HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-11 - Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Agenda Packet 'rb Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT FINANCE-ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, January 11, 2010, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director John W. Summerfield, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Ric Collett Cindy Navaroli, Interim Finance Director Sandi Van Etten, Senior Accountant 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. November 2009 Budget to Actual Results Recommendation: That the Committee receive and file the November 2009 Budget to Actual Results. 2.2. November 2009 Monthly Investment Report Recommendation: That the Committee receive and file the November 2009 Monthly Investment Report. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Retirement Alternatives (Verbal Report) 3.2. Monthly Portfolio Reports for December 3.3. Inventory Surplussed in Compliance with Restrictive Lead Regulation 3.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Finance-Accounting Committee will be held February 8, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 11 , 2010 Budgeted: N/A To: Finance-Accounting Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Cindy Navaroli, Interim Finance Dept: Finance Director Prepared By: Cindy Navaroli, Interim Finance CEQA Compliance: N/A Director Subject: November 2009 Budget to Actual Results STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee receive and file the November 2009 Budget to Actual Results. DISCUSSION: Attached are the budget to actual results for the Water Fund, Sewer Fund, and a summary of both funds. Overall, the District is on target with projections. Major items to note are: • Operating Revenues are lagging from prior year at around 40% of budgeted revenue, compared to the prior year figure of 50% at this same time. Some of this variance is due to additional conservation efforts in the current fiscal year. Since the new water rate became effective in mid-September, staff anticipates that much of the difference will be made up in the third and fourth quarters of the fiscal year. • Variable expenses are 45% of budgeted expenses, whereas in the prior year variable costs at this time totaled 55%. This is due to lower water purchases based on customer conservation, as well as the timing of the payments and record keeping in the prior year. • The remaining expenses and revenues are approximately in proportion to prior years and are on target with budgeted projections. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On December 7, 2009 the Committee approved the October 2009 budget to actual results. ATTACHMENTS: 'yarn Description: Type. Water November 2009.pdf Water Fund Backup Material Sewer_November 2009.pdf Sewer Fund Backup Material Water Sewer November 2009.pdf Water&Sewer Fund Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For the Five Months Ended November 30, 2009 FY 2010 % of Annual November Actual Annual Budget 2009 YTD Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $17,692,953 $1,787,669 $7,814,504 44.171/. (Restricted for Debt Service) - (184,597) (1,256,929) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,680,500 192,729 788,147 46.90% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,654,419 370,747 1,739,841 47.61% Other Operating Revenue 643,792 50,222 310,356 48.21% Total Operating Revenue: 23,671,664 2,216,770 9,395,919 39.69% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 12,259,937 852,752 5,503,866 44.89% Salary Related Expenses 6,538,008 409,853 2,242,241 34.30% Supplies & Services: Communications 268,694 22,635 145,660 54.21% Contractual Services 964,090 124,935 409,217 42.45% Data Processing 116,148 4,952 5,308 4.57% Dues & Memberships 30,068 178 4,725 15.71% Fees & Permits 50,160 958 30,783 61.37% Insurance 342,433 - 194,360 56.76% Materials 427,424 28,851 195,604 45.76% District Activities, Emp Recognition 13,832 (2) 620 4.48% Maintenance 384,362 458 63,786 16.601% Non-Capital Equipment 139,910 3,999 26,198 18.72% Office Expense 66,775 3,154 11,002 16.48% Professional Services 760,575 (9,001) 199,412 26.22% Training 61,518 4,149 9,163 14.89% Travel & Conferences 48,892 1,823 4,084 8.35% Uncollectible Accounts 47,320 418 418 0.881/. Collection Agency Fee 3,185 - - 0.00% Utilities 27,027 8,549 63,438 234.72% Vehicle Equipment 279,683 18,289 141,152 50.47% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,032,096 214,345 1,504,930 37.32% Depreciation & Amortization 3,945,750 336,541 1,680,777 42.60% Total Operating Expenses 26,775,791 1,813,491 10,931,814 40.83% Operating Income (Loss) (3,104,127) 403,279 (1,535,895) 49.48% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 500 4,303 21,826 4365.20% Interest (Restricted for Capital Projects) - 8,153 42,605 Property Taxes 1,092,000 87,627 142,438 13.04% Debt Service Income (through water revenue) - 184,596 1,256,929 Other Non-Operating Revenue 172,900 31,919 184,089 106.47% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,265,400 316,598 1,647,887 130.23% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt (1,981,300) (161,611) (815,813) 41.18% Job Closing Expense (40,000) 0.001% Other Expense (154,500) (16,470) (41,518) 26.87% Total Non-Operating Expenses: (2,175,800) (178,081) (857,331) 68.05% Non-Operating Income (Loss) (910,400) 138,517 790,556 Total Income (Loss) $ (4,014,527) $ 541,796 $ (745,339) 18.57% Contributed Capital $ 190,962 $ 20,001 $ 155,470 81.41% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For the Five Months Ended November 30, 2009 FY 2010 % of Annual November Actual Annual