HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-23 - Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, April 23, 2012, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Daniel Mole, Chair Bill Guse, Vice Chair Lindon Baker Carl Boznanski Gus Bruner Rick Buck Oscar Bugarini Sr. Fred Hebein Joe Holdren Modesto Llanos Greg Myers Cheryl Spencer- Borden 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 2.1. Capital Improvement Program for FYS 2012/13 thru 2016/17 2.2. Draft Budget for FY 2012/13 2.3. OC Water Summit Attendance 2.4. Rescheduling May 2012 Meeting Date 2.5. District Facilities Tour 2.6. Future Agenda Items Golden State Water Company District Public Affairs Efforts 3. ADJOURNMENT 3.1. The date and time of the next Citizens Advisory Committee meeting will be discussed under Item No. 2.4. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. Meeting Date: Subject: ATTACHMENTS: AGENDA REPORT April 23, 2012 ITEM NO. 2.1 Capital Improvement Program for FYS 2012/13 thru 2016/17 Name: Description: Type: CIP Presentation. pdf PowerPoint Presentation Backup Material L M -• Yorba Linda Water District Capital Improvement Program: FY 12/13 thru FY 16/17 Presented by: Steve Conklin Engineering Manager April 11, 2012 Current: CIP FY 12/13 - FY 16/17 Date: 8-Mar-12 Prior Projection $ 11.87 $ 10.39 $ 7.32 $ 3.48 N. Aim 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Projected Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Project FY 11/12 FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 FY15/16 FY16/17 Project Description Cost Budget Costs Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Highland BPS Upgrade $ 6.10 $ 3.64 $ 3.90 Ohio &Oriente Pipeline Replacement $ 1.50 $ 1.26 $ 1.50 Well No. 20 $ 1.85 $ 1.35 $ 1.35 A Elk Mountain Site Imp $ 0.05 $ 0.87 $ - Non -Pot Water Study for Irrig. Use $ 0.15 $ 0.04 $ 0.04 Green Crest Dr_ Sewer Lift Stn Upgr $ 0.18 $ 0.18 $ 0.14 2010 Waterline Project $ 2.07 $ 1.77 $ 0.90 $ 1.17 Press. Reg. Stations Upgrade $ 1.00 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 Computerized Maint &Mgmt System $ 0.34 $ 0.07 $ 0.11 $ 0.05 B Lakeview Grade Separation $ 0.08 $ 0.16 $ 0.08 $ - G IS- -Phase 2 $ 0.62 $ 0.08 $ - $ 0.08 $ 0.06 YL Blvd Pipeline & BPS Projects $ 4.90 $ 0.50 $ 0.40 $ 2.59 $ 1.90 Well No. 21 $ 2.30 $ 1.00 $ 0.02 $ 0.80 $ 1.00 $ 0.45 C Fairmont Res., BPS & Site Imp $ 6.00 $ 0.45 $ 0.25 $ 0.50 $ 3.00 $ 2.25 2012 Pipeline Project $ 2.56 $ 0.26 $ 1.80 $ 0.50 Annual Capital R & R $ 5.83 $ 1.79 $ 1.17 $ 2.87 Well No. 22 $ 2.50 $ 0.25 $ 1.00 $ 1.25 D Meter Replacement Program $ 0.35 $ 0.35 Lakeview Site Landscaping $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Disinf. Bstr. Sta. at Hidden Hills Res $ 0.20 $ 0.20 TOTALI $ 38.63 1 $ 11.87 1 $ 9.19 1 $ 6.301 8.06 1 $ 6.19 1 $ 2.42 1 $ 2.57 Prior Projection $ 11.87 $ 10.39 $ 7.32 $ 3.48 N. Aim Recommendations for Spreading CIP • Group A (Orange) projects have been or will be completed this fiscal year. • Group B (Yellow) projects are budgeted, funded, in process and are recommended that they carry through to completion of construction. • Group C (Green) projects are budgeted, funded, and are needed in order to deliver groundwater throughout our service area. • Group D (Blue) projects are prudent, but may be delayed depending on need and cash flow. Possible consequences include additional breaks, water loss, and project cost increases. J 3 Water Supply Flexibility &Reliability • In June 2007, the Board approved the CIP for FY 2007 -12 with a long -term plan of being able to deliver groundwater to our entire service area. • Key water supply elements of the Plan included: • Provide flexibility to switch between water sources • Maximize use of lower -cost groundwater • Add facilities to be able to deliver either source to all areas of the District • Well 21 and Fairmont Projects will complete this Plan Current Groundwater Delivery Area (Blue) W-18 a � 5 ".;1M LEGEND' W-10 (W-19) IMPORT WATER SOURCE MGM FIELD PLANT GROUNDWATER SOURCE GROUNDWATER NEAR TERM CONDITIONS DISTRICT BOUNDARIES WITH NO ADDITIONAL OCWD — — OCWD BOUNDARIES ♦ wrwT ♦ mcnwTC Ilk— Potential GW Area w/ Full Annex RICHFIELD PLANT GROUNDWATER SOURCE I GROUNDWATER IMPORTED WATER DISTRICT BOUNDARIES or BOUNDARIES Existing Well System • Estimated maximum pumping capacity of our existing wells plus new Well 20 is 20 mgd. • 20 mgd is needed if OCWD Annexation approved • This discharge is possible only if: — No wells are down for maintenance or repairs — All of our older wells (No. 1,5,7,10,12 & 15) continue at current capacity (which is doubtful) • Well 21- Assures delivery for Annexation and for well replacement 4 Preyated Bp: N ® 1717 MI ALOROATER615TR1GT WELL 21 AERIAL VIEW 1717 AM1IRlrLOANiJ0.