HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-02-27 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesFebruary 27, 1903 A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County ',IaterDistrict was convened at the hour of 8:30A.1/1. ebruary 27, 193 by President Magner at the office of the District. Roll call-present, "Director Wagner, Director McGuire, 'Director Cloclt andLrectoriastings - absentzrector r1ilmoe. Also Dresent was H. Rodger Howell, attorney fo f, the District. J~irector McGuire made a motion, seconded by Dzrector castings and carried that any Director be granted permission to leave the :Mate or Country from time to time for business reasons. General lvianager aueker reported that Mr. Kerr of Sell Oil Company didn't have time to get the agreements out before the time limit expired so he had agreed to extend the time another two months. A letter was received confirming this. Inasmuch as the ietropolitan a,ater District had. returned $2,000.51 of Shell Oil Company money, Director Clodt made a motion second... ed by Director Hastings, hat Shell Oil Company be refunded the $2,000.51, motion carried. The auditing committee reported that bills for $1,0507.22 had been audited and approved Motion made by "Director Hastings seconded by Director Clodt and carried to pay the audited bills in the above amount. Discussion followed regarding the Assignment of sewer refunds from Ingrahm to Zoach Inc. , in the amount of X7,020.22. A motion was made by ;director 71-11astings seconded by Director Clodt and carried that this assignment be granted. The General ~Mlanager reported that the Company was acquiring quite a surplus of used irrigation meters, a discussion ensued and t-e ;hatter was referred to staff. Resolution No. 80 was introduced as follows: "WHEREAS sewer lines have been and will continue to be installed in the vorba Linda County ',,ater :District, and -E! ~a.~AS property has been and will continue to be connected to said sewer lines by service connections, 'the District does hereby resolve, determine, and establisb that: 1. Said service connections are defined as being the pipe installed in the street or easement which extends from the lateral, sub trunk., or trunk sewer line of the `_'orba Linda County Water District to the property line in the case of streets, .and ~ 2. to the side lane of the easement in the case of an easement. 2. Said service "lines shall be installed to the spec- ifications of the Yorba Linda County .eater District and said service connections are the property of the Yorba Linda County Water District. 3. she consumer shall maintain in an operating condition. and at his expense eac ~ of his service connections. However, Res. in the event of breaks in said service connection or connections No. the Yorba Linda County WaterDistrict shall repair or have re- 80 paired said service connection or connections and shall then bill the appropriate responsible party or agency for the re- pairs to said service connection or connections. This resolution shall become effective as of Xsarch 1, 1963. Director Hastings made a motion, seconded by :director 14cG wire and carried passing the above resolution T,o. 80. h. aodger Nowell, attorney for the District reported that the _P.U.C. had dismissed the complaint of the District against the So. California WaterCompany stating that the District under the lace, was not an agency to be protected as "other public agency" and the PUC was powerless to prohibit` So. .alifornia 4attr Company infringement. following discussion, a motion made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director .icGuire instructed the General i,tanag#er and the Attorney for the District to appeal this decision to the California Supreme Court and Attorney owell was instructed to prepare a preliminary or interim restraining order against Southern California ;dater Company, if required. Motion carried'. H. Rod er Howell also reported that he had talked to Senator 'urdy and he felt that Legislation should be prepared to cla-kify the position of Districts, Cities, and private water companies regarding the overlap of service areas.A 1,1otion made by Director Slodt, seconded by Director hastirt?s and carried, instructed Attorney Powell to oreDare the above Legislative Bill. Announcement of the Water Symposium at the Ambassador March 11, 153 sponsered by the Legal Association - $10.00 registration for each person attending. Motion was made by ;Director Clodt, seconded by birector astings and carried that the District pay the expenses for the General Manager and any of the Directors wishing to attend. (3eneral ~,anager reported that he had run calculations on the acreage charge for sewers and felt that it should be raised to $350.00 per acre. Matter to be reviewed and taken up at the next Hoard ule e',,-, ing. Mr. Dueker reported on correspondence from Engine and Eruipment Company with regard to problems at pumping plant 1, with regard to `vatson Spicer Joints. ~3. James Montgomery our Consulting Engineers didn't seem to be doing anything and Engine and Equipment had gone as far asthey could at this point. Motion was :Wade by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings and carried giving our' General AAianager authority to request the James Montgomery Company !to solve this problem. Job ;o. 161 and 161S. Assistant Engineer Art Dorn read a letter dated February 18, 1963 from the Placentia Unified School District which reque-sted that the followino changes be made in the water and, sewer` a-pplication and agreements for service to the Wagner Elementary School on Yorba Linda Blvd.: 1. To delete the fire hydrant near Yorba Linda` Blvd. 2. 'o use a net acreage of 12'.6 acres in setting the sewer fees instead of the gross acreage of the parcel. 3. To, reduce the sewer acreage char,,&e by the cost of 235 + of 811 sewer main ("2360.00) 4. To delete the charge for house connection inspection in the amount of :,,272.62. 