HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-16 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Hater District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WORKSHOP MEETING Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 2:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Ric Collett, President Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Phil Hawkins Robert R. Kiley Gary T. Melton 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5.1. Draft Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2015 5.2. Potential Amendments to Budget for FY 2015/16 and Ordinance No. 15-01 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 5.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 16, 2016 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Water Conservation Supervisor Subject: Draft Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2015 DISCUSSION: Presented are the Draft Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2015. Discussion on these statements will focus on the District's financial position for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015/16 as a direct result of the SWRCB's mandate for a reduction in consumption. Target areas include: Water Sales, Variable Costs, current consumption levels, and Administrative Penalty Revenue. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Draft Unaudited Fin Stmts for 2nd Qtr FY 1516.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to Budget Workshop Presentation.pdf Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to FY 2015-16 CIP Budget and Expenses.pdf Backup Material the Meeting YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS December 31, 2015 (With December 31, 2014 for comparison only) ASSETS December 2015 December 2014 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 27,372,516 $ 22,557,282 Investment 9,379,953 9,343,546 Accounts receivable-water and sewer services 3,713,241 2,293,889 Accounts receivable-property taxes - - Accrued interest receivable 23,961 5,546 Prepaid expenses &other deposits 397,705 450,840 Inventory 266,334 246,317 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 41,153,710 34,897,420 NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs 437,635 463,065 Other post-employment benefit(OPEB)asset 142,701 138,944 Deferred Pension Plans 587,176 - Notes Receivable 226,741 - Capital assets: Non-depreciable 3,658,585 5,906,482 Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 187,705,384 191,054,810 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 192,758,222 197,563,301 TOTAL ASSETS 233,911,932 232,460,721 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 1,802,120 2,092,080 Accrued expenses 1,729,106 1,788,452 Accrued interest payable 414,265 424,015 Certificates of Participation-current portion 795,000 765,000 Accrued OPEB 2,751 5,787 Refunding Revenue Bond -current portion 285,000 280,000 Compensated absences 327,004 280,786 Customer and construction deposits 463,591 371,849 Deferred revenue 342,064 380,796 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 6,160,901 6,388,765 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue 14,845,590 13,872,275 Compensated absences 1,035,511 889,157 Net Pension Liability 5,092,626 - Deferred Pension Plan 1,810,965 - Refunding Revenue Bond 8,068,768 8,401,472 LOC 6,458,297 5,432,315 Certificate of Participation 29,655,645 30,477,065 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION) 66,967,402 59,072,284 TOTAL LIABILITIES 73,128,303 65,461,049 NET ASSETS: $ 160,783,629 $ 166,999,672 1 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For the period ended December 31, 2015 (With fiscal year ended December 2014 for comparison only) December 2015 December 2014 OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales $ 13,605,287 $ 14,743,974 Sewer revenues 898,701 907,095 Other operating revenues 1,694,533 614,835 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 16,198,521 16,265,904 OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs 6,044,210 7,749,623 Personnel services 4,476,701 3,816,661 Supplies and services 2,117,338 1,993,771 Depreciation and amortization 3,794,596 3,681,152 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 16,432,845 17,241,207 