HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-21 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WORKSHOP MEETING Monday, April 21, 2014, 3:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Robert R. Kiley, President Ric Collett, Vice President Michael J. Beverage Phil Hawkins Gary T. Melton 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5.1. Draft FY 2014/15 Budget (Materials to be provided at the meeting.) A. Operating Budget B. Supplies and Services Budget • Board of Directors • Administration • Finance • Human Resources • Information Technology C. Capital Improvement Projects D. District Reserves 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 5.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 21, 2014 Subject: Draft FY 2014/15 Budget (Materials to be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: Name: A. Operating Budget B. Supplies and Services Budget • Board of Directors • Administration • Finance • Human Resources • Information Technology C. Capital Improvement Projects D. District Reserves Description: Type: Budget Workshop FY 2014- 15.pdf Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Yorba Linda Water District C—? y r � IP Budget Workshop #2 FY 2014/ 15 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager C-� __ � - April 21, 2014 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Fiscal Year 2014 / 15 Outlook Total Volume of Water Purchased Total Volume of Water Sold Employees Reduced Expected Property Tax Revenue Scheduled Merit & Cost of Living Increases OCWD Replenishment Assessment (RA) MWDOC Blended Rate 21,980 AF 20,881 AF 1.5 $1.3M $340,000 $294/AF $890/$925 AF 1 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Jor r i Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Revenue Total Operating Revenue Total Non-Operating Revenue Total Revenue Expenses Variable Water Costs Salary-Related Expenses Supplies & Services Total Operating Expenses Total Non- Operating Expense Total Expenses Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Income (Loss) Approved Forecast Proposed Budget Year-End Budget (FY 13/14) (FY 13/14) (FY 14/15) $29,969,760 $31,937,747 $31,025,713 $1,860,822 $1,942,491 $1,929,167 $31,830,583 $33,880,238 $32,954,880 $13,767,658 $14,291,273 $14,928,972 $7,904,873 $7,185,897 $8,224,812 $4,225,654 $3,913,620 $4,319,015 $25,898,185 $25,390,790 $27,472,799 $1,891,717 $1,776,573 $1,852,793 $27,789,902 $4,040,680 $6,897,941 $27,167,363 $6,712,874 $7,275,606 $29,325,591 $3,629,289 $7,337,500 ($2,857,261) ($562,732) ($3,708,211) C 0- Y l r Jr t $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Note: As of March 2014 2013/14 Budget 2013/14 Projected 2014/15 Proposed • Water Revenue('Residential) ■ Water Revenue(Commercial&Fire Det.) ■ Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) • Service Charges ■ Sewer Charge Revenue ■ Sewer Parcel Assessments M.Na� .r e f _A $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Note: As of March 2014 $921,000 1 2013/14 Budget ■Variable Costs ■Salaries&Benefits 2013/14 Projected 2014/15 Proposed ■Supplies&Services ■CIP ■VE&CO 4 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting FY 2013-14 $1,800,000.00 $1,734,232 $1,664,756 $1,613,718 $1,600,000.00 $1,394,623 $1,400,000.00 $1,286,399 $1,2S4,258 $1,200,000.00 $1,056,153 $1,000,000.00 $846,556 $836,976 $800,000.00 $si6,izs $600,000.00 $sia,l5a $444,895 $400,000.00 $200,000-00 IA13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 ■Groundwater ■Import Water ■CUP ■Electric ■Gas Co. ` J fr 51,800,000.00 - $1,600,000.00 - $1,400,000.00 - $1,200,000.00 - $1,000,000.w $800,000.00 $600,000.00 - $400,000.00 $200,000.00 5- Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting $1,624,201 6 $1,163,242 F, $927,304 J FY 2014-15 $839,909 $790,075 $730,694 $850,425 $1,642,759 $1,390,404 $1,553,661 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct 14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar 15 Apr 15 May-15 Jun-15 ■Groundwater —Import Water CUP ■Electric ■Gas Co Note: Includes 15% Estimated Increase in Energy Costs Ina 25,000 ►1 111 4" 15,000 i U 1 111 5,000 r17 . � . ', j ■ Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Water Purchases Anticipated Purchases 5%Voluntary Conservation 20x2020 r 1 � �► I Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Fixed Charge FY 13/14 FY 14/15 y4 & 5/8 in $8. 80 y4 & 5/8 in $ 10. 06 1 in = $ 14. 67 1 in = $ 16. 77 I '/: in = $29 . 34 1 ' /: in = $33 . 54 2 in = $46 . 94 2 in - $53 . 66 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting East Orange CWD Mesa WD Serrano WD South Coast WD Walnut Valley WD" Yorba Linda WD# $2.40/ccf $54.25 $3.15/ccf $25.00 $3.01/ccf $32.31 Tiered $42.69 Tiered $21.60 $2.70/ccf $16.77 #-- YLWD Beginning in FY14/15, Other Agencies FY13/14 Fees -- Based on 25 units, 1 inch meter Zone 3 Elevation Charges Included (Comparable to YLWD Elevations) r ;L =r_; _ ► $121.00 $103.75 $107.56 $159.25 $91.16 $84.27 !__� ANOX Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting • $ 1, 161,000 -- Total Variable Water Cost Increase — 8.4% Increase from FY 13/14 Budget — Includes MWD & OCWD Pass-Through Costs, Power & Pumping $931#000 -- Supplies & Services Increase — 2.2% Increase from FY 13/14 Budget — $75,000 in Election Expenses, $18,000 Various Expenses • $340,000 -- Personnel-Related Expenses Increase — 4.2% Increase from FY 13/14 Budget — Includes Merit & COLA, PERS, Medical Increases, OPEB Contribution — Includes Proposed Staffing Changes • $477,000-- Vehicle Equip. & Capital Outlay Increase — 107.4% Increase from FY 13/14, Includes Sewer Vactor Truck ($400,000 w Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Supplies & Services- Uncollectible Accounts Materials Fees & Permits Non-Capital Equipment Data Processing Dues & Memberships Insurance Contractual Services Utilities District Activities, Em p Recognition Vehicle Expenses Communications Maintenance Training Professional Services Travel & Conferences Office Expense Board Election Supplies & Services Sub-Total 2013-14 Budget $25,000 $587,775 $167,365 $137,950 $170,730 $72,335 $299,240 $542,840 $90,800 $25,150 $367,149 $305,200 $479,150 $71,160 $785,210 $52,450 $46,150 $0 $4,225,654 2014-15 Budget $40,000 $656,125 $186,190 $151,850 $186,830 $78,065 $313,340 $559,840 $90,800 $24,710 $358,400 $291,750 $442,150 $64,520 $711,610 $47,360 $40,475 $75,000 $4,319,015 Variance $15,000 $68,350 $18,825 $13,900 $16,100 $5,730 $14,100 $17,000 $0 ($440) ($8,749) ($13,450) ($37,000) ($6,640) ($73,600) ($5,090) ($5,675) $75,000 Change 60.0% 11.6% 11.2% 10.1 9.4% 7.9 4.7% 3.1% 0.0% -1.7% -2.4% -4.4% -7.7% -9.3% -9.4% -9.7% -12.3% N/A $93,361 2.2% Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting • Title Changes: — Personnel Technician to Human Resources Technician — Project Coordinator to Associate Engineer — Chief Plant Operator to Water Production Superintendent — GIS Administrator to GIS Analyst • Not Budgeted: — G.I.S. Technician (PT), Range 24 — Meter Reader I, Range 16 • Additions/Reclassifications: — Operations Clerk, Range 12 (FT) — from a HR Clerk, Range 12 (PT) — Public Information Assistant, Range 10 (PT) — from a Public Affairs Intern, Range 4 (PT) *Included in Budget Net Financial Impact: $ 38,471 See attachment r � Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting An See attachment r � Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting An See attachment r � Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting An See attachment r � Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting An See attachment r � Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting An See attachment r � Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting An Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Note: As of March 2014 r: • • - Water Capital Replacement Planned CIPs $7.8M $1.8M Water Operating Fund Day-to-Day $3.6M $2.4M Payments Water Emergency Fund Catastrophes $1.OM $1.OM 2008 COP Bond Regulated $2.1M $2.1M Debt Service Reserve Regulated $2.7M $2.7M Maintenance Reserve Unanticipated R&R $191,000 $200,000 Employee Liabilities Retiree Payout of $100,000 $100,000 Vacation/Sick Time TOTAL: $17.5M $10.3M _ � r • Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Yorba Linda Water District Salaries and Benefits Budget Comparison (FY 2013 -14 and FY 2014 -15) Total Wages Overtime Standby Mandatory Benefits Fringe Benefits Retiree Insurance OPEB Contribution Unemployment Insurance Variance FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Increase from BOD Budget Budget /Decrease Workshop #1 $ 5,770,274 $ 5,965,803 $ 195,529 a $ 15,155 $ 185,300 $ 180,989 $ (4,311) B $ - $ 32,100 $ 32,100 $ - $ - $ 794,260 $ 840,783 $ 46,523 C $ 3,798 $ 1,209,883 $ 1,142,462 $ (67,421) ° $ 19,518 $ 167,656 $ 149,519 $ (18,137) E $ - $ - $ 187,756 $ 187,756 $ - $ 10,400 $ 10,400 $ - $ - $ 8,169,873 $ 8,509,812 $ 339,939 $ 38,471 A - Increase due to 3% COLA and step increases B - Decrease due to filling of authorized positions - Increase due to PERS Employer Contribution rate from 10.781% to 11.522% for Tier 1 employees and 8.846% to 8.435% for Tier 2 employees ° - Decrease due to employees paying a higher percentage of the EE PERS rate, partially offset by health premium increases E - Decrease in Retiree benefits due to three retirees losing coverage and two gaining coverage Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay FY 2014/15 Department / Item Amount Board of Directors None Administration None Engineering None Finance Meter Reading (1) Handheld Meter Reading Units $ 6,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Finance $ 6,000 Human Resources None IT Administration Server Replacements (Virtual, Exchsrv, Secsrv, ISTSsrv, etc.) $ 41,000 Network Improvements $ 20,000 Disaster Recovery (Information Backup) $ 60,000 Information Systems Replace Obsolete PCs (15 years +) $ 10,000 SCADA Box Canyon PLC (Control System) Upgrade $ 16,000 Well -10 PLC (Control System) Upgrade $ 14,000 Well -12 PLC (Control System) Upgrade $ 10,000 Well -7 PLC (Control System) Upgrade $ 10,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- IT $ 181,000 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Department / Item Amount Operations Water Operations & Maint. (2) Pickup Trucks $ 58,000 Backhoe $ 90,000 Sewer Operations & Maint. Sewer Vacuum /letter Truck $ 400,000 1 Ton Truck with Service Body $ 72,000 Water Production Lakeview Reservoir Pump Replacement $ 20,000 Mechanics Portable Emissions Analyzer $ 14,000 Facilities Maintenance Richfield Gate Repairs $ 55,000 Warehouse Reconfiguration $ 25,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Operations $ 734,000 TOTAL VEHICLE EQUIPMENT & CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 921,000 Reconciliation by Fund Water Fund $ 449,000 Sewer Fund $ 472,000 TOTAL $ 921,000 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Board of Directors Supplies & Services Comparison FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 Budget Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ - $ - Contractual Services $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Dues & Memberships $ 5,400 $ 13,400 Board Election Expenses $ - $ 75,000 Professional Services $ 102,000 $ 90,000 Professional Development $ 4,100 $ 4,100 Travel & Conferences $ 11,400 $ 9,400 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 124,400 $ 193,400 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: BOD (1010) FY 2015 Primary GL Category 1- 1010 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services $1,500 Sub Acct No./Sub Category 1- 1010 - 0600 -00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1,500 I Detail Item Description Tablet PC Data Service ($25 x 5) 1,500 1- 1010 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions $13,400 1- 1010 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions 13,400 WACO 200 CSDA 6,000 Colorado River Water Users Assoc 100 CASA 4,500 Water Ed Foundation 2,500 ISDOC 100 1- 1010 - 0650 -00 Board Election Expenses $75,000 1- 1010 - 0650 -10 Elections 75,000 Board Elections (3 seats) 75,000 1- 1010 - 0780 -00 Professional Services $90,000 1- 1010 - 0780 -00 Professional Services 90,000 Legal Services - Retainer 30,000 Legislative Consultants 60,000 1- 1010 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $4,100 1- 1010 - 0810 -00 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E) 4,100 CSDA Special District Leadership Academy Training 4,100 1- 1010 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences $9,400 1- 1010 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences 9,400 Other Conferences 1,200 CRWUA (2 attendees at $1,000 each) 2,000 CSDA (2 attendees at $1,500 each) 3,000 ACWA (Spring- 2 @ $1,000, Fall- 2 @ $500) 3,000 ISDOC Quarterly 200 Section Total $193,400 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Administration Department Supplies & Services Comparison * Both GM and PR FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 Budget Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ 192,500 $ 186,850 Contractual Services $ 7,400 $ 7,400 Dues & Memberships $ 55,560 $ 52,960 Fees & Permits $ 225 $ - Insurance $ 1,240 $ 1,240 District Activities & Events $ 4,650 $ 4,650 Non - Capital Equipment $ 3,400 $ - Office Expense $ 250 $ 250 Professional Services $ 499,350 $ 405,750 Professional Development $ 8,350 $ 3,350 Travel & Conferences $ 12,000 $ 9,500 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 784,925 $ 671,950 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Admin ( Admin) FY 2015 (2010) Primary GL Category 1- 2010 - 0580 -00 Communications Total $250 1- 2010 - 0580 -10 Postage � 250 .