HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-11 - Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUB AFFAIRS-COMMUNICATIONS-TECH COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, April 11, 2011,12:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Phil Hawkins, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Gary T. Melton Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Art Vega, Info Systems Administrator Damon Micalizzi, PI Officer 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Draft 2011 Water Quality Report Recommendation: That the Committee provide staff with any review comments, recommend that the Board approve the 2011 Water Quality Report and authorize staff to print and distribute copies of this report to each customer receiving the District's water. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Draft Public Affairs Budget 3.2. Draft I.T. Department Budget 3.3. Cell Phone Contracts 3.4. Computerized Maintenance & Management System Project Status 3.5. Video Recording of Board of Directors Meetings 3.6. Governor Brown's End of Drought Declaration 3.7. Ideas for Spring Newsletter Content (Verbal Report) 3.8. Online Sign Up for Water Service (Verbal Report) 3.9. Sewer Transfer Community Outreach and Education (Verbal Report) 3.10. Annexations and District Boundaries (Verbal Report) 3.11. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee will be held May 2, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 Budgeted: Yes To: Public Affairs-Communications- Cost Estimate: $6,700 Technology Committee Funding Source: Water Operating Fund From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Derek Nguyen, Water Quality CEQA Compliance: N/A Engineer Subject: Draft 2011 Water Quality Report SUMMARY: Since 1990, California public water utilities have been required to provide annual water quality reports to their customers. This report is also known as the Consumer Confidence Report which covers water quality testing and analysis from January to December of the previous calendar year. State and Federal laws require that this annual water quality report be sent to every customer by July 1 to insure that customers are informed of the quality of their drinking water. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee provide staff with any review comments, recommend that the Board approve the 2011 Water Quality Report and authorize staff to print and distribute copies of this report to each customer receiving the District's water. DISCUSSION: State and Federal laws require that the District prepare an annual water quality report and distribute copies to its customers by July 1 of each year. This annual report covers water quality monitoring, testing and analysis conducted from January to December of the previous calendar year. The purpose of this report is to inform consumers of the quality of the water they are receiving. In 2010, the District conducted over 23,000 analyses to ensure that its water met all State and Federal drinking water regulations. In some cases, the District goes beyond what is required by State and Federal laws, by providing additional monitoring for contaminants of concern. Staff is pleased to report that the District has never violated any drinking water regulation from both the State and Federal standards. Attached is a draft copy of the District's 2011 Water Quality Report. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): In May 2010, the Board of Directors approved and authorized distribution of the District's 2010 Water Quality Report to its customers. ATTACHMENTS: !blame: Description: Type: Draft Water Quality Report.pdf Draft Report Backup Material ~,37rN VF PPP I RN F)A Pa_e,,T DISTRICT '='rton x-. 8t ReS~^ > s/1,5•.~t; _TT I T i~Jt, Lead (ppb) Imemal conoaion o IS _ 6 one No industrial manufac eO"a"ea 041M Capper (pp.) 73 017 021 None No Internal ctrtosiono Gross Alpha (pCi;L) IS 0 8.31 5 95 - 13.0 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits industrial manufac roy _ - U niumn (PUrl) 20 043 76 4.59- 12 0 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits ronMMaquiM - f~ _ Toro] Radon 222 (pCi/L) NS Na NO NO - 449o 2010 No "see note related to radon-" Total Radium 228 (pCufL) 5 0 019 01 ND 2 31 2010 No Erosion of naluml deposits OTs Vulnerability assessments of potential sources of contaimination for Wells -dThreeyears,arlean residences arereere, lead anti capper -Top The most recentseeofmmpleswere collected m 2009 The nnucred m 2012 !n the 10009 Lead and Capper - less, lead was derecreda, rn 2 2.m ede none the Action Leve! Copper was Qe im 11 and 15 were completed in April 2003. These groundwater sour[5 are the AcrronLe.ve1 The regu7moryacrron level rs the concenrranon ar which, rfexceedeQ rn mom oreth th,, an l0 pereemfhomesrested, rugga ers rrea considered most vulnerable to the following activities not associated with Chloroform NS 0 1 NO - 10 2010 No Chlonnau m of water rhm a cooler synem must f flow The Ynrbo Linda Ware, Lim- mmphed with the leadand copper action levels detected contaiminants; chemical/petroleum processing/storage; metal plating/fishing/fabricating;and plastics/synthetics production. Arsenic (ppb) 10 0004 4 7 NO 12 0 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits 2010 METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CA A vulnerability assessment of potential sources of contamination for Well 19 Fluoride(ppm) 2 1 0.5 042--055 2010 No Erosion of mural deposits , - and Well 18 Were completed in May 2004 and September 2005, respectively. Perchlorate (ppb) 6 6 2 5 ND 3 64 2010 No Rocket fuel and mibtary applications The groundwater sources are considered most vulnerable to the following activities not associated with detected contaminants: gas stations; dry Nitrate as NOi (PPM) 45 45 11.2 5.73 - 15.4 2010 No Fenilimrs, Septic Tanks cleaners; metal plating/finishing/fabrimting plants; plastic/synthetic Nitrate- Nitrite