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) (234,325) (975,303) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes 845,746 771,081 Investment income 107,668 81,384 Interest expense (849,493) (860,848) Other nonoperating revenues 206,206 259,620 Other nonoperating expenses (21,986) (123,114) TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES 288,142 128,123 NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS & EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S) 53,817 (847,180) EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S) - CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 107,147 69,983 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 160,964 (777,197) NET ASSETS-BEGINNING OF YEAR 160,622,665 167,776,869 NET ASSETS-FOR PERIOD END DECEMBER 31, 2015 $ 160,783,629 $ 166,999,672 2 Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending December 31, 2015 YTD Debt Actual Service FY 2015 Calculation Revenue (Operating): Water Sales $13,605,287 $ 13,605,287 Other Operating Revenue 1,636,836 1,636,836 Total Operating Revenue: 15,242,123 15,242,123 Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 100,388 100,388 Property Tax 845,746 845,746 Other Non-Operating Revenue 190,377 (48,135) Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,136,511 897,999 Total Revenue 16,378,634 16,140,122 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import& Power) 6,044,210 6,044,210 Salary Related Expenses 4,028,386 4,028,386 Supplies & Services 1,940,122 1,940,122 Depreciation 3,109,497 - Total Operating Expenses 15,122,215 12,012,718 Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 849,493 - Other Expense 37,298 37,298 Total Non-Operating Expenses: 886,791 37,298 Total Expenses 16,009,006 12,050,016 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 369,628 4,090,106 Capital Contributions 32,644 - Net Change in Assets $ 402,272 $ 4,090,106 DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues $ 4,090,106 Debt Service $ 1,360,779 % 301% 3 Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending December 31, 2015 (No Penalties) YTD Debt Actual Service FY 2015 Calculation Revenue (Operating): Water Sales $13,605,287 $ 13,605,287 Other Operating Revenue 470,556 470,556 Total Operating Revenue: 14,075,843 14,075,843 Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 100,388 100,388 Property Tax 845,746 845,746 Other Non-Operating Revenue 190,377 (48,135) Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,136,511 897,999 Total Revenue 15,212,354 14,973,842 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import& Power) 6,044,210 6,044,210 Salary Related Expenses 4,028,386 4,028,386 Supplies & Services 1,940,122 1,940,122 Depreciation 3,109,497 - Total Operating Expenses 15,122,215 12,012,718 Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 849,493 - Other Expense 37,298 37,298 Total Non-Operating Expenses: 886,791 37,298 Total Expenses 16,009,006 12,050,016 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions (796,652) 2,923,826 Capital Contributions 32,644 - Net Change in Assets $ (764,008) $ 2,923,826 DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues $ 2,923,826 Debt Service $ 1,360,779 % 215% 4 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water&Sewer Funds For Period Ending December 31,2015 Annual YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD Budget Budget Actual Under(Over) %of %of YTD FY 2016 FY 2016 FY 2016 Budget Budget Budget Revenue(Operating): Water Revenue(Residential) $11,472,028 $6,245,372 $6,848,156 4,623,872 59.69% 109.65% Water Revenue(Commercial&Fire Det.) 1,385,979 754,527 932,629 453,350 67.29% 123.60% Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 2,782,183 1,514,620 1,583,285 1,198,898 56.91% 104.53% Water Revenue(Service Charge) 10,824,413 4,472,358 4,241,216 6,583,197 39.18% 94.83% Sewer Charge Revenue 1,584,348 792,174 806,053 778,295 50.88% 101.75% Locke Ranch Assessments 201,500 122,311 92,648 108,852 45.98% 75.75% Other Operating Revenue 3,592,969 1,796,485 1,694,534 1,898,436 47.16% 94.32% Total Operating Revenue: 31,843,420 15,697,847 16,198,521 15,644,899 50.87% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 93,000 46,500 107,668 (14,668) 115.77% 231.54% Property Tax 1,395,000 846,765 845,746 549,254 60.63% 99.88% Other Non-Operating Revenue 607,155 303,578 