HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-14 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet1. 2. Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, March 14, 2013, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. 5. 7. Gary T. Melton, President Robert R. Kiley, Vice President Michael J. Beverage Ric Collett Phil Hawkins ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Introduce Bryan Melton, Newly Hired Human Resources Technician 6.2. Introduce Francisco Quintero, Newly Hired Maintenance Worker I COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) Minutes of meeting held February 25, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Meeting scheduled March 25, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 8.1. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $880,409.61. 8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held February 28, 2013 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.3. Progress Payment No. 1 for the 2012 Waterline Replacement Project, Phase II Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 1 in the net amount of $76,047.50 to TBU, Inc. for construction of the 2012 Waterline Replacement Project, Phase 11, Job No. 2011 -20. 8.4. Request for Sole- Source Professional Services Agreement with RKI Engineering for SCADA Control Programing Services Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize the Acting General Manager to execute the PSA with RKI Engineering LLC, with a total cost not to exceed $48, 000. 8.5. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2013. Recommendation. That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2012. 9. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 9.1. Northeast Area Planning Study Recommendation. That the Board of Directors receive and file the Northeast Area Planning Study. 9.2. MWDOC Board and Elected Officials' Forum -April 4, 2013 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors designate a Director to attend this event as the District's official representative and authorize additional Director attendance if desired. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. President's Report 10.2. Directors' Report MWDOC Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Tour - March 8 -10, 2013 (Collett) Mesa Water Reliability Facility Ceremony - March 13, 2013 (Collett /Kiley) 10.3. Acting General Manager's Report 10.4. General Counsel's Report 10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 11.1. Executive - Administrative - Organizational Committee (Melton /Kiley) Minutes of meeting held February 27, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Meeting scheduled March 19, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Finance - Accounting Committee (Hawkins /Melton) Minutes of meeting held February 25, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled March 25, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. 11.3. Personnel -Risk Management Committee (Collett /Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held February 26, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. • Minutes of meeting held March 12, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled March 27, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 11.4. Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee (Kiley /Hawkins) • Minutes of meeting held March 7, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled April 4, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. 11.5. Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee (Beverage /Collett) • Minutes of meeting held March 4, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled April 2, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 11.6. YLWD -City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee (Melton /Hawkins) Meeting to be scheduled in May 2013. 11.7. YLWD -City of Yorba Linda Joint Agency Committee (Kiley /Beverage) Meeting scheduled April 17, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. 11.8. YLWD - MWDOC -OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Beverage /Melton) Meeting scheduled March 26, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 12.1. WACO - March 1, 2013 (Hawkins /Kiley) 12.2. YL City Council - March 5, 2013 (Kiley) 12.3. MWDOC /MWD Workshop - March 6, 2013 (Melton /Staff) 12.4. OCWD Board -March 6, 2013 (Kiley /Staff) 12.5. YL Planning Commission - March 13, 2013 (Melton) 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from March 15, 2013 - April 30, 2013 14. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS This section of the agenda is for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance at the listed events. 14.1. Yorba Linda Costco Business Expo - February 23, 2013 (Ratify Director Beverage's attendance.) Mesa Water Reliability Facility Ceremony - March 13, 2013 (Ratify Director Collett and Director Kiley's attendance.) Santa Ana River Watershed Conference - April 11, 2013 California Water Policy Conference - April 18 -19, 2013 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. 15. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and /or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 15.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA /JPIA, et al. vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al. (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00486884) 16. ADJOURNMENT 16.1. A Board of Directors Workshop Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. The next Board of Directors Regular Meeting will be held Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 Subject: Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held February 25, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. • Meeting scheduled March 25, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: 022513 - CAC Minutes.docx Description: CAC Mtg Minutes 02/25/13 Type: Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, February 25, 2013 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The February 25, 2013 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Citizens Advisory Committee was called to order by Chair Daniel Mole at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Training Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Daniel Mole Lindon Baker Modesto Llanos Oscar Bugarini Rick Buck Joe Holdren Greg Myers Carl Boznanski YLWD DIRECTORS PRESENT YLWD STAFF PRESENT Michael J. Beverage, Director Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer OTHER VISITORS Lieutenant Bob Wren, Orange County Sheriff's Department 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Beverage presented the Committee with Metropolitan's monthly water supply report and informed the Committee that the litigation with Orange County Transpiration Authority regarding the Lakeview Grade Separation Project had been resolved. 4. PRESENTATIONS 4.1. Protecting the Water Supply — A Collaboration with the Orange County Sheriff's Department Mr. Micalizzi introduced Lieutenant Wren as a former colleague and informed the Committee about collaborations with the Sheriff's Department regarding some vandalism and illegal activity that has taken place at some public District Water Facilities. In addition some of these locations are bordering some homes that had been burglarized over the past months. Lieutenant Wren spoke about the Buffer Zone Protection Plan (BZPP), a Department of Homeland Security- administered infrastructure protection grant program to help local law enforcement and first responders identify and mitigate vulnerabilities at the highest -risk critical infrastructure sites. A buffer zone is the area outside a facility that 1 an adversary can use to conduct surveillance or launch an attack. The term is associated with identified critical infrastructure and key resources such as a water reservoir or water treatment plant. He then updated the Committee on efforts made by the Sheriff's Department since acquiring the contract to provide police services to the City of Yorba Linda and some of the challenges associated with the transition. Lt. Wren offered many suggestions on how to best protect against burglaries and some of the other criminal trends affecting the region. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Future Agenda Items ■ Water Operations / Water Quality Presentation 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 a.m. The next Citizens Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Monday, March 25, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. 2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 To: Board of Directors From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Prepared By: Maria Trujillo, Accounting Assistant I Budgeted Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Dept: Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: ITEM NO. 8.1 Yes $880,409.61 All Funds Finance Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $880,409.61. IN11 *1*•1► The wires and major items on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of $43,678.08 to Southern California Edison for all sites' February services; a wire of $281,326.61 to MWDOC for January water purchase; a check of $107,032.08 to Garcia Juarez Construction for Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project construction final payment; and, a check of $76,047.50 to TBU, Incorporated for Waterline Project Phase II February progress payment. The balance of $148,189.35 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $656,273.62; Payroll No. 5 total is $224,135.99; and, the disbursements of this agenda report are $880,409.61. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi - monthly. ATTACHMENTS: CkReg31413 BOD.pdf 13 -CS 314.doc 13 CC 314.xls Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/14/2013 PH /RK 5 -0 Description: Type: Check Register Backup Material Cap Sheet Backup Material Credit Card Summary Backup Material Check No. 60870 60871 60872 60866 60873 60874 60875 60876 60877 60878 60883 60880 60879 60881 60882 60884 60885 60886 60933 69$87 60869 60888 60889 60890 60891 60892 60893 60865 60894 60867 60895 60896 60897 60868 64898 60899 60900 60901 60902 60903 60904 60905 60906 W31413 60907 60908 60909 60910 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 3/01/2013 thru 3/14/2013 Date Vendor Name 03/14/2013 ACWA /JPIA 03/14/2013 Alternative Hose Inc. 03/14/2013 Anaheim Wheel & Tire 03/14/2013 ANNETTE CANO 03/14/2013 Anthem Blue Cross EAP 03/14/2013 Aram ark 03/14/2013 Associated Laboratories 03/14/2013 AT & T - Calnet2 03/14/2013 Autoscribe Corporation 03/14/2013 AWWA - CA -NV Section 03/14/2013 C & L Refrigeration Corp. 03/14/2013 CalCard US Bank 03/14/2013 CaliWest Car Wash Service and Su pp 03/14/2013 City Of Placentia 03/14/2013 City of Rancho Cucamonga 03/14/2013 Coastline Equipment 03/14/2013 Community Bank 03/14/2013 Culligan of Santa Ana 03/14/2013 Derek Nguyen 03/14/2013 Don Wolf & Associates Inc. 03/14/2013 EDWARD RAYMOND 03/14/2013 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 03/14/2013 Employment Development Departm 03/14/2013 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc. 03/14/2013 Firemaster 03/14/2013 Fleet Services, Inc 03/14/2013 Flex Advantage 03/01/2013 Garcia Juarez Construction Inc 03/14/2013 Gary Melton 03/14/2013 GLENN KNIGHT 03/14/2013 Graybar Electric Co 03/14/2013 Haaker Equipment Co. 03/14/2013 Haitbrink Asphalt Paving, Inc. 03/14/2013 HYUN SOOK IM 03/14/2013 Infosend Inc. 03/14/2013 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 03/14/2013 Amni Systems Inc 03/14/2013 Lee & Associates 03/14/2013 Lewellyn Technology LLC 03/14/2013 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 03/14/2013 LPR -Laser Printer Repair Co 03/14/2013 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 03/14/2013 Mc Master -Carr Supply Co. 03/14/2013 Municipal Water District 03/14/2013 Muzak LLC 03/14/2013 MWH Americas, Inc. 03/14/2013 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 03/14/2013 Office Solutions Amount Description 15.00 SO CAL HR GRP MTG KNIGHT 51.53 UNIT 139 HOSE ASSEMBLY 185.00 UNIT 152 MOUNT /BAL TIRE 134.15 CUSTOMER REFUND 164.01 ANTHEM BC EAP MARCH 1,598.96 UNIFORM 2,182.90 LAB ANALYSES JANUARY 3,09338 COMMUNICATIONS 26025 TRXIPYMT VISION GATEWY FEB 275.00 D4 /D5 REVIEW MALDONADO 1,669.92 RICHFIELD, MIRALOMA SVC CALL 15,100.38 YLWD CAL CARD VISA 747.24 CAR WASH PUMP REPAIR 338.50 ROW PERMIT 40.00 CSMFO LUNCHEON /HON.J CHANG 359.69 UNIT 139 MISC VEHICLE PARTS 5,633.27 PALM AVE BPS UPGRD RETNTN 1,665.85 WTR SOFTENER SVC 100.00 REIMBIAAEES DUES 1,966.80 CELL SENSORS 982.50 CUSTOMER REFUND 2,167.02 METER BOX ETC 2,380.80 UI BENES PIE 12/31/12 15.17 UNIT 183 SOCKET ASSEMBLY 2,639.45 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SVC 46.07 WASHER TABLETS 10800 FLEX A/C PROCESSING FEBRUARY 107,03108 PALM AVE BPS UPGRD FINAL 120.76 CSDA LDR ACA -GOV FOUND MELTO 112.96 CUSTOMER REFUND 1,876.14 INVERTER ETC 2,515.37 CRAWLER REPAIR, MISC PARTS 19,658.70 PAVING WORK 125.13 CUSTOMER REFUND 12,372.13 BILL MAILING, E -BILL PROCESS 514.47 MISC VEHICLE PARTS 3,252.40 CAST IRON IMPELLAR ETC 480.00 PLUMOSA- BROKER VALUE,EVAL 691.50 ARC FLASH STUDY 4,796.00 TRG, GENL HR ISSUES JANUARY 403.71 SVC CALUMAIN DR GEAR ASSY 273.04 PURCH FEBRUARY 102.96 BRASS KEY TAG PACK ETC 281,326.61 WATER PURCH JANUARY 73.74 MUZAK VOICE MARCH 2,530.14 HLAND BSTR UPGRD CONSLT JAN 7,110.11 FUEL FEBURARY, JAN BAL 347.60 ENG111X17 PAPER, GENL SUPPLY 60911 03/14/2013 Orange County - Fire Authority 60915 03/14/2013 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 60912 03/14/2013 Praxair Distribution 60913 03/14/2013 Process Solutions, Inc. 60914 03/14/2013 Prudential Group Insurance 60916 03/14/2013 Quinn Power Systems Associates 60917 03/14/2013 Robert Kiley 60918 03/14/2013 Sancon Engineering Inc. 60919 03/14/2013 5implexGrinnell LP W31313 03/13/2013 Southern Calif Edison Co. 50920 03/14/2013 Southern Calif Gas Co. 60922 03/14/2013 Step Saver Inc 60924 03/14/2013 Stephen Parker/ Petty Cash 60921 03/14/2013 Stephen Saporito 60923 03/14/2013 Steven Engineering 60925 03/14/2013 Sunrise Medical Group 60926 03/14/2013 Systems Source Inc 60927 03/14/2013 TBU Inc 60928 03/14/2013 Time Warner Cable 60929 03/14/2013 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. 60930 03/14/2013 Village Nurseries 60931 03/14/2013 Wells Supply Co 60932 03/14/2013 Western Highway Products, Inc. 181.00 PERMIT /PASO FINO LPG TANK 1,544.54 ROAD MATERIAL 123.25 CYLINDER RENTAL 1,205.00 CHECK ON CL2 ANALYZERS 3,084.98 L1T DISABILITY MARCH 1,713.12 FAIRMONT #2 GASKETS ETC 271.96 UWI CONF FEBRUARY KILEY 14,600.00 SWR REPAIR 785.00 FIRE ALARM TEST 43,678.08 ELECTRICAL CHGS FEBRUARY 13,075.52 ALL SITES SVCS FEBRUARY 519.58 MORTON COARSE SALT 75.03 PETTY CASH /OFFICE 350.00 DMGS /LEAK DETECTION MISDIAG 38.82 PHOENIX PLUG -IN BRIDGE 849.00 ON -SITE FLU CLINfC, EMP FLU SHO- 2,108.41 PANELSIEXEC SECRETARY -DEP 76,047.50 WTRLINE PH It PROG PAY FEB 1,029.24 FIBER I NET, CABLE SVC CHGS 5,000.00 CONSULTING FEBRUARY 23.00 SOD 14.26 BLUE DOT ADHESIVE 359.94 MISC WHS PARTS Total $656,273.52 CHECK NUMBERS: Void Check Manual Check Computer Checks WIRES: 60864 60865 60866 -60933 March 14, 2013 W -31313 Southern California Edison W -31413 MWDOC TOTAL OF CHECKS AND WIRES PAYROLL NO. 5: Direct Deposits Third Party Checks 5519 -5532 Payroll Taxes $ 0.00 $ 107, 032.08 $ 224,236.85 $ 331, 268.93 $ 43,678.08 $ 281, 326.61 $ 325.004.69 $ 140, 538.43 $ 45,617.77 $ 37,979.79 $ 656,273.62 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 224,135.99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 880,409.61 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 14, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Date 02/11/13 02/19/13 02/21/13 02/21/13 02/21/13 02/25/13 02/25/13 02/25/13 02/25/13 02/25/13 02/26/13 02/27/13 02/27/13 02/27/13 02/28/13 02/28/13 02/28/13 03/04/13 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 02/11/2013- 3/04/13 Vendor Name Harrington Industrial Water Education Found. Wells Supply Public Retirement Journal Marriott Oakland Amazon Stefano's Thai House Restaurant San Diego Emp.Assn. Home Depot Wells Supply McMaster -Carr Grainger Kenworth Bendix Training School Placentia Recycling AWWA Fullerton Paint & Flooring TOTAL Amount Description 31.49 Filter housing mounting brackets 58.60 Water Quality Manuals 5,524.29 WHS Stock /January 190.00 Public Retirement Seminar Knight 196.08 CSMFO Lodging Parker (159.77) Return Safety boots Hill,J 20.74 Lunch /Finance Accounting mtg 41.78 Lunch /Discuss HR issues w/ New Hire 75.00 SDEA Workshop Alexander 880.25 Concrete 5,383.37 WHS Stock /January 81.85 Needle valve 213.84 Sump Pump 1,636.57 Unit 197 Repair A/C 300.00 Air Brake Training Baker 129.60 Top Soil 238.00 AWWA Dues Mendum 258.69 Marking Blue Caution 15,100.38 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 ITEM NO. 8.2 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held February 28, 2013 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 022813 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 02/28/13 Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/14/2013 PH /RK 5 -0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, February 28, 2013, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The February 28, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Melton at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Melton led the pledge 3. ROLL CALL niPFC:TOWR PPFSFNT ®mom ®MEN. ®lo ® ® ® ®® ® ®.0 MEN ®® ra a01 kN 4. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. NEW 6. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Collett made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar and abstained from voting on Check No. 60844 on Item No. 6.2. as he has a financial interest with the vendor. Director Kiley seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. 6.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held February 14, 2013 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 1 6.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $537,752.75. 6.3. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the Olson Company Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the Olson Company, Job No. 201301. 6.4. Purchase of Diesel Particulate Filter Systems Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the transfer of 7.1A Status Report on Operations and Efficiency Study (Verbal Report) Mr. Conklin reported that staff had been making good progress on this project. Following the Board workshop meeting on November 15, 2012, staff identified a list of 24 potential firms to conduct the study. This information was presented to the Executive - Administrative - Organizational (EAO) Committee and the list was narrowed down to 11 firms who specifically had experience working with water districts and conducting this type of study. Staff then requested a letter of interest and list of references from these firms of which only 5 responded. Staff attempted to contact a minimum of 3 references provided by each company and presented the results to the EAO Committee at its meeting held February 27, 2013. A copy of the results was also distributed during the Board meeting for reference. The EAO Committee supported staff's recommendation to request a formal Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from 3 of the 5 firms (DeLoach & Associates, Koff & Associates and Sjoberg Evashenk). Staff is planning to review the SOQ's and present the results to the EAO Committee who would in turn provide a recommendation to the Board for consideration. Staff would then meet with the recommended firm to discuss the scope of services and fee for subsequent consideration by the EAO Committee and Board of Directors. 2 Director Beverage suggested that the Board as a whole review the SOQ results, conduct any necessary interviews and select the successful firm. Directors Collett and Kiley agreed. Mr. Conklin stated that staff would proceed accordingly. Mrs. Botts left the meeting at this time. 8. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 8.1. President's Report ® ®No .1 few:: ®® 8.3. Acting General Manager's Report Mr. Conklin stated that he had an enjoyable vacation and appreciated the assistance provided by staff during his absence. He then reported that construction had begun on Phase 2 of the 2012 Pipeline Replacement Project and that a kick off meeting with the contractor for the Yorba Linda Blvd Booster Station was scheduled for the first week of March. Construction for the booster station project is expected to begin shortly thereafter. Additionally, the draft environmental impact report for the District's request for annexation to OCWD is still expected to be released in mid - March. 3 4 Mr. Conklin then reported that for the second consecutive year, the District had received the Excellence in Budgeting Award from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers. He commended the staff responsible for their excellent work. Mr. Conklin concluded his report by stating that he would be joining Director Collett and Mr. Micallizzi on the upcoming Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip being sponsored by MWDOC. Next meeting is scheduled to be held March 19, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Finance - Accounting Committee (Hawkins /Melton) G& N Minutes of the meeting held February 25, 2013 at 12:00 p.m provided at the next regular Board meeting. will be ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held March 25, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 9.3. Personnel -Risk Management Committee (Collett /Beverage) ■ Minutes of the meeting held February 26, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held March 12, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 12 9.4. Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee (Kiley /Hawkins) ■ Minutes of the meeting held February 13, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held March 7, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. 9.5. Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee (Beverage /Collett) AM • Minutes of the meeting held February 20, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. I%k • Next meeting is scheduled to be held March 4, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 9.6. YLWD -City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee (Melton /Hawkins) 1W6 Ado ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held in May 2013. Specific date ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held March 25, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. 10. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 10.1. YL City Council — February 19, 2013 (Collett) Director Collett attended and reported that a presentation regarding OCSD's proposed sewer service fees was provided during the meeting. In addition, the City Council presented a proclamation declaring "Red Shirt Friday" in the City of Yorba Linda as well as appointed Councilmembers Anderson and Hernandez to the newly formed joint agency committee with 5 11. 12. the District. Also discussed was the recruitment of members for the City's Landscape Maintenance Citizen Advisory Committee. 10.2. MWDOC Board — February 20, 2013 (Melton /Staff) Director Melton attended and noted that it was a very brief meeting. As was announced earlier in the month, Mr. Kevin Hunt is no longer serving as the General Manager. Mr. Karl Seckel has been appointed as the Interim General Manager. 11.1. Meetings from March 1, 2013 —April 30, 2013 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no changes. 12.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OCSC — Case No. 00486884) The Board reconvened in Open Session at 10:02 a.m. President Melton announced that no other action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. D 13. ADJOURNMENT 13.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 a.m. The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled to be held Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Steve Conklin Boarc 7 Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2013 Board of Directors Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 8.3 Yes $1.12 M $1.5 M Water Capital Reserves 101 -2700 2011 -20 Engineering No Exempt Progress Payment No. 1 for the 2012 Waterline Replacement Project, Phase II Work has begun on construction of the 2012 Waterline Replacement Project, Phase II. The project consists of replacing old waterlines and appurtenances in seven locations, ranging from 200 to 3,000 feet, with a total replacement length of approximately 6,700 feet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 1 in the net amount of $76,047.50 to TBU, Inc. for construction of the 2012 Waterline Replacement Project, Phase II, Job No. 2011 -20. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, TBU Inc. submitted a request for Progress Payment No. 1, in the amount of $80,050.00 for completed work through February 28, 2013. During this period, the contractor mobilized on Tamarisk Drive, set up necessary traffic controls and installed approximately 500 feet of 8 -inch pipe. They also installed one hot tap connection in Mountain View Ave. The status of the construction contract with TBU Inc. is as follows: • The current contract is $1,359,300.11 and 370 calendar days starting February 1, 2013. • If approved, Progress Payment No. 1 is $80,050.00 (5.9% of the total contract amount), less 5% retention of $4,002.50 for a net payment of $76,047.50. • If approved, total payments to date including retention will be $80,050.00 (5.9% of the total contract amount). • As of February 28, 2013, 28 calendar days were used (7.6% of the contract time). Staff reviewed the contractor's progress payment and recommend approval. A copy of Progress Payment No. 1 is attached for your reference. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3 -A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011 -2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board authorized the President and Secretary to execute a construction agreement in the amount of $1,359,300.11 for the 2012 Waterline Replacement Project, Phase II with TBU Inc., on November 21, 2012. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: TBU Phase II Waterline Progress Pay Request 1.pdf TBU Inc. Progress Pay Request No. 1 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/14/2013 PH /RK 5 -0 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROGRESS PAY REPORT PROJECT 2012 Waterline Replacement, Phase II PROGRESS PAY REQUEST NO. 001 LOCATION Yorba Linda, CA PROJECT NO. 201120 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES CONTRACTOR TBU Inc. DATE 2127113 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 1,359,300.11 AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS: $ - REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 1,359,300.11 PAY ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD February 1, 2013 TO PREVIOUS THIS MONTH UE OF WORK COMPLETED $ _ kNGE ORDER WORK COMPLETED $ AL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ S RETENTION 5% $ _ S OTHER DEDUCTIONS Electronic Wire Fees 'EARNED TO DATE S AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID ANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE ICE TO PROCEED PLETION TIME LOVED TIME EXTENSIONS IL CONTRACT TIME EXPENDED TO DATE REMAINING February 1, 2013 370 CALENDAR DAYS 0 CALENDAR DAYS 370 CALENDAR DAYS 28 CALENDAR DAYS 342 4CALENDAR DAYS 'ebruary 28, 2013 TO DATE 1.00 $ 80,050.00 .00 $ 80,050.00 .50 $ 76,047.50 $ 76,047.50 S _ REQUESTED BY: �_ ` i ` _ DATE: Charles W a n Vice President, TBU Inc. RECOMMENDED: DATE: 7/ Joe Polimino, Project Engineer, YLWD APPROVED BY: DATE: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager, YLWD AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 To: Board of Directors From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Prepared By: Rick Walkemeyer, SCADA Administrator Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: ITEM NO. 8.4 Yes $31,500 $48,000 Operating Funds 1- 6040 - 0730 -52 & 0780 -20 Information Technology Yes Subject: Request for Sole- Source Professional Services Agreement with RKI Engineering for SCADA Control Programing Services SUMMARY: Attached for the Board of Directors review and consideration is a PSA with RKI Engineering LLC. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the Acting General Manager to execute the PSA with RKI Engineering LLC, with a total cost not to exceed $48,000. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee discussed this item at its meeting held on February 20, 2013 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: Qualifications: RKI Engineering (Normand Iseri) has over 20 years of experience in SCADA control systems working with several water agencies. He worked for LA Water & Power for 10 years and holds a Master's Degree & P.E. in Electrical Engineering. Norm has been working for the District for some time now. He has an understanding of our operations and our control system. RKI Engineering has successfully performed many difficult tasks with the District's SCADA system; for example, the control programming for the temporary tanks during the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. RKI is in the final stages of completing the work on Well 20 and the Highland Booster Station projects. With those jobs completed a new PSA is requested for the ongoing control- system work as described in "Exhibit A" of the PSA. General: Norm would be used for ongoing control system jobs lasting only a few days at a time. The jobs would be done on an hourly -rate basis with the consultant determining the methods to accomplish the desired outcome. RKI Engineering has developed tightly integrated programmed interfaces from the field equipment to the Operator's interface that works well, is consistent and meets the needs of the IT and Operations departments. The effort made over time to develop this integration would be hard to duplicate by others with the same operating look and feel with which District staff are accustomed. The District needs to have programing compatible to the existing systems that inter - operates with the control system. Sole Source Justification: The resulting programing work and integration into the control system must match our current system. It is essential the system works the same at all locations for both normal operations and during emergencies. The use of sole source is justified in order to match programs currently in use throughout the District. The underlying computer code must also be the same for troubleshooting, maintenance, and be consistent for the use of all District personnel. Cost Information - RKI and other integrators the District has used and their hourly cost: hlortec Chlorine SHGU Systems $ 150.00 SO Tech $ 125.00 LT & V $ 130.00 Engineering LLC 1$100.00 - Chemical PLC Upgrade ell 20 Job iantiago Upgrade Part of Hidden Hills Reservoir Job) /arious Jobs - Ongoing Based on the above, staff recommends approval of a sole source contract with RKI Engineering per the attached conditions with a total not to exceed $48,000. ATTACHMENTS: 2012 PSA RKI.docx Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/14/2013 PH /RK 5 -0 Description: PSA Agreement Type: Backup Material VENDOR CONTRACT # PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AND RKI ENGINEERING LLC PROJECT /SITE: VARIOUS AS REQUIRED DATE: September 13, 2012 THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into on September 13, 2012, by and between the YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT, a local public agency, created and operating under authority of Division 12 of the California Water Code ( "District "), and RKI ENGINEERING LLC ( "Consultant ") (collectively referred to herein as the "Parties "). RECITALS WHEREAS, District is engaging in the Project described in the Scope of Work attached as Exhibit "A "; and WHEREAS, District requires a professional consultant with the requisite knowledge, skill, ability and expertise to provide the necessary services for District during all phases of the Project to which the specialized services of Consultant are appropriate; and WHEREAS, Consultant represents to District that it is fully qualified and available to perform the services for and as requested by District; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and terms and conditions herein, the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1.0. SCOPE OF WORK. The services to be provided by Consultant ( "Work ") are called out in the Scope of Work attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. All Work shall be performed in accordance with the standards customarily provided by an experienced and competent professional rendering the same or similar services and in such a prompt and continuous fashion as not to impede or delay the overall completion of the Project. 1.1. Project Manager. Consultant acknowledges that continuous and effective communication between District, Consultant, and other consultants (as appropriate) is necessary to the successful completion of the Project. Consultant may also be required to furnish copies of its work product and communications to others as requested by District. Consultant's primary contact with District shall be through District's Project Manager specified on Exhibit "A." District's primary contact with Consultant shall be through the 1of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # Consultant's Representative, designated on Consultant's Cost Proposal attached as Exhibit "B," and incorporated herein by reference. When requested by District, Consultant's Representative shall attend Project meetings and will undertake, as a part of its professional responsibility under this Agreement, to coordinate its activities with all appropriate individuals and consultants. 1.2. Use of Designs and Drawings. All work product of Consultant, whether created solely by Consultant or in cooperation with others, is prepared specifically and expressly for District and all right, title, and interest therein shall be owned by District. District shall make available to Consultant such information, documents, graphs, studies, etc., which District possesses or has access to, which are relevant to Consultant's Work pursuant to this Agreement. 1.3. Review. Consultant shall furnish District with reasonable opportunities from time to time to ascertain whether the Work of Consultant are being performed in accordance with this Agreement. All Work done and materials furnished shall be subject to final review and approval by District. District's interim review and approval of Consultant's work product shall not relieve Consultant of its obligations to fully perform this Agreement. 1.4. Commencement of Work. The Project start date is called out on Exhibit "A." 1.5. Time Is Of The Essence. Consultant shall perform all Work with due diligence as time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. Time limits applicable for the performance of Consultant's Work are established in Exhibit "A." 2.0 COMPENSATION. As compensation for performance of the Work specified under the Scope of Work (Exhibit "A "), District shall pay Consultant an amount not to exceed that contained in Consultant's Cost Proposal (Exhibit "B "). Payment will be made at the rates set forth in Consultant's Fee Schedule, which is attached as Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by reference. Costs or expenses not designated or identified in the Fee Schedule shall not be reimbursable unless otherwise provided in this Agreement. 2.1. Invoicing. Consultant shall submit an invoice within ten (10) days after the end of each month during the term of this Agreement describing the Work performed for which payment is requested. District shall review and approve all invoices prior to payment. District shall pay approved invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt. Consultant agrees to submit additional documentation to support the invoice if requested. If District does not approve an invoice, District shall send a notice to Consultant setting forth the reason(s) the invoice was not approved. Consultant may re- invoice District to cure the defects identified by District. The revised invoice will be treated as a new submittal. District's determinations regarding verification of Consultant's performance, accrued reimbursable expenses, if any, and percentage of completion shall be binding and conclusive. Consultant's time records, invoices, receipts and other documentation supporting the invoices shall be available for review by District upon reasonable notice and shall be retained by Consultant for three (3) years after completion of the Project. 2of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # 2.2. Extra Services. Before performing any services outside the scope of this Agreement ( "Extra Services "), Consultant shall submit a written request for approval of such Extra Services and receive written approval from District. District shall have no responsibility to compensate Consultant for any Extra Services provided by Consultant without such prior written approval. 3.0 TERMINATION. District may terminate this Agreement at any time upon ten (10) days written notice to Consultant. Should District exercise the right to terminate this Agreement, District shall pay Consultant for any Work satisfactorily completed prior to the date of termination, based upon Consultant's Fee Schedule. Consultant may terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) days written notice to District in the event of substantial failure by District to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of Consultant; or in the event District fails to pay Consultant in accordance with the terms in Section 2.0; or if Consultant's Work hereunder is suspended for a period of time greater than ninety (90) days through no fault of Consultant. 3.1. Withholding Payment. In the event District has reasonable grounds to believe Consultant will be materially unable to perform the Work under this Agreement, or if District becomes aware of a potential claim against Consultant or District arising out of Consultant's negligence, intentional act or breach of any provision of this Agreement, including a potential claim against Consultant by District, then District may, to the fullest extent allowed by law, withhold payment of any amount payable to Consultant that District determines is related to such inability to complete the Work, negligence, intentional act, or breach. 