HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-14 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packetra Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL J. Wayne Miller, President Al Nederhood, Vice President Andrew J. Hall, Director Phil Hawkins, Director Brooke Jones, Director 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Refund from ACWA/JPIA's Rate Stabilization Fund 5.2. Elected Official Liaison Reports 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $485,001.16. 7.2. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Thomas Tonelli, 6011 Grandview Avenue, Yorba Linda Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Thomas Tonelli, Job 2017-10S. 8. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 8.1. Requests for Concurring Nomination Resolutions for the ACWA/JPIA 2017 Executive Committee Election Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider adopting concurring resolutions in support of the nominations of David Drake, Rincon del diablo MWD, Thomas A. Cuquet, South Sutter Water District, Paul Dorey, Vista Irrigation District, Kathleen Tiegs, Cucamonga Valley Water District, and Melody McDonald, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, to ACWA/JPIA's Executive Committee. 8.2. Increasing Issuance Amount of Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A to Fund Capital Improvements Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider. (1) letting the advance refunding opportunity remain as approved with the adoption of Resolution No. 17- 02; or (2) restructuring the advance refunding opportunity by requesting additional funding to complete construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project. 8.3. Independent Audit Services Contract Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manger to execute a Professional Services Agreement with White Nelson Diehl Evans, LLP for a three-year contract with two subsequent one-year options for a fee not to exceed $112,586. 8.4. Clarification of Roles, Responsibilities and Procedures for Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee and Potential Revision of Contract for Meeting Facilitation Services Recommendation: That the Board of Directors: (1) clarify that the purpose of the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee is to provide input on the establishment of either a financially sufficient rate or rate structure, or both, including how to define a financially sufficient rate; (2) clarify the process for filling committee member vacancies; and (3) consider amending the contract for meeting facilitation services. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 9.1. Annual Review of Financial Reserve Policy 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. Directors' Reports 10.2. General Manager's Report 10.3. General Counsel's Report 10.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Miller/Nederhood) • Next meeting scheduled March 23, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Miller/Hawkins) • Minutes of the meeting held March 13, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided when available.) • Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 11.3. Interagency Committee with City of Placentia and Golden State Water Company (Miller/Nederhood) Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 12.1. WACO -March 3, 2017 (Jones/Miller) 12.2. YL City Council - March 7, 2017 (Jones) 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from March 15, 2017 - June 30, 2017 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. A Board of Directors Workshop Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business will begin at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability -related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability -related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2017 Budgeted: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept: Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I ITEM NO. 7.1 Yes $485,001.16 All Funds Finance Reviewed by Legal: N/A CEQA Compliance: N/A Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $485,001.16. DISCUSSION: The Accounts Payable check register total is $228,372.78; Payroll No. 04 total is $256,628.38; and the disbursements of this agenda report are $485,001.16. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name: 17 -CS 0314.0 CkReg031417.pdf 17 CC 0314.pdf Description: CAP SHEET CHECK REGISTER CREDIT CARD SUMMARY Type: Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material CHECK NUMBERS: Computer Checks Void Check TOTAL OF CHECKS PAYROLL NO. 04: 69252-69316 69315 Direct Deposits Third Party Checks 6614-6626 Payroll Taxes TOTAL OF PAYROLL March 14, 2017 $ 228,372.78 $ 0.00 $ 228,372.78 $ 160,295.99 $ 51,136.29 $ 45,196.10 $ 256,628.38 $228,372.78 $256,628.38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $485,001.16 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 14, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ rk,mrlr Nn 69252 69253 69254 69255 69256 69257 69258 69259 69260 69261 69262 69263 69264 69265 69266 69267 69268 69269 69270 69271 69272 69273 69274 69275 69276 69277 69278 69279 69280 69281 69282 69283 69284 69285 69286 69287 69288 69289 69290 69291 69292 69293 69294 69295 69296 69297 69298 69299 69300 69301 69302 69303 69304 69305 69306 69307 69308 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 03/02/2017 thru 03/14/2017 Amnii„+ Date Vendor Name 03/14/2017 AMEE FOSS 03/14/2017 TERI BENNER 03/14/2017 SCOTT GONZALES 03/14/2017 HANNAH KESSLER 03/14/2017 Advanced Infrastructure 03/14/2017 Aqua -Metric Sales Co. 03/14/2017 Aramark 03/14/2017 AT & T - Calnet3 03/14/2017 AT & T 03/14/2017 BLX Group LLC 03/14/2017 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 03/14/2017 CalCard US Bank 03/14/2017 Carlos Murillo 03/14/2017 Chambers Group Inc. 03/14/2017 C. Wells Pipeline 03/14/2017 Dell Marketing L.P. 03/14/2017 Delia Lugo 03/14/2017 Dick's Lock & Safe Inc. 03/14/2017 E. H. Wachs Company 03/14/2017 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. 03/14/2017 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc. 03/14/2017 George Chevrolet 03/14/2017 G.M. Sager Construction Co., Inc. 03/14/2017 Haaker Equipment Co. 03/14/2017 Hushmand Associates Inc 03/14/2017 Hydrex Pest Control 03/14/2017 Infosend Inc. 03/14/2017 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 03/14/2017 James M. Welch 03/14/2017 J & S Construction 03/14/2017 Kidman Law 03/14/2017 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 03/14/2017 Marcus Millen 03/14/2017 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 03/14/2017 Mc Master -Carr Supply Co. 03/14/2017 Muzak LLC 03/14/2017 Neopost Inc 03/14/2017 New Pig Corporation 03/14/2017 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 03/14/2017 Occu-Med, Ltd. 03/14/2017 Office Solutions 03/14/2017 PASMA 03/14/2017 Plumbers Depot Inc. 03/14/2017 Powerstride Battery 03/14/2017 Praxair Distribution 03/14/2017 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 03/14/2017 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 03/14/2017 Red Wing Shoe Store - Orange 03/14/2017 R.E. Michel Company, LLC 03/14/2017 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 03/14/2017 Scott Coffman 03/14/2017 SC Prime Source Inc. 03/14/2017 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 03/14/2017 Stater Bros. Markets 03/14/2017 Stantec Consulting Services In 03/14/2017 Steven Enterprises 03/14/2017 Step Saver Inc Description 6.25 CUSTOMER REFUND 157.87 CUSTOMER REFUND 118.46 CUSTOMER REFUND 170.21 CUSTOMER REFUND 737.29 HYDROEXCAVATION NOZZLE #8 & 10 28,672.01 WAREHOUSE STOCK 547.83 UNIFORM SERVICE 3,353.57 ATT CALNET3 - 01/12 - 02/11/17 47.19 CIRCUIT #78KS315PT 1,200.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - ARBITRAGE REBATE REPORT 2012A SERIES 4,416.25 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2017 8,265.24 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - FEBRUARY & MARCH 2017 67.55 EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT - WATER DISTRIBUTION 3,835.15 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - JANUARY 2017 54.67 TOOL & EQUIPMENT 24,162.77 SOFTWARE LICENSE RENEWALS 96.11 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT - CSMFO CONFERENCE 332.27 LOCK REPLACEMENT 847.33 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - #195 5,129.70 WATER QUALITY - LAB SAMPLES 431.15 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - #156 & #160 30,157.98 2017 CHEVROLET SILVERADO - 1/2 TON - UNIT #214 16,300.00 CONCRETE & ASPHALT REPAIR WORK 5,265.28 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE #168, #197 & 210 1,192.00 J2014-23 - RICHFIELD RD WATER MAIN STUDY 175.00 PEST CONTROL 7,717.71 POSTAGE BILLING - MONTHLY FEE 188.05 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - #174, #197 & 210 175.00 CLAIM -SEWER BACKUP- MAIN LINE 6,675.00 CONCRETE REPAIR - 3500 VALLEY VIEW CIRCLE 412.50 LEGAL SERVICES 1,596.00 LEGAL SERVICES 132.17 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT - LASERFICHE EMPOWER 340.79 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 238.83 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 89.56 CUST. MESSAGE/PHONE SVC-MAR17 208.65 POSTAGE - IM SERIES INK CARTRIDGE 646.74 ABSORBENT MAT PADS 8,456.61 FUEL - FEBRUARY 2017 70.00 EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL - CARRILLO, M 2,135.