HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-10 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Hater District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, September 10, 2015, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Ric Collett, President Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Phil Hawkins Robert R. Kiley Gary T. Melton 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 6.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held August 13, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 6.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$439,912.37. 6.3. ACWA/JPIA Liability Program Renewal Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve payment to the Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA/JPIA) for the Auto and General Liability Program invoice dated August 24, 2015 for the Policy Year 101112015 to 101112016. 6.4. Amendment One to Lease Agreement for Well 21 Site Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize approval and execution of Amendment One of the "Lease Agreement, Yorba Linda Water District, Warner Basin Complex - Well No. 21,"between the Orange County Water District and the Yorba Linda Water District. 7. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 7.1. ACWA Legal Affairs Committee Appointment Nominees for 2016-2017 Term Recommendation. That the Board of Directors consider nominating Mr. Art Kidman to continue serving on the the ACWA Legal Affairs Committee of which he has served for the past 40 years. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 8.1. July - August Groundwater Production Effect on FY 2015-16 Variable Costs 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report 9.2. Directors' Reports 9.3. General Manager's Report 9.4. General Counsel's Report 9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett / Melton) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett / Beverage) • Minutes of the meeting held August 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 23, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at YL City Hall. 10.3. Interagency Committee with City of Placentia and Golden State Water (Melton / Kiley) • Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 29, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at YLWD. 10.4. Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) • Minutes of the meeting held August 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 28, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11.1. MWDOC Board - September 2, 2015 (Melton) 11.2. OCSD Operations Committee - September 2, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage) 11.3. OCWD Board - September 2, 2015 ( ) 11.4. WACO - September 4, 2015 (Hawkins/Kiley) 11.5. LAFCO - September 9, 2015 (Beverage -As Needed) 11.6. YL Planning Commission - September 9, 2015 (Melton) 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from September 11, 2015 - October 31, 2015 13. ADJOURNMENT 13.1. A Special Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 6.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 10, 2015 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held August 13, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 2015-08-13 - BOD - Minutes.doc Minutes Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/10/2015 MB/RK 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, August 13, 2015, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The August 13, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Collett at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Collett led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL Ir DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Ric Collett, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Phil Hawkins John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Robert R. Kiley Gina Knight, Human Resources / Risk Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager DIRECTORS ABSENT Art Vega Information Technology Manager Gary T. Melton Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Kelly McCann Senior Accountant Rachel Padilla, Customer Service Supervisor Malissa Tem, Public Affairs Specialist ALSO PRESENT Eddy Beltran, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Brett Barbre, Director, MWDSC and MWDOC Tom Lindsey, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Yorba Linda Ed Gunderson, Resident Eddy Jackson, Resident Rosemarie Sauer, Resident 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Mr. Marcantonio requested that Item No. 6.1. be deferred to the next regular meeting as the honoree was unable to be present. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Ed Gunderson, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the District's FY 2015/16 budget. President Collett responded and provided an overview of the District's limitations related to the delivery of groundwater to certain parts of YLWD's service area. 1 Mr. Eddy Jackson, resident, addressed the Board and asked for clarification as to what portion of the District was considered the east end. Mr. DeCriscio responded and provided a summary of the District's groundwater and import water distribution capabilities and the financial impact of customer demands. Mr. Gunderson continued his comments regarding the District's FY 2015/16 budget and drought penalties. The Board and staff then responded and explained the purpose of the drought penalties and the conservation related activities they support. Mr. Jackson addressed the Board and stated objections regarding the handling of one of his requests for records, the Proposition 218 mailing process, certain e- mails, and a video appearing on the District's website. NEL The Board and staff responded and explained the mailing process for the Proposition 218 notices and indicated that the video had been promptly removed from the District's website. Mr. Beltran then explained the process for inspecting and requesting public records. vk%m, INn, Ms. Rosemarie Sauer, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the Proposition 218 process, the proposed water rates and variable billing cycle, and the possibility of refinancing the District's bonds. The Board and staff responded and explained the potential financial impact on the District should the proposed water and sewer rate increase not go through. Staff is currently working with the District's bond counsel and financial advisors to schedule a related presentation to the Board at a future meeting. Director Beverage noted that the District had refinanced the 2003 bonds resulting in a cost savings of approximately .5 million dollars. He also explained the calculation associated with the drought penalty blocks and considerations made for the variable billing cycle. Mr. Marcantonio then commented on the impact of the State's conservation mandates on the District. The following item was removed from the agenda. SPECIAL RECOGNTION 6.1. Recognize Ruben Gonzales, Facilities Maintenance, for 36 Years of Service to the District 2 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) • Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. were provided in the agenda packet. President Collett provided an overview of matters discussed during the meeting including the water/sewer rate study, Proposition 218 notice, FY 2015/16 Budget, and the community's conservation efforts. A&V • Next meeting is scheduled to be held August 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR A* 1% Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Melton being absent. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting held July 8, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. %'qqq� I%k 8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held July 9, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held July 16, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.4. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$3,218,717.72. 8.5. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending June 30, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending June 30, 2015. 8.6. Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors receive and file the Investment Reports for the Period Ending June 30, 2015. 3 8.7. Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Fourth Quarter FY 2014/15 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Fourth Quarter FY 2014115. 8.8. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Christian and Claudia Spaulding Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize the President and Secretary to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Christian and Claudia Spaulding. 9. ACTION CALENDAR 9.1. Construction Contract Award for the Well No. 1 Wellhead Equipping Project Mr. Conklin explained that the District had solicited bids for the construction of a high-efficiency vertical-turbine well pump. This facility is part of the District's long-term plan to utilize the District's full allocation of lower cost groundwater. This project will also further the District's mission of having two redundant water sources. Twelve contractors submitted bids for this project and following review, staff is recommending award to the lowest bidder, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors. Staff then responded to questions from the Board regarding the District's existing wells, their associated production, and the budget for the total project. Mr. Eddy Jackson addressed the Board and commented on the District's distribution system and funding for the proposed construction of this well. The Board responded and commented on the benefits to be provided by the proposed well and the associated funding sources. Mr. Jackson addressed the Board and commented on the City of Anaheim's water rates. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to award the Construction Contract for the Well No. 21 Wellhead Equipping Project to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. for $910,487.00, Job. No. 2009-22 #21. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Melton being absent. 9.2. ACWA Committee Appointment Nominees for 2016-2017 Term Mr. Marcantonio explained that ACWA has requested nominations for upcoming committee appointments for the 2016-2017 term and that Mr. Art Kidman has requested nomination to ACWA's State Legislative Committee. 