Budget 2009 YTD Budget Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $1,160,000 $128,149 $532,946 45.94% Locke Ranch Assessments 116,000 11,076 12,771 11.01% Other Operating Revenue 5,100 261 1,391 27.27% Total Operating Revenue: 1,281,100 139,486 547,108 42.71% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 817,041 55,993 297,112 36.36% Supplies & Services: Communications 26,654 2,239 14,615 54.83% Contractual Services 137,255 16,767 60,702 44.23% Data Processing 11,487 490 525 4.57% Dues & Memberships 3,360 17 459 13.66% Fees & Permits 6,040 67 2,150 35.60% Insurance 33,867 - 19,222 56.76% Materials 21,301 5,060 8,011 37.61% District Activities 1,368 - 61 4.46% Maintenance 29,789 40 5,929 19.90% Non-Capital Equipment 18,631 151 1,401 7.52% Office Expense 9,550 311 941 9.85% Professional Services 77,925 (890) 19,841 25.46% Training 8,632 573 939 10.88% Travel & Conferences 6,893 181 442 6.41% Uncollectible Accounts 4,680 - - 0.00% Collection Agency Fee 315 - - 0.00% Utilities 2,673 348 1,587 59.37% Vehicle Equipment 47,068 1,752 16,520 35.10% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 447,488 27,106 153,345 34.27% Depreciation & Amortization 595,050 47,602 238,010 40.00% Total Operating Expenses 1,859,579 130,701 688,467 37.02% Operating Income (Loss) (578,479) 8,785 (141,360) 24.44% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 7,000 1,126 4,702 67.17% Interest (Restricted for Capital Projects) - 142 758 Property Taxes 108,000 - - 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 12,600 (382) 313 2.48% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 127,600 886 5,773 69.66% Expenses (Non-Operating): Job Closing Expense (5,000) - - 0.00% Other Expense (2,300) (263) (1,131) 49.17% Total Non-Operating Expenses: (7,300) (263) (1,131) 49.17% Non-Operating Income (Loss) 120,300 623 4,642 3.86% Total Income (Loss) $ (458,179) $ 9,408 $ (136,718) - - - Contributed Capital $74,240 $6,162 $46,967 63.26°k Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For the Five Months Ended November 30, 2009 Annual % of Budget Actual Annual FY 2010 YTD through Amended Amended 10/21/09 November 30, 2009 Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Consumption & Flat Charge) $23,027,872 $10,342,492 44.91% (Restricted for Debt Service) - (1,256,929) 0.00% Sewer Revenue 1,276,000 545,717 42.77% Other 648,892 311,747 48.04% - Total Operating Revenue: 24,952,764 9,943,027 39.85% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 12,259,937 5,503,866 44.89% Salary Related Expenses 7,355,049 2,539,354 34.53% Supplies & Services 4,479,584 1,658,275 37.02% Depreciation & Amortization 4,540,800 1,918,787 42.26% Total Operating Expenses: 28,635,370 11,620,282 40.58% Operating Income (Loss) (3,682,606) (1,677,255) 45.55% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 7,500 26,528 353.71% Interest (Restricted for Capital Projects) - 43,363 0.00% Property Taxes 1,200,000 142,438 11.87% Debt Service Income (through water revenue) - 1,256,929 0.00% Other 185,500 184,402 99.41% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,393,000 1,653,660 118.71% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt (1,981,300) (815,813) 41.18% Other Expense (201,800) (42,649) 21.13% Total Non-Operating Expenses: (2,183,100) (858,462) 39.32% Non-Operating Income (Loss) (790,100) 795,198 Net Income (Loss) (4,472,706) (882,057) 19.72% Contributed Capital 265,202 202,437 76.33% ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 11, 2010 Budgeted: N/A To: Finance-Accounting Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Cindy Navaroli, Interim Finance Dept: Finance Director Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Sandi Van Etten, Senior CEQA Compliance: N/A Accountant Subject: November 2009 Monthly Investment Report SUMMARY: Government Code Section 53607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make a quarterly report of the investments to the legislative body. Staff presents a quarterly report of investments for the Board of Directors to review, receive and file. Staff also presents monthly investment reports to the Finance-Accounting Committee for their review and discussion. The summary report and details for November 2009 are attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee receive and file the November 2009 Monthly Investment Report. DISCUSSION: Staff is submitting the November 2009 Monthly Investment Report for your review and approval. Staff will submit a Quarterly Investment Report ending December 31, 2009 for Board action upon its approval by the Finance-Accounting Committee. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): Monthly Investment Reports are presented to the Finance-Accounting Committee on a regular basis. Quarterly Investment Reports are presented to the Board of Directors. The Investment Reports for the quarters ending June 30 and September 30, 2009 were received and filed by the Board of Directors on December 23, 2009. ATTACHMENTS: Agenda _1-11_backup-Nov.doc Backup Backup Material Invst Rpt 11-09.xls -,/estment Rpt Backup Material Investment Report Summary Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of November 2009. Avg. Portfolio Avg. Portfolio # of Avg. Term Month Yield Without Yield With Days to of Portfolio of 2009 Wells Capital Wells Capital Maturity in Days November 0.28% 0.51% 115 48 Below is a chart comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 11/30/08 11/30/09 Monthly, Operating Fund $ 794 $ 3,560 Year-to-Date, Operating Fund $ 3,859 $16,686 Budget 2008/2009 2009/2010 Interest Budget, Operating Fund, November YTD $26,875 $3,125 Interest Budget, Operating Fund, Annual $64,500 $7,500 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the Fund that owns the investment. Investment Summary Comparison The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: Fund Description Balance 11/30/09 Annexation $4,607,875 11.39% Water Operating 2,251,300 5.57% Water R&R 2,055,713 5.08% Water Capital Projects 231,204 0.57% Restricted for Debt Service 889,226 2.20% COP Revenue Bond 2003 4 0.00% COP Revenue Bond 2008 16,877,454 41.72% Sewer Operating 1,355,246 3.35% Sewer R&R 447,910 1.11% Sewer Capital Projects 189,369 0.47% ID1 3,409,439 8.43% D2 8,138,179 20.11% $40,452,919 100.00% Yorba Linda Water District Investment Portfolio Report November 30, 2009 Market % Percent Investment Maturity Value Cost of Total Institution Yield Date Date Cash & Checking Accounts: $ 861,661 $ 861,661 Wells Fargo Bank N/A 1,200 1,200 Imprest Cash $ 862,861 $ 862,861 2.14% Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: $ 178,774 $ 178,774 Wells Fargo Money Market 0.30% N/A - - Wells Fargo MM/Annexation 0.30% $ 178,774 $ 178,774 0.44% Total 0.30% $ 1,041,635 $ 1,041,635 2.58% Sub-total 0.05% California Asset Mgmt. Program: $ 5,098,133 $ 5,098,133 12.62% California Asset Mgmt. Program 0.27% N/A Money Market Account: $ 16,877,454 $ 16,877,454 US Bank 2008 Revenue Bond 0.30% 4 4 US Bank 2003 Revenue Bond 0.27% N/A $ 16,877,458 $ 16,877,458 41.79% 0.30% $ 23,017,226 $ 23,017,226 56.99% Sub Total Investments 0.28% Individual Management Account: $ 17,393,145 $ 17,368,273 43.01% Wells Capital Management 0.82% N/A $ 40,410,371 $ 40,385,499 100% Total Investments 0.51% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. .L&&: V care e,46p-vt Sandi Van Etten, Senior Accountant 11/30/2009 ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 11, 2010 Subject: Monthly Portfolio Reports for December ATTACHMENTS: YLWD Overview Pagel.pdf ?ec portfolio 1 Backup Material YLWD_SummaryPage2.pdf )ec portfolio 2 Backup Material YLWD Cash FlowPage3.pdf )ec portfolio Backup Material YLWD Holdings Page4.pdf )ec portfolio 4 Backup Material Cal Trust about the_program.pdf -alTrustl Backup Material Cal Trust investment policy.pdf CalTrust2 Backup Material Cal_Trust _fags.pdf CalTrust3 Backup Material Cal Trust December2009.pdf lTrust4 Backup Material Account Overview Yorba Linda Water District Account #18611500 Funding Date: 10/25/2005 Portfolio Statistics as of: 12/31/2009 Account Characteristics: Portfolio Yield to Maturity 0.63% Total Unrealized Gains/(Losses) - Current: 19,898 Total Net Realized Gains/(Losses) - Since Inception: 2,243 Total Long-Term Investments: - Total Short Duration Investments/Money Market Secs: 18,259,565 Total Market Value: 18,259,565 Total Number of Issues in the Portfolio: 26 MARKET DATA Overnight Fed Funds Rate: 0.00% 6-Month T-Bill Yield: 0.19% 12-Month T-Note Yield: 0.43% WELLS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Portfolio Summary Report Yorba Linda Water District For the period : 12/01/09 to 12/31/09 18611500 Portfolio Characteristics Portfolio Breakdown Market Value: 18,259,565.32 Market Value % of Account Unrealized G/L: 19,898.45 Agency Discount Note 2,799,600.00 15.33% Certs of Deposit 500,000.00 2.74% Yield To Maturity: 0.63% Commercial Paper 3,848,811.86 21.08% Portfolio Duration: 0.28 Years Fixed Rate 1,475,703.88 8.08% Floating Rate 1,673,673.40 9.17% Avg. Days to Maturity: 118 Money Market Fund 3,941,564.09 21.59% Avg. Portfolio Credit Quality: Aa1 Pending_Cash 0.09 0.00% Treasury Obligation 2,012,109.00 11.02% US Agency Fixed Rate 2,008,103.00 11.00% Total 18,259,565.32 100.00% Market Data 12/31/09 11/30/09 Yields: 6 Month Treasury Bill: 0.19% 0.15% 2 Year Treasury Note: 1.14% 0.66% 5 Year Treasury Note: 2.68% 2.00% Fed Funds Target: 0-0.25% 0-0.25% Credit Quality* Effective Maturity Distribution 0.35 P1/MIG1/VMIG1/A-1 23.8% 0.30 Aaa/AAA 37.3% Aa/AA 9.2% 0.25 A/A 8.0% Baa/BBB 0.0% 0.20 Other 0.0% Cash/Overnights 21.6% 0.15 Not Rated 0.0% 100.0% 0.10 * Moody's Ratings - Primary 0.05 S&P Ratings - Secondary Fitch Ratings - Tertiary 0.00 o/n 2 to 90 91 to 180 181 to 1 year 1 to 2 years > 2 years The above information is an estimate of certain investment calculations and does not represent your audited statement of record. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Statement of Cash Flows/Earnings for December 2009 I - Beginning Period Balances As of 1113(1/2(1(19 Total Original Cost 17,379,918 + Net Amort/Accr to Date (11,645) =Adjusted Book Value: 17,368.273 + Accrued Interest Receivable 42,548 + Unrealized Gain/(Loss) 24,872 = Total Market Value Plus Accrued Interest 17,435,693 II: Period Income Earned + Ending Accrual 49,003 - Begininning Accrual (42,548) + Interest Received 12,977 - Interest Paid at Purchase (5,155) + Interest Received at Sale - = Interest Earned in Period 14,276 + (Anort)/Accr This Period (3,508) = Monthly Portfolio Income $ 1(1,768 + Contributions 870,000 - Withdrawals - + Realized Gain/(Loss) - - Fees Paid This Period (2,920) - Prior Period Unrealized Gain/Loss (24,872) + End Of Period Unrealized Gain/Loss 19,898 + Net Receipts/Deliveries in Kind 0.00 + Adjustments 0.00 = Net Change to the Portfolio 858,599 =Total Market Value Plus Accrued Interest 18,3(18,568 III: End of Period Balances As of 12/31/(19 Total Original Cost 18,255,737 + Net Amort/Accr to Date (16,070) = Adjusted Book Value 18 239,667 + Accrued Interest Receivable 49,003 + Unrealized Gain/(Loss) 19,898 = Total Market Value Plus Accrued Interest 18,308,568 Reconciliation Difference: - Wells Capital Management U o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N (0 N r O 7 O (h Lx) (h oc) w r N r Ln m c) ~ N Ul co (1) O r O (1) W (1) LX) (O r Ln w w Ln