HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-07 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packet rb Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, January 7, 2010, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director William R. Mills, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director John W. Summerfield Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Director Michael J. Beverage, Alternate Lee Cory, Operations Manager Ken Mendum, Operations Superintendent John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Zone Reconfiguration Project Change Order No. 2 Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $301,282.66, with the addition of 35 calendar days to Ken Thompson, Inc. for construction of the Zone Reconfiguration Project, Job No. 200710. 2.2. Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement - Design of Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with MWH Americas, in the amount of $98,505, for additional engineering services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement/Expansion Project J-200814. 2.3. Proposed Change Order No. 4 to Well Rehabilitation Contract Recommendation: That the Committee support Staffs recommendation for approval of Change Order No 4 in the amount of $36,185 to conduct test pumping as part of Well 5 rehabilitation. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Water Report 3.2. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report 3.3. Monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting Report 3.4. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress 3.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held February 4, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: 2.3M To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: 2.3M Operations Committee Funding Source: ID No. 1 GO Bonds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 301-2700 Manager Job No: 200710 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: Exempt Subject: Zone Reconfiguration Project Change Order No. 2 SUMMARY: Construction is complete on the Zone Reconfiguration Project resulting in improved water pressure to approximately 800 homes. The project included construction of approximately 8,500 feet of pipe and appurtenances and was awarded to Ken Thompson, Inc. (KTI) for $1,099,000. KTI has put in a request for Change Order 2, for $301,282.66 and 35 calendar days as described below. KTI representatives have been invited to attend the PEO Committee meeting to discuss the change order request and to answer questions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $301,282.66, with the addition of 35 calendar days to Ken Thompson, Inc. for construction of the Zone Reconfiguration Project, Job No. 200710. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, KTI has submitted a request for Change Order No. 2, for an increase in the contract amount of $301,282.66 and a time extension of 35 calendar days. The requested extra work items include the following: . The largest claim is for $150,000.00 for daily equipment mobilization to and from the site. KTI claims their bid was based on keeping equipment on the shoulder of the road, with a lane closure remaining in place over night around the equipment to protect the public. However, the City of Yorba Linda does not allow construction equipment to be stored overnight on city streets for safety reasons and liability concerns. Accordingly, the City's permit required KTI to remove all equipment from the streets each day of work. The majority of this item covers the cost of trucking the equipment to and from the site, and loading and unloading it. KTI is also claiming that this caused reduced work production, resulting in additional work days required to complete the construction. During several weeks of construction the extent of extra mobilization/demobilization work was monitored. The contractor's original claim for the extra was $211,149.55. Through several meetings and detailed negotiations on labor, equipment and production, staff and KTI agreed on $150,000 as a negotiated amount for the extra work. . KTI is claiming $76,727.25 for the import/export and purchase of Class II Base material, which had to be used for trench backfill in various areas of the project, due to unforeseen wet soil conditions. The replacement of the native material was necessary in order to obtain the required 95% compaction within streets of the City of Yorba Linda. Most of the cost is for the base material. In addition, the contractor has included transportation costs of the new material to the site and the export of the wet material to the landfill. KTI's original claim was $109,578.76 for this item, however, after meeting with YLWD staff, the amount was negotiated down after reviewing trucking costs. . KTI is claiming $57,500.50 for extra paving, the use of rubberized asphalt in some areas and a slurry seal, all of which was requested by the City of Yorba Linda, to maintain the integrity and aesthetics of the city road surface. City and District staff met on site to discuss their concerns to properly restore the driving surface. Final paving and slurry limits were then decided on cooperatively between both parties and documented in writing. The documented extra paving work was provided by the contractor and confirmed by District and City staff. . KTI has also claimed a total amount of $17,054.91 which includes remaining utility conflicts throughout the course of the project and debits/credits for additions/subtractions to the contract bid list, the main item being an addition of a blow-off to the project which added $7600.00. The status of the construction contract with KTI is as follows: . The original contract is $1,099,000.00 and 200 calendar days starting May 4, 2009. . Change Order 1 added $75,027.39 (6.8% of the original contract) and 7 calendar days. . If approved, Change Order No. 2 adds $301,282.66 (25.66% of the original contract including CO 1) and 35 calendar days. . If approved, Change Order No. 2 increases the total contract amount to $1,475,310.05 (34.2% of original contract amount) and 242 calendar days. The Engineering Manager and Staff have reviewed the contractor's request for Change Order No. 2 and recommend approval. A copy of Change Order No. 2 is attached for your reference. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On February 12, 2009, the Board of Directors authorized the President and Secretary to award a construction contract with Ken Thompson, Inc. in the amount of $1,099,000.00 for construction of the project. The Board of Directors has approved 6 Progress Payments to date, the most recent of which was approved on December 23, 2009. The Board approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $75,027.39 and 7 calendar days on December 23, 2009. ATTACHMENTS: Name; Description: Type: Ken Thompson CO 2 Zone Project Signed.pdf.pdf Ken Thompson CO 2, Zone Project Backup Material Revised _Agenda _Report.pdf Revised Agenda Report Report(s) YORBA LINDA 'W'ATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 002 DATE December 23, 200 Page 1 _ of Y CONTRACT NAME: Zone Rec€anfrguratlon Areas 1,2 &3 CONTRACT AMT.: $1,174,027.39 DAYS: 207 CONTRACTOR: Ken Thompson, Inc. THIS CHANGE: $301,282.66 DAYS: 35 (25.6%) OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $1,475,310.