HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-07 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packet~ Yorba Linda Water District PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 4:00 p.m. 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia - Tel: (714) 701-3020 AGENDA COMMITTEE Director William R. Mills, Chair Director Paul R. Armstrong STAFF Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager Ken Mendum, Operations Superintendent John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Steve Conklin, Consulting Engineer INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the Committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. ACTION ITEMS This portion of the agenda Is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 1. Amendment No. 2 to Consultants Agreement With Psomas for Zone 4C Reconfiguration Project and San Antonio Pressure Reducing Station Project Recommendation: Support staff recommendation for Amendment No. 2 to the Consultants Agreement with Psomas, in the amount of $58,950 for construction phase services for the San Antonio PRS Upgrade and the Zone Reconfiguration projects, Job No. 200710. 2. Highland Booster Station Gas Engine Replacement Recommendation: The Committee recommend that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a contract with General Pump Company in the amount not to exceed $80,000 to replace the existing electric motor and pump with the similar 200 hp electric motor and 3000 gpm pump combination used on pumps No: 3 and 4 at the Highland Booster Station. 3. Sewer Connection Requirement for Mr. John Breedon Recommendation: Support staff recommendation that Mr. Breedon • connect to the public sewer system, in accordance with District policy. OR G `A. .DISCUSSION ITEMS X-IThis portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. • 4. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Water Report 5. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report 6. Monthly MWDOC Managers Meeting Summary Report 7. Monthly OC Groundwater Producers Meeting Summary Report 8. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ADJOURNMENT The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held February 5, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's Internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be • able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning Michael A. Payne, General Manager, at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact Information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. • 2 ITEM NO. / AGENDA REPORT • Committee Meeting Date: January 7, 2009 To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Consultant Staff Contact: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer Reviewed by General Counsel: N/A Budgeted: Funding Source: CEQA Account No: Compliance: Exempt Estimated Costs: Yes Total Budget: $ 1.5 Million All Water Funds 101-2700 Job No: 200710 $ 58,950 Dept: Eng Subject: Amendment No. 2 to Consultants Agreement with Psomas for Zone 4C Reconfiguration Project and San Antonio Pressure Reducing Station Project SUMMARY: The Zone 4C Reconfiguration Project has been advertised for construction bids, which are due January 20, 2009. At the same time, design work is proceeding for upgrading the San Antonio Pressure Reducing Station (PRS), through which higher pressure water will be supplied to the • new Zone 4C. The PRS Upgrade Project is planned to go to bid by April 2009. Both projects are scheduled for completion of construction in December 2009. District Engineering Department staff will provide construction inspection for both projects. Psomas, the Consulting Engineer that designed both projects, submitted a District-requested proposal to provide other necessary construction-phase services. Following review of the proposal, District staff recommends approval of an agreement amendment for $58,950 for said services for the two projects. DISCUSSION: The Zone 4C Reconfiguration Project will raise the hydraulic grade line from 675 to 706 to mitigate low-pressure problems in three separate areas, totaling 800 homes. That pipeline project is currently out to bid. Last month the Board approved Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for Psomas, the District's design consultant for the project, to design improvements to the San Antonio PRS. The higher pressure water will be provide through that facility to the new Zone 4C. The PRS was constructed in 1981 and needs to be upgraded to current District standards. It is planned that construction of the pipeline project and the PRS Upgrade Project will begin in March and June 2009, respectively, with both complete by December 2009. As noted above, District Engineering Department staff will provide construction inspection for both projects. In addition to inspection, other construction-phase services are necessary that are typically provided by the design firm for continuity and to assure design intent. Accordingly, • at the request of District staff, Psomas submitted a proposal to provide other necessary construction-phase services. A copy of the proposal is attached. The proposal is for services for the two construction projects that will proceed separately with planned completion for each in December 2009. The same project manager and project engineer that designed the two projects will be responsible for the construction-phase services • provided. District staff reviewed the proposal, including services, staff-hours and fee and believe that they are appropriate for the work required. Staff recommends authorization of Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $58,950 for construction-phase services. This would bring the total for design-, bid- and construction-phase services to $215,751. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 28, 2007, the Board of Directors adopted Budgets for Fiscal Years 2007/08 and 2008/09 and approved the Current Five Year Capital Improvement Plan for FY 2007-2012. On September 13, 2007, the Board of Directors authorized staff to modify the Current Five Year Plan Capital Improvement Projects List and the Adopted Budget for Fiscal Years 2007-2009 by adding the Zone 4 Reconfiguration Project for the Twin Peaks Area of East Lake Village. On March 13, 2008, the Board of Directors received and filed the Zone Reconfiguration Study for Areas 1, 2 and 3 prepared by RBF Consulting and authorized staff to solicit proposals for the design of the combined projects identified as Alternative Six in this study. On May 15, 2008, the Board of Directors authorized the President and Secretary to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Psomas for a fee not to exceed $113,676 to provide design and bid services for the Zone Reconfiguration and Sub Zone Extension Projects, Job Nos. 200220 and 200710. On December 11, 2008, the Board of Directors authorized the President and Secretary to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Psomas for a fee increase not to exceed $43,125 to provide design and bid services for San Antonio Pressure Reducing • Station Upgrade Project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Support staff recommendation for Amendment No. 2 to the Consultants Agreement with Psomas, in the amount of $58,950 for construction-phase services for the San Antonio PRS Upgrade and the Zone Reconfiguration projects, Job No. 200710. 0 December 19, 2008 Mr. Steve Conklin, PE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Subject: Engineering Services Proposal for Construction Phase Services for Zone Reconfiguration Areas 1, 2 & 3 and San Antonio PRS Upgrade Projects Dear Mr. Conklin: INTRODUCTION • In accordance with your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide construction phase engineering services for two projects: the Zone Reconfiguration Areas 1, 2, & 3 Project and the San Antonio PRS Upgrade Project in the City of Yorba Linda. PROJECT BACKGROUND In May 2008 Yorba Linda Water District (District) contracted with Psomas to prepare constriction plans and specifications for the Zone Reconfiguration Areas 1, 2 & 3 Water Systems Improvement Project. On December 11, 2008 the District authorized Amendment No. 1 to our professional services agreement to provide design and bidding support services for the San Antonio PRS Upgrade Project. The Zone Reconfiguration Project is currently being advertised for bids and the San Antonio PRS Upgrade Project design is underway. In a memorandum dated December 11, 2008, the District requested a proposal to provide construction phase engineering services for both projects. PROPOSED STAFFING Our same project manager (Vernon Weisman) and project engineer (Neha Gajjar) responsible for the design of the Zone Reconfiguration and San Antonio PRS Upgrade Projects will also be responsible for all construction phase services for these projects. Significant involvement • of our design team during construction will help provide a seamless transition from design and bidding to construction. 3187 Red Hill Avenue Suite 250 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.751 7373 714.5458883 Fax P S 0 M A S • Yorba Linda Water District Page 2 Mr. Conklin December 19, 2008 SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES The following scope of services is based on our understanding of the construction engineering support requested by the District. Zone Reconfiguration Areas 1, 2 and 3 1. Pre-Construction Meeting-Attend pre-construction meeting at a date, time and place set by the District. Prepare an agenda and document meeting minutes for the pre- construction meeting summarizing the participating personnel, key discussion comments and decisions, documents delivered or received and action(s) required. 2. Respond to RFls-Review and respond to requests for information (RFI's). We have estimated twenty-five (25) RFIs during the course of construction. • 3. Rei*ty Shop Drawings-Review construction shop drawings, samples, and supporting data for conformity with the contract plans, specifications, and contract documents. Psomas will review and provide recommendations regarding contractor requested materials or equipment substitutions. Psomas will provide submittal responses to the Contractor and the District. Psomas has budgeted for review up to twenty-five (25) shop drawings, including review of one resubmittal per each shop drawing. 4. Evaluate Change Order Requests-Evaluate contractor change order requests, provide recommendations, and assist the District with preparing change orders. 5. Attend Construction Site Meetings-Psomas will attend up to six (6) construction meetings on site to address construction issues or questions, as requested by the District. Prepare and submit minutes for each construction meeting attended summarizing the participating personnel, key discussion comments and decisions and action(s) required. 