HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-03 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, February 3, 2011, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Ric Collett Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Derek Nguyen, Water Quality Engineer 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 2.1. Water Quality Discussion - Hard Water, Taste & Odor Concerns 2.2. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 2.3. 2011 MWD Shutdown 2.4. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 2.5. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress 2.6. Groundwater Producers Meeting Report 3. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 3.1. Amendment No. 3 to MWH Americas Professional Services Agreement - Construction Support Services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with MWH Americas, in the amount of $219,79 1, for additional construction support services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement and Expansion Project, Job No. 200814. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS CONTINUED 4.1. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The next regular meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held March 3, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 3, 2011 Budgeted: N/A Total Budget: N/A To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: N/A Operations Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Derek Nguyen, Water Quality CEQA Compliance: N/A Engineer Subject: Water Quality Discussion - Hard Water, Taste & Odor Concerns SUMMARY: Taste and odor concerns along with water hardness are topics often raised by District customers. Staff will present a verbal report on these issues and provide an update on recent changes in system operations. DISCUSSION: Dealing with taste and odor resulting from the mixture of imported water and groundwater has always been a challenge for the District. Typically, the District supplies half of its service area with groundwater and the other half with imported water. However, because of the variability in supply and demand, certain portions of the District are sometimes served with a mixture of both water supplies. The disinfection process for each water source is different. Groundwater is disinfected with free chlorine and imported water is disinfected with chloramine (a combination of chlorine and ammonia). The mixing of the two can sometimes result in taste and odor complaints from District customers. Hard water is also a source of customer complaints, especially those being served primarily with groundwater. Because of the nature of the aquifer, where water is stored between layers of rock and sand, minerals such as calcium and magnesium get dissolved into the water and pumped out of the ground. Much of the District's groundwater contains fairly high hardness levels. While minerals are beneficial for drinking, high water hardness can lead to mineral deposits on glassware and dishes, a source of complaints from customers. Staff will present a verbal report on the topics of water hardness and taste and odor to the PEO Committee. ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 3, 2011 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: Narn9: Doscrip ion: u GW Production and Purchased Water Report.pdf Monthly Report Backup Material YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY FY 2010-2011 TOTAL MONTHLY YTD BUDGET GW IMPORT DEMAND GW GW (Demand Est.) DELTA MONTH (AF) (AF) (AF) (AF) Jul-10 793.2 1,476.0 2,269.2 35.0% 35.0% 2,483.5 -8.6% Aug-10 817.3 1,529.5 2,346.7 34.8% 34.9% 2,443.4 -4.0% Sep-10 753.6 1,404.8 2,158.4 34.9% 34.9% 2,143.8 0.7% Oct-10 449.1 936.4 1,385.5 32.4% 34.5% 1,808.3 -23.4% Nov-10 427.8 917.5 1,345.2 31.8% 34.1% 1,428.5 -5.8% Dec-10 226.2 694.7 920.8 24.6% 33.3% 1,285.0 -28.3% Jan-11 873.5 281.1 1,154.6 75.7% 37.5% 1,120.4 .0"r Feb-11 1,071.9 Mar-11 1,270.2 Apr-11 1,588.8 May-11 2,101.6 Jun-11 2, 354.8 FYTD 4,340.6 7,240.0 11,580.6 37.5% 12,712.8 -8.9% Allowable GW (YTD) 5,313.2 (AF) Underpumped 972.6 (AF) Conservation Percentage Since July 1, 2009 -19.4% GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% MONTHLY GVV 30.0% YTD GW BPP GOAL 45.9% 20.0% Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Month WATER SUPPLY FY 2010-2011 January 2011 Water Supply IMPORT 24.3% GW 75.7% 2010-2011 YTD Water Supply GW 37.5% IMPORT 62.5% GW BPP GOAL 45.9% TOTAL WATER USE FY 2010-2011 3,000 Monthly Average Mean Temperature (°F) ■09-10GW 73.6 009-10 IMPORT 72.2 ■08-09 GW 2,500 72.1 008-09IMPORT 69.8 ■10-11 GW 74.0 74.373.2 69.7 74.1 010-11 IMPORT 70.8 65.9 67.2 2,000 62.9 66.4 61.6 66.1 62.6 L% I Q 1,500 62.6 58.2 59.3 E 65.4 E 61.5 > 60.2 55.8 60.0 54.3 58.2 1,000 56.4 56.3 57.2 500 0 o~ o~' 0300 N", oo' @ NQ1 (Z' @ NQ1 o~' N° o° N° NN NQ5 NQ) N° NN ~A' ~A ~A' Month FY 2010-2011 YTD Water Supply 22,000 Budgeted Total GW + Import 20,000 Actual Total GW + Import 18,000 --rrBPP GW Goal 45.9% 16,000 Actual GW Production 14,000 - U- Q 12,000 m E 0 10,000 8,000 6,000 0000A< 4,000 000001111~ 2,000 0 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Month January 2011 Daily Average Demand (MG) 16.0 14.0 13.5 11.5 12.3 12.1 12.1 12.4 12.0 11.2 _ 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 ~J~aaa o~a~a J~yaaa ~~yaaa ~~`'aaa ~`aaa ~~aaa ITEM NO. 2.