in in q. m O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O A 0000 } a ° N it T 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C~ O 7 (O 7 7 W ( (O 7 m W 00 7 7 N w w w r 7 O) T o O r 7 r r LQ N r Oq (O r r r Ll~ 7 m 7 7 Ll~ O N N N N N M N N N Ln Ln 7 Ln Ln LX) N ~y 6 N U yy O ~ Q = a O N w w m (O m m m N m Ln c) O O N 7 N w w r w (O N c) N O m N m 7 00 O O O LX) O Q 3 W W r W O~ (O 7 7 - 7 N W O O O (O m (O > N m 7 m m 7 O O 7 N LXI O O O O O O) O) N U O 7 7 7 7 O) O Ul co co co Un Un O O co O m c) m Y Q (h r r r r + C O N w w 7 ~ O (O N O N (O w Ln c) O O 7 w w r w (O N O (O 7 O~ r N O O c) O~ O W W r W O OD co O r It O O r y. W W W m g c; 6 W ul c; O r O O O O) O O) W 7 W W 7 O O m c) N O O O O O O m m 7 7 7 7 W ~ m Ln Ul O O OD O m O m 6 r 7 w c) O OD 7 U N co w m c) O O 00 U W W Ln m O O N 7 O O r O O) O) O) O) O O r O O r O O O O) O O) a m m m m c) O N m c) O O O O O O m m O) O) O) O) O O O O O O O O O O O O) O O) Y [6 (O N O N m Ln 7 00 O m L (O (O m c) O O 7 N O (O Ln O O c] N c] o O O c N [6 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p ~ 7 O r ~ f~ 7 O (O O) O) (O ~ ~ ~ ~ O) N N N N N a m Lu O p o m G ~ d O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O m 7 I~ 7 W ~6 W (O 0 0 W ~ ,J O O O O O O ~ ~ N N O ~ N O N c) ~ ~ ~ r c) c) ~ c) W c) ~ ~ c) c) c) d O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O iy W m a m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a m a ~ v ~ ~ v rn~ ~6 rn (0 0 0~~~ ~ rn O O O O O N N O N O N m m r (O (O Ln W I~ E E 7 7 O LL O O O O O O O O O O O c) O O O O O T a a) N N O O O O O O O O OD O O O O O O O Q p O O O O r (O O r O O O O O d Q O O O O O O O7 O co Un (O 7 O O O O O 30 O O O O O in co c) O O O O O 7 O G U ~ N m O n w a o- LO v a } O D z U z O o o U Q~ O u) U p u~) c .Q C7 U U F _ Z w Q U o o Y O z O w z U z 7 p cn D } U J Ir u) V S Q z} S z Z F w o_ F (n V W O w O Q n C7 >O o D U F Z O Q m E am CD 0 5 pa w N z w z 5 2 Q y h X wQ Ir W O m m m m m wU > y w w w O O W T co w w 0 D O cq S S S S S z Q o_ m J J v= o m C7 H D W W W W W m c LX) :s O o 0 0 0 o v v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ' f m O O O O (O lD O w O O O O O O O O O O O O O N T O O O O N c y O O O O O O O O O O O O O f.1 3 a o 0 c) o Y y O N O ~ c) c) c) o O o c) o O ~p O LX) O O 7 S = O N O N O O O O O O O O O G (C m O N d O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N IL Q T d w E .b C ~ w W R m a ~ C (C O O + } } } } } m LL R W 7 W W W W m G W } W N O C Z li Z Z Z e li Q Q Q Z Q Q Q Q Q Q H Z O o~ C O a d c } } } } } } + m 0 O 7 7 7 7 m m + Q + C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 cn E z ' z Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q H ¢ o r.. a O m N a W w c a - Z c w 2 m a o (z N N~~ z O O O O O g m d m .b N d d d d O Z N y O Z _ ~ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q •l0 H Q d d vs a~ s m U s N m .o Y m s bA m w N o 0 o m y o m a o 0 a V Q _y c0 N N N i co V a q) m N O c) N 7 m m co m co ~y N m J Y in 7 r ro 0 co m a) Y y o~ rn X N 0~ O H J Y ED W .V Y ~.w aif JO U Q Q U Q °o L o m m 0 m m (7 y U O r u) y o O co u) t 0 d C N ED W N o m ai m O O a co 't r m W N X X in in in E co co co c\j Fp m m c o n o o r - a Q o rn v v c~ n r~ o~ c~ c~ c~ c~ R cO I+I N U m O 01 O r N 7 O d Q N O O k r r O O W O O) N (h (h (h (h d N O (r0 v U Q U O Ln Lh r > 0 N U U O (o v co rn C7 Q c c c c H rn U o U O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O OD (D O 7 (D Un co O Cl) v Cl) ~ Lo m m 7 r m M N 7 r Ll~ O o (D U N O O O O O N N O O r O O F ~ A 0000 } a ° N it T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C~ v v v rn O 00 v v OD N v o N o rl rn co v w rl O N N N lf) r rl a ~y 6 N U yy O ~ Q = a M LX) V O) r 00 N r M O D ( lD M LX) O) a OD M M N N LX) W W o~ (0 (0 S O O tD 00 3 O O > N N 7 O N N O 7 V M m c°i 7 7 G M M M N O N V Q N Y r + C M LX) W co r 00 00 O N O M O) t` (D 00 N a N Ul O O (0 M O M x 3 W W W (D r (O OD r O - 00 O 0) O) W m 7 Lf) M O co N O O M O N 7 7 7 M O ~ N OD N O O) m co N 7 W m O) W O) M O O) LL O) O) O) O) N (0 M O ~ O) O) O) O) O O O O Y [6 m 7 N r- _M m O N Cl) O 00 o N O O N O) O M O V N r O O [6 O O O O O (D p (D LX) (D (D N (D O O Ln m a O O W 7 00 00 OD t` ~ 7 M M 7 V r a m w O p o m V ~ d O O O O C N (o (o N O N O N h 'ti 3 7 OD M 7 d N~ 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O R W ~ W a m 0 0 o a m m 7 OD m 7 O LL~ O O O O O O O O C d N d O O O M O in O in Q CO O O O 7 O cq O c d Q O O O M O Oq O Oq p O O O O 7 (D In O G U ~ N d 0_ 0_ O U ~ a z p O z } d Z U o U U Z D m U) 0- w O Z O ¢ U) a .Q 0 = Q 0_ Q CC O N 0_ Q z r m CC F 3: U (n H LL 7 p O Z J U W U 0_ W l0 U U wQ J 0- Q it H u w H w cn 0 F J W Ir 2 J o E Q U w z0 U F > W a Z M W O O CC Z z U) D = C7 U C7 O D s o 0 0 O w O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° o 0 0 0 ` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ° o 0 0 o w; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m O O O L Ln O O O O LO O p ,O+ Ln Ln Ln O M co co N O Cl) N o C Q LL w m E m 10 `0 + + o LL 7 7 CC H C CC (n H H H C O LL LL Z N = Z Q Q Q H N N O O Y Y Y C LL - + C - O R cn (n a a a a a a a ~ ~ ~ N y N N c > E w E d a > C\j 7 7 7 F.y .d d d d O tq Q Q Q Q R H O m y V] N N v J H O M LL co Z N Q Q 01 N N d Q W L J S Y m 01 C J CD J 7 CO -0 co c(0 o 0 J Q M c(00 CO 7 o R 00 M~+Iy N 7 W N 7 y V] (~0 00 0) m U 60: m ~L N co w H m CaITRUST: About the Program Page 1 of 1 • Home • How do Join 0 Resources 0 Portfolio & Performance 0 Your Account • Contact Us The Program: Organized as a Joint Powers Authority ("IPA"), the Investment Trust of California • = • • (CaITRUST) is a program established by public agencies in California for the purpose of pooling and