Year -to -Date $ 44,267 $ 268,738 Budget 2021/2022 2022/2023 Interest Budget, December YTD $ 154,000 $ 53,463 Interest Budget, Annual $ 308,000 $ 106,925 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $66.7 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for current Bond transaction and PARS for the pension/OPEB transactions. The number of Days in Cash are 351 for the Un -Restricted Water Reserve balance and 920 for the Un -Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of December 31, 2022, which are subject to change with the final audited numbers. Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating Sewer Operating US Bank Held (Restricted) Rev. Bond 2017A -Principal & Interest Rev. Bond 2022A - Acquisition & COI Depository Account - Cielo Vista Development Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted) Total Cash and Investments 1,468,697 (86,916 1,381,781 427 21,005,661 1,994,964 1,167,110 $ 66,676,796 1,622,933 144,703 1,767,636 428 21,030,047 1,994,972 1,135,017 $ 69,667,784 Page 19 of 50 FY23 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments November 2022 % Alloc December 2022 % Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 11/30/2022 Balance 12/31/2022 Levels" CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve $ 18,604,343 45.24% $ 21,270,215 48.63% $ 19,792,315 $ 1,477,900 Water Emergency Reserve 7,374,347 17.93% 7,375,046 16.86% 7,450,000 (74,954) Water Capital Project Reserve 2,828,546 6.88% 2,762,759 6.32% 11,721,573 (8,958,814) MWD Contingency Reserve - 0.00% - 0.00% 1,000,000 (1,000,000) Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,275,580 10.40% 4,279,015 9.78% 4,251,271 27,744 Un -Restricted Water Reserve Balance $ 33,082,816 $ 35,687,034 44,215,159 (8,528,125) Conservation Reserve $ 106,614 0.26% $ 106,614 0.24% 106,064 550 Employee Liability Reserve 311,511 0.76% 311,511 0.71% 309,040 2,471 Restricted Reserve Balance $ 418,125 $ 418,125 415,104 3,021 Sewer Operating Reserve $ 3,410,637 8.29% $ 3,413,333 7.80% 3,028,299 385,034 Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,985,428 4.83% 1,991,345 4.55% 1,971,423 19,922 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 2,229,846 5.42% 2,229,846 5.10% 2,772,000 (542,154) Un -Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance $ 7,625,912 $ 7,634,525 7,771,722 (137,197) Total Reserve Balances $ 41,126,852 100.00% $ 43,739,683 100.00% $ 52,401,985 $ (8,662,302) Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating Sewer Operating US Bank Held (Restricted) Rev. Bond 2017A -Principal & Interest Rev. Bond 2022A - Acquisition & COI Depository Account - Cielo Vista Development Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted) Total Cash and Investments 1,468,697 (86,916 1,381,781 427 21,005,661 1,994,964 1,167,110 $ 66,676,796 1,622,933 144,703 1,767,636 428 21,030,047 1,994,972 1,135,017 $ 69,667,784 Page 19 of 50 INVESTMENT BY CATEGORY BALANCES (AS OF 12-31-2022) ■Checkin Account: Depository Account---------.,,,,__ Checking Account: 2.86% ��� o ■ Money Market Accounts: ■ Certificates of Deposit: ■ Pooled Investment Accounts: ■ Depository Account Pooled Investment Accounts: 56.54% Checking Account. Money Market Accounts: Certificates of Deposit. Pooled Investment Accounts: Depository Account Total Money Market Accounts: 38.06% $ 1,767,636 2.54% $ 26,515,077 38.06% $ - 0.00% $ 39,390,189 56.54% $ 1,994,972 2.86% $ 69,667,874 100.00% Page 20 of 50 $40,020,000 $35,020,000 $30,020,000 $25,020,000 $20,020,000 $15,020,000 $10,020,000 $5,020,000 $20,000 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) Dec. 2017 Dec. 2018 Dec. 2019 Dec.2020 Dec. 2021 Dec.2022 Unrestricted Reserves (Water) tDays in Cash (Water) 60 Page 21 of 50 Yorba Linda Water District Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2022A Activity Summary as of December 31, 2022 Date Description Amount 07/28/22 Beginning Balance $30,000,000 08/01/22 Requisition #1 Paydown Bank of America Revolving Line of Credit ($5,743,751) Subtotal of Bond Proceeds for YLWD CIP $24,256,249 85% Target Spenddown of Bond Proceeds for CIP by 7/28/2025 $20,617,812 09/28/22 Requistion #2 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs ($2,725,606) 10/27/22 Requistion #3 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs ($391,170) 11/29/22 Requistion #3 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs ($201,714) Available Balance of Target Spenddown as of December 31, 2022 $17,299,321 Revenue Bonds, Series 2022A Use of Funds to Meet 85% Spenddown Target by July 28, 2025 $3,318,490 16%- $17,299,321 84% Available Balance as of Reporting Date Total Spenddown to Date Page 22 of 50 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Summary for December 31, 2022 Transaction Date Transaction Description Water .. Pension Water Operating OPEB Operating 1W Sewer Pension Operating OPEB Account Total Beginning Balance as of 7/1/21 754,305.26 289,298.98 78,124.99 17,436.92 1,139,166.15 7/31/2022 Management Fees (378.17) (237.47) (39.17) (14.31) 1,138,497.03 7/31/2022 Investment Gain/(Loss) 35,526.79 13,624.14 3,679.59 821.17 11192,148.72 8/31/2022 Management Fees (374.03) (143.43) (38.74) (8.64) 1,191,583.88 8/31/2022 Investment Gain/(Loss) (21,025.08) (8,062.76) (2,177.61) (485.97) 1,159,832.46 9/30/2022 Management Fees (378.42) (145.09) (39.19) (8.74) 1,159,261.02 9/30/2022 Investment Gain/(Loss) (48,272.88) (18,508.28) (4,999.72) (1,115.55) 1,086,364.59 10/31/2022 Management Fees (360.96) (138.39) (37.38) (8.34) 1,085,819.52 10/31/2022 Investment Gain/(Loss) 20,523.73 7,870.53 2,125.80 474.31 1,116,813.89 11/30/2022 Management Fees (154.07) (59.08) (15.96) (3.56) 1,116,581.22 11/30/2022 Investment Gain/(Loss) 33,460.90 12,829.29 3,465.62 773.26 1,167,110.29 12/31/2022 Management Fees (563.55) (216.08) (58.37) (13.02) 1,166,259.27 12/31/2022 Investment Gain/(Loss) (20,689.06) (7,932.42) (2,142.81) (478.11) 1,135,016.87 Account Balance by Account Type 751,620.46 288,179.94 77,847.05 17,369.42 $ 1,135,016.87 66.22% 25.39% 6.86% 1.53% 100% Page 23 of 50 ITEM NO. 9.4. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo SUBJECT: Unaudited Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23. SUMMARY: For the period, ending December 31, 2022, staff is presenting "unaudited" statements in the CAFR format. We have included a Statement of Net Position, a Debt Service Ratio Calculation, a ProForma Use of Funds Statement, Consolidated Budget to Actual Statement, as well as the individual Water and Sewer Budget to Actual Statements. As reported in the Balance Sheet of the Statement of Net Position, the District's Net Position reflects a positive result when compared to that of the same reporting period of the prior fiscal year by approximately $839,000. This is prominently due to a decrease in operating costs resulting from District returning to its traditional operating plan of utilizing groundwater as the primary resource to meet the demand on the water system. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the Period Ending December 31, 2022, reflects an average decrease in revenue of approximately 1 % as compared to prior year for the same reporting period. Billed customer usage has decreased by approximately 8% for the reportable time range of July 2022 — December 2022 when compared to the same time range of the prior fiscal year. Total Variable Water Costs results reflect an approximate 29% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. With the issuance of the Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A and Series 2022A the District covenanted "...to fix, prescribe and collect rates and charges for Water Service which will be at least sufficient to yield during each Fiscal Year, Net Revenues equal to 125% of the Debit Service for such Fiscal Year." To confirm the covenant is upheld, staff calculates the Debt Service Ratio quarterly and is received and filed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the "unaudited" Debt Service Ratio Calculation of the Water Enterprise for the Period Ending December 31, 2022, is reported as 349%. Page 24 of 50 STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B — Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: Unaudited Financial Statements and Graphs Page 25 of 50 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS December 31, 2022 (With Dectember 30, 2021 Actuals for comparison only) ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents Investment Accounts receivable - water and sewer services Accrued interest receivable Prepaid expenses & other deposits Inventory TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs Right -To -Use Lease Asset Deferred Pension Plan Deferred OPEB Plan Capital assets: Non -depreciable Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable Accrued expenses Accrued Interest Payable Refunding Revenue Bond(s) - current portion Compensated absences Net OPEB Obligation Customer and construction deposits Deferred revenue TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue Compensated absences Net Pension Liability Net OPEB Liability Deferred Pension Plan Deferred OPEB Plan Deferred Inflow - Gain on Bond Deferred Inflow - Lease & Lease Liability Refunding Revenue Bond(s) Line of Credit TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION) TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS: December 2022 December 2021 $ 68,533,606 $ 37,098,624 1,135,017 3,430,916 4,083,045 4,199,410 14,425 4,097 1,203,429 1,067,172 393,648 372,624 75,363,170 46,172,843 - 288,650 200,555 - 2,458,386 2,142,350 520,402 594,377 10,887,740 7,520,522 173,004,910 177,005,846 187,071,993 187,551,745 262,435,163 233,724,588 1,672,013 3,473,674 4,472,474 114,045 922,555 351,883 1,525,000 1,350,000 495,155 474,640 2,501 5,680 1,926,343 1,177,219 15,776 75,550 11,031,817 7,022,691 11,380,273 11,875,318 1,485,466 1,423,920 5,595,057 10,323,992 512,845 1,203,767 5,355,890 80,778 749,701 304,828 301,475 85,339 306,648 - 61,198,385 33,181,139 - 4,543,751 86,885,740 63,022,832 97,917,557 70,045,523 $ 164,517,606 $ 163,679,065 Page 26 of 50 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS December 31, 2022 (With Dectember 30, 2021 Actuals for comparison only) OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales Sewer revenues Other operating revenues TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs Personnel services Supplies and services Depreciation and amortization TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes Investment income Interest expense Other nonoperating revenues Other nonoperating expenses TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, SPECIAL/EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S) CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS CHANGES IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END DECEMBER 31, 2022 December 2022 December 2021 $ 20,172,312 $ 20,608,684 1,741,760 1,604,059 824,637 679,871 22,738,709 21,117,034 8,594,718 12,133,022 5,548,588 5,134,318 3,737,893 2,549,777 3,946,177 4,384,824 21,827,376 24,201,941 911,333 (3,084,907) 1,187,439 1,112,096 268,739 44,267 (1,079,044) (624,380) 900,192 371,996 (454,193) (19,104) 823,133 2,660,455 1,734,466 (424,452) 8,966 1,734,466 (415,486) 162,783,140 164,094,551 $ 164,517,606 $ 163,679,065 Page 27 of 50 Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Water Enterprise Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending December 31, 2022 (With December 31, 2021 for comparison purposes) Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) Water Revenue (CFC) Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Property Tax Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services Depreciation Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Position Before Capital Contributions/Special Items Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues Debt Service YTD Debt Prior YTD PY Debt Actual Service Actual Service FY23 Calculation FY22 Calculation $ 8,132,235 $ 8,132,235 $ 8,101,531 $ 8,101,531 918,367 918,367 895,481 895,481 2,297,725 2,297,725 2,346,497 2,346,497 7,262,645 7,262,645 6,600,194 6,600,194 - - 889,401 889,401 1,561,340 1,561,340 1,775,580 1,775,580 748,261 748,261 552,175 552,175 20,920,573 20,920,573 21,160,859 21,160,859 204,865 204,865 27,593 27,593 1,187,439 1,187,439 1,112,096 1,112,096 828,204 828,204 203,149 