4.0. SAFETY. Consultant shall conduct and maintain the Work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. Consultant shall at all times exercise all necessary safety precautions appropriate to the nature of the Work and the conditions under which the Work is to be performed, and be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local statutory and regulatory requirements including State of California, Department of Industrial Relations (Cal /OSHA) regulations. Consultant is responsible for the safety of all Consultant personnel at all times during performance of its Work, including while on District property. 5.0 INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for the Consultant's services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant will defend, indemnify and hold harmless District, its directors, officers, employees, and authorized volunteers from and against all claims and demands of all persons that arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the Consultant's negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct in the performance (or actual or alleged non - performance) of the Work under this Agreement. Consultant shall defend itself against any and all liabilities, claims, losses, damages, and costs arising out of or alleged to arise out of Consultant's performance or non - performance of the Work hereunder, and shall not tender such claims to District nor to its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers, for defense or indemnity. 3of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # 5.2. Other than in the performance of professional services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant will defend, indemnify and hold harmless District, its directors, officers, employees and authorized volunteers from and against all claims and demands of all persons arising out the performance (or actual or alleged non- performance) of the Work (including the furnishing of materials), including but not limited to claims by the Consultant, Consultant's employees and any subconsultants for damages to persons or property, except for damages resulting from the willful misconduct, sole negligence or active negligence of District, its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers. 5.3. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against District or any of its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers, with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to District. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against District or any of its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers, in any and all such aforesaid suits, actions, or other legal proceedings for which Consultant is obligated to defend, indemnify and hold harmless District, its directors, officers, employees and authorized volunteers under this Agreement. 5.4. Consultant shall reimburse District or its directors, officers, employees, and authorized volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by District or its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers. 6.0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Prior to execution of this Agreement, and at any time thereafter on request, Consultant shall provide executed certificates of insurance and policy endorsements acceptable to District evidencing the required coverage and limits for each insurance policy. Each insurance policy shall be primary insurance as respects District, its affiliated organizations and its and their respective officers, directors, trustees, employees, agents, consultants, attorneys, successors and assigns (collectively, the "Covered Parties ") for all liability arising out of the activities performed by or on behalf of Consultant. Any insurance, pool coverage, or self - insurance maintained by Covered Parties shall be excess of Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute to it. Except for the Errors and Omissions policy (Section 6.4), all insurance coverage maintained or procured pursuant to this Agreement shall be endorsed to waive subrogation against the Covered Parties or shall specifically allow Consultant or others providing insurance evidence in compliance with these requirements to waive their right of recovery prior to loss. Consultant waives its right of recovery against the Covered Parties for damages covered by insurance required by this Agreement. Consultant shall require similar written express waivers and insurance clauses from each of its subcontractors. The insurer issuing the Workers' Compensation insurance shall amend its policy to waive all rights of subrogation against the Covered Parties. 4of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # Each insurance policy shall provide, or be endorsed to provide, that coverage shall not be cancelled except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by U.S. Mail (ten (10) days for non- payment of premium) has been given to District. Unless otherwise approved by District, each insurance provider shall be authorized to do business in California and have an A.M. Best rating (or equivalent) of not less than "A- :VII." Consultant shall provide and maintain at all times during the performance of this Agreement the following insurance: (1) Commercial General Liability ( "CGL ") insurance; (2) Automobile Liability insurance; (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability insurance; and (4) Errors and Omissions ( "E &O ") liability insurance. 6.1. Commercial General Liability. Each CGL policy shall identify Covered Parties as additional insured, or be endorsed to identify Covered Parties as additional insured using a form acceptable to the District. Coverage for additional insured shall not be limited to vicarious liability. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. Each CGL policy shall have liability coverage limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, and either at least (a) $2,000,000 aggregate total bodily injury, personal injury and property damage applied separately to the Project; or at least (b) $5,000,000 general aggregate limit for all operations. CGL insurance and endorsements shall be kept in force at all times during the performance of this Agreement and all coverage required herein shall be maintained after the term of this Agreement so long as such coverage is reasonably available. 6.2. Automobile Liability. Each Automobile Liability policy shall require coverage for "any auto" and shall have limits of at least $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage, each accident, and shall use ISO policy form "CA 00 O1," including owned, non -owned and hired autos, or the exact equivalent. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non -owned auto endorsement to the CGL policy described above. Automobile Liability insurance and endorsements shall be kept in force at all times during the performance of this Agreement and all coverage required herein shall be maintained after the term of this Agreement so long as such coverage is reasonably available. 6.3. Workers' Compensation/Employer's Liability. Consultant shall cover or insure the existence of coverage under the applicable laws relating to Workers' Compensation insurance, all of their employees employed directly by them or through subconsultants at all times in carrying out the Work contemplated under this Agreement, in accordance with the "Workers' Compensation and Insurance Act" of the California Labor Code and any amendatory Acts. Consultant shall provide Employer's Liability insurance with limits of at least $1,000,000 each accident, $1,000,000 disease policy limit, and $1,000,000 disease each employee. By Consultant's signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workers' Compensation or to undertake self - insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and that Consultant will comply with such provisions before commencing Work under this Agreement. Upon the request of District, subconsultants must provide certificates of insurance evidencing such coverage. 5of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # 6.4. Errors and Omissions. Each E &O policy shall have limits of at least $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate. E &O insurance and endorsements shall be kept in force at all times during the performance of this Agreement and all coverage required herein shall be maintained after the term of this Agreement so long as such coverage is reasonably available. 7.0. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Parties agree that the relationship between District and Consultant is that of an independent contractor and Consultant shall not, in any way, be considered to be an employee or agent of District. Consultant shall not represent or otherwise hold out itself or any of its directors, officers, partners, employees, or agents to be an agent or employee of District. District will not be legally or financially responsible for any damage or loss that may be sustained by Consultant because of any act, error, or omission of Consultant or any other consultant, nor shall Consultant make any claim against District arising out of any such act, error, or omission. 7.1. Taxes and Benefits. Consultant shall be solely responsible for the payment of all federal, state and local income tax, social security tax, Workers' Compensation insurance, state disability insurance, and any other taxes or insurance Consultant, as an independent contractor, is responsible for paying under federal, state or local law. Consultant is not eligible to receive Workers' Compensation, medical, indemnity or retirement benefits through District, including but not limited to enrollment in CalPERS. Consultant is not eligible to receive overtime, vacation or sick pay. 7.2. Permits and Licenses. Consultant shall procure and maintain all permits, and licenses and other government- required certification necessary for the performance of its Work, all at the sole cost of Consultant. None of the items referenced in this section shall be reimbursable to Consultant under the Agreement. 7.3. Methods. Consultant shall have the sole and absolute discretion in determining the methods, details and means of performing the Work required by District. Consultant shall furnish, at its own expense, all labor, materials, equipment, tools and transportation necessary for the successful completion of the Work to be performed under this Agreement. District shall not have any right to direct the methods, details and means of the Work; however, Consultant must receive prior written approval from District before assigning or changing any assignment of Consultant's project manager or key personnel and before using any subconsultants or subconsultant agreements for services or materials under this Agreement and any work authorizations. 8.0. NOTICES. Any notice may be served upon either Party by delivering it in person, or by depositing it in a U.S. Mail Deposit Box with the postage thereon fully prepaid, and addressed to the Party at the address set forth below: District: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 309 6of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # Yorba Linda, California 92885 -0309 Consultant: As designated in Exhibit `B." Any notice given hereunder shall be deemed effective in the case of personal delivery, upon receipt thereof, or, in the case of mailing, at the moment of deposit in the course of transmission with the United States Postal Service. 9.0 ASSIGNMENT. Neither Consultant nor District may assign or transfer this Agreement, or any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the other Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10.0 ATTORNEY'S FEES. In the event of any action arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement, or the Work to be performed hereunder, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to have and recover, in addition to damages, injunctive or other relief, its reasonable costs and expenses, including without limitation, its attorney's fees. 11.0. BINDING ARBITRATION. Within thirty (30) days after service of a civil action on either Party arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement, either Party may elect to submit the action to binding arbitration before the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service ( "JAMS "), located in Orange County. The Parties agree that upon an election to arbitrate, any civil action filed will be stayed until arbitration proceedings have concluded. Upon submission of the matter to JAMS, the submitting Party shall obtain from JAMS a list of three (3) randomly selected arbitrators and serve said list upon the other Party. In the event that there are more than two parties to the action, the number of arbitrators randomly selected and included in the list shall be increased by two for each additional party involved. Upon service of the randomly selected list of arbitrators, each party shall have twenty (20) days to eliminate two arbitrators from the list and return it to JAMS, with the selected arbitrator being the remaining name on the list. Should more than one name remain on the list, JAMS will randomly select the arbitrator from the names remaining on the list. Arbitration shall be scheduled for hearing on the merits no later than six (6) months after the date the arbitrator is selected. All parties shall be permitted to conduct discovery as provided by the current rules of the California Code of Civil Procedure. All costs of JAMS or of the arbitrator for Work shall be divided equally among the Parties, unless otherwise ordered by the arbitrator. In an arbitration to resolve a dispute under this provision, the arbitrator's award shall be supported by law and substantial evidence. 12.0 FORCE MAJEURE. Upon written notice by the owing Party, the respective duties and obligations of the Parties hereunder (except District's obligation to pay Consultant such sums as may become due from time to time for Work rendered by it) shall be suspended while and so long as performance thereof is prevented or impeded by strikes, disturbances, riots, fire, governmental action, war acts, acts of God, or any other cause similar or dissimilar to the foregoing which are beyond the reasonable control of the Party from whom the affected performance was due. 7of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 [INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 8of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # VENDOR CONTRACT # 13.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, and the attached Exhibits, represent the entire and integrated agreement between District and Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both District and Consultant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be entered into as of the day and year written above. District: Yorba Linda Water District wo Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kidman Law LLP By: Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel Attachments: Exhibit A: Scope of Work Exhibit B: Cost Proposal for Work Exhibit C: Fee Schedule 9of12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 Consultant: LE VENDOR CONTRACT # FXHIRIT A SCOPE OF WORK/SERVICES RKI Engineering will provide the following services for Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD): A. Provide programming services for the programmable logic controllers (PLC). The PLCs will monitor and control the YLWD Reservoirs, Booster Pump Stations, Pressure Reducing Stations, and other facilities. B. Provide programming services for the Local Operator Interface Terminal to provide local control of the various YLWD facilities. C. Provide services to configuration the SCADA system to monitor and control the various YLWD facilities implementing control system strategies as directed by the District. D. Provide services to develop and update the SCADA Reports. E. Provide services to update the alarm notification system for alerting the Operators of critical SCADA alarms. F. Provide assistance in troubleshooting the SCADA communication and other SCADA related problems. G. Provide other services related to the update and maintenance of the YLWD SCADA system. These services are ongoing work as requested by the District. The Project Manager for this work is; Rick Walkemeyer SCADA Administrator 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 701 -3086 P (714) 448 -0149 C rwalk2ylwd. com 10 of 12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # EXHIBIT B COST PROPOSAL FOR WORK As shown in Exhibit C is billed on an hourly bases as generally directed by the District. Total costs per fiscal year is Not to Exceed $48,000.00. Primary Contractor Contact shall be; Norman S. Iseri, P.E. 2029 Verdugo Blvd #109 Montrose, CA 91020 -1626 Cell Phone - (818)317 -3003 rki- engra- earthlink.net 11 of 12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 VENDOR CONTRACT # EXHIBIT C RKI Engineering LLC FEE SCHEDULE As of July 1, 2012 SCADA Engineering Rate: ........................................ $100.00 per hour SCHEDULE OF CHARGES ;e. o Travel Time Rate o Weekdays up to 8 hrs /day between 7:00 am & 9:00 Rate Pm o Weekdays in excess of 8 hrs /day Service & 1.5 times Rate nocturnal time between 9 p.m. & 7a.m. o Saturdays, Sundays, Holiday. B: EXPENCES 1.5 times Rate o Equipment and Expenses will be invoiced at cost plus 15% handling fee. 12 of 12 YLWD Professional Services Agreement - 07/15/12 Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2013 Board of Directors Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Manager Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant ITEM NO. 8.5 Finance Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2013. Presented are the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2012 for the District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2012. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance - Accounting Committee discussed this item at is meeting held February 25, 2013 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: For the period ending December 31, 2012, staff is presenting unaudited statements in the CAFR format. Staff has included the traditional budget to actual statements for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Water Operating Revenue, as presented, is 56.5% of annual budget, which is slightly higher than the historical trend of 54.9% for the first half of the fiscal year. Other Operating Revenue 67.3% of annual budget. Sewer Other Operating Revenue, as presented, is 63.5% of annual budget. Variable Water Costs are 59.7% of budget, due to higher than budgeted water consumption as well as purchasing more expensive import water prior to the January 1st rate increase. Salary Related Expenses are 48.4% of budget due to unfilled positions. Supplies & Services are 50.4% of budget half way through the fiscal year. With the issuance of the 2008 Certificates of Participation (COP's) and the Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A the District covenanted "... to fix, prescribe and collect rates and charges for Water Service which will be at least sufficient to yield during each Fiscal Year, Net Revenues equal to 110% of the Debt Service for such Fiscal Year." To confirm the covenant is upheld, a calculation is made quarterly and presented to the Finance - accounting Committee and received and filed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the unaudited debt service ratio through December 2012 is shown in the calculation as 200 %. This shows strong financial health for the District as it pertains to the debt service ratio. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1 -G: Continue to Improve Communications of the Districts Financial Information to the Board of Directors, Member Agencies, Management, and the Financial Community ATTACHMENTS: FY 2013 2nd Qtr Consolidated Balance Sheet.xlsx 2013 Qtr 2 Consolidated Stmt.xlsx 2013 Qtr 2 Water Stmt.xlsx 2013 Qtr 2 Sewer Stmt.xlsx 2013 Qtr 2 Debt Service Calc.xlsx Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/14/2013 PH /RK 5 -0 Description: Type: FY 2013 2nd Qtr Consolidated Balance Sheet Backup Material FY 2013 2nd Qtr Combined Statement Backup Material Fy 2013 2nd Qtr Water Statement Backup Material Fy 2013 2nd Qtr Sewer Statement Backup Material FY 2013 2nd Qtr Debt Service Ratio Calculation Backup Material YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS For the Period Ended December 31, 2012 (With December 31, 2011 for comparison only) ASSETS December 2012 December 2011 CURRENT ASSETS: 176,295 21,081 Cash and cash equivalents $ 16,583,608 $ 27,028,937 Investment 2,151,167 2,156,687 Accounts receivable - water and sewer services 2,104,373 2,819,987 Accounts receivable - property taxes 102,192 102,192 Accrued interest receivable 9,582 23,880 Prepaid expenses & other deposits 1,090,402 303,731 Inventory 253,980 239,289 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 22,295,304 32,674,703 NONCURRENT ASSETS Bond issuance costs 710,839 740,765 Other post - employment benefit (OPEB) asset 176,295 21,081 Capital assets: - - Non - depreciable 13,769,615 10,164,560 Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 187,397,599 190,292,985 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 202,054,348 201,219,391 TOTAL ASSETS 224,349,652 233,894,094 LIABILITIES $ 163,881,058 $ 170,702,097 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 1,866,152 4,278,869 Accrued expenses 1,271,550 207,905 Accrued interest payable 443,814 474,418 Certificates of Participation - current portion 965,000 925,000 Compensated absences 233,464 259,177 Customer and construction deposits 252,005 255,201 Deferred revenue 413,743 419,959 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 5,445,728 6,820,529 LONG -TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION) Deferred annexation revenue 13,905,927 14,230,314 Compensated absences 739,304 777,531 Other post - employment benefit (OPEB) liability - - Certificates of Participation 40,377,635 41,363,623 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION) 55,022,866 56,371,468 TOTAL LIABILITIES 60,468,594 63,191,997 NET ASSETS: $ 163,881,058 $ 170,702,097 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For the Period Ended December 31, 2012 (With fiscal year ended December 31, 2011 for comparison only) OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales Sewer revenues Other operating revenues TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs Personnel services Supplies and services Depreciation and amortization TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME /(LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes Investment income Interest expense Other nonoperating revenues Other nonoperating expenses TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES /EXPENSES NET INCOME /(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS CHANGES IN NET ASSETS December 2012 December 2011 $ 14,084,755 $ 13,565,446 875,365 431,149 15,391,269 7,727,804 3,707,029 1,948,769 3,357,252 16,740,854 (1,349,585) 682,982 70,458 (912,001) 364,119 (28,434) 177,124 871,492 542,863 14,979,801 7,183,755 3,611,485 1,787,705 3,267,301 15,850,246 (870,445) 677,509 149,124 (949,017) 484,018 (86,193) 275,441 (1,172,461) (595,004) 11,295 17,061,426 (1,161,166) 16,466,422 NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR 165,042,224 154,235,675 NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END DECEMBER 31, 2012 $ 163,881,058 $ 170,702,097 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For The Period Ending December 31, 2012 Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) Water Revenue (Landscape /Irrigation) Water Revenue (Service Charge) Sewer Charge Revenue Locke Ranch Assessments Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue: Revenue (Non- Operating) Original YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Under(Over) % of FY 2013 FY 2013 Budget Budget $15,405,197 $8,538,712 $6,866,485 55.43% 1,822,665 1,073,156 749,509 58.88% 4,035,121 2,629,647 1,405,474 65.17% 3,755,191 1,843,240 1,911,951 49.09% 1,548,682 764,605 784,077 49.37% 198,433 110,760 87,673 55.82% 643,737 431,149 212,588 66.98% 27,409,026 15,391,269 12,017,757 56.15% Interest 170,000 70,458 99,542 41.45% Property Tax 1,244,320 682,982 561,338 54.89% Other Non - Operating Revenue 494,437 364,119 130,318 73.64% Total Non - Operating Revenue: 1,908,757 1,117,559 791,198 58.55% Total Revenue 29,317,783 16,508,828 12,808,955 56.31% Expenses (Operating) Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 12,953,024 7,727,804 5,225,220 59.66% Salary Related Expenses 7,648,891 3,707,029 3,941,862 48.46% Supplies & Services 3,863,102 1,948,769 1,914,333 50.45% Total Operating Expenses 24,465,017 13,383,602 11,081,415 54.71% Expenses (Non- Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt 2,011,395 912,001 1,099,394 45.34% Other Expense 124,210 28,434 95,776 22.89% Total Non - Operating Expenses: 2,135,605 940,435 1,195,170 44.04% Total Expenses 26,600,622 14,324,037 12,276,585 53.85% Net Income (Loss) Before Special Item 2,717,161 2,184,791 532,370 80.41% Contributed Capital - 11,295 11,295 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 2,717,161 2,196,086 543,665 80.82% Depreciation & Amortization 6,602,339 3,357,252 3,245,087 50.85% Total Net Income (Loss) ($3,885,178) ($1,161,166) ($2,724,012) 29.89% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For The Period Ending December 31, 2012 YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Under(Over) % of FY 2013 FY 2013 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating) Water Revenue (Residential) $15,405,197 $8,538,712 $6,866,485 55.43% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,822,665 1,073,156 749,509 58.88% Water Revenue (Landscape /Irrigation) 4,035,121 2,629,647 1,405,474 65.17% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 3,755,191 1,843,240 1,911,951 49.09% Other Operating Revenue 585,929 394,444 191,485 67.32% Total Operating Revenue: 25,604,103 14,479,199 11,124,904 56.55% Revenue (Non- Operating): Interest Property Tax Other Non - Operating Revenue Total Non - Operating Revenue: Total Revenue Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non - Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non- Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt Other Expense Total Non - Operating Expenses: Total Expenses 150,000 60,915 89,085 40.61% 1,244,320 682,982 561,338 54.89% 490,262 359,700 130,562 73.37% 1,884,582 1,103,597 780,985 58.56% 27,488,685 15,582,796 11,905,889 56.69% 12,953,024 7,727,804 5,225,220 59.66% 6,741,403 3,286,579 3,454,824 48.75% 280,232 80,797 199,435 28.83% 455,041 218,024 237,017 47.91% 125,866 58,223 67,643 46.26% 57,609 53,739 3,870 93.28% 139,165 71,894 67,271 51.66% 47,988 - 47,988 0.00% 259,656 119,157 140,499 45.89% 455,226 287,057 168,169 63.06% 17,298 9,234 8,064 53.38% 323,820 154,929 168,891 47.84% 93,507 58,414 35,093 62.47% 37,702 21,644 16,058 57.41% 749,878 429,577 320,301 57.29% 41,353 10,566 30,787 25.55% 40,833 10,033 30,800 24.57% 36,270 (478) 36,748 -1.32% 79,050 46,094 32,956 58.31% 282,400 140,573 141,827 49.78% 3,522,893 1,769,477 1,753,416 50.23% 23,217,320 12,783,860 10,433,460 55.06% 2,009,777 912,001 1,097,776 45.38% 118,210 28,434 89,776 24.05% 2,127,987 940,435 1,187,552 44.19% 25,345,307 13,724,295 11,621,012 54.15% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 2,143,378 1,858,501 284,877 86.71% Capital Contributions - 11,295 11,295 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 2,143,378 1,869,796 296,172 87.24% Depreciation &Amortization 5,332,175 2,716,907 2,615,268 50.95% Total Net Income (Loss) ($3,188,797) ($847,111) ($2,341,686) 26.57% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For The Period Ending December 31, 2012 Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non - Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non- Operating): Interest Expense Other Expense Total Non - Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Income (Loss) 907,488 420,450 YTD YTD YTD 5,173 Budget Actual Under(Over) % of 18,815 FY 2013 FY 2013 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): 4,583 3,915 668 85.42% Sewer Charge Revenue $1,548,682 $764,605 $784,077 49.37% Locke Ranch Assessments 198,433 110,760 87,673 55.82% Other Operating Revenue 57,808 36,705 21,103 63.49% Total Operating Revenue: 1,804,923 912,070 892,853 50.53% Revenue (Non- Operating): 66,737 4,913 93.14% 17,044 Interest 20,000 9,543 10,457 47.72% Other Non - Operating Revenue 4,175 4,419 (244) 105.84% Total Non - Operating Revenue: 24,175 13,962 10,213 57.75% Total Revenue 1,829,098 926,032 903,066 50.63% Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Supplies & Services: Communications Contractual Services Data Processing Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Board Election Insurance Materials District Activities, Emp Recognition Maintenance Non - Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Training Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Utilities Vehicle Equipment Supplies & Services Sub -Total Total Operating Expenses Expenses (Non- Operating): Interest Expense Other Expense Total Non - Operating Expenses: Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation Depreciation & Amortization Total Net Income (Loss) 907,488 420,450 487,038 46.33% 23,018 5,173 17,845 22.47% 34,280 15,465 18,815 45.11% 9,474 2,824 6,650 29.81% 4,583 3,915 668 85.42% 12,155 8,434 3,721 69.39% 3,612 - 3,612 0.00% 19,544 4,504 15,040 23.05% 34,799 9,445 25,354 27.14% 1,302 693 609 53.23% 71,650 66,737 4,913 93.14% 17,044 7,229 9,815 42.41% 2,823 1,629 1,194 57.70% 37,582 16,940 20,642 45.07% 4,747 1,932 2,815 40.70% 3,418 716 2,702 20.95% 2,730 (45) 2,775 -1.65% 5,950 3,733 2,217 62.74% 51,499 29,968 21,531 58.19% 340,209 179,292 160,917 52.70% 1,247,697 599,742 647,955 48.07% 1,618 - 1,618 0.00% 6,000 - 6,000 0.00% 7,618 - 7,618 0.00% 1,255,315 599,742 655,573 47.78% 573,783 326,290 247,493 56.87% 1,270,164 640,345 629,819 50.41% ($696,381) ($314,055) ($382,326) 45.10% Yorba Linda Water District Debt Service Ratio Calculation For The Period Ending December 31, 2012 Actual Debt Service Revenue (Operating) Water Revenue (Residential) $8,538,712 $8,538,712 Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,073,156 1,073,156 Water Revenue (Landscape /Irrigation) 2,629,647 2,629,647 Water Revenue (Service Charge) 1,843,240 1,843,240 Other Operating Revenue 394,444 394,444 Total Operating Revenue: 14,479,199 14,479,199 Revenue (Non- Operating) Interest 60,915 60,915 Property Tax 682,982 682,982 Other Non - Operating Revenue 359,700 359,700 Total Non - Operating Revenue: 1,103,597 1,103,597 Total Revenue 15,582,796 15,582,796 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 7,727,804 7,727,804 Salary Related Expenses 3,286,579 3,286,579 Supplies & Services: Communications 80,797 Contractual Services 218,024 Data Processing 58,223 Dues & Memberships 53,739 Fees & Permits 71,894 Board Election - Insurance 119,157 Materials 287,057 District Activities, Emp Recognition 9,234 Maintenance 154,929 Non - Capital Equipment 58,414 Office Expense 21,644 Professional Services 429,577 Training 10,566 Travel & Conferences 10,033 Uncollectible Accounts (478) Utilities 46,094 Vehicle Equipment 140,573 Supplies & Services Sub -Total 1,769,477 1,769,477 Total Operating Expenses 12,783,860 12,783,860 Expenses (Non- Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 912,001 Other Expense 28,434 28,434 Total Non - Operating Expenses: 940,435.00 28,434 Total Expenses 13,724,295 12,812,294 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 1,858,501 2,770,502 Capital Contributions 11,295 Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 1,869,796 2,770,502 Depreciation & Amortization 2,716,907 Total Net Income (Loss) ($847,111) $2,770,502 DEBT SERVICE RATION CALCULATION NET REVENUES 2,770,502 DEBT SERVICE 1,383,436 % 200% Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2013 Board of Directors Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Northeast Area Planning Study Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Job No: Dept: ITEM NO. 9.1 Yes $120,000 $102,883 2010 -11 B Engineering The Northeast Area Planning Study has been completed. Staff will provide a report to the Board, summarizing the elements of the Study, including findings and recommendations. A copy of the Executive Summary of the Study is attached. Due to the size of the complete document, we are unable to attach it to this agenda report. Please contact the District's Executive Secretary, Annie Alexander, for a copy of the document. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Northeast Area Planning Study. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: A final draft version of the Study was reviewed with the Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee at its meeting on March 7, 2013. DISCUSSION: The purpose of the Northeast Area Planning Study is to evaluate the capacity of the District's existing water distribution system facilities and to provide recommendations for new infrastructure required to provide water under operational conditions for future demands. Included within the additional future demands are the proposed Esperanza Hills Estates and Sage developments. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3 -13: Continue Planning for Long Term Capital Improvements and Replacements into the future ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Executive Summary from NEAPS Final Report.pdf Executive Summary Backup Material NE Area Planning Study Report - Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Replacement Page E- 10.pdf the Meeting Backup Material Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Board Presentation NEAPS 03- 14- 2013.pdf the Meeting Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/14/2013 MB /RC 5 -0 Approved as revised. Northeast Area Planning Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of the Northeast Area Planning Study is to evaluate the capacity of existing distribution system facilities and size new infrastructure required to provide water under anticipated operational conditions for future demands. The proposed Esperanza Hills Estates (EHE) and Sage (SG) developments are projected to add 542 acre -feet per year (afy) to the District's annual demands, resulting in an overall system annual demand of 25,388 afy, which equates to a 2 percent demand increase. The District's current maximum day demand is estimated to increase by 0.7 million gallons per day (mgd) to 33.6 mgd. Storage Evaluation Due to topology, the proposed EHE and SG developments will need to be divided into two pressure zones, with hydraulic grade lines at 1,200 feet above mean sea level (ft -msl) and 1,390 ft -msl. Based on updated storage criteria, these developments would require approximately 1.3 million gallons (MG) of storage. After evaluation of the following two alternatives, it is recommended that storage be accommodated as discussed in Option 1 below: Option 1. The entire 1.3 MG storage would be located within both development areas. Each zone would need 0.18 MG of dedicated fire flow storage (0.36 MG), unless greater fire flow requirements are established by the Orange County Fire Authority. The remaining 0.94 MG storage would need to be prorated by the demands of each pressure zone. As detailed in Section 3.4.1, additional offsite improvements will be required. Option 2. Utilizing the Hidden Hills Reservoir for additional storage is not a viable option as discussed in detail in Section 3.4.2. Pump Station Evaluation This project focused on the sizing of the District's Fairmont Pump Station (FPS) as the FPS is critical to serve the new developments and is planned for replacement due to aging. The FPS currently has a capacity of about 2,100 gallons per minute (gpm), and can be manually operated to alternate its suction and discharge pressure zones. Sizing of the proposed FPS was developed to include a variety of operating conditions to achieve a range of groundwater Basin Pumping Percentages (BPP). Twelve different operating scenarios for groundwater supplies ranging from 0 to 100 percent were developed. These scenarios were grouped in three categories based on the different suction and discharge conditions as listed in Section 4.5.1. March 2013 ES -1 pw://Carollo/ Documents / Client /CANLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx To accommodate these wide variety of pumping scenarios, four groups of pump units are required as summarized in Table ES.1. All seven pump units are recommended to be variable frequency drives (VFDs), but could be configured as constant speed pumps with the addition of one unit as described in Section 4.5.1. In addition to the FPS improvements, Hidden Hills PS and Santiago PS would each need one additional pump unit if storage for the new development is partially provided from Hidden Hills Reservoir and the development is served from Zone 1,000 -2 (Santiago Reservoir) or Zone 1,390 (Hidden Hills Reservoir). Details are provided in Section 4.5.2. Table ES.1 Fairmont PS Sizing Design To From TDH Capacity(') Units Zone Zone (ft) (gpm) Notes 1 920 675 237 800 No standby unit included since OC89 provides reliability. 