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES, PAPER & TONER 75.00 2017 PASMA MEMBERSHIP - SMITH, J 804.41 LEADER HOSE - VEHICLES #197 & 210 221.17 BATTERY REPLACEMENT 159.66 WELDING SUPPLIES 721.40 ROAD MATERIAL- 1" CRUSHED ROCK & FILL SAND 3,688.60 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - RATE 101 WORKSHOP - JANUARY 2017 198.25 BOOT ALLOWANCE - MADRID, J 205.07 EVAP FOAM 246.50 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 120.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT - GD 3 4,800.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 413.19 PETTY CASH - 0022717, 0030217 & Y030117 46.42 MEETING SUPPLIES 350.00 J2014-23 - RICHFIELD RD WATER MAIN - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 515.66 GIS - PRINTER SUPPLIES 703.40 COARSE SALT - WELL #20 69309 03/14/2017 Switch Ltd 69310 03/14/2017 TBUInc 69311 03/14/2017 The Shredders 69312 03/14/2017 Time Warner Cable 69313 03/14/2017 United Industries 69314 03/14/2017 United Water Works, Inc. 69315 03/14/2017 VOID 69316 03/14/2017 Westrux International Inc 1,030.00 DATA HOSTING - COLOCATION 39,132.88 J14-23 -RICHFIELD RD WATER MAIN- PROGRESS PAYMENT #04 30.00 SHRED ON SITE SERVICE - 3 BINS 2,000.00 ETHERNET INTERSTATE COLOCATION 1,467.56 PPE EQUIPMENT 5,917.75 HYDRANT, VALVE & SEWER MAIN REPAIR PARTS 0.00 VOID 703.71 HEATER CORE - VEHICLE #168 228,372.78 Payroll Checks #04 6614 2/23/2017 COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDENT 139.06 6615 2/23/2017 FLEX ADVANTAGE 1652.41 6616 2/23/2017 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 3131.95 6617 2/23/2017 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 7653.22 6618 2/23/2017 KATHERINE VARGAS-LIMON 231.00 6619 2/23/2017 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 6620 2/23/2017 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 339.69 6621 2/23/2017 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 156.46 6622 2/23/2017 AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE 1616.53 6623 2/23/2017 MIDLAND LIFE INSURANCE 240.00 6624 2/23/2017 RELIANCE SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 47.54 6625 2/23/2017 AMERITAS SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 764.68 6626 2/23/2017 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT 34796.83 51,136.29 Date Vendor Name 2/7/2017 Grainger.com 2/14/2017 ARC 2/15/2017 Uline 2/16/2017 Bestbuy.com 2/16/2017 Staples 2/16/2017 Amazon.com 2/16/2017 Rubios 2/21/2017 ServerMonkey.com 2/21/2017 Grainger.com 2/21/2017 Staples 2/21/2017 Costco 2/21/2017 Harbor Freight Tools 2/21/2017 LA Times 2/22/2017 Orchard Supply Hardware 2/23/2017 CCAC 2/23/2017 Subway 2/24/2017 AWWA CA/NV 2/27/2017 Dan Copp Crushing 2/28/2017 Grainger.com 2/28/2017 Answer One Communications 2/28/2017 Placentia Disposal 2/28/2017 Online Information Services 3/1/2017 CSMFO 3/1/2017 Embassy Suites - San Diego 3/1/2017 Embassy Suites - San Diego 3/1/2017 Embassy Suites - San Diego 3/1/2017 Energy Environmental Solutions Cal Card Credit Card USBank 02/07/17 - 03/01/17 Amount Description 112.65 (5) Facility signs "Caution" 363.43 YLWD Facilities exhibit, 54" x 108" 48.80 PPE Equipment - safety glasses 174.54 Engineer break room appliance 156.40 Office & meeting supplies 56.07 Book - Water Sources: Principles and Practices of Water Supply Ops 29.04 Lunch for District tour - (3 attendees) 88.00 Server components & accessories 140.61 (5) Facility signs "Danger" 40.35 Office supplies 60.10 Office & meeting supplies 50.63 Mechanic shop equipment 9.67 LA Times digital subscription 26.20 Hardware supplies 40.00 CCAC workshop registration - Alexander, A 26.63 Lunch for YLWD Facilities tour - (6 attendees) 445.00 AWWA CA/NV Conference registration - Nederhood, A 600.00 Road material dump fees 199.15 Hardware supplies 876.00 January & February 2017 - After hours answer service 519.00 Waste service - (2) front loads - Richfield Rd 378.25 Utility Exchange Report 110.00 Annual CSMFO memebership dues - Lugo, D 582.75 Travel expense - SDSA Conference - Jones, B 537.72 Travel expense - SDSA Conference - Nederhood, A 194.25 Travel expense - SDSA Conference - Miller, J 2,400.00 Engine emissions test - Fairmont #1 8,Lb5.L4 Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2017 Board of Directors Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal Ricardo Hipolito Jr., Engineering CEQA Compliance: Tech II ITEM NO. 7.2 N/A Developer Funded 2-2600 2017-10S Engineering N/A N/A Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Thomas Tonelli, 6011 Grandview Avenue, Yorba Linda The applicant is proposing to develop Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) No. 2015-118 into two single- family residential lots