€15 DAYS: 242 This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein. The Contractor shall construct, furnish equipment and materials, and perform all work as necessary or required to complete the Change Order items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES ANCREASE CONTRACT TIME /OR ¢EXTENSION DECREASE IN 10R- CONTRACT REDUCTION AMOUNT (DAYS) M Mobilization costs due to City of Yorba Linda permit requirement that does not allow e ui ment to be stored on streets over night. $ 150,000.00 4 Over excavate unsuitable material and replace with Class II in various areas of the project found to have un-acceptable soil condition and high moisture content. $ 76,727.25 0 2-inch electrical line conflict with existing utilities at station 70+48. $ 4,226.68 0 Tie in change to 6-inch size on Via De La Plaza. $ 1,383.12 0 Conflict with existing utili at 82+13. $ 1,579.03 0.5 Conflict with existing utility at 26+21. $ 944.49 0.5 Conflict with existing utili at 10+00. $ 1,321.59 0.6 A justment to bid quantities. $ 7,600.00 5 Paving average, rubberized ac cost difference and slurry seal as requested by the C of Yorba Linda. $ 57,500.50 24.5 NET CHANGE $ 301,282.66 35 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME $1,475,314.05 242 The amount of the contract will be increased 4desrea6ed> by the sum of $ 301,262.66 and the contract time shall be increased Gdecreased> by 35 calendar days. The undersigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes, if any, in the contract price specified for each item including any and all supervision costs and other miscellaneous costs relating to the change in work, and as to the extension of time allowed, if any, for completion of the entire work on account of said Change Order. The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials and perform all other necessary work, inclusive of that directly or indirectly related to the approved time extension, required to complete the Change Order items. This document will become a supplement of the contract and all provisions will apply hereto. It is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This Change Order constitutes full, final, and complete compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses, overhead, profit, and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may incur in connection with the above referenced changes in the work, including any impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contract, any changes in the sequences of any work, any delay to any work, any disruption of any work, any rescheduling of any work, and any other effect on any of the work under this contract. By the execution of the Change Order, the Contractor accepts the contract pace change and the contract completion date change, it any, and expressly waives any claims for any additional compensation, damages or time extensions, in connection with the above-referenced changes. RECOMMENDED: /ENGINEER OR DATE: I C[]NSULTANT - Steve Conklin, Engitieering Manager ACCEPTED: •a DATE: /CONTRACTOR L Kenneth D. aampson, Presid nt APPROVED: DATE: /OWNER - Kenneth R. Veechlarelti, General Manager ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: 2.3M To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: 2.3M Operations Committee Funding Source: ID No. 1 GO Bonds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, Account No: 301-2700 General Manager Job No: 200710 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Dept: Engineering Engineering Manager Reviewed by No Legal: Prepared By: Joe Polimino, CEQA Exempt Project Engineer Compliance: Subject: Zone Reconfiguration Project Change Order No. 2 - REVISED SUMMARY: Construction is complete on the Zone Reconfiguration Project resulting in improved water pressure to approximately 800 homes. The project included construction of approximately 8,500 feet of pipe and appurtenances and was awarded to Ken Thompson, Inc. (KTI) for $1,099,000. KTI has put in a request for Change Order 2, for $301,282.66 and 35 calendar days as described below. On January 6, staff was informed that Mr. Ken Thompson, President of KTI, Inc would not be available to attend the PEO Committee meeting to discuss the first item on the attached Change Order No. 2 requesting $150,000 for mobilization costs. Due to this situation, and staff's continuing evaluation of this mobilization item, staff is recommending that consideration of the mobilization item be delayed for further negotiation by staff and that the other items in Change Order No. 2 be considered for approval by PEO on January 7, 2010. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors: 1) approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $151,282.66, with the addition of 31 calendar days, and 2) direct staff to continue negotiations regarding the proposed change order item for mobilization costs, with Ken Thompson, Inc. for construction of the Zone Reconfiguration Project, Job No. 200710. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, KTI has submitted a request for Change Order No. 2, for an increase in the contract amount of $301,282.66 and a time extension of 35 calendar days. The requested extra work items include the following: • The largest claim is for $150,000.00 for daily equipment mobilization to and from the site. KTI claims their bid was based on keeping equipment on the shoulder of the road, with a lane closure remaining in place over night around the equipment to protect the public. However, the City of Yorba Linda does not allow construction equipment to be stored overnight on city streets for safety reasons and liability concerns. Accordingly, the City's permit required KTI to remove all equipment from the streets each day of work. The majority of this item covers the cost of trucking the equipment to and from the site, and loading and unloading it. KTI is also claiming that this caused reduced work production, resulting in additional work days required to complete the construction. KTI's original claim in June 2009 for extras was $507,495. This was rejected by District staff, which requested justification and documentation for the extras. Thereafter, during several weeks of construction the extent of extra mobilization and demobilization work was monitored. The contractor's follow-up claim in August 2009 for the extras was reduced to $211,149.55. This was followed by calcuations by District staff showing mobilization costs of $102,820. Discussions continued through several meetings and detailed negotiations on labor, equipment and production, following which District staff and KTI agreed that a reasonable amount for this extra work would be $150,000. However, when this item was brought to the PEO Committee in December 2009, there was considerable discussion and the Committee asked staff to further investigate the issue and bring it back to PEO. As noted in the Summary above, staff is recommending that this mobilization item be further delayed while District staff and KTI continue negotiations. • KTI is claiming $76,727.25 for the import/export and purchase of Class II Base material, which had to be used for trench backfill in various areas of the project, due to unforeseen wet soil conditions. The replacement of the native material was necessary in order to obtain the required 95% compaction within streets of the City of Yorba Linda. Most of