as N(ppm) 10 10 25 13 35 2010 No Fendimrs, Sept.. Tanks producers; underground injection of commercial/industrial discharges; underground storage tanks; agricultural drainage; fertilization, pesticide and Alpha Radiation (pCr1-) I5 (0) 56 38 -9.1 No Erosion of natural deposits herbicide application; automobile-body and repair shops; sewer collection Color (units) 15 : 0.89 ND-5 0 2010 No Natural Organic Materials a Beta Radiation (PC,/L) 50 (0) 4.3 NO 6.4 No Decay of natural and man-made d systems; food processing, and chemical/petroleum processing/storage. Chloride (ppm) 500• n/a 116.1 105.0 - 1370 2010 No Erosion ofnatural deposits onatuml deports Uranium lpCi/L) 20 041 77 29 37 No Erosion of naaural deposits Manganese (ppb) 50 135 NO 104 0 2010 No Erosion f A copy of the complete assessment is available at Department Public of Health District Office at 605 West Santa Ana Blvd., Building 28, Room 325, Specific Conductance Brmho/cm) 1600• Wit 10433 10100 - 1130.0 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits Total Tnhalome[hanes (ppb) 80 42 28 - 58 No By-product ofdnnking water chit Santa Ana, CA 92701. Sulfate : ma (ppm) 500• a 1456 1410 1490 2010 Na. Erosion of naluml depo.sns Haloacetic Acids(ppb) 60 Na 13 9.3-19 No By-product of dunking water chic Measurements Total Dissolved Solid,(ppm) 1000• W. 6344 Woo-672.0 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits Total Chlorine Residual (ppm) 4 4 2 3 12 2 9 No Dunking water disinfectant added In order to ensure that Cap water is TurbiditY(^lu) na O7 ND I7 3010 No F .ion of natural deposits safe to drink, EPA and CDPH prescribe Odor (TON) 3• We ND ND- 1 2010 No Natural Organic Materials regulations that limit the amount of Aluminum(ppb) 1000 600 170 66-230 No Residual from water treatment pr[ certain contaminants in water provided Zinc (ppm) 5• n•a ND ND 1610 2(110 No f not nauml deposits o Arsenic (ppb) 10 0 004 23 NO - 2.8 No Erosion of natural deposits, glass; by public water systems R a Barium (ppb) 1000 2000 110 ND 120 No Erasion of natural deposes. o ant 4 Alkatin ry, eel (pram as CaC03) r 216 3 208 0 231 0 2010 No .con of naluml deposits The tables below list all the dunki Fluoride (ppm) 2 1 08 04 - 10 No Water additive for dental benefits ng Bicarbonate (.a HC03) (pp.) .r n/a 263.7 2540-284.0 2010 No Erosion trammel deposits water contaminants that the District Perchlorate (ppb) G b ND ND No Industrial wane discharge detected duringthe 2010 calendaryear. Boron (ppb) NL 1000 0 3 0 24 0 28 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits Nitrate as Nitrogen (ppm) 10 10 ND ND No Ferth-, sepuc tank or natural d The presence of these contaminants in Calcium (ppm) Nr 96.4 85 1 - 112.0 2010 No Erosion of natmal deposits - iii. the water does not necessarily indicate that the water poses a health risk. Hardness, total (grama/gal) ]go 17 8 - 21 5 2010 Nu Erosion of natural deposit, Unless otherwise noted, the data presented in this table is from testing done Aluminum(ppb) 200 600 170 66-230 No Residue from water treatment pro, for the period January 1 through December 31, 2010. The CDPH requires Chromium 5 (ppb) n/a is 001 0.2- 1.0 2010 No Industrial discharge, notarml deposits Chloride monitoring for certain contaminants less often than every year because the Hardness, total (pp.) 500 eta 93 83 - 93 No Nauval deposits. seawater in8uem (ppm as CaCOJ Nr nfa 324 9 304 0 - 1680 2010 No Erasion of natural deposits concentrations of these contaminants are not expected to vary significantly Color (units) IS Na I I - 2 No Naturally-occumng organic mater from ear to Thus, some of the data, though representative of current Total Organic Carbon (ppm) Nr 10 0.8 - 1.6 2010 No Natural Organic Materials g organic mater Y year Odor Threshold(TON) 1 Na _ 2 No Naturally-occumn water quality, is more than one year old. The District contracts with state Magnesium (pp.) n/r n1m 205 184 22 1 2010 N. Erosion of natural deposits Specific Conductance (pS cml 1600 W. 970 460 - 1000 No S,lh aaces form ions in water, sea certified, independent laboratories to perform most of the District's water pH (pH units) nor Na 78 7.6 - 7.9 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits quality testing. Sulfate(ppm) 500 Na 230 160-240 No Natural deposits, industrial wastes Boo side (pm) wr Wrun 016 o 5 1 014 0 25 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits Total Dissolved Solids 1000 nfa 590 470 - 610 No Natural deposits, seawater, mthiem Potassium ppm) r 5.1 3.7-8.1 2010 No Eroson of natural deposits Tudadny(NTU) 5 004 003-016 No Soul mnoff I r f Sodium(ppm) nit ;a 892 81.0 1090 2010 No Erosion of natural deposits Vanadium (ppb) 50 nla 4 6 3 4 - 8.2 2010 No Erosion cf natural deposes ® Nadia Dnde Alk lion, (pp.) n .a 110 67 - 120 No Natural deposits n;a Wain fdnrha \BRRLN I.Vr1o,, ppb park per isdhnn, ppm pane per mdhon: pC11L prmmrnrc per lrrvr' era eph0omerrrc rarbrduy unrn NS randanl ND rim derecred Na n opphrabIr. Boron (ppb) NL - 1000 n a In 120- 130 No Natural deposits, mdusmal wastes 17[7 EYAMat B 0E rrh not,,gid-,d. < average lo., Than deleclinn heir fur npnnmg pit po.ec•.e; MCL Ma- v, C'nnlamrnanr 1 ravel. MCLG I deml A4( 1. Gna/, PHG CoHfi,mio Puhhc Heahh Gnol; TON 7hn:.ehn/d Odor Numher'Conl-son, is regulated by o -doryaondanf m nrorntain ocohenc yvalrnec(1-e. odor, color) Calcium (ppm) 66 51-70 No Natural de posits nfa 2010 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Distribution System Water Quality Chlomte(ppb) NL 800 82 26-110 No By-pro1uc1,11rm1mgwmerchlo Disinfection-by-Products MCL Avenge Rangeof MCL Typical Source of Contaminant Chranium Vl(ppb) 008 0as 008 No Indusmal waste discharge, natural - (MRDIIMRDLG) Amount Detections Violations? Conoswity(M) as na 121 120 122 No Elemental balance m water, affect, - -°i Chlorine Residual (pp.) (4 4) 146 098-172 No Disinfectant Added for Treatment Hard-s(ppm) 270 92-700 No Naturally dissolved minerals Ha loacetic Acids (ppb) 60 14 3 3 4 - 27 8 No By products of Chloune Dis nfection Magner in (ppm) n n a 27 22 - 28 No Natural dpos is - Total Trilwlo urethanes (ppb) 80 41 14 7 -634 No By produces of Chlor tie Disinfection rEY A pH (pH Uo ts) 71 1'. 