HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-07 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, September 7, 2023, 3:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS This meeting will be held in person. For public convenience, the meeting can also be accessed via internet-based service or telephone as indicated below. For questions regarding participation, please call the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020. Computer/Mobile Device: https://usUbweb.zoom.us/I/814tbb9t lbb Telephone: (669) 444-9171 or (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 814 7689 8158 2. CALL TO ORDER 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C :T9 MOT_1" Brett R. Barbre, President Trudi DesRoches, Vice President Phil Hawkins, Director Tom Lindsey, Director J. Wayne Miller, PhD, Director 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or a unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2)) 5.1. AB 2449 Teleconference Requests 6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports 6.2. Briefing on Yorba Linda Housing Element and Measure B 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board (or Committee) is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3) 8. CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests separate consideration. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Meetings Held July 6 - July 20, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. Page 1 of 193 a 8.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $10,344,426.04 8.3. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023. 8.4. Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ended July 31, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ended July 31, 2023. 8.5. Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23. 8.6. Amendment to Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX amending the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2024-2025. 8.7. Reject and Refer Claim from Junxia Yao Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject the claim filed by Junxia Yao and refer it to ACWA-JPIA for further handling. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board (or Committee) discussions are needed prior to formal action. 9.1. 5592 Grandview Avenue Sewer Connection Fees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors determine the homeowner pay the quoted connection fee in the amount of $18,311 should he elect to connect to the District's sewer system. 9.2. 2023 Update to Water Master Plan Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the 2023 Water Master Plan. 9.3. Membership with CW3E Water Affiliates Group Recommendation. That the Board of Directors consider joining the CW3E Water Affiliates Group as a member at the Associates Level for a contribution of $5,000. 9.4. Amendment to Fiscal Year 2023-24 Operating Budget Recommendation. That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX adopting the Amended Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Financial Summaries). 9.5. Proposed Update to 2021 Water and Sewer Rate Study Recommendation. That the Board of Directors determine whether to engage a consultant to complete the study through (1) the competitive bid process by issuing a Request for Proposals, or by (2) making an exception and approving a Page 2 of 193 single source purchase as defined and authorized in the District's Purchasing Policy. 9.6. Amendments to Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Manual Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider the proposed and any additional amendments to the Policies and Procedures Manual and adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX approving said amendments. 9.7. Identification of Agency Designated Representative(s) for Labor Negotiations Recommendation: That the Board of Directors identify designated representative (s) for labor negotiations with the General Manager. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. Director's Reports 10.2. General Manager's Report 10.3. General Counsel's Report 10.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD Miller / DesRoches - Next meeting will be scheduled when needed. 11.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda Lindsey / DesRoches - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 11.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia Lindsey / DesRoches - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 11.4. Joint Agency Committee with City of Brea Barbre / Lindsey - Initial meeting in the process of being scheduled. 11.5. Joint Agency Committee with Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District Barbre / Lindsey - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from September 8 - October 31, 2023 13. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 13.1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One 13.2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Orange County Water District, et al. v. 3M Company, et al. (Orange County Superior Court - Case No. 30-2020-01172419-CU-PL-CXC) 13.3. Public Employment Page 3 of 193 Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: Human Resources and Risk Manager 13.4. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: General Manager 13.5. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representative: To Be Determined Unrepresented Employee: General Manager 14. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Non-exempt materials related to open session agenda items that are distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors (or Committee Members) less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's Administrative building located at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 during regular business hours. When practical, these materials will also be posted on the District's website at https://ylwd.com/. (GC 54957.5) Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability -related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for participation in the above -posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020 at least 24 hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 4 of 193 ITEM NO. 8.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Minutes of the Board of Directors Meetings Held July 6 - July 20, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Minutes for July 6, 2023 Regular Board Meeting 2. Draft Minutes for July 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Page 5 of 193 E 3. 2023 -XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 6, 2023, 3:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS Were included on the agenda. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Hawkins led the pledge. 4. ROLL CALL Pi DIRECTORS PRESENT Brett R. Barbre, President Trudi DesRoches, Vice President Phil Hawkins J. Wayne Miller, Ph.D. DIRECTORS ABSENT Tom Lindsey STAFF PRESENT Mark Toy, General Manager Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Jeff McDonald, Maintenance Superintendent Veronica Ortega, Assistant Board Secretary Jacqueline Segura, Human Resources Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA General Manager Toy noted that going forward, staff would be making a distinction between the Cielo Vista and Loma Vista developments, both by Lennar Homes, in District documents and reports. He also noted that staff received the June report and updated legislative matrix from Townsend Public Affairs the prior evening. Physical copies of these documents were made available to the Board and members of the public. 5.1. AB 2449 Teleconference Requests None. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July b, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Page 6 of 193 2023 -XXX 6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports Yorba Linda Council Member Janice Lim introduced Ryan Schwartz who commented on his interest in water. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 8. ACTION CALENDAR 8.1. Positions on Federal Legislation Discussion centered around the positive support of H.R. 188. Director DesRoches made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to support H.R. 188 - Proven Foreset Management Act of 2022. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Lindsey absent. 8.2. Amendments to Public Funds Investment Policy Richard Babbe, Senior Managing Consultant for PFM Asset Management, presented the proposed amendments to the policy which included updating and clarifying certain terminology and enabling the District to leverage the resources and expertise of an investment advisor. Discussion touched on expenses previously paid for bond counsel services and potential opportunities for recovery through investment returns. President Barbre requested that Section 9.1. of the policy be revised to reflect 24-hour notification when securities held by the District fall below the minimum credit ratings specified in Appendix A. He also requested that CalTRUST be removed as a permitted investment/deposit in Table 1 of Section 8.3. Discussion followed regarding asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities (ABS/MBS) and investment diversification. President Barbre requested that the District's portfolio limits for ABS/MBS and supranationals be lowered to 10% in Table 1 of Section 8.3 of the policy. He also requested that the investigation and due diligence for OCCIP as referenced in Section 4 of Appendix A be conducted in advance rather than deferring it until investment of District funds may be considered. He then noted that Section 5 of Appendix A could be removed if CalTRUST was removed from Table 1 of Section 8.3. Discussion continued regarding money market funds and split ratings. This topic will be revisited during the policy review process next fiscal year. It was the consensus of the Board to include the requested revisions in the policy. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July b, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 2 Page 7 of 193 VA 10. Director Hawkins made Resolution No. 2023 -XX revised and rescinding Director Lindsey absent. CONSENT CALENDAR 2023 -XXX a motion, seconded by Director Miller to adopt amending the Public Funds Investment Policy as Resolution No. 18-12. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Lindsey absent. 9.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Meetings Held May 18 - June 28, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 9.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $2,349,619.09. 9.3. Budget to Actual Statements for Month Ended May 31, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ended May 31, 2023. 9.4. Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ended May 31, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ended May 31, 2023. PUBLIC HEARING 10.1. Collection of Certain Sewer Maintenace Charges on Fiscal Year 2023-24 Tax Roll President Barbre opened the public hearing at 3:37 p.m. Assistant Board Secretary Ortega confirmed that the public hearing had been properly noticed. Staff explained that the sewer maintenance charges for certain properties were collected on the tax roll for which a public hearing and adoption of a resolution is required. President Barbre opened the floor for public comment on this matter for which there was none. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 6, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 3 Page 8 of 193 2023 -XXX President Barbre closed the public hearing at 3:39 p.m. There was no further discussion. Director Miller made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX electing to place Sewer Maintenance Charges on the property tax roll of certain properties for collection and remittance to the District, adopting the report to place said charges on the property tax roll for Fiscal Year 2023-24, and repealing Resolution No. 2022-26. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 on a roll call vote with Director Lindsey absent. 10.2. Collection of Capital (Finanace) Charges on Fiscal Year 2023-24 Tax Roll President Barbre opened the public hearing at 3:40 p.m. Assistant Board Secretary Ortega confirmed that the public hearing had been properly noticed. Staff explained that the capital finance charges, as described in the 2020 Rate Study, were collected on the property tax roll for which a public hearing and adoption of a resolution is required. President Barbre requested that a provision be added to the resolution to include a deadline of September 15th each fiscal year for the disbursement of invoices where a distinct identifying county parcel number is not available. It was the consensus of the Board that this provision be included in the resolution. President Barbre opened the floor for public comment on this matter for which there was none. President Barbre closed the public hearing at 3:42 p.m. There was no further discussion. Director Miller made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX as revised electing to place Capital (Finance) Charges on the property tax roll for collection and remittance to the District, adopting the report to place said charges on the property tax roll for Fiscal Year 2023- 24, and repealing Resolution No. 2022-27. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 on a roll call vote with Director Lindsey absent. 11. ACTION CALENDAR CONTINUED 11.1. Amending Rules and Regulations for Water Service Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 6, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Page 9 of 193 2023 -XXX Staff outlined the proposed amendments to the existing rules and regulations for water service which had been reviewed by legal counsel. Staff indicated that this document would be reviewed on an annual basis and any proposed amendments would be presented to the Board for consideration. Director DesRoches made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX adopting the proposed Rules and Regulations for Water Service and rescinding Resolution Nos. 90-40 and 2021-39. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 on a roll call vote with Director Lindsey absent. 11.2. Amending Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service Staff reviewed the proposed amendments to the existing rules and regulations for sewer service which had been reviewed by legal counsel. This document will be reviewed on the same recurrence as the previous item. Discussion followed regarding fees for connecting to the District's sewer system and the development of funding strategies for transitioning customers currently on septic. Director Miller made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches, to adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX adopting the proposed Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service and rescinding Resolution Nos. 80 and 17-14. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 on a roll call with Director Lindsey absent. 11.3. California Special Districts Association (CSDA) Board of Directors Election The Board reviewed the candidates and discussed supporting the current incumbent. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches to support Arlene Schafer as a candidate in the 2023 CSDA Election for Seat C in the Southern Network for a 3 -year term and instruct staff to complete and submit the ballot on the Board's behalf. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Lindsey absent. 11.4. California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Board of Directors Election Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches to vote for the slate of candidates in the 2023 CASA Election for 3 -year terms. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Lindsey absent. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches, to approve the CASA dues resolution. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Lindsey absent. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July b, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 5 Page 10 of 193 2023 -XXX 12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12.1. Proposed Update to 2021 Water and Sewer Rate Study Staff inquired as to the Board's preference for issuing an RFP/RFQ or to sole/single source engagement of a consultant for these services. It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with updating the rate study and defer consideration of this matter to a future meeting. Staff will work with legal counsel to ensure compliance with the District's purchasing policy. 12.2. Proposed Equestrian Easement at Highland Reservoir Staff briefed the Board on coordination efforts with the City of Yorba Linda regarding the proposed equestrian easement at Highland Reservoir. Discussion followed regarding the location of a proposed security fence, potential access issues, and balancing the desire for maintaining a rural atmosphere and securing the District's infrastructure. Staff was instructed to schedule a meeting for the Board and City officials to tour the proposed equestrian easement and extend an invitation to the adjacent property owners. 12.3. Capital Improvement Program Project Status General Manager Toy briefed the Board on the status of Capital Improvement Projects. President Barbre requested that commemorative plaques be installed at the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station and Timber Ridge Boost Pump Station and to ensure that the fencing for Timber Ridge was compliant with District standards. 12.4. Proposed Amicus Brief Regarding California Restaurant Association v. City of Berkeley General Counsel Gagen reviewed the status of the case and noted that an amicus brief would be better suited for the League of California Cities. The estimated time for legal counsel to prepare such a document is 80 hours for a cost of $20K. Discussion followed regarding the potential impact on District operations. Staff was instructed to survey other natural gas -dependent agencies in Orange County to gauge their interest in sharing the costs for this expense. 13. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 13.1. Director's Reports The Directors reported on their attendance at recent meetings and events. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 6, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 6 Page 11 of 193 2023 -XXX Director Hawkins requested an agenda item in September to discuss the listing of active Board approved contracts valued at $75K+. He also suggested that each contract should be assigned a time frame for periodic review. President Barbre requested that the minutes from the June 1, 2023 Board meeting be amended to delete the statement indicating that staff was to draft a cordial letter under his signature to OCWD encouraging recognition of YLWD's partnership in future communications. President Barbre then inquired as to the status of various requests made during previous Board meetings. 13.2. General Manager's Report General Manager Toy did not have anything to add to his written report that was provided in the agenda packet. President Barbre requested staff obtain estimated costs for the construction of additional filling stations in place of the three construction meters being utilized by the City of Yorba Linda for street sweeping and landscaping purposes. 13.3. General Counsel's Report None. 13.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks No additional agenda items or tasks were requested. 14. COMMITTEE REPORTS 14.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD Miller / DesRoches - Next meeting will be scheduled when needed. 14.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda Lindsey / DesRoches -Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 14.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia Lindsey / DesRoches - Next meeting yet to be scheduled 14.4. Joint Agency Committee with City of Brea Barbre / Lindsey - Initial meeting yet to be scheduled. 14.5. Joint Agency Committee with Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District Barbre / Linsey -Next meeting yet to be scheduled. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July b, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 7 Page 12 of 193 15. 16. 2023 -XXX BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 15.1 Meetings from July 7 - August 31, 2023 CLOSED SESSION The Board entered Closed Session at 4:45 p.m. 16.1. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representative: General Manager Employee Organization: Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association 16.2. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representative: General Manager Unrepresented Employees: All Unrepresented Classifications 16.3. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Orange County Water District, et al. v. 3M Company, et al. (Orange County Superior Court - Case No. 30-2020-01172419-CU-PL-CXC) 16.4. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One 16.5. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: General Manager REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION The Board returned from Closed Session at 5:40 p.m. No reportable action was taken. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 6, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 8 Page 13 of 193 2023 -XXX 17. ADJOURNMENT 17.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:41 p.m. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Annie Alexander Recording Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July b, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Page 14 of 193 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 20, 2023, 3:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 OPEN SESSION PART I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Lindsey led the pledge. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT Brett R. Barbre, President Phil Hawkins Tom Lindsey J. Wayne Miller, PhD DIRECTORS ABSENT Trudi DesRoches, Vice President ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5.1. AB 2449 Teleconference Requests None. PUBLIC COMMENTS 2023 -XXX STAFF PRESENT Mark Toy, General Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Sophia Phuong, Accounting Supervisor Veronica Ortega, Assistant Board Secretary A resident located near the proposed equestrian easement addressed the Board and expressed his concerns related to privacy. CONSENT CALENDAR 7.1. Purchase of Crane Truck Director Miller made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins to authorize the General Manager to purchase a crane truck in the amount of $98,834.83. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 20, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Page 15 of 193 2023 -XXX Staff responded to questions from the Board regarding funding included in the FY23-24 budget, expected useful life of the equipment, and plans for purchasing additional replacement vehicles. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director DesRoches absent. President Barbre requested staff generate a report listing annual expenses paid to Leibert Cassidy Whitmore from 2009 to current. Director Lindsey requested an item be placed on the next regular meeting agenda to discuss forming a joint agency committee with the City of Brea. President Barbre requested an invitation be extended to City of Brea officials to participate in the discussion. He also requested staff confirm that the District received its portion of a $500K refund from MWDOC. He then requested an item be placed on the next regular meeting agenda to discuss the Yorba Linda Housing Element and impact on District operations. Yorba Linda Mayor Gene Hernandez briefly commented on the City's community outreach efforts associated with the Yorba Linda Housing Element and offered to coordinate a presentation to the Board regarding the topic at a future meeting. 8.1 RECESS President Barbre recessed the meeting at 3:24 p.m. Attendees traveled to Highland Reservoir at 5252'/2 Highland Ave, Yorba Linda CA 92886. 9. OPEN SESSION PART II The meeting reconvened at 3:45 p.m. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1 Proposed Equestrian Easement at Highland Reservoir The Board and staff toured the site and surrounding facilities and discussed the proposed equestrian easement. 11. ADJOURNMENT 11.1. The group returned and the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Annie Alexander Recording Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 20, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. 2 Page 16 of 193 ITEM NO. 8.2. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Keri Hollon, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $10,344,426.04. BACKGROUND: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when the Board of Directors has approved them. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for July 21, 2023 through August 31, 2023, for the Board of Directors' approval. Items within this disbursement list include: Ten Highest Expenses for Disbursement Orange County Water District 3,454,522.20 Replenishment Assessment January -June 2023 Calpers 820,444.00 UAL FY23-24 Plan 1171 T. E. Roberts, Inc 702,867.88 J21-46 Imperial Highway Waterline Service Big Ben Inc. 544,701.50 J21-36 BNSF Waterline Professional Services Municipal Water District 344,007.15 Annual Retail Services FY23/24 Big Ben Inc. 325,911.22 J21-36 BNSF Waterline Professional Services Municipal Water District 284,533.44 Water Deliveries - June 2023 GCI Construction Inc. 250,201.50 J22-48 Mountain View Waterline Replacement Services Southern Calif Edison Co. 243,489.61 Electricity Charges - July 2023 Various Locations City of Yorba Linda 232,500.00 FY 21/22 Annual Pavement Preservation Project Page 17 of 193 Other Routine Invoices Accts Payable Check Total Payroll No. 16 Payroll No. 17 Payroll No. 18 Total Disbursements $ 7,203,178.50 $ 2,007,719.08 $ 9,210,897.58 $ 331,211.72 333,598.33 468,718.41 $ 10,344,426.04 A summary of the disbursements is attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cap Sheet for September 7, 2023 2. Check Register for August 3, 2023 3. Check Register for August 17, 2023 4. Check Register for August 31, 2023 5. Credit Card for August 3, 2023 6. Credit Card for August 31, 2023 Page 18 of 193 CHECK NUMBERS: 8/3/2023 8/17/2023 8/31/2023 Summary of Disbursements September 7, 2023 Computer Checks 82451-82523 Computer Checks 82528-82608 Computer Checks 82617-82697 WIRES: 1,443,359.90 CP2420181 CalPERS W072723 Municipal Water District W072723A Orange County Water District W080923 Southern Calif Edison Co. W081423 Southern Calif Gas Co. W081523 Municipal Water District W081623 Switch Ltd W081723 American Business Bank TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES PAYROLL NO. 15: Direct Deposits Payroll Taxes EFT -- CalPERS Third Party Checks 82443-82450 PAYROLL NO. 16: $ 1,443,359.90 $ 1,206,500.18 $ 1,325,083.79 $ 3,974,943.87 $ 820,444.00 344,007.15 3,454,522.20 243,489.61 78,650.49 284, 533.44 713.00 9,593.82 $ 5,235,953.71 $ 9,210,897.58 $ 202,349.99 53,071.76 51,985.20 23,804.77 $ 331,211.72 Direct Deposits $ 206,412.58 Payroll Taxes 54,371.99 EFT -- CalPERS 51,782.02 Third Party Checks 82524-82527 21,031.74 $ 333,598.33 PAYROLL NO. 17: Direct Deposits $ 293,121.72 Payroll Taxes 66,327.83 EFT -- CalPERS 78,796.23 Third Party Checks 82609-82616 30,472.63 $ 468,718.41 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 1,133,528.46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL $ 10,344,426.04 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Page 19 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 07/21/2023thru 08/03/2023 Check No. Date Vendor Name 82451 08/03/2023 ROBERT ESCOBAR 82452 08/03/2023 ROBERT COLLIER 82453 08/03/2023 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 82454 08/03/2023 BUILDING 7 PARTNERSHIP 82455 08/03/2023 LUCY FLEMING 82456 08/03/2023 JODIEIRWIN 82457 08/03/2023 PINNACLE INTL PROPERTY SERVICES 82458 08/03/2023 ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC. 82459 08/03/2023 TERRENO FEE ANA LLC 82460 08/03/2023 MAYYA MAGAY 82461 08/03/2023 HARVEST REALTY DEVELOPMENT 82462 08/03/2023 KATHY THOMPSON 82463 08/03/2023 HUY LE 82464 08/03/2023 AIRGAS INC 82465 08/03/2023 Albert A. Webb Associates 82466 08/03/2023 Amazon Capital Services 82467 08/03/2023 Aramark 82468 08/03/2023 Ariel Bacani 82469 08/03/2023 Backflow Apparatus & Valve Co., Inc 82470 08/03/2023 Big Ben Inc. 82471 08/03/2023 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 82472 08/03/2023 CalCard US Bank 82473 08/03/2023 CDW Government, Inc 82474 08/03/2023 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 82475 08/03/2023 City Of Placentia 82476 08/03/2023 City Of Yorba Linda 82477 08/03/2023 Coast Surveying, Inc. 82478 08/03/2023 Culligan of Santa Ana 82479 08/03/2023 Dick's Lock & Safe Inc. 82480 08/03/2023 Discount Tire Centers (Andonian Enterprises Inc.) 82481 08/03/2023 Don Wolf & Associates Inc. 82482 08/03/2023 Dean Criske Trucking 82483 08/03/2023 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 82484 08/03/2023 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 82485 08/03/2023 Factory Motor Parts 82486 08/03/2023 FedEx Office 82487 08/03/2023 FTP Today 82488 08/03/2023 Harrington Industrial 82489 08/03/2023 Hushmand Associates Inc 82490 08/03/2023 Industrial Hearing 82491 08/03/2023 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 82492 08/03/2023 Kizh Nation Resources Management 82493 08/03/2023 Konica Minolta Business 82494 08/03/2023 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 82495 08/03/2023 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 82496 08/03/2023 Minuteman Press 82497 08/03/2023 Municipal Water District 82498 08/03/2023 Murcal, Inc. 82499 08/03/2023 Govern mentJobs.com Inc. DBA NEOGOV 82500 08/03/2023 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 82501 08/03/2023 Phil's Arbor Care 82502 08/03/2023 Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. 82503 08/03/2023 Project Partners, Inc. 82504 08/03/2023 Psomas & Associates 82505 08/03/2023 Quinn Company 82506 08/03/2023 Resource Computer Solutions 82507 08/03/2023 RKI Engineering, LLC 82508 08/03/2023 R & S Automation Inc. 82509 08/03/2023 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 82510 08/03/2023 Schorr Metals, Inc. 82511 08/03/2023 Shaw HR Consulting 82512 08/03/2023 Shred Confidential, Inc. Amount Description 14.30 CUSTOMER REFUND 15.09 CUSTOMER REFUND 459.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 182.56 CUSTOMER REFUND 104.81 CUSTOMER REFUND 43.45 CUSTOMER REFUND 399.90 CUSTOMER REFUND 220.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 331.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 170.15 CUSTOMER REFUND 388.63 CUSTOMER REFUND 65.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 69.49 CUSTOMER REFUND 201.79 WELDING SUPPLIES 1,407.50 J21-36 BNSF WATERLINE SERVICES JUNE 2023 2,590.55 IT & SEWER HARDWARE PARTS, SECURITY CAMERAS & WATER FILTERS 1,024.32 UNIFORM SERVICE 125.00 ACWA WATER SEMINAR REGISTRATION REIMBURSEMENT 1,183.63 BACKFLOW VALVE 544,701.50 J21-36 BNSF WATERLINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,848.00 WEED ABATEMENT AT VARIOUS SITES 35,280.71 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS -JUNE 2023 348.10 PRINTER FOR IT 23,138.06 ELECTRICAL CHARGES JUNE 2023 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 192,800.00 FY 21/22 ANNUAL PAVEMENT PRESERVATION PROJECT 232,500.00 FY 21/22 ANNUAL PAVEMENT PRESERVATION PROJECT 1,647.00 J20 -63S MAIN STREET SEWER SERVICES JUNE 2023 9.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 173.14 SITE SERVICE CALLS & KEY COPIES 2,077.42 TIRES FOR UNITS #218 & 179 1,838.06 EMISSION TESTER SENSOR & SERVICE 2,522.43 ROAD MATERIAL 7,648.10 122-15 FY23 VALVE ADJUSTMENT MATERIALS, VALVE BOXES & SEWER LIDS 6,150.00 ICE TESTING FOR RICHFIELD 593.15 PARTS FOR UNIT #209 & 217, OIL FILTERS FOR MECHANIC SHOP 42.13 SHIPPING EXPENSE 4,158.00 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 14.58 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 19,032.00 109-22 WELL 22 SURGE TANK SERVICE & J21-36 BNSF WATERLINE SERVICE 1,100.00 HEARING TEST & TRAINING FOR STAFF 204.27 SENSORS FOR WELL ENGINES 10,551.96 J21-36 BNSF WATERLINE SERVICES JUNE 2023 1,600.75 COPY CHARGES & COPIER AGREEMENT 274.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JUNE 2023 208.55 TOOLS & REPAIR PARTS FOR PRODUCTION 679.78 DOOR NOTICES 24,420.00 123-21 WATER LOSS CONTROL SERVICES FY23/24 1,982.31 FUSES & SENSORS FOR WELL ENGINES 4,594.09 NEOGOV ANNUAL RENEWAL 6,310.73 FUEL 7/1/23-7/15/23 5,000.00 SPRINGVIEW & QUARTER HORSE WEED SERVICES 129.62 WELDING SUPPLIES 16,796.99 ENGINEERING SUPPORTSERVICES - DR 2,455.23 J21-36 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JUNE 2023 7,381.10 STATIONARY ENGINE PARTS 21,841.05 J23-12 BOX CANYON SECURITY PARTS, CAMERA SERVICE & IT CONSULTATION 19,880.00 J09-22 WELL 22 CONTROL SUPPORT & SCADA CONTROL SUPPORT 8,147.01 J23-18 WELL #20 GATE PARTS & MECHANIC SHOP DOOR REPAIR 949.74 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 263.37 MATERIAL FOR FACILITIES REPAIR 50.00 HR CONSULTING 79.88 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE Page 20 of 193 82513 08/03/2023 South Coast AQMD 82514 08/03/2023 Source 1 Environmental 82515 08/03/2023 Strad ling,Yocca,Carlson&Rauth 82516 08/03/2023 Sunrise Medical Group 82517 08/03/2023 United Industries 82518 08/03/2023 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 82519 08/03/2023 USA Blue Book 82520 08/03/2023 United Water Works, Inc. 82521 08/03/2023 YO Fire 82522 08/03/2023 ACWA/JPIA 82523 08/03/2023 ACWA/JPIA CP2420181 07/27/2023 CalPERS W072723 07/27/2023 Municipal Water District W072723A 07/27/2023 Orange County Water District 6,831.47 EMISSIONS FEES FOR HIGHLAND 18,096.00 SEWER PATCH KITS 1,263.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - BOND MATTERS 350.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 795.62 OPERATIONS PPE 5,159.75 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD-AUGUST 2023 866.66 HYDRANT OIL & D -CHLOR TABLETS 12,494.42 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 6,012.90 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 157,322.56 PROPERTY INSURANCE PREMIUM 7/1/23-6/30/24 10,747.00 CYBER LIABILITY PROGRAM 7/1/23-6/30/24 820,444.00 UAL FY23-24 PLAN 1171 344,007.15 ANNUAL RETAIL SERVICES FY23/24 3,454,522.20 REPLENISHMENT ASSESSMENT JANUARY -JUNE 202 6,062,333.25 Payroll Checks #15 202,349.99 53,071.76 51,985.20 748.87 1635.15 751.84 87.42 2732.74 200 17609.74 39.01 331,211.72 Page 21 of 193 07/20/2023 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 07/20/2023 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 07/20/2023 PAYROLL-CALPERS & TASC 82443 07/20/2023 Allstate 82444 07/20/2023 Ameritas 82445 07/20/2023 California State Disbursement Unit 82446 07/20/2023 Colonial Life 82447 07/20/2023 Lincoln Financial Group 82448 07/20/2023 Midland National 82449 07/20/2023 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 82450 07/20/2023 Reliance 6,831.47 EMISSIONS FEES FOR HIGHLAND 18,096.00 SEWER PATCH KITS 1,263.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - BOND MATTERS 350.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 795.62 OPERATIONS PPE 5,159.75 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD-AUGUST 2023 866.66 HYDRANT OIL & D -CHLOR TABLETS 12,494.42 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 6,012.90 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 157,322.56 PROPERTY INSURANCE PREMIUM 7/1/23-6/30/24 10,747.00 CYBER LIABILITY PROGRAM 7/1/23-6/30/24 820,444.00 UAL FY23-24 PLAN 1171 344,007.15 ANNUAL RETAIL SERVICES FY23/24 3,454,522.20 REPLENISHMENT ASSESSMENT JANUARY -JUNE 202 6,062,333.25 Payroll Checks #15 202,349.99 53,071.76 51,985.20 748.87 1635.15 751.84 87.42 2732.74 200 17609.74 39.01 331,211.72 Page 21 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 08/04/2023thru 08/17/2023 Check No. Date Vendor Name 82528 08/17/2023 CHRIS DUNAWAY 82529 08/17/2023 FIRST TEAM RE 82530 08/17/2023 SUITESPRO 82531 08/17/2023 TOTTY ENTERPRISES I, LLC 82532 08/17/2023 IDEAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC 82533 08/17/2023 KATHERINE KLUG 82534 08/17/2023 HQT HIGHLAND PLACENTIA 82535 08/17/2023 NARDEEN NICOLA 82536 08/17/2023 PATRICIA FUENTES 82537 08/17/2023 WHITE GLOVE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 82538 08/17/2023 ERIC CHANG 82539 08/17/2023 ACWA/JPIA 82540 08/17/2023 Amazon Capital Services 82541 08/17/2023 Aqua -Metric Sales Co. 82542 08/17/2023 Aramark 82543 08/17/2023 AT & T - Calnet3 82544 08/17/2023 BASE HILL INC. 82545 08/17/2023 Backflow Apparatus & Valve Co., Inc 82546 08/17/2023 Big Ben Inc. 82547 08/17/2023 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc. 82548 08/17/2023 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 82549 08/17/2023 Certified Sewer Inspection, LLC 82550 08/17/2023 CIPO CLOUD SOFTWARE INC 82551 08/17/2023 City Of Placentia 82552 08/17/2023 Griswold Industries dba Cla-Val Co. 82553 08/17/2023 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 82554 08/17/2023 Climatec, LLC 82555 08/17/2023 Communications Lab 82556 08/17/2023 Culligan of Santa Ana 82557 08/17/2023 C. Wells Pipeline 82558 08/17/2023 Dell Financial Services LLC 82559 08/17/2023 deRose Promos 82560 08/17/2023 Dion & Sons, Inc. 82561 08/17/2023 Discount Tire Centers (Andonian Enterprises Inc.; 82562 08/17/2023 Elite Equipment Inc 82563 08/17/2023 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. 82564 08/17/2023 Factory Motor Parts 82565 08/17/2023 FedEx Office 82566 08/17/2023 GCI Construction Inc. 82567 08/17/2023 Grainger 82568 08/17/2023 Haaker Equipment Co. 82569 08/17/2023 Infosend Inc. 82570 08/17/2023 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 82571 08/17/2023 Kidman Gagen Law 82572 08/17/2023 Kimball Midwest 82573 08/17/2023 Leighton Consulting, Inc. 82574 08/17/2023 MAGNATROL VALVE CORP 82575 08/17/2023 MAP Communications 82576 08/17/2023 Richard Mark Toy 82577 08/17/2023 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 82578 08/17/2023 Minuteman Press 82579 08/17/2023 Michael K. Nunley & Associates 82580 08/17/2023 Murcal, Inc. 82581 08/17/2023 NatPay Online Business Solutions 82582 08/17/2023 NATIONWIDE CARRIER SERVICE INC 82583 08/17/2023 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 82584 08/17/2023 North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 82585 08/17/2023 Orange County - HCA 82586 08/17/2023 Pacific Hydrotech Corporation 82587 08/17/2023 Pinsinc.com 82588 08/17/2023 Project Partners, Inc. Amount Description 154.27 CUSTOMER REFUND 394.25 CUSTOMER REFUND 153.84 CUSTOMER REFUND 735.94 CUSTOMER REFUND 803.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 21.39 CUSTOMER REFUND 1,726.39 CUSTOMER REFUND 49.89 CUSTOMER REFUND 125.74 CUSTOMER REFUND 352.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 3,129.24 CUSTOMER REFUND 128,442.21 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM SEPTEMBER 2023 33.04 WIRELESS CHARGERS 4,646.58 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 660.15 UNIFORM SERVICE 3,017.97 ATT CALNET 6,342.58 JANITORIAL SERVICES 204.56 BACKFLOW REPAIR KIT 325,911.22 J21-36 BNSF WATERLINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,518.85 METER LIDS 6,608.69 WEED ABATEMENT AT VARIOUS SITES & MONTHLY LANDSCAPE SERVICES 3,225.00 SEWER INSPECTION TRAINING - 3 ATTEND 700.00 CLOUD MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 8,843.43 SEWER COLLECTIONS -JULY 2023 4,426.13 VALVES & CLA VAL PARTS 1,500.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK 3,977.50 BUILDING 1 AC SERVICE & PUMP REPLACEMENT 5,000.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JULY 2023 2,207.10 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 2,257.37 HYDRANT & SERVICE REPAIR PARTS 2,946.15 IT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2,687.19 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 5,444.53 OIL FOR STATIONARY ENGINES 2,925.24 TIRES FOR UNITS #199 & 236, TIRE DISPOSAL 234.01 WATER OPERATIONS TOOLS 9,466.88 WATER QUALITY TESTING 355.13 PARTS FOR UNIT #211, OIL FILTERS FOR MECHANIC SHOP 44.36 SHIPPING EXPENSE 250,201.50 J22-48 MOUNTAIN VIEW WATERLINE REPLACEMENT SERVICES 3,052.35 COPPER FOR CLA VAL REPAIRS & ROTARY SURFACE CLEANER 726.52 REPAIR FOR UNIT#215 12,397.53 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 171.33 PARTS FOR UNIT #187 13,500.20 LEGAL SERVICES -JULY 2023 633.55 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 3,866.44 J20-37 TIMBER RIDGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6/23 856.37 VALVE FOR WELL#18 569.21 AFTER HOURS PHONE SERVICE 58.96 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 293.75 TOOLS & REPAIR PARTS FOR PRODUCTION 1,431.50 J23-395 FOG LAMINATIONS & BINDERS 1,166.48 J21-32 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JUNE 2023 2,934.00 ENGINE THROTTLE CONTROLLER 26.18 DOCULIVERY - JULY 2023 245.00 LICENSE PLATE FOR TRAILER 9,520.37 FUEL 7/16/23-7/31/23 510.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL 811.00 HAZMAT DISCLOSURES FY23/24 182,282.68 J20-37 TIMBER RIDGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 682.06 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 12,598.89 ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICES - DR Page 22 of 193 82589 08/17/2023 Pump Check Inc. 6,241.00 PUMP EFFICIENCY AND WATER METER TESTING 82590 08/17/2023 Quantum Automation 205.72 SCADA REPAIR MATERIALS 82591 08/17/2023 RKI Engineering, LLC 600.00 J20-37 TIMBER RIDGE CONTROL SUPPORT 82592 08/17/2023 Rod Repasky 729.52 CLAIM SETTLEMENT REIMBURSEMENT 82593 08/17/2023 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 527.00 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 82594 08/17/2023 Security Solutions 950.00 ANNUAL ALARM MONITORING 1/23-12/23 82595 08/17/2023 Shaw HR Consulting 680.00 HR CONSULTING 82596 08/17/2023 So Cal Sandbags Inc. 897.81 FILLED SANDBAGS 82597 08/17/2023 South Coast AQMD 11,584.04 EMISSIONS FEES FOR RICHFIELD 82598 08/17/2023 The Bee Man 195.00 COLONY ABATEMENT 82599 08/17/2023 Tom's Truck Center 65,888.23 NEW UNIT#247 82600 08/17/2023 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. 5,000.00 CONSULTING SERVICES - AUGUST 2023 82601 08/17/2023 Underground Service Alert 473.93 NEW TICKET CHARGES & CA STATE FEE 82602 08/17/2023 United Industries 1,083.55 OPERATIONS PPE 82603 08/17/2023 United Water Works, Inc. 19,183.83 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 82604 08/17/2023 4 Imprint Inc 608.40 CLIP ON BADGE HOLDERS 82605 08/17/2023 Vision Service Plan 2,308.35 VISION SERVICE PLAN - AUGUST 2023 82606 08/17/2023 West Coast Batteries Inc 490.73 BATTERY FOR UNIT #139 82607 08/17/2023 YO Fire 21,734.78 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 82608 08/17/2023 Zetroc Electric LLC 25,310.00 J23-20 WELL #10 ELECTRICAL WORK & FAIRMONT PUMP SERVICES W080923 08/09/2023 Southern Calif Edison Co. 243,489.61 ELECTRICITY CHARGES -JULY 2023 VARIOUS LOCATIONS W081423 08/14/2023 Southern Calif Gas Co. 78,650.49 GAS CHARGES - JULY 2023 VARIOUS LOCATIONS W081523 08/15/2023 Municipal Water District 284,533.44 WATER DELIVERIES -JUNE 2023 W081623 08/16/2023 Switch Ltd 713.00 DATA HOSTING CO -LOCATION W081723 08/17/2023 American Business Bank 9,593.82 PACIFIC HYDROTECH RETENTION ESCROW HOLDINGS 1,3Z5,43U.b4 Payroll Checks #16 333,598.33 Page 23 of 193 08/03/2023 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 206,412.58 08/03/2023 PAYROLL-PAYROLLTAX PAYMENT 54,371.99 08/03/2023 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 51,782.02 82524 08/03/2023 California State Disbursement 751.84 82525 08/03/2023 Colonial Life 87.42 82526 08/03/2023 Lincoln Financial Group 2732.74 82527 08/03/2023 Nationwide Retirement Solution 17459.74 333,598.33 Page 23 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 08/18/2023 thru 08/31/2023 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 82617 08/31/2023 KATHY BRAGG 66.13 CUSTOMER REFUND 82618 08/31/2023 QUEEN SWAY PROPERTY SERVICES 265.12 CUSTOMER REFUND 82619 08/31/2023 HECTOR ARROYO 219.13 CUSTOMER REFUND 82620 08/31/2023 LORENA KOLB 171.21 CUSTOMER REFUND 82621 08/31/2023 XIAOXUE MEI 74.93 CUSTOMER REFUND 82622 08/31/2023 SHEA HOMES, LP 1,646.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 82623 08/31/2023 INTEGRITY PLACE REALTY AND PROP MGMT 395.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 82624 08/31/2023 PASCAL & LUDWIG CONSTRUCTION 2,060.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 82625 08/31/2023 FABIO MELGAR 40.30 CUSTOMER REFUND 82626 08/31/2023 HAEYEON CHO 63.45 CUSTOMER REFUND 82627 08/31/2023 AIRGAS INC 233.62 WELDING SUPPLIES 82628 08/31/2023 Amazon Capital Services 1,209.78 OPERATIONS TOOLS, IT & OFFICE SUPPLIES 82629 08/31/2023 American Legal Publishing Corporation 1,746.19 2023 S-6 SUPPLEMENT PAGES 82630 08/31/2023 Annie Alexander 103.52 MEETING SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 82631 08/31/2023 Aqua -Metric Sales Co. 17,910.41 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 82632 08/31/2023 Aramark 506.69 UNIFORM SERVICE 82633 08/31/2023 AT & T - Calnet3 1,538.01 ATT CALNET 82634 08/31/2023 A & Y Asphalt Contractors Inc. 38,100.00 PAVING WORK AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 82635 08/31/2023 CalCard US Bank 29,750.43 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - AUGUST 2023 82636 08/31/2023 Carlos Murillo 60.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT 82637 08/31/2023 CDW Government, Inc 5,709.57 VMWARE KITS 82638 08/31/2023 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 85,319.80 ELECTRICAL CHARGES JULY 2023 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 82639 08/31/2023 Coast Surveying, Inc. 8,751.50 J23-24 CAMINO DE BRYANT SERVICES JULY 2023 82640 08/31/2023 Culligan of Santa Ana 9.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 82641 08/31/2023 C. Wells Pipeline 897.19 HYDRANT & SERVICE REPAIR PARTS 82642 08/31/2023 DCL America Inc. 32,503.00 PARTS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES 82643 08/31/2023 Dell Financial Services LLC 269.16 ACROBAT PRO 82644 08/31/2023 Dion & Sons, Inc. 7,397.40 OIL FOR STATIONARY ENGINES 82645 08/31/2023 Don Wolf & Associates Inc. 951.09 EMISSION TESTER SENSOR & SERVICE 82646 08/31/2023 E. H. Wachs Company 334.37 BATTERY REPLACEMENT - VALVES 82647 08/31/2023 Factory Motor Parts 2,942.05 PARTS FOR UNITS #200, 209, & 223 82648 08/31/2023 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc. 420.00 SERVICE WORK UNIT#180 82649 08/31/2023 Fieldman Rolapp & Associates 3,974.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JULY 2023 82650 08/31/2023 Fuller Truck Accessories 1,840.38 LIGHT BAR FOR UNIT #247 82651 08/31/2023 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 623.60 MARKING PAINT 82652 08/31/2023 General Pump Co., Inc. 155,032.29 J23-19 REPAIR OF WELL #20 82653 08/31/2023 G.M. Sager Construction Co., Inc. 52,500.00 PAVING & CONCRETE WORK AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 82654 08/31/2023 Grainger 41.47 TRAILER JACK FOR UNIT#211 82655 08/31/2023 G Saenger & Company, LLC 8,250.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - RECRUITMENT 82656 08/31/2023 Haaker Equipment Co. 1,567.75 PARTS FOR UNIT #241 82657 08/31/2023 Harrington Industrial 871.33 LANDSCAPE REPAIR PARTS 82659 08/31/2023 Hedrick Fire Protection 3,247.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM INSPECTIONS 82660 08/31/2023 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 27.30 PARTS FOR UNIT #203 82661 08/31/2023 John Decriscio 27.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 82662 08/31/2023 JPR Systems Inc. 963.00 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER SERVICE 82663 08/31/2023 Kimball Midwest 434.65 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 82664 08/31/2023 Kizh Nation Resources Management 4,747.20 J21-36 BNSF WATERLINE SERVICES JULY 2023 82665 08/31/2023 Konica Minolta Business 770.15 COPIER AGREEMENT 82666 08/31/2023 Lance, Soll & Lunghard LLP 4,096.00 J23-23 AUDIT SERVICES 82667 08/31/2023 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 3,589.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JULY 2023 82668 08/31/2023 Richard Mark Toy 96.94 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 82669 08/31/2023 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 465.40 TOOLS & REPAIR PARTS FOR PRODUCTION 82670 08/31/2023 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 7,791.03 FUEL 8/1/23-8/15/23 Page 24 of 193 82671 08/31/2023 Norm's Refrigeration & Ice Equipment 400.00 ICE MACHINE MAINTENANCE 82672 08/31/2023 North Bay Pensions, LLC 2,400.00 GASB 75 ACTUARIAL SERVICES 82673 08/31/2023 Office Solutions 62.64 OFFICE SUPPLIES 82674 08/31/2023 One Source Distributors, LLC 1,044.62 SCADA MATERIAL 82675 08/31/2023 Orange Coast Petroleum Equip. 2,726.08 OIL PUMP FOR UNIT #186 82676 08/31/2023 Orkin Pest Control 490.98 PEST CONTROL 82677 08/31/2023 Phil's Arbor Care 4,100.00 LANDSCAPE SERVICE AT VARIOUS SITES 82678 08/31/2023 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1,364.63 ROAD MATERIAL 82679 08/31/2023 Quinn Company 69,071.19 PARTS FOR WELL#7 REPAIR 82680 08/31/2023 REED SILVESTRI 185.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT 82681 08/31/2023 Resource Computer Solutions 2,760.00 SECURITY CAMERA CONFIGURATIONS 82682 08/31/2023 SafeliteAutoglass 529.99 WINDOW REPAIR FOR UNIT#221 82683 08/31/2023 Security Solutions 580.00 WELL #20 SITE SERVICE 82684 08/31/2023 Shred Confidential, Inc. 79.88 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE 82685 08/31/2023 SKC West, Inc. 112.65 PARTS FOR GAS DETECTORS 82686 08/31/2023 South Coast AQMD 2,500.69 EMISSIONS FEES 82687 08/31/2023 Stradling,Yocca,Carlson&Rauth 157.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - BOND MATTERS 82688 08/31/2023 T. E. Roberts, Inc 702,867.88 J21-46 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY WATERLINE SERVICE 82689 08/31/2023 United Industries 445.58 OPERATIONS PPE 82690 08/31/2023 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 6,239.95 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD - SEPTEMBER 2023 82691 08/31/2023 U S Bank 3,000.00 ADMIN FEES 7/1/23-6/30/24 82692 08/31/2023 United Water Works, Inc. 10,441.57 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 82693 08/31/2023 Vision Service Plan 2,393.20 VISION SERVICE PLAN - SEPTEMBER 2023 82694 08/31/2023 YO Fire 13,146.53 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 82695 08/31/2023 Yorba Linda Chamber 5,000.00 STATE OF THE CITY SPONSORSHIP 82697 08/31/2023 Health and Human Resource Center, Inc. 361.26 EAP -JULY, AUGUST, & SEPTEMBER 2023 1,325,083.79 468,718.41 Page 25 of 193 Payroll Checks #17 08/17/2023 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 293,121.72 08/17/2023 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 66,327.83 08/17/2023 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 78,796.23 82609 08/17/2023 Allstate 723.77 82610 08/17/2023 Ameritas 1,575.15 82611 08/17/2023 California State Disbursement Unit 751.84 82612 08/17/2023 Colonial Life 87.42 82613 08/17/2023 Lincoln Financial Group 3,630.44 82614 08/17/2023 Midland National 200.00 82615 08/17/2023 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 23,465.00 82616 08/17/2023 Reliance 39.01 468,718.41 Page 25 of 193 3 -Aug -23 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Vendor Name Amount Description Amazon Capital Services 129.72 EMPLOYEE SERVICE RECOGNITION & OFFICE SUPPLIES Certified Occupational Safety Specialist 2,299.00 SAFETY TRAINING COURSE - RAMIREZ, A Johnson Fitness & Wellness 1,669.05 GRANT FUNDED HEALTH EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Fleet Services, Inc 6.71 TRAILER REPAIR PARTS Tri State Seminar 396.00 ANNUAL SEMINAR REGISTRATION - 4 ATTEND South Point Hotel 1,320.60 LODGING - TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 4 ATTEND deRose Promos 48.94 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION NAMEPLATE Verizon Wireless 4,307.43 VERIZON 4/21-5/20 LA Van Rentals 479.74 VAN RENTAL FOR DISTRICT TOUR County of Orange 182.