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 3, 2011 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Lee Cory, Operations Manager Prepared By: John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Subject: 2011 MWD Shutdown SUMMARY: The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) has scheduled a shutdown of the Robert B. Diemer Treatment Plant and its influent and effluent transmission pipelines from 12:01 A.M. on Sunday, February 27, 2011 through midnight on Saturday, March 5, 2011. The purpose of the shutdown is to construct treatment facility improvements and to perform critical pipeline maintenance. During this period, the Yorba Linda Water District will not have access to imported water supplies, which typically make up over 50% of its water supply resources overall. These resources normally supply 100% of the water demands to the eastern sections of the District's service areas (to the Hidden Hills area and eastward) and to elevations served above the 780 Pressure Zones. In preparation for the 2011 MWD System Shutdown, the Production Division has developed an operating plan that strives to achieve uninterrupted water service to our customers throughout the shutdown period. Attached is a staff report outlining this plan and the actions initiated prior to the shutdown. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: MEMORANDUM MWD Shutdown.docx Memorandum - Operations Plan Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District MWD Shutdown Operational Preparation DATE: January 26, 2011 TO: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager FROM: John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator COPY Lee Cory, Operations Manager All Production Operators Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Specialist SUBJECT: Operating Plan for 2011 Seven Day Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Shutdown. (12:01 A.M. February 27, 2011 through midnight March 5, 2011) The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) has scheduled a shutdown of their Diemer Filtration Plant in Yorba Linda, along with major transmission pipelines to and from this facility. This shutdown has been scheduled to construct treatment facility improvements and to facilitate critical pipeline maintenance. In preparation for this shutdown, the YLWD Production Division has evaluated our groundwater delivery facilities and current water system demands. We have developed a plan to achieve uninterrupted service to our customers during the seven day MWD shutdown, which includes the following: 1. Evaluation of Current Demands. During the past two weeks our water demands averaged approximately 15 million gallons per day (MGD), with 3.5 MGD of these demands supplied from MWD connections. We will monitor the weather forecast for the weeks leading up to the shutdown. We have identified areas of potential shortfalls if demands increase or if the shutdown has to be extended beyond the seven days. 2. YLWD System Preparation. In preparing for the MWD shut down, Production staff has evaluated our system to determine operational conditions. The following is a list of system conditions at the time of this report and the expected conditions during the shutdown period. • Well No. 1 is scheduled to be out of service and will not to be available during this shutdown. 1 • The District's eight other wells, with a combined capacity of 11,000 gpm, are operational and available. • We will fill all reservoir storage to near full capacity immediately prior to the shutdown. • We have installed and tested a portable pump at the Fairmont Reservoir and Booster Pump Station site. This pump is available to supply an additional 1,500 gallons per minute (gpm) from Pressure Zone 3 (675 feet above mean sea level) to Pressure Zone 4 (780 feet above mean sea level). The following notifications are planned: 3. Public Notification of the shutdown. Production staff will notify Black Gold Golf Club of this shutdown with a letter sent as a follow up. • The City of Yorba Linda will be notified of the shutdown by written correspondence (i.e. a letter). • Placentia Yorba Linda School District will be notified in writing. • The District's two portable message boards will be serviced to ensure they will be available if needed. • A notification will be on the District's web site. • It may be necessary to ask our customers for additional conservation efforts. This effort will depend on water demands and weather conditions leading up to the shutdown. 