8 0 No Hydrogen Ion Concentration r!f7' Potassium (pp.) n n%a 47 3.9-48 No Natural deposits Color (units) 15• ND ND 50 No Erosion of natural deposits a 95 78-95 No Natural deposits 1 Turbidity (situ) 5' 013 007 - 0 28 No Erosion of natural deports Total Organ¢ Carbon (ppm) n/ n/a 2.2 19 2.3 No Man-made and natural deposits ,r. Vii`- F _vlW Ili Odor (TON) 3• NO ND-1 No Erosion of natural deports Vanadum(ppb) `.L /z50 n:a 30 ND 33 No 'rurrally-occumtn ~s¢ kI III g, industrial e x u (II" { i i'a °~.pa ec 4,} ~~,;~If~,Ik il, N[rosnd ihylamme hL-01 0003 0004 NO 001 N. By-product oPdnnkmg water chit 4 y t "^s1,1~f~, Total C l f nn (n f I form) 5.0 0560• NO- 66°o No Naturally present in ant c. i at N t _ s g 1~ gf, der AL action /eve•/ MCL .-,a au n roranand level MCLG muse... ennraminsir 1-1 goal Na not appl- ' !1 ! at m rh. d b aeon c .cram an irved u re / em iranm -Al r/icalum 7eval NTU nephelnmerrre rurbrdrry unrn, AL c Nnn(rm an Level pC✓L pru cunee per hoer, PHG Pahl. Health G-4 pp Y Oar r y 1nr raru!'Trrhahmrerhanec and Haloaccuc acid.- 37 lacmr<mc are Ieaed n nnrhly Jnr color odor and wrh,duv per laer (pg 1.), ppm pane per nullum or nnNigrm^ c pc~ liter /erg 11! ppr pare per In/lion sir nonogranis perm,, (ng f.); pslm MRDL Maermum l2e.vdaaf Dr.vrnJeclam Level. ND nmdelecred; MRDLC Maximum /icxidual lh.nnjeclmnr Leve•/(final; tiro nephe/mmern,, hrduv anus per cennmeler(pnrha on) man, 'Canlamr azc nanla regulated by o rmdary .e-d n!n-.- -1-1h- qumho. (acre, r.1o,, enlnr). r _ r _ o n1 66 i~ 66 ` 3 o a o o Mi' a o5 '_'v1 - _ y p 1~ S a d n 0 0 a 2 3 E v ~l. y n F F - F w - g°£ A n rrr th 0 V p/_ +r w' 3 m m - n m o d ° F - 3z 0 1 °0 - gF,. ; o <3~ ~N sw o o _ 3`m~'~a~ v Nom,, 1 5 3 ' ~a 20 ^+=c >d °co 3 <S nd g- m ago" N F. ,.i. w A o o D 2 9 , w' o° a f° 3 g 3 m` 3 3 ^ m ~dd d Ned a<a »o~m~~=2dE°~"- m Q _ ~pgd 'w°~~ ,3 <z M. 0 AM 0 a w g 'o a m m w' E T a. ~ a a N m A T j: 3 W K vi w a dp - _ T+ Vim: . a v m `c° 3. o m m 3 w c o o a - w v 3 3 c E f= a s ® _ - -.r-. t" c°o OF M5 .5 d-6 ~,~od m n3 FO :.1io 39»D,- ~m vw'mw .rr` P ~ °-gm'g $c 7~omc mo m = _ _ °3? 33 ca< ccz 3 G8 4a 4TH P ~3 o d~ a za~o. 0 6 oa~50 d sue'. o n z 9. 5 'nE°. o K F ^ g _ 3 s om £ No c^ E'. < 3 z m 3 o'°On~O~ H '.l s ^ w 3 N o 3 i a• `8' S d 3 °.i n z 3 9 o,o~ ~q m 0 x 2L 0 J ° o n n p~ °`~taf 2 y o a n no n E 3 F 0 2:E9 E Q in i v 0-3 s 3 gE 5, -0 3 3 M- 3 m E m m { {1{f{Q 1'{9M jaded a a6- u =30 v 3, d o°c ® PI MM .0 wo o 0, 3n_ ° 3~2 = cf upu{78Q10A 'o ° 3 0 3 S Lx 3 2 2. 2 3 n E e £ Q» n z a° ° 3 n n fD - ao^ °.p~ ° m 3 c z 3 3 3 - c 3 a m - L £ ? 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(Turf, Sprinklers, Appli 15,000 Legislative Advocate @ $4,500 X 12 MONTHS 54,000 1-2020-0640-00 $580 1-2020-0640-10 600 OC Register 600 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIP 1-2020-0640-20 50 Western Water 50 1-2020-0710-00 $100 1-2020-0710-00 100 **Misc Materials 100 1-2020-0780-00 $0 1-2020-0780-00 0 **Communication & Public Outreach 0 1-2020-0830-00 $8,200 1-2020-0830-00 8,200 **CAC Field Trips 5,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) **Meeting Dues/Milage 3,200 1-2020-0890-00 $10011-2020-0890-00 100 **Misc. Vehicle Expenses 100 Section Total $212,550 335,230 ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 Total Budget: $589,200 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Technology Committee Funding Source: All Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Dept: Information Technology Prepared By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Subject: Draft I.T. Department Budget SUMMARY: Attached for review and consideration is the IT Department draft budget summary for Supplies and Services with the backup Department division detailed expenses. Also attached is the draft Vehicle and Equipment Capital Outlay expenses. DISCUSSION: The Department total expenses for Supplies and Services reflects a reduction of approximately 10% from the prior year budget. The estimated forecast for this fiscal year is trending just over $100,000 below the budgeted figures. This reduction includes certain tasks, assignments and system replacements that have not been completed and are carried over to the next fiscal year. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: IT Summary.xlsx I.T. Summary Backup Material 6020-IT Systems.pdf 6020 - Budget Detail Backup Material 6030-GIS.pdf 6030 - Budget Detail Backup Material 6040-SCADA.pdf 6040 - Budget Detail Backup Material IT - Vehicles-Capital Budget.pdf I.T. - Vehicles & Capital Items Budget Backup Material I.T. FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 Budget Forecast Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ 89,060 $ 68,741 $ 200 Contractual Services $ 96,680 $ 56,378 $ 144,580 Data Processing $ 120,435 $ 112,649 $ 126,600 Dues & Memberships $ 1,442 $ 1,313 $ 1,450 Materials* $ 25,225 $ 20,157 $ 17,480 Maintenance $ 88,350 $ 90,505 $ 86,170 Non-Capital Equipment $ 71,420 $ 61,661 $ 65,020 Office Expense* $ 14,650 $ 7,830 $ 10,980 Professional Services $ 33,000 $ 25,500 $ 31,000 Training $ 7,750 $ 4,820 $ 7,500 Travel & Conferences $ 5,800 $ 3,000 $ 4,350 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 553,812 $ 452,554 $ 495,330 Figures have been adjusted to reflect changes in the District's account structure. Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: IT (Information FY 2012 Systems) (6020) I a - I * r Itern Description 1-6020-0580-00 $200 1-6020-0580-00 200 Misc. Items 200 COMMUNICATIONS (E) COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1-6020-0600-00 $115,130 1-6020-0600-00 1,680 Security Solutions: Annual Fire & Burglar Alarm Mo 1,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) AT&T District Web Site Hosting 180 1-6020-0600-20 18,000 New Copy Room & Eng. copier... replacement Lease 12,000 Lease Agreements Xerox Copier, printer, scanner Lease 0 Konica Minolta Operations Copier, Printer Lease 6,000 1-6020-0600-30 27,450 Minolta Service Supply Contract for Eng Copier 0 Warranties & Service Contracts Dell Servers Service Contracts 2,000 CPS Vehicle Tracking Service 20,000 APC Symmetra Data Center UPS On-Site Service Renew 3,600 Ricoh 480 Scanner/Copier in Eng Maint. Agreement 1,850 1-6020-0600-31 3,600 (phone Cell Phone Service 3,600 Cell Phones (Iphone) Service 1-6020-0600-32 23,000 Nextel/Sprint Service 23,000 Cell Phones (Nextel/Sprint) Service 1-6020-0600-33 8,000 Verizon Mobile 3,000 Mobile Broadband Service Verizon Broadband Aircard Service 5,000 1-6020-0600-34 28,400 AT&T District Lines 21,000 Communication Lines AT&T DSL 1,000 Time Warner Cable & Internet 6,400 1-6020-0600-70 5,000 Programming Temp 5,000 Temporary Employment Services Temp Labor for Document Imaging Project 0 1-6020-0620-00 $77,900 1-6020-0620-10 12,450 New Software 2,000 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software Purchases MS Terminal Server CALs 0 PerlDesk Replacement 0 VMware vSphere (Essentials Plus Kit) 4,950 MS Exchange Server CALs (25 more) 0 Solar Winds Mgmt. (APN, IP Address Mon.) 5,500 Microsoft Volume Licensing Select 6 (Office, Win 0 1-6020-0620-00 $77,900 1-6020-0620-20 60,600 Solar Winds Orion Monitoring Tool mainten 3,900 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software License Renewals Novus Agenda Maintenance renewal 4,000 GP & Cogsdale annual Maintenance 32,000 HPV Web Server renewal [$80 +tax for 2013] 0 Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) 5,000 Kiwi Cat Tools 200 Trend Micro NeatSuite AV & Spyware (75 lic.) 2,000 Solar Winds Engineering's Toolkit Renewal 800 iWater's InfraMap for CityWorks [2013] 0 Enterprise Leave Manager for Dynamics GP Maint. 450 CityWorks Annual Maintenance 12,000 Lenel Onguard Software Support Agreement Renewal 250 Microsoft VLA Select 6 SA renewal (Office, Win..)[ 0 1-6020-0620-30 3,850 Watchguard x1250e firewall UTM renewal 2,250 Hardware Subscription Renewals BDR monthly charge for offsite backup storage 300 Barracuda Spam firewall Energizer annual renewal 650 Barracuda Message Archiver Energizer annual renewa 650 1-6020-0620-47 1,000 Batteries 400 Cell Phone Supplies Holsters & Covers 200 Chargers 200 Misc 200 1-6020-0640-00 $847 1-6020-0640-00 847 MS Tech Net Plus Subscription 500 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI Smart Computing 30 PTIONS (E) ONS (E) CPU 30 PCWorld 25 Misc Memberships 250 Maximum PC 12 1-6020-0710-00 $3,000 1-6020-0710-00 400 Misc. Materials 400 MATERIALS (E) MATERIALS (E) 1-6020-0710-49 200 Power Strips 200 Power Strips 1-6020-0710-51 1,500 Adapters 200 Cabling DVI, VGA, D139, Display Port, HDMI, USB cables 300 Duplex 50/125 LC/LC fiber, CAT6A, CAT5e patch cabl 1,000 1-6020-0710-60 900 Desktop peripherals 400 Hardware Supplies USB Drives 100 misc. hardware supplies, AA & AAA batteries 400 1-6020-0730-00 $13,400 1-6020-0730-00 1,000 Misc. Maintenance 1,000 MAINTENANCE (E) MAINTENANCE (E) 1-6020-0730-06 1,400 HP Printer Servicing 1,400 Printer Servicing Fax Machines Servicing in Eng 0 1-6020-0730-11 2,000 Phone Switch Servicing 400 Telco/Phone Servicing Building Line Repairs 300 Security Equipment Maintenance & Repair 500 Cell Phone Servicing/replacement/repair 800 1-6020-0730-30 3,500 Cabling (CAT6A, CAT5e, fiber) installation & rep 3,500 Cabling & WAN Communication 1-6020-0730-00 $13,400 1-6020-0730-60 5,500 APC Symmetra Data Center UPS battery modules (12) 5,200 MAINTENANCE (E) UPS & Back-up Power systems UPS replacement batteries for desktops 300 1-6020-0750-00 $25,400 1-6020-0750-00 1,200 Misc Items 1,200 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-6020-0750-05 0 Oldest server replacement 0 Servers Intranet Server including software 0 1-6020-0750-06 6,600 Dell Optiplex PCs 6,000 Desktops Thin Clients 600 1-6020-0750-07 4,800 Dell Latitude E-Series 4,800 Notebooks 1-6020-0750-08 3,000 Fujitsu Scanners for Laserfiche (Ops,Eng, Fin) 0 Printers New Printers 3,000 1-6020-0750-09 4,400 Misc Network Equipment such as Transceivers 800 Networking Equipment Network Storage Devices 1,000 Network Office/cubicle Switches 200 Data Center Switches 2,200 KVM System Interface Pods 200 1-6020-0750-30 800 Data Center misc. equipment (Rack & Cabinet) 800 Tools & Equipment CPI Evolution Cable Management for CAT6A cables 0 1-6020-0750-35 500 HID proximity badges for building access 500 Security 1-6020-0750-41 3,100 Flat Screen TV for Admin Conf. room for presentati 0 Audio/Visual Digital Voice Recorder for HR 0 Digital Cameras 300 Projector 0 Misc. 1,000 LCD Monitors 1,800 1-6020-0750-45 1,000 Phones & Accessories 1,000 Telco 1-6020-0760-00 $6,575 1-6020-0760-21 5,475 HP LaserJet Printers & Copier toners, fusers, in 5,000 Office Expense Printer Supplies Xerox Copier/Printer Supplies in Mail Room 350 Minolta Copier/Printer Supplies for Ops 125 1-6020-0760-26 1,000 Mice 200 Desktop Supplies Blank DVD+R, CD Disc, etc. 200 Misc 200 Keyboards 400 1-6020-0760-30 100 Books 100 Books & Publications 1-6020-0780-00 $8,000 1-6020-0780-11 2,000 Network/Hardware Consulting 2,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Network/Hardware Consulting 1-6020-0780-20 5,000 Software Consulting 5,000 Software Consulting 1-6020-0780-30 0 Data Conversion 0 Data Conversion 1-6020-0780-50 1,000 Technical Support 1,000 Technical Support 1-6020-0810-00 $3,200 1-6020-0810-00 3,200 IT Technical Training 3,200 Training Training TestOut 12 IT Certification Suite CBT Renewal 0 1-6020-0830-00 $2,350 1-6020-0830-00 2,350 Interop (April/May) 2011 1,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Mileage and Travel Reimbursement 350 WinConnections / DevConnections (November) 2010 1,000 Section Total $256,002 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: IT (G IS) (6030) FY 2012 ~escrlption 6, L. 