on 1.18 acres. The project is located on 6011 Grandview Avenue, Yorba Linda, west of Calle Mirador and south of Short Street, as shown on the attached exhibit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Thomas Tonelli, Job 2017-10S. DISCUSSION: Tentative Parcel Map 2015-118 includes the subdivision of a single 1.18 acre vacant lot into two single-family residential lots, as previously approved by the City of Yorba Linda. Subsequent to the approved subdivision, the property owner, Thomas Tonelli, proposes to construct two single-family residential homes. The proposed development is located within Drainage Area "1" of the District's Sewer Service Area. The District has an existing 8 -inch sewer main in Calle Mirador that is adequate in size to serve the project. The applicant will extend the sewer main to the proposed development along with the installation of one manhole, and two private house laterals, as shown on the attached exhibit. Regarding water service, the District has existing water facilities in Calle Mirador that front this project. The water facilities are adequate in size and sufficient pressure to serve the project. The applicant will be required to complete a standard single water application and install two water services. The proposed Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Thomas Tonelli are attached for your consideration ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Terms & Conditions for Water & Sewer Service with 2017-10S T C.pdf Agreement Thomas Tonelli 2017-10S EXHIBIT.pdf Exhibit of Proposed Water & Sewer Service for Thomas Exhibit Tonelli Date: March 14, 2017 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: THOMAS TONELLI LOCATION OF PROJECT: 6011 GRANDVIEW AVENUE, YORBA LINDA TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP: 2015-118 JOB NUMBER: 2017-10S LOT(S): 2 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an "X" following the number. 1) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) X The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 1 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1 % Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. I. 4) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 2 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1 % Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. 2. 5) X The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 6) X Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. 7) X The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: THOMAS TONELLI LOCATION OF PROJECT: 6011 GRANDVIEW AVENUE, YORBA LINDA (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 8) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 9) X The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. 10) X The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District's approval of the construction plans. 11) X The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 12) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 13) X The applicant shall provide per the District specifications one complete set of "As Built" mylars and electronic copy of ACAD drawings (version 2008 or later) for the Water and/or Sewer facilities. 14) The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Water Service. 15) X The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the District. 16) X The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 17) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 18) X The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. 19) X The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: THOMAS TONELLI LOCATION OF PROJECT: 6011 GRANDVIEW AVENUE, YORBA LINDA 20) The applicant's engineer shall provide a computer hydraulic analysis report to confirm that the District's existing water system can accommodate the project. 21) X The applicant's water facilities (on-site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 22) X The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 23) X The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 24) The applicant shall install _ water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District's Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 25) The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 26) X The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 27) X All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 28) X The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 29) The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 30) X The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 31) X The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all buildings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 32) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Water Permit for all water that will be used through the new water services to serve the new buildings. Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: THOMAS TONELLI LOCATION OF PROJECT: 6011 GRANDVIEW AVENUE, YORBA LINDA 33) x The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 34) The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 35) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly prior to the water meters being turned on for service. 36) The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 37) X The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District's Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross -Connections. 38) X The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 39) X The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Sanitary Sewer Service. 40) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 41) X The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the District. 42) X The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 43) X The applicant's engineer shall provide sewer flow calculations to confirm that the District's existing sewer system can accommodate the peak wastewater generation from the project. 44) X The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: THOMAS TONELLI LOCATION OF PROJECT: 6011 GRANDVIEW AVENUE, YORBA LINDA 45) X The applicant's sewer facilities (on-site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 46) X The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District's Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 47) X The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 48) X The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 49) X The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 50) X The applicant shall construct approximately 192 linear feet of 8 -inch sewer main with one manhole and two sewer laterals, per approved plans and District Specifications. 51) X The applicant shall install two new water services, per approved plans and District Specifications. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the DATE Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Application To and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Water and/or Sewer Service is not executed for the project under consideration. Marc Marcantonio, General Manager I 1 1 c[ I Y 1 O0000Ooor LOT 2 �� LOT 1 PROP. MANHOLE'\ PROP. WATER SERVICES \ PROP. 4" HOUSE LATERALS 4, 4y / \/ e ��/ \+ 4yro 41�+ SITE PLAN OJECT SIT r'7' `, 9y f ,JJ 1 r i i r VICINITY MAP PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: N.T.S YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER SERVICE DATE: FOR 03/14/2017 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2015-118 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 THOMAS TONELLI FILENAME: (714) 701-3100 J -2017-10S AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2017 To: Board of Directors ITEM NO. 8.1 From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk and Safety Manager Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Subject: Requests for Concurring Nomination Resolutions for the ACWA/JPIA 2017 Executive Committee Election STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider adopting concurring resolutions in support of the nominations of David Drake, Rincon del diablo MWD, Thomas A. Cuquet, South Sutter Water District, Paul Dorey, Vista Irrigation District, Kathleen Tiegs, Cucamonga Valley Water District, and Melody McDonald, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, to ACWA/JPIA's Executive Committee. DISCUSSION: Every two years, ACWA/JPIA conducts elections to fill four seats on their Executive Committee. There are nine members on the Executive Committee. The members consist of eight members elected by the Board of Directors from its voting members as provided in the Bylaws. The ninth position is held by the Vice President of the Association of California Water Agencies, as an ex officio member of the Executive Committee. The term of office is four years. ACWA/JPIA will be conducting an Executive Committee election during the JPIA's Board of Directors meeting to be held May 8, 2017, at the spring conference in Monterey, California. This election will fill four Executive Committee member positions, each for a four-year term. Those candidates who qualify to have their names placed on the ballot may give a two -minute presentation before the voting takes place at the conference. The four candidates who receive the highest number of votes are elected to the Executive Committee. Candidates for the election must be elected or appointed directors of the JPIA member that