�E NLAC. Hi IIA. r31LI FURNUlll:[RM SCALE: MU SCALE (7'14)-"rf.3m DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2012 lob pAW Purpose of the District -Wide Groundwater Delivery Project • Ability to pump groundwater to higher zones/ east -side of YL. • Provide supply redundancy when there is a sudden or planned loss of supply from MWD, • With Annexation: — Additional 4,000 -5,000 AF per year of GW — Reduction of water cost of $1 million /year in 2015 —Will NOT be able to pump full allocation unless Fairmont Project is completed District Pressure Zones �Mp 78p -1 { y 57 . — O 1�� YORBA LINDA BLVD a Q taro LfLv ......... ri LA PALMA 1300 9PD 10 78D 0pp �' 1 YORBA LINDA BLVD f �a rr I 1 FIGURE 1.5 PRESSURE ZONE BOUNDARIES YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT lob _, + �_ LEGEND 439 ZONE OAj M ZONE (SUR1] WO ZONE 00[ 020 ZONE {5A) ■ 570 ZONE (1I 1000 ZONE 1561 1975 ZONE (OA[ Ism ZON E(S) N m I NO LONE P11) MI ZONE (51-} 719ZONE KOR1I 1100 ZONE {9AI 700.1 ZONE [AAj 1000 ZONE [0D] 79"ZGNE(4e) Iso ZONE [cc 7004 ZONE (4] 153] ZONE [0O] 139D 7011-1 ZONE iW] YLWD WATER BERVICE AREA 13 1155 te=a' 780-4 FIGURE 1.5 PRESSURE ZONE BOUNDARIES YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT lob _, + �_ Proposed Components of the District- Wide Groundwater Delivery Project • New Well No. 21 • At 7.5 MG Fairmont Reservoir site: — Replace valves in the reservoir (in progress) — Replace two old pumps with 6 new ones — Pipeline and appurtenant improvements — New, larger pump building and other service facilities — Equipment &material storage facilities • Total estimated cost: $8.3 million over 3 years. Option A: CIP FY 12/13 16/1-) Date: 8-Mar-12 Prior Projection $ 11.87 $ 10.39 $ 7.32 $ 3.48 N. Aim 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Projected Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Project FY 11/12 FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 FY15/16 FY16/17 Project Description Cost Budget Costs Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Highland BPS Upgrade $ 6.10 $ 3.64 $ 3.90 Ohio &Oriente Pipeline Replacement $ 1.50 $ 1.26 $ 1.50 Well No. 20 $ 1.85 $ 1.35 $ 1.35 A Elk Mountain Site Imp $ 0.05 $ 0.87 $ - Non -Pot Water Study for Irrig. Use $ 0.15 $ 0.04 $ 0.04 Green Crest Dr_ Sewer Lift Stn Upgr $ 0.18 $ 0.18 $ 0.14 2010 Waterline Project $ 2.07 $ 1.77 $ 0.90 $ 1.17 Press. Reg. Stations Upgrade $ 1.00 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 Computerized Maint &Mgmt System $ 0.34 $ 0.07 $ 0.11 $ 0.05 B Lakeview Grade Separation $ 0.08 $ 0.16 $ 0.08 $ - G IS- -Phase 2 $ 0.62 $ 0.08 $ - $ 0.08 $ 0.06 YL Blvd Pipeline & BPS Projects $ 4.90 $ 0.50 $ 0.40 $ 2.59 $ 1.90 Well No. 21 $ 2.30 $ 1.00 $ 0.02 $ 0.80 $ 1.00 $ 0.45 C Fairmont Res., BPS & Site Imp $ 6.00 $ 0.45 $ 0.25 $ 0.50 $ 3.00 $ 2.25 2012 Pipeline Project $ 2.56 $ 0.26 $ 1.80 $ 0.50 Annual Capital R & R $ 5.83 $ 1.79 $ 1.17 $ 2.87 Well No. 22 $ 2.50 $ 0.25 $ 1.00 $ 1.25 D Meter Replacement Program $ 0.35 $ 0.35 Lakeview Site Landscaping $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Disinf. Bstr. Sta. at Hidden Hills Res $ 0.20 $ 0.20 TOTALI $ 38.63 1 $ 11.87 1 $ 9.19 1 $ 6.301 8.06 1 $ 6.19 1 $ 2.42 1 $ 2.57 Prior Projection $ 11.87 $ 10.39 $ 7.32 $ 3.48 N. Aim Option B: -"4 1 P FY 12/1='D , FY 17/18 Date: 4- Apr -12 � - N. 3 _ 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 Total P Projected P Proposed P Proposed P Proposed P Proposed P Proposed P Proposed Project F FY11/12 F FY11/12 F FY12/13 F FY13/14 F FY14/15 F FY15/16 F FY16/17 F FY17/18 Project Description C Cost B Budget C Cost B Budget B Budget B Budget B Budget B Budget B Budget Highland BPS Upgrade $ $ 6.10 $ $ 3.64 $ $ 3.90 Ohio &Oriente Pipeline Replacement $ $ 1.50 $ $ 1.26 $ $ 1.50 Well No. 20 $ $ 1.85 $ $ 1.35 $ $ 1.35 A W Elk Mountain Site Imp $ $ 0.05 $ $ 0.87 $ $ - Non -Pot Water Study for Irrig. Use $ $ 0.15 $ $ 0.04 $ $ 0.04 Green Crest Dr. Sewer Lift Stn Upgr $ $ 0.18 $ $ 0.18 $ $ 0.14 2010 Waterline Project $ $ 2.07 $ $ 1.77 $ $ 0.90 $ $ 1.17 Press. Reg. Stations Upgrade $ $ 1.00 $ $ 0.50 $ $ 0.50 $ $ 0.50 Computerized Maint &Mgmt System $ $ 0.34 $ $ 0.07 $ $ 0.11 $ $ 0.05 B C Lakeview Grade Separation $ $ 0.08 $ $ 0.16 $ $ 0.08 $ $ - GIS- -Phase 2 $ $ 0.62 $ $ 0.08 $ $ - $ $ 0.08 $ $ 0.06 YL Blvd Pipeline & BPS Projects $ $ 4.90 $ $ 0.50 $ $ 0.40 $ $ 2.59 1 1 $ 1.90 Well No 21 $ $ 2.30 $ $ 1.00 $ $ 0.02 $ $ 0.80 $ $ 1.00 $ $ 0.45 C W Fairmont Res., BPS & Site Imp $ $ 6.00 $ $ 0.45 $ $ 0.25 $ $ 0.50 $ $ 3.00 $ $ 2.25 2012 Pipeline Project $ $ 2.56 $ $ 0.26 $ $ 1.80 $ $ 0.50 Annual Capital R & R $ $ 5.83 $ $ 1.79 $ $ 1.17 $ $ 2.87 Well No 22 $ $ 2.50 $ $ 0.25 $ $ 1.00 $ $ 1.25 D W Meter Replacement Program $ $ 0.35 $ $ 0.35 Lakeview Site Landscaping $ $ 0.05 $ $ 0.05 Disinf. Bstr. Sta. at Hidden Hills Res $ $ 0.20 $ $ 0.20 TOTALI $ $ 38.63 1 1 $ 11.87 $ $ 9.19 $ $ 5.69 $ $ 5.96 $ $ 2.70 1 1 $ 2.901 $ $ 3.97 $ $ 4.62 N. 3 _ Questions? Thoughts on these options and others? �- --� - 4 Meeting Date: Subject: s ATTACHMENTS: AGENDA REPORT April 23, 2012 Draft Budget for FY 2012/13 ITEM NO. 2.2 Name: Description: Type: Draft Budget FY2012- 13.pdf Draft Budget for FY 2012.13 Backup Material Reserve Policv.pdf Reserve Policy Backup Material Draft Budget Detail 4.23.12.pdf Draft Budget Detail Backup Material L YL LWI PO' A"* it Yorba Linda Water District Proposed Draft Budget FY 2012/13 Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager J f� r"` n Citizens Advisory Committee April 23, 2012 1 w -3p • Variable Water Costs &Water Revenue — Assumption of 19,000 AF for Current Year — 19,300 AF Consumption = 3 year average • MWD — MWD Rate Increase 5.0% - 7.5% (eff. January 1, 2013) • OCWD BPP r; 1; 3 — Up to 68% with RA up to $267/AF (eff. July 1, 2012) • $13.0 Million -- Total Variable Water Costs — Includes MWD Pass - Through Costs • $1.0 Million -- Depreciation Increase — Completion of Improvement and Replacement Projects • $110,000 -- Salary - Related Expenses Increase — Effects from Funding 76 FTE's for Full Year, plus 3 PTE — Includes PERS Actuarial Cost Increases • $14,500 -- Vehicle Equip. &Capital Outlay Increase — Includes Sewer Vactor Truck Budgeted in FY 11/12 — Includes Replacement Dump Truck • ($215,000) -- Reduced Overall Supplies &Services — Reduced Consulting and Support Services — Increased Legal Expenses by $47,000 — Added in $63,500 Board Election for Nov. 2012 y • Priority "A ": Required for Providing Service • Priority "B ": Necessary for Achieving Strategic Plan Goals • Priority "C ": Neither "A" or "B" Priority V- — Priority "A" 1% 18% 81% Priority "B" Priority "C" - .