investing local agency funds - operating reserves as well as bond Board ofTn.tstees proceeds. A Board of Trustees supervises and administers the investment program of the Trust. The Board is comprised of experienced investment officers and policy- Investment Policy makers of the public agency members. Porfolio&PerPa miance CaITRUST offers the option of four accounts to provide participating agencies with a convenient method of pooling funds - a money market, a short-term, a medium-term, CkXSfiDM Frequen'Askeri and soon-to-bc opened long-term account. Each account seeks to attain as high a level of current income as is consistent with the preservation of principal. Any California local agency may participate in the Trust and invest its funds, and in the case of counties, the funds of other local agencies that have invested with the County Treasurer's Office. Money, Markel Account For the CaITRUST-Wells Fargo Advantage Funds Heritage money market account (The CaITRUST-Heritage MMF), participants may invest through CaITRUST in the Heritage MMF at the most favorable expense ratio available to institutional investors. Short-Term, Medium-Term, and Long-Term Accounts For the CaITRUST Short-Term, Medium-Term, and Long-Term Accounts, funds from all participants arc poled in each of the accounts. Participants receive units in the Trust and designated shares for the particular accounts in which they invest. CaITRUST invests in fixed income securities eligible for investment pursuant to California Government Code Sections 53601, ct. seq. and 53635, et. seq. Investment guidelines adopted by the board of Trustees may further restrict the types of investments help by the Trust. Leveraging within the Trust's portfolios is prohibited. Account Liquidity Target Duration Money Market Same Da 90 Days-or Lcss=` Short Term Next Day 0 - 2 Years Medium Term Monthly 1-1/2 - 3-1/2 Years Long Term Monthly 5 - 7 Years "dollar weighted average maturity The information on this website is intended only for public agencies within the meaning of the Joint Exercise Of Powers Act and does not represent an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of the Trust or any other security. Shares in the Trust are sold or bought only based on the information contained in the current Information Statement. The Information Statement contains important information and should be read carefully before investing. Home How to Join Resources Portfolio & Performance Your Account Contact Us http://www.caltrust.or-/about_the_pro-ram.html 1/5/2010 CalTRUST: Investment Policy Page 1 of 1 • Home • How do Join 0 Resources 0 Pornk& & Performance 0 Your Account • Contact Us Investment Philosophy: Board ofTmsf s The Ca1TRUST accounts have been created to facilitate the centralization of the investment management function on behalf of California local agencies. The InvestrnenLPolicv Ca1TRUST Board of Trustees selected Metropolitan West Securities, LLC to serve as Investment Adviser to the Trust. Effective February 2, 2007, Metropolitan West Portfdiio8. trance Securities, LLC became Wachovia Portfolio Services. As of December 31. 2009, Wells Fargo & Company acquired Wachovia Corporation. As part of that acquisition. FrequerrttyAskeci CkxsbDns Wachovia Portfolio Services and Evergreen Investments were integrated into Wells Capital Management. Wells Capital Management (WellsCap), a wholly-owned Subsidiary of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., is an investment advisory and asset management firm specializing in investment management for separate accounts, mutual funds, and money market funds. WellsCap is responsible for the decision to buy and sell the Securities for the Ca1TRUST accounts and arrange for the execution of security transactions on behalf of the accounts. WellsCap senior executives bring decades of public agency funds management experience and demonstrated success in the management of California public sector funds to the Trust. As of March 31, 2009, the combined WellsCap (including Evergreen and Wachovia Portfolio Services) had S365 billion in assets under management. Following the investment policy direction established by the Board of Trustees, the primary objcctivc of the investment manager is to safeguard the principal. The secondary objcctivc shall be to meet the liquidity needs of the participants and the first objective shall be to maximize the yield in a manner consistent with the first two objectives. The objcctivc of the investment policy is to obtain the best possible return commensurate with the degree of risk that participants arc willing to assume in obtaining such return. The information on this website is intended only for public agencies within the meaning of the Joint Exercise Of Powers Act and does not represent an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of the Trust or any other security. Shares in the Trust are sold or bought only based on the information contained in the current Information Statement. The Information Statement contains important information and should be read carefully before investing. Home A, i How to Join Resources Portfolio & Performance Your Account Contact Us http://www.caltrLIst.or-/investment_policy.httnl 1/5/2010 CaITRUST: FAQ's Page 1 of 4 • Home • How to Join 0 Resources 0 Portfolio & Performance 0 Your Account • Contact Us .L.l tv~ "nc urn. I r'" - r~ fi in-A" Board ofTmgees Ca1TRUST is a Joint Powers Authority created by puhlic agencies to provide a convenient method for puhlic agencies to pool their assets for investment purposes. IrtrmerttPolicy Ca1TRUST is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of experienced local agency treasurers