2 - 3 1,000 -1 675/780 -3 388 2,800 1 +1 configuration 4 - 6 780 -3 675 120 5,500 2 +1 configuration No standby unit included since not 7 1,000 -1 920 212 2,800 assumed to be a typical operating condition. Note: 1. Rounded up to nearest 100 gpm. It is recommended that the District include either a portable diesel generator or on -site natural gas powered backup generator at FPS and that the PS include pressure reducing valves to supply Zone 675 from Zone 780 -3 and supply Zone 920 from Zone 1,000 -1 to increase operational flexibility. Pipeline Evaluation Based on hydraulic model analysis, two pipelines in the vicinity of FPS were also identified as deficient, resulting in high headloss and additional pumping head requirements for the new PS. To minimize the pump unit sizing and energy cost, it is recommended to increase the capacity of the following pipelines with large diameter pipeline replacements or parallel pipelines: The 12 -inch diameter Zone 1,000 -1 pipeline extending 3,500 feet along Fairmont Boulevard between FPS and Forest Avenue. This pipeline should be replaced by a 16 -inch diameter pipeline or paralleled with a 12 -inch diameter pipeline. The 12 -inch diameter Zone 780 -3 pipeline extending 670 feet along Fairmont Boulevard from Bastanchury Road onto the District's FPS. Adding a dedicated ES -2 March 2013 pw://Carollo/ Documents / Client /CANLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx pipeline to the Bryant Cross Feeder south of Bastanchury Road would require about 800 feet of 24 -inch diameter pipeline. Water Quality The key steps the District can implement to limit nitrification and residual loss from occurring are reducing water age and improving mixing within the District's reservoirs. It is recommended that the District continue to follow its reservoir cycling practices, following the guidelines recommended in the nitrification study. For new reservoirs, it is recommended that the District include within the design systems to increase cycling within the reservoirs, consisting of separate inlet and outlets (using multiple diffused inlets where possible), samplers to provide real -time automated monitoring of disinfection residual, and a mixing device within the reservoir. A reservoir management system could provide this functionality in a single system along with boosting disinfection residual. For the Fairmont PS, it is recommended that the District incorporate a disinfection station into the design that can inject free chlorine. If this emergency approach is not sufficient, the next recommended step would be to install reservoir management systems (mixers, analyzers, and potentially injection of chloramines). Other Recommendations This Northeast Area Planning Study is primarily limited to the system evaluation surrounding the new Esperanza Hills /Sage developments and the FPS. It is recommended that a comprehensive system evaluation be conducted for all pump stations and the entire distribution system under the variety of operating scenarios. In addition, it is recommended that the updated hydraulic model be used to optimize the system operational controls of the system for the most common BPP target scenarios to make system operations more consistent year- around. March 2013 ES -3 pw://Carollo/ Documents / Client /CANLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx REVISED ITEM NO. 9.1. District strives to maintain separation of these sources by pressure zone. However, when these two disinfectant types mix, the reaction of free chlorine with combined chlorine can result under certain conditions in localized break -point chlorination. During break -point chlorination, excess free chlorine in chloraminated water consumes the available ammonia so that the remaining disinfectant residual exists as free chlorine. As the free chlorine to ammonia - nitrogen ratio increases, the combined chlorine breaks down to nitrogen gas, resulting in loss of residual, unless excess free chlorine is applied. Break -point chlorination will impact and complicate the free chlorine residual measurements during sampling. The chloraminated water is not detectable as free chlorine, but can be measured as part of the total chlorine samples (i.e. total chlorine residual minus free chlorine residual = chloramines residual). Free chlorine is a strong oxidant, readily reacting with both organics and inorganics, leading to a gradual decay of free chlorine due to different reactivities of a variety of parameters. Within a water distribution system, the half -life of free chlorine can range from several hours to several days. Unlike chloramines, free chlorine reaction with natural organic matter can lead to trace amounts of hundreds of disinfection byproducts. Since modeling the individual reactions with organic matter would not be feasible, it is important to find modeling parameters that can reflect changes in the various organic content, such as total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and UV -254 (a standard measure of absorbance of ultraviolet light). In addition, free chlorine also reacts with inorganics including iron, manganese, and ammonia. As a part of this study, attempts were made to include wall reactions between free chlorine and inorganics commonly occurring in pipeline material; however, given the number of pipe segments within the District's distribution system model, runtimes were found to be unfeasibly long. Chloramines are less reactive than free chlorine, but, separate from reactions with organics and inorganics, tend to be more unstable due to autodecom position and reaction with inorganics and natural organic matter. Chloramine decay was modeled in this study based on the model of chloramine decomposition included in AWWARF's Optimizing Chloramine Treatment. This model (Valentine, Ozekin, and Vikesland, 1998) was intended to model autodecom position of chloramines in a distribution system rather than chlorine and chloramines interactions, and includes thirteen rate coefficients. Using this model for chlorine and chloramine interaction would require establishing the rate coefficients for the mixed system through similar experimental sampling as used to develop the model. Since the District strives to maintain separation of water by supply source in different pressure zones, and since the intended functionality for this water quality calibration is prediction of disinfectant residual in the District's water distribution system, free chlorine was modeled as a separate constituent, modeled using first -order decay. In addition, the total chlorine samples were collected at different times during the day, under different hydraulic conditions, thus "following the water" in the distribution system from the source is challenging. The EPS calibration of the model must give a good representation of E -10 March 2013 pw:HCaroI to /Documents /Client /CANLVV D/9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration. docx Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Purpose of Study • Update & Calibrate GIS -Based Hydraulic Model • Evaluate Storage Criteria • Identify Facility Needs for Potential Residential Developments in northeast area • Identify Fairmont BPS Improvements • Perform Water Quality Evaluation Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 1 Storage Evaluation • Current Storage Criteria: — Operational: 100% Max Day Demand (MDD) — Fire Flow: 1,500 GPM per Residential Zone — Emergency: 300 -700% Average Day Demand • Recommended Storage Criteria: — Operational: 30% MDD — Fire Flow: 1,500 GPM per Residential Zone — Emergency: 100% MDD Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 2 Rasarv°!r Legend � ® Tanks Uaa 1, 3 — Pipes by $one �aay an Reservoir Pan els Planned Developments rs ', (% - $ Re° FSperanZa HIIIS Esp- -Hils Esatequh �wlA° 4 Estates Sage Gash° R sSaddle 920 ye 6 Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. w a 1 •` ''f -rl w b Ridge Way — Sage Rape E p g� 1,.06&— Ow Mva Shapell Remrra Farm r Raaary rob Development -_/ o• , & Toll Brothers, Inc4 @0en Esperanza Hills aa9e Estate d Edlsop Rd s 780 -3 fi samagu o E - �a � '� s(onezavan or Reservoir � rr w V 80- � b ✓ m /' 0 ag a 6 N. d tl d m m k k w _ a• c, g F � o x r� 0 1.000 2,000 3,000 Feet A J 8 Ak mom' Rob "'_ m eo Figure 1 Development Location e Merch2013 Northeast Area Planning Stud u m •g e• 4 e Yorba Linda Water District Storage Evaluation • Current Storage Criteria: — Operational: 100% Max Day Demand (MDD) — Fire Flow: 1,500 GPM per Residential Zone — Emergency: 300 -700% Average Day Demand • Recommended Storage Criteria: — Operational: 30% MDD — Fire Flow: 1,500 GPM per Residential Zone — Emergency: 100% MDD Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 2 Storage Evaluation (Continued) Oii��l • Current Storage Criteria = 85.5 MG • Recommended NEAPS Storage = 49.5 MG • Existing Actual Storage = 58.7 MG Improved System Reliability = Reduced Storage Requirements • Completed Hidden Hills Reservoir • Completed Highland BPS • Added Chlorine Booster Capabilities • Upgraded Distribution System • Added 3 Portable Booster Pumps • Added Portable Electrical Generator Unit • Added New Well • MWD Increased Reliability at Diemer Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 3 Improvements for NEA Developments • Two New Onsite Reservoirs • Two Booster Pump Stations • Onsite Water and Sewerlines • Upgrades to Fairmont BPS • Additional Offsite Improvements (TBD) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 4 Resarv°!r Legend ® Tent:s Ua>a 7, 3 caey °n — Pipes by zo ne Panels Reservoir Planned Developments I„ I �n wed. / , ry - a ti RidS?nRaM1 a Esperanza Hills a " Esperanza Hills Estates sage 0 Estates Shapell B Toll Brothers, Inc. m 3 b Ridge Way a' s '° .,-, arg Sege Rage Shapell E3 °mac 9voW 3� 10 -. ... az�ae,>.�� n Development ',�J - -- - -- &Toll Brothers. Inc - cq �'0en ° War Esperanza Hills Sage Estat�c,R a 780-3 o ed, 53R7+a90 � � 5ronahaven Dr R _ r ✓ rrP trGir , I s O— � 0ti -pm py m,a tea, a•m� � a °r, s' 0 1,000 2.000 3,000 a P•1 .g ° i `s•6� s a o Feet ryes m m Figure 1 Development Location Merh2013 k Northeast Area Plang Sibd ninDildo e •� e• e 6 ��" Yorba Linda Water d a d �aX I ►� C Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 4 Fairmont BPS Improvements • Seven New Booster Pumps • Z675 to Z920: 800 gpm (1 pump) • Z675/780 to Z1000: 2,800 gpm (2 pumps) • Z675 to Z780: 5,500 gpm (3 pumps) • Z920 to Z1000: 2,800 gpm (1pump) • 41200 Ft. of New Pipeline — From Fairmont to offsite locations (to convey more water) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 5 Water Quality Improvements • Disinfection System at Fairmont BPS • Reservoir Management System at Higher /More Easterly Reservoirs • Continue Cycling Existing Reservoirs • Sample More Constituents at Reservoirs Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 6 8. g .o, Legend 00� ra' • System Valves TRENTWD LN _ _ r Pump Stations rr" Pipelines by Pressure Zone s -675 BPS Fairmont Reservoir 112' -780-1 24" 24" 24" 920 � ry> T, •• - 1,000 -t Fairmont Reservoir M. E- Parcels 27' '1 R �• 'C a m B" 2 � w • <r�R�<ro 0 50 100 mommK== Feet Figure 5 FaimnoM BPS Site Layout March 2013 a' rz Northeast Area Planning Stud fY Yorbs Linda Water District 18' RASTANp�URVRp � Water Quality Improvements • Disinfection System at Fairmont BPS • Reservoir Management System at Higher /More Easterly Reservoirs • Continue Cycling Existing Reservoirs • Sample More Constituents at Reservoirs Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 6 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting • 47 j. 9L w Yorba Linda Water District FINAL REPORT Northeast Area Planning Study Job No. 2010 -116 March 2013 C CAM #Ww„A#% Engineers... Working Wonders With Water° to 7 .7 Yorba Linda Water District Northeast Area Planning Study 2010 -11 B REPORT FINAL March 2013 199 SOUTH LOS ROBLES AVENUE - SUITE 530 - PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 - (626) 535 -0180 - FAX (626) 535 -0185 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Northeast Area Planning Study FINAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................... ...........................ES -1 StorageEvaluation ............................................................... ............................... ES -1 Pump Station Evaluation ...................................................... ............................... ES -1 PipelineEvaluation ............................................................... ............................... ES -2 WaterQuality ........................................................................ ............................... ES -3 Other Recommendations ..................................................... ............................... ES -3 1.0 BACKGROUND ............................................................................ ..............................1 2.0 PROJECTED DEMANDS ............................................................. ..............................1 2.1 Existing Demands ........................................................... ............................... 1 2.2 Planned Developments ................................................... ............................... 1 2.3 Projected Demands by Pressure Zone ........................... ............................... 5 3.0 STORAGE CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS ....................................... ..............................6 3.1 Storage Components ...................................................... ............................... 6 3.2 Recommended Storage Criteria ..................................... ............................... 8 3.3 Storage Evaluation ....................................................... ............................... 10 3.4 Storage Recommendations for Development ............... ............................... 14 4.0 PUMP STATION CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS ............................. .............................16 4.1 Pump Station Sizing Criteria ......................................... ............................... 16 4.2 Pipeline Sizing Criteria .................................................. ............................... 17 4.3 Existing Pump Station Capacities ................................. ............................... 17 4.4 Operating Conditions Based on Supply Mix Percentages ........................... 18 4.5 Pump Station Sizing ..................................................... ............................... 21 5.0 HYDRAULIC MODELING ........................................................... .............................30 5.1 Updates to Hydraulic Model .......................................... ............................... 31 5.2 Near -Term Facilities Included in Hydraulic Model ........ ............................... 32 6.0 WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS ..................................................... .............................32 6.1 Nitrification Action Plan and Current Operating Practices ........................... 32 6.2 Sampled Chlorine Levels in Distribution System .......... ............................... 33 6.3 Impact of Proposed Improvements on Water Quality ... ............................... 38 6.4 Recommendations .......................................................... .............................45 7.0 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. .............................47 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx LIST OF TABLES Table ES.1 Fairmont PS Sizing ..................................................... ............................... ES -2 Table 1 Estimated Development Demand ..................................... ............................... 3 Table 2 Assumed Demands for Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. Development ................. 4 Table 3 Future Demand Summary ................................................. ............................... 4 Table 4 Projected Demands by Pressure Zone ............................. ............................... 5 Table 5 Storage Criteria for Various Southern California Purveyors ............................. 9 Table6 Storage Criteria ............................................................... ............................... 10 Table 7 Existing Storage Analysis ............................................... ............................... 11 Table 8 Future Storage Analysis .................................................. ............................... 12 Table 9 Required Storage for New Development ........................ ............................... 14 Table 10 Existing Pump Station Capacity... .................................................................. 18 Table 11 Operating Conditions based on Supply Mix Percentages .............................. 19 Table 12 Pressure Zone Supply by Operating Condition ............... ............................... 20 Table 13 Fairmont Pump Station Sizing ......................................... ............................... 23 Table 14 Hidden Hills and Santiago PS Sizing .............................. ............................... 28 Table 15 Existing Pump Station Hydraulics ................................... ............................... 30 Table 16 Chlorine Residual by Sample Site and Zone .................. ............................... 34 Table 17 Sampled Water Quality Data at Reservoirs .................... ............................... 37 Table 18 Fairmont PS Sizing ......................................................... ............................... 48 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Development Locations .................................................... ............................... 2 Figure 2 Seasonal Valve Locations ................................................. ............................... 7 Figure 3 On -Site Storage Siting .................................................... ............................... 15 Figure 4 Percentage Groundwater of Total Supply ....................... ............................... 19 Figure 5 Fairmont PS Site ............................................................. ............................... 22 Figure 6 Fairmont PS Sizing ......................................................... ............................... 24 Figure 7 Fairmont PS Conditions 1 through 5 (Zone 780 -3 to 1,000- 1) ....................... 26 Figure 8 Fairmont PS Conditions 6 and 7 (Zone 675 to 920/1,000 -1) ......................... 26 Figure 9 Fairmont PS Condition 8 (Zone 675 to 780 -3) ................ ............................... 27 Figure 10 Fairmont PS Condition 9 (Zone 675 to 780 -3/1, 000- 1) ... ............................... 27 Figure 11 Potential Pipeline Improvements .................................... ............................... 29 Figure 12 Hydraulic Model Screenshot ........................................... ............................... 31 Figure 13 Sampled Chlorine Residuals by Sampling Site ............... ............................... 36 Figure 14 Predicted Effect of Development on Little Canyon Reservoir ........................ 39 Figure 15 Sampled and Predicted Existing Chlorine Residuals ...... ............................... 41 Figure 16 Predicted Near -Term Chlorine Residuals ....................... ............................... 43 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A References Appendix B Operating Conditions Appendix C Reservoir Storage Groups Appendix D Hydraulic Model Manual Appendix E Hydraulic Model Calibration ii March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Northeast Area Planning Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of the Northeast Area Planning Study is to evaluate the capacity of existing distribution system facilities and size new infrastructure required to provide water under anticipated operational conditions for future demands. The proposed Esperanza Hills Estates (EHE) and Sage (SG) developments are projected to add 542 acre -feet per year (afy) to the District's annual demands, resulting in an overall system annual demand of 25,388 afy, which equates to a 2 percent demand increase. The District's current maximum day demand is estimated to increase by 0.7 million gallons per day (mgd) to 33.6 mgd. Storage Evaluation Due to topology, the proposed EHE and SG developments will need to be divided into two pressure zones, with hydraulic grade lines at 1,200 feet above mean sea level (ft -msl) and 1,390 ft -msl. Based on updated storage criteria, these developments would require approximately 1.3 million gallons (MG) of storage. After evaluation of the following two alternatives, it is recommended that storage be accommodated as discussed in Option 1 below: Option 1. The entire 1.3 MG storage would be located within both development areas. Each zone would need 0.18 MG of dedicated fire flow storage (0.36 MG), unless greater fire flow requirements are established by the Orange County Fire Authority. The remaining 0.94 MG storage would need to be prorated by the demands of each pressure zone. As detailed in Section 3.4.1, additional offsite improvements will be required. Option 2. Utilizing the Hidden Hills Reservoir for additional storage is not a viable option as discussed in detail in Section 3.4.2. Pump Station Evaluation This project focused on the sizing of the District's Fairmont Pump Station (FPS) as the FPS is critical to serve the new developments and is planned for replacement due to aging. The FPS currently has a capacity of about 2,100 gallons per minute (gpm), and can be manually operated to alternate its suction and discharge pressure zones. Sizing of the proposed FPS was developed to include a variety of operating conditions to achieve a range of groundwater Basin Pumping Percentages (BPP). Twelve different operating scenarios for groundwater supplies ranging from 0 to 100 percent were developed. These scenarios were grouped in three categories based on the different suction and discharge conditions as listed in Section 4.5.1. March 2013 ES -1 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx To accommodate these wide variety of pumping scenarios, four groups of pump units are required as summarized in Table ES.1. All seven pump units are recommended to be variable frequency drives (VFDs), but could be configured as constant speed pumps with the addition of one unit as described in Section 4.5.1. In addition to the FPS improvements, Hidden Hills PS and Santiago PS would each need one additional pump unit if storage for the new development is partially provided from Hidden Hills Reservoir and the development is served from Zone 1,000 -2 (Santiago Reservoir) or Zone 1,390 (Hidden Hills Reservoir). Details are provided in Section 4.5.2. Table ES.1 Fairmont PS Sizing Design To From TDH Capacity(') Units Zone Zone (ft) (gpm) Notes 1 920 675 237 800 No standby unit included since OC89 provides reliability. 2 - 3 1,000 -1 675/780 -3 388 2,800 1 +1 configuration 4 - 6 780 -3 675 120 5,500 2 +1 configuration No standby unit included since not 7 1,000 -1 920 212 2,800 assumed to be a typical operating condition. Note: 1. Rounded up to nearest 100 gpm. It is recommended that the District include either a portable diesel generator or on -site natural gas powered backup generator at FPS and that the PS include pressure reducing valves to supply Zone 675 from Zone 780 -3 and supply Zone 920 from Zone 1,000 -1 to increase operational flexibility. Pipeline Evaluation Based on hydraulic model analysis, two pipelines in the vicinity of FPS were also identified as deficient, resulting in high headloss and additional pumping head requirements for the new PS. To minimize the pump unit sizing and energy cost, it is recommended to increase the capacity of the following pipelines with large diameter pipeline replacements or parallel pipelines: The 12 -inch diameter Zone 1,000 -1 pipeline extending 3,500 feet along Fairmont Boulevard between FPS and Forest Avenue. This pipeline should be replaced by a 16 -inch diameter pipeline or paralleled with a 12 -inch diameter pipeline. The 12 -inch diameter Zone 780 -3 pipeline extending 670 feet along Fairmont Boulevard from Bastanchury Road onto the District's FPS. Adding a dedicated ES -2 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx pipeline to the Bryant Cross Feeder south of Bastanchury Road would require about 800 feet of 24 -inch diameter pipeline. Water Quality The key steps the District can implement to limit nitrification and residual loss from occurring are reducing water age and improving mixing within the District's reservoirs. It is recommended that the District continue to follow its reservoir cycling practices, following the guidelines recommended in the nitrification study. For new reservoirs, it is recommended that the District include within the design systems to increase cycling within the reservoirs, consisting of separate inlet and outlets (using multiple diffused inlets where possible), samplers to provide real -time automated monitoring of disinfection residual, and a mixing device within the reservoir. A reservoir management system could provide this functionality in a single system along with boosting disinfection residual. For the Fairmont PS, it is recommended that the District incorporate a disinfection station into the design that can inject free chlorine. If this emergency approach is not sufficient, the next recommended step would be to install reservoir management systems (mixers, analyzers, and potentially injection of chloramines). Other Recommendations This Northeast Area Planning Study is primarily limited to the system evaluation surrounding the new Esperanza Hills /Sage developments and the FPS. It is recommended that a comprehensive system evaluation be conducted for all pump stations and the entire distribution system under the variety of operating scenarios. In addition, it is recommended that the updated hydraulic model be used to optimize the system operational controls of the system for the most common BPP target scenarios to make system operations more consistent year- around. March 2013 ES -3 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Northeast Area Planning Study FINAL REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND The Yorba Linda Water District (District) is an independent special district that provides water and sewer service to residents and businesses within its 27 square mile service area. Some of the last remaining developments within the District's service area are anticipated to be constructed in the near future. The District is undertaking this study to evaluate water service in the northeast area of the District. Specifically, this study is intended to evaluate the capacity of the system to supply the areas of new development and recommend sizing of infrastructure to provide water under anticipated operational conditions for future demands. 2.0 PROJECTED DEMANDS 2.1 Existing Demands The District's fiscal year (FY) 2011/12 demands were 20,433 afy, averaging 18.2 mgd (including unaccounted for water). As has been observed throughout the region, demands for the District peaked in calendar year 2007 at 24,840 afy, falling by 25 percent to 18,654 afy in calendar year 2010. For conservative planning, existing demand distribution for this study was based on an Average Day Demand (ADD) of 21.7 mgd, equivalent to FY2007/08. Demands had been geospatially allocated within the hydraulic model during a previous project based on billing data. Based on the 2005 Water Master Plan (WMP), the District's seasonal peaking factor (MDD /ADD) is 1.48, resulting in a MDD of 32.2 mgd. 2.2 Planned Developments Two developments are currently planned for the northeast area of the District's service area, the Esperanza Hills Estates development and the Sage development. The locations of these developments are shown on Figure 1. Demands were estimated for these developments based on the water demand factors developed in the 2005 WMP and an average density of one dwelling unit per acre. Resulting demands are shown in Table 1. As shown in Table 1, projected ADD for both developments is 0.48 mgd, with a MDD of 0.72 mgd. While connection of the developments to the existing water distribution system will be discussed in greater detail in Section 3.4 and 4.5, the developments will most likely take supply from Zone 1,000 -1 or a zone downstream of Zone 1,000 -1. March 2013 1 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Chino Little 1 Y 3 Canyon e / Legend I 0 Tanks Pipes by Zone Parcels a $" ': Reservoir 1� 12' -12" �o, � Planned Developments 1 160 12" Quarterhorse 8„ N, �� a 8 Esperanza Hills Estates Reservoir $ � ,? 12 ^j8 dgeeRd _ Esperanza Hills 16„ ^ ® 6" ..$ 8_, O RI Sage I e - 6" ,n Estates 2„ a o I 8' B,,Saddle Shapell &Toll Brothers, Inc. 1? 6„ y 2' ��. 12" 12 V ^ - ` o r w J Ridge Way 6„ 8"a' �'�..10" 10" 7o „1p„ ., 8, „� Sage Ridge 8„ 8„ Shapell B Drive Ran Fairmont t ,- „ � Reservoirs "Q Development -' \ yo;, 36" n i 70• 8 , 8 1- , & Toll Brothers, Inc. � 10„ N 8° 3" $ ��17,% 12'- 2 °° ° �8 �dy Esperanza Hills 0„ TRcy ^ �� 6„ ; ° ,° �° Sage Estates ^ 8„ � v 6.. >o„ o Q� m Rd 3s° o ,\ son 8., � � � � 8,; 8., �„ d Edi c' 8„ o ° 780-3 3 = 2. 8 0 s ° 0 6„ 6,. �s - 10 Santiago �.. 33^ Reservoir i a ° 0 10° 10' �o° � 331, ` Stoneha yen Dr a° 8,. 0 6" g3 o •��— o� &.,6 6 —. a 6, 8 1_�' Grgen Cre ' � 10' s 12„ 81/ 12 61, 8 ^�` � 8'• 8" 8 co - - _ J m im `° 8 10 ' 8 = 8 L1 L= 14 ' 124" 14 14 •'g- - 780 - g' I t G 10„ 10 >�. 6„ 8, � p o: g o> 6), 8" 6w: 1,0 2,0 3,g L 6. 6�6 a.,� - -� ��„ 6 6 n cob 8 d , �,�, a 8 � : 6 • .. , � 12" _ Feet ... ^� g' 6 8 �po �8ry„ • Figure 1 s 8" Development L ocation 8 ss' o ° C March 2013 c 7 2 1 2� Northeast Area Planning Stud �6" 8 10' 6° � Yorba Linda Water District ( $„ 9oineers...Workina Wonders With Table 1 Estimated Development Demand Development Projected Water Equivalent Demand Acreage (1,2) WDF ADD AAD MDD(3) Development Homes (acres) (gpd /ac) (mgd) (afy) (mgd) Esperanza Hills Estates 340 340 1,070 0.36 407.5 0.54 Sage 112 112 1,070 0.12 134.2 0.18 Total 452 452 n/a 0.48 541.7 0.72 Notes: 1. Based on discussions with developer's engineer, any disturbed area will be irrigated. 2. Using assumption of average density of 1 dwelling unit per acre with water demand factor (WDF) from 2005 WMP of 1,070 gpd /ac. 3. Based on seasonal peaking factor of 1.48. In addition to the existing demands and planned development demands for the Esperanza Hills Estates and Sage developments, infrastructure has already been constructed for the Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. Development, but the houses have not yet been built. Thus, demands were added for this development based on the hydraulic analysis conducted for sizing its infrastructure. The Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. Development is served by three separate pressure zones — Zone 780 -3, Zone 920, and Zone 1,000 -1. Resulting demands are shown in Table 2. As shown in Table 2, the Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. Development is anticipated to add approximately 0.65 mgd of demand under MDD conditions. The total projected future demand for the entire District's service area is summarized in Table 3. As shown in Table 3, the District's future system ADD with the developments listed above is projected to increase from 21.7 mgd to 22.6 mgd. This equates to a 4 percent increase. Although this demand increase is fairly minimal system wide, the demand increase is substantial for a few pressure zones and the associated pump station and reservoir facilities. March 2013 3 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 2 Assumed Demands for Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. Development ADD AAD MDD Pressure Zone (mgd) (afy) (mgd) 780 -3 0.27 306.3 0.40 920 0.16 175.1 0.23 1,000 -1 0.01 7.9 0.01 Total 0.44 489.2 0.65 Notes: 1. Demand distribution within hydraulic model was based on equal distribution to all nodes within development, consistent with hydraulic analysis Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. Development, Yorba Linda Water System Calculations Addendum No. 1 (Hunsaker and Associates Irvine, Inc., 2005). Demand to each zone was based on percentage of demand in each zone in hydraulic junction report (since totals were slightly inconsistent). 2. Calculations within the study were completed for Peak Hour Demand conditions with a total Peak Hour Demand of 773.4 gpm; a seasonal peaking factor of 1.48 and a peak hour demand factor of 2.55 were assumed in order to calculate MDD and ADD based on the 2005 WMP. Table 3 Future Demand Summary AAD ADD MDD Component (afy) (mgd) (mgd) Existing 24,357 21.7 32.2 Esperanza Hills Estates / Sage 542 0.5 0.7 Shapell & Toll Brothers, Inc. 489 0.4 0.7 Development Total 25,388 22.6 33.6 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ DocumentslClienUCA/ YLWD /9047AOO /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 2.3 Projected Demands by Pressure Zone As the capacity evaluation and sizing of pump stations and reservoir are dependent on the demand of each pressure zone, demands are presented by pressure zone in Table 4. Table 4 Projected Demands by Pressure Zone Existing Additional Total Demand Development Demand o, = N = _ 14 = 0 = L- AAD MDD AAD MDD AAD MDD ` w E 0 L ~ E N Reservoir (afy) (mgd) (afy) (mgd) (afy) (mgd) a o a o 0 428 Highland 21486 3.3 2,486 3.3 12% 12% 430 149 0.2 149 0.2 < 1% < 1 % 570 Lakeview 8,119 10.7 8,119 10.7 25% 24% 675 Valley View 1,413 1.9 1,413 1.9 6% 6% 675 Fairmont 3,119 4.1 3,119 4.1 18% 17% 680 Bryant Ranch 1,887 2.5 1,887 2.5 4% 4% 780 -1 Gardenia 454 0.6 454 0.6 4% 4% 780 -2 479 0.6 479 0.6 < 1 % < 1 % 780 -3 Springview 1,418 1.9 306 0.4 1,724 2.3 10% 10% 718 62 0.1 62 0.1 < 1% < 1% 780 -4 Elk Mountain 653 0.9 653 0.9 6% 6% 920 Quarterhorse 380 0.5 175 0.2 555 0.7 2% 2% 1,000 -1 Little Canyon 881 1.2 550 0.7 1,430 1.9 5% 7% 1,000 -2 Santiago 583 0.8 583 0.8 3% 3% 908 133 0.2 133 0.2 < 1 % < 1 % 991 242 0.3 242 0.3 < 1 % < 1 % Camino de 1,165 Bryant 452 0.6 452 0.6 3% 3% 1,160 128 0.2 128 0.2 < 1% < 1% 1,300 Chino Hills 298 0.4 298 0.4 2% 2% 1,390 Hidden Hills 197 0.3 197 0.3 < 1 % < 1 % 1,133 78 0.1 78 0.1 < 1% < 1% 706 748 1.0 748 1.0 < 1 % < 1 % Total 24,357 32.2 1,031 1.4 25,388 33.6 100% 100% As shown in Table 4, the 1,000 Zone is divided into Zone 1,000 -1, served by Little Canyon Reservoir, and Zone 1,000 -2, served by Santiago Reservoir. The zone is separated by an March 2013 5 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /Client/CA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx isolation valve, labeled on Figure 2 as SV -3. This valve needs to be closed to ensure proper cycling of Santiago Reservoir per discussions with the District's operations staff. If the pressure zone is operated as a single pressure zone, Santiago Reservoir fills such that cycling the reservoir becomes unfeasible. While the demands shown in Table 4 are based on demands allocated in the hydraulic model, the percentages of demands used in this analysis are based on input from District operations staff, which was adjusted to account for the projected demands associated with future development. This demand distribution is deemed more reliable, as it eliminates the errors associated with geospatial allocation and scaling of billing data. As seen by comparing the existing percentage of demands by pressure zone to the total projected demand, Zone 1,000 -1 is projected to increase from five percent of the total demand to seven percent, and increase for the pressure zone of about 40 percent. Note that the District is planning to implement some rezoning, affecting the boundary between Zones 920 and 1,000 -1. By adjusting this boundary, the District will more fully utilize the excess storage in Quarterhorse Reservoir. Storage capacity will be discussed in Section 3.0. 3.0 STORAGE CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS As a part of this study, the existing water system storage criteria as outlined in the District's 2005 WMP were reviewed and recommended for revision. Storage criteria are used in determining the required storage for the water system on a pressure zone basis and for the system as a whole. The criteria are used to compare existing storage volumes with the required volumes per the defined criteria to determine if the system has storage deficiencies that need to be address by constructing additional storage reservoirs or by sharing excess storage capacity between pressure zones. These criteria are also used to determine the storage needs for future developments seeking to connect to the District's distribution system. 3.1 Storage Components Storage criteria are typically divided in to the following three components: Operational Storage Fire Flow Storage Emergency Storage The typical factors used to size operational, fire flow, and emergency storage are described below. Operational Storage Operational storage is defined as the quantity of water that is required to balance daily fluctuations in demand and water production. It is necessary to coordinate water source 6 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Legend \Seasonal Isolation Valves O Tanks ED Service Area El Parcels EBIR ST 'F Pipeline El TELEGRAPH CANYON RD \ < 7 inch 7 - 15 inch T�l- _ > 15 inch 4 6 SV7 SV6 SV SV4 6G _ SV1 LC SV5 LT r� - - �� -i _ �� SV3 5 2 v s . - e , Cl/l/ �\ r 0 2,000 4,000 Feet Figure 2 Seasonal Isolation Valves March 2013 � ^ o Northeast Area Planning Study Yorba Linda Water District i oft 'r►w /l.% ' gineers... Workinq Wonders production rates and available storage capacity in a water system to provide a continuous treated water supply to the system. Water systems are often designed to supply the average of the MDD and use reservoir storage to supply water for peak hour flows that typically occur in mornings and late afternoons. This operational storage is replenished during off -peak hours that typically occur during nighttime, when demand is less. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) recommends that operational storage be at least 25 percent of MDD (AWWA 1989). Fire Flow Storage Storage for fire flows is typically sized to be at least the volume equal to the maximum fire flow and its corresponding duration within each pressure zone (either directly or from a higher zone). This maximum fire flow is defined by land use category. For each zone, the land use category present with the highest fire flow requirement in each zone is selected and then multiplied with the corresponding duration to determine the minimum amount of designated fire flow storage in that particular zone. The District has historically assumed one fire per major pressure zone of its distribution system. The means, that subzones that are fed through pressure reducing valves (PRVs) from a major pressure zone will rely on the fire flow storage in that major pressure zone. In other words, only one fire per major pressure zone and associated subzones is assumed to take place at a particular time. Emergency Storage Storage is also required to meet system demands during emergencies. Emergencies cover a wide range of rare but probable events, such as water contamination, failure at water treatment plants (WTP), power outages, transmission pipeline ruptures, several simultaneous fires, and earthquakes. The volume of water that is needed during an emergency is usually based on the estimated amount of time expected to elapse before the disruptions caused by the emergency are corrected or additional supplies can be brought online. The occurrence and magnitude of emergencies is difficult to predict and therefore, emergency storage is typically set as a percentage of ADD or MDD rather than specifying an exact volume as a criteria. 