206,206 400,949 33.96% 67.93% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 2,095,155 1,196,843 1,159,620 935,535 55.35% Total Revenue 33,938,676 16,894,689 17,368,141 16,680,434 61.16% Expenses(Operating): Variable Water Costs(G.W., Import&Power) 12,080,410 6,576,575 6,044,210 6,036,200 50.03% 91.91% Salary Related Expenses 8,964,218 4,921,041 4,476,701 4,487,517 49.94% 90.97% Supplies&Services 7,564,117 3,782,059 2,117,338 5,446,779 27.99% 55.98% Total Operating Expenses 28,608,745 15,279,675 12,638,249 15,970,496 44.18% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,655,685 827,843 849,493 806,192 51.31% 102.62% Other Expense 22,000 11,000 21,985 15 99.93% 199.86% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 1,677,685 838,843 871,478 806,207 51.95% Total Expenses 30,286,430 16,118,618 13,609,727 16,776,703 44.61% Net Income(Loss)Before Capital Contributions 3,662,146 776,172 3,848,414 (196,269) 106.37% Capital Contributions - - 107,147 107,147 0.00% Net Income(Loss)Before Depreciation 3,662,146 7769172 399669661 (899122) 108.31% Depreciation&Amortization 7,350,000 3,675,000 3,794,596 3,555,405 51.63% 103.25% Total Net Income(Loss) ($396979866) ($298989828) $1609966 ($398689820) -4.36% (110,595) 5 Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending December 31,2016 Annual YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD Budget Budget Actual Under(Over) % of Annual % of YTD FY 2016 FY 2016 FY 2016 FY Budget Budget Budget Revenue(Operating): Water Revenue(Residential) $11,472,028 $6,245,372 $6,848,156 4,623,872 59.69% 109.65% Water Revenue(Commercial&Fire Det.) 1,385,979 754,527 932,629 453,350 67.29% 123.60% Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 2,782,183 1,514,620 1,583,285 1,198,898 56.91% 104.53% Water Revenue(Service Charge) 10,824,413 4,472,358 4,241,217 6,583,196 39.18% 94.83% Other Operating Revenue 3,556,678 1,778,339 1,636,836 1,919,842 46.02% 92.04% Total Operating Revenue: 30,021,281 14,765,217 15,242,123 14,779,158 50.77% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 85,000 42,500 100,388 (15,388) 118.10% 236.21% Property Tax 1,395,000 846,765 845,746 549,254 60.63% 99.88% Other Non-Operating Revenue 595,230 297,615 190,377 404,853 31.98% 63.97% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 2,075,230 1,186,880 1,136,511 938,719 54.77% Total Revenue 32,096,611 16,962,097 16,378,634 16,717,877 61.03% Expenses(Operating): Variable Water Costs(G.W., Import&Power) 12,080,410 6,576,575 6,044,210 6,036,200 50.03% 91.91% Salary Related Expenses 8,118,352 4,463,339 4,028,386 4,089,966 50.82% 90.25% Supplies&Services: Communications 280,232 140,116 128,480 151,753 45.85% 91.70% Contractual Services 545,124 272,562 251,076 294,048 46.06% 92.12% Data Processing 217,461 108,731 130,771 86,690 60.14% 120.27% Dues&Memberships 106,773 53,387 67,550 39,223 63.27% 126.53% Fees&Permits 2,718,822 1,359,411 94,907 2,623,915 3.49% 6.98% Insurance 275,596 137,798 118,370 157,226 42.95% 85.90% Materials 690,479 345,240 393,813 296,666 57.03% 114.07% District Activities, Emp Recognition 27,072 13,536 5,740 21,332 21.20% 42.41% Maintenance 415,101 207,551 159,252 255,849 38.36% 76.73% Non-Capital Equipment 138,338 69,169 41,093 97,245 29.70% 59.41% Office Expense 39,851 19,926 20,277 19,574 50.88% 101.76% Professional Services 544,350 272,175 286,402 257,948 52.61% 105.23% Training 67,718 33,859 9,833 57,885 14.52% 29.04% Travel&Conferences 88,406 44,203 24,728 63,678 27.97% 55.94% Uncollectible Accounts 37,200 18,600 (2,403) 39,603 -6.46% -12.92% Utilities 83,700 41,850 59,709 23,991 71.34% 142.67% Vehicle Equipment 300,328 150,164 150,523 149,805 50.12% 100.24% Supplies&Services Sub-Total 6,576,551 3,288,276 1,940,122 4,636,429 29.50% Total Operating Expenses 26,775,313 14,328,190 12,012,718 14,762,595 44.86% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,655,685 827,843 849,493 806,192 51.31% 102.62% Other Expense 22,000 11,000 37,298 (15,298) 169.54% 339.07% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 1,677,685 838,843 886,791 790,894 52.86% Total Expenses 28,462,998 16,167,032 12,899,609 16,663,489 46.34% Net Income(Loss)Before Capital Contributions 3,643,613 786,064 3,479,126 164,388 96.49% Capital Contributions - - 32,644 32,644 0.00% Net Income(Loss)Before Depreciation 