HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-12 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 12, 2012, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 2.1. Operational Practices During Red Flag Days (Verbal Report) 3. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 3.1. Award of Construction Contract for Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors award the Contract for Construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pipeline Project to Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc., in the amount of$1,681,650.00. 3.2. Well No. 20 Engineering Services Amendment No. 4 with Civiltec Engineering, Inc. Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize approval of Engineering Services Amendment No. 4 with Civiltec Engineering Inc. for additional services for a fee increase not to exceed$6,730, resulting in a total fee of$103,065. 3.3. Change Order No. 1 for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of$0.00 (a no-cost time extension) and a 37 calendar-day time extension to Pascal& Ludwig Constructors Inc. for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS CONTINUED 4.1. Draft FY 2012/2013 Engineering Department Budget 4.2. Draft FY 2012/2013 Operations Department Budget 4.3. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report 4.4. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report 4.5. Development of a Monthly Production Summary Report 4.6. Groundwater Producers Meeting Report 4.7. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress 4.8. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives 4.9. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The next meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5.5 M To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: $1 ,900,000 Operations Committee Funding Source: Water Capital Reserves From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: J-2008-17 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: Pending Prepared By: Hank Samaripa, Project CEQA Compliance: MND Engineer Subject: Award of Construction Contract for Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project SUMMARY: On February 15, 2012, bids were received from 19 contractors for the construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pipeline Project. Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc (GJC) was the low bidder. Staff reviewed the bid package and contacted eight of the GJC-listed references for water and sewer projects and discussed past performance. All eight of the public agency references gave positive feedback. However, during the bid-review period, the District also received material from the Center for Contract Compliance, a labor-management organization, with information of concern regarding past performance of GJC. After conferring with District legal counsel, staff and legal counsel met with the president of GJC to discuss these issues and concerns. The concerns were adequately addressed and follow-up information was provided by GJC, to the satisfaction of District staff and legal counsel. As such, staff recommends the award to GJC in the amount of $1 ,681 ,650. The Engineer's Estimate for this project was $1 ,892,140. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors award the Contract for Construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pipeline Project to Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc., in the amount of $1 ,681 ,650.00. DISCUSSION: The Yorba Linda Boulevard Booster Pump Station and Pipeline Project consists of two phases: Phase 1 is the construction of 5,170 lineal feet of 20-inch diameter water transmission main in Yorba Linda Blvd.; Phase 2 is the construction of a new 5,000 gallon per minute (gpm) booster pump station off Yorba Linda Blvd. on Gun Club Road, construction of which will begin after the pipeline project is completed. Both projects were identified in the 2005 Water Master Plan and approved Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2010-2013. These projects help move groundwater to the central and eastern portions of the District's service area. Phase 1 bids were received from 19 pipeline contractors, ranging from a low of $1 ,684,650 to a high of $3,365,360 as shown on the attached bid summary sheet. In the bid tabulation review, staff found a math error from the original bid submitted by GJC. Staff contacted GJC and the company president concurred with staff's finding, lowering their bid to $1 ,681,650, which was confirmed in writing. All other bid documents were reviewed, including references from other public agencies for similar pipeline projects, and were found to be acceptable and in accordance with requirements. As noted above, information was provided to the District by the Center for Contract Compliance, a labor-management trust that monitors public works projects. The information alleged issues of concern on past projects by GJC and its staff. District staff reviewed the documentation with legal counsel and scheduled a meeting with the president of GJC to discuss these matters. At the meeting, the issues and concerns presented in the documentation were discussed to the satisfaction of staff and legal counsel. At the request of staff, further information was provided by GJC on their capabilities and performance. That information was reviewed by staff, which provided further confirmation from other public agencies and individuals, of GJC projects which were performed professionally and to the satisfaction of the entities. In conclusion, after receipt of the bids, staff performed its due diligence concerning all information received relating to the low bidder, Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. Following a review of all documentation received, reference checks, and a meeting with the president of GJC, staff is satisfied that GJC has the necessary qualifications, experience and capabilities to construct the pipeline project in accordance with the contract documents. Accordingly, staff recommends award of the Project to Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. for $1,681 ,650. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On November 29, 2010, the Board of Directors authorized the President and Secretary to execute a Consultants Agreement with Lee & Ro, Inc, in the amount of $423,624 for engineering design services and construction management for the Yorba Linda Blvd. Booster Station and Pipeline Project, Job No. 2008-17. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Final Bid Results021612.pdf Final Bid Results 021612 Backup Material Yv-r-ba Lir:cla Bid Results YL Blvd. Pipeline Project Project No. 2008-17 Date: 2/15/2012 Time: 2:00pm NO. COMPANY BID 1. Garcia Juarez Construction,Inc. $ 1,684,650.00 2. Kana Pipeline,Inc. $ 1,737,000.00 3. Colich&Sons LP $ 1,756,480.00 4. C.P.Construction Co.,Inc. $ 1,772,700.00 5. Mamco,Inc. $ 1,799,999.99 6. DDH Apple Valley Construction,Inc $ 1,842,225.00 7. Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals,Inc. $ 1,925,080.00 8. MNR Construction,Inc $ 1,982,220.00 9. Mike Bubalo Construction Co.,Inc. $ 1,999,350.00 10. TE Roberts,Inc. $ 2,012,330.00 11. Paulus Engineering,Inc. $ 2,048,621.00 12. J.A.Salazar Construction&Supply Corp. $ 2,124,300.00 13. J.R.Pipeline Co.,Inc. $ 2,126,800.00 14. Lonerock,Inc. $ 2,156,010.00 15. Gentry Brothers Inc $ 2,222,600.00 16. vido artukovich and son $ 2,225,930.00 17. L and S Constuction,Inc. $ 2,450,475.00 18. ARB, Inc. $ 2,651,340.00 19. Vido Samarzich Inc. $ 3,365,360.00 ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $2M To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: $6,730 Operations Committee Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: 200711 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Anthony Manzano, Senior CEQA Compliance: Exempt Project Manager Subject: Well No. 20 Engineering Services Amendment No. 4 with Civiltec Engineering, Inc. SUMMARY: Due to a greater than expected amount of construction support services required for shop drawing review and responding to requests for information (RFI), a change in the engineering services work scope is requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize approval of Engineering Services Amendment No. 4 with Civiltec Engineering Inc. for additional services for a fee increase not to exceed $6,730, resulting in a total fee of $103,065. DISCUSSION: On March 11 , 2010, the Board of Directors authorized execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Civiltec Engineering Inc. (Civiltec) for a fee not to exceed $79,820, to provide engineering design, bid support and construction management services for Wellhead Equipping of Well No. 20. On September 9, 2010, the Board of Directors authorized approval of Engineering Services Amendment No. 1 with Civiltec Engineering Inc. for a fee increase not to exceed $9,500, resulting in a total fee of $89,320. Subsequently, on November 1, 2010 Civiltec proceeded with Amendment No. 2 work, for additional out-of-scope electrical and instrumentation design modifications - to allow for Well 11 to be used for emergency back-up - in the amount of $3,075. Afterwords, on January 26, 2011 , Civiltec proceeded with Amendment No. 3 work, for additional out-of-scope design electrical and survey modifications - to accommodate City of Anaheim's required electrical modifications and provide additional survey work in OCWD's Conrock Basin - in the amount of $3,940. Amendments 2 and 3 were, individually, within the General Manager's signing authority, and resulted in a total fee increases of $7,015 for a total fee of $96,335. At the District's request, Civiltec provided the attached letter proposal describing the proposed additional construction management support services and fee, to allow for the their review of the additional shop drawings and RFIs. District staff reviewed the proposed services and $6,730 fee increase, for a total fee of $103,065, and recommends approval. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On March 11 , 2010, the Board of Directors authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Civiltec Engineering, Inc. for a fee not to exceed $79,820, to provide engineering design, bid support and construction management services for Wellhead Equipping of Well No. 20. On September 9, 2010, the Board of Directors authorized approval of Engineering Services Amendment No. 1 with Civiltec Engineering Inc. for a fee increase not to exceed $9,500, resulting in a total fee of $89,320. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Civiltec Well 20 AMENDMENT4 02-15-2012.pdf Civiltec Amendment No.4 Backup Material .IAO uC engineering Inc. General Civil,Municipal,Water and Wastewater Engineering, Planning,Construction Management and Surveying Monrovia Prescott Phoenix Februaiy 15, 2012 ElYorba Linda Water District Yorba Linda 1717 East Miraloma Avenue Water District Placentia, CA 92870 Attention: Anthony Manzano, P.E., Sr. Project Manager Subject: Amendment No. 4 for the Engineering Design, Bidding Support Services, and Construction Management for Wellhead Equipping of Yorba Linda Water District's Well No. 20. Job No. 200711. Dear Mr. Manzano: Civiltec is requesting Amendment No. 4 be considered for the subject project. Construction support services have been ongoing during the progress of installation and procurement of the project. Numerous communications have been transferred between parties including the Contractor and YLWD to facilitate timely responses and feedback to contractor questions and requests. To date Civiltec has reviewed 34 different submittals including multiple revisions to numerous submittals, responded to 11 formal BFI's and many more email communications, attended the Pre-construction meeting, coordinated with YLWD and Contractor to give direction on potential change order issues, revised pipeline drawings to ensure proper placement and document any changes from the original contract documents. In coordinating and executing these efforts Civiltec has exhausted the majority of its current budget and is seeking to increase its budget limit in order to facilitate quality support and attention to the remain components of the work. The items listed in the Scope of Work below identify the remaining components of the work that Civiltec feels require attention in finalizing the project. Scope of Work (Amendment No. 4) Task 5. Construction Management and Inspection Services A. Meetings: Attend, participate, and prepare and distribute agenda and meeting minutes in all project construction meetings. For the purpose of the RFP, assume 6-meetings. One formal meeting to kick-off construction has been held. This effort is considered to be 18% complete. B. Shop Drawing Review: Review and process project shop drawings. For the purpose of the RFP, assume 15 shop drawings. This effort is considered to be 100% complete. As Yorba Linda Water District Anthony Manzano, P.E., Sr. Project Manager Amendment No. 4 for the Engineering Design of Yorba Linda (I V Wellhead Equipping of YLWD Well No. 20 Water District elkE ;1evvkkit h1c. February 15, 2012 Page 2 stated above numerous shop drawings have been reviewed. Additional time that is required for review of the remaining shop drawings will be performed under Task C.2 below. C. Construction Support Services: 1. The original scope was to develop design modifications as requested. This Task is considered to be 100% complete. Civiltec has prepared revised drawings for the new shade structure, plan and profile drawings for the main pipeline, and details of the connection to the existing water main. 2. The original scope was to review shop drawings/submittals and respond to request for information (RFI). For purposes of the original RFP, it was assumed that 15 submittals, and 25 RFIs would need to be reviewed. To date 34 submittals and 11 formal RFIs have been reviewed and Civiltec has responded to 12 informal RFIs through email. This Task is considered to be 80% complete. It is assumed that 5 more submittals and t0 more RFIs will be required or a total of 39 submittals (24 more than originally anticipated) and 33 RFIs (8 more than originally anticipated) 3. The original scope was to evaluate the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed by the contractor, and provide recommendation. This task is considered to be 100% complete. Civiltec has reviewed the contractor's request for an alternate salt storage tank, differing materials for the control valves than what was specified, different sole plate configuration for the pump, modified embankment fill for the slope rehabilitation component of the project, alternate base material for the slope, and relocating the 3"vent line on well. 4. The original scope was to identify, document, and mitigate field conflicts. This task is considered to be 100% complete. Civiltec coordinated with the Contractor and directed procurement of the Chlorine generation system, issues related to backfill of the slope rehabilitation, installation of the brine storage tank sump facilities, and placement of the new discharge pipeline to mitigate conflicts with existing utilities. 5. The original scope was to evaluate contractor's change order requests and progress payment requests and make recommendation to District for approval. Also to assist in the negotiation of contractor's change order requests. For the purpose of the original RFP, Civiltec assumed 5 change orders with two reviews per Change Order Request, and 12 progress payments. This task is considered to be 66% complete. Change order requests and progress payment review have been formally addressed by YLWD staff if any have been made. To date Civiltec has not been called upon to review formal Change order requests from the Contractor although direction related to cost implications were provided for realigning the Yorba Linda Water District Anthony Manzano, P.E., Sr. Project Manager Amendment No. 4 for the Engineering Design of Yorba Linda CV1�;FiCL'rlFll;fNC. Wellhead Equipping of YLWD Well No. 20 Water DiSlr'ict February 15,2012 Page 3 discharge piping, procuring the chlorine generation system, and the slope rehabilitation components of the work. It is assumed that 2 more change orders will be made and need attention by Civiltec. 6. The original scope was to participate in the start-up and testing for the well. This task is considered to be 0% complete. 7. The original scope was to prepare final punch list items to be completed and corrected by the contractor. This task is considered to be 0% complete. 8. The original scope was to participate in the final walk through of the project. This task is considered to be 0% complete. 9. The original scope was to provide a written recommendation of project acceptance. This task is considered to be 0% complete. 