HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-08 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Hater District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, April 8, 2013, 3:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Robert R. Kiley, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Phil Hawkins John DeCriscio, Acting Operations Manager 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 4. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 4.1. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the City of Yorba Linda Recommendation. That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the City of Yorba Linda, Job No. 201302. 4.2. Award of Janitorial Contract Recommendation. That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize the Acting General Manager to enter into a Janitorial Service Contract with SC PrimeSource, Inc. The initial term of the contract will be 14 months with service starting on May 1, 2013 and ending on June 30, 2014, with a total estimated contract cost of$68,355.00. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5.1. Revised Draft FY 13/14 Engineering Department Budget 5.2. Revised Draft FY 13/14 Operations Department Budget 5.3. Revised Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay Budget 5.4. Revised Draft FY 13/14 CIP Budget 5.5. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 5.6. Monthly Production Summary Report 5.7. Monthly Preventive Maintenance Report 5.8. Groundwater Producers Meeting Report for March 2013 (Verbal Report) 5.9. Status of Northeast Area Developments (Verbal Report) 5.10. Status of Capital Projects in Progress 5.11. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives 5.12. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The next Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 4.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Budgeted: N/A To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Funding Source: Developer Funded From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Account No: 1-2600 Manager Job No: 201302 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Ariel Bacani, Engineering CEQA Compliance: N/A Technician II Subject: Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the City of Yorba Linda SUMMARY: The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) and City of Yorba Linda (City) are proposing to develop a 9.2-acre park within the School District's property, located south of the Yorba Linda High School, as shown in the attached exhibit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the City of Yorba Linda, Job No. 201302. DISCUSSION: The City is working with the property owner, PYLUSD, in planning the facilities for the proposed park development. The City has agreed to apply for water and sewer service on behalf of PYLUSD. The District has an existing Zone 4 pipeline within the Yorba Linda High School campus, which is adequate in size and of sufficient pressure to serve the project. The applicant requests to install a double-check detector assembly for their private fire suppression system, and two water services for domestic and irrigation purposes. The proposed park is located within Drainage Area "1" of the District's Sewer Service Area. The District has an existing sewer main in Fairmont Boulevard that is adequate in size to serve the project. The applicant will construct a sewer lateral to an existing stub-out to serve the project site. The proposed Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the City of Yorba Linda are attached for your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 201302 T C.doc Terms&Conditions for Water&Sewer Service with City Agreement of Yorba Linda Exhibit of Proposed Water&Sewer Improvements for 201302 Exhibit.pdf Exhibit City of Yorba Linda Date: APRIL 25, 2013 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY OF YORBA LINDA LOCATION OF PROJECT: YORBA LINDA HIGH SCHOOL PARK TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: 201302 LOT(S): 1 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an "X" following the number. 1) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) X The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 1 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1% Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. I. 4) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 2 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1% Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. 2. 5) X The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 6) X Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY OF YORBA LINDA LOCATION OF PROJECT: YORBA LINDA HIGH SCHOOL PARK 7) X The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 8) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 9) X The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. 10) X The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District's approval of the construction plans. 11) X The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 12) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 13) X The applicant shall provide per the District specifications one complete set of "As Built" mylars and electronic copy of ACAD drawings (version 2008 or later) for the Water facilities. 14) X The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Water Service. 15) X The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 16) X The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 17) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Water Service. 18) X The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY OF YORBA LINDA LOCATION OF PROJECT: YORBA LINDA HIGH SCHOOL PARK 19) X The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the District's Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 20) X The applicant's water facilities (on-site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 21) X The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 22) X The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 23) The applicant shall install one 1 water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District's Standard Plans. 24) X The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 25) The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 26) X All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 27) X The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 28) X The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 29) X The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 30) X The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all dwellings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 31) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Water Permit for all water that will be used through the new water services to serve the new dwellings. Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY OF YORBA LINDA LOCATION OF PROJECT: YORBA LINDA HIGH SCHOOL PARK 32) X The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 33) X The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 34) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly prior to the water meters being turned on for service. 35) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 36) X The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District's Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections. 37) X The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 38) The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Sewer Service. 39) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service. 40) X The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 41) The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 42) The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 43) X The applicant's sewer facilities (on-site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 44) The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District's Plans and Specifications. Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY OF YORBA LINDA LOCATION OF PROJECT: YORBA LINDA HIGH SCHOOL PARK 45) The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 46) X The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 47) The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 48) X The applicant shall install two new water service and one new fire protection line per approved plans and District Specifications. 49) X The applicant shall install one new sewer lateral per approved plans and District Specifications. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the April 25, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Application To and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Sewer Service is not executed for the project under consideration. Steve Conklin, P.E., Acting General Manager EX. 39" STL. qY YLWD 39..W ---+-39"W, WIE �g 5 PROP.4"FIRE SERVICE PROP.2"WATER SERVICE PROP.6"IRRIO SERVICE EX.18"WATERLINE i r PROPOSED SEWER \ LATERAL LOCATION MAP N.T.S. PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT 11611 SCALE: AS-NOTED YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED WATER&SEWER IMPROVEMENTS DATE: El 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE FOR 03-11-2013 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 YORBA LINDA HIGH SCHOOL PARK FILENAME: (714) 701-3100 J-201302 ITEM NO. 4.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $60,000 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Account No: 1-5060-0600-35 Manager Presented By: John DeCriscio, Acting Dept: Operations Operations Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Harold Hulbert, Operations Assistant Subject: Award of Janitorial Contract SUMMARY: Following continued unsatisfactory janitorial services by the District's provider, staff elected to solicit for proposals for a new provider. Three proposals were received and reviewed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize the Acting General Manager to enter into a Janitorial Service Contract with SC PrimeSource, Inc. The initial term of the contract will be 14 months with service starting on May 1, 2013 and ending on June 30, 2014, with a total estimated contract cost of $68,355.00. DISCUSSION: On March 10 & 17, 2013 the District solicited Requests for Proposals (RFP) for Janitorial Service. Solicitations were sent to several vendors who had previously contacted the District and expressed interest in providing this service. Additionally a public notice was printed in the OC Register. The notice and emails provided to the vendors included a mandatory walk-through on March 18, 2013 for any vendor wishing to submit a proposal. Four vendors were on hand for the walk-though and each was provided specifics as to how proposals must be completed. These specifics included detailed cost sheets showing labor hours for each task and building, as well as labor rate and material cost, with a total not-to-exceed cost per month. Of the four vendors who did the walk-through three submitted proposals. Each vendor submitted their proposal as a "Fixed Rate Not to Exceed" cost per month as follows: SC PrimeSource, Inc: $4,822.50 Coastal Building Services: $6,392.00 Express Building Maintenance: $6,506.08 When evaluating the proposals staff looked at all of the cost and labor hours that would be required to complete work in each of the 4 buildings. While all of the vendors used different labor hours and associated cost, staff determined that the proposal submitted by SC PrimeSource, Inc., met all requirements and was appropriate to meet the needs of the District. References were called to verify satisfaction of service. SC PrimeSource provided similar service to the Health Care Partners, Inc and Stremick's Heritage Foods for over 5 years. Both of these companies rate the level of service provided very high, with the comment that SC PrimeSource works very hard to meet the needs of these companies with call-back and follow-up if needed. A copy of the proposed Service Contract is attached for review and information. The contract provides for an initial 14-month period, with options for three one-year renewals at the discretion of the District. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 2013 Janitorial Documents.pdf 2013 Janitorial Documents Backup Material VENDOR: CONTRACT# MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AND SC PRIMESOURCE, INC. THIS MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into on May 1, 2013, (the "Effective Date") by and between the YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT, a local public agency, created and operating under authority of Division 12 of the California Water Code ("District"), and SC PrimeSource, Inc. ("Contractor") (District and Contractor are sometimes individually referred to herein as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties"). RECITALS A. WHEREAS, District owns and operates certain facilities, located throughout its service area ("Facilities") and; B. WHEREAS, District requires a contractor with the requisite knowledge, skill, ability and expertise to provide the necessary maintenance services for the Facilities in all areas where the specialized services of Contractor are appropriate; and C. WHEREAS, Contractor represents to District that it is fully qualified and available to provide Janitorial services for District's Facilities ("Services"); and D. WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is in the best interests of District to enter into the Agreement hereinafter contained. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, conditions and covenants herein contained,the Parties hereto agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1.0. SCOPE OF WORK/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The specific services and related materials and supplies to be provided by Contractor are called out in the Scope of Work attached as Attachment "A" and incorporated herein by reference. Contractor shall perform all work necessary to complete the Services detailed in Attachment "A" and shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supplies and 'incidentals, except those which are designated to be furnished by District. All work under this Agreement shall be done in a workmanlike fashion and Contractor represents that it is competent to provide the Services required under this Agreement in a manner acceptable to District and in conformity with the requirements of this Agreement. Janitorial Services Agreement—315113 Page 1 of 12 VENDOR: CONTRACT# 1.1. Project Manager. Contractor acknowledges that continuous and effective communication between District, Contractor, and other contractors (as appropriate) is necessary to the successful completion of the Services. Contractor's primary contact with District shall be through District's Project Manager specified on Attachment "A." District's primary contact with Contractor shall be through the Contractor's Representative, designated on Contractor's Schedule for Services attached as Attachment "B" and incorporated herein by reference. 1.2. Term and Termination. The base term of this Agreement shall be for fourteen (14) months from the Effective Date with District holding an option to renew this Agreement for three (3) additional one (1) year option terms provided District gives Contractor written notice of such extension no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of the base term and, if exercised, the first and second option terms. 1.2.1. Price Adjustment. The price established by this Agreement may be adjusted at the start of each option term and shall be valid until the start of the next option term, if any. The adjustment may allow for either an increase or decrease in the original service cost. However, an increase shall not exceed the Orange County area Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase for the year in which the Agreement is up for extension. If a Party desires an adjustment for an option term, that Party must send written notice to the other Party no later than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the base term, the first option term, or the second option term, as the case may be, with the proposed adjustment for the option term. Upon receipt of the notice(s), the Parties shall negotiate a possible adjustment for the option term. 1.2.2. Time Adjustment. The time for performance of any Services under this Agreement may be extended, in the reasonable discretion of the District, based on unavoidable disruption of work due to strikes, lockouts, government acts, acts of God and other similar conditions shown by the Contractor to be beyond the control of the Contractor. 1.2.3. Termination by District. District may terminate this Agreement at any time upon ten (10) days written notice to Contractor. Should District exercise the right to terminate this Agreement, District shall pay Contractor for any Services satisfactorily completed prior to the date of termination, based upon Contractor's Fee Schedule. Provided however, that if the District terminates this Agreement due to what it, in its sole discretion, has determined to be unsatisfactory performance by the Contractor, and if the District is required to undertake completion of said work or to retain a new Contractor to perform said work, the Contractor shall be liable to the District for any additional costs and expenses thereby incurred. 1.2.4 Termination by Contractor. Contractor may terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) days written notice to District in the event of substantial failure by District to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of Contractor; or in the event District fails to pay Contractor in accordance with the terms in Section 2.0; or if Contractor's Services hereunder are suspended for a period of time greater than ninety (90) days through no fault of Contractor. 1.2.5. Withholding Payment. In the event District has reasonable grounds to believe Contractor will be materially unable to perform the Services under this Agreement, or if Page 2 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement—315113 VENDOR: CONTRACT# District becomes aware of a potential claim against Contractor or District arising out of Contractor's negligence, intentional act or breach of any provision of this Agreement, including a potential claim against Contractor by District, then District may, to the fullest extent allowed by law, withhold payment of any amount payable to Contractor that District determines is related to such inability to complete the Services, negligence, intentional act, or breach. 2.0. COMPENSATION. As compensation for performance of the Services specified under the Scope of Work (Attachment "A"), District shall pay Contractor an amount not to exceed that contained in Contractor's Schedule for Services (Attachment "B"). Payment shall be made at the rates set forth in Contractor's Fee Schedule, which is attached as Attachment "C" and incorporated herein by reference. Costs or expenses not designated or identified in the Fee Schedule shall not be reimbursable unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or agreed to by District in writing. 2.1 Invoicing. Contractor shall submit an invoice within ten (I0) days after the end of each month during the term of this Agreement describing the Services performed for which payment is requested. District shall review and approve all invoices prior to payment. District shall pay approved invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt. Contractor agrees to submit additional documentation to support the invoice if requested. If District does not approve an invoice, District shall send a notice to Contractor setting forth the reason(s) the invoice was not approved. Contractor may re-invoice District to cure the defects identified by District. The revised invoice will be treated as a new submittal. District's determinations regarding verification of Contractor's performance, accrued reimbursable expenses, if any, and percentage of completion shall be binding and conclusive. Contractor's time records, invoices, receipts and other documentation supporting the invoices shall be available for review by District upon reasonable notice and shall be retained by Contractor for three (3) years after the termination of this Agreement. 2.2 Extra Services. Before performing any Services outside the scope of this Agreement ("Extra Services"), Contractor shall submit a written request for approval of such Extra Services and receive written approval from District. District shall have no responsibility to compensate Contractor for any Extra Services provided by Contractor without such prior written approval. 3.0 SAFETY. Contractor shall execute the Services so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the safety of all Contractor personnel during performance of Services and while on or near District Facilities. Contractor shall fully comply with all state, federal and other laws, rules, regulations and orders relating to safety of the public and workers, including State of California, Department of Industrial Relations (Cal/OSHA) requirements and the District's own safety rules, during performance of Services under this Agreement. 4.0. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the District, its directors, officers, agents, consultants, employees, and authorized volunteers (the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all actions, agreements, attorneys' fees, causes of action, claims, contracts, costs, covenants, damages, debts, demands, expenses, judgments, lawsuits, liabilities, liens, losses, obligations, Page 3 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement--3/5/13 VENDOR: CONTRACT# orders, and rights of whatever kind or nature in law, equity or otherwise, which arise out of or are in any way connected with the Contractor's (or any of its subcontractors, consultants or its independent contractors) performance of the Services under the Agreement (collectively, the "Claims"), save and except such Claims that are determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have arisen from the active negligence or willful misconduct of an Indemnified Party. The Contractor, at its own expense, cost, and risk, shall defend at the District's request any and all Claims that may be brought or instituted against any of the Indemnified Parties, and shall pay or satisfy any judgment that may be rendered against any of the Indemnified Parties in any action, suit or other proceedings as a result thereof and shall reimburse District or its directors, officers, employees, and authorized volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Contractor's obligation to indemnify, defend and hold harmless pursuant to this Indemnification section is separate and distinct from its obligations to provide insurance pursuant to the Insurance Requirements section. Compliance with the requirements set forth under the Insurance Requirements section shall not relieve Contractor of its obligation under this Indemnification section. The Contractor shall defend itself against any and all liabilities, claims, losses, damages, and costs arising out of or alleged to arise out of the Contractor's performance or non- performance of the Services hereunder, and shall not tender such claims to District nor to its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers, for defense or indemnity. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing in this Section 4.0, the Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties against Claims arising from or in any way connected to: 4.1 The negligence or willful misconduct of the Contractor or its shareholders, directors, officers, partners, members, managers, agents, employees, engineers, consultants, contractors, or subcontractors; 4.2 The death of or bodily injury to any person, regardless of whether that death or injury occurs at on or off of any property of the District; 4.3 Injury to property, loss of property, or theft of property, regardless of whether that injury, loss or theft occurs on or off of any property of the District; or 4.4 Any other loss, damage or expense sustained by the Contractor. 5.0. INTENTIONALLY OMITTED 6.0. INTENTIONALLY OMITTED 7.0. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in a manner that would violate state or federal law. Page 4 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement--315113 VENDOR: CONTRACT# 8.0. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Prior to execution of this Agreement, and at any time thereafter on request, Contractor shall provide executed certificates of insurance and policy endorsements acceptable to District evidencing the required coverage and limits for each insurance policy. Each insurance policy shall be primary insurance as respects District, its affiliated organizations and its and their respective officers, directors, trustees, employees, agents, consultants, attorneys, volunteers and successors and assigns (collectively, the "Covered Parties") for all liability arising out of the activities performed by or on behalf of Contractor. Any insurance, pool coverage, or self- insurance maintained by Covered Parties shall be excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute to it. All insurance coverage maintained or procured pursuant to this Agreement shall be endorsed to waive subrogation against the Covered Parties or shall specifically allow Contractor or others providing insurance evidence in compliance with these requirements to waive their right of recovery prior to loss. Contractor waives its right of recovery against the Covered Parties for damages covered by insurance required by this Agreement. Contractor shall require similar written express waivers and insurance clauses from each of its subcontractors. The insurer issuing the Workers' Compensation insurance shall amend its policy to waive all rights of subrogation against the Covered Parties. Each insurance policy shall provide, or be endorsed to provide, that coverage shall not be cancelled except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by U.S. Mail (ten (10) days for non- payment of premium) has been given to District. Unless otherwise approved by District, each insurance provider shall be authorized to do business in California and have an A.M. Best rating (or equivalent) of not less than "A:IX." Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times during the performance of this Agreement the following insurance: (1) Commercial General Liability ("CGL") insurance; (2) Automobile Liability insurance; (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability insurance. The Covered Parties are to be included as insureds on all third party liability policies, including automobile and general liability policies. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Covered Parties. 8.1 Commercial General Liability. Each CGL policy shall be as broad as ISO Occurrence Form No. CG 0001, or equivalent, including completed operations coverage, with no explosion, collapse or underground damage exclusions (XCU). Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. Each CGL policy shall have liability coverage limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, and either at least (a) $2,000,000 general aggregate applied separately to the Project; or at least (b) $5,000,000 general aggregate limit for all operations. CGL insurance and endorsements shall be kept in force at all times during the performance of this Agreement and all coverage required herein shall be maintained after the term of this Agreement so long as such coverage is reasonably available. 8.2 Automobile Liability. Each Automobile Liability policy shall be as broad as ISO Form No. CA 0001, or equivalent, covering Automobile Liability, Code 1 (any auto) or in Page 5 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement—315113 VENDOR: CONTRACT# the alternative, owned or scheduled autos plus non-owned and hired autos. The policy shall have limits of at least $1,000,000 per accident combined single limit. Automobile Liability insurance and endorsements shall be kept in force at all times during the performance of this Agreement and all coverage required herein shall be maintained after the term of this Agreement so long as such coverage is reasonably available. 8.3 Workers' Compensation/Employer's Liability. Contractor shall cover or ensure the existence of coverage under the applicable laws relating to Workers' Compensation insurance, all of their employees employed directly by them or through subcontractors at all times in carrying out the Services contemplated under this Agreement, in accordance with the "Workers' Compensation and Insurance Act" of the California Labor Code and any amendatory Acts. Contractor shall provide Employer's Liability insurance, including an "all states" endorsement, with limits of at least $1,000,000 each accident, $1,000,000 disease policy limit, and $1,000,000 disease each employee. By Contractor's signature hereunder, Contractor certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workers' Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and that Contractor will comply with such provisions before commencing Services under this Agreement. Upon the request of District, subcontractor must provide certificates of insurance evidencing such coverage. 9.0. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Parties agree that the relationship between District and Contractor is that of an independent contractor and Contractor shall not, in any way, be considered to be an employee or agent of District. Contractor shall not represent or otherwise hold out itself or any of its directors, officers, partners, employees, or agents to be an agent or employee of District. District will not be legally or financially responsible for any damage or loss that may be sustained by Contractor because of any act, error, or omission of Contractor, nor shall Contractor make any claim against District arising out of any such act, error, or omission. 9.1. Taxes and Benefits. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of all federal, state and local income tax, social security tax, Workers' Compensation insurance, state disability insurance, and any other taxes or insurance Contractor, as an independent contractor, is responsible for paying under federal, state or local law. Contractor is not eligible to receive Workers' Compensation, medical, indemnity or retirement benefits through District, including but not limited to enrollment in Ca1PERS. Contractor is not eligible to receive overtime, vacation or sick pay. 9.2. Permits and Licenses. Contractor shall procure and maintain all permits, and licenses and other government-required certification necessary for the performance of its Services, all at the sole cost of Contractor. None of the items referenced in this section shall be reimbursable to Contractor under the Agreement. 9.3. Methods. Contractor shall have the sole and absolute discretion in determining the methods, details and means of performing the Services required by District. Contractor shall furnish, at its own expense, all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and work Page 6 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement--3/5113 VENDOR: CONTRACT# necessary for the successful completion of the Services to be performed under this Agreement. District shall not have any right to direct the methods, details and means of the Services; however, Contractor must receive prior written approval from District before assigning or changing any assignment of Contractor's project manager or key personnel and before using any subcontractors or subcontractor agreements for Services or materials under this Agreement and any work authorizations. 10.0. NOTICES. Any notice may be served upon either Party by delivering it in person, or by depositing it in a U.S. Mail Deposit Box with the postage thereon fully prepaid, and addressed to the Party at the address set forth below: District: Steve Conklin Acting General Manager Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, California 92885-0309 Contractor: As designated in Attachment "B." Any notice given hereunder shall be deemed effective in the case of personal delivery, upon receipt thereof, or, in the case of mailing, at the moment of deposit in the course of transmission with the United States Postal Service. 11.0. ASSIGNMENT. Neither Contractor nor District may assign or transfer this Agreement, or any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the other Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 12.0. ATTORNEY'S FEES. In the event of any action arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement, or the Services to be performed hereunder, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to have and recover, in addition to damages, injunctive relief or other remedy, its reasonable costs and expenses, including without limitation, its attorney's fees. 13.0. BINDING ARBITRATION. Within thirty (30) days after service of a civil action on either Party arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement, either Party may elect to submit the action to binding arbitration before the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service ("JAMS"), located in Orange County. The Parties agree that upon an election to arbitrate, any civil action filed will be stayed until arbitration proceedings have concluded. Upon submission of the matter to JAMS, the submitting Party shall obtain from JAMS a list of three (3) arbitrators, selected by JAMS, and serve said list upon the other Party. In the event that there are more than two parties to the action, the number of arbitrators selected and included in the list shall be increased by two for each additional party involved. Upon service of the selected list of arbitrators, each party shall have twenty (20) days to eliminate two arbitrators from the list and return it to JAMS, with the selected arbitrator being the remaining name on the list. Should more than one name remain on the list, JAMS will select the arbitrator from the names remaining on the list. Arbitration shall be scheduled for hearing on the merits no later than six (6) months after the date the arbitrator is selected. All parties shall be permitted to conduct discovery as provided by the current rules of the California Page 7 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement—3/5/13 VENDOR: CONTRACT# Code of Civil Procedure. All costs of JAMS or of the arbitrator for services shall be divided equally among the Parties, unless otherwise ordered by the arbitrator. In an arbitration to resolve a dispute under this provision,the arbitrator's award shall be supported by law and substantial evidence. 14.0. WARRANTY. Contractor warrants that the Services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standards customarily provided by an experienced and competent professional rendering the same or similar services. 