6. Revieiv Contractor's Progress Payments-Review Contractor's monthly progress payments and provide recommendations to District. Prepare Record Drcnvings-Prepare construction "record" drawings based on Contractor-furnished marked-up construction plans, sketches, and field records • received from the District's construction manager. Deliver one (1) full-size original Ivtylar reproducible set of construction "record" drawings and an electronic copy of the AutoCAD file to the District. P S 0 M A S 0 Yorba Linda Water District Page 3 Mr. Conklin December 19, 2005 San Antonio PRS Upgrade Project 1. Pre-Construction Meeting-Attend pre-construction meeting at a date, time and place set by the District. Prepare an agenda and document meeting minutes for the pre- construction meeting summarizing the participating personnel, key discussion comments and decisions, documents delivered or received and action(s) required. 2. Respond to RFIs-Review and respond to requests for information (RFI's). We have estimated fifteen (15) RFls during the course of construction. J. Revlely Shop Drawings-Review construction shop drawings, samples, and supporting data for conformity with the contract plans, specifications, and contract documents. Psomas will review and provide recommendations regarding contractor requested materials or equipment substitutions. Psomas will provide submittal responses to the • Contractor and the District. Psomas has budgeted for review up to twenty-five (25) civil, mechanical, and electrical shop drawings, including review of one resubmittal per each shop drawing. All electrical and SCADA shop drawings will be reviewed by our electrical engineer, Moraes/Pham and Associates. 4. Evaluate Change Order Requests-Evaluate contractor change order requests, provide recommendations, and assist the District with preparing change orders. 5. Attend Construction Site Meetings-Psomas will attend up to four (4) construction meetings on site to address construction issues or questions, as requested by the District. We have budgeted for up to two (2) construction site meetings for our electrical engineer. Prepare and submit minutes for each construction meeting attended summarizing the participating personnel, key discussion comments and decisions and action(s) required. 6. Revie1v Contractors Progress Payments-Review Contractor's monthly progress payments and provide recommendations to District. i. Prepare Record Drub ings-Prepare construction "record" drawings based on Contractor-furnished marked-up construction plans, sketches, and field records received from the District's construction manager. Deliver one (1) frill-size original • Mylar reproducible set of construction "record" drawings and an electronic copy of the AutoCAD file to the District. IPSO M A S is Yorba Linda Water District Page 4 Mr. Conklin December 19, 2008 LABOR HOURS AND FEES We propose to provide construction phase engineering services to complete the scope of work as outlined above on an hourly basis with the total fee not to exceed that shown in Table 1 attached. Table I lists our estimated labor hours and fees by task and total fee for each project computed based on our Standard Hourly Rates in effect at the time services are rendered. Our current Standard Hourly Rate Schedule is also attached as Table 2. Printing and reproduction during execution of the project will be billed as "Direct Costs" and will not exceed the amounts stated in Table 1. We will bill for our services monthly with invoices due and payable upon presentation. In addition to any specific exclusions previously stated, this proposal does not include geotechnical engineering and testing services, traffic control plans, construction survey, 0 potholing. Feld utility locating, and other services not specifically stated herein. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. Our proposal represents a firm offer for a period of 90 days. We look forward to providing continuing services to Yorba Linda Water District. Should you have any questions concerning our proposal, please contact me at (714) 481-8060. Sincerely, PSOMAS Joseph L. aoyleP.' Senior Proiect 1imager/Vice President ,ILB:VRW:vs Encl. 2008-12-19 SanAntonio Const PliJB.doc 0 • TABL• • Yorba Linda Water District Construction Phase Engineering Services for Zone Reconfiguration Areas I, 2, & 3 and San Antonio PRS Upgrade Projects ESTIMATED LABOR HOURS AND FEES Note: Billing Rates Effective Through 12/3112009 In -House Staff QA/QC - Senior Project Manager (Joseph Boyle) S.P.M. - Senior Project Manager (Vernon Weisman) P.E. - Project Engineer (Neha Gajjar) Prof. E - Professional Engineer (Nancy Heim) CAD - CAD Designer Admin - Administrative Assistant Subconsultants Electrical Engineering - Moraes /Pharr & Associates Direct Costs - Reproduction & other direct casts Scope of Work Tasks QA1Q1 Labor S.P.M Hours P , E. and Rates Prof. E. CAD Admin TOTAL HOURS Labor Cost Electrical Elec rical 7 HOURS DIRECT COSTS TOTAL FEE Tasks .urs Zono Roconfiguration Areas 1, 2 & 3 Construction Phase Services 1 Attend Pre - Construction Mtg 0 4 6 0 0 1 11 $1,625 0 $0 11 S55 51,680 2 Respond to RFls 2 8 25 0 6 2 43 $6,054 0 s0 43 S165 $6,219 3 Review Shop Drawings 0 2 7 35 0 11 55 $6,166 0 50 55 $220 566,386 4 Evaluate Change Order Requests 2 8 18 0 0 2 30 $4,506 0 so 30 $55 $4,561 5 Attend Construction Site Meetings 0 6 14 0 0 2 22 $3,190 0 s0 22 $165 53,355 6 Review Contractors Progress Payments 1 4 18 0 0 0 23 $3,484 0 $0 23 S55 $3,539 7 Prepare Record Drawings 1 1 2 0 24 2 30 $2,948 0 so 30 1 $605 S3,553 Subtotal 6 33 90 35 30 20 214 $27,973 0 so 214 51,320 $29,293 San Antonio PRS Upgrade Project Construction Phase Services 1 Attend Pre - Construction Mtg 0 4 6 0 0 1 11 $1,625 4 $638 15 S55 $2,318 2 Respond to RFls 2 6 15 0 4 2 29 $4,086 4 $638 33 $220 $4,944 3 Review