'i 1-6030-0620-00 $18,700 1-6030-0620-20 18,700 Info Water & Info Sewer 2,000 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software License Renewals Freeance Annual Software Maintenance 2,000 Arclnfor Concurrent Use Primary Maintenance 3,500 ArcEditor Concurrent (2) 3,200 ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprise Up to 4 Cores 6,000 ArcView Single Use Primary Maintenance 500 AutoCAD & Map 3Dv2010 Renewal Licenses 1,500 1-6030-0750-00 $1,500 1-6030-0750-00 1,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-6030-0750-20 0 * 0 Printers 1-6030-0750-25 500 Network Storage Devices 500 Networking Equipment 1-6030-0760-00 $4,100 1-6030-0760-21 4,000 Atlas Reprint Supplies (large format 2406, 11x17) 4,000 Office Expense Printer Supplies 1-6030-0760-30 100 Books 100 Books & Publications 1-6030-0830-00 $600 1-6030-0830-00 600 Mileage and Travel Reimbursement 200 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) ESRI Conference 400 Section Total $24,900 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: IT (SCADA) (6040) FY 2012 6. 6, 1-6040-0600-00 $29,450 1-6040-0600-30 5,500 Cisco Smartnet premium (for Cisco 1842 routers) 1,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Warranties & Service Contracts Dell Servers Service contracts 1,500 Cisco Smartnet premium (for Cisco 3825 router) 2,500 1-6040-0600-34 23,950 AT&T Circuits (T-1, DSO's) 23,950 Communication Lines 1-6040-0620-00 $30,000 1-6040-0620-10 3,100 HMI Reports & Misc. software 1,600 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software Purchases PLC program software 0 Wonderware Software Platforms, Cals, (HMI) view no 1,500 1-6040-0620-20 26,500 PLC Programing Support-Proworks32,Concept, & Unity 6,500 Software License Renewals Wonderware Premium Support 20,000 1-6040-0620-30 400 BDR service 400 Hardware Subscription Renewals 1-6040-0640-00 $600 1-6040-0640-00 600 AWWA 230 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI International Society of Automation 250 PTIONS (E) GINS (E) Water Environment Federation 120 1-6040-0710-00 $14,475 1-6040-0710-50 3,750 Electrical Supplies 3,750 MATERIALS (E) Electrical Supplies 1-6040-0710-60 2,500 Hardware Supplies 2,500 Hardware Supplies 1-6040-0710-72 0 Calibration supplies 0 Calibration Supplies 1-6040-0710-78 8,225 Flow Meter 2,500 Meters & Sensors Integral Manflods for Flow & Pressure Meters 1,400 Pressure Meter 0 Level Indicators 4,325 LEL Sensors 0 1-6040-0730-00 $72,770 1-6040-0730-15 1,500 Flow Meter Calibration 1,500 MAINTENANCE (E) Flow Meter Calibration 1-6040-0730-20 18,000 Electrical General Maintenance 18,000 Electrical General Maintenance Reservoir Sensor Access (2 sites) 0 1-6040-0730-25 5,000 Electrical Motor Control Center Work 5,000 Electrical Motor Control Center Work 1-6040-0730-30 4,650 Conduit Replacement/ Wiring Replacement 4,000 Cabling & WAN Communication Cabling & WAN Communication 650 1-6040-0730-40 7,500 Radio repairs & Servicing 7,500 Radio repairs & Servicing 1-6040-0730-00 $72,770 1-6040-0730-45 10,900 M340 system/ PLC's 5,000 MAINTENANCE (E) PLC Hardware Moduals replacements 3,100 Terminal Blocks/Other parts 1,500 Power supplies & componets 500 Signal Conditioners-Converters 800 1-6040-0730-52 10,000 PLC - SCADA Modifications 10,000 PLC Software 1-6040-0730-55 1,800 Security & Gas detectors 1,800 Security & Gas detectors 1-6040-0730-60 5,420 UPS & Back-up Power systems (Redundent 24Vdc Power 5,420 UPS & Back-up Power systems 1-6040-0730-61 3,000 Cooling & A/C Service 3,000 Cooling A/C Servicing 1-6040-0730-62 5,000 Instrumentation 5,000 Instrumentation 1-6040-0750-00 $38,120 1-6040-0750-09 6,670 Cisco 1841 Router - Red Pine 1,890 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Networking Equipment Field Routers, Switches, Fiber Device Servers 1,000 Cisco 1841 Router -Walnut 1,890 Cisco 1841 Router - Hidden Oaks 1,890 1-6040-0750-30 1,550 Tools & Equipment 1,550 Tools & Equipment 1-6040-0750-35 5,600 Security 5,600 Security 1-6040-0750-55 5,000 PLCs & Panels 5,000 PLCs & Panels 1-6040-0750-65 10,500 Electrical Upgrades 10,500 Electrical Upgrades 1-6040-0750-70 8,800 (Radio) Box Canyon to Hidden Hills 3,800 Redundant SCADA Communications Radio Systems (Radio) Elk Mt to Hidden Hills with Conduit to res 5,000 1-6040-0750-80 0 Gas Detector Replacement 0 Gas Detector Replacement 1-6040-0750-85 0 Standby Generators 0 Standby Generators 1-6040-0750-90 0 Calibration equipment 0 Calibration Equipment 1-6040-0760-00 $300 1-6040-0760-30 300 Manuals/Books/Magazines 300 OFFICE EXPENSE (E) Books & Publications 1-6040-0780-00 $23,000 1-6040-0780-11 0 Network/Hardware Consulting 0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Network/Hardware Consulting 1-6040-0780-20 23,000 PLC program to Concept Valley View 6,000 Software Consulting PLC program to Concept OC-51 4,000 PLC program to Concept Bryant Ranch 3,000 SCADA system programing 10,000 1-6040-0780-50 0 Technical Support 0 Technical Support 1-6040-0810-00 $4,300 1-6040-0810-00 4,300 Awwa training 500 Training Training Wonderware training 2,400 PLC programing training 1,400 1-6040-0830-00 $1,400 1-6040-0830-00 1,400 Awwa Conference 1,400 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $214,416 1 i i i -71 Vehicles Capital Items Budget Dept: IT FY 2012 IT (Information Systems) Upgrade District Firewalls The current District firewalls are over 6 years old. 18,500 The District has received notice of the End of life for our model firewalls. Support for the current firewalls will continue for about another year, however improvements and features have stopped. The District will benefit from improved security methods and a faster processor for todays more advanced web applications and hackers. IT (Information Systems) Replacement of 2 Servers Two servers within IS have been identified for 18,000 replacement. They are over 6 years old and are being used outside there useful life cycle. These servers are critical to