10. The original scope was to provide construction staking services for the well site. This task is considered to be 100% complete. 11. The original scope was to prepare record drawings along with the digital electronic file in AutoCAD latest version. This task is considered to be 25% complete. As appropriate Civiltec has updated plans associated with known changes in the field. Final plan updates will be made with input from the field documents. The above items of scope will be performed pursuant to Civiltec's current Contract and subsequent amendments with YLWD for preparation of the Well No. 20 Wellhead equipping plans, specifications, and construction support services. Amendment No. 4 Fee Summary A breakdown of manhours and subconsultant fees associated with this effort are included in the Amendment No. 4 Fee summary that is attached hereto. We appreciate the opportunity to support the District in this very important project. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. CIVIL TEC engineering, in c. W. David Byrum, P.E. Senior Vice President and Principal Engineer X:1201012010120.00-YLWD-We11 No.20 Job No.20071110]ient\ContractlAmendment No.41PM10004.04 Yorba Linda Water District Well No. 20 Amendment No4.doc YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Amendment No.4 Equipping of Well No. 20 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EQUIPPING OF WELL NO.20 ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE AMENDMENT NO.4 UPbATED 15 Feb 12I I_ I HOURS BY HOURS BY HOURS BY ; HOURS BY HOURS BY —. HOURS BY _r_ HOURS BY HOURS BY i ELECTRICAL TOTAL i PE ' PM SE SDr PT D T AA SURVEY I —. Mullen EXPENSES BUDGET RATE i $ 180 00 $ 145 00 $ 130 00 $ 125 00 $ 95.00 $ 80.00 i $ 65.00: $ 215.00 I 15°/ TASK 5-CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE _ C2 6 17 20 I - —� - - i I g 6,730.00 -- HOURS I 6 17 20 - 0 0 0 I 9 0 I 0 0 52 BUDGET � $ $ 2 465 00 $ $ - -r - - 1,080,00 $ $ I $ I 5&5 00 $-_-------_ $ - — -$ 673000 SUBTOTAL AMENDMENT NO 4 1 $— 6,730 00 i ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NO.3 GRAND TOTAL _ - _-- ..__.._... - - - .. ...._.. - -_-. AMENDED GRAND TOTAL $ 103,065.40 PN10004.04 Yorba Linda Water District Well No.20 Amendment No4 Budget 2/16/2012 Page 1 ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $450,000 To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: $210,000 Operations Committee Funding Source: Water Capital Reserves From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: 201011 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Anthony Manzano, Senior CEQA Compliance: Exempt Project Manager Subject: Change Order No. 1 for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project SUMMARY: Work is proceeding with the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project. The Notice to Proceed was issued with an assumed materials lead time of six weeks, but the actual lead time for the butterfly valves is 12 weeks, resulting in the Contractor, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. requesting Change Order No. 1, for $0.00 (no cost) and a 37 calendar-day time extension. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $0.00 (a no-cost time extension) and a 37 calendar-day time extension to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors Inc. for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project. DISCUSSION: On October 13, 2011 , the Board of Directors awarded the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement construction contract to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. for $203,800.00. On November 10, 2011 the Notice to Proceed was issued with a 120 calendar-day contract completion time. After submittals were approved, The butterfly valve manufacturer noted that the lead time for the valves and actuators is 16-weeks. After staff notified the contractor that this was unacceptable, and after negotiating with the manufacturer, the order was expedited as much as possible to reduce the lead time to 12 weeks, resulting in the requested 37 calendar-day time extension. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On October 13, 2011 , the Board of Directors awarded construction of the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project for $203,800.00 to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. ATTACHMENTS: Nami Description: Type: P L CO 1 Time Request - Fairmont Valves 02 P&L CO 1 Time Request-Fairmont Valves 02-2012 Backup Material 2012.pdf P L CO 1 EXECUTED - Fairmont Valves 02 P&L CO 1 EXECUTED Fairmont Valves 02-2012 Backup Material 2012 pdf TELEPHONE: PASCAL & LUDWIG CONSTRUCTORS (909)947-4631 2049 EAST FRANCIS STREET FAX:(909)947-4722 ONTARIO,CALIFORNIA 91761 February 9, 2012 �l D IJ Yorba Linda Water District FEB 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 13y E N G Attention: Anthony Manzano I Referenco: Fairmont n"eservuir Valve Replacement Project N Subject: Time Extension Request—Butterfly Valve Delay E E Dear Anthony, R As discussed previously, the original lead times for the Dezurik butterfly valves with the S EIM actuators were 16 weeks after approval. In addition, the 30" SS check valves also had an extended lead time of 11+ weeks. Pascal & Ludwig was able to work with Dezurik and & EIM to improve the fabrication and delivery lead times to a delivery date of 1MAR12. According to item#7 of the Yorba Linda Water District's "Request for Bids for the C Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project" letter dated 31AUG11, the Contract G completion date is based on a 6 week (maximum) lead time for materials. The current N schedule for the District's specified vales with the EIM actuators is 11.6 weeks (80 calendar S days), 5.6 weeks (37 calendar days) beyond the District's anticipated 6 week time period. T Due to the extended fabrication lead time for the District specified butterfly valves with R U EIM actuators, please issue a change order to add an additional 37 consecutive calendar C days to the Contract completion date. T p Respectfully, s =�'� Bryan Kaiser Pascal& Ludwig Constructors (909)706-7665 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 DATE February 9, 2012 Page 1 Of 1 CONTRACT NAME: Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement CONTRACT AMT.: $203,800.00 DAYS: 120 CONTRACTOR: Pascal&Ludwig Constructors,Inc. THIS CHANGE: $0.00 DAYS: 37 OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $203,800.00 DAYS: 157 This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein.The Contractor shall construct,furnish equipment and materials, and perform all work as necessary or required to complete the Change Order items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner. +INCREASE CONTRACT TIME DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES /OR +EXTENSION 1 —DECREASE IN OR-REDUCTION CONTRACT (DAYS) AMOUNT ($) Delay in delivery of the Butterfly Valves. 37 Calendar day extension 0 37 NET CHANGE 0 37 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME $203,800,00 157 The amount of the contract will be increased by the sum of $0 and the contract time shall be increased by 37 calendar days. The undersigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes,if any,in the contract price specified for each item including any and all supervision costs and other miscellaneous costs relating to the change in work,and as to the extension of time allowed,d any,for completion of the entire work on account of said Change Order,The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials and perform all other necessary work, inclusive of that directly or indirectly related to the approved time extension, required to complete the Change Order items. This document will become a supplement of the contract and all provisions will apply hereto.It is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This Change Order constitutes full,final,and complete compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses,overhead,profit,and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may incur in connection with the above referenced changes in the work, including any impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contract, any changes in the sequences of any work,any delay to any work,any disruption of any work,any rescheduling of any work,and any other effect on any of the work under this contract. By the execution of the Change Order,the Contractor accepts the contract price change and the contract completion date change, if any, and expressly waives any claims for any i i compensate , amages or time extensions, in connection with the above-referenced changes. RECOMMENDED: OWNER DATE: 2 �� e Conklin,Engineeri g Manager ACCEPTED: 047", CONTRACTOR DATE: Alan Ludwig,President Pascal&Ludwig Constructors, In . APPROVED: OWNER DATE: Ken Vecchiarelli,General Manager ITEM NO. 4.