Shop Drawings 1 3 12 36 0 10 62 57,308 6 $957 68 $220 $8,485 4 Evaluate Change Order Requests 1 8 16 0 0 2 27 $4,022 2 $319 29 $55 54,396 5 Attend Construction Site Meetings 0 3 10 0 0 2 15 $2.092 8 $1,276 23 $165 $3,533 6 Review Contractors Progress Payments 1 4 12 0 0 0 17 $2,620 0 SO 17 $55 $2,675 7 Prepare Record Drawings 1 1 2 0 16 2 22 $2.228 6 5528 28 5550 53.306 Subtatall 6 29 73 36 20 19 183 $23.9611 30 $4,3561 213 51,320 $29,657 Total Estimated Hours and Feel 12 62 163 71 50 39 397 $51,9541 30 $4,3561 427 1 $2,640_L_558,950 Note: Billing Rates Effective Through 12/3112009 In -House Staff QA/QC - Senior Project Manager (Joseph Boyle) S.P.M. - Senior Project Manager (Vernon Weisman) P.E. - Project Engineer (Neha Gajjar) Prof. E - Professional Engineer (Nancy Heim) CAD - CAD Designer Admin - Administrative Assistant Subconsultants Electrical Engineering - Moraes /Pharr & Associates Direct Costs - Reproduction & other direct casts P S 0 M A S • TABLE 2 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE For services by Psomas Effective through December 31, 2009 Water and V $ 65-$ 85 $ 65-$ 95 $ 70 - $100 80 - $125 $ 80 - $125 $ 90 - $130 $120-$160 $120-$195 $150-$190 • $165 - $230 $210-$242 Vastewater Engineering Services Administrative Assistant Engineering Assistant CAD Designer Lead CAD Designer Civil Engineer Designer Professional Engineer/Surveyor Project Engineer/Project Surveyor/Senior Environmental Scientist Senior Project Engineer Project Manager Senior Project Manager, QA/QC Manager, Principal-In-Charge Two-Man Survey Crew ► Standard computer and tecluiology costs are incorporated into these hourly rates, as well as direct labor, overhead, fringe benefits and fee. ► Survey and other specialty equipment will be charged at a per unit per day rate. ► Expert witness testimony is two times the normal rate. ► Per Diem is calculated at current State Department of Transportation rates (or other appropriate Agency rate). Reimbursables Mileage at $0.550 per mile (or current IRS allowable rate) and parking expenses incurred by office employees are charged at cost. Prints, plots, messenger service, subsistence, air travel, and other direct expenses will be charged at cost plus ten percent. The services of outside consultants will be charged at cost plus fifteen percent. 0 ITEM NO. AGENDA REPORT • Committee Meeting Date: January 7, 2009 To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee From: Lee Cory, Operations Manager Staff Contact: John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Reviewed by General Counsel: No Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $ 80,000 Funding Source: Water Operating Fund CEQA Account No: 151-710 Job No: Compliance: N/A Estimated Costs: $ 80,000 Dept: Ops Subject: Highland Booster Station Gas Engine Replacement SUMMARY: As part of the District's Operating Plan to maximize the full potential of its groundwater production capabilities to its service area, it is necessary to replace a pump to increase the pumping capabilities and reliability from Highland Booster Station. is DISCUSSION: In a monthly report to the PEO Committee, District staff informs the committee of its goal to maximize its ground water production. This year's goal has been set at 60.2% of the total district production. This percentage represents the maximum basin production percentage set forth by OCWD, plus an additional 2100AF commitment to Metropolitan Water District (MWD) for the conjunctive use program. To meet this commitment it is imperative that the Highland Booster Station operate to its full potential during the warmer months of the year starting in May 2009. Highland Booster Station has four electric-motor pumps and one gas-engine pump. The gas- engine-driven pump provides 3,500 gpm capacity, the most production of any pump during the summer months. Unfortunately, the Cummins gas engine has needed almost continuous repairs during the last couple of summers. The engine is no longer reliable and the Cummins Company no longer supports it with repair parts. The district has replaced most of its other engines with Caterpillar brand engines and has found the Caterpillar Company to provide better support and parts availability. Staff has investigated replacing the existing gas engine at Highland with a new Caterpillar engine, and found an engine available locally. Unfortunately at this time the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) restrictions on all new gas-driven engines are such that replacing these older engines becomes very expensive and extremely time-consuming, obtaining emission credits and various permits. Because of these issues, District staff has looked at two options: 1) the cost and regulatory effort of replacing the gas engine, or 2) the cost and timing to replace an existing electric motor and pump with a larger electric motor and pump. At this time staff has determined it would be a • more cost-effective and expedient approach to replace the existing 125hp electric-motor driven 2,000gpm pump with a larger 200hp electric motor and 3,000gpm pump. Staff has contacted General Pump Company and determined that the larger electric motor and pump can be provided in relatively short-order, and could be installed by May 2009. The estimated cost of providing the new pump and motor in the existing Highland Booster Station is • $80,000. Staff recommends proceeding with the pump replacement so as to maintain and assure our groundwater pumping capability. At the same time, staff will continue to look into the regulatory and reliability issues of the natural-gas engine for the existing 3,500gpm pump. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): N/A. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the PEO Committee recommend that the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute a contract with General Pump Company in the amount not to exceed $80,000 to replace the existing electric motor and pump with the similar 200 hp electric motor and 3000gpm pump combination used on pumps No. 3 and 4 at the Highland Booster Station. • • ITEM NO. _ AGENDA REPORT • Committee Meeting Date: January 7, 2009 To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Consultant Staff Contact: Ariel Bacani, Engineering Technician Reviewed by General Counsel: N/A Budgeted: Funding Source: CEQA Account No: Compliance: N/A Estimated Costs: Subject: Sewer Connection Requirement for Mr. John Breedon N/A Dept: Eng Developer Funded Job No: N/A SUMMARY: Mr. John Breedon of 5411 Mountain View Ave., Yorba Linda, is requesting an exemption from the District's Sewer Connection Requirement. The 0.78-acre property is located at the southwestern corner of Mountain View Ave. and Cherrylee Lane. An exhibit depicting the location of the project is attached. • DISCUSSION: The Rules and Regulations of the YLWD with Regard to the Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service state that a connection to the District public sanitary sewer is required if the public sewer is within 200 feet of an existing or proposed building, or private sewer disposal system. The District has deemed private sanitary sewers as adverse to the public good and strongly endorses all residents to connect to public sanitary sewers. The City of Yorba Linda Building Department is requiring Mr. Breedon to bring up to code the previous owner's illegal garage conversion. Mr. Breedon wants to install an additional bedroom with bathroom at the same time. This project triggered a City requirement that the developer obtain a "200-ft Letter" from the District. The District has an 8-inch sewer main in Mountain View Ave. that terminates with a manhole in front of 5377 Mountain View Ave. District staff conducted a field investigation and has determined that the terminal manhole is within 200 feet of Mr. Breedon's private sewer system. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Mr. Breedon connect to the public sewer system, in accordance with District policy. 0 I I t I I~I opoo , REIST II I H-153-04 J ; --------T~- 8X737'EN pEWER I _ ~ IAH-161-04 ~VCP _..4_0109 JUNE/2002 r MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE 261 l.T 8' SCP 01,99S-RSb 146 L f. B• VCP 0.6 ~ ltJ ■ 5141 SUGGESTED - - - _ Z 7 I 29-28D Q ~ I 5so1 I s• vcP 5373 SEWER ■ 5421 28-229 I I T-21' E/o 150 2a-xxx LATERAL W 78-22a MN7161-01 CP vcP W 4' YCP I I ON SEWER Sl' C/O 7-194'1/0 J 1--350' W/0 `1 S 153-02 MH-15J-02 WH-1M 1-02 i' S/0 T 5-36' S/0 1 c , NO SCWCR ; WER ON SCMER I I w W _ 5527 , 5522 28-231 1 0 28-255 5377 I 28-xx 4 VCP ' I T-339' C/o , N71 -,s3 •02 5411 I 1 clltitiur tRwsE s-36• s/o 1 5373 NO SEWER 28-192 55}1 I .12 28 -xxx NO SEWER 28-232 I 28-254 149 4' YCP I , 5442 CP T..a 28-222 I I IAH-181-07 NO SEWER 161-08 ON SEWER I iCA?4 . I I I 9 I 5851 I I 2552 t2 vCP ` \ 28-2J! i I 20-253 b d m ` - I ~ 1. J0. 1 dy r ~ h ` Yt ` ~ I I - 1 4 y° 11 g1 1 5441 8444 1561 S6 211 Q 2 -234 -252 1 28 -210 -200 ! I & NO SEWED (A I 1 NO SEWER I Q ; LI I - - a: . 1 h571 I 1 j w I FIRCREST - S 1,N 1 5471 I 5472 K L 28-703 `i 11 1£n 1 ND SEWER W I NO SE'M'EN I 1 A y xxxx 5527 5f 1 4 28-276 28-237 2t I I I ANAHEIM UNION WATER CO. q ~MH-IGI-OS CRY OF Y0RR4 I I 8691 18701 28-288 28-286 f0U:51RAIH fAF,IL11Y I I 4• VCP I 4' VCP J-1028 T-xx' NE/O ' T-xx' 4H_169-06 MN-iG9-D6 (j I II NO SIWER NO SEWER I I J\C W I ~I i ~ I , 92 G O I db \ Zs ~G?, dEOf°, I PREPARED ftL BY: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT 1717 E..MIRALOMA AVENUE PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 (714) 701-3000 5411 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE SINGLE SEWER CONNECTION 5350 28-81 4' VC 7--82' NH-1, R~ I" = 12u' SCALE: AS-NOTED DATE: 12-18-08 FILENAME: YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2008-09 TOTAL MONTHLY GW IMPORT DEMAND GW MONTH AF (AF AF Jul-08 1,535.2 1,170.0 2,705.21 56.7% Aug-08 1,610.9 1 1,112.0 1 2,722.9 59.2% Sep-08 1,481.3 1 974.41 2,455.7 I 60.3% Oct-08 1 1,473.7 1 916.6 1 2,390.31 61.7% Nov-08 1,170.1 1 756.2 1 1,926.3 1 60.7% Dec-08' 747.41 359.11 1,106.51 67.5% Jan-09 1 1 1 Feb-09 1 I 1 Mar-09 1 I I Apr-09 I I May-09 1 Jun-09 I I I FYTDI 8,018.7 1 + 5,288.31 13,307.0 I Allowable GW (YTD) 6,904.7 (AF) • CUP Obligation FY 2008-09 2,166.0 (AF) Monthly CUP Pumping (AF) 270.1 (AF) YTD CUP Pumping (AF) 1,960.8 (AF) YTD CUP Achieved 90.5% YTD GW 1 56.7% 1 1 58.0% 1 58.7% 1 59.4% 1 1 59.6% 1 60.3% 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 60.3% 1 GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 70.0% 65.0% i y BUDGET (Demand Est.) DELTA (AF 3,005.5 -10.0% 2,954.51 -7.8% 2,597.91 -5.5% 2,190.41 9.1% 1,732.01 11.2% 1,553.71 -28.8% 1,349.91 1,299.01 1,528.21 1,910.31 2,547.01 2,852.6 1 14,034.01 -5.2%1 +MONTHLY GW 60.0°!