15.0. FORCE MAJEURE. Upon written notice by the owing Party, the respective duties and obligations of the Parties hereunder (except District's obligation to pay Contractor such sums as may become due from time to time for services rendered by it) shall be suspended while and so long as performance thereof is prevented or impeded by strikes, disturbances, riots, fire, governmental action, war acts, acts of God, or any other cause similar or dissimilar to the foregoing which are beyond the reasonable control of the Party from whom the affected performance was due. 16.0. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, and all Attachments, represent the entire and integrated agreement between District and Contractor and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both District and Contractor. 17.0 GENERAL. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. 17.1. Contractor is required to have a business license issued by the City of Yorba Linda to perform all Services required by this Agreement. 17.2. All Services performed and materials supplied in the execution of this Agreement shall comply with applicable laws, standards, codes and regulations governing such materials, items and work. All material is guaranteed to be as specified in the Scope of Work. Any alteration or deviation from the specifications, which involve extra costs, will be executed only by written order as specified in Section 2.2, which will specifically state the change in the specifications and the additional charges to be incurred. [INTENTIONALLY BLANK] Page 8 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement—3/5/13 VENDOR: CONTRACT# 17.3. Federal Law 29 CFR 1919.1220 (FED OSHA) and Mate Law, Title 8, California Code of Regulations (CCR) § 5194, established the "HAZARD Communication Standard" which requires that individuals (employees) working in an area where hazardous substances are beM9 used are to be informed of any potential dangers associated with working in that area. If applicable to Contractor (see Attachment "A"), it is the responsibility of Contractor to read and acknowledge receipt of District's information,packet before the start of any scheduled Services, Furthermore, all applicable information regarding hazardous substances and conditions must be .made available to all Contractor employees. IN WIT—ESS WHEREOF,)F, the part ies hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT (Sipature) Steve Conklin Acting General Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: K.idan Law LLP Yorba.Linda Water District.Legal Counsel By Arthur G. Kidman,Esq. (Contractor— Firm Name) SC PRIMESOURCE INC By(Name) BRUCE KIM (Title) GENERAL MANAGER St nature Atmchments: Attachment A: Scope of Work Attachment B; Schedule for Services Attachment C: Fee Schedule Page 9 of 12 ]an�or�al Serwsc�s Agseeixicrit—315113 � I I ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK The Yorba Linda Water District has four buildings that require regular cleaning. While all of the buildings occupy that same site, they use different addresses. To help facilitate this we have identified the buildings as such: The Administrative building (Bldg 4) is located at 1717 Miraloma Blvd, Placentia, CA 92870 The Operations Buildings (Bldg 1, 2, 3) are located at 913 S. Richfield Road, Placentia, CA 92870. The Project Manager for this contract is: Harold D Hulbert Operations Assistant 913 S. Richfield Road Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 701-3121 (714) 701-3047 fax 1. MATERIALS A. Contractor to supply all material and equipment as follows: 1 . Dispensers to be filled by contractor and will be marked as; a. Anti-bacterial lotion hand soap. b. Hand scrubbing soap. c. Shower soap and shampoo. 2. Paper towels: a. Roll type. b. Mufti-fold. 3. Quilted Northern or equal Toilet paper. 4. Sanitary Napkins. 5. Toilet seat covers. 6. Toilet and urinal deodorizers. 7. Cleaning chemicals. 8. Floor cleaning products. 9. Floor stripping and waxing materials. 10. Hand tools, cloths, sponges and spray bottles. 11 . Furniture polish and polishing cloths. 12. Wastebasket, sanitary disposal, and trash can liners (correct sizes). 13. Mops, buckets, brooms, buffers, dusters, etc. Page 1 of 6 14. Any other items/materials/equipment required to fulfill contract requirements. II. WORK PERIODS A. All areas: Four (4) days per week — Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. Arrangements for weekend work must be made in advance with the Project Manager. B. No work shall be performed on the following District Holidays if these days occur during a Monday thru Thursday; 1 . Independence Day 2. Labor Day 3. Veterans Day 4. Thanksgiving 5. Day after Thanksgiving 6. Christmas Eve 7. Christmas Day 8. New Years Day 9. Presidents Day 10. Memorial Day III. FIELD INSPECTION A. Once per month and when directed by the District's Project Manager, the Contractor and Project Manager will make a field inspection of contract work areas. (Assigned to the 15t Wednesday of each month — 8:OOAM) IV GENERAL INFORMATION A. Contractor will clearly mark their equipment and provide the District with an itemized inventory of all equipment by location. B. Contractor will not use any items marked as "YLWD". C. The District will provide contractor with storage room (7'x9'). D. Contractor will sign in each day in the "Janitors log books" located at the reception desks of the Miraloma and Lichfield Offices. E. The District will provide two sets of keys or access cards with identification for each entry. F. Contractor to use appropriate cleaner for leather furniture only. Contractor shall be liable for any cost related to building alarms that result from improperly rearming or arming of alarms during the course of their work. Page 2 of 6 V WORK TO BE PERFORMED/TASKS A. FOUR DAYS` PER WEEK 1 . Vacuum all carpets and spot clean where needed. 2. Vacuum all entryway carpets. 3. Clean counters, cabinet sinks and wipe down outside of all refrigerators and doors: a. Board Room b. Emergency Operations Center c. Lunch Rooms (Bldg 2 & 4) d. Kitchenette (Bldg 1) e. Counters (Bldg 1 & 4) f. Conference Rooms g. DO NOT CLEAN COUNTERS/SINKS IN ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 4. Wipe down chairs and tables a. In all lunch rooms. b. Board & training room. c. All conference rooms. 5. Empty all wastebaskets and trash containers. a. Replace trash container liners daily: 1) Lunch/Kitchen Rooms 2) Laboratory area 3) Offices b. Dispose of trash in outside bins. 6. Sweep all floors with chemically treated dust mop: a. Tile in reception area Lobbies. b. Gray floor in Meter Room C. Blue floor in laboratory area. d. Central Vault in Bldg 4. e. Lunchrooms and kitchens. 7. Properly position furniture: a. Lunch/Kitchen Rooms. b. Offices. C. Board/Conference Rooms. d. Lobby. 8. Check and lock all doors for both buildings: a. General Managers Office. b. Operations Managers Office. C. Laboratory. d. EOC / Training Room. e. All other rooms as identified by YLWD. 9. Restrooms, Showers and Locker Rooms: a. Empty and wipe down all wastepaper receptacles. Page 3 of 6 b. Check and replenish all soap and paper dispensers. C. Empty and disinfect sanitary napkin receptacle. d. Clean, disinfect and wipe dry all basins and counters. e. Clean and disinfect all toilets and urinals. f. Clean all mirrors. g. Clean and polish all chrome fixtures and dispensers. h. Clean all soap dispensers. i. Wet mop all restrooms, locker areas and shower floors with germicidal disinfectant solution. B. TWO DAYS* PER WEEK (not consecutive days) 1 . Wet mop all floors and spot clean as needed paying particular attention to: a. Tile lobby areas (reception area). b. Lunchrooms and halls. C. Central Vault in Bldg 4. 2. Dust open areas on desks, chairs, counters, and office furniture. 3. Clean glass doors at all building entrances. 4. Sweep clean area outside of building entryways, distance of 10 ft, shake outside mats. 5. Scrub clean all restrooms, locker room, and shower tile floors and shower tile walls. 6. Spray with disinfectant, let stand for at least 30 minutes, and rinse clean all shower tiled floors and walls. 7. Scrub clean with scouring powder and wipe dry all basins and counters in restrooms and locker rooms. 8. Clean and polish drinking fountains. C. ONE DAY* PER WEEK 1. Wet mop floors in laboratory and spot clean as needed: 2. Dust all partition, railing, and counter ledges. 3. Wipe down all door frames and door faces on both sides. 4. Dust tops of all file cabinets. 5. Remove dust, dirt and cobwebs from walls and ceilings 6. Clean all interior glass doors to include offices, general use areas, laboratory, conference rooms and lunchroom. 7. Spot wax floors as needed. 8. Buff all tile floors. 9. Wipe down lunchroom wall behind trash container and sink. 10. Clean top of trash cans in lunchrooms. 11. Sweep out uniform storage area. 12. Spray with mildew remover, let stand for at least 30 minutes, and rinse clean all shower tiled floors and walls. 13. Clean and disinfect toilet and urinal dividers, walls and doors with Page 4 of 6 germicidal solution. 15. Clean and disinfect all lunchroom tables and chairs with germicidal solution. D. ONCE' PER MONTH 1 . Brush and wipe down ceiling vents. 2. Brush or vacuum discoloration from ceiling panels. 3. Wipe down discoloration from lunchroom walls. 4. Thoroughly vacuum upholstered furniture, check and spot clean as necessary. 5. Clean all partition glass including offices, general use area. 0. Clean and polish all wooden furniture. 7. Dust picture frames and bookcases. 8. Dust all mini-blinds and window sills. 9. Dust/clean vertical blinds. 10. Clean and organize janitor storage area. 11. Spot clean partition glass. 12. Spot clean around wall switches. 13. Wipe down base boards and spot clean as needed. 14. Strip and wax all tiled floors. E. ONCE* EVERY THREE MONTHS: 1. Clean all windows - inside and outside. 2. Wipe down front & tops surfaces of all cabinets. F. EVERY* SIX MONTHS: 1 . Dust air vents and grills. 2. Dust light fixtures and high places. 3. Strip and wax Data Center vinyl flooring. 4. Spot clean all walls in all buildings. Page 5 of 6 G. ADDITIONAL SPECIFIC SERVICE FOR BOARD ROOM, TWICE PER MONTH*, ON THE EVENING PRIOR TO A SCHEDULED BOARD MEETING (Board meets twice per month, usually on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Contractor's Representative will confirm the date of the Board Meeting with the receptionist on a monthly basis.) 1 . Brush and wipe down ceiling vents and down lights above board room chairs. 2. Thoroughly vacuum floor and upholstered furniture. 3. Clean all window ledges. 4. Clean and polish all wooden furniture, paying particular attention to board room casework. 5. Clean and scrub board granite countertops. 6. Dust picture frames, bookcases and chairs. 7. Dust all window sills in lobby. 8. Dust and wipe down podium and board room entry door. 9. Spot clean around wall switches and any wall dirty spots. 10. Wipe down base boards, handrails and spot clean as needed. 11 . Empty and clean exterior of trash receptacle. Install new receptacle liner. 