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Prepared By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Subject: Draft FY 2012/2013 Engineering Department Budget DISCUSSION: The Engineering Department has decreased its Supplies and Services budget to $113,360, a 48% reduction from FY 2011/12. Most of this was a reduction in the area of Professional Services, specifically for consulting services. The Engineering Department consists of four sections, Administration, Planning & Design, Construction, and Water Quality. Of the total department budget, 79% relates to Water Quality, with microbiological examination, distribution system disinfection and State Department of Public Health fees accounting for most all of that section's budget. The Planning & Design Section has 17% of the budget, most of which relates to consulting services and underground service alerts. The Construction Section has 3% of the budget, most of which relates to training, travel and conferences, code updates and supplies. Lastly, the Administration Section accounts for approximately 1% of the total department budget. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-13: Continue Planning for Long Term Capital Improvements and Replacements into the future ATTACHMENTS: Naml- Description: Type: Eng. Supplies Services.xlsx Draft Budget-Engineering Backup Material Budget Detail-4010.pdf Engineering-Admin Backup Material Budget Detail-4020.pdf Engineering-Planning Backup Material Budget Detail-4030.pdf Engineering-Construction Backup Material Budget Detail-4040.pdf Engineering-Water Quality Backup Material FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 Budget Amended Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ - $ - Contractual Services $ 65,220 $ 61,040 Data Processing $ 1,300 $ - Dues & Memberships $ 2,300 $ 2,600 Fees & Permits $ 24,500 $ 24,000 Materials $ 2,350 $ 2,000 Non-Capital Equipment $ - $ - Office Expense $ 2,800 $ 2,150 Professional Services $ 109,000 $ 15,000 Professional Development $ 8,800 $ 2,920 Travel & Conferences $ 5,000 $ 3,650 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 221,270 $ 113,360 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Admin) (4010) FY 2013 IMPIARIllyllff Category� buo Accffio./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-4010-0640-00 $300 1-4010-0640-00 300 Dues,Memberships Subscriptions 300 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI PTIONS(E) IONS(E) 1-4010-0810-00 $200 1-4010-0810-00 200 Trainin 200 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Trainin 1-4010-0830-00 $800 1-4010-0830-00 800 Travel Conferences 800 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) TRAVEL CONFERENCES(E) Section Total $1,300 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Planning & FY 2013 Design) (4020) Primary GIL Category -.�'Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description M 1-4020-0645-00 $2,000 1-4020-0645-20 2,000 USA Under round Service Alerts 2,000 FEES&PERMITS(E) USA Under round Service Alerts 1-4020-0760-00 $1,000 1-4020-0760-00 1,000 Office Expense 1,000 Office Expense Office Expense 1-4020-0780-00 $15,000 1-4020-0780-36 10,000 Water Consultin Services 10,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) Professional Serviices-Water Related 1-4020-0780-39 5,000 Sewer Consultin Services 5,000 Professional Services-Sewer Related 1-4020-0810-00 $600 1-4020-0810-00 600 Trainin 600 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1-4020-0830-00 $1,000 1-4020-0830-00 1,000 Travel and Conferences 1,000 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) TRAVEL CONFERENCES(E) Section Total $19,600 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Construction) FY 2013 (4030) dam Sub Acct No./Sub Category 1-4030-0600-00 $220 1-4030-0600-50 220 Uniforms 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) Uniforms 1-4030-0640-00 $300 1-4030-0640-00 300 Dues,Memberships,Subscriptions 300 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI PTIONS(E) ONS(E) 1-4030-0760-00 $850 1-4030-0760-00 350 Office Supplies 350 Office Expense Office Expense 1-4030-0760-30 500 Code Books 500 Books Publications 1-4030-0810-00 $1,200 1-4030-0810-00 1,200 Trainin 1,200 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1-4030-0830-00 $1,000 1-4030-0830-00 1,000 Travel Conferences 1,000 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) TRAVEL CONFERENCES(E) Section Total $3,570 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Water Quality) FY 2013 (4040) Primary GIL Category—, Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-4040-0600-00 $60,820 1-4040-0600-00 3,000 System Disinfection/Blendin 3,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) 1-4040-0600-12 350 Backflow Device Repair 350 Backflow Device Rep 1-4040-0600-25 7,250 Distribution System Disinfection 7,250 Distrubution System Disinfection 1-4040-0600-60 50,000 Microbiolo ical Examination 50,000 Microbiolo ical Examination 1-4040-0600-95 220 Uniforms 220 Uniforms 1-4040-0640-00 $2,000 1-4040-0640-00 2,000 Dues,Memberships,Subscriptions 2,000 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI PTIONS(E) ONS(E) 1-4040-0645-00 $22,000 1-4040-0645-10 22,000 Dept.of Health Services 22,000 FEES&PERMITS(E) Dept of Health Services 1-4040-0710-00 $2,000 1-4040-0710-20 2,000 Wtr Quality Test Rea ents 2,000 MATERIALS(E) Wtr Quality Test Kit Rea ents 1-4040-0760-00 $300 1-4040-0760-30 300 Books and Publications 300 Office Expense Books Publications 1-4040-0810-00 $2,000 1-4040-0810-00 2,000 Trainin 2,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1-4040-0830-00 $850 1-4040-0830-00 850 Travel and Conferences 850 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) TRAVEL CONFERENCES(E) Section Total $89,970 ITEM NO. 4.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Reviewed by Legal: N/A Subject: Draft FY 2012/2013 Operations Department Budget ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Ops Budget Summary.xlsx OPS Budget Summary Backup Material 5010 Budget for 2013.pdf OPS-Admin Section Draft FY 2012/2013 Budget Backup Material 5020 Budget for 2013.pdf OPS-Water Maint Section Draft FY 2012/2013 Budget Backup Material 5030 Budget for 2013.pdf OPS-Sewer Section Draft FY 2012/2013 Budget Backup Material 5040 Budget for 2013.pdf OPS-Production Section Draft FY 2012/2013 Budget Backup Material 5050 Budget for 2013.pdf OPS-Mechanical Section Draft FY 2012/2013 Budget Backup Material 5060 Budget for 2013.pdf OPS-Facilities Section Draft FY 2012/2013 Budget Backup Material OPERATIONS FY 2011/12 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 Amended Budget Forecast Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ 3,400 $ 2,600 $ 3,500 Contractual Services $ 171,200 $ 161,414 $ 170,600 Dues & Memberships $ 2,725 $ 1,641 $ 2,175 Fees & Permits $ 38,850 $ 26,290 $ 31,100 Materials $ 351,100 $ 446,709 $ 460,750 District Activities & Events $ 2,000 $ 830 $ 500 Maintenance $ 406,500 $ 425,598 $ 305,400 Non-Capital Equipment $ 30,800 $ 38,313 $ 39,100 Office Expense $ 10,900 $ 7,185 $ 9,000 Professional Services $ 29,000 $ 16,599 $ - Professional Development $ 15,925 $ 14,781 $ 16,000 Travel & Conferences $ 5,100 $ 2,984 $ 4,900 Utilities $ 123,500 $ 74,124 $ 85,000 Vehicle Expense $ 356,550 $ 281,534 $ 333,900 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 1,547,550 $ 1,500,602 $ 1,461,925 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Admin) (5010) FY 2013 7 ROPY rL Category 11 buo Accffio./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5010-0640-00 $1,175 1-5010-0640-00 1,175 CESA Membership 55 Dues,Memberships, Dues,Memberships, Subscriptions Subscriptions AWWA Memberships 400 CWEA Memberships 220 OCWA Memberships 50 WEF Memberships 450 1-5010-0710-00 $8,600 1-5010-0710-65 8,600 PPE Equipment 8,600 MATERIALS(E) PPE Equipment 1-5010-0715-00 $500 1-5010-0715-50 500 Meetin Supplies 500 District Activities and Events Meetin Supplies 1-5010-0760-00 $8,800 1-5010-0760-00 3,000 Misc Supplies 3,000 OFFICE EXPENSE(E) OFFICE EXPENSE(E) 1-5010-0760-10 500 Paper Supplies 500 Paper 1-5010-0760-20 800 Printer Ink 800 Printer Ink 1-5010-0760-30 500 Manuals/Books/Ma azines 500 Books Publications 1-5010-0760-40 4,000 Breakroom Supplies 4,000 Breakroom Supplies 1-5010-0810-00 $1,800 1-5010-0810-20 1,000 Job Trainin 1,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Job Trainin 1-5010-0810-30 500 Emer ency Response 500 Emer ency Response 1-5010-0810-40 300 Certificate Reimbursement 300 Certificate Reimbursment 1-5010-0830-00 $900 1-5010-0830-10 100 Travel 100 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) Travel 1-5010-0830-30 300 Meals 300 Meals 1-5010-0830-40 500 Re istration 500 Re istration Section Total $21,776 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Water Ops & FY 2013 Maintenance) (5020) Primary GIL Category-I -.