HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-25 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes2007-09 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING January 25, 2007 The January 25, 2007 regular meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Ric Collett at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. DIRECTORS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Ric Collett, President John W. Summerfield, Vice President Paul R. Armstrong Michael J. Beverage William R. Mills STAFF PRESENT Michael A. Payne, General Manager Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli, Asst. G.M. Diane Cyganik, Finance Director Lee Cory, Operations Manager Amelia Cloonan, Exec Secretary Brian Vargas, Maintenance Distr Opr III INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND PUBLIC COMMENTS Keith Khorey, Wells Capital Management Don Gillis and Jack Panichapan, Gillis & Associates Jim Peevey, Grant General Contractors Peter Burrow, Grant General Contractors SPECIAL RECOGNITION President Collett presented a Proclamation to Paul R. Armstrong and recognized him for his service as President during 2006. Operations Manager Cory introduced Brian Vargas and recognized him on his promotion to Maintenance Distribution Operator III. Peter Burrows of Grant General Contractors and General Counsel Kidman entered the meeting at 8:38 a.m. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7. Wells Capital Investment Report for the second quarter of fiscal year 2006/07 and overview of portfolio since inception. Keith Khorey, Wells Capital Management, went over the short-term portfolio performance. The chart appeared in the agenda along with the Wells Capital report. The portfolio is of very high quality, essentially triple A and Al and P1 rated, with a lot of liquidity. Keith Khorey left the meeting at 8:49 a.m. 2007-10 CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 1 through 6) On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Mills, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar, with President Collett abstaining from voting on Check No. 45923, Item 2. Minutes of the Regular Board of Directors meeting held January 11, 2007. Recommendation: Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Payment of bills, refunds, and wire transfers. Recommendation: Ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $896,254.93. 3. Authorization to Purchase Two Light-Duty Pickup Trucks. Recommendation: Authorize the General Manager to execute a contract with Downtown Ford in the amount of $31,872.46 for the purchase of two Ford Ranger super cab pickup trucks. 4. Terms and Conditions for Water and Single Sewer Service with Steven Dunbar, NW corner of Short Street and Kellogg Drive. Recommendation: Approve Terms and Conditions for Water and Single Sewer Service with Steven Dunbar for Tract 16681, Job No. 200628. 5. Terms & Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Toll Brothers, Inc., Tract 16804, north of Lakeview Avenue and east of Valley View Avenue. Recommendation: Approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Toll Brothers, Inc., Job No. 200629. 6. Cast Iron Replacement and Sewer Improvement Projects. Recommendation: Approve Progress Payment No. 5 in the net amount of $110,656.26 to Vido Artukovich and Son Inc., Vidmar Inc., a Joint Venture for construction of the combined Cast Iron Replacement and Sewer Improvement Projects, Job Nos. 200407, 200515, 200516, 200603 and 200604. ACTION CALENDAR 11. Construction Contract for the 8 Million Gallon Lakeview Reservoir. Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli presented the report. Six bids were received on January 10 ranging from $10.5 million to $14.6 million. The proposals were reviewed, and the recommendation was to award the contract to SSC Construction. Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli went over the main points of the project. Funding of the project is from a combination of funds from Improvement District 1 and 2 funds and Annexation Fund. The Board discussed the logic behind this method of funding. -2- 2007-11 On a motion by Director Mills, seconded by Vice President Summerfield, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to award a construction contract to SSC Construction in the amount of $10,489,500 for construction of the 8 million gallon Lakeview Reservoir; approve an estimated construction budget not to exceed $12 million funded from a combination of the Water and Capital Improvement District Funds and the Annexation Fund. 12. General Construction and Construction Management for Administration Building. Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli presented the report. The master plan was developed in 1989. ASL performed a study and recommended a series of improvements. Phase III is the administration building. Director Beverage stated funding was discussed in committee. Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli stated the Board has the authority to spend annexation funds and revenue bond funds. More bonds could be sold. Don Gillis of Gillis and Associates spoke briefly. General Counsel Kidman said the District does not have an agreement with the City of Placentia. Normally we would be sure the building permits were completed first. General Manager Payne stated the two streets and storm drain are the key remaining issues, and the District and City are close on the permits. General Manager Payne is in contact with Bob Dominguez and feels comfortable a conclusion will be reached. Director Beverage questioned Measure M funds. He asked if the District could apply for funds to do the streets? General Manager Payne stated the city could apply, but the District is probably not eligible. General Manager Payne met with Steve Nelson of Edison. The District has agreed to put up the funds for relocating the power poles and to continue to work on the prior rights issues. If the District has prior rights, the funds would be returned to the District. