HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-03-13 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1larch i3 , 1963 A re-ul ar -meetin- of the Board of Directors of the %Corba -Linda County 'plater District was convened at t? 1-,o r of _'tarchx -13, 19,_3 at the office of the uistrict.` All Directors were present and answered the roll. Also r3resent vzere ickson H. Rodooer 'OH-owell, attorney for the District and Mr. James E. Ei a new member of the staff of =Iutan and Associates. letter from r. M4 iller, orincipal of the Yorba °Linda Elementary School was read requesting a reduction in the sewer connection fees or tfie School District. After discussion it was 'Toned by '''hector _-Almde, seconded by Director *,bltcCuire and unanimously carried that s _nee the money to construct tne sewer mains and laterals had been advanced by certain Developers and all connection fEes on mains built by there were an obligation of the District to repay from funds collected that it would not be possible :l-or the District to waive any collection of these Trust Funds and Itr. Dueker was instructed to write a letter to inform-the School Board of this policy. After discussion a motion was made by Director -Fred Clodt seconder by Director =ex 'astin s and duly carried that the ~encral Vani er be authorized to file ror exenotion from. taxes all properties ac- quired by the District.-fiom_- tax paying; owners. The co:m ittee appointed to study the problem of paving a purl.-.in area adjoining the annelc reported that the cost would be in the neio-hborhood of $2,200.00 ( approx1imately 25 cents per sq. ft.). ..-he matter ;,,7as ?gabled until of ter the annex.-a.tion election of April 9, 193. A discussion was held concerning the participation of the District with the hamber of Commerce to prepare a map of the District for distribution.' A motion was made by Director lv[ilmoe, seconded by Director '.,HcCui re and carried that the sum of 20.00 be allocates' in cash for this proiect and that some assistance be provided by the En cineerin Department to help with tle art work. fx. vowel? stated t',-;.at he had filed a rerunst for a re h earin- witt-? the P.U.C. re the matter o So. Cglifornia T,later Company entering our area of service. A discussion was held concerninc, the possibility of water and sewer service to a tract 7 ic1h. is located within the `it-v- limits of Brea and ,,7iti- tl-ke i oundar=Y7 of the uorba Linda County ~=-ter ~pistrict, he consensus ot_ o-oi nion ~.,7as treat the tract could on1;7 be served as outlined in tie Rules and aegulations for all other consumers. A discussion was help concernin- an error in dveroaying a refund paying him .nor service connections for Job 63 to Mr. A.F. Smi n by. , the amount of $159.60. pane balf_ of -Iris amount ( $79.80; should have been paid to the partner of Mr. Smit°a, 'klr. 'Mercuro. A ?7?oti on was. made by 3 _rector Yilrn e, seconded by Director ~`_c~'uire an-' cirri cad that ir, ercLtrO be paid the amount due r, ( `79.-80) and that this amount be c ar ed a ainst t?ie account of b r. m it' to be deducted fror:: future payments due him. The following re.f unds were presented for consideration by the Board with t`ne followincr decisions made: A??roved a refund to Cal _Kutual for a 2" and 31' irrigation meter in the amount of $293.75 on a motion made by Director 'E-.astin 4, second- ed by Director Clodt and carried. Approved a refund of $181.93 to job 119 for -a 5,/0"01 meter and a 4" rntr to job 119 on a motion made by Director Ailmoe, seconded by Director Hastings, and duly carried. Anoroved a refund of over deposits in the amount of $1,114.50 to Practical Builders (job 175) on a motion by Director _astino, s, seconded by Director ',!Ii1_Moe and carried. Nr. Dueker stated that the Olinda Sewer job *No. 53 was completed. A motion was made by Director C1odt, seconded by Director lHi lmoe and carried that a notice of completion be filed for said job 53 and that the staff be instructed to pay 8-5`;0 of the amount due the 0. and S. Sewer Company. The remaining 15'!o to be ;paid 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been filed. tie,.b` udi_t , omrnJ tree reported teat bills against the District in the amount of $22M,519.43 had been audited and approved. A motion was made by Director hastings, seconded by Director ly±cGuire and carried that the bills be ai3provea and paid. A-1 IN r. Lazenby aA3-peared before the Board to ap-ply for relief from an easement required by the District on Collins Lane. '14r. T,a.,-enby said be felt tha-_ a full D-o' easement in front of r1is house'would -present a hardship since it would not leave %1im enoU.p.;h room for his front la.xs7n. it was explained to him that all mains .7ould either use in the center of tv_ street or on 'the side opposite his house and a motion was made by Director 1, moe, seconded by Director Icsuire and c;~trried that the request be denied. 111r. raayne Davidson appeared before the meetinc, and explained tnat he had made arran-ements to -pay throu,h escrow the sum of 8750.00 for his one half share of the cost of relocating a main that was re- quired to be moved because of his house being moved in and set too close to said main.. A motion was made by Director Milmoe, se- conded by Director Clodt and carried that the house be released for occupancy upon a uarantee of payment from escrow and subject to receipt of a signed waiver from Lr. Davidson and the purchaser of the home. r,ir. Dueker reported that he had been asked the pe7licy of the District concernin q payment for clothes dama,2:ed in the wash by rust from the mains- r,. motion was made by Director e' ilmoe, seconded by Director astins and carried that the matter be referred to the Liability insurance Carrier. 1.1arch 13, 1963 ( coat) Kids for Sewer Jobs No. 54 and No. 205 were opened at this time and read as follows: job 205 S-205 S-205 205 205 S54 Name Unit 1 Unit ,2 Unit 3 3 amine A Tine 3 S 54 :-:)eoarad Leo :reiler 14,335.00 11,301.00 7,905.15 1,860'.00 2,296.50 20,134.50 2,700 a r co onst-. +_,15.?2 2,085.( or. Co. q Inc 9,775.00 l . 7,9.~.~.30 6,607.5t.) 1,3813.2-0 12.0~.~ l0, 3 ; . 2 2,b85.21 umbina Cont.inc. 11,205.00 3,958,60 7,399.75 2,052.00 2,329.60 20,963.00 2,655.( Knut son. Cons.co 125313.00 10,134.50 75759.E00 211213.20 2,604.55 19,015.12 25590, A motion was made by :Director Ililmoe, seconded by Director -Hastings and carried that awards by the Developers to tfte bidders be approved and recommended as follows: What job S-205 be alwarded to Orange Co. Pine - Line Inc. and that job S-54 be awarded to Marco Construction Co. as the lowest responsible bidders. A discussion was held concerning the present charge of ;?300.00 per arK acre for sewer acreage fees and it was the opinion of the Board after investigation that the charge was not suc_f ici ent to repay the District for the services involved. A motion was made by j'irector Hastings, seconded by Director <74 lmoe and carried that ef=fective as or ".arch 13) 1963 the charge be increased to X350.00 per acre. After discussion and an analysis of costs to the District for irrigation type meters and refund for same certain changes in the l:ules and i::e - ulations were approved in principle on a motion by Di rector !c°Cui re, seconded by Director Clodt and unanimously carried with instructions to the General L,,ana er to prepare a final draft for approval by the ne,Kt- meeting. After discussion a motion was made by Director .lodt, seconded by Director YcCuire and unanimously carried that the salary of Secretary Auditor Smith be increased to $300.00 per month effective A- Aril 1, 1` 03. There being no further business a motion was made by Di rector E.asts_ngs, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that Fite meeting adourned to Tuesday !,"Larch 26, 1963 at the hour of 6>: ra~l s.iv , ,.J t ith :secretary Auditor