HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-05 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting MinutesITEM NO. 11;91 k MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE June 5, 2008 A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by Committee Chair William Mills at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District Administrative Offices at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia. DIRECTORS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: William R. Mills, Chairman Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant GM Paul R. Armstrong, Director Lee Cory, Operations Manager Mendum, Operations Superintendent VISITORS PRESENT: None. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Preventative Maintenance Program Status Report. Mr. Mendum and Mr. Cory reported on the monthly maintenance activities and presented the updated spreadsheet tracking progress of these efforts. Mr. Mendum reported that he has reassigned personnel from programs that are ahead of schedule to assist the Meter Services Division and to catch up on the lagging progress in the meter replacement • program. Director Mills requested staff present additional information to the Committee reporting on activities generated through the sewer video inspection program. 2. Status Report on the Meter Replacement and Radio Read Retrofit Project. Mr. Mendum reported he was encouraging his crews to finish the retrofits, replacements skipped by the District's contract services and replacement of the large meters in the western third of the District, all of which were associated with the first phase of the replacement project, by the end of August. Mr. Mendum left the meeting following this discussion. 3. Monthly Water Production and Purchased Imports through May 2008. Mr. Vecchiarelli and Mr. Cory reported on the progress of groundwater production for the month of May and fiscal year to date. The Committee discussed the impacts on these numbers from recently completed improvements, including the Lakeview Booster Pump Station and the 18-inch Zone 3 (Z-675) pipeline completed in mid May. The Committee also discussed the shortfall in groundwater percentage production and the impacts on operating costs. This discussion included consideration of the future benefits from additional capital improvements required to take advantage of these opportunities, especially the need for additional groundwater wells. 4. Monthly Orange County Groundwater Producers Meetings. Impacts of the BPP and BEA settings and MWD call on Water Stored under Long Term Storage Program. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported the Basin Production Percentage (BPP) for FY 2008-09 has been set by Orange County Water District (OCWD) at 69%. Concurrently, MWD -1- has called for 22,000 acre feet (AF) of their water stored in the OC basin to be pumped out in this fiscal year in accordance with the Long Term Storage Plan obligations (YLWD Well 19). This will required YLWD to produce an additional 2,166 AF next year from the basin or potentially pay hefty penalties for underproduction. 5. Monthly MWDOC Managers Meeting Summary Report. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported on items of particular interest including a presentation by Long Beach Water Department General Manager, Kevin Wattier on their approach to managing the water shortage and requiring water conservation in their service area and throughout southern California. Long Beach's approach is very much modeled after the anti- smoking campaign in California and is based on the message that it is a serious social wrong to waste water. Mr. Armstrong suggested ways the District could utilize our public information and customer service resources to benefit the community and assist with water efficiency management on a personal level. The Committee also discussed opportunities for future water resource development in the community and conservation management planning. 6. Draft Irrigation Feasibility Study. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported receiving the first draft of a feasibility study considering nonpotable water use for landscape irrigation purposes in the eastern portion of the District's se ice area. Staff will report back to the Committee at the completion of this study. 7. Action Items from Orange County Grand Jury Report. The Committee briefly discussed the need to review and establish baseline water usage by meter class and compare these numbers to other agencies and to the reported use per capita by MW D. 8. Cielo Vista Project Technical Memorandum 1 Conceptual Plan. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported receiving a draft water system master plan for the proposed project. Staff will report back to the Committee following a review of the draft study. 9. Status Report on Capital Improvement Projects in Progress. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported on progress of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project and the 36- inch Zone 4 (Z-780) transmission pipeline in Bastanchury Road connecting to Fairmont Boulevard. The Committee also discussed the Hidden Hills Reservoir project and staff's proposal to proceed with advertising for construction bids. ACTION ITEMS: 10. Consider Amendment to Professional Services Agreements for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job No. 200309. Mr. Vecchiarelli presented staff's report, included for consideration by the full Board of Directors in this agenda. 11. Consider Soliciting Proposals for Well Siting, Drilling and Testing of Groundwater Replacement Wells 20 & 21, Job No. 200711. The Committee discussed this project briefly and encouraged staff to proceed. 40 ADJOURNMENT: The Committee adjourned at 5:40 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Planning- Engineering-Operations Committee is scheduled for July 3, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. -2-