• Description Postage 250 1- 2010 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $50,060 1- 2010 - 0640 -00 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI ONS (E) 50,060 Misc. 1,000 Notary Assoc Membership 60 ACWA 19,000 LAFCO 30,000 1- 2010 - 0690 -00 Insurance $1,240 1- 2010 - 0690 -00 INSURANCE (E) 1,240 Notary Insurance (AA) 40 Honesty Bond (SC & AA) 1,200 1- 2010 - 0715 -00 District Activities and Events $4,050 1- 2010 - 0715 -50 Meeting Supplies 4,050 Meeting Supplies 1,200 All Hands Meetings 2,500 Interagency Meetings 350 1- 2010 - 0760 -00 Office Expense $250 1- 2010 - 0760 -00 OFFICE EXPENSE (E) 250 Office Supplies 250 1- 2010 - 0780 -00 Professional Services $405,750 1- 2010 - 0780 -00 Professional Services 25,000 District Succession Plan 25,000 1- 2010 - 0780 -05 Legal Services 180,000 Routine Legal 180,000 1- 2010 - 0780 -15 Records Management 750 Records Retention Schedule Update 250 Records Destruction 500 1- 2010 - 0780 -36 - -Water Only Related Expenses 200,000 Freeway Complex Fire Legal Services 200,000 1- 2010 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $850 1- 2010 - 0810 -00 Professional Development 850 CSDA District of Distinction GM Training 850 1- 2010 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences $2,000 1- 2010 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences 2,000 ACWA (1 attendees) 1,000 Laserfische Conference (1 attendee) 1,000 Section Total $464,450 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Admin (Public FY 2015 Information) (2020) Primary GL Category 1- 2020 - 0580 -00 Communications Total $186,600 1- 2020 - 0580 -05 Advertising � 6,000 .• Description General 6,000 1- 2020 - 0580 -10 Postage 17,000 Postage 17,000 1- 2020 - 0580 -15 District Special Events 20,000 Community Events (Open House, Facility Tours, etc. 20,000 1- 2020 - 0580 -35 Promotional Items 65,000 YLWD Bottled Water 45,000 Promotional Items 20,000 1- 2020 - 0580 -40 Sponsorships 2,000 Sponsorship- OC Water Summit 2,000 1- 2020 - 0580 -45 Video Productions 29,000 PSA /Video Production /Web Maintenance 17,500 History Wall 11,500 1- 2020- 0580 -50 Water Conservation Materials 21,600 Fall Newsletter 5,400 Winter Newsletter 5,400 Spring Newsletter 5,400 Summer Newsletter 5,400 F 020- 0580 -55 ter Conservation Programs 26,000 MWDOC Choice Water Use Efficiency 26,000 1- 2020 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services $7,400 1- 2020 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services 7,400 Doxo 1,620 Muzak Contract 780 Conservation Rebate Prog. (Turf, Sprinklers, Appli 5,000 1- 2020 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $2,900 1- 2020 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 2,900 OCRegister /LA Times 500 Chamber Memberships (YL, PL) 1,000 CAPIO Membership 600 PRSA Membership 800 1- 2020 - 0715 -00 District Activities & Events $600 1- 2020 - 0715 -50 Meeting Supplies 600 Intergovernmental Meetings 350 Division Meetings 250 1- 2020 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $2,500 1- 2020 - 0810 -00 Professional Development 2,500 Training 2,500 1- 2020 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences $7,500 1- 2020 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences 7,500 CAPIO Annual Conference (1 employee) 1,400 PRSA Annual Best Practices Summit (1 employee) 2,600 CRWUA (1 employee) 1,000 Mileage 2,500 Section Total $207,500 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Finance Department Supplies & Services Comparison Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications Contractual Services Dues & Memberships Fees & Permits Insurance Materials District Activities & Events Maintenance Non - Capital Equipment Office Expense Professional Services Professional Development Travel & Conferences Uncollectible Accounts Supplies & Services Sub -Total FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 Budget Budget $ 98,200 $ 101,400 $ 98,640 $ 101,010 $ 785 $ 785 $ 101,365 $ 121,090 $ - $ 600 $ 25,000 $ 23,000 $ 1,050 $ 1,050 $ 300 $ 300 $ 950 $ 800 $ 14,050 $ 14,050 $ 33,360 $ 27,660 $ 3,160 $ 3,170 $ 5,300 $ 4,760 $ 25,000 $ 40,000 $ 407,160 $ 439,675 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Fin (Admin) (3010) FY 2015 Primary GL Category IM 1- 3010 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services $400 Sub Acct No./Sub Category 1- 3010 - 0600 -00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 400 Detail Item Description Check signature plate w 400 1- 3010 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $425 1- 3010 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 425 CSMFO 110 CMTA 155 GFOA 160 1- 3010 - 0690 -00 Insurance $600 1- 3010 - 0690 -00 Insurance 600 Honesty Bond 600 1- 3010 - 0715 -00 District Activities & Events $400 1- 3010 - 0715 -50 Meeting Supplies 400 Meeting Supplies 400 1- 3010 - 0780 -00 Professional Services $27,160 1- 3010 - 0780 -00 Professional Services 27,160 Auditors 18,960 Financial Plan Model Consulting 5,000 CAFR Online 2,000 CDAR Preparation 1,200 1- 3010 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $925 1- 3010 - 0810 -00 Professional Development 925 CMTA Seminars 300 2014 Government Tax Update 325 CSMFO Workshops 300 1- 3010 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences $1,500 1- 3010 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences 1,500 CaIPES Annual Conference 500 CSMFO Conference 1,000 Section Total $31,410 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Fin (Accounting) FY 2015 (3020) Primary GL Category Total � .• Description 1- 3020 - 0580 -00 $400 1- 3020 - 0580 -00 400 Publish Unclaimed List 400 Communications COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1- 3020 - 0600 -00 $860 1- 3020 - 0600 -00 860 Green Shades 500 Contractual Services Contractual Services Doculivery 360 1- 3020 - 0640 -00 $110 1- 3020 - 0640 -00 110 CSMFO 110 Dues, Memberships, & Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions Subscriptions 1- 3020 - 0645 -00 $34,090 1- 3020 - 0645 -00 915 CSMFO Budget Reviewer Fee 150 Fees & Permits Fees & Permits GFOA CAFR Reviewer Fee 435 GFOA Budget Award Reviewer Fee 330 1- 3020 - 0645 -50 33,175 Analysis Fees (Avg $2550 /mo) 33,000 Bank Service /Fees Safe Deposit Box Fee 150 Annual Bankcard Fee 25 1- 3020 - 0715 -00 $400 1- 3020 - 0715 -50 400 Meeting Supplies 400 District Activities and Events Meeting Supplies 1- 3020 - 0730 -00 $300 1- 3020 - 0730 -00 300 Small Office Equipment Maintenance 300 Maintenance Maintenance 1- 3020 - 0760 -00 $12,500 1- 3020 - 0760 -00 9,000 Office supplies 9,000 Office Expense Office Expense 1- 3020 - 0760 -10 3,500 Paper 3,500 Paper 1- 3020- 0810 -00 $1,000 1- 3020 - 0810 -00 1,000 Staff Training 1,000 Professional Development Professional Development 1- 3020- 0830 -00 $1,500 1- 3020- 0830 -00 1,500 CSMFO Conference 1,000 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences CaIPERS Annual Conference 500 Section Total $51,160 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Fin (CS & Billing) FY 2015 (3030) Primary GL Category Total � .