° - - YTD GW 55.0% - BPP GOAL 52.0% CUP ADJ GOAL 50.0% 60.0% 45.0% 40.0% Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 Month 0 WATER SUPPLY FY 2008-09 • December 2008 Water Supply CUP 18.8% GW 42.0% • IMPOR 39.3% GW BPP GOAL 52.0% Year To Date 2008-2009 Water Supply YTD CUP Achieved 90.5% of 2,166 AF CUP Obligation 14.7% GW 45.5% IMPOR' 39.7% GW BPP GOAL 52.0% 0 • 3500 3000 2500 2000 CD d U- (D L V Q 1500 1000 500 0 • • Total Water Use 00 0A o§' Q0 0A o% 00 0A (Z � 00 0A o`) PJ PJ PJ4 ��Q�01�eQ OG OG�OG �o �o W 00 0A oop oA 00 Month QA) 0A of 00 ■ 06 -07 GW ❑ 06 -07 IMPORT Monthly Average Mean Temperature ( °F) ■ 08 -09 GW 78.1 72.7 74.8 ■ 08 -09 IMPORT ■ 07 -08 GW 72.2 72.4 73.6 1107-08 IMPORT 70.2 70.5 72.1 67.3 70.4 69.8 63.8 64.0 65.1 67.4 63.3 62.8 65.4 61.0 59.5 60.1 60.2 55.2 56.4 57.3 54.0 3 55.0 55.4 00 0A o§' Q0 0A o% 00 0A (Z � 00 0A o`) PJ PJ PJ4 ��Q�01�eQ OG OG�OG �o �o W 00 0A oop oA 00 Month QA) 0A of 00 • • • PM PROGRAM ITEM # 2008/2009 Fiscal 2008/09 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 8% 1 17% 1 25% 33% 42% 10' 58% 67% 75% 83% 92% 100% HYDRANTS (3,859) Target; all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 2201 556 392 192 66 103 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 2201 776 1,168 1,360 1,426 1,529 % OF TOTAL 5.7%1 20.1% 30.3% 35.2%1 36.9% 39.6% VALVES (10,00012= 5,000) Target; all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 329 4351 3401 5921 90 170 OPERATED THIS YEAR 329 7641 1,1041 1,696 1,786 1,956 OF TOTAL 6.6% 15.3%1 22.1%1 33.9%1 35.7% 39 11;, DEAD ENDS (487x2 =974) Target; all dead ends to be flushed twice each year. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 0 0 0 4871 0 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 0 0 0 487 487 487 % OF TOTAL 0.0% 0.0% 0% 50% 50% r2`, AIR VACS (309) Target; all air /vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 21 110 151 5 3 0 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 21 131 1461 151 154 154 % OF TOTAL 6.4% 42.4% 47.3%1 48.9% 49.8% 49.K'o SEWER CLEANING (802,560) Target; all sewers to be cleaned annually. CLEANED THIS MONTH 67,643 53,264 42,6841 66,673 28,173 32,424 CLEANED THIS YEAR 67,643 120,907 163,591 230,264 258,437 290,861 % OF TOTAL 8.4% 15.1% 20.4% 28.7% , 32.2% U ISING (160,51 Tar et; all sewers to be televised eve 5 ears. IS II�QNTH IS YEAR TOTALS THROUGH 12/28 rn z Z O • • • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: January 5, 2009 IN CONSTRUCTION 9 Z 0 Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Zone 4 Trans Pipeline, Reach 5 Pipeline complete and in Completion of punch - list Pipeline is in operation. However, Budget: $1,700,000 Job No. 200421 operation. The Contractor items, such as air - release project completion is subject to the Project Contact: Joe Polimino continues working on minor valves and valve cans, await developer (Shapell) finishing the Planned Completion Date: TBD punch list items. completion of road by road and parkway construction. developer. 2 Lakeview Res & Pump Station New reservoir is in operation. Place final plastic sheeting on The State Health Department has Budget: $11,500,000 Job No. 200704 The Contractor continues to top of roof and then begin accepted CEQA documentation for Project Contact: Joe Polimino backfill and install retaining backfill of roof after all the the project, after further review of Planned Completion Date: 01 -11 -09 walls. Rain has delayed all sides are completed. letter from District. work on site. 3 Highland Reservoir Three yard piping tie -ins were Completion of yard piping, Inside surfaces of TT #2 will Budget: $11,200,000 Job No. 200309 completed December 17, 2008 vaults, electrical, and eventually be 100% re- painted. Project Contact: Leon de los Reyes scheduled shutdown. instrumentation and control Planned Completion Date: June 2010 system, and temporary tanks. Following completion of tie -ins, Control and instrumentation, demolition of the old reservoir and electrical works on the Last tie -in to Zone 1- pipeline, should occur around mid - February temporary tanks still on- going. tentatively January 17, 2009. 2009. State Health inspector will look at the two temporary tanks Spark testing of inside surfaces Spray painting of TT #2 inside prior to issuing a temporary of Temporary Tank #2 (TT #2) surfaces. operating permit. yields huge surface areas needing touch up painting. Schedule CDPH inspection of TT's 1 and 2 for permit amendment. 4 Well Capacity Optimization The Board approved a Awaiting documents from Based on outcome of remedial work Budget: $1,000,000 Job No. 200813 purchase order to General General Pump for District on Well 12, type of remedial work Project Contact: Leon de los Reyes Pump Co. for $71,150 for well review. proposed for Wells 1 and 5 will be Planned Completion Date: TBD I redevelopment tasks. I I reviewed with District's consultant. 9 Z 0 • • • IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Zone 4C Reconfiguration A Class I Categorical Psomas has submitted 100% The PRS addition to project will go Budget: $2,070,000 Job No.200710 Exemption was filed to meet plans for the pipeline project out as a separate construction Project Contact: Joe Polimino CEQA guidelines. Psomas and it is now being advertised. contract, in order to maintain the Planned Completion Date: 12 -19 -08 design proposal has been Psomas preparing 50% plans original construction completion approved for the San Antonio for the San Antonio PRS for date for the pipeline of Dec 2009. Pressure Reducing Station January 8, 2009 submittal and The PRS completion date is also (PRS) upgrades. review. December 2009. 