3,643,613 786,064 3,611,769 197,032 96.38% Depreciation&Amortization 6,003,400 3,001,700 3,109,497 2,893,903 51.80% 103.59% Total Net Income(Loss) ($2,369,887) ($2,216,636) $402,272 ($2,762,169) -17.06% Capital-Direct Labor (97,363) 6 Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending December 31,2016 Annual YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD Budget Budget Actual Under(Over) %of Annual %of YTD FY 2016 FY 2016 FY 2016 Budget Budget Bud et Revenue(Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $1,584,348 $792,174 $806,053 778,295 50.88% 101.75% Locke Ranch Assessments 201,500 122,311 92,648 108,853 45.98% 75.75% Other Operating Revenue 36,291 18,146 57,697 (21,406) 158.98% 317.97% Total Operating Revenue: 1,822,139 932,630 956,398 865,742 52.49% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 8,000 4,000 7,280 720 91.00% 182.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 11,925 5,963 15,829 (3,904) 132.74% 265.48% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 19,925 9,963 23,109 (3,184) 115.98% Total Revenue 1,842,064 942,693 979,607 862,668 63.17% Expenses(Operating): Salary Related Expenses 845,865 457,702 448,315 397,550 54.57% 97.95% Supplies&Services: Communications 21,293 10,647 7,706 13,587 36.19% 72.38% Contractual Services 41,031 20,516 18,688 22,343 45.55% 91.09% Data Processing 16,368 8,184 9,741 6,628 59.51% 119.02% Dues&Memberships 8,337 4,169 5,248 3,089 62.95% 125.90% Fees&Permits 207,843 103,922 5,567 202,276 2.68% 5.36% Insurance 20,744 10,372 8,910 11,835 42.95% 85.90% Materials 105,472 52,736 16,503 88,969 15.65% 31.29% District Activities, Emp Recognition 2,038 1,019 432 1,606 21.20% 42.39% Maintenance 332,244 166,122 34,237 298,007 10.30% 20.61% Non-Capital Equipment 29,413 14,706 17,057 12,356 57.99% 115.98% Office Expense 3,000 1,500 1,190 1,810 39.67% 79.33% Professional Services 100,360 50,180 17,527 82,833 17.46% 34.93% Training 7,297 3,648 1,157 6,140 15.86% 31.71% Travel&Conferences 10,074 5,037 1,938 8,135 19.24% 38.49% Uncollectible Accounts 2,800 1,400 (320) 3,120 -11.43% -22.86% Utilities 7,150 3,575 4,864 2,286 68.03% 136.05% Vehicle Equipment 72,105 36,052 26,773 45,331 37.13% 74.26% Supplies&Services Sub-Total 987,567 493,783 177,218 810,349 17.94% Total Operating Expenses 1,833,432 951,485 625,533 1,207,899 34.12% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest Expense - - - - 0.00% Other Expense (15,313) 15,313 0.00% Total Non-Operating Expenses: (15,313) 15,313 0.00% Total Expenses 1,833,432 961,486 610,220 1,223,212 33.28% Net Income(Loss)Before Capital Contributions 8,633 (8,892) 369,287 (360,664) 4277.87% Capital Contributions - - 74,504 74,504 0.00% Net Income(Loss)Before Depreciation 8,633 (8,892) 443,791 (286,160) 6140.93% Depreciation&Amortization 1,346,600 673,300 685,099 661,501 50.88% 101.75% Total Net Income(Loss) ($1,337,968) ($682,192) ($241,308) ($1,096,669) 18.04% Capital-Direct Labor (13,232) 7 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Yorba Linda Water District FY 2015/ 16 Budget Analysis Mid -year Presented By: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Cindy Botts, Management Analyst February 16, 2016 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Major Budgetary Factors 1 . Capital Improvement Projects 2 . Responsible Emergency Reserves 3 . SWRCB Emergency Conservation Mandate Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting 5 Year CIP Projections "Full Detail CIP Projects on -Handout Capital Reserve/Investment Acct Balance 12/31/2015 $18,986,316 WFB Letter of Credit Balance for Draws 12/31/2015 _ 1,703 ess imum Water Capital Reserve Requirement 20 000�� � vailable — - r $17,708,019 • — earClP Budget For Expenuresi6r rojects — ' Total Project Approved CIP FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 4 Year Future Project Description Budget Budget for FY Cash Outflow Budgeted CIP Budgeted CIP Budgeted CIP Budgeted CIP Projected 2015/16 2015/16 Forecast Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Budgets Traditional CIP ::::I Subtotal $ 13,219,233 $ 3,947,194 $ 1,051,701 $ 3,757,946 $ 3,655,000 $ 1,874,996 $ - $ 9,287,942 Rehabilitation&Restoration R&R Subtotal $ 6,688,590 $ 1,277,261 $ 237,362 $ 1,060,175 $ 2,603,736 $ 1,857,395 $ - $ 5,521,306 Vehicle&Capital Equipment Replacement $ 392,000 $ $612,000 $165,000 $177,000 $180,000 $ 1,134,000 Vehicle&Capital Equipment Subtotal $ 392,000 $ 392,000 $ 392,000 $ 612,000 $ 165,000 $ 177,000 $ 180,000 $ 1,13 Repayment of LOC Principal to Wells Fargo Bank $ 7,000,000 Subtotal $ 20,299,823 $ 5,616,455 $ 1,681,063 $ 12,430,121 $ 6,423,736 $ 3,909,391 $ 180,000 $ 15,943,248 CIP Grand Totals $ 20,299,823 $ 5,616,455 $ 1,681,063 $ 12,430,121 $ 6,423,736 $ 3,909,391 $ 180,000 $ 15,943,248 Balance in Water Capital Reserve/Investment Fund $ 16,026,956 $ 3,596,835 ($2,826,901) ($6,736,292) ($6,916,292) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting YLWD Reserve Types * Based on approximately $789M in infrastructure to be maintained. Purpose Mid-Year Actuals Rate Study Recommended Balances Water Capital Replacement Planned CIPs $18.9M $10.6M _ Water Operating Fund Day-to-Day Payments $7.4M $6.6M Water Emergency Fund Catastrophes $1 .OM $10.0M * - Rate Stabilization Future Rate Mitigation $0 $782,000 2008 COP Bond Regulated $2.2M $2.1 M Debt Service Reserve Regulated $2.7M $2.7M Maintenance Reserve Unanticipated R&R $200,000 $200,000 Employee Liabilities Retiree Payout $300,000 $186,000 Sewer Capital Replacement Planned CIPs 4)2.4M 2[\A T ,A I Sewer Operating Fund Day-to-Day Payments $92,000 $458,000 ,M& Sewer Emergency Fund Catastrophes $1 .0M $3.OM_ m Sewer Employee Liabilities Retiree Payout $14,000 $14,000 $36.3M Im $41 .9M Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting YLWD Reserves (in Million Dollars) $ 36.3 Total Investments & Reserves (-) $ 15 . 7 Minimum Reserve Requirements (-) $ 1 . 7 Current Year CIP Obligations (-) $ 23 . 7 Future Planned CI P $ (4.8) ( Under) Required Reserves Note: With Current Reserve Levels, Not Including Rate Study Recommended Reserve Levels Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting R-GPCD Comparison Emergency Mandate 300.00 � � �'.- .. ��►. ,� 250.00 254.47 255.24 250.38 244.61 200.00 211.64 161.28 161.77 158.69 177.36 155.03 150.00 1- 135.72 155.76 150.53 148.05 130.10 150. 142.69 139.60 �� 134.14 107.70 125.20 100.00 112.41 95.40 98.72 79.35 50.00 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fe R-GCPD 2013 -4-R-GCPD Goal R-GCPD Actual 6 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Key Budget Assumptions (Variable Costs) V4 VOW- Approved • - - • Projected M. in" A Quarter) (Mi • - • Total Volume of Water 16,534 AF 15,554 AF 15,828 AF Purchased OCWD RA Blended Rate $349/AF $354/AF $353/AF MW DOC Blended Rate $1 ,094/$1 ,314/ $1 , 125/$1 ,319 $1 , 123/$1 ,320 AF /AF /AF CUP Blended Rate $822/ A F $827/A F $827/A F (w/Allocation Surcharge) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Budgeted Operating Plan U 201 _ #-e 5 20160 With CUP and State Manda of 36% Reduction, _ 11 15% AllocatIop Projection Annual Water Purchases 16,534.00 Percent GW CUP I mport Total Annual Month (A/F) (A/F) (A/F) (A/F) Demands J ul-15 1 ,237.69 134.28 574.09 1 ,946.05 12% Aug-15 1 ,217.71 137.85 559.07 1,914.64 12% Sep-15 1 ,054.11 132.71 493.04 1,679.85 10% Oct-15 878.52 133.19 405.25 1,416.96 9% Nov-15 671 .61 133.20 314.54 1 ,119.35 7% Dec-15 563.88 130.90 312.15 1 ,006.92 6% Jan-16 480.24 132.57 265.14 877.96 5% Feb-16 459.44 131 .03 249.46 839.93 5% Mar-16 557.39 131 .39 306.57 995.35 6% Apr-16 747.01 133.22 364.79 1 ,245.01 8% May-16 1 ,030.89 131 .74 484.16 1,646.79 10% Jun-16 1 ,168.01 133.78 543.41 1,845.19 11% FYTD 10,066.49 1 ,595.86 4,871 .65 16,534.00 100% Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Actual Operating Plan 2015 - 2016 Operating Plan With CUP and Mate Mandate ►Y,_' Projection Annual Water Purchases 155 829 , GW CUP Import Total Perc7tA ual Month A/F A/F A/F A/F Demands Jul-15 11010.28 - 475.42 11485.70 12% Aug-15 1 , 110.84 - 525.16 11636.00 12% Sep-15 988.52 - 465.18 11453.70 10% Oct-15 804.15 216.80 382.45 11403.40 9% Nov-15 703.70 261 .30 333. 10 11298.10 7% Dec-15 561 .70 271 . 10 269.50 1 ,102.30 6% Jan-16 399.47 232.66 245.83 877.96 5% Feb-16 373.77 230.98 235.18 839.93 5% Mar-16 482.74 233.91 278.70 995.35 6% Apr-16 698.45 197.96 348.60 1 ,245.01 8% May-16 1 , 185.69 - 461 .10 1 ,646.79 10% Jun-16 1 ,328.54 - 516.65 1 ,845. 19 11 % 91647.84 11644.70 41536.88 15,829.42 100% Black Text = Actuals, Red Text = Budget -A 0 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Historical Demand (Budgeted vs. Actual) 4 99 r- x,1160. 