the cost is for the base material. In addition, the contractor has included transportation costs of the new material to the site and the export of the wet material to the landfill. KTI's original claim was $109,578.76 for this item, however, after meeting with YLWD staff, the amount was negotiated down 30% after reviewing trucking costs. • KTI is claiming $57,500.50 for extra paving, the use of rubberized asphalt in some areas and a slurry seal, all of which was requested by the City of Yorba Linda, to maintain the integrity and aesthetics of the City's road surface. City and District staff met on site to discuss the City's concerns to properly restore the driving surface. Final paving and slurry limits were then decided on cooperatively between both parties and documented in writing. The documented extra paving work was provided by the contractor and confirmed by District and City staff. • KTI has also claimed a total amount of $17,054.91 which includes remaining utility conflicts throughout the course of the project and debits/credits for additions/subtractions to the contract bid list, the main item being an addition of a blow- off to the project which added $7,600.00. The status of the construction contract with KTI is as follows: • The original contract is $1,099,000.00 and 200 calendar days starting May 4, 2009. • Change Order 1 added $75,027.39 (6.8% of the original contract) and 7 calendar days. • If approved, Change Order No. 2 (excluding the claim for mobilization) adds $151,282.66 (13.8% of the original contract) and 31 calendar days. • If approved, Change Order No. 2 increases the total contract amount to $1,325,310.05 (20.6% of original contract amount) and 238 calendar days. The Engineering Manager and Staff have reviewed the contractor's request for Change Order No. 2 and recommend approval. A copy of Change Order No. 2 is attached for your reference. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On February 12, 2009, the Board of Directors authorized the President and Secretary to award a construction contract with Ken Thompson, Inc. in the amount of $1,099,000.00 for construction of the project. The Board of Directors has approved 6 Progress Payments to date, the most recent of which was approved on December 23, 2009. The Board approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $75,027.39 and 7 calendar days on December 23, 2009. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 002 DATE / 7 2olo Page 1 of 2 CONTRACT NAME: Zone Reconfiguration Areas 1,2 &3 , CONTRACT AMT.: $1,174,027.39 DAYS: 207 $ !5/'2 S CONTRACTOR: Ken Thompson, Inc. THIS CHANGE: $304,28246 DAYS: .25- (25.6%) lr3ZS3leg. 09- Z3$ OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $ 4,474,3404* DAYS: 20This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein. The Contractor shall construct, fumish equipment and materials, and perform all work as necessary or required to complete the Change Omer items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES +INCREASE CONTRACT TIME OR +EXTENSION - DECREASE iN / OR - CONTRACT REDUCTION AMOUNT (DAYS) Over excavate unsuitable material and replace with Class II in various areas of the project found to have un-acceptable soil condition and high moisture content. $ 76 727.25 0 2-inch electrical line conflict with existing utilities at station 70+48. $ 4,226.68 0 Tie in change to 6-inch size on Via De La Plaza. $ 1,383.12 0 Conflict with existing utility at 82+13. $ 1,579.03 0.5 Conflict with existing utility at 26+21. $ 944.49 0.5 Conflict with existing utility at 10+00. $ 1.321.59 0.5 Adjustment to bid quantities. $ 7,600.00 5 Paving average, rubberized ac cost difference and slurry seal as requested by the C' of Yorba Linda. $ 57 500.50 24.5 NET CHANGE lSt1 .GG WSJ REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME i!t 32 S, 3tD. 05 Z38 The amount of the contract will be increased by the sum of $-1l9i,262.6e and the contract time shall be increased 4dec+eased> by 35 calendar days. The undersigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes, if any, In the contract price specified for each Item Including any and all supervision costs and other misoellaneous costs relating to the change In work, and as to the extension of time allowed, If any, for completion of the entire work on account of said Change Order. The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials and perform all other necessary work, Inclusive of that directly or Indirectly related to the approved time extension, required to complete the Change Order Items. This document will become a supplement of the contract and all provisions wig apply hereto. It Is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This Change Order constitutes full, final, and complete compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses, overhead, profit, and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may Incur in connection with the above referenced changes In the work, including any impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contract, any changes In the sequences of any work, any delay to any work, any disruption of any work, any rescheduling of any work, and any other effect on any of the work under this contract. By the execution of the Change Order, the Contractor accepts the contract price change and the contract completion date change. U any, and expressly waives any claims for any additional compensation, damages or time extensions, in connection with the above-referenced changes. RECOMMENDED: ACCEPTED: APPROVED: ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5.5 M To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: $98,505 Operations Committee Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: J-200814 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Hank Samaripa, Project CEQA Compliance: N/A Engineer Subject: Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement - Design of Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement SUMMARY: The District retained MWH Americas for engineering design of a new Highland Booster Pump Station (BPS) with an increased capacity of 18,000 gpm. These design efforts are proceeding on schedule. During recent discussions concerning various project elements, District staff and the project team determined that additional design efforts are needed which were not included in the original scope of work and the Professional Services Agreement (PSA). MWH prepared a proposal for these additional engineering services, which staff has reviewed and is recommending for approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with MWH Americas, in the amount of $98,505, for additional engineering services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement/Expansion Project J-200814. DISCUSSION: The Preliminary Design Report for the project was completed by MWH and preparation of final design drawings was initiated. During the design review and coordination process, District staff identified the need for additional design elements not in the original services agreement. At the request of District staff, MWH provided a proposal for additional engineering services, including electrical engineering, corrosion engineering, coordination with Southern California Edison, geotechnical engineering and coordination of services with the District's instrumentation consultant. A copy of the proposal by MWH is attached. These added services are requested to increase the reliability and capability of the project, including corrosion protection engineering, witness testing of the new pumps, electrical design to avoid loss of power during outages, preparation of specifications for pre-purchasing two natural gas engines for the project and additional electrical engineering coordination with the District's in-house instrumentation consultant. District staff have reviewed the attached proposal for additional services and determined that they are necessary and appropriate for the work requested. If approved Amendment No. 1 for $98,505 will increase the PSA total from $469,593 to $568,098. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 9, 2009 the Board of Directors approved the award of the Professional Services Agreement for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Project to MWH Americas, for a fee not to exceed $469,593. ATTACHMENTS: H<-3ru e: 'y`S.ie: MWHadendm122909.pdf MWH addendum 1 Backup Material nll WH BUILOINOA WTTER WORLB December 2, 2009 Mr. Hank Samaripa Project Engineer Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Subject: Proposed Addendum No. 1 Highland Pump Station Project Dear Mr. Samaripa: MWH has completed the preliminary design for the Replacement Highland Pump Station. During the preliminary design review, the District requested additional services that are not included in our contract dated 07/09/2009. The additional services consist of electrical engineering, corrosion engineering, SCE coordination, geotechnical engineering, instrumentation coordination and engineering support during construction. MWH is requesting written authorization for these additional services. The design phase is continuing on schedule. The 70% design submittal is planned for December 2. 2009. Some of the requested additional services have been provided in the 70% submittal, as we previously discussed. The proposed scope of services (Exhibit A) and budget (Exhibit B) are attached for your review. Please call Michael Moore at (949) 328-2405 if you have any questions. Sincerely, MWH Americas, Inc. ~o IiL John Robinson Vice President 19900 MacArthur Blvd. TEL 949 328 2400 Suite 250 FAx 949 328 2448 Irvine, CA 92612 www.mwhglobal.com Exhibit A Scope of Work Task 1 Project Management MWH will provide additional project management for the coordination, scheduling and budgeting of the additional tasks. The additional project management consists of quality assurance and review of deliverables by subconsultants. Task 2 Coordination with Subconsultants MWH and RBF will coordinate with the District's subconsultants for instrumentation, programming and emissions. Coordination will consist of two meetings and bi-monthly updates to coordinate their design and permitting work. Task 3 Meetings/Coordination with MSO MWH and RBF will attend 2 meetings with MSO and the District to establish and verify the requirements for the MSO design. Plans and specifications prepared by MSO will be reviewed for conformance with the pump station operational requirements and P&IDs. Comments from the District will be coordinated with MSO and the electrical design. Task 4 Electrical Drawings The District requested a parallel transfer switch be provided for the existing gas generator. In addition, the District requested power be supplied to the existing chemical building. Two additional drawings will be provided for the additional electrical design. Additional electrical drawings will be developed for the power transfer switch and providing new power for the existing chemical building. i. PTS Installation Provide drawing to detail the Power Transfer Switch, install the protective relaying required by SCE and detail the equipment required to synchronize the existing generator. The drawing will consist of the connection diagrams and details for the installation. ii. Chemical Building Power Feed Provide one additional drawing to design the power feed to the existing chemical building from the new pump station. This drawing will consist of a site plan and details for the electrical connection. The feed will be sized to accommodate the existing lighting and receptacles only. Task 5 SCE Generating Facility Interconnection Application MWH will complete the Generating Facility Interconnection Application as required by Southern California Edison's Rule 21 - Generating Facility Connections to approve paralleling power sources at the pump station. The electrical design will provide protective devices design required by SCE for parallel operation, which includes the protective device settings. Protective device settings will be incorporated into a study report and submitted to SCE with the Interconnection Application. Task 6 Electrical Specifications Specifications for the electrical switchgear, relaying required by SCE and the interface with the existing generator control systems will be provided. The deliverable will consist of specifications for PTS and relaying installation. Task 7 Electrical Cost Estimate A Class 3 Construction Cost Estimate will be prepared in accordance with the American Association of Cost Estimators for the paralleling switchgear, relaying and interface with the existing generator control systems. Task 8 Corrosion Engineering On-Site MJ Schiff will be contracted to review the proposed discharge pipeline for the Replacement Highland Pump Station project. The plans and specifications will be reviewed for corrosion protection. Three (3) soil samples will be taken along the proposed on-site pipe. In-situ soil samples will be evaluated. This testing would be done concurrently with the electromagnetic conductivity survey. Soil samples will be tested for as-received resistivity, saturated resistivity, pH, possibly sulfides and oxidation-reduction potential, and perform an analysis for common ions to include calcium, magnesium, sodium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, ammonium, and nitrate. A report describing the field and laboratory test data, a plot of the conductivity profile, and general recommendations for controlling corrosion of materials planned for underground use will be provided. Cathodic protection details and specifications will be provided in the 90% and 100% submittals. Task 9 Corrosion Engineering Off-Site The Zone 2 Pipeline plans and specifications will be reviewed by MJ Schiff. Electrical continuity test will be performed for approximately 2000- ft of the alignment. The remainder of the alignment appears to have connectivity according to the previous tests. Potentials will be measured at the cathodic test stations for the Zone 2 pipeline. A report will be prepared for the off-site pipeline by a certified corrosion engineer. Task 10 Supplemental Geotechnical Additional geotechnical engineering is required for the design of the pump station building and retaining wall. The building will have approximately 5- ft of fill over the existing grades. Leighton Consulting will supplement the previous report with design parameters for the building foundation and retaining wall in accordance with the CBC. Task 11 Pre-Procurement Documents The original proposal included an optional task 0.4 for pre-procuring the gas engines. The District has decided to pre-procure the gas engines. A technical specification for pre-procuring