HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-20 - Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL-RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Ric Collett Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Joann Gitmed, Accounting Assistant II 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Request for Proposals for an Organizational Efficiency Study Recommendation: That the Committee consider recommending the Board of Directors authorize preparation of Requests for Proposals for Professional Services toward the preparation of an Organizational Efficiency Study. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Draft Human Resources Department Budget for FY 2012-2013 3.2. Draft Salary and Benefits Budget for FY 2012-2013 3.3. Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Management Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015 3.4. Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015 3.5. Student Internship Policy (Verbal Report) 3.6. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives 3.7. Backhoe Incident on March 12, 2012 (Verbal Report) 3.8. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next meeting of the Personnel-Risk Management Committee will be held April 10, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $45,000 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 1-2010-0600-00 Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Personnel Technician Subject: Request for Proposals for an Organizational Efficiency Study SUMMARY: One or more Board members have asked staff to look at the District's organizational makeup for opportunities to gain efficiencies. Suggestions have been proposed to consider combining the Customer Service Section of the Finance Department with the Public Affairs Section of Administration Department or to combine the Information Technology Department with the Public Affairs Divisions. Staff has not prepared any internal studies to support these suggestions and the Board may wish to consider an outside independent review of these suggestions and/or other organizational changes that may be effective for improving services and organizational effciencies. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee consider recommending the Board of Directors authorize preparation of Requests for Proposals for Professional Services toward the preparation of an Organizational Efficiency Study. DISCUSSION: Funds were previously allocated in the Administration Department Budget (FY 2011/2012) for the AWWA QualServe Peer Review Survey which could assist the District in evaluating its overall operating efficiency. Funds have not been expended for this effort. ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Prepared By: Joann Gitmed, Accounting Assistant II Subject: Draft Human Resources Department Budget for FY 2012-2013 SUMMARY: Presented for review and discussion is the preliminary Human Resources Department budget for FY 2012-13. DISCUSSION: The Human Resources Department is responsible for all employment services for the District including recruitment and testing, employee relations, employee benefits, training and development, occupational safety, workers' compensation, employee health services, procurement of liability and property insurances, as well as claims handling and risk management programs. The Human Resources Department consists of three divisions: Human Resources Administration, Risk Management, and Safety. The staff continually works to operate an efficient and cost effective department by ensuring staff are knowledgeable and trained to provide consultation services to managers and employees surrounding the issues of both State and Federal employment regulations. The Department regularly searches for ways to improve services while reducing costs. Overall, the FY 2012-13 Human Resources Department budget reflects approximately a 5.5% increase which is wholly attributable to an expected increase in Property and Liability Insurance premiums. With the exception of two areas, Dues & Memberships and Insurance, Human Resources has reduced its FY 2012-13 budget over FY 2011-12. It is anticipated that the District's property and liability insurance premiums will increase by 17%. This is due to an increase in claims activity and the additional cost for comprehensive and collision insurance for approximately 41 District vehicles. Additionally, the Dues & Memberships category shows a substantial increase due to the reclassification of the LCW Consortium membership from Professional Development to Dues & Memberships. A correlating decrease to the Professional Development category is also reflected. The Human Resources Department will continue to proactively work with other District departments, staff, and the employees' association to address the ongoing effects of the turbulent economic shortfalls that could affect our employee population. The Human Resources department will continue to maintain high levels of service at reduced costs and to ensure the appropriate training and succession planning of the District's future leaders. ATTACHMENTS: Namt Description: Type: HR Budget Summary for FY 2012-13.xlsx Human Resources Budget Summary for 2013 Backup Material 7010 Budget for 2013.pdf 7010 Budget for 2013 Backup Material 7020 Budget for 2013.pdf 7020 Budget for 2013 Backup Material 7030 Budget for 2013.pdf 7030 Budget for 2013 Backup Material HUMAN RESOURCES FY 2011/12 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 Amended Budget Forecast Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ 5,000 $ - $ 4,500 Contractual Services $ 22,400 $ - $ 16,450 Dues & Memberships $ 2,550 $ - $ 5,475 Insurance $ 237,000 $ - $ 278,000 Materials $ 1,500 $ - $ 1,000 District Activities & Events $ 17,900 $ - $ 15,500 Office Expense $ 1,000 $ - $ 700 Professional Services $ 135,000 $ - $ 129,000 Professional Development $ 12,000 $ - $ 8,000 Travel & Conferences $ 1,900 $ - $ 1,500 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 436,250 $ - $ 460,125 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: HR (Admin) (7010) FY 2013 Primary GIL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description M AM 1-7010-0580-00 $4,500 1-7010-0580-05 4,500 Advertising&Printing 4,500 COMMUNICATIONS(E) Advertising 1-7010-0600-00 $14,300 1-7010-0600-00 5,200 Flex Advantage 100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) COBRA Solutions 500 EE Relations 400 Shred-it 1,200 Neo Gov 3,000 1-7010-0600-10 600 DOT Physicals 600 DOT Physicals 1-7010-0600-20 1,000 Pre-employment Physicals 1,000 Pre-employment Physicals 1-7010-0600-30 2,500 Help B 1,300 Health&Welfare Flu Shots 1,200 1-7010-0600-70 5,000 Temp Help-Safety Consultant 5,000 Temporary Employement Services 1-7010-0640-00 $4,375 1-7010-0640-00 4,375 Jobs Available Subscription 50 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI CALPELRA Annual Dues 400 PTIONS(E) ONS(E) SHRM Membership 200 PELRAC 525 LCW Consortium 3,200 1-7010-0715-00 $15,000 1-7010-0715-10 3,000 Employee Picnic 3,000 District Activities&Events District Events-Employee Picnic 1-7010-0715-20 8,000 Employee Recognition 6,000 District Events-Employee Retiree Recognition 2,000 Recognition 1-7010-0715-30 1,000 Benefit Fair 1,000 DISTRICT EVENTS-BENEFITS FAIR 1-7010-0715-40 2,500 Employee Promotional Items 2,500 District Events-Employee Promotional Items 1-7010-0715-50 500 Meeting/Training Supplies 500 Meeting Supplies 1-7010-0760-00 $500 1-7010-0760-00 200 Office Supplies 200 Office Expense Office Expense 1-7010-0760-30 300 Books&Publications 300 Books&Publications 1-7010-0780-00 $65,500 1-7010-0780-00 10,500 GP Consulting-Tom Santoro 3,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) Norm Traub&Associates-Invest&Background 7,500 1-7010-0780-00 $65,500 1-7010-0780-05 55,000 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Employment Law 55,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) Legal Services 1-7010-0810-00 $6,000 1-7010-0810-00 6,000 Job Training 2,000 Professional Development Training SHRM Certification 4,000 1-7010-0830-00 $900 1-7010-0830-00 900 PELRAC 200 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) LCW 700 Section Total $111,075 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: HR (Risk FY 2013 Management) (7020) 111L�� Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 'do 1-7020-0600-00 $150 1-7020-0600-00 150 AED Medical Director Oversight 150 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) 1-7020-0640-00 $200 1-7020-0640-00 200 PARMA Membership 200 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI PTIONS(E) ONS(E) 1-7020-0690-00 $278,000 1-7020-0690-10 8,000 Tort Claims-<151< 8,000 INSURANCE(E) Tort Claims 1-7020-0690-20 220,000 ACWA-JPIA Liability Insurance 220,000 Liability Insurance 1-7020-0690-30 50,000 ACWA-JPIA Property Insurance 50,000 Property Insurance 1-7020-0715-00 $200 1-7020-0715-50 200 Meeting Supplies 200 District Activities&Events Meeting Supplies 1-7020-0780-00 $1,500 1-7020-0780-00 1,500 First Aid-Workers Compensation 1,500 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) 1-7020-0810-00 $1,000 1-7020-0810-00 1,000 Risk Management Training 1,000 Professional Development PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1-7020-0830-00 $600 1-7020-0830-00 600 PARMA Conference 600 TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) Section Total $281,650 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: HR (Safety) (7030) FY 2013 Primary GIL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description M 60 1-7030-0600-00 $2,000 1-7030-0600-00 2,000 Industrial Hearing/Pulmonary Management 2,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) 1-7030-0640-00 $900 1-7030-0640-00 900 PASMA 100 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, Pacific Safety Council-COSS 300 SUBSCRIPTIONS(E) SUBSCRIPTIONS(E) Cal-OSHA Reporter 500 1-7030-0710-00 $1,000 1-7030-0710-00 1,000 First Aid Supplies 1,000 MATERIALS(E) MATERIALS(E) 1-7030-0715-00 $300 1-7030-0715-50 300 Meeting/Training Supplies 300 District Activities and Events MEETING SUPPLIES 1-7030-0760-00 $200 1-7030-0760-30 200 Books&Publications 200 Office Expense Books&Publications 1-7030-0780-00 $62,000 1-7030-0780-00 62,000 Safety Program Consultant(Aspen) 62,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES(E) 1-7030-0810-00 $1,000 1-7030-0810-10 1,000 OSHA Compliance Training 1,000 Professional Development OSHA Compliance Section Total $67,400 ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Prepared By: Joann Gitmed, Accounting Assistant II Subject: Draft Salary and Benefits Budget for FY 2012-2013 SUMMARY: Presented for review and discussion is the preliminary Personnel Salaries & Benefits budget for FY2012-13. It should be noted, the proposed budget does not include any potential changes due to FY2012-13 employee negotiations. DISCUSSION: The District's proposed Personnel Salaries & Benefits budget for FY 2012-13 is approximately $7,900,000. This proposed budget currently reflects a slight decrease over the adopted FY2011-12 Salaries & Benefits budget. The FY2012-13 budgeted amount is comprised of the following: Wages ($5,390,000), Overtime and Standby Expense ($197,000), Mandatory and Fringe Benefits ($2,126,000), Retiree Insurance Expense ($177,000), and Unemployment Insurance Expenditures ($10,000) The benefits are divided into two (2) categories: Mandatory and Fringe Benefits. The Mandatory Benefits include the District's contribution to CalPERS (11.668% of base payroll), Medicare/Social Security (1 .45% and 6.20% respectively for non-CaIPERS employees), and workers' compensation (ranging from .77% to 3.89% of salary based on position). The Fringe Benefits include the employee's CalPERS contribution (7% of base payroll), Medical, Dental, and Vision premiums (100% of employee and 2/3 of dependent coverage), Long Term Disability ($0.272 per $100 of salary), Employee Assistance Program ($2.31/month per employee), Life Insurance and AD&D coverage ($0.159 per $1 ,000 of salary), Boot Allowance ($200 per year per eligible employee), and Auto allowance ($350 per month per eligible employee). ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Salary-Benefit Summary.xlsx Salary&Benefit Summary Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Salaries and Benefits Budget Comparison (FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13) FY 11/12 FY 12/13 Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) Total Wages $ 5,356,928 $ 5,390,926 $ 33,998 A Overtime $ 152,300 $ 164,950 $ 12,650 Standby $ 21,840 $ 32,100 $ 10,260 B Mandatory Benefits $ 811,682 $ 813,632 $ 1,950 C Fringe Benefits $ 1,360,577 $ 1,312,043 $ (48,534) ° Retiree Insurance $ 217,979 $ 177,323 $ (40,656) E Unemployment Insurance $ 20,000 $ 10,400 $ (9,600) F $ 7,941,306 $ 7,901,374 $ (39,932) A - $22,000 decrease due to reclass of AsstGM to IT Mgr at bottom step, Approximately$56,000 increase due to miscellaneous step increases B - $2,000 increase due to$5 increase per day in weekday standby rates $8,200 increase due to$25 increase per day in weekend/holiday standby rates - Approx$10,200 increase due to PERS ER rate increase from 11.507%to 11.668% Approx$10,000 decrease in Worker's Comp due to new employees hired at lower steps ° - Health/Dental/Vision rates did not increase as much as anticipated in FY11/12, for FY12/13 District is budeting for a smaller increase than the prior year Approximately$13,000 decrease due to new employees paying 7% PERS E - ARC for Retiree benefits is actuarially determined. For FY12/13,ARC decreased F - Estimated decrease in unemployment benefits(1 employee) ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Subject: Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Management Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015 SUMMARY: The District's management employees are unrepresented and do not bargain with the District over compensation and benefits. In the past, this group has followed suit with any provisions the District bargained and agreed upon with the District's represented employees group. DISCUSSION: In the past, the District's management employees followed suit with the provisions that were negotiated between the District and the District's represented employees. At the request from the Board of Directors, staff was instructed to prepare and present a compensation letter for the Management Employee Group for consideration from the Board of Directors during the Budget process. On March 6, 2012 staff presented draft Management Employee Compensation Letter documents to the Personnel-Risk Management Committee for review and discussion. Staff was instructed to revise the documents to reflect a three year proposal versus the one year proposal originally presented to the Committee. Staff revised the documents to reflect a three year term for the Management Employee Group for the Committee's review and discussion. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Management Compensation Letter - Exhibit A-Final FYs 2012-2015.doc Management Compensation Letter- Backup Exhibit A-Final FYs 2012-2015 Material MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY RANGES FLSA STATUS FYs 2012- ME Classifications and Salary Ranges Backup 2015 - Final.doc FLSA Status FYs 2012-2015 Material ME 9step- 2012-2013 ME 3%.pdf ME Salary Matrix FY 2012-2013 Backup Material ME 9step- 2013-2014 ME 3%.pdf ME Salary Matrix FY 2013-2014 Backup Material ME 9step- 2014-2015 ME 3%.pdf ME Salary Matrix FY 2014-2015 Backup Material DOCSLA-#350310-v1-Exhibit F Holiday Schedule FYs 2012-2015 - Final.doc FYs 2012-2015 Holiday Schedule Backup Material Exhibit A Resolution No. 11-22 Employee Compensation Letter And Pay Plan for Management Employees Fiscal years: 2011-2012 201 2-201 5 I. The General Manager shall prepare an Employee Compensation Letter for consideration by the Board of Directors. The Employee Compensation Letter shall describe the salaries, benefits and special conditions offered by the District to its Management employee group (Exhibit B). 4 Effective July 1, 2012, the salary schedule attached hereto as Tho �Di�stpii-,�+ shall mnin4nin the oplpn horli ilo p44pnhor! horo4r ;; Exhibit C tAr the pperied li il„ 1 20112 thre ,nh j61Re 30,z2-9 shall be in effect for fiscal year 2012-2013. III. Effective July 1, 2013, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit D shall be in effect for fiscal year 2013-2014. IV. Effective July 1, 2014, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit E shall be in effect for fiscal year 2014-2015. V. The District's current contract with CalPERS is for a retirement benefit based on the single highest year with a Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor Benefit Program. VI. Effective July 1, 2012, all management employees The Distrin+ shall ^tee t$ pay 3% of the 7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CalPERS. t,"P r+iGn noffthhe °eMP19yee'S GGn+rihi i+itep rp+o A (` RFERS ft-:)r empleyed by the District G.A. nr hofnro the adep�inn d_;;4TPpff inn 12 Q! Whinh appFeyes p�me_.Ad Tr°n4n4 4�pGen4�i ��_111"""��-"""��_ � hhe}�on��n�e_I inn rQa Water Dictrint onr! GaIRGRS to preyide SeGtieR 0 @ 6Q Full feFmula). VII. Effective July 1, 2013, all management employees shall pay 5% of the 7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CalPERS. VIII. Effective July 1, 2014, all management employees shall pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CalPERS. u^wever, + ndividuals hired by the District on or after January 26, 2012, the Resolution No. 12-01 was adopted, shall be enrolled in the 2% @ 60 retirement formula andshall pay 1 QQ of +ho c+o+i i+nr„ GaIRGRS empleyee nrn4rihi +inn tG GaIRCRC Management Compensation Letter 2012/2015 All payments will be credited to the employee's individual account with CalPERS. IX. The District shall continue to maintain a "414(h)(2)" plan under the Internal Revenue Code for the purpose of treating contributions to PERS as deferred income for tax purposes to the extent permitted by law. Contributions will continue to be deducted from the employee's actual gross salary as reflected on the employee's pay stub. Employees shall otherwise be responsible for all taxes related to fringe and reimbursement benefits and the District shall make deductions in accordance with the law. X. Each employee will be annually reviewed on a one-year interval following completion of their probationary period. An employee who receives a meets job expectations evaluation will be entitled to move one (1) step and an employee who receives an exceeds job expectations evaluation, shall be allowed to move up to two (2) steps. Movement shall take place until an employee has reached Step 9. The District shall endeavor to have performance reviews completed within two (2) weeks after the employee's anniversary date with the effective date of any merit salary increase being on the anniversary date. If the evaluation is delayed, any subsequent salary increase to which the employee could otherwise be entitled shall be retroactive to the anniversary date. XI. All new hires shall be subject to a twelve (12) month probationary period. Such new hires shall accrue vacation commencing with the start of employment but shall be ineligible to use accrued vacation time prior to successful completion of six (6) months of service. An existing employee who has been promoted to a new position will be required to serve a six (6) month promotional probationary period in the new position. XI 1. Management employees shall accrue vacation leave time with pay as follows.. Duration of Continuous Hours Accrued per Pay Period Regular Employment During 1 st through 60th month 3.077 = 2.0 weeks/yr During 61 st through 120th month 4.615 = 3.0 weeks/yr During 121 st through 180th month 5.384 = 3.5 weeks/yr During 181 st through 240th month 6.153 = 4.0 weeks/yr During 241St month and thereafter 6.922 = 4.5 weeks/yr XIII. The District shall continue to provide group life insurance in the amount of one times basic annual salary rounded to the next higher multiple of $1,000, for each full-time regular Management Employee under age 70, on the first day of the month following their date of hire, in accordance with the Management Compensation Letter 201d2010 provisions of the contract between the District and any company of the District's choosing providing such coverage. Management Employees may increase the coverage up to five time's annual salary not to exceed $300,000 by authorizing the additional premium to be deducted from his/her salary. XIV. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for hospital and medical insurance for all Management employees who work in excess of 30 hours per week, after they have worked for two calendar months, and up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Management employee dependent coverage for covered employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Management Employee dependent coverage for covered Management employees with more than one dependent in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The Management employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary to cover the employee's share of the dependent coverage. The Management employees shall have the option of selecting a District-designated Health Maintenance Organization ("HMO"). The District contribution for HMO coverage will be in accordance with this paragraph. XV. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for dental insurance for all Management employees who work 30 hours or more per week, after they have worked for two calendar months, and up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Management employee dependent coverage for covered Management employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Management Employee dependent coverage for covered Management Employees with more than one dependent in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The individual Management employees shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary. The Management employees shall have the option of selecting "Delta Care" with the contribution for "Delta Care" to be in accordance with this paragraph. XVI. District shall pay 100% of the premium for vision insurance for Management employees who work more than 30 hours per week, on the first day of the month following their date of hire and up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward dependent coverage for covered Management Employees with one dependent, or up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward dependent coverage for covered Management Employees with more than one dependent, in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The individual Management Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary. Management Compensation Letter 2012/2015 XVII. Subject to carrier approval, the District shall pay the amounts provided in the paragraphs IX, X and XI of this agreement for any Management Employee employed by the District on or before December 8, 2011, the rlata Vie# Resolution 11-22 was adopted and who retires from the District for a period of time which is equivalent to one (I) year or pro- ration thereof on a monthly basis for each three (3) years of service to the District or pro-ration thereof on a quarterly basis. To be eligible for this benefit, the employee must be at least 50 years of age, must have five (5) years of service with the District, must provide ninety (90) days notice of intent to retire must remain in a retired status and must retire from the District in good standing. If any benefit period remains when the Management Employee or his/her spouse reaches ages 65, whichever is latest, and then coverage will convert to Medicare Supplement for the remainder of the benefit period. For purposes of this Agreement, retired status means that the Management Employee shall not work for compensation for more than nine hundred sixty (960) hours in any fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The District shall require a Management Employee to certify under penalty of perjury that the Management Employee has remained on retired status and/or to submit to such additional verification, as the District deems necessary to demonstrate retired status. The retired Management Employee must make any contribution required of a regular Management Employee pursuant to paragraph IX, X and XI prior to the first day of the month in which coverage is to be extended. Failure of a Management Employee to make such payment shall result in termination of coverage and termination of any right to any benefit pursuant to this section. Management employees hired after the adoption of Resolution 11-22 (12-8-2011) shall be ineligible to receive this benefit. A Management Employee who retires (in accordance with the Public Employees' Retirement System qualifications) shall be paid at the rate of his final salary for 3/8 of his/her accumulated days of sick leave, if any, at the time of separation from active employment. The remaining 5/8 of his/her accumulated days of sick leave will be converted into CalPERS service credit. If the Management Employee should die, his/her estate shall be entitled to such payment. XVIII. To the extent possible, the District shall extend its current plan under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code to cover Management Employees. XIX. The District shall provide a long-term disability plan for Management Employees which has a 90-day elimination period and provides at least sixty percent (60%) of salary for a designated period of time in accordance Management Compensation Letter 2012/2015 with coverage procured by the District from a carrier to be determined at the District's sole discretion. XX. Effective July 1, 2012, the District will match dollar for dollar not to exceed 2% of a management employee's salary per year of his/her deposits in a Deferred Compensation Plan. > Effo�e iaR ar 1, 24472L, Management