53/� -� - - - � - - l 20,000.00 PE 16,534.00 15,000.00 O N CO CO qq 10,000.00 '0 CO N CV C4 CV 01 O N 5,000.00 p; M CO 0.00 FY 11 /12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Total Demand Anticipated Demand Budgeted Demand Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting "Variable Water Costs" - b d xecl"Gosta • Staff reviews the costs relating to Customer Usage ("variable" portion of "Variable Water Costs") monthly • As stated in 1 St Quarter Analysis presentation (November 191 2015), it is inappropriate to assume a "straight-line" correlation between usage and costs. OL Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Fixed "Variable Water Costs" Import Water -gcsts - -O%wft4�u Fixed CostJ ►Y Readiness • Serve Capacify Charge Annexation - • •- • $ 1 ,270,000 $300,000 $ 1 , 570 , 000 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Import Water Costs 4*5. 1st Quarter Approved Projected Projected Budgeted Demand Budgeted Demand Budgeted Demand (16,534 AF) (15,554 AF) (15,829 AF) Import Water Total Costs Water Purchases July-Dec 2015 $ 2,458,771.64 $ 21262,059.46 $ 2,268,242.20 Water Purchases Jan-Jun 2016 $ 2,093,990.55 $ 1,973,414.38 $ 1,973,414.38 CUP Water Purchases $ 1,317,292.72 $ 1,319,378.66 $ 1,373,416.47 Readiness to Serve Charge $ 736,896.00 $ 736,896.00 $ 736,896.00 Capacity Charge $ 270,691.80 $ 270,691.80 $ 270,691.80 Retail Connection Charge $ 257,953.50 $ 257,953.50 $ 257,953.50 TOTAL $ 771357596.21 $ 678207393.80 $ 6,8807614.36 $ (315,202.41) $ (254,981.85) • Originally anticipated savings ($315K) based on greater than 36% conservation Has shrunk ($255K) b/c conservation in 2nd Quarter less than 36% • Fixed Costs remain the same • Increased Demand, Increased Purchases Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Groundwater Costs st (1St Qua &J Approved Projected Projected Budgeted Demand Budgeted Demand Budgeted Demand (16,534 AF) (15,554 AF) (15,829 AF) Groundwater Total Costs Water Purchases July-Dec 2015 $ 1,810,770.55 $ 1,602,113.19 $ 1,666,880.10 Water Purchases Jan-Jun 2016 $ 1,430,639.06 $ 11433,433.69 $ 1,433,433.69 OCWD Annexation Annual Fee 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 TOTAL $ 3,541 ,409.61 $ 3,3351546.87 $ 31400,313.79 $ (205,862.73) $ (141,095.82) • Pumping more Groundwater b/c it is cheaper than Import water, but increased usage has decreased potential "savings". • Fixed Costs remain the same • Increased Demand, Increased Costs Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Historical Power Costs $1,400,000 Historical Electr'cit arm ..� �ai� -a lifornia Ed an 8� . x}°��$1,200,000 � ��e� ..it� _ 9, 86 ►-e� $800,000 r 22,646 AF $600,000 °' MID-YEAR v p. M $400,000 "' a 8,379 AF 00 0 %0 $200,000 M G_ V} VV FY13/14 FY14/15 FY15/16 Actual Electricity$ - $800,000 Historical Gas Charges $700,000 (The Gas Company) $600,000 79,786 AF $500,000 22,646 AF $400,000 MID-YEAR LO$300,000 LO ° % W 'O 8,379 AF $200,000 N v} 0 $100,000 LO %d LO FY13/14 FY14/15 FY15/16 Actual Gas $ Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Power & Pumping Costs 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 2nd Quarter Budgeted 1st Quarter Actual Budgeted Actual Power & Pumping Costs Power & Pumping Costs $ 470,696.63 $ 235,030.11 $ 301,546.44 $ 251,768.26 TOTAL $ 470,696.63 $ 235,030.11 $ 301,546.44 $ 251,768.26 $ (235,666.52) $ (49,778.18) • Less consumption than budgeted, Decreased costs • 1St Quarter Savings due to Emphasis on Gas Pumps/Avoided High Summer Electricity Rates— not Applicable for 2nd Quarter Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Variable "Variable Water Costs" Budget Mid-Year o s•t Import Water Jul-Dec 2015 $2,458,772 $2,268,242 Jan-Jun 2016 $2,093,991 $1 ,973,414 CUP $1 ,317,293 $1 ,373,416 $5,870,055 $5,615,073 Groundwater Jul-Dec 2015 $1 ,810,771 $1 ,666,880 Jan-Jun 2016 $1 ,430,639 $1 ,433,434 $3,241 ,410 $3,100,314 BASED ON CUSTOMER USAGE: Projecting to be 700 AF (4%) under budget— $396,000 Savings Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting SWRCB EXTENDED Emergency Mandates .00 • e i ���age-dGeg�n�(5t�referenteil'g,-O �y missing Conservation Percentage, though still possible through Attorney General's Office as Cease & Desist Order. Water Code Fine ($500/day) MORE likely • Cumulative Conservation Percentage revised from June 2015- February 2016 to June 2015- October 2016 • Adjustments allowed , if eligible, up to 8% from original Conservation Percentage • G rowt h • Climate • Sustainable Supply (estimated at 6% by MWDOC) Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting R-GPCD Comparison EXTENDED Emergency Mandate 300.00 w. l s4-� ` 250.00 254.47 255.24 254.47 255.24 250.38 252.78 250.38 244.61 244.61 200.00 211.64 214.85 161.28 161.77 185.45 162.84 163.33 155.03 158.69 177.36 156.53 160.22 146.10 150.00 135.72 155.76 150.53 148.05 130.10 150.52 128.3 142.69 139.60 El 134.1 117.54 107.70 125.20 100.00 112.41 ❑ 95.4 98.72 79.35 50.00 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Note: Conservation Standard moved from 36% to 30% as of R-GCPD 2013 - -R-GCPD Goal El R-GCPD Actual April 2016 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Administrative Penalties (Residential) July - December Average Billings 16,000 15,096 14,000 12,000 10,000 Percent 8,000 1 6,000 4,482 Block l 15,096 65.74 4,000 2,434 Block 2 4,482 19.52% 2,000 656 175 119 0 Block 3 2,434 10.60% Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 4 656 2.86% Block 5 175 0.76% Block 6 119 0.52 22,962 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Administrative Penalties (Residential) r _.� Option 1 All Blocks- Pena ty adj sted Down Leve Block 2- No Penalty, All Others Remain the Same Block 1 Block 1 Block 2 ($44,816.67) Block 2 ($44,816.67) Block 3 ($48,686.67) $24,343.33 Block 3 Block 4 ($26,253.33) $13,126.67 Block 4 Block 5 ($13,973.33) $6,986.67 Block 5 Block 6 ($19,013.33) $9,506.67 Block 6 ($152,743.33) $53,963.33 ($44,816.67) $0.00 ($98,780.00) ($44,816.67) • Would collect less revenue overall Continues to dis-incentivize high usage • Does not dis-incentivize high usage Allows for consideration of 2 day/week watering in April • Can coordinate with 6% Credit Adjustment Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Budget Summary (Water & Sewer) _ - IMF W1 5' FY 2015.` -Budget Total Operating Revenue $31,025,713 $30,124,841 $31,843,420 Total Non-Operating Revenue $1,929,167 $2,307,604 $2,095,155 Total Revenue $32,954,880 $32,432,445 $33,938,575 Expenses Variable Water Costs $14,928,972 $13,850,950 $12,080,410 Salary-Related Expenses $8,224,812 $7,813,967 $8,964,218 Supplies & Services $4,389,840 $3,619,215 $7,564,117 Total Operating Expenses $27,543,624 $25,284,131 $28,608,745 Total Non- Operating Expenses $1,852,793 $1,723,442 $1,677,685 Total Expenses $29,396,417 $27,007,574 $30,286,430 Income Before Depreciation & Capital Contributions $3,558,463 $5,505,084 $3,652,145 Depreciation $7,337,500 $7,354,700 $7,350,000 Capital Contributions $705,848 $80,212 $0 Income (Loss) ($3,073,189) ($1,849,616) ($3,697,855) * Includes $2.71VI in SWRCB potential fines, per Auditors ME Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Budget Summary (Water Only) FY 2014/15 FYE 2014/15 FY 2015/16 Debt Coverage Budget Actual Budget Ratio Revenue Water Revenue (Residential) �'�,� u $�-5 1552 - $75;90 -'. -$11,4721028_ —_-" ,n_ ��` y'i ri8 ater Revenue Comme4 -I _ _ 4,097 `� $1,941,531 - - $x,385,979- `$x,385,979 ' ' $4,792,995 Service Charges $4,478,000 $4,988,739 $9,426,652 $9,426,652 Other Operating Revenue $670,003 $1,237,953 $3,556,678 $3,556,678 Total Operating Revenue $29,169,647 $28,280,826 $28,623,519 $28,623,519 Total Non-Operating Revenue $1,905,242 $2,286,500 $2,075,230 $1,615,230 Total Revenue $31,074,889 $30,567,326 $30,698,749 $30,238,749 Expenses Variable Water Costs $14,928,972 $13,850,950 $12,080,410 $12,0801410 Salary-Related Expenses $7,363,472 $6,853,668 $8,118,352 $8,118,352 Supplies &Services $3,990,886 $3,181,058 $6,576,551 $6,576,547 Total Operating Expenses $26,283,331 $23,885,677 $26,775,313 $26,775,309 Total Non- Operating Expenses $1,852,793 $1,723,442 $1,677,685 $22,000 Total Expenses $28,136,123 $25,609,120 $28,452,998 $26,797,309 Income Before Depreciation& Capital Contributions $2,938,766 $4,958,206 $2,245,751 $0 Depreciation $5,992,500 $6,012,184 $6,003,400 $0 Capital Contributions $61,035 $0 $0 Income (Loss) ($3,053,734) ($992,943) ($3,757,649) $3,441,440 Debt Service Obligation $ 2,721,558 Debt Service Coverage 126.45% * Includes $2.71VI in SWRCB potential fines, per