� Total Operating Revenue Total Non - Operating Revenue Total Revenue Variable Water Costs Salary - Related Expenses Supplies & Services Total Operating Expenses Total Non- Operating Expenses Total Expenses Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) +Lim- ,. Current (FY 11/12) $29,257,767 $1,921,369 Forecast (FY 11/12) $27,875,864 $2,387,781 Budget (FY 12/13) $27,011,803 $1,908,757 $31,179,136 $30,263,645 $28,920,560 $13,671,538 $12,859,666 $12,953,024 $7,941,306 $6,935,992 $8,050,437 $4,020,834 $3,601,285 $3,804,603 $256,336,788 $23,396,943 $24,808,064 $2,029,619 $2,030,358 $2,021,355 $27,663,297 $25,427,301 $26,829,419 $3,515,839 $4,836,344 $2,091,141 $5,561,699 $6,589,234 $6,602,339 M7 045 860) 14k1 752 890) 14t4 ; 1 1981 -- c FY 2012/13 2% 8% 37% 19% i 11% wit 23% Variable Water Costs Salaries & Benefits Supplies & Services Depreciation Long Term Debt Vehicle Equpt. & Capital Outlay F Sb wit 0 FY 2012/13 70 I m port Water Ground Water Power Total Budget: $ 12,953,024 tv Air l 1 $11000 $aoo $600 $579 $400 � $249 $ $200 $701 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 $744 FY 10/11 OCWD MWD $794 $255 FY 11/12 $834 $267 FY 12/13 i :11 1 $600.0 $400.0 $200.0 C1 5 Eng Fin IT FY 10/11 FY 11/12 ( mw- Ops FY 12/13 �r FY 10/11 Total: $334,550 FY 11/12 Total: $733,834 FY 12/13 Total: $780,300 1 • Currently Conducting a Surveillance on YLWD Bonds • Rating Agencies Are Looking For: • Debt Service Ratios at 2.0 or Above • "Cash -on- Hand" of 1 Year Operating Expense • Commitment to Consistent Rate Increases • Currently: rR3 • Projected Debt Service Ratios Under 1.5 • "Cash -on- Hand" of 6 months Operating Expense • Only Pass - Throughs for the Past 2 Years 1 Operating Reserve — Move to GFOA Recommendation • 1 -2 months of Operating Budget (8% - 17 %) • Current Reserve Threshold (5% - 8 %) Maintenance Reserve — Replenish Up to $200,000 Each Year — Currently Funding $200,000 Annually Mw- - tv FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 ;FY 5/16 FY 16 17 AS 1. • Defer CI Ps $5.69 $2.70 $2.90 $3.97 $4.62 * In Million Dollars tv V- idL Line of Credit Option • 3 Year Renewable Term with Wells Fargo • Would Not Negatively Effect Debt Service Coverage • Costs — Legal: $15 -30K — Unused Costs: 35 Basis Points ($24,500 /yr on $7M) — Interest Rate: 1 Month Libor (.24) Plus 90 Basis Points Mw- tv 1. Original CIPs-3%,3%,3%+$7M Line of Credit Allows All R &R Projects to Proceed -- RECOMMENDATION 2. Original ClPs-0%, 5%,5%,5%+$7M Credit Due to Deferring Increase, Higher Future Rate Increases 3. Deferred CIPs- 3 %, 3 %, 3% Potential Costs with Deferring CIPs -- RECOMMENDATION 4. Deferred ClPs-0%, 3%,3%,3% 04 Potential Costs & Future Years Rate Increases More Likely Original CIPs — 3 %, 3 %, 3% + $7M Short Term Effects Lona Term Effects Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart 4.0% 300% 3.0% 3.0% 'r 3.0% 3.0% 6 200% 2.0% 100% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0% FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Coverage Rev Adj I =RevAdj +Coverage Ratio — Required Coverage -110% 0 Alert Coverage I Millions Chart 3 - Total Reserve Chart $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 � I t:" 0 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Ending Balances -4— Target • Alert Balances Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart 4.0% 300% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 200% 2.0% 10% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Coverage Rev Adj =RevAdj tCoverageRatio — Required Coverage -110% • Alert Coverage Millions Chart 3 - Total Reserve Chart $25 $20 $15 $10 $5— $4 —$3ts $5 $1 $0 $0 HIw .2. FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Ending Balances Target • Alert Balances +may_ �` ��� � 1: `_ . / _ � Is�•����J //� Vb n - Original CIPs — 0 %, 5 %, 5%, 5% + $7M 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% Short Term Effects Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart 300 °,6 200% 100% 0.0% i 0 °% Rev Adj FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Coverage =RevAdj –4— Coverage Ratio — Required Coverage -110% • Alert Coverage Millions $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 Chart 3 - Total Reserve Chart FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Ending Balances + Target • Alert Balances 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% Long Term Effects Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart c not � not � not T 300% 200% 100% 0.0% i 0% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Coverage Rev Adj =RevAdj t Coverage Ratio — Required Coverage -110% 0 Alert Coverage Millions Chart 3 - Total Reserve Chart $25 $20 $15 $10 _ $� $5 $0 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY � Ending Balances Target • Alert Balances AV . P 04 IIIIIIIIIIIIII` � � L_ __./ Defer CIPs — 3 %, 3 %, 3% Short Term Effects Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart 4.0% 300% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 200% 2.0% 100% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0% Rev Adj FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Coverage =RevAdj --0-- Coverage Ratio — Required Coverage -110% • AlertCoverage Millions Chart 3 - Total Reserve Chart $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 I�EndingBalances –4— Target • Alert Balances Long Term Effects Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart 4.0% 300% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 200% 2.0% 100% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Coverage Rev Adj in,i IN 909A inlC 1n1c in1� "10 IAIA In" "11 I =RevAdj +Coverage Ratio — Required Coverage -110% • Alert Coverage Millions Chart 3 - Total Reserve Chart $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 — — $5 $1 $1 $0 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY M Ending Balances Target • AlertBalances J gap _v f _ • I� r�1J Jc Vb �r . Defer CIPs — 0 %, 3 %, 3 %, 3% Short Term Effects Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart 4.0 % 300°% 3.0°% 3.0% 3.0 °% 3.0 °% 200 °% 2.0 °% 100°% 1.0 °% 0.0% 0.0°% 0.0 °% 0% Rev Ad' FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Coverage =RevAdj + Coverage Ratio —Required Coverage -110°% • Alert Coverage Millions $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 Chart 3 -Total Reserve Chart FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Ending Balances —0— Target • Alert Balances Q Long Term Effects Chart 1- Revenue Adjustments & Coverage Chart 4.0% 300% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 200% 2.0% 1.0% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Coverage Rev Adj I MRevAdj —4— Coverage Ratio —Required Coverage -110% • Alert Cove rage Millions $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 -$5 Chart 3 - Total Reserve Chart 1 -$2 or FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Ending Balances —0— Target • Alert Balances idL Pass - Through Projections • Pass - through of MWID Increase (No Prop. 218 Needed) — $.05 - $.06 /Unit (Beginning July 1, 2012) — $.06 /Unit (Beginning July 1, 2013) — $.04 /Unit (Beginning July 1, 2014) OR: $1.34 - $1.65 on Fixed Charge (Beginning July 1, 2012) $1.92 on Fixed Charge (Beginning July 1, 2013) $1.26 on Fixed Charge (Beginning July 1, 2014) mw- tv vb Pass - Through Only 1.39 1.29 1.26 Rate Increase 1.65 (3%,3%,3%) t Itn - -- kw:N * Water Fund Only r. CI'] tv ..� V • Recommendation: Rate Increase on Fixed Charge — Cost of Delivering Water to Larger Pipes is Higher — YLWD Only OC Agency with Flat Meter Charge — 13% of Revenues vs. 49% of Costs From Fixed Charges — By FY 14/15, 20% of Revenues From Fixed Recommendation - 3%, 3%, 3% FY 14/15 (Flat on Fixed Charge) $19.51/mo FY 14/15 (AWWA on Fixed Charge) &5 /bin= $11.36 1 in Z�zlfl 2 in _ $18.94 _ $37.87 _ $60.59 tv � mil" n - East Orange CWD $2.23 /ccf El Toro WD Mesa WD Moulton Niguel WD Santa Margarita WD Serrano WD South Coast WD Yorba Linda WD# Budget Based $2.85 /ccf Budget Based Tiered $3.01 /ccf Tiered $2.67 /ccf * Only 62% of Revenue Collected From Rate Payers # FY 14/15 Numbers, with Staff Recommendations $42.80 $20.74 $22.50 $10.36* $7.77* $32.31 $49.16 $18.94 Discussion &Staff Direction AMENEENE-" • April 26t ": Action Item to Board Regarding Prop. 218 Notice— Last Scheduled Meeting Where a Vote 0 .r' Could Take Place for July 1St Rate Increase Direction Needed Today to Prepare Prop. 218 Notice &Supporting Documents for April 26t" Board Meeting i RESERVE POLICY A. GENERAL POLICY: Maintaining adequate reserves is an essential part of sound financial management. The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors realizes the importance of reserves in providing reliable service to its customers, financing of long -term capital projects and funding availability for emergencies should the need arise. Interest derived from reserve balances shall be credited to the reserve account from which it was earned. B. CATEGORIES: YLWD shall accumulate, maintain and segregate its reserve funds into the following categories: Restricted and Designated Reserves 1. Board Designated Reserves; and 2. Contractually Restricted Reserves. C. SCOPE: This policy will assist the Board of Directors in establishing: 1. Target levels for reserve funds; 2. Requirements for the use of reserve funds; and 3. Periodic review requirements for each reserve. D. PERIODIC REVIEW: Staff and the YLWD Board shall review the reserve balances and targets annually as a part of the annual budget process. The Finance - Accounting Committee will continue to review all reserve and investment balances monthly, with a quarterly report going to the full Board. E. RESTRICTED AND DESIGNATED RESERVES: 1. Board Designated Reserves: These are reserve funds earmarked for the purpose of funding such items as new capital facilities, repair or replacement of existing facilities and general operating reserves designated for a specific purpose and use by the Board of Directors. L0 Operating Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to cover temporary cash flow deficiencies that occur as a result of timing differences between the receipt of operating revenue and expenditure requirements and unexpected expenditures occurring as a result of doing business. r..ro 23 20 April 11, 2011 Page 1 of 3 B. Target Level — The Gover-nmental rover-,,mental n ,.,.,emir, Staf a.,,.as u,,af Government Finance Officers Association (GASBGFOA) recommends that funding should be no less than one to two months (or 8% - 17 %) of the District's annual operating budget. The District's initial current target will be a minimum of 85% and a maximum of 8.17% of the annual operating budget for both the water and sewer funds. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Operating Reserve — This reserve may be utilized as needed to pay outstanding operating expenditures prior to the receipt of anticipated operating revenues. 1.1 Emergency Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide protection recovery to the District and its customers for losses arising from an unplanned event or circumstance. The reserve level combined with YLWD's existing insurance policies should adequately protect YLWD and its customers in the event of a loss. B. Target Level —Established at a minimum level equal to $1,000,000 for the water fund and shall accumulate interest and annual contributions as determined by the District's annual operation to a maximum level of $4,000,000. The target for sewer will be a minimum of $250,000 and a maximum of $1,000,000. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Emergency Reserve — This reserve shall be utilized to cover unexpected losses experienced by the District as a result of a disaster or other unexpected loss. Any reimbursement received by the District from insurance companies as a result of a submitted claim shall be deposited back into the reserve as replenishment for the loss. 1.2 Capital Replacement Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide capital repair and replacement funding as the District's infrastructure deteriorates over its expected useful life. B. Target Level — The Board - approved 2010 Asset Management Plan recommended that the annual contribution to this reserve be at a minimum level of $1,820,000 for the water fund and $345,000 for the sewer fund, less money set aside for the Maintenance Reserve. Funding with available funds based on the District's operations shall be allocated quarterly. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Capital Replacement Reserve — Through the annual budget process, staff shall recommend anticipated asset replacement projects. The Board of Directors shall take action to approve recommended project appropriations from the capital replacement reserve. Should unplanned replacement be necessary during any fiscal year, the Board of Directors may take action to amend the budget and appropriate needed funds as required. 1.3 Maintenance Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding for non - scheduled capital asset repair and replacement. r..ro 23 20 April 11, 2011 Page 2 of 3 B. Target Level — $200,000 anotially subject to an annual review. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Maintenance Replacement Reserve — Unplanned failure of assets including but not limited to pumps, motors and major facilty repairs. 1.4 Employee Liabilities Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — The purpose is to cover employees' accrued vacation and other compensatory time and to ensure the complete funding associated with the liability incurred for employees whom have met the requirements necessary for district paid health benefits at retirement. B. Target Level — The annual contribution will be $100,000 ($93,000 for water and $7,000 for sewer) to be evaluated and /or adjusted annually thereafter based on an analysis of current employees' vacation and sick time accrued and actuarial determinations of future retiree costs. The amount of actuarily- determined contributions for the District's Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) costs that the District has underfunded and is therefore shown as a long -term liability as of June 30, 2010 2011 was $23 6,4 93122 ,065. When combined with a liability on the District's books for vacation, compensatory and sick time of $939;4991,007,193 at June 30, X92011, the target is projected to be approximately $4,3 0- ,0W1,130,000 for the combined water and sewer enterprises. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Employee Liabilities Reserve — This reserve may be used in the event that operating funds are not adequate to meet vacation, compensatory and sick time paid out or retiree medical cost obligations within the current year. 2. Contractually Restricted Reserves: These are funds held to satisfy limitations set by external requirements established by creditors, grant agencies or law. Examples include stipulated bond covenants and reserves held with a fiscal agent. 2.0 US Bank 2008 COP Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to cover reserve requirements held with a designated fiscal agent (US Bank) for the 2008 Certificates of Participation. B. Target Level — Funding shall be held in an amount equal to $2,147,096. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Contractually Restricted Reserve — This reserve may be utilized as needed by the fiscal agent to pay any outstanding debt service payments not covered by the District within the specified billing and due dates. End of Policy Document r..ro 23 20 > April 11, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Yorba Linda Water District Water & Sewer Enterprise FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 2011/12 Actual Thru FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 Revenue (Operating): 4rtiul Artual Rurinet 9/99/9019 Fnreract Rurinet Water Revenue (Residential) $22,141,731 $22,686,251 $17,904,893 $10,728,678 $16,093,017 $15,405,197 Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) $ $ $ 1,726,651 $ 1,266,421 $ 1,899,632 $ 1,822,665 Water Revenue (Landscape /Irrigation) $ $ $ 3,757,058 $ 2,671,362 $ 4,007,043 $ 4,035,121 Service Charges $ $ $ 3,406,392 $ 2,244,598 $ 3,366,897 $ 3,778,042 Sewer Charge Revenue $ 1,275,979 $ 1,274,579 $ 1,548,550 $ 1,016,576 $ 1,524,864 $ 1,548,682 Sewer Parcel Assessments $ - $ - $ 159,862 $ 112,711 $ 159,862 $ 159,862 Other Operating Revenue $ 571,903 $ 1,035,545 $ 754,361 $ 634,756 $ 824,549 $ 643,737 Total Operating Revenue $23,989,613 $24,996,375 $29,257,767 $18,675,102 $27,875,864 $27,393,306 Revenue (Non- Operating): Interest $ 268,242 $ 274,152 $ 190,000 $ 168,873 $ 232,473 $ 170,000 Property Tax $ 1,269,441 $ 1,258,769 $ 1,232,000 $ 717,620 $ 1,232,000 $ 1,244,320 Other Non - Operating Revenue $ 331,227 $ 739,062 $ 499,369 $ 649,555 $ 923,308 $ 494,437 Total Non - Operating Revenue $ 1,868,910 $ 2,271,983 $ 1,921,369 $ 1,536,048 $ 2,387,781 $ 1,908,757 Total Revenue $25,858,523 $27,268,358 $31,179,136 $20,211,150 $30,263,645 $29,302,063 Expenses (Operating): Variable Costs $10,688,318 $11,268,306 $13,671,538 $ 8,525,111 $12,859,666 $12,953,024 Salary Related Expenses $ 6,677,757 $ 6,902,995 $ 7,941,306 $ 4,467,328 $ 6,935,992 $ 8,050,437 Supplies & Services: Communications $ 309,922 $ 270,787 $ 397,100 $ 131,837 $ 222,756 $ 303,251 Contractual Services $ 1,070,133 $ 781,552 $ 567,621 $ 286,838 $ 430,257 $ 489,321 Data Processing $ 80,009 $ 129,863 $ 128,651 $ 58,338 $ 122,420 $ 135,340 Dues & Memberships $ 32,749 $ 29,832 $ 60,186 $ 55,902 $ 60,204 $ 62,192 Fees & Permits $ - $ 63,893 $ 150,570 $ 86,608 $ 150,570 $ 151,320 Board Election $ - $ 35,698 $ - $ - $ - $ 63,500 Insurance $ 223,113 $ 221,949 $ 238,200 $ 195,950 $ 238,200 $ 279,200 Materials $ - $ 453,331 $ 388,345 $ 341,448 $ 512,172 $ 490,025 District Activities, Emp Recognition $ 3,262 $ 14,811 $ 22,320 $ 9,531 $ 15,864 $ 18,600 Maintenance $ 676,432 $ 280,108 $ 442,870 $ 348,438 $ 462,657 $ 381,970 Non - Capital Equipment $ 117,063 $ 109,830 $ 98,020 $ 52,216 $ 78,324 $ 97,500 Office Expense $ 34,012 $ 28,010 $ 49,125 $ 32,446 $ 49,125 $ 40,525 Professional Services $ 473,665 $ 782,507 $ 854,200 $ 481,185 $ 796,444 $ 742,460 Training $ 39,881 $ 24,269 $ 53,725 $ 24,906 $ 37,359 $ 46,100 Travel& Conferences $ 15,276 $ 21,366 $ 51,851 $ 14,703 $ 22,055 $ 45,400 Uncollectible Accounts $ 41,612 $ 20,263 $ 38,000 $ 22,995 $ 39,420 $ 39,000 Utilities $ 115,388 $ 91,853 $ 123,500 $ 47,899 $ 71,849 $ 85,000 Vehicle Equipment $ 282,489 $ 326,411 $ 356,550 $ 194,407 $ 291,611 $ 333,899 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 3,515,006 $ 3,686,333 $ 4,020,834 $ 2,385,647 $ 3,601,285 $ 3,804,603 Total Operating Expenses $20,881,081 $21,857,634 $25,633,678 $15,378,086 $23,396,943 $24,808,064 Expenses (Non- Operating): Interest Expense $ 1,169,955 $ 1,172,503 $ 1,906,426 $ 1,260,893 $ 1,889,255 $ 1,897,145 Other Expense $ 212,984 $ 406,575 $ 123,193 $ 91,007 $ 141,103 $ 124,210 Total Non-Operating Expenses $ 1,382,939 $ 1,579,078 $ 2,029,619 $ 1,351,900 $ 2,030,358 $ 2,021,355 Total Expenses $22,264,020 $23,436,712 $27,663,297 $16,729,986 $25,427,301 $26,829,419 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions $ 3,594,503 $ 3,831,646 $ 3,515,839 $ 3,481,164 $ 4,836,343 $ 2,472,644 Capital Contributions $ 6,707,398 $ 706,319 $ 422,565 $16,976,316 $16,976,316 $ - Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation $10,301,901 $ 4,537,965 $ 3,938,404 $20,457,480 $21,812,659 $ 2,472,644 Depreciation $ 5,153,891 $ 5,279,860 $ 5,561,699 $ 4,371,715 $ 6,589,234 $ 6,602,339 Income (Loss) $ 5,148,010 $ (741,895) $ (1,623,295) $16,085,765 $15,223,426 $ (4,129,695) Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non - Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Professional Development (Travel & Conf) Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non- Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non - Operating Expenses Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions Transfers (To) /From Capital Contributions Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) $10,688,318 $11,267,615 $13,671,538 $ 8,525,111 $ 12,859,666 $12,953,024 $ 5,863,006 $ 6,114,939 $ 6,953,531 $ 3,897,460 $ 6,054,118 $ 7,123,275 $ 282,591 $ 246,115 $ 369,303 $ 121,369 $ 966,724 $ 718,383 $ 527,888 $ 266,211 $ 70,032 $ 118,175 $ 119,645 $ 56,488 $ 29,740 $ 26,899 $ 55,973 $ 51,671 $ - $ 57,982 $ 140,030 $ 80,392 $ - $ 32,485 $ - $ - $ 204,884 $ 201,974 $ 221,526 $ 182,259 $ - $ 432,441 $ 361,161 $ 322,058 $ 2,968 $ 13,478 $ 20,758 $ 8,865 $ 647,209 $ 237,689 $ 368,603 $ 278,398 $ 104,782 $ 87,296 $ 79,221 $ 41,496 $ 31,158 $ 25,485 $ 45,686 $ 30,174 $ 398,636 $ 557,721 $ 794,406 $ 456,575 $ 35,696 $ 20,976 $ 49,964 $ 21,054 $ 13,971 $ 19,417 $ 48,221 $ 13,644 $ 34,952 $ 18,919 $ 35,340 $ 21,833 $ 105,003 $ 83,603 $ 114,855 $ 44,301 $ 243,904 $ 261,381 $ 278,209 $ 164,582 $ 3,172,250 $ 3,160,419 $ 3,630,789 $ 2,161,370 $19,723,574 $20,542,973 $24,255,858 $14,583,941 $ 207,054 $ 280,233 $ 399,317 $ 455,041 $ 119,645 $ 125,866 $ 55,973 $ 57,609 $ 140,030 $ 139,165 $ - $ 59,055 $ 221,526 $ 259,656 $ 483,087 $ 455,226 $ 14,865 $ 17,298 $ 357,597 $ 310,320 $ 62,244 $ 81,370 $ 45,686 $ 37,702 $ 755,710 $ 708,028 $ 31,581 $ 41,353 $ 20,466 $ 41,902 $ 37,428 $ 36,270 $ 66,452 $ 79,050 $ 246,873 $ 282,400 $ 3,265,533 $ 3,467,544 $ 22,179,317 $23,543,843 $ 1,169,955 $ 1,171,439 $ 1,906,426 $ 1,260,568 $ 1,889,255 $ 1,895,527 $ 204,467 $ 291,195 $ 117,193 $ 75,067 $ 117,193 $ 118,210 $ 1,374,422 $ 1,462,634 $ 2,023,619 $ 1,335,635 $ 2,006,448 $ 2,013,737 $21,097,996 $22,005,607 $26,279,477 $15,919,576 $ 24,185,765 $25,557,580 $ 3,319,453 $ 3,906,044 $ 3,110,271 $ 2,789,326 $ 3,833,046 $ 1,953,956 $ - $ - $ - $ (85,111) $ (85,111) $ $ 5,973,683 $ 364,564 $ 422,565 $ 16,537 $ 16,537 $ - $ 9,293,136 $ 4,270,608 $ 3,532,836 $ 2,720,752 $ 3,764,472 $ 1,953,956 $ 4,561,701 $ 4,669,579 $ 4,628,999 $ 3,565,534 $ 5,353,586 $ 5,332,175 $ 4,731,435 $ (398,971) $ (1,096,163) $ (844,782) $ (1,589,114) $ (3,378,219) FY09 /10 FY10/11 FY 2011/12 Actual Thru FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 Revenue (Operating): Artiml 4rtiml Rurinet 919919019 Fnreract Rurinet Water Revenue (Residential) $22,141,731 $22,686,251 $17,904,893 $10,728,678 $ 16,093,017 $15,405,197 Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) $ $ $ 1,726,651 $ 1,266,421 $ 1,899,632 $ 1,822,665 Water Revenue (Landscape /Irrigation) $ $ $ 3,757,058 $ 2,671,362 $ 4,007,043 $ 4,035,121 Service Charges $ $ $ 3,406,392 $ 2,244,598 $ 3,366,897 $ 3,778,042 Other Operating Revenue $ 455,507 $ 981,471 $ 697,360 $ 535,170 $ 675,170 $ 585,929 Total Operating Revenue $22,597,238 $23,667,722 $27,492,354 $17,446,229 $ 26,041,759 $25,626,954 Revenue (Non- Operating): Interest $ 248,882 $ 252,522 $ 170,000 $ 155,004 $ 211,004 $ 150,000 Property Taxes $ 1,269,441 $ 1,258,769 $ 1,232,000 $ 717,620 $ 1,232,000 $ 1,244,320 Other Non-Operating Revenue $ 301,888 $ 732,638 $ 495,394 $ 390,049 $ 534,049 $ 490,262 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 1,820,211 $ 2,243,929 $ 1,897,394 $ 1,262,673 $ 1,977,053 $ 1,884,582 Total Revenue $24,417,449 $25,911,651 $29,389,748 $18,708,902 $ 28,018,812 $27,511,536 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non - Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Professional Development (Travel & Conf) Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non- Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non - Operating Expenses Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions Transfers (To) /From Capital Contributions Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) $10,688,318 $11,267,615 $13,671,538 $ 8,525,111 $ 12,859,666 $12,953,024 $ 5,863,006 $ 6,114,939 $ 6,953,531 $ 3,897,460 $ 6,054,118 $ 7,123,275 $ 282,591 $ 246,115 $ 369,303 $ 121,369 $ 966,724 $ 718,383 $ 527,888 $ 266,211 $ 70,032 $ 118,175 $ 119,645 $ 56,488 $ 29,740 $ 26,899 $ 55,973 $ 51,671 $ - $ 57,982 $ 140,030 $ 80,392 $ - $ 32,485 $ - $ - $ 204,884 $ 201,974 $ 221,526 $ 182,259 $ - $ 432,441 $ 361,161 $ 322,058 $ 2,968 $ 13,478 $ 20,758 $ 8,865 $ 647,209 $ 237,689 $ 368,603 $ 278,398 $ 104,782 $ 87,296 $ 79,221 $ 41,496 $ 31,158 $ 25,485 $ 45,686 $ 30,174 $ 398,636 $ 557,721 $ 794,406 $ 456,575 $ 35,696 $ 20,976 $ 49,964 $ 21,054 $ 13,971 $ 19,417 $ 48,221 $ 13,644 $ 34,952 $ 18,919 $ 35,340 $ 21,833 $ 105,003 $ 83,603 $ 114,855 $ 44,301 $ 243,904 $ 261,381 $ 278,209 $ 164,582 $ 3,172,250 $ 3,160,419 $ 3,630,789 $ 2,161,370 $19,723,574 $20,542,973 $24,255,858 $14,583,941 $ 207,054 $ 280,233 $ 399,317 $ 455,041 $ 119,645 $ 125,866 $ 55,973 $ 57,609 $ 140,030 $ 139,165 $ - $ 59,055 $ 221,526 $ 259,656 $ 483,087 $ 455,226 $ 14,865 $ 17,298 $ 357,597 $ 310,320 $ 62,244 $ 81,370 $ 45,686 $ 37,702 $ 755,710 $ 708,028 $ 31,581 $ 41,353 $ 20,466 $ 41,902 $ 37,428 $ 36,270 $ 66,452 $ 79,050 $ 246,873 $ 282,400 $ 3,265,533 $ 3,467,544 $ 22,179,317 $23,543,843 $ 1,169,955 $ 1,171,439 $ 1,906,426 $ 1,260,568 $ 1,889,255 $ 1,895,527 $ 204,467 $ 291,195 $ 117,193 $ 75,067 $ 117,193 $ 118,210 $ 1,374,422 $ 1,462,634 $ 2,023,619 $ 1,335,635 $ 2,006,448 $ 2,013,737 $21,097,996 $22,005,607 $26,279,477 $15,919,576 $ 24,185,765 $25,557,580 $ 3,319,453 $ 3,906,044 $ 3,110,271 $ 2,789,326 $ 3,833,046 $ 1,953,956 $ - $ - $ - $ (85,111) $ (85,111) $ $ 5,973,683 $ 364,564 $ 422,565 $ 16,537 $ 16,537 $ - $ 9,293,136 $ 4,270,608 $ 3,532,836 $ 2,720,752 $ 3,764,472 $ 1,953,956 $ 4,561,701 $ 4,669,579 $ 4,628,999 $ 3,565,534 $ 5,353,586 $ 5,332,175 $ 4,731,435 $ (398,971) $ (1,096,163) $ (844,782) $ (1,589,114) $ (3,378,219) Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Enterprise Total Operating Expenses $1,157,507 $1,314,661 $1,377,820 $ 794,145 $ 1,217,626 $1,264,221 Expenses (Non- Operating): Interest Expense $ 1,064 $ 325 $ 1,618 Other Expense $ 8,517 $ 115,380 $ 6,000 $ 15,940 $ 23,910 $ 6,000 Total Non - Operating Expenses $ 8,517 $ 116,444 $ 6,000 $ 16,265 $ 23,910 $ 7,618 Total Expenses $1,166,024 $1,431,105 $1,383,820 $ 810,410 $ 1,241,536 $1,271,839 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions $ 275,050 $ (74,398) $ 405,568 $ 691,838 $ 1,003,297 $ 518,688 Transfer (To) /From $ - FY09 /10 Actual - $ - FY10/11 Actual FY 2011/12 6udaet Actual Thru 2/29/2012 FY 2011/12 Forecast FY 2012/13 6udaet Revenue (Operating): 341,755 $ - $16,959,779 $16,959,779 $ - Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation $1,008,765 $ 267,357 $ 405,568 $17,736,728 $18,048,187 $ 518,688 Sewer Charge Revenue $1,275,979 $1,274,579 $1,548,550 $ 1,016,576 $ 1,524,864 $1,548,682 Sewer Parcel Assessments $ - $ - $ 159,862 $ 112,711 $ 159,862 $ 159,862 Other Operating Revenue $ 116,396 $ 54,074 $ 57,001 $ 99,586 $ 149,379 $ 57,808 Total Operating Revenue $1,392,375 $1,328,653 $1,765,413 $ 1,228,873 $ 1,834,105 $1,766,352 Revenue (Non- Operating): Interest $ 19,360 $ 21,630 $ 20,000 $ 13,869 $ 21,469 $ 20,000 Other Non - Operating Revenue $ 29,339 $ 6,424 $ 3,975 $ 259,506 $ 389,259 $ 4,175 Total Non - Operating Revenue $ 48,699 $ 28,054 $ 23,975 $ 273,375 $ 410,728 $ 24,175 Total Revenue $1,441,074 $1,356,707 $1,789,388 $ 1,502,248 $ 2,244,833 $1,790,527 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) $ - $ 691 $ - $ - $ - $ - Salary Related Expenses $ 814,751 $ 788,056 $ 987,775 $ 569,868 $ 881,874 $ 927,162 Supplies & Services Communications $ 27,331 $ 