3.2 Recommended Storage Criteria The District has experienced water quality issues (i.e., loss of chlorine residual) related to high water age. The water quality concerns are particularly present in some of the pressure zones in the eastern part of the District's service area where the water demand is very small compared to the available storage volume, resulting in high detention times. To mitigate this issue, the District operates some of these reservoirs at lower levels and /or only utilizes one of two storage compartments, where reservoirs are divided into separate compartments. This strategy has resulted in a reduced usage of the reservoir capacity and 8 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx prompted the question whether the storage criteria are too conservative to meet water quality objectives in the system. For comparison, Carollo prepared a table of storage criteria used by other agencies and used in water master plans prepared by Carollo Engineers for other water utilities in Southern California. This comparison is summarized in Table 5. Table 5 Storage Criteria for Various Southern California Purveyors Total Fireflow Emergency Storage Supply Operational Storage (2) Storage Requirement Agency Mix(') Storage (MG) (MG) for YLWD (3) City of Orange GW + IW 30% MDD 3.7 100% MDD 49.5 City of Garden Grove GW + IW 30% MDD 2.5 100% ADD 35.6 City of Upland GW 30% MDD 2.9 100% MDD 49.5 City of Hesperia GW 30% MDD 3.5 100% MDD 49.5 El Centro IW 30% MDD 1.0 100% MDD 49.5 City of Pasadena GW + IW 30% MDD 6.8 50% MDD 33.1 Victorville Water District GW 25% MDD 8.0 50% MDD 31.4 YLWD GW + IW 100% MDD 6.75 300 -700% ADD 85.5 Existing Storage YLWD 58.7 Notes: 1. GW = Groundwater; IW = Imported Water 2. This is combined fire flow requirement for entire distribution system of the listed agency.. 3. This is the total storage required if YLWD implements the same criteria as the listed agency using the operational and emergency storage criteria of the corresponding agency and 6.75 MG of fire flow storage (per the 2005 WMP). As shown in Table 5, storage criteria varies from agency to agency but in general is substantially less than used by the District. Operational storage typically ranges from 25 %- 30% of MDD, compared to 100% of MDD used by the District. Emergency storage typically ranges from 50% to 100% of MDD. It should be noted that 50% of MDD is nearly typically (using a peaking factor of 1.7 -2.0) the same as 100% of ADD. Since the 2005 WMP, the District increased redundancy of its system supplies through upgrades to the distribution system and the purchase of three portable booster pumps and one portable electrical generator unit. In addition, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC) increased reliability of the Diemer WTP. Further, the District's groundwater supplies represent a point of redundancy to its water supply and storage system. March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /Client/CA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Based on this, it is recommended that the District revise its storage criteria to the same as the City of Orange, as the criteria are the most conservative of the listed agencies that has a similar water distribution system configuration (with multiple gravity pressure zones) and the same supply mix (both imported water and groundwater supplies). The ability to use groundwater wells to serve demands provides another form of (aquifer) storage and is therefore relevant for comparison. These recommended revised storage criteria compared to the District's 2005 WMP are therefore as follows: Operational Storage: 30 percent of MDD Fire Flow Storage: Consistent with criteria used in 2005 WMP, which was based on land use by pressure zone Emergency Storage: 100 percent of MDD. 3.3 Storage Evaluation When the recommended storage criteria are adopted and applied, the District's total required storage volume would be approximately 49.5 MG, which is about 9.2 MG less than the District's existing volume of 56.7 MG as shown in Table 6. Table 6 Storage Criteria Total Fireflow Emergency Storage Supply Operational Storage (2) Storage Requirement Mix(') Storage (MG) (MG) for YLWD(3) Previous Criteria GW + IW 100% MDD 6.75 300 -700% ADD 85.5 Updated Criteria GW + IW 30% MDD 6.75 100% MDD 49.5 Existing Storage YLWD 58.7 Notes: 1. GW = Groundwater; IW = Imported Water 2. This is combined fire flow requirement for entire distribution system of the listed agency.. 3. This is the total storage required if YLWD implements the same criteria as the listed agency using the operational and emergency storage criteria of the corresponding agency and 6.75 MG of fire flow storage (per the 2005 WMP). While the total required storage volume of 49.5 MG is sufficient when the District's storage is considered a whole, storage capacity must be evaluated on a pressure zone by pressure zone basis, since storage must be available where it is needed. Table 7 and Table 8 present such an analysis for the existing and future systems, with reservoirs and pressure zones grouped based on whether storage would be available in an emergency. A figure showing this storage grouping is included in Appendix C. 10 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 7 Existing Storage Analysis Zone Existing Demand AAD MDD (afy) (mgd) Operational (MG) Emergency (MG) Reservoir Fire (MG) Size Total (MG) Existing (MG) Balance (MG) 428 2,486 3.3 0.99 2.22 1.20 4.40 6.0 +1.6 Subtotal +1.6 570 430 8,119 149 10.7 0.2 3.22 0.06 7.25 0.13 1.20 11.67 0.19 8.0 -3.7 -0.2 Subtotal -3.9 675 4,532 6.0 1.80 4.05 0.45 6.29 9.5 +3.2 Subtotal +3.2 780 -1 780 -2 454 479 0.6 0.6 0.18 0.19 0.41 0.43 0.18 0.77 0.62 2.0 +1.2 -0.6 Subtotal +0.6 480 -3 706 718 1,418 748 62 1.9 1.0 0.1 0.56 0.30 0.02 1.27 0.67 0.06 0.45 2.28 0.96 0.08 8.0 +5.7 -1.0 -0.1 Subtotal +4.7 480 -4 680 653 1,887 0.9 2.5 0.26 0.75 0.58 1.68 1.20 0.84 3.63 6.0 2.3 +5.2 -1.3 Subtotal +3.8 920 380 0.5 0.15 0.34 0.18 0.67 7.3 +6.6 Subtotal +6.6 1,000 -1 908 1,463 133 1.9 0.2 0.58 0.05 1.31 0.12 0.18 2.07 0.17 2.0 -0.1 -0.2 Subtotal -0.3 1,165 991 452 242 0.6 0.3 0.18 0.10 0.40 0.22 0.18 0.76 0.31 3.2 +2.4 -0.3 Subtotal +2.1 1,300 1,160 298 128 0.4 0.2 0.12 0.05 0.27 0.11 0.18 0.56 0.16 0.5 -0.1 -0.2 Subtotal -0.2 1,390 1,133 197 78 0.3 0.1 0.08 0.03 0.18 0.07 0.18 0.43 0.10 2.0 +1.6 -0.1 Subtotal +1.5 Total 24,357 32.2 9.7 21.7 5.6 37.0 56.7 +19.8 Table 8 Future Storage Analysis Zone Existing Demand AAD MDD afy mgd Additional Development Demand AAD MDD afy mgd Total Demand AAD MDD afy mgd Reservoir Size Operational Emergency MG MG Fire MG Total MG Existing MG Balance MG 428 2,486 3.3 2,486 3.3 0.99 2.22 1.20 4.40 6.0 +1.6 Subtotal +1.6 570 430 8,119 149 10.7 0.2 8,119 149 10.7 0.2 3.22 0.06 7.25 0.13 1.20 11.67 0.19 8.0 -3.7 -0.2 Subtotal -3.9 675 4,532 6.0 4,532 6.0 1.80 4.05 0.45 6.29 9.5 +3.2 Subtotal +3.2 780 -1 780 -2 454 479 0.6 0.6 454 479 0.6 0.6 0.18 0.19 0.41 0.43 0.18 0.77 0.62 2.0 +1.2 -0.6 Subtotal +0.6 480 -3 706 718 1,418 748 62 1.9 1.0 0.1 306.3 0.4 1,724 748 62 2.3 1.0 0.1 0.56 0.30 0.02 1.27 0.67 0.06 0.45 2.28 0.96 0.08 8.0 +5.7 -1.0 -0.1 Subtotal +4.7 480 -4 680 653 1,887 0.9 2.5 653 1,887 0.9 2.5 0.26 0.75 0.58 1.68 1.20 0.84 3.63 6.0 2.3 +5.2 -1.3 Subtotal +3.8 920 380 0.5 175.1 0.2 555 0.7 0.15 0.34 0.18 0.67 7.3 +6.6 Subtotal +6.6 1,000 -1 908 1,463 133 1.9 0.2 549.6 0.7 2,013 133 2.7 0.2 0.80 0.05 1.80 0.12 0.18 2.78 0.17 2.0 -0.8 -0.2 Subtotal -1.0 1,165 991 452 242 0.6 0.3 452 242 0.6 0.3 0.18 0.10 0.40 0.22 0.18 0.76 0.31 3.2 +2.4 -0.3 Subtotal +2.1 1,300 1,160 298 128 0.4 0.2 298 128 0.4 0.2 0.12 0.05 0.27 0.11 0.18 0.56 0.16 0.5 -0.1 -0.2 Subtotal -0.2 1,390 1,133 197 78 0.3 0.1 197 78 0.3 0.1 0.08 0.03 0.18 0.07 0.18 0.43 0.10 2.0 +1.6 -0.1 Subtotal +1.5 Total 24,357 32.2 1,031.0 1.41 25,388 33.51 9.9 22.2 5.6 37.7 56.7 +19.1 As shown in Table 7, the District's overall storage demand balance is positive with 19.8 MG more storage available than required. However, on a zone -by -zone basis, the storage balance shows a deficit for several pressure zone groups. This does not necessarily represent a deficiency, as in several cases, the storage deficits in lower zones can be accommodated through excess storage in upper zones. It should be noted that this storage analysis assumes full utilization of capacity of the reservoirs, a condition that is generally not present as most reservoirs are typically operated between 50 and 90 percent full. For the future storage balance, the development demands for the Esperanza Hills Estates and Sage developments are assumed to be served from Zone 1,000 -1. As shown in Table 8, the storage deficits for the zones described above are similar, with the exception of Zone 1,000 -1, due to the new development demand. The storage balance deficit in this zone is predicted to be 1.0 MG, an increase of 0.8 MG over the existing 0.2 MG deficit. There are three pressure zone groups that show a storage capacity deficit with the revised storage evaluation criteria, prior to adjustment for water transfer opportunities between pressure zone groups. These "deficiencies" can be resolved as follows: 570 Zone (with Subzone 430) — Lakeview Reservoir While Lakeview Reservoir is only 8.0 MG, required storage for this pressure zone group is 11.86 MG based on the updated criteria. Excess storage in Springview, Fairmont, and Gardenia Reservoirs totals 8.5 MG, and can count for storage in Zone 570 given the number of pressure reducing stations connecting these zones. District operations staff have noted that, due to the potential for supply interruptions associated with MWD supplies, Springview Reservoir may need to be upgraded. Lakeview Reservoir is expandable, with the site accommodating a total of 12.0 MG. Zone 1,300 (with Subzone 1,160) — Chino Hills Reservoir The storage balance for Zone 1,300 shows a deficit of 0.2 MG. The Timber Ridge BPS does include an engine driven pump, which could allow use of water from Little Canyon Reservoir during power outages. However, the storage balance for Zone 1,000 -1 also shows a deficit, which can be addressed as described below. Zone 1,000 -1 and Zone 1,000 -2 — Little Canyon and Santiago Reservoirs When considered as a whole, the storage balance for Zone 1,000 -1 shows a deficit of 0.3 MG. The excess storage capacity in Hidden Hills Reservoir could be used for Zone 1,000 -2, but currently there is no pressure reducing station from Zone 1,390 to Zone 1,000- 2 to allow flow in this direction (such a pressure reducing station could be sited at Santiago BPS). Currently, only one of the two bays of Hidden Hills Reservoir is used, with the other bay being inactive. The District experiences water quality issues associated with the long residence times when the full capacity of Hidden Hills Reservoir is used. March 2013 13 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 3.4 Storage Recommendations for Development Given the elevation differences of the proposed development parcels, the appropriate pressure zone hydraulic grade lines (HGLs) consistent with the YLWD zones are 1,200 ft- msl and 1,390 ft -msl. For redundancy, each proposed pressure zone will need to include at least a small storage tank to provide fire flow storage considering the risk of fires in the area. Based on the revised storage criteria and the projected development demands, the required storage for the new development is 1.3 MG as shown in Table 9. Table 9 Required Storage for New Development Operational Fireflow Emergency Total Storage MDD Storage Storage (2) Storage Required Zone (mgd) (MG) (MG) (MG) (MG) 1,200 - - 0.18 - - 1,390 - - 0.18 - - Total 0.72 0.22 0.36 0.72 1.3 Notes: 1. Breakdown of demand between zones is not known at this time; however, it is anticipated that each zone will require fire flow storage of 0.18 MG unless greater fire flow requirements are established by the Orange County Fire Authority, corresponding to an assumed 1,500 gpm fire flow requirement over a 2 hour period. Two potential configurations for storage were investigated Construction of all new storage tanks for the development storage requirement; and Utilization of some of the excess storage capacity in Hidden Hills Reservoir Following the investigation of these two alternatives, it was concluded that the dedicated storage for the new developments would be preferred due to reliability, water quality concerns, and reduced energy usage. 3.4.1 Alternative 1: Dedicated Storage for New Development The initial configuration of infrastructure associated with the new developments would consist of entirely new storage and pumping facilities. Figure 3 depicts a hydraulic schematic of this configuration. 14 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Figure 3 On -Site Storage Siting As shown in Figure 3, the development is anticipated to take supply from Zone 1,000 -1, served by Little Canyon Reservoir and fed by Fairmont PS. This configuration would require a pump station to supply the upper zone of the new development, while the lower zone could be supplied by the HGL of Little Canyon Reservoir. The elevation of the lower reservoir will need to account for headloss across the western portion of Zone 1,000 -1. Infrastructure required for this alternative includes: • Two pump stations within development, one for each pressure zone • Two tanks with a combined capacity of 1.3 MG (sizing depends on distribution of demands between zones) • Pressure reducing station (if upper tank is sized to meet some demands in lower zone) • In -tract development pipelines • Increase to firm capacity of Fairmont PS (see Section 4.5.1) • Additional offsite improvements including additional well capacity and pipeline upgrades (including zone reconfiguration improvements), to be determined by District staff. 3.4.2 Alternative 2: Utilization of Hidden Hills Reservoir Excess Storage As previously discussed, this is not a viable option. While this alternative could potentially reduce the amount of storage within the development, the pipeline from Zone 1,390 represents a single point of failure that could leave the development without water supplies. March 2013 15 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Hidden Hills Reservoir New Reservoirs (1.3 KAG) Little Canyon MinUWrHGL1,276ft +4008i= f,362ft Santiago Reservoir Reservoir 1,390' Santiago PS . • - 1,200' Fairmont ,,, Min L0WHGL639ft +400 =930ft PS Zone 1,000 Isolation Hidden Hills Valve PS (Seasonal Valve) Figure 3 On -Site Storage Siting As shown in Figure 3, the development is anticipated to take supply from Zone 1,000 -1, served by Little Canyon Reservoir and fed by Fairmont PS. This configuration would require a pump station to supply the upper zone of the new development, while the lower zone could be supplied by the HGL of Little Canyon Reservoir. The elevation of the lower reservoir will need to account for headloss across the western portion of Zone 1,000 -1. Infrastructure required for this alternative includes: • Two pump stations within development, one for each pressure zone • Two tanks with a combined capacity of 1.3 MG (sizing depends on distribution of demands between zones) • Pressure reducing station (if upper tank is sized to meet some demands in lower zone) • In -tract development pipelines • Increase to firm capacity of Fairmont PS (see Section 4.5.1) • Additional offsite improvements including additional well capacity and pipeline upgrades (including zone reconfiguration improvements), to be determined by District staff. 3.4.2 Alternative 2: Utilization of Hidden Hills Reservoir Excess Storage As previously discussed, this is not a viable option. While this alternative could potentially reduce the amount of storage within the development, the pipeline from Zone 1,390 represents a single point of failure that could leave the development without water supplies. March 2013 15 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx However, since emergency storage is not cycled, placing additional emergency storage in Hidden Hills will reduce cycling, exacerbating the existing water quality issues. In addition, pumping water through Santiago PS to an HGL of 1,390 ft -msl, and serving the 1,200 zone through a pressure reducing valve represents an ongoing energy loss. Based on these reasons, it is recommended that all storage be placed at the development site (Alternative 1). 3.4.3 Additional Esperanza Hills and Sage Requirements In addition to new storage and conveyance infrastructure required to connect the new developments with the District's distribution system, additional offsite improvements are required. This includes additional groundwater well capacity and other distribution pipeline upgrades that will be determined by District staff. 4.0 PUMP STATION CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS Since the District operates its distribution system under varying supply conditions, it is necessary that the District's distribution system can handle several different operational scenarios. Based on discussions with District staff, several operational supply scenarios were identified and the required capacity of the relevant pump stations were developed under each scenario. 4.1 Pump Station Sizing Criteria Pump stations serving zones with gravity storage are typically sized such that the station can meet the zone MDD with the largest pump out of service. This allows the station to meet the average hourly demands, while peak demands are supplied from storage. Reservoir storage is then replenished in low demand hours. However, when a pump station operates on a time -of -use (TOU) schedule, the pump station needs to meet the zone MDD and replenish storage in less than 24 hours. TOU operations therefore also affect pump station capacity requirements. The District currently operates the following pump stations on TOU: • Hidden Hills PS • Elk Mountain PS • Springview PS • Box Canyon PS Time of use electricity rates incentivize reduced electricity usage during peak demand periods by slightly decreasing the rate of electricity during non -peak hours in exchange for a higher rate of electricity during peak hours. For this analysis, it is assumed the District's 16 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ DocumentslClienUCA/ YLWD /9047AOO /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx time of use peak hours are noon to 5 pm (SCE rate schedule TOU- PA -B), and that the District targets utilization of pump units during off -peak or super- off -peak hours where possible (11 pm to 8 am for SCE rate schedules TOU -PA -S, TOU -PA -B, TOU -PA -A, and 12 am to 6 am for TOU -PA -SOP). Assuming that a pump station on this TOU schedule could not operate 6 hours a day (5 hours of peak rates with a 1 -hour buffer), the pump station would need to be able to pump the entire MDD in 18 hours. Pump stations on a TOU schedule therefore need to be sized for 133% of MDD (24/18). As a detailed energy cost analysis was beyond the scope of this study, it was assumed that PS sizing for operating under only off -peak hours (9 hours per day) or super- off -peak hours (6 hours per day) was not cost effective as this would result in significant stranded capacity during non - summer months while only providing marginal energy rate cost savings during a few summer months per year. 4.2 Pipeline Sizing Criteria Where necessary, a pipeline velocity criteria of 7 fps was used to evaluate the capacity of existing pipelines and transmission mains per input from District staff. Where exceeded, headloss for the relevant pump station will be discussed. 4.3 Existing Pump Station Capacities Each of the District's existing pump stations are listed in Table 10 with estimated total and firm capacities. The total capacity is based on the District's operations staff estimates of the amount of flow the pump station is able to handle, while the firm capacity is based on the sum of individual design capacities of the pump units (excluding the largest unit). It should be noted that the Yorba Linda Boulevard Pump Station, listed in Table 10, is currently under construction, and anticipated to be online in early 2014. March 2013 17 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 10 Existing Pump Station Capacity Upstream Total Firm Pump Pressure Downstream Number Capacity(') Capacity (2) Station Zone Pressure Zone of Units (gpm) (gpm) Highland 428 570 5 18,000 13,500 Lakeview 570 675 4 5,000 3,400 Elk Mountain 780 -4 1,165 3 2,500 1,200 Valley View 675 780 -1 3 2,400 1,800 Yorba Linda 570 675 3 4,500 3,950 Springview 780 -3 1,000 -1 3 1,000 685 Hidden Hills 780 -3 1,000 -2 4 2,100 1,400 Paso Fino OC89 / 780 -2 920 3 2,400 1,700 Timber Ridge 1,000 -1 1,300 4 1,700 645 Box Canyon 780 -3 780 -4 2 4,000 2,000 Santiago 1,000 -2 1,390 3 1,300 800 Fairmont 675/780 -3 780 - 3/1,000 -1 2 2,100 1,500 Notes: 1. Total capacity (based on operations spreadsheet and hydraulic model) 2. With largest unit out of service. 4.4 Operating Conditions Based on Supply Mix Percentages As the District adjusts its supply source mix (groundwater and imported water) seasonally, the District's transmission system must provide sufficient capability to accommodate a wide range of different supply conditions. Because of the water quality issues related to breakpoint chlorination, the District maintains supply separation between groundwater and imported water. Thus, the District adjusts to supply percentages by converting pressure zones from imported water to groundwater and vise - versa. Based on discussions with District staff, target percentages of groundwater versus imported water were developed to determine the likely conditions for which the pump stations should be sized. Table 11 presents an overview of twelve different supply conditions, while a detailed list of the supply source mix by each pressure zone is listed in and graphically presented in Appendix B. It should be noted that the extreme supply mix conditions, such as 100 percent imported water or groundwater, should be considered emergency conditions because these are uncommon. 18 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ DocumentslClienUCA/ YLWD /9047AOO /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 11 Operating Conditions based on Supply Mix Percentages Operating Condition Percentage Imported Water Percentage Groundwater Fully Imported Water 100% 0% 0 88% 12% 1 64% 36% 2 59% 41% 3 55% 45% 4 52% 48% 5 48% 52% 6 30% 70% 7 26% 74% 8 16% 84% 9 7% 93% Fully Groundwater 0% 100% As shown in Table 11, when moving down the table to conditions of greater supply from groundwater, less precision is available in selecting operating conditions (e.g., increasing to a groundwater condition above 74% requires moving all the way to 84 %). Historically, the District has worked around this difficulty by drastically changing supplies seasonally to higher percentages, and maintaining lower percentages of groundwater to make up the difference during the balance of the year. Figure 4 illustrates the District's supply percentage of groundwater over the past four years. 100% 90% w G 80% rn M 70% c 60% m- a a 50% L � 40% 3 30% 20% 10% 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Figure 4 Percentage Groundwater of Total Supply March 2013 19 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /Client/CA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 12 Pressure Zone Supply by Operating Condition Percentage of Zone MDD Reservoir Fully IW Condition 0 Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Condition 4 Condition 5 Condition 6 Condition 7 Condition 8 Condition 9 Fully GW System Demand mgd 428 3.3 Highland IW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW 12% 430 0.2 IW IW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW < 1% 570 10.7 Lakeview IW IW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW 24% 675 1.9 Valley View IW IW IW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW 6% 675 4.1 Fairmont IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW GW GW GW 17% 680 2.5 Bryant Ranch IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW 4% 780 -1 0.6 Gardenia IW IW IW IW GW GW IW IW GW IW IW GW 4% 780 -2 0.6 IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW IW GW < 1% 780 -3 2.3 Springview IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW 10% 718 0.1 IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW < 1 % 780 -4 0.9 Elk Mountain IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW 6% 920 0.7 Quarterhorse IW IW IW IW IW GW IW GW GW IW IW GW 2% 1,000 -1 1.9 Little Canyon IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW IW GW GW 7% 1,000 -2 0.8 Santiago IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW 3% 908 0.2 IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW <11% 991 0.3 IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW <11% 1,165 0.6 Camino de Bryant IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW 3% 1,160 0.2 IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW IW GW GW <11% 1,300 0.4 Chino Hills IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW IW GW GW 2% 1,390 0.3 Hidden Hills IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW <11% 1,133 0.1 IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW <1% 706 1.0 IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW IW GW GW GW <11% Total 33.5 100% Percentage Imported Water 100% 88% 64% 59% 55% 52% 42% 30% 26% 16% 7% 0% Percentage Groundwater 0% 12% 36% 41% 45% 48% 58% 70% 74% 84% 93% 100% Notes: IW = Imported Water GW = Groundwater It is anticipated that this problem will become worse in the future given the increased percentage of groundwater the District will be able to pump after annexation. In addition, several of the zones for which supply is being changed in the higher percentage groundwater conditions will be increasing in size given the developments discussed in Section 2.2. Recommendations to reduce the loss of residual decay will be discussed in Section 6.4. 4.5 Pump Station Sizing Based on the locations of the developments identified in Section 2.2, the Hidden Hills and Fairmont Pump Stations were identified for this project's scope of work as the primary pump stations that will be affected by the new development. Sizing of these pump stations under future demand conditions for various supply mix operating conditions are discussed in detail below. For this analysis, pump station capacity of upstream pump stations (located in lower pressure zones) were not evaluated, but increasing capacity of those pump stations may be necessary to achieve the targeted supply mix percentages. 4.5.1 Fairmont Pump Station Currently, the FPS supplies Zone 1,000 -1 from Zone 780 -3. Figure 6 shows the layout of the Fairmont Reservoir and Pump Station site. With manual reconfiguration of some isolation valves, the FPS can instead supply groundwater to Zone 780 -3 from Zone 675. The large demand associated with Zone 780 -3 and the limited capacity of the FPS limit the usefulness of this operating scenario. The District does maintain a portable engine driven pump at FPS to increase capacity under this operating scenario. As described earlier, being able to switch supply sources for Zone 1,000 -1 to groundwater would be useful to District operating staff for adjusting supply percentages. FPS is uniquely located within the District's distribution system to maximize this operational flexibility. Table 13 identifies the various pump station sizing groups required for FPS under the various operating conditions. It should be noted that the demands on the pump station were increased by 33 percent to account for the additional capacity requirements under TOU operations as discussed in Section 4.1. March 2013 21 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx <b 8„ / Q Legend 10" 10" • System Valves — TRENTINO LN CO 4r Pump Stations {2„ j Pipelines U by Pressure Zone Q 675 BPS Fairmont Reservoir 780 -1 12" o = 0 24" 24" 24" 920 CO N O 2A' 1,000 -1 • N 20„ N e Fairmont Reservoir M 30" 30" 30" 30" 30" Parcels 27" 20" �, • 0 12" i D J m 8n 8„ Z � N � ���ORNO�N 0 50 100 Feet N Cb • Figure 5 Fairmont BPS Site Layout March 2013 8" 121' Northeast Area Planning Stud 12" CO Yorba Linda Water District 18" N "ASTANCHURYRD 12' Table 13 Fairmont Pump Station Sizing Supply Mix FPS Configuration Demand on FPS Recommended Total Sizing w/ PS Dynamic Imported From ADD MDD MinDD Sizing Factor(') Head Condition Groundwater Water Zone To Zone (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (ft) 1 36% 64% 780 -3 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 2,795 330 2 41% 59% 780 -3 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 2,795 330 3 45% 55% 780 -3 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 2,795 330 4 48% 52% 780 -3 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 2,795 330 5 52% 48% 780 -3 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 2,795 330 6 70% 30% 675 92011,000 -1 1,810 2,679 833 675 920 390 577 179 768 237 675 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 2,795 388 7 74% 26% 675 92011,000 -1 1,810 2,679 833 675 920 390 577 179 768 237 675 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 2,795 388 8 84% 16% 675 780 -3 4,131 6,114 1,900 5,495 120 9 93% 7% 675 780 - 311,000 -1 5,551 8,216 2,554 675 780 -3 4,131 6,114 1,900 5,495 120 675 1,000 -1 1,420 2,102 653 1,889 388 Note: 1. Includes factor to account for time -of -use operation (assuming 18 hours per day). Sized for MDD for Conditions 1 through 7 and ADD for Conditions 8 and 9. March 2013 23 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx As shown in Table 13, FPS would be operated similarly under Conditions 1 through 5, supplying imported water from Zone 780 -3 to the west portion of Zone 1,000 -1. Conditions 6 and 7 are also identical for FPS, with the pump station supplying groundwater from Zone 675 to both Zone 1,000 -1 and Zone 920. Conditions 8 and 9 supply Zone 780 -3 and the eastern portion of the District's service area with groundwater from Zone 675. In Condition 9, FPS also must supply the west half of Zone 1,000 -1 with groundwater from Zone 675. (For FPS, Condition 9 is identical to operating fully with groundwater). The governing flow and head conditions for the various operating conditions for FPS are depicted on Figure 6. 400 350 300 $ 250 x 200 0 ~ 150 100 50 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Flow (gpm) Figure 6 Fairmont PS Sizing Based on the design points in Figure 6, it is recommended that the pump station include seven (7) pumps: • A single pump unit to serve Zone 920 from Zone 675 • Two pump units to serve Zone 1,000 -1 from Zone 675 or Zone 780 -3 (1 +1 PS configuration) • Three pump units to serve Zone 780 -3 from Zone 675 (2 +1 PS configuration) • A single pump unit to serve Zone 1,000 -1 from Zone 920 (not included in operating conditions, but could be used to supply imported water from Zone 920 to Zone 1,000 -1) As listed, the pump station design points for serving Zone 1,000 -1 from Zone 675 (under Conditions 6 and 7) and the design point for serving Zone 1,000 -1 from Zone 780 -3 (under 24 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Conditions 1 through 5) are close enough to use the same set of pumps designed for the higher point, with a VFD reducing the head for the lower operating point. Given the range of flows needed for demand conditions other than MDD, it is recommended to use VFDs for all pump units for maximum operating flexibility. Based on discussions with District operations staff, it is noted that the District does not currently utilize VFDs in the pump stations (to reduce operational complexity). The pump station could also be implemented without VFDs, with the addition of one unit (eight units instead of seven units). Separate units would need to be included for supplying Zone 1,000- 1 under Conditions 0 through 5 and Condition 6. Given the ability of Zone 920 to take imported water as a supply, it is recommended to only place a single unit (no standby) for the pump serving Zone 920. This backup supply would allow the District to serve all demands in Zone 920 with imported water in case of a pump failure or power outage, rather than providing additional backup capacity for this emergency at the FPS. It is not suggested to blend the two sources under typical operating conditions if possible, to avoid mixing of different disinfectant agents that can aversely affect water quality. Given the design head and flow, it may be possible to design the pump station to operate the standby unit for the second set of pumps as an emergency backup to the first unit. Similarly, a single pump unit is included for supply of Zone 1,000 -1 from Zone 920. While not addressed by any of the identified operating conditions, supply the MDD + TOU demand for Zone 1,000 -1 of 2,795 gpm from Zone 920 is predicted to require a design head of 211 feet. If the pipeline downstream of this pump unit is increased in size (as will be discussed later), design head of 167 feet is predicted to be sufficient. It should be noted that the upstream Zone 920 pipeline is predicted to flow at a velocity of about 8 fps under this condition. If this configuration was used on a regular basis, increasing the diameter of the upstream pipeline could result in energy savings to the District over the long term. It is recommended that the District include a natural gas powered backup generator at FPS. The existing pump station includes engine- driven pumps, which could operate during an electricity outage; the new pump station should also include this capability. In addition, District operations staff indicated that capability for supplying lower pressure zones from upper pressure zones would increase operational flexibility. Thus, it is recommended that the pump station include pressure reducing valves to supply Zone 675 from Zone 780 -3 and supply Zone 920 from Zone 1,000 -1. These improvements should be coordinated with existing and planned off -site pressure reducing stations to most efficiently provide these flows given existing pipeline capacities. The operation of the pump station for the various operating conditions are depicted in the following figures, with the active components of the pump station for the given operating conditions indicated in red (Figures 7 through 10). March 2013 25 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 675 780 -3 Figure 7 675 780 -3 Figure 8 2,795 gpm @ 211' 920 1,000 -1 CO 0 CO o M O N �1 ^Q v . N (V �- O 0 > O`er E CL N L + u Q CV > O O ti fl m � � N N Fairmont PS Conditions 1 through 5 (Zone 780 -3 to 1,000 -1) 2,795 gpm a 211' 920 1,000 -1 i� r7 Cq E + U— CL . .' M CO dp R CO ro E + a Q � u O CV 780 -3 0 cv r @; ❑ Q tm [V CO .t h- CV Fairmont PS Conditions 6 and 7 (Zone 675 to 920/1,000 -1) 26 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 675 780 -3 2,795 gpm @ 211' i-- @&D CL -> CD co to r- Figure 9 co co M �+ CL > LO Fairmont PS Condition 8 (Zone 675 to 780 -3) 2,795 gpm @ 211' E+ o rn� > 00 v r~ ni Figure 10 Fairmont PS Condition 9 (Zone 675 to 780 - 3/1,000 -1) Operation under Conditions 1, 6, and 9 were verified in the hydraulic model to check that tank cycling would occur regularly. Pipeline sizes of 16- inches diameter were assumed for the Zone 1,000 -1 pump units, with roughness coefficients of 130. Development demands were assumed to use a unit diurnal pattern. March 2013 27 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx In addition to the identified pump station improvements, pipelines in the vicinity of FPS with velocities exceeding the sizing criteria of 7 fps were identified as potential hydraulic bottlenecks. These pipelines are as follows and shown on Figure 11: • The existing 12 -inch diameter Zone 1,000 -1 pipeline installed in 1986 extending 3,500 feet along Fairmont Boulevard between FPS and Forest Avenue is predicted to experience velocities of about 7.6 fps under future system conditions (Conditions 1 — 5, 6, 7, and 9). If this segment of pipeline is upgraded to a 16 -inch diameter pipeline, the pump station head could be reduced from approximately 388 feet to 364 feet. In addition, it is predicted that the design head of the seventh pump unit could be reduced in head from 211 feet to 167 feet. Based on discussions with District staff, given the age of the pipeline, paralleling with a 16 -inch diameter pipeline and abandoning in the future may be a preferred phasing approach. • The 12 -inch diameter Zone 780 -3 pipeline extending 670 feet along Fairmont Boulevard from Bastanchury Road onto the District's FPS site is predicted to experience velocities of about 8.2 fps under future system conditions (Conditions 1 — 5). Adding a dedicated pipeline north of the Bryant Cross Feeder to the FPS site would require about 800 feet of 24 -inch diameter pipeline. 4.5.2 Hidden Hills and Santiago Pump Stations If the new Esperanza Hills /Sage development is supplied from Zone 1,000 -1, Hidden Hills and Santiago pump stations would not experience any increased demands. Both pump stations would operate under existing conditions for all operating conditions. However, if the Esperanza Hills Estates development connects to Zone 1,390 to utilize storage capacity in Hidden Hills Reservoir as described in Section 3.4.2, the capacity of each pump station needs to be increased. However, the demands would be consistent under all operating conditions. shows the capacity analysis with the development demands. Table 14 Hidden Hills and Santiago PS Sizing Additional Additional Existing Firm Existing Development TOU Total Firm Capacity Pump Pressure MDD MDD Demand Demand Capacity Needed Station Zone (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) Hidden 1,000 -2 909 500 465 1,874 1,400 474 Hills PS (Santiago), 908, 1,390, 1,133 Santiago 1,390, 252 500 417 1,169 800 369 PS 1,133 28 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Quarter 6° $„ J Legend 16 12" Horse Pump Stations (Reservoir E) Reservoirs Pipeline fig" Replace 12" with 16' 12" by Diameter (Zone 1,000 -1; 3,50 ft) 8 inches and less 10 to 14 inches o 12" 0 16 to 20 inches 24 inches and larger Fairmont Blvd Zone 780 -3 Pipeline Fairmont Blvd 101, 10" Zone 1,000 -1 Pipeline 8 p C Fairmont Reservoir Parcels 1W F ont r 0 R servoir [780-11. and BPS i� Replace 12" (Zone 780 - 8" Bq N R'Y' I. r- 0 M 10° 0 200 400 Feet Figure 11 I al Pipeline Improveme March 2013 east Area Planning Stud ba Linda Water District Enaineers...Workina Wonders With Water As shown in Table 14, the firm capacity of the existing pump stations would be insufficient to meet MDD and the additional TOU demand after connection of the new development. The Hidden Hills PS would require a 500 -gpm increase in firm capacity, while the Santiago PS would require a 400 -gpm increase in firm capacity. The current sizing of each pump station and the recommended additional units (shown in bold) are shown in Table 15. Table 15 Existing Pump Station Hydraulics Size Design Flow Design Head Pump Station Unit Type (hp) (gpm) (ft) Hidden Hills PS 1(') Electric 20 600 200 2 Electric 40 650 290 3 Electric 40 650 290 4(') Electric 40 650 290 new Electric 40 650 290 Santiago PS 1 Electric 75 300 450 2 Electric 25 100 425 3 Electric 100 500 430 4 Engine 240 1,520 385 new Electric 100 500 430 Note: 1. Manufacturer pump curves note that Units 2, 3, and 4 have a design point of 650 gpm at 290 feet of head. 2005 WMP describes Unit 4 as 20 hp, with 200 gpm capacity, with Units 1, 2, and 3 having a capacity of 400 gpm. Within hydraulic model, curves for Units 1, 2, and 3 are similar, with Unit 4 providing a much lower head. To maintain consistency with the manufacturer curve sheets, Units 2, 3, and 4 are assumed identical here, with Unit 1 being the lower flow pump. As shown, it is recommended that an additional unit be added to both pump stations (identical to Unit 3 in each case). 