4 Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to nominate Mr. Art Kidman to serve on the A C WA State Legislative Committee for the 2016-2017 term. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Melton being absent. 9.3. ACWA Region 10 Election of Officers and Board Members for 2016-2017 Term Mr. Marcantonio explained that the District was entitled to cast one vote for each of the ACWA Region 10 positions (Chair, Vice Chair and five members of the Board). The provided ballot includes a slate of individuals recommended by the Region 10 Nominating Committee or an option to select individual candidates for these seats' Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to vote for the Nominating Committee's recommended slate of candidates in the ACWA Region 10 Election. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Melton being absent. 10. REPORTS INFORMATION ITEMS AND COMMENTS 10.1. President's Report None. 10.2. Directors' Reports Each of the Directors reported on their attendance at the following events. ■ MWDOC Water Policy Forum — July 29, 2015 ISDOC Emergency Response Training —August 11, 2015 ■ Drought Tolerant Landscaping Workshop —August 11, 2015 4k 19EL 10.3. General Manager's Report Mr. Marcantonio asked each manager (or their designee) in attendance to provide a report regarding activities within their respective departments. He then provided the Board with an overview of this activities and meeting attendance. 10.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Beltran indicated that the Closed Session on the agenda would not be necessary. 10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks The Board discussed the possibility of scheduling a special meeting for the purposes of community outreach and the need for moving the next regular Board meeting from August 27, 2015 to August 31, 2015. 5 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett / Melton) • Minutes of the meeting held July 28, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. ANEV 11.2. Interagency Meeting with City of Placentia and Golden State Water (Melton / Kiley) • Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 29, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at YLWD. 11.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett / Beverage) .guano. I%k • Minutes of the meeting held July 22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. • Next meeting is scheduled to be held August 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at YL City Hall. bu_ IV 12. ' INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETING Each of the Directors reported on their attendance at the following meetings. 12.1. L Planning mmissio - July 29, 2015 ( ) 12.2. ISDOC - July 30, 2015 (Kiley) 12.3. YL City Council - August 4, 2015 (Beverage) 12.4. MWDOC Board - August 5, 2015 ( ) 12.5. OCWD Board -August 5, 2015 (Collett) 12.6. WACO -August 7, 2015 (Kiley) 12.7. YL Planning Commission -August 12, 2015 ( ) 6 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from August 14, 2015 — September 30, 2015 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no changes. 14. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS 14.1. YLWD Drought Tolerant Landscaping Workshop -August 11, 2015 ISDOC Elected Officials Emergency Response Training - August 11 and 26, 2015 Mar YL State of the City Address - October 14, 2015 CSDA Annual Conference - September 21-24, 2015 ACWA/JPIA Fall Conference - November 30 - December 1, 2015 ACWA Fall Conference - December 1-4, 2015 Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to authorize and/or ratify Director attendance at these events if desired. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Melton being absent. The following Closed Session was not held. CLOSED SES f ce with egal C - ticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litiga Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code ber of Po ial Ca s: Unknown 16. ADJOURNMENT 16.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:16 a.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Monday, August 31, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary 7 ITEM NO. 6.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 10, 2015 Budgeted: Yes To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $439,912.37 Funding Source: All Funds From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Richard Cabadas, Accounting CEQA Compliance: N/A Assistant I Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$439,912.37. DISCUSSION: The major items on this disbursement list are as follows: A check of$42,384.46 to CalCard US Bank for July and August 2015 credit card transactions; and a wire of$6,365.89 to So. California Edison for July 2015 electricity charges at Miraloma Ave. The balance of $125,738.71 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $174,489.06; Payroll No. 18 total is $265,423.31; and the disbursements of this agenda report are $439,912.37. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CkReg091015.pdf CHECK REGISTER Backup Material 15 CC 0910.pdf CREDIT CARD SUMMARY Backup Material 15-CS 0910.pdf CAP SHEET Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/10/2015 M B/R K 5-0 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 08/31/2015 thru 9/10/2015 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 66245 09/10/2015 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 4,661.07 WAREHOUSE STOCK 66246 09/10/2015 Aramark 429.67 UNIFORM SERVICE 66253 09/10/2015 ARC 682.75 J09-22#21-WELL HEAD BID 66248 09/10/2015 AT&T 46.92 CIRCUIT#78KS315PT 66247 09/10/2015 AT&T-Calnet2 490.41 ATT CALNET2 66249 09/10/2015 CalCard US Bank 42,384.46 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS FOR JULY&AUGUST 2015 66250 09/10/2015 City Of Placentia 9,410.66 ENCROACHMENT PERMITS,SEWER FEES AND ALARM 66251 09/10/2015 Clinical Lab.Of San Bern. 2,810.00 LAB TEST/SAMPLES 66252 09/10/2015 Convington Group,LLC 31,818.76 BRANDYWINE WATER LINE WORK 66254 09/10/2015 Cynthia Botts 26.10 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT-BOTTS,C 66244 09/10/2015 DAVIDTEST 483.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 66255 09/10/2015 Dick's Lock&Safe Inc. 40.64 KEYS-REPRODUCTION KEYS 66256 09/10/2015 Eisel Enterprises,Inc. 159.84 SEALS&GASKETS 66257 09/10/2015 Elite Equipment Inc 146.99 MTX 70 RECOIL ASSEMBLY 66258 09/10/2015 Employment Development Department 5,102.00 UI BENEFIT CHARGE-L1382428352 66259 09/10/2015 Enthalpy Analytical,Inc. 2,557.60 JULY 2015-LAB SAMPLES 66260 09/10/2015 Fairway Ford Sales,Inc. 136.09 SWITCH ASSEMBLY 66261 09/10/2015 Fry's Electronics 107.98 TARGUS CASE 66262 09/10/2015 Haaker Equipment Co. 929.42 SAFETY SHUTOFF-#168 66263 09/10/2015 Harrington Industrial 84.57 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 66264 09/10/2015 Hopkins Technical Products Inc. 683.54 CL2 PARTS 66265 09/10/2015 Infosend Inc. 25,761.38 MONTHLY BILLING AND PROP 218 NOTICES 66266 09/10/2015 Innovyze 2,250.00 INFOWATER-UNLIMITED LINKS 66268 09/10/2015 J&S Construction 1,575.00 R&R-S/E CORNER OHIO&YORBA LINDA BLVD 66267 09/10/2015 Jackson's Auto Supply-Napa 212.27 AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE 66269 09/10/2015 Konica Minolta Business 266.77 BIZHUB C224-LEASE 66270 09/10/2015 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 566.00 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE 66272 09/10/2015 LPR-Laser Printer Repair Co 208.88 SERVICE CALL-HP 550ODN 66273 09/10/2015 Managed Health Network 171.00 EAP-SEPTEMBER 2015 66274 09/10/2015 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 233.75 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 66275 09/10/2015 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 351.80 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE-#168 66276 09/10/2015 Murcal,Inc. 1,127.20 ENGINE THROTTLE CONTROL-WELL18 66277 09/10/2015 Muzak LLC 81.68 CUSTOMER MESSAGE/PHONE SERVICE-SEPTEMBER 2015 66278 09/10/2015 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,820.23 FUEL-AUGUST 2015 66279 09/10/2015 Norm's Refrigeration& 630.17 ICE MACHINE SERVICING 66280 09/10/2015 Office Solutions 549.62 OFFICE SUPPLIES&TONER 66283 09/10/2015 P.T.I.Sand&Gravel,Inc. 1,943.17 COLD MIX ASPHALT&+30 FILL SAND 66281 09/10/2015 Praxair Distribution 157.80 CYLINDER RENTAL 66282 09/10/2015 Prudential Group Insurance 3,927.85 INSURANCE LIFE/ADD/LTD&STD 66284 09/10/2015 Rick Walkemeyer 297.75 J2015-05-MI.REIMBURSEMENT 66285 09/10/2015 RKI Engineering,LLC 2,400.00 SCADA WORKISUPPORT 66243 09/10/2015 ROBERT DURBIN 151.82 CUSTOMER REFUND 66286 09/10/2015 Severn Trent De Nora Texas,LLC 47.23 CL2 PARTS 66287 09/10/2015 Southern Calif Gas Co. 13,407.69 GAS CHARGES-SEVERAL LOCATIONS-JULY&AUGUST 2015 W082615 08/28/2015 Southern California Edison 6,365.89 MIRALOMA AVE-ELECTRIC CHARGES FOR JULY 2015 66288 09/10/2015 Stater Bros.Markets 39.57 MEETING EXPENSE 66289 09/10/2015 Switch Ltd 1,200.00 HALF CABINET-120V20AMP 66271 09/10/2015 The Lighthouse Inc. 139.32 LED SPOTLIGHT-#204 66290 09/10/2015 Time Warner Cable 169.14 BASIC CABLE-913 RICHFIELD 66291 09/10/2015 Underground Service Alert 237.00 DIGALERT-MONTHLY SERVICE FEES 66292 09/10/2015 United Industries 476.69 PPE EQUIP&CLEANING SUPPLIES 66293 09/10/2015 West Coast Safety Supply Co 529.34 ZONE DEFENSE 174,489.06 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 7/22/15-8/28/15 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 7/22/2015 Fry's Electronic 123.92 IT equipment&hardware 7/23/2015 Fry's Electronic 131.81 IT equipment&hardware 7/25/2015 Graybar 491.46 IT equipment&hardware 7/29/2015 Fry's Electronic 140.52 Headset 7/30/2015 Fry's Electronic 51.87 IT equipment&hardware 8/1/2015 Amazon 151.78 Portable podium and white noise machine 8/4/2015 Yorba Linda Chamber Commerce 15.00 Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce 8/12/2015 So Cal Sand Bags 1,415.16 (600)filled sandbags 8/17/2015 Superior Groceries 77.86 Employee recognition/retirement 8/17/2015 Part. 21.58 Employee recognition/retirement 8/17/2015 Home Depot 38.67 Production tools for CL2 maintenance 8/18/2015 Neward Element 57.97 (5)baterries for RTU unit 8/18/2015 Harrington Industrial 40.69 CL2 replacement parts for Lakeview Booster Station 8/18/2015 Harrington Industrial 