�'Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description M 1-5020-0600-00 $6,000 1-5020-0600-50 6,000 Uniforms 6,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) Uniforms 1-5020-0645-00 $19,000 1-5020-0645-25 1,500 NPDES Deminimus(RWQCB) 1,500 FEES&PERMITS(E) NPDES/RWQCB 1-5020-0645-45 12,000 Landfill(Oran e County Dan Coop) 12,000 Landfill(Oran a County Dan Copp) 1-5020-0645-55 5,500 Encroachment Permits 5,500 Encroachment Permits 1-5020-0640-00 $300 1-5020-0640-00 300 AWWA Memberships 300 Dues,Memberships, Dues,Memberships, Subscriptions Subscriptions 1-5020-0710-00 $350,400 1-5020-0710-05 30,000 Road Material 30,000 MATERIALS(E) Road Material 1-5020-0710-13 6,000 Air-Vac parts 6,000 Air-Vac Parts 1-5020-0710-15 5,000 Cla Valve Parts 5,000 Cla-Valve Parts 1-5020-0710-25 60,000 Hydrant Repair Parts 60,000 Hydrant Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-30 50,000 Valve Repair Parts 50,000 Valve Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-40 80,000 Replacement Meters 80,000 Replacement Meters 1-5020-0710-50 12,400 MXU's 12,400 Replacement MXU 1-5020-0710-55 6,000 Meter Boxes/Lids/Vaults 6,000 Meter Boxes/Lids/Vaults 1-5020-0710-60 6,000 Hardware Supplies 6,000 Hardware Supplies 1-5020-0710-65 500 PPE Equipment 500 PPE Equipment 1-5020-0710-81 1,000 Weldin Supplies 1,000 Weldin Supplies 1-5020-0710-85 2,000 Cleanin /Paintin Supplies 2,000 Cleanin /Paintin Supplies 1-5020-0710-90 80,000 Water Service Repair Parts 80,000 Water Service Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-00 $350,400 1-5020-0710-94 9,000 Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 9,000 MATERIALS(E) Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 1-5020-0710-96 1,500 Ready Mix Concrete 1,500 Ready Mix Concrete 1-5020-0710-98 1,000 Landscape Supplies 1,000 Landscape Supplies 1-5020-0730-00 $185,700 1-5020-0730-66 165,000 Asphalt Pavin 165,000 MAINTENANCE(E) Asphalt Pavin 1-5020-0730-67 20,000 Concrete Repair 20,000 Concrete Repair 1-5020-0730-72 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 1-5020-0750-00 $5,500 1-5020-0750-15 500 Equipment Rental 500 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Equipment Rental 1-5020-0750-30 3,000 Tool Equipment 3,000 Tool Equipment 1-5020-0750-50 2,000 Traffic Cones,Barricades,and Si ns 2,000 Safety Equipment 1-5020-0810-00 $9,000 1-5020-0810-05 500 Safety 500 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Safety 1-5020-0810-20 7,500 Job Trainin 7,500 Job Trainin 1-5020-0810-40 1,000 Certificate Reimbursement 1,000 Certificate Reimbursment 1-5020-0830-00 $1,000 1-5020-0830-10 300 Travel 300 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) Travel 1-5020-0830-30 200 Meals 200 Meals 1-5020-0830-40 500 Re istration 500 Re istration Section Total $576,900 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Sewer Ops & FY 2013 Maintenance) (5030) Primary GIL Category -.�'Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description M 2-5030-0580-00 $2,000 2-5030-0580-00 2,000 FOG Materials 2,000 COMMUNICATIONS(E) COMMUNICATIONS(E) 2-5030-0600-00 $1,400 2-5030-0600-50 1,400 Uniforms 1,400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) Uniforms 2-5030-0645-00 $3,600 2-5030-0645-00 700 FOG Inspections Fees(OCSD) 700 FEES&PERMITS(E) FEES PERMITS(E) 2-5030-0645-30 1,900 W DR-SSO(SW RCB) 1,900 W DR-SSO(SW RCB) 2-5030-0645-55 1,000 Encroachment Permits 1,000 Encroachment Permits 2-5030-0640-00 $300 2-5030-0640-00 300 CWEA Memberships 300 Dues,Memberships, Dues,Memberships, Subscriptions Subscriptions 2-5030-0710-00 $31,500 2-5030-0710-60 1,000 Hardware Supplies 1,000 MATERIALS(E) Hardware Supplies 2-5030-0710-72 500 Calibration Supplies 500 Calibration Supplies 2-5030-0710-92 30,000 Sewer Main Repair Parts 30,000 Sewer Main Repair Parts 2-5030-0730-00 $63,700 2-5030-0730-59 40,000 Sewer Line Repairs 40,000 MAINTENANCE(E) Sewer Line Repairs 2-5030-0730-65 8,000 Vector Control in Manholes 8,000 Vector Control In Manholes 2-5030-0730-67 5,000 Concrete Repair 5,000 Concrete Repair 2-5030-0730-71 10,000 CCTV Repairs 10,000 CCTV Repairs 2-5030-0730-72 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 2-5030-0750-00 $12,000 2-5030-0750-30 10,000 Tools Equipment 10,000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Tools Equipment 2-5030-0750-50 2,000 Traffic Cones,Barricades,and Si ns 2,000 Safety Equipment 2-5030-0810-00 $2,500 2-5030-0810-05 200 Safety 200 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Safety 2-5030-0810-20 2,000 Job Trainin 2,000 Job Trainin 2-5030-0810-00 $2,500 2-5030-0810-40 300 Certificate Reimbursement 300 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Certificate Reimbursment 2-5030-0830-00 $600 2-5030-0830-10 200 Travel 200 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) Travel 2-5030-0830-30 100 Meals 100 Meals 2-5030-0830-40 300 Re istration 300 Re istration 2-5030-0890-00 $51,500 2-5030-0890-46 25,000 CPS-Sewer Vehicle Maint 25,000 VEHICLE EXPENSES(E) Vehicle Expense:Sewer Vehicle Maintenance 2-5030-0890-47 1,000 CPS-Sewer-Equipment Maintenance 1,000 Vehicle Expense:Sewer Equipment Maintenance 2-5030-0890-48 8,000 CPS-Sewer-Gas 8,000 Vehicle Expense:Sewer Gas 2-5030-0890-49 17,500 CPS-Sewer-Diesel 17,500 Vehicle Expense:Sewer Diesel Section Total $169,100 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Water FY 2013 Production) (5040) Primary GIL Category Ir Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5040-0600-00 $10,800 1-5040-0600-25 9,000 Distribution System Disinfection 9,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) Distribution System Disinfection 1-5040-0600-45 1,000 Pest Control Service 1,000 Pest Control Service 1-5040-0600-50 800 Uniforms 800 Uniforms 1-5040-0640-00 $400 1-5040-0640-00 400 AWWA Memberships 350 Dues,Memberships, Dues,Memberships, Subscriptions Subscriptions OCWA Memberships 50 1-5040-0660-00 $14,385,538 1-5040-0660-10 40,000 City of Anaheim 40,000 FUEL&POWER-PUMPING(E) City of Anaheim 1-5040-0660-20 758,435 S.C.E. 758,435 S.C.E.. 1-5040-0660-30 439,103 The Gas Company 439,103 The Gas Company 1-5040-0660-40 2,856,000 OCWD Replenishment Assessment 2,856,000 Groundwater Replenishment 1-5040-0660-50 9,464,000 Purchased Water 9,464,000 Purchased Water 1-5040-0660-60 828,000 Municipal Water District of O.C. 828,000 Connection/Readiness Char e 1-5040-0710-00 $54,500 1-5040-0710-17 6,000 Pump Parts 6,000 MATERIALS(E) Pump Repair Parts 1-5040-0710-35 8,000 CL2 Parts 8,000 CL2 Parts 1-5040-0710-60 1,000 Hardware Supplies 1,000 Hardware Supplies 1-5040-0710-75 34,000 Salt 34,000 Salt 1-5040-0710-84 5,000 Valves,Gau es,AV,etc. 5,000 Production Repair Parts 1-5040-0710-85 500 Cleanin /Paintin Supplies 500 Cleanin /Paintin Supplies 1-5040-0730-00 $19,000 1-5040-0730-05 3,000 CL2 System Service 3,000 MAINTENANCE(E) CL2 System Service 1-5040-0730-20 5,000 Electric General Maintenance 5,000 Electrical General Maintenance 1-5040-0730-00 $19,000 1-5040-0730-25 6,000 Reservoir Inspections Cleanin 6,000 MAINTENANCE(E) Reservoir Inspections Cleanin 1-5040-0730-75 5,000 Pump Station Repairs 5,000 Pump Station Repairs 1-5040-0750-00 $11,000 1-5040-0750-30 1,000 Tools Equipment 1,000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Tools Equipment 1-5040-0750-90 10,000 Hoses/Fittin s/Cablin for Pumps/Generators 10,000 Emer ency Equipment Supplies 1-5040-0760-00 $200 1-5040-0760-30 200 Manuals/Books/Ma azines 200 OFFICE EXPENSE(E) Books Publications 1-5040-0810-00 $2,000 1-5040-0810-05 500 Safety 500 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Safety 1-5040-0810-20 1,000 Job Trainin 1,000 Job Trainin 1-5040-0810-40 500 Certificate Reimbursment 500 Certificate Reimbursment 1-5040-0830-00 $2,400 1-5040-0830-10 700 Travel 200 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) Travel City Works User Conference 500 1-5040-0830-20 500 City Works User Conference 500 Lod in 1-5040-0830-30 200 Meals 200 Meals 1-5040-0830-40 1,000 City Works User Conference 500 Re istration Re istration 500 Section Total $14,485,838 1 i Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Mechanical FY 2013 Services) (5050) Primary GIL Category -.