employees shall continue to be assigned to a four (4) day workweek, consisting of ten (10) scheduled hours of work each day (a 4/10 schedule Monday through Thursday). The Board of Directors clearly and unequivocally has the right to terminate the 4/10 schedule at any time during the term of this employee compensation letter. In such case, the schedule shall revert to the 9/80 schedule as existed immediately prior to implementation of the 4/10 schedule. XXII. In situations where a Management Employee has been injured in a non- duty accident and his/her disability leave exceeds one calendar month or the total of his/her accumulated leaves, including sick leave, paid time off and vacation, that portion of the leave exceeding 30 days or the total of accumulated leaves, whichever is more, shall constitute a break in service and his/her merit review dates and anniversary date will be adjusted accordingly. XXIII. The District will pay up to a total of $2,000 annually to establish and administer a tax-advantaged flexible benefit plan, and a total of $5,000 annually to establish a tax advantaged dependent care plan. Plans will conform to the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, and permits Management Employees to convert their share of insurance premiums, un-reimbursed medical expenses, child care and other qualifying expenditures to pretax dollars. Savings to the District through reductions to the payroll and worker's compensation tax base will accrue to the District and offset the costs of establishing and administering this program. XXIV. The District shall reimburse Management Employees for sums paid to the appropriate agencies for obtaining, or renewing, treatment and/or distribution certificates, and other professional certifications, registrations and job related training. XXV. Management Employees who are required to wear safety boots in the performance of their job, as determined by the General Manager, shall be eligible for District-purchased boots in an amount not to exceed $200.00, provided that the boots are from a list pre-approved by the General Manager or his/her designee. The difference between $200.00 and the amount actually used may be carried over for one year and combined with a subsequent allocation for boot reimbursement. Management Compensation Letter 2012/2015 XXVI. The District shall provide educational reimbursement to Management Employees for costs of tuition, fees, books and parking relating to educational courses taken and completed at accredited institutions at a rate not to exceed standard resident fees as charged by the California State University. Course work must be job related as determined and approved in advance by the General Manager. Proof of payment and successful completion of the course must accompany the reimbursement request on a form provided by the District. Management Employee shall be responsible for any tax consequences as a result of education reimbursement. If for any reason, the employee separates from District employment prior to completion of one (1) calendar year from the date of distribution by the District of funds provided for herein, all such amounts distributed during that one (1) calendar year period, shall be considered a judgment due and owing to the District. The judgment amount shall be deducted from the employee's closing check. Any remaining, non- reimbursed amount shall be paid to the District within ninety (90) calendar days of separation from District employment. Each employee receiving funds pursuant to this section shall sign a written agreement to comply with the terms of this section as a condition precedent to receipt of any such funds. XXVII. Management Employees who have been employed by the District for more than one year may sell to the District up to forty (40) hours of accrued unused vacation time upon thirty (30) days prior notice, provided that the Management Employee takes a minimum of one-half the vacation time to which he/she is entitled within the same annual period of the sold vacation time. A member who has been employed by the District for more than one year may also buy from the District up to an additional forty (40) hours of vacation time within any calendar year for use during the same calendar year, provided that full and complete payment has been made for the purchased vacation time by salary modification prior to use of the vacation time. It is expressly understood that this benefit is provided at the sole discretion of the District and shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of this Management letter unless an extension is expressly agreed to by the District. XXVIII. Management Employees will be entitled to either a District provided vehicle or a car allowance of up to $259-00400.00/month as determined by the General Manager. The Assistant General manage, Engineering Manager, Finance Manager, IT Manager and Human Resources Manager positions shall receive a car allowance of $359-00 400.00 per month. XXIX. Management Employees shall receive a maximum of forty (40) hours of administrative leave with pay each fiscal year. Unused administrative leave time at the end of each fiscal year, June 30, will be paid during the following month of July with said time being calculated at the employee's Management Compensation Letter 2012/2015 then straight time hourly rate. There will be no carry-over of administrative leave time to the next fiscal year. XXX. The Holiday schedule attached hereto as Exhibit 9 shall be in effect for full-time Management employees covered by this Management letter. For purposes of holiday compensation, compensation shall be equal to the number of hours that the Management employee normally would have worked other than for the holiday. For those Management employees whose scheduled work week is Monday through Thursday, a holiday falling on a Friday or Saturday shall not result in Thursday being a holiday and a holiday falling on a Sunday, shall not result in Monday being a holiday. Instead observed holidays that fall on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday shall be recognized as floating holidays earned. The floating holidays earned as a result of the above situation shall be used within 12 months following the accrual of each floating holiday. In order to be eligible for holiday pay, a Management Employee must be either at work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly scheduled workday immediately preceding the day observed as the holiday and the regularly scheduled workday immediately following the day observed as the holiday. The term of this Compensation Letter for Management Employees is for the period of July 1, 2014- to June 30, 2012 . Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Date General Manager Management Compensation Letter 2012/2015 EXHIBIT B YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY RANGES AND AUTHORIZED CLASSIFICATIONS 7-1-2012 through 6-30-2015 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Engineering Manager ME37 EXEMPT Finance Manager ME37 EXEMPT Human Resources and Risk Manager ME37 EXEMPT Information Technology Manager ME37 EXEMPT Operations Manager ME37 EXEMPT Exhibit"C" Pay Plan Management Employees Effective July 1st, 2012 thru June 30, 2013 Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 30 Monthly $6,595.9758 $6,760.8752 $6,929.8971 $7,103.1445 $7,280.7231 $7,462.7412 $7,649.3097 $7,840.5424 $8,036.5560 Hourly $38.0537 $39.0050 $39.9802 $40.9797 $42.0042 $43.0543 $44.1306 $45.2339 $46.3647 ME 31 Monthly $6,925.7746 $7,098.9189 $7,276.3919 $7,458.3017 $7,644.7592 $7,835.8782 $8,031.7752 $8,232.5696 $8,438.3838 Hourly $39.9564 $40.9553 $41.9792 $43.0287 $44.1044 $45.2070 $46.3372 $47.4956 $48.6830 ME 32 Monthly $7,272.0633 $7,453.8649 $7,640.2115 $7,831.2168 $8,026.9972 $8,227.6721 $8,433.3639 $8,644.1980 $8,860.3030 Hourly $41.9542 $43.0031 $44.0781 $45.1801 $46.3096 $47.4673 $48.6540 $49.8704 $51.1171 ME 33 Monthly $7,635.6665 $7,826.5581 $8,022.2221 $8,222.7776 $8,428.3471 $8,639.0557 $8,855.0321 $9,076.4079 $9,303.3181 Hourly $44.0519 $45.1532 $46.2821 $47.4391 $48.6251 $49.8407 $51.0867 $52.3639 $53.6730 ME 34 Monthly $8,017.4498 $8,217.8860 $8,423.3332 $8,633.9165 $8,849.7644 $9,071.0085 $9,297.7837 $9,530.2283 $9,768.4840 Hourly $46.2545 $47.4109 $48.5962 $49.8111 $51.0563 $52.3327 $53.6411 $54.9821 $56.3566 ME 35 Monthly $8,418.3223 $8,628.7803 $8,844.4998 $9,065.6123 $9,292.2526 $9,524.5590 $9,762.6729 $10,006.7398 $10,256.9082 Hourly $48.5672 $49.7814 $51.0260 $52.3016 $53.6091 $54.9494 $56.3231 $57.7312 $59.1745 ME 36 Monthly $8,839.2384 $9,060.2193 $9,286.7248 $9,518.8929 $9,756.8653 $10,000.7869 $10,250.8066 $10,507.0767 $10,769.7537 Hourly $50.9956 $52.2705 $53.5773 $54.9167 $56.2896 $57.6968 $59.1393 $60.6178 $62.1332 ME 37 Monthly $9,281.2003 $9,513.2303 $9,751.0611 $9,994.8376 $10,244.7085 $10,500.8263 $10,763.3469 $11,032.4306 $11,308.2413 Hourly $53.5454 $54.8840 $56.2561 $57.6625 $59.1041 $60.5817 $62.0962 $63.6486 $65.2399 ME 38 Monthly $9,745.2603 $9,988.8918 $10,238.6141 $10,494.5795 $10,756.9440 $11,025.8676 $11,301.5143 $11,584.0521 $11,873.6534 Hourly 1 $56.2227 $57.62821 $59.06891 $60.54571 $62.05931 $63.61081 $65.20101 $66.83111 $68.5018 (Page 2 of 3) Exhibit C Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 39 Monthly $10,232.5233 $10,488.3364 $10,750.5448 $11,019.3085 $11,294.7912 $11,577.1609 $11,866.5900 $12,163.2547 $12,467.3361 Hourly $59.0338 $60.5096 $62.0224 $63.5729 $65.1623 $66.7913 $68.4611 $70.1726 $71.9269 ME 40 Monthly $10,744.1495 $11,012.7532 $11,288.0721 $11,570.2739 $11,859.5307 $12,156.0190 $12,459.9195 $12,771.4174 $13,090.7029 Hourly $61.9855 $63.5351 $65.1235 $66.7516 $68.4204 $70.1309 $71.8842 $73.6813 $75.5233 ME 41 Monthly $11,281.3570 $11,563.3909 $11,852.4757 $12,148.7876 $12,452.5073 $12,763.8199 $13,082.9154 $13,409.9883 $13,745.2380 Hourly $65.0848 $66.7119 $68.3797 $70.0892 $71.8414 $73.6374 $75.4784 $77.3653 $79.2995 ME 42 Monthly $11,845.4248 $12,141.5604 $12,445.0995 $12,756.2269 $13,075.1326 $13,402.0109 $13,737.0612 $14,080.4877 $14,432.4999 Hourly $68.3390 $70.0475 $71.7987 $73.5936 $75.4335 $77.3193 $79.2523 $81.2336 $83.2644 ME 43 Monthly $12,437.6961 $12,748.6385 $13,067.3544 $13,394.0383 $13,728.8893 $14,072.1115 $14,423.9143 $14,784.5121 $15,154.1249 Hourly $71.7559 $73.5498 $75.3886 $77.2733 $79.2051 $81.1853 $83.2149 $85.2953 $87.4276 ME 44 Monthly $13,059.5809 $13,386.0704 $13,720.7222 $14,063.7402 $14,415.3337 $14,775.7171 $15,145.1100 $15,523.7377 $15,911.8312 Hourly $75.3437 $77.2273 $79.1580 $81.1370 $83.1654 $85.2445 $87.3756 $89.5600 $91.7990 ME 45 Monthly $13,712.5599 $14,055.3739 $14,406.7583 $14,766.9272 $15,136.1004 $15,514.5029 $15,902.3655 $16,299.9246 $16,707.4227 Hourly $79.1109 $81.0887 $83.1159 $85.1938 $87.3237 $89.5067 $91.7444 $94.0380 $96.3890 ME 46 Monthly $14,398.1879 $14,758.1426 $15,127.0962 $15,505.2736 $15,892.9054 $16,290.2281 $16,697.4838 $17,114.9208 $17,542.7939 Hourly $83.0665 $85.1431 $87.2717 $89.4535 $91.6898 $93.9821 $96.3316 $98.7399 $101.2084 ME 47 Monthly $15,118.0973 $15,496.0497 $15,883.4510 $16,280.5373 $16,687.5507 $17;104.73951$17;532.35791$17;970.66691 $18,419.9336 Hourly $87.21981 $89.40031 $91.63531 $93.92621 $96.27431 $98.68121 $101.14821 $103.67691 $106.2688 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. (Page 3 of 3) Exhibit C Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 48 Monthly $15,874.0022 $16,270.8522 $16,677.6235 $17,094.5641 $17,521.9282 $17,959.9764 $18,408.9758 $18,869.2002 $19,340.9302 Hourly $91.5808 $93.8703 $96.2171 $98.6225 $101.0880 $103.6152 $106.2056 $108.8608 $111.5823 ME 49 Monthly $16,667.7023 $17,084.3948 $17,511.5047 $17,949.2923 $18,398.0246 $18,857.9753 $19,329.4246 $19,812.6602 $20,307.9768 Hourly $96.1598 $98.5638 $101.0279 $103.5536 $106.1424 $108.7960 $111.5159 $114.3038 $117.1614 ME 50 Monthly $17,501.0874 $17,938.6146 $18,387.0799 $18,846.7569 $19,317.9259 $19,800.8740 $20,295.8959 $20,803.2933 $21,323.3756 Hourly $100.9678 $103.4920 $106.0793 $108.7313 $111.4496 $114.2358 $117.0917 $120.0190 $123.0195 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. Exhibit"D" Pay Plan Management Employees Effective July 1st, 2013 thru June 30, 2014 Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 30 Monthly $6,793.8550 $6,963.7014 $7,137.7939 $7,316.2388 $7,499.1447 $7,686.6234 $7,878.7889 $8,075.7587 $8,277.6526 Hourly $39.1953 $40.1752 $41.1796 $42.2091 $43.2643 $44.3459 $45.4546 $46.5909 $47.7557 ME 31 Monthly $7,133.5478 $7,311.8865 $7,494.6836 $7,682.0507 $7,874.1020 $8,070.9545 $8,272.7284 $8,479.5466 $8,691.5353 Hourly $41.1551 $42.1840 $43.2386 $44.3195 $45.4275 $46.5632 $47.7273 $48.9205 $50.1435 ME 32 Monthly $7,490.2251 $7,677.4808 $7,869.4178 $8,066.1532 $8,267.8071 $8,474.5022 $8,686.3648 $8,903.5239 $9,126.1120 Hourly $43.2128 $44.2932 $45.4005 $46.5355 $47.6989 $48.8914 $50.1136 $51.3665 $52.6506 ME 33 Monthly $7,864.7364 $8,061.3548 $8,262.8887 $8,469.4609 $8,681.1974 $8,898.2274 $9,120.6830 $9,348.7001 $9,582.4176 