HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-11 - Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT FINANCE-ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, July 11, 2011, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Stephen Parker, Finance Director Director Robert R. Kiley 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Sewer Maintenance Charges for Locke Ranch, Multi-Family Residential and Commercial/Industrial Accounts Transferred from the City of Yorba Linda as of July 1, 2011 and Areas Outside of the District for Fiscal Year 2011/12 Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve a resolution adopting the sewer maintenance charge for Locke Ranch, multi-family residential and commercial/industrial accounts transferred from the City of Yorba Linda as of July 1, 2011, and elect to have the charge collected on the Fiscal Year 2011112 Tax Roll and rescind Resolution No. 10-14. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Status Report on Committee Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives 3.2. May 2011 Budget to Actual Results 3.3. May 2011 Investment Report 3.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Finance-Accounting Committee will be held on August 8, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 11, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $330 To: Finance-Accounting Committee Cost Estimate: $550 Funding Source: Sewer Operating Fund Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Director Reviewed by Legal: Pending Prepared By: Joann Gitmed, Accounting CEQA Compliance: N/A Assistant II Subject: Sewer Maintenance Charges for Locke Ranch, Multi-Family Residential and Commercial/Industrial Accounts Transferred from the City of Yorba Linda as of July 1, 2011 and Areas Outside of the District for Fiscal Year 2011/12 SUMMARY: Each year at this time, the Board of Directors adopts the sewer maintenance charge collected by the District to finance maintenance of the public sewer system for customers in the Locke Ranch and other areas outside the District boundaries. The fees are then collected on the property tax rolls of the related customers. This year, with the transfer of over 6,400 connections from the City of Yorba Linda, the District will be collecting the maintenance charges for other customers on the property tax rolls. While the City of Yorba Linda did adopt their single family residence rate to agree to ours, their multi-family residence and commercial rates do not agree to ours. Due to the disparity in rates between the District's Sewer Maintenance Charges and the City of Yorba Linda's Sewer Maintenance Charges, it has been determined that those classifications with rate differences need to be placed on the tax roll for collection until a Proposition 218 process can be completed to equalize the rates. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve a resolution adopting the sewer maintenance charge for Locke Ranch, multi-family residential and commercial/industrial accounts transferred from the City of Yorba Linda as of July 1, 2011, and elect to have the charge collected on the Fiscal Year 2011/12 Tax Roll and rescind Resolution No. 10-14. DISCUSSION: The current Sewer Maintenance charges are as follows: Commercial-Industrial and Public Schools: 1. For all sewer customers in this category who use water meter reading, the rate shall be as follows: . First 2,200 cubic feet of water consumption per month: $5.50 per month. . All water consumption in excess of 2,201 cubic feet per month: $4.62 per 1,000 cubic feet. 2. Alternatively, for those customers who have a sewer meter or who can demonstrate to the District's satisfaction that 100% of the water meter reading ends up in the District's sewer system, the rates shall be as follows: . First 1,100 cubic feet per month: $5.50 per month . All metered use in excess of 1,101 cubic feet per month: $5.06 per 1,000 cubic feet Residential: 1. Residential - individually metered: $5.50 per month 2. Residential - master metered: $3.85 per month per unit Additionally, in April 2011, the Board of Directors voted to execute an agreement with the City of Yorba Linda which transferred the city-owned sewer system to the Yorba Linda Water District effective July 1, 2011. As a result of this transfer, additional parcels, solely those with multi-family residential, commercial and industrial accounts, need to be added to the current tax roll listing for collection of Sewer Maintenance Charges on the Fiscal Year 11/12 tax roll. The Sewer Maintenance Charges for the transferred accounts, which will continue to be assessed the same as the City of Yorba Linda in the prior year, are as follows: Commercial-Industrial and Public Schools: . Monthly Fixed Charged based on Meter Size (Attachment A) . Commodity rate charge of $ .176 per hundred cubic feet of water consumption, based on 90% of prior year water usage. Residential: 1. Residential - Individually Metered: $5.50 per month 2. Residential - Master Metered: $1.775 per month. The District collects the Sewer Maintenance Charge by adding it to the water bill of customers where the District provides water service and the customer also has a connection to the sewer system. For customers connected to the District sewer system that receive water service from another purveyor, the District collects the Sewer Maintenance Charge through the property tax rolls prepared by the County of Orange Auditor/Controller. This is the case in the Locke Ranch Area and other areas outside the District boundaries which receive water from Golden State Water Company. This process is legally authorized and established by Resolution of the Board. Due to the disparity in rates between the District's Sewer Maintenance Charges and the City of Yorba Linda's Sewer Maintenance Charges, it has been determined that those classifications with rate differences need to be placed on the tax roll for collection until a Proposition 218 process can be completed to equalize the rates. The Sewer Maintenance Charges are subject to the substantive and procedural requirements of Proposition 218 (California Constitution Article XIII D) barring an increase in the rates and/or a discretionary CPI increase of more than 5%, except with proper notification to the property owners affected allowing adequate opportunity to protest any such increases. Staff is not recommending a change to the current sewer maintenance charge at this time. To collect the current maintenance charges in the Locke Ranch Area, Multi-Family Residential and Commercial/Industrial Accounts Transferred from the City of Yorba Linda as of July 1, 2011 and other areas outside the District boundaries for Fiscal Year 2011/12, the County of Orange Auditor/Controller's Office requires a certified Resolution by the Board of Directors directing their office to add the charges to the tax rolls for the properties assessed. The County establishes a deadline in August to receive this information. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 26, 2007, the Board of Directors passed Resolution No. 07-13 adopting the current sewer maintenance charges. On June 10, 2010, the Board of Directors passed Resolution 10-14 adopting these charges for customers in the Locke Ranch Area as well as areas outside the District boundaries and electing to have the charges collected on the Fiscal Year 2010/11 tax roll. ATTACHMENTS: RI.<Arr) 9 cv, aticrt: u : Sewer Maintenance Charge Handout.pdf Handout Backup Material Summary of Billing Discrepancies Found with Transfer of City of Yorba Linda Sewers 1) City charged 30 accounts on property tax rolls when YLWD was already (appropriately) billing. 2) District charged 70 accounts on bills customers that were City of Yorba Linda's. 3) City neglected to charge 185 accounts that belonged to the City (5 of which the District incorrectly charged). 4) City charged 626 residences the single family rate, when they were actually multi-family residences. CALLS TRANQUILL g m r l I W I y ~ I U ,r 504%F;~ 11 C;A. iJ J Kt 20659 5047 0 \ m 5050 / 934630 A L(' ~CVENI DE LOS REYES 20659 °UNTO, JISTA 5050 - 5061©~ vv 5066 T i us~~FNIDA L), LOS E, \ A\, N I D,-,, DG LOS REYES PUNTO DE VISTA VW 141 -5 Cl I 'J" Q 5058 ®j' \ 5Q06 5076AVENIDA DE LOS REYE/ V 50/, AVENIDA DL LOS RLY~ \ 5,I v i c~~ 5075 Goo Iy. 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of Yorba Linda Meter Installation Customer 4YrCut0ff Location Service Address Citx Date Start Date or Start Date End Date q of Days # of Yrs # of Months 4 Year Calculation 979301 4735 GREEN CREST DR YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 08/20/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979544 4745 GREEN CREST YORBA LINDA 05/10/05 05/10/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 966454 25536 PALERMO WAY YORBA LINDA 01/05/11 01/OS/11 01/05/11 01/05/11 - 0.0 - - 930925 25577 SALERNO WAY YORBA LINDA 01/OS/11 01/OS/11 01/05/11 01/05/11 - 0.0 - 979638 4445 SAN ANTONIO RD YORBA LINDA 08/22/OS 08/22/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 969583 5435 VIA CERVANTES YORBA LINDA 01/29/90 06/01/10 06/01/10 05/31/11 364 1.0 12 65.82 976432 20385 LONGBAY DR YORBA LINDA 05/01/06 05/01/06 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 977304 20310 CHANNING LN YORBA LINDA 04/01/09 04/01/09 04/01/09 05/31/11 790 2.2 26 142.85 976268 20320 HERBSHEY CIRCLE YORBA LINDA 08/01/07 08/01/07 08/01/07 05/31/11 1,399 3.8 46 252.97 979339 21666 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 01/01/05 01/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979424 21514 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 02/01/07 02/01/07 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979425 21504 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 06/01/05 06/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979172 21255 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 01/01/09 01/01/09 01/01/09 05/31/11 880 2.4 29 159.12 979171 21205 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/01/04 04/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979467 3984 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 12/01/05 12/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979092 3981 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 10/01/07 10/01/07 10/01/07 05/31/11 1,338 3.7 44 241.94 979093 3991 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 01/01/09 01/01/09 01/01/09 05/31/11 880 2.4 29 159.12 979455 21350 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/01/05 04/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979204 21400 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/09 05/31/11 729 2.0 24 131.82 979206 21440 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/02/04 04/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979207 21460 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/02/04 05/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979341 21670 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 10/08/04 12/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979405 21669 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 12/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979379 21675 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/30/04 01/01/OS 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979383 21676 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/15/04 11/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979381 21680 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/1S/04 11/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979380 21707 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/30/04 02/01/08 02/01/08 05/31/11 1,215 3.3 40 219.70 979406 21667 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 12/01/07 12/01/07 05/31/11 1,277 3.5 42 230.91 } 979340 21668 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 10/08/04 10/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979407 21665 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 01/01/OS 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979307 21664 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 11/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979306 21662 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 11/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979408 21661 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 02/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979305 21660 CA51NO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 10/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979304 21640 CA51NO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 12/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979213 3993 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 10/01/09 10/01/09 05/31/11 607 1.7 20 109.76 979214 3998 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 05/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979212 3983 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 10/01/09 10/01/09 05/31/11 607 1.7 20 109.76 979215 3988 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 02/16/11 02/01/11 02/01/11 05/31/11 119 0.3 4 21.52 979211 3973 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 12/01/07 12/01/07 05/31/11 1,277 3.5 42 230.91 979216 3978 SAGE RIDGE DRIVE YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 05/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979235 21502 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/17/04 07/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979236 