1,650.96 Replacement parts for CL2 system-Richfield 8/18/2015 Tlaquepaque 1,090.00 Employee recognition/retirement 8/18/2015 Office Depot 231.53 Chair and hooks for Operations Managers Office 8/18/2015 Answerl Communication 581.85 Answering service-July 2015 8/18/2015 Answerl Communication 396.80 Answering service-August 2015 8/19/2015 Dan Copp 150.00 Dump fees 8/20/2015 Dan Copp 100.00 Dump fees 8/20/2015 Republic Services 506.08 (2)Front loads-Richfield 8/20/2015 Online Information Services 497.59 Utility exchange service-July 2015 8/21/2015 Van Buren Florist 65.00 Bereavement arrangement for Araujo,E 8/21/2015 Blossom Flowers 70.20 Bereavement arrangement for Vargas,B 8/24/2015 McMaster Carr 286.46 Heavy duty strap wrench 8/24/2015 Orvac Elecronics 37.35 (2)Voltage testers 8/24/2015 Southwest Airlines 133.29 Airfare to CAPERS Education Forum-Knight 8/24/2015 PELRAC 556.00 Registration for PELRAC Conference-Knight&Melton 8/24/2015 CAPERS 798.00 Registration for CAPERS Edu Forum-Knight&Melton 8/24/2015 Southwest Airlines 182.00 Airfare to LCW 2016 Annual Conference 8/24/2015 Southwest Airlines 393.00 Airfare for CAPERS Education Forum-Lugo&McCann 8/24/2015 Orvac Elecronics 114.79 Ground wire with clamps for pipeline locator 8/25/2015 Home Depot 99.18 Backflow tool for repairs 8/25/2015 Home Depot 9.15 Cord reel 8/26/2015 Applebee's 57.65 Meeting with TBU Inc to discuss consulting services-Engineering 8/26/2015 Harrington Industrial 214.42 Replacement for CL2 system-Richfield 8/26/2015 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 1,425.00 LCW Annual Conference-Knight,Cloonan,Melton 8/26/2015 Aria 218.40 IT/DEV Connections conference expense 8/27/2015 United Water Works 14,766.97 June 2015 invoices 8/28/2015 United Water Works 14,994.50 July 2015 invoices 42,384.46 September 2, 2015 CHECK NUMBERS & WIRE: Computer Checks 66243-66293 $ 168,123.17 $ 168,123.17 WIRE: W082615A So. California Edison $ 6,365.89 $ 6,365.89 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $174,489.06 PAYROLL NO. 18: Direct Deposits $ 169,885.20 Third Party Checks 6218-6229 $ 47,861 .03 Payroll Taxes $ 47,677.08 $ 265,423.31 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $265,423.31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $439,912.37 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF September 10, 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM NO. 6.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 10, 2015 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $230,000 To: Board of Directors Funding Source: All Funds From: Marc Marcantonio, General Account No: 1-7020-0690-20 Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Subject: ACWA/JPIA Liability Program Renewal SUMMARY: The District has received the invoice for the Liability Deposit Premium for the 2015-2016 policy year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve payment to the Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA/JPIA) for the Auto and General Liability Program invoice dated August 24, 2015 for the Policy Year 10/1/2015 to 10/1/2016. DISCUSSION: Each August the District receives the liability insurance premium invoice from ACWA/JPIA for the upcoming policy year. The deposit premium is for the period October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. This year's premium is $214,681, an $8,036 increase from last year's premium of $206,645. The premium is based on payroll and subject to change based on the member's Experience Modifier (E-MOD). The JPIA Executive Committee approved no changes from the prior year to the rates used to calculate deposit premiums for participants in the Liability Program. The rate will remain at $3.069 per $100 of payroll. This District's Basic Premium is $201,768 with an E-MOD factor of 1.1200 equaling a Gross Premium of $225,980. With a 0.95 Multiple Program Discount Factor, the District's Deposit Premium is $214,681. JPIA calculates the E-MOD using three consecutive years worth of losses. The three-year period moves each year with the earliest year dropping off and a new year coming on. Therefore, a particular loss will affect the E-MOD calculation for a total of three years. Losses below $15,000, or the Retrospective Allocation Point (RAP), are not used in the E-MOD calculation. The RAP is similar to a Self-Insured Retention (SIR). The District's RAP is $25,000. The RAP is that portion of the loss for which the District is ultimately responsible. It also designates the point at which the District begins to participate in the pooled losses. When the Retrospective Premium Adjustment (RPA) is calculated (45 months after the first coverage period), all losses and portions of losses are deducted from the deposit premium. The remaining losses go into the pool and are shared by all the members of the program. Each member is charged a proportionate share of the total losses of the pool according to its deposit premium. Adjustments continue annually thereafter until all claims in the pool for that specific policy year are closed. Finally, if the costs are below the deposit premium, a debit is applied against the Retrospective Premium Adjustment fund. The Retrospective Premium Adjustment fund (RPA) was created in 1999 to stabilize retrospective premium adjustments and reduce or eliminate billing members for prior policy years by banking member refunds. The funds are used to offset any amounts due to the member for the prior years. The RPA fund was established with a cap of 50% of the basic premium. Once a member's fund balance exceeds 50% of its deposit premium, the difference is refunded to the member. The District will not receive a refund this year. The deposit premium is due October 1, 2015 and will be delinquent and subject to penalty and interest charges if not paid or post marked by October 31, 2015. The District has the option of increasing the Retrospective Allocation Point (RAP) from $25,000 to $50,000 or $100,000. Increasing the RAP will not affect the premium. If an agency experiences a high frequency of losses, the minimum deductible is financially safer. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The annual liability program renewal rates are presented to the Board of Directors each year. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: SKMBT 055215090110590 (3).pdf ACWA/JPIA Liability Program 2015-2016 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/10/2015 MB/RK 5-0 ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES -• JPI JOINT POWERS INVOICE AUTO and GENERAL LIABILITY PROGRAM FOR POLICY YEAR 10/1/2015 - 10/1/2016 Member#Y002 Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309 Invoice Date: 08/24/2015 DESCRIPTION: Deposit Premium for the 10/1/2015-2016 Policy Year $214,681.00 (Due on October 1,2015) WILL BE DELINQUENT AND SUBJECT TO PENALTY AND INTEREST CHARGES, IF NOT PAID OR POST MARKED BY OCTOBER 31,2015 PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ACWA/JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY P.0.Box 619082, Roseville,CA 95661-9082 - (800)231-5742 - www.acwajpia.com ACWA/JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY LIABILITY PROGRAM E-MOD/PREMIUM CALCULATION WORK SHEET AT 8/24/2015 Yorba Linda Water District 10/1/2015-2016 ANNUAL ESTIMATED PAYROLL:$6,608,196 LOSSES FOR PERIOD 1011/2011 THRU 9130/2014 RETRO ALLOCATION POINT: $25,000 AMOUNT USED IN CLAIMS OVER E-MOD CALC YEAR CLAIM# TOTAL LOSS RAP RAP(or$15,000)* (Capped at$75,000) 10/l/2011-2012 12-0622 $500.00 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/l/2011-2012 12-0470 $73.71 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2011-2012 12-0486 $334.82 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2011-2012 12-0485 $39,295.00 $25,000 $39,295.00 $39,295.00 10/l/2011-2012 12-0471 $585.00 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/l/2011-2012 12-0499 $1,147.51 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2011-2012 12-0576 $5,600.00 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2011-2012 12-0578 $23,416.63 $25,000 $23,416.63 $23,416.63 10/l/2011-2012 12-0777 $528.91 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/l/2012-2013 13-0616 $2,866.01 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2012-2013 14-0619 $350.00 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/l/2012-2013 13-0402 $11,456.69 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2012-2013 14-0618 $16.20 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2012-2013 13-0615 $100,001.00 $25,000 $100,001.00 $75,000.00 10/l/2012-2013 14-0622 $60.00 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/l/2013-2014 14-0621 $310.00 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2013-2014 14-0620 $450.00 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/l/2013-2014 14-0423 $12,165.82 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 10/1/2013-2014 15-0276 $1,005.50 $25,000 $0.00 $0.00 THREE YEAR LOSS TOTAL $200,162.80 $162,712.63 $137,711.63 EXPERIENCE MODIFICATION FORMULA STEP 1 $2,250 + ( Payroll x P/R Modifier x ( 7 / Log of Payroll ) ) = Basic Premium $2,250 + ( $6,608,196 x 0.067734 x ( 7 / 15.703821 ) ) _ $201768 STEP 2 ( Three Year Loss Total I 3 ) / Basic Premium = District Rate ( $137,712 / 3 ) / $201,768 = 0.2275 STEP 3 District Rate / Average Rate = Unweighted Modification Factor 0.227508 / 0.164311 = 1.384618 STEP 4 Square root of ( Basic Premium / $2,000,000 ) = Credibility Factor Square root of ( $201,768 / $2,000,000 ) = 0.3176 STEP 5 ( Credibility Factor x Unweighted Modification Factor ) + ( 1.0 - Credibility Factor ) _ E-MOD ( 0.3176 x 1.3846 ) + ( 1.0 - 0.3176 ) = 1.1200 DEPOSIT PREMIUM FORMULA STEP 1 Basic Premium x E-MOD = Gross Premium $201,768 x 1.1200 = $225,980 STEP 2 (3 Programs=5.00°k) Gross Premium x Multiple Program Discount Factor = Deposit Premium + Adjustment = Adjusted Deposit Premium $225,980 x 0.95 = $214,681 + $0 = $214,681 THE MINIMUM RAP FOR THE PREMIUM SHOWN ABOVE IS$25,000 YOUR CURRENT RAP IS$25,000 IF YOU WISH TO SELECT A HIGHER RAP, PLEASE CONTACT MEMBER SERVICES `AMOUNT DERIVED BY DETERMINING THE LOWER OF THE CHOSEN RAP VS$15,000. IF'TOTAL LOSS'COLUMN EXCEEDS THIS FIGURE THEN THE TOTAL LOSS IS ENTERED HERE. ITEM NO. 6.