Hourly $45.3735 $46.5078 $47.6705 $48.8623 $50.0838 $51.3359 $52.6193 $53.9348 $55.2832 ME 34 Monthly $8,257.9732 $8,464.4226 $8,676.0331 $8,892.9339 $9,115.2573 $9,343.1387 $9,576.7172 $9,816.1351 $10,061.5385 Hourly $47.6422 $48.8332 $50.0540 $51.3054 $52.5880 $53.9027 $55.2503 $56.6315 $58.0473 ME 35 Monthly $8,670.8719 $8,887.6437 $9,109.8348 $9,337.5806 $9,571.0202 $9,810.2957 $10,055.5531 $10,306.9419 $10,564.6154 Hourly $50.0243 $51.2749 $52.5567 $53.8707 $55.2174 $56.5979 $58.0128 $59.4631 $60.9497 ME 36 Monthly $9,104.4155 $9,332.0259 $9,565.3265 $9,804.4597 $10,049.5712 $10,300.8104 $10,558.3307 $10,822.2890 $11,092.8462 Hourly $52.5255 $53.8386 $55.1846 $56.5642 $57.9783 $59.4278 $60.9134 $62.4363 $63.9972 ME 37 Monthly $9,559.6363 $9,798.6272 $10,043.5928 $10,294.6827 $10,552.0497 $10,815.8510 $11,086.2472 $11,363.4034 $11,647.4885 Hourly $55.1517 $56.5305 $57.9438 $59.3924 $60.8772 $62.3991 $63.9591 $65.5581 $67.1970 ME 38 Monthly $10,037.6181 $10,288.5585 $10,545.7725 $10,809.4168 $11,079.6522 $11,356.6435 $11,640.5596 $11,931.5736 $12,229.8629 Hourly 1 $57.9093 $59.35711 $60.84101 $62.36201 $63.92111 $65.51911 $67.15711 $68.83601 $70.5569 (Page 2 of 3) Exhibit D Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 39 Monthly $10,539.4990 $10,802.9864 $11,073.0611 $11,349.8876 $11,633.6348 $11,924.4757 $12,222.5876 $12,528.1523 $12,841.3561 Hourly $60.8048 $62.3249 $63.8830 $65.4801 $67.1171 $68.7951 $70.5149 $72.2778 $74.0847 ME 40 Monthly $11,066.4739 $11,343.1358 $11,626.7142 $11,917.3820 $12,215.3166 $12,520.6995 $12,833.7170 $13,154.5599 $13,483.4239 Hourly $63.8450 $65.4412 $67.0772 $68.7541 $70.4730 $72.2348 $74.0407 $75.8917 $77.7890 ME 41 Monthly $11,619.7976 $11,910.2926 $12,208.0499 $12,513.2511 $12,826.0824 $13,146.7344 $13,475.4028 $13,812.2879 $14,157.5951 Hourly $67.0373 $68.7132 $70.4311 $72.1918 $73.9966 $75.8465 $77.7427 $79.6863 $81.6784 ME 42 Monthly $12,200.7875 $12,505.8072 $12,818.4524 $13,138.9137 $13,467.3865 $13,804.0712 $14,149.1730 $14,502.9023 $14,865.4748 Hourly $70.3892 $72.1489 $73.9526 $75.8014 $77.6965 $79.6389 $81.6298 $83.6706 $85.7624 ME 43 Monthly $12,810.8269 $13,131.0975 $13,459.3750 $13,795.8593 $14,140.7558 $14,494.2747 $14,856.6316 $15,228.0474 $15,608.7486 Hourly $73.9086 $75.7563 $77.6502 $79.5915 $81.5813 $83.6208 $85.7113 $87.8541 $90.0505 ME 44 Monthly $13,451.3682 $13,787.6524 $14,132.3437 $14,485.6523 $14,847.7936 $15,218.9885 $15,599.4632 $15,989.4498 $16,389.1860 Hourly $77.6040 $79.5441 $81.5328 $83.5711 $85.6603 $87.8019 $89.9969 $92.2468 $94.5530 ME 45 Monthly $14,123.9366 $14,477.0350 $14,838.9609 $15,209.9349 $15,590.1833 $15,979.9379 $16,379.4363 $16,788.9222 $17,208.6453 Hourly $81.4842 $83.5214 $85.6094 $87.7496 $89.9434 $92.1919 $94.4967 $96.8592 $99.2806 ME 46 Monthly $14,830.1335 $15,200.8868 $15,580.9090 $15,970.4317 $16,369.6925 $16,778.9348 $17,198.4082 $17,628.3684 $18,069.0776 Hourly $85.5585 $87.6974 $89.8899 $92.1371 $94.4405 $96.8015 $99.2216 $101.7021 $104.2447 ME 47 Monthly 1 $15,571.64011 $15,960.93111 $16,359.95441 $16,768.95331 $17,188.17711 $17,617.88151$18,058.32861$18,509.78681 $18,972.5314 Hourly 1 $89.83641 $92.08231 $94.38441 $96.74401 $99.16261 $101.64161 $104.18271 $106.78721 $109.4569 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. (Page 3 of 3) Exhibit D Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 48 Monthly $16,350.2221 $16,758.9777 $17,177.9521 $17,607.4009 $18,047.5860 $18,498.7756 $18,961.2450 $19,435.2761 $19,921.1580 Hourly $94.3282 $96.6864 $99.1036 $101.5812 $104.1207 $106.7237 $109.3918 $112.1266 $114.9298 ME 49 Monthly $17,167.7332 $17,596.9266 $18,036.8497 $18,487.7710 $18,949.9652 $19,423.7144 $19,909.3072 $20,407.0399 $20,917.2159 Hourly $99.0446 $101.5207 $104.0587 $106.6602 $109.3267 $112.0599 $114.8614 $117.7329 $120.6762 ME 50 Monthly $18,026.1199 $18,476.7729 $18,938.6922 $19,412.1595 $19,897.4635 $20,394.9001 $20,904.7726 $21,427.3919 $21,963.0767 Hourly $103.9968 $106.5968 $109.2617 $111.9932 $114.7931 $117.6629 $120.6045 $123.6196 $126.7101 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. Exhibit"E" Pay Plan Management Employees Effective July 1st, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 30 Monthly $6,997.6707 $7,172.6125 $7,351.9278 $7,535.7260 $7,724.1191 $7,917.2221 $8,115.1527 $8,318.0315 $8,525.9823 Hourly $40.3712 $41.3805 $42.4150 $43.4753 $44.5622 $45.6763 $46.8182 $47.9886 $49.1884 ME 31 Monthly $7,347.5543 $7,531.2431 $7,719.5242 $7,912.5123 $8,110.3251 $8,313.0832 $8,520.9103 $8,733.9331 $8,952.2814 Hourly $42.3897 $43.4495 $44.5357 $45.6491 $46.7903 $47.9601 $49.1591 $50.3881 $51.6478 ME 32 Monthly $7,714.9320 $7,907.8053 $8,105.5004 $8,308.1379 $8,515.8414 $8,728.7374 $8,946.9558 $9,170.6297 $9,399.8955 Hourly $44.5092 $45.6220 $46.7625 $47.9316 $49.1299 $50.3581 $51.6171 $52.9075 $54.2302 ME 33 Monthly $8,100.6786 $8,303.1955 $8,510.7754 $8,723.5448 $8,941.6334 $9,165.1743 $9,394.3036 $9,629.1612 $9,869.8902 Hourly $46.7347 $47.9031 $49.1006 $50.3281 $51.5863 $52.8760 $54.1979 $55.5529 $56.9417 ME 34 Monthly $8,505.7125 $8,718.3553 $8,936.3142 $9,159.7220 $9,388.7151 $9,623.4330 $9,864.0188 $10,110.6193 $10,363.3848 Hourly $49.0714 $50.2982 $51.5557 $52.8446 $54.1657 $55.5198 $56.9078 $58.3305 $59.7888 ME 35 Monthly $8,930.9981 $9,154.2731 $9,383.1299 $9,617.7082 $9,858.1509 $10,104.6046 $10,357.2197 $10,616.1502 $10,881.5540 Hourly $51.5250 $52.8131 $54.1334 $55.4868 $56.8739 $58.2958 $59.7532 $61.2470 $62.7782 ME 36 Monthly $9,377.5480 $9,611.9867 $9,852.2864 $10,098.5936 $10,351.0584 $10,609.8349 $10,875.0807 $11,146.9577 $11,425.6317 Hourly $54.1012 $55.4538 $56.8401 $58.2611 $59.7176 $61.2106 $62.7409 $64.3094 $65.9171 ME 37 Monthly $9,846.4254 $10,092.5861 $10,344.9007 $10,603.5232 $10,868.6113 $11,140.3266 $11,418.8348 $11,704.3056 $11,996.9133 Hourly $56.8063 $58.2265 $59.6821 $61.1742 $62.7035 $64.2711 $65.8779 $67.5248 $69.2130 ME 38 Monthly $10,338.7467 $10,597.2154 $10,862.1458 $11,133.6994 $11,412.0419 $11,697.3429 $11,989.7765 $12,289.5209 $12,596.7589 Hourly 1 $59.6466 $61.13781 $62.66621 $64.23291 $65.83871 $67.48471 $69.17181 $70.90111 $72.6736 (Page 2 of 3) Exhibit E Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 39 Monthly $10,855.6840 $11,127.0761 $11,405.2530 $11,690.3844 $11,982.6440 $12,282.2101 $12,589.2653 $12,903.9970 $13,226.5969 Hourly $62.6289 $64.1947 $65.7995 $67.4445 $69.1306 $70.8589 $72.6304 $74.4461 $76.3073 ME 40 Monthly $11,398.4682 $11,683.4299 $11,975.5157 $12,274.9036 $12,581.7762 $12,896.3206 $13,218.7286 $13,549.1968 $13,887.9267 Hourly $65.7604 $67.4044 $69.0895 $70.8168 $72.5872 $74.4018 $76.2619 $78.1684 $80.1227 ME 41 Monthly $11,968.3917 $12,267.6014 $12,574.2915 $12,888.6488 $13,210.8650 $13,541.1366 $13,879.6650 $14,226.6567 $14,582.3231 Hourly $69.0484 $70.7746 $72.5440 $74.3576 $76.2165 $78.1219 $80.0750 $82.0769 $84.1288 ME 42 Monthly $12,566.8112 $12,880.9815 $13,203.0061 $13,533.0812 $13,871.4082 $14,218.1934 $14,573.6483 $14,937.9895 $15,311.4392 Hourly $72.5008 $74.3134 $76.1712 $78.0755 $80.0274 $82.0280 $84.0787 $86.1807 $88.3352 ME 43 Monthly $13,195.1518 $13,525.0306 $13,863.1564 $14,209.7353 $14,564.9786 $14,929.1031 $15,302.3307 $15,684.8890 $16,077.0112 Hourly $76.1259 $78.0290 $79.9797 $81.9792 $84.0287 $86.1294 $88.2827 $90.4897 $92.7520 ME 44 Monthly $13,854.9094 $14,201.2821 $14,556.3142 $14,920.2220 $15,293.2276 $15,675.5583 $16,067.4472 $16,469.1334 $16,880.8617 Hourly $79.9322 $81.9305 $83.9787 $86.0782 $88.2302 $90.4359 $92.6968 $95.0142 $97.3896 ME 45 Monthly $14,547.6549 $14,911.3462 $15,284.1299 $15,666.2331 $16,057.8890 $16,459.3362 $16,870.8196 $17,292.5901 $17,724.9048 Hourly $83.9288 $86.0270 $88.1777 $90.3821 $92.6417 $94.9577 $97.3317 $99.7649 $102.2591 ME 46 Monthly $15,275.0376 $15,656.9135 $16,048.3364 $16,449.5448 $16,860.7834 $17,282.3030 $17,714.3606 $18,157.2196 $18,611.1501 Hourly $88.1252 $90.3283 $92.5866 $94.9012 $97.2738 $99.7056 $102.1982 $104.7532 $107.3720 ME 47 Monthly $16,038.78951 $16,439.75921 $16,850.75321 $17,272.02201 $17,703.8226 $18,146.41811$18,600.07861$19,065.08061 $19,541.7076 Hourly $92.5315 $94.8448 $97.2159 $99.6463 $102.1374 $104.6909 $107.3081 $109.9908 $112.7406 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. (Page 3 of 3) Exhibit E Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 ME 48 Monthly $16,840.7290 $17,261.7472 $17,693.2909 $18,135.6231 $18,589.0137 $19,053.7390 $19,530.0825 $20,018.3346 $20,518.7930 Hourly $97.1581 $99.5870 $102.0767 $104.6286 $107.2443 $109.9254 $112.6736 $115.4904 $118.3777 ME 49 Monthly $17,682.7654 $18,124.8345 $18,577.9554 $19,042.4043 $19,518.4644 $20,006.4260 $20,506.5867 $21,019.2513 $21,544.7326 Hourly $102.0160 $104.5664 $107.1805 $109.8600 $112.6065 $115.4217 $118.3072 $121.2649 $124.2965 ME 50 Monthly $18,566.9037 $19,031.0763 $19,506.8532 $19,994.5245 $20,494.3876 $21,006.7473 $21,531.9160 $22,070.2139 $22,621.9692 Hourly $107.1168 $109.7947 $112.5395 $115.3530 $118.2369 $121.1928 $124.2226 $127.3282 $130.5114 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. EXHIBIT F 2012-2015 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 1. Independence Day 2. Labor Day 3. Veterans Day 4. Thanksgiving 5. Day after Thanksgiving 6. Christmas Eve 7. Christmas Day 8. New Years Day 9. Presidents Day 10. Memorial Day 11. Employee Chosen Floater 350310.1 Y0030-008 ITEM NO. 3.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Personnel Technician Subject: Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015 SUMMARY: The District's Supervisory and Confidential group are unrepresented and do not bargain with the District over compensation and benefits. In the past, the group has followed suit with any provisions the District bargained and agreed upon with the District's represented employees group. DISCUSSION: On Wednesday, March 7, 2012, eleven members of the Supervisory and Confidential Group met along with Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager and Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager. Members of the group were asked to present items they might want to see in the Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees, Fiscal Years 2012- 15. The group brainstormed and came up with a list of ten items. After the conclusion of the meeting, the list was submitted to all the members of the Supervisory and Confidential group for ranking according to their individual perceived level of importance. Ten individuals returned their responses. The items that were ranked overall of most importance were the following: guarantee COLA increase for picking up the statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CalPERS SC group, matching deferred compensation up to 2% of employee's salary and continuation of 4/10 work schedule. Another meeting was held on March 14, 2012 so the results of the ranking could be presented to the SC group. The group discussed the final list of items to be presented and came to a consensus. Staff prepared the draft Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees, Fiscal Years 2012-2015 documents for review by the Personnel-Risk Management Committee on March 20, 2012. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: SC SUPERVISORY CONFIDENTIAL Compensation Letter Exhibit A - FYs 2012-2015-Final.doc Compensation Backup Letter Exhibit A- Material FYs 2012-2015 SC Classifications SUPERVISORY AND CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATIONS FLSA STATUS AND SALARY RANGES FYs 2012- and Salary Backup 2015-Final.doc Ranges FLSA Material Status FYs 2012-2015 SC Salary Backup 9step- 2012-2013 SC 3%.pdf Matrix FY 2012 Material 2013 SC Salary Backup 9step- 2013-2014 SC 3%.pdf Matrix FY 2013 Material 2014 SC Salary Backup 9step- 2014-2015 SC 3%.pdf Matrix FY 2014 Material 2015 SC FYs 2012- DOCSLA-#350310-v1-Exhibit F Holiday Schedule FYs 2012-2015- Final.doc 2015 Holiday Backup Schedule Material Exhibit A Resolution No. 11-21 Employee Compensation Letter And Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees Fiscal years: 2011-20122012-2015 I. The General Manager shall prepare an Employee Compensation Letter for consideration by the Board of Directors. The Employee Compensation Letter shall describe the salaries, benefits and special conditions offered by the District to its Supervisory and Confidential employee group (Exhibit B). 