12. Sweep building entry concrete walk. 13. Clean lobby furniture. The District's Project Manager to approve written cleaning schedule submitted by Contractor. Page 6 of 6 VENDOR: CONTRACT# ATTACHMENT B - SCHEDULE FOR SERVICES Page 11 of 12 Janitorial Services Agreement—315113 MYbrW Linda Water District PROPOSAL 13Y�-- SC PrimeSoprce. inc. (Contractor) FOR y JANITORIAL SERVICE Contract No. Yorba Linda Water District E 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue 'Placentia, California 92870 The undersigned Contractor submits the following bid for Janitorial Service after carefully examining the Yorba Linda Water District's Form Maintenance Senices Contract (dated March S, 2013) ("Fo nx Contract"). Contractor proposes and agrees to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and services necessary, to perform Janitorial Service for the Yorba Linda Water District(`:District")during the term specified in the Form Contract, for: Janitorial Service: L1,822,50 Fixed Flat Rate per Month -Not to Exceed. The District reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive any irregularities or to award the contract to other than the lowest Proposal. THE CONTRACTOR UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT: L All prices are to include sales tax and delivery of Contractor furnished materials to District sites. I } 2. The Contractor is responsible .for all words and figures inserted in this Proposal, and the District will in no way be responsible for any errors or omissions in the preparation of this Proposal. 3. The Contractor must provide a DETAILED Rate Schedule (See Attached Sample) with.this Proposal, broken down by building and task. 4. If requested by the District, the Contractor shall .furnish a notarized financial statement, references, and other information sufficiently comprehensive to permit an appraisal of its current financial condition. C.)UwVen KimZcc wm1XLdo n"w n.WR Jo h"sei PrmpesalAd Past 1 of 3 M Yorba Linda Water District 1trA&V T1 m VM 5. This Proposal may be withdrawn by the Contractor before the time fixed in the public notice for the opening of the Proposals. Following the time fixed in the public notice for the opening of the proposals, this Proposal may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days. Any request to withdraw this Proposal as provided for herein must be made in writing to the District. 6. Contractor must provide the references requested in the attached INFORMATION REQUIRED OF CONTRACTORS. 7. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of Addenda number(s) through . All Addenda have been considered by the Contractor in the preparation of this Proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with all the provisions hereinbefore stipulated, the undersigned, with full cognizance thereof, proposes to perform the requested janitorial services for the prices set forth in this Proposal, upon which award of Contract is made. Signature: Date: Dof Printed Name: Bruce Kim Business Address: 1756 Crenshaw Blvd. Los An-eles, CA 90019 C:SUserslBruce Ki6Documents\Mdman Law YLWD Janitorial Proposal.doc Page 2 of 3 �r Dbtvid a*wrAW4*01"W sae vw asarw WORMATIO-N REQUIRED OF CMG\TRACT()R,: List of Refaces T w following information should contain personas or entities familiar with the Contractor's janitorial services. The Contractor shall list at lust three (3) projects COMPleted bx the Contractor the past five(5)years for JANITORIAL SERVICES WORK, L Name of Agc cy: health Care Partners,Inc. Agency Address and Telephone: 1236 N. Magnolia Ave. Anaheim, CA 928€ 1 (714) 24"972 Contact Person. Wayne Kendrick Type of Construction Project-Medical Building Contract Amount: S 2,750.00 per month. 2. Name of Agency: Digital Titer Systems, Inc. Agency Address and Telephone. 5220 Las Virgen`s Rd, Calabasas, C'A, 91307 (818) 2t)1- 4600 Contact Person: Paolo Burgos Type of Construction Project: Corporate Office Contract Amount:$9,850.00 per month_ 3. Name of Agcy: Sverni;Ws Heritage Foods Agency Address and Telephone: 4002 Westminister Ave. Santa Arta., CA 92703 (714) 775-5050 Contact Person: Gayle Landiorio Type OfCOOSMW6on Projed,Corporate Office,2 buildings in Ontario,Riverside Cmfto Ate;$ 10,140.0()per month- . tsii�M�..+.«4,R1..u..rfsay+r+�f►++I+.I.Mtr �e3dF ITEM NO. 5.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Dept: Engineering Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Subject: Revised Draft FY 13/14 Engineering Department Budget DISCUSSION: The first draft Engineering Department Supplies and Services budget was presented to the PEO Committee on March 7, 2013, which totaled $193,003, an increase of 69% from the FY 2012/13 budget of $114,440. Most of this increase was in Contractual Services, specifically for consulting services for environmental mitigation (restoration of native habitat) adjacent to the Hidden Hills Reservoir project site. Since the March meeting, staff has worked to reduce the budget, and has brought it down to $170,543, a reduction of over $22,000. Staff will review the revised draft budget items with the Committee. The Engineering Department consists of four sections, Administration, Planning & Design, Construction, and Water Quality. Of the total department budget, 53% relates to the Water Quality Section, with microbiological examination, distribution system disinfection monitoring, and State Department of Public Health fee accounting for most all of the section's budget. The Planning & Design Section has 44% of the budget, most of which relates to consulting services for the additional environmental mitigation at Hidden Hills, as well as cathodic protection and underground service alerts. The Construction Section has 2% of the budget, most of which relates to non-capital equipment. Lastly, the Administration Section accounts for approximately 1% of the total department budget. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Budget Detail- 4010 FY13-14.pdf 4010 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material Budget Detail- 4020 FY13-14.pdf 4020 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material Budget Detail- 4030 FY13-14.pdf 4030 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material Budget Detail- 4040 FY13-14.pdf 4040 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material Eng Supplies-Services Budget.xlsx Eng Budget Summary Backup Material Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Admin) (4010) FY 2014 Primary GIL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-4010-0640-00 $300 1-4010-0640-00 300 Dues,Memberships&Subscriptions 300 Dues,Memberships,& DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI Subscriptions ONS(E) 1-4010-0810-00 $200 1-4010-0810-00 200 Training 200 Professional Development Training 1-4010-0830-00 $800 1-4010-0830-00 800 Travel&Conferences 800 Travel&Conferences TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) Section Total $1,300 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Planning& FY 2014 Design) (4020) Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 14020-0600-00 $50,000 1-4020-0600-00 50,000 The Chambers Group(Hidden Hills) 50,000 Contractual Services Contractual Services 1-4020-0645-00 $2,000 1-4020-0645-20 2,000 USA Underground Service Alerts 2,000 Fees&Permits USA Underground Service Alerts 1-4020-0640-00 $750 1-4020-0640-00 750 AWWA 500 Dues,Memberships,& DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI ACEE 250 Subscriptions ONS(E) 1-4020-0760-00 $1,300 1-4020-0760-00 1,000 Office Expense 1,000 Office Expense Office Expense 1-4020-0760-30 300 Library Reference Books 300 Books&Publications 1-4020-0780-00 $20,000 1-4020-0780-00 5,000 Cathodic Protection Consulting Services 5,000 Professional Services Professional Services 1-4020-0780-36 10,000 Water Consulting Services 10,000 Professional Serviices-Water Related 1-4020-0780-39 5,000 Sewer Consulting Services 5,000 Professional Services-Sewer Related 14020-0810-00 $700 1-4020-0810-00 700 Certification Courses 400 Professional Development Professional Development AWWA 300 14020-0830-00 $500 1-4020-0830-00 500 Cathodic Protection 500 Travel&Conferences Travel&Conferences Section Total $75,250 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Construction) FY 2014 (4030) Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 14030-0600-00 $220 14030-0600-50 220 Uniforms 220 Contractual Services Uniforms 1-4030-0640-00 $350 1-4030-0640-00 350 Construction Management Association of America 350 Dues,Memberships,& DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI Subscriptions ONS(E) 14030-0750-00 $1,400 1-4030-0750-00 1,400 Inspection Related Tools&Equipment 1,400 Non-Capital Equipment Non-Capital Equipment 14030-0760-00 $850 1-4030-0760-00 350 Office Supplies 350 Office Expense Office Expense 1-4030-0760-30 500 Code Books 500 Books&Publications 14030-0810-00 $1,200 1-4030-0810-00 1,200 Training 400 Professional Development Professional Development Inspector Certification 800 Section Total $4,020 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Eng (Water Quality) FY 2014 (4040) Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-4040-0600-00 $61,160 1-4040-0600-00 3,000 System Disinfection/Blending 3,000 Contractual Services CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(E) 1-4040-0600-12 350 Backflow Device Repair 350 Backflow Device Rep 1-4040-0600-25 5,590 Distribution System Disinfection 5,590 Distrubution System Disinfection 1-4040-0600-50 220 220 Uniforms 1-4040-0600-60 52,000 Microbiological Examination 52,000 Microbiological Examination 1-4040-0640-00 $1,663 1-4040-0640-00 1,663 American Academy of Environmental Engineers(Nguye 100 Dues,Memberships,& Dues,Memberships,& Subscriptions Subscriptions ABPA(Maldonado) 100 Water Purveyor Membership 1,000 American Society of Civil Engineers(Nguyen) 225 AWWA(Nguyen) 238 1-4040-0645-00 $22,000 1-4040-0645-10 22,000 Dept.of Health Services 22,000 Fees&Permits Dept of Health Services 1-4040-0710-00 $2,000 1-4040-0710-20 2,000 Wtr Quality Test Reagents 2,000 Materials Wtr Quality Test Kit Reagents 1-4040-0760-00 $300 1-4040-0760-30 300 AWWA Books 300 Office Expense Books&Publications 1-4040-0810-00 $850 1-4040-0810-00 850 Training 850 Professional Development Professional Development 1-4040-0830-00 $2,000 1-4040-0830-00 2,000 Travel and Conferences 2,000 Travel&Conferences TRAVEL&CONFERENCES(E) Section Total $89,973 Engineering Budget Summary Proposed For Fiscal Year 2013/2014 FY 2012/13 Proposed FY Proposed FY Amended 2013/14 Budget 2013/14 Budget Expenses (Operating) Budget (Updated) (Revised) Supplies & Services Communications $ - $ - $ - Contractual Services $ 61,040 $ 113,040 $ 111,380 Data Processing $ - $ - $ - Dues & Memberships $ 2,600 $ 3,063 $ 3,063 Fees & Permits $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 Materials $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Non-Capital Equipment $ - $ 5,200 $ 1,400 Office Expense $ 2,150 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 Professional Services $ 15,000 $ 35,000 $ 20,000 Professional Development $ 4,000 $ 3,450 $ 2,950 Travel & Conferences $ 3,650 $ 4,800 $ 3,300 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 114,440 $ 193,003 $ 170,543 ITEM NO. 5.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: John DeCriscio, Acting Dept: Operations Operations Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Subject: Revised Draft FY 13/14 Operations Department Budget DISCUSSION: At the March 7 PEO Committee meeting, the first draft of the Operations Department budget for FY 13/14 was presented. It totaled $1,768,500, a 20% increase over the FY 12/13 budget of $1,471,925. Since that meeting, staff has worked to reduce the proposed budget, and has brought it down to $1,713,500, a reduction of $55,000. Staff will review the revised draft budget items with the Committee. Regarding the proposed increase in the Operations Department budget, the major areas of change are described below: • Fees & Permits: The budget increase is due to higher fees related to AQMD, CARB & OCSD Fog Inspection costs. Those increases amount to $4,000 of the change from the current year's budget. • Materials: The proposed materials budget will rise from $460,750 to $563,500, an increase of 18%. A large portion of the increase is due to meter replacements. Meter cost have gone up by approximately 9% and we have been replacing more meters than budgeted the last few years. We expect to replace even more meters this coming year. Hydrant and valve replacement costs have also increased. Both the number of replacements and the cost of the parts have increased over the last few years. • Maintenance: The proposed budget will rise from $305,400 to $408,900, an increase of 25%. Work includes planned maintenance related to equipment servicing and electric motor control centers. Further cost increases relate to the City of Yorba Linda charging the District for raising manholes and valve cans, as per the sewer transfer agreement. • Vehicle Equipment: The proposed budget will rise from $333,900 to $397,150, an increase of 19%. The majority of the cost increase in this area relates to the cost of rebuilding the stationary engine at Well #18 and some modifications to the exhaust system at Highland Booster, which need to be performed in the upcoming fiscal year. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 5010 FY 2014.pdf 5010 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material 5020 FY 2014.pdf 5020 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material 5030 FY 2014.pdf 5030 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material 5040 FY 2014.pdf 5040 Budget FY13 Backup Material 5050 FY 2014.pdf 5050 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material 5060 FY 2014.pdf 5060 Budget FY13-14 Backup Material OPS Department Budget Summary.xlsx Ops Dept Budget Summary Backup Material Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Admin) (5010) FY 2014 Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5010-0710-00 $9,000 1-5010-0710-65 9,000 PPE Equipment 9,000 Materials PPE Equipment 1-5010-0715-00 $1,500 1-5010-0715-50 1,500 Meeting Supplies 1,500 District Activities and Events Meeting Supplies 1-5010-0760-00 $9,500 1-5010-0760-00 3,500 Misc Supplies 3,500 Office Expense OFFICE EXPENSE(E) 1-5010-0760-10 400 Paper Supplies 400 Paper 1-5010-0760-20 1,500 Printer Ink 1,500 Printer Ink 1-5010-0760-30 100 Manuals/Books/Magazines 100 Books&Publications 1-5010-0760-40 4,000 Breakroom Supplies 4,000 Breakroom Supplies 1-5010-0810-00 $800 1-5010-0810-00 500 Training 500 Professional Development Professional Development 1-5010-0810-40 300 Certificate Reimbursement 300 Certificate Reimbursment 1-5010-0830-00 $900 1-5010-0830-10 100 Travel 100 Travel&Conferences Travel 1-5010-0830-30 300 Meals 300 Meals 1-5010-0830-40 500 Registration 500 Registration Section Total $21,700 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Water Ops & FY 2014 Maintenance) (5020) Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5020-0600-00 $9,700 1-5020-0600-50 9,700 Uniforms 9,700 Contractual Services Uniforms 1-5020-0645-00 $19,500 1-5020-0645-25 2,000 NPDES Deminimus(RWQCB) 2,000 Fees&Permits NPDES/RWQCB 1-5020-0645-45 12,000 Landfill(Orange County&Dan Coop) 12,000 Landfill(Orange County&Dan Copp) 1-5020-0645-55 5,500 Encroachment Permits 5,500 Encroachment Permits 1-5020-0710-00 $471,000 1-5020-0710-05 27,500 Road Material 27,500 Materials Road Material 1-5020-0710-13 15,000 Air-Vac parts 15,000 Air-Vac Parts 1-5020-0710-15 3,000 Cla Valve Parts 3,000 Cla-Valve Parts 1-5020-0710-25 60,000 Hydrant Repair Parts 60,000 Hydrant Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-30 90,000 Valve Repair Parts 90,000 Valve Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-40 140,000 Replacement Meters 140,000 Replacement Meters 1-5020-0710-50 10,000 MXU's 10,000 Replacement MXU 1-5020-0710-55 7,000 Meter Boxes/Lids/Vaults 7,000 Meter Boxes/Lids/Vaults 1-5020-0710-60 8,000 Hardware Supplies 8,000 Hardware Supplies 1-5020-0710-81 1,500 Welding Supplies 1,500 Welding Supplies 1-5020-0710-85 3,000 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 3,000 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 1-5020-0710-90 85,000 Water Service Repair Parts 85,000 Water Service Repair Parts 1-5020-0710-94 14,500 Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 14,500 Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 1-5020-0710-96 3,500 Ready Mix Concrete 3,500 Ready Mix Concrete 1-5020-0710-00 $471,000 1-5020-0710-98 3,000 Landscape Supplies 3,000 Materials Landscape Supplies 1-5020-0730-00 $205,700 1-5020-0730-00 5,000 Maintenance 5,000 Maintenance MAINTENANCE(E) 1-5020-0730-66 165,000 Asphalt Paving 165,000 Asphalt Paving 1-5020-0730-67 35,000 Concrete Repair 35,000 Concrete Repair 1-5020-0730-72 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 1-5020-0750-00 $9,500 1-5020-0750-15 500 Equipment Rental 500 Non-Capital Equipment Equipment Rental 1-5020-0750-30 8,000 Tool&Equipment 8,000 Tool&Equipment 1-5020-0750-50 1,000 Traffic Cones,Barricades,and Signs 1,000 Safety Equipment 1-5020-0810-00 $5,500 1-5020-0810-00 4,500 Training 4,500 Professional Development Professional Development 1-5020-0810-40 1,000 Certificate Reimbursement 1,000 Certificate Reimbursment 1-5020-0830-00 $1,000 1-5020-0830-10 300 Travel 300 Travel&Conferences Travel 1-5020-0830-30 200 Meals 200 Meals 1-5020-0830-40 500 Registration 500 Registration Section Total $721,900 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Sewer Ops & FY 2014 Maintenance) (5030) Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 2-5030-0580-00 $500 2-5030-0580-00 500 FOG Materials 500 Communications COMMUNICATIONS(E) 2-5030-0600-00 $1,900 2-5030-0600-50 1,900 Uniforms 1,900 Contractual Services Uniforms 2-5030-0645-00 $5,900 2-5030-0645-20 3,000 3,000 Fees&Permits FOG Inspection&Fees(OCSD) 2-5030-0645-30 1,900 W DR-SSO(SW RCB) 1,900 W DR-SSO(SW RCB) 2-5030-0645-55 1,000 Encroachment Permits 1,000 Encroachment Permits 2-5030-0640-00 $300 2-5030-0640-00 300 CWEA Memberships 300 Dues,Memberships, Dues,Memberships, Subscriptions Subscriptions 2-5030-0710-00 $16,000 2-5030-0710-60 1,000 Hardware Supplies 1,000 Materials Hardware Supplies [2-5030-0710-92 15,000 Sewer Main Repair Parts 15,000 ewer Main Repair Parts 2-5030-0730-00 $113,700 2-5030-0730-59 60,000 Sewer Line Repairs 60,000 Maintenance Sewer Line Repairs 2-5030-0730-65 8,000 Vector Control in Manholes 8,000 Vector Control In Manholes 2-5030-0730-66 30,000 Asphalt Paving 30,000 Asphalt Paving 2-5030-0730-67 5,000 Concrete Repair 5,000 Concrete Repair 2-5030-0730-71 10,000 CCTV Repairs 10,000 CCTV Repairs 2-5030-0730-72 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 700 Safety Equipment Repairs 2-5030-0750-00 $9,000 2-5030-0750-30 8,000 Tools&Equipment 8,000 Non-Capital Equipment Tools&Equipment 2-5030-0750-50 1,000 Traffic Cones,Barricades,and Signs 1,000 Safety Equipment 2-5030-0810-00 $2,500 2-5030-0810-00 2,200 2,200 Professional Development Professional Development 2-5030-0810-00 $2,500 2-5030-0810-40 300 Certificate Reimbursement 300 Professional Development Certificate Reimbursement 2-5030-0830-00 $600 2-5030-0830-10 200 Travel 200 Travel&Conferences Travel 2-5030-0830-30 100 Meals 100 Meals 2-5030-0830-40 300 Registration 300 Registration 2-5030-0870-00 $800 2-5030-0870-10 800 800 Utilities 1 Electric 2-5030-0890-00 $48,000 2-5030-0890-46 25,000 OPS-Sewer Vehicle Maint 25,000 Vehicle Expenses Vehicle Expense:Sewer Vehicle Maintenance 2-5030-0890-47 1,000 OPS-Sewer-Equipment Maintenance 1,000 Vehicle Expense:Sewer Equipment Maintenance 2-5030-0890-48 8,000 OPS-Sewer-Gas 8,000 Vehicle Expense:Sewer Gas 2-5030-0890-49 14,000 OPS-Sewer-Diesel 14,000 Vehicle Expense:Sewer Diesel Section Total $199,200 i _71 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Water FY 2014 Production) (5040) Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5040-0600-00 $3,300 1-5040-0600-25 2,500 Distribution System Disinfection 2,500 Contractual Services Distribution System Disinfection 1-5040-0600-50 800 Uniforms 800 Uniforms 1-5040-0640-00 $400 1-5040-0640-00 400 AWWA Memberships 350 Dues,Memberships, Dues,Memberships, Subscriptions Subscriptions OCWA Memberships 50 1-5040-0710-00 $52,000 1-5040-0710-17 4,000 Pump Parts 4,000 Materials Pump Repair Parts 1-5040-0710-35 10,000 CL2 Parts 10,000 CL2 Parts 1-5040-0710-60 2,500 Hardware Supplies 2,500 Hardware Supplies 1-5040-0710-75 30,000 Salt 30,000 Salt 1-5040-0710-84 5,000 Valves,Gauges,AV,etc. 5,000 Production Repair Parts 1-5040-0710-85 500 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 500 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 1-5040-0730-00 $42,500 1-5040-0730-05 4,500 CL2 System Service 4,500 Maintenance CL2 System Service 1-5040-0730-10 15,000 Electrical Motor Repairs/Services 15,000 Electrical Motor Repairs 1-5040-0730-20 10,000 Electric General Maintenance 10,000 Electrical General Maintenance 1-5040-0730-24 2,000 Reservoir Repairs 2,000 Reservoir Repairs 1-5040-0730-25 6,000 Reservoir Inspections&Cleaning 6,000 Reservoir Inspections&Cleaning 1-5040-0730-75 5,000 Pump Station Repairs 5,000 Pump Station Repairs 1-5040-0750-00 $3,500 1-5040-0750-30 1,000 Tools&Equipment 1,000 Non-Capital Equipment Tools&Equipment 1-5040-0750-90 2,500 Hoses/Fittings/Cabling for Pumps/Generators 2,500 Emergency Equipment Supplies 1-5040-0810-00 $2,100 1-5040-0810-00 1,500 Training 1,500 Professional Development Professional Development 1-5040-0810-00 $2,100 1-5040-0810-40 600 Certificate Reimbursment 600 Professional Development Certificate Reimbursement 1-5040-0830-00 $1,400 1-5040-0830-10 200 Travel 200 Travel&Conferences Travel 1-5040-0830-30 200 Meals 200 Meals 1-5040-0830-40 1,000 City Works User Conference 500 Registration Registration 500 Section Total $105,200 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Mechanical FY 2014 Services) (5050) Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5050-0600-00 $1,500 1-5050-0600-50 1,500 Uniforms 1,500 Contractual Services Uniforms 1-5050-0645-00 $9,950 1-5050-0645-05 8,000 AQMD Permits 8,000 Fees&Permits AQMD Permits 1-5050-0645-15 350 E.P.A.Fees 350 E.P.A..Fees 1-5050-0645-35 100 HAZ Mat Fees(OCFA) 100 Haz Mat Fees(OCFA) 1-5050-0645-60 1,500 C.A.R.B Fee 1,500 GARB Fees 1-5050-0710-00 $4,500 1-5050-0710-60 2,500 Hardware Supplies 2,500 Materials Hardware Supplies 1-5050-0710-80 1,500 Mech.Shop Supplies 1,500 Mech.Shop Supplies F 0-0710-81 500 Welding Supplies 500 ng Supplies 1-5050-0750-00 $10,000 1-5050-0750-40 10,000 Misc Mech Shop Equipment/Tools 5,000 Non-Capital Equipment Mech Shop Equipment Power Train Lift 5,000 1-5050-0810-00 $250 1-5050-0810-40 250 Certificate Reimbursment 250 Professional Development Certificate Reimbursment 1-5050-0890-00 $349,150 1-5050-0890-10 500 Admin-Gas 500 Vehicle Expenses Admin-Gas 1-5050-0890-11 750 Admin-Vehicle Maint 750 Admin-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-20 13,200 Finance-Gas 13,200 Finance-Gas 1-5050-0890-21 4,000 Finance-Vehicle Maint 4,000 Finance-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-30 9,300 Engineering-Gas 9,300 Engineering-Gas 1-5050-0890-31 3,000 Engineering-Vehicle Maint 3,000 Engineering-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-42 50,000 OPS Water Vehicle Maintenance 50,000 OPS-Water-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-43 5,000 OPS-Water Equipment Maintenance 5,000 OPS-Water-Equipement Maint 1-5050-0890-00 $349,150 1-5050-0890-44 63,000 OPS-Water-Gas 63,000 Vehicle Expenses OPS-Water-Gas 1-5050-0890-45 24,000 OPS-Water-Diesel 24,000 OPS-Water-Diesel 1-5050-0890-50 3,000 OPS-Production Vehicle Maint 3,000 OPS-Production Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-51 500 OPS-Production Equipment Maint 500 OPS-Production Equipment Maint 1-5050-0890-52 13,000 OPS-Production-Gas 13,000 OPS-Production-Gas 1-5050-0890-53 2,000 OPS Mech Svcs-Vehicle Maint 2,000 OPS-Mech