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 10, 2015 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $4,200 annual To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $3,817/year + 3% accrual Funding Source: Water Operating Fund From: Marc Marcantonio, General Account No: 1-4020-0625-00 Manager Job No: 2009-22#21 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Alex Thomas, Water Quality CEQA Compliance: MND Engineer Subject: Amendment One to Lease Agreement for Well 21 Site SUMMARY: Amendment One reflects the designed pipeline easements for the discharge and the pump-to-waste pipelines for Well No. 21 which slightly deviates from the original assumed pipeline easements at the time when the Lease Agreement was first developed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize approval and execution of Amendment One of the "Lease Agreement, Yorba Linda Water District, Warner Basin Complex - Well No. 21," between the Orange County Water District and the Yorba Linda Water District. DISCUSSION: Prior to the design of the Well No. 21 Equipping Project, a lease agreement was executed on December 20, 2012 between OCWD and YLWD to construct and operate Well No. 21 on OCWD property at the Warner Basin Complex, near La Palma and Van Buren. The original lease agreement assumed pipeline easement alignments for both the discharge pipeline and pump-to- waste pipeline that have since been slightly modified primarily due to the addition of an electrical transformer easement and the removal of an abandoned trailer. The removal of the abandoned trailer has eliminated a bend in the original discharge pipeline alignment which allows for better hydraulic conditions and decreases construction cost. YLWD produced a revised Lease Exhibits "A," Legal Description, and Exhibit "B," Plat of Legal Description, which OCWD used to create Amendment One to the Lease Agreement which was approved and executed by the OCWD Board of Directors on July 1, 2015. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-13: Continue Planning for Long Term Capital Improvements and Replacements into the future PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On December 20, 2012, the Board of Directors authorized execution of the "Lease Agreement, Yorba Linda Water District, Warner Basin Complex - Well No. 21", between the Orange County Water District and Yorba Linda Water District, for a 50-year period. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Amendment One for Well 21 Lease Agreement.pdf Amendment One to Well 21 Lease Agreement Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/10/2015 MB/RK 5-0 AMENDMENT ONE TO LEASE AGREEMEMT THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this 1st day of July 2015 by and between the ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of California organized under Chapter 924 of the Statues of 1933, as amended (hereinafter, the "Lessor") and Yorba Linda Water District, a special governmental district of the State of California (hereinafter, the "Lessee"): RECITALS WHEREAS, on December 19, 2012, the Board entered into a Lease Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) to construct a groundwater production well and appurtenant pipeline and drain pipe at Warner Basin including a construction and maintenance area for a term of 50 years ending on December 31, 2062, with an annual rent of$3,817 adjusted annually by 3%; WHEREAS, on September 3, 2014, the Board approved and authorize execution of an Easement Deed to the City of Anaheim for electrical service to the YLWD Well No. 21 at Warner Basin; and WHEREAS, YLWD has requested that Lease Exhibits "A", Legal Description, and Exhibit "B", Plat of Legal Description, Construction and Maintenance Area and Appurtenant Premises (1) and (2), be replaced with revised Exhibit "A" and "B" to reflect the change in the alignment of the pipeline between YLWD Well No. 21 and its main water pipeline in Richfield Road, Anaheim and that an "as built" legal description and plat, if needed, replace the revised legal description when ready. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the matters set forth in the foregoing recitals and the terms, covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Exhibit "A". Legal Description Premises and Exhibit "B" Plat of Legal Description, Construction and Maintenance Area and Appurtenant Premises (1) and (2), are hereby replaced with the revised Exhibit "A", Legal Description Premises ("Legal Description") and Exhibit "B" Plat of Legal Description, Construction and Maintenance Area and Appurtenant Premises (1) and (2) ("Plat"), both exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Authorize the General Manager or his designee to replace the revised Legal Description and Plat with an "as built" Legal Description and Plat, if needed. 3. Each and every other term, covenant and condition of the Lease not herein expressly modified is hereby ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to Lease as of the day and year first hereinabove written. "LESSOR" APPROVED AS TO FORM: ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP, a political subdivision of the State of California organized under Chapter 924 of the Statues of 1933, as amended By: By: Ge I Couns I for Cathy Gree , P Or Inge County Water District By: Mic el R. larkus P.E., General Manager "LESSEE" YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT, a special governmental district of the state of California By. Ric Collett, President By-- Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Amendment One YLWD (6-15-15) EXHIBIT "A" REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION PREMISES PAGES 1 TO 4 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION For APPURTENANT PREMISES (1) That Portion of Lots 18 of Block 36, of the Yorba Linda 'Tract, in the Cite of Anaheim. County of Orange, State of California as shown in Book 13. Page 16, of Parcel Maps. Records of Orange County, State of California, recorded March 11. 1968 and described as follows: Commencing at the centerline intersection of La Palma Avenue and Richfield Road as shown on a Record of Survey Field in Book 89, Page 41 of Records of Surveys, in the Office of the Recorder" County of Orange. State of California: Thence along the centerline of said Richfield Road. South 00°33'48" West. 400.18 feet: Thence leaving said centerline.. North 89 028'06" West 25.00 feet to the westerly right of way of said Richfield Road, Thence continuing South 0093'48"' West 17.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 89°28'06" West 498.55 feet; Thence South 79°33'22" West 96.28 feet; Thence North 89°28'06" West 28.17 feet: Thence South 45°03'45" East 21.43 feet: Thence South 89°28'06" East 14.34 feet; Thence North 79°33'22" East 96.25 feet, Thence South 89 028'06" East 497.07 feet; Thence North 00°33'48" East 15.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Area== 9,229 square feet more or less. Shown on sketch "Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. 4 EXIIII3IT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION For APPURTENANT PRI~MISES (2) That Portions of Lots 18 and Lot 19 of Block 36, of the Yorba Linda 'Tract. in the City of Anaheim. County of Orange.. State of California as shown in Book 13. Page 16, of Parcel Maps. Records of Orange County, Stag of California, recorded March 11, 1968 and described as follows: Commencing at the centerline intersection of La Palma Avenue and Richfield Road as shown on a Record of Survey Field in Book 89. Page 41 of Records of Surveys. in the Office of the Recorder, County of Orange. State of California; Thence along the centerline of said Richfield Road, South 00"33'48" West, 400.18 feet. Thence leaving said centerline. North 89°28"06" West 25.00 feet to the westerly right of�,vay of said Richfield Road. Thence continuing North 89 028'06" West 616.00 feet; Thence South 33°56'45" West 42.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning: Thence South 33°56'45" West 20.13 feet: Thence South 89°28'06" East 21.23 feet; Thence South 45°03'45" East 23.10 feet; Thence North 69 008"33'" East 19.48 feet; Thence North 45°03'45 West 37.00 feet; Thence North 89 028'06" West 18.38 feet to the True Point of Beginning: Area= 866 square feet more or less. Shown on sketch "Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. 5 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIP'T'ION CONSTRUC'T'ION AND MAIN`T'ENANCE AREA (3) That Portions of Lots 18 and Lot 19 of Block 36, of the Yorba Linda 'tract, in the CitN of' Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California as shown in Book 13. Paec 16. of Parcel Maps. Records of Orange County. State of California. recorded March 1. 1. 1968 and described as follows: Commencing at the centerline intersection of La Palma Avenue and Richfield Road as shown on a Record of Survey Field in Book 89. Page 41 of Records of Surveys. in the Office of the Recorder. County of Orange_ State of California: Thence along the centerline of said Richfield Road. South 00'331'48- \Vest, 400.18 Iect: 'thence leaving said centerline. North 89°28"06" West 25.00 feet to the \\csterl\ right ol'\\a\ of said Richfield Road; Thence continuing North 89°2806" West 616.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning: Thence North 89°28'06" West 89.00 feet to the easterly line of MWD R.'W Parcel 1004-8-1 (Parcel B): Thence South 08'15'13" West 128.00 feet; 'thence South 81'44'47" East 21.16 feet: 'thence North 33°56"45"" East 155.36 feet to the True Point of Beginning: Area - 7.135 square feet more or less. Shown on sketch "Exhibit"B" and made a part hereof. 6 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION WELL SI'Z'E AREA (4) That Portion of Lots 18 of Block 36, of the Yorba Linda Tract, in the Cite of Analhcim. County of Orange. State of California as shown in Book 13, Page 16, of Parcel Maps. Records of Orange County, State of California. recorded March 11, 1968 and described as follows: Commencing at the centerline intersection of La Palma Avenue and Richfield Road as shown on a Record of Survey field in Book 89, Page 41 of Records of Surveys, in the Office of the Recorder, County of Orange, State of California; Thence along the centerline of said Richfield Road. South 00°33'48" West. 400.18 lect. Thence leavino said centerline. North 89 028'06" West 25.00 feet to the \\esterly right 01'way of said Richfield Road; Thence continuing North 89°28"06" West 616.00 feet to the southerly line of Parcel flap 13.