• Description 1- 3030 - 0580 -00 $101,000 1- 3030 - 0580 -00 500 UPS / Fed Ex / Other 500 Communications Communications 1- 3030 - 0580 -10 5,500 Postage Metered 5,500 Postage 1- 3030 - 0580 -22 95,000 Postage - Infosend 95,000 Postage - Infosend 1- 3030 - 0600 -00 $97,450 1- 3030 - 0600 -00 1,730 Post Office Box 250 Contractual Services Contractual Services Post Master - Lockbox 1,480 1- 3030 - 0600 -21 5,600 Online - Credit Checks 5,000 Customer Credit Check Online - Utility Exchange 600 1- 3030 - 0600 -22 78,620 Info Send E -Bill Fees 19,000 Printing of Bills - Infosend DOXO 1,620 Mailing Service 58,000 1- 3030 - 0600 -30 1,500 Meter & Scale Lease Agreement 1,500 Warranties & Service Contracts 1- 3030 - 0600 -55 10,000 Phone Answering Service 10,000 Answering Service 1- 3030 - 0645 -00 $87,000 1- 3030 - 0645 -50 87,000 Lock Box Services 32,000 Fees & Permits Bank Services /Fees Credit Card &Auto Dr Processing 55,000 1- 3030 - 0715 -00 $250 1- 3030 - 0715 -50 250 Meeting Supplies 250 District Activities and Events Meeting Supplies 1- 3030 - 0760 -00 $1,550 1- 3030 - 0760 -00 1,550 Postage Machine Supplies 250 Office Expense Office Expense Forms /Pads /Tags /Deposit Slips 1,300 1- 3030 - 0780 -00 $500 1- 3030 - 0780 -09 500 Collection Agency Fee 500 Professional Services Collection Services 1- 3030 - 0810 -00 $1,245 1- 3030 - 0810 -00 1,245 Customer Service Training (min of 2 classes PP) 1,245 Professional Development Professional Development 1- 3030 - 0830 -00 $200 1- 3030 - 0830 -00 200 Mileage 200 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences 1- 3030 - 0850 -00 $40,000 1- 3030 - 0850 -00 40,000 Uncollectible Accounts 40,000 Uncollectible Accounts Uncollectible Accounts Section Total $329,195 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Fin (Meter Reading) FY 2015 (3040) Primary GL Category Total � .• Description 1- 3040 - 0600 -00 $3,160 1- 3040 - 0600 -00 2,410 Neptune Maintenance Agreement 2,410 Contractual Services Contractual Services 1- 3040 - 0600 -50 750 Uniforms 750 Uniform 1- 3040 - 0640 -00 $250 1- 3040 - 0640 -00 250 AWWA 250 Dues, Memberships, & DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI IONS Subscriptions (E) 1- 3040 - 0710 -00 $25,000 1- 3040 - 0710 -58 25,000 Registers 25,000 Materials Registers 1- 3040 - 0750 -00 $950 1- 3040 - 0750 -00 700 Meter Shop Equipment 500 Non - Capital Equipment NON - CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Construction Meter Locks 200 1- 3040 - 0750 -10 250 Hand Tools /Meter Lid Bars /Lifters 250 Hand and Power Tools 1- 3040 - 0810 -00 $660 1- 3040 - 0810 -00 500 Training classes 500 Professional Development PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1- 3040 - 0810 -40 160 Certificate Reimbursement 160 Certificate Reimbursement 1- 3040 - 0830 -00 $700 1- 3040 - 0830 -00 700 AWWA Conference 700 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences Section Total $30,720 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting HR Department Supplies & Services Comparison FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 Budget Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ 14,000 $ 3,000 Contractual Services $ 37,500 $ 34,150 Dues & Memberships $ 5,500 $ 5,635 Insurance $ 298,000 $ 311,500 Materials $ 1,000 $ 1,400 District Activities & Events $ 17,650 $ 17,510 Office Expense $ 725 $ 700 Professional Services $ 68,500 $ 70,700 Professional Development $ 24,900 $ 25,500 Travel & Conferences $ 7,000 $ 5,100 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 474,775 $ 475,195 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: HR (Admin) (7010) FY 2015 Primary GL Category 1- 7010 - 0580 -00 Communications $14,000 Sub Acct No./Sub Category 1- 7010 - 0580 -05 Advertising M 2,000 Detail Item Description Job Advertising Expenses 2,000 1- 7010 - 0580 -10 Testing 12,000 Recruitment Expenses - WRIB /Assessments 12,000 1- 7010 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services $20,300 1- 7010 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services 16,600 EE Relations 700 Flex Advantage 500 COBRA Solutions 900 Shred -it 1,500 Neo Gov- Online Applications 3,000 Neo Gov- Performance Evaluations 10,000 1- 7010 - 0600 -10 DOT Physicals 700 DOT Physicals 700 1- 7010 - 0600 -20 Post - Employment Physicals 1,200 Post - Employment Physicals 1,200 1- 7010 - 0600 -30 Health & Welfare 1,800 Hep B 600 Flu Shots 1,200 1- 7010 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions $4,450 1- 7010 - 0640 -00 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI ONS (E) 4,450 Jobs Available Subscription 50 CALPELRA Annual Dues 400 SHRM Membership 200 LCW Consortium 3,200 PELRAC 600 1- 7010 - 0715 -00 District Activities & Events $17,150 1- 7010 - 0715 -00 District Activities & Events 500 District Activities & Events 500 1- 7010 - 0715 -10 District Events - Employee Picnic 5,000 Employee Recognition Event 3,000 Employee Picnic 2,000 1 -7010- 0715 -20 District Events - Employee Recognition 5,650 Retiree Event (2) 4,000 Retiree Recognition (2) 650 Service Recognition 1,000 1- 7010 - 0715 -30 Distirct Events - Benefit Fair 2,000 Benefit Fair 2,000 1- 7010 - 0715 -40 District Events - Employee Promotional Items 3,000 Employee Promotional Items 3,000 1- 7010 - 0715 -50 Meeting Supplies 1,000 Meeting /Training Supplies 1,000 1- 7010 - 0760 -00 Office Expense $525 1- 7010 - 0760 -00 Office Expense 200 Office Supplies 200 1- 7010 - 0760 -30 Books & Publications 325 Books & Publications 100 Public Retirement Journal 225 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meetinq 1- 7010 - 0780 -00 Professional Services $67,000 1- 7010 - 0780 -05 Legal Services 55,000 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Employment Law 55,000 1- 7010 - 0780 -55 Investigations 12,000 Normb Traub & Associates- Invest & Background 12,000 1- 7010 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $18,500 1 -7010- 0810 -00 Professional Development 18,500 CPS Human Resources Academy Training 2,000 Verbal Judo Training (District -wide) 4,500 On -going Job Training 2,000 Great Plains Training- HR Module 10,000 1 -7010- 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences $6,000 1- 7010 - 0830 -00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) 6,000 PELRAC (3 employees) 600 LCW (3 employees) 3,000 NeoGov (1 employee) 1,600 Public Retirement Seminar (4 employees) 800 Section Total $147,925 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: HR (Risk FY 2015 Management) (7020) Primary GL Category Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1- 7020 - 0600 -00 $15,200 1- 7020 - 0600 -00 15,200 Arc -Flash Assessments (9 sites) 15,000 Contractual Services Contractual Services AED Medical Director Oversight 200 1- 7020 - 0640 -00 $100 1- 7020 - 0640 -00 100 PARMA Membership 100 Dues, Memberships, & DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI Subscriptions ONS (E) 1- 7020 - 0690 -00 $298,000 1- 7020 - 0690 -10 8,000 Tort Claims - < 15K 8,000 Insurance Tort Claims 1- 7020 - 0690 -20 230,000 ACWA -JPIA Liability Insurance 230,000 Liability Insurance 1- 7020 - 0690 -30 60,000 ACWA -JPIA Property Insurance 60,000 Property Insurance 1- 7020 - 0715 -00 $200 1- 7020 - 0715 -50 200 Meeting Supplies 200 District Activities & Events Meeting Supplies 1- 7020 - 0780 -00 $1,500 1- 7020 - 0780 -00 1,500 First Aid - Workers Compensation 1,500 Professional Services PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1- 7020- 0810 -00 $1,400 1- 7020- 0810 -00 1,400 Risk Management Training 1,000 Professional Development Professional Development PARMA Workshop 400 1 -7020- 0830 -00 $1,000 1 -7020- 0830 -00 1,000 PARMA Conference (1 employee) 1,000 Travel & Conferences TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $317,400 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: HR (Safety) (7030) FY 2015 Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category M Detail Item Description 1- 7030 - 0600 -00 $2,000 1- 7030 - 0600 -00 2,000 —W Industrial Hearing Management 2,000 Contractual Services CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1- 7030 - 0640 -00 $950 1- 7030 - 0640 -00 950 Cal -OSHA Reporter 500 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions DUES, MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) PASMA 100 Pacific Safety Council - COSS 350 1- 7030 - 0710 -00 $1,000 1- 7030 - 0710 -00 1,000 First Aid Supplies (Field Backpacks) 1,000 Materials MATERIALS (E) 1- 7030 - 0715 -00 $300 1- 7030 - 0715 -50 300 Meeting /Training Supplies 300 District Activities and Events MEETING SUPPLIES 1- 7030 - 0760 -00 $200 1- 7030 - 0760 -30 200 Books & Publications 200 Office Expense Books & Publications 1- 7030 - 0810 -00 $5,000 1- 7030 - 0810 -10 5,000 OSHA Compliance Training 5,000 Professional Development OSHA Compliance Section Total $9,450 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting IT Supplies & Services Comparison FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 Budget Budget Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 138,520 $ 143,120 Data Processing $ 170,730 $ 186,830 Dues & Memberships $ 1,327 $ 1,622 Materials $ 11,275 $ 15,825 District Activities & Events $ 300 $ 300 Maintenance $ 84,950 $ 79,250 Non - Capital Equipment $ 98,100 $ 98,950 Office Expense $ 19,175 $ 15,025 Professional Services $ 56,000 $ 91,500 Professional Development $ 16,800 $ 11,800 Travel & Conferences $ 9,300 $ 9,700 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 606,477 $ 653,922 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: IT (Admin) (6010) FY 2015 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: IT (Information FY 2015 Systems) (6020) Primary GL Category Total � .• Description 1- 6020 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services $113,620 1- 6020 - 0600 -00 Contractual Services 1,940 Security Solutions: Annual Fire & Burglar Alarm 1,700 District Web Site Hosting 240 1- 6020 - 0600 -10 Data Hosting 1,200 FTP Today 1,200 1- 6020 - 0600 -20 Lease Agreements 15,500 Konica Minolta Operations Copier Lease 4,500 Konica Minolta Copier Leases for Admin Building 11,000 1- 6020 - 0600 -30 Warranties & Service Contracts 27,780 RMJ Tech. GPS Vehicle Tracking Service 20,000 APC Symmetra Data Center UPS On -Site Service Rene 3,780 Dell Hardware Service Contracts 4,000 1- 6020 - 0600 -32 Service for Cell Phones 25,000 Cell Phone Service ( Verizon) 25,000 1- 6020- 0600 -33 Mobile Broadband Service 11,000 Verizon Broadband Aircard Service inc. CMMS 11,000 1- 6020 - 0600 -34 Communication Lines 31,200 Time Warner Cable & Dedicated Internet Access 20x 16,200 AT &T District Lines 15,000 1- 6020 - 0620 -00 Data Processing $130,830 1- 6020 - 0620 -10 Software Purchases 4,500 CMMS Licensing 4,000 New Software 500 1- 6020 - 0620 -20 Software License Renewals 120,280 Solar Winds Orion Monitoring Tool Maintenance 10,000 VMWare vSphere (Essentials Plus Kit) Maintenance 6,000 Trend Micro NeatSuite Antivirus & Spyware 110 lic 2,500 Lenel Onguard Software Support Agreement Renewal 250 Netmotion Mobility XE Premium Software Maintenanc 2,000 Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) 4,780 Solar Winds Engineering's Toolkit Renewal 800 Novus Agenda Maintenance Renewal 4,000 Microsoft Volume License Renewals 28,000 CityWorks Annual Maintenance 12,000 GP & Cogsdale annual Maintenance 49,500 Enterprise Leave Manager for Dynamics GP Maint. 450 1- 6020 - 0620 -30 Hardware Subscription Renewals 5,550 Watchguard x1250e Firewall UTM Renewal 2,900 BDR Monthly Charge for Offsite Backup Storage 300 Barracuda Spam Firewall Energizer Annual Renewal 750 Barracuda Message Archiver Energizer Annual Renew 1,400 PageR Monitoring 200 1- 6020- 0620 -47 Cell Phone Supplies 500 Chargers 150 Batteries 200 Holsters & Covers 150 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meetinq 1- 6020 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $872 1- 6020 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 872 Maximum PC 12 CPU 30 PCWorld 50 Misc Memberships 250 Smart Computing 30 MS TechNet Plus Subscription 500 1- 6020 - 0710 -00 Materials $2,500 1- 6020 - 0710 -00 Materials 200 Materials 200 1- 6020 - 0710 -49 Power Strips 100 Power Strips 100 1- 6020- 0710 -51 Cabling 700 Duplex 50/125 LC /LC fiber, CAT6A, CAT5e patch cab 400 Adapters 100 DVI, VGA, DB9, Display Port, HDMI, USE; cables 200 1- 6020- 0710 -60 Hardware Supplies 1,500 USE; Drives USB Keys, SO / micro SD Cards 200 Desktop peripherals 900 Hardware supplies, AA & AAA batteries 400 1- 6020- 0715 -00 District Activities and Events $300 1- 6020- 0715 -50 Meeting Supplies 300 Meeting Supplies 300 1- 6020- 0730 -00 Maintenance $6,900 1- 6020- 0730 -00 Maintenance 850 Maintenance 850 1- 6020 - 0730 -06 Printer Servicing 1,200 HP Printer Servicing 1,200 1- 6020 - 0730 -11 Telco /Phone Servicing 2,000 Building Line Repairs 400 Cell Phone Servicing /replacement /repair 800 Phone Switch Servicing 400 Security Equipment Maintenance & Repair 400 1- 6020 - 0730 -30 Cabling & WAN Communication 1,500 Cabling (CAT6A, CAT5e, fiber) installation & rep ( 1,500 1- 6020 - 0730 -60 UPS & Back -up Power systems 1,350 APC Symmetra Data Center UPS battery modules (6) 1,000 UPS replacement batteries for desktops 350 1- 6020 - 0750 -00 Non - Capital Equipment $57,500 1- 6020 - 0750 -00 Non - Capital Equipment 2,000 Non - Capital Equipment 2,000 1- 6020 - 0750 -06 Desktops 10,600 Dell Optiplex PCs 10,000 Thin Clients 600 1- 6020 - 0750 -07 Notebooks 31,200 CMMS Notebooks and Equipment 20,000 Dell Notebooks 6,400 Tablets (Field /Eng) 4,800 1- 6020 - 0750 -08 Printers 2,000 Replacement Printers 2,000 1- 6020 - 0750 -09 Networking Equipment 4,900 KVM System Interface Pods 200 Network Storage Devices 1,500 Network Office /cubicle Switches 200 Misc Network Equipment such as Transceivers 800 Data Center Switches 2,200 1- 6020 - 0750 -30 Tools & Equipment 800 Data Center equipment (Rack & Cabinet) 800 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meetinq 1- 6020 - 0750 -00 Non - Capital Equipment $57,500 1- 6020 - 0750 -35 Security 1,500 HID proximity badges for building access 500 FABS 1,000 1- 6020 - 0750 -41 Audio /Visual 3,500 Replacement LCD Monitors 3,000 Digital Cameras (Ops) 500 1- 6020 - 0750 -45 Telco 1,000 Phones & Accessories 1,000 1- 6020 - 0760 -00 Office Expense $10,325 1- 6020 - 0760 -00 Office Expense 100 Business Cards 100 1- 6020 - 0760 -21 Printer Supplies 9,225 HP LaserJet Printers & Copier