District operations as they host many of the day to day applications used by District personnel. IT (SCADA) Box Canyon - Pressure Reducing Replace one unreliable propeller flow meter with a 8,600 Station Flow Meter new Water Master Magnetic Meter like the flow meters installed at our newer sites that can be calibrated. IT (SCADA) PLC relocation at Bryant Ranch The old poorly mounted PLC panel is located 14,750 outside the reservoirs fenced area. This creates a security risk that needs to be addressed! The PLC also needs a new back-up power system but the panel is too small for the existing equipment. The wiring running through the one 1/2 inch conduit is cramed full which causes maintenance problems. A new larger panel and conduit will be installed durring the relocation. IT (Information Systems) Network Infrastructure These improvements will bring building 1, 2 and 3 19,500 Improvements between District building-to-building wired network on par with the buildings Administration office (building 4). The wired and wireless network improvements will be needed in order for the District network to better handle the increase in the volume of data being sent through the District network by GIS and CMMS. IT (SCADA) Server replacement (SCADA) This eight year old SCADA terminal server has come 14,500 to the end of its useful life and is starting to have more & more reliability issues. This server supports remote access to the SCADA system and the terminal server clients used for the big screens in the SCADA control room. The direct attached storage (DAS) storage array will be replaced by a network attached storage unit (NAS) IT (GIS) 0 Total Vehicles & Capital $93,850 Items ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $38,800 To: Citizens Advisory Committee Cost Estimate: $38,800 Funding Source: Operating Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Dept: Information Technology Prepared By: Robyn Shaw, Info Sytm Tech II/Programmer Subject: Cell Phone Contracts SUMMARY: At the PACT meeting held on March 7, 2011 Director Hawkins requested this item be placed on the next PACT meeting agenda for discussion. The District has a total of 58 phones and 7 wireless broadband access cards. The 58 phones reside on 3 different carrier contracts which are Sprint/Nextel, Verizon and AT&T. All vendors provide government pricing to the District which vary by carrier and by the type of service. Typical discounts range from 12% to 18%. Government discounts vary greatly when purchasing hardware. Attached for the Committee's review is a summary of all cell phone carriers and plans that the District currently utilizes. DISCUSSION: The Sprint/Nextel contract currently has 46 phones. The bulk of these phones from Sprint/Nextel are the District's phone/radios sometimes referred to by District staff as Nextel radios. Four of the phones are "smart phones" which also include a data plan. The data plans allow District staff with smart phones the ability to receive District e-mail, calendar updates, contacts and access to the internet. The Verizon contract was initially sought by the District's IT Department for wireless broadband internet access. With the wireless broadband card and the service, District staff can access the internet and the District network using a laptop computer. This allows District staff to travel and still be able to work remotely as long as there is Verizon coverage. The District currently has 3 smart phones in this contract, with one currently on hold. The AT&T contract has 5 smart phones, all of which include data plans. All the phones in this contract are being used by Department heads. IT staff will look into reducing the number of cell phone contract carriers and will prepare a recommendation for action within the coming months. ATTACHMENTS: !game: Description: Type: District Cell Phone Summary.pdf Summary Backup Material Cell Phone Contracts The district has a total of 58 phones and 7 wireless broadband access cards. We are utilizing 3 phone carriers and have an average monthly bill of $2,571 Carrier Plan Type Users Average Monthly Budgeted for Cost 2010/2011 AT&T Phone with Data Lee Cory $188 $5,100 Plan Ken Vecchiarelli Gina Knight Steve Conklin Steven Parker _ Verizon Phone With Data Pat Grady $1303 $9,700 Plan John DeCriscio Derek Nguyen _ Wireless broadband 7 $315 access cards Sprint/Nextel Basic Phone Plan 46 $1,576 v $24,004 Phone Plan with Art Vega $252 Data Harold Hulbert Anthony Manzano Ruben Gonzales ITEM NO. 3.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $300,000 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Cost Estimate: $248,626 Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Job No: 200915 Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Dept: Information Technology Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director CEQA Compliance: N/A Subject: Computerized Maintenance & Management System Project Status SUMMARY: On July 22, 2010, the Board authorized the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Westin Engineering, in the amount of $248,626, to provide Computerized Maintenance & Management System (CMMS) software and implementation services. The software proposed by Westin Engineering was Azteca's CityWorks software solution. The scope of work in the professional services agreement identified 6 phases. District staff and Westin Engineering are currently working on Phase 4 of this project. DISCUSSION: District IT staff assessed the status, schedule and expenditures to date with regard to the Westin Engineering agreement. The project is approximately 3.5 months behind schedule. This is in part due to Westing Engineering's workload with other projects and in part due to the unavailability of the District's project manager. The CityWorks implementation is approximately 50% complete. The District has paid Westin Engineering $135,113.52 (54%) of the $248,626.00 professional services contract to