`16.: Thence South 33°56'45" West 15.00 feet; Thence North 89°28'06" West 24.86 feet to the True Point of Beginning, Thence North 89°28'06" West 40.00 feet; Thence South 00°31"54" West 20.00 feet; Thence South 89°28'06" East 40.00 feet; Thence North 00°31'54" Last 20.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Area 800 square feet more or less. Shown on sketch "Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. 7 EXHIBIT "B" Plat of Legal Description, Construction and Maintenance Area and Appurtenant Premises (1) and (2) LA PAL? A AYENUE sw2soc-C MAI NT LOT 18 ­'Fb0Ata-'-' M W U RIW PAPCtL wR_ d YORBA LLVDA IR40'BLOCK 36 WA),P/W PARM Al:,CL DI Inl WARM V I Afilf. SCALE,1-W 7�Idovs do 2•0-Ing Id, WELL SIIs MU A •nw_— M 16 soeo� APPURTENANT f WELL SITE AREA I I ,— Sets 0.1.9 i—e M W': ' SOUTH LINE OF 2 P.M.B.13176 W15W .69-w,wW slow Ij U w, .14odd—rododle"121 !2 y LIO 96.2v f w --u__ —— '---SOUTHERLYLIWOFLOTIS ————————— ————————— 0. FE-Z--I ]APPURTENANT "'s L'1.�23-woww diw- L'o LOT 19 PREMISES(2 0=33­� I?- 117.5)UN s-W 'Y 5 No'.Vw SIP ' "aw-E 213✓ 8 coNsT&mmNTI \-F 19,33•72• z. 11, E ., Tolclw .17 1 Moo- so AREA Mw 25• 171,LL WIT 'W IL W Tha�1�io DUS A—u.fVY~Awn-)N w2rw 6 u•seu'low 16 It5e Li 8 447'E 21.16, wR.".(S_Y MS77-34 WSM1.9R­dd O—jo.C..wy'C.N.6— Sodom 15 of Ll-.8"94"w'-w Z Mw L"., -W 2aw DETAIL rA.-Jo C.-If W.-Mod,,PwdWY AM "2.,w IN N.T.S. ,,. PREPARED BY: SCALE: K-3 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EXHIBIT"B" AS-NOTED 1717 E.Miraloma Avenue DATE: Placentia,California 92870 Summary Vacation of Easement 05-05-15 tu (714)701-3100 FILENAME: J-200922 8 ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 10, 2015 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Marc Marcantonio, General Dept: Administration Manager Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Subject: ACWA Legal Affairs Committee Appointment Nominees for 2016-2017 Term SUMMARY: Committees are an integral part of ACWA's activities and policy development. The end of the current committee term is in December 2015 and ACWA has requested nominations from its membership. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider nominating Mr. Art Kidman to continue serving on the the ACWA Legal Affairs Committee of which he has served for the past 40 years. DISCUSSION: ACWA has requested nominations for consideration for upcoming committee appointments for the 2016-2017 term. Attached are descriptions of each of the committee's purposes and responsibilities including the number and location of meetings held each year. Current committee members must stand again for reappointment by completing and submitting to ACWA the attached committee consideration form by September 30, 2015. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 2-D: Enhance the District's Regional Water and Wastewater Industry Participation PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On August 13, 2015 the Board voted unanimously to nominate Mr. Art Kidman to serve on the ACWA Legislative Affairs Committee. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: ACWA NOMINATIONS.pdf ACWA NOMINATION PACKET Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/10/2015 MB/PH 5-0 RECEIVE] Association of California Water Agencies AU6 6 2015 Since 7970 • YORBA LINDA WATER DiSTPICT MEMORANDUM August 3, 2015 TO: ACWA MEMBER AGENCY BOARD PRESIDENTS ACWA MEMBER AGENCY GENERAL MANAGERS FROM: JOHN COLEMAN,ACWA PRESIDENT SUBJECT: ACWA COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2016-2017 TERM PLEASE RESPOND BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Committees are an integral part of ACWA's activities and policy development. The end of the current committee term is fast approaching and it is time again to request committee nominations from ACWA members. New officers (PresidentlVice President)will be elected at the fall conference by the general membership, so it is time to prepare to reconstitute all committees for the 2016-2017 term. In submitting names for consideration,please do so with the understanding that committees need active,involved individuals able to expend the time and provide their expertise if appointed. Please keep in mind that the district is responsible for all costs associated with the participation of its representatives on committees. An important part of helping committees function as effectively as possible is attendance. ACWA's bylaws state, "Two consecutive, unexcused absences from an ACWA limited committee shall constitute a resignation and a replacement will be named as soon as possible." Also, those with a record of repeated, excused absences will be reviewed and considered for replacement. The following information is enclosed in this packet. • ACWA Policy Committee Guidelines • ACWA Committee Purposes and Responsibilities ■ Committee attendance records (only for limited committees) • Committee consideration form (before you begin,please make extra copies) • Sample committee consideration form Association of California Water Agencies 910 K Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, California 95814-357: 9161441-4545 iAx 9103/325-4840 Hall of the States 400 N. Capital St., N.W.,Suite 357 South, Washington, D.C. 20001-1,512 2021434-4760 FAx 2021434-4763 www.acwa.com ACWA POLICY COMMITTEE GUIDELINES GENERAL COMMITTEES 1. All committees of the Association shall strive to provide continuity in leadership,shall geographically distribute membership and shall ensure all regions are adequately represented. 2. All committee chairs, vice chairs, and members shall be appointed by the president, and shall serve for a term to coincide with that of the_president. & Nominations for committee appointments shall be made in writing by members for consideration by the region chair and vice chair, If an agency chooses to designate a representative other than a director or salaried staff member,written confirmation to that effect must be received in the ACWA office prior to appointment consideration, Nomination forms(aka Committee Consideration Form)can be obtained from the Association office or on-line at www.acwa.com. a. Where membership on a given ACWA committee is limited, only one representative from an agency may be appointed. Since we do not count the chairperson in the maximum count,then one person could be on the committee that is from the same agency as the chairperson. Other individuals representing an agency may serve on subcommittees of that committee, b. Unlimited committees may have more than one representative from an agency on their committees. 4. The committee chairperson shall: a. chair all meetings of the committee; b. submit a written report regarding committee activities for all meetings of the Board of Directors(with assistance from the ACWA staff committee liaison). C. pre-schedule meetings and check the ACWA calendar to foster total committee member attendance and avoid conflicts. The vice chairperson shall assume those duties in the chairperson's absence. 5. All committee appointments are made by the ACWA president following recommendations submitted by the region chairs and vice chairs. The appointments are for two years and run simultaneously with the board term. Committee chairpersons may appoint subcommittees as necessary to carry out the committee responsibilities. The subehair must be a member of the full committee, subcommittee members do not need to be a member of the full committee. W JCommitteesl2015-2417 Committee Term/ACWA Committees/Committee Guidelines May 21,2013 ACWA COMMITTEES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IMPORTANT COMMITTEE INFORMATION ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIMITED COMMITTEES: Two consecutive, unexcused absences from an ACWA limited committee shall constitute a resignation and a replacement will be named as soon as possible. Travel required to any area of the state where a committee meeting is being held, and lack of a travel budget will not constitute an excused absence. **NOTE: When a committee member is "unable" to attend a meeting and has asked for an excused absence in advance of the meeting, they may send a representative from their agency for monitoring purposes only. However, the committee member will still be recorded with an excused absence from the meeting. The representative does not have a voting right.* STATE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ONLY: The State Legislative Committee will allow a member of the committee with an excused absence to designate an alternate. The committee member will be rgquircd to secure the concurrence of the a ro riate ACWA Region Chair for the alternate. The committee member should provide the name of the alternate to ACWA's Director of State Relations prior to the committee meeting. The alternate will be authorized to fully participate in all discussions of the committee and to vote on issues before the committee. Committee members. including alternates, act on behalf ofthe region for which they were appointed to represent. GRASSROOTS OUTREACH. As a member of the committee,you will he enrolled as an active participant in ACWA's Grassroots Outreach Program. See ACWA's website for more information on the grassroots outreach program which supports ACWA's legislative and regulatory efforts. COMMITTEE VACANCIES WILL NOT BE FILLED AFTER THE SPRING CONFERENCE OF AN UPCOMING ELECTION YEAR. BLUE INDICATES BYLAW COMMITTEE LANGUAGE. wxommitteeJCommittee Purposes and Responsib lities June 2015 ACWA COMMMEES PURPOSES AND REspoNslBuTIEs PAGE 3 • Recommended positions regarding state and federal legislation to the State Legislative and Federal Affairs Committees • Assistance with the development,direction and work associated with representation before the Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other regulatory agencies dealing with energy • Educate members on all energy matters having impact on their operations FEDERAL AFFAIRS CommrTTEE-STANDING/L LVII I Ell (5 PER REGION) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: DAviD REYNOLDS MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • one at both the Fall and Spring conferences • Two between conferences (Jan& Sept) in the Sacramento