21512 SADDLE RIDGE DRIVE YORBA LINDA 08/03/10 08/01/10 08/01/10 05/31/11 303 0.8 10 54.79 Meter Installation Customer 4 Yr Cut Off Location Service Address city Date Start Date or Start Date End Date # of Days # of Yrs # of Months 4 Year Calculation 979242 21522 SADDLE RPDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/22/04 03/01/08 03/01/08 05/31/11 1,186 3.2 39 214.45 979237 21532 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/17/04 01/01/OS 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979238 21542 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/14/04 12/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979240 21562 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/17/04 02/01/07 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979239 21552 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 09/08/10 02/14/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979210 3963 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 02/02/05 04/30/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979209 3953 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 04/04/08 04/04/08 05/31/11 1,152 3.2 38 208.31 979229 21500 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 02/02/05 11/19/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979243 21510 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/31/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979244 21520 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/06/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979245 21540 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/19/04 08/12/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979246 21560 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979247 21580 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979414 21584 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 12/21/04 01/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979428 21575 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 01/07/05 06/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979413 21564 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 05/27/11 05/01/11 05/01/11 05/31/11 30 0.1 1 5.42 979427 21555 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 03/18/11 10/01/09 10/01/09 05/31/11 607 1.7 20 109.76 979412 21544 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 12/21/04 01/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979411 21534 HAWKEYE RIDGE OR YORBA LINDA 12/21/04 08/01/08 08/01/08 05/31/11 1,033 2.8 34 186.79 979426 21535 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 01/17/05 02/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979423 21524 HAWKEYE RIDGE OR YORBA LINDA 01/17/05 08/01/08 08/01/08 05/31/11 1,033 2.8 34 186.79 979382 21678 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/15/04 12/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979361 21672 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/02/04 11/01/04 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979378 21671 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 02/04/09 03/01/09 03/01/09 05/31/11 821 2.2 27 148.45 979362 21674 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 01/27/11 01/01/11 01/01/11 05/31/11 150 0.4 5 27.12 979469 21383 CA51NO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 02/10/05 03/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 979090 3971 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 06/04/08 02/01/05 06/01/07 05/31/11 1,460 4.0 48 264.00 14,834.09 Meter Installation Customer Location Service Address Date Stan Dare End Date a of Days a of Yrs k of Months Rate Total Total YLWD Sewer Rates # of Days 0 of Yrs # of Months 979301 4735 GREEN CREST DR YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 08/20/04 07/30/07 1,074 2.9 35 123.58 1/1/2000 10/1/2001 2.00 639 1.75 21 42.02 08/01/07 05/31/11 1,399 3 8 46 252.97 376.55 101112001 10/1/2003 2.50 730 2.00 24 60.00 979544 4745 GREEN CREST YORBA LINDA OS/30/OS OS/10/OS 07/30/07 811 2.2 27 93.32 10/1/2003 8/1/2007 3.50 1,400 3.84 46 161.10 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 346.11 8/1/2007 5/1/2011 5.50 1,369 3.75 45 247.55 966454 25536 PALERMO WAY YORBA LINDA 01/05/11 01/OS/11 01/OS/11 - 0.0 - - - 930925 25577 SALERNO WAY YORBA LINDA 01/05/11 01/OS/11 01/OS/11 - 0.0 - - - 979638 4445 SAN ANTONIO RD YORBA LINDA 08/22/05 08/22/05 07/30/07 707 1.9 23 81.35 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 334.14 969583 5435 VIA CERVANTES YORBA LINDA 01/29/90 06/01/10 05/30/11 363 1.0 12 65.64 65.64 976432 20385 LONGBAY DR YORBA LINDA 05/01/06 05/01/06 07/30/07 455 1.2 15 52.36 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 25Z.79 305.15 977304 20310 CHANNING LN YORBA LINDA 04/01/09 04/01/09 05/30/11 789 2.2 26 142.67 142.67 976268 20320 HERBSHEY CIRCLE YORBA LINDA 08/01/07 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 252.79 979339 21666 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 01/01/0S 01/01/0S 07/30/07 940 2.6 31 108.16 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 360.95 979424 21514 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 02/01/07 02/01/07 07/30/07 179 0.5 6 20.60 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 273.39 979425 21504 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 06/01/05 06/01/05 07/30/07 789 2.2 26 90.79 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 343.58 979172 21255 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 01/01/09 01/26/09 05/30/11 854 2.3 28 154.42 154.42 979171 21205 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/01/04 04/01/04 07/30/07 1,215 3.3 40 139.81 8/1/2007 5/30/2011 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 392.60 979467 3984 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 12/01/05 12/01/05 07/30/07 606 1.7 20 69.73 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 322.52 979092 3981 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 10/01/07 10/01/07 05/30/11 1,337 3.7 44 241.76 241.76 979093 3991 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 01/01/09 01/01/09 05/30/11 879 2.4 29 158.94 158.94 979455 21350 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/01/05 04/01/05 07/30/07 850 2.3 28 97.81 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 350.60 979204 21400 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 06/01/09 06/01/09 05/30/11 728 2.0 24 131.64 131.64 979206 21440 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/02/04 04/01/04 07/30/07 1,215 3.3 40 139.81 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 392.60 979207 21460 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 04/02/04 05/01/04 07/30/07 1,185 3.2 39 136.36 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 389.15 979341 21670 