4. Temporary Water Service Interruptions (Irrigation and Construction Water Services). If demands are exceeding planned estimates and water supplies from storage reservoirs are showing signs of rapid depletion, non-essential irrigation and water used for construction purposes may be temporarily halted for the duration of the MWD shutdown. This interruption of non-essential water use will be accomplished cooperatively through the City Public Works and Park and Recreations Departments and/or by manually turning off service at the meters or irrigation backflow devices if necessary. 2 ITEM NO. 2.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 3, 2011 Subject: Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report (To be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: Narn9: Doscrip ion: u PM Report.pdf Monthly Report Backup Material PM PROGRAM 20010/2011 Fiscal 20010-11 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 8% 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 75% 83% 92% 100% HYDRANTS (3,881) Target; all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 55 293 160 446 552 589 337 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 55 348 508 954 1,506 2,095 2,432 % OF TOTAL 1.4% 9.0% 13.1%1 24.6% 38.8% 54.0% 62.7% VALVES (10,70612=5,353) Target; all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 536 378 380 457 343 315 414 OPERATED THIS YEAR 536 914 1,294 1,751 2,094 2,409 2,823 % OF TOTAL 10.0% 17.1%1 24.2% 32.7% 39.1%1 45.0% 52.7% DEAD ENDS (155 X 2 = 310) Target; all dead ends to be flushed twice each year. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 0 0 0 0 155 155 155 % OF TOTAL 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50% AIR VACS (309) Target; all air/vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 296 13 2 0 0 0 0 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 296 309 311 311 311 311 311 % OF TOTAL 95.8% 100.0% 100.7% 100.7% 100.7% 100.7% 100.7% PRVs (150) 40 STATIONS Target; all PRVs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 0 12 16 31 42 38 34 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 0 12 28 59 101 139 173 OF TOTAL 0.0% 8.0% 18.7% 39.3% 67.3% 92.7% 115.3% PM PROGRAM 20010/2011 Fiscal 20010-11 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 8% 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 75% 83% 92% 100% SEWER CLEANING (802,560) Target; all sewers to be cleaned annually. CLEANED THIS MONTH 126,497 68,133 38,676 46,790 73,169 82,782 97,798 CLEANED THIS YEAR 126,497 194,630 233,306 280,096 353,265 436,047 533,845 % OF TOTAL 15.8% 24.3% 29.1%1 34.9% 44.0% 54.3% 66.5% SEWER TELEVISING (200,640) Target; all sewers to be televised every 4 years. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 12,176 18,676 6,524 14,128 201 - TELEVISED THIS YEAR 12,176 30,852 37,376 51,504 51,504 51,705 51,705 % OF TOTAL 6.1%1 15.4% 18.6% 25.7% 25.7% 25.8% 25.8% OTHER SEWER WORK. S.S. OVERFLOWS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SERVICE CALLS 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 REHAB FOOTAGE 0 0 0 319 0 272 0 MAIN REPAIRS 0 0 0 3 629 1 1 MANHOLE REPAIRS 0 4 16 1 2 1 0 ITEM NO. 2.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 3, 2011 Subject: Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: a ype: CIP Rept Feb2011.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: February 1, 2011 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Wells 1, 5 and 12 Upgrade W-5 & -12 refurbishments Contractor expected to receive Attempting to complete W-1 work Budget: $190,000 Job No. 200813 complete. W-1: selected low- and install new pump in February before MWD shut- Project Contact: Anthony Manzano quote contractor; new pump assembly and gear drive by down (however, availability of W-1 Project Completion: TBD ordered. late February to early March. is not critical for the shutdown) 2 Highland Booster Station Upgrade Contractor mobilized & began Excavation for building Project construction period is 13.5 Budget: $5,000,000 Job No. 200814 installation of shoring for footing, pump cans and meter months, with completion estimated Project Contact: Joe Polimino building foundation. Started vault. Continue to work on December 2011. Planned Completion Date: Dec. 2011 staircase to reservoir top. staircase. 3 VDV Valve Replacement Ph 2 & 3 Contract agreement approved Set up pre-const. meeting with Construction expected to begin Budget: $600,000 Job No. 200908 and fully executed. Submittal Contractor and District to early in March 2011. This is sooner Project Contact: Derek Nguyen for materials also approved. coordinate proper shutdown than the original estimated schedule. Planned Completion Date: May 2011 and construction. 