Svcs-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-54 3,800 OPS-Mech Svcs-Gas 3,800 OPS-Mech Svcs-Gas 1-5050-0890-55 1,000 OPS-Facilities-Vehicle Maint 1,000 OPS-Facilities-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-56 1,900 OPS-Facilities-Gas 1,900 OPS-Facilities-Gas 1-5050-0890-57 1,000 OPS-Tool Repair 1,000 OPS-Tool Repair 1-5050-0890-70 1,000 IT-Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 IT-Vehicle Maint 1-5050-0890-71 2,700 IT-Gas 2,700 IT-Gas 1-5050-0890-80 135,000 Stationary Engine Maint 135,000 Stationary Engine Maint 1-5050-0890-81 9,000 Stationary Engine Emissions Testing 9,000 Stationary Engine Emissions Testing 1-5050-0890-90 2,500 Haz Mat Disposal 2,500 Hazardous Materials Disposal Section Total $375,350 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Ops (Facilities FY 2014 Maintenance) (5060) Primary GL CategorY�""""""""11M' Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-5060-0600-00 $137,500 1-5060-0600-05 25,000 AC&Heating 25,000 Contractual Services AC&Heating 1-5060-0600-29 5,500 Disposal Service 5,500 Disposal Service 1-5060-0600-35 60,000 Janitorial Service 60,000 Janitorial Service 1-5060-0600-40 40,000 Landscape Service 40,000 Landscape Service 1-5060-0600-45 3,500 Pest Control Service 3,500 Pest Control Service 1-5060-0600-50 3,500 Uniforms&Mats 3,500 Uniforms 1-5060-0645-00 $2,550 1-5060-0645-00 1,050 Alarm Fees 1,050 Fees&Permits FEES&PERMITS(E) 1-5060-0645-35 1,500 Haz Mat Fees(OCFA),Permits 1,500 Haz Mat Fees(OCFA) 1-5060-0710-00 $11,000 1-5060-0710-00 2,000 2,000 Materials MATERIALS(E) 1-5060-0710-10 4,500 Building Repair Parts 4,500 Building Repair Parts 1-5060-0710-60 3,000 Hardware Supplies 3,000 Hardware Supplies 1-5060-0710-85 1,000 1,000 Cleaning/Painting Supplies F 0-0710-98 500 Landscape Supplies 500 cape Supplies 1-5060-0730-00 $47,000 1-5060-0730-00 15,000 Misc Facility Maint(Doors,fences,etc.) 15,000 Maintenance Maintenance 1-5060-0730-20 10,000 Electrical Repair Work 10,000 Electrical General Maintenance 1-5060-0730-35 2,000 Fire Extinguisher Maint/Calibration 2,000 Fire Extinguisher Maint/Calibration 1-5060-0730-50 10,000 Painting 10,000 Painting&Fencing 1-5060-0730-66 5,000 Asphalt Paving 5,000 Asphalt Paving 1-5060-0730-00 $47,000 1-5060-0730-67 5,000 Concrete Repair 5,000 Maintenance Concrete Repair 1-5060-0750-00 $2,100 1-5060-0750-00 100 100 Non-Capital Equipment NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) 1-5060-0750-30 2,000 Tools&Equipment 2,000 Tools&Equipment 1-5060-0870-00 $90,000 1-5060-0870-10 90,000 Electric 90,000 Utilities Electric Section Total $290,150 1 i i i FY 2012/13 FY 2013/14 FY 2013/14 Amended Budget Budget Budget (Original) (Revised) Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ 3,500 $ 500 $ 500 Contractual Services $ 170,600 $ 173,900 $ 153,900 Dues & Memberships $ 2,175 $ 700 $ 700 Fees & Permits $ 31,100 $ 37,900 $ 37,900 Materials $ 460,750 $ 575,500 $ 563,500 District Activities & Events $ 500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Maintenance $ 305,400 $ 425,900 $ 408,900 Non-Capital Equipment $ 39,100 $ 38,600 $ 34,100 Office Expense $ 9,000 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Professional Services $ 10,000 $ - $ - Professional Development $ 16,000 $ 11,650 $ 10,900 Travel & Conferences $ 4,900 $ 4,900 $ 4,150 Utilities $ 85,000 $ 90,800 $ 90,800 Vehicle Expense $ 333,900 $ 397,150 $ 397,150 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 1,471,925 $ 1,768,500 $ 1,713,500 ITEM NO. 5.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Dept: Administration Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Subject: Revised Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay Budget DISCUSSION: On March 7, 2013, staff presented to PEO the first draft of the Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay Budget, which totaled $660,000. Since that time staff has looked at reductions, and has brought the proposed total down to $444,000, a reduction of $216,000. Staff will review the items and changes in this budget with the Committee. As previously noted, these items pull their funding from the Reserve for Capital Projects, just as Capital Improvement Projects do. The updated draft Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay budget amounts to $444,000, down from the current FY's budget of $830,300. The breakdown for FY 13/14's costs between water and sewer is $366,000 for the Water Fund (up from the current years' $318,300) and $78,000 for the Sewer Fund (down from the current years' $512,000). The major items in this year's proposed budget include $196,000 for five vehicle replacements, including a replacement Leak Truck; $39,000 to replace water meter registers and MXU's installed a decade ago in two routes that are failing at a fast pace. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Vehicle Equipment Capital Outlay.xlsx Vehicle Equipment&Capital Outlay FY13-14 Backup Material Vehicle Equipment Capital Outlay FY 13/14 Budget Department / Item Amount Board of Directors None Administration None Engineering Construction F150 4X4 Truck Replacement $ 26,000 F150 Super Cab Truck Replacement $ 26,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Engineering $ 52,000 Finance Meter Reading (1) Handheld Meter Reading Units $ 6,000 MXU and Register Replacement Program $ 33,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Finance $ 39,000 Human Resources None IT GIS GIS - Phase ll (Asbuilt Lining, Red Lining & USA's) - Water $ 12,000 GIS - Phase ll (Asbuilt Lining, Red Lining & USA's) - Sewer $ 8,000 Information Systems Switch & Network Improvements & Replacements $ 22,000 Archiving Hardware Solution $ 19,000 Replacement DC Server $ 6,500 SCA DA Ford F250 with Service Body Truck Replacement $ 39,000 Ford Explorer Replacement $ 29,000 Timber Ridge PLC (Control System) Upgrade $ 16,000 Paso Fino PLC (Control System) Upgrade $ 12,000 Well-5 PLC (Control System) Upgrade $ 10,000 SCADA Server Historian for Remote Data Access $ 13,500 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- IT $ 187,000 Vehicle Equipment Capital Outlay FY 13/14 Budget Department / Item Amount Operations Water Operations & Maint. F450 Utility Truck $ 76,000 Sewer Operations & Maint. Slip Lines for Sewer Pipe Repair $ 60,000 Green Crest Lift Station Motor Replacement $ 10,000 Sewer Camera Cable $ 8,000 Facilities Maintenance Admin Building Electrical Plug $ 12,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Operations $ 166,000 TOTAL VEHICLE EQUIPMENT& CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 444,000 Reconciliation by Fund Water Fund $ 366,000 Sewer Fund $ 78,000 TOTAL $ 444,000 ITEM NO. 5.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Dept: Engineering Manager Prepared By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Subject: Revised Draft FY 13/14 CIP Budget DISCUSSION: Attached for the Committee's review is the current version of the 5-year CIP plan that will be included in the Budget Workshop later this month. This version incorporates edits such as some cuts and deferrals as well as improving the current years' forecast to June 30, 2013. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CIP Budget 4.4.13.pdf Draft CIP List-FY 13/14 Backup Material FY 13/14 2008-17B YL Blvd BPS(Booster Pump Station) Total Project Increase/ Total Project Expenditures FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 5 Year Future Project# S&W Well Project(Well No.21) Bu dget(12/13) (Decrease) Budget(13/14) Through Expenditure Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Projected 2009-22#22 S&W Well Project(Well No.22) $ 2,500,000 $ - $ 2,500,000 6/30/2012 Forecast $ - $ - $ - $ 245,000 $ 2,250,000 Budgets 2010-02 2008-17B YL Blvd BPS(Booster Pump Station) $ 2,650,000 $ 465,000 $ 3,115,000 $ 112,924 $ 927,076 $ 2,075,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,075,000 2009-22#21 S&W Well Project(Well No.21) $ 2,300,000 $ (550,000) $ 1,750,000 $ 33,337 $ 36,663 $ 1,000,000 $ 680,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,680,000 2009-22#22 S&W Well Project(Well No.22) $ 2,500,000 $ - $ 2,500,000 $ 2,029 $ 2,971 $ - $ - $ - $ 245,000 $ 2,250,000 $ 2,495,000 2010-02 Lakeview Grade Separation $ 80,000 $ 520,000 $ 600,000 $ 82,176 $ 217,824 $ 300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 300,000 - Lakeview Landscaping $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 50,000 2010-11B Fairmont BPS Upgrade $ 5,500,000 $ 800,000 $ 6,300,000 $ 11,103 $ 148,897 $ 500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 3,140,000 $ - $ - $ 6,140,000 2011-20 2012 Waterline Project $ 1,170,000 $ 475,000 $ 1,645,000 $ 41,336 $ 1,103,664 $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 2012-13 Yorba Linda High School Park $ - $ 370,000 $ 370,000 $ - $ 55,000 $ 20,000 $ 295,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 315,000 Rehabilitation&Restoration - Meter Replacement Program $ 350,000 $ 2,150,000 $ 2,500,000 $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ 1,200,000 $ 1,250,000 $ - $ 2,500,000 - Future Pipeline Project $ 2,560,000 $ 130,000 $ 2,690,000 $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ 800,000 $ 160,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 180,000 $ 2,690,000 New Elk Mountain Booster Surge Tank $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 New Timber Ridge BPS Rehabilitiation $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 New Richfield Campus Spoils $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 New Lakeview Booster Piping $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ 100,000 New Future PRS Rehabilitation $ - $ 1,430,000 $ 1,430,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 60,000 $ 600,000 $ 70,000 $ 700,000 $ 1,430,000 - Annual Routine Capital R&R $ 5,830,000 $ (4,310,000) $ 1,520,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,520,000 $ 1,520,000 R&R Subtotal $ 8,740,000 $ - $ 8,740,000 $ - $ - $ 250,000 $ 1,210,000 $ 1,960,000 $ 2,920,000 $ 2,400,000 $ 8,740,000 TOTAL $ 22,990,000 $ 2,080,000 $ 25,070,000 $ 282,905 $ 2,492,095 $ 4,645,000 $ 4,735,000 $ 5,100,000 $ 3,165,000 $ 4,650,000 $ 22,295,000 2007-11 Well No.20 $ 2,300,000 $ 2008-14 Highland BPS Upgrade* $ 6,100,000 $ 2008-17 YL Blvd Pipeline* $ 2,250,000 $ 2009-15 Computerized Maint&Mgmt Syst. $ 410,000 $ 2010-11 Fairmont Reservoir Site Improvement* $ 500,000 $ 2011-08 Press.Reg.Stations Upgrade* $ 1,000,000 $ 2011-165 Green Crest Dr.Sewer Lift Stn Upgr* $ 140,000 $ 2011-235 Sewer Facilities GIS Conversion* $ 22,500 $ 2012-15 Richfield Chlorine System PLC* $ - $ - Disinf.Bstr.Sta.at Hidden Hills Res.** $ 200,000 $ - GIS-Phase II** $ 97,000 $ - GIS-Phase II(Sewer)** $ 36,000 $ TOTAL $ 13,055,500 $ GRAND TOTAL $ 36,045,500 *Project Due to be Completed and Capitalized in FY 12/13 **Project Moved to Vehicle Equipment&Capital Outlay (300,000) $ (127,000) $ (62,500) $ (130,000) $ (120,000) $ 30,000 $ 8,000 $ 24,000 $ (200,000) $ (97,000) $ (36,000) $ (1,010,500) $ 2,000,000 $ 1,879,459 $ 120,541 5,973,000 $ 5,676,955 $ 296,045 2,250,000 $ 375,426 $ 1,874,574 347,500 $ 325,109 $ 22,391 370,000 $ 287,676 $ 82,324 880,000 $ 110,036 $ 769,964 170,000 $ 97,583 $ 72,417 30,500 $ 24,132 $ 6,368 24,000 $ - $ 24,000 12,045,000 $ 8,776,376 $ 3,268,624 $ 9,059,281 $ 5,760,719 Total Project Over/(Under) Actual Project Expenditures FY 12/13 Project# Projects Completed in FY 12/13 Budget(12/13) Budget Total Through Expenditure 6/30/2012 Forecast 2007-11 Well No.20 $ 2,300,000 $ 2008-14 Highland BPS Upgrade* $ 6,100,000 $ 2008-17 YL Blvd Pipeline* $ 2,250,000 $ 2009-15 Computerized Maint&Mgmt Syst. $ 410,000 $ 2010-11 Fairmont Reservoir Site Improvement* $ 500,000 $ 2011-08 Press.Reg.Stations Upgrade* $ 1,000,000 $ 2011-165 Green Crest Dr.Sewer Lift Stn Upgr* $ 140,000 $ 2011-235 Sewer Facilities GIS Conversion* $ 22,500 $ 2012-15 Richfield Chlorine System PLC* $ - $ - Disinf.Bstr.Sta.at Hidden Hills Res.