the natural gas engine will be provided to the District; MWH will assist in obtaining a quote from the supplier and review the quote for conformance with the specifications and project requirements. Task 12 Pump Witness Testing MWH will witness the testing of the vertical turbine pumps at the manufacturer's facility. Tests will be witnessed for compliance with the contract documents. The manufacturer will be required to provide calibration and pre-test information before scheduling the witness test. The pump witness testing will require an engineer for 3 days. Travel costs are not included. The contractor will be required to provide travel cost for witness testing. MWH will provide a summary memo for the pump testing to the District. Task 13 Credit for Instrumentation Design (Deletion from Scope or Work) PLC Connection Diagram I and PLC Connection Diagram II are not required to be provided. A credit for the PLC Connection Diagrams will be provided. The PLC Connection Diagrams and control panel details will be provided by MSO and included in the pump station plan set. MSO will sign/ stamp these drawings and provide specifications for the PLC equipment and control panel. Exhibit B Proposed Budget Task Principal Principal Professional Senior Engineer Administrative/ Data Entry Subconsultant Other Direct Cost Total Addendum 1 235 210 155 115 1. Project Management 4 20 $5,140 2. Coordination w/ Subs 4 8 8 12 $5,531 $10,771 3. Meetings 8 $1,680 4. Electrical Drawings $15,950 $15,950 5. SCE Permit Application and Fee $16,522 $880 $17,402 6. Electrical Specifications $1,311 $1,311 7. Electrical Cost Estimate $656 $656 8. Corrosion Engineering On -Site 4 4 20 $15,070 $19,950 9. Corrosion Engineering Off -Site 4 4 $10,000 $250 $11,550 10. Supplemental Geotechnical 4 $2,800 $3,640 11. Pre - Procurement Documents 4 12 40 2 $9,890 12. Pump Witness testing 1 4 32 2 $300 $6,565 13. Credit for Instrumentation Design - $6,000 - $6,000 Total $61,840 $1,430 $98,505 ITEM NO. 2.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $190,000 To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: $36,185 Operations Committee Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: 200813 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Anthony Manzano, Senior CEQA Compliance: N/A Project Manager Subject: Proposed Change Order No. 4 to Well Rehabilitation Contract SUMMARY: Well 5 rehabilitation testing has been completed to determine modifications required for continued long-term production of the 60-year-old well. The work was performed by General Pump Company, who was previously retained for the District's Well Optimization Project based on competitive bidding in accordance with District procedures. Testing and monitoring was based on specifications prepared by the District's consultant, CDM. District Staff, in concert with CDM, has monitored work performed by General Pump and recommends approval of Change Order No 4 as attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee support Staff's recommendation for approval of Change Order No 4 in the amount of $36,185 to conduct test pumping as part of Well 5 rehabilitation. DISCUSSION: Work is continuing on the District's Well Optimization Project, to maximize the life and production of our existing wells. The first element of work was testing and rehabilitation of Well No. 12 by General Pump, which encompassed Change Order No. 1, approved by the Board in August 2009. The second element of work was testing of Well No. 5, which recently underwent video-inspection, cleaning and test-pumping. This work was performed as Change Orders No. 2 and 3 under the General Manager's signature authority, including pump removal and video-logging ($8,611) and wire-brush cleaning and re-video ($4,621), respectively. Following the above, District staff requested a proposal from General Pump to perform a test program for Well No. 5 similar to that performed for Well No. 12. A copy of the proposal, dated October 5, 2009, is attached for a proposed cost of $40,785. The actual work performed, under the supervision of staff from CDM and the District, was less than proposed, at a final cost of $36,185. Pump-testing was performed under various flow rates to determine a sustainable flow rate that could be achieved without air being entrained in the discharge. The air is a result of water cascading down the well casing as a result of the declining aquifer levels. Based on the test pump results, a discharge of 2,000 GPM appears to be feasible. Change Order 4, in the amount of $36,185, includes installation of the test pump and packer, along with a temporary holding tank to conduct test pumping as recommended by District Staff and CDM. If Change Order No. 4 is approved it will increase the total contract price to $156,375.39. District staff reviewed and recommends approval of the change order in order to proceed with rehabilitation and service of Well 5. At a later date, Staff will seek Board authorization of a subsequent change order for the permanent pump installation. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): December 11, 2008, Board approval of contract with General Pump Company for well-rehabilitation services. August 6, 2009, Board approval of Change Order 1 to provide and install a new water- Iubed pump at Well 12 for $56,973.39. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: 1 Ype: Well 5 CO#4.pdf Well No. 5 C04 Backup Material YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT GRANGE ORDER NO. _4 DATE December 10, 2009 1 Pape I of CONTRACT NAME= Well .4 Pump Installation, Job 200313 CONTRACT AMT.: $120,190-39 DAYS: CONTRACTOR General Pump Company T1 1S CHANGE' $3E,185.00 DAYS: OWiNFR: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT- 5156,375.39 DAYS: This Charge Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein- The Contractor shall construct, fumish equipment and materials. arid cerfor-i all work as necessary or requsred to complete the Change Order items for a 1G sum price agreed upon between the Contractor ? and''o tea Lir•;1a Water Drs*,T'ot o arvrse refer*ed to as Owmer- F +INCREASE COT,47`;aCT TIME I NS DFS^R ON OF CHANGES 1OR +EXT ~`'NSIQN! SE IN ~ OR -REDUCTION R'C'O EA NTRACT (DAYS) AMOUNT ;veil 7'.-1 bHize to site, Install Etlrnp & Packer vAth Baker Tank & Conduct Test +36,185.00 Pump g as shown on attached NET Ct IANGE $36,165.00 F Cti V' ED CONTRAST AMOUNT AND Tll?"r!:' $1 S6„ 75.3 ? The amount of the c^nfra_-t will bn r sw, by the s-J of $3E1 55A0 -id the contract time shall be increased by 0 calendar -days TI undersigned contractor approves the 'o egoin a r hand-, Order as to the changes if any, in the contract price spec` ed for each stem including any and ail to the CI3e"1nge .Ti i;c''IC, a.-,rd as to t`.e exftens on -of mne al!.. } if fo- c,nnir-Je9on of the entire work on acc^unt of said Ghar'o Order The Contractor agrees to furnish ai; labor and materials and perforr~ all other neccssary work, inclus've cif that directly or indrrectfy -elated to the appfo ed time ezlension renwired to complete the Chance Order iterns. This document will become a suppiciren" of the contract and all prm,,2sions will apply h"to. It is understood that the Change Order shall be e'tfor.'