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 10/08/04 12/01/04 07/30/07 971 2.7 32 111.73 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 364.52 979405 21669 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 12/01/04 07/30/07 971 2.7 32 111.73 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 364.52 979379 21675 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/30/04 01/01/05 07/30/07 940 2.6 31 108.16 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 360.95 979383 21676 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/15/04 11/01/04 07/30/07 1,001 2.7 33 115.18 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.B 46 252.79 367.97 979381 21680 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/15/04 11/01/04 07/30/07 1,001 2.7 33 115.18 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 367.97 979380 21707 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/30/04 02/01/08 05/30/11 1,214 3.3 40 219.52 219.52 979406 21667 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 12/01/07 05/30/11 1,276 3.5 42 230.73 230.73 979340 21668 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 10/08/04 10/01/04 07/30/07 1,032 2.8 34 118.75 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 371.54 979407 21665 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 01/01/05 07/30/07 940 2.6 31 169.97 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 422.76 979307 21664 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 11/01/04 07/30/07 1,001 2.7 33 115.18 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 367.97 979306 21662 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 11/01/04 07/30/07 1,001 2.7 33 181.00 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 433.79 979408 21661 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 12/09/04 02101105 07/30/07 909 2.5 30 104.60 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 357.39 979305 21660 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 10/01/04 07/30/07 1,032 2.8 34 118.75 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 371.54 979304 21640 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 08/20/04 12/01/04 07/30/07 971 2.7 32 111.73 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 364.52 979213 3993 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA D4/20/04 10/01/09 OS/30/11 606 1.7 20 10958 10958 Meter Installation Customer Location Serv c_e Address City Date Start Date End Date 0 of Days a of Yrs R of Months Rate Total Total YLWD Sewer Rates 9 of Days N of Yrs 9 of Months 979214 3998SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 OS/01/04 07/30/07 1,185 3.2 39 214.27 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 467.06 979212 3983 SAGE RIDGE DR Y0R8A LINDA 04/20/04 10/01/09 05/30/11 606 1.7 20 109.58 109.58 979215 3988 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 02/16/11 02/01/11 OS/30/11 118 0.3 4 21.34 21.34 979211 3973 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA D4/20/04 12/01/07 05/01/11 1,247 3.4 41 225.48 225.48 979216 3978 SAGE RIDGE DRIVE YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 OS/01/04 07/30/07 1,185 3.2 39 136.36 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 389.15 979235 21502 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA D6/17/04 07/01/04 07/30/07 1,124 3.1 37 129.34 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 382.13 979236 21512 SADDLE RIDGE DRIVE YORBA LINDA 08/03/10 08/01/10 05/30/11 302 0.8 10 54.61 54.61 979242 21522 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/22/04 03/01/08 05/30/11 1,185 3.2 39 214.27 214.27 979237 21532 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/17/04 01/01/05 07/30/07 940 2.6 31 108.16 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.B 46 252.79 360.95 979238 21542 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/14/04 12/01/04 07/30/07 971 2.7 32 111.73 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 364.52 979240 21562 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 06/17/04 02/01/07 06/01/07 120 0.3 4 13.81 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 266.60 979239 21552 SADDLE RIDGE WAY YORBA LINDA 09/08/10 02/14/05 07/30/07 895 2.5 29 103.10 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 3SS.89 979210 3963 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 02/02/05 04/30/04 07130107 1,186 3.2 39 136.47 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 389.26 979209 3953 SAGE RIDGE DR YORBA LINDA 04/20/04 04/04/08 05/30/11 1,151 3.2 38 132.44 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 385.23 979229 21500 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 02/02/05 11/19/04 07/30/07 983 2.7 32 113.11 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 365.90 979243 21510 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/31/04 07/30/07 1,063 2.9 35 122.32 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 375.11 979244 21520 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/06/04 07/30/07 1,088 3.0 36 125.19 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 377,98 979245 21540 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/19/04 013/12/04 07/30/07 1,082 3.0 36 124.50 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 377.29 979246 21560 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/01/04 07/30/07 1,093 3.0 36 125.77 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 378.56 979247 21SBO CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 07/14/04 08/01/04 07/30/07 1,093 3.0 36 125.77 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 378.56 979414 21584 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 12/21/04 01/01/05 07/30/07 940 2.6 31 108.16 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 360.95 979428 21575 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 01/07/05 06/01/05 07/30/07 789 2.2 26 90.79 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.B 46 252.79 343.58 979413 21564 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 05/27/11 05/01/11 05/30/11 29 O.i 1 5.24 5.24 979427 21S5S HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 03/18/11 10/01/09 OS/30/11 606 1.7 20 109.58 109.58 979412 21544 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 12/21/04 01/01/05 07/30/07 940 2.6 31 108.16 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 360.95 979411 21534 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 12/21/04 O8/O1/O8 05/30/11 1,032 2.8 34 186.61 186.61 979426 21535 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 01/17/05 02/01/05 07/30/07 909 2.5 30 104.60 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 357.39 979423 21524 HAWKEYE RIDGE CIR YORBA LINDA 01/17/05 O8/O1/O8 OS/30/11 1,032 2.8 34 186.61 186.61 979382 21678CASIN0 RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/15/04 12/01/04 07/30/07 971 2.7 32 111.73 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 364.52 979361 21672 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 11/02/04 11/01/04 07/30/07 1,001 2.7 33 115.18 08/01/07 OS/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 367.97 979378 21671 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 02/04/09 03/01/09 05/30/11 820 2.2 27 148.27 148.27 979362 21674 CASINO RIDGE RD Y0R8A LINDA 01/27/11 01/01/11 05/30/11 149 0.4 5 26.94 26.94 979469 21383 CASINO RIDGE RD YORBA LINDA 02/10/05 03/01/05 07/30/07 881 2.4 29 101.38 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.8 46 252.79 354.16 979090 3971 HOLLOW RIDGE CT YORBA LINDA 06/04/08 02/O1/OS 07/30/07 909 2.5 30 104.60 08/01/07 05/30/11 1,398 3.B 46 252.79 357.39 19,457.44 19,457.44 Nantucket, Cape Cod, Old Village, Camden, New Haven, Vermont, Waterbury, Dover, Plymouth, & Bedford 1 ~..o, o o° f~ d sA- e VGA • . '+r; ~ - ~o ~ ~ , ~ ~ s~ 4 6020,^ Qe 4,6 ~ ^O. ~\~7~ _ ti T _+w - C' Cit. ~ 4 ! ' 2~° .t ~ ~ 4,.,, I T Q JO Y„ C ~y i ""960 5$0 0 1 b r Ail, '90 Lh • 6; E j y .:i" G b 550 .~'gn~80 ~2`7C/0~"~`I•, r ,V° t c2pS~ 0~J, r ~G a ~v fR G7 y4,o Y DLO . tia ~c C 1 6'7 Jc, &q6✓ i O NSF 60 .1 G 11080 0 2 9B V U16 40 Legend "v' b U _ r v U6"' 60 +CS.A. ~~G 20 23 ;o ~r:{ Mme` no rn y.rmr 720,` 1 "a r40 6,620u 234b5 ~ r~ 67g0 r o 20, r Hydrants ~ J0 m. .v 4 LateralLine 6a~ sos.. 62,'2 Hydrant • bps7oe 4`~ 080 a ?~3" v i. 2i1 x} .S ' 67~a 0 4 672 62.'4 6215 Landscape ' 0200 67< S 670 6217 6213 s t Residential 6 6215 Mainline ° R 67 0 ' 6221 DOIR Ilk ° 219 32 Abandoned M 62 020 Active \ ~~.~-Iy 0223 W 6222 ServlceMeter z; I ? -o 6224 ~ Residential > Landscape o - o o r 0 SysternVa ve ,Z Hydrant p / 9 Mainline i _ APN Land Use Fixed Char Total _ChariService_Ad RoutelD~ APN Land-UselFixed Char Total Char,Service. Ad 7ROUteID APN land Ilca FIVed Char Total Char rpmicP Ad Rnuteln Yorba. Water I-listrict Salem, Portsmouth, Cambridge, Hartford . 1 RENTul ''R...rNTON RD 3 €37ir~ , 5 F~J~S 53y7 tiG+, s 38 5£351 586 Fg3 3~Q3 0831 5835 X839 J•`i.n9 58Ei1" x`•303r . ;.~1 5802 5814 5833 583/ .)A 5f300 5812 5&59 0 5881 a9" 53 08~ ~~BF~~ tits ~?3• ~ z, ~ ' 58.1.9 5823 5827.; 8t3 585'7 =ta>>c vy _ 53U6 58,1 _.581,7 582;1 5825' Sir 7 ~;1 5133 `855 586;a 58?7 5804 5808 g4 i Ffs53 570 8 Le 9end 5706, - LateralLine ~~,.r-"' ~ ~nn~ Hydrants 7.704 5702 - 620 POFi _110 TH RD. N N 6 F~ 4 O ? 6206 Hydrant 5700 6140 tl 6208 Landscape t 5 F> _ Residential E214 121'8: Main Line' 6216 E3220 Abandoned J n 5 a9 rx Active I ( 6221 © 2342_1 237-1 ServiceMeter I I 62,23 L j 23419 2341,5 ~6g 6150 Residential i 6225 \ L? qE~ ti. i 935 ,23x'60 Landscape 6227 G \p5 23421 234093 622.x. SysternValve 23419 23407 ' ' ~35> 33564 ` e Q a. Hydrant `@ \ G~53? SA?: L616G 23405 3G ~'S558 Z35.g0 Mainline 623 i5„ j 2 ,L3 y50 - 6233 X350 8 Gau_ ,t . r 622.0 ,4 t?35.3 6235 6222 CAh Bi - ~D~€ s~.IIeV "3470 2,502 23512` k 2 536 Q 6231 6224 i 6237 , 3,k1'L ,p82? q s ? 35116 -mss o, 6241 1 } G 624:3 6253 1`•''+~~" ~3c ~ l `.,w1E w , fin p AM 6245 6251 6247 ,6249 " ~ y, ~ ® ~ ~ - Canyon WARN Lastl'._USe Fize d_Ch Char Tota Char Service Ad Route l❑ "rba Li"clf3 WaterDistricl 42,i s R66 ,0B0XCANYU%CTU IT,?A 7c7 BY 936 842-65 SFR 66 66 5140 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 188 707 936-842-66 SFR 66 66 5140 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 19C 707 - - - - - 936-842-67 SFR 66 66 5140 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 18D 707 936-842-68 5FR 66 66 5140 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 18E 707 936-842-69 SFR 66 66 5140 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 18F 707 " G~J, _ f9 » 936-842-70 SFR 66 66 5140 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 18G 707 a7° < = w 936 842 11 11R 66 66 5140 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 18H 707 936-842-72 5FR 66 66 5205 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 19A 707 7 _'~l•v'n 4"= 936-842-735FR 66 665205 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 19B 707 f A - 936-842-74 SFR 66 66520S BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 19C 707 936-842-75 SFR 66 66 5205 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 19D 707 936-842-76 SFR 66 66 5205 BOX CANYON CT UN IT# 19E 707 936-842-775FR 66 665205 B0% CANYON CT UNIT# 19F 707 936-842-78 SFR 66 66 5205 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 19G 707 _ 936-842-79 SFR 66 66 5205 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 19H 707 936-842-80 SFR 66 66 5215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 20A 707 936-842-81 SFR 66 665215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT#ZOB 707 is 936-842-82 5FR 66 66 5215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 20C 707 - OOtS 1 936-842-83 SFR 66 66 5215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 20D 707 936-842-84 5FR 66 66 5215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 20E 707 • e _I 4 'i~ 936-842-85 SFR 66 66 5215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 2OF 707 936-842-86 SFR 66 665215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT#20G 707 936-842-87 SFR 66 66 5215 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 20H 707 936-842-88 5FR 66 66 5225 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 23A 707 \ ~ 5 Y ` I - +I - C . 936 842 89 5FR 66 66 5225 BO CANYON CT UNIT# 216 707 \ A 936-942-90 5FR 66 66 5225 80X CANYON CT UNIT# 21C 707 936-942-91 SFR 66 66 5225 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# ZID 707 V Y 936-842-92 5FR 66 66 5225 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 21E 707 A y- 936.842-93 SFR 66 665225 BOX CANYON CT UNIT#21F 707 936-842-945FR 66 665225 BOX CANYON CT UNIT#21G 707 936 842 95 5FR 66 66 5225 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 21H 707 936-842-96 5FR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 22A 707 .A 936-842-97 SFR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 226 707 N M, j 936-842-98 5FR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 22C 707 t~ ~ - 936-842-99 5FR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 22D 707 936-843-00 5FR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 22E 707 i9f 936-943-01 5FR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 22F 707 \ 2325 936-843-02 5FR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 22G 707 J - 936-843-03 5FR 66 66 5235 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 22H 707 936-843-045FR 66 665255 B0% CANYON CT UNIT#23A 707 V-' 936-843-05 SFR 66 66 5255 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 236 707 t 0 936-843-06 SFR 66 66 5255 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 23C 707 } C, - +936-843-07 SFR 66 66 5255 