Auditors Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting Budget Summary (Sewer Only) _ 4 4/15- 4-FY 2015/16� '� ' wAiluidt Ual"S - - r Revenue x'$1,605,292 1,58 , ~ -•—x,348 Sewer Parcel Assessments $201,000 $194,895 $201,500 Other Operating Revenue $49,774 $60,440 $36,291 Total Operating Revenue $1,856,066 $1,844,015 $1,822,139 Total Non-Operating Revenue $23,925 $21,104 $19,925 Total Revenue $1,879,991 $1,865,119 $1,842,064 Expenses Variable Water Costs $0 $0 $0 Salary-Related Expenses $861,340 $960,298 $845,865 Supplies & Services $398,954 $438,156 $987,566 Total Operating Expenses $1,260,293 $1,398,454 $1,833,432 Total Non- Operating Expenses $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $1,260,293 $1,398,454 $1,833,432 Income Before Depreciation & Capital Contributions $619,698 $466,665 $8,633 Depreciation $1,345,000 $1,342,516 $1,346,600 Capital Contributions $0 $19,177 $0 Income (Loss) ($725,302) ($856,674) ($1,337,967) Capital Reserve/Investment Acct Balance 12/31/2015 $18,986,316 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 24 Hours Prior to the Meeting WFB Letter of Credit Balance for Draws 12/31/2015 $541,703 Less Minimum Water Capital Reserve Requirement $1,820,000 Water Capital Funds Available for Use $17,708,019 Total CIP Budget as Approved FY 2015/16 CIP Budget and Expenses 4 Year CIP Budget For Expenditures for Approved Projects Total Project CY Additions to Total Project Total CIP Approved CIP Expenditures FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 4 Year Future Project Description Budget CIP as Approved Budget Expenditures Budget for FY 7/1/15 Through (January June) Budgeted CIP Budgeted CIP Budgeted CIP Budgeted CIP Projected ected 2015/16 by Board Action 2015/16 Thru FYE June 2015/16 12/31/15 Forecast Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Budgets 2015 S&W Well Project(Well No.21) 09-22#21 $ 2,306,789 $ $ 2,306,789 $ 1,114,787 $ 1,192,002 $ 48,251 $ 333,587 $ 576,900 $ - $ - $ $ 576,900 S&W Well Project(Well No.22) 09-22#22 $ 2,500,000 $ $ 2,500,000 $ 35,315 $ 217,325 $ 274 $ 45,000 $ 945,000 $ 155,000 $ 1,235,000 $ $ 2,335,000 Fairmont BPS Upgrade 10-11 $ 6,300,000 $ $ 6,300,000 $ 699,892 $ 1,000,000 $ 60,112 $ - $ 1,400,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 639,996 $ $ 5,539,996 Lakeview Grade Separation 10-02 $ 662,444 $ $ 662,444 $ 402,859 $ 259,585 $ 3,671 $ 255,914 $ - $ - $ - $ $ - Richfield Road Pipeline 14-23 $ 1,450,000 $ $ 1,450,000 $ 61,718 $ 1,278,282 $ 26,192 $ 278,700 $ 836,046 $ - $ $ $ 836,046 Subtotal $ 13,219,233 $ $ 13,219,233 $ 2,314,571 $ 3,947,194 $ 138,500 $ 913,201 $ 3,757,946 $ 3,655,000 $ 1,874,996 $ $ 9,287,942 Rehabilitation&Restoration Future Pipeline Project 14-12 $ 1,240,000 $ $ 1,240,000 $ 27,921 $ 753,951 $ 21,119 $ 184,425 $ 553,275 $ 453,260 $ - $ $ 1,006,535 Timber Ridge BPS Rehabilitation - $ 250,000 $ $ 250,000 $ - $ 240,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 $ - $ $ 250,000 Lakeview Booster Piping - $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ - $ 100,000 $ $ $ - $ 76,900 $ 23,100 $ $ 100,000 PRS Rehabilitation Phase 2 14-11 $ 1,430,000 $ $ 1,430,000 $ 1,690 $ 183,310 $ $ $ 506,900 $ 21,100 $ - $ $ 528,000 Annual Routine Capital R&R $ 3,668,590 $ $ 3,668,590 $ - $ - S 31,819 $ - $ - $ 1,802,476 $ 1,834,295 $ $ 3,636,771 R&R Subtotal $ 6,688,590 $ $ 6,688,590 $ 29,611 $ 1,277,261 $ 52,937 $ 184,425 $ 1,060,175 $ 2,603,736 $ 1,857,395 $ $ 5,521,306 Vehicle&Capital Equipment Replacement $ 680,000 $ 680,000 $ $ 680,000 $ 391,604 $ 288,396 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 800,000 Vehicle&Capital Equipment Replacement $ 392,000 $ 392,000 $ $ 392,000 $ - $ 392,000 $612,000 $165,000 $177,000 $180,000 $ 1,134,000 Vehicle&Capital Equipment Subtotal $ 1,072,000 $ $ 1,072,000 $ - $ 1,072,000 $ 391,604 $ 680,396 $ 812,000 $ 365,000 $ 377,000 $ 380,000 $ 1,934,000 Repayment of LOC Principal to Wells Fargo Bank $ 7,000,000 Subtotal $ 20,979,823 $ $ 20,979,823 $ 2,344,183 $ 6,296,455 $ 583,041 $ 1,778,022 $ 12,630,121 $ 6,623,736 $ 4,109,391 $ 380,000 $ 16,743,248 CIP Grand Totals $ 20,979,823 $ $ 20,979,823 $ 2,344,183 $ 6,296,455 $ 583,041 $ 1,778,022 $ 12,630,121 $ 6,623,736 $ 4,109,391 $ 380,000 $ 16,743,248 Balance in Water Capital Reserve/Investment Fund $ 16,218,393 $ 3,788,272 ($2,635,464) ($6,544,855) ($6,724,855)