24,672 $ 27,797 $ 10,468 $ 15,702 $ 23,018 Contractual Services $ 103,409 $ 63,169 $ 39,733 $ 20,627 $ 30,941 $ 34,280 Data Processing $ 9,977 $ 11,688 $ 9,006 $ 1,850 $ 2,775 $ 9,474 Dues & Memberships $ 3,009 $ 2,933 $ 4,213 $ 4,231 $ 4,231 $ 4,583 Fees & Permits $ - $ 5,911 $ 10,540 $ 6,216 $ 10,540 $ 12,155 Board Election $ - $ 3,213 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,445 Insurance $ 18,229 $ 19,975 $ 16,674 $ 13,691 $ 16,674 $ 19,544 Materials $ - $ 20,890 $ 27,184 $ 19,390 $ 29,085 $ 34,799 District Activities, Emp Recognition $ 294 $ 1,333 $ 1,562 $ 666 $ 999 $ 1,302 Maintenance $ 29,223 $ 42,419 $ 74,267 $ 70,040 $ 105,060 $ 71,650 Non - Capital Equipment $ 12,281 $ 22,534 $ 18,799 $ 10,720 $ 16,080 $ 16,130 Office Expense $ 2,854 $ 2,525 $ 3,439 $ 2,272 $ 3,439 $ 2,823 Professional Services $ 75,029 $ 224,786 $ 59,794 $ 24,610 $ 40,734 $ 34,432 Training $ 4,185 $ 3,293 $ 3,761 $ 3,852 $ 5,778 $ 4,747 Travel & Conferences $ 1,305 $ 1,949 $ 3,630 $ 1,059 $ 1,589 $ 3,498 Uncollectible Accounts $ 6,660 $ 1,344 $ 2,660 $ 1,162 $ 1,992 $ 2,730 Utilities $ 10,385 $ 8,250 $ 8,645 $ 3,598 $ 5,397 $ 5,950 Vehicle Equipment $ 38,585 $ 65,030 $ 78,341 $ 29,825 $ 44,738 $ 51,499 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 342,756 $ 525,914 $ 390,045 $ 224,277 $ 335,752 $ 337,059 Total Operating Expenses $1,157,507 $1,314,661 $1,377,820 $ 794,145 $ 1,217,626 $1,264,221 Expenses (Non- Operating): Interest Expense $ 1,064 $ 325 $ 1,618 Other Expense $ 8,517 $ 115,380 $ 6,000 $ 15,940 $ 23,910 $ 6,000 Total Non - Operating Expenses $ 8,517 $ 116,444 $ 6,000 $ 16,265 $ 23,910 $ 7,618 Total Expenses $1,166,024 $1,431,105 $1,383,820 $ 810,410 $ 1,241,536 $1,271,839 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions $ 275,050 $ (74,398) $ 405,568 $ 691,838 $ 1,003,297 $ 518,688 Transfer (To) /From $ - $ - $ - $ 85,111 $ 85,111 $ - Capital Contributions $ 733,715 $ 341,755 $ - $16,959,779 $16,959,779 $ - Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation $1,008,765 $ 267,357 $ 405,568 $17,736,728 $18,048,187 $ 518,688 Depreciation $ 592,190 $ 610,281 $ 932,700 $ 806,181 $ 1,235,648 $1,270,164 Income (Loss) $ 416,575 $ (342,924) $ (527,132) $16,930,547 $16,812,539 $ (751,476) ITEM NO. 2.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 23, 2012 Subject: OC Water Summit Attendance ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: OC Water Summit.pdf Event Flyer Backup Material A S „ May I8, 20i2 A Gel in the Game and ,join us for this important event that will examine Olifornia's tconomit clirnate and discuss Solutions to build iaafrawtruclure and get people back Lc} work, Rtgistration is now open onfine. C n9ratukatio„ s, yawl inherak pre -194 bWarer 14ig1<t5 I ill the water you want Delta Smelt aimed u p i n your } ocal reseir PAY $500,000 Development haled due to endangered species act E LOSE TURN R tie Get in am e of. Friday, } a ,1 , 2012 ' :3o a.m. -1: op.m. W;iLtr is LIH! I f2 we duTi'i come sip tviIh a gIme 1)1arw sooP, WE ALL LOSE[ Ws Thine to cream water infrasn- actw-c in Call#'oi'rtia, and goi plaveis bark in the jobs game. Who are the key Players? Mat's this hest strategy? Whose team are you orgy? Are we moving l`or and or are wt just Replenl spinning oue w>lccls;� tfiegtound- *8ter basin MI WAHEAD # 4 SPACES �10 am= record snowpack in Siefra Nevada Mountains MOVEAHEAO S SPACES Carbon LmisslansTar PAY $25,404 FEE I ANDL05ETURN To sponsor, rrgista or learn more, please w visit www.00WawrSw=k.com or aomtacb Darcv Burke (7 14) 593 -5014 - dburke m%vdoc.&iTi Pleanor Toms l7 >i .1l 378.3168 - c!torrcsC8ocwd.coin Gina DePlntu (i 14) 379,3218 - gdepinto gocwd.cow Wedia h Hosted By n77' "Disneglag The O.C- Water Summit is ari innovative. interactive for4LM co- hosted by MWDOC. OCWD and Disneyland Xesort- that joins 500 . Southern California busllress prafessiostals with international, national and state water industry stakeholders, elected officials, environmanraiists. scientists and rommuniGy li*2ders to dI$Cus5 ongoing state water issuLs and law wata- supply clv�lltynges i[JI[MWt uuG. economy and puMc safety. Thank Youto ^ . .Last Year's Sponsors for bringing StaKenoiaers Together to Discuss Water Reliability for Southern California! PRESENTING SPONSORS TITLE SPONSOR �isne�land. p SIEMENS 41t; , Anaheim Public Utilities; Black & Veatch; Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County; GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc.; Irvine Ranch Water District; Kidman, Behrens & Tague, LLP; Malcolm PirnielAreadis; Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; MWH; Nossaman, LLP; Orange County Sanitation District; Poseidon Resources; Raymond James; Southern California Water Committee; Townsend Public Affairs, Inc.; Yorba Linda Water District INDIVIDUAL TICKET - $115 Registration 'Picket price will increase to $130 beginning May 10, 2012 For your convenience, YOU may complete the Please complete your Sponsorship Commitment Sponsorship Commitment. Form online at Form no later than Wednesday, Alaril 1.8, 2012 www.ocwatersummit.com to guarantee inclusion in all of the sponsorship benefits. Payments may be made via credit carol or by check. Please make checks payable to: "Uf,'WD for O.C. Wager Summit" and mail to: Orange County Water .District Attention: Public Affairs PO Box 8300 Send a high resolution electronic version of your logo to Eleanor Torres or Darcy Burke. EPS, PDF or Al file formats are preferred for best image quality. E -mail: etorres @mwd.com or tlburl;eC�mmloc.com _