4 Effective July 1, 2012, the salary schedule attached hereto as Thy-�Distypir--tt shall mnin4nin the onlnry onhorl1110 p44pnhor! horo4r n� Exhibit C tAr the an Tary-G Gh e d aTPcm a r-h a d-h a rc�v--crz pperied Lily 1 2011 thrn1 gh 11��L�� Th�gloGhed Ile reflontc t-a+ pe h-a°° salapGFease is pFevided shall be in effect for fiscal year 2012-2013. J III. Effective July 1, 2013, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit D shall be in effect for fiscal year 2013-2014. IV. Prior to the end of FY 2012/2013, the District will conduct a salary survey to determine whether the District's top salary for a specific classification is under the median of the top step for other similarly situated classifications performing similar work in similar jurisdictions. In the event that the District determines that the District's top step is below the median of similar classifications maintained by similar public entities, the District will present to the Board of Directors a recommendation to adjust those classifications to the median or near the median not to exceed an adjustment of 12%. The salary adjustments would be implemented effective July 1, 2013. V. Effective July 1, 2014, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit E shall be in effect for fiscal year 2014-2015. VI. The District's current contract with CalPERS is for a retirement benefit based on the single highest year with a Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor Benefit Program. VII. Effective July 1, 2012, all Supervisory and Confidential employees The S+striet shall pay 3% of the 7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CaIPERS. _en4inij�p^ ppay th rtipn npftrhR eRqp'Gy � GA_ntrihl ltinn rote ef GALERS fnr empleyed by the Dictrin e1befr-r�y pff 1+inn 12 01 Whinh appFeyes aR -A 1onrlrvlont to the �ntront h°+�on the Vnrho 1 inrlo \/�/odor DiStrint And QTITCr-rcn-rr�� rTCravrl� cry--cr-r�vrl�cTCrr-rQa--v-vaT Cal PCRC to prelude Con4ielp 212-53 (20% n 62/1 01111 fr-rml 61 la). VIII. Effective July 1, 2013, all Supervisory and Confidential employees shall pay 5% of the 7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CaIPERS. Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015 IX. Effective July 1, 2014, all Supervisory and Confidential employees shall pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CalPERS. However, 0 ndividuals hired by the District on or after January 26, 2012, the adept+ea date of Resolution 12-01 was adopted, shall be enrolled in the 2% @ 60 retirement formula and shall pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS employee contribution to CalPERS. All payments will be credited to the employee's individual account with CalPERS. X. The District shall continue to maintain a "414(h)(2)" plan under the Internal Revenue Code for the purpose of treating contributions to CalPERS as deferred income for tax purposes to the extent permitted by law. Contributions will continue to be deducted from the employee's actual gross salary as reflected on the employee's pay stub. Employees shall otherwise be responsible for all taxes related to fringe and reimbursement benefits and the District shall make deductions in accordance with the law. Each employee will be annually reviewed on a one-year interval following completion of their probationary period. An employee who receives a meets job expectations evaluation will be entitled to move one (1) step and an employee who receives an exceeds job expectations evaluation, shall be allowed to move up to two (2) step. Movement shall take place until an employee has reached Step 9. The District shall endeavor to have performance reviews completed within two (2) weeks after the employee's anniversary date with the effective date of any merit salary increase being on the anniversary date. If the evaluation is delayed, any subsequent salary increase to which the employee could otherwise be entitled shall be retroactive to the anniversary date. XI 1. All new hires shall be subject to a twelve (12) month probationary period. Such new hires shall accrue vacation commencing with the start of employment but shall be ineligible to use accrued vacation time prior to successful completion of six (6) months of service. An existing employee who has been promoted to a new position will be required to serve a six (6) month promotional probationary period in the new position. XIII. Supervisory and Confidential employees shall accrue vacation leave time with pay as follows: Duration of Continuous Hours Accrued per Pay Period Regular Employment During 1 st through 60th month 3.077 = 2.0 weeks/yr During 61 st through 120th month 4.615 = 3.0 weeks/yr During 121 st through 180th month 5.384 = 3.5 weeks/yr During 181 st through 240th month 6.153 = 4.0 weeks/yr During 241St month and thereafter 6.922 = 4.5 weeks/yr Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015 XIV. The District shall continue to provide group life insurance in the amount of one times basic annual salary rounded to the next higher multiple of $1,000, for each full-time regular Supervisory and Confidential Employee under age 70 on the first day of the month following their date of hire, in accordance with the provisions of the contract between the District and any company of the District's choosing providing such coverage. Supervisory and Confidential Employees may increase the coverage to up to five time's annual salary not to exceed $300,000 by authorizing the additional premium to be deducted from his/her salary. XV. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for hospital and medical insurance for all Supervisory and Confidential Employees who work in excess of 30 hours per week, after they have worked for two calendar months, and up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Supervisory and Confidential Employee dependent coverage for covered employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Supervisory and Confidential Employee dependent coverage for covered Supervisory and Confidential Employees with more than one dependent in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The Supervisory and Confidential Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary to cover the employee's share of the dependent coverage. Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall have the option of selecting a District-designated Health Maintenance Organization ("HMO"). The District contribution for HMO coverage will be in accordance with this paragraph. XVI. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for dental insurance for all Supervisory and Confidential Employees who work 30 hours or more per week, after they have worked for two calendar months, and up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Supervisory and Confidential Employee dependent coverage for covered Supervisory and Confidential Employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Supervisory and Confidential Employee dependent coverage for covered Supervisory and Confidential Employees with more than one dependent in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The individual Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary. Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall have the option of selecting "Delta Care" with the contribution for "Delta Care" to be in accordance with this paragraph. XVII. District shall pay 100% of the premium for vision insurance for Supervisory and Confidential employees who work more than 30 hours per week, on the first day of the month following their date of hire and up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward dependent coverage for covered Supervisory and Confidential Employees with one dependent, or up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward dependent coverage for covered Supervisory and Confidential Employees with more than one dependent, in Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter =Ys 2012/20 io accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The individual Supervisory and Confidential Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary. XVIII. 961bjeGt tG er approval the District shall paeaam of into proVidePT the paragraphs IX, Y and YI of this Agreelxle.pt for anY 8 ipeFViGGPy andd GGRfiddeRtial Empp e�epmfpy ed by the District on or befere be 2011, the dote adoption of ResglL itio I ne I _' I and niho o retires from the District for a period of time �eihinh is equivalent to one (1) dear or pre ration thereof An a mnnthl�i basis fAreaoh three (3 years�sewi�on the District or pro ration thereof on a q iarterhi basis BOO Subject to carrier approval, the District shall pay the amounts provided in paragraphs IX, X and XI of this agreement for any Supervisory and Confidential Employee who was employed by the District on or before December 8, 2011, the date of adoption of Resolution No. 11-21, and who retires from the District, the equivalent of one (1) year or pro-ration thereof on a monthly basis for each three (3) years of service to the District or pro- ration thereof on a quarterly basis. To be eligible for this benefit, the employee must be at least 50 years of age, must have five (5) years of service with the District, must retire from the District after the date of this Agreement while in good standing and upon ninety (90) days written notice and must remain in retired status. If any benefit period remains when the Supervisory and Confidential Employee or his/her spouse reaches ages 65, whichever is latest, and then coverage will convert to Medicare Supplement for the remainder of the benefit period. For purposes of this Agreement, retired status means that the Supervisory and Confidential Employee shall not work for compensation for more than nine hundred sixty (960) hours in any fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The District may require a Supervisory and Confidential Employee to certify under penalty of perjury that the Supervisory and Confidential Employee has remained on retired status and/or submit to such additional verification, as the District deems necessary to demonstrate retired status. The retired Supervisory and Confidential Employee must make any contribution required of a regular Supervisory and Confidential Employee pursuant to paragraph IX, X and XI prior to the first day of the month in which coverage is to be extended. Failure of a Supervisory and Confidential Employee to make such payment shall result in termination of coverage and termination of any right to any benefit pursuant to this section. Supervisory and Confidential employees hired after the adoption of Resolution 11-21 (12-8-2011) shall be ineligible to receive this benefit. Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015 A Supervisory and Confidential Employee who retires (in accordance with the Public Employees' Retirement System qualifications) shall be paid at the rate of their final salary for 3/8 of their accumulated days of sick leave, if any, at the time of separation from active employment. fhe remaining 5/8 of his/her accumulated days of sick leave will be converted into CalPERS service credit. If the Supervisory and Confidential Employee should die, his/her estate shall be entitled to such payment. XIX. Supervisory and Confidential employees who resign, or are laid off from District employment after being employed by the District for five (5) or more years of continuous regular employment, shall be compensated for accumulated, unused sick leave above 400 hours as follows: YEARS PERCENT PAYABLE ABOVE 400 HOURS ON THE BOOKS 5 up to 9 20% 10 up to 15 25% 15 to 20 and above 30% Employees who are terminated from the District for cause, or who resign in lieu of termination shall not be eligible for this benefit. XX. To the extent possible, the District shall extend its current plan under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code to cover Supervisory and Confidential Employees. XXI. The District shall provide a long-term disability plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees which has a 90-day elimination period and provides at least sixty percent (60%) of salary for a designated period of time in accordance with coverage procured by the District from a carrier to be determined at the District's sole discretion. XXII. Effective July 1, 2012, the District will match dollar for dollar not to exceed 2% of a supervisory and confidential employee's salary per year of his/her deposits in a Deferred Compensation Plan. XXIII. EffeGti e jaR6iaFy 1, 244-2-, Supervisory and Confidential employees shall continue to be assigned to a four (4) day workweek, consisting of ten (10) scheduled hours of work each day (a 4/10 schedule Monday through Thursday). The Board of Directors clearly and unequivocally has the right to terminate the 4/10 schedule at any time during the term of this employee compensation letter. In such case, the schedule shall revert to the 9/80 schedule as existed immediately prior to implementation of the 4/10 schedule. Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015 XXIV. In situations where a Supervisory and Confidential Employee has been injured in a non-duty accident and his/her disability leave exceeds one calendar month or the total of his/her accumulated leaves, including sick leave, paid time off and vacation, that portion of the leave exceeding 30 days or the total of accumulated leaves, whichever is more, shall constitute a break in service and his/her merit review dates and anniversary date will be adjusted accordingly. XXV. The District will pay up to a total of $2,000 annually to establish and administer a tax-advantaged flexible benefit plan, and a total of $5,000 annually to establish a tax advantaged dependent care plan. Plans will conform to the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, and permits Supervisory and Confidential Employees to convert their share of insurance premiums, un-reimbursed medical expenses, child care and other qualifying expenditures to pretax dollars. Savings to the District through reductions to the payroll and worker's compensation tax base will accrue to the District and offset the costs of establishing and administering this program. XXVI. The District shall reimburse Supervisory and Confidential Employees for sums paid to the appropriate agencies for obtaining, or renewing, treatment and/or distribution certificates, and other professional certifications, registrations and job related training. XXVII. Supervisory and Confidential Employees who are required to wear safety boots in the performance of their job, as determined by the General Manager, shall be eligible for District-purchased boots in an amount not to exceed $200.00, provided that the boots are from a list pre-approved by the General Manager or his/her designee. The difference between $200.00 and the amount actually used may be carried over for one year and combined with a subsequent allocation for boot reimbursement. XXVIII. The District shall provide educational reimbursement to Supervisory and Confidential Employees for costs of tuition, fees, books and parking relating to educational courses taken and completed at accredited institutions at a rate not to exceed standard resident fees as charged by the California State University. Course work must be job related as determined and approved in advance by the General Manager. Proof of payment and successful completion of the course must accompany the reimbursement request on a form provided by the District. Supervisory and Confidential Employee shall be responsible for any tax consequences as a result of education reimbursement. If for any reason, the employee separates from District employment prior to completion of one (1) calendar year from the date of distribution by the District of funds provided for herein, all such amounts distributed during that one (1) calendar year period, shall be considered a judgment due and owing to the District. The judgment amount shall be deducted from the employee's closing check. Any remaining, non-reimbursed amount shall be paid to the District within ninety (90) calendar days of separation from District employment. Each employee receiving funds pursuant to this Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter Ys Lu IL/Lu io section shall sign a written agreement to comply with the terms of this section as a condition precedent to receipt of any such funds. XXIX. Supervisory and Confidential Employees who have been employed by the District for more than one year may sell to the District up to forty (40) hours of accrued unused vacation time upon thirty (30) days prior notice, provided that the Supervisory and Confidential Employee takes a minimum of one-half the vacation time to which he/she is entitled within the same annual period of the sold vacation time. A member who has been employed by the District for more than one year may also buy from the District up to an additional forty (40) hours of vacation time within any calendar year for use during the same calendar year, provided that full and complete payment has been made for the purchased vacation time by salary modification prior to use of the vacation time. It is expressly understood that this benefit is provided at the sole discretion of the District and shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of this Supervisory and Confidential letter unless an extension is expressly agreed to by the District. XXX. The Holiday schedule attached hereto as Exhibit 9 shall be in effect for full-time Supervisory and Confidential employees covered by this Supervisory and Confidential letter. For purposes of holiday compensation, compensation shall be equal to the number of hours that the Supervisory and Confidential employee normally would have worked other than for the holiday. For those Supervisory ad Confidential employees whose scheduled work week is Monday through Thursday, a holiday falling on a Friday or Saturday shall not result in Thursday being a holiday and a holiday falling on a Sunday, shall not result in Monday being a holiday. Instead observed holidays that fall on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday shall be recognized as floating holidays earned. The floating holidays earned as a result of the above situation shall be used within 12 months following the accrual of each floating holiday. In order to be eligible for Holiday pay, a Supervisory and Confidential Employee must be either at work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly scheduled workday immediately preceding the day observed as the holiday and the regularly scheduled workday immediately following the day observed as the holiday. XXXI. The District shall reimburse Supervisory and Confidential employees for sums paid to the appropriate state agencies for obtaining or renewing of production or distribution certificates. In addition, a one-time per fiscal year payment of $150.00 per certificate shall be provided to an affected employee who has qualified for and been issued a State of California Department of Health Services Treatment and/or Distribution certificate which has been determined in the sole discretion of the General Manager to be relevant to the employee's duties and which is other than a certificate which is a job requirement. The $150.00 payment shall apply Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2u iazu io for any Distribution and/or Treatment Certificates issued by the State of California Department of Health Services that are required above and beyond the required certification for a specific classification within the District's Operations Department and shall be issued during each year in which the applicable certificate(s) remains valid and remains other than a certificate which is a job requirement. The table below identifies the positions that require specific State of California certifications. CLASSIFICATION REQ'D TREATMENT REQ'D DISTRIBUTION CHIEF PLANT T3 D5 OPERATOR SCADA T2 D3 ADMINISTRATOR SR. wives i Kuu i iON INSPECTOR WATER D5 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT WATER QUALITI D3 ENGINEER The term of this Compensation Letter for Supervisory and Confidential Employees is for the period of July 1, 201 to June 30, 201 Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Date General Manager Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015 EXHIBIT B YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT SUPERVISORY AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES SALARY RANGES AND AUTHORIZED CLASSIFICATIONS 7-1-2012 through 6-30-2015 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Chief Plant Operator SC31 EXEMPT Customer Service Supervisor SC27 EXEMPT Executive Secretary SC25 NON-EX Human Resources Analyst SC25 EXEMPT Information Systems Administrator SC30 EXEMPT Management Analyst SC28 EXEMPT Personnel Technician SC23 NON-EX Public Information Officer SC30 EXEMPT SCADA Administrator SC30 EXEMPT Sr. Accountant SC25 EXEMPT Sr. Construction Inspector SC26 NON-EX Sr. Project Manager SC34 EXEMPT Water Maintenance Superintendent SC30 EXEMPT Water Quality Engineer SC29 EXEMPT Exhibit"C" Pay Plan Supervisory& Confidential Employees Effective July 1st, 2012 thru June 30, 2013 Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 SC 21 Monthly $4,251.8248 $4,358.1204 $4,467.0734 $4,578.7503 $4,693.2190 $4,810.5495 $4,930.8132 $5,054.0836 $5,180.4357 Hourly $24.5298 $25.1430 $25.7716 $26.4159 $27.0763 $27.7532 $28.4470 $29.1582 $29.8871 SC 22 Monthly $4,464.4160 $4,576.0264 $4,690.4271 $4,807.6878 $4,927.8800 $5,051.0770 $5,177.3539 $5,306.7877 $5,439.4574 Hourly $25.7562 $26.4002 $27.0602 $27.7367 $28.4301 $29.1408 $29.8693 $30.6161 $31.3815 SC 23 Monthly $4,687.6368 $4,804.8278 $4,924.9485 $5,048.0722 $5,174.2740 $5,303.6308 $5,436.2216 $5,572.1271 $5,711.4303 Hourly $27.0441 $27.7202 $28.4132 $29.1235 $29.8516 $30.5979 $31.3628 $32.1469 $32.9506 SC 24 Monthly $4,922.0187 $5,045.0691 $5,171.1959 $5,300.4758 $5,432.9877 $5,568.8124 $5,708.0327 $5,850.7335 $5,997.0018 Hourly $28.3963 $29.1062 $29.8338 $30.5797 $31.3442 $32.1278 $32.9310 $33.7542 $34.5981 SC 25 Monthly $5,168.1196 $5,297.3226 $5,429.7557 $5,565.4996 $5,704.6371 $5,847.2530 $5,993.4343 $6,143.2702 $6,296.8519 Hourly $29.8161 $30.5615 $31.3255 $32.1087 $32.9114 $33.7342 $34.5775 $35.4419 $36.3280 SC 26 Monthly $5,426.5256 $5,562.1887 $5,701.2435 $5,843.7745 $5,989.8689 $6,139.6156 $6,293.1060 $6,450.4337 $6,611.6945 Hourly $31.3069 $32.0896 $32.8918 $33.7141 $34.5569 $35.4209 $36.3064 $37.2140 $38.1444 SC 27 Monthly $5,697.8519 $5,840.2982 $5,986.3056 $6,135.9633 $6,289.3623 $6,446.5964 $6,607.7613 $6,772.9554 $6,942.2792 Hourly $32.8722 $33.6940 $34.5364 $35.3998 $36.2848 $37.1919 $38.1217 $39.0747 $40.0516 SC 28 Monthly $5,982.7445 $6,132.3131 $6,285.6209 $6,442.7614 $6,603.8305 $6,768.9262 $6,938.1494 $7,111.6031 $7,289.3932 Hourly $34.5158 $35.3787 $36.2632 $37.1698 $38.0990 $39.0515 $40.0278 $41.0285 $42.0542 Monthly +--�6,281.8817 $6,438.9287 $6,599.9020 $6,764.8995 $6,934.0220 $7,107.3725 $7,285.0569 $7,467.1833 $7,653.8629 Hourly 36.2416 37.1477 38.0764 39.0283 40.0040 41.0041 42.0292 43.0799 44.1569 (Page 2 of 2) Exhibit C Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 SC 30 Monthly $6,595.9758 $6,760.8752 $6,929.8971 $7,103.1445 $7,280.7231 $7,462.7412 $7,649.3097 $7,840.5424 $8,036.5560 Hourly $38.0537 $39.0050 $39.9802 $40.9797 $42.0042 $43.0543 $44.1306 $45.2339 $46.3647 SC 31 Monthly $6,925.7746 $7,098.9189 $7,276.3919 $7,458.3017 $7,644.7592 $7,835.8782 $8,031.7752 $8,232.5696 $8,438.3838 Hourly $39.9564 $40.9553 $41.9792 $43.0287 $44.1044 $45.2070 $46.3372 $47.4956 $48.6830 SC 32 Monthly $7,272.0633 $7,453.8649 $7,640.2115 $7,831.2168 $8,026.9972 $8,227.6721 $8,433.3639 $8,644.1980 $8,860.3030 Hourly $41.9542 $43.0031 $44.0781 $45.1801 $46.3096 $47.4673 $48.6540 $49.8704 $51.1171 SC 33 Monthly $7,635.6665 $7,826.5581 $8,022.2221 $8,222.7776 $8,428.3471 $8,639.0557 $8,855.0321 $9,076.4079 $9,303.3181 Hourly $44.0519 $45.1532 $46.2821 $47.4391 $48.6251 $49.8407 $51.0867 $52.3639 $53.6730 SC 34 Monthly $8,017.4498 $8,217.8860 $8,423.3332 $8,633.9165 $8,849.7644 $9,071.0085 $9,297.7837 $9,530.2283 $9,768.4840 Hourly $46.2545 $47.4109 $48.5962 $49.8111 751.0563 $52.3327 $53.6411 $54.9821 $56.3566 SC 35 Monthly $8,418.3223 $8,628.7803 $8,844.4998 $9,065.6123 $9,292.2526 $9,524.5590 $9,762.6729 $10,006.7398 $10,256.9082 Hourly $48.5672 $49.7814 $51.0260 $52.3016 $53.6091 $54.9494 $56.3231 $57.7312 $59.1745 SC 36 Monthly $8,839.2384 $9,060.2193 $9,286.7248 $9,518.8929 $9,756.8653 $10,000.7869 $10,250.8066 $10,507.0767 $10,769.7537 Hourly $50.9956 $52.2705 $53.5773 $54.9167 $56.2896 $57.6968 $59.1393 $60.6178 $62.1332 SC 37 Monthly $9,281.2003 $9,513.2303 $9,751.0611 $9,994.8376 $10,244.7085 $10,500.8263 $10,763.3469 $11,032.4306 $11,308.2413 Hourly $53.5454 $54.8840 $56.2561 $57.6625 $59.1041 $60.5817 $62.0962 $63.6486 $65.2399 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. Exhibit"D" Pay Plan Supervisory& Confidential Employees Effective July 1st, 2013 thru June 30, 2014 Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 SC 21 Monthly $4,379.3795 $4,488.8640 $4,601.0856 $4,716.1127 $4,834.0156 $4,954.8659 $5,078.7376 $5,205.7060 $5,335.8487 Hourly $25.2657 $25.8973 $26.5447 $27.2083 $27.8886 $28.5858 $29.3004 $30.0329 $30.7837 SC 22 Monthly $4,598.3485 $4,713.3072 $4,831.1399 $4,951.9184 $5,075.7163 $5,202.6092 $5,332.6745 $5,465.9913 $5,602.6411 Hourly $26.5289 $27.1922 $27.8720 $28.5688 $29.2830 $30.0151 $30.7654 $31.5346 $32.3229 SC 23 Monthly $4,828.2659 $4,948.9726 $5,072.6969 $5,199.5143 $5,329.5022 $5,462.7397 $5,599.3082 $5,739.2909 $5,882.7732 Hourly $27.8554 $28.5518 $29.2656 $29.9972 $30.7471 $31.5158 $32.3037 $33.1113 $33.9391 SC 24 Monthly $5,069.6792 $5,196.4212 $5,326.3317 $5,459.4900 $5,595.9773 $5,735.8767 $5,879.2736 $6,026.2555 $6,176.9118 Hourly $29.2481 $29.9794 $30.7288 $31.4971 $32.2845 $33.0916 $33.9189 $34.7669 $35.6360 SC 25 Monthly $5,323.1632 $5,456.2422 $5,592.6483 $5,732.4645 $5,875.7761 $6,022.6705 $6,173.2373 $6,327.5682 $6,485.7574 Hourly $30.7106 $31.4783 $32.2653 $33.0719 $33.8987 $34.7462 $35.6148 $36.5052 $37.4178 SC 26 Monthly $5,589.3213 $5,729.0544 $5,872.2807 $6,019.0877 $6,169.5649 $6,323.8041 $6,481.8992 $6,643.9466 $6,810.0453 Hourly $32.2461 $33.0522 $33.8785 $34.7255 $35.5936 $36.4835 $37.3956 $38.3305 $39.2887 SC 27 Monthly $5,868.7874 $6,015.5071 $6,165.8948 $6,320.0421 $6,478.0432 $6,639.9943 $6,805.9941 $6,976.1440 $7,150.5476 Hourly $33.8584 $34.7048 $35.5725 $36.4618 $37.3733 $38.3077 $39.2654 $40.2470 $41.2532 SC 28 Monthly $6,162.2268 $6,316.2824 $6,474.1895 $6,636.0442 $6,801.9453 $6,971.9940 $7,146.2938 $7,324.9512 $7,508.0749 Hourly $35.5513 $36.4401 $37.3511 $38.2849 $39.2420 $40.2230 $41.2286 $42.2593 $43.3158 Monthly +--�6,470.3381 $6,632.0966 $6,797.8990 $6,967.8464 $7,142.0426 $7,320.5937 $7,503.6085 $7,691.1987 $7,883.4787 Hourly 37.3289 38.2621 39.2186 40.1991 41.2041 42.2342 43.2900 44.3723 45.4816 (Page 2 of 2) Exhibit D Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 SC 30 Monthly $6,793.8550 $6,963.7014 $7,137.7939 $7,316.2388 $7,499.1447 $7,686.6234 $7,878.7889 $8,075.7587 $8,277.6526 Hourly $39.1953 $40.1752 $41.1796 $42.2091 $43.2643 $44.3459 $45.4546 $46.5909 $47.7557 SC 31 Monthly $7,133.5478 $7,311.8865 $7,494.6836 $7,682.0507 $7,874.1020 $8,070.9545 $8,272.7284 $8,479.5466 $8,691.5353 Hourly $41.1551 $42.1840 $43.2386 $44.3195 $45.4275 $46.5632 $47.7273 $48.9205 $50.1435 SC 32 Monthly $7,490.2251 $7,677.4808 $7,869.4178 $8,066.1532 $8,267.8071 $8,474.5022 $8,686.3648 $8,903.5239 $9,126.1120 Hourly $43.2128 $44.2932 $45.4005 $46.5355 $47.6989 $48.8914 $50.1136 $51.3665 $52.6506 SC 33 Monthly $7,864.7364 $8,061.3548 $8,262.8887 $8,469.4609 $8,681.1974 $8,898.2274 $9,120.6830 $9,348.7001 $9,582.4176 Hourly $45.3735 $46.5078 $47.6705 $48.8623 $50.0838 $51.3359 $52.6193 $53.9348 $55.2832 SC 34 Monthly $8,257.9732 $8,464.4226 $8,676.0331 $8,892.9339 $9,115.2573 $9,343.1387 $9,576.7172 $9,816.1351 $10,061.5385 Hourly $47.6422 $48.8332 $50.0540 $51.3054 752.5880 $53.9027 $55.2503 $56.6315 $58.0473 SC 35 Monthly $8,670.8719 $8,887.6437 $9,109.8348 $9,337.5806 $9,571.0202 $9,810.2957 $10,055.5531 $10,306.9419 $10,564.6154 Hourly $50.0243 $51.2749 $52.5567 $53.8707 $55.2174 $56.5979 $58.0128 $59.4631 $60.9497 SC 36 Monthly $9,104.4155 $9,332.0259 $9,565.3265 $9,804.4597 $10,049.5712 $10,300.8104 $10,558.3307 $10,822.2890 $11,092.8462 Hourly $52.5255 $53.8386 $55.1846 $56.5642 $57.9783 $59.4278 $60.9134 $62.4363 $63.9972 SC 37 Monthly $9,559.6363 $9,798.6272 $10,043.5928 $10,294.6827 $10,552.0497 $10,815.8510 $11,086.2472 $11,363.4034 $11,647.4885 Hourly $55.1517 $56.5305 $57.9438 $59.3924 $60.8772 $62.3991 $63.9591 $65.5581 $67.1970 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. Exhibit"E" Pay Plan Supervisory& Confidential Employees Effective July 1st, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 SC 21 Monthly $4,510.7609 $4,623.5300 $4,739.1182 $4,857.5962 $4,979.0361 $5,103.5120 $5,231.0998 $5,361.8773 $5,495.9242 Hourly $26.0236 $26.6742 $27.3411 $28.0246 $28.7252 $29.4433 $30.1794 $30.9339 $31.7073 SC 22 Monthly $4,736.2990 $4,854.7065 $4,976.0741 $5,100.4760 $5,227.9879 $5,358.6876 $5,492.6548 $5,629.9711 $5,770.7204 Hourly $27.3248 $28.0079 $28.7081 $29.4258 $30.1615 $30.9155 $31.6884 $32.4806 $33.2926 SC 23 Monthly $4,973.1139 $5,097.4418 $5,224.8778 $5,355.4998 $5,489.3873 $5,626.6220 $5,767.2875 $5,911.4697 $6,059.2564 Hourly $28.6910 $29.4083 $30.1435 $30.8971 $31.6695 $32.4613 $33.2728 $34.1046 $34.9572 SC 24 Monthly $5,221.7696 $5,352.3139 $5,486.1217 $5,623.2748 $5,763.8566 $5,907.9530 $6,055.6519 $6,207.0432 $6,362.2193 Hourly $30.1256 $30.8787 $31.6507 $32.4420 $33.2530 $34.0843 $34.9365 $35.8099 $36.7051 SC 25 Monthly $5,482.8581 $5,619.9296 $5,760.4278 $5,904.4385 $6,052.0495 $6,203.3507 $6,358.4345 $6,517.3953 $6,680.3302 Hourly $31.6319 $32.4227 $33.2332 $34.0641 $34.9157 $35.7886 $36.6833 $37.6004 $38.5404 SC 26 Monthly $5,757.0010 $5,900.9260 $6,048.4492 $6,199.6604 $6,354.6519 $6,513.5182 $6,676.3562 $6,843.2651 $7,014.3467 Hourly $33.2135 $34.0438 $34.8949 $35.7673 $36.6615 $37.5780 $38.5174 $39.4804 $40.4674 SC 27 Monthly $6,044.8511 $6,195.9723 $6,350.8717 $6,509.6434 $6,672.3845 $6,839.1941 $7,010.1740 $7,185.4284 $7,365.0641 Hourly $34.8741 $35.7460 $36.6396 $37.5556 $38.4945 $39.4569 $40.4433 $41.4544 $42.4908 SC 28 Monthly $6,347.0936 $6,505.7710 $6,668.4152 $6,835.1256 $7,006.0038 $7,181.1539 $7,360.6827 $7,544.6998 $7,733.3173 Hourly $36.6178 $37.5333 $38.4716 $39.4334 $40.4193 $41.4297 $42.4655 $43.5271 $44.6153 Monthly +--�6,664.4483 $6,831.0595 $7,001.8360 $7,176.8819 $7,356.3040 $7,540.2115 $7,728.7168 $7,921.9348 $8,119.9831 Hourly 38.4487 39.4100 40.3952 41.4051 42.4402 43.5012 44.5888 45.7035 46.8461 (Page 2 of 2) Exhibit E Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 SC 30 Monthly $6,997.6707 $7,172.6125 $7,351.9278 $7,535.7260 $7,724.1191 $7,917.2221 $8,115.1527 $8,318.0315 $8,525.9823 Hourly $40.3712 $41.3805 $42.4150 $43.4753 $44.5622 $45.6763 $46.8182 $47.9886 $49.1884 SC 31 Monthly $7,347.5543 $7,531.2431 $7,719.5242 $7,912.5123 $8,110.3251 $8,313.0832 $8,520.9103 $8,733.9331 $8,952.2814 Hourly $42.3897 $43.4495 $44.5357 $45.6491 $46.7903 $47.9601 $49.1591 $50.3881 $51.6478 SC 32 Monthly $7,714.9320 $7,907.8053 $8,105.5004 $8,308.1379 $8,515.8414 $8,728.7374 $8,946.9558 $9,170.6297 $9,399.8955 Hourly $44.5092 $45.6220 $46.7625 $47.9316 $49.1299 $50.3581 $51.6171 $52.9075 $54.2302 SC 33 Monthly $8,100.6786 $8,303.1955 $8,510.7754 $8,723.5448 $8,941.6334 $9,165.1743 $9,394.3036 $9,629.1612 $9,869.8902 Hourly $46.7347 $47.9031 $49.1006 $50.3281 $51.5863 $52.8760 $54.1979 $55.5529 $56.9417 SC 34 Monthly $8,505.7125 $8,718.3553 $8,936.3142 $9,159.7220 $9,388.7151 $9,623.4330 $9,864.0188 $10,110.6193 $10,363.3848 Hourly $49.0714 $50.2982 $51.5557 $52.8446 754.1657 $55.5198 $56.9078 $58.3305 $59.7888 SC 35 Monthly $8,930.9981 $9,154.2731 $9,383.1299 $9,617.7082 $9,858.1509 $10,104.6046 $10,357.2197 $10,616.1502 $10,881.5540 Hourly $51.5250 $52.8131 $54.1334 $55.4868 $56.8739 $58.2958 $59.7532 $61.2470 $62.7782 SC 36 Monthly $9,377.5480 $9,611.9867 $9,852.2864 $10,098.5936 $10,351.0584 $10,609.8349 $10,875.0807 $11,146.9577 $11,425.6317 Hourly $54.1012 $55.4538 $56.8401 $58.2611 $59.7176 $61.2106 $62.7409 $64.3094 $65.9171 SC 37 Monthly $9,846.4254 $10,092.5861 $10,344.9007 $10,603.5232 $10,868.6113 $11,140.3266 $11,418.8348 $11,704.3056 $11,996.9133 Hourly $56.8063 $58.2265 $59.6821 $61.1742 $62.7035 $64.2711 $65.8779 $67.5248 $69.2130 * In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range. EXHIBIT F 2012-2015 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 1. Independence Day 2. Labor Day 3. Veterans Day 4. Thanksgiving 5. Day after Thanksgiving 6. Christmas Eve 7. Christmas Day 8. New Years Day 9. Presidents Day 10. Memorial Day 11. Employee Chosen Floater 350310.1 Y0030-008 ITEM NO. 3.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Prepared By: Miguel Serna, Human Resources Analyst Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives SUMMARY: The following is a report of Human Resources Staff activity in regards to the Strategic Improvement Plan Initiatives adopted by the Board of Directors. With prior approval from the Personnel Risk Management Committee, Human Resources Staff has placed the completion of the Strategic Plan Initiatives on hold while a District wide assessment of all job descriptions is completed. Staff has completed the first step in the assessment Questionnaire and will be presenting a draft Job Description Questionnaire to the Personnel-Risk Management Committee for review. DISCUSSION: Human Resources staff collected and analyzed competency data for several District positions. During the process it became apparent that the District's current job descriptions did not identify the actual essential functions of the job. Human Resources staff addressed these concerns with the Personnel-Risk Management Committee on February 14, 2012. At that time, it was agreed that Human Resources staff would put the Strategic Plan Initiatives on hold while new job descriptions were created to reflect the changes in job duties as well as identify the skills needed to perform the essential functions for all classifications. In order to develop a workforce and/or succession plan; an assessment of current job duties, education, skills and/or certificates required for all classifications needs to be determined . Human Resources Staff developed a draft Job Description Questionnaire with a focus on the technological components of the job duties for each job. The questionnaire will assist District staff to identify what type of computer skills are needed to perform specific duties within each job classification. The Job Description Questionnaire is composed of two segments. The first segment will aid Human Resources Staff in determining the essential functions for each classification, the organizational role for each classification, supervisory requirements and environmental factors pertaining to each classification. The second portion, a computer skills survey, will aid in collecting and recording the new skills and software needed to perform the duties for all classifications. This second portion of the survey is the most important, especially with the introduction of new softwares and computer hardware designed to make business operations more efficient. Questionnaires will be given to each employee of that department to determine what essential functions they perform and what skills they believe are needed to perform the job. Staff is planning to begin with the District's Operations department. This information will then be collected and reviewed with the employee's supervisor and department head to determine the accuracy of the information being provided by the employee. After this process is completed, staff can revise the existing job classifications to incorporate the data collected to include competencies, skills, education and/or certification as well as additional responsibilities added to the job. These revised job classifications will assist in hiring the right people with the right competencies to effectively achieve the District's strategic goals and objectives. In addition, staff can develop procedures for identifying, acquiring, developing and retaining employees to meet the needs of the organization and the following Strategic Plan Initiatives: WE 1-C: Establish Career Development Expectations of Existing Employees. WE 1-D: Develop Methodologies to Assist Employees in Attaining Career Expectations. WE 1-E: Continue to Support Additional Training for Staff WE 2-A: Identify Key Roles for Succession WE 2-13: Define the Competencies and Motivational Profile Required for Key Roles. WE 2-C: Identify Individuals with the Potential to Perform Highly in Key Roles. WE 2-D: Develop Methodologies to Assist Employees in Preparing for Advancement. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: JDQ.doc Job Description Questionnaire Backup Material ImYorba Linda Water District Job Description Questionnaire PURPOSE AND INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the study is to obtain current information on your job based on a review of job duties and responsibilities. Because you know your duties and responsibilities better than anyone else, we need your help to get an accurate description of your job. We are asking you to complete this questionnaire that asks for information about your job duties. The questionnaire does not ask about your job performance; only what your job requires you to do. Please complete this questionnaire as honestly, completely and accurately as you can. Base your answers on what is normal to your current job, not special projects or temporary assignment duties, unless these tasks are a regular part of your job. This questionnaire needs to cover many jobs, so the questions are not specifically about your job. However, you should be able to compare your job duties to the examples given. If two answers seem to fit your situation, just check the one that works best. When answering the questions, imagine you are describing what you do to a neighbor, friend or to someone just hired for your position. Your supervisor and manager will also be asked about your job, but they will not be allowed to change your answers. We appreciate your active participation in this important study. If you have questions, please feel free to ask your supervisor or division administrator. Please return this questionnaire to your supervisor. A. EMPLOYEE DATA (PLEASE PRINT): Your Name: Department: Your Job Title: How long have you been in your current position: years months Supervisor's Name: B. GENERAL PURPOSE OF POSITION Indicate in one or two sentences the general purpose of the position (or why this job exists). This statement should be a general summary of the responsibilities listed in the next section. 1 C. SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES/DUTIES Describe specific job responsibilities/duties, listing the most important first. Use a separate statement for each responsibility. Most positions can be described in 6-8 major responsibility areas. Combine minor or occasional duties in one last statement. Give a best estimate of average percentage of time each responsibility takes; however, do not include a duty which occupies 5% or less of your time unless it is an essential part of the job. Each statement should be brief and concise, beginning with an action verb. A list of action verbs is attached for reference but feel free to use other action verbs if they are more appropriate. The box below shows an example. —EXAMPLE-- Percent(°k) of Time Secretary 1. Performs a variety of typing duties including standard letters,reports and forms. 