4 Emergency Pump-out Facilities & Pre-construction meeting Issue Notice to Proceed and Construction completion expected Anaheim Intertie Connection scheduled first week of Feb. review construction schedule mid-summer 2011. Budget: $500,000 Anaheim Public Works to be for start date. Job No. 200903 & 200906 invited. Reviewing shop Project Contact: Joe Polimino drawings for both projects. Planned Compl. Date: Summer 2011 5 Mixers in Hidden Hills Reservoir Insurance documents submitted GM signs contract agreement. Plan to complete installation by Budget: $75,000 Job No. 2010-25 to attorney for approval. after attorney's approval and March 2011. Project Contact: Derek Nguyen Contractor needs to mare supplier is authorized to Planned Completion Date: Feb 2011 minor revisions, proceed. 1 IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Ohio/Oriente Pipeline Replacement Reviewed project with City of 100% design submittal due Construction completion anticipated Budget: $530,000 Job No. 201005 YL. Held Jan. 20 public early Feb. Presentation at Jan. by summer 2011. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano outreach meeting to discuss 27 City Traffic Commission Planned Completion Date: Sept. 2011 impacts to residents. meeting. 2 Well 20 Equipping 90% design reviewed and 100% design submittal due by Anticipate going out to bid March Budget: $2,000,000 Job No.200711 submitted to consultant. end of January. 2011 with construction completion Project Contact: Anthony Manzano summer 2011. Planned Completion Date: Sept. 2011 3 Lakeview Grade Separation Staff reviewing prior-rights Resolve prior-rights issues and 100% design submittal from OCTA Budget: TBD Job No. 201002 issue with legal counsel. complete cost-sharing expected in March or April. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Submitted 65% design review Agreement w/OCTA. Planned Completion Date: Sept. 2013 comments to OCTA's consultant. 4 2010 Waterline Replacement Project Plumosa Dr. preliminary Plumosa Dr. 70% design Plumosa Dr. construction Budget: $2M Job No. 201012 design reviewed with City of submittal anticipated in March. anticipated for summer 2011. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano YL. Survey work underway Preliminary design for other Const. for other sites expected to Planned Completion Date: Dec. 2011 for remainder of six sites. sites due in April. start fall 2011. 5 YL Blvd. BPS & Pipeline Kickoff design meeting with Begin CEQA and Conditional Meet with City to discuss issues and Budget: TBD Job No. 200817 Lee & Ro, Inc. set for Jan. 27, Use Permit application. PDR concerns for CUP and CEQA. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa 2011. to follow. Planned Completion Date: Dec 2012 2 IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Fairmont BPS & Site Improvements Final agreement being Confirm Fairmont site May have agreement for Budget: TBD Job No. 200803 executed by Shapell for partial redevelopment plan and consideration by PEO and Board in Project Contact: Anthony Manzano payment for construction of prepare RFP for design. March. Planned Completion Date: TBD site improvements. 2 Recycled Water Study Draft report submitted to Work on incorporating review District is in process of applying for Budget: $1,800,000 Job No. 200807 SWRCB was approved. comments from the State into 50% grant disbursement in the Project Contact: Derek Nguyen District meeting with potential Final Report and submit to the amount of $37,500 as approved by Planned Completion Date: TBD users to solicit letters of State for mid-course review. State. Remaining balance disbursed interest as part of study. prior to finalizing report. upon approval of Final Report. 3 West Wellfield Project Investigating potential well Contact OCWD to determine if May retain a Property Acquisition Budget: $9,000,000 Job No. 2009-22 sites east of Tustin Avenue. they will sale small well site Firm for assistance and explore Project Contact: Anthony Manzano OCWD's contract w/developer near Well 20. other sites. Planned Completion Date: TBD near basins expired. 4 Sewer Master Plan Draft report received Dec 15 Model, report and model- District staff requested proposal for Budget: $350,000 Job No. 200916 and District provided training expected to be Master Plan addendum for potential Project Contact: Anthony Manzano comments. complete by February. addition of the City of YL's existing Planned Completion Date: Oct. 2010 sewer. 