203,149 2,220,508 2,220,508 1,342,838 1,342,838 23,141,081 23,141,081 22,503,697 22,503,697 8,594,718 4,689,389 3,264,918 3,193, 890 19,742,915 1,079,044 412,996 1,492,040 8,594,718 4,689,389 3,264,918 16,549,025 412,996 412,996 12,133, 022 4,403,138 2,188,661 3,641,418 22,366,239 624,380 7,112 631,492 12,133, 022 4,403,138 2,188,661 18,724,821 7,112 7,112 21,234,955 16, 962,021 22,997,731 18,731,933 1,906,126 6,179,060 (494,034) 8,966 3,771,764 $ 1,906,126 $ 6,179,060 $ (485,068) $ 3,771,764 $ 6,179,060 $ 1,771,282 349% $ 3,771,764 $ 1,366,691 276% Page 28 of 50 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending December 31, 2022 (With December 31, 2021 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD Dec YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Dec Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY23 FY23 FY23 FY23 YTD Budget FY22 December 2021) PY Actual $ PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $16,933,387 $9,448,830 $313,203 $ 8,132,235 $ (1,316,595) $581,413 $ 8,101,531 30,704 0.38% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,737,255 $969,388 118,291 918,367 (51,021) 142,578 895,481 22,886 2.56% Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 4,046,832 $2,258,132 190,524 2,297,725 39,593 310,216 2,346,497 (48,772) -2.08% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 14,720,797 $7,360,399 1,227,339 7,262,645 (97,754) 1,125,807 6,600,194 662,451 10.04% Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) - - - - - 148,278 889,401 (889,401) -100.00% Property Taxes- CFC Charges 3,103,900 1,582,989 1,172,980 1,561,340 (21,649) 876,616 1,775,579 (214,239) -12.07% Sewer Charge Revenue 3,115,771 $1,557,886 249,244 1,538,205 (19,681) 232,154 1,419,386 118,819 8.37% Locke Ranch Assessments 363,158 185,211 163,869 203,555 18,344 110,244 184,673 18,882 10.22% Other Operating Revenue 1,287,829 643,915 91,516 824,636 180,722 49,440 679,871 144,765 21.29% Total Operating Revenue: 45,308,929 24,006,749 3,526,966 22,738,708 (1,268,041) 3,576,746 22,892,613 (153,905) -0.67% Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest 106,925 53,463 48,034 268,738 215,276 4,658 44,267 224,471 507.08% Property Tax 2,095,000 1,068,450 877,492 1,187,439 118,989 723,758 1,112,097 75,342 6.77% Other Non -Operating Revenue 692,942 346,471 33,978 900,191 553,720 43,307 371,996 528,195 141.99% Total Non -Operating Revenue: 2,894,867 1,468,384 959,504 2,356,368 887,984 771,723 1,528,360 828,008 54.18% Total Revenue 48,203,796 25,475,132 4,486,470 25,095,076 (380,056) 4,348,469 24,420,973 674,103 2.76% Expenses (Operating): 219,914 Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Powe 17,686,074 9,868,829 954,100 8,594,719 (1,274,110) 1,306,610 12,133,022 (3,538,303) -29.16% Salary Related Expenses 13,231,809 6,106,989 956,745 5,548,586 (558,403) 742,340 5,134,318 414,268 8.07% Supplies & Services 9,258,295 4,629,148 613,735 3,737,891 (891,257) 318,160 2,549,777 1,188,114 46.60% Total Operating Expenses 40,176,178 20,604,966 2,524,580 17,881,196 (2,723,770) 2,367,110 19,817,117 (1,935,921) -9.77% Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 2,436,750 1,218,375 192,344 1,079,044 (139,331) 101,917 624,380 454,665 72.82% Other Expense 18,135 9,068 10,213 454,193 445,126 250 19,104 435,089 2277.48% Total Non -Operating Expenses: 2,454,885 1,227,443 202,557 1,533,237 305,795 102,167 643,484 889,754 138.27% Total Expenses 42,631,063 21,832,408 2,727,137 19,414,434 (2,417,975) 2,469,277 20,460,601 (1,046,168) -5.11% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 5,572,733 3,642,724 1,759,333 5,680,642 2,037,919 1,879,192 3,960,373 1,720,270 43.44% Capital Contributions (Non -Cash - - - - - - 8,966 (8,966) -100.00% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 5,572,733 3,642,724 1,759,333 5,680,642 2,037,919 1,879,192 3,969,339 1,711,304 43.11% Depreciation & Amortization 9,500,000 4,750,000 657,696 3,946,177 (803,823) 730,804 4,384,824 (438,647) -10.00% Total Net Position ($3,927,267) ($1,107,276) 1,101,637 1,734,465 $2,841,742 $1,148,388 ($415,486) $2,149,951 -517.46% Page 29 of 50 Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) Water Revenue (CFC) Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Property Tax Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Position Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Position $ 16,933,387 $9,448,830 Yorba Linda Water District 8,132,235 $ (1,316,595) $ 581,413 $ 8,101,531 $ Water Fund 0% 1,737,255 $969,388 $ 118,291 For Period Ending December 31, 2022 (51,021) 142,578 895,481 (With December 31, 2021 for comparison purposes) 3% 4,046,832 $2,258,132 $ 190,524 2,297,725 39,593 YTD Only Annual YTD Dec YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Actual Dec Actual(thru vs vs FY23 FY23 FY23 FY23 YTD Budaet FY22 December 2021) PY Actual S PY Actual $ 16,933,387 $9,448,830 $ 313,203 $ 8,132,235 $ (1,316,595) $ 581,413 $ 8,101,531 $ 30,704 0% 1,737,255 $969,388 $ 118,291 918,367 (51,021) 142,578 895,481 22,886 3% 4,046,832 $2,258,132 $ 190,524 2,297,725 39,593 310,216 2,346,497 (48,772) -2% 14,720,797 7,360,399 $ 1,227,339 7,262,645 (97,754) 1,125,807 6,600,194 662,451 10% - - $ - - - 148,278 889,401 (889,401) -100% 3,103,900 1,582,989 1,172,980 1,561,340 (21,649) 876,616 1,775,580 (214,240) -12% 1,171,574 585,787 $ 86,821 748,261 162,474 48,289 552,175 196,086 36% 41,713,745 $22,205,525 3,109,158 20,920,573 (1,284,952) 3,233,197 21,160,859 (240,286) -1 70,200 35,100 38,495 204,865 169,765 2,536 27,593 177,272 642% 2,095,000 1,068,450 877,492 1,187,439 118,989 723,758 1,112,096 75,343 7% 659,672 329,836 29,479 828,204 498,368 44,828 203,149 625,055 308% 2,824,872 1,433,386 945,466 2,220,508 787,122 771,122 1,342,838 877,670 65% 44,538,617 23,638,911 4,054,624 23,141,081 497,830 4,004,319 22,503,697 637,384 3% 17,686,074 $9,868,829 954,100 8,594,718 (1,274,111) 1,306,610 12,133,022 (3,538,304) -29% 11,359,392 5,242,796 809,136 4,689,389 (553,407) 639,018 4,403,138 286,251 7% 166,307 83,154 12,750 104,625 21,472 7,957 57,066 47,559 83% 541,358 270,679 34,072 298,041 27,362 20,960 242,714 55,327 23% 361,462 180,731 20,786 165,732 (14,999) 18,185 83,069 82,663 100% 82,932 