toners fusers etc 9,000 Konica Minolta Copier /Printer Supplies for Ops 175 Konica Minolta Copier /Printer Supplies Mail Room 50 1- 6020 - 0760 -26 Desktop Supplies 1,000 Mice 200 Blank DVD +R, CD Disc, USB Keys etc. 200 Keyboards 400 Misc 200 1- 6020 - 0780 -00 Professional Services $40,000 1- 6020 - 0780 -11 Network /Hardware Consulting 10,500 Network Engineering Consulting 10,500 1- 6020 - 0780 -20 Software Consulting 28,500 Software Consulting 3,500 CMMS Consulting EEC 25,000 1- 6020- 0780 -50 Technical Support 1,000 Technical Support 1,000 1- 6020 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $2,500 1- 6020 - 0810 -00 Professional Development 2,500 VM Ware Training 2,500 1- 6020- 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences $3,600 1- 6020- 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences 3,600 Intersect (October) R.S. 2,200 CityWorks User's Conference (June) R.S. 1,000 Mileage and Travel Reimbursement 400 Section Total $368,947 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: IT (GIS) (6030) FY 2015 Primary GL Category 1- 6030 - 0620 -00 Data Processing $21,400 Sub Acct No./Sub Category 1- 6030 - 0620 -20 Software License Renewals 21,400 Detail Item Description InfoWater Renewal & Upgrade Floating License 4,700 Freeance Maintenance 2,000 ArcEditor Concurrent Maintenance (2) 3,200 ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprise Maintenance 6,000 ArcView Single Use Maintenance 500 Arclnfor Concurrent Maintenance 3,500 AutoCAD & Map 3D Maintenance 1,500 1- 6030 - 0750 -00 Non - Capital Equipment $9,600 1- 6030 - 0750 -20 Printers 5,500 New Color Scanner 5,500 1- 6030 - 0750 -30 Tools & Equipment 4,100 GIS Miscellaneous Tools (Hardware) 4,100 1- 6030 - 0760 -00 Office Expense $4,400 1- 6030 - 0760 -21 Printer Supplies 4,400 Atlas Water & Sewer Supplies 4,400 1- 6030 - 0780 -00 Professional Services $20,000 1- 6030 - 0780 -20 Software Consulting 20,000 GIS Staff Augmentation & Cons. Services, EEC 20,000 1- 6030 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $5,000 1- 6030 - 0810 -00 Professional Development 5,000 GIS Analyst Training 2,000 GIS and CMMS Training, EEC 3,000 1- 6030 - 0830 -00 Travel & Conferences $700 1- 6030 - 0830 -00 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) 700 GIS ESRI User Conference 500 Mileage and Travel Reimbursement 200 Section Total $61,100 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: IT (SCADA) (6040) FY 2015 Primary GL Category Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1- 6040 - 0600 -00 $29,500 1- 6040 - 0600 -30 5,500 Cisco Smartnet premium (for Cisco 1842 routers) 1,500 Contractual Services Warranties & Service Contracts Cisco Smartnet premium (for Cisco 3825 router) 2,500 Dell Servers Service contracts 1,500 1- 6040 - 0600 -34 24,000 Communication Lines 24,000 Communication Lines 1- 6040 - 0620 -00 $34,600 1- 6040 - 0620 -10 1,600 Misc. software 1,600 Data Processing Software Purchases 1- 6040 - 0620 -20 33,000 Wonderware Premium Support 29,500 Software License Renewals PLC Programing Support Proworks32 &Unity 3,500 1- 6040 - 0640 -00 $750 1- 6040 - 0640 -00 750 International Society of Automation 250 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions AWWA 500 1- 6040 - 0710 -00 $13,325 1- 6040 - 0710 -50 3,800 Electrical Supplies 3,800 Materials Electrical Supplies 1- 6040 - 0710 -60 3,000 Hardware Supplies 3,000 Hardware Supplies 1- 6040 - 0710 -72 850 Calibration Supplies 850 Calibration Supplies 1- 6040 - 0710 -78 5,675 Integral Manifolds for Flow & Pressure Meters 1,175 Meters & Sensors Level Indicators 3,000 Flow Meter 1,500 1- 6040 - 0730 -00 $72,350 1- 6040 - 0730 -15 2,200 Flow Meter Calibration 2,200 Maintenance Flow Meter Calibration 1- 6040 - 0730 -20 18,000 Electrical General Maintenance 18,000 Electrical General Maintenance 1- 6040 - 0730 -25 3,800 Motor Control Center 3,800 Electrical Motor Control Center Work 1- 6040 - 0730 -30 4,650 Conduit Replacement / Wiring Replacement / WAN Com 4,650 Cabling & WAN Communication 1- 6040 - 0730 -40 9,500 Radio repairs & Servicing 9,500 Radio repairs & Servicing 1- 6040 - 0730 -45 16,900 Power supplies & components 500 PLC Hardware M340 system /PLC's 11,000 Module replacements 3,100 Terminal Blocks /Other parts 1,500 Signal Conditioners- Converters 800 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meetinq 1- 6040 - 0730 -00 $72,350 1- 6040 - 0730 -55 2,800 Security & Gas detectors 2,800 Maintenance Security & Gas detectors 1- 6040 - 0730 -60 5,500 UPS & Back -up 24VDC Power systems 5,500 UPS & Back -up Power systems 1- 6040 - 0730 -61 4,000 Cooling & A/C Service 4,000 Cooling A/C Servicing 1- 6040 - 0730 -62 5,000 Instrumentation 5,000 Instrumentation 1- 6040 - 0750 -00 $31,850 1- 6040 - 0750 -09 8,000 Field Routers, Switches, Fiber Device Servers, Mod 8,000 Non - Capital Equipment Networking Equipment 1- 6040 - 0750 -30 1,550 Tools & Equipment 1,550 Tools & Equipment 1- 6040 - 0750 -35 6,500 Security 6,500 Security 1- 6040 - 0750 -55 5,000 PLCs & Panels 5,000 PLCs & Panels 1- 6040 - 0750 -65 5,000 Electrical Upgrades 5,000 Electrical Upgrades 1- 6040 - 0750 -70 5,800 Radio systems Communications & tower 5,800 Redundant SCADA Communications Radio Systems 1- 6040 - 0760 -00 $300 1- 6040 - 0760 -30 300 Manuals /Books /Magazines 300 Office Expense Books & Publications 1- 6040 - 0780 -00 $31,500 1- 6040 - 0780 -20 31,500 PLC program Conversions to Unity 10,500 Professional Services Software Consulting SCADA system programing 11,000 Maintenance PLC - SCADA Modifications 10,000 1- 6040 - 0810 -00 $4,300 1- 6040 - 0810 -00 4,300 Wonderware training 2,400 Professional Development Professional Development PLC programing training 1,400 Awwa training 500 1- 6040 - 0830 -00 $1,400 1- 6040 - 0830 -00 1,400 Awwa Conference 1,400 Travel & Conferences TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $219,875 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting FY 14/15 Water Capital Projects Reserve Projected Balance @ June 30, 2014 Line of Credit with Wells Fargo Bank - Repayment due September 16, 2016 Projected Draw Amount From Wells Fargo LOC as of June 30, 2014: Balance Remaining as of June 30, 2014 (based on projections) Reserve requirement per District Reserve Policy $7,593,911 $7,000,000 ($5,267,352) $1,732,648 $1,800,000 Operating Reserves Funded at 17% 2008 -17B YL Blvd BPS (Booster Pump Station) Total Project Total Project Budget $ 1,897,991 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 5 Year Future Project# Project Description Budget (13/14) (14/15) FY 14/15 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Projected - $ 1,175,987 2009 -22 #22 S & W Well Project (Well No. 22) $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 445,000 $ 800,000 Budgets $ 2008 -17B YL Blvd BPS (Booster Pump Station) $ 3,115,000 $ 1,897,991 $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 2009 -22 #21 S & W Well Project (Well No. 21) $ 1,750,000 $ 2,306,789 $ 940,790 $ 235,197 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,175,987 