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to award a construction contract to J.E. Grant General Contractors in the amount of $6,445,828 for the District's Administration Building; authorize an amendment to the design contract with Gillis & Associates Architects, Inc. for Construction Administration, Construction Manager Services, Interior Design and Furniture Package Selection, for a fee not to exceed $340,000; and to fund the project from the 2003 Certificates of Participation. 9. Financial Statements for the third month of fiscal year 2006/07 ending September 30, 2006. Finance Manager Cyganik presented the report. At the direction of the Finance-Accounting Committee, some format changes were made, which were explained. Finance Manager Cyganik gave and overview of what was presented. -3- 2007-12 On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by President Collett, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to receive and file the financial statements for the third month of fiscal year 2006107 ending September 30, 2006. 10. Quarterly Investment Report for the first quarter of fiscal year 2006/07 ending September 30, 2006. Finance Manager Cyganik presented the report. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Vice President Summerfield, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to receive and file the Quarterly Investment Report for the first quarter of fiscal year 2006107 ending September 30, 2006. 11. Schedule Board of Director's Goals Workshop and Facilities Tour for public officials. General Manager Payne presented the report. The Board of Directors chose March 1, 8:30 a.m., at the Richfield Plant for the Board of Directors Goals Workshop and March 17, 8:30 a.m., at the Richfield Plant for the Facilities Tour for public officials. A recess was declared at 9:48 a.m. Don Gillis, Jack Panichapan, Sam Sampson, Jim Peevey, Peter Burrows and Lee Cory left the meeting. The Board of Directors reconvened in open session at 9:55 a.m. 14. Renewal of the District's participation in Municipal Water District of Orange County's "SmarTimer" irrigation controller rebate program for a period of 18 months. General Manager Payne presented the report. On a motion by Director Mills, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the District's participation in the "Smartimer" rebate program for the next 18 months and authorize the General Manager to execute the letter agreement for participation with MINDOC subject to approval as to form by General Counsel. 15. Consider membership dues for the California Special District's Association for 2007. (Continued from the Board meeting held January 11, 2007.) General Manager Payne presented the report. On a motion by Director Mills, seconded by Vice President Summerfield, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to not renew the District's membership in the California Special District's Association for 2007. The Board of Directors adjourned to Closed Session at 10:04 a.m. All Directors were present. Also present were General Manager Payne, Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli and General Counsel Kidman. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 8. Conference with Legal Counsel regarding the threat of litigation to which the District may be a party. (Justification for Closed Session is Government Code Section 54956.9(b)) (one case). -4- 2007-13 RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION The Board of Directors reconvened in open session at 10:59 a.m. CLOSED SESSION REPORT There were no reportable actions. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS AND COMMENTS 16. a. President's Report There was no report. b. Directors Reports There were no reports. c. General Managers Report General Manager Payne is working on the Orange County Annexation Report and is reaching a point where it is necessary to have access to historical information. He asked the Board of Directors to authorize Director Mills to meet with staff to discuss the history of the basin. d. General Counsel's Report General Counsel Kidman reported LAFCO issued a draft MSR to MWDOC. MWDOC feels it is very critical of them. The report can be accessed online. COMMITTEE REPORTS 17. a. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Collett/Summerfield) Alternate: Armstrong 1) Minutes of the meeting held January 23 will appear in the Board agenda for February 8. President Collett reported the Committee discussed the Resolution regarding surplus equipment and a new payment option for customers. A report on grants was presented. Through FEMA, the District has made a first round cut for a grant on the Highland Reservoir. Item 2, amendments to the administration of the employees deferred compensation plan, was not discussed. General Manager Payne stated staff will attend a February 8 Chamber event where the school will present issues. 2) Meeting scheduled for February 20, 4:00 p.m. b. Finance-Accounting Committee (Mills/Beverage) Alternate: Summen`ield 1) Minutes of meeting held January 8. Director Mills stated the Committee reviewed the monthly financial statements. Keith Khorey of Wells Capital presented a report by phone. The General Manager presented a draft resolution to amend the check signing procedures, which will come to the Board at a future meeting. -5- 2007-14 2) Meeting originally scheduled for February 13, 2007 will be rescheduled to February 20, 8:30 a.m. c. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Summerfield/Armstrong) Alternate: Mills 1) Minutes of meeting held January 9. Director Beverage reported the minutes were in the agenda. The committee reviewed amendments to the ACWA/JPIA Property Program Schedule of Covered Property, considered a damage claim, received updates on recruitments and the status of liability claims. Information items included a status report on ACWA/JPIA Workers Compensation Safety Awards, a status report on ACWA/JPIA Professional Development Program-Supervisor Certification Program and the ACWA/JPIA Annual Inspection of District Facilities and Operations. 2) Meeting scheduled for February 12, 2007, 4:00 p.m. d. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Armstrong/Mills) Alternate: Collett 1) Meeting scheduled for February 1, 2007, 4:00 p.m.. (Alt. Collett to attend for Mills) e. Public Information Committee (CoIlett/Beverage) Alternate: Armstrong 1) Meeting scheduled for February 6, 2007, 4:00 p.m. f. Building Ad Hoc Committee (Summerfield/Beverage) Alternate: Armstrong 1) Minutes of the meeting held January 18. Vice President Summerfield reported the committee looked at the results of the bid. The approach to the water feature, which is not part of the contract bid, was discussed. The committee requested an agenda report be prepared for the Board proposing the project go forward with a budget of $8M for the new administration building. 2) Meeting scheduled for February 15, 4:00 p.m. g. MWDOC Ad Hoc Committee (Beverage/Collett) Alternate: Mills 1) Meeting scheduled for February 27, 2007, 4:00 p.m. -6- INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 2007-15 18. a. Colorado River Water Users Association Annual Conference, December 13-15, 2006. Director Armstrong attended. Low water levels were discussed. Attendance at the conference was low. b. Yorba Linda City Council, January 16 Director Mills attended. He mentioned that the Council announced what happened in closed session by stating there were no reportable actions. Director Mills reported on the appointments made. Jim Winder is the Council's delegate to the District with Alan Castellano as alternate. There was discussion about revising and reviewing the code of ethics. Ad hoc meetings were discussed. Fagade renovation on Main Street was discussed, and trucks traversing Valley View were discussed. c. MWDOC Board, January 17 No one attended. d. OCWD Board, January 17 Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli attended. One of the items of interest was the terms for annexation with IRWD. Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli represented YLWD's opinion. The District is on record saying we may have issues at not having input into these discussions. Mr. Vecchiarelli spoke about double charge for RA. The OCWD Board unanimously approved continuing to go ahead to approve an agreement with IRWD. General Counsel Kidman reported he became aware yesterday that the City of Fountain Valley scheduled a joint workshop meeting with OCWD for PEIR issues. They are willing to meet with others, and the District needs to attend. e. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, January 24 Vice President Summerfield attended. There was nothing of importance to the District. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR Authorization to attend meetings scheduled after January 25, 2007. Agenda is available in the District office prior to meeting. February 2007 Plan nin -En ineerin -O erations Committee, Feb 1, 4:00 .m. Armstrong/Mills WACO, Feb 2, 7:30 a.m. Mills Public Information Committee, Feb 6, 4:00 .m. Collett/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council, Feb 6 , 6:30 .m. Collett MWDOC/MWD Joint Workshop, Feb 7, 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Board, Feb 7, 5:00 .m. Staff Personnel-Risk Management Committee, Feb 12, 4:00 .m. Summerfield/Armstrong Finance-Accounting Committee, Feb 13, 4:00 .m. Mills/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Feb 14, 6:30 .m. Armstrong -7- 2007-16 Executive-Admin-Or anizational Committee, Feb 20, 4:00 .m. Collett/Summerfield Yorba Linda City Council, Feb 20, 6:30 .m. Mills MWDOC Board, Feb 21, 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Board, Feb 21, 5:00 .m. Staff Building Ad Hoc Committee, Feb 15, 4:00 .m. Summerfield/Bevera e Yorba Linda Plannin Commission, Feb 28, 6:30 .m. Summerfield March 2007 Planning -En ineerin -O erations Committee, Mar 1, 4:00 .m. Armstrong/Mills WACO, Mar 2, 7:30 a.m. Mills Public Information Committee, Mar 6, 4:00 .m. Collett/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council, Mar 6, 6:30 .m. Collett MWDOC/MWD Joint Workshop, Mar 7, 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Board, Mar 7, 5:00 .m. Staff Personnel-Risk Management Committee, Mar 12, 4:00 .m. Summerfield/Armstron Finance-Accounting Committee, Mar 13, 4:00 .m. Mills/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Mar 14, 6.30 .m. Armstrong Executive-Admin-Or anizational Committee, Mar 20, 4:00 .m. Collett/Summerfield Yorba Linda City Council, Mar 20, 6:30 .m. Mills MWDOC Board, Mar 21, 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Board, Mar 21, 5:00 .m. Staff Building Ad Hoc Committee, Mar 15, 4:00 .m. Summerfield/Bevera e Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Mar 28, 6:30 .m. Summerfield CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 19. Authorize attendance of Directors and such staff members of the District as approved by the General Manager to attend the following conferences and seminars. a. None ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Mills, the Board of Directors voted to adjourn at 11:37 a.m. to a regular meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled for Thursday, February 8, 2007, at 8:30 a.m., 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda 92886. Michael A. Payne Secretary -8-