.v£ 2:"_:-o pd by the'C,2vncr ii& Change OT-'IC, full, 'na . anC c,_n°iplr is compensalicin to'•.lie Co. t ci r for all :;oats, -ns s, overhand. p-:,fit. and any damages of every kind tnat the Contractor may incur in connection vt th the above referenc,-d changes in the v:nrk, including any impact on the referenced urk of arny other,, o ac under the contraC, any changes in 'he sequences of any work, any delay to any work, any disruption of any work. any rescheduling of any work, and any other effect on any of the r+crit ur°uEr .his contract. By the ?XuC _i':1 or ` a n je i'e;r the Contrac1or accepts the contrati.t price change anr' the confta.-L :,cw4n pleticn dale cilia ',ge. if any, and expressly waives any Claims soy' any additio 1 compensation.. damages or trme ~xlEn i^nS, in connection w0 h. fe above-referenced RECOMMENDED. OWNER DATE: teve Arun rs; ng ring Manager - ACCEPTED: ? l y r CONTRACTOR _ DATE: Mi Bodart. Director of Engineering APPROVED: OWNER DATE: Ken Vecchiarelli. General Manager - HOR ® p 159 N. ACACIA 8`1`RE?LSAN 17IMAS, CA 91773 COMPAPff PHONE: (9019) 599-9606 • FAX: (909) 599-6238 WELL & PUMP SERVICE SINCE 1952 Lic. ~L,196W October 5, 2009 Via E-mail Yorba Linda Water District 1717 East Miraloma Avenue Placentia, California 92870 Attn: John DeC'riscio Subject: Well 5 - Testing Bear John: We are setting up for the testing of the above Well 5. We are pleased to offer the same cost as we bid for Well 12. The overall cost is slightly lower, because we do not plan to perform items 6 and 7. These items were also not performed on the Well 12 project. Item Description Total Cost 1 Mobilization and demobilization to/from the site including site cleanup. 7,000 2 Furnish, install and demobilize pump equipment and packer for pumping. 21,885 3 Furnish and install Baker Tarok and piping. 5,500 4 Lower the packer 1 pump to next setting. 1,600 5 Conduct constant discharge pumping. 4,800 Total Cost $40,785 Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Sincerely, GENERAL PUMP COMPANY, INC. ~ ie:ftct el~ 13c~c art Michael Bodart Director of Engineering cc: Julio Martinez - GPC IP ' (N INVOICE NO. 20728 PIP), NE INVOICE DATE 1113012009 IATE WE L PUMP SERVICE SINCE 1952 CUSTOMER NO. 487 159 N ACACIA S 1 RLF..I, SAN DIMAS. CALIFORNIA 91773 CUSTOMER P.O. 17101 PHONE: (909) 599-9606 FAX: (909) 599-6238 CONTRACT NO. NONE LICENSE: 496765 BILL TO: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 309 YORBA LINDA CA 92885 JOB NO: 17350 PROJECT: WELL 5 ATTN: JOHN DECRISCIO SALESPERSON: 190 A SALES TAX CODE: 30 TERMS: 30DY DUE DATE: 12/3012009 Description Amount MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION TO & FROM THE SITE, INCLUDING SITE CLEAN UP 7,000.00 FURNISH, INSTALL & DEMOBILIZE PUMP EQUIPMENT & PACKER FOR PUMPING 21,885.00 FURNISH & INSTALL BAKER TANK & PIPING 5.500.00 LOWER THE PACKER - PUMP TO NEXT SETTING (NO CHARGE) CONDUCT CONSTANT DISCHARGE PUMPING 1,800.00 NON-TAXABLE AMOUNT: 36,185.00 REMIT TCJ ° General Pump Company TAXABLE AMOUNT: 0.00 159 N. Acacia Street SALES TAX: 0.00 San Dimas, CA 91773 INVOICE TOTAL: 36,185.00 RETENTION: 0.00 AMOUNT PAID: 0.00 Thank you for your prompt paymend A OUNT DUE: 36,185.00 ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Water Report ATTACHMENTS: Import2009-2010 December PEO Sheet.pdf PEO Sheet Backup Material Import2009-2010_December _CUP_Pie_Chart.pdf CUP Pie Chart Backup Material Import2009-2010 December TWU.pdf Total Water Use Chart Backup Material Import2009-2010 December YTD Prod Chart.pdf YTD Production Chart Backup Material YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2009-10 TOTAL MONTHLY YTD BUDGET GW IMPORT DEMAND GW GW (Demand Est.) DELTA MONTH (AF) (AF) (AF) (AF) Jul-09 1,404.2 933.5 2,337.7 60.1% 60.1% 2,585.9 -9.6% Aug-09 1,357.6 961.4 2,319.0 58.5% 59.3% 2,544.1 -8.9% Sep-09 1,309.4 911.5 2,220.9 59.0% 59.2% 2,232.2 -0.5% Oct-09 1,205.4 617.6 1,823.0 66.1% 60.6% 1,882.8 -3.2% Nov-09 1,026.4 674.8 1,701.1 60.3% 60.6% 1,487.4 14.4% Dec-09 793.9 370.8 1,164.7 68.2% 61.4% 1,338.0 Jan-10 - 1,166.6 Feb-10 - 1,116.1 Mar-10 - 1,322.6 Apr-10 - 1,654.3 May-10 - 2,188.2 Ju n-10 - 2,451.9 FYTD 7,096.9 4,469.5 11,566.4, 1 61.4% 12,070.3 -4.2% Allowable GW (YTD) 5,392.7 (AF) CUP Obligation FY 2009-10 2,193.0 (AF) Monthly CUP Pumping (AF) - (AF) YTD CUP Pumping (AF) 2,191.8 (AF) YTD CUP Achieved 99.9% GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 85.0% 80.0% 75.0% 70.0% ~MONTHLY GW -6-YTD GW ) 65.0% BPP GOAL 46.6 60.0% CUP ADJ GOAL 56.6 55.0% 50.0% 45.0% 1 Jul-09 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 Month WATER SUPPLY FY 2009-2010 December 2009 Water Supply CUP 0.0% IMPORT 31.8% GW 68.2% 2009-2010 YTD Water Supply CUP 18.9% GW 42.4% GW BPP GOAL 46.6% IMPORT 38.6% 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 Q N E O > 1,500 1,000 500 Total Water Use Q%, o°' o� o%' o�' o� o�' o�' o� ob (Z' o% o° ^° o�' o�' '.° o%' o°' �.° o�' o°' NQ, o%' e 1.° o% o° ^° Month ■09 -10 GW 009 -10 IMPORT Monthly Average Mean Temperature ( °F) 008 -09 GW 72.7 74.8 ■ 08 -09 IMPORT ■ 07 -08 G W 72.2 73.6 007-08 IMPORT 70.5 70.4 69.8 74.0 74.3 64.0 67.4 74.1 65.9 63.3 66.4 6 65.4 1.0 61.6 66.1 60.1 62.6 62.6 58.2 54.0 55.8 54.3 55.0 55.4 56.3 Q%, o°' o� o%' o�' o� o�' o�' o� ob (Z' o% o° ^° o�' o�' '.° o%' o°' �.° o�' o°' NQ, o%' e 1.° o% o° ^° Month 22,000 --*—Budgeted Total GW + Import 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 U- <1 12,000 m E 0 10,000 2,000 0 4-- Jul -09 2009 -2010 YTD Water Supply Aug -09 Sep -09 Oct -09 Nov -09 Dec -09 Jan -10 Feb -10 Mar -10 Apr -10 May -10 Jun -10 Month ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Subject: Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report ATTACHMENTS: 2009-10 Fiscal.xls 2009-10 Fiscal Report(s) PM PROGRAM 2009/2010 Fiscal 2009 -10 1 JUL I AUG I SEP I OCT I NOV I DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR I APR I MAY I JUN Percent of target 8% 1 17% 1 26% 1 33% 1 42% 1 50% 1 58% 1 67% 1 76% 1 83% 1 92% 1 100% HYDRANTS (3,881) Target: all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 0 6401 3641 131 130 206 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 0 6401 8941 1,025 1,155 1,361 % OF TOTAL 0.0% 13.9%1 23.0%1 26.4% 29.8% 35.1`; VALVES (10,706/2= 5,353) Target: all valves to be operated every two years. OPERATED THIS MONTH 242 2941 4661 6761 326 463 OPERATED THIS YEAR 242 6361 9921 1,6671 1,893 2,356 % OF TOTAL 4.5% 10.0%1 18.6%1 29.3%1 35.4% 44.0% DEAD ENDS (962x2= 1,924) Target: all dead ends to be flushed twice each year. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 0 01 01 6261 436 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 0 01 01 6261 962 962 % OF TOTAL 0.0% 0.0%1 0.0%1 27.3%1 50.0% AIR VACS (309) Target: all air vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 0 2061 931 0 1 0 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 0 2061 2981 298 299 299 % OF TOTAL 0.0% 66.3%1 96.4%1 96.4% 96.8% SEWER CLEANING (802,560) Target: all sewers to be cleaned annually. CLEANED THIS MONTH 739825 189798 249974 1049224 1219202 1289703 CLEANED THIS YEAR 739825 929623 1179597 2219821 3439023 4719726 % OF TOTAL 9.2% 11.5% 14.7% 27.6%1 42.7% SEWER TELEVISING (200,640) Target: all sewers to be televised every 4 years. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 59334 219651 239119 59463 809 39628 TELEVISED THIS YEAR 59334 269985 509104 559567 569376 609004 % OF TOTAL 2.7% 13.4%1 26.0%1 27.7%1 28.1% ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting Report ATTACHMENTS: ype: GWP MtgNotes 9Dec09 REVISED.pdf GWP Summary Report for Dec 2009 Backup Material Reclaimed Water Exhibit.doc Reclaimed Water Exhibit Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District MEMORANDUM DATE: December 11, 2009 TO: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager FROM: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager COPY: Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager SUBJECT: Groundwater Producers Meeting, December 9, 2009 John DeCriscio and I attended the Groundwater Producers (GWP) Meeting on December 9 at OCWD. Items presented and discussed included the following: 1. Recharge Facility Modeling. Greg Woodside, OCWD, reported on the results of the computer-based modeling of proposed projects to increase recharge, including: 1) sediment-removal project, and 2) addition of "Miraloma" Recharge Basin (formerly referred to as the LASCO property, which the District is in the process of purchasing for the construction of a recharge basin). He described the assumptions used and the means of modeling for each potential project. For the sediment-removal project, the estimated increase in recharge would be 9,800 acre-feet per year. Based on OCWD's preliminary analysis of the cost of construction and operation of the sediment-removal project, they estimate that the resulting recharge water would cost in the range of $700 to $1,000 per acre-foot. No other details were provided. For the proposed Miraloma Recharge Basin project, an analysis was made using historic information on stormflow, and storage in Prado Basin. From this the computer model estimated that the proposed project would result in an average increase of 3,100 acre-feet of recharge per year for an 18-year study period. No other details were provided on cost or benefit at this time. 2. Selling GWR System Water to Anaheim. John Kennedy, OCWD, reported that at the December 9 Water Issues Committee meeting, the Committee recommended execution of an agreement with the City of Anaheim providing for the sale of GWR System supplies to the Anaheim Electrical Generation Peaking Power Plant. The item goes to the December 16 Board meeting for consideration. Per the agreement, the sales price for GWR System water will be the actual annual cost to manufacture the water. For FY 2008/09, the actual cost was $570/AF incorporating grants and subsidies. The actual cost will be recalculated each year as part of the agreement. 1 The water will be considered as "neutral" water in the annual BPP calculation. That is, the amount of GWRS water used will be subtracted from the total demand, resulting in a net demand. The amount of groundwater that can be pumped will be calculated by multiplying the net demand by the BPP factor. A sheet prepared by OCWD showing an example calculation is attached. The City of Anaheim will be responsible to provide all pumping, piping and other infrastructure to deliver the water from the GWRS pipeline to the point of use. The water will be provided on an interruptible-basis, with no guarantee of delivery. Don Calkins, City of Anaheim, indicated that the City is not totally pleased with the terms and conditions but will agree to the contract, so that the power plant project can proceed. There was considerable discussion as to what this means to the other Groundwater Producers and to the GWRS project. The power plant project will be using only 200 AF/year of GWRS water, so the impact is small. GWRS production was over 54,000 AF last year and is increasing. 3. FY2010/11 Budget Schedule. John Kennedy reported on the planning schedule for the preparation of the above budget for OCWD. He indicated that preliminary BPP, RA and BEA values will be presented on January 20 to the Board and February 10 to the Groundwater Producers. The public hearing for the final RA and BPP will be April 21, 2010. 4. Fletcher Basin Project Update. Craig Miller, OCWD, reported on the Fletcher Basin project. The basin is owned by OCFCD, located adjacent to Fletcher Avenue, east of Batavia Street, City of Orange. The basin was formerly used to retard storm water flow into the Santa Ana River and is no longer used. OCWD is investigating clearing the site and constructing a recharge basin, in cooperation with OCFCD. OCWD has initiated preparation of an Engineer's Report and CEQA documentation. 5. City of Riverside Proposed Inflatable Dam on the Santa Ana River. Craig Miller reported that the City of Riverside (lead agency), San Bernardino Valley MWD, Western MWD, and the City of Colton have begun environmental analysis of a proposed project to construct an inflatable dam on the Santa Ana River in Colton. The proposed project would retain stormwater from the SAR and recharge it (via the river bed and off-river ponds) into the groundwater basin in Colton. It is estimated that up to 15,000 AF/year of stormwater could be recharged through the project. The City of Riverside has issued a Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed project, and OCWD submitted comments for consideration. OCWD will provide updates to the Groundwater Producers as the project proceeds. 6. Other Items. Mike Markus, OCWD, reported that the Regional Board and the Department of Public Health have approved the use of 100% GWRS water, with potable blend-water no longer required, for the seawater barrier injection facilities, which is very good news. This sets the stage for the planned demonstration project for mid-basin injection of GWRS water without blend water. Joan Lyle from the City of Buena Park reported that they are looking at the possibility of importing recycled water from LA County for irrigation uses, and asked how its use would be counted against the BPP. John Kennedy indicated that, based on other projects, the recycled supply would be counted as "neutral" water (as defined in Item 2 above), even though it is coming from outside the basin. 2 Reclaimed Water Purchase Impact to Annual Producer BPP Calculation Any GWR System water directly received by the Producers would be considered "neutral" water per the District Act. The water is not considered groundwater or imported supplemental water for purposes of calculating the Producers annual Basin Production Percentage (BPP). The net effect is that the Producer would pump less groundwater (which is much less expensive) when using more expensive GWR System water supplies to meet their water demands. This policy for reclaimed water was developed when the price of Green Acres Project water was established. The current cost to purchase GAP water is $326/af which is relatively low. However this low price is offset by the fact that taking GAP water also reduces how much low cost groundwater the Producer can receive. This pricing policy also recognizes that GAP customers are along the coast and reducing pumping along the coast is good basin management. The following figure demonstrates the impacts of using GWR System or reclaimed water (1,000 afy) for a hypothetical producer who has 10,000 afy of total water demands. The figure assumes the BPP is 65 percent. As shown, if no reclaimed water is taken, allowable pumping is 6,500 afy (65% BPP x 10,000 afy of total water demands). However, if 1,000 afy of reclaimed water is used, allowable pumping is 5,850 (10,000 afy -1,000 afy x 65%). PRODUCER BASIN PUMPING IMPACT OF USING RECLAIMED WATER 10,000 1,000 8,000 3,500 ❑ GWRS Reclaimed 3,150 water 6,000 Q ❑ Imported Supplemental 4,000 water 6,500 5,850 2,000 ❑ Groundwater Pumping 0 No Reclaimed 1,000 afy of Water reclaimed water It has been argued that this policy can discourage the development of reclaimed water supplies. That it would be better to have new local reclaimed water supplies completely offset the need for more expensive imported water supplies. ITEM NO. 3.