HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-07-10 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes280 July 10, 1963 A regular meeting of the Yorba Linda County Water District was convened at the office of the District by President Wagner July 10, 1963 at the hour of 8:30 A.M. Directors Wagner, Clodt Milmoe and M,.:Guirc were present and answered the roll. Director Hastings was absent, Also present was H. Rodger Howell, attorney for the District, Mr. Don Baker, President oL the Yorba Linda Home Owners Association was present and urged the Board to resist any efforts of any neighboLing community to annex any portion of the District and stated that an official letter from his Association would fd)llow. A petition was received from a majority of home owners in Tract 4414, (Flamingo Homes), protesting the autempt of the City of Placentia to include said Tract in an Annexation. After discussion a motion was made by Director Milmoe, beconded by-Director McGuire and carried that t~Le following Resolution be adopted: Resolution # 84 RESOLVED: That the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Gounty Water District reaffirms its previous decision respecting opposition to strip annexations involving la,.Ld within the District boundaries, The Board has previously determined that these Annexations are not in the best interests of the District, its inhabitants, tax- payers, water users, landowners and bond holders; The General Manager and Attorneys for the district are authorized and direct- ed to proceed to oppose in Court an- otherwise all peLLdin6 aLLLLexations of the City of Placentia involving lands within the District and to cooperate with ocher sLmilaLly interested persons and organisations. A motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and duly carried that t~Le mintLes of the meetinrs held June 12 and June 26, 1963 be approved as mailed. A letter wa. read from the City of Placentia offering to purchase for cash certain sewer lines in Tract 4807, After discusion a motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and carLied that the General Manager be instructed to inform the City of Placentia by letter advising tn.,t thib Board is favorable in principle to this offer of purchase but that it is also their opinion that a decision be deferred until the possibility of Orange County Sanitation Districts purchasing certain trunks be explored. A motion was madc by Director Clodt, seconded by DirecL_or McGuire and carLied what audited bills against the District in the amount of $42,342.52 be approved foL payment. 281 Mr. Dueker presented for consideration of the Board a study of James Montgomery, Consulting Engineers Inc., of the South East portion of the District. After discussion a motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and unanimously carried that James M. Montgomery be authorized to proceed with design and prepare specifications for this project as recommended by them and that the General Manager be authorized to advertise and receive bids on said pmject when the design is completed. After study a motion was made by Director nlodt seconded by Director Milmoe and carried that permission be grantedto file application with the State of California for the installation of sewer and water facilities for a portion of a shopping center at Imperial and Lemon and that the staff and consulting engineer be authorized to approve the design and that the General Manager be authorized to approve the acceptance by the builders of the lowest responsible bid, pro- vided the bid does not exceed $4,000.00. Job S # 60- after presentation a motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that the proper officers of the District be authorized to sign refund agreements for sewer job No. S-60, The Valley View Trunk Sewer. The General Manager presented a proposal to permit the Developers of Job 231 to contract for the construction of approximately 200' of steel line crossing a ravine in this development, subject to the approval of the General Manager as to design and construction of said line. A motion was-made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that the Developer be permitted to contract as requested. An application was received for sewer service at 4572 plumosa Drive. A motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that permission be granted for sewer service for the single houee and/or the single house with the addition of multiple units t later on and/or the single house and the multiple units at the present time, subject to the normal applicable charges and agreements. Job 226 - 611 An application for water service was presented. A motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that the application be approved to install 600' ± of 611 water main and 1 fire hydrant in an easement thru the parking lot as recommended by the staff. Job S-51 - An application by Harry Rainville to connect service # S-14-1406 to the S-51 sewer main for service for sewer was presented and approved as presented in a motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Milmoe and carried. An application was presented for water and sewer service for a lot on the S.W. corner of Rose Drive and Malcolm Lane. A motion was made by Dimctor McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that the application be approved for a 1" meter for water service and the standard "individual connection" for sewer service. 282 Refunds were approved a s f of laws : Job S-200 a refund of $511.18 for overdep'osits on Sewer charges was authorized on a motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Milmoe and carried. Job 237 A refund of $3,500.00 for overdeposits on water charges was authorized on a motion by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and carried. A motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that the attorney for the District be instructed to prepare a form for an Ordinance and recommended proceedures for the full protection of the District against water and sewer encroachments of other agencies. A motion by Director Clodt,*seconded by Director Milmoe and carried, all District Directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons between now and the next regular Directors Meeting. On a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Milmob and unanimously carried the meeting was adjourned t -~he hour of 8:30 A.M. July 24, 1963. r Valdo Y. Smith Secretary Auditor