41,466 6,606 56,154 14,688 7,038 62,698 (6,544) -10% 416,062 208,031 33,753 149,539 (58,492) 24,638 146,736 2,803 2% 116,450 58,225 - - (58,225) - - - 0% 369,402 184,701 27,185 149,527 (35,174) 19,313 123,956 25,571 21 2,313,020 1,156,510 102,201 628,238 (528,272) 40,531 318,451 309,787 97% 38,677 19,339 1,454 17,043 (2,296) 730 14,447 2,596 18% 1,122,055 561,028 109,863 439,538 (121,490) 19,620 442,308 (2,770) -1 151,105 75,553 8,732 97,272 21,720 10,483 52,367 44,905 86% 35,956 17,978 4,232 17,542 (436) 2,579 17,979 (437) -2 1,560,430 780,215 69,059 527,001 (253,214) 90,421 410,469 116,532 28% 69,748 34,874 2,081 16,243 (18,631) 1,385 10,622 5,621 53% 85,199 42,600 6,078 14,442 (28,158) 1,666 6,344 8,098 0% 8,500 4,250 9,561 13,929 9,679 1,181 2,968 10,961 369% 190,400 95,200 12,006 165,106 69,906 10,750 73,502 91,604 125% 473,350 236,675 93,032 404,946 168,271 22,751 122,965 281,982 229% 8,102,413 4,051,207 553,451 3,264,918 (786,289) 300,188 2,188,661 1,076,257 49% 37,147,879 19,162,832 2,316,687 16,549,025 (2,613,807) 2,245,816 18,724,821 (2,175,796) -12% 2,436,750 1,218,375 192,344 1,079,044 (139,331) 101,917 624,380 454,664 73% 12,350 6,175 10,213 412,996 406,821 250 7,112 405,884 5707% 2,449,100 1,224,550 202,557 1,492,040 267,490 102,167 631,492 860,548 136% 39,596,979 20,387,382 2,519,244 18,041,065 2,346,317 2,347,983 19,356,313 1,315,248 -7% 4,941,638 3,251,529 1,535,380 5,100,016 1,848,487 1,656,336 3,147,384 1,952,632 62% - - - - - - 8,966 (8,966) 896600 4,941,638 3,251,529 1,535,380 5,100,016 1,848,487 1,656,336 3,156,350 1,943,666 62% 8,005,000 4,002,500 532,315 3,193,890 (808,610) 606,903 3.641 418 (447,528) -12% $ (3,063,362) $ (750,971) $1,003,065 1,906,126 $ 2,657,097 $ 1,049,433 $ (485,068) $ 2,391,194 -493% Page 30 of 50 Water Revenues & Expenses - 2nd Qtr 2023 $25,000,000 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) $23,141,081 2.83 $22,503,697 $20,506,756 $20,000,000 $19,251,908 $18,871,845 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 13 $15,137,129 Dec. 2018 Dec. 2019 Dec. 2020 Dec. 2021 Total Revenue f Total Expenses $18,041,065 -6.79 Dec.2022 Page 31 of 50 Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue Locke Ranch Assessments Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Position Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Position Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending December 31, 2022 (With December 31, 2021 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD Dec YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD -CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Actual Dec Actual (thru vs vs FY23 FY23 FY23 FY23 YTD Budget FY22 December 2021) PY Actual $ PY Actual % $3,115,771 $1,557,886 $ 249,244 $ 1,538,205 ($19,681) $ 232,154 $ 1,419,386 $118,819 8.37% 363,158 185,211 163,869 203,555 18,344 110,244 184,673 18,882 10.22% 116,255 58,128 4,696 76,376 18,249 1,151 127,696 51,320 -40.19% 3,595,184 1,801,224 417,809 1,818,136 16,912 343,549 1,731,755 86,381 4.99% 36,725 18,363 9,539 63,874 45,512 2,122 16,675 47,199 283.05% 33,270 16,635 4,499 71,988 55,353 1,520 168,848 96,860 -57.37% 69,995 34,998 14,038 135,862 100,865 602 185,523 (49,661) -26.77% 3,665,179 1,836,221 431,847 $ 1,953,998 117,777 344,151 1,917,278 36,720 1.92% 1,872,417 864,192 147,609 859,199 (4,993) 103,321 731,180 128,019 17.51% 26,693 13,347 2,250 10,864 (2,483) (971) 9,516 1,348 14.17% 78,681 39,341 3,983 40,527 1,187 (3,388) 29,550 10,977 37.15% 55,152 27,576 3,266 28,172 596 3,209 14,562 13,610 93.46% 14,590 7,295 1,166 9,910 2,615 1,242 11,064 (1,154) -10.43% 51,928 25,964 6,870 24,005 (1,959) 2,847 15,715 8,290 52.75% 20,550 10,275 - - (10,275) - - 0.00% 65,188 32,594 4,797 26,386 (6,208) 3,408 21,875 4,511 20.62% 64,280 32,140 5,608 41,675 9,535 1,016 37,299 4,376 11.73% 6,823 3,412 257 3,008 (404) 129 2,543 465 18.29% 405,845 202,923 3,939 113,064 (89,859) (15,146) 60,425 52,639 87.11% 60,195 30,098 6,543 46,074 15,977 (681) 14,780 31,294 211.73% 6,344 3,172 731 3,080 (92) 455 3,173 (93) -2.93% 168,330 84,165 12,690 65,508 (18,657) 19,998 99,665 (34,157) -34.27% 13,402 6,701 971 8,375 1,674 213 5,223 3,152 60.35% 17,581 8,791 1,073 2,550 (6,241) 294 218 2,332 1069.72% 1,500 750 2,328 3,644 2,894 302 869 2,775 319.33% 33,600 16,800 2,071 10,347 (6,453) 1,897 12,971 (2,624) -20.23% 65,200 32,600 1,739 35,786 3,186 3,152 21,670 14,116 65.14% 1,155,882 577,941 60,282 472,975 (104,966) 17,976 361,118 111,857 30.98% 3,028,299 1,442,133 207,891 1,332,174 (109,959) 121,297 1,092,298 239,876 21.96% 5,785 2,893 - 41,197 38,305 - 11,993 29,204 243.51% 5,785 2,893 - 41,197 38,305 - 11,993 29,204 2 3,034,084 1,445,026 207,891 1,373,371 71,655 121,297 1,104,291 269,080 24.37% 631,095 391,195 223,956 580,627 189,432 222,854 812,987 (232,360) -28.58% 631,095 391,195 223,956 580,627 189,432 222,854 812,987 (232,360) -28.58% 1,495,000 747,500 125,381 752,287 4,787 123,901 743,406 8,881 1.19% (863,905) (356,305) 98,575 (171,660) 184,645 98,953 69,581 (241,241) 346.71% Page 32 of 50 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 Sewer Revenues & Expenses - 2nd Qtr 2023 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) Dec. 2018 Dec. 2019 Dec. 2020 Dec. 2021 Dec. 2022 Total Revenue f Total Expenses Page 33 of 50 ITEM NO. 9.5. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Keri Hollon, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT: Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23. ATTACHMENTS: 1. BOD & GM Summary for Q2 2023 2. BOD & GM Summary for YTD 2023 3. Travel & Expense Report Q2 2023 Page 34 of 50 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES 2ND QUARTER REPORT FROM 10.01-22 TO 12-31.22 FY 23 Page 35 of 50 HAWKINS MILLER JONES DESROCHES LINDSEY BARBRE SUB -TOTAL TOY DAVERT TOTAL REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 2 3 2 3 3 1 14 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 1 1 2 4 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 8 19 15 7 16 7 72 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD 10 23 18 10 21 8 90 90 DIRECTOR FEES QTD $1,500 $3,450 $2,700 $1,500 $3,150 $1,200 $13,500 $13,500 MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD $4,500 $4,500 $3,000 $4,500 $4,500 $1,500 $22,500 $22,500 TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD $35 $35 $0 $35 $0 $0 $105 $105 TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD $1,000 $1,000 $667 $1,000 $1,000 $333 $5,000 $5,000 DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD $1,535 $3,485 $2,700 $1,535 $3,150 $1,200 $13,605 $13,605 FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $5,500 $5,500 $3,667 $5,500 $5,500 $1,833 $27,500 $27,500 GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD $1,905 $1,905 GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD $750 $750 ASSISTANT GM EXPENSES QTD $16 $16 ASSISTANT GM TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD $750 $750 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD $1,535 $3,485 $2,700 $1,535 $3,150 $1,200 $13,605 $1,905 $16 $15,527 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $5,500 $5,500 $3,667 $5,500 $5,500 $1,833 $27,500 $750 $750 $29,000 Page 35 of 50 REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD DIRECTOR FEES QTD MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD ASSISTANT GM EXPENSES QTD ASSISTANT GM TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES YEAR-TO-DATE REPORT FROM 07-01-2022 TO 12-31-2022 FY 23 HAWKINS MILLER JONES DESROCHES LINDSEY BARBRE SUB -TOTAL TOY 5 8 7 8 7 1 36 5 6 6 6 6 29 2 1 3 6 19 35 34 14 28 7 137 29 51 48 28 44 8 208 $4,350 $7,650 $7,200 $4,200 $6,600 $1,200 $31,200 $9,000 $9,000 $7,500 $9,000 $9,000 $1,500 $45,000 $55 $35 $1,553 $35 $0 $0 $1,678 $2,000 $2,000 $1,667 $2,000 $2,000 $333 $10,000 $4,405 $7,685 $8,753 $4,235 $6,600 $1,200 $32,878 $11,000 $11,000 $9,167 $11,000 $11,000 $1,833 $55,000 $2,680 $1,500 DAVERT TOTAL 208 $1,678 $10,000 $2,680 $1,500 $811 $811 $1,500 $1,500 $4,405 $7,685 $8,753 $4,235 $6,600 $1,200 $32,878 $2,680 $811 $36,369 $11,000 $11,000 $9,167 $11,000 $11,000 $1,833 $55,000 $1,500 $1,500 $58,000 Page 36 of 50 DIRECTOR'S & GENERAL MANAGER'S RECAP OF TRAVEL/CONFERENCE EXPENSES SECOND QUARTER OF FY 23 OCTOBER -DECEMBER 2022 Role Name GL Date Trip Date Trip Name Trip Location Conference Mileage Event Meal Lodging Grand Total Director Hawkins, Phil 12/20/2022 12/13/2022 Best of Yorba Linda Awards Yorba Linda, CA $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Hawkins, Phil Total $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Miller, J Wayne 12/20/2022 12/13/2022 Best of Yorba Linda Awards Yorba Linda, CA $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Miller, J Wayne Total $ 35.00 $ 35.00 DeRoches, Trudi 12/20/2022 12/13/2022 Best of Yorba Linda Awards Yorba Linda, CA $ 35.00 $ 35.00 DeRoches, Trudi Total $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Director Total $ 105.00 $ 105.00 General Manager Toy, Mark 10/26/2022 09/30/2022-10/01/2022 MWDSC Inspection Trip Various Locations $ 40.00 $ 40.00 11/30/2022 11/29/2022-12/02/2022 ACWA Fall Conference Indian Wells, CA $ 127.50 $ 127.50 12/20/2022 11/29/2022-12/02/2022 ACWA Fall Conference Indian Wells, CA $ 19.40 $ 725.34 $ 744.74 12/20/2022 12/13/2022 Best of Yorba Linda Awards Yorba Linda, CA $ 35.00 $ 35.00 12/20/2022 11/15/2022 Yorba Linda Chamber Lunch Yorba Linda, CA $ 35.00 $ 35.00 12/20/2022 3/16/2023-3/17/2023 LCW Employment Law Conference San Diego, CA $ 575.00 $ 348.23 $ 923.23 Toy, Mark Total $ 575.00 $ 127.50 $ 110.00 $ 19.40 $ 1,073.57 $ 1,905.47 General Manager Total $ 575.00 $ 127.50 $ 110.00 $ 19.40 $ 1,073.57 $ 1,905.47 Assistant General Manager Davert, Doug 12/20/2022 11/29/2022-12/02/2022 ACWA Fall Conference Indian Wells, CA $ 16.16 $ 16.16 Davert, Doug Total $ 16.16 $ 16.16 Assistant General Manager Total $ 16.16 $ 16.16 Grand Total $ 575.00 $ 127.50 $ 215.00 $ 35.56 $ 1,073.57 $ 2,026.63 Page 37 of 50 ITEM NO. 10.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Call for Nominations for ISDOC Executive Committee 3rd Vice President and Secretary Vacancies RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider this matter and if Director interest is expressed, adopt Resolution 2023 -XX endorsing their candidacy for the position of 3rd Vice President or Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Independent Special Districts of Orange County. BACKGROUND: ISDOC has issued an official notice and call for candidates to fill the vacancy for the positions of 3rd Vice President and Secretary on its Executive Committee for the unexpired terms of the former incumbents. Due to timing issues, this matter is being presented to the Board at this meeting in case one or more Directors are interested in being nominated for one of these positions. If interest is expressed, the Board of Directors will need to adopt a resolution of endorsement of the Director's candidacy which is due Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. The appointment will be made by the ISDOC Executive Committee at its meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. The responsibilities of each position and the meeting schedule are described in the attached correspondence. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G1 5B - Actively participate with existing water/sewer organizations on regulatory and emerging issues; and G1 5E - Take on leadership role with industry committees. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Call for Candidates 2. Resolution Page 38 of 50 �- January 13, 2023 1 S D4,'' O� Independent Special Districts of Orange County PLEASE DISSEMINATE TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS Re: ISDOC Executive Committee 3rd Vice President and Secretary Vacancy Mailing Address P.O. Box 20895 This email shall serve as official notice and call for candidates to fill the vacancy for the Fountain valley, CA 92728 3rd Vice President and Secretary positions on of the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC). The ISDOC Executive Committee will fill the vacancy by Meeting Location appointment. MWDOC/OCWD 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Per the ISDOC bylaws, Article III Section II Point E: "With the exception of the immediate past president, if a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the (714) 963-3058 Committee shall, within 60 days from the commencement of the vacancy, either fill (714) 964-5930 fax the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy. A person www.isdoc.specialdistrict.org appointed or elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the former incumbent." Executive Committee Nominations will close on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Any Board President Member/Trustee of a regular ISDOC member agency is eligible for nomination for this Hon. Greg Mills open position. Individuals who wish to be considered should submit a letter of Serrano Water District interest, together with a resolution from their Board authorizing their candidacy. 