2 New Wells 20 & 21 A 3r Microscopic Particulate The 4t State - required MPA Results of the I" and 2 nd MPA, and Budget: $2,000,000 Job No.200711 Analysis (MPA) at Well 11 test, with considerable water current and historical well Project Contact: Leon de los Rios pursuant to State requirements flow in the Santa Ana River is information has been sent to State Planned Completion Date: TBD and recommendation for new the only remaining test to be Health for preliminary review. well was performed. This timed and performed in 2009. time, it's for "after a rainfall Regarding new Well 21, staff has event of 1" or more" condition. had preliminary discussions with Test results were negative other pumpers to the west, but more (which is good). discussions are needed. 3 Hidden Hills Reservoir Based on meeting with State Continuing discussions with Budget: $6,400,000 Job No.200028 Parks Dec 5, investigating DFG and USFWS for Project Contact: Steve Conklin easement and environmental environmental clearance, and Planned Completion Date: TBD permitting issues. Working with State Parks on easement with State DFG and USFWS. and access permit. 4 OC -51 Connection Upgrade Completed application for Waiting for response from Design modifications to turnout will Budget: $242,000 Job No. 200815 upgrade and submitted to MET to schedule project be performed by MET staff to Project Contact: Steve Conklin MWDOC to forward to MET. meeting increase capacity from about 5 cfs Planned Completion Date: TBD to a max of 20 cfs 5 Lakeview Sewer Lift Sta Upgrades Design complete. Right -of- Staff is investigating right -of- Budget: $200,000 Job No. Ops. Project way issue delaying project. way alternatives. Project Contact: Lee Cory Planned Completion Date: TBD • • • IN PLANNING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE BOARD (2007 -2012) THAT ARE STILL PENDING 1. Anaheim Intertie Connection Improvements ($500,000) 2. Zone 5 (1000) Booster Station ($1,080,000) 3. Fairmont Booster Station Reconfiguration ($400,000) 4. Foxtail Drive Pipeline ($245,000) 5. Elk Mountain Reservoir Site Improvements ($300,000) 6. Fire Flow Improvements- -Via Sereno and Ohio ($125,000) 3 Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Highland Booster Station Upgrade Proposals due Jan. 13, 2009 Review the proposals and Submit AR for PEO meeting Feb. Budget: $TBD Job No. 200817 from consulting firms for make recommendation for PEO 3rd and full Board Feb. 12th meeting. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa Feasibility Study of Upgrade and Board. Planned Completion Date: TBD Alternatives. 2 Fairmont Site Improvements Near agreement on cost- Draft edition of Facilities Expect to be able to present Budget: $300,000 Job No. 200803 sharing plan with S &S Finance, Design and agreement to PEO and Board for Project Contact: Hank Samaripa Construction. Construction Agreement to review in first quarter of 2009. Planned Completion Date: TBD attorney for review 3 Irrigation Water Study Draft feasibility study has been Awaiting final report from Conclusions of feasibility study and Budget: $TBD Job No. 200807 reviewed and returned to consultant. proposed next steps to be discussed Project Contact: Steve Conklin consultant to be finalized. with PEO Committee at February Planned Completion Date: TBD 2009 meeting. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE BOARD (2007 -2012) THAT ARE STILL PENDING 1. Anaheim Intertie Connection Improvements ($500,000) 2. Zone 5 (1000) Booster Station ($1,080,000) 3. Fairmont Booster Station Reconfiguration ($400,000) 4. Foxtail Drive Pipeline ($245,000) 5. Elk Mountain Reservoir Site Improvements ($300,000) 6. Fire Flow Improvements- -Via Sereno and Ohio ($125,000) 3 • • Highland Reservoir Replacement Yorba Linda Water District Project No. J-200309 November 2008 Is, e1A 17 x$ Highland Reservoir Construction 1911 Car AVW Engineers... Working Wonders With Water" Highland Reservoir Replacement Yorba Linda Water District Project No. J-200309 Progress Report No. 6 November 2008 Schuler Engineering Corporation 0 Highland Reservoir Replacement Forba Linda Water District • Project No. J-200309 November 2008 Progress Report The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the status of the project. The schedule and financial data reflect the status of the project as of the end of the month. Construction Schedule The Highland Reservoir Replacement project is currently on schedule and is due to be completed on June 1, 2010. Construction Activity for the Past Month • Site Work o Continued installation of electrical duct bank to the temporary tanks, and seismic vault. o Installed 100 feet of 30-inch and 10 feet of 18-inch diameter potable water pipeline from the Seismic Sensor Vault at Station 2+46 to Point #27 at Station 1+63. o Continued installation of vaults. o Finished installation of walls, roof, valves, guardrails, ladders, interior • piping, and other fittings for Temporary Tanks #1 and #2. o Cleaned and washed the interior of Temporary Tanks #1 and #2 in preparation for coating repair. o Installed and connected inlet/outlet 30-inch diameter potable water pipeline to Temporary Tanks #1 and #2. o Installed 30-inch valves at Temporary Tanks #1 and #2, and seismic vault. Installed an 18-inch valve near the meter vault. o Started trenching and final investigation for bypass vault and meter vault connection points. o Adjusted SWPP after fist major rain storm Construction Activity for the Next Month Site Work o Inspect, test, and repair interior coating for Temporary Tanks #1 and #2. o Install tie in connections to the existing potable water pipeline system at three of the four connection points. Tie-in and shutdown coordinated with the District for 12/17/08. o Continue trenching and installation of 30-inch and 18-inch diameter potable water pipelines towards tie-in connection points. o Pressure test, flush, and chlorinate potable water pipelines from connection point