they represent and must have been appointed by that member to be on the JPIA's Board of Directors. Candidates for election must also be representatives of JPIA members that participate in all four of the JPIA's Programs: Liability, Property, Workers' Compensation and Employee Benefits. There are three incumbents: Tom Cuquet, South Sutter WD; David Drake, Rincon Del Diablo MWD; and Melody McDonald, San Bernardino Water Conservation District. There is one seat that is currently unfilled, because the incumbent was not reelected to their District Board. The District has received requests to adopt concurring resolutions from five candidates: David Drake, Rincon del diablo MWD, Thomas A. Cuquet, South Sutter Water District, Paul Dorey, Vista Irrigation District, Kathleen Tiegs, Cucamonga Valley Water District, and Melody McDonald, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District. JPIA members may concur in the nomination of as many candidates as they wish. The candidates must each receive concurring nomination resolutions from three other JPIA members in order to have their names placed on the ballots. The nominations must be received by the JPIA by close of business on March 24, 2017. Final notice of the qualified candidates will be included as part of the ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors' meeting packet, which will be mailed on or before April 24, 2017, to those who request a meeting packet. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: ACWAJPIA Election Info.odf Backup Material Backup Material Resolution No. 17-VV.docx Resolution - Drake Resolution Resolution No. 17-WW.docx Resolution - Cuquet Resolution Resolution No. 17-XX.docx Resolution - Dorey Resolution Resolution No. 17-YY.docx Resolution - Tiegs Resolution Resolution No. 17-ZZ.docx Resolution - McDonald Resolution iPPIA aalw�j YOUR BEST PROTECTION To: JPIA Directors, Alternates, and Others From: Sylvia Robinson, Publications & Web Editor Date: January 3, 2017 Subject: 2017 ACWA JPIA Executive Committee Election Notice Notice is hereby given that there will be an Executive Committee election during the JPIA's Board of Directors' meeting to be held on May 8, 2017, at the spring conference in Monterey, California. This election will fill four Executive Committee member positions, each for a four-year term each. The incumbents are Tom Cuquet, South Sutter WD; David Drake, Rincon Del Diablo MWD; and Melody McDonald, San Bernardino Valley WCD. There is one vacant position. Candidates for the election must be elected or appointed directors of the JPIA member that they represent and must have been appointed by that member to be on the JPIA's Board of Directors. Further, candidates for the election must also be representatives of JPIA members that participate in all four of the JPIA's Programs: Liability, Property, Workers' Compensation, and Employee Benefits. The candidates must also each receive concurring in nomination resolutions from three other JPIA members. However, JPIA members may concur in the nomination of as many candidates as they wish. When asking other JPIA members to concur in a nomination, it would be helpful to them to include some information about the Director and his/her background. The submission of the nominating resolution, the three concurring in nomination resolutions, and the candidate's statement of qualifications is the sole responsibility of the nominating member. These nominations must reach the JPIA by the close of business (4:30 pm) on Friday, March 24, 2017. Nominations may be mailed to the attention of Sylvia Robinson at the JPIA: P. O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082 or emailed to srobinson@acwajpia.com. Final notice of the qualified candidates will be included as part of the Board of Directors' meeting packet, which will be mailed on or before April 24, 2017, to those who request a meeting packet. Use this link to find copies of this notice, the nominating procedures, and sample resolutions on the JPIA's website. ACWA JPIA Nomination Procedures Approximately 120 Days before Election (January 6, 2017) All ACWA JPIA Directors and Member Districts are to be notified of: A) Date and place of Election; B) Executive Committee positions and terms of office to be filled by Election; C) Incumbent office holders; and D) Nomination Procedures. 120 to 45 Days before Election (January 6 — March 24, 2017) A) A district may place into nomination its member of the Board of Directors of ACWA JPIA with the concurrence of three districts, then members of the ACWA JPIA, in addition to the nominating district. B) Sample resolutions are available on the ACWA JPIA website. C) The district is solely responsible for timely submission of the nominating resolution and the three additional concurring in nomination resolutions of its candidate for office. 