�'Sub Acct No./Sub Category M Detail Description 1-5050-0580-00 $1,000 1-5050-0580-00 1,000 Communications 1,000 COMMUNICATIONS(E) COMMUNICATIONS(E) 1-5050-0600-00 $1,400 1-5050-0600-50 1,400 Uniforms 1,400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) Uniforms 1-5050-0645-00 $6,500 1-5050-0645-05 5,000 AQMD Permits 5,000 FEES&PERMITS(E) AQMD Permits 1-5050-0645-15 300 E.P.A.Fees 300 E.P.A..Fees 1-5050-0645-60 1,200 C.A.R.B Fee 1,200 CARB Fees 1-5050-0710-00 $6,500 1-5050-0710-60 2,000 Hardware Supplies 2,000 MATERIALS(E) Hardware Supplies 1-5050-0710-65 500 PPE Equipment 500 PPE Equipment 1-5050-0710-80 3,000 Mech.Shop Supplies 3,000 Mech.Shop Supplies 1 1-5050-0710-81 1,000 Weldin Supplies 1,000 1 W 5050-0710-81 Supplies 1-5050-0750-00 $10,000 1-5050-0750-40 10,000 Misc Mech Shop Equipment/Tools 5,000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Mech Shop Equipment Power Train Lift 5,000 1-5050-0810-00 $500 1-5050-0810-20 250 Job Trainin 250 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Job Trainin 1-5050-0810-40 250 Certificate Reimbursment 250 Certificate Reimbursment 1-5050-0890-00 $282,400 1-5050-0890-10 950 Admin-Gas 950 VEHICLE EXPENSES Admin-Gas 1-5050-0890-11 750 Admin-Vehicle Maint 750 Admin-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-20 12,000 Finance-Gas 12,000 Finance-Gas 1-5050-0890-21 4,000 Finance-Vehicle Maint 4,000 Finance-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-30 10,200 En ineerin -Gas 10,200 En ineerin -Gas 1-5050-0890-31 4,000 En ineerin -Vehicle Maint 4,000 En ineerin -Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-00 $282,400 1-5050-0890-40 1,500 OPS-Admin Vehicle Maint 1,500 VEHICLE EXPENSES OPS-Admin Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-41 4,000 OPS Admin Gas 4,000 OPS-Admin Gas 1-5050-0890-42 50,000 OPS Water Vehicle Maintenance 50,000 OPS-Water-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-43 6,000 OPS-Water Equipment Maintenance 6,000 OPS-Water-Equipement Maint 1-5050-0890-44 69,000 OPS-Water-Gas 69,000 OPS-Water-Gas 1-5050-0890-45 18,500 OPS-Water-Diesel 18,500 OPS-Water-Diesel 1-5050-0890-50 8,000 OPS-Production Vehicle Maint 8,000 OPS-Production Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-51 500 OPS-Production Equipment Maint 500 OPS-Production Equipment Maint 1-5050-0890-52 15,800 OPS-Production-Gas 15,800 OPS-Production-Gas 1-5050-0890-53 2,500 OPS Mech Svcs-Vehicle Maint 2,500 OPS-Mech Svcs-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-54 3,500 OPS-Mech Svcs-Gas 3,500 OPS-Mech Svcs-Gas 1-5050-0890-55 1,000 OPS-Facilities-VehicleMaint 1,000 OPS-Facilities-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-56 2,000 OPS-Facilities-Gas 2,000 OPS-Facilities-Gas 1-5050-0890-57 3,000 OPS-Tool Repair 3,000 OPS-Tool Repair 1-5050-0890-70 2,000 IT-Vehicle Maintenance 2,000 IT-Vehicle Mtce 1-5050-0890-71 2,200 IT-Gas 2,200 IT-Gas 1-5050-0890-80 50,000 Stationary En ine Maint 50,000 Stationary En ine Maint 1-5050-0890-81 9,000 Stationary En ine Emissions Testin 9,000 Stationary En ine Emissions Testin 1-5050-0890-90 2,000 Haz Mat Disposal 2,000 Hazardous Materials Disposal Section Total $308,300 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Facilities FY 2013 Maintenance) (5060) Primary GIL Category -.�'Sub Acct No./Sub Category M Detail Description 1-5060-0580-00 $500 1-5060-0580-00 500 Advert sin 500 COMMUNICATIONS(E) COMMUNICATIONS(E) 1-5060-0600-00 $151,000 1-5060-0600-05 15,000 AC Heatin 15,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) AC Heatin 1-5060-0600-29 5,000 Disposal Service 5,000 Disposal Service 1-5060-0600-35 75,000 Janitorial Service 75,000 Janitorial Service 1-5060-0600-40 50,000 Landscape Service 50,000 Landscape Service 1-5060-0600-45 2,500 Pest Control Service 2,500 Pest Control Service [1-5060-0600-50 3,500 Uniforms Mats 3,500 Uniforms 1-5060-0645-00 $2,000 1-5060-0645-35 2,000 Haz Mat Fees(OCFA),Permits 2,000 FEES&PERMITS(E) Haz Mat Fees(OCFA) 1-5060-0710-00 $9,250 1-5060-0710-00 2,500 2,500 MATERIALS(E) MATERIALS(E) 1-5060-0710-10 4,000 Buildin Repair Parts 4,000 Buildin Repair Parts 1-5060-0710-60 2,500 Hardware Supplies 2,500 Hardware Supplies 1-5060-0710-98 250 Landscape Supplies 250 Landscape Supplies 1-5060-0730-00 $37,000 1-5060-0730-00 7,000 Misc Facility Mtce(Doors,fences,etc.) 7,000 MAINTENANCE(E) MAINTENANCE(E) 1-5060-0730-20 2,500 Electrical Repair Work 2,500 Electrical General Maintenance 1-5060-0730-35 2,500 Fire Extin uiser Maint/Calibration 2,500 Fire Extin usher Maint/Calibration 1-5060-0730-50 20,000 Paintin 20,000 Paintin Fencin 1-5060-0730-67 5,000 Concrete Repair 5,000 Concrete Repair 1-5060-0750-00 $600 1-5060-0750-00 100 100 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) 1-5060-0750-00 $600 1-5060-0750-30 500 Tools Equipment 500 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Tools Equipment 1-5060-0810-00 $200 1-5060-0810-20 200 Job Trainin 200 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Job Trainin 1-5060-0870-00 $85,000 1-5060-0870-10 85,000 Electric 85,000 UTILITIES(E) Electric Section Total $285,550 ITEM NO. 4.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Subject: Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: PM Report.pdf Monthly Report Backup Material PREVENTATIVE AND REACTIVE MAINTENANCE FISCAL 2011/12 Fiscal 2011-12 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 8% 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 75% 83% 92% 100% HYDRANTS(3,881) Target;all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 381 78 1421 2281 6351 680 985 838 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 381 1161 2581 486 1 1,121 1 1,801 1 2,786 1 3,624 % TOTAL 1.0%j 3.0%1 6.7%1 12.5%1 28.9%1 46.4%1 71.8%1 93.4% VALVES(10,706/2=5,353) Target;all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 4441 4941 6341 616 560 2821 6811 553 OPERATED THIS YEAR 4441 9381 1,5721 2,1881 2,748 3,030 1 3,7111 4,264 OF TOTAL 8.3%1 17.5%1 29.4%1 40.9%1 51.3% 56.6%1 69.3%1 79.7 DEAD ENDS(155 X 2=310) Target;all dead ends to be flushed twice each year. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 21 0 01 155 0 0 01 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 21 21 21 157 157 157 1571 1571 1 OF TOTAL 0.7%1 0.7%1 0.7%1 50.7%1 50.7% 50.7%1 50.7%1 50.7 AIR VACS(330) Target;all air/vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 2241 106 1 31 11 01 11 0 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 2241 3301 331 3341 3351 3351 3361 336 % TOTAL 72.5%1 100.0%j 100.0%j 101.2%1 101.5%1 101.5%1 101.8%1 101.8% PRVs(150) 40 STATIONS Target;all PRVs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 1 351 481 41 58 6 1 171 11 24 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 1 351 831 1241 182 1881 2051 2061 230 OF TOTAL 1 23.3%1 55.3%1 82.7%1 121.3% 125.3%1 136.7%1 137.3%1 153.3 WATER LEAKS Target;all leaks repaired at first available opportunity. MAIN REPAIRED 01 0 41 11 1 4 2 0 SERVICE REPAIRED 1 4 21 51 3 5 5 0 SERVICE REPLACED 71 13 121 261 10 10 13 4 AMS REPLACED 71 7 91 81 15 7 10 16 METERS Target;all meter work completed no later than next working day. NEW INSTALL 9 1 29 1 121 25 1 4 1 1 71 16 STUCKS 1 01 11 01 471 01 301 231 33 SEWER CLEANING(235 M) Target;all sewers to be cleaned annually. CLEANED THIS MONTH 21.41 23.9 22.9 27.51 24.87 1 10.03 13.17 22.86 CLEANED THIS YEAR 21.41 45.3 68.3 95.81 120.67 1 130.70 143.871 166.731 1 OF TOTAL 9.1%1 19.3%1 29.1% 40.8%1 51.40%1 55.60%1 61.20%1 71.00 SEWER TELEVISING(39.17M) Target;all sewers to be televised every 6 years. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 1.2 0.58 1.38 4.85 3.26 3.85 3.67 TELEVISED THIS YEAR 1.2 1.78 1 1.78 1 3.16 8.01 11.27 15.12 18.79 OF TOTAL 3.06%1 4.54%1 4.54%1 8.07%1 20.45%1 28.77 1 38.60 1 48.00 OTHER SEWER WORK. S.S.OVERFLOWS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SERVICE CALLS 1 0 2 1 1 1 5 0 ROOT CONTROL 0 267 0 0 0 6,834 5,944 1,075 REHAB FOOTAGE 0 241 12 0 12 196 0 0 MAIN REPAIRS 1 0 3 1 0 2 6 0 MANHOLE ROOT CLEANING 11 9 0 3 0 0 2 8 MANHOLE REPAIRS 1 31 271 31 41 01 11 31 8 ITEM NO. 4.