5 Elk Mountain Site Improv Study Completed Turf 101 Class and Workshop Jan 27 to review Review feasibility study and Budget: $300,000 Job No. 200522 tour of parks & athletic fields and comment on two options evaluate site development options Project Contact: Hank Samaripa with artificial turf. for the Elk Mountain site. and costs for each. Planned Completion Date: Dec 2011 6 OC-51 Connection Upgrade District provided revised MWDOC to administer further Will consider next steps after Budget: $242,000 Job No. 200815 construction cost estimate to discussion with MWD receiving feedback from MWD and Project Contact: Derek Nguyen MWDOC for further regarding District direction MWDOC. Planned Completion Date: TBD discussion with MWD. with modifications and cost. 7 Urban Water Management Plan Determined the Gallons Per Staff to review final 2010 Submit final 2010 UWMP by July Budget: $20,000 Job No. 2201013 Capita per Day demand per UWMP Plan. Present to PEO L 2011 to State Dept. of Water Project Contact: Hank Samaripa SB7x-7 conservation law and and Board. Resources. Planned Completion Date: June 2011 include in UWMP. 3 ITEM NO. 2.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 3, 2011 Subject: Groundwater Producers Meeting Report ATTACHMENTS: Name: cv, i~a$icri: a ype: GWP Minutes 011211.pdf GWP Meeting Report for January 2011 Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District MEMORANDUM DATE: January 14, 2011 TO: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager FROM: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager COPY: Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator SUBJECT: Groundwater Producers Meeting, January 12, 2011 1 attended the Groundwater Producers (GWP) Meeting on January 12 at OCWD. A summary of each item discussed is as follows: 1. Water Quality Update. OCWD staff provided an update on water quality issues including the following: a. Revised Reporting Levels for 1-4 Dioxane. As OCWD reported at the December GWP meeting, new advisory levels were issued by CDPH in November for the chemical 1-4 Dioxane (1-4-D). The Notification Level was reduced from 3 parts per billion (ppb) to 1 ppb, and the Response Level from 300 to 35 ppb. In 2001, low levels were found in wells of Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, Mesa Consolidated WD, and IRWD. No 1-4-D was found above the detection level for the wells of YLWD at that time or since. b. New Draft Public Health Goal (PHG) for Chromium-6 (CrVI). The State issued a reduced PHG of 20 parts per trillion (ppt) on December 31, 2010. A PHG is an advisory level, not an enforceable regulatory standard. The Department of Public Health is now tasked with establishing the appropriate MCL for CrVI which could take two to three years. Currently YLWD wells have an average of 0.1 ppb CrVI. This concentration is below the required detection limit of 1.0 ppb. c. State is soliciting comments on a proposed revised PHG for Perchlorate at 1.0 ppb. The existing PHG and MCL is 6.0 ppb. YLWD has an average Perchlorate concentration of less than 2.5 ppb. d. U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services is recommending that fluoride in drinking water be no more than 0.7 parts per million (ppm). YLWD's groundwater has an average of 0.50 ppm. The imported water from MWD has a fluoride concentration of 0.7-0.9 ppm. 1 2. Final Review of "Transparency in Government" Letter. As reported by OCWD in December, the OCWD Board is requesting support from all Groundwater Producers for a letter they propose to send to Governor Brown, stating that "OCWD and its local groundwater producers, representing 2.4 million residents in north and central Orange County, support recent government reform measures in response to the City of Bell salary scandal and encourage immediate action to pass measures increasing government compensation transparency during this legislative session." OCWD staff noted that this letter and the support of the Groundwater Producers is requested to increase accountability and restore public faith in state and local government (including special districts). There were no further comments at the January 12 meeting; therefore, the letter will be finalized and sent to the governor. 3. Update on Santa Ana River and Prado Dam Recharge Activities. OCWD reported on the effect of the December 2010 storms, in which there were 8 inches of rain in six days, and a record total of 10.5 inches for the month measured at OCWD Field Headquarters in Anaheim. In late December, there was a record-volume of 100,000 acre feet behind Prado Dam. The Army Corps limited discharge from the dam to 3,000 cfs (i.e., 6,000 AF/day) to minimize scour of the river bed and protect the SARI sewer main buried below. Storage behind Prado is currently in the range of 10,000 AF. Discharge from the dam will be reduced to 300-500 cfs for diversion from the river to the District's recharge basins. It was also noted that Irvine Lake topped out and is spilling to Santiago Creek, which filled and topped out the District's Santiago Recharge Basins in Orange with 11,000 AF. In closing they noted, that while December was record- breaking there is no guarantee that the rains will continue. The current prediction from the National Weather Service is for dryer than normal weather patterns over the next three months. 