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 180.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 153.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 143.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 127.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Corner Bakery 84.95 INTERVIEW PANEL LUNCH Chevron 24.33 FUEL FOR RENTAL VAN County of Orange 193.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 212.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 174.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Home Depot 123.15 WELL #20 GATE MATERIALS MENDOCINO FARMS 143.20 LUNCH MEETING - 10 ATTEND California Newspaper Partnership 441.65 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING California Newspaper Partnership 475.61 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amazon Capital Services 56.66 OFFICE SUPPLIES Home Depot 206.90 WELL #20 ELECTRICAL PARTS UPS Freight 12.38 BOX FOR SHIPPING Home Depot 118.51 SOD FOR LANDSCAPE REPAIR BookFactory 336.62 RECORD BOOKS FOR ENGINEERING VONS 50.39 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Sticker Mule, LLC 87.28 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Sticker Mule, LLC 19.00 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS US POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) 9.48 POSTAGE - CERTIFIED MAIL HABIT BURGER GRILL 1,847.09 LUNCH FOR EMPLOYEE EVENT Costco 315.37 UTILITY SINK FOR FACILITIES SafetySign.com 44.97 SAFETY SIGN TOOLS Spectrum Enterprise 656.68 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES ZOOM 55.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Amazon Capital Services 109.80 EMPLOYEE EVENT & OFFICE SUPPLIES SMARTSHEET 9.00 MONTHLY SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Home Depot 281.96 GREEN CREST REPAIR MATERIAL KB Design 128.98 DISTRICT POLOS FOR STAFF RING INC (30.00) ANNUAL RING PLAN REFUND ARMA International 1,649.00 ARMA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - MILLEN, M Marriott Hotels 1,197.15 ARMA CONFERENCE LODGING - MILLEN, M ZOOM 15.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Southwest Airlines 485.97 TRAVEL - ARMA CONFERENCE - MILLEN, M Amazon Capital Services 19.56 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 26.22 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 452.34 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION Republic Services #676 649.49 DISPOSAL SERVICE Tri State Seminar 99.00 ANNUAL SEMINAR REGISTRATION - DECRISCIO,1 South Point Hotel 96.05 LODGING - TRI-STATE SEMINAR-JECRISCIO, J County of Orange 181.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 190.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Captus Press Inc. 180.00 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - ORTEGA, V Winix America 69.59 AIR FILTER REPLACEMENT Page 26 of 193 Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 355.00 SARBS SEMINAR REGISTRATION - 6 ATTEND Municipal Water District 140.00 WATER POLICY FORUM TABLE SPONSORSHIP County of Orange 175.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Costco 113.22 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT IN -N -OUT RESTAURANTS 60.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT SSL Guru 399.00 SECURITY CERTIFICATES Amazon Capital Services 25.93 OFFICE SUPPLIES 91 Express Lanes 30.00 EXPRESS LANE ACCOUNT REPLENISHMENT Bitwarden Inc. 180.00 PASSWORD PROGRAM CalPERS 449.00 EDUCATION FORUM REGISTRATION - LUGO, D Constant Contact 185.25 EMAIL SOFTWARE CalPERS 449.00 EDUCATION FORUM REGISTRATION - POWELL, M CalPERS 449.00 EDUCATION FORUM REGISTRATION - HOLLON, K Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 100.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - VALENZUELA, G Magic Jump Rentals OC 414.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Target 30.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Target 30.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Costco 696.80 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES & BATTERIES County of Orange 168.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 173.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL LA Van Rentals 479.74 VAN RENTAL FOR DISTRICT TOUR Farmer Boys 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Farmer Boys 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Tom's Place 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Tom's Place 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Tom's Place 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Tom's Place 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Tom's Place 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Tom's Place 15.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT VONS 133.12 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT Ralphs 63.95 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT County of Orange 204.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 191.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Walters Wholesale Electric Co. 28.58 FACILITIES ELECTRICAL PARTS Home Depot 25.80 SOD FOR LANDSCAPE REPAIR APPLE 0.99 OFFICE EXPENSE Marriott Hotels 209.67 LODGING - REGION 10 TOUR - TOY, M Thai Thai Restaurant 42.81 MEAL - REGION 10 TOUR - TOY, M County of Orange 120.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 120.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Home Depot 189.96 WATER OPERATIONS TOOLS & HARDWARE Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 100.00 COLLECTIONS 2 RENEWAL - ARAUJO, E ARMA International 100.00 ARMA SUMMER CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - MILLEN, M Del Taco 26.06 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT Home Depot 140.82 SERVICE REPAIR MATERIALS Home Depot 57.40 SERVICE REPAIR MATERIALS Farmer Boys 54.58 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING INVENTORY COUNT CDW Government, Inc 237.72 REPORT WRITER LICENSE Amazon Capital Services (40.94) EMPLOYEE EVENT SUPPLY RETURN ZOOM 15.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Spectrum Enterprise 231.21 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Buffer, Inc 24.00 SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS BACKGROUNDS ONLINE 83.50 NEW HIRE BACKGROUND CHECK Burt Process Equipment, Inc 1,170.51 PULSATION DAMPENER FOR PFAS PLANT FedEx Office 20.46 BOX FOR SHIPPING German Fusion 20.00 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING CITY EVENT German Fusion 50.60 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING CITY EVENT German Fusion 15.00 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING CITY EVENT Walters Wholesale Electric Co. 26.72 WELL #10 ELECTRICAL PARTS Home Depot 43.07 WATER SERVICE REPAIR PARTS Full Source 239.98 SAFETY VESTS FOR STAFF Page 27 of 193 Home Depot Spectrum Enterprise Spectrum Enterprise Constant Contact IN -N -OUT RESTAURANTS TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS LA Van Rentals Everblooming Floral & Gift 44.71 TOOLS FOR UNIT #246 232.18 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES 1,981.47 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES 215.65 EMAIL SOFTWARE 30.55 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT 80.00 SB998 TRANSLATION SERVICES 479.74 VAN RENTAL FOR DISTRICT TOUR 105.41 OFFICE EXPENSE 35,280.71 Page 28 of 193 31 -Aug -23 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Vendor Name Amount Description Chevron 35.97 FUEL FOR RENTAL VAN EI Farolito 107.19 EXECUTIVE STAFF MEETING - 5 ATTEND Home Depot 122.47 SEWER PIPE PATCH EQUIPMENT Ralphs 106.95 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION SUPPLIES Target 17.24 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION SUPPLIES County of Orange 172.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 166.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Home Depot 49.75 LANDSCAPE REPAIR MATERIAL County of Orange 144.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 518.40 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION Verizon Wireless 4,348.77 VERIZON 5/21-6/20 Farmer Boys 64.71 LUNCH MEETING - 4 ATTEND County of Orange 147.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 147.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 152.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL County of Orange 126.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Home Depot 160.83 FACILITY REPAIR & PAINT PARTS Ralphs 182.57 DISTRICT MEETING SUPPLIES Republic Services #676 649.49 DISPOSAL SERVICE Amazon Capital Services (23.10) EMPLOYEE EVENT SUPPLY RETURN Spectrum Enterprise 656.68 INTERNET & DISTRICTTV SERVICES Buffer, Inc 24.00 SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS Big Brand Water 136.15 WATER FILTERS - BUILDING 2 Burt Process Equipment, Inc 1,087.50 PULSATION DAMPENER FOR PFAS PLANT City Of Placentia 486.50 PERMIT FEE FOR PAVING ARMA International 100.00 ARMA SUMMER CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - ARAMBARRI, T ZOOM 55.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION SkillPath Seminars 2,394.00 STAR 12 RENEWAL - 6 MEMBERS SMARTSHEET 9.00 MONTHLY SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION The Art of Carving Ice, Inc. 110.03 ICE FOR EVENT The Art of Carving Ice, Inc. 226.60 ICE FOR EVENT Home Depot 30.61 TOOLS FOR UNIT #246 Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 221.00 CWEA MEMBERSHIP - VARIAN, A Corner Bakery 82.95 INTERVIEW PANEL LUNCH - 5 ATTEND ZOOM 15.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION STATION DONUT 52.50 SAFETY MEETING SUPPLIES SkillPath Seminars 399.00 STAR 12 RENEWAL - 1 MEMBER Farmer Boys 57.59 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT GSE 76 21.60 DRINKS FOR STAFF WORKING OT ARMA International 215.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL-ARAMBARRI, T Cal Society -Municipal Finance Officers 110.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL- LUGO, D & PHUONG, S Staples Business Advantage 79.14 SUPPLIES FOR FOG PROGRAM VONS 36.86 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT EVENT National Notary Association 797.95 NOTARY RENEWAL & TRAINING PACKET - ALEXANDER, A Home Depot 124.32 TOOLS FOR LEAK CREW Bitwarden Inc. 180.00 PASSWORD PROGRAM Home Depot 86.17 PRODUCTION TOOLS Costco 249.68 BREAKROOM & CLEANING SUPPLIES County of Orange 182.00 DISPOSAL OF OLD ROAD MATERIAL Home Depot 102.34 PUMP FOR ICE MACHINE Home Depot 416.45 BAGS OF CONCRETE APPLE 0.99 OFFICE EXPENSE Southwest Airlines 20.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE - TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRICIO, J Southwest Airlines 20.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE - TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRICIO, J Southwest Airlines 287.95 TRAVEL EXPENSE - TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRICIO, J ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECH 669.00 TOOLS FOR SEWER CREW Tom's Place 30.99 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT GSE 76 11.96 DRINKS FOR STAFF WORKING OT ZOOM 15.99 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Spectrum Enterprise 210.81 INTERNET & DISTRICTTV SERVICES Dunkin Donuts 14.49 STAFF MEETING SUPPLIES Amazon Capital Services 9.69 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES Bangkok Spice Thai 88.91 NEW HIRE LUNCH - 5 ATTEND Page 29 of 193 Embassy Suites Hotels 16.50 MEAL - NOTARY CLASS - ALEXANDER, A Marriott Hotels 635.50 LODGING - FIRO WORKSHOP -TOY, M L&L Hawaiin BBQ 14.49 MEAL- FIRO WORKSHOP -TOY, M Marriott Hotels 23.89 MEAL- FIRO WORKSHOP -TOY, M UBER 9.94 TRANSPORTATION - FIRO WORKSHOP - TOY, M FireHoseDirect 210.45 FIRE HOSE ADAPTER Apola Gyro Grill 83.34 ENGINEERING LUNCH MEETING - 5 ATTEND National Notary Association 418.71 NOTARY RENEWAL & TRAINING PACKET - MILLEN, M Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 600.00 FLSA CLASS REGISTRATION - POWELL, M Blackgold Golf Club 88.43 LUNCH MEETING - 3 ATTEND UBER 9.96 TRANSPORTATION - FIRO WORKSHOP - TOY, M UBER 9.94 TRANSPORTATION - FIRO WORKSHOP - TOY, M Dunkin Donuts 43.47 SAFETY MEETING SUPPLIES Adobe 54.99 SOFTWARE LICENSE Wise Guys Pizzeria 36.35 LUNCH MEETING - 3 ATTEND Marriott Hotels 28.11 MEAL- FIRO WORKSHOP -TOY, M UBER 9.94 TRANSPORTATION - FIRO WORKSHOP - TOY, M Costco 544.73 TV & MOUNT FOR PIO OFFICE Home Depot 64.63 VALVE REPAIR MATERIAL Full Source 128.05 POLO SHIRTS FOR STAFF Farmer Boys 30.78 FOOD FOR STAFF WORKING OT Spectrum Enterprise 232.18 INTERNET & DISTRICTTV SERVICES Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 625.00 BOARD SECRETARY CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - ALEXANDER, A Association of California Cities - Orange County 815.00 ACWA FALL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - DAVERT, D Association of California Cities - Orange County 815.00 ACWA FALL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION -TOY, M Spectrum Enterprise 1,981.47 INTERNET & DISTRICTTV SERVICES Home Depot 54.86 TOOLS FOR FOG PROGRAM South Point Hotel 15.12 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRISCIO, J South Point Hotel 24.59 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRISCIO, J Lyft 36.89 TRANSPORTATION -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRISCIO, J South Point Hotel 85.17 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 3 STAFF South Point Hotel 30.00 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 1 STAFF South Point Hotel 74.65 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 3 STAFF Orange County Water Assn. 30.00 OCWA EVENT REGISTRATION - WESTON United Airlines 377.80 TRAVEL - BOARD SECRETARY CONFERENCE - ALEXANDER, A Brown And Caldwell 200.00 JOB POSTING - SENIOR ENGINEER TRANSITTALENT.COM 175.00 JOB POSTING - SENIOR ENGINEER ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 675.00 JOB POSTING - SENIOR ENGINEER GovernmentJobs.com Inc. DBA NEOGOV 125.00 JOB POSTING - SENIOR ENGINEER South Point Hotel 60.02 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRISCIO, J South Point Hotel 23.40 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRISCIO, J South Point Hotel 77.48 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 2 STAFF Starbucks Store 70.91 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 4 STAFF South Point Hotel 74.86 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 3 STAFF Walters Wholesale Electric Co. 90.19 FUSE FOR A/C REPAIRS Amazon Capital Services 70.30 ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES Constant Contact 215.65 EMAIL SOFTWARE Home Depot 34.44 MATS FOR UNITS #175 & 223 Home Depot 105.47 TOOLS FOR UNIT #224 Home Depot 157.01 CLEANING SUPPLIES - WAREHOUSE South Point Hotel 27.84 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRISCIO, J JRTT AUTO SERVICE 150.00 DIAGNOSTIC FOR UNIT #209 Tony Romas 121.00 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 4 STAFF South Point Hotel 96.48 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 4 STAFF South Point Hotel 17.82 MEAL -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - 1 STAFF Amazon Capital Services 40.37 ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES Placentia Chamber Of Commerce 222.15 TASTE OF PLACENTIA WRISTBANDS Lyft 28.79 TRANSPORTATION -TRI-STATE SEMINAR - DECRISCIO, J Chili's 57.03 LUNCH MEETING - 2 ATTEND GSE 76 80.00 REFUEL FOR VEHICLE #227 The Art of Carving Ice, Inc. 970.67 ICE FOR EVENT 29,750.43 Page 30 of 193 ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager SUBJECT: Unaudited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023. SUMMARY: For the period, ending June 30, 2023, staff is presenting preliminary "unaudited" statements in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) format. We have included a Statement of Net Position, a Debt Service Ratio Calculation, a Consolidated Budget to Actual Statement, as well as the individual Water and Sewer Budget to Actual Statements. As reported in the Balance Sheet of the Statement of Net Assets, the District's Net Position reflects a positive result when compared to that of the same reporting period of the prior fiscal year by $25.8 million. This reportable net result is prominently due to the recording of the contributed PFAS Treatment Plant asset by Orange County Water District in the amount of approximately $24.6 million. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the Period Ending June 30, 2023, reflects an annual average decrease in customer consumption of approximately 9.6% as compared to prior year for the same reporting period. This is predominantly due to the extremely wet winter months for the reporting fiscal year. Total Variable Water Costs results reflect a 25.7% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The decrease in costs is reflective of the District's increased purchase of groundwater (year-end BPP of approximately 86%) to meet demand on the water system. With the issuance of the Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A and Series2022A the District covenanted "...to fix, prescribe and collect rates and charges for Water Service which will be at least sufficient to yield during each Fiscal Year, Net Revenues equal to 125% of the Debit Service for such Fiscal Year." To confirm the covenant is upheld, staff calculates the Debt Service Ratio quarterly and is received and filed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the preliminary "unaudited" Debt Service Ratio Calculation of the Water Enterprise for the Period Ending June 30, 2023, is being projected at 285%. ATTACHMENTS: Unaudited Financial Statements for Period Ended June 30, 2023 Page 31 of 193 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS June 30, 2023 (With June 30, 2022 Actuals for comparison only) ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents Investment Accounts receivable - water and sewer services Accrued interest receivable Prepaid expenses & other deposits Inventory TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs Right -To -Use Lease Asset Deferred Pension Plan Deferred OPEB Plan Capital assets: Non -depreciable Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable Accrued expenses Accrued Interest Payable Refunding Revenue Bond(s) - current portion Compensated absences Net OPEB Obligation Customer and construction deposits Deferred revenue TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue Compensated absences Net Pension Liability Net OPEB Liability Deferred Pension Plan Deferred OPEB Plan Deferred Inflow - Gain on Bond Deferred Inflow - Lease Liability Refunding Revenue Bond(s) Line of Credit TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS: June 2023 June 2022 50,369,322 $ 42,608,876 17,499,824 2,163,510 5,517,739 5,300,791 247,566 68,358 306,619 316,050 499,393 332,389 74,440,463 50,789,974 - 276,235 459,787 - 5,666,539 2,086,901 883,032 1,027,167 9,041,000 8,178,732 201,037,857 176,886,957 217,088,215 188,455,992 291,528,678 239,245,966 4,477,449 7,741,068 3,938,003 390,746 663,782 351,883 1,525,000 1,350,000 429,589 469,791 3,730 7,388 1,654,453 2,036,034 18,941 15,776 12,710,947 12,362,686 11,132,750 11,627,795 1,288,768 1,409,373 12,476,752 5,595,057 1,229,036 512,845 763,725 4,887,370 339,223 387,257 453,763 82,791 660,227 61,039,406 33,053,151 - 5,743,751 89,383,650 63,299,390 102,094,597 75,662,076 $ 189,434,081 $ 163,583,890 Page 32 of 193 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS June 30, 2023 (With June 30, 2022 Actuals for comparison only) OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales Sewer revenues Other operating revenues TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs Personnel services Supplies and services Depreciation and amortization TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes Investment income Interest expense Other nonoperating revenues Other nonoperating expenses TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, SPECIAL/EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S) CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS CHANGES IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END JUNE 30, 2023 June 2023 June 2022 $ 36,880,380 $ 38,495,864 3,453,202 3,204,395 1,320,177 1,311,233 41,653,759 43,011,492 (421,714) 15,308,429 20,603,386 10,348,229 10,176,469 8,100,694 6,295,001 9,030,118 7,998,664 42,787,470 45,073,520 (1,133,711) (2,062,028) 2,323,369 2,157,211 1,279,464 175,418 (2,408,426) (1,243,328) 926,917 104,310 (421,714) 68,144 1,699,610 1,261,755 565,899 (800,273) 26,085,042 289,612 26,650,941 (510,661) 162,783,140 164,094,551 $ 189,434,081 $ 163,583,890 Page 33 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Water Enterprise Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending June 30, 2023 (With June 30, 2022 for comparison purposes) Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) Water Revenue (CFC) Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating) FY23 YTD Debt Prior YTD PY Debt Actual (thru Service Actual (thru Service June 2023) Calculation June 2022) Calculation $ 14,291,852 $ 14,291,852 $ 15,861,493 $ 15,861,493 1,593,081 1,593,081 1,606,688 1,606,688 3,145,518 3,145,518 3,839,467 3,839,467 14,642, 515 14,642, 515 13,358,664 13,358,664 - - 889,401 889,401 3,207,415 3,207,415 2,940,151 2,940,151 1,221,675 1,221,675 1,123,730 1,123,730 38,102,056 38,102,056 39,619,594 39,619,594 Interest 1,089,075 1,089,075 139,232 139,232 Property Tax 2,323,368 2,323,368 2,157,212 2,157,212 Other Non -Operating Revenue 922,200 922,200 19,297 19,297 Total Non -Operating Revenue: 4,334,643 4,334,643 2,315,741 2,315,741 Total Revenue 42,436,699 42,436,699 41,935,335 41,935,335 Expenses (Operating) Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 15,308,427 15,308,427 20,603,386 20,603,386 Salary Related Expenses 8,782,893 9,612,511 8,734,290 8,676,222 Supplies & Services 7,007,763 7,007,763 5,308,754 5,308,754 Depreciation 7,516,299 - 6,505,509 - Total Operating Expenses 38,615,382 31,928,701 41,151,939 34,588,362 Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 2,408,429 - 1,243,328 - Other Expense 423,028 423,028 (86,850) (86,850) Total Non -Operating Expenses 2,831,457 423,028 1,156,478 (86,850) Total Expenses 41,446,839 32,351,729 42,308,417 34,501,512 Net Position Before Capital Contributions 989,860 10,084,970 (373,082) 7,433,823 Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - 25,668,906 - 176,963 - GASB 34 Compliant) Total Net Position 26,658,766 $ 10,084,970 $ (196,119) $ 7,433,823 DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues $ 10,084,970 $ 7,433,823 Debt Service $ 3,543,393 $ 2,733,381 % 285% 272% Page 34 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending June 30, 2023 (With June 30, 2022 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD June YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over June Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY23 FY23 FY23 FY23 YTD Budget FY22 June 2022) PY Actual $ PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $16,933,387 $16,933,387 $ 2,111,676 $14,291,852 $ (2,641,535) $ 2,251,433 $ 15,861,493 $ (1,569,641) -9.90% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,737,255 1,737,255 156,129 1,593,081 (144,174) 152,844 1,606,688 (13,607) -0.85% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 4,046,832 4,046,832 338,978 3,145,518 (901,314) 419,208 3,839,467 (693,949) -18.07% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 14,720,797 14,720,797 1,231,735 14,642,515 (78,282) 1,130,595 13,358,664 1,283,851 9.61% Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) - - 4,258,604 - - - 889,401 (889,401) -100.00% Property Taxes - CFC Charges 3,103,900 3,103,900 33,237 3,207,415 103,515 27,521 2,940,151 267,264 9.09% Sewer Charge Revenue 3,115,771 3,115,771 270,091 3,097,016 (18,755) 209,239 2,870,430 226,586 7.89% Locke Ranch Assessments 363,158 363,158 (1,160) 356,187 (6,971) 3,383 333,965 22,222 6.65% Other Operating Revenue 1,287,829 1,287,829 79,905 1,320,176 32,347 251,641 1,311,233 8,943 0.68% Total Operating Revenue: 45,308,929 45,308,929 4,220,591 41,653,760 (3,655,169) 4,445,864 43,011,492 (1,357,732) -3.16% Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest 106,925 106,925 287,372 1,279,465 1,172,540 70,118 175,418 1,104,047 629.38% Property Tax 2,095,000 2,095,000 58,173 2,323,368 228,368 47,465 2,157,211 166,157 7.70% Other Non -Operating Revenue 692,942 692,942 (307,532) 926,916 233,974 (428,798) 104,310 822,606 788.62% Total Non -Operating Revenue: 2,894,867 2,894,867 38,013 4,529,749 1,634,882 (311,215) 2,436,939 2,092,810 85.88% Total Revenue 48,203,796 48,203,796 4,258,604 46,183,509 (2,020,287) 4,134,649 45,448,431 735,078 1.62% Expenses (Operating): (22,596) Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Powe 17,686,074 17,686,074 1,462,172 15,308,427 (2,377,647) 1,483,641 20,603,386 (5,294,959) -25.70% Salary Related Expenses 13,231,809 13,231,809 113,205 10,348,227 (2,883,582) 287,105 10,176,469 171,758 1.69% Supplies & Services 9,258,295 9,258,295 1,239,982 8,100,695 (1,157,600) 704,817 6,295,002 1,805,693 28.68% Total Operating Expenses 40,176,178 40,176,178 2,815,359 33,757,349 (6,418,829) 2,475,563 37,074,857 (3,317,508) -8.95% Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 2,436,750 2,436,750 370,833 2,408,429 (28,321) 105,352 1,243,328 1,165,102 93.71% Other Expense 18,135 18,135 9,953 421,713 403,578 8,355 (68,144) 489,857 -718.86% Total Non -Operating Expenses: 2,454,885 2,454,885 380,786 2,830,142 375,257 113,707 1,175,184 1,654,959 140.83% Total Expenses 42,631,063 42,631,063 3,196,145.0 36,587,492 (6,043,572) 2,589,270 38,250,041 (1,662,550) -4.35% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 5,572,733 5,572,733 1,062,459 9,596,017 4,023,285 1,545,379 7,198,391 2,397,626 33.31% Capital Contributions (Non -Cash - - 606,056 26,085,042 26,085,042 - 289,612 25,795,430 8906.89% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 5,572,733 5,572,733 1,668,515 35,681,059 30,108,327 1,545,379 7,488,003 28,193,056 376.51% Depreciation & Amortization 9,500,000 9,500,000 761,369 9,030,118 (469,882) 656,008 7,998,664 1,031,454 12.90% Total Net Position $ (3,927,267) $ (3,927,267) $ 907,146 $26,650,941 $ 30,578,209 $ 889,371 $ (510,661) $ 27,161,602 -5318.91% Page 35 of 193 Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Water Revenue (Service Charge) Water Revenue (PFAS Impact Fee) Water Revenue (CFC) Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Property Tax Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Position Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Position Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending June 30, 2023 (With June 30, 2022 for comparison purposes) YTD Only Annual YTD June YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Actual June Actual (thru vs nCURBudget vs FY23 FY23 FY23 FY23 YTD Bud et FY22 June 2022) PY Actual $ PY Act $ 16,933,387 $16,933,387 $2,111,676 $ 14,291,852 $ (2,641,535) $ 2,251,433 $ 15,861,493 $ (1,569,641) -10% 1,737,255 $1,737,255 156,129 1,593,081 (144,174) 152,844 1,606,688 (13,607) -1% 4,046,832 $4,046,832 338,978 3,145,518 (901,314) 419,208 3,839,467 (693,949) -18% 14,720,797 14,720,797 1,231,735 14,642,515 (78,282) 1,130,595 13,358,664 1,283,851 10% - - - - 889,401 (889,401) -100% 3,103,900 3,103,900 33,237 3,207,415 103,515 27,521 2,940,151 267,265 9% 1,171,574 1,171,574 79,045 1,221,675 50,101 220,338 1,123,730 97,945 9% 41,713,745 41,713,745 3,950,800 38,102,056 (3,611,689) 4,201,939 39,619,594 (1,517,537) 4% 70,200 70,200 274,259 1,089,075 1,018,875 67,716 139,232 949,843 682% 2,095,000 2,095,000 58,173 2,323,368 228,368 47,465 2,157,212 166,156 8% 659,672 659,672 236,431 922,200 262,528 363,231 19,297 902,903 4679% 2,824,872 2,824,872 96,001 4,334,643 1,509,771 (248,050) 2,315,741 2,018,902 87% 44,538,617 44,538,617 4,046,801 42,436,699 2,101,918 3,953,889 41,935,335 501,365 1% 17,686,074 17,686,074 1,462,172 15,308,427 (2,377,647) 1,483,641 20,603,386 (5,294,959) -26% 11,359,392 11,359,392 134,081 8,782,893 (2,576,499) 228,687 8,734,290 48,603 1% 166,307 166,307 13,244 169,887 3,580 6,534 107,980 61,907 57% 541,358 541,358 75,742 605,225 63,867 37,244 535,695 69,530 13% 361,462 361,462 (36,220) 243,632 (117,830) 17,429 236,946 6,686 3% 82,932 82,932 6,096 77,331 (5,601) 6,313 83,143 (5,812) -7% 416,062 416,062 42,991 439,485 23,423 29,585 366,448 73,037 20% 116,450 116,450 - 76,675 (39,775) - - 76,675 0% 369,402 369,402 27,083 313,337 (56,065) 18,931 237,543 75,794 32% 2,313,020 2,313,020 133,572 1,155,193 (1,157,827) 75,843 820,121 335,072 41% 38,677 38,677 6,446 33,388 (5,289) 3,910 27,342 6,046 22% 1,122,055 1,122,055 576,490 1,390,046 267,991 231,334 1,105,699 284,347 26% 151,105 151,105 24,122 223,343 72,238 14,448 148,701 74,642 50% 35,956 35,956 6,343 40,215 4,259 5,227 32,448 7,767 24% 1,560,430 1,560,430 178,056 1,210,759 (349,671) 71,183 966,621 244,138 25% 69,748 69,748 9,926 34,140 (35,608) 5,901 29,149 4,991 17% 85,199 85,199 6,248 29,867 (55,332) 1,338 19,307 10,560 0% 8,500 8,500 (40) 22,287 13,787 (430) 14,700 7,587 52% 190,400 190,400 (81,268) 175,020 (15,380) 386 158,343 16,677 11% 473,350 473,350 64,885 767,933 294,583 50,927 418,567 349,367 83% 8,102,413 8,102,413 1,053,716 7,007,763 (1,094,650) 576,103 5,308,753 1,699,010 32% 37,147,879 37,147,879 2,649,969 31,099,083 (6,048,796) 2,288,431 34,646,429 (3,547,346) -10% 2,436,750 2,436,750 370,833 2,408,429 (28,321) 105,352 1,243,328 1,165,101 94% 12,350 12,350 16,449 423,028 410,678 5,984 86,850 509,878 -587% 2,449,100 2,449,100 387,282 2,831,457 382,357 111,336 1,156,478 1,674,979 145% 39,596,979 39,596,979 3,037,251 33,930,540 5,666,439 2,399,767 35,802,907 1,872,367 -5% 4,941,638 4,941,638 1,009,550 8,506,159 3,564,521 1,554,122 6,132,427 2,373,732 39% - - 606,056 25,668,906 25,668,906 - 176,963 25,491,943 17696300% 4,941,638 4,941,638 1,615,606 34,175,065 29,233,427 1,554,122 6,309,390 27,865,675 442% 8,005,000 8,005,000 636,216 7,516,299 (488,701) 530,627 6,505,509 1,010,790 16% $ (3,063,362) $ (3,063,362) $ 979,390 $ 26,658,766 $ 29,722,128 $ 1,023,495 $ (196,119) $ 26,854,885 -13693% Page 36 of 193 Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue Locke Ranch Assessments Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Position Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions (Non -Cash Transaction - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Position Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending June 30, 2023 (With June 30, 2022 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD June YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD -CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Actual June Actual (thru vs vs FY23 FY23 FY23 FY23 YTD Budget FY22 June 2022) PY Actual $ PY Actual " $ 3,115,771 $ 3,115,771 $270,091 $ 3,097,016 $ (18,755) $ 209,239 $ 2,870,431 $ 226,585 7.89% 363,158 363,158 (1,160) 356,187 (6,971) 3,383 333,965 22,222 6.65% 116,255 116,255 860 98,502 17,753 31,303 187,502 89,000 -47.47% 3,595,184 3,595,184 269,791 3,551,705 (43,479) 243,925 3,391,898 159,807 4.71% 36,725 36,725 13,113 190,389 153,664 2,402 36,185 154,204 426.15% 33,270 33,270 71,100 4,718 28,552 65,567 (63,165) 85,014 121,199 (80,296) 73,908 -94.45% 60.98% 69,995 69,995 (57,987) 195,107 125,112 3,665,179 3,665,179 211,804 3,746,812 81,633 180,760 3,513,097 233,715 6.65% 1,872,417 1,872,417 (20,875) 1,565,336 (307,081) 58,418 1,442,180 123,156 8.54% 26,693 26,693 2,242 22,285 (4,408) 758 18,871 3,414 18.09% 78,681 78,681 11,486 81,779 3,098 4,502 67,449 14,330 21.25% 55,152 55,152 7,215 55,525 373 2,673 38,179 17,346 45.43% 14,590 14,590 1,076 13,647 (943) 1,114 14,659 (1,012) -6.90% 51,928 51,928 5,897 50,236 (1,692) 3,668 34,807 15,429 44.33% 20,550 20,550 - 13,531 (7,019) - - 0.00% 65,188 65,188 4,779 55,292 (9,896) 3,341 41,921 13,371 31.90% 64,280 64,280 2,530 64,415 135 944 57,050 7,365 12.91% 6,823 6,823 368 5,123 (1,700) 696 4,818 305 6.33% 405,845 405,845 123,901 364,947 (40,898) 79,520 312,358 52,589 16.84% 60,195 60,195 3,515 71,353 11,158 662 57,725 13,628 23.61% 6,344 6,344 741 6,625 281 922 5,725 900 15.72% 168,330 168,330 14,669 137,672 (30,658) 17,443 204,131 (66,459) -32.56% 13,402 13,402 1,650 12,637 (765) 1,822 11,677 960 8.22% 17,581 17,581 470 4,805 (12,776) 1,163 3,322 1,483 44.64% 1,500 1,500 (73) 5,368 3,868 (117) 3,415 1,953 57.19% 33,600 33,600 2,899 27,842 (5,758) (125) 27,110 732 2.70% 65,200 65,200 2,901 99,850 34,650 9,728 83,031 16,819 20.26% 1,155,882 1,155,882 186,266 1,092,932 (62,950) 128,714 986,248 93,153 9.45% 3,028,299 3,028,299 165,391 2,658,268 (370,031) 187,132 2,428,428 216,309 8.91% 5,785 5,785 6,496 1,315 7,100 2,371 18,706 20,021 -107.03% 5,785 5,785 (6,496) (1,315) (7,100) 2,371 18,706 (20,021) (1) 3,034,084 3,034,084 158,895 2,656,953 377,131 189,503 2,447,134 209,819 8.57% 631,095 631,095 52,909 1,089,859 458,764 (8,743) 1,065,963 23,896 2.24% - - - 416,136 416,136 112,649 303,487 112,649 631,095 631,095 52,909 1,505,995 874,900 (8,743) 1,178,612 327,383 27.78% 1,495,000 1,495,000 125,153 1,513,821 18,821 125,381 1,493,154 20,667 1.38% $ (863,905) $ (863,905) $ (72,244) $ (7,826) $ 856,079 $ (134,124) $ (314,542) $ 306,716 97.51% Page 37 of 193 ITEM NO. 8.4. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager SUBJECT: Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ended July 31, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for the Period Ended July 31, 2023. BACKGROUND: The Cash and Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash and Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments by the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last seven years. The average portfolio yield for the month ended July 31, 2023 is 4.41 % The District's Total Cash and Investment balance as of July 31, 2023 resulted in an overall net decrease from that of June 30, 2023 by approximately $3.8 million. This decrease is predominantly due to a semi-annual Replenishment Assessment payment to Orange County Water District in an amount of $3.4 million and the annual payment to CalPERS of $820,444 for FY2024 Unfunded Accrued Liability Plan 1171 cost. ATTACHMENTS: Cash and Investment Reports for Period Ended July 31, 2023 Page 38 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report July 31, 2023 Market % Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account. $ 1,578,309 $ 1,578,309 Wells Fargo Bank $ 1,578,309 $ 1,578,309 2.45% Total 0.00% Depository Account $ 550,113 550,113 US Bank Depository Account (Lennar - Cielo Vista Dev) 2.35% $ 550,113 $ 550,113 0.85% 2.35% Money Market Accounts: $ 2,335,916 $ 2,335,916 US Bank (2017A & 2022A Revenue Bonds) 3.91% 4,458,594 4,458,594 US Bank (Money Market) 4.81% 17,660,153 17,660,153 CAMP (Liquidity Fund) 5.31% 1,242,338 1,242,338 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 5.04% $ 25,697,001 $ 25,697,001 39.89% Total 5.34% US Treasury Notes 1,354,166 1,360,000 US Treasury Note 8/31/2023 5.26% 1,343,455 1,355,000 US Treasury Note 9/30/2023 5.27% 1,126,103 1,140,000 US Treasury Note 10/31/2023 5.34% 885,582 900,000 US Treasury Note 11/30/2023 5.35% 377,693 385,000 US Treasury Note 12/31/2023 5.39% 369,199 375,000 US Treasury Note 1/31/2024 5.33% 559,404 570,000 US Treasury Note 2/29/2024 5.31% 738,956 755,000 US Treasury Note 3/31/2024 5.32% 771,936 800,000 US Treasury Note 7/31/2024 5.21% 770,720 800,000 US Treasury Note 8/31/2024 5.18% 790,184 800,000 US Treasury Note 9/30/2024 5.10% 791,128 800,000 US Treasury Note 10/31/2024 5.06% 801,835 810,000 US Treasury Note 11/30/2024 5.01% 799,276 810,000 US Treasury Note 12/31/2024 4.97% 802,620 815,000 US Treasury Note 1/31/2025 4.90% 803,893 810,000 US Treasury Note 2/28/2025 4.84% 794,432 810,000 US Treasury Note 3/31/2025 4.78% 756,756 785,000 US Treasury Note 4/30/2025 4.73% $ 14,637,337 $ 14,880,000 22.72% Total 5.13% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 21,962,212 $ 21,962,212 Local Agency Investment Fund 3.31% $ 21,962,212 $ 21,962,212 34.09% 3.31% $ 64,424,972 $ 64,667,635 100% Total Investments 4.41% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. [A wl� 1 --1 Delia Lugo, Finance Manager 7/31/23 Page 39 of 193 INVESTMENT BY CATEGORY BALANCES (AS OF 7-31-2023) ■ Checking Account: ■ Money Market Accounts: ■ US Treasury Notes: ■ Pooled Investment Accounts: ■ Depository Account Pooled Investment Accounts: 34.09% Depository Account_ 0.85% Checking Account: 2% Checking Account. Money Market Accounts: US Treasury Notes: Pooled Investment Accounts: Depository Account Total Money Market Accounts: 39.89% usury Note 3.67% $ 1,578,309 2.45% $ 25,697,001 39.89% $ 14,637,337 22.72% $ 21,962,212 34.09% $ 550,113 0.85% $ 64,424,972 100.00% Page 40 of 193 YLWD Cash & Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of July 2023: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2023 Yield Maturity July 4.41% 1 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest Monthly - July Year -to -Date 7/31/2022 7/31/2023 $ 14,387 $ 83,871 $ 14,387 $ 83,871 Budget 2022/2023 2023/2024 Interest Budget, July YTD $ 8,910 $ 82,900 Interest Budget, Annual $ 106,925 $ 994,800 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $64.4 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for current Bond transaction and PARS for the pension/OPEB transactions. The estimated number of Days in Cash, based on the preliminary unaudited statements, are 325 for the Un -Restricted Water Reserve and 787 for the Un -Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of July 31, 2023. Page 41 of 193 June 2023 %Alloc July 2023 %Alloc Fund Description Balance 6/30/2023 Balance 7/31/2023 Water Operating Reserve $ 22,629,460 48.19% $ 19,609,852 44.49% Water Emergency Reserve 7,523,970 16.02% 7,557,777 17.15% Water Capital Project Reserve 4,057,480 8.64% 4,091,822 9.28% MWD Contingency Reserve - 0.00% - 0.00% Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,366,506 9.30% 4,385,437 9.95% Un -Restricted Water Reserve Balance $ 38,577,417 $ 35,644,888 Conservation Reserve $ 108,764 0.23% $ 109,255 0.25% Employee Liability Reserve 317,791 0.68% 319,226 0.72% Restricted Reserve Balance $ 426,555 $ 428,481 Sewer Operating Reserve $ 3,668,596 7.81% $ 3,697,283 8.39% Sewer Emergency Reserve 2,033,848 4.33% 2,041,722 4.63% Sewer Capital Project Reserve 2,248,155 4.79% 2,268,586 5.15% Un -Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance $ 7,950,599 $ 8,007,591 Total Reserve Balances $ 46,954,571 100.00% $ 44,080,959 100.00% Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating 976,877 1,011,881 Sewer Operating 205,040 566,427 1,181,917 1,578,309 US Bank Held (Restricted) Rev. Bond 2017A -Principal & Interest 271 272 Rev. Bond 2022A - Acquisition & COI 18,342,203 16,972,981 Depository Account - Lennar - Cielo Vista Dev 550,111 550,113 Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted) 1,217,584 1,242,338 Total Cash and Investments $ 68,246,657 $ 64,424,972 Page 41 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2022A Activity Summary as of July 31, 2023 Date Description Amount 07/28/22 Beginning Balance $30,000,000 08/01/22 Requisition #1 Paydown Bank of America Revolving Line of Credit Subtotal of Bond Proceeds for YLWD CIP 85% Target Spenddown of Bond Proceeds for CIP by 7/28/2025 09/28/22 Requistion #2 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 10/27/22 Requistion #3 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 11/29/22 Requistion #4 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 01/27/23 Requistion #5 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 03/28/23 Requistion #6 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 04/26/23 Requistion #7 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 05/22/23 Requistion #8 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 06/26/23 Requistion #9 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs 07/31/23 Requistion #10 - Reimburse District for eligible construction costs Available Balance of Target Spenddown as of July 31, 2023 Revenue Bonds, Series 2022A Use of Funds to Meet 85% Spenddown Target by July 28, 2025 $7,534,2271 37% $13,083,585 63% Available Balance as of Reporting Date ■ Total Spenddown to Date ($5,743,751) $24,256,249 $20,617,812 ($2,725,606) ($391,170) ($201,714) ($167,104) ($849,529) ($121,844) ($1,125,195) ($496,613) ($1,455,452) $13,083,585 Page 42 of 193 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Summary for July 31, 2023 Transaction Date Description Water Operating Pension Water Sewer Operating Operating Sewer Operating ■ Beginning Balance as of 7/1/23 806,297.48 309,143.73 83,510.06 18,632.96 1,217,584.23 7/31/2023 Management Fees 7/31/2023 Investment Gain/(Loss) (383.70) 16,775.61 nor (147.11) 6,431.96 (39.74) 1,737.49 Aw 387.67 1,217,004.81 1,242,337.54 - (631,392.00) Total Distribution to YLWD $ (337,936.88) 1,242,337.54 Total Gain (or Loss) from Inception $ 211,328.71 98,550.51 309,879.22 Total Management Fees from Inception 1,242,337.54 (13,512.29) (38,398.80) Balance as of 7/31/2023 $ 907,897.20 $ 334,440.34 $ 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 1,242,337.54 Account Balance by Account Type 822,689.39 315,428.58 85,207.81 19,011.76 $ 1,242,337.54 66.22% 25.39% 6.86% 1.53% 100% Page 43 of 193 Pension OPEB Total Initial Contribution as of 12/28/2017 $ 247,599.00 - 247,599.00 Additional Contribution 6/26/19 $ 1,105,248.00 587,339.00 1,692,587.00 Total Contributions 1,940,186.00 Total Distribution to CaIPERS $ (631,392.00) - (631,392.00) Total Distribution to YLWD $ (337,936.88) (337,936.88) Total Gain (or Loss) from Inception $ 211,328.71 98,550.51 309,879.22 Total Management Fees from Inception (24,886.51) (13,512.29) (38,398.80) Balance as of 7/31/2023 $ 907,897.20 $ 334,440.34 $ 1,242,337.54 Page 43 of 193 ITEM NO. 8.5. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Keri Hollon, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT: Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors' and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022-23. ATTACHMENTS: 1. BOD & GM Summary for Q4 2023 2. BOD & GM Summary for YTD 2023 3. Travel & Expense Report Q4 2023 Page 44 of 193 BOARD/COMMITTEE MEETINGS OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD DIRECTOR FEES QTD MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD ASSISTANT GM EXPENSES QTD ASSISTANT GM TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES 4TH QUARTER REPORT FROM 04.01.23 TO 06-30.23 FY 23 HAWKINS MILLER DESROCHES LINDSEY BARBRE SUB -TOTAL TOY 5 8 8 10 8 39 9 19 18 17 22 85 14 27 26 27 30 124 $2,100 $4,050 $3,900 $4,050 $4,500 $18,600 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $22,500 $0 $1,449 $1,727 $128 $0 $3,304 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $5,000 $2,100 $5,499 $5,627 $4,178 $4,500 $21,904 DAVERT TOTAL 124 $18,600 $22,500 $3,304 $5,000 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $27,500 $27,500 $2,474 $2,474 $750 $750 $1,914 $1,914 $750 $750 $2,100 $5,499 $5,627 $4,178 $4,500 $21,904 $2,474 $1,914 $26,292 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $27,500 $750 $750 $29,000 Page 45 of 193 BOARD/COMMITTEE MEETINGS OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD DIRECTOR FEES QTD MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD ASSISTANT GM EXPENSES QTD ASSISTANT GM TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $22,000 $22,000 $9,167 $22,000 $22,000 $12,833 $110,000 $110,000 $6,472 $6,472 $3,000 $3,000 $2,725 $2,725 $3,000 $3,000 $8,905 $16,634 $8,753 $12,472 $13,353 $10,200 $70,317 $6,472 $2,725 $79,514 $22,000 $22,000 $9,167 $22,000 $22,000 $12,833 $110,000 $3,000 $3,000 $116,000 Page 46 of 193 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES YEAR-TO-DATE REPORT FROM 07-01-2022 TO 06-30-2023 FY 23 HAWKINS MILLER JONES DESROCHES LINDSEY BARBRE SUB -TOTAL TOY DAVERT TOTAL 21 31 14 28 30 15 139 38 70 34 43 57 53 295 59 101 48 71 87 68 434 434 $8,850 $15,150 $7,200 $10,650 $13,050 $10,200 $65,100 $65,100 $18,000 $18,000 $7,500 $18,000 $18,000 $10,500 $90,000 $90,000 $55 $1,484 $1,553 $1,822 $303 $0 $5,217 $5,217 $4,000 $4,000 $1,667 $4,000 $4,000 $2,333 $20,000 $20,000 $8,905 $16,634 $8,753 $12,472 $13,353 $10,200 $70,317 $70,317 $22,000 $22,000 $9,167 $22,000 $22,000 $12,833 $110,000 $110,000 $6,472 $6,472 $3,000 $3,000 $2,725 $2,725 $3,000 $3,000 $8,905 $16,634 $8,753 $12,472 $13,353 $10,200 $70,317 $6,472 $2,725 $79,514 $22,000 $22,000 $9,167 $22,000 $22,000 $12,833 $110,000 $3,000 $3,000 $116,000 Page 46 of 193 DIRECTOR'S 8: GENERAL MANAGER'S RECAP OF TRAVELICONFERENCE EXPENSES FOURTH QUARTER OF FY 23 APRIL -JUNE 2023 Role Name GL Date Trip Date Trip Name Trip Location Conference Event Travel Lodging Meal Grand Total Director DesRoches, Trudi 5/23/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 580.58 $ 580.58 5/24/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 650.00 $ 456.85 $ 40.00 $ 1,146.85 DesRoches, Trudi Total $ 650.00 $ 580.58 $ 456.85 $ 40.00 $ 1,727.43 Lindsey, Tom 4/30/2023 4/21/2023 ASCE Awards San Diego, CA $ 127.73 $ 127.73 Lindsey, Tom Total $ 127.73 $ 127.73 Miller, J Wayne 5/23/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 1,449.33 $ 1,449.33 Miller, J Wayne Total $ 1,449.33 $ 1,449.33 Director Total $ 650.00 $ 2,157.64 $ 456.85 $ 40.00 $ 3,304.49 General Manager Toy, Mark 4/18/2023 3/23/2023 ACWA Legislative Symposium Sacramento, CA $ 69.87 $ 69.87 4/18/2023 5/23/2023 AAWRE Diplomat Ceremony Henderson, NV $ 136.80 $ 136.80 5/23/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 644.74 $ 644.74 6/26/2023 5/23/2023 AAWRE Diplomat Ceremony Henderson, NV $ 101.42 $ 36.41 $ 137.83 6/26/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 1,172.43 $ 1,172.43 6/26/2023 6/29/2023 ACWA Region 10 Program Oceanside, CA $ 60.00 $ 60.00 6/30/2023 6/29/2023 ACWA Region 10 Program Oceanside, CA $ 209.67 $ 42.81 $ 252.48 Toy, Mark Total $ 60.00 $ 171.29 $ 2,163.64 $ 79.22 $ 2,474.15 General Manager Total $ 60.00 $ 171.29 $ 2,163.64 $ 79.22 $ 2,474.15 Assistant General Manager Davert, Doug 4/18/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 815.00 $ 815.00 5/23/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 455.36 $ 455.36 5/24/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 20.00 $ 20.00 6/26/2023 5/9/23-5/11/23 ACWA Conference Monterey, CA $ 3.00 $ 620.20 $ 623.20 Davert, Doug Total $ 815.00 $ 478.36 $ 620.20 $ 1,913.56 Assistant General Manager Total $ 815.00 $ 478.36 $ 620.20 $ 1,913.56 Grand Total $ 1,465.00 $ 60.00 $ 2,807.29 $ 3,240.69 $ 119.22 $ 7,692.20 Page 47 of 193 ITEM NO. 8.6. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Vivian Lim, Human Resources Analyst SUBJECT: Amendment to Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX amending the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for the remainder of Fiscal Years 2024-2025. BACKGROUND: The District's negotiating team successfully completed the meet and confer process with the Yorba Linda Water District Employees' Association (YLWDEA) and reached a tentative agreement for a new Memorandum of Understanding. Like prior years, the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees followed suit with the provisions that were negotiated between the District and the District's represented employees. One of those provisions was overlooked and not included in the last update to the Personnel Manual that was adopted on August 3, 2023. Under Section 7.05 Fatigue accommodation, the sentence "this section shall not apply to employees who are on standby duty" should be deleted to provide an equal benefit to all employees. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: On August 3, 2023, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2023-25 adopting the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2024-2025. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Section 7.05 - Unrepresented Personnel Manual - REDLINE 2. Resolution No. 2023 -XX - Amending Unrepresented Personnel Manual 3. Section 7.05 - Unrepresented Personnel Manual - FINAL Page 48 of 193 Section 7.05 — Fatiaue Accommodation The District provides Sr. Maintenance Worker, Sr. Mechanic, and Sr. Plant Operator classifications fatigue accommodation. In any instance where at the direction of a supervisor an employee works sixteen (16) or more hours during a 24 hour period of time, the employee shall be provided with ten (10) consecutive hours of non -work time before being compelled to commence a regularly scheduled shift or to commence other duties on behalf of the District. This seed,, shall net apply to employees who aro OR standby duty. In any instance where use of the ten (10) consecutive hour period results in the employee being excused from scheduled hours of work, the employee shall have said hours credited as compensable hours worked. In any instance where utilization of the ten (10) consecutive hour period would result in there being three (3) or less hours of scheduled work time remaining should the employee return to their work assignment, a department manager shall have discretion to relieve the affected employee of the obligation to report to the District for the remainder of the scheduled hours of work. Where the department manager exercises that discretion, the three (3) or less remaining hours of scheduled work shall be considered compensable hours worked. Section 7.06 — Meals During Emergency Service If an employee is required to remain at work for a minimum of two hours following the close of their regular workday for the purpose of performing emergency overtime work, the District shall provide that employee with an adequate meal. If an employee is called out to perform emergency overtime work during the morning hours of a regularly scheduled working day, the District shall provide that employee with an adequate meal if such overtime work continues past 0700 hours. If an employee is called out to perform emergency overtime work, the District shall provide an adequate meal at four- hour intervals during the performance of such overtime work. Meal time is considered working time and shall be compensated for at the appropriate rate of pay. The District shall not provide meals before, during or after any overtime work which is scheduled in advance. If the District is unable to provide the employee with a meal the employee is authorized to spend up to $20.00 to obtain a meal and shall be reimbursed upon provision to the District of a receipt. Section 7.07 — Rest Period An employee shall be granted one fifteen (15) minute rest period for each four (4) hours worked. The rest period shall be determined by the supervisor. Rest periods cannot be combined to extend the lunch period or shorten work hours. Section 7.08 — Standby Compensation A Sr. Maintenance Worker or Sr. Plant Operator assigned to standby duty for purposes of being on call to handle emergency situations arising at times other than normal scheduled working hours, and not as an extension of a regularly scheduled shift, Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 22 2023-2025 Page 49 of 193 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 -XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 7.05 OF THE PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2024-2025 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Personnel Manual (Manual) for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2024-2025 (Resolution No. 2023-25); and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend Section 7.05 - Fatigue Accommodation of the Manual to match the provisions provided to represented employees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: SECTION 1. Effective August 3, 2023, the following sentence shall be struck from Section 7.05 - Fatigue Accommodation in the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2024-2025: "This section shall not apply to employees who are on standby duty." PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of September 2023 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brett R. Barbre, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Resolution No. 2023 -XX Amending the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2024-2025 Page 50 of 193 Section 7.05 — Fatigue Accommodation The District provides Sr. Maintenance Worker, Sr. Mechanic, and Sr. Plant Operator classifications fatigue accommodation. In any instance where at the direction of a supervisor an employee works sixteen (16) or more hours during a 24 hour period of time, the employee shall be provided with ten (10) consecutive hours of non -work time before being compelled to commence a regularly scheduled shift or to commence other duties on behalf of the District. In any instance where use of the ten (10) consecutive hour period results in the employee being excused from scheduled hours of work, the employee shall have said hours credited as compensable hours worked. In any instance where utilization of the ten (10) consecutive hour period would result in there being three (3) or less hours of scheduled work time remaining should the employee return to their work assignment, a department manager shall have discretion to relieve the affected employee of the obligation to report to the District for the remainder of the scheduled hours of work. Where the department manager exercises that discretion, the three (3) or less remaining hours of scheduled work shall be considered compensable hours worked. Section 7.06 — Meals During Emergency Service If an employee is required to remain at work for a minimum of two hours following the close of their regular workday for the purpose of performing emergency overtime work, the District shall provide that employee with an adequate meal. If an employee is called out to perform emergency overtime work during the morning hours of a regularly scheduled working day, the District shall provide that employee with an adequate meal if such overtime work continues past 0700 hours. If an employee is called out to perform emergency overtime work, the District shall provide an adequate meal at four- hour intervals during the performance of such overtime work. Meal time is considered working time and shall be compensated for at the appropriate rate of pay. The District shall not provide meals before, during or after any overtime work which is scheduled in advance. If the District is unable to provide the employee with a meal the employee is authorized to spend up to $20.00 to obtain a meal and shall be reimbursed upon provision to the District of a receipt. Section 7.07 — Rest Period An employee shall be granted one fifteen (15) minute rest period for each four (4) hours worked. The rest period shall be determined by the supervisor. Rest periods cannot be combined to extend the lunch period or shorten work hours. Section 7.08 — Standby Compensation A Sr. Maintenance Worker or Sr. Plant Operator assigned to standby duty for purposes of being on call to handle emergency situations arising at times other than normal scheduled working hours, and not as an extension of a regularly scheduled shift, Unrepresented Employees Personnel Manual 22 2023-2025 Page 51 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACTS: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA REPORT September 7, 2023 Board of Directors Mark Toy, General Manager Vivian Lim, Human Resources Analyst Reject and Refer Claim from Junxia Yao ITEM NO. 8.7. That the Board of Directors reject the claim filed by Junxia Yao and refer it to ACWA-JPIA for further handling. BACKGROUND: On July 19, 2023, the District received a claim for damages filed by Junxia Yao stating she tripped over a road construction steel plate and fell face -first onto the steel plate. The claimant was transported by ambulance to the hospital. She presented photos of her injuries with the claim. Yunxia Yao is seeking an unknown amount for her injuries. Staff believes the contractor is responsible for this claim. Supporting documents related to the claim are on file and available for review in the office of the General Manager. Page 52 of 193 ITEM NO. 9.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Adrian Ayala, Assistant Engineer II SUBJECT: 5592 Grandview Avenue Sewer Connection Fees RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors determine the homeowner pay the quoted connection fee in the amount of $18,311 should he elect to connect to the District's sewer system. SUMMARY: Ray Sanchez, the property owner of 5592 Grandview Avenue, recently contacted the District to connect his property to the District's sewer system. Mr. Sanchez was provided with the District's fees of $18,311, which included the reduced frontage fee of $15,767 previously approved by the Board on May 28, 2009. Mr. Sanchez stated that the sewer connection fees were too high and asked the District to reduce these fees. Engineering staff conducted research and found documentation in the May 28, 2009 Board meeting minutes that Mr. Sanchez attended the meeting and expressed his satisfaction with the Board's decision to reduce the frontage fees. At the same meeting, the General Manager was asked if the cost estimate would remain the same should a property owner decide to connect to the sewer service in the future. The General Manager responded "that the cost estimate would not necessarily remain the same, but the frontage fee calculation would be fixed." Engineering staff contacted General Counsel regarding this issue and General Counsel concluded that the District should impose the frontage fee of $15,767 previously approved by the Board since "(1) such imposition will not cause the District to be reimbursed for more than the cost of the sewer project, (2) Mr. Sanchez has been on notice of the "fixed" frontage fee since the May 2009 Board meeting, and (3) the District is obligated to treat its customers the same under the constitutional right of equal protection." BACKGROUND: As early as 2004, the District held meetings with the property owners on Grandview Avenue and agreed to design and construct a sewer main extension to enable 10 properties to connect to the District's sewer system. Each property owner was requested to provide a deposit to the District for the design and project administration fees in the amount of $1,779, and 5 property owners elected to do so, including Mr. Sanchez (see attached sewer exhibit). The District then constructed the sewer; however, the cost of the sewer far exceeded the District's projected construction budget. On May 28, 2009, the Board approved "a one-time exemption to the District's Rules and Regulations for Sewer Page 53 of 193 Service" and reduced the frontage fee to be assessed to each property owner from $28,512 to $15,767. It was clarified that this reduced frontage fee would be in addition to the District's standard sewer connection fees at the time of connection. See attached May 28, 2009 Board Agenda and Board Meeting Minutes. In the May 28, 2009 Board meeting minutes, it was documented that "Ray Sanchez, resident, expressed his appreciation to the Board for their decision and stated that he was looking forward to sewer service. Mr. Sanchez also asked if the District would contact Orange County Sanitation to see if they would be willing to honor previously quoted permitting fees for participating homeowners. " Two property owners, 5551 Grandview Avenue and 5571 Grandview Avenue, connected to the sewer in 2009 and 2010, respectively, and paid all of the fees, including the Board approved $15,767 frontage fee. In 2018, the property owner of 5562 Grandview Avenue connected to the sewer system and paid all of the fees, including the $15,767 frontage fee. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: Summarized above. REVIEWED BY GENERAL COUNSEL: Yes ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2023-08-29 - Sewer Exhibit (J-2004-07) 2. 2009-05-28 - BOD Agenda Report (J-2004-07) 3. 2009-05-28 - BOD Meeting Minutes (J-2004-07) Page 54 of 193 VICINITY MAP Q / 5461 5522 5472 / 5521 �' Fli/i 5502 / 5532, 5502 / / ~ ` 5531 5552 / 5501 7 �r�/@� 5522 I �� 6 o C/ay i 5551 \ S �� 5521 O / \ 9 7g 0 5562 > / 5532 / 5512 / �• x.5561 ' 5531 • / 5552 F CGS ' f,5551 7R�RFSi STir,,4 ,�O�P 5551 / /O^ 5532 5579 \ Q < O - 5571 `10 A 55811 5565 5584 / QQ Ar f° 5553 G 9962 - ... h; 5601 I 18881'- 18996 r CID 5653 �� F ,�,'•' fin. 56,63 O 5642 , 5662 LEGEND r 71 CONNECTED TO SEWER NOT CONNECTED TO SEWER - PAID DESIGN & PROJECT ADMIN. FEES N r�E NOT CONNECTED TO SEWER - HAS NOT PAID DESIGN & PROJECT ADMIN. FEES s Page 55 of 193 Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT May 28, 2009 Board of Directors Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Scott Moulton, Consultant CEQA Compliance: Frontage Fees for Grandview Sewer Extension ITEM NO. 7.2 Yes $250,000 $285,000 Sewer Operating Fund 2012700 200407 Engineering Yes N/A The Grandview Sewer Extension, a District funded sewer construction project, was completed in 2007 at a cost considerably higher than was originally estimated in 2004. This project was one component of a much larger construction project, which included several sewer and water pipeline replacements and upgrades. The District realized an excellent cost savings overall in the combined projects. Five homeowners who had paid an initial deposit toward the design and administration costs of the Grandview Sewer Extension and were participating in the project initially, were disenfranchised at the higher construction costs and longer interested in paying to connect at the final costs incurred by the District. With the lack of voluntary participation in this project and in response to repeated requests by the property owners on Grandview that front this sewer, staff has identified options for cost recovery and prepared a recommendation for the Board's consideration. Once approved, the frontage fees for this project will establish the basis for invoicing one property owner that has connected without permission and will be billed for all fees that are past due. Furthermore, with stronger cost incentives, other property owners on Grandview Avenue may seek to connect to the sewer sooner, thereby reimbursing some of the District's costs for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize a one-time exemption to the District's Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service and establish an adjusted frontage fee charge for the Grandview Sewer Extension, in the amount of $15,767. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning -Engineering -Operations Committee discussed this item and recommends that the Board authorize the President and Secretary to approve a one-time exemption to the District's Page 56 of 193 Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service and set an adjusted frontage fee charge for the Grandview Sewer Extension at $15,767 for each of the 10 properties served. DISCUSSION: In 2007, the District constructed a 550 -foot extension of the sewer main in Grandview Avenue with lateral connections that can serve 10 properties. The construction cost of $285,121 was twice the estimate that was forecasted in February 2004. To get the project started, five homeowners deposited $1,779 each as their portion of the design and administration fee in January 2005, and the District covered the remaining cost in anticipation of future reimbursements. Exhibit A showing the project limits and the initial participants is attached. The homeowners that expressed interest in the project initially were no longer interested in connecting after construction was completed due to the substantially higher costs per connection. Both the construction and the other standard agency fees have risen considerably while property values have depreciated since the start of this project. Originally, five homeowners agreed to participate in the construction project in February 2004 when the estimate for construction was $12,555 each. Some homeowners continue to request that they be charged based on the original "estimated cost" of $12,555 per residence; however, this was never guaranteed by the District. Legal counsel has reviewed this matter and concluded there was no guarantee stated or implied regarding the final cost. The construction cost estimate was updated in January 2005 to $15,767 per resident when the initial design and administration fee deposits were collected from five residents confirming their participation in the project with the higher estimate of $15,767. Based on the final construction cost in 2007, the actual cost per residence would be $28,512 for the frontage fee portion of their connection charges. This fee includes the combined design, construction, inspection and administration costs for the project. In addition to a prorated share of the construction costs for the sewer main and for the property laterals within the public right of way, each property owner will incur additional expenses to permit their sewer connection and to abandon their existing septic systems. These include construction costs for the septic system abandonment and for the building lateral from the home or septic lines to the street connection point; other standard fees due YLWD; fees collected by other agencies including the Orange County Sanitation District and the City of Yorba Linda. Other than the standard YLWD fees, these other costs and fees are outside the District's control. Staff estimates these cost may be as high as $18,500 per connection. Concerning the construction cost for the sewer main, it is a sunk cost for the District since it has already paid for this capital improvement. However, until properties connect willingly or are forced to connect due to existing and/or future changes to our rules and regulations or their own site improvements, the District will not see any of this money reimbursed. The District has the authority to charge each resident their proportionate share of the full construction cost; however, it may be years until property values appreciate again to the point where these connection costs may be justified by property value appreciation. As an alternative, the cost per residence can be adjusted down closer in approximation to other recent sewer construction projects to provide incentives to connect. This could result in partial recovery of the construction cost sooner and partial settlement of outstanding issues with the property owners on Grandview. With this goal in mind staff presents the following options for consideration: Option 1 Actual Cost $28,512 Option 2 Adjusted Overhead Cost (Note 1) $25,020 Option 3 One-time Cost Adjustment (Note 2) $15,767 Page 57 of 193 Option 4 Buena Vista Cost (Note 3) $16,242 Option 5 Average Costs (Note 4) $14,616 (1) Adjusted Overhead Cost is the actual cost minus all contractor -based indirect overheads that are were charged to the project. This removes any debate that the allocation method used was higher because the project was lumped together with a much larger project in a high traffic area (i.e. Kellogg Drive Sewer Improvements). (2) One-time Costs Adjustment takes the estimated construction cost at the time participants willing placed a deposit down formally declaring their interest in the project, which was $15,767 each. (3) Buena Vista Cost assumes the cost is equal to the unit cost for a recent, nearby sewer project performed under similar traffic, site and neighborhood conditions. (4) Average Costs assumes the unit cost is equal to the average of the ten most recent sewer construction projects (This is our standard procedure for charging frontage fees on older sewer projects where costs for connections may have been substantially lower for participants that opted in at the time projects were initiated.) This would not apply to this project since the District completely funded the construction and this number is provided for reference. Staff recommends Option 3 as a viable settlement alternative. The recommendation presented is only applicable to the District's Frontage Fees for this project and does not affect other agency and connection costs that will also have to be borne by each resident. All options are shown in Exhibit B, which also highlights the estimated full cost to connect for each customer. Another issue related to this project is that one property owner on Grandview Avenue made an unpermitted connection to the new sewer without District approval in February 2007, and has never paid construction and connection fees that are due. This resident had initially expressed a participating interest in the project in 2004, but never paid their share of the design and administration deposit in 2005, and therefore was not a confirmed participant financially. Staff will invoice this property owner for all fees that are past due once the Board has approved a frontage fee for the project. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approved participation in the administration, design, financing and construction of the Grandview Avenue Sewer Extension and authorized the General Manager to execute a Consultants Agreement with Hall & Foreman, Inc. for engineering design, surveying and construction management services for this project, Job No. 0407 on March 25, 2004. The Board of Directors approved the Cast Iron Replacement Project, Job No. 0515 on June 8, 2006. The Cast Iron Replacement Project combined five projects including the Grandview Sewer Extension into one contract with Vido Artukovich & Sons. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Description: Type: Exhibit A Exhibit Exhibit B Exhibit Page 58 of 193 Page 59 of 193 NTq / / �, I �Fk 8„ / 5521 FLYNNIPATRICK F *40/ 5512 348-291 23 / PROJECT 0.271AC/ GRANGE RAYMOND / 348-371-01 BOUNDARY / 0.45 AC 5531 LARSON LEES / 348-291-24 / 0.27 AC 5551 - MAROVIC ANTHONY 348-291-25 0.27 AC 5571/// /GUNTHE 3291 /26/ :27 AG7/ ///5581 /// HOW,DENNI&E 348=291 27/ //0.29 AC�� 5601 FELGEMAKER WILLIAM J 348-291-28 0.38 AC PREPARED BY: EZ,F AMOf I Q'Q 7'1 'n'n / LOCATION MAP YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT El 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 (714) 701-3000 5532 HELFRICH JAMES R 348-371-02 0.46 AC 71=47 N LEGEND ` ® Participants Who Paid Design Fee Deposit 8" SEWER MAIN & LATERALS GRANDVIEW SEWER EXTENSION SCALE: NO SCALE DATE: 5/14/2009 FILENAME: J-0407 Costs assessed by other agencies, subject to change and variability depending on specifics of lot, and other issues outside of the control of YLWD. Page 61 of 193 EXHIBIT B GRANDVIEW SEWER COST ALTERNATIVES OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 OPTION 5 ADJUSTED ONE-TIME BUENA VISTA OVERHEAD ADJUSTED COST AVERAGE COST ACTUAL COSTS COST COST EQUILVALENT EQUIVALENT CONSTRUCTION COST $28,512 $25,020 $15,767 $16,242 $14,616 DESIGN COST $1,610 $1,610 $1,610 $1,610 $1,610 OTHER YLWD AVG ACRE $1,814 $1,814 $1,814 $1,814 $1,814 TOTAL $31,936 $28,444 $19,191 $19,666 $18,040 DISCOUNT OF CONSTRUCTION COST $0 $3,492 $12,745 $12,270 $13,896 DISCOUNT (%) $0 12% 45% 43% 49% Estimate of Other Costs $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 TOTAL $46,936 $43,444 $34,191 $34,666 $33,040 Costs assessed by other agencies, subject to change and variability depending on specifics of lot, and other issues outside of the control of YLWD. Page 61 of 193 7.2. Frontage Fees for Grandview Sewer Extension Mr. Conklin explained that staff was requesting a one-time exemption to the District's Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service for the District funded Grandview Sewer Extension project to help facilitate cost recovery. Approval of this request would also help establish a basis for invoicing one property owner who has connected to the sewer system without permission. Staff notified each of the affected property owners regarding this proposal and invited them to attend the meeting. Director Mills made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to authorize a one-time exemption to the District's Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service and establish an adjusted frontage fee charge for the Grandview Sewer Extension, in the amount of $15,767. Francine Felgemaker, resident, asked if the District would be willing to provide financing for homeowners who do not have the ability to pay for construction costs. Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that the District would be unable to provide financing for residents as the District already financed the project and there was no requirement for sewer service at this time. Ms. Felgemaker also asked if District homeowners would be required to connect to sewer service if their home was sold. Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that there was no such requirement at this time but the Board of Directors reviews and considers changes to the District's Rules and Regulations from time to time. Currently, if a homeowner were to plan site improvements that would require they improve or replace an existing septic tank, if the public sewer system is within 200 feet, they must connect to it and abandon their private septic system. Director Armstrong requested staff to investigate the possibility of requiring homeowners to connect to sewer service upon sale of a home. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that staff would provide information related to this request at a future Committee meeting and would include any other suggested changes to the District's sewer regulations. Director Armstrong commented that some value would be added to a home if it had sewer service versus a septic tank. Ray Sanchez, resident, expressed his appreciation to the Board for their decision and stated that he was looking forward to sewer service. Mr. Sanchez also asked if the District would contact Orange County Sanitation to see if they would be willing to honor previously quoted permitting fees for participating homeowners. 3 Page 62 of 193 1 2009-070 Ms. Felgemaker stated that if the total cost of connecting to sewer service was $50,000, that same value would not be added to the home if sold. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that the Board's decision would take approximately $13,000 off the District's cost estimate for each participating homeowner. Ms. Felgemaker asked if the cost estimate would remain the same should homeowners decide not to connect to sewer service at this time. Mr. Vecchiarelli responded that the cost estimate would not necessarily remain the same, but the frontage fee calculation would be fixed. Other components of the fees may change from time to time as adopted by the Board of Directors. The motion was then approved 5-0 by the Board. Director Mills asked staff to contact Orange County Sanitation regarding Mr. Sanchez's request. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that staff would contact both Orange County Sanitation and the City of Yorba Linda to see what could be done for participating homeowners. Mr. Vecchiarelli further commented that the District had sought funding assistance for sewer projects but was unsuccessful. Staff planned to perform an update of the District's Sewer Master Plan as part of the 5 Year Plan. 7.3. 2009 Consumer Confidence Report Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that staff was requesting the Board to approve only the content of the report. Formatting of the report would be completed at a later time and would be similar to previous years. This years report will also include a section addressing the Boil Water Notice issued during the Freeway Complex Fire. Mr. de los Reyes then responded to questions from the Board regarding the content of the report. On a motion by Director Collett, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the 2009 Consumer Confidence Report for distribution to all District customers. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS 8.1. Wells Capital Investment Report for the 3rd Quarter of FY 2008109 Keith Khorey of Wells Capital Management, reviewed the District's Investment Performance Summary Report as provided in the agenda packets. Mr. Khorey also commented on Wells' current investment strategy for the District. .19 Page 63 of 193 ITEM NO. 9.2. Yorba Linda Water District MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACTS: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA REPORT September 7, 2023 Board of Directors Mark Toy, General Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager 2023 Update to Water Master Plan That the Board of Directors receive and file the 2023 Water Master Plan. SUMMARY: A primary objective of the 2023 Water Master Plan Update (Master Plan) was to identify those Capital Improvement Program projects and District initiatives that would improve operational efficiency, maximize the utilization of groundwater, and improve performance of the distribution system. A detailed listing of the recommended capital projects and a proposed 10 -Year Capital Improvement Program Budget is included in the Master Plan. The process of creating the Master Plan spanned a 12 -month period and involved ten workshops that engaged both engineering and operations staff. These workshops were instrumental in shaping the plan through collaborative discussions and insights. The Master Plan incorporates findings from multiple District and regional planning efforts, such as the 2018 Asset Management Plan and a draft Regional Housing Needs Assessment. The process also resulted in an updated hydraulic model that reflects current operations and will be utilized to analyze future projects and developments. Due to the sensitive information regarding the District's critical infrastructure in the District's Master Plan, the entire Master Plan is not included with the agenda packet and is exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act and the District's 2019 Resolution Regarding Disclosure of Critical Infrastructure Information. The 2023 Water Master Plan Executive Summary and presentation are attached. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: Yes Water Master Plan Budget: $374,663 Cost: $374,663 Job No: J-2021-32 BACKGROUND: The District last completed a Water Master Plan in 2005, which was an update to the previous plan Page 64 of 193 completed in 1978. To help identify and define an accurate capital improvement plan, an updated plan was required. In March 2022, staff released a Request for Proposals to provide a Water Master Plan Update and as -needed hydraulic modeling support. Following receipt of proposals and subsequent staff evaluation, MKN & Associates was selected by staff and recommended to the Board of Directors. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: At the June 14, 2022 Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved a Professional Services Agreement with MKN & Associates to prepare the Hydraulic Model and Water Master Plan. On June 9, 2005, the Board of Directors approved the 2005 Domestic Water System Master Plan. REVIEWED BY GENERAL COUNSEL: Yes STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G.1: Safe & Reliable Water and Sewer Service; G.3: Operational Effectiveness. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2023 Water Master Plan Executive Summary 2. Slide Deck - Water Master Plan Update Page 65 of 193 YoTba Linda Water District z _ 1� lorha 1-winda J� �h�ater Ui�tric. I I '010, F. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE Mkt� M K N 1 6 3 1 0 BAKE PARKWAY IRVINE, CA 9 2 6 1 8 T 7 1 4. 2 1 3. 9 7 5 8 Page 66 of 193 El- ®Yorba Linda Water District Introduction and Overview Yorba Linda Water District (District) is an independent special district providing waterand sewer services to residents and businesses. It was established in 1909 as the Yorba Linda Water Company. In 1959, it became the Yorba Linda County Water District through a resident vote. The service area initially covered 4,710 acres and served 1,412 connections. Over time, the District expanded due to annexations and transitioned into a suburban community. In November 1985, the Board of Directors, seeking a more accurate identification as an independent special district, dropped the "County" designation, thus officially changing the District's name to Yorba Linda Water District. The District has conducted various planning efforts, including a Water Facilities Master Plan in 1978, Water Master Plan in 2005, and an Asset Management Plan in 2018. These plans provided valuable input into the expansion, operation, maintenance, and financial planning of the District water system.. In 2022, the District retained Michael K. Nunley (MKN) to prepare a comprehensive update to the Water Master Plan (Master Plan). The Master Plan includes the following major focus areas: ♦ Introduction and Overview ♦ Distribution System Overview ♦ Land Use, Population and Future Growth ♦ Water System Evaluation ♦ Existing and Projected Water Demands ♦ Operational Analysis ♦ Water Supply Optimization ♦ Capital Improvement Plan 14,000 -acre service area OF YORRa 0 c.A ... . CITY,,rBREA 25,000+ meter Serving City of Yorba Linda and portions of connections Placentia, Brea, Anaheim and unincorporated Orange County Page 67 of 193 ]Water Yorba Linda District Existing and Future Water Demands Based on the District's production and consumption reports, as well as SCADA information, existing water demand conditions were established as follows: year- ly average day demand of 19,867 AFY or 17.7 MGD, maximum day demand of 24.1 MGD, and a peak hour demand of 45.2 MGD. MKN reviewed data from the 2020 Census, 2020 Urban Water Master Plan (UWMP), and 2021-2029 City of Yorba Linda Housing Element Cycle. Based on an evaluation of the service area population, major planned developments, limited infill development, and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) a future population of 78,419 was estimated within the District service area for the year 2045. This is an increase of 3.7% in service area population. MKN developed future per capita water demand factors based on predicted water use efficiency improvements from the District's 2020 UWMP. These factors were applied to future population projections based on future development types. This established future water demand conditions. Agricult Institut Governr so Ind Com Existing Customer Land Uses (Acres) VI -1-11111Y Residential, 136 Overall, an approximately 8.1% increase in annual water demand is predicted within the District service area through 2045. Anticipated Growth by Type (AFY) Existing Water Demands Annual Demand 19,867 AFY 'V1% llllllwp� 14 A sting (93 Cl (3%; Infill (3%) PD (1%) ADUs (<1 %E)E7 Page 68 of 193 ]Water Yorba Linda District Hydraulic Analysis b . op�RAN WAiEgq The District's existing hydraulic model was converted into G`,s / Bentley WaterCADf current infrastructure updated, operational°^ settings updated, and the model validated for accuracy. 25 MGD WTP 10 Groundwater 4 Imported Within the hydraulic model, scenarios were developed and Wells Water evaluated with a focus on the following performance areas: connections ♦ Storage ♦ Booster Pump Station (BPS) and Pressure Regulating Station (PRS) Capacity ♦ Fire Flow ce ♦ Water Age 20 Pressure 14 Reservoirs 12 Booster Zones Pump Stations ♦ System Optimization Based on the existing and future demand scenarios, the majority of the existing pressure zones are sufficient to meet the minimum pressure, maximum pressure, and velocity requirements as defined in the Master Plan. A total of 44 projects were identified to improve fire flow performance, and the following projects recommended to optimize the system: ♦ Zone 2 PRS Consolidation (abandon 3 PRS) ♦ Zone 2 to 3 BPS Increase (Yorba Linda / Lakeview) f Eliminate Use of Seasonal Valves ♦ Zone 3B / 4D Redundancy ♦ Fairmont BPS Piping Improvements ♦ Savi Ranch PRS MKN also modeled system -wide water age for existing demand conditions and verified facility operation using SCADA information. The District operates the water system in two modes of operation: low demand conditions (winter) delivering groundwater supplies only and high demand conditions (summer) delivering groundwater and imported water supplies. The water age analysis evaluated the system under these two conditions and found that during low demand conditions that various deadend water mains and the easterly pressure zones experience the highest water age. During high demand conditions with introduction of imported water supplies. Water age reduces significantly and the highest water age is limited to various deadend water mains. Page 69 of 193 U ]Water Yorba Linda District Water Supply Optimization As part of the Master Plan, MKN conducted an analysis for optimizing the District's primary water sources and to assess the feasibility of increasing groundwater production from the Orange County Groundwater Basin (OC Basin) in order to meet the Orange County Water District's (OCWD) basin pro- duction percentage (BPP) target of 85%. The ob- jective was to determine the potential for achieving higher groundwater utilization percentages, namely 85%, 90%, and 100%. This comprehensive analysis considered historical and future supply availability, demand, physical and regulatory constraints, operational strategies, required capital improvements, and associated costs for each utilization scenario. The total cost of improvements to reliably achieve 85% groundwater utilization is estimated at $14.7M and would achieve a payback of 13 years. MKN's evaluation focused on four key areas for meeting increased groundwater production 3 Pump Capacity 2: WTP Capacity Well Capacity ;�- 4 Operations Modifying supply delivery to maximize groundwater production in winter months will assist in meeting 85% groundwater production Groundwater Imported Water +Trailing GW % Monthly GW % 2500 7 t.94 • 100% r tx% 9. • • tN 90% • am nx •tax etx eb% 86% 2000 txx tax 80% 70% a^ 1500 60% — 16 50% E y 1000 40% 30% 500 20% 10% 0 0% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nay Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Page 70 of 193 ®Yorba Linda Water District Capital Improvement Plan Based on the evaluations and findings of the Master Plan effort and the District's existing Asset Management Plan, the CIP was prepared. The cost estimating approach assumed fully inclusive capitalization with costs derived from similar water utility projects adjusting for inflation, size, complexity, and location. Project prioritization was based on the following: ♦ Improves Groundwater Optimization (BPP) ♦ Enhances Fire Flow Reliability ♦ Improves System Redundancy + Implements Asset Management Plan Recommendations ♦ Improves System Pressures ♦ Project Located Within Fire Hazard Zone ♦ Number of Water Services Impacted Based on coordination with District engineering and operations staff, the recommended projects were identified. The proposed CIP allocates funds in proportions of 11 % for Optimization Proj- ects, 25% for BPP Improvement Projects, 26% for Fire Flow Improvement Projects, and 38% for Condition -Based Projects over the next 10 -year budgeting period. An annual breakdown and specific project sheets were created for each project. Implementing the CIP projects as suggested in the Master Plan plan enables the District to achieve 85% groundwater utilization reliably at the completion of FY 2026/27. Condition - Based (38%) $54.7M IV Optimization' CSP '(omprovement($16.2M/ (BPP &elatedojects25136.6M CIP Project Cost Summary £ $12.0 $10.0 0 v u $8.0 v a $6.0 $4.0 Q $2.0 ■ FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 24/25 25/26 26/27 27/28 28/29 29/30 30/31 31/32 32/33 33/34 Page 71 of 193 AEiER —--\ r-! ���Mq Legend 1,41 Y•.ti, YLWD Service Area Reservoir BPP Imps . Pump Station BPP Imps Existing Water System Reservoir Condition Imps ILI Pump Station Condition Imps rExisting Reservoir Reservoir Emergency Imps F—PS-11 Pump Station Optimization Imps Existing BPS O PRS Condition Imps Emergency Pipeline Imps Existing PRS Q PRS Optimization Imps Pipeline Condition Imps �00��� I � _ I� E3 PS PS / \ w` I i I I 1 '0 tj Ln — — — ---i-\ 4 i Z doe" -- i' 'ov �. PS400 7 ♦1 .CANYON ®Yorba Linda Water District Yorba Linda Water District Water Master Plan Update Capital Improvement Project Locations 1 inch = 3,600 feet m k.i Page 72 of 193 1,41 Y•.ti, _ t ®Yorba Linda Water District Yorba Linda Water District Water Master Plan Update Capital Improvement Project Locations 1 inch = 3,600 feet m k.i Page 72 of 193 Yorba Linda Water District 2023 Water Master Plan Presenter: Ryan Gallagher, PE - MKN Water Master Plan Overview Objective: Report Contents: ➢ Evaluate Infrastructure Needs Over 25- 1. Introduction and Overview Year Planning Period 2. Population and Growth ➢ Economic Evaluation of Current Water 3. Existing �'and Projected Demand Supply (Optimize BPP) ➢ Impacts from Future Demands 4. Supply Optimization ➢ Ensure System Reliability 5. Modeling & System Evaluation ➢ Operational Optimization , 6. Operational Analysis ➢ Deliver Capital Improvement Plan (CI 7. Capital Improvement Plan 040,11Z 2023 Water Master Plan September 2023 I F—I 0 I. 0 0 Ah 2018 Asset Management Plan 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update 2005 Water Master Plan 2023 Water Master Plan 2019 Strategic Plan 2020 Urban Water Management Plan mkm Page 3 Existing and Projected Water Demand Results Existing Water Demands Average 2019-2022 19,867 AF (Annual) 4M Existing Customer Categories (AF): ■ Single -Family Residential (SFR) Multiple -Family Residential (MFR) ■ Commercial, Industrial, Institutional (CII) ■ Landscape ■ Other (Includes Water Loss) Anticipated Growth 25 Year Planning Period 1,606 AF (Annual) Development Categories (AF): ■ Commercial, Industrial, Institutional ■Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Limited Infill Development ■ Major Planned Development ADUs (<1%) Projected Water Demands 2045 21,474 AF (Annual) C Existing Demand (93%) L Limited Infill Development () Major Planned Development (1%) Imported vs. Groundwater OCWD anticipates a long-term Basin Production Percentage (BPP) of 85% Historical and Forecasted BPP for YLWD (Source: OCWD) Forecaste d 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 23-24 24-25 25-26 27-28 )r 3 Pump Capacity 2 WTP Capacity Well Capacity or Operations MKN's water supply optimization evaluated four (4) key areas for meeting increased groundwater production of 85°°, 90°°, and 100°° utilization. 100% 95% Historical 90% an v 85% 80% 77% 77% 77% a� 75% a 70% 70% 70% M 0 v 65% O 60% 55% 50% 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 22-23 Fiscal Ye Forecaste d 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 23-24 24-25 25-26 27-28 )r 3 Pump Capacity 2 WTP Capacity Well Capacity or Operations MKN's water supply optimization evaluated four (4) key areas for meeting increased groundwater production of 85°°, 90°°, and 100°° utilization. BPP Economics F Every 1% of increased groundwater utilization will result in approximately lsoo $145,000 in savings per year up to BPP. 1600 1400 a 1200 N 1000 0 Groundwater Utilization Target Payback Period* U 800 85% 13 600 90% 22 400 100% 25 200 * Assumes BPP of 85% for 5 years, 90% for following 10 0 years and 100% after FY 2023/24 Projected Supply Unit Costs ■ RA ■ARA .BEA Purchased Water Pumping ■Treatment $820/AF Groundwater (Below BPP) $1550/AF Imported Water BPP Recommendations ■ MKN identified all projects necessary for 85%, 90%, and 100% groundwater utilization ■ Since the current BPP target is projected to be 85%, MKN recommends targeting 85% groundwater utilization and the following projects are needed: ■ Modify System Operations: New month-to- month strategy and elimination of seasonal valves ■ Improve Supply Reliability Construct Well 23 and one -additional well. Add VFDs to select wells for improved yield and efficiency. ■ Increase Flow Conveyance: Pump capacity upgrades at Yorba Linda BPS 2500 2000 Q 1500 C E v 0 1000 500 0 Example: New Month -to -Month Strategy for Existing Demand (Avg 2019-2022) 111111111111111111111111lGroundwater 1111111111111111111111111importeclWater tTrailing GW % Monthly GW 99% 99% 99% 90% 92% 92% 86% 80% • A . 82% 84/ 0 85% 86% 87% 87% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 100% 87% 90% �____. 86% 86% 80% 4% 70% 0 60% N 50% v 40% 3 30% o L 20% 10% 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Hydraulic Model Overview Converted the existing InfoWater model to WaterCAD and consolidated number ofpip es which will save the District approximately $50k Updated the model with recently completed np projects and planned development to reflect current conditions and evaluate future impacts 0 Validated and calibrated to match system behavior seen in SCADA data and ensure accuracy of results 10 -Year Model Software Cost Comparison $ 120,000 —InfoWater Unlimited (Current) $ 100,000 InfoWater Pro Annual Subscription _ WaterCAD Perpetual WaterCAD Annual Subscription $ 80,000 WaterCAD Montl CSS $ 60,000 $ 40,000 $ 20,000 $- 0 $ 85,400 $ 36,000 2 4 6 8 10 Time (Years) Previous Hydraulic Gradient Line (HGL) 16D: 150-- 1400' 1300' 1200' 1100' 1000' 900' 800' 700' 600'„ 500' 400' M 300' 200' ❑ 100' 1600' 1500' 1400' 1300' 1200' 1100' 1000' 900' 800' 700' 600' 500' 400' 300' 200' 100' Hidoe,F IN Ree'-: C - H'IrL: 111C ease::2s - - - - - -iN- g- - - - - - - - - - - - =s — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — HWL 1300' 12,Updated cHo—--------------------------------- Updated the Hydraulic Gradient Line (HGL) schematic to better reflect actual operation and improve staff knowledge transfer 1DDCr- - Li[tle Lanyon Reaarwir HWL: 1000' Adam.: o Y axing: No UluinnaEWY arktRMM=k ------------ Slauku11" ,1� maftiluFm -----------�-- Santiago Reeervoir ----------------1w — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Z10 I.) E-5988975 ' 1 e44 P -17N P:1T2M4 BryantR nee g R-69filITTS Hilden Hilb HNL' fi80' Eaze'.6N oar 1100 HV luau Baae:9T9' Yining: No CluamYOorae Rrae ar 11 a 92C' OJtd YG 11 — — -------- Bane: 8S0• — — — — — — GPYP14d0 - - — — rimT NG San[uga GAM'. ?SAO0 Yixing: No Ridge BPS 9 D D r -------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Gareenu- RaeervOir HHL: 180' T25 YG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpOalJlirl Nwrwi HYR: TAO' ----- Peed FrIO BPS ---- sPr NIO �------------ ..... — — Baeeg:. ---- --- Ylxiig: NP Fdlml Pnl ■-ing: No Bane: Tse• UluinnaEWY arktRMM=k ------------ Slauku11" ,1� maftiluFm 198YG YaINry'Yiew Raservur r r -----------�-- Santiago Reeervoir ----------------1w — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Z10 I.) E-5988975 ' 1 e44 P -17N P:1T2M4 BryantR nee g R-69filITTS Hilden Hilb HNL' fi80' Eaze'.6N oar 1100 HV luau Baae:9T9' Yining: No Re ervgr Ew ler Pump• ton(9P5)wN Pwm5"y T(b' — Valley View Ease: 61S — — r — 11 — — -------- --— 'KW T — — GPYP14d0 - - — — 1-, NG NG San[uga GAM'. ?SAO0 EmYganqIn—I,— Pte' 7W E: 59a R BPS rYaing`Ho Ione l 2bnel Gas W'kIn syn nn (��y1 VWV Pir—Rauung—Jon (Ht5) � {11 ..... GPM: ]108 Elk Y4NIrHin NOaFTOi Hva�Ter Fdlml Pnl Bane: Tse• 8D0' 198YG YaINry'Yiew Raservur r r Y6 r E: E33'm G0IJH50 FYGPaI(IYM 89NG Z10 I.) E-5988975 ' 1 e44 P -17N P:1T2M4 BryantR nee g R-69filITTS Hilden Hilb HNL' fi80' Eaze'.6N oar 1100 6A YG EINYONIadin Re ervgr Ew ler Pump• ton(9P5)wN Pwm5"y T(b' — Valley View Ease: 61S — — r — _ — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — Bpg g�p T — — GPYP14d0 - - — — - — — — - — — — — — — — — - GPYS 26� ng: — — - GPYPITSAL EmYganqIn—I,— Pte' 7W E: 59a R BPS rYaing`Ho Ione l 2bnel Gas W'kIn syn nn (��y1 VWV Pir—Rauung—Jon (Ht5) � umz � tures Ipnpa 2elpfi ..... GPM: ]108 i}I Fdlml Pnl 6ppp B-11YMT HNL:6755•T3 YG 2%YGER - — - — �'7-1- �g: NoFairmon[BPS{tl]P:9fi42 ] — — — — — — — — — — — — - --- 9H169 — — — — — — GPM: 9100 — — - — — — - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — e31G�BCG — — — — — — — 6w E146N5O 97�pees Feeder P-112NT (If P: B9#2 Lz,-9P3 Lakeriaw p: S1.4eT9 GPY: 5000 89YG Renermlr LT80.4 HVaL:520' (Pf nl B -a'. SAO' I LiOO P:02f55 n) 2: T18 (ACR1} IW Canyon 8 5DV N6 T — hal. .1, Yo — — — o-�m0 E: S1.. B: Si296i — — _ — — E: 6il!'at2 — — _ P.1— — — — — _ _ — — — — EW L 675[3/4 ----- - E ST2m63 �] P: 120M-1 High—'and Raa.. la (1F p: ?203(fi1E HWL: Re• Baas: Ad:" Miring: No "'—A----- YrrP� 6Pt 17031 — — — — — — —� Yorni Li isa BPB - - GPr:fi9sg - - eu _ P-199113 m m ¢u1=15' T BCUG E:21.'.YTI � — — Hignland B:3 P: �YB .F �� GPY: 18000 ROYt1l1®6 2W------ — — — — — -- — —T - 1R — —1R 7 — W — W ------------ ----------- TY Well1 WHIs —IT W&I1e W@II 12 "Ila W@II 19"' 24 rid 12' 1%A gpm 1250 gpm 900 gpm 1054 gpm 900 gpm 2000 gpm NN gpm 2910 gpm 2FA9 g - IDD' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Leflend unpa@A Wa&r Gannectim PFASWaIerT al-MPMW-P] Zg n1Or1 fim Re ervgr Ew ler Pump• ton(9P5)wN Pwm5"y --Well Ennuq x:ylOeronlEctian(E} { {1} NYnen of PRss or Es Impo Wali Pipelne Sye nn =-2one p�gmkn E-CusGxnm ENO'aAmin Fee[ Yilu,hrtJ P=CusGxnel Pn-um in P5l;lAaeMn} B='V'el Je par NmL(ADO)C PeaR Hoi' Baum IAHO) ngPm r YA�G r Booster Pump54aOan (EP5)'Iitll Badmp Genera8x' ..... EmYganqIn—I,— B Ihar Pump Smbn (EPS] with NaL13 Gas Plnp V Ione l 2bnel Gas W'kIn syn nn (��y1 VWV Pir—Rauung—Jon (Ht5) � umz � tures Ipnpa 2elpfi ..... u-,ftretuaars"rAbn — — — — 3w - - - - 2DD' Distribution System Evaluation Storage Additional storage at Lakeview and Chino Hills Reservoir recommended System Pressures 2 boundary modifications recommended to resolve low-pressure deficiencies Conveyance Additional flow capacity recommended at Box Canyon BPS C Distribution System 43 Pipeline Projects to improve system performance Water Age Results ■ Water age is the highest during 100% groundwater and improves when import connections are turned on ■ Higher water age in the following zones: ■ Zone 680 (313)* ■ Zone 991 (5L) ■ Zone 1133 (61D) ■ Zone 1160 (6A) ■ Zone 1165 (5U) ■ Zone 1300 (613) ■ Zone 1390 (6C) Example: 100% Groundwater 30 -Day Water Age .— Maximum Age � t -spay: "k iT 19 ZINE X25-30 Dara i XN,— e — I I T , F *MKN recommended an additional chlorine injection site at Box Canyon BPS to improve Iwater age of Zone 3B System Optimization Analysis MKN collaborated with District operators and engineers to identify 9 system optimization concepts in the updated model. Five of these projects were recommended for incorporation in the District's CIP: ■ Zone 2 PRS Consolidation ■ Zone 2 Pump Capacity Upgrades ■ System Redundancy to Zones 3B and 4D ■ Motor Operated Valves 0 Fairmont BPS Discharge Piping Improvements Example: System Redundancy Concept to Zones nd 4D .ie -S ZONE' fid. iONi — {CRi] _ 90% CANYON i gP$ IGE 1401 �eaa seo zfln a SJe7 120WED} {+p} LZ Palma P.R.$ / New tax { Ppeiine 520 ZONE 17i N&W Z*ne i Pi"I'm If �RR3 i Kiv yids fwY• }. 10 -Yr C I P Overview ■ Total Cost: $144.5 M ■ Average Annual Cost: $14.5 M ■ 71 projects identified and assigned as either a condition -based, optimization, fire flow, or BPP improvement project. ■ Current CIP, AMP and WMP considered ■ Escalation of 4% costs per year for inflation qqMMMF ■= Improves Groundwater Optimization 20% Fire Flow Improvement (% of Required Fire 25% Flow) Improves System Redundancy 15% Condition -Based 20% Pressure (PHD) 10% Project Located Within Fire Hazard Zone 5% Number of Water Services Impacted 5% AWWA's "Water Infrastructure Finance and Management: Principles and Practice" suggests budgeting 1% to 4% of total replacement value for annual projects. With YLWD's estimated $1.1 billion in assets, this equates to a range of approximately $11 million to $44 million per year. Optimization BPP Improvement () Condition -Based () ,e Flow Enhancement Projected CIP $18.0 j $16.0 V) o $14.0 E $12.0 V) $10.0 0 V $8.0 N ° $6.0 CL $4.0 < $2.0 $16.1 $15.9 $15.3 FY FY FY FY 24/25 25%26 26/27 27/28 1 $14.6 513.6 &,- a -i $13.6 FY FY FY FY FY 28/29 29/30 34/31 31/32 32/33 FY 33/34 Condition - Based (38%) $54.7M eImprove Optimization P(11°Io}CIP $16.2M a Thank You! Questions and Comments ITEM NO. 9.3. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Mark Toy, General Manager SUBJECT: Membership with CW3E Water Affiliates Group RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider joining the CW3E Water Affiliates Group as a member at the Associates Level for a contribution of $5,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: No Cost Estimate: $5,000 BACKGROUND: The District has received an invitation to become a member of the CW3E Water Affiliates Group which leads science -based Atmospheric River and Forecast -Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) efforts to optimize weather, climate, and water forecasts, providing water managers with tools to improve operations, increase water supplies, and promote public safety, all of which align with YLWD's mission. Membership would provide the District with an opportunity to inform research strategies on operational tools to support core water management services. Local participating agencies include Orange County Water District and Irvine Ranch Water District. Attached is an overview of the benefits of joining and levels of membership, for which staff would suggest the Board consider participation at the Associates Level for a contribution of $5,000. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: The Board of Directors routinely approves membership with various water industry associations. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G1 5B - Actively participate with existing water/sewer organizations on regulatory and emerging issues. ATTACHMENTS: WAG Benefit Overview and Membership Tiers Page 89 of 193 Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E)—­Water Affiliates Group Join other water leaders to shape strategies to advance understanding of atmospheric rivers and droughts and improve water management, mitigate flood risk, and increase water supply reliability. Along the West Coast, 40-60% of annual precipitation and nearly 8S% of flooding events are caused by atmospheric river (AR) storms. Federal policy now allows water managers to incorporate forecasted conditions into their water operations through updates to the Water Control Manuals. CW3E at Scripps Institution of Oceanography leads a variety of contemporary, science -based Atmospheric River and Forecast -Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) programs and projects to optimize weather, climate and water forecasts—providing water managers with practical tools to improve their operations, increase water supplies, and promote public safety. Membership represents an opportunity to guide research strategies on improved operational tools to support core water management services. CW3E Provides Actionable Information, Tools, and Technologies Water supply reliability Observations Flood management Forecasting GHG mitigation Decision Support Groundwater recharge Climate Outlooks: Months to Decades Public safety Hazard Assessment Why Join the Water Affiliates Group? • Get a seat at the table to share your perspective with CW3E to help tailor specific weather information for water managers for improved operations, increasing water supply while maintaining critical flood risk management • Connect with like-minded water leaders to share best practices in Forecast -Informed water operations • Affiliate your organization with the WAG community and CW3E at the forefront of innovations in water supply management for public safety and savings for ratepayers 2023 Water Affiliates Group Member and Community Events WAG Roundtable Meetings (Platinum/Founding) Fall and Spring LocationNirtual TBD Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Workshop Aug 1-3, 2023 LocationNirtual TBD Annual Membership Members receive tiered levels of access and visibility at CW3E Member and Community events with invitations to attend and present, as well as to receive quarterly newsletters. We continue to develop programming unique to WAG member interests and update the group regularly on new upcoming events. Membership supports WAG workshops and conferences, as well as education, outreach, and innovation at CW3E. Platinum Level — Contribution of $25,000+ • 2 invitations to participate in WAG Roundtable Meetings hosted by Scripps Institution of Oceanography • 2 invitations to Executive Briefings • 2 invitations to select CW3E programming • 2 invitations to Annual FIRO Workshop Page 90 of 193 Access to WAG Resource Hub website 3 copies of Atmospheric Rivers by Ralph, Dettinger, Rutz, and Waliser ($300 fair market value, one time allocation*) Gold Level — Contribution of $10,000 * 1 invitation to Annual FIRO Workshop * 1 invitation to select CW3E programming * Access to WAG Resource Hub website * 2 copies of Atmospheric Rivers by Ralph, Dettinger, Rutz, and Waliser ($200 fair market value, one time allocation*) Associates Level — Contribution of $5,000 * Option to additionally sponsor WAG Member and Community Events a la carte * 1 copy of Atmospheric Rivers by Ralph, Dettinger, Rutz, and Waliser ($100 fair market value, one time allocation*) *This portion of the contribution is non -tax deductible. Founding Members City of San Diego Public Utilities Department is actively pursuing ways to increase our water supplies and our options. Collaborating with the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes supports efforts to integrate the best available science and forecasting tools into water resource management and exemplifies the Department's proactive approach to safeguarding reliable water supplies. East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) is committed to providing reliable, high-quality drinking water and wastewater service through sustainable activities that avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects to the environment and the public. Sustainability and resilience are essential principles that guide the actions of EBMUD in meeting the needs of customers. Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District provides to the citizens living within its boundaries, the ability to control and manage the flood, storm, and surface and groundwater resources of the area so as to prevent damage, injury, and inconvenience; to conserve such waters for local, domestic and agricultural use; and to maximize the public use and benefit of the District's programs and infrastructure. Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) is dedicated to providing, conserving, and maximizing the efficient use and reuse of water and renewable resources to benefit their customers and to enhance the environment. IRWD manages its supply and demand with careful research and analysis regarding flow, diversions, climate, and customer demand and population estimates to ensure there will be adequate supply of clean, reliable water. Modesto Irrigation District (MID) provides electric, irrigation and domestic water services for its customers, delivering the highest value at the lowest cost possible through teamwork, technology, innovation and commitment. Orange County Water District's (OCWD) ability to reduce reliance on imported water depends on increasing capture of storm water released from Prado Dam. Current flood control manuals allow temporary capture of up to 20,000 acre-feet of water. With CW3E, advancing research observations for unique region -specific forecasts may permit Prado Dam to capture up to 30,000 acre-feet of water behind the dam and direct it to groundwater recharge. San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (SBVMWD) has led the effort to enhance groundwater storage throughout the upper Santa Ana River Watershed. As climate change influences the hydrologic cycle, water managers need to prepare for potentially extreme shifts in precipitation. By collaborating with CW3E, SBVMWD is preparing for maximum adaptation and resilience in the face of unknown future conditions. SBVMWD plans to collaborate with CW3E to assess Page 91 of 193 both risks and opportunities for various groundwater recharge projects and incorporate Forecast -Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) modeling into water resource planning. San Diego County Water Authority is working with CW3E to assess how better precipitation forecasts at a range of timescales can improve reservoir management in the San Diego region- maximizing local water supply and the reliability of water resources and improving the ability of water managers to make real-time decisions for managing limited water supplies. San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) depends on accurate weather forecasts to optimize management of water resources by meeting competing objectives including maximizing water supply, ensuring dam safety, environmental stewardship, green hydropower production and recreation. CW3E models and data products provide critical information for the management of the SFPUC reservoirs and dams. Salt River Project (SRP) was established in 1903 to coordinate the management of water supplies for shareholders of the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association in Arizona. Over the past 100+ years, SRP's expertise has grown into the conjunctive management of the 13,000 -square -mile Salt River and Verde River watersheds that produce SRP's surface water supplies; seven dams and reservoirs; more than 260 groundwater wells; three water -banking projects; and a vast electric generation, transmission and distribution system spanning multiple states to serve a 2,900 -square -mile electric and 37S -square -mile water service area in central Arizona. SRP strives to protect the water rights of its shareholder while also protecting the Salt and Verde river watersheds in a way that benefits all of those who depend on these rivers. This includes conducting research, working on watershed restoration efforts, and collaborating with water users and communities across the state. Sonoma Water (SW) is responsible for wholesale water supply, flood risk management, and wastewater management. Because these operations are significantly impacted by ARs, SW has partnered with CW3E to assist in various applied research programs and other programs to help mitigate such impacts. Specifically, SW is partnering with CW3E on leading the implementation of FIRO at Lake Mendocino resulting in several major deviations being approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers to save up to 11,650 acre feet of water annually. Turlock Irrigation District's (TID) ability to protect against flood events depends on being able to more accurately forecast large rain events. In both 2017 and 2019, CW3E models gave TID time to create space in the reservoir through pre -flood releases to minimize the effects of storms forecasted to hit the area. In 2018, a dry year, the accuracy of CW3E models to forecast extreme weather events gave TID confidence to hold on to 1x0,000 acre-feet of water that would have been released otherwise. Valley Water is committed to providing Silicon Valley safe, clean water for a healthy life, environment, and economy. Valley Water's vision is to be nationally recognized as a leading water resources management agency. Water Replenishment District (WRD) is the largest groundwater agency in the state of California, managing and protecting local groundwater resources for over four million residents. WRD's service area covers a 420 -square -mile region of southern Los Angeles County, the most populated county in the United States. The 43 cities in the service area, including a portion of the City of Los Angeles, use about 250,000 acre-feet (82 billion gallons) of groundwater annually which accounts for approximately half of the region's water supply. WRD ensures that a reliable supply of high-quality groundwater is available through the use of recycled water and stormwater capture. WRD is responsible for monitoring and testing groundwater throughout the region using effective management principles. Yuba Water Agency is dedicated to continuing to improve water supply management, especially reducing the risk of flood events. CW3E atmospheric river forecasting enhancements are being used to complement Yuba Water's plans to build a $22S million secondary spillway at New Bullards Bar Dam, to provide early reservoir flood releases. The combination of new infrastructure and forecasting improvements is increasing public safety for the Yuba -Feather and surrounding regions. Page 92 of 193 F. Martin Ralph, Ph.D. Vanessa Scott Director, Center for Western Weather & Water Corporate Relations & Innovation Extremes, mralph@ucsd.edu vscott@ucsd.edu Page 93 of 193 ITEM NO. 9.4. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager SUBJECT: Amendment to Fiscal Year 2023-24 Operating Budget RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX adopting the Amended Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Financial Summaries). SUMMARY: On June 1, 2023, the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 2023-13 Adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24. In the agenda reports for this Action Item 9.4, staff noted that the presented operating budget, specifically for the Salaries and Related Expenses budgeted amounts, may need to be updated in the future pending the results of the meet and confer process (labor negotiations) for a new Memorandum of Understanding and the Total Compensation Study. The Total Compensation Study Report prepared by Koff and Associates was presented at the Board Meeting held May 18, 2023 to be received and filed. At the direction of the Board, the results from the study were not to go into effect until labor negotiations had been successfully completed and brought before the Board for approval. The meet and confer process between the District's negotiating team and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association was successfully completed in the latter part of July 2023. At the August 3, 2023 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors adopted: (1) Resolution No. 2023 -XX adopting the Budgeted Positions, Job Classifications and Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2024; (2) Resolution No. 2023 -XX adopting the Memorandum of Understanding Between the District and the YLWD Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2024-2025; (3) and Resolution No. 2023 -XX adopting the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2024-2025 all with an effective date of July 1, 2023. Staff has updated the Salaries and Related Expenses Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 to include the results from the Total Compensation Study and Resolutions approved at the August 3, 2023 Board meeting. The fiscal impact on the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 is to recommend an increase of approximately $961,000. As a result, the budgeted Total Operating Expenses are projected to increase to $44,757,607 from $43,796,810 and the overall Net Position (Loss) on June 30, 2024 is projected to increase to ($1,209,705) from ($248,908). ATTACHMENTS: Page 94 of 193 Resolution No. 2023-XX - Adopting Amended FY23-24 Operating Budget FY2023-24 Amended Financial Summaries FY2023-24 Previously Adopted Financial Summaries Page 95 of 193 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 -XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE AMENDED OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2023-13 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District has prepared a one-year budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to adopt an Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24, and rescind Resolution No. 2023-13. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24, set forth in Exhibit "A" and attached hereto, is hereby approved and adopted. Section 2. That the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 is in full force and effect beginning July 1, 2023, and continuing until this Resolution is rescinded by the Board of Directors. Section 3. That Resolution No. 2023-13 is hereby rescinded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of September 2023 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brett R. Barbre, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Resolution No. 2023 -XX Adopting the Amended Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Page 96 of 193 Page 97 of 193 Operoling Blidgel for FY 202 -24 Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Service Charges Property Tax - CFC Charges PFAS Impact Fee Sewer Charge Revenue Sewer Parcel Assessments Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Property Tax Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Costs Water -Related Costs Fixed Costs Power -Related Costs Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total Salary Related Expenses Reduction for Capital Project Labor Salary Related Expenses Total Supplies & Services: Board Election Communications Contractual Services Data Processing District Activities, Emp Recognition Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Insurance Maintenance Materials* Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Expenses Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest Expense Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses Total Expenses Net Income Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions Net Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) *PFAS Treatment Plant O&M cost sharing with OCWD YL W Amended FY22 FY23 FY23 FY24 Actual Budget Projections Budget $ 15,861,493 $ 16,933,387 $ 14,756,075 $ 19,683,344 1,606,688 1,737,255 1,639,577 2,016,621 3,839,467 4,046,832 3,640,243 4,769,326 13,358,664 14,720,797 14,729,859 16,076,351 2,940,151 3,103,900 3,300,357 3,597,389 889,401 - - - 2,870,431 3,115,771 3,077,368 3,582,947 333,965 363,158 356,954 410,497 1,31 1,232 1,287,829 1,297,318 1,327,217 43,011,492 45,308,929 42,797,751 51,463,692 179,375 106,925 740,623 948,000 2,157,211 2,095,000 2,351,079 2,402,796 174,376 692,942 1,313,772 735,458 2,510,962 2,894,867 4,405,474 4,086,254 $ 45,522,454 $ 48,203,796 $ 47,203,225 $ 55,549,946 $ 17,635,438 $ 13,656,768 $ 11,046,823 $ 14,576,854 1,668,633 1,839,855 1,850,950 2,242,467 1,299,314 2,189,451 2,934,621 3,071,848 20,603,385 17,686,074 15,832,394 19,891,169 11,016,220 13,636,809 12,501,986 14,784,672 - (405,000) - (408,000) 11,016,220 13,231,809 12,501,986 14,376,672 - 137,000 90,206 - 126,854 193,000 195,555 240,240 601,462 620,039 651,993 721,531 275,125 416,614 402,790 539,950 32,157 45,500 49,406 68,495 97,803 97,522 93,536 125,625 396,274 467,990 457,431 499,300 279,465 434,590 379,300 485,000 1,418,058 1,527,900 1,819,170 2,044,400 886,544 2,377,300 1,302,394 2,468,792 206,427 211,300 231,502 328,100 38,173 42,300 42,936 47,550 1,170,752 1,728,760 1,721,583 1,569,770 40,829 83,150 51,819 75,893 22,631 102,780 45,880 104,720 18,114 10,000 25,000 15,000 185,453 224,000 382,874 400,000 501,601 538,550 701,372 755,400 6,297,722 9,258,295 8,644,747 10,489,766 37,917,327 40,176,178 36,979,127 44,757,607 1,249,313 2,436,750 2,092,379 2,604,419 21,141 18,135 391,555 18,625 1,270,454 2,454,885 2,483,934 2,623,044 $ 39,187,781 $ 42,631,063 $ 39,463,061 $ 47,380,651 6,334,673 $ 5,572,733 $ 7,740,164 $ 8,169,295 289,612 - 25,466,436 - 6,624,285 5,572,733 33,206,600 8,169,295 7,935,696 9,500,000 9,038,130 9,379,000 $ (1,311,411) $ (3,927,267) $ 24,168,470 $ (1,209,705) Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 98 of 193 Operoling Blidgei for H 2023-221, Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) Service Charges Property Taxes - CFC Charges PFAS Impact Fee Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest Property Taxes Other Non -Operating Revenue Total Non -Operating Revenue Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water -Related Costs Fixed Costs Power -Related Costs Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total Salary Related Expenses Reduction for Capital Project Labor Salary Related Expenses Total Supplies & Services Board Election Communications Contractual Services Data Processing District Activities, Emp Recognition Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Insurance Maintenance Materials* Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Expenses Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) *PFAS Treatment Plant O&M cost sharing with OCWD YL W Amended FY22 FY23 FY23 FY24 Actual Budget Projections Budget $ 15,861,493 $ 16,933,387 $ 14,756,075 $ 19,683,344 1,606,688 1,737,255 1,639,577 2,016,621 3,839,467 4,046,832 3,640,243 4,769,326 13,358,664 14,720,797 14,729,859 16,076,351 2,940,151 3,103,900 3,300,357 3,597,389 889,401 - - - 1,123,730 1,171,574 1,204,799 1,252,987 39,619,594 41,713,745 39,270,910 47,396,018 143,190 70,200 606,368 780,000 2,157,211 2,095,000 2,351,079 2,402,796 89,363 659,672 1,216,777 718,823 2,389,764 2,824,872 4,174,224 3,901,619 $ 42,009,358 $ 44,538,617 $ 43,445,134 $ 51,297,637 17,635,438 $ 13,656,768 $ 11,046,823 $ 14,576,854 1,668,633 1,839,855 1,850,950 2,242,467 1,299,314 2,189,451 2,934,621 3,071,848 20,603,385 17,686,074 15,832,394 19,891,169 9,230,304 11,703,642 10,481,360 12,523,1 19 - (344,250) - (367,200) 9,230,304 11,359,392 10,481,360 12,155,919 1,249,313 116,450 76,675 - 107,981 166,307 169,665 210,004 534,009 541,358 574,773 634,152 236,946 361,462 346,478 463,532 27,340 38,677 41,995 58,223 83,144 82,932 79,506 106,833 361,468 416,062 410,392 444,853 237,545 369,402 322,405 412,250 1,105,701 1,122,055 1,427,186 1,467,855 829,497 2,313,020 1,226,684 2,383,837 148,701 151,105 161,379 253,285 32,447 35,956 36,509 40,418 966,622 1,560,430 1,563,517 1,417,133 29,151 69,748 36,509 62,396 19,310 85,199 38,998 86,462 14,700 8,500 21,250 12,750 158,342 190,400 325,443 340,000 418,570 473,350 629,802 676,400 5,311,474 8,102,413 7,489,166 9,070,383 35,145,163 37,147,879 33,802,920 41,117,471 1,249,313 2,436,750 2,092,379 2,604,419 2,440 12,350 388,278 12,325 1,251,753 2,449,100 2,480,657 2,616,744 $ 36,396,916 $ 39,596,979 $ 36,283,577 $ 43,734,215 $ 5,612,442 $ 4,941,638 $ 7,161,557 $ 7,563,422 176,963 - 25,050,300 - 5,789,405 4,941,638 32,211,857 7,563,422 6,442,545 8,005,000 7,524,955 7,690,000 $ (653,140) $ (3,063,362) $ 24,686,902 $ (126,578) Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 99 of 193 �1�11`1`Jl'llj� !'Il)`J_f�j�?jfJ�� Operoling Budgefor H 2023-221, Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses Reduction for Capital Project Labor Salary Related Expenses Total Supplies & Services Board Election Communications Contractual Services Data Processing District Activities, Emp Recognition Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Insurance Maintenance Materials Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Expenses Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions Net Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) YL W Amended $ 1,785,916 $ 1,933,167 $ 2,020,626 $ 2,261,553 - (60,750) - (40,800) 1,785,916 1,872,417 2,020,626 2,220,753 - FY22 FY23 FY23 FY24 26,693 Actual Budget Projections Budget Revenue (Operating): 87,379 38,179 55,152 56,312 Sewer Charge Revenue $ 2,870,431 $ 3,115,771 $ 3,077,368 $ 3,582,947 Sewer Parcel Assessments (Locke Ranch) 333,965 363,158 356,954 410,497 Other Operating Revenue 187,502 116,255 92,519 74,230 Total Operating Revenue 3,391,898 3,595,184 3,526,841 4,067,674 Revenue (Non -Operating): 57,047 64,280 75,710 84,955 Interest 36,185 36,725 134,255 168,000 Other Non -Operating Revenue 85,013 33,270 96,995 16,635 Total Non -Operating Revenue 121,198 69,995 231,250 184,635 Total Revenue $ 3,513,096 $ 3,665,179 $ 3,758,091 $ 4,252,309 Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses Reduction for Capital Project Labor Salary Related Expenses Total Supplies & Services Board Election Communications Contractual Services Data Processing District Activities, Emp Recognition Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Insurance Maintenance Materials Non -Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Expenses Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non -Operating): Other Expense Total Non -Operating Expenses Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions Capital Contributions Net Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) YL W Amended $ 1,785,916 $ 1,933,167 $ 2,020,626 $ 2,261,553 - (60,750) - (40,800) 1,785,916 1,872,417 2,020,626 2,220,753 - 20,550 13,531 - 18,873 26,693 25,890 30,236 67,453 78,681 77,220 87,379 38,179 55,152 56,312 76,418 4,817 6,823 7,411 10,272 14,659 14,590 14,030 18,792 34,806 51,928 47,039 54,447 41,920 65,188 56,895 72,750 312,357 405,845 391,984 576,545 57,047 64,280 75,710 84,955 57,726 60,195 70,123 74,815 5,726 6,344 6,427 7,132 204,130 168,330 158,066 152,637 11,678 13,402 15,310 13,497 3,321 17,581 6,882 18,258 3,414 1,500 3,750 2,250 27,111 33,600 57,431 60,000 83,031 65,200 71,570 79,000 986,248 1,155,882 1,155,581 1,419,383 2,772,164 3,028,299 3,176,207 3,640,136 18,701 5,785 3,277 6,300 18,701 5,785 3,277 6,300 $ 2,790,865 $ 3,034,084 $ 3,179,484 $ 3,646,436 722,231 $ 631,095 $ 578,607 $ 605,873 112,649 - 416,136 - 834,880 631,095 994,743 605,873 1,493,151 1,495,000 1,513,175 1,689,000 $ (658,271) $ (863,905) $ (518,432) $ (1,083,127) Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 100 of 193 PROJECTS ® Amended Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 101 of 193 1 -Year CIP Schedule PROJECT COST FY2023-24 Planning & Design $ 400,000 Construction (Contract) 13,380,490 Project Management/Inspection 217,510 YLWD Capitalized Labor 408,000 ANNUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COST TOTAL 1 $ 14,406,000 PROJECT FUNDING FY2023-24 PAY -GO $ 1,461,405 Line of Credit - Debt Funded 12,944,595 ANNUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDING TOTAL $ 14,406,000 PROJECT NAME FY2023-24 BNSF Crossing -Veterans Way and S. Highland $ 1,336,061 Golden Ave Waterline 305,498 Hidden Hills BPS Upgrades 255,131 Imperial Waterline Improvement 2,938,333 Mountain View Waterline Replacement 598,938 PRS Rehabilitation Project *Based on AMP & Asset Scores 300,000 Timber Ridge BPS Pump Replacement 4,209,634 Waterline Replacement *Based on AMP & Leak History 2,600,000 Well 22 Equipping 5,000 Well Rehabilitation Project 396,000 Total Water CIP $ 12,944,595 Green Crest Lift Station Rehab $ 400,000 Main Street Sewer Replacement 552,530 Sewer System Rehabilitation and Replacement Project 508,875 Total Sewer CIP $ 1,461,405 CIP Total $ 14,406,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY FY2023-24 MWDSC & YLWD Heli -Hydrant $ 200,000 Vehicle Replacement 480,000 Security Improvements/Modifications 50,000 Outlay Total $ 730,000 ® Amended Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 102 of 193 P aYorba Linda Water District FINANCIAL SUMMARIES Net Income Before Capital Contributions 6,334,673 FY22 Actual FY23 Budget FY23 Projections FY24 Budget Revenue (Operating): 25,466,436 - Net Income Before Depreciation 6,624,285 5,572,733 Water Revenue (Residential) 15,861,493 16,933,387 14,756,075 19,683,344 Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,606,688 1,737,255 1,639,577 2,016,621 Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,839,467 4,046,832 3,640,243 4,769,326 Service Charges 13,358,664 14,720,797 14,729,859 16,076,351 Property Tax - CFC Charges 2,940,151 3,103,900 3,300,357 3,597,389 PFAS Impact Fee 889,401 - - - Sewer Charge Revenue 2,870,431 3,115,771 3,077,368 3,582,947 Sewer Parcel Assessments 333,965 363,158 356,954 410,497 Other Operating Revenue 1,31 1,232 1,287,829 1,297,318 1,327,217 Total Operating Revenue 43,011,492 45,308,929 42,797,751 51,463,692 Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest 179,375 106,925 740,623 948,000 Property Tax 2,157,211 2,095,000 2,351,079 2,402,796 Other Non -Operating Revenue 174,376 692,942 1,313,772 735,458 Total Non -Operating Revenue 2,510,962 2,894,867 4,405,474 4,086,254 Total Revenue 45,522,454 48,203,796 47,203,225 55,549,946 Expenses (Operating): Variable Costs Water -Related Costs 17,635,438 13,656,768 11,046,823 14,576,854 Fixed Costs 1,668,633 1,839,855 1,850,950 2,242,467 Power -Related Costs 1,299,314 2,189,451 2,934,621 3,071,848 Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 20,603,385 17,686,074 15,832,394 19,891,169 Salary Related Expenses 11,016,220 13,636,809 12,501,986 13,823,875 Reduction for Capital Project Labor - (405,000) - (408,000) Salary Related Expenses Total 11,016,220 13,231,809 12,501,986 13,415,875 Supplies & Services: Board Election - 137,000 90,206 - Communications 126,854 193,000 195,555 240,240 Contractual Services 601,462 620,039 651,993 721,531 Data Processing 275,125 416,614 402,790 539,950 District Activities, Emp Recognition 32,157 45,500 49,406 68,495 Dues & Memberships 97,803 97,522 93,536 125,625 Fees & Permits 396,274 467,990 457,431 499,300 Insurance 279,465 434,590 379,300 485,000 Maintenance 1,418,058 1,527,900 1,819,170 2,044,400 Materials* 886,544 2,377,300 1,302,394 2,468,792 Non -Capital Equipment 206,427 211,300 231,502 328,100 Office Expense 38,173 42,300 42,936 47,550 Professional Services 1,170,752 1,728,760 1,721,583 1,569,770 Training 40,829 83,150 51,819 75,893 Travel & Conferences 22,631 102,780 45,880 104,720 Uncollectible Accounts 18,114 10,000 25,000 15,000 Utilities 185,453 224,000 382,874 400,000 Vehicle Expenses 501,601 538,550 701,372 755,400 Supplies & Services Sub -Total 6,297,722 9,258,295 8,644,747 10,489,766 Total Operating Expenses 37,917,327 40,176,178 36,979,127 43,796,810 Expenses (Non -Operating): Interest Expense 1,249,313 2,436,750 2,092,379 2,604,419 Other Expense 21,141 18,135 391,555 18,625 Total Non -Operating Expenses 1,270,454 2,454,885 2,483,934 2,623,044 Total Expenses 39,187,781 42,631,063 39,463,061 46,419,854 Net Income Before Capital Contributions 6,334,673 5,572,733 7,740,164 9,130,092 Capital Contributions 289,612 - 25,466,436 - Net Income Before Depreciation 6,624,285 5,572,733 33,206,600 9,130,092 Depreciation 7,935,696 9,500,000 9,038,130 9,379,000 Income (Loss) (1,311,411) (3,927,267) 24,168,470 (248,908) *PFAS Treatment Plant O&M cost sharing with OCWD ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 104 of 193 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 2 Page 105 of 193 FY22 Actual FY23 Budget FY23 Projections FY24 Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) 15,861,493 16,933,387 14,756,075 19,683,344 Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,606,688 1,737,255 1,639,577 2,016,621 Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,839,467 4,046,832 3,640,243 4,769,326 Service Charges 13,358,664 14,720,797 14,729,859 16,076,351 Property Tax - CFC Charges 2,940,151 3,103,900 3,300,357 3,597,389 PFAS Impact Fee 889,401 - - - Other Operating Revenue 1,123,730 1,171,574 1,204,799 1,252,987 Total Operating Revenue 39,619,594 41,713,745 39,270,910 47,396,018 Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest 143,190 70,200 606,368 780,000 Property Taxes 2,157,211 2,095,000 2,351,079 2,402,796 Other Non -Operating Revenue 89,363 659,672 1,216,777 718,823 Total Non -Operating Revenue 2,389,764 2,824,872 4,174,224 3,901,619 Total Revenue 42,009,358 44,538,617 43,445,134 51,297,637 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water -Related Costs 17,635,438 13,656,768 11,046,823 14,576,854 Fixed Costs 1,668,633 1,839,855 1,850,950 2,242,467 Power -Related Costs 1,299,314 2,189,451 2,934,621 3,071,848 Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 20,603,385 17,686,074 15,832,394 19,891,169 Salary Related Expenses 9,230,304 11,703,642 10,481,360 11,488,469 Reduction for Capital Project Labor (344,250) (367,200) Salary Related Expenses Total 9,230,304 11,359,392 10,481,360 11,121,269 Supplies & Services Board Election - 116,450 76,675 - Communications 107,981 166,307 169,665 210,004 Contractual Services 534,009 541,358 574,773 634,152 Data Processing 236,946 361,462 346,478 463,532 District Activities, Emp Recognition 27,340 38,677 41,995 58,223 Dues & Memberships 83,144 82,932 79,506 106,833 Fees & Permits 361,468 416,062 410,392 444,853 Insurance 237,545 369,402 322,405 412,250 Maintenance 1,105,701 1,122,055 1,427,186 1,467,855 Materials* 829,497 2,313,020 1,226,684 2,383,837 Non -Capital Equipment 148,701 151,105 161,379 253,285 Office Expense 32,447 35,956 36,509 40,418 Professional Services 966,622 1,560,430 1,563,517 1,417,133 Training 29,151 69,748 36,509 62,396 Travel & Conferences 19,310 85,199 38,998 86,462 Uncollectible Accounts 14,700 8,500 21,250 12,750 Utilities 158,342 190,400 325,443 340,000 Vehicle Expenses 418,570 473,350 629,802 676,400 Supplies & Services Sub -Total 5,311,474 8,102,413 7,489,166 9,070,383 Total Operating Expenses 35,145,163 37,147,879 33,802,920 40,082,821 Expenses (Non -Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt 1,249,313 2,436,750 2,092,379 2,604,419 Other Expense 2,440 12,350 388,278 12,325 Total Non -Operating Expenses 1,251,753 2,449,100 2,480,657 2,616,744 Total Expenses 36,396,916 39,596,979 36,283,577 42,699,565 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 5,612,442 4,941,638 7,161,557 8,598,072 Capital Contributions 176,963 - 25,050,300 Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 5,789,405 4,941,638 32,211,857 8,598,072 Depreciation 6,442,545 8,005,000 7,524,955 7,690,000 Income (Loss) (653,140) (3,063,362) 24,686,902 908,072 *PFAS Treatment Plant O&M cost sharing with OCWD ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 2 Page 105 of 193 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 3 Page 106 of 193 FY22 Actual FY23 Budget FY23 Projections FY24 Budget Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue 2,870,431 3,115,771 3,077,368 3,582,947 Sewer Parcel Assessments (Locke Ranch) 333,965 363,158 356,954 410,497 Other Operating Revenue 187,502 116,255 92,519 74,230 Total Operating Revenue 3,391,898 3,595,184 3,526,841 4,067,674 Revenue (Non -Operating): Interest 36,185 36,725 134,255 168,000 Other Non -Operating Revenue 85,013 33,270 96,995 16,635 Total Non -Operating Revenue 121,198 69,995 231,250 184,635 Total Revenue 3,513,096 3,665,179 3,758,091 4,252,309 Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,785,916 1,933,167 2,020,626 2,335,406 Reduction for Capital Project Labor (60,750) (40,800) Salary Related Expenses Total 1,785,916 1,872,417 2,020,626 2,294,606 Supplies & Services Board Election - 20,550 13,531 - Communications 18,873 26,693 25,890 30,236 Contractual Services 67,453 78,681 77,220 87,379 Data Processing 38,179 55,152 56,312 76,418 District Activities, Emp Recognition 4,817 6,823 7,411 10,272 Dues & Memberships 14,659 14,590 14,030 18,792 Fees & Permits 34,806 51,928 47,039 54,447 Insurance 41,920 65,188 56,895 72,750 Maintenance 312,357 405,845 391,984 576,545 Materials 57,047 64,280 75,710 84,955 Non -Capital Equipment 57,726 60,195 70,123 74,815 Office Expense 5,726 6,344 6,427 7,132 Professional Services 204,130 168,330 158,066 152,637 Training 11,678 13,402 15,310 13,497 Travel & Conferences 3,321 17,581 6,882 18,258 Uncollectible Accounts 3,414 1,500 3,750 2,250 Utilities 27,111 33,600 57,431 60,000 Vehicle Expenses 83,031 65,200 71,570 79,000 Supplies & Services Sub -Total 986,248 1,155,882 1,155,581 1,419,383 Total Operating Expenses 2,772,164 3,028,299 3,176,207 3,713,989 Expenses (Non -Operating): Other Expense 18,701 5,785 3,277 6,300 Total Non -Operating Expenses 18,701 5,785 3,277 6,300 Total Expenses 2,790,865 3,034,084 3,179,484 3,720,289 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 722,231 631,095 578,607 532,020 Capital Contributions 112,649 - 416,136 Net Income Before Depreciation 834,880 631,095 994,743 532,020 Depreciation 1,493,151 1,495,000 1,513,175 1,689,000 Income (Loss) (658,271) (863,905) (518,432) (1,156,980) ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 3 Page 106 of 193 DEPARTN SUMMARIL,. ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 107 of 193 DEPARTMENT SUMMARIES Board of Directors Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 66,900 $ 90,000 $ 58,500 $ 90,000 Benefits 7,112 9,649 15,467 28,876 Salary Related Expenses Total $ 74,012 $ 99,649 $ 73,967 $ 118,876 Supplies & Services Board Election $ - $ 137,000 $ 90,206 $ - District Meetings & Events 827 1,500 1,000 1,500 Dues & Memberships 297 660 300 60 Fees & Permits 1,500 - - - Non Capital Equipment - 2,000 1,000 1,000 Office Expense 824 800 800 800 Professional Development 3,000 2,400 - 1,000 Professional Services 27,403 33,000 33,000 39,000 Travel & Conferences 9,176 32,350 5,500 29,000 Supplies & Services Total $ 43,026 $ 209,710 $ 131,806 $ 72,360 Administration Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 1,267,260 $ 1,351,536 $ 1,278,025 $ 1,361,774 Benefits 1,252,225 2,385,855 2,238,323 2,307,255 Salary Related Expenses Total $ 2,519,485 $ 3,737,391 $ 3,516,348 $ 3,669,029 Supplies & Services Communications $ 34,396 $ 91,750 $ 92,950 $ 129,440 Contractual Services 6,145 6,064 4,964 4,461 District Meetings & Events 8,015 13,500 13,650 19,995 Dues & Memberships 89,349 85,507 83,847 112,515 Fees & Permits 6,427 1,000 2,000 3,000 Non Capital Equipment 4,339 3,500 3,500 4,000 Office Expense 3,086 1,700 3,400 3,600 Professional Development 2,421 5,500 5,150 6,000 Professional Services 449,110 476,000 540,600 541,000 Travel & Conferences 3,083 48,030 22,880 36,640 Supplies & Services Total $ 606,371 $ 732,551 $ 772,941 $ 860,651 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 5 Page 108 of 193 DEPARTMENT SUMMARIES Finance Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 1,154,563 $ 1,197,527 $ 1,100,115 $ 1,230,209 Benefits 336,179 352,466 355,304 351,748 Salary Related Expenses Total $ 1,490,742 $ 1,549,993 $ 1,455,419 $ 1,581,957 Supplies & Services Communications $ 87,712 $ 92,250 $ 96,057 $ 98,800 Contractual Services 56,070 59,825 62,444 68,670 District Meetings & Events 576 900 1,380 1,100 Dues & Memberships 665 1,455 1,060 1,370 Fees & Permits 265,735 307,060 284,570 317,516 Maintenance - 300 300 300 Non Capital Equipment 951 500 250 300 Office Expense 7,356 9,950 8,319 12,450 Professional Development 2,175 6,050 5,825 6,583 Professional Services 61,336 83,200 66,026 84,150 Travel & Conferences 2,630 6,900 6,500 11,830 Uncollectible Accounts 18,114 10,000 25,000 15,000 Supplies & Services Total $ 503,320 $ 578,390 $ 557,731 $ 618,069 Engineering Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 757,477 $ 1,186,625 $ 880,504 $ 1,253,347 Benefits 154,260 343,128 357,313 330,326 Salary Related Expenses Total $ 911,737 $ 1,529,753 $ 1,237,817 $ 1,583,673 Supplies & Services Communications $ 2,376 $ 4,000 $ 4,048 $ 7,000 Contractual Services 39,934 1,500 - - Data Processing 46,530 9,000 7,800 9,500 District Meetings & Events 1,204 1,000 500 1,000 Dues & Memberships 1,728 2,050 1,119 3,230 Fees & Permits 8,651 13,130 11,940 14,284 Maintenance 218,396 488,000 719,946 828,000 Materials 4,036 - - Non Capital Equipment 159 300 300 300 Office Expense 2,790 1,700 1,700 1,700 Professional Development 6,983 15,000 9,010 12,500 Professional Services 307,115 659,560 637,099 462,620 Travel & Conferences 3,549 2,500 2,500 11,250 Supplies & Services Total $ 643,451 $ 1,197,740 $ 1,395,962 $ 1,351,384 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 6 Page 109 of 193 DEPARTMENT SUMMARIES Operations Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 3,918,584 $ 4,455,853 $ 4,098,881 $ 4,549,860 Benefits 1,496,591 1,596,681 1,484,849 1,631,701 Salary Related Expenses Total $ 5,415,175 $ 6,052,534 $ 5,583,730 $ 6,181,561 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 345,169 $ 394,200 $ 398,006 $ 444,400 Data Processing 22,292 - 27,376 30,000 District Meetings & Events 6,806 6,000 10,162 10,000 Dues & Memberships 80 700 60 300 Fees & Permits 113,961 146,800 158,921 164,500 Maintenance 1,190,771 1,029,600 1,088,924 1,206,100 Materials 879,644 2,372,300 1,297,394 2,463,792 Non Capital Equipment 174,471 180,000 201,452 297,500 Office Expense 14,330 17,500 18,317 18,500 Professional Development 23,407 43,200 22,834 39,800 Professional Services 42,541 45,000 55,058 61,000 Travel & Conferences 1,348 2,500 - 5,500 Utilities 100,173 125,000 283,874 301,000 Vehicle Expenses 501,601 538,550 701,372 755,400 Supplies & Services Total $ 3,416,594 $ 4,901,350 $ 4,263,750 $ 5,797,792 Information Technology Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 83,838 $ 91,444 $ 85,974 $ 91,478 Benefits 28,610 27,219 33,317 28,455 Salary Related Expenses Total $ 112,448 $ 118,663 $ 119,291 $ 119,933 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 125,152 $ 113,450 $ 133,000 $ 151,100 Data Processing 206,303 407,614 367,614 500,450 District Meetings & Events 86 200 200 200 Maintenance 8,891 10,000 10,000 10,000 Materials 2,864 5,000 5,000 5,000 Non Capital Equipment 26,507 25,000 25,000 25,000 Office Expense 9,658 10,000 10,000 10,000 Professional Development 2,317 2,500 2,500 3,510 Professional Services 239,482 306,000 306,000 326,000 Utilities 85,280 99,000 99,000 99,000 Supplies & Services Total $ 706,540 $ 978,764 $ 958,314 $ 1,130,260 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 7 Page 110 of 193 DEPARTMENT SUMMARIES Human Resources Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 379,151 $ 418,153 $ 403,924 $ 433,348 Benefits 113,470 130,673 111,490 135,498 Salary Related Expenses Total $ 492,621 $ 548,826 $ 515,414 $ 568,846 Supplies & Services Communications $ 2,370 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 Contractual Services 28,992 45,000 53,579 52,900 District Meetings & Events 14,643 22,400 22,514 34,700 Dues & Memberships 5,684 7,150 7,150 8,150 Insurance 279,465 434,590 379,300 485,000 Office Expense 129 650 400 500 Professional Development 526 8,500 6,500 6,500 Professional Services 43,765 126,000 83,800 56,000 Travel & Conferences 2,845 10,500 8,500 10,500 Supplies & Services Total $ 378,419 $ 659,790 $ 564,243 $ 659,250 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 8 Page 111 of 193 PROJECT.4 4 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 112 of 193 1 -Year CIP Schedule PROJECT COST FY2023-24 Planning & Design $ 400,000 Construction (Contract) 13,380,490 Project Management/Inspection 217,510 YLWD Capitalized Labor 408,000 ANNUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COST TOTAL 1 $ 14,406,000 PROJECT FUNDING FY2023-24 PAY -GO $ 1,461,405 Line of Credit - Debt Funded 12,944,595 ANNUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDING TOTAL $ 14,406,000 PROJECT NAME FY2023-24 BNSF Crossing -Veterans Way and S. Highland $ 1,336,061 Golden Ave Waterline 305,498 Hidden Hills BPS Upgrades 255,131 Imperial Waterline Improvement 2,938,333 Mountain View Waterline Replacement 598,938 PRS Rehabilitation Project *Based on AMP & Asset Scores 300,000 Timber Ridge BPS Pump Replacement 4,209,634 Waterline Replacement *Based on AMP & Leak History 2,600,000 Well 22 Equipping 5,000 Well Rehabilitation Project 396,000 Total Water CIP $ 12,944,595 Green Crest Lift Station Rehab $ 400,000 Main Street Sewer Replacement 552,530 Sewer System Rehabilitation and Replacement Project 508,875 Total Sewer CIP I $ 1,461,405 CIP Total $ 14,406,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY FY2023-24 MWDSC & YLWD Heli -Hydrant $ 200,000 Vehicle Replacement 480,000 Security Improvements/Modifications 50,000 Outlav Total $ 730,000 ® Financial Summaries I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 10 Page 113 of 1 ITEM NO. 9.5. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager SUBJECT: Proposed Update to 2021 Water and Sewer Rate Study STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors determine whether to engage a consultant to complete the study through (1) the competitive bid process by issuing a Request for Proposals; or by (2) making an exception and approving a single source purchase as defined and authorized in the District's Purchasing Policy. BACKGROUND On July 6, 2023, the Board of Directors directed staff to move forward with an Interim Rate Study to be completed before the next fiscal year budget cycle. In furtherance of that directive, Staff communicated with rate setting consultants to prepare an estimated timeline to complete a comprehensive review of the District's current Board -approved water and sewer rates to ensure that the District's Cost of Service and Board goals and objectives can and/or are being met. To be transparent and in compliance with the District's Purchasing Policy to procure such a rate consultant, there are two options described next by which the Board may direct staff. Option (1) describes the process and timeline to competitively bid the services of a rate consultant by a request for proposal. Option (2) describes the exception to that competitive bid process, which is by Single Source Purchase. (1) Competitive Bid Process by Request for Proposal (RFP) from Start to Finish: Prepare a Request for Proposal (Including Legal Review Distribute Request for Proposal with Response Deadline Committee Review of RFP and Complete Possible interview(s) Presentation to the Board on Selected Firm (Agenda Item) Prepare a Professional Services Agreement (Including Legal Review) Kick-off Meeting with Selected Firm — Discuss goals and objectives of study, selected rate structure, and desired effective date of study results Development of Rate Study Draft and Presentation to Board Development of Administrative Report for study, Board to receive and file report, and Notice of Public Hearing to be mailed (Prop 218 compliance). Public Hearing Held - Board Approval of Rates 2-4 weeks 3-4 weeks 2-4 weeks 2-4 weeks 2-4 weeks 1-2 weeks 3-5 weeks 2-4 weeks 7-9 weeks Page 114 of 193 Estimated Total Time 6-10 Months (2) Exception to the Competitive Bid Process: Single Source Purchase as Defined and Authorized in the District's Purchase Policy: Procurement where: (a) there is a compelling reason for only one source, a preferred brand, like material, homeland security goods, services, etc., to be procured; or (b) the commodity is unique, including, but not limited to, acquisition of data processing, telecommunications and word processing equipment, goods and services; or (c) the purchase of a specific brand name, make or model is necessary to match existing District equipment or facilitate effective maintenance and support; or (d) when it is in the best interest of the District to extend or renew a Contract from a previous contract period, based on satisfactory service, reasonable prices, avoidance of start-up costs, avoidance of interruptions to District business, or good business practices. Such a Procurement of $25,000 or greater must be presented to the Board of Directors at the next regular scheduled meeting. [Sec. 3.23.] As stated in Section 7.1.2 of the District's Purchasing Policy: "Generally, solicitation of bids or proposals is preferable whenever practicable.... the competitive solicitation requirements ... may be waived" for single source purchases. In addition, Section 11 of the District's Purchasing Policy states: "The District is a County Water District and therefore is not mandated by State law to competitively bid any purchases .... (Associated Builders & Contractors, Golden Gate Chapter, Inc. v. Contra Costa Water District (1995) 37 Cal.AppAth 468.) The District has discretion to enter into non -bid Contracts ... to procure Services ...." STAFF OPINION AND REQUEST FOR BOARD DIRECTION Based on the foregoing, it is staff's opinion that the District may procure rate consultant, Sanjay Gaur, Principal Consultant of Water Resources Economics, by Single Source Purchase because Mr. Gaur's services satisfy subsection (d) of Section 3.23 above. Specifically, there is (1) an overall cost savings for the District and its ratepayers, (2) a timely and expedient process on the collection and use of pertinent data due to Mr. Gaur's familiarity with the water sources available to Orange County agencies, including the District, (3) the ability to avoid potential start-up costs, and (4) the overall subject matter expertise and job knowledge to provide timely and efficient professional services for the effective completion of the 2021 Rate Study update. As such, the anticipated completion of the Rate Study update under Option (2) would be in the range of 6-10 months from the date of Board approval versus 4-6 months under Option (2). Based on preliminary discussions, staff estimates the approximate cost to update the 2021 Rate Study to be $60,000 - $85,000, depending on how many funds and which rates are studied. Staff asks that the Board review this information and consider whether to replace the current 2021 rate schedules and if so, whether to procure a rate consultant under Option (1) or (2). Page 115 of 193 ITEM NO. 9.6. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Amendments to Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Manual RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider the proposed and any additional amendments to the Policies and Procedures Manual and adopt Resolution No. 2023 -XX approving said amendments. BACKGROUND: The Board routinely reviews its policies and procedures manual to determine if any amendments are desired. Revisions were last adopted by resolution in January 2023 and then by minute order in April 2023. Since that time, the Board has discussed other revisions related to travel expense payment and reimbursement, and designation of voting representatives for association elections, among a few other topics. General counsel, labor counsel, and staff have also noted proposed amendments to provide additional clarification and align with current practice and new legislation. Any amendments adopted relating to the provision of payment and reimbursement of travel expenses will need to be reflected in the employee policy. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G5 2D - Maintain a strong District culture and ethics as described in core values. 1. 2023 BOD Policies and Procedures Manual - REDLINE 2. Resolution No. 2023 -XX - Amending Board Policy and Procedures Manual 3. 2023 BOD Policies and Procedures Manual - FINAL DRAFT Page 116 of 193 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual Last Amended january 5, 2023 Resolution No. 2023-XXO-1 Page 117 of 193 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE..................................................................................................................................3 2.0 DISTRICT MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES.......................................................................................4 2.1 Mission Statement........................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Vision................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.3 Core Values......................................................................................................................................4 3.0 BASIS OF BOARD AUTHORITY......................................................................................................................4 4.0 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT................................................................................................5 4.1 Board and General Manager Duties and Responsibilities.......................................................5 4.2 Board Members' Code of Conduct and Ethics........................................................................8 5.0 COMPOSITION, TERMS AND VACANCY.................................................................................................14 6.0 OFFICERS.....................................................................................................................................................16 6.1 President and Vice President...................................................................................................... 16 7.0 APPOINTED STAFF AND OTHERS...............................................................................................................17 7.1 General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer ......................................... 17 7.2 District Leaal and Labor Counsel............................................................................................... 18 7.3 District Auditor................................................................................................................................ 18 7.4 Consultants.....................................................................................................................................19 8.0 COMMITTEES...............................................................................................................................................19 9.0 DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT..........................................19 9.1 Directors' Compensation............................................................................................................. 19 9.2 Benefits............................................................................................................................................21 9.3 Travel Expense Reimbursement..................................................................................................21 9.4 District Issued Credit Cards..........................................................................................................24 9.5 Communications Exoense Reimbursement.............................................................................24 9.6 Disclosure of Expenditures/Reimbursements............................................................................26 10.0 BOARD MEETINGS, GENERAL....................................................................................................................26 10.1 Regular Meetings.......................................................................................................................... 26 10.2 Special Meetings...........................................................................................................................27 10.3 Emergency Meetings...................................................................................................................27 11.0 BOARD MEETINGS, AGENDAS..................................................................................................................27 11.1 Agendas......................................................................................................................................... 27 11.2 Order of Business........................................................................................................................... 30 12.0 BOARD MEETINGS, MINUTES.....................................................................................................................33 13.0 BOARD MEETINGS, CONDUCT..................................................................................................................33 13.1 Guidelines for Discussion.............................................................................................................. 