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Water Report.pdf Monthly Report Backup Material YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY FY 2011-12 IN-LIEU ACTUAL ADJUSTED TOTAL MONTHLY YTD BUDGET GW GW IMPORT DEMAND GW GW (Demand Est.) DELTA MONTH (AF) (AF) (AF) (AF) (%) (%) (AF) (%) Jul-11 uua.z) 256.6 1,564.0 2,430.1 35.6% 35.6% 2,630.6 -7.6% Aug-11 596.7 225.7 1,571.7 2,394.0 34.4% 35.0% 2,588.1 -7.5% Sep-11 530.0 219.4 1,391.8 2,141.2 35.0% 35.0% 2,270.8 -5.7% Oct-11 - 652.2 1,116.3 1,768.4 36.9% 35.4% 1,915.4 -7.7% Nov-11 - 535.2 723.7 1,258.9 42.5% 36.3% 1,513.1 -16.8% Dec-11 - 537.4 789.6 1,327.0 40.5% 36.8% 1,361.1 -2.5% Jan-12 - 943.8 438.9 1,382.8 68.3% 40.2% 1,186.8 16.5% Feb-12 - 869.3 393.6 1,262.9 68.8% 42.8% 1,135.4 11.2% Mar-12 1,345.5 Apr-12 1,683.0 May-12 2,226.1 Jun-12 2,494.3 FYTD 1,736.2 4,239.5 13,965.3 14,601.3 -4.4% Red denotes In-Lieu month Allowable GW(YTD) 6,717.3 (AF) Underpumped 741.6 (AF) GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 70.0°x° 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% MONTHLY GW(% 35.0% -M-YTD GW(% BPP GOAL 48.1 30.0% Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Month WATER SUPPLY FY 2011-12 February 2012 Water Supply IN-LIEU GW 0.0% IMPORT 31.2% GW 68.8% 2011-12 YTD Water Supply GW 42.8% IMPORT 57.2% GW BPP GOAL 48.1% Q a� E 0 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 N TOTAL WATER USE FY 2011-12 Month 24,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 - 14,000 a 12,000 0 > 10,000 FY 2011 -12 YTD Water Supply Budgeted Total GW + Import Actual Total GW + Import BPP GW Goal 48.1% -a--Actual GW Production -4--Actual Total GW + Import 2010-11 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Month ITEM NO. 4.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Budgeted: N/A To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Lee Cory, Operations Manager Dept: Operations Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: John DeCriscio, Chief Plant CEQA Compliance: N/A Operator Subject: Development of a Monthly Production Summary Report SUMMARY: The Production Division has been developing a Monthly report that will provide a summary of key operational information. The purpose of this report is to keep the Board of Director informed of important operational information in a brief summary format. DISCUSSION: The goal of this discussion is to be sure that the information being developed in this report provides value to the Board of Directors. Additionally the report is intended to be a quick at-a-glance summary of the previous month operations and a special projects box that will inform the Board of Directors of upcoming operational events. Such as the Metropolitan Shutdown, Reservoir Isolation, Water Quality Changes, etc. STRATEGIC PLAN: OE 2-C: Engage Employees in Methods of Addressing Inefficiencies ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Monthly Production Division Status Report.xlsx Production Sumarry Report Backup Material r 0 a- > % ■ U E \ k CL § 2 c C7 W 2 m E U � 4 c o 0 2 Ln O � a k i Ul 2 } O •2 'E CL a f 2 £ ƒ E E � r \ E k u .0: k-j " - $ # e I 2 G ± ) £ / e e % a) 2 .- .- M r-4 \ •� • / / ƒ ) G ) ) / 4 O E / E \ U < G 2 \ \ G 2 2 2 E E E c — � � r14 o cr e e o = u 4 ui / O O O � = = I I I U a / c O u � � � ■ � o � o m o m O w ■ m / § > 2 v cr r14 rn a 0 _ \ C: C: \ 0 \ \ � &\ 0 / ± / / / / \ / \ \ \ / f f : G G \ 2 G / » R 4 t / e k z 2 2 2 R 2 = 7 7 0 % % t 2 / $ § \ \ .7 7 § f \ E % 7 o E 2 2 m e e 5 = $ •- s 's # # » � e .= \ / q = G q - o o u u / 2 2 ? ? U � & 7 § » > / / > / # # e 2 2 4 4 -i 5 / 2 e / Monthly Production Summary Report March-12 Water Production Max Temperature %Groundwater Min Temperature % Import Water #of High Wind Days Max Day #of Red Flag Days Min Day Inches of Rain Average Day Well# 20 Weather Conditions Max Temperature Well # 20 CIP Min Temperature Mechanical #of High Wind Days LIF valve Keplacements #of Red Flag Days Mechanical Inches of Rain Water Quality Location Average Cl2 Dose Richfield (North Loop) Well # 20 CIP Richfield (South Loop) Mechanical Lakeview Booster(Zone 2) LIF valve Keplacements Lakeview Booster(Zone 3) Mechanical Well# 15 Well# 20 N/A Location Average Cl2 Residual Highland Booster Valley View Booster Paso Fino Booster Hidden Hills Reservoir Camino de Bryant Reservoir Fairmont res. O/S on 3/5 for valve replacement. O/S Equipment Equipment Name Reason for O/S Well # 11 Well # 20 CIP Well #7 Mechanical rairmont Res. LIF valve Keplacements Well # 18 Mechanical Returned to Service Equipment Name Date Well # 18 3/7/2012 I Number of PM's Performed I Pumps & Motors CL2 Systems Reservoirs Wells After Hours Responses Hi/Lo Water Levels Hi/Lo Cl2 Levels Hi/Lo Pressure Communication Fails Pump Fails Intrution Alarms ITEM NO. 4.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Subject: Groundwater Producers Meeting Report ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: GWP Mtq Notes 8Feb2012.docx GWP Meeting Report for Feb 2012 Backup Material IMYorba Linda Water District MEMORANDUM DATE: February 13, 2012 TO: Ken Vecchiarelli FROM: Steve Conklin SUBJECT: Groundwater Producers Meeting, February 8, 2012 1 attended the Groundwater Producers (GWP) meeting on February 8 at OCWD. A summary of each item discussed is as follows: 1. Water Quality Report. OCWD staff reported that preparation has begun for the Water Quality Report that each agency must deliver to each of its customers by the end of June each year. The State Department of Public Health is looking into the use of electronic methods for retail water agencies to deliver the information to customers as an alternative to hard copies in the mail. OCWD also reported on potential time lines for regulatory limits (MCLs) for Perchlorate and for Chrome Six, in the next 3-4 years. 2. Burris Transfer Well. OCWD staff reported on the status of the test well constructed in the Burris Pit Recharge Basin, adjacent to the Santa Ana River. Burris Pit does not percolate much water, due to clay lenses between the Shallow and the Principal Aquifers, which impede the downward flow of recharge water. As a test, OCWD constructed an 8" well with perforations in the Shallow and the Principal aquifers that allow water to flow from the upper to the lower aquifer, to move more water downward, by gravity flow. Updates on the success of the test program will follow. 3. Basin Accumulated Overdraft Projections. OCWD reported that, following the very wet year last year, they projected that the basin overdraft would be in the range of 115,000 AF, which was well within the target overdraft of 100,000 to 150,000 AF. However, with the very dry conditions at hand, they currently estimate that the overdraft may be in the range of 170,000 to 180,000 AF, which is still a very good condition. 4. Basin Production Percentage (BPP) Assumptions for FY 2012-13. OCWD staff reported on the conditions and assumptions used that lead them to the recommendation for a BPP of 68% for FY 12-13. It was noted that the total water demands (groundwater, import and recycled) for OCWD producer agencies, has been falling steadily for the last five years, from 503,000 AFY in FY06-07 to an estimated 412,000 AFY in FY10-11. The latter estimate is the lowest total demand in 22 years. Total basin pumping is projected to be 300,000 AF in FY12- 13. 5. Discussion of Options as to How to Ramp-Up the RA to Support GWRS Expansion. OCWD staff reported that the GWRS Expansion project is under construction, and will come on line in Nov 2014. The expanded plant will add $18 million to the GWRS operating cost for OCWD. The expansion will make it possible for the BPP to increase 7%, but the added operating cost will require the RA to increase by $36/AF in the next three years. The combined effect of the increased BPP and increased RA will be a net drop in water cost for GWP agencies that can pump up to the higher BPP. In addition to the higher RA, OCWD will need to add $9.2 million to its reserves as a contract condition for the low-interest loan from the State. Discussed were options such as ramping up the RA at a relatively uniform rate, ramping up the BPP to soften water rate increases for the GWP agencies, and waiting and spiking the RA at the same time that the BPP jumps, to potentially lessen the impact on GWP agencies. Discussions will continue with BWP agencies and the Board. 