HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-22 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesApr L_ 22, 1964 3~3 An adjourned meeting of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order at the office of the District by President Wagner at the hour of 8:30 A.M., April 22, 1964. All Directors were present and answered -the roll. Also present was H. Rodger Howell, Attorney for the District, I On a motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and carried the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 110 (Job S»38) "Approving a Right of Way Agreement and Grant of Easement for the Acquisition of Right of Way from Myrtle B. Koch, Grantor, and Approving the Payment ,of Funds for Conveyance of Said Right of Way!',. The General Manager reported that at the meeting of the Local Agency Formation Commission held April 8, 1964 the Placentia Ann- exation Nos 64-2 was denied by a unanimous vote of the Commission. The General Manager reported that the hearings on Placentia Annexations 63-3 and 63-3A were set back to May 15, 1964. A letter from Williamson and Schmidt was read protesting the cost of sewer service for Tract 4672 and offering alternative proposals for sewering by Placentia. After discussion the matter was referred to the Staff for further investigation and,a report on a motion made by- Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt and carried. After discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire , seconded by Director Clodt and carried to increase blanket fire insurance coverage and to purchase burglary coverage for office equipment as recommended by staff. The disposition of funds received from Orange County Sanitation District No. 2 to pay for a sewer line purchased from the District in drainage area "Au was discussed. The matter was deferred for further study by the staff and attorney. Job 284 o.-Mr. Spence appeared before the meeting to discuss sewarage requirements for certain properties on E1 Cajon Ave; specifically the cost for one lot of more than one acre in Lot 3 Block 16 where one house was to be moved in. It was pointed out that the dwelling should be an existing dwelling before the development of the pro- perty and the deed to the land must specify less than one acre to qualify for the minimum charges. On a motion made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried Job 284 was approved for sewerage subject tothe standard charges, Job S»10270 » An application for a sewer connection was presented and approved in accordance with the Rules and Regulations on a motion by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and carried. Job 311 - the hour of 10:00 A.M. having arrived bids were opened on this job as follows: 354 ( April 22, 1964) Contractor Plumbing Contractors Harco Construction Inc. Orange County Pipe Line A motion was made by Director and carried that the apparent approved subject to a chedkcf Bid $18,798,78 171,661..80 16,902.56 Milmoe, seconded by Director Hastings low bid ( Orange_County Pipeline ) be the calculations, Job S » 262 was approved as presented on a motion made by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire and unanimously carried,. Mr. Warnick, Director of Public Works for Brea, Mr. Burney, the Engineer for the developer and Mr. Schlaegal an attorney entered the meeting. Mr. Schlaegal reviewed previous discussions and decisions concerning the waterand sewer service in Tract 4547 (Job 169 ) which the developers had arranged for from the City of Brea, the City of Brea having annexed this property lying within the Yorba Linda County Water District boundaries. After thorough discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and unanimously carried that in order to endeavor to assist the developer the General Manager be authorized to consent to a relocation of an existing line on the property and sign any necessary documents for the relocation with the understanding when he is satisfied that this consent is without prejudice against the interests of the District, or the boundaries of service of the District. It was further moved that the staff of the District con- fer with the proper officals of the City of Brea to endeavor to settle the matter of jurisdiction within this service area by negotiation if possible. An application was presented by Division of Forestry for a sewer connection on Lemon Street to serve a family dwelling, a bunkhouse, a fire station and two public rest rooms, a gross area of 50,400 sq.. ft. A motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Clodt and carried that based on the present Rules and Regulations the service charge should be,based on the rate of $2000.00 per acre and frontage charge based @ 2.60/ ft. Job 183 w Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the Water rules and regulations the proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A were examined. It was moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried tht the proposed facilities be approved as conforming to the rules and regulations as non stocked and to the sewer regulations for irregular parcels. Job 329 Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the rules and regulations the proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No.~\a were examined. It was moved by Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and carried that the proposed facilities be approved as ( April 22 contd) 355 conforming to the rules and regulations with exception as follows: Special circumstances plus installation of one fire hydrant. Job 315 - Revised Pursuant to Section T.6 of the rules and reg-• ulations the proposed water service facilities as shown-on Exhibit No. A were examined;, It was moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that the proposed facilities be approved as conforming to the rules and regulations with no exceptions-. Job 328 - Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the rules and regulations the proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A were examined. It was moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that the proposed facilities be approved as conforming to the rules and regulations subject to proper size meters and one fire hydrant at a location to be deter- mined by staff when more information is available. Job 330 - Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the rules and-regulations the proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A were examined. It was moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Milmoe and carried that the proposed facilities be approved as con- forming to the rules and regulations with no exceptions. Job S-300 A motion was made by Director Milmoe seconded by Director McGuire and carried to approve sewer service as-presented by staff and that the proper officers be authorized to enter into a refund agreement. Job 281 - A motion was made by Director McGuire , and seconded by Director Hastings carried that subject to approval of the attorney for the District the proper officers be authorized to sign a Right of Way Agreement with the Pacific Electric Railway Company in order to provide fire service to a furniture factory on Imperial and Plumosa. The following bills against the District were approved for payment on a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carted; Accounts Payable $29,709..81 Rate Deposit Refunds 1,427.33 Refunds Zarke & Schmeckpepper 391.10 After discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and unanimously carried that a Director using his. car for District business be reimbursed at the rate of,,.10 per mile. A motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that all District Directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons be- tween now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors: There being no further business the meting was adjourned on a motion made by_Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hasting and duly carried. Valdo Y. Smith Secretary