and investment officers. The Board sets overall policies for the program and Portfo4iio8, Ptdonrrance selects and supervises the activities of the investment manager and other agents. Fr,A, pg±lyAskedc its it tt tatttttd tt : fi't~ 'dtt ~ ~Qr ptttf tt~ i ' tt, I"tt `91'R ll_' ST? As a practical matter, any public agency that is authorized to join a Joint Powers Authority can participate in CalTRUST. The specific sections of the California Government Code that govern participation in CalTRUST (Sections 6500 and 6509.7), provide that the following types of agencies may participate: "the federal government or any federal department or agency, this state, another state or any state department or agency, a county, county hoard of education, county superintendent of schools, city, puhlic corporation, public district, or regional transportation commission of the State of California or another state, or any joint powers authority formed pursuant to this article [Article I of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act] by any of these agencies," (Section 6500), and "a nonprofit corporation whose memhership is confined to puhlic agencies or puhlic officialsr" (Section 6509.7). If you have any questions about participation, please contact CalTRUST at: by phone: 888-422-8778 by c-mail: caltrust@wachoviaps.com on the wch: www.caltrust.org Ho . an <c c 41606,mi 4>F~a Ef. 0 i,a @.Wr 95 ~ "rE~ lU s Legislation enacted in 2004 (AB 969 - Chapter 470, Statutes of 2004) simplified participation in CalTRUST. AB 969 authorizes local agencies to directly invest in shares issued by JPA pooled investment programs. As a result, agencies interested in investing through the CalTRUST Program no longer need to adopt a resolution to formally become a memher of the CalTRUST Joint Powers Authority. Opening an account in the CalTRUST program is quite simple; just carefully read the Information Statement, the Joint Powers Agreement, the CalTRUST Investment Policy, and complete the Account Registration Form and Participation Agreement. .AJVZ.T',~ Ca1TRUST offers four account options - Money Market, Short-Term and Medium- Term Accounts, and a soon-to-he-opened Long-Term Account. Agencies can select account options that match their investment time horizon and cash flow needs: and http://www.caltrust.or-/fags.html 1/5/2010 CaITRUST: FAQ's Page 2 of 4 easily reallocate among accounts as circumstances warrant. All Ca1TRUST accounts comply with the limits and restrictions placed on agency investments by the California Government Code; no leverage is permitted in any of the Ca1TRUST accounts. tile 11 tt ttt~ll, a nlottnt th t 1113-1 . et_10 CAR l Iv-st ill the C d]IMIJS.i, c: v= °gtt d The Ca1TRUST Board of Trustees has established S250,000 as the minimum investment in one or more of the CalTRUST accounts. The Board also has authorized the Ca1TRUST Program Administrator to waive this minimum investment requirement in its discretion. What is the maximum amount that an agency can invest in the CaITRUST program`' There is no maximum investment amount for any of the CalTRUST accounts. There is no limit on the number of accounts that an agency can maintain. This provides additional flexibility to agencies, allowing them to tailor the number and types of accounts to best suit their local needs and priorities. For example, an agency may want or need to segregate its enterprise-type assets from its general operating reserves. CalTRUST provides the flexibility to meet this local preference. \,D hl, sru tfl,fl§" @ rwwix-,~ -.,.risks £Cn SIG. t::^40,w w.~ C~&J krt S41fo Investments in Ca1TRUST, like investments in other types of bond funds, are subject primarily to interest rate risk and credit risk. Interest rate risk is the potential for a decline in bond prices and hence the market value of bonds in the portfolio due to rising market interest rates. In general, bond prices vary inversely with interest rates. The change in a bond's price depends on several factors, including its maturity date. ht general, bonds with longer maturities are more sensitive to changes in interest rates than bonds with shorter maturities. Similarly, bond funds with longer average portfolio maturities, such as the CalTRUST Medium- Term and Long-Term Accounts, will be more sensitive to interest rate changes than those with shorter average portfolio maturities, such as the Ca1TRUST Short-Term account. Credit risk is the possibility that a deterioration in the underlying creditworthiness of an issuer will adversely affect the value of its outstanding bonds or that a bond issuer will fail to make timely payments of interest or principal on its outstanding bonds (default). A decline in a bond issuer's credit rating, or creditworthiness, may cause prices for its outstanding bonds to decline. Similar to shares in a bond mutual fund, the value of CalTRUST shares will change with market conditions, as will the value of an agency's investment account. An agency could lose money on an investment in a Ca1TRUST account or an investment in a Ca1TRUST account could undenperform other investments. Ny ilat is the Cost ( tY ansferring funds heoo een the Short-1 err i Account and the Medium-Term Account or vice-versa`' http://www.caltrust.or-/fags.html 1/5/2010 CaITRUST: FAQ's Page 3 of 4 There is no cost to transfer funds from any CalTRUST account to another Ca1TRUST account. In addition, there is no cost for wirin- funds into or out of any of the Ca1TRUST accounts (although a local agency's bank may charge a nominal fee for sending and receiving wires). in All participating agencies have 24-hour, password-protected online access to their individual account