5.0 HYDRAULIC MODELING As a part of this study, the District's hydraulic model was updated and calibrated for fireflow, extended period simulation (EPS) capabilities, and water quality conditions. A screenshot of the updated hydraulic model is shown on Figure 12. Details on the hydraulic model user's manual and calibration process are included in Appendix D and E, respectively. 30 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ DocumentslClienUCA/ YLWD /9047AOO /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Water quality analysis was conducted using the multi- species extension (MSX) capabilities included in InfoWater MSX, as described in Appendix E. In addition, the various operating conditions discussed in Section 4.4 were modeled within the hydraulic model. In addition, the improvement pipelines discussed in Section 4.2, were sized using the updated hydraulic model. iJI:.d90:..•br �:•- ! ®':J_M�.:- V,�n.....•R v•A•.:��r -MA I I=mo J J �• .: c �s plo - �!lt' &�1 �t w,7iA0X'ti' �' 3 + + +iiiCJ111 "ter ♦. r- .. ; so •�,.i > >�tt�xl. ' "•- �2 °� � ,/'�� ,.,, �Y ' ?3,T tai. t Figure 12 Hydraulic Model Screenshot 5.1 Updates to Hydraulic Model Prior to the calibration process, the hydraulic model was updated to reflect existing conditions of the District's distribution system. This included interpolating elevations to all model junctions, closing pipe segments or inserting closed valves to enforce pressure zone boundaries, updating pump units, revising groundwater wells to utilize pump elements rather than flow control valves, incorporating seasonal valves based on operating condition, and more fully modeling pressure regulating stations. Pipelines constructed since the development of the previous hydraulic model were added to the hydraulic model from the District's GIS layers, provided on 9 August 2012. In addition, the following projects were added to the hydraulic model based on record drawings or construction plans provided by District staff: • Lakeview Grade Separation Project, which included an 18 -inch diameter transmission main relocation (dated June 2011) March 2013 31 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 2010 Waterline Replacement Project, including replacement of two PRS and five pipeline segments (July 2012) Pressure Reducing Station Upgrades, including replacement of four PRS (dated August 2011) Well 20 During the calibration process, controls and pressure reducing station settings were added to the hydraulic model based on discussions with District staff. 5.2 Near -Term Facilities Included in Hydraulic Model In addition to the model updates discussed previously, several facilities that are currently in planning or design stages were incorporated into the hydraulic model as near -term facilities. These near -term facilities are: • Yorba Linda Boulevard Pipeline, including installation of a 20 -inch diameter pipeline (dated January 2012) • Yorba Linda Boulevard Booster Pumping Station (dated August 2012) • Yorba Linda High School Bryant Cross Feeder Replacement — 90 percent drawings (dated December 2012) • Well 21 While model management practices are discussed in greater detail in Appendix D, these facilities are identified separately from existing facilities in the hydraulic model by use of the Status field. Prior to changing these facilities from near -term (Status of "NRT ") to existing (Status of "ACT "), the facility details should be reviewed as they may have changed during the design and construction process. 6.0 WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS 6.1 Nitrification Action Plan and Current Operating Practices In 2002, the District conducted a nitrification study, which concluded nitrification was occurring in some of the District's reservoirs during certain operating conditions (YLWD, 2002). Nitrification refers to the biological conversion of free ammonia (from chloramines decay or interaction with free chlorine) to nitrite and sometimes nitrate, leading to high microbial counts and further degradation of chloramines residual by the nitrite. The study recommended a Nitrification Action Plan, consisting of the following steps: 32 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Alert Level — increased sampling frequency, dependent upon the severity of water quality degradation Action Level 1 — cycling the reservoir or reducing the reservoir operating level Action Level 2 — super - chlorination, reservoir flushing, or sediment cleaning The steps are triggered based on sampled levels of chlorine, nitrite, heterotrophic plate counts (HPC), and ammonia. The plan also recommended some possible capital improvements to increase mixing in some reservoirs. Within chloraminated systems, nitrification occurs under high water age or conditions of mixing free chlorine with combined chlorine, which leads to loss of residual, release of free ammonia, and microbial growth. Low chlorine residuals are particularly a concern to the District in the District's upper pressure zones, where large storage volumes and low demands lead to long retention times. District operations staff operate some of the reservoirs in the upper pressure zones at reduced levels or reduced capacity to reduce retention times and aid in cycling. Based on discussions with District staff, the District follows the procedures in its Nitrification Action Plan when nitrification is occurring as indicated by the key water quality parameters levels (e.g. total chlorine, nitrite, HPC, and total and free ammonia). Based on review of SCADA data of reservoir levels (as a part of the hydraulic model calibration), District operations staff are diligent about cycling reservoirs on a consistent schedule and maintaining separation of source waters (i.e., free chlorine groundwater and combined chlorine imported water) where possible. 6.2 Sampled Chlorine Levels in Distribution System As a part of this project, the District provided water quality sampling data from its Total Chlorine Residual (TCR) sampling sites. These data were analyzed to determine what typical fluctuations in chlorine residual occur in the distribution system, and whether breakpoint chlorination is generally occurring. Table 16 presents a summary of these data by sampling site and hydraulic zone, with sampling sites including some low residual levels in both free and combined chlorine (Total chlorine < 0.1 mg /L) highlighted in green. As discussed in Section 4.4, the District changes supply sources for pressure zones to achieve targeted supply balances (related to BPP and groundwater percentage of overall supply). Since this analysis is covering samples taken over an entire year, some of the identified breakpoint chlorination could be occurring during the periodic cycling of water sources. Several sample sites are served with combined chlorine between May and October, and free chlorine during the balance of the year. March 2013 33 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx However, within Zone 2 breakpoint chlorination is occurring due to physical mixing of the groundwater and imported water. This is due to the hydraulics of the east side of Zone 2 requiring additional pressure from Zone 3 via several PRS. The District's operations staff is aware of this situation. Table 16 Chlorine Residual by Sample Site and Zone Average Minimum Average Minimum Combined Combined Free Free Sample Source Chlorine (2) Chlorine (2) Chlorine (2) Chlorine (2) Site Zone Water(') (mg /L) (mg /L) (mg /L) (mg /L) 13 1A GW 1.09 0.65 31 1A GW 1.09 0.77 35 1A GW 1.23 0.76 34 1A GW 0.94 0.61 32 1A GW 1.13 0.76 24 2 VAR 1.86 0.02 0.78 0.02 27 2 VAR 1.67 0.02 0.47 0.02 22 2 VAR 1.69 0.01 0.51 0.02 25 2 VAR 1.69 0.05 0.66 0.05 14 2 GW 1.09 0.76 28 2 GW 1.11 0.75 30 2 GW 1.11 0.72 23 2 VAR 1.82 0.08 0.80 0.00 21 2 GW 1.11 0.71 29 2 GW 1.08 0.72 19 3A VAR 1.55 0.07 0.93 0.28 26 3A VAR 1.61 0.05 0.83 0.02 20 3A VAR 1.53 0.09 0.75 0.03 16 3B IW 1.89 1.39 17 3B IW 2.00 1.32 36 3A VAR 1.20 0.05 1.01 0.02 11 3A VAR 1.19 0.05 1.06 0.06 33 3A VAR 1.23 0.05 1.01 0.02 8 3A VAR 1.27 0.06 1.01 0.79 6 4C IW 2.07 1.23 34 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ DocumentslClienUCA/ YLWD /9047AOO /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 16 Chlorine Residual by Sample Site and Zone Average Minimum Average Minimum Combined Combined Free Free Sample Source Chlorine (2) Chlorine (2) Chlorine (2) Chlorine (2) Site Zone Water(') (mg/L) (mg /L) (mg /L) (mg /L) 9 4C IW 2.24 1.14 7 4C IW 2.02 1.17 10 4C IW 2.24 1.40 12 4D IW 2.00 1.63 37 4A VAR 1.29 0.08 0.91 0.05 2 5B IW 2.02 0.30 5 5B VAR 1.97 0.08 0.03 0.02 18 5U IW 1.64 0.78 15 5A VAR 1.35 0.03 0.37 0.03 3 6B IW 1.80 0.03 4 6D IW 1.23 0.25 1 6A IW 1.80 0.06 Notes: 1. IW = Imported Water; GW = Groundwater; VAR = Varies, depending on operating condition or mixing is occurring (likely through pressure reducing stations). Several sites covert to imported water between May and October, such as those located within Zones 3, 4, and 5. 2. Water quality sampled weekly from January through October of 2012. 3. Since free and total chlorine are not sampled at each sampling site, judgment was used based on source water to determine the likely state of the total chlorine. As shown in Table 16, chlorination type is generally separated by pressure zone. As discussed previously, supply sources to some pressure zones are adjusted seasonally to achieve production targets. Some water quality sampling sites show signs that mixing is occurring of free chlorinated water and water disinfected with chloramines (specifically in Zone 2). At some sites, breakpoint chlorination is likely occurring under certain operating conditions. Figure 13 shows the sampled chlorine residual at each of the District's sampling sites over the course of the year. This chart illustrates the difference in total chlorine residual for the chloraminated and free chlorine disinfected supply water by sampling site. Free chlorine disinfected sampling sites are shown in orange, with chloraminated sites shown in green. Sites which appear to switch sources from groundwater during January through May to imported water from May through October are shown in blue. Note that only a few sites are shown to simplify the graphic. March 2013 35 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 3.0 2.5 J 01 2.0 to W 1.5 L) 1.0 M 0 11111111110" MOSTLY COMBINED CHLORINE � �1� ,�,�i► fit;; .a � �, I I fil ' �►�_ , 111 _ I ��1/,►� WY � GROUNDWATER .- ► CHLORINE RESIDUAL TARGET Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct -x--37 —11 —7 —22 -x-35 17 21 29 —12 Figure 13 Sampled Chlorine Residuals by Sampling Site The District also provided sampling data for each of the District's reservoirs. A summary of this data is shown in Table 17 along with the calculated total chlorine to ammonia (as N) ratios, which are used to determine whether free chlorine is present within the reservoir. Notes are included to describe some of the analysis of the data shown. 36 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 17 Sampled Water Quality Data at Reservoirs Total Chlorine Chlorine:Ammonia (as N) (mg /L) Ratio Reservoir Average Range Average Range Notes Bryant Ranch 1.74 1.34-2.05 4.9 1.3 - 19.1 Almost entirely combined, some dichloramine Camino de Bryant 0.84 0.25-2.03 3.1 0.3-29.7 Low residual in July, likely due to breakpoint Chino Hills 1.34 0.07-2.17 4.2 0.8 - 11.7 Low residuals in February and November Elk Mountain 1.51 0.06-2.04 4.6 0.3 - 11.6 Low residuals in October and November Fairmont 0.89 0.13-2.08 6.5 0.1 -136.0 Supply switched to IW in May through October Gardenia 1.79 0.88-2.44 12.7 0.9-126.0 Supply switched to IW in May through October Hidden Hills 1.35 0.07-2.14 4.4 0.1 -20.5 Low residual in July, likely due to breakpoint Lakeview 0.87 0.76-0.98 38.6 0.8-93.0 Groundwater supply Low residual on occasion, excess ammonia in Little Canyon 1.73 0.17-2.37 5.0 0.2-21.3 October Low residual on occasion, periods of free Quarter Horse 0.99 0.05-2.21 7.0 0.1 -70.0 chlorine Santiago 1.83 1.08-2.14 4.6 1.1 -18.7 Entirely combined Low residual in March, potentially due to Spring View 1.85 0.47-2.28 5.2 0.5-23.5 breakpoint Valley View 1.67 0.45-2.42 11.9 0.5-60.5 Supply switched to IW in May through October March 2013 37 pw:l /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 6.3 Impact of Proposed Improvements on Water Quality Since the proposed developments are anticipated to increase demand in the upper pressure zones, connecting the developments would likely lead to decreased retention times and simpler cycling practices. Following water quality calibration, the hydraulic model was used to predict the effect of connecting the developments on chlorine levels in the distribution system. Figure 15 presents predicted total chlorine residuals across the distribution system along with sampled total chlorine residuals at the District's water quality sampling sites. It should be noted that a comparison of the sampled residuals and predicted residuals is included in Appendix E along with a discussion of the calibration and results. Figure 16 presents predicted total chlorine levels under near -term conditions, assuming operating Condition 1 and summer demand conditions. Each of these maps shows the predicted residual levels at 12:00 noon. It should be noted that the simulation run time for the existing system was longer (5 days), thus the lower residual levels in portions of the free chlorine area of the distribution system. As is discussed in Appendix E, a number of assumptions are made in preparing the water quality analysis shown here; as the conditions affecting these assumptions may vary, the District should use the results as an anticipated range rather than counting on the specific levels shown in this analysis. In addition, the predicted total chlorine residual within the Little Canyon reservoir is shown under existing conditions and with the development demand connected to the distribution system Figure 14. 38 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx 25 = 20 J 'p 15 N E v 5 L a 6:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 2.0 1.8 1.60 3 1.40 3 � 1.2 cD Q X F 1.0 y p 0- 0.8 0 O 0.62 cc 0.41— 0.2 Time of Day Near -Term Reservoir Level (ft) — Existing Reservoir Level (ft) Near -Term Total Chlorine (mg /L) Existing Total Chlorine Residual (mg /L) Figure 14 Predicted Effect of Development on Little Canyon Reservoir As shown in Figure 14, the cycling is predicted to be slightly improved after the development has been connected, with the added demands increasing the pull of demands during the take portion of the reservoir cycling and the increased capacity of the Fairmont PS filling the reservoir more rapidly. As shown, chlorine levels are not predicted to change substantially. It should be noted that, within the hydraulic model, reservoirs are treated as fully mixed at all times, a condition that is not realistic for most reservoirs. Thus, this prediction assumes fully mixed reservoirs. The key steps the District can implement to limit nitrification from occurring are reducing water age and improving mixing within the District's reservoirs. Thus, implementing measures to more fully replicate the fully mixed condition should reduce the loss of residual from decay and microbial reactions. March 2013 39 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx �T El — — t I 1.9 1.9 • L -LI I 1.8 Q _s - - -I 0.9 I ' •i - �, • , i • I , J 1.2 • - ` 0.9: -I Y 7. r. III• IJ I 'a Legend Sampling Sites El Sampled Total Cl (mg /L) 0 <0.2 TELEGRAPH CA NYON Rd 00.2-1.0 01.0-1.5 O1.5 - 2.0 �1.9�_` _' . . J 1.9.E >2.0 —`� Model Nodes '� --� �� • Predicted Total Cl (mg /L) \ < 0.2 Z• 0.2 - 1.0 I -• - - �� '� - - _ �N J 1.0 - 1.5 1.9 • T ' •� -' ,� ;' 1 Service Area 1' 1 .. p Pipeline f *o � + • i. � !i ' - � � .._,_ � t; �, ^� 1 -� ,m �t ,, v - � ` � -� J•�� • • 4 - •� ' I `� - i by Diameter (inches) l • I - Ti ;.4 • / i Is i mot' \ 1 less than 8 8 to 12 • _ f `� �!�',' 'I /� `/ l E 16 and larger -I 2 Parcels 0 0.75 1. Miles Figure 15 Sampled and Predicted Existing Residuals February 2013 Northeast Area Planning Study Yorba Linda Water District wineers...Working Wonders With - 1 TELEGRAPH GANYON Rd � • \•ter Ltj o I - I , II art _ 4. do 14- tj 1 , _ _ � I I j Lf h _j��. 0 , 'a I' Legend Model Nodes Predicted Total Cl (mg /L) < 0.2 0.2 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 2.0 • > 2.0 QService Area Pipeline by Diameter (inches) less than 8 8 to 12 16 and larger Parcels -J ',gineers... Working Wonders With 0 0.75 1.5 Miles Figure 16 Predicted Near -Term Residuals Operating Condition 1 MDD Conditions March 2013 Northeast Area Planning Study Yorba Linda Water District oft im Pw //A- ',gineers... Working Wonders With 6.4 Recommendations Based on the modeling predictions, the District may anticipate similar residual levels in the future as currently experienced. It is anticipated that the connection of the developments will improve cycling of the Little Canyon reservoir as shown in Figure 14. As noted previously, the key steps the District can implement to limit nitrification from occurring are reducing water age and improving mixing within the District's reservoirs. Increased cycling will help to improve mixing, but new reservoirs in the upper pressure zones will also increase water age. In order to limit chlorine residual loss from decay and microbial reactions, it is recommended that the District decrease water age and improve mixing in reservoirs, induce breakpoint chlorination to eliminate microbial populations under a free chlorine residual shock dose when nitrification occurs, and implement a system providing real -time automated monitoring of disinfection residual to improve reaction time to nitrification episodes. Several of these steps are included in the District's existing nitrification action plan; it is recommended that the District continue to follow its reservoir cycling practices, following the guidelines recommended in the nitrification study. Based on this study, additional recommendations are included for future new reservoirs, chlorine residual booster stations, and to improve future water quality analyses. 6.4.1 New Reservoirs For future new reservoirs, it is recommended that the District include the following elements in the design phase: • separate inlet and outlets • mixing device within the reservoir • samplers to provide real -time automated monitoring of disinfection residual Reviewing record drawings of recently completed reservoirs, the District has implemented separate inlet and outlets at several of its most recently completed reservoirs, and has added SCADA connected total chlorine residual monitors at reservoirs where loss of chlorine residual is of particular concern, including Hidden Hills and Camino de Bryant reservoirs. Including multiple diffused inlets should further improve mixing with the reservoirs. Reservoir management systems currently on the market incorporate real -time automated monitoring of disinfection residual and a mixing device. Models are also available with disinfection capabilities through free chlorine injection or an automated booster chloramination system. The District should consider the implementation of such a device in March 2013 45 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx the design of new reservoirs. Such a system could also benefit existing reservoirs, such as Camino de Byrant reservoir. 6.4.2 Chlorine Booster Station In addition to efforts associated with reductions in water age and increasing reservoir mixing, addition of a disinfection point at a strategic location in the distribution system to increase chlorine residual would be beneficial. The benefit would be maximized where a switch of disinfection type is in place seasonally or where mixing of residual types physically occur within the distribution system, under which conditions chlorine residual loss is more likely to take place. As discussed in Section 4.5.1, Fairmont PS would be a centralized location for the future distribution system. Incorporating a disinfection point at Fairmont PS would allow the ability of increasing the chlorine residual for the following zones: • Zones 1,000 -1, 1,160, and 1,300 under Operating Conditions 1 through 7 as wells as Operating Condition 9 • Zone 920 under Operating Conditions 6 and 7 • Zones 680, 718, 780 -3, 780 -4, 908, 991, 1,000 -2, 1,133, 1,165, and 1,390 under Operating Conditions 8 and 9. (As discussed previously, supplying this Operating Condition is only feasible under lower demand conditions given the District's current pump station capacities and groundwater supplies. This condition is also not anticipated to occur frequently in the future when the District intends to achieve a more consistent BPP target throughout the year.) The District currently only disinfects with free chlorine. Disinfection generally occurs at disinfection stations near the wellfield. In addition, the District maintains a disinfection station at Lakeview PS, which is run when breakpoint chlorination is required when supplying Zone 675 from 570. Since Fairmont PS would convey both free - chlorine disinfected water and chloraminated water, ideally a disinfection station that could inject both free chlorine and chloramines would provide the most operational flexibility. However, this would be the District's first chloramination facility, requiring the District's operational staff to begin handling chloramines. If a free - chlorine disinfection station is incorporated into Fairmont PS, the intended operation would change based on the supply water (thus based on the Operating Condition). When supplying groundwater (Operating Conditions 6, 8, and 9), the disinfection station would simply increase free chlorine residual to the targeted residual level. When supplying imported water, the disinfection station would need to induce breakpoint chlorination, under an as- needed basis (e.g., when nitrification or residual loss is 46 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx occurring). Based on the District's water quality sampling records discussed in Section 6.2, residual loss has occurred at the Little Canyon reservoir. Disinfection with free chlorine would result in the formation of disinfection byproducts. It should be noted that boosting disinfectant residuals for Zones 680, 718, 780 -3, 780 -4, 908, 991, 1,000 -2, 1,133, 1,165, and 1,390 under Operating Conditions 1 through 7 (the District's typical operating conditions), would not be possible at Fairmont PS. Boosting chlorine in the at a facility along the Bryant Cross Feeder would increase the chlorine residual to some of these pressure zones. Based on these advantages and disadvantages, it is recommended that the District installs disinfection station into the design of the Fairmont PS that can inject free chlorine during emergencies. It should be noted that this would not allow boosting disinfectant residuals in the eastern pressure zones during Operating Conditions 1 -7, but avoids the needs of operating staff to work with chloramines. If the District continues to experience loss of residual in the future in the eastern pressure zones, or if this emergency approach is not sufficient, the next recommended step would be to install reservoir management systems (mixers, analyzers, and potentially injection of chloramines). 6.4.3 Improving Water Quality Analysis Some recommendations that could increase the potential accuracy of future water quality modeling include sampling for TOC at reservoir sites, sampling for both free and total chlorine at TCR sites, sampling for pH in the reservoirs as wells as distribution system sites, and conducting jar testing on samples of the groundwater to approximate a bulk coefficient of decay for the free chlorine component. The nitrification study recommended increased sampling of some of these constituents, specifically free chlorine, pH, and free ammonia. 7.0 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis completed as a part of this study, the estimated storage requirements for the new potential developments is 1.3 MG, including fire flow storage. Based on the identified operating conditions for supplies, the recommended configuration and sizing of pumps for the FPS is detailed in Table 18. All pump units are recommended to be controlled by variable frequency drives (VFDs). If the District elects to install constant speed pumps rather than VFDs, an eighth unit would be recommended at the pump station to pump from Zone 675 to Zone 780 -3 to provide additional flexibility in the range of flows the pump station could accommodate between Zones 675 and 780 -3. March 2013 47 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Table 18 Fairmont PS Sizing Total Design To From TDH Capacity(') Units Zone Zone (ft) (gpm) Notes 1 920 675 237 800 No standby unit included since OC89 provides reliability. 2 - 3 1,000 -1 675/780 -3 388 2,800 1 +1 configuration 4 - 6 780 -3 675 120 5,500 2 +1 configuration 7 1,000 -1 920 211 2,800 No standby unit included since not assumed to be a typical operating condition. Notes: 1. Rounded up to nearest 100 gpm. If the development connects to Zone 1,000 -2 or Zone 1,390, Hidden Hills PS and Santiago PS would need to be increased in size. This is discussed in Section 4.5.2. In addition, a natural gas powered generator or portable generator trailer connection at the FPS site is recommended for emergency backup in case of an electricity outage. Based on hydraulic model analysis, the following two pipelines were also identified as deficient (as hydraulic bottlenecks): The 12 -inch diameter Zone 1,000 -1 pipeline extending 3,500 feet along Fairmont Boulevard between FPS and Forest Avenue. This pipeline should be replaced by a 16 -inch diameter pipeline or paralleled with a 12 -inch diameter pipeline. The 12 -inch diameter Zone 780 -3 pipeline extending 670 feet along Fairmont Boulevard from Bastanchury Road onto the District's FPS. Adding a dedicated pipeline north of the Bryant Cross Feeder would require about 800 feet of 24 -inch diameter pipeline. These pipelines are recommended for increased diameter replacement or additional parallel pipelines to be constructed as a part of upgrading the FPS. For water quality, the key steps the District can implement to limit nitrification and residual loss from occurring are reducing water age and improving mixing within the District's reservoirs. It is recommended that the District continue to follow its reservoir cycling practices, following the guidelines recommended in the nitrification study. For new reservoirs, it is recommended that the District include within the design systems to increase cycling within the reservoirs, consisting of separate inlet and outlets (using multiple 48 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx diffused inlets where possible), samplers to provide real -time automated monitoring of disinfection residual, and a mixing device within the reservoir. A reservoir management system could provide this functionality in a single system along with boosting disinfection residual. For the Fairmont PS, it is recommended that the District incorporate a disinfection station into the design that can inject free chlorine during emergencies. If this emergency approach is not sufficient, the next recommended step would be to install reservoir management systems (mixers, analyzers, and potentially injection of chloramines). To improve future water quality analyses, it is recommended that the District include sampling for TOC at reservoir sites, sampling for both free and total chlorine at TCR sites, sampling for pH in the reservoirs as wells as distribution system sites, and conducting jar testing on samples of the groundwater to approximate a bulk coefficient of decay for the free chlorine component. March 2013 49 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /Northeast Area Planning Study Report.docx Appendix A REFERENCES (KWC, 2012) KWC Engineers, Yorba Linda Estates Conceptual Layout, March 2012. (SMP, 2012) Summers /Murphy and Partners, Inc., "Esperanza Hills Conceptual Trails Plan Stonehaven Drive Option 1 ", 30 October 2012. (YLWD, 2002) Water Reservoir Nitrification Prevention and Control Study, September 2002. (YLWD, 2005) Domestic Water System Master Plan, May 2005. References: GIS Layers Date Layer Name Description Modified [Original Filename] (or Received) Source YLWD _GIS _082012.mdb Water System GIS 20 August YLWD 2012 Elevation Contours [breakline.shp, bridge.shp, Depression Index Contour Hidden Segment.shp, Depression Index Contour.shp, September Depression Intermediate Elevation Contours 2012 YLWD Contour.shp, Index Contour Hidden Segment.shp, Index Contour.shp, Intermediate Contour.shp] References: Water Distribution System Data File Name [Original Filename] Demands - Daily Consumption and Production - 2008 to June 2012.x1sm Demands - Monthly Demand - 2001 to 2012.xlsx Supply Data - Production Zone Percentages from Operations.xlsx Pump Tests - SCE - Valley View and Lakeview BPS (June 2011).pdf Pump Tests - SCE - Groundwater Wells (2011).pdf Pump Curve - Well 19 VFD Affinity Curve Operating Zone.pdf Pump Curve — Well 19 Email Correction.pdf Pump Curve - Well 20 (December 2011).pdf Pump Curve — BPS (June 2011).pdf Format Date Range, Modified (or Received) Resolution January 2008 — XLS June 2012 Daily XLS January 2001 — Monthly July 2012 XLS December 2012 Not Applicable PDF June 2011 Not Applicable PDF 2011 Not Applicable PDF June 2007 Not Applicable PDF January 2007 Not Applicable PDF June 2011 Not Applicable PDF June 2011 Not Applicable Appendix B SUPPLY OPERATING CONDITIONS Figure B.1 - Condition 1 Quarterhorse Reservoir Gardenia Reservoir 0051 Valley View Reservoir SV50 Fairmont Reservoir 1 :• Paso Fino BPS Springview Reservoir Trentino PRS OC66 7j Del Rey PRS Little Canyon Reservoir To 1,300, Santiago Reservoir To 1,390, 908 Bryant Cross Feeder 1' Fairmont BPS riiaaen rliiis BPS To BCB, Zones 680,780-4, 1,165, 991, and 718 (14 %) Suppler Imported Water: 64% Groundwater: 36% Figure B.2 - Condition 2 Quarterhorse Reservoir Valley View Reservoir Gardenia Reservoir 0051 Lakeview BPS 1 :• Paso Fino BPS Springview Reservoir Trentino PRS OC66 Fairmont Reservoir Del Rey PRS Little Canyon Reservoir To 1,300, .1 4 fl n Santiago Reservoir To 1,390, 908 Bryant Cross Feeder 1' x indicates closed seasonal valve for supply separation in a single pressure zone Fairmont BPS BPS To BCB, Zones 680,780-4, 1,165, 991, and 718 (14 %) Suppler Imported Water: 59% Groundwater: 41 % Figure B.3 - Condition 3 Quarterhorse Reservoir Paso Fino BPS Gardenia Reservoir Trentin Fairmont Reservoir Valley View BPS Lakeview x BPS 1 :• Springview Reservoir Del Rey PRS Little Canyon Reservoir To 1,300, .1 4 fl n Santiago Reservoir To 1,390, 908 Bryant Cross Feeder 1' x indicates closed seasonal valve for supply separation in a single pressure zone Fairmont BPS BPS To BCB, Zones 680,780-4, 1,165, 991, and 718 (14 %) Suppler Imported Water: 55% Groundwater: 45% Figure B.4 - Condition 4 Gardenia Reservoir Quarterhorse Reservoir Paso Fino Valley v • View Fairmon Reservoir Reservoir Valley View BPS Lakeview x BPS OC66 Springview Reservoir Del Rey PRS Little Canyon Reservoir x indicates closed seasonal valve for supply separation in a single pressure zone To 1,300, 1,160 Bryant Cross Feeder Fairmont BPS Santiago Reservoir To 1,390, 1,133, 908 Hidden Hills BPS To BCB, Zones 680,780-4, 1,165, 991, and 718 (14 %) Suppler Imported Water: 52% Groundwater: 48% Figure B.5 - Condition 5 Quarterhorse Reservoir Valley View Reservoir Gardenia Reservoir 0051 Lakeview BPS Yorba Linda BPS Fairmont Reservoir Paso Finc BPS Trentin Little Canyon Santiago Reservoir Reservoir OC89 To 1,300, .1 4 fl n To 1,390, 908 Suppler Imported Water: 42% Groundwater: 58% :s id Figure B.6 - Condition 6 Valley View Reservoir Gardenia Reservoir 0051 Lakeview BPS Yorba Linda BPS Quarterhorse Reservoir Z Fairmont Reservoir �pringview Reservoir Little Canyon Reservoir 11 1 000 Bryant Cross Feeder Fairmont BPS Santiago Reservoir To 1,300, To 1,390, 1,160 1,133, 908 Hidden Hills BPS To BCB, Zones 680,780-4, 1,165, 991, and 718 (14 %) Note: Several facilities are not shown to simplify Supply profile. Refer to detailed hydraulic profile (Appendix C) o for reference of other facilities. Imported Water: 30 /o (Del Rey PRS and OC89 would be closed) Groundwater: 70% Figure B.7 - Condition 7 Quarterhorse Reservoir Gardenia Reservoir Valley View Reservoir Valley View BPS Lakeview BPS MI Yorba Lind BPS Fairmont Reservoir konA E ,�l �pringview Reservoir Little Canyon Reservoir Santiago Reservoir To 1,300, .1 4 fl n To 1,390, 908 Bryant Cross Feeder Fairmont BPS Hidden Hills BPS To BCB, Zones 680,780-4, 1,165, 991, and 718 (14 %) Zones indicates closed seasonal valve Supply MIX o � X Imported Water: 26 /o for supply separation in a single pressure zone Groundwater: 74% Figure B.8 - Condition 8 Valley View Reservoir Gardenia Reservoir 0051 Lakeview BPS Yorba Linda BPS Quarterhorse OC89 Little Canyon Reservoir Reservoir Paso Fin o BPS Springview Reservoir OC66 Bryant Fairmont Cross Reservoir Feeder x indicates closed seasonal valve for supply separation in a single pressure zone To 1,300, 1,1F^ Santiago Reservoir To 1,390, 908 Hidden Hills BPS Fairmont BPS CB, Zones ), 780 -4, i, 991, and 718 (14 %) Suppler Imported Water: 16% Groundwater: 84% Figure B.9 - Condition 9 Quarterhorse Reservoir Valley View Reservoir Gardenia Reservoir 0051 Lakeview BPS Yorba Linda BPS Paso Fino BPS Fairmont Reservoir Little Canyon Santiago Reservoir Reservoir OC89 TO, To 1,390, 1,160 1,133, 908 Springview Reservoir IR111 111 OC66 Hidden Hills i BPS xBryant Cross To BCB, Zones Feeder 680,780-4, 1,165, 991, and 718 Fairmont (14 %) BPS x indicates closed seasonal valve for supply separation in a single pressure zone Suppler Imported Water: 7% Groundwater: 93% Appendix C RESERVOIR STORAGE GROUPS N 0 N c IL LEGEND 1.o Mc RESERVOIR 1000' GROUNDWATER WELL OMWD BOOSTER PUMPING 1.98 MG STATION GARDENIA RESERVOIR PRESSURE REGULATING 1000' STATION OMWD IMPORT WATER 1.98 MG CONNECTION 68P VALLEY VIEW ^ RES & BPS PRESSURE ZONE +6.6 (HIGH & LOW ELEVATIONS 581' SERVED) GARDENIA RESERVOIR QUARTERHORSE QUARTERHORSE II OC -51 1000' 0 HGL = 780' = HWL =780' 1.98 MG �J 0.88 MG VALLEY VIEW ^ RES & BPS 680' HWL =675' +6.6 L MG ZONE RESERVOIR 780 -1(4A) QUARTERHORSE QUARTERHORSE II RESERVOIR 1000' RESERVIOIR RESERVOIR HWL-1000' TIM ER HWL =920' HWL =920' RIDGE 0.88 MG 3.75 MG 3.50 MG 900' +6.6 RESERVOIR 820 OC -89 OC -66 MG PASO FIND 10HGL =780' HG1 =780'0 BPS 8.I MG g S -1.0 ZONO 1 FAIRMONT 920 (�A) RESERVOIR PRV 411 //- 8 60' HWL =675' PRV' 4,49 4 ZONE 7.5 MG 633' 1 LAKEVIEW 780 -2 (4B) RES & BPS PRV 575' HWL =570' — 581' 43 545 ZONE 8.0 MG 675 (3A) PRV HIGHLAND 42, 50 450' 434, RESERVOIR HWL =428' ZONE n I 570 (2) 00 I i 6.O MG PRV'S 8-17,19,20,40,52 PRV 51 PRV 22 7[ 'I 580' AIRMONT BPS +�3. ZONE 675 (3A) 51' PRV 18,23 IGHLAND VORBA LINDA oo' 320' BPS 321' BLVD. BPS ZONE 428 (1A) -3.9 L4 250' PRV'S PRV 1.4 MG 5 45 - Proposed ?oo' +1.6 MG WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL WELL 1 5 7 10 11 12 15 18 19 20 7 OU RICHFIELD PLANT Notes: See attachment for PRV Assigned ID Y'vrba Linda Water District LITTLE CANYON RESERVOIR 1000' HWL-1000' TIM ER HIDDEN HILLS RIDGE 0.88 MG B S 900' SPRINGVIEW RESERVOIR ZONEI 000 (KB) I _ HWL 780' SPRINGVIEW 8.I MG g S -1.0 680' 681' MG ZONE :FjI 780 -3 (4C) �T 330' ZONE 430 (1 B) 271' CHINO HILLS RESERVOIR 0 MG 581' 580' ZONE PRV'S 706 24 +4.7 503' MG 130' ZONE 1300 (613) PRV 32 860' 31 HWL =1390' 1�1 +1.5 1 1275' MG Boor CAMINO DE BRYANT RESERVOIR 1200 0 ZONE V 1390 (6C) _ HWL = 1165' 32 MG PRV SANTIAGO 1065' HWL= 1045' RESERVOIR 1045' 1045' +2.1 ZONE 11 MG SAN- UAG 36 ZONE MG BPS 1165(5U) 1160 (6A) ZONE 133 (6D) 9 0' 890' Q 7— 871' 870' 4 PRV ELK MTN. ZO E 33 81 +3.8 RESERVOIR PRV'S 1000 ( B) ZONE 34-35 908(5BR1) 781 MG HWL =780' __ ZONE 56 ELK MTN. 991 (5L) BRYANT RANCH 6.0 MG BPS HIDDEN HILLS RESERVOIR BOOSTER STATION 681, �_ HWL =680' 680' 681' PRV- BOX CANYON 25 BOOSTER ZONE STATION 780-4 (4D) BRYANT CROSS FEEDER PRV 580' 581' 30 544' PRV 26 ZONE PRV'S 718 (4CR1) 27 -29 424' ZONE PRV 680 (38) 21 0' FIGURE CA 900 00 700' 600' 500 HYDRAULIC PROFILE SCHEMATIC YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT March 2013 1000' 1500' HIDDEN HILLS RESERVOIR 1400' SANTIAGO 1065' HWL= 1045' RESERVOIR 1045' 1045' +2.1 ZONE 11 MG SAN- UAG 36 ZONE MG BPS 1165(5U) 1160 (6A) ZONE 133 (6D) 9 0' 890' Q 7— 871' 870' 4 PRV ELK MTN. ZO E 33 81 +3.8 RESERVOIR PRV'S 1000 ( B) ZONE 34-35 908(5BR1) 781 MG HWL =780' __ ZONE 56 ELK MTN. 991 (5L) BRYANT RANCH 6.0 MG BPS HIDDEN HILLS RESERVOIR BOOSTER STATION 681, �_ HWL =680' 680' 681' PRV- BOX CANYON 25 BOOSTER ZONE STATION 780-4 (4D) BRYANT CROSS FEEDER PRV 580' 581' 30 544' PRV 26 ZONE PRV'S 718 (4CR1) 27 -29 424' ZONE PRV 680 (38) 21 0' FIGURE CA 900 00 700' 600' 500 HYDRAULIC PROFILE SCHEMATIC YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT March 2013 Appendix D HYDRAULIC MODEL MANUAL This manual is intended as a reference for the District in utilization of the hydraulic model prepared as a part of the Northeast Area Planning Study. For further details on the calibration efforts, refer to Appendix E of the Northeast Area Planning Study report. An electronic copy of the facilities model data will be included with this report. D.1 HYDRAULIC MODEL OVERVIEW Rapid innovations in personal computing and the large selection of software have made network analysis modeling efficient and practical for virtually any water system. Hydraulic modeling is an important tool for analyzing a water system. Hydraulic models can simulate existing and future water systems, identify system deficiencies, analyze impacts from increased demands, and evaluate the effectiveness of proposed system improvements, including those within capital improvement plans. In addition, a hydraulic model provides both the engineer and water system operator with a better understanding of the water system. Hydraulic models are typically composed of three main parts: The data file that stores the geographic location of facilities. The geographic data file provides water system facility locations and is typically represented as an AutoCAD or geographic information systems (GIS) file. Elements used in this file to model system facilities include pipes, junction nodes (connection points for pipes and location of demands), control valves, pumps, tanks, and reservoirs. A database that defines the physical system. The database for the District's model is linked to the geographic data file. The database includes water system facility information such as facility size and geometry, operational characteristics, and production /consumption data. A computer program "calculator ". This calculator solves a series of hydraulic equations based on information in the database file to define and generate the performance of the water system in terms of pressure, flow and operation status. The key to maximizing benefits from the hydraulic model is correctly interpreting the results so the user understands how the water distribution system is affected by the various components of the model. This understanding enables the engineer to be proactive in developing solutions to existing and future water system goals and objectives. With this approach, the hydraulic model is not only used to identify the adequacy of system performance, but is also used to find solutions for operating the water system according to established performance criteria. Developing an accurate and reliable hydraulic model begins with entering the best available information into the database and calibrating the model to match existing conditions in the field. Once the model has been calibrated, it becomes a valuable tool to evaluate operational problems and to plan distribution system improvement projects. March 2013 D -1 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx D.2 HYDRAULIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT D.2.1 Hydraulic Model Selection Several software programs are widely used to model distribution systems. The variety of program capabilities and features makes the selection of a particular software program generally dependent upon three factors: user preference, the requirements of the particular water distribution system, and the cost associated with the software. The District has selected InfoWatero, developed by Innovyze, Inc., for the hydraulic modeling of its water distribution system. D.2.2 Previous Hydraulic Model The District provided its previous model, also developed in InfoWater®, converted as a part of a previous hydraulic model development and calibration effort. The previous hydraulic model was based on the District's GIS layers. As provided, the hydraulic model did not include junction elevations, zone delineations (through initial status set on pipeline segments or valve elements). Groundwater wells were modeled as fixed -head reservoir elements with flow control valves. The District previously completed a hydraulic model update in 2005 as a part of the Water Master Plan Update. The hydraulic model at that time was developed in H2ONETO and was not based on the District's GIS layers. Where possible, initial controls and facility information was adapted from the 2005 hydraulic model to provide the basis for discussions with District operations staff in support of updating the controls. D.2.3 Model Pipelines Hydraulic models consist of links and nodes to model representations of physical system components of a distribution system. Links are used to represent pipes, pumps, and control valves. Pipeline segments represent the actual transmission or distribution water pipelines. In the attribute table for each pipe, data typically includes diameter, length, roughness coefficient, and pressure zone. The model calculator uses the attribute data to determine increases or decreases in energy levels across the link. Some of the reported output data that the model calculates for links include flows, velocities, head loss, and changes in hydraulic grade line. As the previous hydraulic model was based on the District's GIS layers, only pipelines constructed since the completion of the District's previous hydraulic model were imported from the District's GIS layers. As will be discussed later, pipeline improvements planned for near -term implementation were also imported into the hydraulic model in a separate near - term scenario. D -2 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx D.2.4 Model Nodes Nodes represent the connections between links and may act as either a supply source, such as a reservoir or tank, or a customer demand. Nodes also define the boundaries of each link and separate links that may contain different attributes. Each node also has an elevation. Attribute data associated with each node typically includes elevation, water demand, and pressure zone. The model calculates system pressures, hydraulic grade lines, demands, and water quality parameters at each node. For pipelines added to the hydraulic model, junctions were automatically generated. Elevations were interpolated for all junctions within the hydraulic model from elevation contours provided by the District, except where more detailed information was available for individual facilities (e.g., reservoir floor elevation was provided by District staff in a separate spreadsheet). D.2.5 Demand Allocation The previous hydraulic model included demands allocated based on historical billing records. The total model demands were compared with updated consumption data provided by the District's operations staff and judged sufficiently consistent for use in the hydraulic model through global adjustment to updated demand levels on a District -wide basis. Where boundary conditions allowed for direct calculation of demands by pressure zone, demands by pressure zone were adjusted slightly as a part of the calibration efforts. Since the model demands were adjusted globally based on consumption levels calculated from production data, unaccounted for water is implicitly accounted for and was not incorporated separately. Near -term and future demands (developed as discussed in Section 2.2 of the report) were allocated based on the parcel areas and allocated to the Demand2 field within applicable future scenarios. D.3 HYDRAULIC MODEL UPDATE The primary source for the development of the hydraulic model was the District's GIS layers and former hydraulic model. The District provided details on the District's water distribution system facilities as well as updated pump tests and utilization data. D.3.1 Pipes Pipe segment information consists of length, location, connectivity, diameter, and where possible, material and installation year. Pipeline connectivity in the model needs to be correct so that flow through the distribution system can be represented correctly. An March 2013 D -3 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx estimate of initial pipe roughness or friction factor can be derived from the parameters such as material, age, and diameter. Pipe segment data for the District's hydraulic model was imported from the District's previous model, including information on the material, diameter, connectivity, and location. This information previously had been added to the model based on the District's GIS layers. Length was calculated based on the digitized spatial alignment. The roughness coefficients in the hydraulic model were estimated for various pipeline materials and pressure zones. Pipelines constructed since the development of the previous hydraulic model were added to the hydraulic model from the District's GIS layers, provided on 9 August 2012. In addition, the following projects were added to the hydraulic model based on record drawings or construction plans provided by District staff: Lakeview Grade Separation Project, which included an 18 -inch diameter transmission main relocation (dated June 2011) 2010 Waterline Replacement Project, including replacement of two PRS and five pipeline segments (July 2012) Additional pipelines were imported from the District's GIS database based on a spatial overlay and attribute information. It was assumed that pipelines not represented in the previous model, as well as accompanied by a status of "ACT" and owned by "YLWD," should be imported from the GIS database. A total of 16,983 pipe segments are included in the model (compared with 16,551 pipe segments in the previous hydraulic model; note that many of these are related to future pipe segments and inserted nodes). In addition to the existing pipelines, several pipelines that are currently in planning or design stages were incorporated into the hydraulic model as near -term facilities. These near -term facilities are: Yorba Linda Boulevard Pipeline, including installation of a 20 -inch diameter pipeline (dated January 2012) Yorba Linda High School Bryant Cross Feeder Replacement — 90 percent drawings (dated December 2012) As will be discussed later, these pipelines are identified separately from existing facilities in the hydraulic model by use of the Status field. Prior to changing these facilities from near - term (Status of "NRT ") to existing (Status of "ACT "), the facility details should be reviewed as they may have changed during the design and construction process. D -4 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx D.3.2 Elevations Elevations were interpolated from 3 -foot contours provided by District GIS staff. This contour information was used to determine junction and facility elevations throughout the system. Where more detailed information was available (such as the previous hydraulic model for reservoirs or facility details from District staff), these elevations were used instead of interpolating from the contour layer. D.3.3 Groundwater Wells Well data includes well production capacity, pump total dynamic head, elevation, groundwater levels, and control scheme to determine the conditions under which the wells operate. The District's well locations were included in the previous version of the hydraulic model and verified with the District's GIS layers where discrepancies were identified. All groundwater wells were converted from fixed -grade reservoir elements (with head representing maximum head capacity of the pump station) and a flow - control valve to pump elements with the aquifer modeled as a fixed -grade reservoir element representing the groundwater level. As the groundwater level changes, it will need to be updated within the hydraulic model. The description field of the reservoir elements was used to indicate the date of the groundwater level used in the modeling. Where possible, full pump curves were used (to increase model flexibility). Well number 19 was modeled using the variable -speed pump capabilities of InfoWater. After discussions with District operations staff regarding the control of engine- driven pumps, the engine - driven pumps were modeled using pump settings rather than variable -speed pump capabilities. District staff provided hydraulic details, including groundwater levels and pump test data from Southern California Edison (SCE) pump tests conducted in 2011. Two additional wells were added to the model, listed as follows: Well 20 (added to active scenario, with controls disabling the well) Well 21 (added to near term scenario) D.3.4 Reservoirs Reservoir data includes base elevation, overflow elevation, effective diameter and height. The locations of the system's storage facilities were obtained from the previous hydraulic model. Reservoir volumes were reconciled with volume -depth curves provided by District staff. March 2013 D -5 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx During the calibration process, it was noted that Quarterhorse and Hidden Hills reservoirs were currently operated with only one bay active. For Quarterhorse, the previous hydraulic model had modeled the reservoir as two separate tank elements, one with a volume equivalent to about half of the total operating capacity and one with a volume equivalent to the full operating capacity. The volume -depth curves were updated so that each tank element corresponds to the volume of an individual bay (i.e., the North Bay with a volume of 3.7 MG and the South Bay with a volume of 3.5 MG). The North Bay was inactivated by setting the status of the relevant model elements to "INA ". To reactivate the elements temporarily, the facility manager can be used. To reactivate the elements within the existing scenario, the status should be set to "ACT ". For Hidden Hills, a volume -depth curve was added to the model representing the volume of a single bay. This volume -depth curve is named "RESVOL_HH_INDBAY ". To change the tank to use the full reservoir volume, change the curve to "RESVOL_HH_TOTAL ". D.3.5 Pressure Reducing Stations Pressure Reducing Station (PRS) information includes number of valves, valve type, valve diameter, location, elevation, and pressure set points. District staff provided two lists of updated hydraulic details and pressure setpoints for the District's PRSs. Previous versions of the hydraulic model included only the larger pressure reducing valve for each PRS (40 valves in 40 PRS). This is generally sufficient for fire flow analysis, but given the water quality modeling capabilities associated with this project, all pressure reducing valves should be modeled within each PRS. Carollo included 48 additional valves in the model accordingly for a total of 88 valves in 44 PRS. Pressure relief valves, which operate only under emergency or atypical conditions, were not modeled. PRS constructed as a part of the following projects were added since the development of the previous hydraulic model were added to the hydraulic model from the District's GIS layers, provided on 9 August 2012. In addition, the following projects were added to the hydraulic model based on record drawings or construction plans provided by District staff: 2010 Waterline Replacement Project, including replacement of two PRS and five pipeline segments (July 2012) Pressure Reducing Station Upgrades, including replacement of four PRS (dated August 2011) D.3.6 Booster Pumping Stations Data for booster pumping stations includes pump capacity, hydraulic performance curve, number of pumps, and pump control scheme. District staff provided updated pump test information and manufacturer pump curves, as available. Where applicable, the individual pump units were updated within the hydraulic D -6 March 2013 pw:// Carollo / Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx model. In addition, the Yorba Linda Boulevard Booster Pumping Station (dated August 2012) project was added to the hydraulic model in the near -term scenario. D.3.7 Operational Information Operational information includes pump and well control schemes, PRV and PSV setpoints, and general operating strategy. The general operating strategy includes items such as managing blending of supplies to meet water quality objectives, water turnover in reservoirs, and determining which water sources to use run based on water resources or other constraints. The District's control schemes and operating strategy is adjusted to respond to changing demands and operational conditions. The District's control strategy relies on human operators with detailed knowledge of the distribution system making the key decisions about the overall control of the system. Typically, the operator adjusts controls of wells, booster pumping stations, and imported water connections based on several priorities: • Reservoir cycling to reduce water quality issues • Sufficient reservoir volume in case of emergency • Annual supply ratios /percentages of imported water versus groundwater supply • Time of use electricity rates, only for the following sites: — Springview BPS — Hidden Hills BPS — Box Canyon BPS — Elk Mountain BPS Based on discussions with District operations staff, most operators control the booster pump stations to achieve cycling of each tank based on the levels shown in Table D.1. District staff noted that the operational controls include a low -level cutoff point, generally between 6 and 8 feet, in which an escalating series of alarms are provided to the operator and, if not responded to, the applicable BPS units are shutoff. It should be noted that operational controls are adjusted periodically, and thus are intended to represent typical behavior of the water distribution system. During the calibration, adjustments were made based on the recorded SCADA data. D.3.8 SCADA Data Based on discussions with District staff and initial review of the SCADA data, it was decided to use a 7 -day period for the EPS calibration, selected between August 9th through 16th, March 2013 D -7 pw: / /Ca ro I I o/ Documents /C I ie nVCA/Y L W D /9047A00 /De I ive ra bl es /App_D -M odel_Ma n ua I. docx 2012. During the selected EPS calibration period, District operations staff were targeting a supply mix of 60 percent imported water and 40 percent groundwater. Table D.1 Operational Controls Cycled Between Contributing Lower Upper Name BPS / Facility (ft) (ft) Notes Reservoirs Camino de Elk Mountain 6/8 10/12 Bryant Elk Mountain Box Canyon 10 16/20 Increased level when additional storage needed. Fairmont Palm Avenue 12 20 Gardenia Valley View 18 28 Hidden Hills Santiago 3 8 Highland wellfield 12 20 Lakeview Highland 13 28 Little Canyon Springview 8 18 Quarter Paso Fino 7/8 15/16 Horse Santiago Hidden Hills 10 18 Springview Fairmont 10 20 Requires call to MWDSC in order to adjust. Chino Hills Timber Ridge 8 18 Valley View Lakeview 12 20 Floats based on hydraulics in the system. Pressure Reducing Stations 0051 Gardenia OC66 Springview OC89 Paso Fino PS Paso Fino PS boosts pressure of OC89, so control for the two are intertied; within the hydraulic model, this is accomplished using a clearwell Pressure Reducing Stations Copper Bryant Ranch 10 20 Canyon Del Rey Fairmont 14 20 D -8 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx The SCADA data was used to develop the diurnal patterns and establish controls for model facilities. Further details on the calibration process are discussed in Appendix E. D.3.1 Seasonal Valves The District adjusts supplies to some of its pressure zones through the operation of seasonal valves. Based on discussions with District staff seasonal valves were identified along with the general reasons that the valves may be adjusted. The state of the seasonal valves in August 2012 along with the details regarding their purpose are described in Table D.2. Locations for each of the seasonal valves are included in Figure 2 of the report. March 2013 D -9 pw: / /Ca ro I I o/ Documents /C I ie nVCA/Y L W D /9047A00 /De I ive ra bl es /App_D -M odel_Ma n ua I. docx Table D.2 Assumed Status of Seasonal Valves ID Zone Number Location Status Use Description (August 2012) SV1 3A 0 -13/ Fairmont BI. & Lariat Open isolates Fairmont Reservoir Zone 3 Fairmont Reservoir 147 Dr. from Distribution System isolation on Bastanchury /Fairmont SV2 3A 0 -12/30 Bastanchury Rd. & Open separates Valley View and Valley View /Fairmont Clydesdale Dr. (on Fairmont Portions of Zone 3A Clydesdale isolation west 18 ") Clydesdale SV3 5B/5B M -16/12 Stonehaven Dr. & Closed separates Santiago and Little San Antonio /Little Canyon R1 Rockhampton Ct./ Canyon portions of Zone 5B Heatheridge Dr. SV4 4B 0 -12/65 Lariat Dr. /Bastanchury Open separates Gardenia and Gardenia /SV zone 4 Rd., 1,200' e/o middle portions of Zone 4B Gardenia /SV after school Clydesdale Dr. (on (alternatively could also be 36 ") looked at as moving some of Zone 4B into 4C) SV5 4B /3A 0 -12/58 Maple Leaf Ln. 300' Closed Mapleleaf w/o Cedar Creek Dr. SV6 3A 0 -10/67 Lakeview Av. 600' n/o Closed w/ SV7, separates Valley Lakeview zone 3 Valley Bastanchury Rd. (on View and Fairmont Portions View /Fairmont Shutoff 16 ") of Zone 3A Lakeview SV7 3A 0 -10/95 Bastanchury Rd. 900' Closed w/ SV6, separates Valley Plumosa Between airvacs w/o Lakeview Av. (on View and Fairmont Portions zone 3 16 ") of Zone 3A (Lakeview BPS can supply Valley View) Notes: 1.For all valves except SV3, state is assumed based on SCADA data and effect on model. D -10 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx D.4 SCENARIOS Scenarios were setup in the hydraulic model to simulate different demand conditions, operating conditions, and active facilities. To simplify organization, hierarchical scenarios were used, as shown in the list of scenarios in Table D.3, along with a description of the intended operating condition the scenario simulates. Table D.3 Scenarios Scenario Name BASE CALIB CALIB_EPS_10DY CALIB_EPS_ALLWELLS CALIB_EPS_WATERQUAL CALIB_EPS_AGE CALIB_EPS_MSX CALIB_FF_2011 CAL I B_F F_2011 _ ## CAL I B_F F_2011 —ST—## EXISTING EXIST—ADD EXIST_MDD EXIST_MINDD FUTURE FUTURE_NEARTERM FUR_NRT_MDD Description Base Data Scenario Calibration Scenarios EPS Calibration (168 hour simulation) All Groundwater Wells Active Water Quality Scenarios Water Age Analysis Multi- Species Water Quality Analysis Fireflow Test ## Dynamic Condition Fireflow Test ## Static Condition Existing System Scenarios Existing System ADD Conditions Existing System MDD Conditions Existing System MinDD Conditions Future System Scenarios Future System Scenarios Future System MDD Conditions Intent Not for Use (Folder) Not for Use (Folder) Validates Controls Validates Roughness Coefficients Between Wellfield and Highland Reservoir Not for Use (Folder) Establish Hydraulic Retention Time Model Chlorine Residuals Not for Use (Folder) Validates Roughness Coefficients Validates HGL Not for Use (Folder) Typical Operation of System Peak Demand Conditions Minimum Demand Conditions Not for Use (Folder) Not for Use (Folder) Not for Use (Folder) March 2013 D -11 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx Table D.3 Scenarios Scenario Name Description Intent FUR_NRT_MDD_CND1 Future System MDD — Near -term System Supply Operating Maximizing Imported Condition 1 Water FUR_NRT_MDD_CND6 Future System MDD — Near -term System Supply Operating Zones 5A and 5B Condition 6 Groundwater FUR_NRT_MDD_CND9 Future System MDD — Near -term System Supply Operating Maximizing Condition 9 Groundwater Notes: ## refers to each specific calibration test, numbered 01 through 21, and represents several scenarios. Note that each fireflow test is setup as a steady -state analysis using a start clock -time to establish the time of the test. D.5 DEMANDS D.5.1 Demand Conditions and Demand Sets Demand sets are used to model different scenarios for the distribution system. Within InfoWatero, scenarios are assigned a Demand Set, corresponding to a specific demand condition. For example, showing the system under average day demand conditions by selecting the "EXIST—ADD" demand set. The model is set up to utilize the demand sets to represent average day demand conditions. For demand conditions other than ADD, the seasonal peaking factor can be adjusted using the global multiplier in simulation options. This is intended to reduce the complexity of adding demands to the model, as when adding a new demand to the existing system it will not need to be manually included in the demand sets for Maximum Day Demands, Average Day Demands, etc. The main demand sets to be used are EXIST —ADD, representing existing demand conditions, and NRT_ADD, representing near -term demand conditions with development demands incorporated. The model demand sets, are shown in Table DA. D -12 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx Table D.4 Demand Sets Demand Set ID Description Intended Use BASE Base Demand Set Not for Use CALIB FF 2011 - Not for Use CAL IB_FF_2011_ ## Demand for Fireflow Test ## Verifying Calibration Dynamic Condition EXIST_PREVMODEL Demand Table from Previous Backup Hydraulic Model EXIST—ADD Existing Average Day Demand Analysis of Existing System NRT ADD Near -Term Future Demand Analysis of Future System Notes: ## refers to each specific calibration test, numbered 01 through 21, and represents several scenarios. The above demand sets are assigned to the appropriate scenarios, such that when a scenario is selected, the demand set will become active. D.5.2 Demand Tables Within InfoWatere, each Demand Set consists of a demand table containing ten fields of demands assigned to each junction, named Demand1 through Demand10. Each field can represent a component of demand. For this model, the demand tables use only the Demand1 and Demand2 fields. Table D.5 Demand Table Fields Field Name Scenarios Demand Source Demand1 All Existing System Demands Demand2 Calibration Fireflow Demand (based on Fireflow Test) Demand2 Future Development Demadns It is recommended that when testing alternatives in the existing system Demand3 through Demand 10 are used to avoid unintentionally adding demands into the existing system database. March 2013 D -13 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx D.6 DATABASE FIELDS D.6.1 Attribute Data Information For junction elements, attribute data was added for the fields DEMAND, FACILITY, and STATUS. Descriptions for the junction fields added to the model as well as sources are shown in Table D.6. Table D.6 Junction Attribute Data Fields Field Name Description Valid Entries Source YR_INST Indicates year facility was Integer, blank Added, where installed. used for facilities were added unknown as a part of this years. project YR_RETIRE Indicates year facility is Integer, 9999 Fully populated anticipated to be retired. used for (used in facility unknown management to years. indicate an element to be retired in future scenarios) ZONE Pressure zone which junction is a Zone name Fully populated from part of. (uses number- pipelines letter designation) ELEVATION Elevation (for pressure Elevation, in ft- Interpolated from calculations) msl ground elevation contours provided by District FAC_NODE Indicates if the junction is a part of Boolean Generated by a facility (use for output relates (Yes or No) Consultant with pressure criteria) DMD_NODE Indicates if the junction has Boolean Generated by demands allocated (use for output (Yes or No) Consultant, based on relates with pressure criteria) previous DemandType field STATUS Indicates whether a facility is ACT, INA, Generated by active in the existing system. RET, NRT, Consultant OTH, ABN The Junction Description field was also populated where relevant. The Junction Zone field was fully populated and made consistent for use in Database Queries. The DEMAND and FACILITY fields can be useful in restricting analysis to specific conditions (e.g., does this improvement cause pressure at any demand nodes to fall below D -14 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx 40 psi or are velocities in any pipe segments over 10 fps). Database queries using output relates were generated and included in the domain manager for this purpose. For pipeline elements, attribute data was used from the previous hydraulic model and imported from the District's GIS layers for facilities that were updated. Descriptions for all the fields added to the pipeline elements in the model as well as sources are shown in Table D.7. Table D.7 Pipeline Attribute Data Fields Field Name Description Valid Entries Source YR —INST Year pipeline installed. Adapted Integer (1925 Previous model or GIS from year of "ASBUILT" field. For — 2013), 9999 database pipelines with unknown "ASBUILT" used for field, used "SIGNDATE" field. unknown years. YR— RETIRE Indicates year facility is anticipated Integer, 9999 Fully populated (used in to be retired. used for facility management to unknown indicate an element to years. be retired in future scenarios) ZONE Pressure zone which pipeline is a Zone name Previous model or GIS part of. (uses number- database (fully letter populated and made designation) consistent) MATERIAL Pipeline material ACP, CIL, CIN, Previous model or GIS CIP, CIVIL, database CMLCS, CO, DIP, DW, PVC, STL, WS, blank for unknown ATLAS Number corresponding to atlas X-# Previous model or GIS map on which pipe segment database, populated for appears. all added elements OWNER Indicates pipeline owner YLWD, Previous model or GIS ANAHEIM, database MWDSC DWGNO Drawing number Alpha numeric Previous model or GIS ID database ASBUILTNO As build number Alpha numeric Previous model or GIS ID database STATUS Indicates whether a facility is ACT, INA, Previous model or GIS active in the existing system. RET, NRT, database OTH, ABN March 2013 D -15 pw: / /Ca ro I I o/ Documents /C I ie nVCA/Y L W D /9047A00 /De I ive ra bl es /App_D -M odel_Ma n ua I. docx The Pipe Description field was also populated where relevant. The STATUS fields are used as part of facility management in switching between scenarios. For example, using the value NRT (meaning Near Term) for a pipe segment being evaluated will prevent the segment from being active in the Existing Scenarios. D.7 DATA SETS D.7.1 Pipe Sets Pipe sets are not used in the hydraulic model; care should be taken when using pipe sets to prevent unintended inconsistencies between hydraulic model scenarios. D.7.2 Control Sets 32 control sets are used in the hydraulic model, listed as follows: • EXIST_TYP_ADDExisting System Typical Controls Average Day Demand • EXIST_TYP_MDDExisting System Typical Controls Maximum Day Demand • EXIST_TYP_MINDDExisting System Typical Controls Minimum Day Demand • CALIB 10D EPSCalibration Controls • CALIB_MISC_ALLWELLSInitial Status Set for 11 July 2012 Test of All Wells • CALIB_WQ_EPSStable Convergence Controls (for longer duration simulations) • CALIB_FF_01 through CALIB_FF_21 • EXIST_CND06_MDDExisting System MDD - Supply Condition 6 (Zone 5A/5B GW) • EXIST_CND01_MDDExisting System MDD - Supply Condition 1 (Zone 3A IW) • EXIST CND09 MDD The CALIB_ control sets are used to establish the specific and detailed controls from the calibration period. These control sets should only be used to replicate calibration conditions. The CALIB_FF_01 through CALIB_FF_21 control sets are static representations of the state of the distribution system, intended for steady state runs only. The EXIST_TYP_MDD control set represents the typical operations of the system as determined from discussions with District operations staff. Changes to the District's typical control strategies should be made in this control set. If more specific controls are needed to evaluate system performance under different conditions (e.g., proposed new level setpoints), it is recommended to copy the EXIST_TYP_MDD control set and assign it to the specific scenario. Alternatively, when modeling entirely new facilities, adding controls to the EXIST_TYP_MDD control set will not D -16 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx impact existing facilities once the new facilities have been inactivated (i.e., using control sets across scenarios can be a good idea). D.8 WATER QUALITY CAPABILITIES Two sets of Simulation Options were setup for water quality analysis, a traditional water age simulation and a multi- species chlorine residual analysis simulation. D.8.1 Age Analysis Age analysis is used for predicting hydraulic retention times and water age. The Scenario CALIB_EPS_AGE is setup to perform age analysis. Age analysis can be performed in other scenarios by changing the simulation options to MDD_SPF_AGE. Age analysis requires significant simulation times so that times within the reservoirs converge. Age analysis should be used with some of the longer duration Simulation Time options for this reason. Computational performance can be increased by disabling reporting of the bulk of the long simulation times; this is included in the EPS_30DY time options (the EPS_30DY_DEBUG includes the full reporting for troubleshooting). It is recommended to utilize more stable control settings for this type of analysis (as used in CALIB_WQ_EPS). Initial values are included in the EXIST—AGE quality set that simplify this process. D.8.2 Chlorine Residual Analysis As discussed in detail in Appendix E, InfoWater's Multi- Species Extension (MSX) was used to model chlorine residuals. A first -order decay equation was adapted into the built -in chloramine decomposition model to model free chlorine decay for the groundwater supplied zones within the District's distribution system. To utilize the MSX capabilities, use the simulation options MDD_SPF_MSXCR. Calculated concentrations for chlorine residual will be output in the following fields in units of mg /L: • CCOMBCL — Combined Chlorine from the chloramines decay model, representing the summation of monochloramine and dichloramine • CFREECL — Free Chlorine from the first -order decay model • CTOTALCL — Total Chlorine, the summation of the combined chlorine from the chloramine decay model and the free chlorine from the first -order decay model To adjust initial chlorine concentrations, select the relevant element in the Model Explorer and click the Multi- Species Water Quality button and adjust the relevant parameters (although injection occurs downstream of the pump units, the Reservoir elements were used to establish initial conditions for simplicity). Global initial values can be adjusted in the March 2013 D -17 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/YLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx Run Manager > Simulation Options > Quality tab > MSX Model (ChlorChl) > Species tab > Global Init. (Note that some species are in units of mols per liter). Note that the MSX extension dramatically increases the computational load, with a 7 -day simulation requiring about 20 hours to simulate (on an Intel Core 2 Duo processor). D.9 MODEL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES The hydraulic model is setup to use Query Sets for switching the active facility set within each scenario. If new elements are added to the model, they will behave as active until the model scenario is changed unless the STATUS field is properly populated. If the STATUS field is not populated, the new element will become inactive after switching scenarios. Ordinarily, this should cause the model to be resilient towards unintended modifications due to temporary analysis or "what if' scenarios, but this may create some unexpected errors if, for instance, junctions are inserted into an existing pipeline segment without the STATUS field of the junction set to match the pipeline. To maintain consistency with the District's GIS layers, the values in the status field of the District's GIS layer (LIFECYCLES) was used as the STATUS field. Two query sets are included for switching between scenarios: FAC_EXIST: Existing system and Calibration scenarios. Includes elements with the STATUS field of "ACT" FAC_FUT_NEARTERM: Facilities planned in the near -term. Includes elements with the STATUS field of "NRT" and elements with a STATUS field of "ACT" that also have a retirement year greater than 2013. To create elements within the existing system scenario (that are intended to remain in the existing system scenario), populate the STATUS field of all the elements with "ACT" (without quotes) and the YR_RETIRE field of 9999. It would be of benefit to the District to ensure that the installation year, pressure zone, DMD_NODE, FAC_NODE, elevation, and hydraulic data are fully populated when adding elements to the model. No retirement year is incorporated for the existing scenario, to avoid retiring facilities unintentionally. Instead, the STATUS field of facilities that are to be retired should be set to RET, INA, OTH, or ABN (all values currently in the model used for this purpose). Since the calibration scenarios are based on the existing facility set at the time of delivery of this model, changes to the existing facilities will change the functionality of the calibration scenarios in the future. It is recommended that checking of the original calibration be conducted based on the delivered hydraulic model (thus, the calibration scenarios and datasets could be deleted from other updated versions of the hydraulic model). D -18 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCAtYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_D- Model_Manual.docx Appendix E HYDRAULIC MODEL CALIBRATION This appendix provides an overview of the hydraulic model calibration efforts undertaken as a part of the Northeast Area Planning Study. E.1 INTRODUCTION Calibration is a necessary element in developing an accurate hydraulic model. Calibration is attained by comparing model results with field measurements and adjusting the model components, such as pipe roughness coefficients and model controls, until the model produces results that agree with the field measurements. Following the update of the District's hydraulic model, it was calibrated so that a level of confidence in the simulation of pressures and flows could be achieved. Calibration is complicated by the fact that some data are static and known, some data are variable, and others are estimated. Data related to pipe diameter, length, roughness coefficient, and locations are known with a great deal of certainty. Data related to the District's SCADA systems vary with time, day, season, and the number of customers. Pump rates and discharge pressures vary accordingly based on the demands and controls. Hydraulic models are calibrated by comparing field data with model results to accomplish the following purposes: • Establish a degree of confidence in the model, allowing for use in system planning and /or facility sizing • Identify data errors or identify missing data parameters • Discover anomalies in the field This chapter discusses the field- testing used to gather data for the model calibration, the calibration methodology, and the calibration results. E.2 CALIBRATION METHODOLOGY The model calibration consists of four parts: • Macro calibration • Fire flow test calibration • Extended period simulation (EPS) calibration • Water quality calibration This section discusses the methodology for each part of the calibration. March 2013 E -1 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx It should be noted that the model is a simulation of the behavior of the water distribution system. The actual water distribution system is affected by many more detailed events than can be simulated in the model and the intention of the calibration of the hydraulic model is to predict the general behavior of the water distribution system. Thus, the focus of the calibration was on preparing the model to predict general behavior of the system in a variety of conditions rather than explicitly replicating the field conditions observed during the calibration. The methodology and results of each of these four calibration steps is described below. E.3 MACRO CALIBRATION This initial calibration process is a macro calibration. The purpose of macro calibration is to make the model run under calibration day demand conditions and produce reasonable system pressures and cycling reservoirs. Adjustments to the model made in this first step included modifications of pipeline connectivity, operational controls, ground elevations, and facility characteristics, as well as the facility control schemes. The macro calibration process involved three specific focus areas to improve the accuracy of model results. These are connectivity, system pressures, and pump stations. The connectivity features of the hydraulic modeling software were used to verify the connectivity of the transmission mains within the distribution system. Problems found using the connectivity checking tools were reviewed on a case -by -case basis to determine whether adjustments