33 14.0 BOARD ACTIONS AND DECISIONS..........................................................................................................34 15.0 EXHIBITS AND APPENDIXES.......................................................................................................................35 2 Page 118 of 193 ■ i1 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 The purpose of this manual is to provide a compilation of policies and procedures approved by the Board to facilitate the proper conduct of District business. Each Director shall be provided with a copy of this manual when assuming office and as revisions are Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mangy 3 Page 119 of 193 adopted, with the PGI G eS GrGI rrGGed, ,res GGRtG;Red hero n, If any portion of this manual is in conflict with federal or state law or regulations that apply to the District, said legislation or regulations shall prevail. 2.0 DISTRICT MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES 2.1 Mission Statement Yorba Linda Water District will provide reliable water and sewer services to protect public health and the environment with financial integrity and superior customer service. 2.2 Vision Yorba Linda Water District will accomplish our mission to improve the quality of life for those we serve by: A. Embracing Proven Technology B. Improving Customer Satisfaction C. Providing Efficient and Responsive Operations D. Ensuring Reliable Infrastructure 2.3 Core Values The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors and staff are guided in everything we do by the following core values: Integrity- We demonstrate integrity every day by practicing the highest ethical standards and by ensuring that our actions follow our words. Accountability - We acknowledge that both the Board and staff of the District are accountable to the public that we serve, as well as to each other. Responsibility - We take full responsibility for our actions. We maintain a commitment of courtesy, assessment, and resolution with all customer concerns. Transparency - We listen to our customers and communicate openly about our policies, processes, and plans for the future. Teamwork - We work together by sharing information and resources to achieve common goals. Respect - We ensure every voice of the District is treated with dignity and civility; differences are valued and individual abilities and contributions are recognized. 3.0 BASIS OF BOARD AUTHORITY 4 Page 120 of 193 3.1 The District is a County Water District, organized and existing under the County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et seg.). The Board is the legislative body, and functions as the District's policymaking body (WC § 30575. It can only function as a unit. ApGrt +rern +ho„ i--R#-,Individual Directors have no authority with regard to any aspect of District business. 3.2 As individuals, Directors may not commit the District to any policy, act, or expenditure without prior Board approval nor give direction to the General Manager, staff, legal counsel or consultants without prior Board approval (see also Section 4.1 A). Directors do not represent any fractional segment or region of the community but are part of a legislative body that represents and acts for the District as a whole. Since Directors are elected officials, no Director may delegate his/her authority to act as a Director. 4.0 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT 4.1 Board and General Manager Duties and Responsibilities A. The Board's primary responsibility is the formulation and evaluation of District policy. The Board establishes goals, objectives, expectations, and measurement criteria for the General Manager's performance. D,irec�ersG-re—The Board is responsible for monitoring District progress in attaining its goals and objectives while pursuing its mission. The Board,,,epAbe4;Tshall provide policy direction and instructions to the General Manager on matters within the authority of the Board by a majority vote during a duly convened meeting of the Board. The General Manager is responsible for running the District's business. The General Manager may delegate Rroutine matters concerning operational aspects of the District to District staff Gre deleGated te orefessieRGI stGff members bv the GeRerGl MGRGGe . B. IRerd To assist in the governance of the behavior between and among members of the Board, the following practices shall be observed: 1. The dignity, style, values and opinions of each Director shall be respected. 2. Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged. 3. The needs of the District's constituents shall be the priority of the Board of Directors. 4. Directors shall commit themselves to emphasizing the positive, avoiding double talk, hidden agendas, gossip, backbiting, and other negative forms of interaction. 5. Directors shall commit themselves to focusing on issues and not personalities. The presentation of the opinions of others shall be encouraged. Cliques and voting blocks based on personalities rather than issues shall be avoided. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures ManLl- ' 5 Page 121 of 193 6. Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision-making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disagreeable. Once the Board takes action, Directors shall commit to supporting said action and not create barriers to the implementation of said action. C. IR To maintain effective working relationships and support the chain of command, the following procedures shall be followed: 1. Board members shall address matters within the authority of the General Manager through the General Manager, not directly through District employees, legal counsel, or consultants. 2. Accordingly, individual Directors' requests for information as necessary to assist in decision making and policy direction shall always be made to the General Manager. 3. Requests for readily available written information, documents, reports, studies, or analyses shall not require formal Board approval. 4. Requests that require more than four hours of staff or consultant time for compilation, or if they require less than four hours but are of a recurring nature, shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting. 5. Responsive materials to Directors' requests for information shall be distributed by the General Manager or his/her designee to all Board members at the same time. 6. If the General Manager's response is deemed inadequate, a Director may contact the Board President or raise the issue directly at a Board meeting, where the Board shall determine by majority vote whether or not the issue warrants attention and if so, schedule it for a future meeting. 7. The General Manager or his/her designee's time spent with Directors or responding to Directors' requests shall also be tracked and made available to the Board for evaluation on a quarterly basis. 8. If the General Manager anticipates being unavailable, he/she shall notify the Board in advance and provide a designee contact. 9. When the General Manager is unavailable in person or by technological means, Board members, at their discretion, may contact the General Manager's designee. 10. Board members shall refrain from making requests directly to District employees or legal counsel to undertake analysis, perform work assignments or change the priority of work assignments. District employees have been instructed to notify the General Manager of all requests received from a Board member within 48 hours. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 6 Page 122 of 193 11. If approached by an employee concerning District policy, Board members shall direct inquiries to the appropriate staff supervisor or General Manager. 12. In handling complaints from residents and property owners of the District, said complaints shall be referred directly to the General Manager. 13. In handling matters related to public safety, concerns shall be reported to the General Manager or the District office. Emergency situations shall be dealt with immediately by seeking appropriate assistance. 14. In seeking clarification for policy -related concerns, especially those involving personnel, legal action, land acquisition and development, finances and programming, said concerns shall be referred directly to the General Manager. D. The work of the District is a team effort. All individuals shall work together in the collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the District. 1. When responding to constituent requests and concerns, Directors shall be courteous, responding to individuals in a positive manner and routing their questions through appropriate channels. 2. Directors shall develop a working relationship with the General Manager wherein current issues, concerns and District projects can be discussed comfortably and openly. 3. Directors shall function as a part of the whole. Issues shall be brought to the attention of the Board as a whole, rather than to individual members selectively. E. Directors shall attend all meetings of the Board, including committee, agency, and intergovernmental meetings to which they may be assigned, unless there is good cause for absence, and be properly prepared for participation and deliberation. F. Should a Director have a question related to an agenda item when preparing for a meeting, such questions should be submitted to the General Manager at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. G. New Directors shall participate in a minimum of six hours of basic governance training within one year from the first day of service with the District. Participation in the Governance Foundations course, offered by the California Special District Association's Special District Leadership Academy or Special District Leadership Foundation approved equivalent, shall satisfy the basic governance training requirement. H. The Board shall review the policies and procedures contained in this manual biennially or more often as required. I. The Board may determine to s"ryo perform an assessment of the governing body's effectiveness and its relationship with staff eR GR GRR GI bee s befere nG+�3; ". The BeGrd PnGy utilizinge the survey included in this manual (see Exhibit B) or choosin_ce another method for accomplishing this task. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 7 Page 123 of 193 4.2 Board Members' Code of Conduct and Ethics A. It is the policy of the District to require the highest standards of ethics from its Board members. The operation of the District requires that bLdecisions and policy be made within the proper channels of governmental structure, u#fa-a# the public office not be used for personal gain, and u#taa# all individuals associated with the District remain impartial and responsible towards the public. Accordingly, it is the policy of the District that Board members shall maintain the highest standard of personal honesty and fairness in carrying out their duties. The following are requirements for ethical conduct to be followed by the Board: 1. Board members are obligated to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and to uphold the laws of national, state and local governmental agencies. Board members shall comply with all applicable laws regulating their conduct, including conflicts of interest, financial disclosure and open government laws. It is the responsibility of Board members to conduct themselves both professionally and personally in a manner above reproach and to avoid the appearance of impropriety. 2. New Directors shall participate in a minimum of two hours of ethics compliance training and two hours of harassment prevention training as soon as practical, but not more than six months, from the first day of service with the District and at least once every two years thereafter. A Director who serves on more than one local agency board may satisfy this requirement by obtaining such training once every two years without regard to the number of boards on which he/she serves. The District shall provide information regarding available training on an annual basis. All Directors shall provide a copy of proof of participation in these trainings to the District. Copies of proofs of participation shall be considered public documents and shall be retained for a minimum of five years (GC 53235.2(b)). 3. Board members ithe perferrnGRGe ef it effiGielrJ'�S G a reSPG sihili+ion shall neither harass nor discriminate against any individual on the basis of their protected classification (s), the perception of any individuals protected classification (s), or because the individual associates with a person who has or is perceived to have a protected classification (s). The term "pP-rotected cC-lassification" includes race (including but not limited to, hair texture and protective styles), religion or religious creed, color, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender, pregnancy, childbirth,-, GRd breastfeeding or related medical conditions(, sexual orientation (including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality), national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, marital status, age (40 or over), medical condition, genetic characteristics or information, military or veteran status, aid—physical or mental disability (whether perceived or actual), reproductive health decision-making, and any other basis protected by law. No Board member shall grant any unfair or inappropriate consideration, treatment, or advantage to any individual or group beyond that which is available to others or groups with the same circumstances. No Board member shall retaliate against any individual because the individual enaaaed in protected activity. The term "protected Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures ManLl- ' 8 Page 124 of 193 activity" includes, but is not limited to: (a) making a request for accommodation for a disability; (b) making a request for accommodation for religious beliefs; (c) making a complaint against a Board member; (d), opposing violations of this manual; or (e) participating in any investigation or procedures undertaken pursuant to this manual. a. Any Board member who receives a complaint/report regarding harassment, discrimination or retaliation shall immediately report it to the General Manager. The General Manager, in consultation with legal counsel, will determine what level of investigation and response is necessary. b. If a Board member is the subject of a complaint, the General Manaaer and District Counsel will hire an outside investiaator, as appropriate, to investigate the complaint. The investigation shall be conducted in a way that ensures, to the extent feasible, the privacy of the parties involved. i. The investigation will typically include interviews with the reporting individual, the accused, and any other person who is believed to have relevant knowledge concerning the allegations. Any Board member who is identified as a subject or witness in the investigation must cooperate with the investigator, including by submitting to an interview. Anx Board members interviewed by the investigator shall not discuss the interview with any individuals or District employees. Any retaliation by a Board member against the reporting individual or any individuals who participate in the investigation is prohibited. ii. The investigator shall submit a written report to the General Manaaer and District Counsel. The General Manaaer and/or District Counsel will consult with the Board members who are not a subject of the investigation about the results of the investigation and any remedial action, if necessary, designed to end any violations of this manual. Any Board member found to have discriminated, harassed, or retaliated against any individual may be subject to appropriate sanction or censure as determined by the Board members who are not a subject of the investigation. iii. The District will take reasonable steps to protect the reporting party from further harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation. iv. The investigation report is attorney work -product and attorney-client privileged and the Board members who are not a subject of the investigation will not waive the privileges and disclose the investigation report except as it deems necessary to support a disciplinary action, to take remedial action, to defend itself in adversarial proceedings, or to comply with the law or a court order. At the conclusion of the investiaation, the General Manaaer and/or District Counsel Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 9 Page 125 of 193 will notify the appropriate persons of the disposition of the investigation. 3-.v. Subsection A.3. is based primarily on the Harrassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Prevention Policy (POL-7010- 005) which applies to District employees and others. Accordingly, the General Manager and District Counsel may rely on language in that Policy, which does not conflict with Subsection A.3., to implement Subsection A.3. 4. Except where specifically authorized by the General Manager in the public interest, no Board member shall knowingly use or permit the use of District - owned vehicles, equipment, telephones, materials or property, nor require a District employee to perform services for personal convenience or profit. Board members shall safeguard the District's property, equipment, moneys, and assets against unauthorized use or removal, as well as from loss due to criminal act or breach of trust. 5. Board members shall not disclose information that legally qualifies as confidential to unauthorized individuals without approval from a majority vote of the Board and consultation with legal counsel. This includes information that (1) has been received during a Closed Session; (2) is protected from disclosure under the attorney/client or other evidentiary privilege; or (3) is not required to be disclosed under the California Public Records Act IGC § 7920 et seg.). A Board member may make a confidential inquiry or complaint to a district attorney or grand jury concerning a perceived violation of law, including disclosing facts to a district attorney or grand jury necessary to establish the alleged illegality of a District action. Prior to disclosing confidential information, however, a Board member shall first bring the matter to the attention of either the General Manager, District Counsel, and/or pros drier+ ^r the full Board in closed session. 6. Board members shall avoid conflicts, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with District decisions and activities (GC § 1090J. a. A Board member shall not have a financial interest in a contract with the District, which includes the purchase or sale of goods and services. The Board shall not authorize any District contract if a Board member is financially interested in the contract. b. A Board member shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on a matter before the Board, or attempt to influence a decision of the Board, if the Board member has a financial interest, which is prohibited under California law. If a Board member believes that he/she may be disqualified from participation in the discussion, deliberations or vote on a particular matter due to a financial interest, the following procedures shall be followed: L If a Board member becomes aware of the potential conflict of interest before a Board meeting at which the matter will be discussed or acted on, the Board member shall notify the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures ManL1- 10 Page 126 of 193 General Manager and legal counsel of the potential conflict of interest so that a determination can be made whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. H. If it's not possible for a Board member to discuss the potential conflict with the General Manager and legal counsel before the meeting, or if the Board member does not become aware of the potential conflict until during the meeting, the Board member shall immediately disclose the potential conflict during the Board meeting (see Exhibit C), so that there can be a determination as to whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. iii. Upon a determination that there is a disqualifying conflict of interest, the Board member shall: (1) publicly identify the interest that gives rise to the conflict or potential conflict in sufficient detail to be understood by the public; (2) recuse themselves from participating in the discussion, deliberation or vote on the matter for which a conflict of interest exists, which shall be so noted in the Board minutes; and (3) leave the room until after the discussion, vote and any other disposition of the matter is concluded. The Director shall not be counted toward achieving a quorum while the item is discussed. This process also applies when the disqualifying conflict of interest is on the Consent Calendar except the Director is not required to leave the room. C. A Board member shall not recommend the employment of a relative to the District or to a vendor, contractor or consultant known by the Board member to be bidding or negotiating a contract with the District. 7. To avoid non-compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC § 54950 et se. , Directors are prohibited from sending and receiving electronically produced messages during meetings. 8. For a period of one year after leaving office, former Board members shall not represent any non-governmental entities before the District for compensation. This restriction shall not apply to governmental entities. B. Board members are prohibited from soliciting political funds or contributions at District facilities and prohibited from using the District's seal, trademark, logo, branding, stationary or other indicia of the District's identity, in any solicitation for political contributions contrary to State law. A Board member shall not accept, solicit or direct a political contribution from: 1. District employees or legal counsel. 2. Consultants or contractors used by the District in the past 12 months. 3. Individuals, entities, vendors, consultants, sub -consultants, contractors, or sub -contractors which have a personal or financial interest in a contract or Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane 1 1 Page 127 of 193 other matter while it is pending before the District and for 6 months after the District renders a final decision on that contract or other matter. 3-4. Any other party as prohibited by law. C. The appointment or election of a Board member to a public entity, other than the District, may result in action that is contrary or inconsistent with the interests of the District and could result in loss of the member's position of the Board. Board members may, with consent of the Board, consult with legal counsel and the Board may authorize a request for an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of California as to the incompatibility of offices. D. No Board member shall receive or agree to receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, reward, honoraria or gift from any source except for recognition from the District for any action related to the conduct of the District's business. A Board member shall not accept gifts that exceed the limitations specified in California law. Any and all gifts, campaign contributions, income and financial information shall be disclosed as required under the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 and applicable regulations adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission. E. Board members and persons elected or appointed, who have not yet assumed office as members of the Board, shall fully comply with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC § 54950 et seg.). F. The General Manager has primary responsibility for (1) ensuring compliance with the District's personnel policies and procedures; (2) ensuring that District employees do not engage in improper activities; (3) investigating allegations of improper activities; and (4) taking appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions. The Board ensures that the General Manager is eper *4gmanaging the District according to the law and the policies approved by the Board. 1. Board members shall disclose to the General Manager, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper activities within their knowledge. Board members shall not interfere with the General Manager's responsibilities in identifying, investigating and correcting improper activities, unless the Board determines the General Manager is not properly carrying out these responsibilities. 2. A Board member shall not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence of their position to intimidate, threaten, coerce, command or influence any person for the purpose of preventing such person from acting in good faith to bring to the attention of the General Manager or the Board any information that, if true, will constitute a work- related violation by a Board member or District employee of any law, er regulation, or this manual. This includes, but is not limited to (1) misappropriation or waste of District funds; (2) abuse of authority; (3) creating substantial danger to public health or safety by an act or omission of a District official or employee; (4) use of a District office or position or of District resources for personal gain; or (5) a conflict of interest of a Board member or employee. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 12 Page 128 of 193 G. Directors are not subject to the District's Conflict of Interest Codes, but are subject to the disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act (GC § 87100 et seq.; GC 87203. Directors are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) with the County when assuming office, on an annual basis thereafter, and when leaving office. Filing of these forms shall be performed using the County's e -file system. H. Directors appointed to other agency's boards (e.g. OCSanQ or ACWA-JPIA) shall be required to file Form 700's in accordance with that respective agency's Conflict of Interest Codes. H. I. The following procedures shall be followed when any member of the Board reasonably believes that another member of the Board has engaged in alleged misconduct or has failed to act in the best interests of the District. These procedures shall not be effective in any case in which a non -board member seeks redress for alleged misconduct by a Board member. While the Board has discretion in deciding the actions it may choose to take in response to a complaint, this section provides definitions and procedures related to three types of actions: admonition, sanction, and censure. 1. Admonition is the least severe form of action. An admonition may typically be directed to all members of the Board, reminding them that a particular type of behavior is not in the best interests of the District, and that, if it occurs or is found to have occurred, could cause a member to be subject to sanction or censure. An admonition may be issued in response to a particular alleged action or actions, although it will not necessarily have to be triggered by a complaint of misconduct. An admonition may be issued by the Board prior to any findings of fact regarding any complaint, and because it is a warning or reminder, will not necessarily require an investigation. 2. Sanction is the next most severe form of action. Sanction shall be directed to an individual member of the Board based on a particular action (or set of actions) that is determined to be misconduct but is considered by the Board not to be sufficiently serious to require censure. A sanction may be based upon the Board's review and consideration of a complaint. A sanction may be issued by the Board, and because it is not punishment or discipline, will not necessarily require an investigation. 3. Censure is the most severe form of action. Censure is a formal statement of the Board officially reprimanding one of its members. It is a punitive action, which serves as a penalty imposed for misconduct, but it carries no fine or suspension of the rights of the member as an elected official. It can however, include such actions as the disapproval of expense reimbursement requests, de -authorization of attendance at conferences, seminars, and other activities at District expense, removal of the member from Board committee, agency and intergovernmental meeting assignments, and other such remedies as may be deemed appropriate by the Board. Censure shall only be used for cases in which the Board determines that the misconduct is a serious offense. In order to protect the overriding principle of freedom of speech, the Board shall not impose censure on any of its members for the exercise of his/her First Amendment rights, no matter how distasteful the expression was to the Board or the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 13 Page 129 of 193 District. However, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Board from collectively condemning and expressing their strong disapprobation of such remarks. Before the imposition of a censure, the Director accused of a violation shall be entitled to written notice of the allegation, the right to provide a written response to the allegation, and an opportunity to respond in writing as to the results of an investigation. J. All complaints shall be submitted in writing to the General Manager and/or the District's legal counsel for review and determination as to whether there is sufficient basis for further action. Complaints that specifically seek admonition, sanction or censure as a specific remedy shall be treated as a request for that remedy. Once a complaint has been filed, the General Manager, in conjunction with legal counsel, shall bring the matter before the Board. The Director named in a complaint shall be given an opportunity to respond to the complaint in writing. If the Board determines, in consultation with legal counsel, that an investigation is warranted, the Board shall initiate an investigation by the appropriate investigator, entity or authority, as determined in the reasonable discretion of the Board. In the event of such an investigation, a report of the findings of said investigation, along with the accused Director's written response to the report, shall be presented to the board for majority action. If there is no merit, the matter shall be disposed of with no further action. When the Board decides, based upon findings and the accused Director's defense, that a violation has occurred, it may choose to impose one of the above listed internal remedies. Any action taken by the Board to impose a sanction or censure, shall be taken by way of written resolution. K. At any point during any of these processes, the Board may refer the matter, as appropriate, to the Orange County District Attorney or other proper authorities for possible investigation, enforcement or prosecution. Prior to or following such referral, the Board may also proceed with any of the actions described in this section. 5.0 COMPOSITION, TERMS AND VACANCY 5.1 The District shall have a Board of five Directors each of whom, whether elected or appointed, shall be a voter of the District (WC § 30068; WC § 30500 et seg J. 5.2 The term of office of each Director, other than Directors appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall be four years (WC § 30502. Terms of office are staggered, with elections held in November of every even numbered year (WC § 30700. 5.3 Elections are held at large, which means that all voters throughout the District have the opportunity to vote for any person seeking election (EC � 10500 et seg.). 5.4 Before entering upon the duties of his/her office, each Director shall take and subscribe the official oath and file it with the Secretary. The oath of office may be taken before the Secretary, any member of the Board, or any officer authorized by law to administer oaths (WC § 30509-30510). 5.5 Each Director elected or appointed shall hold office until his/her successor qualifies WC 30506). 5.6 If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as if there were a vacancy in the office (WC § 305031. 14 Page 130 of 193 5.7 From time to time a vacancy may occur on the Board for a variety of reasons. An office becomes vacant on any of the following events before the expiration of a Director's term (GC � 1770 et seg.): A. Death of an incumbent; B. A court's declaration that the incumbent is physically or mentally incapacitated; C. Resignation; D. Removal from office; Ceasing to be an inhabitant of the District; Absence from the state beyond periods allowed by law; G. Ceasing to discharge the duties of the office for three consecutive months; H. Conviction of a felony; I. Refusal or neglect to file required oath of office; J. Declaration by a competent tribunal that election or appointment is void; or K. Commitment to a hospital or sanitarium by a court of competent jurisdiction. 5.8 All vacancies occurring in the office of Director shall be filled pursuant to Section 1780 of the Government Code (see also WC § 30504). The District shall notify the county elections official of the vacancy no later than 15 days after the Board is notified of the vacancy or the effective date of the vacancy, whichever is later. A. The remaining members of a five person board may fill a vacancy by appointment. The appointee shall hold office until the District general election 130 days or more after the effective date of the vacancy. Appointments shall be made within 60 days after the effective date of the vacancy. Notice of the vacancy shall be posted in three or more conspicuous places within the District and published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 15 days prior to an appointment. The remaining members may call an election to fill the vacancy within 60 days of the vacancy, in lieu of an appointment, on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy. B. If the vacancy is not filled or an election called within 60 days of the vacancy, the County Board of Supervisors may fill the vacancy within 90 days of the vacancy or order the District to call an election to fill the vacancy. C. If neither (A) or (B) has occurred within 90 days, the District shall call an election to be held on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy occurs. D. If the remaining Board falls below a quorum, the Board of Supervisors may waive the 60 day period provided in (A) and appoint immediately, or may call an Yorba Linda Wate, District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 15 Page 131 of 193 election to fill the vacancy under Chapter 1 of the Election Code. The Board of Supervisors shall only fill enough vacancies to provide a quorum. Appointees shall hold office until the next District general election. Electees shall hold office for the unexpired balance of the term of office. 5.9 If a Director's place of residence is moved outside District boundaries, and if within 180 days of the move the Director fails to reestablish a place of residence within the District, it shall be presumed that a permanent change of residence has occurred and that a vacancy exists on the Board (GC § 1770; WC , 30508 . 6.0 OFFICERS 6.1 President and Vice President A. A President and Vice President of the Board shall be elected annually at the District's reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. The President shall assume the chair of the Presiding Officer immediately after election. B. The President shall make committee, agency, and intergovernmental meeting assignments, subject to consent of the Board, annually by the first meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in January of the subsequent year. C. If the President is absent from a meeting of the Board, the Vice President shall serve as the Presiding Officer. If both the President and Vice President are absent, the Secretary shall take the chair so that the Directors present may elect a Presiding Officer. Upon late arrival of the President or Vice President at the meeting, the chair shall be relinquished at the first opportunity not disruptive to the conduct of business. D. In the event the President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, the Vice President shall serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. In the event the Vice President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, an interim Vice President shall be elected at the District's next regular meeting of the Board to serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. The Presiding Officer, established pursuant to these policies, shall conduct the proceedings of the Board. The Presiding Officer shall sign all ordinances, resolutions and contract documents approved and adopted by the Board (WC § 30578). F -.G. The President, or the Vice President in the absence of the President, will serve as the District's voting delegate for all association elections. G.H. The President and Vice President of the Board shall serve as the President and Vice President of the Public Financing Corporation and Chair and Vice Chair of the Financing Authority. The Officers of the Corporation and the Authority shall be 16 Page 132 of 193 affirmed annually at the District's reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year or as necessary. H-.1. Individuals serving as President or Vice President of the Board and the Corporation, and Chair and Vice Chair of the Authority, may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board. 7.0 APPOINTED STAFF AND OTHERS Appointed Staff, as defined in this section, shall mean the General Manager, Board Secretary, Assistant Board Secretary and Treasurer, who are appointed by the Board. 7.1 General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer A. A General Manager shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The General Manager shall perform all duties I set forth in County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et seq.1, J2Lset forth in these policies, JaLset forth in the General Manager's contract with the District, ll imposed by the Board, and min accordance with governing laws and regulations. In accordance with (1)-(5)y, the General Manager shall: (a-�) have full charge and control of the maintenance, operation, and construction of the District's water and wastewaterwepks GFweterwerks systems Af the District (b-2) have full power and authority to employ and discharge all employeesGRd G8Si8 fGRfC Gf pleGC� iro• (c3) prescribe the duties of employees GRGI GS SiCf!'YYIfC• (d4) fix and alter the compensation of employees GRd assist r,+C subject to budget limitations approved by the Board; (e5) perform other duties imposed by the Board; and (f6) report to the Board in accordance with the rules and regulations as adopted by the Board (WC § 30580-30581). B. A Secretary and Assistant Secretary shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Secretary, or the Assistant Secretary in the absence of the Secretary, shall attest all ordinances and resolutions approved and adopted by the Board, countersign all contract documents approved and adopted by the Board, prepare the minutes of each meeting held by the Board, and perform all duties LLLset forth in the County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et seq.), 2Lset forth in these policies, JaLimposed by the Board, and min accordance with governing laws and regulations. C. A Treasurer shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Treasurer shall perform all duties LLLset forth in the County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et segs, L2Lset forth in these policies, jai imposed by the Board, and min accordance with governing laws and regulations. The Treasurer shall install and maintain a system of auditing and accounting that shall completely and at all times show the financial condition of the District(WC§(WC 30582. D. A member of the Board shall not serve as the General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer. The same person may be appointed as General Manager and Secretary or Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be no additional compensation for also serving as Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer if the individual so serving is an employee of the District. 17 Page 133 of 193 E. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the District shall serve as the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the Public Financing Corporation. The General Manager, Finance Manager, and Executive Assistant, shall serve as the Executive Director, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Financing Authority. Appointed staff of the Corporation and Authority shall be affirmed annually at the District's reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year or as necessary. The District shall insure against losses caused by an officer or employee of the District in lieu of providing a bond or bonds. The amount and terms of this insurance coverage shall be equivalent to the provisions specified in the District's insurance policy for Crime Coverage - Public Employee Theft. (WC § 30545; GC 53226.3 G. Individuals serving as General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, or Treasurer of the Board and the Corporation, and Executive Director, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Authority, may be removed from their appointments by a majority vote of the Board. 7.2 District Legal and Labor Counsel A. The District's Legal and Labor Counsel are law firms that are appointed by the Board of Directors and report to the Board during Board meetings. Legal Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District in all legal matters pertaining to the operation, maintenance, and other related business of the District. Legal Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all Board actions to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review legal documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager; and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 2. Labor Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District in all legal matters pertaining to employment law and other related business of the District. Labor Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all employment related matters to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review employment and labor related documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 7.3 District Auditor A. The District's Auditor is a certified audit firm that is appointed by and reports to the Board, and that conducts the District's annual audit and prepares the District's annual audit report IWC § 30582). The District's auditor shall be rotated on a periodic basis. Contracts for independent auditing services shall be awarded for an initial period of three years, with the option of extending up to two subsequent years (for a maximum total of five), unless otherwise determined by the Board. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 18 Page 134 of 193 7.4 Consultants A. The Board may from time -to -time select, retain, compensate, define the scope and efforts of, and dismiss consultants to support or provide information to the Board in developing policy level decisions or in implementing Board actions. In doing so, the Board shall delegate to the General Manager the responsibility for day-to-day direction of the work of the consultant. 8.0 COMMITTEES 8.1 From time to time, the Board may establish committees, whether standing or ad hoc, to assist with the performance of its duties and policy advice. In keeping with the Board's broader focus, committees shall not direct the implementation of District programs and projects. Committees shall assist the Board by preparing policy alternatives and implications for Board consideration. Committees shall not act on the Board's behalf unless authorized by a majority vote of the Board. Said authorization shall not conflict with the duties assigned to the General Manager. In order to preserve the organizational structure and support the chain of command, committees shall not exercise authority over staff or staff operations. 8.2 The purpose of each established committee shall be reviewed by the Board on an annual basis, prior to making Director assignments, in order to determine their continuing relevance. 8.3 The Board previously adopted the Fair Political Practices Commission's (FPPC) Form 806 as the District's official form for reporting public official appointments and has directed staff to post a completed form on the District's website in accordance with the requirements set forth in FPPC Regulation 18705.5. 9.0 DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 9.1 Directors' Compensation A. As of January 23, 2003, compensation for members of the Board shall be $150 per day for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board, GRd ether meetings attended at the request of the Board, and participation in mandatory training, including reasonable and necessary travel time (see Appendix 1). Compensation for any type of service shall not exceed ten days in any calendar month(District Ord. 03-01; WC § 20202; WC § 30507). B. Director attendance at events sponsored by LLLthe District or (2) the following organizations shall be pFeGutheriz sybjeGt to budget get i M tGtieRs GS approved by the Board subject to budget limitations: 1. Association of California Cities - Oranae Countv (ACC -OC 4-.2. Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) 2-.3. Association of California Water Agencies - Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA-JPIA) 3-A. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 5. California Association of Mutual Water Companies (CalMutuals) 4.6. California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) 5-1. California Special Districts Association (CSDA) 19 Page 135 of 193 &.8. California-Nevada Section of American Water Works Association (CA-NV AWWA) 7-.9. Chambers of Commerce 8. iity, Qe irety GRGI StGtG GGVerRFRe tGI AgeRGieS (Inr-II GIiRg moo+iRgS 4.4h eIeGted/rvppeiRfed effir-irvlc rVnd StGff ) X10. Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA) 40:11. Educational Institutions 44,12. Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) 13. Local, State, and Federal Governmental Agencies (Including meetings with elected/appointed officials and staff.) 42,14. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC or MET) 43.15. Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) 44.16. Non -political Community Service Organizations 17. Orange County Business Council (OCBQ W.18. Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (OC LAFCO) 4-6-.19. Orange County Sanitation District (OCSanQ) 47,20. Orange County Water Association (OCWA) 48-.21. Orange County Water District (OCWD) 22. Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) 4-9,23. Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) 224. Urban Water Institute (UWI) 25. Water Advisory Committee of Orange County (WACO) 226. Water Education Foundation (WEFJ C. Director attendance at events sponsored by any other organization than those listed above requires preapproval or ratification by a majority vote of the Board in order to be considered as an activity for the purposes of compensation. D. Directors shall complete an Activity Report and Compensation Form (see Exhibit D) on a monthly basis. Directors have until the 15'" day of the following month to file said reports with the General Manager or his/her designee. If an activity report is not returned by this deadline, no compensation shall be paid to the Director for that reporting period. Exceptions to this provision shall be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval. E. All activity reports shall be reviewed and approved by the President or the Vice President. The President's activity report shall be reviewed and approved by the Vice President. F. Increases in compensation are limited to five percent for each calendar year following the operative date of the last adjustment (District Ord. 03-01; WC § 20202. The Board shall consider its compensation rate following the reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. If the Board recommends an increase in the amount of compensation, an Ordinance shall be considered and adopted by the Board according to the following procedures: 1. A public hearing shall be held prior to adoption of the Ordinance WC 20203). 2. Notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for two successive weeks prior to the public hearing (GC § 6066). Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures ManLl- ' 20 Page 136 of 193 3. The Ordinance shall become effective 60 days from the date of its final passage (WC § 202041. G. The District does not provide any of its Directors with loans. 9.2 Benefits A. Directors and their eligible dependents may participate in the health benefits plans provided by the District, including medical, dental and vision plans. The District shall pay the premium amount for Directors and 2/3 of the pre.—HUM, erneURferand their eligible dependents. Direeters Gre respGRs.ble fer rl/'Y\,iRg the i"1rlr RG8 „f the premium rtirv,r,i ir,+ fer eligible d +T Health benefits provided to Directors shall not be greater than the most generous plan being offered to any group of District employees. A Director is also eligible for District - provided post -service health benefits if the following conditions are satisfied: the Director's term began before January 1, 1995 and continued uninterrupted until on or after May 27, 2010; and the Director began receiving health benefits from the District before January 1, 1994. The rate of accrual for post -service health benefits is one year of benefits for each three years of service to the District as a Director. In addition to the terms and conditions provided herein, any terms or conditions set forth in the personnel rules of the District that are applicable to retiree health benefits shall also apply to post -service health benefits for Directors, except those conditions relating to good standing and adequate notice of retirement. Directors are also eligible for District -provided Group Life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance in amounts up to $50--9,000 each. Additionally, Directors may elect to participate in the District's deferred compensation plan. Enrollment in any of the above benefits plans is subject to the rules and restrictions of the plans. 