4. Preparation of BPP and RA Projections for FY 2011-12. OCWD reported that they project the BPP to be 62-65% and the RA to be $255-265 next FY. There will be more detailed information and perhaps a better estimate on the District's website on January 14. 5. FY 2011-12 Budget-Preparation Schedule. OCWD reported that the District's draft budget for next FY will be presented to the Board on March 2 and to the GWP on March 9. Major issues impacting the budget are 7.5% MWD rate increase in January 2012 and the need for higher OCWD rates if the Board approves proceeding with the 30 MGD expansion of GWRS Project. 6. MWD Discounted Replenishment Water Discussion. OCWD reported that snow pack is about 200% of normal and many of the reservoirs in the state are much higher than before. MWD may be looking for ways to sell more water and get more into storage. In the past, MWD offered water for replenishment at discounted rates during wet years. OCWD is pursuing this, but it is doubtful due to political and other issues. Updates will follow in the months ahead. 7. Discussion of Annexation Request Issues. Information was provided and discussed on the following issues: a. Current and Future Sources of Water for GW Basin Recharge. OCWD provided a handout showing recharge supplies of approximately 2 294,000 AF/yr in 2011 and 347,000 AF/yr in 2035. The latter figure includes the first 30,000 AF expansion of GWRS but not the potential final 30,000 AF expansion. b. Current and Future Recharge Capacity. OCWD noted that they will continue to pursue cost-effective projects to expand recharge capacity but did not elaborate due to time constraints. c. Future Total Water Demands. OCWD provided a handout showing total water demands (met by import and groundwater) of 455,000 AF/yr in 2012. For 2035, they showed additional demands of 68,000 AF/yr due to infill, 15,100 AF/yr from current annexation request, and 27,000 AF/yr for ultimate build-out in IRWD. The combined total of 565,100 AF/yr is viewed as the projected ultimate demand by the groundwater producers, if all annexation requests are approved. d. Estimated Imported Water Connection Capacity. OCWD provided a handout prepared by MWDOC showing the MWD connection capacity of each groundwater producer in cfs and AF/yr and compared that to the total water demand of each agency. In all cases, the MWD delivery capacity exceeded the total water demand, indicating that each can meet demand from MWD supply even if the BPP is significantly reduced. However, it was noted that this could come at higher costs and with potential penalties by MWD. e. Other. OCWD noted that at the next Annexation Workshop, they will provide an estimate of the BPP with and without annexation demands. 3 ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 3, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5.5 Million To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: $220,000 Operations Committee Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: J-200814 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: MND Subject: Amendment No. 3 to MWH Americas Professional Services Agreement - Construction Support Services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement SUMMARY: Construction of the new Highland Booster Pump Station (BPS) commenced in December and is proceeding on schedule. District staff and the project team determined that construction support services are needed from MWH, which were not included in the original scope of work for the Professional Services Agreement (PSA). At the District's request, MWH prepared a proposal for additional construction support services, which staff has reviewed and recommends for approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with MWH Americas, in the amount of $219,791, for additional construction support services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement and Expansion Project, Job No. 200814. DISCUSSION: When the Request for Proposals (RFP) was initially prepared by District staff for the new pump station project, the Scope of Work included primarily the engineering design services and limited Construction Phase Services. It was understood by District staff that this was a minimum level of services and that a considerably greater effort would be required, due to the anticipated complexity of the project. The full scope of Construction Phase Services required could not be accurately determined until after the design criteria was approved by the project team and the design was completed relative to mechanical equipment, electrical systems, control systems, and other project elements. The purpose of including a basic or minimum level of Construction Management (CM) services in the RFP was to have the proposing firms provide information on their proposed CM staff, approach, experience and staff