HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-14 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage April 14, 1994 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS' REGULAR MEETING April 14, 1994 The April 14, 1994, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Carl T. Scanlin at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. ROLL CALL. Directors present at Roll Call: President Carl T. Scanlin Vice President Arthur C. Korn Paul R. Armstrong Michael J. Beverage Sterling L. Fox Staff present: William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel Barbara Bower, Secretary to the General Manager Charles Gray, Engineering Manager Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent Roger Lubin, Exec. Asst. to the General Manager Beverly Meza, Business Manager Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator Visitors Present: James Prather, 18392 Vista Del Lago, Yorba Linda Jim Howard, 18331 Vista Del Lago, Yorba Linda CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the consent calendar, as follows: Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of March 24, 1994. Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 3. Approval of disbursement in the amount of $152,900.69 on Check Nos. 15344, 15422, 15423, and 15512 through 15651; and Payroll of $87,177.50 on Check Nos. 6991 through 7059; and two wires to MWDOC, one in the amount of $106,117.40, dated April 12, 1994; and one in the amount of $3,039.63, dated April 26, 1994. Item 4. Approval of Progress Payment No. 2 in the amount of $12,500 to the City of Yorba Linda for water facility improvements in the Lakeview Avenue Bridge, Job No. 9218. Item 5. Approval to authorize staff to advertise for public bids for installation of emissions control equipment, Job No. 9402. Item 6. Approval to authorize the President and Secretary to execute a Temporary Water Service Agreement with D&R Manassero Farms for the property located at 18241 1/4 Bastanchury Road, Job No. 9408. Page, April 14, 1994 ACTION CALENDAR Item 7. Correspondence and presentation by James Prather, 18392 Vista Del Lago, Yorba Linda, and presentation by Jim Howard, 18331 Vista Del Lago, Yorba Linda, regarding connection to the District's sewer system. Mr. Prather stated that he would like to connect to a public sewer system. Since there is little neighborhood support for the District policy requiring extending a new sewer main in Vista Del Lago, Mr. Prather requested a variance allowing him to connect to an existing Richfield Sub Trunk sewer main behind his home. Engineering Manager Charles Gray reported that this is technically feasible, but would require approval by the District and the County. Moreover, this would establish a precedent allowing two other unconnected homes on Vista Del Lago to connect to the Richfield Sub Trunk. Homeowners on the north side of Vista Del Lago would then either have to extend the new facilities by themselves or participate in a Buena Vista Avenue sewer main. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to grant a variance allowing James Prather to connect to the Richfield Sub Trunk located south of his home; and directing staff to secure an easement in the lakebed area abutting the property lines of the homes on the south side of Vista Del Lago, and investigate other options to serve properties on the north side of Vista Del Lago. President Scanlin declared a recess at 9:20. The Board meeting reconvened at 9:30. Item 8. Consideration of a consultant agreement with ASL Consulting Engineers for rehabilitation of Water Well Nos. 1, 5 and 12. Engineering Manager Charles Gray reported that the Board of Directors authorized staff to solicit proposals from prequalified consultants for rehabilitation of Well Nos. 1, 5 and 12. Staff rated each proposal and recommends ASL. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 5- 0 to authorize the President and Secretary to execute a consultant agreement with ASL Consulting Engineers in an amount not to exceed $149,309 for design and construction management for rehabilitation of Water Well Nos. 1, 5 and 12. Item 9. Consideration of a consultant agreement with Robert Bain, William Frost & Associates for engineering design, construction management and inspection services for replacement of the Well No. 11 transmission pipeline. Engineering Manager Charles Gray reported that the Board of Directors authorized staff to solicit proposals from prequalified consultants. Staff rated each proposal and found all proposals meet the requirements contained within the RFP, and recommends the low bidder. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to authorize the President and Secretary to execute a consultant agreement with Robert Bain, William Frost & Associates, in the amount of $29,950 for engineering design, construction management and inspection services for replacement of the Well No. 11 transmission pipeline. Item 10. Consideration of the Financial Statements for eight months ending February 28, 1994. Business Manager Beverly Meza reported the Water Fund shows a net income of $872,513.16 for the eight month period ending February 28, 1994. The Sewer Fund shows a net loss of $36,115.54 for the same period. This loss is attributed to a decrease in interest earnings. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve Financial Statements for eight months ending February 28, 1994. Page,. April 14, 1994 Item U . Consideration of a resolution and agreement creating the Association of California Water Agencies Health Benefits Authority. Executive Assistant to the General Manager Roger Lubin reported that due to recent changes in California law, the ACWA Health Plan Insurance Trust can no longer provide unique health benefit plans to its member agencies. However under a joint powers agreement, they could continue to provide health benefits. The ACWA/HPIT trustees have agreed to terminate the HPIT and establish the ACWA Health Benefits Authority, in its place. Director Korn indicated that the structure of the ACWA Health Benefits Authority, with the Executive Director of ACWA serving on the IiBA Board of Trustees, appeared to be a conflict of interest, and asked that a letter be sent to the Health Benefits Authority protesting the composition of their Board of Trustees. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 3-2, on roll call, (Ayes: Beverage, Fox, Scanlin; Nays: Armstrong, Korn) to approve Resolution No. 94-05, and to authorize the President to sign the Agreement creating the ACWA Health Benefits Authority. Item 12. Report on participation in the Single Family Ultra Low-Flush Toilet Program. Assistant Administrator Michael J. Robinson reported the Municipal Water District of Orange County will implement a toilet retrofit program for residents of single family homes. The program will be administered by MWDOC's contractor. The District will participate in the marketing of this program. This was an informational item. No action was required. Item 13. Status report on the sale of the Allen-McColloch Pipeline to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). General Manager William J. Robertson and Legal Counsel Arthur G. Kidman reported on the status of negotiations, indicating MWD's agreement to guarantee the District's HGL of 50 cps at 781 feet. They also agreed to allow wheeling of ground water in Orange County at no charge, and no degradation of quality. MWD will also assume responsibility for operations and maintenance of the pipeline and build the Flow Augmentation Project. The Board of Directors provided direction to staff to meet with MWDOC to negotiate on price received from MWD. GENERAL. MANAGER'S REPORT Item 14. General Manager's oral report and comments. General Manager William J. Robertson reported on: a. Citizen's Advisory Committee meeting, April 5, 1994 b. LAFCO meeting, April 6, 1994 presented by Executive Assistant to the General Manager Roger Lubin. c. Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes presented by Business Manager Beverly Meza. d. District Activities, announcing the District Facilities Tour scheduled for Saturday, May 14 at 8:30 a.m. LEGAL COUNSEL'S REPORT Item 15. Legal Counsel's oral report and comments. Mr. Kidman reported on: a. Brown Act Amendments b. New legislation Page * April 14, 1994 STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 16. A Finance-Accounting Committee was held March 21, at 9:00 a.m. They discussed the MWDOC-MWD Financial Structure Committee meeting; financial aspects of the 1994 Five Year Plan; the 1994-95 District budget; a year-to-date analysis of expenditures versus revenues was made by General Manager William J. Robertson; Business Manager Beverly Meza reported the District could earn $41,000 on a Tax and Revenue Anticipation note. Item 17. A Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting was scheduled for Friday, April 15 at 2:00 p.m. Item 18. A Personnel-Risk Management Committee was held March 21, at 3:00 p.m. Assistant General Manager Michael Payne discussed claims pending against the District, Claims by the District against others, and Worker's Compensation Claims. Executive Assistant to the General Manger reported on an Early Retirement Incentive Program available through PERS. Mr. Payne and Mr. Lubin left the meeting, and General Manager William J. Robertson discussed an employment contract. Item 19. A Public Information Committee was held March 18, at 8:00 a.m. They discussed an Agreement with the City of Yorba Linda regarding conjunctive use of the District's Elk Mountain Reservoir site; a Status report on Water Awareness Month activities; reviewed the draft 1993 Water Quality Report; and Executive Assistant to the General Manager reported on the status of the search for a consultant to undertake special public information projects. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 20. Report on MWDOC-MWD Financial Structure Study Committee, April 4 (Korn): Director Korn mentioned that MWDOC is developing a work plan, and that the process is beginning to accept more input from Committee members. Item 21. Report on Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting, April 5 (Korn): Director Korn indicated that nothing of interest to the District transpired. Item 22. Report on MWDOCIOCWD Joint Board Meeting, April 6 (Scanlin): Director Scanlin reported they discussed the inland feeder system; the ultra low flow toilet program, pending legislation, MWD's integrated resources plan, and MWD's revised cooperative storage plan. Item 23. Report on WACO meeting, April 8, (Armstrong): Director Armstrong mentioned they discussed: the water supply report, OCWD is asking the state for money to construct a pipeline for reclaimed water which will be used for groundwater recharge, pending legislation, review of the San Mateo Basin project in conjunction with Camp Pendleton, and a move to make LAFCO's Special District representative associate members of the WACO Board. Item 24. Report on Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting, April 13 (Armstrong): Director Scanlin indicated that nothing of interest to the District transpired. Item 25. Report on MWD Board meeting, April 12 (Fox): Director Fox indicated they held a public hearing on the 1994-95 standby charge, and voted to build their headquarters at Union Station. Paged April 14, 1994 The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Korn seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, at 12:12/p.m. to adjourn to Thursday, April 28, 1994 at 8:30 a.m., at the District headquarters on General Manager/Secretary