9.3 Travel Expense Reimbursement A. Directors are encouraged to attend conferences, conventions, meetings, symposiums, intergovernmental meetings and legislative sessions relating to the mission of the District. Directors shall receive reimbursement or payment of expenses, according to District rules, incurred in the performance of their duties as required or authorized by the Board. Attendance at an event must be preapproved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting in order to be considered as an activity for the purposes of payment or reimbursement of travel expenses. Directors' rates for reimbursement and payment of travel expenses shall not be greater than rates specified for District employees. B. Directors shall be reimbursed for actual costs to attend activities as follows: Flight: Coach or Economy Class Car Rental: Most Economical Size Vehicle, Government/Group Rate Lodging: Published Conference Group Rate, Equally Comparable or Lower Rate, Government Rate, or GSA Rate (See Section D) Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 21 Page 137 of 193 Meals: $90 Per Day Actual and Necessary Expenses: $30 Per Day C. Expenditures for lodging, meals, and transportation shall provide for reasonable and necessary comfort and convenience. Directors shall be mindful that public funds are being spent and that only a reasonable and necessary level of expense is warranted. Add-on expenses such as upgrades, early boarding, and early check-in shall not be considered reimbursable. D. When available, Directors must use coach or economy class for commercial travel and the published conference group rate, an equally comparable or lower rate, or government rate for lodging. If these rates are not available, the reimbursable amount shall be limited to the per diem rates set forth by the US General Service Administration (GSA) at http://www.asa.aov. For travel by personal vehicle, mileage shall be reimbursed at the standard rate adopted by the US Internal Revenue Service in effect at the time of travel. Personally owned vehicles used in the conduct of District business must be insured for property and liability damage in an amount not less than the minimum limits required by the California Financial Responsibility Act. In no case shall the amount paid for mileage reimbursement for use of a personally owned vehicle used for travel in lieu of air travel exceed the cost of coach or economy class or equivalent airfare based on the date the Director registered to attend an activity or conduct business on behalf of the District. F. Reimbursement for taxi, rideshare, rail, bus, or other reasonable ground transportation shall be for the actual costs plus tip not to exceed 20% and applicable taxes. G. Reimbursement for parking and toll charges shall be for actual costs. H. Meal expenses include the reasonable and necessary costs of meals and beverages, not including alcoholic beverages. Meal expenses shall be reimbursed on a daily basis not to exceed $90 per day. Meal expenses for partial days shall be reimbursed on a meal by meal basis as follows: $20 for breakfast, $30 for lunch, and $40 for dinner. Said maximums for meal expenses exclude taxes and gratuities which are considered actual and necessary expenses (see Section 9.3. G). Any amount spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth in this section may not be deducted from another day's reimbursable amount during that same activity. Additionally, any amounts not spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth above may not be added to another day's reimbursable amount during that same activity. No reimbursement shall be provided for alternative meals when the District has paid for the cost of the activity including any incorporated meals. Attendance at receptions before dinner shall not be considered a meal. I. Actual and necessary expenses include taxes and gratuities for meals, tips for drivers, baggage carriers, and hotel staff. This does not include the cost of laundry, cleaning or pressing of clothes, or telephone calls. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 22 Page 138 of 193 J. Reimbursement of all reasonable and necessary expenses for internet service to conduct District business while traveling shall be for actual costs. K. Arrangements for transportation, lodging, or registration fees that have cancellation or change penalties shall be carefully monitored by the requesting Director. If a cancellation or change occurs due to a personal request or obligation of the Director, they will be responsible for paying the corresponding penalty, except when determined by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting that the reason for the cancellation was legitimate and authorized. L. The District shall not incur any costs for a spouse, or other accompanying person. M. If an expense does not fall within the reimbursement rates identified in this policy, it must be preapproved by a majority vote of the Board in a public meeting. N. In order to obtain reimbursement for qualified expenses, the following procedures must be followed: 1. Directors shall submit a completed Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit E) for conference, convention, or symposium attendance, together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 60 calendar days following the attended event, with the exception of expenses incurred during the month of June. Requests for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred during this period must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the attended event for the purposes of financial reporting at the end of the fiscal year. 2. Directors shall also submit a completed Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit F) for local meeting attendance, together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 60 calendar days following the attended event, with the exception of expenses incurred during the month of June. Requests for reimbursement of meeting and mileage expenses incurred during this period must be submitted within 30 calendar days following the attended event for the purposes of financial reporting at the end of the fiscal year. 3. If the Director does not file an expense report within the above listed deadlines, the District will not reimburse mileage or out-of-pocket expenses. Exceptions to this provision shall be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval. 4. For any activity that the District prepays expenses, the Director is still required to file an expense report to ensure that any expenses prepaid by the District are properly accounted for. Staff shall assist Directors with these reports as needed. To enforce the timely filing of expense reports the District may, by majority vote of the Board, stop prepaying conference and travel expenses. 5. All expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. The President's requests shall be reviewed Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 23 Page 139 of 193 and approved by the Vice President and vice versa, or by another available Director. 6. With the exception of mileage reimbursement, any expense shown on the form must have a corresponding, attached original itemized receipt or other verification document. Summary receipts for meals cannot be accepted as a verification document. 7. If a receipt is lost or not provided, the Director must submit a completed Missing Receipt Affidavit Form (see Exhibit G) as substantiation of the expense. 8. Directors shall also submit a completed Miscellaneous Gratuities Form (see Exhibit H) for such expenses paid in cash without a receipt. 9. All forms, receipts and verification documents shall be public documents subject to redaction of any confidential information, such as credit card numbers. O. A Director shall not attend a conference or training event for which there is an expense to the District if it occurs after the Director has announced his/her pending resignation, or if it occurs after an election in which it has been determined that the Director will not retain his/her seat on the Board. A Director shall not attend a conference or training event when it is apparent that there is no significant benefit to the District. P. Directors shall provide a brief report about the activity at the next regular Board meeting following attendance. Said report shall detail what was learned at the session(s) that will be of benefit to the District and can be submitted in written or verbal form though ideally no longer than three minutes. Materials from session(s) may be delivered to the General Manager for inclusion in the District's library for future use. 9.4 District Issued Credit Cards A. Directors shall be issued credit cards for their use while traveling or attending meetings on behalf of the District. All purchases made with this card shall comply with the limitations contained in this policy. Personal purchases using this card are strictly prohibited. B. Directors shall submit all original itemized receipts along with appropriate forms (see Section 9.3. J and Exhibits E and F) identifying purchases made with a District credit card within 30 calendar days of when the expense was incurred. C. Directors shall report lost or stolen cards to the Finance Manager immediately to prevent potential liabilities. D. Directors shall return their card to the Finance Manager when leaving office. 9.5 Communications Expense Reimbursement A. In order to facilitate operational efficiency and reduce expenses, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the District to have all agendas and Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mant 24 Page 140 of 193 other District information distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies whenever possible. While Director participation in and support of this initiative is encouraged, it is not required. Participating Directors are eligible for the reimbursement of expenses associated with the purchase of necessary electronic equipment and related items provided that: The Director is an elected official of the District with more than two months remaining in his/her current term of office. 2. The Director has submitted a completed Communications Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit 1) in accordance with established procedures. 3. The District shall provide reimbursement, up to $1,000 including applicable taxes and fees every four years (or sooner in the event of loss or theft), for the cost of electronic equipment and related items of the Director's choosing. Qualifying electronic equipment and related items shall include tablets, laptop computers, tablet/laptop covers or cases, protective screen wraps, and downloadable applications specific to the conduct of District business, such as word processing, spreadsheet or PDF annotation applications. 54. One hundred percent of the electronic equipment and approved itemized expenses reimbursed shall be reported on the Director's Form W-2 as taxable income. In providing this information, the District is not offering tax advice. Directors having questions concerning the tax implications of electronic communications reimbursement benefits are urged to contact the Internal Revenue Service or other experts in tax law. B. Expenses that are not reimbursable include, but are not limited to, gift wrapping, engraving, downloadable applications (other than those used specifically for conducting District business) and additional adaptors. 9-.C. Reimbursements shall be processed when proof of purchase and original itemized receipts are submitted by the Director along with a completed form within 30 days of purchase. C,D. Failure to submit a completed form within this time frame shall result in a denial of the Director's request for reimbursement of the expense. Exceptions to this provision shall be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval. 1. The electronic equipment and related items for which reimbursement is provided shall become the property of the Director and all maintenance is the sole responsibility of the Director. 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, staff may, from time to time as deemed necessary, provide paper copies of District information to Directors and Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures ManL1- 25 Page 141 of 193 such provision of paper copies shall not affect the reimbursement of expenses as provided in this section. 41-E. Should a Director experience a loss or theft of electronic equipment for which the full or partial expense was reimbursed by the District, said Director shall submit a written statement and/or police report to the Finance Manager or the General Manager for auditing purposes prior to requesting reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of replacement equipment. Requests for reimbursement of expenses for replacement equipment shall be subject to the limitations and requirements as set forth above. F. All communications expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. The President's requests shall be reviewed and approved by the Vice President and vice versa, or by another available Director. Any requests for reimbursement that fall outside the limitations contained in this policy shall be reviewed and preapproved by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting. 9.6 Disclosure of Expenditures/Reimbursements A. A full accounting of expenditures of public funds under this policy shall be made and become part of the records of the District. B. All reimbursements paid by the District of at least $100 for each individual charge for services or product received, shall be disclosed in an annual report following the end of each fiscal year. Reimbursement of an individual charge includes but is not limited to, one meal, lodging for one day, transportation, or a registration fee paid to any Director. This report shall be made available for public inspection upon request (GC § 53065.5). C. All travel expenses and reimbursements paid by the District on behalf of a Director shall be disclosed in a quarterly report and provided to the Board for review at a regular meeting. 10.0 BOARD MEETINGS, GENERAL All meetings of the Board shall be held at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, California, unless another location is speficied on the agenda (WC § 30521). All meetings of the Board shall be open and public and all persons are invited to attend (WC § 30529). The District shall continue to implement all applicable requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act to ensure transparent, open and responsive government (GC § 54950 et seq.1. 10.1 Regular Meetings A. Effective January 1, 2023, all regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the first and third Thursday of each month commencing at 3:00 p.m. unless deemed unnecessary by the President or a majority of the Board. Closed Sessions scheduled to occur on the same day as a regular meeting may be noticed separately as a special meeting. Any member of the Board may make a motion to adjourn any Board meeting and/or to complete any item under discussion during meetings lasting more than four hours from the time the Board meetingef commencedt. All remaining items on the agenda which have not been 26 Page 142 of 193 acted upon shall be continued to the next regular meeting or as specified by the Board. 10.2 Special Meetings A. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or a majority of the Board. Whenever a special meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The notice shall specify the time and place of such meeting and the purpose of the meeting. A-. 1. -The written notice may be dispensed with as to any Director who, at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, files with the Secretary a written waiver of notice (see Exhibit J). The written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. 10.3 Emergency Meetings A. In the event of an emergency situation involving matters upon which prompt action is necessary due to the disruption or threatened disruption of public facilities or District operations, the Board may hold an emergency special meeting without complying with the 24 hour notice required in Section 10.2 herein. An emergency situation means a crippling disaster which severely impairs public health, safety, or both. The President, or the Vice President in the absence of the President, or the General Manager, may determine if an emergency situation exists. B. Whenever an emergency meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least one hour in advance of the meeting. In the event that telephonic services are not functioning, the notice requirement of one hour is waived. The Secretary shall then notify such newspapers, radio stations, or television states of the fact of the holding of the emergency meeting, and of any action taken by the Board, as soon after the meeting as possible. C. No Closed Session may be held during an emergency meeting, and all other rules governing special meetings shall be observed with the exception of the 24 hour notice. The minutes of the emergency meeting, a list of persons the Board or designee notified or attempted to notify, a copy of the roll call vote(s), and any actions taken at such meeting shall be posted for a minimum of ten days in the District office as soon after the meeting as possible. 11.0 BOARD MEETINGS, AGENDAS 11.1 Agendas A. Any matter which is to be deliberated, discussed, and/or considered for approval or adoption by the Board at the meeting must be submitted to the Board as part of an agenda (GC § 54950 et seg.). All ordinances, resolutions and contracts shall 27 Page 143 of 193 be reviewed by legal counsel and approved as to form and legality prior to submission for consideration by the Board. B. The Secretary shall, under direction of the General Manager, prepare an agenda of such matters according to Section 11.2 herein, entitled "Order of Business", including a description of the items to be considered or discussed and, where deemed appropriate by the General Manager, a staff recommendation for each item. C. A copy of the draft agenda for every meeting of the Board (or Committee) shall be provided to the President and Vice President (or assigned Committee members) for review prior to posting by the Secretary. D. A copy of the finalized agenda for every regular meeting of the Board shall be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public. Once posted, copies of the complete agenda and supporting materials shall be available for public inspection during business hours at the District office and on the District's website. E. Agendas for all special meetings of the Board shall be posted in the same manner at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The agenda for a special meeting of the Board is limited to only those matters specifically set forth in the purpose of the call for the special meeting. No other business shall be considered at a special meeting. F. All agendas and other District information shall be distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies. Director incurred expenses for electronic equipment and related items required for receiving, accessing and printing all agendas and information shall be reimbursed in accordance with Section 9.0 herein. G. A copy of each agenda for a meeting of the Board shall be mailed to members of the public so requesting them in writing. Any member of the public requesting a copy of a complete agenda and supporting materials shall be charged, in advance, for reproduction costs plus mailing expenses. Exceptions are public agencies, members of the public who request a copy of the agenda without supporting materials, and individuals requesting a copy of an agenda, with or without supporting materials, that contains a specific matter involving that individual as a party. H. All non-exempt writings related to an agenda item and distributed to a majority of the Board less than 72 hours prior to the meeting shall be made available for public review on the District's website at the same time. These instructions shall also be included on all agendas at the time of posting. I. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities, including auxiliary aids or translation services, required for participation in Board meetings should be submitted to the Board Secretary at least 48 hours in advance. These instructions shall also be included on all agendas at the time of posting. (GC 54953 IJ. Any Director may contact the General Manager and request an item to be placed on an agenda no later than 24 hours before an agenda is scheduled to Yorbo , ida Water Distr -f Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures ManLI ' 28 Page 144 of 193 be closed. In general, all agendas for regular meetings of the Board will be closed on Tuesday'sMenGy's at 74-2:00 p.m. the week prior to the meeting date. 1.K. Items that require compilation of readily available written information, documents, reports, studies, or analyses shall not require formal Board approval before placement on an agenda. ISL. Items that require more than four hours of staff or consultant time for compilation, or if they require less than four hours but are of a recurring nature, shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting before placement on an agenda. I�M. Any member of the public may request that a matter directly related to District business be placed on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with supporting documents and information, if any, at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. 2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the public request is or is not a "matter directly related to District business" and if the matter is to be placed on a future agenda. The public member requesting the agenda item may appeal the General Manager's decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the item be placed on the agenda of the Board's next regular meeting. 3. No matter which is legally a proper subject for consideration by the Board in Closed Session shall be accepted. 4. The Board may place limitations on the total time to be devoted to a public request issue at any meeting, and may limit the time allowed for any one person to speak on the issue at the meeting. W.N. Any member of the public may request to present electronic material (such as a PowerPoint presentation) directly related to District business during Public Comments or in relation to a specific agenda item during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be made in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with all electronic materials at least 24-1-2 hours prior to the meeting. 2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the electronic material is or is not a "matter directly related to District business" and if the material is to be presented during a regularly scheduled Board meeting. The public member requesting to present the electronic material may appeal the General Manager's decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the electronic material be presented at the Board's next regular meeting. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 29 Page 145 of 193 11.2 Order of Business A. Upon convening the meeting at the hour set on the date of each meeting, the members of the Board, the Secretary and General Manager of the District shall take their regular stations in the Board Meeting Room, and the business of the Board shall be taken up for consideration. The Presiding Officer shall immediately call the Board to order and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. B. Before proceeding with the business of the Board, the Secretary shall call the roll of the Directors. The Secretary shall enter the names of all Directors, Officers, staff members and visitors (if known) present in the Minutes of the meeting. C. If a quorum is present, the Secretary shall so advise the Presiding Officer. If a quorum is not present, the Secretary may adjourn the meeting to a time certain for the purpose of obtaining a quorum. Any such reconvened regular meeting shall not constitute a special meeting. In the event a regular or special meeting of the Board is adjourned to a time and date certain, the Secretary shall post a notice of adjournment in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public within 24 hours of such adjournment. D. Three of the five Directors elected or appointed to the Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board. Irrespective of the number of Board members constituting a quorum for a particular meeting, a majority vote of the Board shall consist of at least three votes. No ordinance, resolution or motion shall be passed or become effective without the affirmative votes of at least a majority of the members of the Board. E. In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC � 54950 et seg.) as amended fro time to time, Directors may remotely attend Board and Committee meetings, Duly Retip-e ti ■ ■ ■ Director is entitled to participate fully in the meeting and vote from remotefe-I(-QP--9-)Af(-QPeRGe location, and all votes shall be taken by roll call. jGRIJGP� 1, • .d GGRdi GGGE)FdGRGe with AB 361. F. The Presiding Officer may, on his/her own initiative or at the request of any two Directors, take any item of business out of order, either as to the general order of business or as to the specific agenda as the Secretary has prepared it. G. The Board may take action on items not appearing on the posted agenda for regular meetings under the following circumstances: 1. Upon determination by a majority vote of the Board that an emergency, work stoppage or crippling disaster exists that impairs public health and/or safety. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures ManLl- ' 30 Page 146 of 193 2. Upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or by all Directors if only three are present, that a matter LaLcame to the attention of the District (not the Board) subsequent to posting the agenda and b ##a -needs immediate action by the Board. 3. When an item was posted on the agenda of, and was continued from, a meeting held not more than five days earlier. H. The Order of Business taken up for consideration by the Board is generally organized so that high priority matters are addressed at the beginning of the meeting, and is generally in the following sequence: 1. Introductions and Presentations 2. Public Comments (GC § 54954.3) 3. Public Hearings 4. Consent Calendar 5. Action Calendar 6. Discussion Calendar 7. Informational Reports and Other Business 8. Closed Session (s) 9. Adjournment I. Any person desiring to speak shall first address the Presiding OfficerEhG4. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the speaker shall be invited to state his/her name, representation and/or affiliation and the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter relates to an item on the current agenda, the Presiding Officer shall recognize the speakerpef&e-R and invite their comment when the item is considered. Comments are limited to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the District, and shall be no more than three minutes in length unless the speaker is utilizing a translator or a time extension is granted by the Presiding Officer. A maximum of 20 minutes shall be allotted for each subject matter pursuant to the discretion of the Presiding Officer. No action shall be taken on matters not appearing on agenda. (GC § 54954.3) J. The Public Hearings portion of the agenda, if any, shall be held at the time specified in the legal notice advertising such hearing. In general, the order of procedure for a public hearing is as follows: 1. Opening of Hearing by Presiding Officer 2. Verification of Notice of Hearing Provided by Board Secretary 3. Reports by General Manager, Staff and/or Consultant 4. Comments from the Public Speaking in Favor and/or Against the Issue 5. Receipt of Written Communications from the Public 6. Continue or Closing of Hearing by Presiding Officer 7. Questions to Staff and Board Discussion 8. Consideration of Action by the Board K. The Consent Calendar portion of the agenda shall be consideration, in a single action, of items determined by the Secretary to be routine matters, status reports or documents implementing previous Board instructions. If a Director has a question or wishes to discuss a Consent Calendar item, they may do so without formally removing the item from the Consent Calendar. If, after such discussion, a Director, staff member or member of the public has a question or wishes to address Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 31 Page 147 of 193 a Consent Calendar item further, they may request that the item be removed for further discussion. The Presiding Officer shall immediately grant such requests and transfer the removed item to the Action Calendar for later discussion. Items removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion shall be acted upon separately. All items remaining on the Consent Calendar shall be considered for approval by a single motion. Examples of matters appearing on the Consent Calendar may include, but are not limited to: 1. Minutes of Previous Board Meetings 2. Approval to Pay Warrants 3. Routine Environmental Assessments 4. Approval of Routine Terms and Conditions for Water and/or Sewer Service 5. Approval of Change Orders (With a dollar value within the General Manager's authority consistent with the approved purchasing policy.) 6. Approval of Contracts (For projects identified in the adopted budget.) 7. Final Acceptance of Facilities 8. Disposition of Liability Claims 9. Other Routine Administrative Matters L. The Action Calendar portion of the agenda shall include items requiring staff presentation and/or Board discussion prior to formal Board action. Items shall generally be listed in order of priority and with items of a similar nature grouped together. Items may be addressed out of order upon request and with the consent of the Presiding Officer. M. The Discussion Calendar shall include matters that do not require Board action or that cannot reasonably be expected to result in Board action at that meeting. Matters appropriate for the Discussion Calendar include technical presentations to the Board, review of drafts of proposed policies and, in general, items for which District staff seeks the advice and counsel of the Board. When time permits, the Board believes the District's best interests are served by discussing more complex matters at one meeting and considering formal action on them at a subsequent meeting. N. The Informational Reports and Other Business portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for the presentation of reports by the General Manager, reports from Committees, reports by Directors who have attended outside meetings, and general comments by Directors. It also provides an opportunity for the Board to schedule future meetings and assignments on the Board's activity calendar. Requests for items to be placed on a future agenda shall be subject to the provisions in Section 1 1.1 J -K. O. Closed Sessions are strictly limited to the open meeting exceptions as defined in the Ralph M. Brown Act. At times, during Board meetings, the Board may adjourn into Closed Session to discuss personnel matters, real estate negotiations, existing or anticipated litigation or other matters as specified in the exceptions set forth in the Brown Act. Appropriate agenda descriptions are also required for Closed Session items. (GC § 54950 et seg.) P. Either the presiding officer may adjourn a Board meeting without a motion or aA motion to adjourn maynst be moved by a Director and seconded by another Director, and is subject to debate. No further business can be conducted after the Presiding Officer adjourns or an affirmative vote to adjourn. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 32 Page 148 of 193 Q. The Board may adjourn any regular or adjourned regular meeting to a time and place specified in the motion of adjournment so approved by the Board. 12.0 BOARD MEETINGS, MINUTES 12.1 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Board meetings. Minutes are to record actions taken and meaningful discussion; they are not intended to be verbatim records. Members of the public requesting information about a meeting shall be encouraged to listen to or watch4e the Gdie recording made of each meeting. Draft minutes shall be distributed to the Board for review and approval at the next regular meeting or as soon as possible thereafter. Minutes may be approved as part of the Consent Calendar. 12.2 The official minutes of all Board meetings shall be kept in a fire -proof vault or in fire- resistant locked cabinets at the District's Administration office. An audio and/or video recording shall be made of all regular Board meetings, including public hearings, and retained in accordance with the District's records retention policy. 13.0 BOARD MEETINGS, CONDUCT 13.1 Guidelines for Discussion These guidelines are intended to formalize the meeting so that each Director and members of the public, in due course, may be heard (see also Exhibit K). A. The Presiding Officer shall decide, subject to a question of order by any Director, the degree of enforcement of these guidelines at any time during any meeting. B. The Board prefers a flexible form of meeting, believing that this enhances the decision-making process and may not always conduct its meetings with formal "rules of order" or parliamentary procedure. C. Except for items on the Consent Calendar, Tthe Presiding Officer shall read aloud the title of each item on the agenda Gs GeRsidered with the eXGep+iGR Of iteMS GR D. Staff will generally provide a presentation for each action or discussion item following which the Presiding Officer will open the floor to public comment on the matter under consideration (see Section 11.2 1). Following public comment, the Board will discuss the matter being considered and address questions or comments to staff. F. Any Director desiring to speak shall first address the Presiding OfficerG4GiF. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the Director may speak freely with respect to the matter then before the Board but shall confine his/her comments to the subject under discussion. Any Director, once recognized, shall not be interrupted except by a call to order from the Presiding Officer. If a Director is called to order, he/she shall cease speaking until the question or order is determined; if determined to be in order, they may proceed. 33 Page 149 of 193 G. Any Director moving the adoption or approval of a matter may call for the question. H. The Presiding Officer may move, second or debate motions from the BoardG#eir, subject only to such limitations of debate as may be imposed on all Directors, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Director by serving as the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer may vote on all questions or motions before the Board, with his/her name being called last in a roll call vote. True motions to reconsider any Board action must be made at the same meeting at which the original action was taken; however, any Director may make any other type of motion at any meeting. J. The Secretary shall record in the Minutes any dissenting and abstaining votes, or disqualification from voting due to a conflict of interest. K. Unless a Director declares a conflict of interest or abstains, silence shall be recorded in the Minutes as an affirmative vote. The Presiding Officer for each meeting has the responsibility to preserve order and decorum. If at any time, a Director believes order is not being maintained or that procedures being followed are not adequate for the decision-making process at hand, he/she shall call this fact to the attention of the Presiding Officer and request corrective action. If the corrective action taken by the Presiding Officer is not satisfactory, a motion for specific corrective action may be made to the Board. In that event, a majority vote of the Board shall determine the action to be taken. M. In the event any person or group of personsp-e p willfully disruptsma r,o�l I MpertiReRt er slr- Rdere is remGrks er hoc -ernes atteRrdinrw a n'�$ Board meeting in a manner that orderly conduct of such meeting is unfeasible, the Presiding Officer shall call for order and warn the person or -group that their behavior is disrupting the meeting and that failure to cease such behavior may result in their removal from the meeting. If the person or group -refuses to comply with the Presiding Officer's request for order, the Presiding Officer may declare a recess and cause the person or group's removals imm^r, ^ IG1A, or,f^rGeFne t ^ffiGer f^ remeve the perseR (s from the meetingreern. Once the Presiding Officer takes this action, permission for such person(s) to returnmGiR tog# the meeting requires a motion approved by a majority vote of the Board. When, in the judgment of the Presiding Officer, order is restored, the meeting shall reconvene and continue with the Board's business. (GC § 54957.9; GC § 54957.95) 14.0 BOARD ACTIONS AND DECISIONS 14.1 The Board shall act only by Ordinance, Resolution, or Motion (WC § 30523 . The Presiding Officer shall state each matter as it is presented for consideration by the Board and shall announce each decision of the Board. 14.2 Ordinances have the force of law and are an authoritative decree or municipal regulation of the District. Ordinances shall relate to no more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title of the ordinance. No ordinance, or section thereof, shall be amended or repealed unless the new ordinances contains the title of the ordinance or section amended or repealed. When applicable, ordinances shall be identified to the 34 Page 150 of 193 Board as replacements to existing ordinances or sections thereof. Ordinances must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted ordinance. All ordinances shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. Ordinances shall be in full force and effect upon adoption unless otherwise provided by law, and the Secretary shall be responsible for compliance with any and all legal requirements for publication of the ordinance. 14.3 Resolutions are a formal expression of opinion, will or intent of the Board. Resolutions must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted resolution. All resolutions shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. 14.4 Motions are proposals, made by a Director during a Board meeting, for action, inclination of the mind or will, or a formal proposal made in a deliberative manner by the Board. Every motion considered by the Board must be moved by a Director, seconded by another Director and is subject to debate. 14.5 Except where action is taken by the unanimous vote of all Directors present and voting, the Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain or Absent upon the passage of all ordinances, resolutions, or motions and enter them upon the Minutes of the Board. 15.0 EXHIBITS AND APPENDIXES Exhibits A. AGIiRewledgeMeRt �A. Assessment Survey of Governing Body's Effectiveness QB. Sample Conflict of Interest Declarations D -.C. Activity Report and Compensation Form 1,D. Travel Expense Reimbursement Form F-. E. Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form GJ. Missing Receipt Affidavit Form #-.G. Miscellaneous Gratuities Form L.H. Communications Expense Reimbursement Form id. Waiver of Written Notice of Special and Emergency Meetings IBJ. General Guidelines for Parliamentary Procedure Appendixes Setting Compensation for Members of the Board (District Ord. 03-01) 35 Page 151 of 193 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 -XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NOS. 2022-20 AND 2023-01 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District was formed pursuant to Division 12 of the California Water Code; and WHEREAS, Section 30530 of the Water Code provides that the Board shall establish rules for its proceedings; and WHEREAS, such rules for proceedings were formerly adopted by the Board in 2018 by resolution and have been amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to further amend these rules to incorporate and clarify certain topics. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: SECTION 1. The Board of Directors Policies and Procedures are hereby adopted as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. SECTION 2. The policies and procedures contained in this manual shall take effect immediately and Resolution Nos. 2022-20 and 2023-01 are hereby rescinded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7t" day of September 2023 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Brett R. Barbre, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Resolution No. 2023 -XX Amending Board Policies and Procedures Page 152 of 193 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual Last Amended , 2023 Resolution No. 2023 -XX Page 153 of 193 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE..................................................................................................................................3 2.0 DISTRICT MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES.......................................................................................3 2.1 Mission Statement........................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Vision................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3 Core Values......................................................................................................................................3 3.0 BASIS OF BOARD AUTHORITY......................................................................................................................4 4.0 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT................................................................................................4 4.1 Board and General Manager Duties and Responsibilities.......................................................4 4.2 Board Members' Code of Conduct and Ethics........................................................................ 6 5.0 COMPOSITION, TERMS AND VACANCY.................................................................................................13 6.0 OFFICERS.....................................................................................................................................................15 6.1 President and Vice President...................................................................................................... 15 7.0 APPOINTED STAFF AND OTHERS...............................................................................................................15 7.1 General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer ......................................... 16 7.2 District Legal and Labor Counsel............................................................................................... 17 7.3 District Auditor................................................................................................................................ 17 7.4 Consultants.....................................................................................................................................17 8.0 COMMITTEES...............................................................................................................................................17 9.0 DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT..........................................18 9.1 Directors' Compensation............................................................................................................. 18 9.2 Benefits............................................................................................................................................19 9.3 Travel Expense Reimbursement..................................................................................................20 9.4 District Issued Credit Cards.......................................................................................................... 23 9.5 Communications Expense Reimbursement.............................................................................23 9.6 Disclosure of Expenditures/Reimbursements............................................................................24 10.0 BOARD MEETINGS, GENERAL....................................................................................................................25 10.1 Regular Meetings.......................................................................................................................... 25 10.2 Special Meetings...........................................................................................................................25 10.3 Emergency Meetings...................................................................................................................25 11.0 BOARD MEETINGS, AGENDAS..................................................................................................................26 11.1 Agendas......................................................................................................................................... 26 11.2 Order of Business...........................................................................................................................28 12.0 BOARD MEETINGS, MINUTES.....................................................................................................................31 13.0 BOARD MEETINGS, CONDUCT..................................................................................................................31 13.1 Guidelines for Discussion.............................................................................................................. 31 14.0 BOARD ACTIONS AND DECISIONS..........................................................................................................33 15.0 EXHIBITS AND APPENDIXES.......................................................................................................................33 2 Page 154 of 193 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 The purpose of this manual is to provide a compilation of policies and procedures approved by the Board to facilitate the proper conduct of District business. Each Director shall be provided with a copy of this manual when assuming office and as revisions are adopted,. If any portion of this manual is in conflict with federal or state law or regulations that apply to the District, said legislation or regulations shall prevail. 2.0 DISTRICT MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES 2.1 Mission Statement Yorba Linda Water District will provide reliable water and sewer services to protect public health and the environment with financial integrity and superior customer service. 2.2 Vision Yorba Linda Water District will accomplish our mission to improve the quality of life for those we serve by: A. Embracing Proven Technology B. Improving Customer Satisfaction C. Providing Efficient and Responsive Operations D. Ensuring Reliable Infrastructure 2.3 Core Values The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors and staff are guided in everything we do by the following core values: Integrity- We demonstrate integrity every day by practicing the highest ethical standards and by ensuring that our actions follow our words. Accountability - We acknowledge that both the Board and staff of the District are accountable to the public that we serve, as well as to each other. Responsibility - We take full responsibility for our actions. We maintain a commitment of courtesy, assessment, and resolution with all customer concerns. Transparency - We listen to our customers and communicate openly about our policies, processes, and plans for the future. Teamwork - We work together by sharing information and resources to achieve common goals. Respect - We ensure every voice of the District is treated with dignity and civility; differences are valued and individual abilities and contributions are recognized. 3 Page 155 of 193 3.0 BASIS OF BOARD AUTHORITY 3.1 The District is a County Water District, organized and existing under the County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et sec.). The Board is the legislative body, and functions as the District's policymaking body (WC § 30575). It can only function as a unit. Individual Directors have no authority with regard to any aspect of District business. 3.2 As individuals, Directors may not commit the District to any policy, act, or expenditure without prior Board approval nor give direction to the General Manager, staff, legal counsel or consultants without prior Board approval (see also Section 4.1 A). Directors do not represent any fractional segment or region of the community but are part of a legislative body that represents and acts for the District as a whole. Since Directors are elected officials, no Director may delegate his/her authority to act as a Director. 4.0 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT 4.1 Board and General Manager Duties and Responsibilities A. The Board's primary responsibility is the formulation and evaluation of District policy. The Board establishes goals, objectives, expectations, and measurement criteria for the General Manager's performance. The Board is responsible for monitoring District progress in attaining its goals and objectives while pursuing its mission. The Board shall provide policy direction and instructions to the General Manager on matters within the authority of the Board by a majority vote during a duly convened meeting of the Board. The General Manager is responsible for running the District's business. The General Manager may delegate routine matters concerning operational aspects of the District to District staff. B. To assist in the governance of the behavior between and among members of the Board, the following practices shall be observed: 1. The dignity, style, values and opinions of each Director shall be respected. 2. Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged. 3. The needs of the District's constituents shall be the priority of the Board of Directors. 4. Directors shall commit themselves to emphasizing the positive, avoiding double talk, hidden agendas, gossip, backbiting, and other negative forms of interaction. 5. Directors shall commit themselves to focusing on issues and not personalities. The presentation of the opinions of others shall be encouraged. Cliques and voting blocks based on personalities rather than issues shall be avoided. 6. Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision-making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disagreeable. Once the Board takes action, Directors shall commit to supporting said action and not create barriers to the implementation of said action. 4 Page 156 of 193 C. To maintain effective working relationships and support the chain of command, the following procedures shall be followed: 1. Board members shall address matters within the authority of the General Manager through the General Manager, not directly through District employees, legal counsel, or consultants. 2. Accordingly, individual Directors' requests for information as necessary to assist in decision making and policy direction shall always be made to the General Manager. 3. Requests for readily available written information, documents, reports, studies, or analyses shall not require formal Board approval. 4. Requests that require more than four hours of staff or consultant time for compilation, or if they require less than four hours but are of a recurring nature, shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting. S. Responsive materials to Directors' requests for information shall be distributed by the General Manager or his/her designee to all Board members at the same time. 6. If the General Manager's response is deemed inadequate, a Director may contact the Board President or raise the issue directly at a Board meeting, where the Board shall determine by majority vote whether or not the issue warrants attention and if so, schedule it for a future meeting. 7. The General Manager or his/her designee's time spent with Directors or responding to Directors' requests shall also be tracked and made available to the Board for evaluation on a quarterly basis. 8. If the General Manager anticipates being unavailable, he/she shall notify the Board in advance and provide a designee contact. 9. When the General Manager is unavailable in person or by technological means, Board members, at their discretion, may contact the General Manager's designee. 10. Board members shall refrain from making requests directly to District employees or legal counsel to undertake analysis, perform work assignments or change the priority of work assignments. District employees have been instructed to notify the General Manager of all requests received from a Board member within 48 hours. 11. If approached by an employee concerning District policy, Board members shall direct inquiries to the appropriate staff supervisor or General Manager. 