hours per task. This information helped YLWD staff determine the qualifications and capabilities of the proposing firms to perform all of the necessary tasks for the project, from permitting through design and construction management. These efforts assisted in the selection of MWH Americas as the District's preferred consultant for the project. After the completion of design, award of the construction contract, and receipt of initial shop drawings from the construction contractor, it was possible to more accurately project the extra work hours and tasks required for CM beyond those listed in the original RFP. Following discussions between District and MWH staff regarding necessary CM tasks and level of effort, MWH submitted a letter proposal describing the additional tasks, hours and fee, a copy of which is attached. In summary the additional tasks would include the following: Submittals/Shop Drawings. The original PSA includes review of 30 submittals and shop drawings. The amendment includes services for an additional 45 submittals. Requests for Information (BFI's). The original PSA includes review of 12 RFI submittals. The amendment includes services for an additional 48 submittals. Change Order Preparation. The original PSA did not include these services. The amendment budgets 100 hours to draft and process change order documents. Review Change Requests. The original PSA did not include these services. The amendment adds 80 manhours to review change order requests from the contractor. Meetings. The original PSA included 9 meetings. The amendment includes 8 additional meetings. Southern California Edison Permit Coordination. MWH will subcontract with RBF Consulting (the project electrical engineer) to continue their support of the SCE Generating Facility Interconnection Application in accordance with SCE Rule 21. Added is $8,520 for this task. Instrumentation and Programming Support. The original PSA did not include support relating to the control systems, programming of the PLC and Wonderware software development. Added is a subcontract under MWH with MSO Technologies for $20,000. Specialty Inspections. The original PSA did not include support for special inspections, including electrical and instrumentation. MWH will provide an electrical and instrumentation engineer to observe and inspect installations as needed. Added is $22,840 for this task. Final Inspection and Startup. MWH will assist the District in the final walk through with inspection of the electrical, instrumentation and startup of the engines, motors and pumps. The amendment adds $21,033 for this task. If approved, Amendment No. 3 for $219,791 will increase the PSA total from $587,027 to $806,818. Within that total, the tasks and fee for CM Services will increase from $60,000 to $279,791. That total equates to approximately 6.2% of the $4,525,800 construction cost. This percentage compares very favorably to other recent complex construction projects completed, including 6.5% for CM for the Lakeview Booster Station, 6.4% CM for the Highland Reservoir, and 6.9% CM for the Hidden Hills Reservoir construction. District staff has reviewed the proposed change order and discussed it with staff of MWH. Staff believes that the proposed scope and fee are necessary and appropriate for the additional services and recommend approval of Amendment No. 3 for $219,791. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 9, 2009, the Board of Directors approved the award of the Professional Services Agreement for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Project to MWH Americas, for a fee not to exceed $469,593. On January 28, 2010 the Board of Directors approved Amendment No. 1 for a fee not to exceed $91,940. On February 11, 2010 the Board of Directors approved Amendment No. 2 for a fee not to exceed $18,929. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: V Ype: Addendum 3 Exhibit _A Scope of Work.docx MWH Scope of Work Exhibit A Backup Material YLWD Add 3rev5 (2).pdf Exhibit B Cost Breakdown Backup Material MWH BUILDING A BETTER WORLD EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK The project construction for Highland Booster Station Replacement is expected to require approximately thirteen (13) months of as-needed support. The estimate below is based on overall completion of the contract for engineering services during construction. Record drawing preparation is included in our original contract. If the construction contract period extends beyond thirteen months from the notice to proceed, adjustments for inflation for work performed after that date may be required for work aside from preparation of record drawings. MWH will review shop drawings for the project for conformance with the contract documents. Our contract included some submittals. We are requesting a budget for an additional 45 submittals. MWH will provide