HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-03-13 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes617 March 13, 1968 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order.at 8:30 a.m. in the office of the District by President Wagner, March 13, 1968. Directors present and answering the roll: Mr. Wagner, Mr. Clodt, Mr. McGuire, Mr. Hastings and Mr. Knauft. Attorney for the District H. Rodger Howell was also present. Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Knauft to approve the minutes,as mailed,of February 14 and February 28th meetings. Motion carried unanimously. President Wagner then turned the meeting over to General Manager Ralph C. Shook. S-15-655, sewer refund agreement from the County of Orange for the new fire station,previously approved, ready to be signed at this time. Job 504- 5 lots in the Carlton Townsite owned by Mr. Wong and Mr. Giboney. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously to approve Job 504 as recommended by staff under the Carlton Townsite Rule. General Manager presented a Quitclaim for an easement received from Placentia to correct an error in the description, new easement to be signed and recorded as soon as old one is quitclaimed. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried to have the proper officers execute the quitclaim easement. General Manager Shook read a letter from the Yorba Linda Service League regarding the anniversary of Cityhood on October 20-26. The League asked that everyone participate and if possible have an entry for the parade on Saturday October 19th. Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Knauft authorizing the General Manager to have an appropriate entry, and notify the leaguie of our participation, motion carried unanimously. General Manager made the following announcements: Legislative Report from I.D.A. was available for reading if anyone was interested. Also L.R. Gianelli paper ttocal Water Organizations and the State" and a paper on"Fish Kills" available for reading and for Directors information. Paper entitled "Cross Talk" put out by the Cross Control Foundation for the Board's information. Western Water and Power Symposium in Los Angeles April 8 and 9th. California Water Polution Control Association Annual meeting at Santa Rosa April 24 through 27th. 618 March 13, 1968 continued AWWA Spring Convention at Monterey April 18-19, first day on Safety meeting and second day general session. General Manager presented a letter from Diehl Evans on second quarterly audit, read and filed. General Manager read letter from Russ Kenmir of James Montgomery Consulting Engineers regarding Reservoir 2 A. Mr. Kenmir stated that the repair could be made for approximately $10,000 but no estimate of how long the life could be prolonged or how satis- factory the repair would be. He suggested a corrective piping from the tanks into zone 2 at an estimated cost of $6000.00 instead of the repair as a better investment of funds. General Manager Shook made a third suggestion that instead of the piping into zone 2 as indicated by Mr. Kenmir to bring a line down to Citrus from the Reservoir # 2 about 1800 feet of line, it would be a second source of supply as well as utilizing 800,000 gallons of storage that is not now being used. Discussion - Mr. Shook to check further on repair of Res. 2 A and also the line to Citrus and possibility of doing both, report back 3/27/68 with mom in- formation. Mr. Shook reported that the District had been served as a cross defendent in the case of Orange County Water District vs. City -of Chino, et al and that he had notified Howard Crooke and Orange County Water District would proceed to defend us as per earlier au- thorization. Rodger Howell reported on the Brea Matter, Mr. H well and Mr. Shook had met with Brea officials and their attorney on March 7, 1968 and indicated that this would probably be the way it might be settled. Brea would pay the District $2500.00 for one-half of the estimated cost of the pipeline for our connection, pay one-half of the Court costs and pay the District $17.50 for each meter the-District might remove during the next two years to re- place ARXkmeters meeting District specifications. Any removed after the two year period they might purchase but they would not be held to it by any agreement. Mr. Howell proposed at this time to file a paper in Court stating that the Court decision had been consumated and then accept as outlined above the other terms. Mr. Howell to send to Brea a memo so stating these things. Motion made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously authorizing Attorney to proceed along these lines. General Manager Shook informed the Directors that Well # 11 was down for repair. Mr. Shook reportfed that Friday March 29, 1968 seemed to be the only night khRk g'rjoint meeting with the Yorba Linda City Council and Planning Commission and District Directors. 619 March 13, 1968 continued Lowry and Associates had sent a map and a letter regarding sub- trunk charges for Boards pursual. Tabled until Board had further time to study the material. . Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously to approve the audited bills in the amount of $25,444.47 and refunds in the amount of $590.76 on checks numbered 11435-11510. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt that all Directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. General Manager. Shook reported: 1.He had been in contact with Howard Crooke and Lloyd Archer con- cerning connecting Anaheim Union Water services and the annexation of the Cordes-Andres property. 2. Two homes on Lake Haven made inquiry regarding sewer, one about ready for occupancy. This would be in connection with 5-440 Short Street Trunk. 3. Darrel Spence getting signatures on an easement on El Cajon that he had over looked when sewer line was installed. 4. Well No. 11 out of operation and the M.W.D. connection was being used during the repair. .5. Luncheon meeting on 3/28/68 regarding road department permit fees. 6. Mr. Boyle of Orange County Municipal had requested a tour of the District facilities. 7. Joint meeting with City Council and Planning Comm 3/29/68. 8. Eugene Bowers of M.W.D. had been in to discuss the sewer connection for the M.W.D. plant. 9. Citrus paving about ready and District going to install pipe in the area to be paved before this is accomplished. 10. Crew at Orchard and Mt. View on the relocation of facilities in connection with the County's relocation of Orchard Drive. 11. Trencher may have to be taken down for repair. 12. Mr. McGuire asked to assist Alan Ledbetter, Buyer and Stores Supervisor with specifications for new vehicles. 13. Engineering Construction Service a proposal to read and service our meters. Some of the personnel formerly with Water Equipment. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt to adjourn to March 27th at 8:30 a.m. Jean E. Mathews Secretary