HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-08 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesV~f f 1- The ...,-i.xu. a.. vf OurC.t O'L D4.-cc- vt.r°.j CL v.r77'. Y0; -:i. ...I"i r^^. CO u>.U Wa i,t..r pis tr:ic t was called to order at trae office of tih Di`JLr is G on June 8, 196,C) at -the hour of i3C A. b- tie President, David iDavid iriS4 pcIi roll call., .1 Y the followinj D4-rectors were present: Yx. :;r°ySt, cr. l'latT2°e.- :.:r• :'`:<1~Pi.0^.Puir• Hast,in„s, i4ir. Moot. Also presont: 5i uanv Sccr vcar H. Hodge 11o- all, and iker Senora! 1 _ ana,_,c"' Lconus L. Du,.. The General ManaYer presented to the poard the problem. Of rE;ir.,:!'eS';,ment of " s there- District Cond funds r y r Sentl:r not needed for District- pr o-lec L s • i w'O moved Iv, I~ireCtGr t aStin S, seconded Zjr D1reC' or ',Va,-ner and un_nlniousi- rar yep, that t c eneral LIana~*(~r and/or the Secretary is her c by authorized to invest 345090C.00- of District funds in short-tern: U. S. i'reas pry .rotes until November 10, l9 C, and to thereafter rcm t_L to t1 c invest additional al funds of the Distri -t not needed for construction colm`.itl(Ie'nts or projects, of the District, A general discasslon of the pipeline an., easement problems of the district and Gaylord Page cccarred. The problem of serer :inspections '.vas thee: discussed, and it. ryas nao'Jed- by the Director Yla;rdex, seconded by Direotor (1Gut and unari~.mousl'✓ carried that de lerUl -zmager is hereby a'athorize to e C.plo, necessar-, i.-SpeCtors for -Proposed 11ne con 'tr,i. ton in the ant-1- iii:: 1 G i tilc e D1S tri^'t Z. ill `tea e over 'he line when CGI::pleted, i,,ith ,he additional- reg.iire Llit the y?[)_Licarts are to pa to ttl i ::tr1Ct the cost. of S1 C;ii insp---tions. _q".,-+c - n Ir -1 itxe relseral 1.11,1an.::;r-e- repGrtcd to the e ~~u er° " ~cr Gard ii is c ;JrcpGSCCa. : y.,v..2;1 for .arCt 361166 a;^t r,re I_t.£e'C3 p and v3iet,Ci7€.S '_hereof. It xaS the'r.aror moved b Director 12lodt, sn-con ed ';Dy ircc-tor n,-,r that aria unan sl C rr~ , he ~ t E proposed Yc t a I1 v GI #}T i Osi1.. 1- LCv feet of 1C'" 1.1ne, 2,_- feet GR line, and 1,000 feet of 611 liIi'.:, in Tract 34-68, is c approz,.r5. ni„+ax `r,~aar.t, ~ t- t,c U.. 1, ne District's ~.l c and r:3 U_.a 1G1,r, - ~7 and r _ the xeier-l I.ana?e-r i~ author= r to r-),,, c s:~ tie cGnstruc:ion al:µ part CLpation b-r the 'Tis-vr._ ct. The Attorne T bro-vtht up the fa_t that the payment to Joseph Jensen; for his ! t- ser".:;-3ec In tho Siren Oil ,cmpG.i:"a cond emnc`. t" or had Ii.^'4 lonn i....;ken, v` re - il ,.a li c~..a Lo' of. ,.s., ..:0.cd Gr 7.if ;n per , svCGi..7ad by Dl.r,. ectO. t and u` ~v.l. tJJ r,:SlJ . r x~ u,^, l... G2 ; ed that '-he i r 'J OUS c- ',L,. yZAd cer' _L Cf Jo : crh u nnsen in the amo-ant of 7'r for CG .s'u1`•n o i. as a pcr,. lc-i ni re~olcr st 1» - n vran.a14O,-. - i.~. t.1 ,~r !rC v_.. iC on Shen 011 ;o nxx-an.y is :.-,orc i E'd and Grder C r : d. _._t y.,al - ?-li..L_•l :t.anav..r reported or, vi_e-' Problems of O")t.ctin._'":_ va.a-..s` CC .1 ..1 with per1 t for jJv.Jv ^rJs-1-"r U station +O• 1, and ":OtJ:r_' fi.^..:~ thl r ourd "liat h,_-, V4lG-:1<,. r: a -Cran-e County Ili i n a request .Or a GG-iliTnal c nnin lel!1SSi0 u ~ _ c r G as SGGn as the plot Dian and i::formatiOn had Leen _ , Givod from the '1-'LS 4 r4* 3-1 - t v c 1,S'a.ltin ~ enZin e.erw. ii1G Finance v 'Ti;;.1;etE.c:; reported aU v.itWy '-.ad r 'i'.'et1, 1t!