HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-09-12 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes203 September 12, 1962 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Coun-Ly Water District was called to order at the office of the District by President Wagner at the hour of 8:30 A.M.,, September 12, 1962. On the call of the roll all Directors were present. Also presenL was H. Rodger Howell, Attorney for the District. A motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and unanimously carried that the minutes of August 8, 10 and 22nd, 1962 be approved as mailed. RESOLUTION NO. 66: On a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Milmoe and unanimously carried the following Resolution No.-66 was adopted; Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District authorizing and directing the Commencement of Legal Proceed- ings Re: Annexation No. 62.5 to the City of Placentia. WHEREAS, the City o`Placen-Lia has undertaken an annexation into the boundaries of the Yorba Linda County Water District, the protest of the District notwithstanding, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that it is in the interest of the District to protect its p roperty.in the interest of the residents of the District to determine the validity of said annexation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Attorneys for the District and the General Manager are authorized and directed to commence an action raising the defects in said proceedings for determination by a court of Competent Jurisdiction. The Attorney and General Manager are authorized to execute any documents necessary and to take such steps as are deemed necessary to protect the interests of the District in determining said questions. General Manager Dueker reported good results from his attendance with Attorney Howell at the hearing of the P.U.C. on the So. California Water Company application to serve an area in the south east part o` our District and that the application was denied. Mr. Dueker also reported his attendance at the .meeting held by interested parties to oppose further-annexations within our area and another possible move for incorporation. A tease Purchase Agreement for a Schield Bantam Crane at the rate of $500.00 per month for 12 months for a total purchase price of $6,000.00 the payments to bear 6% interest each month on the re- maining balance of the principle. On a motion made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and unanimously carried that the Lease Purchase Agreement be approved and the proper officers be 204 authorized to sign the necessary documents. A discussion of the Shell Water Application and Reservoir Site acquisition was held. Mr. Dueker reported a meeting with Brace Kerr of Shell where,it was indicated that the Production Department of Shell had approved the sale of the five acre site desired by the District. Mr. Dueker reported the employment of Mr. Cedric White to appraise the property and that his preliminary report indicated an appraised value of $6,000.00 per acre. On a motion made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and unanimously carried properly audited bills in k the amount of $64,990..55 were approved for payment. Job No. 51 S - Mr. Everitt of Blakeley Bradford presented a sewer extension from Lemon Drive Southeasterly on Plumosa for approximately 189 feet. A motion was made by Director Milmoe seconded by Director Clodt to approve Job # S -51 as presented, subject to approval by General Manager and Consulting Engineers and that the District Staff be authorized to open at least three bids submitted by Contractors for said job and approve the award of the Contract by the Developers to the lowest responsible bidder, and that the General Manager report on bids at next meeting following the award. The following .c~bs were presented for consideration by Assistant Engineer Argf_-4( C. Korn and were approved as follows, subject to conditions noted and the approval of the Gneeral Manager and con- sulting engineers; Job 163 - Tract 4721 - Water and sewer construction. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried. Job 172 - Tract 2449 Water and sewer construction subject to three inter connections to the exisiting water lines. Motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings and carried. Job 52 S - hest Rooms at Yorba Linda Country Club - sewer only, subject to point of service being at the main. Motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings and carried. Job 178 - Tract 4794 - Water & Sewer construction. Motion by Director Clodt,'seconded by Director Milmoe and carried. Job 182 - Tract 4800 - - Water and Sewer, subject to an easement for sewers to be approved by Staff. Motion by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and carried. Job 183 - Tract 4788 - Water and Sewer - subject to acreage fees of 181.50 per acre. Motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings and carried. Job 184 - Tract 4029 for Water and $wr sewer construction. Motion Director Milmoe, seconded by Director McGuire and carried. 205 Job 185 - Tract 4795 - for water and sewer cons-ructlon. Motion by Director Hastings seconded -oy Director McGuire and carried. Job 189 - Tract 4218 Water and Sewer Construction. Motion by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire and carried. Job 194 Mr. Stryker on Berkenstock Lane for Water and Sewer service one residence. Motion by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried. Job 197 - Tract 4426 - Water and Sewer Construction. Motion by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Clodt and carrier. Job 199 - for the installation of approximately 20,01 of 10" water line by District to make an interconnection on Mt. View and Round Hill Road to increase pressu`fes in the area. Motion by Director Milmoe Seconded by Director Hastings and carried. Job 176 - Tract 4756 - Water and Sewer Construction and authoYization to construct a Pressure Redacin Station Vnen necessary to make service possible. Motion by Director Milmoe, seconder by Director Hastings and carried. Mr. Kerr of Shell Oil Company called at this time and stated that Shell Oil would sell the required five acres to the District for $6,500.00 leer acre. After discussion a motion was made by Director Clodt, second- ed by Director Hastings and unanimously carried that the purchase of this Reservoir Site be approved in principle at this price after re- ceipt and approval of the necessary document by the Attorney for the District and the General Manager and that the proper officers be authorized to sign all necessary documents to complete the trans- action, and that the General Manager be authorized to proceed with tanative arrangements to proceed with ;:he proper connections to serve water to Shell. It was further moved that the charges for water to Shell through the M.W.D. connection at cost pm plus 20% be also approved in principle, subject to discussion with Shell and final approval of the Board. After discussion a motion was made by Dire--tor Clodt, seconded by Director Milmoe and unanimously carried that the District pay the charges for the attendance of the Board and all members of the staff approved by the General Manager at the Water Symposium to be held October 4, 1962 at the Disneyland Hotel. Mr. Dueker asked for perm ssion to reduce the bond regairement for. :3ewer Job # 31. A motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Milmoe and ujzznimously carried that the Vice President and General Manager be authorized to sign necessary documenV`s to provide for reduction of the bond to a smaller amount. 206 On a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and unanimously carried that the melting be adjourned to the hour of 8:30 A.M, Tuesday September 25, 1962f`.. _ d ! J