6. Annexation Update. OCWD reported that the modeling of the groundwater basin under various annexation conditions is taking longer than anticipated, probably another two months to complete. Thereafter, the draft EIR will be prepared for distribution, probably in June or July 2012. 2 ITEM NO. 4.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Subject: Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: CIP Rept Mar2012.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2012 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Highland Booster Station Upgrade Gas engines mounted to the Gas piping to be installed The current completion date is Budget: $5,000,000 Job No. 200814 pads, wiring and conduit in the access road to the March 2012. The Board approved Project Contact: Joe Polimino being connected to motors building; roofing material Change Order#2. Planned Completion Date: March 2012 and valve assemblies. to be placed. Work to Interior electrical work continue inside pump continues in the motor room including electrical control room. and motor controls. 2 Ohio/Oriente Pipeline Replacement Contractor completing final After punch list is Construction claim received Jan Budget: $1,300,000 Job No. 201006 punch list items for the City complete, the final 24 from contractor, which is Project Contact: Joe Polimino and the District. payment will be made and recommended for denial by PEO. Planned Completion Date: Dec 2011 the NOC will be filed. 3 Well 20 Equipping Contractor set the well head Awaiting material March 2012 estimated completion. Budget: $1,200,000 Job No. and motor; drainage structure deliveries before interior Change order submitted to extend 200711 work completed. Exterior electrical work begins. the contract time due to delayed Project Contact: Joe Polimino underground electrical ducts Brine tank to be set and delivery dates for equipment. Planned Completion Date: March 2012 installed and encased in the roof system to be concrete. installed over the basin. 4 Green Crest Lift Station Upgrades Issued CO#1 for added float Coordinate shutdown. Expect completion in March 2012. Budget: $100,000 Job No. 2011165 switch and payment bond. Install new valves and Project Contact: Hank Samaripa Materials on order. appurtenances. Planned Completion Date: June 2012 5 Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Submittals approved; Witness pressure testing Contractor to complete work and Budget: $210,000 Job No. 201011 Contractor ordered valves. upon valves delivery, demobilize by March 301x'. Change Project Contract: Anthony Manzano Material delivery and scheduled for the week of order submitted to extend the Planned Completion: February 2012 mobilization scheduled for March 5. contract time due to delayed week of March 5. delivery dates for valves. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2012 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Lakeview Grade Separation (OCTA Project) Met with OCTA staff on After cost-sharing Awaiting final cost sharing Budget: $700,000 Job No. 201002 January 11. Negotiating determined, will need to decision and design submittal Project Contact: Anthony Manzano OCTA cost sharing. receive and approve final from OCTA's consultant. Planned Completion Date: Sept. 2013 design drawings. 2 2010 Waterline Repl.,Ph.II.: Tamarisk,Hidden City of Placentia issued a Design drawings submitted Construction expected to start Hills, Catalina Ct., Gordon Ln. &Richfield Rd. preliminary permit. YLCC to cities of Yorba Linda and mid 2012, with Richfield Road Budget: $13M Job No. 201120 Agreement prepared. Anaheim, for permits. work starting first. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Working with owners for Easements to be procured. Planned Completion Date: Spring 2012 easement deed approvals. 3 YL Blvd. BPS & Pipeline Evaluated Pipeline Project Recommending award to If approved by Board in March, Budget: $4.5M Job No. 200817 construction bids received low-bidder, G. Juarez Const issue Notice of Award and Project Contact: Hank Samaripa Feb 15. Co. at March 1 PEO process construction agreement. Planned Completion Date: May 2013 Committee. 4 Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade ExxonMobil agreed to assist District to receive 90% District to review and provide Budget: $1,000,000 Job. No. 201108 with cut and cap of existing design plans by end of feedback to consultant. Project Project Contact: Derek Nguyen inactive gas line; consultant February. design plans completion is Planned Completion: TBD revising 60% design plans expected by late-March 2012. per District's comments. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2012 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Fairmont BPS & Site Improvements Staff discussing site Develop Fairmont site plan Will begin work on this project Budget: $6,000,000 Job No. 200803 improvement options. and prepare RFP for design. after design work is complete on Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Yorba Linda Booster Station. Planned Completion Date: TBD 2 South & West Wells Project Completed site topo survey Review site plan with Search for potential Well 22 site Budget: $5,500,000 Job No. 200922 for new well site near OCWD staff. If acceptable, may be delayed,pending CIP Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Warner Basin. Site plan seek final site approval from budget approval. Planned Completion Date: TBD being developed. OCWD Board. 3 Elk Mountain Site Improvements Owner provided written Obtain purchase order for Schedule fence installation and Budget: $6,000 Job No. 200522 authorization to allow construction of security repairs. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa District to install security wrought iron fence and Planned Completion Date: Dec 2011 fence on her property. other fence repairs. 4 Locke Ranch Area Annexation No protests received at Feb 2 LAFCO will submit Annexation will then be Budget: $9,000 Job No. 2001104 Protest Hearing. Certificate Statement of Boundary complete. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani of Completion recorded on Change to State Board of Planned Completion Date: Feb. 2012 Feb 15, making Annexation Equalization upon receiving official. $2,000 process fee payment. ITEM NO. 4.8 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 12, 2012 Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Strat PI Tracking- Feb2012.xlsx Backup Material Backup Material Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Strategies Start Date Completion lead Party February 2012 Progress Date FR 2: Increase Reserve Fundin Analyze the Asset Annual Review Initiated construction for last of near-term FR 2-B Management Plan to Dec-11 Prior to Budget Engineering upgrades to sewer lift station. Awarded Determine Future and CIP Manager contract for preparation of GIS database for Needs Update east side sewers. SR 1: Work Toward Service Reliabilitv and Efficiency Service Demand Projections were examined SR 1-13 Forecast Service Oct-10 Jun-11 Engineering and incorporated into the District's 2010 Demand Projections Manager Urban Water Management Plan (dated May 2011) out to Year 2035 Develop Additional Engineering Completed site topo survey for new potential SR 1-E Well Sites Mar-11 Jun-12 Manager well site. Will prepare site plan and submit to OCWD for consideration. Evaluate Alternative Engineering This strategic plan initiative is now SR 1-F Water Sources On-going On-going Manager complete, with the filing of the final Water Recycling Facilities Planning Study. SR 3: Continue Implementation of Capital Im rovement Project Plan 2007-2012 Complete Implementation of Five Current status is approximately $8.7 Year Capital Engineering million of projects in construction phase SR 3-A Improvement Plan On-going On-going Manager and $18.3 million in the planning and from FY 2007-2012 design phases. with Adopted Amendments The 2011-12 Budget identifies $21.2 million Continue Planning for for Capital Improvement Projects for SR 3-13 Long-Term Capital On-going On-going Engineering FY2012-13 through FY2014-15. Staff will Improvements and Manager continue to evaluate our systems' needs and Replacements capabilities.