date. The project consists of 6 phases as shown in the table below: Phase Phase Name Tasks Status 1 Plan Implementation Planning Completed Assessment and Process Mapping, Read the 2 Define Develop Conceptual Implementation following Model paragraph. CMMS Core Training and Design, 3 Design Vendor Software Installation and Completed Setup System Configuration, Data Conversion Interfaces Development, 4 Construct System and Integration Testing, In Progress Report Development 5 Deploy Training, Cut-over and Full Not Started O erations 6 Su ort Su ort Not Started During the Phase 2 (Define) workshops of this project, held the week of November 15 at the Districts EOC room, District Operations staff voiced concerns with limitations on how CityWorks implements Preventative Maintenance (PM). CityWorks does not store historical work orders generated for particular assets. Instead, it stores only the last PM report for a particular asset. After discussing several workarounds suggested by Westin's Senior Consultant II, he finally proposed looking into iWater's InfraMap software as a possible solutions that other CityWorks clients use to further enhance their CMMS software. Operations staff representatives visited Cucamonga Valley Water District to evaluate how they use InfraMap in combination with CityWorks software. Following this visit, staff overwhelmingly recommended obtaining this software based on their discussions with Cucamonga Valley Water District staff, seeing firsthand the software in use and how it would work well with our PM practices. Staff also determined that InfraMap provides other useful features that would benefit the District. District staff is currently evaluating the cost/benefit of purchasing the InfraMap software compared to other possible solutions, including custom programming that Westin's staff can recommend or provide. There will be a forthcoming meeting with District staff and Westin to evaluate InfraMap or come up with another solution. All other tasks of Phase 2 have been completed. Phase 4 of this project is currently in progress. Phase 4 (Construct) consists of the following tasks: System Configuration, Data Conversion, Interfaces Development, System and Integration Testing, and Report Development. System Configuration which includes items such as user setup and work order setup is almost complete. Data Conversion is still in progress with the District to provide Westin Engineering with additional asset information in order to populate the District's GIS geodatabase. Interfaces Development is in progress. Westin has developed the interfaces, but will visit the District within the next month so staff can do initial testing and therefore further refine the interface based on District staff input. System and Integration Testing and Report Development tasks have not been started. Westin is currently setting up a test environment on the Districts CMMS computer server using District asset data to continue working on the Interfaces Development task identified in phase 4. They are also evaluating the initial asset data that District Finance staff provided. If Westin needs the District to provide more detailed asset data than has been provided, additional time will also be required to complete Phase 4. District staff is working with Westin Engineering on updating the project schedule and will provide this at the next regularly scheduled PACT meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: - ype: YLWD_cmms project_schedule _20101008.PDF YLWD CMMS project Schedule Backup Material 3 xi r la ,s ~ cc3az$s$ ~a-.~a~m'a`. a a~^€--a SSaSM ac ~ aaa5Sm"C 'a a'a 'm99oaaa: rt rr Sg~$2oa3$aaaaa~aaaaSa aaBaa B2~aaoBoaaBaFoa ZI o' * b' a o~~ooooeeomeoervNerveeoo~ooHOVee+gReo^eeoe'^^o ~ E E a $ - E s g~ 4mEd~o= e $ a m~maa s =b~~:~ ~ e m °4a1.g3 8E oaa Y89 ~~~5~ Ey=E aoS,~xRRS8o IS EE 'e `s s`e U a E$ R m Meg, m 00E. o g m 8 'e m 6 'm 8 E fw 3^ o~~ to fi o n 8 a = 8 0 0 ? 80o xy, ~ '-Ee, " H S 5a°-mBt3o~m ~ a €89 yE E ; s a m T~''~ e~S Ng~ €9a 91.2 g~gB_=o~3c3~~s g oo$Lmm ~8y $ Eo30 t @ `y"a e~7i s o` o ooo°wgooass .83 8i4 t8 9 EE aaN of 'pi8a ~ e ga a aU " o q 5 A V;; A.: e~h ajl.aaa ITEM NO. 3.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Subject: Video Recording of Board of Directors Meetings SUMMARY: In the March Public Affairs-Communication-Technology Committee Meeting, the Committee asked staff to research what the estimated costs would be to design and install a video recording solution for the District's Board Room in comparison to an outside vendor's quote. Attached are cost estimates for both staff and consultant installed systems. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Video Recorder in Board Room.docx Board Room Video Recorder Options Backup Material PUBLIC AFFAIRS on Video in the Board Room INSTALLATION & RECORDING SERVICE 1 Service Prices _ Broa ger- A p Front Perltianth Per;dreeting First Year-$12,144 Annually-$4644 Broadcast6anager" 1000 First Year- $21,700 Annually- $7,200 Continuous Monitoring?one camera) $7.500 $1'19 $129 w~ B vhan ager~ 4000 ~ $14,500 $199 $199 {Conti ` 'ng:'four cameras) rr , BraadcastManagerTM First Year -$84,200 Annually-$25,200 v. Robotic. Up Front Per Month Perivleeting Broadcastl,tanager- 3000 First Year- $117,800 Annually- $28,800 (ContinuousfJ0nitoiin-'three $59,000 $700 $700 ro 6 o ti c cam e ras) Broadcast',1an alter' 6000 (Continuous fdanitoring' six, $89,000 $800 $800 I'O h'n tl r Cam P_ 'A First Year-$ 63, 000 Annually-$24,000 BroadcastManager- First Year- $77,800 Annually- $28,800 Advanced Robotic Ser,,i . Up Front Per bLonth Per Mieeting Broadcastlv1an alter' 3000i {Continuous MOnibDring three $39,000 $600 $700 robotic cameras BroadcastMciri ager" 6000i (Continuous Monitoring: six $49,000 $800 ro b o ti c cam e ras ) o%TV BroadcastManager- HD Robotic Services Pert,lonth Pert4eeting Broadcastldranager" 3000 HD (Continuous Monitoring !three $1,200 $700 robotic HD cameras) Broadca5t0tan alter" (000HD {Continuous (.Monitoring !six $139,0 $800 robotic HD cameras) 'Al., costs are based on (2) m month and maximum length of four(4) cantin.iaus hours. Additional charges will or more than (2) meetings per month and meetings that run beyond (4) continuous hours. 