** $ 200,000 $ - GIS-Phase II** $ 97,000 $ - GIS-Phase II(Sewer)** $ 36,000 $ TOTAL $ 13,055,500 $ GRAND TOTAL $ 36,045,500 *Project Due to be Completed and Capitalized in FY 12/13 **Project Moved to Vehicle Equipment&Capital Outlay (300,000) $ (127,000) $ (62,500) $ (130,000) $ (120,000) $ 30,000 $ 8,000 $ 24,000 $ (200,000) $ (97,000) $ (36,000) $ (1,010,500) $ 2,000,000 $ 1,879,459 $ 120,541 5,973,000 $ 5,676,955 $ 296,045 2,250,000 $ 375,426 $ 1,874,574 347,500 $ 325,109 $ 22,391 370,000 $ 287,676 $ 82,324 880,000 $ 110,036 $ 769,964 170,000 $ 97,583 $ 72,417 30,500 $ 24,132 $ 6,368 24,000 $ - $ 24,000 12,045,000 $ 8,776,376 $ 3,268,624 $ 9,059,281 $ 5,760,719 ITEM NO. 5.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) Im ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Import 2012-13 Mar PEO Sheet.pdf Backup Material the Meeting ITEM NO. 5.5. YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY FY 2012-13 IN-LIEU ACTUAL ADJUSTED TOTAL MONTHLY YTD BUDGET GW GW IMPORT DEMAND GW GW (Demand Est.) DELTA MONTH (AF) (AF) (AF) (AF) (%) (%) (AF) (%) Jul-12 785.3 1,622.6 2,407.8 32.6% 32.6% 2,354.0 2.3% Aug-12 793.7 1,706.4 2,500.1 31.7% 32.2% 2,316.0 7.9% Sep-12 730.6 1,590.0 2,320.6 31.5% 32.0% 2,032.0 14.2% Oct-12 940.4 1,126.7 2,067.1 45.5% 35.0% 1,714.0 20.6% Nov-12 1,078.3 533.2 1,611.5 66.9% 39.7% 1,354.0 19.0% Dec-12 594.2 264.5 858.8 69.2% 41.8% 1,218.0 -29.5% Jan-13 896.5 272.1 1,168.6 76.7% 45.0% 1,062.0 10.0% Feb-13 775.7 407.5 1,183.2 65.6% 46.7% 1,016.0 16.5% Mar-13 1,021.3 525.3 1,546.6 66.0% 48.6% 1,204.0 28.5% Apr-13 1,506.0 May-13 1,992.0 Jun-13 2,232.0 FYTD 7,616.1 8,048.2 15,664.3 48.6% 14,270.0 9.8% Red denotes In-Lieu month Allowable GW(YTD) 7,882.3 (AF) Underpumped 266.2 (AF) GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 80.0% MONTHLY GW(%) 75.0% -N--YTD GW(%) 70.0% -BPP GOAL 50.3% 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Month Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting WATER SUPPLY FY 2012-13 March 2013 Water Supply IMPORT 34.0% GW 66.0% 2012-13 YTD Water Supply GW IMPORT 48.6% 51 .4% GW BPP GOAL 50.3% Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 5.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Subject: Monthly Production Summary Report ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Monthly Production Division Status Report March 2013 Final.pdf Monthly Water Production Summary Backup Material April 1,2013 Water Consumption Monthly Production Summary Report %Groundwater 67.20 % Import Water 32.80 Max Day 17.61 Min Day 9.89 Average Day 15.94 Weather Conditions Max Temperature 86.7 Min Temperature 44.1 #of High Wind Days 1 #of Red Flag Days 0 Inches of Rain 0.36 Water Quality Location Average Cl2 Dose Richfield (North Loop) 1.34 Richfield (South Loop) 1.31 Lakeview Booster(Zone 2) 0.85 Lakeview Booster(Zone 3) 1.21 Well# 15 Off Line Well# 20 0.80 Highland Booster 1.12 Valley View Booster 1.11 Paso Fino Booster 1.78 Hidden Hills Reservoir 1.74 Camino de Bryant Reservoir 0.68 Out of Service Equipment Equipment Name Reason for Out of Service Returned to Service Date Equipment Name 3/20/2013 Well 7 gearhead Number of PM's Performed Pumps& Motors 1 CL2 Systems 3 Reservoirs 5 Wells 4 After Hours Responses Hi/Lo Water Levels 1 Hi/Lo Cl2 Levels 6 Power Failures 0 Communication Fails 0 Pump Alarms/ Fails 1 Intrusion Alarms 1 We are currently supplying zones 1,2,&3 with well water as well as small portions of Zone 4 Gardenia. ITEM NO. 5.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Subject: Monthly Preventive Maintenance Report ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: March 2012-13 fiscal.pdf Monthly Preventive Maintenance Report Backup Material PREVENTATIVE AND REACTIVE MAINTENANCE FISCAL 2012113 Fiscal 2012-13 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 8% 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 83% 92% 100% HYDRANTS 3,881 Tar et;all hydrants to be serviced annual) . INSPECTED THIS MONTH 3611 671 11 1531 2771 371 6681 506 563 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 3611 4281 4291 582 1 859 1 1,230 1 1,8981 2,404 1 2,967 % TOTAL 1 9.3%1 11.0%1 11.1%1 15.0%1 22.1%1 31.7%1 48.9%1 61.2 VALVES 10,706/2=5,353 Tar et;all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 1 4861 4961 5571 1,0071 5021 4451 809 978 678 OPERATED THIS YEAR 1 4861 9821 1,5391 2,5461 3,0481 3,493 1 4,3021 5,280 1 5,9581 1 OF TOTAL 1 9.1%1 18.3%1 28.8%1 47.6%1 56.9%1 65.3%1 80.4%1 98.6 DEAD ENDS 155 X 2=310 Tar et;all dead ends to be flushed biannual) . FLUSHED THIS MONTH 1 01 11 01 1551 01 01 01 01 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 1 01 11 11 1561 1561 1561 1561 1561 156 % TOTAL 1 0.0%1 0.3%1 0.3%1 50.3%1 50.3%1 50.3%1 50.3%1 50.3 AIR VACS 525 Target;all air/vacs to be serviced annual) . INSPECTED THIS MONTH 0 249 140 136 1 0 1 0 2 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 0 249 389 525 526 526 527 527 529 OF TOTAL 0.0% 47.4% 74.1%1 100.0%1 100.2%1 100.2%1 100.4%1 100.4%1 100.8 PRVs 150 Tar et;all PRVs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 1 41 51 31 141 431 21 41 01 45 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 1 41 91 121 261 691 711 751 75 1 120 % TOTAL 1 2.6%1 6.0%1 8.0%1 17.4%1 46.0%1 47.4%1 50.0%1 50.0% " WATER LEAKS Target;all leaks repaired at first available opportunity. MAIN REPAIRED 1 21 01 21 1 0 1 11 01 1 SERVICE REPAIRED 4 1 3 8 5 3 0 11 0 SERVICE REPLACED 11 ill 131 181 9 8 15 81 5 AMS REPLACED 6 101 61 61 17 11 11 81 15 METERS Target;all meter work completed no later than next working day. NEW INSTALL 1 61 5 1 21 1 151 101 0 ill 81 15 STUCKS 1 41 01 21 21 141 61 81 51 3 SEWER CLEANING 235 M Tar et;all sewers to be cleaned annual) . CLEANED THIS MONTH 25.721 20.061 21.501 21.651 12.031 18.58 21.111 18.40 29.31 CLEANED THIS YEAR 25.721 45.781 67.281 88.931 100.961 119.541 140.651 159.051 188.36 OF TOTAL 1 10.94%1 19.48%1 28.63%1 37.84%1 43.00%1 50.87%1 59.85%1 67.70%1 80.15 SEWER TELEVISING 39.17M Tar et;all sewers to be televised ever 6 vears. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 1 3.751 4.03 1 1.531 1.231 2.06 1 1.041 2.531 2.31 1 1.51 TELEVISED THIS YEAR 1 3.751 7.78 1 9.31 1 10.54 1 12.601 13.641 16.171 18.481 19.99 OF TOTAL 1 9.57%1 19.86%1 23.77%1 26.95%1 32.17%1 34.82%1 41.28%1 47.18%1 51.03 OTHER SEWER WORK. S.S.OVERFLOWS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SERVICE CALLS 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ROOT CONTROL 0 6,316 330 0 660 1,076 0 1,007 0 REHAB FOOTAGE 15 482 0 0 596 0 0 0 0 MAIN REPAIRS 1 2 0 3 8 1 1 1 2 MANHOLE ROOT CLEANING 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 MANHOLE REPAIRS 1 31 31 1 1 31 7 21 21 0 2 ITEM NO. 5.10 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Subject: Status of Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CIP Rept Apr2013.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: April 1, 2013 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 2012 Waterline Repl.,Ph.IL• Tamarisk,Hidden Work continues on Contractor to complete Submittals continue to be Hills, Catalina Ct., Gordon Ln. &Richfield Rd. Tamarisk/Pebble Beach and Tamarisk, install services, reviewed as submitted by the Budget: $13M Job No.: 201120 Fircrest Dr. (Tamarisk), also then proceed to Catalina contractor. Project Contact: Joe Polimino installing pipe at Ohio St. Ct. and pothole utilities on Planned Completion Date: Early 2014 Private Drive. Richfield Rd. 2 Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Agreement executed, pre- Review schedule of values Projected 1 year construction Budget: $2.3M Job No.: 200817B construction meeting completed and project schedule. timeframe. Project Contact: Joe Polimino March 4, 2013. Issued NTP for April 1, Planned Completion: April 2014 2013. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: April 1, 2013 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Lakeview Grade Separation (OCTA Project) Staff provided final plan OCTA's consultant to submit OCTA to start utility relocation Budget: $700,000 Job No.: 201002 review comments to final design for staff review. work later this year. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano OCTA and consultant. Planned Completion Date: Late 2013 Awaiting final field mtg. 2 YL High School Park Pipe Relocation Plans and specs completed. Finalize Agreement and Bid Execute Agreement with Deed Budget: $350,000 Job No.: 201213 Agreement sent to School Documents. Revise and re- of Easement and Quitclaim. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa District for review, submit agreement/bid Attend High School Park Planned Completion Date: December 2013 awaiting feedback. documents to PYLUSD. coordination meeting. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: April 1, 2013 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Northeast Area Planning Study North East Area Planning Study Model training session for Close-out project within Budget: $120,000 Job No. 201011B (NEAPS) completed and adopted staff scheduled for April 10th. next two months. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano by the Board on March 14th. Planned Completion Date: January 2013 2 Fairmont BPS Upgrade Started conceptual layout based Complete conceptual layout Solicit proposals and Budget: $6,000,000 Job No. 201011B on final NEAPS & staff input. and prepare RFP for design. select Consultant for Project Contact: Hank Samaripa Review needs/want assessment Design and Construction Planned Completion Date: January 2015/16 from Production. Management Services. 3 Well 21 Project Executed Professional Services Finalize schedule and Anticipate drilling to Budget: $2,300,000 Job No. 200922#21 Agreement with CDM, hydrogeologic PDR. begin mid 2013. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano completed kick-off meeting. Planned Completion Date: TBD Hydrogeologic work started. ITEM NO. 5.11 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2013 Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Strat PI Tracking- March20l3.xlsx Strategic Plan Tracking March 2013 Backup Material Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Strategies Start Date Completion Lead Party March 2013 Progress Date FR 2: Increase Reserve Funding Analyze the Asset Annual Review Management Plan to Prior to Budget Engineering In 2012, we completed approximately$8.2 FR 2-13 Determine Future Dec-11 and CIP Manager million in construction projects. Needs Update SR 1: Work Toward Service Reliabilitv and Efficiency Demand Projections were reviewed and SR 1-13 Forecast Service Oct-10 Jun-11 Engineering submitted to MWDOC on Feb 27, 2013 for Demand Projections Manager each of the next five FYs and out to Year 2035 SR 1-E Develop Additional Mar-11 Jun-12 Engineering Executed PSA and initiated Hydrogeologic Well Sites Manager Services for Drilling of Well No. 21. SR 3: Continue Implementation of Ca itaI Im rovement Pro'ect Plan 2007-2012 Complete Implementation of Current status is approximately$3.6 Five-Year Capital Engineering million of projects in construction phase SR 3-A Improvement Plan On-going On-going Manager and $8.5 million in the planning and from FY 2007-2012 design phases. with Adopted Amendments Continue Planning for Northeast Area Planning Study completed SR 3-B Long-Term Capital On-going On-going Engineering and approved by Board. Initiating planning Improvements and Manager for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Replacements Project.