1st Vice President The appointment will be made by the ISDOC Executive Committee on Tuesday, March Hon. Bob McVicker 7� 2023. Municipal Water District of Orange County Responsibilities of the positions are as follows: 2nd Vice President Hon. Paul Mesmer Surfside Colony Community Service: THIRD VICE PRESIDENT: The Third Vice President chairs the Legislative Committee. District Duties include providing a legislative update, making legislative position 3rd Vice President recommendations to the Executive Committee, and in the absence of the President, Vacant First Vice President, and Second Vice President, shall perform all duties of the President. Secretary Vacant SECRETARY: The Secretary or his/her designee shall be responsible for all correspondence and the dissemination of information to members. This includes Treasurer meeting agendas, announcements, and official correspondence. Hon. Saundra Jacobs Santa Margarita Water District Meetings of the Executive Committee typically occur on the first Tuesday of each Immediate Past President month at 7:30 a.m. virtually, via teleconference until further notice. Hon. Mark Monin EI Toro Water District If you are seeking nomination to the 3rd Vice President or Secretary position on the Staff Administration Executive Committee, please send your letter/email of interest and a copy of your Heather Baez Board's authorizing resolution to Heather Baez at hbaez@mwdoc.com. All nomination Municipal Water District of Orange requests must be received by February 28, 2023. County If you have any questions about the any of the positions or the election process, please Tina Dubuque Municipal Water District of Orange contact Heather Baez at (714) 593-5012 or.hbaez@mwdoc.com. County Sincerely, Greg Mills, President Independent Special Districts of Orange County Page 39 of 50 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 -XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ENDORSING THE CANDIDACY OF DIRECTOR TO THE POSITION OF OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) is a county water district organized and operating according to California law; and WHEREAS, YLWD is a member district of the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC); and WHEREAS, ISDOC has issued an official notice and call for candidates to fill the vacancy for the position of on its Executive Committee for the unexpired term; and WHEREAS, ISDOC bylaws requires officials who wish to seek appointment as an officer to secure an endorsement of their candidacy in the form of a resolution adopted by the officer's governing body; and WHEREAS, Director has expressed an interest in being nominated as a candidate for this position. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That the candidacy of Director for the position of ISDOC's Executive Committee is hereby endorsed. of Section 2. That the Board Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to ISDOC forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of February 2023, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brett R. Barbre, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Resolution No. 2023 -XX Endorsing Candidacy of for of ISDOC Executive Committee Page 40 of 50 ITEM NO. 10.2. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Mark Toy, General Manager SUBJECT: Identification of General Manager as Agency Designated Representative for Labor Negotiations RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors designate the General Manager as the District's representative for labor negotiations with the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association pursuant to Subdivision (d) of Section 30580 of the California Water Code. BACKGROUND: This action is a one-time procedural requirement associated with Item No. 13.1. to designate the General Manager as the District's representative for labor negotiations with the YLWD Employees Association. Pursuant to Subdivision (d) of Section 30580 of the California Water Code, the General Manager (or their designee) is responsible for fixing and altering the compensation of employees subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Consistent with Section 30580(d), the District's Board Policy Manual states in Section 7.1.(A) that the General Manager shall "fix and alter the compensation of employees and assistants subject to budget limitations as approved by the Board". Page 41 of 50 ITEM NO. 11.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Director's Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: January 2023 WACO - January 6, 2023 OC LAFCO - January 11, 2023 YL Planning Commission - January 11, 2023 SAWPA Commission - January 17, 2023 YL City Council - January 17, 2023 Brea City Council - January 17, 2023 MWDOC Board - January 18, 2023 OCWA Meeting - January 18, 2023 OCWD Board - January 18, 2023 Placentia City Council - January 24, 2023 OC Sanitation - January 25, 2023 YL Planning Commission - January 25, 2023 ISDOC Quarterly Meeting - January 26, 2023 Excellence in Placentia Gala - January 27, 2023 February 2023 MWDOC Board - February 1, 2023 OCWD Board - February 1, 2023 Page 42 of 50 ITEM NO. 11.2. Yorba Linda Water District MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACTS: SUBJECT: AGENDA REPORT February 1, 2023 Board of Directors Mark Toy, General Manager Mark Toy, General Manager General Manager's Report A brief update on District activities and matters of interest as of January 24, 2023. General Manager 1. The new -year started out on a positive