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 23D 707 5035 936-843-08 SFR 66 66 5255 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 23E 707 936 843 09 5FR 66 66 5255 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 23F 707 f i 936-843-10 5FR 66 66 5255 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 23G 707 936-843-115FR 66 66 5255 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 23H 707 1F ■ 936-843-12 SFR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24A 707 1 ■ 936-843-13 SFR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24B 707 JO ' 936-843-14 SFR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24C 707 5045 936-843-15 5FR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24D 707 r ? " 936-843-16 SFR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24E 707 y ` - f • - u T+ 936-843-17 5FR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24F 707 936-843-18 5FR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24G 707 Legend 936-843-19 5FR 66 66 5265 BOX CANYON CT UNIT# 24H 707 r'".,`. s 936-843-205FR 66 665170 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT# 25A 707 936-843-21 SFR 66 665170 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UN T4 25B 707 R Hydrants 4. .r 936-843-22 SFR 66 665170 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT4 25C 707 }¢p~ 936-843-23 SFR 66 66 5170 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#250 707 LateralLine 936-843-24 SFR 66 665170 TWILIGHTCANYON RD UNIT#25E 707 916-943-21 IFR 66 66 5170 TWILIGHTCANYON RD UNIT# 25F 707 HydrantLateral r 1, - 936-843-265FR 66 665170 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT# 25G 707 t: jy 936-843-275FR 66 665170 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UN IT#25H 707 Landscape 936-843-28 SFR 66 665160TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT# 26A 707 936-843-29 SFR 66 66 5160 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#266 707 Residential` 5110 936-843-30 SFR 66 665160 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT# 26C 707 936-843-315FR 66 665160 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT# 26D 707 MainLine L-J 5120 a 936-843-325FR 66 665160 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#26E 707 936-843-33 SFR 66 665160 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT# 26F 707 Abandoned - 936-843-34 SFR 66 665160 TWILIGHT CANVO N RD UN IT#26G 707 936-843-355FR 66 665160 TWILIGHT CA NYO N RD UN IT#26H 707 ° "Active 936-843-36 SFR 66 665140 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#27A 707 - - 936-843-37 SFR 66 665140 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#27B 707 Service Meter \ Z 5130 936-843-385FR 66 665140 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#27C 707 - 936-843-395FR 66 665140 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#27D 707 Residentia4 O 936-843-40 SFR 66 665140 TWILIGHT CANYON RD UNIT#27E 707 ,r a Copper Canyon 5430 ` Y u r.b 5420 5440 _ k 480 4df 5460 5450 G 44. 4 e I "VII r rba 1-in44-A water District Silver Canyon n , Try. - 5 01/2 `c 5340 , 5330 . 5350 5360 532a :1a r 10 5410 5380 l Cyr' ~ ; 400 5390 ;Inn ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 11, 2011 Budgeted: N/A To: Finance-Accounting Committee Funding Source: N/A Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Director Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Stephen Parker, Finance CEQA Compliance: N/A Director Subject: Status Report on Committee Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives DISCUSSION: Attached are the strategies in the 2011-2013 Strategic Plan that relate to Fiscal Responsibility, and will be overseen by the Finance-Accounting Committee. Included is an update on each strategy relating to Fiscal Responsibility. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 9, 2011 the Board adopted the 2011-2013 Strategic Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: i ype: Strategic Plan Tracking- FA.xlsx Strategic Plan - Fiscal Responsibility Update Backup Material Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report Finance-Accounting Committee Strategies Start Date Completion Lead Party Jul 2011 Progress Date FR 1: Maintain Fiducia Responsibility Develop a 5-year financial plan included in budget. Water FR 1-A Comprehensive Multi- Feb-11 Oct-11 Finance Director and sewer financial models should be available Year Financial Plan by December 2011. Prepare a High Level Annual Budget Document and Comprehensive Completed Budget June 2011. Submit for FR 1-B Annual Financial Feb-11 Jun-11 Finance award July 2011. Complete CAFR September Report and Compete Director 2011. Submit for award October 2011. for Recognition by the Government Finance Officers Association Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and General Preliminary review of fee schedule completed. A Regulation and FR 1-C Evaluate Fee Feb-11 Dec-11 Manager/ number of revisions to the water and sewer Finance rules and regs temporarily completed. Plan to Schedules fh Proper er Regularly Cost Director finalize in October for submission to November. Service Coverage Evaluate and Revise Completed March 2011. Consider changing FR 1-D the Sewer Fund Nov-10 Mar-11 Finance allocation methodology in conjunction with FY Allocation Director 2012/ 13 budget process. Maintain Commitment Include in Quarterly review of debt service ratios will Sept-09 Rate Quarterly Board of FR 1-E to Strong Debt continue as well as integrating the ratio into Increase Financial Directors Services Ratio forward financial projections. Review FR 2: Increase Reserve Funding Review the Reserve Finance FR 2-A Policy and Funding Apr-11 Jul-11 Director/Board Completed review/revision of reserve policy in Levels Annually of Directors June 2011. Annual Review Implement an of CIP Finance Forward projection of reserve balances will be FR 2-C Approach to Ensure Apr- 11 Financial Director/Board completed along with future financial Reserves are Needs Included o projections. The District's reserve needs may Responsibly Funded in Budget of Directors be updated for FY 2012/ 13 with this new data. Preparation FR 3: Identify and DeveloiD3 Additional Revenue Options Review Opportunities to Earn "Cash Back" A survey of credit cards used by CSMFO Finance members has been completed. The results will FR 3-13 on Operating Expense Jan- 11 On-going through Commercial Director be reviewed and options that appear advantageous to the District pursued further. Credit Card Accounts Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant reviews the cash Manage Cash Flow to Finance balances and needs daily. Mutliple times a FR 3-C Maximize Investment On-going On-going Director month, excess cash is transferred to Income investments to earn interest until the next check register. FR 4: Provide a Rate Structure that Promotes Water Use Efficiency Raftelis, the water study consultants, are Complete the Cost of Finance updating the information provided to them with FR 4-A Service and Water Mar-10 Mar-12 Director/Board new 2011/ 12 budget data and will meet with Rates Study of Directors staff in August or September to prepare a presentation for the Board. Evaluate Equitable Board of The Board will be given information on multiple Rate Structures that Directors/ rate structure options in October 2011 with FR 4-13 Promote Conservation Oct-11 Mar-12 General which they can give staff direction as to what and Efficiency Manager rate structure they believe would best promote conservation and efficiency. ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 11, 2011 To: Finance-Accounting Committee Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Director Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: May 2011 Budget to Actual Results DISCUSSION: Attached are the District's budget to actual summary results for the Water Fund, Sewer Fund and a combined statement for both funds pertaining to the reporting month of May 2011. Overall, the District revenue is trending below expectations due to lower water consumption from above normal rainfall and cooler temperatures. Water operating revenue is 79.9% of annual budget, which is lower by approximately 8.9% from the normal trend for the reporting 11 months of the fiscal year. The budget was based on 15% conservation, and through May customer demands are down by 23% year to date. Variable water costs as a percentage of budget are slightly lower than operating revenues. The majority of the individual supplies and services expenses are trending below or on budget, with a few exceptions that have been previously discussed in Finance-Accounting Committee meetings. While we are 91 % through the fiscal year, we have reached only 68% of the District's budgeted net loss of $2.2 million resulting in a savings of approximately $700,000 as compared to the budget. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 13, 2011 the Committee reviewed, received and filed the April 30, 2011 Budget to Actual Results. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dgscrilption: T ype: Water _Sewer _May 2011.xls May 2011 Consolidated Statement Backup Material Wtr May 2011.xlsx May 2011 Water Statement Backup Material Sewer May 201 1.xls May 2011 Sewer Statement Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Eleven Months Ending May 31, 2011 Annual Actual YTD % of Budget YTD through Under/(Over) Annual FY 10/11 May 31, 2011 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Consumption & Flat Charge) $25,672,831 $20,276,344 $5,396,487 78.98% Sewer Revenue 1,235,402 1,192,253 $43,149 96.51% Other 714,221 811,214 $96,993 113.58% Total Operating Revenue: 27,622,454 22,279,811 5,342,643 80.66% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 12,667,236 9,947,054 2,720,182 78.53% Salary Related Expenses 7,624,683 6,062,836 1,561,847 84.54% Supplies & Services 3,987,702 2,984,612 1,003,090 74.85% Depreciation & Amortization 5,017,876 4,819,072 198,804 96.04% Total Operating Expenses: 29,297,497 23,813,574 5,483,923 81.28% Operating Income (Loss) (1,675,043) (1,533,763) (141,280) 91.57% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest and Investments 156,000 250,616 (94,616) 160.65% Property Taxes 1,206,000 1,233,743 (27,743) 102.30% Other 126,133 348,436 222,303 276.24% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,488,133 1,832,795 (344,662) 123.16% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt (1,940,954) (1,755,676) (185,278) 90.45% Other Expense 103,193 65,025 38,168 63.01% Total Non-Operating Expenses: (2,044,147) (1,820,701) (223,446) 89.07% Non-Operating Income (Loss) (556,014) 12,094 (568,108) -2.18% Net Income (Loss ($2,231,057) ($1,521,669) ($709,388) 68.20% Contributed Capital 145,860 860,635 (714,775) 590.04% Capital - Direct Labor - (382,937) 382,937 Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Eleven Months Ending May 31, 2011 FY 2011 YTD % of Annual May Actual Under/(Over) Annual Budget 2011 YTD Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $ 17,248,481 $1,162,557 $ 12,818,754 $ 4,429,727 74.32% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,522,341 133,985 1,563,671 (41,330) 102.71% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,588,335 281,237 2,899,872 688,463 80.81% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 3,313,674 279,332 2,994,047 319,627 90.35% Other Operating Revenue 701,089 53,913 789,401 (88,312) 112.60% Total Operating Revenue: 26,373,920 1,911,024 21,065,745 5,308,175 79.87% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 12,666,536 951,774 9,946,461 2,720,075 78.53% Salary Related Expenses 6,809,598 474,623 5,366,027 1,443,571 84.18% Supplies & Services: Communications 374,576 15,352 209,663 164,913 55.97% Contractual Services 708,372 46,044 640,780 67,592 90.46% Data Processing 102,771 50,516 123,360 (20,589) 120.03% Dues & Memberships 30,778 560 26,799 3,979 87.07% Fees & Permits 44,020 3,225 53,937 (9,917) 122.53% Board Election 72,800 - 32,485 40,315 0.00% Insurance 314,314 198 203,340 110,974 64.69% Materials 337,982 45,870 398,271 (60,289) 117.84% District Activities, Emp Recognition 11,648 - 13,331 (1,683) 114.45% Maintenance 325,227 16,036 169,009 156,218 51.97% Non-Capital Equipment 92,611 12,935 59,477 33,134 64.22% Office Expense 41,221 908 23,433 17,788 56.85% Professional Services 632,764 46,251 346,500 286,264 54.76% Training 48,147 1,474 18,247 29,900 37.90% Travel & Conferences 40,830 3,881 19,384 21,446 47.47% UncollectibleAccounts. 45,955 - 5,612 40,343 12.21% Utilities 111,930 5,525 77,150 34,780 68.93% Vehicle Equipment 256,302 22,605 243,175 13,127 94.88% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 3,592,248 271,380 2,663,953 928,295 74.16% Depreciation & Amortization 4,403,257 390,319 4,263,289 139,968 96.82% Total Operating Expenses 27,471,639 2,088,096 22,239,730 5,231,909 80.96% Operating Income (Loss) (1,097,719) (177,072) (1,173,985) 76,266 106.95% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 142,000 21,552 230,577 (88,577) 162.38% Property Taxes 1,206,000 21,773 1,233,743 (27,743) 102.30% Other Non-Operating Revenue 100,687 76,621 326,752 (226,065) 324.52% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,448,687 119,946 1,791,072 (342,385) 123.63% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt (1,940,954) (158,855) (1,755,676) (185,278) 90.45% Other Expense (102,193) (2,944) (57,158) (45,035) 55.93% Total Non-Operating Expenses: (2,043,147) (161,799) (1,812,834) (230,313) 88.73% Non-Operating Income (Loss) (594,460) (41,853) (21,762) (572,698) 3.66% Total Income (Loss) $ (1,692,179) $ (218,925) $ (1,195,747) (496,432) 70.66% Contributed Capital $ 92,807 $ 34,936 $ 532,991 $ (440,184) 574.30% Capital - Direct Labor - $ (17,881) $ (366,358) $ 366,358 Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Eleven Months Ending May 31, 2011 FY 2011 YTD % of Annual May Actual Under/(Over) Annual Budget FY 2011 YTD Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $ 1,132,574 $ 96,140 $ 1,089,082 $ 43,492 96.16% Locke Ranch Assessments 102,828 892 103,171 (343) 100.33% Other Operating Revenue 13,132 2,773 21,813 (8,681) 166.11% Total Operating Revenue: 1,248,534 99,805 1,214,066 34,468 97.24% Expenses (Operating): Variable Costs (Power) 700 53 593 107 84.71% Salary Related Expenses 815,085 70,017 666,809 148,276 83.84% Supplies & Services: Communications 39,284 1,518 21,595 17,689 54.97% Contractual Services 61,613 3,801 58,368 3,245 94.73% Data Processing 10,164 4,996 12,201 (2,037) 120.04% Dues & Memberships 3,340 55 2,925 415 87.57% Fees & Permits 6,382 14 4,880 1,502 76.47% Board Election 7,200 - 3,213 3,987 44.63% Insurance 31,086 20 20,112 10,974 64.70% Materials 18,833 2,996 20,487 (1,654) 108.78% District Activities 1,152 - 1,318 (166) 114.41% Maintenance 41,973 625 38,063 3,910 90.68% Non-Capital Equipment 20,509 4,475 19,557 952 95.36% Office Expense 3,879 109 2,323 1,556 59.89% Professional Services 66,576 5,003 39,061 27,515 58.67% Training 5,629 126 2,990 2,639 53.12% Travel & Conferences 4,371 390 1,946 2,425 44.52% Uncollectible Accounts 4,545 - 555 3,990 12.21% Utilities 11,070 546 7,611 3,459 68.75% Vehicle Equipment 57,849 5,900 63,454 (5,605) 109.69% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 395,455 30,574 320,659 74,796 81.09% Depreciation &Amortization 614,619 50,998 585,783 28,836 95.31% Total Operating Expenses 1,825,859 151,642 1,573,844 252,015 86.20% Operating Income (Loss) (577,325) (51,837) (359,778) (217,547) 62.32% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 14,000 1,841 20,039 (6,039) 143.14% Other Non-Operating Revenue 25,446 4,865 21,684 3,762 85.22% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 39,446 6,706 41,723 (2,277) 105.77% Expenses (Non-Operating): Other Expense (1,000) - (7,867) 6,867 786.70% Total Non-Operating Expenses: (1,000) - (7,867) 6,867 786.70% Non-Operating Income (Loss) 38,446 6,706 33,856 4,590 88.06% Total Income (Loss) $ (538,879) $ (45,131) $ (325,922) $ (212,957) 60.48% Contributed Capital $53,053 1,007 327,644 (274,591) 617.58% Capital - Direct Labor - (10,789) (16,579) $16,579 0.00% ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 11, 2011 To: Finance-Accounting Committee Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Director Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: May 2011 Investment Report SUMMARY: Government Code Section 53607, et, seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make a quarterly report of the investments to the legislative body. DISCUSSION: Staff is submitting the May 2011 Monthly Investment Report for your review. The Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all the District investments by institution. The Investment Report Summary includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserves categories. The total yield for the month ending May 2011 decreased 5% to 0.88% as a result of the yield in CaITRUST's Short Term fund decreasing from 0.57% to 0.48%, and the yield in CaITRUST's Medium Term fund decreasing from 1.40% to 1.32%. The overall increase in the investment balance from the previous month is $340,000. Some of the larger balance changes include an increase of $226,000 in Water Operating Fund, an increase of $185,000 in Reserve for Debt Service, an increase of $214,000 in Water Capital Project Fund, and a decrease of $227,000 in Sewer Operating Fund. The net changes in the Sewer Operating and Water Operating Funds are due to the reallocation of expenses between water and sewer funds pertaining to the GIS project. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): Monthly Investment Reports are presented to the Finance-Accounting Committee on a regular basis. Quarterly Investment Reports are presented to the Board of Directors. The Investment Report for the month ended April 30, 2011 was received and filed by the Finance-Accounting Committee on June 13, 2011. The Investment Report for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 was received and filed by the Board of Directors on May 12, 2011. ATTACHMENTS: Nar e: Description: ~ $pe: Invst Rpt 5-11.xlsx May2011 Invesment Report Backup Material Invst Agenda Backup - May 2011.xlsx Agenda Backup Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Investment Portfolio Report May 31, 2011 Market % Percent Value Cost of Total Institution Yield Cash & Checking Accounts: $ 315,925 $ 315,925 Wells Fargo Bank $ 315,925 $ 315,925 1.00% Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: $ 847,067 $ 847,067 Wells Fargo Money Market 0.30% $ 847,067 $ 847,067 2.70% Total 0.30% $ 1,162,992 $ 1,162,992 3.70% Sub-total 0.30% Money Market Account: $ 8,098,937 $ 8,098,937 US Bank 2008 Revenue Bond 0.20% $ 8,098,937 $ 8,098,937 25.79% 0.20% CaITR UST $ 4,385,128 $ 4,349,689 Ca1TRUST Short Term 0.48% $ 17,756,504 $ 17,414,153 Ca1TRUST Medium Term 1.32% $22,141,632 $21,763,841 70.52% 1.15% $ 31,403,561 $ 31,025,770 100% Total Investments 0.88% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant 5/31/11 Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of May 2011: Avg. Portfolio Avg. Portfolio # of Avg. Term Month Yield Without Yield With Days to of Portfolio of 2010 CalTRUST CaITRUST Maturity In Days May 0.21% 0.88% 368 279 Below is are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 5/31/2010 5/31/2011 Monthly- May $ 19,186 $ 23,393 Year-to-Date $ 217,640 $ 250,616 Budget 2009/2010 2010/2011 Interest Budget, May YTD $ 116,417 $ 143,000 Interest Budget, Annual $ 127,900 $ 156,000 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: April 2011 % Alloc May 2011 % Alloc Fund Description Balance 4/30/2011 Balance 5/31/2011 Water Operating Reserve $ 2,334,459 7.35% $ 1,611,858 5.17% Water Emergency Reserve 2,075,414 6.54% 2,080,479 6.68% Water Capital Project Reserve 16,860,251 53.10% 17,074,567 54.91% Water Reserve for Debt Service 92,677 0.29% 278,697 0.90% COP Revenue Bond 2008 - Reserve 2,147,096 6.76% 2,147,096 6.91% COP Revenue Bond 2008 6,034,509 19.00% 5,951,840 19.14% Sewer Operating 460,784 1.45% 182,899 0.59% Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,008,477 3.18% 1,012,629 3.29% Sewer Capital Project Reserve 736,869 2.33% 747,571 2.41% $ 31,750,536 100.00% $ 31,087,636 100.00% Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating (669,032) 280,161 Sewer Operating (15,386) 35,764 (684,418) 315,925 Totals $ 31,066,118 $ 31,403,561