2009 -22 #22 S & W Well Project (Well No. 22) $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 445,000 $ 800,000 $1,247,258 $ $ $ 2,492,258 2010 -02 Lakeview Grade Separation $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 264,311 $ - $ $ $ $ 264,311 2013 -20 Deville Dr. Waterline Extension $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ $ $ $ 25,000 2010 -11B Fairmont BPS Upgrade $ 6,300,000 $ 6,300,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,937,988 $ 300,000 $ $ $ 5,737,988 2012 -13 Yorba Linda High School Park $ 370,000 $ 370,000 $ 325,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 325,000 Rehabilitation & Restoration Projects Completed in FY 13/14 Total Project Actual Project Total Budget (13/14) * Meter Replacement Program $ 2,500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Future Pipeline Project $ 2,690,000 $ 2,690,000 $ 660,000 $ 160,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 330,000 $ $ 2,650,000 Timber Ridge BPS Rehabilitiation $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 240,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 240,000 Richfield Campus Spoils $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 130,000 $ $ $ $ $ 130,000 Lakeview Booster Piping $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ $ $ $ $ 100,000 Future FRS Rehabilitation $ 1,430,000 $ 1,430,000 $ 100,000 $ 700,000 $ 100,000 $ 530,000 $ - $ 1,430,000 Annual Routine Capital R &R $ 1,520,000 $ 4,020,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,520,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 4,020,000 R & R Subtotal $ 8,640,000 $ 8,640,000 $ 1,230,000 $ 860,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 8,570,000 TOTAL $ 23,325,000 $ 22,664,780 $ 5,830,101 $ 4,833,185 $ 3,147,258 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 18,690,544 Project # Projects Completed in FY 13/14 Total Project Actual Project Total Budget (13/14) 2011 -20 2012 Waterline Project $ 1,645,000 $ 2,049,629 2013 -12 Elk Mountain Booster Surge Tank $ 100,000 $ 90,000 TOTAL $ 1,745,000 $ 2,139,629 GRAND TOTAL $ 25,070,000 $ 24,804,409 2014 -15 Water Capital Outlay Budget: Water Capital Projects Reserve Balance Available for Future Expenditures: * Project Needs To Be Assessed in FY 17/18 $ 449,000 $1,247,458 ($3,585,726) ($6,732,984) ($9,112,984) ($11,612,984) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting FY 14/15 Water Capital Projects Reserve Projected Balance @ June 30, 2014 Line of Credit with Wells Fargo Bank - Repayment due September 16, 2016 Projected Draw Amount From Wells Fargo LOC as of June 30, 2014: Balance Remaining as of June 30, 2014 (based on projections) Reserve requirement per District Reserve Policy $8,967,551 $7,000,000 ($5,267,352) $1,732,648 $1,800,000 Operating Reserves Funded at 12% 2008 -17B YL Blvd BPS (Booster Pump Station) Total Project Increase/ (1,217,009) $ FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 5 YearFuture Project# Project Description Budget (13/14) (Decrease) FY 14/15 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Projected - $ 1,175,987 2009 -22 #22 S & W Well Project (Well No. 22) $ 2,500,000 - $ 445,000 $ 800,000 Budgets - $ 2008 -17B YL Blvd BPS (Booster Pump Station) $ 3,115,000 (1,217,009) $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 2009 -22 #21 S & W Well Project (Well No. 21) $ 1,750,000 556,789 $ 940,790 $ 235,197 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,175,987 2009 -22 #22 S & W Well Project (Well No. 22) $ 2,500,000 - $ 445,000 $ 800,000 $1,247,258 $ - $ - $ 2,492,258 2010 -02 Lakeview Grade Separation $ 600,000 $ 264,311 $ - $ $ $ $ 264,311 2013 -20 Deville Dr. Waterline Extension $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ $ $ $ 25,000 2010 -11B Fairmont BPS Upgrade $ 6,300,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,937,988 $ 300,000 $ $ $ 5,737,988 2012 -13 Yorba Linda High School Park $ 370,000 $ 325,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 325,000 Rehabilitation & Restoration Projects Completed in FY 13/14 Total Project Over /(Under) Budget (13/14) Budget * Meter Replacement Program $ 2,500,000 (2,500,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Future Pipeline Project $ 2,690,000 $ 660,000 $ 160,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 330,000 $ $ 2,650,000 Timber Ridge BPS Rehabilitiation $ 250,000 - $ 240,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 240,000 Richfield Campus Spoils $ 150,000 $ 130,000 $ $ $ $ $ 130,000 Lakeview Booster Piping $ 100,000 - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 Future FRS Rehabilitation $ 1,430,000 - $ 100,000 $ 700,000 $ 100,000 $ 530,000 $ - $ 1,430,000 - Annual Routine Capital R &R $ 1,520,000 $ 2,500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,520,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 4,020,000 R & R Subtotal $ 8,640,000 $ - $ 1,230,000 $ 860,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 8,570,000 TOTAL $ 23,325,000 $ (660,220) $ 5,830,101 $ 4,833,185 $ 3,147,258 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 18,690,544 Project # Projects Completed in FY 13/14 Total Project Over /(Under) Budget (13/14) Budget 2011 -20 2012 Waterline Project $ 1,645,000 404,629 2013 -12 Elk Mountain Booster Surge Tank $ 100,000 (10,000) TOTAL $ 1,745,000 $ 394,629 GRAND TOTAL $ 25,070,000 $ (265,591) 2014 -15 Water Capital Outlay Budget: Water Capital Projects Reserve Balance Available for Future Expenditures: * Project Needs To Be Assessed in FY 17/18 $ 449,000 $2,621,098 ($2,212,086) ($5,359,344) ($7,739,344) ($10,239,344) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting FY 14/15 Water Capital Projects Reserve Projected Balance @ June 30, 2014 Line of Credit with Wells Fargo Bank - Repayment due September 16, 2016 Projected Draw Amount From Wells Fargo LOC as of June 30, 2014: Balance Remaining as of June 30, 2014 (based on projections) Reserve requirement per District Reserve Policy $10,066,463 $7,000,000 ($5,267,352) $1,732,648 $1,800,000 Operating Reserves Funded at 8% 2008 -17B YL Blvd BPS (Booster Pump Station) Total Project Increase/ (1,217,009) $ FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 5 Year Future Project# Project Description Budget (13/14) (Decrease) FY 14/15 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Projected - $ 1,175,987 2009 -22 #22 S & W Well Project (Well No. 22) $ 2,500,000 - $ 445,000 $ 800,000 Budgets $ 2008 -17B YL Blvd BPS (Booster Pump Station) $ 3,115,000 (1,217,009) $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 100,000 2009 -22 #21 S & W Well Project (Well No. 21) $ 1,750,000 556,789 $ 940,790 $ 235,197 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,175,987 2009 -22 #22 S & W Well Project (Well No. 22) $ 2,500,000 - $ 445,000 $ 800,000 $1,247,258 $ $ $ 2,492,258 2010 -02 Lakeview Grade Separation $ 600,000 - $ 264,311 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 264,311 2013 -20 Deville Dr. Waterline Extension $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ $ $ $ 25,000 2010 -11B Fairmont BPS Upgrade $ 6,300,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,937,988 $ 300,000 $ $ $ 5,737,988 2012 -13 Yorba Linda High School Park $ 370,000 $ 325,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 325,000 Rehabilitation & Restoration Projects Completed in FY 13/14 Total Project Over /(Under) Budget (13/14) Budget * Meter Replacement Program $ 2,500,000 (2,500,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - Future Pipeline Project $ 2,690,000 $ 660,000 $ 160,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 330,000 $ $ 2,650,000 Timber Ridge BPS Rehabilitiation $ 250,000 - $ 240,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 240,000 Richfield Campus Spoils $ 150,000 $ 130,000 $ $ $ $ $ 130,000 Lakeview Booster Piping $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ $ $ $ $ 100,000 Future FRS Rehabilitation $ 1,430,000 - $ 100,000 $ 700,000 $ 100,000 $ 530,000 $ - $ 1,430,000 - Annual Routine Capital R &R $ 1,520,000 $ 2,500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,520,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 4,020,000 R & R Subtotal $ 8,640,000 $ - $ 1,230,000 $ 860,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 8,570,000 TOTAL $ 23,325,000 $ (660,220) $ 5,830,101 $ 4,833,185 $ 3,147,258 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 18,690,544 Project # Projects Completed in FY 13/14 Total Project Over /(Under) Budget (13/14) Budget 2011 -20 2012 Waterline Project $ 1,645,000 404,629 2013 -12 Elk Mountain Booster Surge Tank $ 100,000 (10,000) TOTAL $ 1,745,000 $ 394,629 GRANDTOTAL $ 25,070,000 $ (265,591) 2014 -15 Water Capital Outlay Budget: Water Capital Projects Reserve Balance Available for Future Expenditures: * Project Needs To Be Assessed in FY 17/18 $ 449,000 $3,720,010 ($1,113,175) ($4,260,433) ($6,640,433) ($9,140,433) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting FY 14/15 Sewer Capital Projects Reserve Balance @ February 28, 2014: $1,330,213 Sewer Capital Outlay $472,000 Net Balance of Sewer Capital Projects Balance at 2014/15 $858,213 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting lOperating Reserve Funded at o Forecasted Budgeted Balance Balance Balance Additions Balances Ending Ending Ending (Deductions) Ending Funding Sources Restriction Category 6/30/2013 3/31/2014 6/30/2014 FY 2013/14 6/30/2014 Water (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 4,719,010 A 3,605,050 3,800,000 (1,602,176) 2,197,824 Reserve for Debt Service Debt Service Payment 1,304,228 B 2,728,489 2,723,509 - 2,723,509 Employee Liabilities OPEB and Comp Abs. - 93,000 93,000 - 93,000 Water (Capital) Water Emergency Emergency Reserve 990,234 C 1,002,376 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Water Capital Projects Capital Reserve* 7,774,174 D 7,857,568 7,725,000 2,341,463 10,066,463 COP Bond 2008 Capital Reserve - - - - - COP Bond 2008 - Reserve Restricted from Use ** 2,160,389 E 2,126,848 2,147,096 - 2,147,096 Water Maintenance Capital Reserve 200,715 F 191,563 200,000 - 200,000 Sewer (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 246,893 G 688,981 300,000 (139,561) 160,439 Employee Liabilities OPEB and Comp Abs. - 7,000 7,000 - 7,000 Sewer (Capital) Sewer Emergency Emergency Reserve 1,001,806 H 1,006,214 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Sewer Capital Projects Capital Reserve 1,167,222 1 1,355,103 1,174,204 210,563 1,384,767 Total of Funds $ 19,564,671 $ 20,662,192 $ 20,169,809 $ 810,289 $ 20,980,098 *Amount includes an assumption of $3,825,000 borrowed against a line of credit in FY 13/14 and $3,175,000 in FY 14/15 * *Amount has been set aside by the fiscal agent in a reserve fund, and is unable to be spent down Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting lOperating Reserve Funded at o Forecasted Budgeted Balance Balance Balance Additions Balances Ending Ending Ending (Deductions) Ending Funding Sources Restriction Category 6/30/2013 3/31/2014 6/30/2014 FY 2013/14 6/30/2014 Water (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 4,719,010 A 3,605,050 3,800,000 (503,264) 3,296,736 Reserve for Debt Service Debt Service Payment 1,304,228 B 2,728,489 2,723,509 - 2,723,509 Employee Liabilities OPEB and Comp Abs. - 93,000 93,000 - 93,000 Water (Capital) Water Emergency Emergency Reserve 990,234 C 1,002,376 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Water Capital Projects Capital Reserve* 7,774,174 D 7,857,568 7,725,000 1,242,551 8,967,551 COP Bond 2008 Capital Reserve - - - - - COP Bond 2008 - Reserve Restricted from Use ** 2,160,389 E 2,126,848 2,147,096 - 2,147,096 Water Maintenance Capital Reserve 200,715 F 191,563 200,000 - 200,000 Sewer (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 246,893 G 688,981 300,000 (139,561) 160,439 Employee Liabilities OPEB and Comp Abs. - 7,000 7,000 - 7,000 Sewer (Capital) Sewer Emergency Emergency Reserve 1,001,806 H 1,006,214 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Sewer Capital Projects Capital Reserve 1,167,222 1 1,355,103 1,174,204 210,563 1,384,767 Total of Funds $ 19,564,671 $ 20,662,192 $ 20,169,809 $ 810,289 $ 20,980,098 *Amount includes an assumption of $3,825,000 borrowed against a line of credit in FY 13/14 and $3,175,000 in FY 14/15 * *Amount has been set aside by the fiscal agent in a reserve fund, and is unable to be spent down Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting lOperating Reserve Funded at a Forecasted Budgeted Balance Balance Balance Additions Balances Ending Ending Ending (Deductions) Ending Funding Sources Restriction Category 6/30/2013 3/31/2014 6/30/2014 FY 2013/14 6/30/2014 Water (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 4,719,010 A 3,605,050 3,800,000 870,376 4,670,376 Reserve for Debt Service Debt Service Payment 1,304,228 B 2,728,489 2,723,509 - 2,723,509 Employee Liabilities OPEB and Comp Abs. - 93,000 93,000 - 93,000 Water (Capital) Water Emergency Emergency Reserve 990,234 C 1,002,376 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Water Capital Projects Capital Reserve* 7,774,174 D 7,857,568 7,725,000 (131,089) 7,593,911 COP Bond 2008 Capital Reserve - - - - - COP Bond 2008 - Reserve Restricted from Use ** 2,160,389 E 2,126,848 2,147,096 - 2,147,096 Water Maintenance Capital Reserve 200,715 F 191,563 200,000 - 200,000 Sewer (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 246,893 G 688,981 300,000 (139,561) 160,439 Employee Liabilities OPEB and Comp Abs. - 7,000 7,000 - 7,000 Sewer (Capital) Sewer Emergency Emergency Reserve 1,001,806 H 1,006,214 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Sewer Capital Projects Capital Reserve 1,167,222 1 1,355,103 1,174,204 210,563 1,384,767 Total of Funds $ 19,564,671 $ 20,662,192 $ 20,169,809 $ 810,289 $ 20,980,098 *Amount includes an assumption of $3,825,000 borrowed against a line of credit in FY 13/14 and $3,175,000 in FY 14/15 * *Amount has been set aside by the fiscal agent in a reserve fund, and is unable to be spent down