note with an initial "meet and greet" with Bargaining Unit Leadership at YLWD. I sent the summary points from the meeting to the board member's on 1/17. The bargaining management team looks forward to successfully accomplishing our district goal and objective of securing a collective bargaining agreement (Goal: Maintain Workforce Engagement — E Objective: Secure collective bargaining agreement). I conducted a very productive meeting with Townsend Public Affairs in order to discuss federal funding opportunities for future YLWD projects. Excellent discussion on possibly leveraging a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) authorization via USACE environmental infrastructure, Section 5039 of the 2007 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) in order to help fund FY2024 YLWD water line replacements on a cost -share basis. We also discussed possibly leveraging the 2014 WRDA, Section 7001 via USACE to "earmark" eligible YLWD projects in 2024/2025. Our Public Affairs Manager has the lead for following up on these potential funding opportunities. I had the honor of attending a reception in honor of incoming Chair Adan Ortega at the LA Waterkeeper in downtown Los Angeles on 1/9 before Chair Ortega's official installation the next day at Metropolitan. Planning continues in earnest for next week's Welcome Reception for Chair Ortega hosted by OCWD, SDCWA, MNWD, Mesa, SMWD and YLWD. Additional information regarding the event on 1/31 at the Hills Hotel in Laguna Hills is forthcoming. As part of "Taking Care of People" (TCOP) initiatives in our Health & Wellness sub -committee, (Goal: Maintain Workforce Engagement — E I Objective: Improve YLWD organizational climate), district employees participated in our first "Let's go hiking!" event at the Walnut Canyon Reservoir Trail on Saturday, 1/21 — a great time for fellowship and healthy living! Finally, Koff and Associates will present the results of the Compensation Study in the closed session of the next board meeting and will seek guidance from the Board as we move to the next step in the process. Please see attachments. Page 43 of 50 Operations 2. Operations was busy this last month. While water demands remain low, our staff has been diligently attacking needed maintenance items: • Well #18 had been out of service for maintenance; returned to service the week of January 23rd. • Divers completed the cleaning and inspection of five reservoirs: Santiago, Quarter Horse, Valley View, Gardenia, and Fairmont. • We transitioned to 100% groundwater as of early January. • Cal Fire trained with their New Fire Hawk Helicopter at the Wells Fargo Heli -Hydrant. • North County "SWAT" conducted a training exercise at our Richfield Field Headquarters on January 17th. • Maintenance Crews located and repaired a leak on a 3" irrigation line at our Lakeview Reservoir. • Maintenance department staff completed an in-depth Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan training (Classroom and field exercise). Engineering 3. Bids to construct the BNSF Railway Waterline Crossing from S. Highland Avenue to Veterans Way are due January 31 st and we anticipate an award recommendation to be presented to the Board for approval in March 2023. Engineering and Operations prepared a draft Capital Improvement Program Plan for FY23-24 that will be presented to the Board after an executive staff review. Finance 4. We received responsive submittals to the Investment Advisory Services RFP and are currently in the review process. Assigned key staff are working with the District's municipal advisors on this process. We anticipate that the Board will consider this matter at its regular meeting on 3/2/23. Human Resources and Risk Management 5. Status of Recruitments: • Safety and Training Analyst — Interviews scheduled for 1-30-2023 and 1-31-2023. • Customer Service Rep III — filled with internal candidate — promotion. • Customer Service Rep II — two vacant positions filled from CSR III recruitment. • Maintenance Worker III — Interviews to be scheduled soon. Public/Legislative Affairs 6. Public Affairs accomplished the following: Reviewed pending and proposed legislation with Townsend Public Affairs and ACWA Region 10 legislative affairs staff. Connected with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to answer questions about the USFS grant. Learned about "Water Engineering 4 Good" program that is replacing Solar Cup challenge Page 44 of 50 for students. • Connected with "Reach for PYLUSD" about the upcoming Shamrock Run in March. • Gave YLWD staff tours of the PFAS Water Treatment Plant and a YLWD overview. • Provided PFAS Water Treatment Plant tours to over 50 Homeschool students. • Offered Tours and educational partnerships to PYLUSD. • Met with Townsend Public Affairs to go over upcoming grant options. • Published the quarterly employee newsletter. • Advertised "Taking Care of People" (TCoP) events. Helicopter Hydrant Update 7. YLWD Management staff and legal counsel met with Metropolitan staff and legal counsel on January 17th to finalize details on the Memorandum of Understanding for the new helicopter hydrant to be built at the Diemer facility. Staff and/or counsel from YLWD and Metropolitan will be meeting jointly with the U.S. Forest Service to clarify requirements and details that need to be incorporated into the MOU. YLWD and Metropolitan Engineering/Operations teams are continuing to collaborate on preliminary site issues. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Due Outs from Regular Board Meeting 01/05/23 2. CommLab Monthly Activity Report Page 45 of 50 "Due -Outs" From 1/5/2023 Board Meetinq: REQUESTED STATUS/DUE BY DESCRIPTION ASSIGNED TO DATE Explore having District engineers work WM with/present to engineering students in AM Alison PYLUSD high schools. contacted Alyssa Explore Regional Occupational Griffiths @ BB Program (ROP) opportunities for PYLUSD AM PYLUSD high school students. Budget for converting to ACH for A/P in Goal assigned BB DL to Sophia. See FY24-25. attachment. Closed Session to begin meet and Meeting on BB confer process. MT 01/24/23. Provide Board with copy of deal points Review during BB from previous meet and confer GK meeting on process. 