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 7, 2010 Subject: Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: CIP Rept Jan10.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: January 4, 2010 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Highland Reservoir Basin floor slabs have been Installing rebar, formwork and On schedule with no significant Budget: $11,200,000 Job No. 200309 completed. Reservoir walls placing concrete for the issues outstanding. Project Contact: Joe Polimino under construction. reservoir walls in the two Planned Completion Date: August 2010 basins. 2 Zone 4C Reconfiguration Completing notification and Proposed Change Order No. 2 Plan to bring Notice of Completion Budget: $1,500,000 Job No.200710 planning for 40 psi change -over going to January 7 PEO for to February PEO. Project Contact: Joe Polimino for 100 homes, February 1. consideration. Planned Completion Date: Dec 2009 3 San Antonio PRS Upgrades Contractor has completed work Contractor will be closing out Change Orders are being finalized. Budget: $300,000 Job 200901 in the San Antonio PRS. and demobilizing from the Project Contact: Joe Polimino Continue to finalize ATT and project. Planned Completion Date: Nov 2009 SCADA communications with the District. 4 Hidden Hills Res & Santiago BPS Floor slabs have been Pipeline work down access Continuing contact with State's rep Budget: $7,000,000 Job No.200028 completed. Contractor has road and into street should that will process easement Project Contact: Joe Polimino completed reservoir wall start soon. The installation of documents. Planned Completion Date: July 2010 construction. shoring and roof decking has begun in the East Bay. 5 Lakeview Swr. Lift Station Upgrade Filing of Notice of Completion File Notice of Completion at Close -out project, as -built drawings Budget: $200,000 Job No. 200905 approved by Board on 12/23/09 the County Recorder Office. and distribute O &M manuals to Project Contact: Hank Samaripa sewer department. Planned Completion Date: Nov. 2009 6 Wells 1, 5 and 12 Upgrade Staff, consultant & contractor District Staff to determine W- Well 5 was successfully test - Budget: $190,000 Job No. 200813 determined that W -12 may be 12 engine operating pumped at original design flow rate. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano operated at approximately parameters at lower flow rates. Project Completion: TBD 1,100 GPM. W -5 test pumping W -5 permanent pump to be completed. installed. IN DESIGN IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Well 20 OCWD to issue discharge Issuing RFP for design of Targeting March 2010 to start Well Budget: $2,000,000 Job No.200711 permit Jan. 2010. Solicitation wellhead facilities. Drilling. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano of Well Drilling bids later this Contact S &S for preliminary Planned Completion Date: TBD month. kickoff meeting to establish 2 OC -51 Connection Upgrade Submitted letter to MWD Awaiting MWD response. After input from MWD, will Budget: $242,000 Job No. 200815 requesting consideration of determine if it is cost - effective to Project Contact: Derek Nguyen simplified design alternative. proceed with project. Planned Completion Date: TBD 3 Highland Booster Station Upgrade Currently reviewing 70% Prepare Design Addendum for Review specifications for purchase Budget: $6,000,000 Job No. 200814 design submittal. added Consultant Engineering of two new gas engines. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa services. Planned Completion Date: Mid 2011 4 Photovoltaic Panels —Admin Bldg Distribute signed agreement to File California Solar Initiative Review design and construction Budget: $250,000 Job No. 200912 Akeena Solar Inc. Issue Notice application for rebate. Attend schedule. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa to Proceed and down payment. design kickoff meeting. Planned Completion Date: Mar 2009 IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Fairmont Site Improvements Agreement approved by S &S has proposed a code Present schedule to Operations and Budget: $300,000 (YLWD share) Board. Waiting for signed update review by City. Production departments. Job No. 200803 agreement from S &S. S &S Contact S &S for preliminary Project Contact: Hank Samaripa has delayed signing pending kickoff meeting to establish Planned Completion Date: TBD completion of other priorities. schedule. 2 Recycled Water Study Project Funding Commitment Review Proposals due Jan 11, Study, including State reviews and Budget: $1,800,000 Job No. 200807 for grant is being issued and is 2010 approvals, may take a year to Project Contact: Derek Nguyen en route to District. District complete. Planned Completion Date: TBD issued RFP. Held pre - proposal meeting on Dec 161h. 3 Anaheim Intertie Connection Review preliminary design Review the 75% design Review 90% design drawings and Budget: $250,000 (YLWD Share) layouts for the three intertie submittals. specifications. Prepare a short list of Job No. 200906 connections. General Contractors for Project Contact: Hank Samaripa construction phase. Planned Completion Date: TBD 4 West Wellfield Project RFPs submitted to two Potential well sites to be Land availability along with Budget: $9,000,000 Job No. Property Acquisition Service determined and evaluated. separation requirements from City Project Contact: Anthony Manzano firms. of Anaheim Wells will impact well Planned Completion Date: TBD selection. 5 Asset Management Plan Review data from the financial Transfer the correct water and Schedule a presentation to Board for Budget: $120,000 Job No. 200909 presentation. Review sewer data to consultant and review of AMP, tentatively mid Project Contact: Hank Samaripa assumptions and historical cost past historical costs for the February 2010. Planned Completion Date: Jan 2010 data for replacement values. various infrastructures. 6 Sewer Master Plan Board awarded Master Plan Project kick -off meeting Plan to place sewer flow monitors in Budget: $350,000 Job No. 200916 services contract to planned for December 29. January 2010 to gather data during Project Contact: Anthony Manzano IDModeling at December 23 storm season. Planned Completion Date: August 2010 meeting. 7 Reservoir WQ Improvement Processing modified Mixing system to be tentatively System will mitigate thermal Budget: $100,000 Job No. 200917 Agreement with PSI, Inc., for installed January through stratification and nitrification issues. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano $68,000 for GM's signature. February 2010. Planned Completion Date: Jan 2010 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE BOARD (2007 -2012) THAT ARE STILL PENDING 1. Zone 5 (1000) Booster Station ($1,080,000) 2. Fairmont Booster Station Reconfiguration ($400,000) 3. Foxtail Drive Pipeline ($245,000) 4. Elk Mountain Reservoir Site Improvements ($300,000) 5. Fire Flow Improvements- -Via Sereno and Ohio ($125,000)