information at www.caltrust.org. The CalTRUST websitc shows the current value of CalTRUST shares, as well as additional relevant information regarding the underlying pools of Securities in the CalTRUST accounts. Month-end statements can be downloaded directly from the Ca1TRUST website, or an agency can opt to receive printed monthly statements. There are no out-of-pocket costs for an agency to invest funds in CalTRUST. As with other programs, such as the Local Agency hlvestment Fund, managed by the State Treasurer's Office, all expenses associated with participation in Ca1TRUST are deducted from the yield. The current total annual operating expense of the Ca1TRUST Heritage Money Market Account is 13 basis points (0.13%) of the average daily net assets of the account. For the Short-Tcrm Account, current total operating expenses are 14 basis points (0.14%) of the average daily net assets of the Account. These expenses drop as the total size of the Account increases; to 13 basis points for assets between 5500 million and S1 billion and to 12 basis points for assets over S1 billion. Total annual operating expenses for the Medium-Term and Long-Term Accounts arc 24 basis points (0.24%). Again, as the size of the Accounts increase these expenses drop: to 22 basis points for assets between 5500 million and S1 billion, and to 20 basis points for assets over S 1 billion. Expenses for each of the Ca1TRUST Funds arc deducted from the net assets of the Funds on a monthly basis. .y N c7.~:„~"l.eir 1,' R~S. Legislation signed by Governor Schwarzenegger in September 2004 clarified the authority for local agencies to participate in Joint Powers Authority invesuncnt pools, and makes it easier to participate in CalTRUST. Chapter 470, StatuleS of 2004 (Assembly Bill 969 - Corrca) revised the provisions of California Government Code Section 53601 to provide an explicit grant of authority for local agencies to invest in shares of beneficial interest issued by a Joint Powers Authority, provided the JPA: 1. Invests only in securities and obligations eligible for local agency investment directly, and 2. Retains an investment adviser that a. Is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or is exempt from registration; http://www.caltrust.or-/fags.html 1/5/2010 CaITRUST: FAQ's Page 4 of 4 b. Has not less than five years experience investing in securities and obligations eligible for local agency investment; and c. Has at least 5500 million in assets under management. The information on this website is intended only for public agencies within the meaning of the Joint Exercise Of Powers Act and does not represent an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of the Trust or any other security. Shares in the Trust are sold or bought only based on the information contained in the current Information Statement. The Information Statement contains important information and should be read carefully before investing. Home How to Join Resources Portfolio & Performance Your Account contact Us http://www.caltrLIst.or-/fags.html 1/5/2010 Page 1 of 2 9uuumbEr 2009 Volume 9 1 9umberIl #9)7~hly P Pa~ledd~vestr~sarfarvds JL f 1ulJE _15 for 1wdipBeles CN] ❑E 1 COKMUN1[Y COLLEGE LEAGUE wwwcaltrustorg A Special Announcement HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL FROM CaITRUST President's Perspective This past year has been one of transition and tremendous success for the CalTRUST program. • Wells Fargo completed its acquisition of Wachovia Bank and with it the CalTRUST program. Wells Capital Management demonstrated its commitment to the program by dedicating a highly professional team to ensure a seamless transition in the middle of a severe banking and economic crisis. • We said goodbye to three people who were instrumental in the growth and development of the program: Paul McDonnell, from Riverside County, and Russ Gould and Pam Dolk from Wachovia/WellsCap. The hard work they invested in preparing a strong foundation for the growth of the program cannot go unrecognized. We wish each of them the best of luck in their new endeavors. • Tapping into the resources of Wells Fargo, we successfully launched a Money Market option, providing participants with same-day liquidity and a rock-solid "AAA" rating. • And, finally, it is my pleasure to announce that the program has exceeded $1 billion in assets. The magnitude of this accomplishment for a program that began less than five years ago, with 4 participants and $42 million in assets, cannot be overstated. As we move into 2010, the future of CalTRUST is bright, as we continue to offer a solid and valuable program to financial professionals in municipalities across our State. On behalf of the CalTRUST Board of Trustees, our sponsoring associations, and our private sector partners, here is wishing you all the calomeliPsolanocounty. com Financial Markets Update Recent Data Continues to Show Mixed, But Larctely Irnproving, Trends For- the LIS Econornv~ Equgies Resume Their Climb 1 In the In the December issue of his Market Update. John Lynch. Chief Market Analyst for Evergreen Investments. notes that while recent economic data shows some improvement in the US economy, that growth is from still-weak levels. This "slower-than-hoped- for-growth" permits the Federal Reserve to keep the Fed Funds rate at near-zero for an "extended period", particularly with year- over-year inflation at -0.2% (CPA) through October. The equities markets had a fairly easy month in November; right up to the Thanksgiving holiday.. when news broke of the unfolding debt crisis in Dubai. This precipitated a global sell-off in the final trading days of the month; although by the time US markets re- opened for trading on November 30th, buyers were back in the market, preserving gains of almost 6% for the month. The credit concerns in Dubai "exposed the raw nerves that perhaps too many investors had ignored" in recent months. John believes. as equity markets were driven higher by global stimulus measures. You can read John's Market Update here. CalTRUST Portfolio Snapshot (as or November 30.2009) http://www.caltrLIst.or-/links/December2009.htiiii 1/5/2010 Page 2 of 2 CAIR05T Sh.irt•Tr=rnr LAI; Cs RUST hl,diuai•Trrin N4-rnll 1.5 Yr Trial ROum Trial W-14 Yr:Od Yr0-1111 Tora1 Tro.i9ft Rrlnrn P?trurn Pa,4vn ROurn RlI111T1 Ap,m. Corp,% G%t "RIO, 0.66% 01.61% 1.511; 1.04:; 1.39'`?: Fffer-we Curatea^ {1,57 IWA 1.71 2.52 2.58 F:r2Va-urity ;Y?n U.06 8.65 1.81 2,59 2.71 Re#ums --"e Alcnt, DA3% 17.45". 