needed to be made to the connectivity. Very few pipelines needed modifications of network connectivity. Typical pressures were compared with the model output. This process was used to find errors in the model, such as elevations, or pipe connectivity, as well as changes required in how operational controls were to be implemented in the model. Pressures and flows predicted by the model for each pump station in the system were compared to pump tests provided by the District to verify that the pump attributes entered into the model, such as pump power, groundwater depth and the pump curves, produce results comparable to collected data. EA FIRE FLOW CALIBRATION Fire flow calibration is intended to stress the District's distribution system by creating a differential between the hydraulic grade line (HGL) at the point of hydrant flow and the system HGL at neighboring hydrants. In general, fire flow tests consist of using flowing hydrants and test or pressure residual hydrants. The field tests are then simulated within the hydraulic model to calibrate the model under steady state conditions. E -2 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo /Documents /ClienUCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /App_E -Cal ibration.docx Hazen - Williams roughness coefficients, or C- factors, have industry accepted value ranges based on pipeline material, diameter, and age. Characteristics specific to the District's distribution system such as water quality (e.g. Langelier index, pH, TDS, etc.), temperature, construction methodologies, material suppliers, and other factors may result in roughness coefficients that differ from the typical coefficients used the industry. Fire flow calibration refines the initial estimation of the value of roughness coefficients that best indicate the conditions of the District's distribution system. During average day demand conditions, roughness coefficients have a relatively small effect on the operation of the distribution system. As the demands increase in the system during warm weather days, velocity within pipelines increase and roughness coefficients contribute more to overall system head loss. The hydraulic grade line (HGL) differential caused by the fire flow test increased the effect of the roughness coefficients on system losses. Fire flow tests artificially create high demand events to generate more head loss, allowing a better estimation of the pipeline roughness coefficients. Roughness coefficients were adjusted only within a tolerance of industry accepted roughness coefficient ranges to match measured system pressures. When the model was unable to match the calibration results without leaving the acceptable range of roughness coefficient values for a given pipeline material and age, further investigation of was conducted to identify to cause of the difference between model and field results. This investigation included the identification of closed pipelines, partially closed or malfunctioning valves, extreme corrosion within pipelines, connectivity and diameter errors in GIS /as- builds, and /or diurnal patterns of large water users. The calibration of fire flow tests is intended to develop a steady state (single time step) calibrated hydraulic model by closely matching its water model pressures to field pressures under similar demand and system boundary conditions. The primary varied parameter for this calibration was the pipeline roughness coefficient, although some other parameters were adjusted during the calibration process as appropriate. EA1 Field Testing Fire flow calibration was completed using historical fire flow tests. Field testing for those tests was conducted in September 2011, prior to this study. Boundary conditions for the hydraulic model were developed based on production data provided by District staff. For calibration purposes, the hydraulic model demands were adjusted to match the demands experienced during the fire flow testing. March 2013 E -3 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx Table EA Demands During Calibration Demand Peaking Production Consumption Factor(') General ( m g d ) ( m gd ) (Compared to Date Day Temperature ADD) September Thursday 85° F 20.5 22.2 1.02 22, 2011 September Monday 79° F 19.5 23.1 1.06 26, 2011 September Tuesday 90° F 23.3 21.2 0.98 27, 2011 Notes: (1) Based on ADD for 2011. As shown in Table E.1, the demand during the calibration testing was fairly even with average annual demand for the District's water distribution system. It is desirable to have higher than average demands during the fire flow calibration, so that system is tested in a stressed state, where roughness coefficients have a greater impact on the measured pressures in the distribution system. However, the segmented nature of the District's water distribution system (given the number of pressure zones) limits this effect on the locations of individual fire flow tests. Sites for each of the 21 tests are presented on Figure E.1. E.4.2 Fire Flow Calibration Methodology Simulation options were developed for each calibration day (listed in Table E.1) to establish global multipliers for the demands. Flow and static scenarios were then setup for each fire flow test, with time settings developed to create a steady state scenario at the approximate time of the test (rounded to the nearest 5- minute increment). For each test, the nearest junction to the flowing and residual hydrants was identified. If necessary, pipelines were split to add a new junction for each hydrant. The fire flow demand was established on the junction representing the flowing hydrant for the flow scenario. These demands were scaled to account for the demand multiplier and added to the Demand2 field. Predicted pressure at the junction representing the residual hydrant was then recorded for the static and flowing scenarios. Initial calibration results were presented to District staff and further investigation was conducted to identify potential unknown field issues associated with the predicted residual pressures that did not correlate well with field test results. E -4 March 2013 pw:ll Carollo /Documents /ClienUCAI YLWD 19047A001Deliverables /App_E -Cal ibration.dou E 4STd ®iil ��• I ips m;im ■I kI TELEGRAPH CANYON 11 Legend O Test Site D Tanks QService Area u Parcels Pipeline f - < 7 inch 7 - 15 inch > 15 inch 14 66 2 ��u'�OSI Figure E.1 �0 0.5 1 j Miles Fire Flow Test Sites March 2013 Northeast Area Planning Study Yorba Linda Water District ',gineers... Working Wonders Table E.2 Fire Flow Test Calibration Results Field Model Field Model Static Static Residual Residual Static Residual Model Flow Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Difference Difference Static Residual Test ID (gpm) Date Time (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Difference Difference 1 J4254 1,301 9/27 13:00 78 77 70 71 +1 -1 -1% +1% 2 J9816 1,632 9/22 10:40 74 72 56 58 +2 -2 -3% +3% 3 J9356 1,698 9/22 9:00 85 85 73 74 +0 -1 -1% +2% 4 J27980 1,447 9/27 14:15 60 58 48 49 +2 -1 -4% +2% 5 J494 1,632 9/22 11:20 65 63 55 55 +2 -0 -4% +0% 6 J15756 1,662 9/22 13:15 95 92 85 85 +3 -0 -3% +0% 7 J22598 1,496 9/22 13:40 95 91 65 64 +4 +1 -4% -2% 8 J19200 1,870 9/22 14:50 96 97 87 90 -1 -3 +1% +3% 9 J22318 1,585 9/27 11:20 84 82 74 77 +2 -3 -2% +4% 10 J24512 1,571 9/26 8:40 58 72 48 68 -14 -20 +25% +42% 11 J22738 1,294 9/26 9:25 70 67 40 42 +3 -2 -5% +4% 12 J20000 1,578 9/26 10:00 95 94 70 70 +1 +0 -1% -1% 13 J22426 1,763 9/26 10:25 123 121 90 90 +2 +0 -1% -0% 14 J26146 1,161 9/26 10:55 97 97 60 74 -0 -14 +0% +24% 15 J15388 2,334 9/26 13:10 111 112 105 106 -1 -1 +1% +1% 16 J16148 630 9/26 13:45 70 71 55 57 -1 -2 +1% +4% 17 J15610 1,264 9/26 15:05 125 125 100 101 -0 -1 +0% +1% 18 J 13356 1,883 9/27 9:05 125 125 98 97 +0 +1 -0% -1% 19 J19468 1,675 9/27 9:40 102 100 82 84 +2 -2 -2% +3% 20 J15220 1,739 9/27 10:00 88 88 65 65 -0 +0 +0% -0% 21 J18204 1,611 9/27 10:27 74 72 64 64 +2 +0 -2% -0% Average 0 -2 -0% +4% Notes: 1. Colors based on percentage difference, with green indicating correlation between model prediction and field testing of 5% or less, yellow indication 5% to 10 %, and red indicating greater than 10 %. March 2013 E -7 pw: / /Caro I I o/ Documents /CI ienUCA/YLW D/9047A00 /Del iverables /App_E -Ca I i bration. docx E.4.3 Fire Flow Calibration Results Calibration results are presented in Table E.2, showing both the field test results and model predictions for static and residual pressures. As shown, model predictions were within five percent of field- testing results for 19 of the 21 tests. For Test 10, model predictions of both static and residual pressures are higher than that observed in the field. For Test 14, model predictions of static pressures correspond to the field results. However, after applying the fire flow demand of 1,161 gpm, the model predicts less headloss than observed in the field results, with the model prediction for residual pressure about 14 psi above that observed in the field. In summary, the calibration results indicate the model generally predicts conditions similar to those observed in the field. Within a few areas of the model, there may be unknown local conditions, but the overall distribution system is adequately represented by the model. Based on the results of the calibration and discussions with District staff, it was concluded that the fireflow calibration was satisfactory. E.5 EXTENDED PERIOD SIMULATION CALIBRATION The EPS calibration is intended to calibrate the EPS capabilities of the hydraulic model by closely matching the model pressures, flows, and tank levels to field conditions over a 24- hour period of similar demand and system boundary conditions. The primary parameters varied for this calibration were operational controls and operational control strategies; although other parameters may also be adjusted as calibration results are generated. The EPS calibration is considered the most important part of the model calibration, as it allows comparison of the overall behavior of the model to the behavior of the water distribution system during a prolonged period of time, and therefore also allows simulation of reservoir levels which cannot be evaluated in steady state model runs. As a part of the EPS calibration, model predictions for parameters such as tank levels and booster pump station flows were compared against recorded SCADA data. The week of August 9th through 16th, 2012, was selected for the EPS calibration due to the higher demands on the system during that period. As discussed in the Hydraulic Model Manual included in Appendix D, controls for the hydraulic model were developed based on discussions with District operations staff based on the operators typical operating philosophy. Because control of the District's distribution system relies on human decision making rather than computer - controlled hydraulic parameters, several simulation time controls or pattern -based controls were used for the E -8 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo /Documents /ClienUCA/YLWD /9047A00 /Deliverables /App_E -Cal ibration.docx EPS calibration. For instances where simulation time controls were used, equivalent hydraulic parameter -based controls were developed and added to the model as disabled controls for use in scenarios evaluating alternate demand conditions. A comparison of model predictions to observed field conditions following calibration for tank levels, booster pump station flows, imported water connection flows, and groundwater well flows, and discharge pressures is included at the end of this appendix. The SCADA data is shown as a point cloud on each chart with one - minute intervals, while model results are represented by a solid line with a five - minute report time step. In summary, the calibration results indicate the model generally predicts conditions similar to those observed in the field. Within a few areas of the model, there may be unknown local conditions, but the overall distribution system is adequately represented by the model. Based on the results of the calibration, it can be concluded that the model is calibrated to steady state and extended period conditions. The model provides an accurate representation of the District's distribution system and system operations to a level suitable for the purposes of identifying system deficiencies and evaluating capital improvements to the District's water distribution system. E.6 WATER QUALITY CALIBRATION The water quality calibration is intended to calibrate the water quality results of the hydraulic model by matching its predicted total chlorine residuals to laboratory- measured chlorine residuals taken from sampling sites in the distribution system. The intended functionality for this water quality calibration is prediction of disinfectant residual in the District's water distribution system. Traditional water quality modeling within InfoWater uses a first -order reaction rate to predict the decay of a single constituent. Model development for this project was conducted using InfoWater MSX, which expands this capability to model interactions between constituents. Predicting total chlorine residuals in the distribution system requires the model to accurately calculate flows and velocities, since the model calculates residual decay and interaction of various water quality constituents by predicting water age from transit time. Once the hydraulic conditions have been adequately established, water quality modeling parameters will be adjusted. Due to the many variables that affect the decay of chlorine residuals, water quality calibration is not an exact science, and there is greater variability in a water quality calibration than a hydraulic calibration. The key challenge is the fact that the District obtains chloraminated water from MWDOC and uses sodium hypochlorite (free chlorine) to disinfect supplies from groundwater wells. The chemical reactions between these two different types of disinfectants (i.e. free versus combined chlorine) are fairly complex and depend upon several varying parameters. The March 2013 E -9 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx District strives to maintain separation of these sources by pressure zone. However, when these two disinfectant types mix, the reaction of free chlorine with combined chlorine can result under certain conditions in localized break -point chlorination. During break -point chlorination, excess free chlorine in chloraminated water consumes the available ammonia so that the remaining disinfectant residual exists as free chlorine. As the free chlorine to ammonia - nitrogen ratio increases, the combined chlorine breaks down to nitrogen gas, resulting in loss of residual, unless excess free chlorine is applied. Break -point chlorination will impact and complicate the free chlorine residual measurements during sampling. The chloraminated water is not detectable as free chlorine, but can be measured as part of the total chlorine samples (i.e. total chlorine residual minus free chlorine residual = chloramines residual). Free chlorine is a strong oxidant, readily reacting with both organics and inorganics, leading to a gradual decay of free chlorine due to different reactivities of a variety of parameters. Within a water distribution system, the half -life of free chlorine can range from several hours to several days. Unlike chloramines, free chlorine reaction with natural organic matter can lead to trace amounts of hundreds of disinfection byproducts. Since modeling the individual reactions with organic matter would not be feasible, it is important to find modeling parameters that can reflect changes in the various organic content, such as total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and UV -254 (a standard measure of absorbance of ultraviolet light). In addition, free chlorine also reacts with inorganics including iron, manganese, and ammonia. As a part of this study, attempts were made to include wall reactions between free chlorine and inorganics commonly occurring in pipeline material; however, given the number of pipe segments within the District's distribution system model, runtimes were found to be unfeasibly long. Chloramines are less reactive than free chlorine, but, separate from reactions with organics and inorganics, tend to be more unstable due to autodecomposition and reaction with inorganics and natural organic matter. Chloramine decay was modeled in this study based on the model of chloramine decomposition included in AWWARF's Optimizing Chloramine Treatment. This model (Valentine, Ozekin, and Vikesland, 1998) was intended to model autodecom position of chloramines in a distribution system rather than chlorine and chloramines interactions, and includes thirteen rate coefficients. Using this model for chlorine and chloramine interaction would require establishing the rate coefficients for the mixed system through similar experimental sampling as used to develop the model. Since the District strives to maintain separation of water by supply source in different pressure zones, and since the intended functionality for this water quality calibration is prediction of disinfectant residual in the District's water distribution system, free chlorine was modeled as a separate constituent, modeled using first -order decay. In addition, the total chlorine samples were collected at different times during the day, under different hydraulic conditions, thus "following the water" in the distribution system from the source is challenging. The EPS calibration of the model must give a good representation of E -10 March 2013 pw: / /Caro I I o /Documents /C lien UCAN LWD /9047A00 /Del ive ra bl es /Ap p_E -Ca I ib ration. d ocx flows through the distribution system. With only one sample at each location per day, the temporal variation in chlorine level at each location is not well captured. The District maintains four chlorine analyzers and provided total chlorine samples from SCADA data at these sites to capture some chlorine variation in the system. The water distribution model is not designed to predict the hydraulics of mixing within the reservoirs. A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model would need to be created for each reservoir in order to determine how water quality (e.g. water age, temperature gradient, chlorine residuals) changes within each reservoir. Due to these and other unknown conditions, the water quality calibration results are typically not as accurate as hydraulic calibration, and can be used only to estimate general trends of chlorine decay within the distribution system. E.6.1 Chlorine Sampling The sampling sites for the calibration consist of the 37 total chlorine residual (TCR) sampling sites and the 13 sampled reservoir sites. Locations of the 37 TCR sampling sites are presented on Figure E.2 along with five SCADA analyzer locations. The sampling sites are representative of several hydraulic zones and subzones in the distribution system (Zones 1A through 6D), and include both free chlorinated and chloraminated sites, and some mixed disinfectant sites. As the District normally collects its TCR samples every Monday or Tuesday and reservoir samples on Wednesday and Thursday, the water quality calibration date was selected to be Monday, August 13, 2012, and reservoir sampling data from August 8th and 9th, as well as August 15th, was used for the reservoir boundary conditions. This day (August 13, 2012) was selected to fall within the EPS calibration, thus all hydraulic boundary conditions were recorded as part of that effort. Table E.3 presents reservoir sampling data for August 8 and 15, 2012. The total chlorine to ammonia ratio is included for each sample to give an indication on what reservoirs are under free or combined chlorine conditions. It should be noted that demands were at their highest this week; sampling data for other months of the year include samples of total chlorine residuals at much lower levels. The presented data is for calibration purposes rather than analysis. March 2013 E -11 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx Table E.3 Water Quality Reservoir Sampling Data August 8th and 9th, 2012 August 15th, 2012 Total Total Total Ammonia Cl2: Total Ammonia Nitrite Cl2: Temp Chlorine as N Nitrite as N NH3 -N Temp Chlorine as N as N NH3 -N Primary Reservoir ( °F) (mg /L) (mg /L) (mg /L) Ratio ( °F) (mg /L) (mg /L) (mg /L) Ratio Supply(2) Bryant 79.1 2.04 0.28 0.011 7.3 80.4 1.98 0.43 0.016 4.6 IW Ranch Elk 81.3 1.95 0.46 0.022 4.2 81.5 2.01 0.45 0.017 4.5 IW Mountain Camino de IW Bryant(') Santiago 80.0 1.88 0.44 0.017 4.3 81.1 2.08 0.42 0.023 5.0 IW Hidden Hills 79.8 2.14 0.48 0.013 4.5 80.4 1.58 0.26 0.025 6.1 IW Chino Hills 81.1 1.87 0.44 0.014 4.3 82.5 2.05 0.46 0.014 IW Little 80.2 1.48 0.39 0.031 3.8 81.6 2.04 0.45 0.014 4.5 IW Canyon Quarter 81.3 1.81 0.44 0.014 4.1 80.9 2.28 0.47 0.015 4.5 IW Horse Spring 81.3 1.95 0.45 0.013 4.9 IW View(' Fairmont 80.7 1.93 0.46 0.008 4.2 81.1 2.33 0.46 0.015 4.3 IW Lakeview 71.6 0.93 0.01 0.011 93.0 80.9 2.07 0.47 0.018 GW Gardenia 79.3 2.35 0.38 0.014 6.2 80.4 1.98 0.43 0.016 5.1 IW Valley View 82.5 2.13 0.35 0.010 6.1 81.5 2.01 0.45 0.017 4.4 IW Notes: 1. Sample not conducted due to low water level. 2. The District does not separately sample free chlorine residual; thus, for pressure zones /reservoirs supplied by Imported Water (IW), total chlorine residual is assumed to be entirely combined chlorine, while for pressure zones /reservoirs supplied by Groundwater (GW), total chlorine residual is assumed to be entirely free chlorine. E -12 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo /Documents /ClienUCA/YLW D/9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx Table EA Water Quality Analyzer SCADA Data Total Chlorine Residual (mg /L) Initial Average Minimum Maximum Site Condition (8/9 — 8/15) (8/9-8/15) (8/9-8/15) Camino de Bryant 2.26 1.87 1.56 2.31 Reservoir Hidden Hills 1.79 1.73 1.44 2.22 Reservoir — Outlet Highland BPS 1.24 1.09 0.72 1.33 Paso Fino BPS 2.10 2.00 1.75 2.25 Lakeview Reservoir 1.24 1.04 0.77 1.35 Inlet (Zone 2) Lakeview BPS 1.27 1.00 0.65 1.41 (Zone 3; after Chlorine Injector) Notes: 1. In addition, Valley View has an analyzer connected to SCADA, but it reported 1.15 mg /L for the entire calibration period with no variation. Reservoir sampling data will be used instead to establish boundary conditions within the hydraulic model. March 2013 E -13 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx Table E.5 Water Quality TCR Sampling Data August 7th, 2012 August 13th, 2012 Total Total Sample Temp Chlorine Assumed Temp Chlorine Assumed Site Zone Time ( °F) (mg /L) Supply pH Time ( °F) (mg /L) Supply pH 1 6 11:01 82.9 2.06 IW 7.93 2.08 IW 2 5 11:07 81.3 2.22 IW 7.99 2.24 IW 3 6 11:40 83.3 1.89 IW 7.98 1.92 IW 4 6 12:26 83.1 1.80 IW 8.02 1.40 IW 5 5 11:49 82.0 2.00 IW 7.99 2.20 IW 6 4 12:12 83.6 2.09 IW 7.94 2.19 IW 7 4 12:36 80.6 2.29 I W 8.06 2.24 I W 8 3W 10:45 80.7 2.34 IW 8.08 2.44 IW 9 4 10:32 80.9 2.36 IW 8.08 2.23 IW 10 4 2.39 IW 12:07 81.1 2.51 IW 7.89 11 3W 1.95 IW 10:01 82.0 1.81 IW 7.94 12 4 1.97 IW 13:28 83.6 1.90 IW 7.98 13 1 1.14 GW 08:30 74.1 0.92 GW 7.44 14 2 1.12 GW 09:10 74.1 0.89 GW 7.43 15 5 1.99 IW 10:45 82.0 1.87 IW 8.00 16 3 2.25 IW 13:52 83.1 1.95 IW 7.93 17 3 2.18 IW 13:15 84.2 1.87 IW 7.94 18 5 1.34 IW 13:36 81.3 1.91 IW 7.91 19 301 2.36 IW 2.40 IW 20 301 2.29 IW 2.27 IW 21 2W 1.11 GW 0.92 GW 22 201 2.16 GW 2.11 GW E -14 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo /Documents /ClienUCA/YLW D/9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx Table E.5 Water Quality TCR Sampling Data August 7th, 2012 August 13th, 2012 Total Total Sample Temp Chlorine Assumed Temp Chlorine Assumed Site Zone Time ( °F) (mg /L) Supply pH Time ( °F) (mg /L) Supply pH 23 2W 2.07 IW 2.15 IW 24 21D1 2.27 GW 2.31 GW 25 21D2 2.06 GW 2.10 GW 26 31D1 2.47 IW 2.48 IW 27 21D1 2.22 GW 2.24 GW 28 2W 0.99 GW 0.95 GW 29 2W 1.00 GW 0.87 GW 30 2W 1.12 GW 0.95 GW 31 1 1.14 GW 0.86 GW 32 1 1.28 GW 0.92 GW 33 3W 1.88 IW 1.90 IW 34 1 0.86 GW 0.72 GW 35 1 1.27 GW 1.22 GW 36 3W 2.03 IW 1.90 IW 37 4W 2.17 IW 1.92 IW Notes: 1. The District does not separately sample free chlorine residual; thus, for pressure zones supplied by Imported Water (IW), total chlorine residual is assumed to be entirely combined chlorine, while for pressure zones supplied by Groundwater (GW), total chlorine residual is assumed to be entirely free chlorine. March 2013 E -15 pw:// Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAIYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx E.6.2 Establish Boundary Conditions To establish boundary conditions for the water quality model, the chlorine dosage at each point of entry into the distribution system was input into the hydraulic model. The boundary conditions assumed are listed in Table E.6. It should be noted that this is a targeted dosage rather than sampled data. Table E.6 Assumed Supply Water Quality Total Organic Total Chlorine Carbon Source (mg /L) (mg /L) pH Imported Water 2.5 0.93 8.00 Connections Groundwater Wells 1.4 2.4 7.76 (after injection) For the groundwater wells, the chlorine residual was assumed at the reservoir model elements for simplicity even though the chlorine injectors are actually located further downstream for some of the groundwater wells. Note that the TOC and pH are not required for the single -order decay model used for water in the free chlorine zones, but were included for consistency. In addition, the District maintains a chlorine injection station at the Lakeview BPS site. Within the model, this is assumed to be located at Junction J5358. During the calibration this site was not operating as the Lakeview BPS did not flow since upper /downstream zones were being supplied with imported water. For the imported water connections, all water quality parameters listed in Table E.6 were assigned to the reservoir elements. Based on MWDOC's standard operations, it was assumed that the chlorine residual was entirely monochloramine and that no dichloramine is present in the source water. For reference, MWDOC's target total chlorine to ammonia (as N) ratio is 5 to 1. The District does not collect samples of TOC at its reservoirs during routine sampling. To approximate initial TOC conditions within each reservoir, the TOC concentrations at the sources were used based on whether a reservoir was primarily supplied by groundwater or imported water. However, based on analysis of some of the sampling site data, moving further into the distribution system TOC levels decrease slightly through reaction with chlorine to form disinfection byproducts; thus, TOC levels should be slightly lower at the reservoir sites than in the source water. With TOC data unavailable, the effect of reduced TOC concentration on the decay rate was assumed to be negligible within the hydraulic model. E -16 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCANLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.doex Legend Chlorine Analyzers (SCADA) O [Hourly Sampling Data] TCR Sampling Sites O [Weekly Sampling Data] I] Sampled Reservoirs �T o [Weekly Sampling Data] 37' - El TELEGRAPH CANYON Rd � � Service Area Parcels - - ^- ❑ � Pipeline 36 p by Diameter (inches) p s _ 4 15 - 3 less than 8 8 to 12 U 33 2 g � 8 � � 16 and lar er I RE � O MA M 1V • -a -- I JIM MA . � �■r � � r - _ -- - 1 � ��,� vim' 0 I I 11. i MEMO ME z■ �. �� — •.■ ■ �� cnioanu A ■1 ■� ���- % - I Miles a ♦ 1 6f� Quality Sampling Sites NortheastArea Planning Study • •. Linda Water District ',gineers... Working Wonders This Page Intentionally Left Blank. E -18 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCANLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.doex E.6.3 Establish Initial Conditions To determine the initial chlorine residual across the distribution system (for the start, or hour 0, of the modeling scenario), the residual levels shown in Table E.7 were used for an initial global residual. Initial water quality at reservoirs were taken from sampling data shown in Table E.3. Table E.7 Assumed Initial Water Quality Total Chlorine Source (mg /L) Imported Water Supplied Zones 2.2 Groundwater Supplied Zones 1.4 The hydraulic model was then run under an EPS until the water quality levels throughout the distribution system stabilized. Since the chlorine residuals at each reservoir were known (via the sampling), this stabilization occurs fairly quickly within the hydraulic model, during the period of the calibration. E.6.4 Decay Rates While the reaction rates are included in the chloramine decay model based on published literature, the decay of free chlorine and chloramines in the District's distribution system is dependent upon a large number of factors, including but not limited to temperature, pH, Total Chlorine: Ammonia -N ratio, TOC concentration, source water quality makeup, interactions with pipe wall materials, hydraulic retention time, and interactions within the Districts reservoirs. For the chloramine model used in this analysis, decay in chlorine residual is included in four components of the chloramines model — autodecomposition of monochloramine, monochloramine interaction with organic matter, monochloramine decay through conversion to hypochlorous acid and interaction with organic matter, and dichloramine decay through interaction with a reactive intermediate. The interactions with organic matter assume dual -phase kinetics of NOM oxidation by chloramines - an initial rapid loss of chloramines residual followed by a slow decrease in residual. In order to adapt this chloramines decay model to the District's specific water quality, the fast reactive fraction of the direct monochloramine interaction with TOC was adjusted iteratively based on SCADA results. Following the calibration process, the resultant reactive fractions used for the model were: March 2013 E -19 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx • Fast Reactive Fraction: 0.0025 (decay through monochloramine -TOC interaction) • Slow Reactive Fraction: 0.3 (decay through HOCI -TOC Interaction) For free chlorine, the assumed first order decay includes two components, a bulk rate of decay and a wall rate of decay. In absence of jar test data, these rates were iteratively adjusted based on available SCADA data for known groundwater supplied portions of the model. Following the calibration process, the resultant decay coefficients used for the model were: • Bulk Decay Coefficient: 0.02 • Wall Decay Coefficient: 0.05 For reference, a 1996 AWWARF study evaluating several water distribution systems reported a range of bulk first -order decay coefficients between 0.01 and 0.74 ( AWWARF, 1996). It should be noted that first -order decay will vary with TOC concentrations, which were assumed from average annual TOC levels within the source water from the District's 2012 annual water quality report. E.6.5 Water Quality Calibration Calibration is conducted by comparing the actual chlorine residual levels recorded at the sampling sites to the predicted values in the hydraulic model. This comparison is shown in Table E.B. As listed in Table E.5, sampling times were only available for a few of the sites; for sites without sampling time data available, residuals for the entire 24 -hour period of the sampling day were averaged for this comparison. Table E.8 Comparison of Sampled Residuals to Model Predictions Difference Sampled Model [Sample - Assumed Residua 1(2) Prediction Prediction] Sample Site Zone Supply(') (mg /L) (mg /L) (mg /L) 1 6 1W 2.1 1.4 +0.7 2 5 IW 2.2 2.1 +0.1 3 6 1W 1.9 1.4 +0.6 4 6 1W 1.4 1.0 +0.4 5 5 IW 2.2 2.0 +0.2 6 4 IW 2.2 2.1 +0.1 7 4 IW 2.2 1.8 +0.5 8 3W IW 2.4 2.0 +0.5 9 4 IW 2.2 2.4 -0.2 10 4 1W 2.5 1.9 +0.6 11 3W IW 1.8 2.4 -0.6 12 4 IW 1.9 1.4 +0.5 E -20 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCANLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx Table E.8 Comparison of Sampled Residuals to Model Predictions Difference Sampled Model [Sample - Assumed Residua 1(2) Prediction Prediction] Sample Site Zone Supply(') (mg /L) (mg /L) (mg /L) 13 1 GW 0.9 0.7 +0.2 14 2 GW 0.9 0.4 +0.5 15 5 IW 1.9 1.1 +0.7 16 3 IW 2.0 1.3 +0.6 17 3 1W 1.9 1.0 +0.9 18 5 IW 1.9 1.4 +0.6 19 301 IW 2.4 2.2 +0.2 20 31D1 IW 2.3 2.1 +0.1 21 2W GW 0.9 1.1 -0.1 22 21D1 GW 2.1 2.1 -0.0 23 2W IW 2.2 2.0 +0.1 24 201 GW 2.3 2.1 +0.2 25 21D2 GW 2.1 2.0 +0.1 26 301 IW 2.5 2.3 +0.2 27 201 GW 2.2 2.2 +0.1 28 2W GW 1.0 0.3 +0.6 29 2W GW 0.9 0.6 +0.3 30 2W GW 1.0 0.6 +0.3 31 1 GW 0.9 0.5 +0.4 32 1 GW 0.9 0.5 +0.4 33 3W IW 1.9 2.0 -0.1 34 1 GW 0.7 0.6 +0.1 35 1 GW 1.2 0.9 +0.4 36 3W IW 1.9 1.7 +0.2 37 4W IW 1.9 1.6 +0.3 Notes: 1. Based on hydraulic model prediction of supply water. 2. Sampling times were only available for sites at which physical constituents were also sampled (which are adjusted biweekly). For unknown sampling times, average water quality levels for the 24 -hr period on the sampling day were used for model predictions. As seen in Table E.8, overall the model is predicting residuals slightly below or equivalent to the sampled residuals, indicating the model is conservative. Overall, the calibration results show that the model predicts lower residuals in areas where lower residuals were sampled, and higher residuals in areas where higher residuals were sampled. However, the District should not expect that the model predictions to accurately predict exact chlorine March 2013 E -21 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCAfYLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx residuals, likely due to the number of assumptions made in setting the boundary conditions for this model, and the theoretical nature of the modeled reactions and limitations thereof. The differences between sampled and predicted residual are shown by location in Figure E.3. As shown on Figure E.3, the hydraulic model predicts results consistent with the District's sampling results in much of Zones 1, 2, and 3. The model predicts lower residuals than seen in the sampling results in several of the upper pressure zones. Based on the results of the calibration, water quality results should be used for general trends, but not detailed analysis. The model provides an accurate representation of the District's distribution system and system operations to a level suitable for the purposes of identifying system deficiencies and evaluating capital improvements to the District's water distribution system. E -22 March 2013 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCANLWD /9047A00/ Deliverables /App_E- Calibration.docx Legend by Difference (mg/L) < 0.25 EBIR ST 0.25-0.50 +0.3 ❑ TELEGRAPH CANYON R 0.50-0.75 AA 0.75-1.0 > 1.0 +0.7 -0.6 Predicted Residual Total Cl (mg/L) X41 1 +0.5 --0.6 <0 .2 C Vii; Uj +0.3::� ck —1.0 0.2 1.! +0 6 1 IN U.3 1.0-1.5 27. 4 ✓ +0.6 - 1.5-2.0 11' 1 +0.4 +0.4 +U.0 A� X 5) 4- Tanks .51 ED Service Area IL Parcels +06 Pipeline 6 inch and less 0/1/616 8 to 12 inch 1 Fj 0 VI-0 16 inch and larger 0 0.5 1 Miles Predicted Water Quality Correlation with Field Results Northeast Area Planning Study Yorba Linda Water District wineem Workinq Wonders With LZ) 20 w 15 d d J Y 10 H 5 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction 20 15 d y 10 J Y C H 5 I V l 0 ....................................... 8/9 8/10 8/11 8112 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction 15 Hidden Hil .� ,O it II w J Y C H 5 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction 20 Quarterhorse Reservoir Level VIII III III III III I��II UIIIIIII Iu III uuu u11111 15 Q a>i 10 J Y C F 5 r I 0 V L 819 8/10 8111 8/12 8/13 8/14 8115 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction - QH1 —Model Prediction - QH2 20 15 d N 10 J Y C H 5 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction co 20 S15 N d J Y 10 F 5 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction 25 20 1C 15 d J Y 10 H 5 Springview Reservoir Level Iflllll► �IINIIFfiIIIIIIIIIiI�IflMMll�lll�lll !Any �11111fl11 II II I IIIIIIIII III' Il l 111 l ll ll l 111 l ll l 111 ll l l llll1919111199911;!I _ • - II11111111111 I-I I_ I_ II_I_IIIII- IIIII_IIIII-IIIII- IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII° IILIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I li11� iTA 1 1111 1 1 11 1 11111 111 I1 1 1I _ 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction J,UV V Elk Mountain BPS Flow 1 0,4 2,500 2,000 _. a 31,500 O LL 1,000 it I 500 111111111 HIM I 0 '.I 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction Valley View Reservoir Level 25 �.20 4 i d ii Will a0i15 J -_ Y 1 i I � l 10 5 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction 5,500 Box Canyon • 111 u. mom' lmnnn•mn? nnnnn nnomni:•c•s. nllnnll nnmm�uililn.l m nm nmm�numml 11 I 1 1 1EIEE9IEIE :EE ' 1 "; �EEEa1E1I1EnIE111E1 '11111111111111111111111111111 1111 111111n1111111,;,,,,,,,,,,,�„� 4,000 mm lnm mmmnnnnm m1 1 i.....1 unn SIR nnnnnunnx �m nnnnnunmm�ni " HEEEEiEEEEE' �EEEEE IE E9 1 iEEEEEEE99EEEEiEEEEEEE ;11111111111 " "11111111 1 11 ('1'11'1 "11'11" 0111iio �uii m °;1 loon nn 1 mr n nnnnnnnl inninnift 1mi'iIln liiinn In inn nom.... is iiiunn mnnln iiiii iiiinnnmiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiimm�nlnnnnnmm�lm mnnnnnmin nn nnnnmmnm mnmml non nm inn mmnnnnn nmmnmm mnnnnn nmm�mn nnnnnnl nnnnnnnnl nn innnnnmmm nn nnnnnmmm .nn nom 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 n111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 VIII 1111111 unmm�' inn mmnnnnn nunmunnl mm�nnn nmm..mnl ..." mnl nnnnnnnm u'n nnmmnnnn nn numnunnnn inn nom 11 nnmmm in mmnnmm nnmmnnu nnmmm nnmmmnl nnnnnnl nnnmm�nn 1m nmlmunnm m1 nnmmnnnm am nom nnnnnn nnumm�mmn nnnnnnnu In nmmm nnnnnnnl nnnnnnl nnnnnnnm inn unnnnnnnm mn nnnnmm�nn nn nom ' 1 mmi n°n�iinniinnii1li 1n iinn i1i u miimiimmiiin�inininininn nnnnnmm� nnnnnm lnnnmil nnnnun�nmul� ; i innmmnnnn nn niil i niin m m� mnn iuin m mil nn ii niinlnnmm� lull ii mmm�mmm munnn iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiii liiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii! Viii ininusuiluiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiuiiiiiiiliiiiliili 'viii ' 1 1 nnmmnuun nunmmm mmnmmu muumuu nummmn nlnlmml nlulmunnn nu mmmmnmm nu mmnmmlml ant nnul iii i............iui�.......... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIInIIIIIiIIIIII IIilIIIIIIIIBII IIIIIIIIInII ;iIVIII ®111111IIIIIIIIIIAIII IAIIIIIIIIIIIIIi lies lIIIII (IIII I�IIIICAIIIIIIIIIIBII IIIIIIIII�IL'IIIII IIII IIIIII 1 1 111n1111IIIIInII IIIIIIIIIOInll llllllllll 111111 1111111111111 II111 1111111Ill llnlllllllll n11 111111111 1111 111111111111111111 111111In111111111111111111111 1111 im iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii lliiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiriKill11111ii 1 nn°on11n n1 1n1mn n° on" o..°n .. I °a .nnm nn E I VIBURNUM, ;; iHil ;;;;;;;;;;;1;1 m ;;;;;;;;;;;1;;1 1; mnnmm�nm mnnnmm�nl mnn ' 9,000 8,500 8,000 - -... .:... 