5. To reduce the assements inasmuch as the State will only rvmmburse 75;a of ti-le charges. A motion was made by Director 'Hastings, seconded by Director ,jc ]ruire, and carried that; item ;r 1 be granted on the condition that the County ]'P ire I arsi-1.all confirm in a letter to the District that he believes that one fire hydrant is satisfactory for the school; item ,,f 2 any 5 be denied inas,-nuch as to do so would be in con- flict with prior contracts of the Distrid'; item F 3 be denied as the line is not a 33trunk sewer". Item ;k 4 be granted with the condition that the schools inspector responsible for such w~brk certify to the district that all sewer lines installed within the school site are water Cite. Job ;r 22-5 A letter from - al_ ~,Iar Investments wa:s presented request- inG the acreages charges on sewers be 'reduced because cnly 3.34 net acres vouldire left after dedicated streets were taken out. Mr. Korn reported that he had run a survey and that from 18 to 25 per- cent of the gross acreage in sub divisions gent into streets and that the above figure represented about 20`. A motion made by Director .-'cGui re, seconded by Director -.1od~ and carried that acreage charges be required on the basis of gross acreage. Mr. Korn presented a request from Mr. Clarence I ennon to relocate his I" service from the temporary location to Richfield 1pad in f (rnt of his home, a permanent location. Director -1eastings made a motion, seconded by Director Clod-v, that a frontage charge of $2.75/ ft. for 116 ft and $65.30 for relocating the service be required Rnk and that this be set forth in an agreement between the District, F. and C. Construction and Intr. pennon setting; forth waiver ®r refunds by Developer in connection with -kkia this relocation. v I L; . job 65 - Collins Lane '.':'ate' company on orange Drive. Discussion - sewer charges- 'potion by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt that 8300.00 per acre should be chsargea for sewer acrea e char^es for oro,aerts described as Lot 2 B ock 17 of the Yorba Linda Tract. Motion carried. job No. 65 - Collinv Lane- water. rfir. Korn presented the staff recommendation for water service to Lot 2 Bloc:. 17_( Collins Lane), including a service connection Lee of 6b0 `C of 81, main 275/ ft. on Uran _q Drive, 800 ° of main -4.20 /ft. on ollins Lane, 225 - ' -f 41° $3.60/ ft. on a stub street ( :providing no more than 3 connections are made to the 411 line), 2 .sire hydrants _ $385.00/ ea. on Collins Lane, and a S.C.Q. of 2 F. '-j. 192.50/ ea. on Orange Drive. Meters are to°be provided by others. it was moved' by DirectorCLodt, seconded by Director ?Fastings and carried to approved i-65 as recommended by the staff. Job No. 226 and 226 S - Michaels ' Iarket mr. Korn ,3resented the staff recommendation for :eater service to Lot 10 Block 19, ( the ' ichaels LIarlcet Shopping Center), including rater Service front the Plumosa Avenue Main, an 311 Fire Detector Check installation, a Steamer F.-H. d plu-nosa and Lemon, and sewer service via the Lemon Street trunk. 'VTater and Server service to buildings other than the market to be postponed until adequate information is available. zToved by 'Director Flastin7s, seconded by director Clodt and carried to approve the staff recommendations. Job No. 205 and 205 S- ichfield Shopping Center e\,Ir. Korn presented tine staff recommendations for eater and sewer service to Lot 1 Block 19 ( the Ricefield load Shopping Center) includin- a S.C.F. of $2250 - for Yvrba Linda Blvd. , 7:30 _ of 511 main, 490 feet of 814 , 5 F.H., meters as required, a dedICatec? sewef and a private sewer as per Bradford Mans, both connected to the' Val`ley Vie-,,,7 Trunk. IMoved by Director Llastings, seconded by Director Clodt, and carried to approve the staff recommendations. L efurd requested on S-°12 and T -b 70. $25 3.00 'construction meter refund and $102.00 for 21, irri cation meter. A motion was made by Director L3astin2;s, seconded by Director Ciodt, and carried that the refund should be made. r,iotion was made by Director Hastings,seconded by Director Clodt and c carried that Construction 121eter dsoosits could be refunded without specific Board approval on each such deposit upon the approval of either General Manager :Ouelker or the assistant Auditor, or Secretary- Au iitor. Ref and to job F 189 and % 77 from job r 200 and payment of $36.39 to District because of price chance with $1,1.20.15 to Van Druff. 5. 1,lotion made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that the refund be ranted. Pipeline Release and Agreement with fir. McClure on Hi hland as approved by the attorneys and staff - motion made by Director lodt, seconded by Director aiastincs and motion. carried aanroving this release of pipeline and authorizing and instructing the proper officers to ex- ecute the agreement. Mr. Dueker reported on the conde~nnat ion of the Yorba. Easement for Garden Land Coz..npany. He stated that he had sent a letter to the BuilTlin- uenartment bolding up occupancy on _ts lots until this condemnation is cleared urn. i'Tr. xorn asked for anE_ roval of two sewer service connections on the meets and bounds lots A and B at the Country Club. There would be a total charge of X25.00 for each lot. tvotion made by Director -°astin~s, seconded by Director C.lodt and carried to grant above request.. The attorney reported on the traffic citation stating that it might be dismissed on a teahnicality but in the event that it was not the fine was about 12.} and in case it was not dismissed advised that the fine be paid. ( Mir. Dueker x announced that Dick Everitt had called askirlo, that permission be granted for a bid opening for sewers to the sh.o;~~in- center on rlichfield and Yorba Linda Blvd. before next board meet- ing. T~otion made by Director Clodt and seconded by Director l astings and carried that staff be given the authority to open bids and report to the Board at its next meeting, and that it was the intention of the Board tmo approve the staf:Fs recommendation at the next 3oard meeting vfar..-c7h 13 9 1963. There being no f=urther business a motion by Director fl.astings, sec- onded. by Director Clodt and carried to adJourn the meeting. ecretarST Protem. jean tatne}.f7s