-.d 14 y1 , • 7, -a d a S al 1G1"1i:i on v v It LL t. v JI « aprrc A . 1. 1 v n t, O ,.f^ r O yr Cnl4rv.1+.,, e.,~ vGn,.~Ld -J_jir~.;rod .Gr ,V Iagn.,. er and s unanf v,_, no, ,,12-1,7; l UJ ~_r v ; as1.y carrfcal '!-t i": -,1 i c 3n thi. 1_=51,. dr" - Gu I,. / n l as , v f ® 94 C r'T u _ sh.~r r . ~'sre : ''a' d. ac ,w_y ,~ii+vu.~ ' arc nor - app -;ea a%.(T. ' Gr 1 4 general d c-ad.; i., ^7, .,3.~'~~,•...u. ,,-cd nrraru-I'~<~, n +:?'e o4'' proposed „ i,Tnnr?,^ i., p~r.,,,~l~ ,r on tae water C~ rtE z.. 1m~ C.. E + p lu 7laS Mo-,,Od " D` r ec GCr w1 °u' secon .'lxt1.l y ,14-i-a uG- "Jagner and unan-I m✓u ly carried that the Sener :1 :`s n , iu ht b`+- n athor` zc tG hire iia.. ~.Wvr,., as i:GCe:iG.r,' for t, a., of l.b•:, ......y ,.a i.~a,a iair}~ v'.°`.~.'."118aidz Uc r ti"iG :.?1suric";Mp u'., be CC1nstruC C~,i. fo t genoral uiscuss-ion G_-curred re~;ardin._ tho Problem, of lessecs a-d non-land- O:": L.rS Cbtaininr water from the istrict and the possible difficulty 'n bilk. It wU;, t :r e upon w -,,Ed by Dir'o or giAer., seconded by D+ir utoi' '.'loth. 4 -4 an . oast car? ~ od taat tne ollo iln,-, aescl-u-io be and it is ae7'ob L-opted: i.nJ E.f.i.[ a-.✓ i-LU -4 c pal? c o~ uhE .Jour:: of _"ir 6ct-Grc of the xcr ba Linda 1 ? u r '~uater D is tr iCt th•a+ an J' er , tCC CGna:vCtiG n l rg or than l tt or ~i,alen', r quested b h,~~r 3 y ~ any k:'ur.^Gi. Ct+,.b_ L~n the G' ~ t;er c--" --he la na WG he sc rVed, ` lc it 1C a•. Cv'i.k}ai'aie U,y doposit of w, ca%;U loaf to the aiTeru` go monthly U1,s_} ;.?Ab as estimated by ucal; Oluaa'-rul Lc:.ix:x-er♦ s'nia uiivXp'_I:C.;,c:,'J.. ~)alanCc of tilE d3iGG"lt v7lL r3 YcuL"nE'u at t1° ter' 1,lL+i n of 1C1 SCTV1CGp TlLe enerL,,1 id:T.i.1^ia-""".e.r re,ortied that 'Uhe : Grructod pr Ice for e "i.;c 2-million -1. uh gallon tanks wa.. -"1~,o)Q 0« The General Lanager reported on the pro; :;l--,, with the Carps Gf En„ineers in tae cons tructJ.on of G a.r'JC,n Can,TGn ° ve • - + ~ ~ ' Dam. y W was I,.G d u,y LJ_r: ' uor I moe, seconde : u Director t-i-s tin:,.^-, and anaii:, Gusi, car--ie tl at the .-.eneral anager iS authorized f ' G =A2w gotic3tC- with a the "GrpS o=' G'11-4 ilce--»g fO -11 - of the CCSa_ of re- u u~ .i-n i 'JIriTJu u C1 r +hhT`.,. Stri C.J. t r e». p..-i i 7-."' r+y u h 1- ;^r~ey` . G,c,at- -e v.. -U s line ..t -d _b across Carbon a Canyon Channel nor W. c,.l I D,,c '2he General l"arena 'er d sc se 1 y r the T: re 4In the ~y 1S V. - uh the oa p:i G ~,le _ press,, _ '_olf' coarse devoion cnt« the -loard Indic. ted a willin;Ines or. -Ll_ 4 pert 'to cone-rib'.zte to the cost of Sol -inr this -oresS'.re pro')lem y-' the golf course ret?rES°ntat' oTeG i rCCEude'C: i1 +h dil CC S the p_ rG-noscd con+ v~ a ^ ^tG prev'~GUSI„ ~igen u o ign t 55l 1 s jvd a J il _ to 1l~✓ U:J.m1V G U:=~.ri.. far 41ie V~2wn~v Jf dr G.I? wa,iEr o f Wi♦ eV ii t ~'Tc,ila ry .i t E✓r -jTJ tei,. V Uii n4 strict. Director r.'i1moe reported that he roild be, out of the Skate at a convenltio i in t ae East for cev ral at the end of June and Possibly or tae first J l r and ask-ad to : e cmcusea for thiS i? lr ^s' 1t was mo-cd n' t r ;I^ u e-. conded ^~reetor I.G'_it and unanimously carried that Director LiIme is hereb- J excused to travel out of State for two or three Piai:- s during°; Juen an k Jwl~Tp IT. hor E bcin,-, no further ;;lcdt se ,...,add Jirect^r a~i c,-1!- cd :w 1. + p .:ip --SS to come before the Board, anon motion of Director H rt' -s and n ru --r 'a'Tied the ee+~ 7T