12. In handling complaints from residents and property owners of the District, said complaints shall be referred directly to the General Manager. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane 5 Page 157 of 193 13. In handling matters related to public safety, concerns shall be reported to the General Manager or the District office. Emergency situations shall be dealt with immediately by seeking appropriate assistance. 14. In seeking clarification for policy -related concerns, especially those involving personnel, legal action, land acquisition and development, finances and programming, said concerns shall be referred directly to the General Manager. D. The work of the District is a team effort. All individuals shall work together in the collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the District. 1. When responding to constituent requests and concerns, Directors shall be courteous, responding to individuals in a positive manner and routing their questions through appropriate channels. 2. Directors shall develop a working relationship with the General Manager wherein current issues, concerns and District projects can be discussed comfortably and openly. 3. Directors shall function as a part of the whole. Issues shall be brought to the attention of the Board as a whole, rather than to individual members selectively. E. Directors shall attend all meetings of the Board, including committee, agency, and intergovernmental meetings to which they may be assigned, unless there is good cause for absence, and be properly prepared for participation and deliberation. F. Should a Director have a question related to an agenda item when preparing for a meeting, such questions should be submitted to the General Manager at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. G. New Directors shall participate in a minimum of six hours of basic governance training within one year from the first day of service with the District. Participation in the Governance Foundations course, offered by the California Special District Association's Special District Leadership Academy or Special District Leadership Foundation approved equivalent, shall satisfy the basic governance training requirement. H. The Board shall review the policies and procedures contained in this manual biennially or more often as required. I. The Board may determine to perform an assessment of the governing body's effectiveness and its relationship with staff utilizing the survey included in this manual (see Exhibit B) or choosing another method for accomplishing this task. 4.2 Board Members' Code of Conduct and Ethics A. It is the policy of the District to require the highest standards of ethics from its Board members. The operation of the District requires that (1) decisions and policy be made within the proper channels of governmental structure, (2) the public office not be used for personal gain, and (3) all individuals associated with the District Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 6 Page 158 of 193 remain impartial and responsible towards the public. Accordingly, it is the policy of the District that Board members shall maintain the highest standard of personal honesty and fairness in carrying out their duties. The following are requirements for ethical conduct to be followed by the Board: 1. Board members are obligated to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and to uphold the laws of national, state and local governmental agencies. Board members shall comply with all applicable laws regulating their conduct, including conflicts of interest, financial disclosure and open government laws. It is the responsibility of Board members to conduct themselves both professionally and personally in a manner above reproach and to avoid the appearance of impropriety. 2. New Directors shall participate in a minimum of two hours of ethics compliance training and two hours of harassment prevention training as soon as practical, but not more than six months, from the first day of service with the District and at least once every two years thereafter. A Director who serves on more than one local agency board may satisfy this requirement by obtaining such training once every two years without regard to the number of boards on which he/she serves. The District shall provide information regarding available training on an annual basis. All Directors shall provide a copy of proof of participation in these trainings to the District. Copies of proofs of participation shall be considered public documents and shall be retained for a minimum of five years (GC § 53235.2(b)). 3. Board members shall neither harass nor discriminate against any individual on the basis of their protected classification (s), the perception of any individuals protected classification (s), or because the individual associates with a person who has or is perceived to have a protected classification (s). The term "protected classification" includes race (including but not limited to, hair texture and protective styles), religion or religious creed, color, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related medical conditions), sexual orientation (including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality), national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, marital status, age (40 or over), medical condition, genetic characteristics or information, military or veteran status, physical or mental disability (whether perceived or actual), reproductive health decision-making, and any other basis protected by law. No Board member shall grant any unfair or inappropriate consideration, treatment, or advantage to any individual or group beyond that which is available to others or groups with the same circumstances. No Board member shall retaliate against any individual because the individual engaged in protected activity. The term "protected activity" includes, but is not limited to: (a) making a request for accommodation for a disability; (b) making a request for accommodation for religious beliefs; (c) making a complaint against a Board member; (d), opposing violations of this manual; or (e) participating in any investigation or procedures undertaken pursuant to this manual. a. Any Board member who receives a complaint/report regarding harassment, discrimination or retaliation shall immediately report it to Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 7 Page 159 of 193 the General Manager. The General Manager, in consultation with legal counsel, will determine what level of investigation and response is necessary. b. If a Board member is the subject of a complaint, the General Manager and District Counsel will hire an outside investigator, as appropriate, to investigate the complaint. The investigation shall be conducted in a way that ensures, to the extent feasible, the privacy of the parties involved. L The investigation will typically include interviews with the reporting individual, the accused, and any other person who is believed to have relevant knowledge concerning the allegations. Any Board member who is identified as a subject or witness in the investigation must cooperate with the investigator, including by submitting to an interview. Any Board members interviewed by the investigator shall not discuss the interview with any individuals or District employees. Any retaliation by a Board member against the reporting individual or any individuals who participate in the investigation is prohibited. ii. The investigator shall submit a written report to the General Manager and District Counsel. The General Manager and/or District Counsel will consult with the Board members who are not a subject of the investigation about the results of the investigation and any remedial action, if necessary, designed to end any violations of this manual. Any Board member found to have discriminated, harassed, or retaliated against any individual may be subject to appropriate sanction or censure as determined by the Board members who are not a subject of the investigation. iii. The District will take reasonable steps to protect the reporting party from further harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation. iv. The investigation report is attorney work -product and attorney-client privileged and the Board members who are not a subject of the investigation will not waive the privileges and disclose the investigation report except as it deems necessary to support a disciplinary action, to take remedial action, to defend itself in adversarial proceedings, or to comply with the law or a court order. At the conclusion of the investigation, the General Manager and/or District Counsel will notify the appropriate persons of the disposition of the investigation. V. Subsection A.3. is based primarily on the Harrassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Prevention Policy (POL-7010- 005) which applies to District employees and others. Accordingly, the General Manager and District Counsel may Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane 8 Page 160 of 193 rely on language in that Policy, which does not conflict with Subsection A.3., to implement Subsection A.3. 4. Except where specifically authorized by the General Manager in the public interest, no Board member shall knowingly use or permit the use of District - owned vehicles, equipment, telephones, materials or property, nor require a District employee to perform services for personal convenience or profit. Board members shall safeguard the District's property, equipment, moneys, and assets against unauthorized use or removal, as well as from loss due to criminal act or breach of trust. 5. Board members shall not disclose information that legally qualifies as confidential to unauthorized individuals without approval from a majority vote of the Board and consultation with legal counsel. This includes information that (1) has been received during a Closed Session; (2) is protected from disclosure under the attorney/client or other evidentiary privilege; or (3) is not required to be disclosed under the California Public Records Act (GC § 7920 et sec.). A Board member may make a confidential inquiry or complaint to a district attorney or grand jury concerning a perceived violation of law, including disclosing facts to a district attorney or grand jury necessary to establish the alleged illegality of a District action. Prior to disclosing confidential information, however, a Board member shall first bring the matter to the attention of either the General Manager, District Counsel, and/or the full Board in closed session. 6. Board members shall avoid conflicts, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with District decisions and activities (GC § 1090). a. A Board member shall not have a financial interest in a contract with the District, which includes the purchase or sale of goods and services. The Board shall not authorize any District contract if a Board member is financially interested in the contract. b. A Board member shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on a matter before the Board, or attempt to influence a decision of the Board, if the Board member has a financial interest, which is prohibited under California law. If a Board member believes that he/she may be disqualified from participation in the discussion, deliberations or vote on a particular matter due to a financial interest, the following procedures shall be followed: L If a Board member becomes aware of the potential conflict of interest before a Board meeting at which the matter will be discussed or acted on, the Board member shall notify the General Manager and legal counsel of the potential conflict of interest so that a determination can be made whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. H. If it's not possible for a Board member to discuss the potential conflict with the General Manager and legal counsel before the meeting, or if the Board member does not become aware of the potential conflict until during the meeting, the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 9 Page 161 of 193 Board member shall immediately disclose the potential conflict during the Board meeting (see Exhibit C), so that there can be a determination as to whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. iii. Upon a determination that there is a disqualifying conflict of interest, the Board member shall: (1) publicly identify the interest that gives rise to the conflict or potential conflict in sufficient detail to be understood by the public; (2) recuse themselves from participating in the discussion, deliberation or vote on the matter for which a conflict of interest exists, which shall be so noted in the Board minutes; and (3) leave the room until after the discussion, vote and any other disposition of the matter is concluded. The Director shall not be counted toward achieving a quorum while the item is discussed. This process also applies when the disqualifying conflict of interest is on the Consent Calendar except the Director is not required to leave the room. C. A Board member shall not recommend the employment of a relative to the District or to a vendor, contractor or consultant known by the Board member to be bidding or negotiating a contract with the District. 7. To avoid non-compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC § 54950 et seg.), Directors are prohibited from sending and receiving electronically produced messages during meetings. 8. For a period of one year after leaving office, former Board members shall not represent any non-governmental entities before the District for compensation. This restriction shall not apply to governmental entities. B. Board members are prohibited from soliciting political funds or contributions at District facilities and prohibited from using the District's seal, trademark, logo, branding, stationary or other indicia of the District's identity, in any solicitation for political contributions contrary to State law. A Board member shall not accept, solicit or direct a political contribution from: 1. District employees or legal counsel. 2. Consultants or contractors used by the District in the past 12 months. 3. Individuals, entities, vendors, consultants, sub -consultants, contractors, or sub -contractors which have a personal or financial interest in a contract or other matter while it is pending before the District and for 6 months after the District renders a final decision on that contract or other matter. 4. Any other party as prohibited by law. C. The appointment or election of a Board member to a public entity, other than the District, may result in action that is contrary or inconsistent with the interests of the District and could result in loss of the member's position of the Board. Board members may, with consent of the Board, consult with legal counsel and the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 10 Page 162 of 193 Board may authorize a request for an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of California as to the incompatibility of offices. D. No Board member shall receive or agree to receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, reward, honoraria or gift from any source except for recognition from the District for any action related to the conduct of the District's business. A Board member shall not accept gifts that exceed the limitations specified in California law. Any and all gifts, campaign contributions, income and financial information shall be disclosed as required under the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 and applicable regulations adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission. E. Board members and persons elected or appointed, who have not yet assumed office as members of the Board, shall fully comply with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC § 54950 et sea.). F. The General Manager has primary responsibility for (1) ensuring compliance with the District's personnel policies and procedures; (2) ensuring that District employees do not engage in improper activities; (3) investigating allegations of improper activities; and (4) taking appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions. The Board ensures that the General Manager is managing the District according to the law and the policies approved by the Board. 1. Board members shall disclose to the General Manager, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper activities within their knowledge. Board members shall not interfere with the General Manager's responsibilities in identifying, investigating and correcting improper activities, unless the Board determines the General Manager is not properly carrying out these responsibilities. 2. A Board member shall not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence of their position to intimidate, threaten, coerce, command or influence any person for the purpose of preventing such person from acting in good faith to bring to the attention of the General Manager or the Board any information that, if true, will constitute a work- related violation by a Board member or District employee of any law, regulation, or this manual. This includes, but is not limited to (1) misappropriation or waste of District funds; (2) abuse of authority; (3) creating substantial danger to public health or safety by an act or omission of a District official or employee; (4) use of a District office or position or of District resources for personal gain; or (5) a conflict of interest of a Board member or employee. G. Directors are not subject to the District's Conflict of Interest Codes, but are subject to the disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act (GC § 87100 et seq.; GC 87203). Directors are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) with the County when assuming office, on an annual basis thereafter, and when leaving office. Filing of these forms shall be performed using the County's e -file system. H. Directors appointed to other agency's boards (e.g. OCSan or ACWA-JPIA) shall be required to file Form 700's in accordance with that respective agency's Conflict of Interest Codes. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane 11 Page 163 of 193 I. The following procedures shall be followed when any member of the Board reasonably believes that another member of the Board has engaged in alleged misconduct or has failed to act in the best interests of the District. These procedures shall not be effective in any case in which a non -board member seeks redress for alleged misconduct by a Board member. While the Board has discretion in deciding the actions it may choose to take in response to a complaint, this section provides definitions and procedures related to three types of actions: admonition, sanction, and censure. 1. Admonition is the least severe form of action. An admonition may typically be directed to all members of the Board, reminding them that a particular type of behavior is not in the best interests of the District, and that, if it occurs or is found to have occurred, could cause a member to be subject to sanction or censure. An admonition may be issued in response to a particular alleged action or actions, although it will not necessarily have to be triggered by a complaint of misconduct. An admonition may be issued by the Board prior to any findings of fact regarding any complaint, and because it is a warning or reminder, will not necessarily require an investigation. 2. Sanction is the next most severe form of action. Sanction shall be directed to an individual member of the Board based on a particular action (or set of actions) that is determined to be misconduct but is considered by the Board not to be sufficiently serious to require censure. A sanction may be based upon the Board's review and consideration of a complaint. A sanction may be issued by the Board, and because it is not punishment or discipline, will not necessarily require an investigation. 3. Censure is the most severe form of action. Censure is a formal statement of the Board officially reprimanding one of its members. It is a punitive action, which serves as a penalty imposed for misconduct, but it carries no fine or suspension of the rights of the member as an elected official. It can however, include such actions as the disapproval of expense reimbursement requests, de -authorization of attendance at conferences, seminars, and other activities at District expense, removal of the member from Board committee, agency and intergovernmental meeting assignments, and other such remedies as may be deemed appropriate by the Board. Censure shall only be used for cases in which the Board determines that the misconduct is a serious offense. In order to protect the overriding principle of freedom of speech, the Board shall not impose censure on any of its members for the exercise of his/her First Amendment rights, no matter how distasteful the expression was to the Board or the District. However, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Board from collectively condemning and expressing their strong disapprobation of such remarks. Before the imposition of a censure, the Director accused of a violation shall be entitled to written notice of the allegation, the right to provide a written response to the allegation, and an opportunity to respond in writing as to the results of an investigation. J. All complaints shall be submitted in writing to the General Manager and/or the District's legal counsel for review and determination as to whether there is sufficient basis for further action. Complaints that specifically seek admonition, sanction or censure as a specific remedy shall be treated as a request for that Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 12 Page 164 of 193 remedy. Once a complaint has been filed, the General Manager, in conjunction with legal counsel, shall bring the matter before the Board. The Director named in a complaint shall be given an opportunity to respond to the complaint in writing. If the Board determines, in consultation with legal counsel, that an investigation is warranted, the Board shall initiate an investigation by the appropriate investigator, entity or authority, as determined in the reasonable discretion of the Board. In the event of such an investigation, a report of the findings of said investigation, along with the accused Director's written response to the report, shall be presented to the board for majority action. If there is no merit, the matter shall be disposed of with no further action. When the Board decides, based upon findings and the accused Director's defense, that a violation has occurred, it may choose to impose one of the above listed internal remedies. Any action taken by the Board to impose a sanction or censure, shall be taken by way of written resolution. K. At any point during any of these processes, the Board may refer the matter, as appropriate, to the Orange County District Attorney or other proper authorities for possible investigation, enforcement or prosecution. Prior to or following such referral, the Board may also proceed with any of the actions described in this section. 5.0 COMPOSITION, TERMS AND VACANCY 5.1 The District shall have a Board of five Directors each of whom, whether elected or appointed, shall be a voter of the District (WC § 30068; WC § 30500 et seg.). 5.2 The term of office of each Director, other than Directors appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall be four years (WC § 30502). Terms of office are staggered, with elections held in November of every even numbered year (WC § 30700). 5.3 Elections are held at large, which means that all voters throughout the District have the opportunity to vote for any person seeking election (EC § 10500 et sec.). 5.4 Before entering upon the duties of his/her office, each Director shall take and subscribe the official oath and file it with the Secretary. The oath of office may be taken before the Secretary, any member of the Board, or any officer authorized by law to administer oaths (WC § 30509-30510). 5.5 Each Director elected or appointed shall hold office until his/her successor qualifies (WC 30506) . 5.6 If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as if there were a vacancy in the office (WC § 30503). 5.7 From time to time a vacancy may occur on the Board for a variety of reasons. An office becomes vacant on any of the following events before the expiration of a Director's term (GC § 1770 et sec.): A. Death of an incumbent; B. A court's declaration that the incumbent is physically or mentally incapacitated; C. Resignation; 13 Page 165 of 193 D. Removal from office; E. Ceasing to be an inhabitant of the District; F. Absence from the state beyond periods allowed by law; G. Ceasing to discharge the duties of the office for three consecutive months; H. Conviction of a felony; I. Refusal or neglect to file required oath of office; J. Declaration by a competent tribunal that election or appointment is void; or K. Commitment to a hospital or sanitarium by a court of competent jurisdiction. 5.8 All vacancies occurring in the office of Director shall be filled pursuant to Section 1780 of the Government Code (see also WC § 30504). The District shall notify the county elections official of the vacancy no later than 15 days after the Board is notified of the vacancy or the effective date of the vacancy, whichever is later. A. The remaining members of a five person board may fill a vacancy by appointment. The appointee shall hold office until the District general election 130 days or more after the effective date of the vacancy. Appointments shall be made within 60 days after the effective date of the vacancy. Notice of the vacancy shall be posted in three or more conspicuous places within the District and published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 15 days prior to an appointment. The remaining members may call an election to fill the vacancy within 60 days of the vacancy, in lieu of an appointment, on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy. B. If the vacancy is not filled or an election called within 60 days of the vacancy, the County Board of Supervisors may fill the vacancy within 90 days of the vacancy or order the District to call an election to fill the vacancy. C. If neither (A) or (B) has occurred within 90 days, the District shall call an election to be held on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy occurs. D. If the remaining Board falls below a quorum, the Board of Supervisors may waive the 60 day period provided in (A) and appoint immediately, or may call an election to fill the vacancy under Chapter 1 of the Election Code. The Board of Supervisors shall only fill enough vacancies to provide a quorum. Appointees shall hold office until the next District general election. Electees shall hold office for the unexpired balance of the term of office. 5.9 If a Director's place of residence is moved outside District boundaries, and if within 180 days of the move the Director fails to reestablish a place of residence within the District, it shall be presumed that a permanent change of residence has occurred and that a vacancy exists on the Board (GC § 1770; WC § 30508). Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane 14 Page 166 of 193 6.0 OFFICERS 6.1 President and Vice President A. A President and Vice President of the Board shall be elected annually at the District's reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. The President shall assume the chair of the Presiding Officer immediately after election. B. The President shall make committee, agency, and intergovernmental meeting assignments, subject to consent of the Board, annually by the first meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in January of the subsequent year. C. If the President is absent from a meeting of the Board, the Vice President shall serve as the Presiding Officer. If both the President and Vice President are absent, the Secretary shall take the chair so that the Directors present may elect a Presiding Officer. Upon late arrival of the President or Vice President at the meeting, the chair shall be relinquished at the first opportunity not disruptive to the conduct of business. D. In the event the President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, the Vice President shall serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. In the event the Vice President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, an interim Vice President shall be elected at the District's next regular meeting of the Board to serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. E. The Presiding Officer, established pursuant to these policies, shall conduct the proceedings of the Board. F. The Presiding Officer shall sign all ordinances, resolutions and contract documents approved and adopted by the Board (WC § 30578). G. The President, or the Vice President in the absence of the President, will serve as the District's voting delegate for all association elections. H. The President and Vice President of the Board shall serve as the President and Vice President of the Public Financing Corporation and Chair and Vice Chair of the Financing Authority. The Officers of the Corporation and the Authority shall be affirmed annually at the District's reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year or as necessary. I. Individuals serving as President or Vice President of the Board and the Corporation, and Chair and Vice Chair of the Authority, may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board. 7.0 APPOINTED STAFF AND OTHERS Appointed Staff, as defined in this section, shall mean the General Manager, Board Secretary, Assistant Board Secretary and Treasurer, who are appointed by the Board. 15 Page 167 of 193 7.1 General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer A. A General Manager shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The General Manager shall perform all duties (1) set forth in County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et sea.), (2) set forth in these policies, (3) set forth in the General Manager's contract with the District, (4) imposed by the Board, and (5) in accordance with governing laws and regulations. In accordance with (1)-(5), the General Manager shall: (a) have full charge and control of the maintenance, operation, and construction of the District's water and wastewater systems; (b) have full power and authority to employ and discharge all employees; (c) prescribe the duties of employees; (d) fix and alter the compensation of employees subject to budget limitations approved by the Board; (e) perform other duties imposed by the Board; and (f) report to the Board in accordance with the rules and regulations as adopted by the Board (WC § 30580-30581). B. A Secretary and Assistant Secretary shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Secretary, or the Assistant Secretary in the absence of the Secretary, shall attest all ordinances and resolutions approved and adopted by the Board, countersign all contract documents approved and adopted by the Board, prepare the minutes of each meeting held by the Board, and perform all duties (1) set forth in the County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et sec.), (2) set forth in these policies, (3) imposed by the Board, and (4) in accordance with governing laws and regulations. C. A Treasurer shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Treasurer shall perform all duties (1) set forth in the County Water District Law (WC § 30000 et sec.), (2) set forth in these policies, (3) imposed by the Board, and (4) in accordance with governing laws and regulations. The Treasurer shall install and maintain a system of auditing and accounting that shall completely and at all times show the financial condition of the District (WC § 30582). D. A member of the Board shall not serve as the General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer. The same person may be appointed as General Manager and Secretary or Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be no additional compensation for also serving as Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer if the individual so serving is an employee of the District. E. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the District shall serve as the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the Public Financing Corporation. The General Manager, Finance Manager, and Executive Assistant, shall serve as the Executive Director, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Financing Authority. Appointed staff of the Corporation and Authority shall be affirmed annually at the District's reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year or as necessary. F. The District shall insure against losses caused by an officer or employee of the District in lieu of providing a bond or bonds. The amount and terms of this insurance coverage shall be equivalent to the provisions specified in the District's insurance policy for Crime Coverage - Public Employee Theft. (WC § 30545; GC 53226.3) Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 16 Page 168 of 193 G. Individuals serving as General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, or Treasurer of the Board and the Corporation, and Executive Director, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Authority, may be removed from their appointments by a majority vote of the Board. 7.2 District Legal and Labor Counsel A. The District's Legal and Labor Counsel are law firms that are appointed by the Board of Directors and report to the Board during Board meetings. 1. Legal Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District in all legal matters pertaining to the operation, maintenance, and other related business of the District. Legal Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all Board actions to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review legal documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager; and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 2. Labor Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District in all legal matters pertaining to employment law and other related business of the District. Labor Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all employment related matters to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review employment and labor related documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 7.3 District Auditor A. The District's Auditor is a certified audit firm that is appointed by and reports to the Board, and that conducts the District's annual audit and prepares the District's annual audit report (WC § 30582). The District's auditor shall be rotated on a periodic basis. Contracts for independent auditing services shall be awarded for an initial period of three years, with the option of extending up to two subsequent years (for a maximum total of five), unless otherwise determined by the Board. 7.4 Consultants A. The Board may from time -to -time select, retain, compensate, define the scope and efforts of, and dismiss consultants to support or provide information to the Board in developing policy level decisions or in implementing Board actions. In doing so, the Board shall delegate to the General Manager the responsibility for day-to-day direction of the work of the consultant. 8.0 COMMITTEES 8.1 From time to time, the Board may establish committees, whether standing or ad hoc, to assist with the performance of its duties and policy advice. In keeping with the Board's broader focus, committees shall not direct the implementation of District programs and projects. Committees shall assist the Board by preparing policy alternatives and implications for Board consideration. Committees shall not act on the Board's behalf 17 Page 169 of 193 9.0 unless authorized by a majority vote of the Board. Said authorization shall not conflict with the duties assigned to the General Manager. In order to preserve the organizational structure and support the chain of command, committees shall not exercise authority over staff or staff operations. 8.2 The purpose of each established committee shall be reviewed by the Board on an annual basis, prior to making Director assignments, in order to determine their continuing relevance. 8.3 The Board previously adopted the Fair Political Practices Commission's (FPPC) Form 806 as the District's official form for reporting public official appointments and has directed staff to post a completed form on the District's website in accordance with the requirements set forth in FPPC Regulation 18705.5. DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 9.1 Directors' Compensation A. As of January 23, 2003, compensation for members of the Board shall be $150 per day for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board, meetings attended at the request of the Board, and participation in mandatory training, including reasonable and necessary travel time (see Appendix 1). Compensation for any type of service shall not exceed ten days in any calendar month (District Ord. 03- 01; WC § 20202; WC § 30507). B. Director attendance at events sponsored by (1) the District or (2) the following organizations shall be approved by the Board subject to budget limitations: 1. Association of California Cities - Orange County (ACC -OC) 2. Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) 3. Association of California Water Agencies - Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA-JPIA) 4. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 5. California Association of Mutual Water Companies (CalMutuals) 6. California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) 7. California Special Districts Association (CSDA) 8. California -Nevada Section of American Water Works Association (CA -NV AWWA) 9. Chambers of Commerce 10. Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA) 11. Educational Institutions 12. Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) 13. Local, State, and Federal Governmental Agencies (Including meetings with elected/appointed officials and staff.) 14. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC or MET) 15. Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) 16. Non-political Community Service Organizations 17. Orange County Business Council (OCBC) 18. Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (OC LAFCO) 19. Orange County Sanitation District (OCSan) 20. Orange County Water Association (OCWA) 21. Orange County Water District (OCWD) 22. Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 18 Page 170 of 193 23. Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) 24. Urban Water Institute (UWI) 25. Water Advisory Committee of Orange County (WACO) 26. Water Education Foundation (WEF) C. Director attendance at events sponsored by any other organization than those listed above requires preapproval or ratification by a majority vote of the Board in order to be considered as an activity for the purposes of compensation. D. Directors shall complete an Activity Report and Compensation Form (see Exhibit D) on a monthly basis. Directors have until the 15'" day of the following month to file said reports with the General Manager or his/her designee. If an activity report is not returned by this deadline, no compensation shall be paid to the Director for that reporting period. Exceptions to this provision shall be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval. E. All activity reports shall be reviewed and approved by the President or the Vice President. The President's activity report shall be reviewed and approved by the Vice President. F. Increases in compensation are limited to five percent for each calendar year following the operative date of the last adjustment (District Ord. 03-01; WC 20202). The Board shall consider its compensation rate following the reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. If the Board recommends an increase in the amount of compensation, an Ordinance shall be considered and adopted by the Board according to the following procedures: 1. A public hearing shall be held prior to adoption of the Ordinance (WC 20203). 2. Notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for two successive weeks prior to the public hearing (GC § 6066). 3. The Ordinance shall become effective 60 days from the date of its final passage (WC § 20204). G. The District does not provide any of its Directors with loans. 9.2 Benefits A. Directors and their eligible dependents may participate in the health benefits plans provided by the District, including medical, dental and vision plans. The District shall pay the premium amount for Directors and and their eligible dependents. Health benefits provided to Directors shall not be greater than the most generous plan being offered to any group of District employees. A Director is also eligible for District -provided post -service health benefits if the following conditions are satisfied: the Director's term began before January 1, 1995 and continued uninterrupted until on or after May 27, 2010; and the Director began receiving health benefits from the District before January 1, 1994. The rate of accrual for post -service health benefits is one year of benefits for each three years of service to the District as a Director. In addition to the terms and conditions Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 19 Page 171 of 193 provided herein, any terms or conditions set forth in the personnel rules of the District that are applicable to retiree health benefits shall also apply to post -service health benefits for Directors, except those conditions relating to good standing and adequate notice of retirement. Directors are also eligible for District -provided Group Life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance in amounts up to $50,000 each. Additionally, Directors may elect to participate in the District's deferred compensation plan. Enrollment in any of the above benefits plans is subject to the rules and restrictions of the plans. 9.3 Travel Expense Reimbursement A. Directors are encouraged to attend conferences, conventions, meetings, symposiums, intergovernmental meetings and legislative sessions relating to the mission of the District. Directors shall receive reimbursement or payment of expenses, according to District rules, incurred in the performance of their duties as required or authorized by the Board. Attendance at an event must be preapproved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting in order to be considered as an activity for the purposes of payment or reimbursement of travel expenses. Directors' rates for reimbursement and payment of travel expenses shall not be greater than rates specified for District employees. B. Directors shall be reimbursed for actual costs to attend activities as follows: Flight: Coach or Economy Class Car Rental: Most Economical Size Vehicle, Government/Group Rate Lodging: Published Conference Group Rate, Equally Comparable or Lower Rate, Government Rate, or GSA Rate (See Section D) Meals: $90 Per Day Actual and Necessary Expenses: $30 Per Day C. Expenditures for lodging, meals, and transportation shall provide for reasonable and necessary comfort and convenience. Directors shall be mindful that public funds are being spent and that only a reasonable and necessary level of expense is warranted. Add-on expenses such as upgrades, early boarding, and early check-in shall not be considered reimbursable. D. When available, Directors must use coach or economy class for commercial travel and the published conference group rate, an equally comparable or lower rate, or government rate for lodging. If these rates are not available, the reimbursable amount shall be limited to the per diem rates set forth by the US General Service Administration (GSA) at http://www.gsa.gov. E. For travel by personal vehicle, mileage shall be reimbursed at the standard rate adopted by the US Internal Revenue Service in effect at the time of travel. Personally owned vehicles used in the conduct of District business must be insured for property and liability damage in an amount not less than the minimum limits Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 20 Page 172 of 193 required by the California Financial Responsibility Act. In no case shall the amount paid for mileage reimbursement for use of a personally owned vehicle used for travel in lieu of air travel exceed the cost of coach or economy class or equivalent airfare based on the date the Director registered to attend an activity or conduct business on behalf of the District. F. Reimbursement for taxi, rideshare, rail, bus, or other reasonable ground transportation shall be for the actual costs plus tip not to exceed 20% and applicable taxes. G. Reimbursement for parking and toll charges shall be for actual costs. H. Meal expenses include the reasonable and necessary costs of meals and beverages, not including alcoholic beverages. Meal expenses shall be reimbursed on a daily basis not to exceed $90 per day. Meal expenses for partial days shall be reimbursed on a meal by meal basis as follows: $20 for breakfast, $30 for lunch, and $40 for dinner. Said maximums for meal expenses exclude taxes and gratuities which are considered actual and necessary expenses (see Section 9.3. G). Any amount spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth in this section may not be deducted from another day's reimbursable amount during that same activity. Additionally, any amounts not spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth above may not be added to another day's reimbursable amount during that same activity. No reimbursement shall be provided for alternative meals when the District has paid for the cost of the activity including any incorporated meals. Attendance at receptions before dinner shall not be considered a meal. I. Actual and necessary expenses include taxes and gratuities for meals, tips for drivers, baggage carriers, and hotel staff. This does not include the cost of laundry, cleaning or pressing of clothes, or telephone calls. J. Reimbursement of all reasonable and necessary expenses for internet service to conduct District business while traveling shall be for actual costs. K. Arrangements for transportation, lodging, or registration fees that have cancellation or change penalties shall be carefully monitored by the requesting Director. If a cancellation or change occurs due to a personal request or obligation of the Director, they will be responsible for paying the corresponding penalty, except when determined by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting that the reason for the cancellation was legitimate and authorized. L. The District shall not incur any costs for a spouse, or other accompanying person. M. If an expense does not fall within the reimbursement rates identified in this policy, it must be preapproved by a majority vote of the Board in a public meeting. N. In order to obtain reimbursement for qualified expenses, the following procedures must be followed: 1. Directors shall submit a completed Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit E) for conference, convention, or symposium attendance, Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 21 Page 173 of 193 together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 60 calendar days following the attended event, with the exception of expenses incurred during the month of June. Requests for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred during this period must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the attended event for the purposes of financial reporting at the end of the fiscal year. 2. Directors shall also submit a completed Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit F) for local meeting attendance, together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 60 calendar days following the attended event, with the exception of expenses incurred during the month of June. Requests for reimbursement of meeting and mileage expenses incurred during this period must be submitted within 30 calendar days following the attended event for the purposes of financial reporting at the end of the fiscal year. 3. If the Director does not file an expense report within the above listed deadlines, the District will not reimburse mileage or out-of-pocket expenses. Exceptions to this provision shall be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval. 4. For any activity that the District prepays expenses, the Director is still required to file an expense report to ensure that any expenses prepaid by the District are properly accounted for. Staff shall assist Directors with these reports as needed. To enforce the timely filing of expense reports the District may, by majority vote of the Board, stop prepaying conference and travel expenses. 5. All expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. The President's requests shall be reviewed and approved by the Vice President and vice versa, or by another available Director. 6. With the exception of mileage reimbursement, any expense shown on the form must have a corresponding, attached original itemized receipt or other verification document. Summary receipts for meals cannot be accepted as a verification document. 7. If a receipt is lost or not provided, the Director must submit a completed Missing Receipt Affidavit Form (see Exhibit G) as substantiation of the expense. 8. Directors shall also submit a completed Miscellaneous Gratuities Form (see Exhibit H) for such expenses paid in cash without a receipt. 9. All forms, receipts and verification documents shall be public documents subject to redaction of any confidential information, such as credit card numbers. O. A Director shall not attend a conference or training event for which there is an expense to the District if it occurs after the Director has announced his/her pending resignation, or if it occurs after an election in which it has been determined that the Director will not retain his/her seat on the Board. A Director Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 22 Page 174 of 193 shall not attend a conference or training event when it is apparent that there is no significant benefit to the District. P. Directors shall provide a brief report about the activity at the next regular Board meeting following attendance. Said report shall detail what was learned at the session(s) that will be of benefit to the District and can be submitted in written or verbal form though ideally no longer than three minutes. Materials from session(s) may be delivered to the General Manager for inclusion in the District's library for future use. 9.4 District Issued Credit Cards A. Directors shall be issued credit cards for their use while traveling or attending meetings on behalf of the District. All purchases made with this card shall comply with the limitations contained in this policy. Personal purchases using this card are strictly prohibited. B. Directors shall submit all original itemized receipts along with appropriate forms (see Section 9.3. J and Exhibits E and F) identifying purchases made with a District credit card within 30 calendar days of when the expense was incurred. C. Directors shall report lost or stolen cards to the Finance Manager immediately to prevent potential liabilities. D. Directors shall return their card to the Finance Manager when leaving office. 