0.051. 0.12% 4.5$°a 0.91'. O.W.I. O-e 2.48% 1.485•: 1.39'... 3.435: 4.37°: 3.37': 5,9727. Twc`ez' 2.26% 2.12'6 2.48''.: 3.161.a 3.62°: 5.315% 5,13,':. Tliree'Yeat' 3.23°.': 3.19'`. 3.361: 3.921;. 4.2a°,. 6.0-0. 5.78°e. =^C=-:Ept n'' 161'3.57®. 3.581: 3-73`.. 3.951. 4.94'. 4.W. 1. CaITRUST Short-Term and Medium-Term and LAIF yields are net of fees. Merrill 1-5 Year Indexes are unmanaged: and do not reflect any deduction for administrative fees or expenses. 2. CaITRUST and LAIF returns are net of all investment advisor, administrative and program fees. 3. Annualized. 43he CaITRUST Short-Term and Medium-Term portfolios commenced operations according to their current investment objectives on February 13. 2005. CaITRUST Heritage Money Market Fund Since Month-End Perfoamadlce ?,-3-2C_.F 1-year 3-year 5-ye3r 10-year Inception CaITRUST Heritage MMF 10.70°.': 3,04% 3.38x`. 3.18% 3.89". Average Annual Total P.eturn :2--20-2_C CatTRUST Heritage MMF 1,11% 3,32% 3,43°. 7.27% 734% Lipper lalstit MMF Average 0,75 3'W', 7,15`a 102% Treasury Yield Curve G ~ I. D' "1N }1C~ C CS v 1 ZG 'w 5~tl5Cr R~a,^Yr?a Y~attmLi~ap The CaITRUST Monthly Market Update is prepared monthly by the Investment Trust of California (CaITRUST) for participants in the CaITRUST Joint Powers Authority pooled investment program. The Newsletter is prepared solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as the solicitation of an offer to sell or of an offer to buy any security, nor is it intended to constitute a recommendation for the purchase or sale of any security. The information contained herein is based upon data obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete summary of the available data. Additional data will be provided upon request. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. Information, opinions and estimates contained in the Monthly Market Update reflect a judgment at its preparation date by CaITRUST and are subject to change without notice. The price, value of, and income from any securities or financial instruments issued by the entities mentioned in this Monthly Market Update may fall as well as rise. Forward email ® SafeUnsubscribe'D r This email was sent to jeff.myers@nottinghamco.com by Ilabanieh(cacounties.org. Update Profile, Email Address I Instant removal with Safe UnsubscribeTM I Privacy Policy. GAfUWntCordr d' TRY IT FREE CSAC Finance Corporation 11100 K Street, Suite 101 I Sacramento I CAI 95814 http://www.caltrLIst.or-/links/December2009.htiiii 1/5/2010 ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 11, 2010 Budgeted: N/A To: Finance-Accounting Committee Cost Estimate: ($29,800) Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Cindy Navaroli, Interim Finance Dept: Finance Director Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Navaroli, Interim Finance CEQA Compliance: N/A Director Subject: Inventory Surplussed in Compliance with Restrictive Lead Regulation DISCUSSION: On September 30, 2006, the State of California passed into law Assembly Bill 1953, which restricts the content of lead in potable drinking water distribution systems and plumbing fixtures, to a maximum of 0.25% lead composition. The law went into effect January 1, 2010 and prohibits the sale and use of any pipe, fitting or plumbing fixture which exceeds the allowable lead content and is intended to convey or dispense water for drinking or cooking. The purpose of the law is to enhance water quality by reducing the potential for lead to leach into drinking water from plumbing and fixtures in contact with the water. At this time only two states have passed such restrictive regulations; California and Vermont. Staff reviewed existing inventory earlier in the year to determine which items, if not used before January 1, 2010, would need to be surplussed and replaced with similar reduced-lead items. Approximately $37,000 of leaded inventory became unusable as of January 1, 2010. The initial cost to replace this inventory with low-lead parts, ordered at minimum stock levels, is approximately $10,000. To help defray this cost, the District sold approximately $11,700 of the surplus leaded inventory at a reduced price of $4,500 to a supplier in Arizona. The remaining inventory was weighed and scrapped netting an additional $2,700. The total estimated financial impact is a net loss in inventory of $29,800 ($37,000 - $4,500 - $2,700). This will be considered with the mid-year budget review to determine overall budget performance and the need for budget transfers between accounts to compensate for the unanticipated loss and to cover for any replacement inventory purchases. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Committee discussed selling the leaded inventory in the meeting on December 7, 2009. Staff was instructed to bring back a report after the inventory had to been sold and/or scrapped.