45 Days before Election (March 24, 2017) A) Deadline and location for receiving the nominating and concurring in nomination resolutions in the ACWA JPIA office: Friday — March 24 2017 — 4:30 p.m. Sylvia Robinson Publications & Web Editor ACWA JPIA P. O. Box 619082 Roseville, CA 95661-9082 (srobinson@acwajpia.com) B) Candidates' statement of qualifications must be submitted, if desired, with the nominating resolutions. The statement of qualifications must be submitted on one side of an 8Yx 11" sheet of paper suitable for reproduction and distribution to all districts (MSWord or PDF documents preferred). 14 Days before Election (April 24, 2017) Final notice of the upcoming Election of Executive Committee members will be included as part of the Board of Directors' meeting packet. Final notice shall include: A) Date, Time, and Place of Election; B) Name and District of all qualified candidates; C) Candidate's statement of qualifications (if received); and D) Election Procedures and Rules. r ■ • ■ • ■ David A. Drake, Treasurer Dr. GregoryDirector Towne,Diana L. • February 7, 2017 A Public Agenc), Serving lore Guenter Escondido Vrrlle), Since 1954 Re: Nomination of David A. Drake to the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee Dear Fellow ACWA/JPIA Member: On February 14, 2017 the Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District Board of Directors will adopt Resolution No. 2017-02 nominating Director David A. Drake for the position of ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. We are formally requesting your support of Director Drake's nomination through the adoption of a concurring resolution from your agency. Director Drake has represented Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District on ACWA/JPIA since 2006 and currently serves on the JPIA Executive and the Workers Compensation Committees. As a current committee member, Director Drake has a clear understanding of how ACWA/JPIA works and is committed to improving processes in order to provide quality insurance and benefits to our agencies at the lowest possible cost. Attached is a sample concurring resolution in support of David Drake's nomination, as well as his qualifications. As you can see from the attached background information, Director Drake is currently serving on ACWA/JPIA and is well qualified for this position. All concurring nominations must reach the JPIA office to the attention of Sylvia Robinson at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082 by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 24, 2017. The elections for ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee will be held May 8, 2017. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Please don't hesitate to contact me at 760-644-5379 with any questions. General Manager Attachments: • David Drake ACWA/JPIA Qualifications for the Executive Committee • Copy of Rincon Water Resolution No. 17-02 nominating David Drake for ACWA/JPIA • Sample Concurring Resolution David A. Drake PIAQualifications for the Executive Committee Current KAc Drake has served the Rincon de) Diablo K4VVD ratepayers since 2006 as the Director for Division 2. Hecurrently serves asthe Treasurer ofthe Board for Rincon Water, is past President for 2014-2016, and is also a member ufthe Emergency Pneponedness/F|re Services and the Audit Committees, in addition to previously serving on the Engineering and Long Range Planning Committee. In addition, Director Drake has represented Rincon Water to the ACVV4/JP|Asince 2006, and currant|ysen/es on the]P|A Executive and the Workers Compensation Committees. Aaon Executive Committee member, he has encouraged more detailed analysis and reconciliation of large health care invoices thereby avoiding unnecessary expenses. He has submitted improvements for the application process to the Liability Program, and has promoted development of an "early warning system" for districts at risk. Past Service • As a member ofthe Rincon Water Ad Hoc Committee, assisted in the negotiations for adjusting health care coverage, and reducing overall District costs, for current and retired Rincon employees ~ Past Chair ofthe City ufEscondido Planning Commission • Served on the City of Escondido's Franchise Commission and General Plan Committee p Represented the City of Escondido to the San Diego County Water Authority for nine years, wherein he served onthe SDCVVAEngineering and Administrative/Finance Committees * Served asthe San Diego FBI |nhaGardPresident during 2OO4-2OU6 Employment Currently, Vice President