a written response to each of the shop drawings with a recommendation for the contractor's next course of action. Quotation of hours and cost is based on an estimated average of 4 hours of review and processing time for original submittals. It is estimated that 10 submittals will be resubmitted to incorporate comments from the review of the initial submittal. Each re-submittal will require an estimated 1.5 hours of review and processing time. MWH will respond to written requests for information/clarification from the contractor during construction. Our contract included 12 RFI's. We are requesting budget for an additional 48 RFI's. It is assumed that MWH will respond to 60 RFIs during the course of the project. Quotation of hours and cost is based on an estimated average of 4 hours of review and processing time. MWH will issue Contract drawing Clarification, as requested by the District to support construction activities. We will notify the District of any such requested deviations or substitutions and when necessary provide the District with a recommendation concerning the same. MWH will prepare change orders during the construction of the project. It is estimated that 100 hours may be required to draft and process change order documents during the course of the project. Our contract did not include a budget for change order preparation or review. MWH will review change order requests to support the District. Change order requests will be reviewed for compliance with the contract documents and reasonableness of cost/time estimates. MWH will respond to requests directly to the District. It is estimated 80 hours for review of contractor change orders. 19900 MacArthur Blvd. TEL 949-328-2400 / Suite 250 FAX 949-328-2448 Irvine, California 92612 www.mwhglobal.com YLWD -2- January 24, 2011 MWH will attend project meetings and site visit at the request of the District during the construction. It is assumed that one kick-off meeting, fifteen (15) site visits/meetings and a concrete conference will be held during the construction of the project. Two MWH staff are budgeted for each meeting. Our contract included nine (9) meetings during construction. MWH will attend these additional 8 meetings, as requested by the District. MWH will subcontract with RBF to continue their support of the SCE Generating Facility Interconnection Application in accordance with SCE Rule 21. The contractor will require additional information during the submittal process to make the application. RBF will assist the contractor by responding to questions from SCE. It is assumed one meeting will be held at the project site with SCE. MWH will subconsult with MSO Technologies Inc. to provide support to the District relating to questions on the control systems, programming of the PLC and Wondware development. MSO will support the District in the review of design questions, instrumentation calibration questions and meetings. The District will require assistance during construction in performing inspection of the electrical and instrumentation systems. MWH will provide an electrical and instrumentation engineer to observe and inspect the installation of the electrical and instrumentation. It is assumed there will be no factory inspection of the motor control center of electrical cabinets. MWH may also perform up to 80 hours of special inspection of the mechanical equipment during construction. The equipment will be inspected in the field prior to installation. The District will require special inspection at the completion of construction for development of a final punchlist. MWH will assist the District in the final walk through with inspection of electrical and instrumentation. The mechanical engineer will also be present during the startup of the engines, motors and pumps. It is assumed four engineers will be present during the walk through. It is estimated the final inspection will be one-day with a follow-up meeting at the District. Pump station startup will require support by the electrical engineer and mechanical engineer to witness startup and assist in adjustments to mechanical and electrical equipment. Exhibit B Proposed Budget Task Principal Principal Senior Senior Professional Subconsult Total Professional Engineer Designer Addendum 2 235 220 155 150 135 1. Shop Drawings 60 60 40 40 $33,900 RBF $12,880 $12,880 2. RFI's 2 80 120 $36,070 RBF $3,680 $3,680 3. Change Order Preparation 20 40 40 $16,000 RBF $3,478 $3,478 4. Review Contractor Change Requests 2 40 40 $15,470 $0 5. Meetings 2 40 40 $15,470 RBF $3,680 $3,680 6. SCE Permit Coordination 16 $3,520 $5,000 $5,000 7. Instrumentation and Programming Support 16 16 2 $6,270 MSO $20,000 $20,000 8. Special Inspections 30 80 $19,000 RBF $3,840 $3,840 9. Final Inspection and Startup 2 24 48 $13,190 RBF and MSO $7,843 $7,843 Other Direct Cost $500 Total 8 326 324 160 82 $60,401 $219,791