7,500 -.- -- _ -- -- 7,000 6,500 - 6,000 5,500 CL 5,000 -_ T - 4,500 -- O 4,000 LL 3,500 -- 1 - - - -- I + 3,000 I H F-1111 2,500 — + - 2,000 1,500 1,000 1 - 500 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction J,UV V Hidden Hills BPS Flow -! to I 2,500 thil L. III IIIIF �I 2,000 _. _ - RIII CIL LL` 1,000 500 - 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction 1,000 Springview BPS Flow IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII a 500 3 0 LL 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction 4,VVU Lakeview BPS Flow 3,500 - -- - - +- - - - - -- - - -- -- _ - F! _ 3,000 -- - -- - -- - - -. 2,500 -------------- - - -- - - - -. - i III a : Z-2,000 -tit -tdith LL 1,500 111 1 1 11111 Hill 1111111 IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII I I 1,000 500 IN" AIIIIIIIIIIIIII11w JAM .4011 ''1 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction 2,000 1,500 E 2 � 1,000 3 0 LL 500 Trentino PRS F "'II ��III' IIIIIIIIII' IIIIIIIII' 11 'III'IIII'II'III�IIIII'_II'I�I low 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day —Model Prediction • SCADA Data a rn 3 0 LL 1,500 1,000 500 Santiago BPS iiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction L,UUV 2,000 £ 1,500 CL 3 0 LL 1,000 500 0 8/9 8110 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day -Model Prediction • SCADA Data 2,000 1,500 Q � 1,000 3 0 LL 500 0 ' LLILIL 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day Model Prediction • SCADA Data - Flow Parameter 1 • SCADA Data - Flow Parameter 2 Paso Fino BPS Discharge Pressure 100 - ,r . ............... 80 -, - .• y 11 -rC 60 AN Q 7 III I I 40 a II li 20 0 819 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8116 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction 2,500 2,000 £ 1,500 Q 3 0 LL 1,000 500 Paso Fino BPS Flow _. iiiiiiiiiiiiii�l�illillilli�ilillillillillillillll�ll�ilillilli�11111111111111iliiliiiliiliiliiliiililliiliiliiilillii�iilliilillii�iillllllm 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction LVV Elk e 180 - • -- - - - -- - Mountain Discharge Pressure 160 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -__' - - - - - -- - 140 _I r .N 120 Q - to 100 - N li N 1 _. i 80 �I , a II I u. i:. I I I #r I i 60 I 40 I- I i I - 20 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day SCADA Data Model Prediction Q 3 0 LL 500 Valley View BPS, Flow 0 8/9 8110 8/11 . 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data —Model Prediction Hidden Hills iBPS Discharge Pressure e 150 N Q d 7 N 100 i a 50 V 8/9 8 /10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day —SCADA Data —Model Prediction nom nnnm mmm mm�nm noon • • :' � •- ' - 111111 null 1111 :1 m'.�mnlmmm Im Im � Imo _ -1 , _ ' N11111111NIIIINIIIFlIIINI'• "` .�� I nln11n1111V'rd• ;'r'1 �tlII�1' 'rl,� 1111111111111111' . +'':.� � � *INII 11 P�!:Allllll 1 „/��•� y, 711111111111P..':illllllll�� - - -" III- <Allllllllll - '•IIIINI':A 11111111 non.. - '.•nN':i viii -� Iu11 11111111 .1 s ryry111 � „„ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111111101 1 1 1 1 1 1 - ' nnnnnnnnnnmm�nnnmmmnnmmnnnnnnnnnmm�nnnnmmnnnnnmmmnnnnmm�nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i i i i i i i i i i u i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1pp i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i l i i i i i i i i i u i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 Inlnl 11 111 lull) 111111 1 I 1 111 I nln III In 1 II 1 Inl Iln 1 nl 1 11 Inln II 111 1 nl Ilnll 1 11 1 1 IIIIIIIIt111111111I11I111111111I111111111111111I111111I111111111111t11111I111111111111111n111111111111111I11111t111111111111I111111I11111I111111111111I111111 11111111111111 1 111 1 111111111111111 1 1111111111111111 111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1 1111111111 1 111111111 111 ' IIIIIt11111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111111I111111111111111I111111111111111n11111111t111111I1111111111111111111111111Illllllllllllllllll [111111 Hillmulumnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm�nnnmm�nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnm...... nnnnnnnnnnnnmm�nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm nnnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm�nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnuunnnnnuuuunuuuunnnnnunununnnnunnnnnnnnuununnnununnnuunnnn 1 yv Lakeview BPS Discharge Pressure 80 a eVle 70 --------- - - - -- - -- - - -- - -. -. - - -.. -. 1 I I 60 - - - -- 0) S50 7t7ffl H 40 - - r N VId I` CL 30 1111 t — - 1.L 20 - ... -.- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -__ _- -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- 10 ___ 11 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction Box-Canyon BPS Discharge Pressure _.I ri J11II'll 1-11-7 _.. I... •. -_ 150 N Q m N 100 i CL 50 0 819 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8116 Time of Day SCADA Data —Model Prediction LVV Santiago BPS Discharge Pressure 180T -- ; 160 11111111 1111., 1 1111,11111 — ' 1 11.1. 1111 1 11 140 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIll 111111H .Q 120 -- ,111 - 1,.11 - -- II1 100 N y _ II 1 1 a 80 - UHHHHHH 11111, -11 LI.�I 11,111 11 1 I. .II 60 40 1. i I _ 20 1111. I 111_1. 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day SCADA Data Model Prediction 150 N Q m N 100 i EL all 0 • . ' . • IIYIYIIIIIIIIIII■ �MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I �IIIIIIIIIIIIII�I� i��ll�iii���lllllllllll! ������iii��lllllllllllll !�jllllll!„IIIIIIIIIII�i;irlN � .Ililllllllll r.... r llilllllllllll111111 !!!.111dlllllll�l• I��illlll I � �� I �����I IIIIIIIIIIII, Ilii1IIIIn��IIIIIPD0! I611III161IIIII IIII iIIIIPIIIIIIIIII11'�IIIh".°;;__I� � Illlliilnm'° °!:IIILIIrr /�' "'� '�� ®�' .11 Iln!1lllll6uun11� nlllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �IIIIIIII1111111111111111n1n1 �I� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllll IIIIIII�IU Illl�lnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 819 8/10 8111 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day SCADA Data —Model Prediction ILV _I Springview BPS Discharge Pr essure 100 I 1:1 v 60 _ I 1111 y .IIII - U N IIII li iil i I{ I I�� 40 - — - - -- -- - - - - - — -- — - I I 20 III,. 0819 8/10. .8/11. ..8/12 13 _8/ 1111 __ 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day —SCADA Data —Model Prediction 11000 OC 51 Plow - T - 1-51 10,000 - -- - - -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,500 9,000 8,500 8,000 - -- -- - -,,' - 7,500 -- �- . 7,000 Q. 6,500 -- I... - - - -' -- - - -- 07 6,000 3 5,500 _. - - -- +-- - L - - -- + - - - -- - -_ -- _- -- _- - - - -.. 0 5,000 LL 4,500 -- - - -- 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 .' «. 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8116 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction 4,VVU Del Rey PRS Flow, 4,000 l _. - -- - r. _ 3,500 I � I 3,000 - 111111H ii i 11, - i x2,500 - - - -- -- - -- - - -- _.. 0 2,000 LL Ii I I 1,500 Ilr I is IN r II I 1- II r r 11 it 1,000 1 -- - -- - -- III I I l 500 _ ' I 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day -Model Prediction • SCADA Data IL,VUU 11.,500 - F- -- - - -- - -- 11,000 10,500 10,000 -- � -- - - -- - -- - __ I 9,500 - r - - - 9,000 - 8,500 8,000 -- - - - - - -- 7s00 - - - - 7,000 2 6,500 -- - - - - - - -- -- - - ------ -- - - -- 6,000 -- - - - - - - 5,500 - -------------- - LL 5,000 - hI1I:iI:1i,,[irj 41 111 4,500 - 4,000 3,500 - - 3,000 2,500 it 2,000 1,500 - 1,000 .. _- 500 - - 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day 2,000 1,500 E 2 � 1,000 3 0 LL 500 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8112 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day -Model Prediction • SCADA Data L,VUV 2,000 £ 1,500 CL 3 0 LL 1,000 500 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day -Model Prediction • SCADA Data 07 Flow Well...,..... 2,500 - - -- I I' 2,000 i CL L... I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 WIN ILL - - I 1,000 .I'..._ 500 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day —Model Prediction • SCADA Data 1,500 Well 12 Flow 1,000 3 0 ILLa 500 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day —Model Prediction • SCADA Data 2,000 1,500 E CL 1,000 ILL 0 500 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day —Model Prediction • SCADA Data 1 1,500 E ILLa 0 1,000 500 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day • SCADA Data Model Prediction J,UV V Well 18 Flow 2,500 � I � !L - -- - -- 2,000 - _ - T -- - -- -- - r— - - E CL X1,500 c 1 I I I I I II 1,000 .! 11111111111111111 mill 500 I 0 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 Time of Day -Model Prediction • SCADA Data AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 To: Board of Directors From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Dept: Manager Prepared By: Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary ITEM NO. 9.2 Board of Directors Subject: MWDOC Board and Elected Officials' Forum -April 4, 2013 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors designate a Director to attend this event as the District's official representative and authorize additional Director attendance if desired. DISCUSSION: MWDOC has invited the District to attend its 5th, semi - annual Elected Officials' Forum on April 4, 2013. They have requested that the Board designate one Director to attend the event as the District's official representative. Other Directors and District staff are also welcome to attend. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 1 -C: Have Board of Directors and YLWD Staff Attend More Events and Inter - governmental Meetings within the Local Community ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: MWDOC Forum.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to MWDOC Forum Invite Letter.pdf Backup Material the Meeting The Municipal Water District of Orange County ( MWDOC) is the wholesale water provider and regional planning agency for twenty -eight member agencies. Our activities include Metropolitan representation, Metropolitan policy, rate development and implementation, water use efficiency, water resource planning, Federal and State grant procurement, government relations, (public information, and education in support of our member agencies. Your city or water district will be receiving an official invitation shortly from your MWDOC district representative, inviting you to our fifth, semi - annual Elected Officials' Forum . Invitation letters are addressed to the City Mayor or Water Board President. The City Manager or General Manager and Director of Public Works have been copied. Use this link to view the Agenda. darner Ave 'Fountain MUNICIPAL W ATE R Valley DISTRICT ben Ave OF PRAhFGE Dis Ave "'' C011IJTY The Municipal Water District of Orange County ( MWDOC) is the wholesale water provider and regional planning agency for twenty -eight member agencies. Our activities include Metropolitan representation, Metropolitan policy, rate development and implementation, water use efficiency, water resource planning, Federal and State grant procurement, government relations, (public information, and education in support of our member agencies. Your city or water district will be receiving an official invitation shortly from your MWDOC district representative, inviting you to our fifth, semi - annual Elected Officials' Forum . Invitation letters are addressed to the City Mayor or Water Board President. The City Manager or General Manager and Director of Public Works have been copied. Use this link to view the Agenda. darner Ave 'Fountain We request that each city and water district designate one elected official to attend the meeting as their official Valley representative. Other elected officials and /or staff are welcome ben Ave to attend as well. Dis Ave "'' In order to provide name plates and sufficient seating, please Ireeld Ave use the link below to register your official representative and any other attendees from your city or water district. MESA VERDE Adams A++e Register Now! +a° 24 a tie"oft Corporation Our CityiWater District can't make it If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our Interim General Manager, Karl Seckel at (714) 593 -5024 or kseckela- mwdoc.com. Sincerely, Joan Finnegan President Municipal Water District of Orange County ( MWDOC) AGENDA Welcome and Introductions MWDOC's 2013 -14 Draft Budget Update RE: Desalination Projects - Huntington Beach, Poseidon - Dana Point, SOCOD Water Supply Outlook Comments and Roundtable Topics for November Meeting Irfl / b I \s I`LL f j► f" Street Address: 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley CA 92708 Phone Number: (714) 963 -3058 Website: www.mwdoc.com MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF ORANGE COUNTY AGENDA Welcome and Introductions MWDOC's 2013 -14 Draft Budget Update RE: Desalination Projects - Huntington Beach, Poseidon - Dana Point, SOCOD Water Supply Outlook Comments and Roundtable Topics for November Meeting Irfl / b I \s I`LL f j► f" Street Address: 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley CA 92708 Phone Number: (714) 963 -3058 Website: www.mwdoc.com MUNICIPAL WATr=P 131STRiCT ccauNYY ITEM NO. 9.2. March 5, 2013 LID MAR 11. 100 StreetAddress: 18700 Ward Street The Honorable Gary Melton Fountain V0ey, California 92708 President Y Yorba Linda Water District Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 309 P.O. Box 20895 Fountain Valley, CA 92728 -0895 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -030/9 (714) 963 -3058 Dear Preside ton, L�` ��Y Fax: (714) 964 -9389 www.mwdoc.com Subject: MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum Joan C. Finnegan President Thursday, Aril 4 201.3 — 5 :3 0 m to 7:00 m y� 1� � p 1� Jeffery M. Thomas Vice President The Municipal Water District of Orange County ( MWDOC) is the wholesale Brett R. Barbre water provider and regional planning agency for twenty -seven water retailers Director and the Orange County Water District. Our activities include Metropolitan Larry D. Dick Director representation, Metropolitan policy and rate development and implementation, Wayne A. Clark water use efficiency, water resource planning, Federal and State grant Director procurement, governmental relations and public information and education in Susan Hinman Director support of our member agencies. Wayne Osborne Director We would like to invite you to our fifth elected officials' forum to increase Kevin P. Hunt, P.E. elected officials' knowledge of and input to MWDOC and its activities. We General Manager are holding our meeting on April 4, 2013 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at our office at 18700 Ward Street in the Boardroom. The draft agenda is enclosed. MEMBER AGENCIES City of Brea We request that each City and water district designate an elected official to City of Buena Park attend the meeting as their official representative. Other elected officials or East Orange County Water District staff are, of course, welcome. Because of the hour, we will provide a modest El Toro Water District meal of sandwiches and salads. Emerald Bay Service District City of Fountain Valley City of Garden Grove Thank you for your participation in this event. In order to provide name Golden State water co. plates and sufficient seating, please notify Pat Meszaros at 714/593 -5025 City of Huntington Beach meszaros mwdoc.com) of your official designee and number of persons Irvine Ranch Water District attending. Laguna Beach County Water District City of La Habra City of La Palma Please do not hesitate to call our Interim General Manager, Karl Seckel, at Mesa water District 714/593 -5024 (Lseckel@mwdoc.com should you have any questions or Moulton Niguel Water District suggestions. City of Newport Beach City of Orange Orange County Water District S mcerely, City of San Clemente /. City of San Juan Capistrano %z Santa Margarita Water District y. City of Seal Beach Brett R. Barbre Serrano Water District Director, Division 1 South Coast Water District Trabuco Canyon Water District City of Tustin C: teven Conklin, Acting General Manager City of Westminster Yorba Linda Water District Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 11.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 Subject: Executive - Administrative - Organizational Committee (Melton /Kiley) • Minutes of meeting held February 27, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. • Meeting scheduled March 19, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: 022713 EAO - Minutes.docx Description: EAO Mtg Minutes 02/27/13 Type: Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EXEC-ADM IN-ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:00 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. K� 4. 5. The February 27, 2013 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Executive - Administrative- Organizational Committee was called to order by Director Melton at 9:00 a.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Damon Micalizzi, Public Info Officer Cindy Botts, Management Analyst OTHER ATTENDEES Arthur G. Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Heather Stratman, Senior Director, Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. ACTION CALENDAR 4.1. Request to Support Re- Election of Melody A. McDonald for the ACWA /JPIA Executive Committee The Committee reviewed the subject request and deferred consideration, pending receipt of other similar requests. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Legislative Affairs Update (Verbal Report) Reviewed with Committee that Mr. Micalizzi had been contacted by OCTA to pursue joint public outreach effort for the upcoming Lakeview Grade Separation Project. Mr. Conklin noted that his staff is in contact with OCTA engineering staff for final review of pipeline design plans for the project. Discussed that Mr. Jim Ruth, OCSD General Manager is retiring in March, and that Jim Herberg will be the new GM. Mr. Conklin was asked to 1 contact Mr. Herberg to schedule meeting for a discussion regarding seats on the OCSD Board. Mrs. Stratman and Mr. Kidman discussed various bills in the state legislature that may be of interest to the District. Mrs. Stratman left the meeting at this time. 5.2. OCWD Annexation Project Status Mr. Conklin reported that the draft Annexation EIR is planned for public release by OCWD in March for a 45 -day review period. He noted that the annexation appears to be on schedule for consideration of approval by the OCWD Board by late summer. 5.3. Security Measures at Valley View Reservoir (Verbal Report) Mr. Micalizzi reported that signs are in place and that OC Sheriff has included the site as part of its community drive -by presence. Following discussion, the Committee asked that staff add additional signs, and proceed with purchase of motion - activated lights and a "dummy" camera as added deterrents. 5.4. Status of Plumosa Property (Verbal Report) Mr. Conklin reported that a Broker Opinion of Value was received on February 20 for the subject property. Copies of the document were provided to the Committee for review. He noted that the document indicated that the property might have an estimated value for office use in the range of $400,000 to $450,000, though its location and lack of parking makes this a low likely -hood. The document indicated that the property might have a value if sold to a residential developer in the $450,000 to $525,000 range, with a fairly high likely -hood of sales success. Following discussion, the Committee asked staff to proceed with the process for sale of the property as surplus, which first requires offering it for sale to the City and /or other public agency. 5.5. Status Report on Operations and Efficiency Study (Verbal Report) Mr. Conklin and Mrs. Botts reported on the outcome of the reference checks of the five firms shortlisted, as summarized in a handout provided to the Committee. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that three firms be further shortlisted for receipt of the Request for SOQ, including DeLoach & Assoc, Koff & Assoc, and Sjoberg Evashenk. The Committee agreed that this item will be presented to the Board on February 26 for review and concurrence before proceeding. 5.6. Customer Service Feedback Report (To be provided at the meeting.) Mr. Conklin handed out copies and reviewed the subject report with the Committee 2 5.7. Alternative Work Schedule Comparison Data Copies of the data collected over the last 12 months were provided to the Committee, and the results and findings were presented by Mrs. Botts. It was noted that for the categories plotted, some values were higher and some lower so it is difficult to draw firm conclusions. It was pointed out that, over the prior year, electricity and regular fuel use were down slightly, that 21 % more miles of sewer was cleaned, and that sick -leave time taken was down 25 %. It was also noted by Mr. Conklin that there have been no customer complaints received due to Friday closure and that staff morale is positive with the "4 -10" as a benefit, at little or no cost to the District. The Committee did not recommend any changes from the current work week. 5.8. Directors' and Acting General Manager Fees and Expenses (Oct -Dec 2012) These were reviewed by the Committee with no comments provided. 5.9. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives Mr. Conklin reviewed the status of the above with the Committee. 5.10. Review of Proposed Supplies and Services Budgets This item was added to the agenda, as it was inadvertently not included at the time the agenda was prepared. Mr. Conklin reviewed with the Committee the draft Supplies and Services budgets for the Board of Directors and for Administration. Following discussion, the Committee recommended no changes to the draft budgets. 5.11. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. The Committee adjourned to Closed Session at 10:58 a.m. Directors Melton and Kiley were present. Also present were Messrs. Conklin and Kidman. 6. CLOSED SESSION 6.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00486884) The Committee reconvened in Open Session at 11:09 a.m. Director Melton announced that no action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 3 7. ADJOURNMENT 7.1. The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 a.m. The next Executive - Administrative- Organizational Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 12 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 Subject: Finance - Accounting Committee (Hawkins /Melton) ATTACHMENTS: Name: 022513 FA - Minutes.doc ITEM NO. 11.2 • Minutes of meeting held February 25, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled March 25, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. Description: FA Mtg Minutes 02/25/13 Type: Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT FINANCE - ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, February 25, 2013 12:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 3. 4. 5. The February 25, 2013 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Finance - Accounting Committee was called to order by Director Hawkins at 12:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE Director Phil Hawkins, Chair Director Gary T. Melton PUBLIC COMMENTS None. ACTION CALENDAR STAFF Stephen Parker, Finance Manager 4.1. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2012 Mr. Parker presented the full accrual quarterly financial statements for the Committee to recommend the Board receive and file. He shared that most of our expenses were in line with the budget half way through the year, with the exception of water - related charges, but that those were offset with water - related revenues that were higher than budget as well. Mr. Parker also shared the debt service coverage calculation, which at 200% was healthy. The Committee supported staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. GFOA and CSMFO Budget Award Notification Mr. Parker was pleased to notify the Committee that the District was notified it received the Excellence in Budgeting Award from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers and the Distinguished Budgeted Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada relating to the District's FY 12/13 Operating Budget. 5.2. FY 2013/14 Budget Calendar Mr. Parker provided the Committee with an updated Budget Calendar and identified changes from the previous calendar in red. 1 5.3. Draft Finance Department Budget Mr. Parker presented the Committee with the Finance Department's draft budget for FY 13/14. Mr. Parker described the major differences and the Committee was satisfied with the budget as presented. The Committee did ask Mr. Parker to provide the Finance Department's forecast for the current fiscal year as a future staff task. 5.4. Investment Report for Period Ending January 2013 Mr. Parker pointed out that the District's portfolio yield increased to 0.71 % in conjunction with the January Investment Report. He also shared some of the District's significant balance changes, which in January was primarily a reduction of Operating Reserves due to the payment of OCWD annexation charges and semi - annual replenishment assessments. 5.5. Budget to Actual Results for January 2013 Mr. Parker reviewed the January Budget to Actual Results. As the balances were not significantly different from the schedules presented with the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2012, there were no further questions. Mr. Parker asked if it would be helpful to provide a detailed listing of significant variances in the supplies and services section of the budget. The Committee requested that Mr. Parker provide this at a future meeting. 5.6. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives Mr. Parker reported on the status of strategic plan initiatives related to fiscal responsibility. The Committee recommended that this item be tabled until such time that there are fiscal responsibility - related goals that are being pursued. 5.7. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks • Remove the Strategic Plan Initiatives from future Finance - Accounting Committee Meetings. • Provide detail for significant variances in individual line items in supplies and services expenses. • Provide the Finance Department forecast for FY 12/13. 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 1:03 p.m. The next Finance - Accounting Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Monday, March 25, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. 2 ITEM NO. 11.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 Subject: Personnel -Risk Management Committee (Collett /Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held February 26, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. • Minutes of meeting held March 12, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled March 27, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 022613 PRM - Minutes.doc PRM Mtg Minutes 02/26/13 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL -RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 26, 2013 4:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The February 26, 2013 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Public Affairs - Communications- Technology Committee was called to order by Director Collett at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. F, K� 4. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE Director Ric Collett, Chair Director Michael J. Beverage PUBLIC COMMENTS None. DISCUSSION ITEMS STAFF Gina Knight, HR and Risk Manager 4.1. Status of Compensation Study for the Position of General Manager (Verbal Report) Staff presented a revised salary study spreadsheet that included all the data collected to date indentifying the present salary of other water agencies' General Managers. The Committee selected several agencies similar to the District to be used for comparison to determine the appropriate salary for the District's future General Manager. Staff was directed to prepare a new spreadsheet that included the agencies selected for comparison along with the revised spreadsheet with all the data collected and to present both spreadsheets to the full Board of Directors at a future Board workshop to establish the salary for the General Manager position. 4.2. Draft Employment Contract for the Position of General Manager (Verbal Report) Staff presented the Committee with a draft employment contract prepared by the District's employment counsel. The Committee members reviewed the entire document and made recommendations to staff. Staff was directed to make the revisions and to present the revised draft employment contract to the full Board of Directors at a future Board workshop. 1 4.3. Title Signs for Management Staff Offices (Verbal Report) On February 5, 2013, staff was directed to review all of the District's Manager's Title plates to ensure the proper title was listed. Staff reported that all of the Manager's Title plates were reviewed and replaced with new plates identifying the correct position title. Staff was asked to review Management staffs' business cards for purposes of uniformity. 4.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks The Committee Chairperson Collett asked staff to add Job Descriptions and Titles to future agendas as this is an ongoing assignment. This item will remain on future agendas until all job descriptions are reviewed. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. The next Personnel -Risk Management Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 Subject: Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee (Beverage /Collett) • Minutes of meeting held March 4, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled April 2, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: 030413 PACT - Minutes.docx PACT Mtg Minutes 03/04/12 ITEM NO. 11.5 Type: Backup Material MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC AFFAIRS - COMMUNICATIONS - TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 4, 2013 4:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. K� CI The March 4, 2013 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Public Affairs - Communications- Technology Committee was called to order by Director Beverage at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Mgr Director Ric Collett Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Info Officer PUBLIC COMMENTS None. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. Draft IT Department Budget The Committee reviewed the draft budget and suggested that the budget be looked at further to reduce the proposed increases compared to last year. The Committee requested the information for travel and conferences be itemized, listing the attendees and expected benefits. 4.2. Draft Public Affairs Division Budget The Committee reviewed the draft budget and requested no changes. It was noted that there was some flexibility with the potential of moving certain items and projects to the future if needed for budget space. 4.3. Draft Spring Newsletter The Committee reviewed and approved the Draft Spring Newsletter. The Newsletter is scheduled to be mailed on March 21, 2013. 4.4. YLWD Lobby Signage — Updated Core Values Proof The Committee reviewed the latest proof of the District's Core Values signage for above the entryway to the Board Room and requested changes that will narrow the overall width of the sign. 1 5. 4.5. Status of Public Outreach Activities The Committee reviewed the status report of Public Outreach Activities and discussed the consideration future purchase of additional promotional items. 4.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 Communications - Technology Committee Monday, April 2, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. 2 p.m. The next Public Affairs - meeting is scheduled to be held AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 Subject: Meetings from March 15, 2013 - April 30, 2013 ATTACHMENTS: Description: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf Backup Material ITEM NO. 13.1 Type: Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: March 2013 Exec - Admin- Organizational Committee Meeting Tue, Mar 19 4:OOPM Melton /Kiley Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Mar 19 6:30PM Collett MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 20 8:30AM Melton OCWD Board Wed, Mar 20 5:30PM Kiley Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, Mar 21 11:OOAM Kiley Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Mar 25 8:30AM Beverage Finance - Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Mar 25 12:OOPM Hawkins /Melton Joint Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Tue, Mar 26 4:OOPM Beverage /Melton Personnel -Risk Management Committee Meeting Wed, Mar 27 4:OOPM Collett /Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Mar 27 7:OOPM Hawkins Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Mar 28 8:30AM Melton April 2013 Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Mon, Apr 1 11:OOAM Pub Affairs - Communications -Tech Committee Meeting Tue, Apr 2 4:OOPM Beverage /Collett Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Apr 2 6:30PM Kiley MWDOC /MWD Workshop Wed, Apr 3 8:30AM Melton OCWD Board Wed, Apr 3 5:30PM Kiley Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee Meeting Thu, Apr 4 3:OOPM Kiley /Hawkins MWDOC Elected Officials Forum Thu, Apr 4 5:30PM WACO Fri, Apr 5 7:30AM Hawkins /Kiley Personnel -Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Apr 9 4:OOPM Collett /Beverage LAFCO Wed, Apr 10 8:30AM Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 10 7:OOPM Melton Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Apr 11 8:30AM Exec - Admin- Organizational Committee Meeting Tue, Apr 16 4:OOPM Melton /Kiley Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Apr 16 6:30PM Collett MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 17 8:30AM Melton OCWD Board Wed, Apr 17 5:30PM Kiley Joint Committee Meeting with City of Yorba Linda Wed, Apr 17 6:OOPM Kiley /Beverage Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, Apr 18 8:30AM Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 22 8:30AM Beverage Finance - Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 22 12:OOPM Hawkins /Melton Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 24 7:OOPM Hawkins Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Apr 25 8:30AM 3/6/2013 4:06:40 PM ITEM NO. 14.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2013 Subject: Yorba Linda Costco Business Expo - February 23, 2013 (Ratify Director Beverage's attendance.) Mesa Water Reliability Facility Ceremony - March 13, 2013 (Ratify Director Collett and Director Kiley's attendance.) Santa Ana River Watershed Conference - April 11, 2013 California Water Policy Conference - April 18 -19, 2013 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. ATTACHMENTS: Name Description: Type: Mesa Water.pdf Backup Material Backup Material SAWPA Conference.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CA Water Policy Conf.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/14/2013 PH /RC 5 -0 r- BOARD OF DIRECTORS join us � C &6214 James R. Filler N Paxen# L" Waft &kbifityl President Shawn Dewane The Board of Directors of Mesa Water District 'r First Vice President James F. Atkinson cordially invite yori to a VIP ceremony Vice President commemorating the largest accomplishment Fred R. Bockmiller, Jr., PE, in Mesa Water's history. Vice President Ethan Temionka Mesa Wafter Reliability Facility Vice President Wednesday, March 13, 2013 1 -3 pm A'1 1350 Gisler Avenue, Costa Mesa RSVP by March 6, 2013 at (714) 866 -9209 or event@MesaWater.org MesaWater DISTRICT i -DF3 _xh77- M esaWate r DISTRICT r.rrtiW r1o.r lw..tPr Aixica# F IAN The state-of-the art Mesa Water Reliability Fac&)y (MWRF) produces water from _ on aquifer of amber - tinted water deep below the Earth`s surface. _ The ancient redwoods give the deep groundwater its amber color. Please join us in commemorating Mesa Water Reliabrlity Day, celebrofing the District achie ving its Board of Director's long standing vision of being 100 percent locally reliable. r -A" fik The event will feature tours of the MWRI, its water -wise gardens, and light refreshments will he served. Business attire: slacks and no/low- heeled, closed -tae shoes please. 2013 Santa Ana River Watershed Conference rr,, , Mv, ;Wz_ WA The Power o ft P armr,er,s �� Thursday, April 11, 2013 Westin South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa, CA MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Convened by the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) and coordinated by the Water Education Foundation It's up to US to address 21st century challenges! Fiscal crisis, energy costs, weather changes, the Delta, drought AND enough water for people, fish and food. Together We Can Achieve So Much More • Powerful partnerships unlock synergy and efficiencies. • Partnerships foster innovation to meet our challeges. • Together we will see each problem as interrelated. • This collaborative working conference will produce a framework for the Santa Ana River Watershed. For more information, contact the Water Education Foundation at (916) 444 -6240. Sponsorship and vendor opportunities are available for this one -day conference. Click here to learn more or contact Jean Nordmann at inordmann(&watereducation.org or (916) 444 -6240 for more information. CaliforniaWater Policy 22 Still Thirsty After All These Years � April IA— 19 ')nil I! . P Crowne Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles Airport SPONSORS INCLUDE: MWD of Southern Cahtorn ia East Bay MUD San Francisco PUC Mann Muricipad Water District San Diego County Water Authority Central Basin MWD Irvine Ranch Water District Long Beach Water Department West Win MWD Register Now! 11 a WWW.00WOter37ollC4ol ?%J or 858 -272 -6804 Co' r 6. V California Water Policy Conference 4209 Huer{ano Ave. • San Diego, CA 921 17 We are honored to announce that our opening keynote speaker will be Karen Ross, Secretary of the Cofifornia Department of Food and Agriculture. Secretary Ross has deep leadership experience in agricultural issues nationally, internationa ly and here in Californ ia. Agenda highlights also include 12 workshops on ROSS a wide range of topics including; Human Right to Water: theory vs Reality Managing Water Runoff' Compliance is Not o Dirty Word More in Wet Less in Dry. Is It Practical? To Frack or Not to Frack Is That the Question? California and Mexico: A New Erc of Partnership on the Colorado River? Beyond the Sound Bites: How Will the BDCP'Mork? Location Crowne Plaza LAX, Los Angeles, CA. 800 - 227 -6963. Reserve your room before March 29. For more complete agenda, registration info and other details go to wwwc!2W0tC4ohCyojg li G