HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-08-12 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesAugust 12, 1954 372 A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was convened at the office of the District at the hour of 8:30 A.M. Ad.gust 12, 1964 by President Wagner. All directors were present"and answered the roll. Also present was H. Rodger Howell, attorney'for the District. On a motion made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire- and duly carried the minutes of the meetings held July 8 1964 and July 22, 1964 were approved as mailed. Job 5-263 Assessment District No. 64-1 Mr. Harry Billings of Lowry and Associates was present and reported that 64% of the petitions circulated to form a 1911 Improvement District to provide sewer construction for Job 5-263 had been signed. After discussion a motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and unanimously carried that based on signatures received the engineering firm of Lowry and Associates be authorized to proceed with the necessary engineering studies and specifications to expedite the formation of Assessment District No. 64-1. A letter from Mr. S. H. Brittain was read to the Board asking that approximately 80 feet of 8" line in Lot 1, Block 8 be relocated so that construction could be started on a home. A motion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Milmoe and carried that the blanket easement on the property be exchanged for a defined Easement, and that the line be moved at the expense of the applicant and that the proper County Agencies be notified. A letter from Senator Murdy thanking the District for a Resolution to name the Lake behind Oroville Dam*, Lake Edmonston was read and ordered filed. Resolution No. 115 After discussion of the 1964-65 budget a motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that Resolution No. 115 be adopted as follows: RESOLVED that the Yorba Linda County Water District Budget for 196465 in the amount of $492,660.90 be adopted and that the tax rate for 1964 - 65 be exactly $.65 per $100.00 of assessed valuation and that the necessary documents be filed with the proper County Althorities. Roll Call Vote: Yes: McGuire, Hastings, Clodt, Wagner No: None, Abstaining: Milmoe Mr. John Apalategui appeared before the Board and requested per- mission to install a meter for a house located in Lot 12, Block 10. A motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Milmoe and duly carried that the installation be approved subject to the pay- ment of the proportionate cost of the price of a fire hydrant for the area involved,, and that a Water Service Agreement be entered into providing that tze existing service Conn, be used for the Travaglia Property only, that a service fee be paid and that when a main is in- stalled on on Avocado Ave. the service connection and meter be moved to said main at the cost of the Owner of theTravaglia Property. August 12,54 t^J4G~~i ~~~r~~ Resolution No. 116 373 Job 5-k311 - After discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Clodt and carried that Resolution Noe 116 be adopted 'Providing for Acquisition of and Payment in the amount of $1,497000 to Virgil and Leita Morf for certain easements, necessary for District Operations in Lot 4, Block 1.6". On a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and unanimously carried the following audit-ed h.i-lis--were approved for payment: Accounts payable 275391_.56 Water Deposit Refunds 307.52 Misc. Refunds 331.50 The General Manager announced a management Seminar to be held November 15 to 20, 1964 at Phoenix Arizona. After discusion a motiaon-was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt, and carried that any one Director desiring to attend be authorized to do so at the expense of the District. The subject of the disposition of the rental house on Richfield Road owned by the District was discussed. It was agreed to defer a decision until the next meeting. Job 59 - An Amendment to Utilities Agreement No. 7 UT 2476 was received and discussed. After study by the Attorney for the District f and his approval a motion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that the amendment be approved. A proposed easement to M.W.D. for their East Orange County Feeder No. 2 on Richfield Road was discussed by the Board and the Attorney for the District. After discussion a motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that the Easement be granted and the proper officers of the District be authorized to execute all necessary documents, A discussion was held concerning funds held by the District claimed by P and C Construction Company et al. It was agreed that the principals were not in agreement as to their equity in this refund and a motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Milmoe and unanimously carried that pursuant to the requests of the claiments the,sum of $980.60 be deposited in escrow with some reliable agency until-the dispute between the claiments h is settled. Job 5-227 - Mr. Shook announced that Marian et al had made the necessary deposits for w sewer service and a motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and carried to execute the application and agreement., Resolution No_. 98 A After+disussioTl it was agreed that Resolution Nom 98 had not been adequate and ,3 m lion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Direct-or 11ast-ings and un: _1.1-noasLV carried t a-. 'Resolution No. 98 A Au ust 12, 1964 ( continued) be a_ opted; ,tip; 9104 %uthorizinV the Condemnation of pertain Prosser--ty fo-r Public P"=4-poses -3-nd .~.uthorizin a Deposit to Obtain an. Order of Immediate f o s-s s on an,sl '7eclc."rir tl?e Public Necessity thc-i- :e-or. In accordance with the recommendations of staff a motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Mc Juire and unanimously carried that this Board find and determine that approximately 100 feet of 4u-Iixe-leeated 4 11 fire line eXten~,ed across the T, 'Zi- t of av Southwesterly from Olinda and Im, erial. has not been used for some time past and no use is conte-mpl.ate.d in the future for Di-strict ourpose_s in,- that said line be aba,'-on--' After discussion a motion was made by director Clo; t, sec4n.0e., lby '::;i_rec ncr THastin.Js and carried that the Secretarv 'auditor be autl^ori7.ed to establish end maintain a permanent coati Jency fund in the nay-roll account of the District in the amount of $540.00. aR~ letter was read from thelity Mana.r-cr of Brea asking that negotia- tions be continued on the subiect of the solution of water service to Tract No. 4,51.7. !after discussion, consideration and legal aetvi.ce a. motion seas made by Din :-~ct'or `filmoe, seconded by 'director Hastings and. un.animousl.y carried{ t'nat the General Manager be authorized to contact Mr. Lipsky, Brea City Mlana~er, to set uo another meetin- witil the 'Brea 'Brea represer.tati.ves and. t'wo or more inrtnbers of the Board of Directors of t'~i s District. A motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded. by Director McGuire and carried that District Directors were hereby autborized to r leave the State of California either for business or. ,7)er:cona1 reasons between now and the next re-ular meet ink of the B o ar,"' of A motion was made by ?director Milmoe, seconded bar ref uiv nimously carried teat effectiveu~ust, 1.96/4 the salary Manager Sheol be increased. X144.-00 per month. A'motion was made by Director Clcdt, seconded{ by Director i".cr;'ruire any' carried that the meeting be adjourned to 5.34 A.N 3. uLust 2 , 1964. Vald.o Y. S 1th