HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-11-16 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes530 November 16, 1966 An adjourned meeting of theBoard of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President Wagner at 8;30 A.M. in the offices of the District November 16, 1966. Directors present and answering the roll: Wagner, Hastings, Clodt, McGuire and Knauft. Also present, H. Rodger Howell, attorney for the District. ' Moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously to approve the minutes for October 12 and October 26 as mailed. General Manager Shook read a letter from Senator Geo. Murphy in regard to the District Resolution concerning the Polution Control Field Laboratory. General Manager'Shook read the agenda for the I.D.A. convention December 7, 8 and 9 in Coronado. The change of name to be voted on with a special request that some respresentative be present for each agency to vote that agency's choice. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously to instruct the District attorney H. Rodger Howell to vote for Associations of California Water Agencies ( ACWA) with a second choice of Water Districts Association of California ( WDAC) and if neither of these get a majority vote, recommended that the name be left the same. Bjarney Helland presented on a map the areas proposed for the next cement lining 66-3 to be about 14,000 feet of line for an approximate estimated cost of $57,000.00. Moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously approving the Cement Lining Project as outlined and authorization for the advertising of bids. Art Korn came before the meeting asking for a clarification of the Board's intent on the Sewer Refund Program, this being the 5th year of the repayment program. Discussion - staff, instructed to pro- ceed with original priority payment to be made to the Pioneer Con- tributors with remaining payments to be divided in the percentages as previously defined, to the next highest contributor per acre in the Area "C" until all contributors have been paid to an equal amount. Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Hastings carried un- animously to instruct staff to proceed as above. S-15-1153 sewer agreement for Richard Shook on Lakeview moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt to approve the Agreement and authorizing the execution of same, carried unanimously. Job 198 and 5-198 - Pursuant to the Rules and Regulations the application and exhibits were examined. It was moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and carried unanimously that the application for both water and sewer service be approved as per staff recommendations. Job 450 bid opening - Bids received as follows: Regal Construction $3340.88, I.B. Dixon $3732.58 C.P. Construction $5403.61 and Rogers Pipeline Construction 5548.66. Moved by Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously to award the contract to the apparent lowest responsible bidder. 531 November 16, 1966 ( continued) General Manager Shook read a letter from Land Acquisition Service Inc., regarding an appraisal of the District's house on Richfield ( AP 77-130-8) given an appraised value of $7,000.00. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously to instruct the General Manager to send the Gaspar Estate a copy of the Appraisal, stating in the letter that this is the figure appraiser gave and the Board would not be interested in any offer for less than that figure and would appreciate hearing within 60 days on what their desires are on the matter. Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings to approve the audited refunds and bills in the amount of 644°.59 and 29,811.90 on checks #9052 - 9171. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion regarding the incorrect billing for Consolidated Rock Products. General Manager and attorney to come back with a pro- posal at next meeting. Recessed for lunch - 12:15 noon. Meeting reconvened at 1:40 P.M. James Kerfoot auditor came into the meeting at this time. General discussion regarding the new meter reading service, savings, efficiency etc. Meter repair program very satisfactory, reading improving but the bills still have some errors'most of which are due to errors in "Change Orders" or punch card errors. Discussion on Assessment District 64-1 spreading of the assessment. The final spread of the costs being quite different than the original estimates that were given at time the petition were signed. As yet no written protests 6K dEcision to wait and see if any written protests do come in/ ovoember 30, 19665 the date of the protest hearing.. Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt that all Directors have permission to leave the State between this meeting and the next regular meeting of theBoard of Directors. Motion carried unanimously: Meeting adjourned to November 30, 1966. 6~T E. Mathews Secretary