01/24/23. Scheduled for Agenda item for Board decision on 02/01/23 BB replacement of logos on District JD BoardMeeting. facilities. Resolution Agenda item to revisit Balanced sent to GM/AGM. BB Energy resolution and impact of natural AM Alison gas regulations on District backup contacted operations. Emily @ SoCal Gas. Agenda item for resolution in support of Scheduled for BB Fred Brockmiller in ACWA-JPIA AA 02/01/23 election. Board Meeting. Clarify if grant for Greencrest Lift BB Station Rehab Project is State and Tribal DD Answer is YES. Assistance Grant (STAG). What constitutes "Other Income" in See BB financial reports? DL attachment. Agenda item to revisit travel expense To be WM reimbursement policy. AA scheduled. Schedule Financial Review Group TL meeting before Lindsey goes out of MT/DL Completed. town Page 46 of 50 What constitutes "Other Income" in the financial reports? "Other Income" as reported in the Budget -to -Actual Statements is made up transactions posted to the general ledger accounts listed below. Other Income represents revenue generated from billable Customer Service and Developer fees and charges. These fees and charges are updated on an annual basis and resolutions are presented to the Board for approval. Other0Perating Revenue: 1-0440-0155-00 OC36'%?dater Usage (i) 1-0440-0160-00 CONSTRUCTION METERS (1) 1-0440-0160-10 Construclian Melers - Move to New Location 1-0440-0186-05 Customer Svs. Fee - Laie Pad mend Fee 1-0440-0186-10 Customer Svs. Fee - Notice of Discontinuance 1-0440-0186-15 Customer Svs. Fee - Shufi off due to Non -Payment 1-0440.0186-20 Customer Sirs. Fee - Reeslablish Service 1-0440-0180-25 Customer Sirs. Fee - Callout After Hours 1-0440-0181-00 CUSTOMER SERVICE FEE - NEWACCOUNT (I) 1-0440-0181-10 Customer SVG. Fee - Consiruction New Accounl Selup 1-0440-0182-00 Customer S,m. Fee - Tainpered Lock Residential 1-0440-0182-45 Customer Svs. Fee - Return Payment Fee 1-0440-0185-00 BACK FLOW CHARGES (1) 1-0440-0245-00 METER FEE (1) 1-0440.0256-00 CAPACITY FEE 1-0440-0260-00 SINGLE SERVICE FEE (1) 1-0440-0265-00 ADAIINSTRATIVE FEES (1) 2-0440-0210-00 F.O.G FEES 41; 2-0440-0215-00 FRONTAGE FEE,YL%8D FUNDED MAINS tl} 2-0440-0256-00 CAPACITY FEE 2-0440-0266-00 SINGLE SERVICE FEE (1) 2-0440-0265-00 ADMINSTRATIVE FEES (1) 2-0440.0276-00 MISCELLANEOUS SEVVER REVENUE (1) 2-0440-0270-40 Customer SVG. Fee - Sewer Late Pay. Fee 2-0440-0315-00 COLLECTION FEES, CITY OF PL;CENTIA (1) Budget for converting to ACH for A/P in FY23-24. This is a goal, which may cross between 2 fiscal years that will be tasked to Sophia and Keri in the coming year. Staff will tasked to: (1) gather the pertinent data and information needed to assess the workflow efficiencies such a process will bring; (2) determine technology/compatibility requirements to implement the effective use of ACH between WFB and Microsoft GP; (3) prepare a cost benefit analysis for introducing this workflow process; and (4) determine the time needed to test and effectively implement ACH procedures. Page 47 of 50 .v Communications AB discover your voice January Activity Report TO: Alison Martin, Public Affairs Manager, PIO, Yorba Linda Water District FROM: Diego Teran, Sr. Account Manager, Communications LAB DATE: Jan. 24, 2023 RE: Current communications projects Below are highlights of current Communications Lab projects for Yorba Linda Water District: • Social Media o Client expressed a preference for an increase in video activity for the second quarter of year 2023. Next steps: The agency will present options during the first quarter. o Social media calendar from Jan. 15—Mar. 15 has been approved by client, including graphics. Agency has scheduled postings. o Client to provide additional photo assets. • Video Production o Agency and Client have collaborated on a script highlighting the HAS Water Treatment plant. o Client to provide dates for filming Journey of Water video. 701 e chapman ave. orange, ca 92866 www.communicationsiab.com Page 48 of 50 ITEM NO. 13.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Meetings from February 2, 2023 - March 31, 2023 February Event Date Time WACO Fri, Feb 3 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Feb 7 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Feb 7 6:30 PM Brea City Council Tue, Feb 7 7:00 PM Placentia City Council Tue, Feb 7 7:00 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Feb 8 8:15 AM MWDOC Water Policy Forum Thu, Feb 9 5:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Feb 15 8:30 AM OCWA Meeting Wed, Feb 15 12:30 PM OCWD Board Wed, Feb 15 5:30 PM YL Planning Commission Wed, Feb 15 6:30 PM Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, Feb 16 3:00 PM SAWPA Commission Tue, Feb 21 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Feb 21 6:30 PM Brea City Council Tue, Feb 21 7:00 PM Placentia City Council Tue, Feb 21 7:00 PM OC Sanitation Wed, Feb 22 6:00 PM Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Mon, Feb 27 7:00 AM March Event Date Time MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 1 8:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Mar 1 5:30 PM YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 1 6:30 PM Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Mar 2 3:00 PM WACO Fri, Mar 3 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 7 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Mar 7 6:30 PM Placentia City Council Tue, Mar 7 7:00 PM Page 49 of 50 Brea City Council Tue, Mar 7 7:00 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Mar 8 8:15 AM MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 15 8:30 AM OCWA Meeting Wed, Mar 15 12:30 PM OCWD Board Wed, Mar 15 5:30 PM YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 15 6:30 PM Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, Mar 16 3:00 PM SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 21 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Mar 21 6:30 PM Brea City Council Tue, Mar 21 7:00 PM Placentia City Council Tue, Mar 21 7:00 PM OC Sanitation Wed, Mar 22 6:00 PM YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 29 6:30 PM As of January 25, 2023 Page 50 of 50