100- NOTES Gov TV would record and operate the camera(s) from a remote location and provide us with DVDs for archiving purposes, eliminating staff time and responsibility for the recording process. Installation and recording prices and costs do not include a separate cost for streaming and archiving of Board Meetings through Granicus, which would cost between $4,800-84oo a year. Proposed Video solution for YLWD Board Room utilizing staff PUBLIC AFFAIRS ?on Video in the Board Room NOTES: The problems we face include the removable wall location, short depth but wide room when the wall is down, and the relative darkness for the colors of woods & lighting. COST 1. Cameras, four with video recorder licenses (about $1375 each installed) $ 5,500.00 2. Cabling, about 280' runs X 4 with Cat6A $ 2,000.00* 3. Network attached storage (NAS) Dell NX3100 to store video files $ 5,350.00 4. Integration with the media system, adding a sound output. $ 1,500.00* 5. Network streaming video (setup fee) S 99.00 TOTAL S14,449.00 Note * = estimated Additional Monthly fees: $130.00 for demand or hosted live video fee. Video Solution Includes • Three south facing cameras; O Two cameras to show the Staff area so for example the camera on the west side will show the General Manager, HR Manager, the one on the east would show Operation Manager Etc. O The third camera will focus on the Board members from a ceiling pole mount centered just in front of the room divider wall. • One camera facing the podium will be located below the large presentation screen; this camera will also cover a large portion of the audience. • Cable will be run from the cameras to the existing switch in data center. With power-over-Ethernet cabling no additional wiring or electrical power will be needed. • The streaming video will run to our existing network digital video recorder. The video will be automatically saved to a network attached storage device to prevent it from being over written prematurely. • Using 4 cameras allows all the "action" to be recorded without someone having to operate them, zooming in/out to view who is talking, or worse trying to cover a back and forth at opposite sides. Also the PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) cameras cost two and a half to three time more, and require more repairs and replacements. I would be possible to show all 4 camera views on one web page at the same time (split four ways). • Sound from all the Microphones integrated into the media system would be connect (wired back) into one of the cameras so the sound will be synchronized and stored with the video. The remaining camera microphones will be active • On demand or hosted live video feed for up to 100 views will cost $130.00 a month after a $99.00 installation/setup fee. Three month min. then month to month terms. Optionally we could stream our own using Microsoft media player format software cost about $650.00. COMPARISON First Year Total: Annual costs: Pros: Cons: Gov'IV & GRANICUS $18,144 (one camera & $1o,644 • System can evolve or • Cost $50o est. cost for granicus) grow based on need • Completely outsourced STAFF SOLUTION $16,oo9 (4 cameras & $1,56o • Cost • Need staffto operate storage) cameras and edit finished product. • Staff must maintain hardware and is responsible for web streaming and updates. ITEM NO. 3.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Subject: Governor Brown's End of Drought Declaration SUMMARY: On March 30th California Governor Edmund Brown declared the California Drought was over. However, even with an abundance of new snow pack and increased water storage in our local reservoirs, Southern California is still highly reliant on water transported from outside of our region. Furthermore, conveying that water several hundreds of miles to Southern California remains a daunting task. Whether from northern California via the State Water Project Aqueduct or from the Colorado River via the Colorado River Aqueduct, we should remember that until a solution for long- term reliability is reached, Californians should continue making efficient use of water a way of life. ITEM NO. 3.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 Subject: Ideas for Spring Newsletter Content (Verbal Report) ATTACHMENTS: Nam Spring Newsletter Content.pdf Backup Material Backup Material PUBLIC AFFAIRS 2011 YLWD SPRING NEWSLETTER CONTENT 4 LETTER FROM THE GM- OVERVIEW ON WATER SITUATION IN CA/RESPONSE TO GOV BROWN & LIFTING OF THE SUNDAY WATERING::BAN. ♦ NEW CAC ♦ AUDIO OF MEETINGS ♦ OHIO ST CONSTRUCTION UPDATE ♦ WATER EDUCATION FEST - CAFR AWARD 6 CITY OF YORBA LINDA SEWER TRANSFER ITEM NO. 3.9 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2011 Subject: Sewer Transfer Community Outreach and Education (Verbal Report) ATTACHMENTS: Nan) Sewer Transfer Media Advisory.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Damon Micalizzi, Public Affairs Phone: (714) 701-3033 Fax: (714) 701-3028 E-mail: damon@ylwd.com YLWD BOARD VOTES TO ACCEPT SEWED TRANSFER FROM CITY Placentia and Yorba Linda, CA (AprilA4,-24e1%: The Yo~a..,Linda Water District Board of Directors decided in a unanimous vote#e..accept . e proposedaransfer of the sewer system currently operated and maintained by "th. City.pf`-Yptba,e.Lin~d'a. YLWD already provides water service to those residp....* jiving on the" eastern ~ thirdbflhe City. "This transfer agreein f makes th-a,'Most seirise for our customers," said YLWD General Manager Ken Ve&6 relli. "We're "'ready sera d ng those customers on the water side, so this agreement will pr64de contfii7b gpross the";City." v YLWD is_ft.,ectetl;;#o..take mover maintenance of the east end sewers in May. I