office • DC Conference--- Attendance is not REQUIRED,but STRONGLY encouraged The purpose of the Federal Affairs Committee is to review all federal legislative proposals and regulatory proposals affecting members of the Association, after consulting with other appropriate committees, and to develop Association positions consistent with existing policy, where it has been established, recommend sponsorship of bills that will resolve problems or improve conditions for members of the Association, and assist in the establishment of the Association's federal legislative program. The committee shall consist of at least one and no more than five individuals from each region. Coordinates with other ACWA committees regarding their input on any issues directly related to federal issues before both Congress and the Federal administrative branches. The committee currently has four separate subcommittees. Committee members have the opportunity to sign-up for as many of the subcommittees as they want, plus being supplemented by other members with interest in a focused area. The subcommittees with areas of responsibility are: • Drinking Water&En=Subcommittee: Responsible for the oversight and policy direction on Environmental Protection Agency and Energy- Water Nexus. • Water Suoly Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on the Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act. • Infrastructure&Agriculture Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on the Clean Water Act, and agricultural issues. • Finance Technology&Research Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on financing water infrastructure legislation. w:/committeelcommittee Purposes and Responsibilities June 2015 ACWA C'ommnnms PURPOSES AND Rt~sPoNSIm nus PAGE 5 LEGAL AFFAIRS COMN MEE-STANDING/L 1.1f17T:1)(45 MAXIMUM) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: WHITNIE WILE MEETINGS ARE HELD APPRoxudATELY 2-3 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • As needed in between the conferences The purpose of the Legal Affairs Committee is to support the mission of the Association, and more particularly to deal with requests for assistance involving legal matters of significance to members of the Association, including but not limited to state and federal court litigation, water rights matters, selected regulatory and resources agency matters, proposed bylaw revisions, review of legislation as requested by the State Legislative Committee, etc. The committee shall consider matters and issues submitted to it in order to determine which ones are of major significance to members of the Association and, assuming a finding of major significance, recommend to the Board of Directors the position(s) which the committee believes the Association should take with respect thereto. The committee shall be composed of between 35 and 45 attorneys, each of whom shall be, or act as, counsel for a member of the Association, representing diverse interests within the Association, including but not limited to, different geographical areas throughout the state, large and small agencies, agricultural and urban agencies, agencies created under the various enabling statues, etc. The committee's primary purpose is to support the mission of the Association, and more particularly, to deal with requests for assistance involving legal matters of significance to ACWA member agencies, water rights matters,proposed ACWA bylaw revisions, etc. The committee also works with staff to produce publications to assist water agency officials in complying with applicable state and federal laws. The committee's areas of responsibility include: • Amicus curia filings on important cases • Commenting on proposed regulations and guidelines of state agencies such as Fair Political Practices Commission regulations or opinions and CEQA implementation guidelines • Entering a suit as primary litigant • Dealing with any water rights matters of interest to member agencies • Reviewing all proposed ACWA bylaws for technical competence and consistency with the nonprofit corporation law and other bylaws W:JConur ttee/Committee Purposes and Responsilxilities June 2015 ACWA CoMNIrITEEs PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILI IES PAGE 7 STATE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE-,S STANDINGILLVITE1)(4 PER REGION) ACWA STAFF LIAISON: WENDY RIDDERSUSCH MEETINGS ARE HELD APPROXIMATELY 10-12 TIMES A YEAR • Every three weeks during Session in the Sacramento Office • One planning meeting at the end of the year in the Sacramento Office The purpose of the State Legislative Committee is to review all state legislative proposals affecting members of the Association and to establish Association positions, consistent with existing policy, where it has been established, sponsor bills that will resolve problems or improve conditions for members of the Association, and assist in the establishment of the Association's legislative program. Sets state legislative policy for the Associations. Committee members are responsible for reading relevant legislation, developing positions, working with staff to draft appropriate amendments to bills, providing input to the ACWA Board of Directors, and directing ACWA legislative staff on legislative matters. WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE-STANDINGI1r 1.t 11 11)(4 PER REGION) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: DAVE BOLLAND MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • Two between conferences in the Sacramento office The purpose of the Water Management Committee is to recommend policy and programs to the Board of Directors on any area of concern in water management. Work with staff in developing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding policy and programs on significant areas of concern in water management, review and recommend positions regarding legislation and regulations as requested by other committees. The committee is also responsible for the gathering and dissemination of information regarding management of agricultural and domestic water, conjunctive use, water management and conservation activities, development and use of water resources, and wastewater treatment and its reclamation and reuse. WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE-STANDINGIUNLIMITED ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON. ADAM WALUKIEWICZ MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both Fall and Spring conferences • One in Northern California between conferences • One in Southern California between conferences Meeting time is allocated among three subcommittees: Aquatic Resources, Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water. w:/CommitteeiGmnittee Purposes and Responsibilities June 20 t5 Committee Name: Communications Committee 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record (Melissa McChesney IX I X Ix (Melissa Williams X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting U 3/4/2414 Meeting❑ 5/6/2014 Meeting Date: 9/10/2014 committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Abby Figueroa N/A N/A N/A Alexis Fate x X X Anjanette 5hadley X X X Beth Beeman X X X Bette Boatmun X X X Bob Muir X X X Cary Keaten N/A N/A N/A Cristel Tufenkjian X X X Cynthia Davis X X X Eleanor Torres X X X Elise Howard X X X Heather Engel X X X Jason Foster X X X Jeff Reinhardt X X X Joel Metzger N/A N/A N/A Joseph Ramallo X X X Katie Ruark x x x Kevin Pearson X X X Lisa Westbrook N/A N/A N/A Lucy Eidam-Crocker X X X Luis Cetina N/A N/A N/A Manuel Aranda N/A N/A N/A Mary Ann Melleby X X X Mary Lou Cotton X X X Matt Young X X Ix Meggan Valencia Ix X I Ix (Melissa McChesney IX I X Ix (Melissa Williams X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Communications Committee Michele Underwood Ix I x Michelle Reimers x x Mike McNutt Mike Henry Saundra Jacobs Stacy Taylor Stephanie Moreno Sue Stephenson Teresa Alvarado Terry Thomas Thomas Pico (Yvonne Hester N/A N/A x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record P x x x N/A x x x x x x x x x Committee Name: Communications Committee 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Melissa McChesney IX I X Melissa Williams X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting U 12/2/20141 Meeting D 3/18/2015 Meeting Date: 5/5/2015 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Abby Figueroa X X X Alexis Tate X X X Anjanette Shadley X X X Beth Beeman X X Bette Boatmun X X X Bob Muir X X X Cary Keaten N/A N/A X Cristel Tufenkjian X X X Cynthia Davis X X X Eleanor Torres X X X Elise Howard X X X Heather Engel X X X Jason Foster X X X Jeff Reinhardt X X X Joel Metzger N/A N/A N/A Joseph Ramallo X X X Katie Ruark X X X Kevin Pearson X X X Lisa Westbrook N/A X X Lucy Eidam-Cracker X X X Luis Cetina N/A X Manuel Aranda N/A N/A X Mary Ann Melleby X X Mary Lou Cotton X X Matt Young X X X Meggan Valencia Ix X I Ix Melissa McChesney IX I X Melissa Williams X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record 2014-2415 Federal Affairs Committee Roster Name Region 2/7/2014 5/6/2014 9/5/2014 12/2/2414 3/12/2015 5/5/2015 Ms.Linda Ackerman 10 P P P P P P Ms.Jennifer Allen 5 P P P P P P Mr.Ara Axhderian 6 E P P E P P Mr.Anthony Barkett 4 P P P A P E Mr.Thaddeus Bettner 2 P A P P A A Mr. David Breninger 3 E A P P A A . ...... Mr;Dav ;Brent 4; A P ;i A: NA NAB ..... .::............ .... ........ . Mr.David Coxey 2 P P P P P P Mr.Thomas Cumpston 3 P P P A E P Mr:Mitchell.Dian 3:. P NA NA NA NA NA l Ar.David Eggerton 3. P P P P P NA Jahti, ranklin. 