9.5 Communications Expense Reimbursement A. In order to facilitate operational efficiency and reduce expenses, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the District to have all agendas and other District information distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies whenever possible. While Director participation in and support of this initiative is encouraged, it is not required. Participating Directors are eligible for the reimbursement of expenses associated with the purchase of necessary electronic equipment and related items provided that: 1. The Director is an elected official of the District with more than two months remaining in his/her current term of office. 2. The Director has submitted a completed Communications Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit 1) in accordance with established procedures. 3. The District shall provide reimbursement, up to $1,000 including applicable taxes and fees every four years (or sooner in the event of loss or theft), for the cost of electronic equipment and related items of the Director's choosing. Qualifying electronic equipment and related items shall include tablets, laptop computers, tablet/laptop covers or cases, protective screen wraps, and downloadable applications specific to the conduct of District business, such as word processing, spreadsheet or PDF annotation applications. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 23 Page 175 of 193 4. One hundred percent of the electronic equipment and approved itemized expenses reimbursed shall be reported on the Director's Form W-2 as taxable income. In providing this information, the District is not offering tax advice. Directors having questions concerning the tax implications of electronic communications reimbursement benefits are urged to contact the Internal Revenue Service or other experts in tax law. B. Expenses that are not reimbursable include, but are not limited to, gift wrapping, engraving, downloadable applications (other than those used specifically for conducting District business) and additional adaptors. C. Reimbursements shall be processed when proof of purchase and original itemized receipts are submitted by the Director along with a completed form within 30 days of purchase. D. Failure to submit a completed form within this time frame shall result in a denial of the Director's request for reimbursement of the expense. Exceptions to this provision shall be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval. 1. The electronic equipment and related items for which reimbursement is provided shall become the property of the Director and all maintenance is the sole responsibility of the Director. 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, staff may, from time to time as deemed necessary, provide paper copies of District information to Directors and such provision of paper copies shall not affect the reimbursement of expenses as provided in this section. E. Should a Director experience a loss or theft of electronic equipment for which the full or partial expense was reimbursed by the District, said Director shall submit a written statement and/or police report to the Finance Manager or the General Manager for auditing purposes prior to requesting reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of replacement equipment. Requests for reimbursement of expenses for replacement equipment shall be subject to the limitations and requirements as set forth above. F. All communications expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. The President's requests shall be reviewed and approved by the Vice President and vice versa, or by another available Director. Any requests for reimbursement that fall outside the limitations contained in this policy shall be reviewed and preapproved by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting. 9.6 Disclosure of Expenditures/Reimbursements A. A full accounting of expenditures of public funds under this policy shall be made and become part of the records of the District. B. All reimbursements paid by the District of at least $100 for each individual charge for services or product received, shall be disclosed in an annual report following the end of each fiscal year. Reimbursement of an individual charge includes but is not limited to, one meal, lodging for one day, transportation, or a registration fee Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 24 Page 176 of 193 paid to any Director. This report shall be made available for public inspection upon request (GC § 53065.5). C. All travel expenses and reimbursements paid by the District on behalf of a Director shall be disclosed in a quarterly report and provided to the Board for review at a regular meeting. 10.0 BOARD MEETINGS, GENERAL All meetings of the Board shall be held at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, California, unless another location is speficied on the agenda (WC § 30521). All meetings of the Board shall be open and public and all persons are invited to attend (WC § 30529). The District shall continue to implement all applicable requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act to ensure transparent, open and responsive government (GC § 54950 et seg.). 10.1 Regular Meetings A. Effective January 1, 2023, all regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the first and third Thursday of each month commencing at 3:00 p.m. unless deemed unnecessary by the President or a majority of the Board. Closed Sessions scheduled to occur on the same day as a regular meeting may be noticed separately as a special meeting. Any member of the Board may make a motion to adjourn any Board meeting and/or to complete any item under discussion during meetings lasting more than four hours from the time the Board meeting commenced. All remaining items on the agenda which have not been acted upon shall be continued to the next regular meeting or as specified by the Board. 10.2 Special Meetings A. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or a majority of the Board. Whenever a special meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The notice shall specify the time and place of such meeting and the purpose of the meeting. 1. The written notice may be dispensed with as to any Director who, at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, files with the Secretary a written waiver of notice (see Exhibit J). The written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. 10.3 Emergency Meetings A. In the event of an emergency situation involving matters upon which prompt action is necessary due to the disruption or threatened disruption of public facilities or District operations, the Board may hold an emergency special meeting without complying with the 24 hour notice required in Section 10.2 herein. An emergency situation means a crippling disaster which severely impairs public health, safety, or both. The President, or the Vice President in the absence of the President, or the General Manager, may determine if an emergency situation exists. 25 Page 177 of 193 B. Whenever an emergency meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least one hour in advance of the meeting. In the event that telephonic services are not functioning, the notice requirement of one hour is waived. The Secretary shall then notify such newspapers, radio stations, or television states of the fact of the holding of the emergency meeting, and of any action taken by the Board, as soon after the meeting as possible. C. No Closed Session may be held during an emergency meeting, and all other rules governing special meetings shall be observed with the exception of the 24 hour notice. The minutes of the emergency meeting, a list of persons the Board or designee notified or attempted to notify, a copy of the roll call vote(s), and any actions taken at such meeting shall be posted for a minimum of ten days in the District office as soon after the meeting as possible. 11.0 BOARD MEETINGS, AGENDAS 11.1 Agendas A. Any matter which is to be deliberated, discussed, and/or considered for approval or adoption by the Board at the meeting must be submitted to the Board as part of an agenda (GC § 54950 et sec.). All ordinances, resolutions and contracts shall be reviewed by legal counsel and approved as to form and legality prior to submission for consideration by the Board. B. The Secretary shall, under direction of the General Manager, prepare an agenda of such matters according to Section 11.2 herein, entitled "Order of Business", including a description of the items to be considered or discussed and, where deemed appropriate by the General Manager, a staff recommendation for each item. C. A copy of the draft agenda for every meeting of the Board (or Committee) shall be provided to the President and Vice President (or assigned Committee members) for review prior to posting by the Secretary. D. A copy of the finalized agenda for every regular meeting of the Board shall be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public. Once posted, copies of the complete agenda and supporting materials shall be available for public inspection during business hours at the District office and on the District's website. E. Agendas for all special meetings of the Board shall be posted in the same manner at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The agenda for a special meeting of the Board is limited to only those matters specifically set forth in the purpose of the call for the special meeting. No other business shall be considered at a special meeting. F. All agendas and other District information shall be distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies. Director incurred expenses for electronic equipment and related items required for receiving, accessing and 26 Page 178 of 193 printing all agendas and information shall be reimbursed in accordance with Section 9.0 herein. G. A copy of each agenda for a meeting of the Board shall be mailed to members of the public so requesting them in writing. Any member of the public requesting a copy of a complete agenda and supporting materials shall be charged, in advance, for reproduction costs plus mailing expenses. Exceptions are public agencies, members of the public who request a copy of the agenda without supporting materials, and individuals requesting a copy of an agenda, with or without supporting materials, that contains a specific matter involving that individual as a party. H. All non-exempt writings related to an agenda item and distributed to a majority of the Board less than 72 hours prior to the meeting shall be made available for public review on the District's website at the same time. These instructions shall also be included on all agendas at the time of posting. I. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities, including auxiliary aids or translation services, required for participation in Board meetings should be submitted to the Board Secretary at least 48 hours in advance. These instructions shall also be included on all agendas at the time of posting. (GC 54953) J. Any Director may contact the General Manager and request an item to be placed on an agenda no later than 24 hours before an agenda is scheduled to be closed. In general, all agendas for regular meetings of the Board will be closed on Tuesday's at 7:00 p.m. the week prior to the meeting date. K. Items that require compilation of readily available written information, documents, reports, studies, or analyses shall not require formal Board approval before placement on an agenda. L. Items that require more than four hours of staff or consultant time for compilation, or if they require less than four hours but are of a recurring nature, shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting before placement on an agenda. M. Any member of the public may request that a matter directly related to District business be placed on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with supporting documents and information, if any, at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. 2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the public request is or is not a "matter directly related to District business" and if the matter is to be placed on a future agenda. The public member requesting the agenda item may appeal the General Manager's decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the item be placed on the agenda of the Board's next regular meeting. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 27 Page 179 of 193 3. No matter which is legally a proper subject for consideration by the Board in Closed Session shall be accepted. 4. The Board may place limitations on the total time to be devoted to a public request issue at any meeting, and may limit the time allowed for any one person to speak on the issue at the meeting. N. Any member of the public may request to present electronic material (such as a PowerPoint presentation) directly related to District business during Public Comments or in relation to a specific agenda item during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be made in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with all electronic materials at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. 2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the electronic material is or is not a "matter directly related to District business" and if the material is to be presented during a regularly scheduled Board meeting. The public member requesting to present the electronic material may appeal the General Manager's decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the electronic material be presented at the Board's next regular meeting. 11.2 Order of Business A. Upon convening the meeting at the hour set on the date of each meeting, the members of the Board, the Secretary and General Manager of the District shall take their regular stations in the Board Meeting Room, and the business of the Board shall be taken up for consideration. The Presiding Officer shall immediately call the Board to order and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. B. Before proceeding with the business of the Board, the Secretary shall call the roll of the Directors. The Secretary shall enter the names of all Directors, Officers, staff members and visitors (if known) present in the Minutes of the meeting. C. If a quorum is present, the Secretary shall so advise the Presiding Officer. If a quorum is not present, the Secretary may adjourn the meeting to a time certain for the purpose of obtaining a quorum. Any such reconvened regular meeting shall not constitute a special meeting. In the event a regular or special meeting of the Board is adjourned to a time and date certain, the Secretary shall post a notice of adjournment in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public within 24 hours of such adjournment. D. Three of the five Directors elected or appointed to the Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board. Irrespective of the number of Board members constituting a quorum for a particular meeting, a majority vote of the Board shall consist of at least three votes. No ordinance, resolution or motion shall be passed or become effective without the affirmative votes of at least a majority of the members of the Board. Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 28 Page 180 of 193 E. In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC § 54950 et seg.) as amended from time to time, Directors may remotely attend Board and Committee meetings. A Director is entitled to participate fully in the meeting and vote from a remote location, and all votes shall be taken by roll call. F. The Presiding Officer may, on his/her own initiative or at the request of any two Directors, take any item of business out of order, either as to the general order of business or as to the specific agenda as the Secretary has prepared it. G. The Board may take action on items not appearing on the posted agenda for regular meetings under the following circumstances: 1. Upon determination by a majority vote of the Board that an emergency, work stoppage or crippling disaster exists that impairs public health and/or safety. 2. Upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or by all Directors if only three are present, that a matter (a) came to the attention of the District (not the Board) subsequent to posting the agenda and (b) needs immediate action by the Board. 3. When an item was posted on the agenda of, and was continued from, a meeting held not more than five days earlier. H. The Order of Business taken up for consideration by the Board is generally organized so that high priority matters are addressed at the beginning of the meeting, and is generally in the following sequence: 1. Introductions and Presentations 2. Public Comments (GC § 54954.3) 3. Public Hearings 4. Consent Calendar 5. Action Calendar 6. Discussion Calendar 7. Informational Reports and Other Business 8. Closed Session (s) 9. Adjournment I. Any person desiring to speak shall first address the Presiding Officer. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the speaker shall be invited to state his/her name, representation and/or affiliation and the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter relates to an item on the current agenda, the Presiding Officer shall recognize the speaker and invite their comment when the item is considered. Comments are limited to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the District, and shall be no more than three minutes in length unless the speaker is utilizing a translator or a time extension is granted by the Presiding Officer. A maximum of 20 minutes shall be allotted for each subject matter pursuant to the discretion of the Presiding Officer. No action shall be taken on matters not appearing on agenda. (GC § 54954.3) J. The Public Hearings portion of the agenda, if any, shall be held at the time specified in the legal notice advertising such hearing. In general, the order of procedure for a public hearing is as follows: Yorbo " ida Water Distr _i Board o- —_-tors' Policies and Procedures ManLl-' 29 Page 181 of 193 1. Opening of Hearing by Presiding Officer 2. Verification of Notice of Hearing Provided by Board Secretary 3. Reports by General Manager, Staff and/or Consultant 4. Comments from the Public Speaking in Favor and/or Against the Issue 5. Receipt of Written Communications from the Public 6. Continue or Closing of Hearing by Presiding Officer 7. Questions to Staff and Board Discussion 8. Consideration of Action by the Board K. The Consent Calendar portion of the agenda shall be consideration, in a single action, of items determined by the Secretary to be routine matters, status reports or documents implementing previous Board instructions. If a Director has a question or wishes to discuss a Consent Calendar item, they may do so without formally removing the item from the Consent Calendar. If, after such discussion, a Director, staff member or member of the public has a question or wishes to address a Consent Calendar item further, they may request that the item be removed for further discussion. The Presiding Officer shall immediately grant such requests and transfer the removed item to the Action Calendar for later discussion. Items removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion shall be acted upon separately. All items remaining on the Consent Calendar shall be considered for approval by a single motion. Examples of matters appearing on the Consent Calendar may include, but are not limited to: 1. Minutes of Previous Board Meetings 2. Approval to Pay Warrants 3. Routine Environmental Assessments 4. Approval of Routine Terms and Conditions for Water and/or Sewer Service 5. Approval of Change Orders (With a dollar value within the General Manager's authority consistent with the approved purchasing policy.) 6. Approval of Contracts (For projects identified in the adopted budget.) 7. Final Acceptance of Facilities 8. Disposition of Liability Claims 9. Other Routine Administrative Matters L. The Action Calendar portion of the agenda shall include items requiring staff presentation and/or Board discussion prior to formal Board action. Items shall generally be listed in order of priority and with items of a similar nature grouped together. Items may be addressed out of order upon request and with the consent of the Presiding Officer. M. The Discussion Calendar shall include matters that do not require Board action or that cannot reasonably be expected to result in Board action at that meeting. Matters appropriate for the Discussion Calendar include technical presentations to the Board, review of drafts of proposed policies and, in general, items for which District staff seeks the advice and counsel of the Board. When time permits, the Board believes the District's best interests are served by discussing more complex matters at one meeting and considering formal action on them at a subsequent meeting. N. The Informational Reports and Other Business portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for the presentation of reports by the General Manager, reports from Committees, reports by Directors who have attended outside meetings, and Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 30 Page 182 of 193 general comments by Directors. It also provides an opportunity for the Board to schedule future meetings and assignments on the Board's activity calendar. Requests for items to be placed on a future agenda shall be subject to the provisions in Section 11.1 J -K. O. Closed Sessions are strictly limited to the open meeting exceptions as defined in the Ralph M. Brown Act. At times, during Board meetings, the Board may adjourn into Closed Session to discuss personnel matters, real estate negotiations, existing or anticipated litigation or other matters as specified in the exceptions set forth in the Brown Act. Appropriate agenda descriptions are also required for Closed Session items. (GC § 54950 et sec.) P. Either the presiding officer may adjourn a Board meeting without a motion or a motion to adjourn may be moved by a Director and seconded by another Director, and is subject to debate. No further business can be conducted after the Presiding Officer adjourns or an affirmative vote to adjourn. Q. The Board may adjourn any regular or adjourned regular meeting to a time and place specified in the motion of adjournment so approved by the Board. 12.0 BOARD MEETINGS, MINUTES 12.1 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Board meetings. Minutes are to record actions taken and meaningful discussion; they are not intended to be verbatim records. Members of the public requesting information about a meeting shall be encouraged to listen to or watch the recording made of each meeting. Draft minutes shall be distributed to the Board for review and approval at the next regular meeting or as soon as possible thereafter. Minutes may be approved as part of the Consent Calendar. 12.2 The official minutes of all Board meetings shall be kept in a fire -proof vault or in fire- resistant locked cabinets at the District's Administration office. An audio and/or video recording shall be made of all regular Board meetings, including public hearings, and retained in accordance with the District's records retention policy. 13.0 BOARD MEETINGS, CONDUCT 13.1 Guidelines for Discussion These guidelines are intended to formalize the meeting so that each Director and members of the public, in due course, may be heard (see also Exhibit K). A. The Presiding Officer shall decide, subject to a question of order by any Director, the degree of enforcement of these guidelines at any time during any meeting. B. The Board prefers a flexible form of meeting, believing that this enhances the decision-making process and may not always conduct its meetings with formal "rules of order" or parliamentary procedure. C. Except for items on the Consent Calendar, the Presiding Officer shall read aloud the title of each item on the agenda. 31 Page 183 of 193 D. Staff will generally provide a presentation for each action or discussion item following which the Presiding Officer will open the floor to public comment on the matter under consideration (see Section 11.2 1). Following public comment, the Board will discuss the matter being considered and address questions or comments to staff. F. Any Director desiring to speak shall first address the Presiding Officer. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the Director may speak freely with respect to the matter then before the Board but shall confine his/her comments to the subject under discussion. Any Director, once recognized, shall not be interrupted except by a call to order from the Presiding Officer. If a Director is called to order, he/she shall cease speaking until the question or order is determined; if determined to be in order, they may proceed. G. Any Director moving the adoption or approval of a matter may call for the question. H. The Presiding Officer may move, second or debate motions from the Boardr, subject only to such limitations of debate as may be imposed on all Directors, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Director by serving as the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer may vote on all questions or motions before the Board, with his/her name being called last in a roll call vote. True motions to reconsider any Board action must be made at the same meeting at which the original action was taken; however, any Director may make any other type of motion at any meeting. J. The Secretary shall record in the Minutes any dissenting and abstaining votes, or disqualification from voting due to a conflict of interest. K. Unless a Director declares a conflict of interest or abstains, silence shall be recorded in the Minutes as an affirmative vote. The Presiding Officer for each meeting has the responsibility to preserve order and decorum. If at any time, a Director believes order is not being maintained or that procedures being followed are not adequate for the decision-making process at hand, he/she shall call this fact to the attention of the Presiding Officer and request corrective action. If the corrective action taken by the Presiding Officer is not satisfactory, a motion for specific corrective action may be made to the Board. In that event, a majority vote of the Board shall determine the action to be taken. M. In the event any person or group of persons willfully disrupts a Board meeting in a manner that orderly conduct of such meeting is unfeasible, the Presiding Officer shall call for order and warn the person or group that their behavior is disrupting the meeting and that failure to cease such behavior may result in their removal from the meeting. If the person or grouprefuses to comply with the Presiding Officer's request for order, the Presiding Officer may declare a recess and cause the person or group's removal from the meeting. Once the Presiding Officer takes this action, permission for such persons) to return to the meeting requires a motion approved by a majority vote of the Board. When, in the judgment of the Presiding Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies and Procedures Mane - 32 Page 184 of 193 Officer, order is restored, the meeting shall reconvene and continue with the Board's business. (GC § 54957.9; GC § 54957.95) 14.0 BOARD ACTIONS AND DECISIONS 14.1 The Board shall act only by Ordinance, Resolution, or Motion (WC § 30523). The Presiding Officer shall state each matter as it is presented for consideration by the Board and shall announce each decision of the Board. 14.2 Ordinances have the force of law and are an authoritative decree or municipal regulation of the District. Ordinances shall relate to no more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title of the ordinance. No ordinance, or section thereof, shall be amended or repealed unless the new ordinances contains the title of the ordinance or section amended or repealed. When applicable, ordinances shall be identified to the Board as replacements to existing ordinances or sections thereof. Ordinances must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted ordinance. All ordinances shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. Ordinances shall be in full force and effect upon adoption unless otherwise provided by law, and the Secretary shall be responsible for compliance with any and all legal requirements for publication of the ordinance. 14.3 Resolutions are a formal expression of opinion, will or intent of the Board. Resolutions must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted resolution. All resolutions shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. 14.4 Motions are proposals, made by a Director during a Board meeting, for action, inclination of the mind or will, or a formal proposal made in a deliberative manner by the Board. Every motion considered by the Board must be moved by a Director, seconded by another Director and is subject to debate. 14.5 Except where action is taken by the unanimous vote of all Directors present and voting, the Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain or Absent upon the passage of all ordinances, resolutions, or motions and enter them upon the Minutes of the Board. 15.0 EXHIBITS AND APPENDIXES Exhibits A. Assessment Survey of Governing Body's Effectiveness B. Sample Conflict of Interest Declarations C. Activity Report and Compensation Form D. Travel Expense Reimbursement Form E. Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form F. Missing Receipt Affidavit Form G. Miscellaneous Gratuities Form H. Communications Expense Reimbursement Form I. Waiver of Written Notice of Special and Emergency Meetings J. General Guidelines for Parliamentary Procedure Appendixes 1. Setting Compensation for Members of the Board (District Ord. 03-01) Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors' Policies ana rru�.uaures Mane- 33 Page 185 of 193 ITEM NO. 10.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Director's Reports ATTACHMENTS: Directors' Meeting Attendance Page 186 of 193 Event Date Time Attendance By August WACO Fri, Aug 4 7:30 AM Placentia City Council MWDSC Board Tue, Aug 8 12:00 PM Wed, Sep 6 PYLUSD Board Tue, Aug 8 6:00 PM Barbre OC LAFCO Commission Wed, Aug 9 8:15 AM CalMutuals Board Tue, Aug 15 2:00 PM Barbre YL City Council Tue, Aug 15 6:30 PM Lindsey Brea City Council Tue, Aug 15 7:00 PM Barbre MWDOC Board Wed, Aug 16 8:30 AM Miller OCWA Meeting Wed, Aug 16 12:30 PM OCWD Board Wed, Aug 16 5:30 PM DesRoches WF Heli -Hydrant Demo Tue, Aug 22 10:00 AM Barbre/Lindsey OCSan Board Wed, Aug 23 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Aug 23 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) September SAWPA Commission Tue, Sep 5 9:30 AM Placentia City Council Tue, Sep 5 7:00 PM Miller MWDOC Board Wed, Sep 6 8:30 AM Miller OCWD Board Wed, Sep 6 5:30 PM DesRoches Page 187 of 193 ITEM NO. 10.2. Yorba Linda Water District MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACTS: SUBJECT: AGENDA REPORT September 7, 2023 Board of Directors Mark Toy, General Manager Mark Toy, General Manager General Manager's Report A brief update on District activities and matters of interest as of August 29, 2023. General Manager At the invitation of Dr. Marty Ralph, Director for the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, I attended the 10th Annual Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) Workshop in La Jolla from August 1-3, 2023. Partners and Stakeholders from across the country participated in this three-day program covering a myriad of topics including: Water Year 2023 in Review, Selected FIRO Project Updates, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) FIRO initiatives over the next five years, environmental considerations for FIRO, and FIRO in Managed Aquifer Recharge. The Plenary Session even included a keynote speech by Karla Nemeth, CA DWR Director. The concept of FIRO aims to utilize more flood control space behind the dam for water conservation during the winter months when rain is expected in the SoCal area. FIRO is important for the YLWD because the ability for the Corps to hold more water behind Prado Dam, especially during the dry months, will ensure that OCWD can adequately recharge its groundwater aquifer, ensuring groundwater reliability for its OC producers. The use of FIRO at Prado Dam has the potential to provide an additional 6,000 acre-feet of water conservation behind the dam. During the monthly OC Producers meeting, OCWD updated producers on the PFAS projects currently in design and construction. Additionally, OCWD also provided a regulatory update and an extensive overview on the issue of microplastics in groundwater. The topic of microplastics, from a testing and reporting perspective, has the potential to have far-reaching impacts on the drinking water requirements in the state of California. For a half-day, I had a chance to accompany our valve team as they replaced a water valve at the corner of Richfield Road and Buena Vista Avenue. I was thoroughly impressed by the professionalism and skill of the four -person team as they worked through the challenges that accompanied the valve replacement. I came away from the site visit with an even greater level of appreciation for the hard work that our operations teams execute daily. I will continue my recurring operations site visits in the future as it helps me better understand the water and sewer operations in the YLWD. The Taste of Placentia was a wonderful event held on the evening of August 17, 2023 at Tri -City Park in Placentia. I joined several of our YLWD teammates providing water to event attendees. The Page 188 of 193 Taste of Placentia event followed on the heels of the Taste of Yorba Linda event on July 28, 2023. Events like these absolutely enhance the connection between the YLWD and the residents in our service area and strengthen our goal of creating more community partnerships. The ACC -OC heli -hydrant demonstration on August 22, 2023 was a huge success and demonstrated the capability of the YLWD water infrastructure. A sincere thanks to the entire Board of Directors for attending this event. The YLWD was pleased to host several elected officials from our sister cities as well as board directors from the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District. Overall, an excellent partnering event that demonstrated the importance of the YLWD heli -hydrants in combating the wildfire threat, and the crucial role of heli -hydrants in protecting life, property, and the environment in Orange County. On August 26, 2023, our PAO and Safety Officer joined me at the YL Community Center from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to participate in a community outreach session with YL residents. The purpose of this YL staff driven event was to educate and inform the public about wildfire preparedness. The YL Emergency Manager brought together staff subject matter experts from: OCFA, Police Services, PYLUSD, SC Edison, YL Landscape, Animal Control, and YLWD to review our plans and services with session attendees. Mayor Hernandez provided opening remarks and each agency provided an overview of their respective services. Not only was the event informative for residents but also for the agencies themselves, as we were able to collaborate with our counterparts at the other agencies. For our part, we demonstrated via video the capabilities of our heli -hydrants. One resident even stood up and publicly thanked YLWD and firefighters for protecting her home during past fire events. Overall, the engagement was a key event in our fire preparedness outreach. On August 28, 2023, my AGM and I provided a YLWD infrastructure tour to the Chief and one of his Program/Project Managers from the Civil Works Branch of the Los Angeles District, USACE. The purpose of this tour was to show Corps officials the types of future infrastructure projects that YLWD will be seeking to construct in the coming years. After providing an initial overview of our service area at our headquarters, we gave a quick tour of our PFAS treatment plant, and then visited several sites including: YLWD well fields, Highland Reservoir, Fairmont Booster Pump Station, our heli -hydrants, and our water infrastructure at the eastern end of our service area. In support of Goal 2: Ensure Fiscal Responsibility I Objective 3: Secure Grant Funding, we hope to leverage existing USACE authorities in order to obtain federal grant funding to cost -share our future YLWD infrastructure projects. At the appropriate time when we are ready, we will provide a full presentation to the BoD in order to seek approval, direction and guidance. Lastly, the results of the labor and employment law services survey are attached. Operations The gas engine survey is being conducted with the assistance of WEROC. Staff anticipates a detailed report from MWDOC in the coming months. Only 7 water agencies responded to the initial survey, several of which use natural gas engines and generators. The remaining 3 construction meters currently utilized under contracts with the City of Yorba Linda will be removed at the end of August, at which time the contractors will be instructed to use one of the existing 10 filling stations throughout the City. No additional filling stations will need to be constructed at this time. Operations staff conducted a system -wide survey for any damage related to Tropical Storm Hilary. As of 7:00 a.m. on Monday, August 21, 2023, no damage to YLWD infrastructure was reported. Engineering • Work on Well No. 22 was substantially completed during July 2023. Page 189 of 193 • The Mountain View Waterline pipeline has been installed and is scheduled to be in service in late September. • The Hidden Hills Pressure Reducing Station is scheduled to be online in mid-September. • The BNSF Waterline at S. Highland and Veterans Way is expected to be substantially completed in mid-September. • The 1951 4 -inch cast iron waterline on Garden Place is being replaced with an 8 -inch PVC waterline and is scheduled to be in service in mid-September. This waterline is part of the Imperial Highway Waterline Replacement Project. • On Friday, August 25, 2023, the Engineering Manager gave a presentation and conducted a tour of our PFAS Water Treatment Plant for the City of Woodbury, Minnesota. Finance • The District's external audit firm, Lance, Soll, and Lunghard, LLC., performed year-end fieldwork for the FYE23 audit during the week of August 28, 2023. Accounting staff worked with the auditors to effectively implement Government Accounting Standard Board Statement No. 96 into the FYE24 statements. The review of transactions and trial balance ending balances will continue through the month of September 2023. • The District's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for FYE23 will be presented to the Board at the November 2, 2023 meeting. • The collection status of the FY22-23 Capital Finance Charge is as follows: Item FY 21-22 FY 22-23 # CFC bills placed on PT 23,888 23,967 $ Value of CFC bills placed on PT $2,579,520 $2,855,981 $ Collected through bills placed on PT $2,571,538 99.7% $2,841,697 99.5% 08/29/23 # CFC Invoices in Lieu of PT 444 273 $ Value of CFC Invoices $391,412 $372,528 $ Collected CFC via Invoices $375,164 95.8% $349,527 93.8% 08/29/23 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Labor and Employment Law Firm Services Survey Page 190 of 193 Labor and Employment Law Firm Services Survey Agency F LaborProfessional �L ... Services M by Board AL Other Separate Lawyer/Law Firm for EI Toro Water District Fozi, Dwork & Modafferi; Liebert Cassidy Unknown No Redwine and Sherrill Whitmore (Consortium and Training) Laguna Beach County Water No, recommended by Billed hourly; never District Fozi, Dwork, & Modafferi ACWA JPIA. No exceeded GM's Yes approval limit. Mesa Water District Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Yes Yes Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo Moulton Niguel Water District Liebert Cassidy Whitmore No Yes, signed by General Best Best & Krieger Manager. Santa Margarita Water District Best Best & Krieger; Liebert Cassidy Yes Yes, signed by General Yes Whitmore; Burke, Williams Sorensen Manager. South Coast Water District Liebert, Cassidy, & Whitmore; Fozi Unknown No Signed consortium Kidman Gagen Law Dwork & Modafferi agreement. Yorba Linda Water District Liebert Cassidy Whitmore No Yes, signed by General �Manager. gned consortium treement. Kidman Gagen Law Page 191 of 193 ITEM NO. 12.1. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 7, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant / Board Secretary SUBJECT: Meetings from September 8 - October 31, 2023 ATTACHMENTS: Board Activity Calendar Page 192 of 193 Board Activitv Calendar Event Date Time Attendance By September WACO Fri, Sep 8 7:30 AM MWDSC Board Tue, Sep 12 12:00 PM DesRoches PYLUSD Board Tue, Sep 12 6:00 PM Barbre OC LAFCO Commission Wed, Sep 13 8:15 AM Barbre YL Planning Commission Wed, Sep 13 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) SAWPA Commission Tue, Sep 19 9:30 AM DesRoches CalMutuals Board Tue, Sep 19 2:00 PM Barbre YL City Council Tue, Sep 19 6:30 PM Miller Placentia City Council Tue, Sep 19 7:00 PM DesRoches Brea City Council Tue, Sep 19 7:00 PM Barbre MWDOC Board Wed, Sep 20 8:30 AM Miller OCWA Meeting Wed, Sep 20 12:30 PM OCWD Board Wed, Sep 20 5:30 PM DesRoches Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Sep 21 3:00 PM Lindsey OCSan Board Wed, Sep 27 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Sep 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) Placentia State of the City Thu, Sep 28 11:15 AM Lindsey ISDOC Quarterly Meeting Thu, Sep 28 11:30 AM Barbre October SAWPA Commission Tue, Oct 3 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Oct 3 6:30 PM DesRoches Placentia City Council Tue, Oct 3 7:00 PM Lindsey Brea City Council Tue, Oct 3 7:00 PM Barbre MWDOC Board Wed, Oct 4 8:30 AM Miller OCWD Board Wed, Oct 4 5:30 PM DesRoches Financial Review Group Thu, Oct 5 2:00 PM Lindsey/DesRoches Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Oct 5 3:00 PM WACO Fri, Oct 6 7:30 AM MWDSC Board Tue, Oct 10 12:00 PM PYLUSD Board Tue, Oct 10 6:00 PM Barbre OC LAFCO Commission Wed, Oct 11 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Oct 11 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) OC Water Summit Fri, Oct 13 7:30 AM Lindsey SAWPA Commission Tue, Oct 17 9:30 AM CalMutuals Board Tue, Oct 17 2:00 PM Barbre YL City Council Tue, Oct 17 6:30 PM DesRoches Brea City Council Tue, Oct 17 7:00 PM Barbre Placentia City Council Tue, Oct 17 7:00 PM Hawkins MWDOC Board Wed, Oct 18 8:30 AM Miller OCWA Meeting Wed, Oct 18 12:30 PM OCWD Board Wed, Oct 18 5:30 PM DesRoches YL State of the City Wed, Oct 18 5:30 PM Barbre/DesRoches/Lindsey Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Oct 19 3:00 PM MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee Wed, Oct 25 8:30 AM Miller/DesRoches OCSan Board Wed, Oct 25 6:00 PM Hawkins YL Planning Commission Wed, Oct 25 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) As of 08/31/23 Page 193 of 193 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING Yorba Linda Revised 2021- 2029 Housing Element Presentation to YLWD Board of Directors September 7, 2023 What is the Housing Element.? ■ 5 Major Components: ✓ Review of accomplishments ✓ Housing needs assessment ✓ Evaluation of constraints to housing ✓ Identification of housing sites to meet RHNA ✓ 2021-2029 program strategy to address needs ■ Required to be updated every 8 years (currently in 6t" Cycle) ■ Review by State HCD for compliance with State law Housing Element "Round One" and The Lead Up toYLHPRWG • Aug 2020 Final RHNA issued (Yorba Linda receives 2,415 units) • Oct 2020 6th Cycle Housing Element Kick-off • 2021-2022 Prepare Housing Element and related Implementation Programs/Call for Election • Measure Z Fails in Nov '22 • 7,221 —Yes 25% • 21,937 — No 75% • City Continues Working with Housing and Community Development (HCD) • City Determined Residents Need to Get More Directly Involved • Residents Invited to Join Grass Roots Working Group — Yorba Linda Housing Policy Resident Working Group (YLHPRWG) Why Pursue a Certified Housing Element? W The Working Group discussion included review of current legal status of city lawsuits against State Housing mandates and risks for not having a Certified Housing Element. Based on that discussion, the Working Group operated under the assumption that adopting a Housing Element was better than losing local control to the State. • Consequences of not having a Certified Housing Element: • Fines Against the City: Through a series of escalations, the City could be fined $600,000 a month. • Loss of Local Control: The State can take over permitting and place a moratorium on all construction permits and more. • Builder's Remedy: Certain developments can be proposed that are high density and will be able to bypass local zoning and planning. There has been a significant increase in Builder's Remedy applications across California cities, but Yorba Linda has not seen them because we have a conditionally Certified Housing Element. • Loss of State Grants: The State awards significant funds back to cities to support projects and initiatives. The City uses these funds as part of its budget each year and relies upon these funds for major projects. The City can lose access to the funds without a Certified Housing Element. • Vulnerable to legal challenges: from State Attorney General, housing advocacy groups (e.g., Kennedy Commission), etc. The Group's Findings and Recommendations Six key suggestions for City Council and community consideration • Retaining local control with a November 2024 ballot vote is important. • The City should pursue a November 2024 ballot measure to adopt zoning changes, and residents should seriously weigh the consequences if that ballot measure fails. • The City should deploy more tools to connect with residents on the need for adopting a Housing Element and perform the education necessary to ensure the public is informed on this complex subject. This ma include nclude engaging additional consulting resources to supplement the City s outreach for this acute need. • A resident survey on housing issues could better inform the City's engagement efforts and should be pursued. • The City should leverage Savi Ranch (to a reasonable extentto balance out distribution of housing sites and create a new residential and mixed-use Downtown -like space for Yorba Linda. • That the City should generally view mixed-use development as a positive and make it available where it is appropriate throughout higher density sites in the City. Model Plan a starting point.. . East Side Changes • Omit site at Meadowland/Camino de Bryant • Add new 8 -acre site in Savi Ranch • Increase density on all Savi Ranch sites from 35 du/ac to 60 du/ac (200 units to 790 units) • Reduce density at Bryant Ranch Center from 35 du/ac to 10 du/ac and limit to 2 - stories in height (272 units to 78 units) • >70% reduction in Bryant Ranch • 400% increase in Savi Ranch 3, Central Changes • Remove two sites at southern terminus of South Ohio • Remove site at Kellogg/Grandview • Remove Chabad Center (Site S4 -204A) • Reduce acreage for Fairmont Site S5-008 from 23 acres to 3 acres (230 units to 30 units), which is a >85% reduction on Fairmont Site West Side Changes • Remove Shinnyo-En site (S3-210) • Remove Islamic Center (Site S3-034) • Remove Yorba Linda Preschool (Site S3-074) • Remove 2 -acre residential site NW of Islamic Center on Eureka (Site S3-034) • Remove vacant residential site between Highland and Eureka (Site S3 -205A) • Reduce density for Christmas Tree Farm 35 du/ac to 10 du/ac (Site S3-207) —Reduction from 291 to 75 units (>70% reduction) • Total reduction on west side of 440 units (35%) 4 , , i k I S3-024 S3-,012 SE S3 -2C The Beginning of Public Engagement -Not the End Potential 4 Phases of Public Engagement and Feedback July 2023 - November 2024: 18 Months of Resident Engagement • Engage Resident Working Group • Devise Starting Point for Housing Element 2.0 • Seek City Council Feedback Phase 2 - Housing Phase 3 - Formal Element Community Housing Element Tour: July'23 - Nov'23 Review and Adoption: • Receive public feedback on the new Housing Element • Engage in workshops and forums • Answer questions • Deploy numerous mediums for public education • City Council Authorization to Submit to HCD • HCD Review and approval of submitted Housing Element • Traffic Commission Review • CEQA Compliance • Planning Commission Review/Public Hearing • City Council Public Hearing • City Council Call for Election • Public education on ballot measure • Answer resident questions • Explain pros and cons of passing or not passing zoning • Receive the will of the residents Public Hearings & Workshops Communication from the City may include, but will not be limited to: • A dedicated informational website • A recorded "webinar" • Direct mail piece(s) • Social media posts and/or advertisements • A scientifically valid community survey • Educational video(s) • Pop-up informational booths at community events A Future Tentative Timeline for Education & Outreach • July — Oct. 2023: Revise the Housing Sites Inventory & Public Engagement • November 2023: Final Community Workshop with Planning Commission • December 2023: City Council Authorization to Submit to HCD • December 2023 -April 2024: HCD Review Complete (assumes two rounds of review - 120 days) • April 2024: Traffic Commission Review • May 2024: Planning Commission Review/Public Hearing • Jul 2024: City Council Public Hearing and Ballot Measure Resolution • August - November 2024: Voter Outreach and Education Information • November 2024: Ballot Measure Vote Direct Mail Postcard Delivered 9/1/2023 cmlCITYof YORBA LINDA 2021-2029 Housing Element Retain Local Land Use Control for the Future of Yorba Linda Housing Join the City of Yorba Linda at an Upcoming Public Workshop The City of Yorba Linda will host a series of virtual and in-person workshops in the coming months to engage residents about proposed changes to the City's 2021-2029 Housing Element in order to comply with State law and retain local land use control. The Housing Element is the City's "housing plan" and the City must update it every eight years for State certification. To meet Yorba Linda's Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation, the City must identify enough potentially developable land for residential use during this update process. The City recently engaged a Yorba Linda Housing Policy Resident Working Group, comprised of 17 residents, to provide feedback and recommendations to the City as it makes revisions to the previously adopted Housing Element as presented to the voters through Measure Z in November 2022. At this time, the City has a conditionally -certified Housing Element and is in compliance with State law. However, in order to keep its conditional certification and retain local control over housing development, the City must rezone sufficient land to address the State mandate. Failure to comply with State law will result in decertification of the Housing Element and subject the City to various State penalties, including the loss of City authority to review and limit developments. The City is inviting residents to attend one or more of the upcoming workshops to learn more about the Housing Element update and the Resident Working Group's proposed revisions. Visit YL Local Control.com to learn more about the Housing Element. Questions and Final Comments?. Thank you for listening. Happy to take any questions. For more information, please visit our Housing Element Website at: For additional information on Yorba Linda's Housing Element, and to sign up for email notifications related to Yorba Linda Housing Element news, please visit YLLocalControl.com. YLLocal Control. com