2. Takes and transcribes dictation. Composes letters and memos as directed. 25% 3. Maintains departmental files;ensures that all records are updated and modified as necessary. 25% 4. Answers the telephone and greets visitors. 20% 5. Makes travel arrangements. 20% 10% 100% LIST MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES FIRST Percent(%) of Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Perform other job-related duties as assigned. 100% 2 For the remainder of the questionnaire, most of the questions require that you check the box or list information. Guidelines for completing these sections are as follows: 1) read each definition carefully before answering, 2)consider the job, not yourself, 3)answer based on the job as it currently exists, 4)select the most appropriate answer(s)for each question. General Education & Experience D. EDUCATION AND/OR EXPERIENCE: Select the level of education and/or experience needed to successfully accomplish the essential duties of this job. Level 1: No prior experience or training. Level 2: Less than high school education; or up to one month related experience or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 3: High school diploma or general education degree (GED); or one to three months related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 4: One year certificate from college or technical school; or three to six months related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 5: Associate's degree (A. A.) or equivalent from two-year College or technical school; or six months to one year related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 6: Bachelor's degree (B. A.) from four-year College or university; or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 7: Fifth year College or University program certificate; or two to four years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 8: Master's degree (M. A.) or equivalent; or four to ten years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 9: Doctoral degree (Ph. D.) or equivalent; or more than 10 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. E. EXPERIENCE TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NEEDED: Please indicate the specific job experience needed. For example, "accounting experience in an education environment"vs. "accounting experience". Be sure that the experience stated is what is actually required by the job, not what is preferred. Check the box which best indicates the minimum amount of experience described above. (Not necessarily your own years of experience, but the requirements for the job.) ❑ Less than 6 months ❑ 3 but less than 5 years ❑ 6 months but less than 1 year ❑ 5 but less than 7 years ❑ 1 year but less than 3 years ❑ 7 years plus 3 F. TYPE OF SKILLS AND/OR LICENSING/CERTIFICATION REQUIRED Please indicate all specific skills and/or licensing/certification required (not preferred)to do this job. Does this job require the use of specialized tools? For example, spreadsheet software proficiency may be a requirement for a secretarial job; Water Distribution Certificate may be required for a Maintenance Distribution Operator II job. 4 G. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES SUPERVISORY NATURE: What is the nature of the direct supervisory responsibility yourjob has? Check one answer. ❑ No supervisory responsibility. ❑ Work leadership of one or more employees. ❑ Supervisor over a section of a department. ❑ Assistant Manager over supervisors or a small department. ❑ Manager of one department. ❑ Manager of more than one department. ❑ Director, through managers, of a single department. ❑ Director, through managers, of multiple departments. How many positions report directly to you? ❑ None ❑ 1 ❑ 2-3 ❑ 4-6 ❑ 7 or more List the title(s)of employee(s)whom you directly supervise: Title Grade/Level Number of Positions Indicate the total number of employees you indirectly supervise through supervisors or managers: ❑ None ❑ 1-5 ❑ 6-10 ❑ 11-20 ❑ 21-50 ❑ 51-100 ❑ 100+ Does this position require functional supervision of positions that do not report directly to you? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5 Please complete organization chart below: Title of Your Immediate Supervisor Other jobs Your Other jobs which which report to Position report to your your immediate immediate supervisor supervisor F _7 Titles of Your Direct Reports H. PHYSICAL DEMANDS AND WORKING CONDITIONS How much on-the-job time is spent on the following physical activities? Show the time by checking the appropriate boxes below. Amount of time None Under 1/3 Over 1/3 to 2/3 and Over 1/3 Under 2/3 Stand Walk Sit Use hands to finger, handle or feel Reach with hands and arms Climb or balance Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl Talk or hear Taste or smell 6 Does this job require that weight be lifted or force be exerted? If so, how much and how often? Check the appropriate boxes below. Amount of time None Under 1/3 Over 1/3 to 2/3 and Over 1/3 Under 2/3 Up to 10 lbs. Up to 25 lbs. Up to 50 lbs. Up to 100 lbs. More than 100 lbs. How much exposure to the following environmental conditions does this job require? Show the amount by checking the appropriate boxes below. Amount of time None Under 1/3 Over 1/3 to 2/3 and Over 1/3 Under 2/3 Wet or humid conditions Non—Weather Outdoor weather conditions Work in high, precarious laces Fumes or airborne articles Toxic or caustic chemicals Work near moving mechanical parts Extreme Cold Extreme Heat Risk of electrical shock Vibration How much noise is typical for the work environment of this job? Check the appropriate level below. Very quiet conditions (examples: forest trail, isolation booth for hearing test) Quiet conditions (examples: library, private office) Moderate noise (examples: business office with computers and printers, light traffic) Loud noise (examples: metal can manufacturing department, large earth-moving equipment) Very loud Noise (examples: jack hammer work, front row at rock concert) Make notes on the specific job duties that are affected by the environmental conditions selected above. 7 I. GENERAL EMPLOYEE COMMENTS Because no single questionnaire can cover every part of a job, can you think of any other information that would be important in understanding yourjob? If so, please give us your comments below. Employee's Signature: Date: 8 J. SUPERVISOR'S REVIEW SECTION Based on your understanding of the job as it currently exists, please review the employee's response and provide your own comments in the space provided below. Please do not change the employee's responses. The questionnaire is intended to analyze the job as it is currently being done and not how it might be done in the future. The employee's level of performance in the mob is not part of this review and is not to be considered. Section Remarks Supervisor's Name: Title: Supervisor's Signature: Date: Telephone Number: K. REVIEWING OFFICIAL'S REVIEW SECTION Based on your understanding of the job as it currently exists, please review the employee's response and provide your own comments in the space provided below. Please do not change the employee's or supervisor's responses. The questionnaire is intended to analyze the job as it is currently being done and not how it might be done in the future. The employee's level of performance in the mob is not part of this review and is not to be considered. Section Remarks Reviewing Official's Name: Title: Reviewing Official's Signature: Date: Telephone Number: This questionnaire is to be forwarded next to your division administrator. Division administrator, please initial to indicate review (Attach additional page(s) for clarifying comments, as necessary.) 9 ACTION VERBS ATTACHMENT This list of action verbs should be used to assist you in completing the Summary of Responsibilities section. These verbs are useful in identifying and defining job functions. Although many of the terms may seem obvious,definitions are provided in the interest of consistency. Administer—Manage or direct the execution of affairs. Adopt—Take up and practice as one's own. Advise—Recommend a course of action;offer an informed opinion based on specialized knowledge Analyze—Separate into elements and critically examine. Anticipate—Foresee and deal with in advance. Appraise—Give an expert judgment of worth or merit. Approve—Accept as satisfactory;exercise final authority with regard to commitment of resources. Arrange—Make preparation for an event;put in proper order. Assemble—Collect or gather together in a predetermined order from various sources. Assign—Specify or designate tasks or duties to be performed by others. Assume—Undertake;take for granted. Assure—Give confidence;make certain of. Authorize—Approve;empower through vested authority. Calculate—Make a mathematical computation. Circulate—Pass from person to person or place to place. Clean—To remove dirt or make tidy. Clear—Gain approval of others. Collaborate—Work jointly with;cooperate with others. Collect—Gather. Compile—Put together information;collect from other documents. Concur—Agree with a position,statement,action,or opinion. Conduct—Carry on;direct the execution of. Confer—Consult with others to compare views. Consolidate—Bring together. Construct—Build,make or modify. Consult—Seek the advice of others. Control—Measure,interpret,and evaluate actions for conformance with plans or desired results. Coordinate—Regulate,adjust,or combine the actions of others to attain harmony. Correlate—Establish a reciprocal relationship. Correspond—Communicate with. Debug—To detect,locate and remove mistakes from a routine of malfunctions from a computer. Delegate—Commission another to perform tasks or duties that may carry specific degrees of accountability. Deliver—Carry to intended destination. Design—Conceive,create,and execute according to plan. Determine—Resolve;fix conclusively. Develop—Disclose,discover,perfect,or unfold a plan or idea. Devise—Come up with something new,perhaps by combining or applying known ideas or principles. Direct—Guide work operations through the establishment of objectives, policies,rules,practices,methods,and standards. Discuss—Exchange views for the purpose of arriving at a conclusion. Dispose—Get rid of. Disseminate—Spread or disperse information. Distribute—Deliver to proper destinations. Draft—Prepare papers or documents in preliminary form. Endorse—Support or recommend. Establish—Bring into existence. Estimate—Forecast future requirements. Evaluate—Determine or fix the value of. Execute—Put into effect or carry out. Exercise—Exert. Expedite—Accelerate the process or progress of. 10 Formulate—Develop or devise. Furnish—Provide with what is needed;supply. Implement—Carry out;execute a plan or program. Improve—Make something better. Initiate—Start or introduce. Inspect—Critically examine for suitability. Install—To set up for use. Interpret—Explain something to others. Investigate—Study through close examination and systematic inquiry. Issue—Put forth or to distribute officially. Maintain—Keep in an existing state. Monitor—Watch,observe,or check with an eye to reaching agreement. Noti —Make known to. Operate—Perform an activity or series of activities. Participate—Take part in. Perform—Fulfill or carry out some action. Place—Locate and choose position for. Plan—Devise or project the realization of a course of action. Practice—Perform work repeatedly in order to gain proficiency. Prepare—Make ready for a particular purpose. Proceed—Begin to carry out an action. Process—Subject something to special treatment;handle in accordance with prescribed procedure. Promote—Advance to a higher level or position. Propose—Declare a plan or intention. Provide—Supply what is needed;furnish. Recommend—Advise or counsel a course of action;offer or suggest for adoption. Repair—Fix or make usable. Represent—Act in the place of or for. Report—Give an account of;furnish information or data. Research—Inquire into a specific matter from several sources. Review—Examine or re-examine. Revise—Rework in order to correct or improve. Schedule—Plan a timetable. Secure—Gain possession of;make safe. Select—Choose the best suited. Sign—Formally approve a document by affixing a signature. Sort—To separate or arrange according to a plan. S eci —State precisely in detail or name explicitly. Stimulate—Excite to activity;urge. Submit—Yield or present for the discretion or judgement of others. Supervise—Personally oversee,direct,inspect,or guide the work of others with responsibility for meeting standards of performance. Train—Teach or guide others in order to bring up to a predetermined standard. Transcribe—Transfer data from one form of record to another or from one method of preparation to another,without changing the nature of the data. Veri —Confirm or establish authenticity;substantiate. Write—To compose or draft. 11