10 A A A A NA NA Mr.Charles Gibson 10 P P P P P P Mr.Rick Gilmore 5 P P P P P P Mr.Jerry Gladbach 8 P P P P P P Ms. Lana Haddad 9 NA NA NA NA NA P Mr.Gene Harris 2 P P P A P P Ms.Jacqueline Howells 10 NA NA NA NA P P Mr.Matthew Hurley 6 P P P P P P N[rRorrlc'lacobsma 7 P P E P P NA .................... -- Mr.Steven LaMar 10 P P P P E P Ms`Debi:Lives P Q NA NA Mr. Dennis Mayo 1 A P P A P P Ms.Lesa McIntosh 5 P P P E E P Mr. Kevin Milligan 9 NA NA NA NA P A Mr. David Orth 6 P P P P P P Mr. Harvey Ryan 9 P P P P P P Ms. Elsa Saxod 10 P P P A P P Mr. Neil Schild 4 P P P P A P Mr:Paul Sciuta 3 P. P NA NA NA NA ...:.. ...:..................:... .. _. ..............:... Mr.Brad Sherwood 1 P P P P P P Mr.Jeff Sutton 2 A A P P P P Ms.Pam Tobin 4 P A A A A P Mr Sarr,Torres 9 E P P A A NA Mr.Michael Touhey 8 P P P P E P Ms.Jolene Walsh 9 P P P P P P Mr.Brent Walthall 7 P P P P P P Ms.Joy Warren 4 P A A A A A Mr.John Weed 5 P P P P P P Mr.Richard Williamson 9 P P A P A A Mr.Scott Wilson 5 P P E A P P Ms.Winifred Yancy 8 A A P A A A -NA NA Ms.Adeline Yaang° : _ ::: :; A. NA NA Ms. Dee 2inke 8 P P P P E P Mr.Greg Ilotnick 6 P P E E P P Committee Name: Finance 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record David BiAer X Stephen Cole Robert Dean X Craig Ewing X Mark Gardner X Kendall Groom Mike Hardesty X David Hodgin X Matthew Hurley X Jae Kuebler X Eric Larrabee Mel Matthews X Judy Mirbegian Joe Parker X Dave Peterson Bruce Rupp X Todd Rydstrom Tom Scaglione X Peer Swan X Meeting Date: March 4,2014 Meeting date: May 6,2014 Meeting Date; June 10,2014 Committee Member Excused Attended Absence lUnexcused Excused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence lUnexcused David BiAer X Stephen Cole Robert Dean X Craig Ewing X Mark Gardner X Kendall Groom Mike Hardesty X David Hodgin X Matthew Hurley X Jae Kuebler X Eric Larrabee Mel Matthews X Judy Mirbegian Joe Parker X Dave Peterson Bruce Rupp X Todd Rydstrom Tom Scaglione X Peer Swan X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record X X X X X X X X X X X x X x X X x X x X X x X X X x X x X x x X X X X X X x x X x X x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record X X X X X X X X Committee Name: Finance 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record David Bixler X Stephen Cole Robert Dean Craig Ewing X Mark Gardner X Bill George Kendall Groom Mike Hardesty David Hodgin X Matthew Hurley Joe Kuebler X Eric Larrabee Mel Matthews Judy Mirbegian X Joe Parker. X Dave Peterson X Bruce Rupp X Todd Rydstrom X Eric Sandler Tom Scaglione X Peer Swan X X X X X X X X O.ACWA Committees/Attendance Record X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FN X x X x X X X X X X X X X X 02 X X X lj X X X Meeting Date: August 19,2014 Meeting Date: December 2,2014 Meeting Date: March 3, 2025 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused lAttended Excused Absence Unexcused lAttended Excused Absence Unexcused David Bixler X Stephen Cole Robert Dean Craig Ewing X Mark Gardner X Bill George Kendall Groom Mike Hardesty David Hodgin X Matthew Hurley Joe Kuebler X Eric Larrabee Mel Matthews Judy Mirbegian X Joe Parker. X Dave Peterson X Bruce Rupp X Todd Rydstrom X Eric Sandler Tom Scaglione X Peer Swan X X X X X X X X O.ACWA Committees/Attendance Record X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FN X x X x X X X X X X X X X X 02 X X X lj X X X Committee Name: Finance 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record David Bixler Meeting Date: May 5,2015 Meeting Bate: June 9,2015 Meeting Date: Committee Member Attended Excused Absence I Unexcused I Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused David Bixler X Stephen Cole X Robert Dean Craig Ewing X Mark Gardner X Bill George X Kendall Groom X Mike Hardesty X David Hadgin X Matthew Hurley X Joe Kuebler X Eric Larrabee X Mel Matthews X Judy Mirbegian X Joe Parker X Dave Peterson Bruce Rupp X Todd Rydstrom Eric Sandler X Tom Scaglione X Peer Swan DeAna Verbeke X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Legal Affairs 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Miyaki Morningstar D:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record n/a n/a Meeting Date: May-14 Meeting Date: Dec-14 Meeting Date: May-15 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Hentschke x x x Buckman x x x Atlas x x x Bezerra x x x Bosse x x x Burton x x n/a Ciampa x x x Coty x x x Cumpston x x x Donlan x x x Etheridge x x x Fife x x x Fulcher x x x Gosney x x x Hughes x x x Horton n/a x x Jensen x x x Kidman x x x Kinsey x x x Kuney x x x Kuperberg x x x Lennihan x x x Masuda x x x Matheis x - x x Milstein x x x M i na berriga ra i x x x Miyaki Morningstar D:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record n/a n/a Committee Name: Legal Affairs Meeting Date: May-14 Meeting Date: Dec-14 Meeting Date: May-15 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Morris x x Nordstrom x x Rawlings x x Rubin x x Sa It x x Schricker x Shapiro x x Shoaf x x Shupe x Slawson x Smith,A x x Smith, D Z x x (Smith,J x x Somach x Thomas x x Zolezzi x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X Committee Name: Local Government 2014-7015 Committee Attendance Record O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting Date: December 2,2014 Meeting Date: February 26, 2015 Meeting Date: May 5, 2015 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused 1. Jo MacKenzie, Chair x x x 2. Gary 5kre1, Vice-Chair x x x 3. Barber, George x x x 4. Bentley, David x x x 5. Callender, Rick x x x 6. Compton, Christine x x x 7. Denn, Sandy x x x 8. Fisler, James x x x 9. Fuller, Victoria x x x 10. Gilmore, Rick x x I x 11. Hinman, Susan x X. x 12. Holmes, Elaine x x x 13. Hurley, Chase x x x 14. Leung, John x x x 15. Mayo, Dennis x x x 16. Peddicord, Meghan x x x 17. Poulsen, Brian x x x 18. Quigley, Dick x x x 19. Saunders, Ryan NA x x 20. Sullivan, Ron x x x 21. Thomas, Kevin x x x 22. Thompson, Rosalie x x x 23. Tobin, Pam x x x 24. Turner,Andrew x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Q:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting Date: January 10,2014 Meeting Date: February 21, 2014 Meeting Date: March 14,2014 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicz, Chair x x x 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair x x X 3. Adamson, Kim X x x 4. Alien,Jennifer x x x 5. Bettner,Thad x x x 6. Buckman,Jennifer Louie Brown Louie Brown x 7. Coats, Danielle x x x 8. Campton, Christine x x x 9. Conant, Ernest x x x 10. Cooper, Dustin xx x x 11. Cortez, Patty/Glen Peterson X(PC) x(GP) (GP) Kim Ohara 12. Dean, Boil X x Mitch Dion 13. Dorotinsky, Nicole x x x 14. DuBay,Ann Tim Anderson x x 15. Dumaine, Marlaigne x x Jennifer Franklin 16. Eggerton, David x x x 17. Farrel,Glenn x x x 18. Gilmore, Rick x x x 19. Goldsmith,Janet x x Elizabeth Leeper 20. Gosney,Timothy x Patty Cortez x 21. Green,Cathy Robert Ennis x X 22. Hardesty, Mike x x x 23. Herndon, Linda x x x Q:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting Date: January 10,2014 Meeting Date: February 21, 2014 Meeting Date: March 14,2014 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused 24. Hurley, Matthew x x x 25. Kapheim,Chris x x x 26. Kidman,Aft x x Edd Beltran 27. Knott, Randi x x Jim Peifer 28. Michalczyk, Bert x x Tom Martinez 29. Moody,Scot x x x 30. Morrison, Greg x x x 31. Muelrath, Daniel x x x 32. Nordstrom, Michael x Doug Jensen x 33. O'Brien, Kevin x x x 34. Pieroni,Cathy x Moira Tapp x 35. Poulsen, Brian x Paul Sculto x 36. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne x Eric Grubb x 37. Sansoni,Aldo x x x 38. Shadley Martin, Anjanette x x Peter Harman 39. Shoaf, Gerald D. x x x 40. Walthall, Brent x x x 141. Warren,Joy x x John Woodling O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date: April 4, 2014 Meeting Date: May 2,2014 Meeting Date: June 6,2014 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicx,Chair x X x 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair x x x Melanie X X Schumacher 3. Adamson, Kim 4. Allen,Jennifer x x X 5. Bettner,Thad x x Walter cotter 6. Buckman,Jennifer Louie Brawn X x 7. Coats, Danielle x X x 8. Compton, Christine x x x 9. Conant, Ernest X X x 10. Cooper, Dustin X X x 11. Glen Peterson X x x 12. Dean, Bah X X x 13. Dorotinsky, Nicole x I Linda Reed X 14. DuBay,Ann X Tim Anderson X 15. Dumaine, Marlaigne X X x 16. Eggerton, David Paul Sduto x X 17, Farrel,Glenn x x x 18. Gilmore, Rick X X x 19. Goldsmith,Janet x X X 20. Gosney,Timothy X x x 21. Green,Cathy x x Stacy Taylor 22. Hardesty, Mike X x John Woadling 23. Herndon, Linda x X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting Date: April 4, 2014 Meeting Date: May 2,2014 Meeting Date: June 6,2014 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused 24. Hurley, Matthew x x x 25. Kapheim, Chris x x x 26. Kidman,Art x x x 27. Knott, Randi Jim Peifer x x 28. Michalczyk, Bert x x x 29. Moody, Scot x x x 30. Morrison,Greg x x Ron Davis 31. Muelrath, Daniel x x x 32. Nordstrom, Michael x x x 33. O'Brien, Kevin x x x 34. Pieroni,Cathy x x x 35. Poulsen, Brian x x x 36. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne x x x 37. 5ansoni,Aldo x x x 38. Shadley Martin,Anjanette x x x 39. Shoaf,Gerald a./Melody McDonal x(GS) x(GS) x(MM) 40. Walthail, Brent x x x 41. Warren,Joy x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date:June 27,2014 Meeting Date: August 8,2014 Meeting Date: October 24,2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewic2, Chair Ryan Bexerra X x 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair x x x 3. Adamson, Kim x x X 4. Allen,Jennifer x X X 5. Bettner,Thad X waiter Cotter Waiter Cotter 6. Buckman,Jennifer iouie Brown Louie Brown x 7. Coats, Danielle x X X 8. Compton,Christine x x x 9. Conant, Ernest Bob Reeb X X 10. Cooper, Dustin x X X 11. Glen Peterson x X x 12. Dean, Bab X X x 13. Dorotinsky, Nicole x X X 14. DuBay,Ann x x x 15. Dumaine, Marlaigne x x x 16. Eggerton, David x X X 17. Farrel, Glenn Stacy Taylor x X 18. Gilmore, Rick Doug Jensen X X 19. Goldsmith,Janet X X X 20. Gosney,Timothy x X X 21. Green,Cathy x x Stacy Taylor 22. Hardesty, Mike x X x 23. Herndon, Linda X X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record .Meeting Date: June 27, 2014 Meeting Date: August 8,2014 Meeting Date: October 24,2015 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused 24. Hurley, Matthew x x x 25, Kapheim, Chris x x Kendra Daijogo 25. Kidman,Art X Andrew Gagen X 27. Knott, Randi John Wood fin g x x 28. Michalczyk, Bert x x x 29. Moody,Scot x John Woodling x 30. Morrison,Greg x X X 31. Muelrath, Daniel x x x 32. Nordstrom, Michael X x x 33. O'Brien, Kevin Meredith Nikkei x X 34. Pieroni,Cathy Mnira Topp x X 35. Poulsen, Brian x x Brian Reeb 36. Russo-Pereyra,to Lynne x x x 37. Sansoni,Aldo x x x 38. Shadley Martin,Anjanette x x x 39. Melody McDonald x x x 40. Walthali, Brent x x x 41. Warren, Joy x x X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting Date: January 16,2015 Meeting Date: February 27,241 Meeting Date: March 20,2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcuse Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicx,Chair X x x 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair X x x X x x 3. Adamson, Kim 4. Allen,Jennifer X x Antonio Alfaro 5. Bettner,Thad X x x 6. Buckman,Jennifer/Schafer RL X(JB) x x(RS) 7. Coats, Danielle X x x 8. Compton, Christine X x x 9. Conant, Ernest X x x 10. Cooper, Dustin X x x 11. Dorotinsky, Nicole X x x 12. DuBay, Ann X x x 13. Dumaine, Marlaigne X x x Shannon 14. Eggerton, David X x cot„lla 15. Farrel, Glenn X x x 16. Gilmore, Rick X x x 17. Goldsmith,Janet X x x 18. Gosney,Timothy X x x 19. Green,Cathy X Stacy Taylor Alicia Dunkin 20. Hardesty, Mike X Cary Keaton x 21. Herndon, Linda X x x 22. Hurley, Matthew X x I x 23. Kapheim,Chris X x x O:ACWACommittees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee O.ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting Date: January 16, 2015 Meeting date: February 27,201 Meeting Date: March 20,2015 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcusec Attended Excused Absence Unexcused 24. Kidman,Art X x x 25. Knott, Randi Jim Peifer x Noeile Mattock 26. McDonald, Melody X x Manny Aranda 27. Michaicxyk, Bert X x Bob Shaver 28. Moody,Scot X x x 29. Morrison,Greg X x x 30. Muelrath, Daniel X x x 31. Nordstrom, Michael X x x 32. O'Brien, Kevin Rebecca Smith x x 33. Peterson,Glen X x x 34. Pieroni,Cathy X x x 35. Paulsen, Brian Bill George x x 36. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne X x x 37. Sansoni,Aldo X x x 38. Shadley Martin, Anjanette X x x 33. Walthall, Brent X x x 40. Warren,Joy X Kendra Daijogo x 41. Woodling,John X x Sean Bigiey O.ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee 2014-2015 State Legislative Committee Attendani Meeting Date: April 10,2015 Meeting Date: May 1,2015 Meeting Date: June 5,2015 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcuse 1. Paul Bartkiewicz, Chair x Ryan Bezerra x 2. Kathy Cale,Vice-Chair x x x 3. Adamson, Kim X X Robert Shaer 4. Allen,Jennifer x x x 5. Bettner,Thad Dave Coxey X David Coxey 6. Coats, Danielle X X X 7. Compton,Christine Stacy Taylor x X 8. Conant, Ernest x X X 9. Cooper, Dustin X X X 10. Dorotinsky, Nicole X X Linda Reed 11, DuBay, Ann x x x 12. Dumaine, Marlaigne x x x 13. Eggerton, David X X X 14. Farrel,Glenn X X x 15. Gilmore, Rick x x x 16. Goldsmith,Janet x X X 17. Gosney,Timothy Patty Cortez x x 18. Green, Cathy x x x 19. Hardesty, Mike x X X 20. Herndon, Linda x x x 21. Hurley, Matthew x X X 22. Kapheim,Chris X x x 23. Kidman,Art X X X ❑:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting Date: April 10,2015 Meeting Date: May 1,2015 Meeting Date: June 5,2015 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcuse 24. Knott, Rand'! Noelle Mattock x x 25. McDonald, Melody x x x 26. Michalcxyk, Bert x x x 27. Moody, Scot x x X 28. Morrison, Greg Lana Haddad x x 29. Muelrath, Daniel x x x 30. Nordstrom, Michael x x x 31. O'Brien, Kevin Meredith Nikkel x X 32, Peterson,Glen x x x 33. Pieroni, Cathy X Stacy Taylor x 34. Poulsen, Brian x x X 35. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne X Kathy Tiegs x 36. Sansoni,Aldo x x x 37. Shadley,Anjanette X Stan Wangherg x 38. Schafer, R.L. x x x 39. Walthall, Brent dougJensen x x 40. Warren,Joy Kendra Daijogo x Gary Soiseth 41. Woodling,John x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee ce Record 2014-2015 State Legislative Committee Attendance Res Meeting Date: June 26.2015 Meeting Date: July 17,2415 Meeting Date: August 28,2015 Excused Excused r.,v.".,,i++oo AA=r hnr nttanrinrl Frrim¢wrl hhcPnra Ilnaxrutwd I Attended I Absence lUnexcused Attended I Absence lUnexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicz,Chair Andrew Ramos 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair x 3. Adamson, Kim No longer on Comm 4. Allen,Jennifer x 5. Bettner,Thad x 6. Coats, Danielle x 7. Compton, Christine x 8. Conant, Ernest x 9. Cooper, Dustin Peter Harman 10. Dorotinsky, Nicole x 11. DuBay,Ann x 12. Dumaine, Marlaigne lennifer Franklin 13. Eggerton, David x 14. Farrel,Glenn x 15. Gilmore, Rick x 16. Goldsmith,Janet x 17. Gosney,Timothy x 18. Green, Cathy Stacy Taylor 19. Hardesty, Mike x 24. Herndon, Linda x 21. Hurley, Matthew x 22. Kapheim, Chris x 23. Kidman,Art x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Meeting Date: June 26. 2015 Meeting Date: July 17,2015 Meeting Date: August 28,2015 Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Excused Absence Unexcused 24. Knott, Randi x 25. McDonald, Melody x 26. Michalczyk, Bert x 27. Moody,Scot x 28. Morrison,Greg x 29. Muelrath, Daniel x 30. Nordstrom, Michael x 31. O'Brien, Kevin x 32. Peterson,Glen x 33. Pieroni,Cathy x 34. Poulsen, Brian Bob Reeb 35. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne Kathy Tiegs 36. Sansoni,Aldo x 37. Shadley, Anjanette x 38. Schafer, R.L. x 39. Walthall, Brent x 40. Warren,Joy Gary Soiseth 41. Woodling,John x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Water Managment 2014-7015 Committee Attendance Record Committee Member 1 1/29/2014 3/:11/20141__5/6/20141 -8/12/20141 12/2/2014 5/8/2015 8/26/2034 12/1/2015 Kurt Arends A A A A E P Lewis Bair A E E E E E David Beard E E E E E E Chris Berch E E A U A E Thaddeus Bettner A A A A A P Scott Boyd E E E E E E Jennifer Burke E E E A A E David Cehrs. A E A E A E Luis Cetina A A A E A E Robert Dean E A A E A Greg Dias E E A E A P David Eggerton A A A A A P Shana Epstein E E A A E E Thomas Fellenx U U U U Aaron Fukuda E E A A A P Rick Gilmore A A A A A E Tom Greci E E A A A E PaulJones U A U U A E Chris Kapheim U U U E A E Thomas Love U A A U U E Debra Man E E E A E E Melody McDonald A A A A A P Bert Michalczyk A E A A E P Ruanne Mikkelsen E A A Daniel Muelrath. E A E E E E Sheridan Nicholas E E A E A E Fernando Paludi A A A A A P Jim Peifer A A E E A P Dave Peterson, P.E. A A A E A P A-Attended; E-Excused Absence; U- Unexcused Absence r Association of California Water Agencies Since 1910 COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION FORM ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 919 K Street,Suite 100 Sacramento,California 95814-3577 (91 6)441-4545 Fax(916)325-4656 NAME, TITLE & EMAIL ADDRESS COMMITTEE *Rank 1=1st choice Please print legibly 2=2nd choice 3=3rd choice QUESTIONS? Please call Paula Quinn at ACWA(916)4414545. RECOMMENDATION SUBMITTED BY: Official District/company Name PLEASE 1NRrrE IN YOUR❑iSTRICTICOMPANY'S OFFICIAL NAME. PLEASE DO NOT USE ACRONYMS OR ABBREVIATIONS. Official District/Company Address: Phone SIGNATURE: Title Either the Agency/District General manager or Board President must sign this form. Association of California Water Agencies 910 K Street.Suite 100, Sacramento,California 42814-1577 9161441-4545 rAx 916r32 5-4849 Hall of the States -[00 N. Capitol St., N.M.Suite 357 Souzh.Washington. D.0 20MI-1=,I? 2021434-4750 I-Ax 2021434-4763 www.acwa.com Association of California Water Agencies ■ 4 COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION FORM ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 910 K Street,Suite 100 Sacramento,California 95894-3577 {916}441-4545 Fax(916)325-4856 QUESTIONS? please call Paula Quinn of ACWA(916)441-4545 or email at,-, _qCg1a(;vva.com. NAME, TITLE & EMAIL ADDRESS COMMITTEE *> k Ct 1= t st choice Please print legibly 3=3rd choice John Doe, General Manager, Federal Affairs rrimittee`. JohnDoe@xyz.com Jahn Doe, Genera! Manager, #ate-L�gislative��ammittee JohnDoe @xyz.com Barbara Smith, Attorney, BSmith abt .1 Local Affairs Committee 1 T.G. Goode, Chief -*ater Management Committee 1 Engineer,TOG@sboglobal.net i R ORM/VIUST BE COMPLETE TO BE PROCESSED. RECOMMEND i4TIDA1 5U6lIITTED BY: fr OFFICIAL Districtf%m�vjr !Name PLEASE WRrrE IN YOU P.❑rS TRIG 7COMPANYS OFTICkAL NAME PLEASE 60 NOT USE ACROTVPP45 GR a SaREV;ATIONS OFFICIAL District/Company Address Phone SIGNATURE: Title Either the AgencylDistrict General manager or Board President must sign this form. Asw6afian niC.alitnmia WaterAgeipcw,, '-)ii- N 1rin•I • :III .I 9Tbi441-454 5 k }'•ly. ._�i-�f+r� } Flat1 n1 the States 4+N: 'v : rr„1 it ti 2021434-4764 www.acwaX nm ITEM NO. 11.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 10, 2015 Subject: OCSD Operations Committee - September 2, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage) SUMMARY: Minutes from the meeting held July 1, 2015 can be viewed on OCSD's website- http://www.ocsd.com/Home/ShowDocument?id=l 7341 ITEM NO. 12.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 10, 2015 Subject: Meetings from September 11, 2015 - October 31, 2015 ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by. September 2015 Yorba Linda City Council Tue,Sep 15 6:30PM Collett MWDOC Wed,Sep 16 8:30AM Melton OCWD Wed,Sep 16 5:30PM Kiley Board of Directors Special Meeting Thu,Sep 17 6:30PM Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Tue,Sep 22 4:OOPM Collett/Melton Joint Committee Meeting with City of Yorba Linda Wed,Sep 23 10:OOAM Collett/Beverage OCSD Wed,Sep 23 6:30PM Kiley/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed,Sep 23 6:30PM Hawkins Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu,Sep 24 8:30AM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu,Sep 24 6:30PM Beverage(As Needed) Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon,Sep 28 8:30AM Collett Interagency Meeting with City of Placentia and GSW Tue,Sep 29 2:OOPM Melton/Kiley October 2015 WACO Fri,Oct 2 7:30AM Hawkins/Kiley Yorba Linda City Council Tue,Oct 6 6:30PM Beverage MWDOC Wed,Oct 7 8:30AM Melton OCSD Operations Committee Wed,Oct 7 5:OOPM Kiley/Beverage OCWD Wed,Oct 7 5:30PM Collett Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu,Oct 8 8:30AM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu,Oct 8 6:30PM Beverage(As Needed) LAFCO Wed, Oct 14 8:OOAM Beverage(As Needed) Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Oct 14 6:30PM Melton Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Oct 20 6:30PM Collett MWDOC Wed, Oct 21 8:30AM Melton OCWD Wed, Oct 21 5:30PM Kiley Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Oct 22 8:30AM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu,Oct22 6:30PM Beverage(As Needed) Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Oct 26 8:30AM Collett OCSD Wed, Oct 28 6:30PM Kiley/Beverage ISDOC Thu,Oct 29 11:30AM Hawkins/Kiley 9/3/2015 5:03:24 PM