to temporary tanks. o Continue installation of vault structures, piping, and accessories. is 2 Highland Reservoir Replacement Yorba Linda Water District • Project No. J-200309 November 2008 o Continue installation of electrical duct banks to bypass and meter vaults. o Continue installation of antenna mast, antenna and PLC 50. o Finish connections to level switches and ultrasonic sensors on Temporary Tanks # 1 and #2. Contract Chanees • Change Orders o There has not been any approved change orders (CO's) to date. Total amount of CO's to date is $0.00 with no time extension. Potential Chances • Potential Outstanding Cost Changes o COP 4: The air gap structure for the new reservoir was relocated due to resident concerns of obstruction of the view. It was in the 20-foot wide easement at Manhole 26 and was a 36-inch diameter pipe 8 feet tall. The air gap was relocated onto the District's property and the associated changes to the pipelines were provided to the contractor. Contractor is preparing a cost estimate for District review as well as a revised alignment for the reservoir's new overflow. Revision will result in a credit to the • District. o COP 5: Manhole #26 in the easement required a manhole lid and cover as a result of the air gap relocation. Contractor is installing manhole lid on a time and material basis. o COP 7: The depth of the 18-inch storm drain line can be decreased from the V-ditch on the north side of the reservoir to manhole #33. This is a result of the relocation of the air gap. Contractor is preparing a cost estimate for District review. o COP 10: The above ground 30-inch inlet/outlet piping to the temporary tanks require support under a flex coupling and piping prior to filling the tank. These pipes require a total of four (4) concrete supports to prevent deflection and damage to the tanks and piping. Contractor is preparing a cost estimate for District review. o COP 11: Retaining wall #3 that protects a power pole requires the addition of a notch out for the pole's guy wire. Relocation of the pole or guy wire would be at a higher cost and could result in a delay to the contractor. Contractor is preparing a cost estimate for District review. o COP 12: The District has requested the contractor review Bid Item #1- Acts of God Insurance policy. The District is reviewing the proposed credit. • Potential Delays o There have been no potential delays 0 Highland Reservoir Replacement Yorba Linda Water District • Project No. J-200309 November 2008 • Weather o To date there has been one (1) inclement weather occurrence approved. Claims • There have been no claims filed by the Contractor to date. Other Items • Payment o Refer to the attached Project Status sheet for the current payment and time status. • Contractor Injury and Illness Investigations o The contractor has had three (3) injury and illness investigations to date, none in the month of November. • Documents o Requests for Information ■ 38 Requests for Information received to date. ■ Average response time: 4.1 days • ■ Number of RFI held over 10 days: 5 o Submittals ■ 71 Submittals received to date ■ Average review time: 8.1 days ■ Number of submittals held between 10 to 15 days: 9 ■ Number of submittals held over 15 days: 9 Proiect Photos • The following pages contain photos taken of the job during the past month. • 4 Highland Reservoir Replacement Yorba Linda Water District Project No. J-200309 November 2008 • kA 1• /LAS ` .r 1~ l~..e ~nr:~x. -F'..n t~Xi't;'~!`N"F.rMAy ~+F~'•~ NU* ~A Install seismic sensor vault. (Looking west) t L / J: Y 5 • • 1 is 'E 0-0 k W 6 Highland Reservoir Replacement Yorba Linda Water District Project No. J-200309 November 2008 t 4 t~ r ~F~ ~p ~M 1 • • • Highland Reservoir Replacement Yorba Linda Water District Project No. J-200309 November 2008 411 Installing 30" pipe from the seismic vault towards the bypass vault. (Looking north) T 2~' ~1 . Ty 1 lAr 7 Project Status at a Glance ~'ar•'01ft "40% Yorba Linda Water District Engineers...Workuig Wonders With Water" Highland Reservoir Replacement Schuler Engineering As of: November 30, 2008 • Initial Contract Notice To Proceed Date Contract Duration (days) Contract Completion Date Days Elapsed % Time Elapsed Weather days allowed Current Contract Dates Time Extensions Contract Duration (days) Contract Completion Date Days Elapsed % Time Elapsed Weather days used Contract LD's ($/calendar day) LD's Charged To Date Executed Chanqe Orders This Month Executed Chanqe Orders to Date Current Contract Amount Chanqe Order Percentaqe To Date Amount Earned To Date Amount Of Retainaqe To Date Payments To Date (Earned-Retainaqe) Percent($) Of Work Complete To Date Days Elapsed % Time Elapsed June 2, 2008 730 June 1, 2010 182 24.9% 12 0 730 June 1, 2010 182 24.9% 1 $1,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,049,346.00 0.0% $409,918.62 $2,951,564.01 $295,156.40 $2,656,407.61 182 24.9% CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT STATUS Amount Billed This Month Amount Billed To Date Percent Of Contract Amount Billed To Date $9,624.45 $160,849.10 26.5% U • • Yorba Linda Water District Highland Reservoir Replacement Job No. 200309 Contract Payment Status as of November 30, 2008 Contract $ Original Contract $9,049,6.00 Changes to Date Q % Change . t o Current Contract Payment to Date $2~656~4~I.61 % Complete $ 5U. 45. 40. 35. 30. 25. 20. 15. 10. 5. 0. Contract Time Notice to Proceed Contract Duration June 2. 2008 7 Time Extensions J Completion date June 1 2010 Days Elapsed 1 % Complete Time E--.] Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08