ofSmartCoverSystems, inEscondido focusing onwater system risk and cost reduction. |n February 2017, SmartCover Systems will be celebrating twelve years of service to the water and wastewater industries. During this time SmartCover Systems purchased over $250,000 in commercial insurance. p Pointsource Technologies, Inc. ' Vice President ofEngineering 2001-2005 ~ SA|C-Internet Services Architect 1997-20O1 * Mitchell International - Vice President and Chief Information Officer 1993-1997 * Digital Equipment Corporation - San Diego Software Unit Manager 1985-1993 • Oak Industries ' Manager ofEngineering 1978-198S w Jet Propulsion Laboratory — Member ofthe Technical Staff ]g74'1Q7Q Education and Recognition • QSinEngineering, California Institute ofTechnology, 1974(Life Member ofthe Ca|tuchAlumni Association) w Holds twelve U.S. and five foreign patents • Received aFirst Place design award from the EETimes * Member ofthe AVVVV4,AAAS,and IEEE * Extra Class Radio Amateur AC6OA * Graduate of the FBI and Justice Department Citizens Academy and active member = Mr. Drake has lived in Escondido since 1979 and has been married to Virginia for 33 years Statement The ACWA JPIA provides a unique and critical service for California's public water agencies. The JPIA has filled this role for decades and has become aleader anoonQ.itxpeers. The past two years ofmyparticipation onthe Executive Committee have been very active with no missed meetings. I have concentrated on the major impacts to the JPIA and have not been shy to express opinions concerning cost control, accuracy, and improved customer service. 1391 Engineer Street ° Vista, California 92081-8840 Phone (760) 597-3100 • Fax: (760) 598-8757 www.vidwater.org January 19, 2017 ACWA/JPIA Member Agencies Re: Nomination of Paul E. Dorey to the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee Dear General Manager: Board of Directors Marty Miller, President Paul E. Dorey Jo MacKenzie Randy L. Reznicek Richard L. Vdsquez Administrative Staff Eldon L. Boone General Manager /Treasurer Brett L. Hodgkiss Assistant General Manager Lisa R. Soto Board Secretary Joel D. Kuperberg General Counsel The Vista Irrigation District (VID) has nominated Board member Paul E. Dorey to serve on the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. Elections will take place at the JPIA Board of Directors meeting on May 8, 2017 at the Spring ACWA Conference in Monterey, California. Paul has served as VID's representative to the JPIA Board of Directors for 10 years, and he has been a member of the JPIA Liability Subcommittee for 7 years. We hope your organization will concur with this nomination. As a member of ACWA/JPIA, Vista Irrigation District requests that your Board submit a resolution of support concurring with the nomination of Paul Dorey to serve on the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee, and vote for him at the election. As you can see from the attached background information regarding Paul Dorey, he is well qualified for this position. All concurring nominations must reach the JPIA office to the attention of Sylvia Robinson at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082 by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 24, 2017. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ff4F719V� Eldon Boone General Manager Attachments: ➢ Statement of candidacy for Paul E. Dorey ➢ Vista Irrigation District nominating resolution ➢ Sample concurring resolution Paul E. ey Statement of Candidacy I have served on the ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors since 2007. During the last seven years, I have had the privilege of serving on the Liability Committee of the JPIA. The Liability Committee has successfully kept its focus on providing member agencies with the most comprehensive, affordable and reliable liability insurance possible. Our Committee has recommended significant reductions in the premiums paid by member agencies while also increasing the insurance coverages provided. I was elected to the Vista Irrigation District Board of Directors in 2006. The District provides water service to over 120,000 residents in northern San Diego County. I served on the Board of Directors of the Groundwater Resources Association of California, and I currently serve on the San Luis Rey Watershed Council and the Southern California Water Committee. My wife Nancy and I have lived in Vista since 1971, where we raised our two daughters. My forty-six years of public service, first in the United States Marine Corps and then in the water industry, have given me the necessary experience and background to serve as a member of the JPIA Executive Committee. This experience has helped me recognize the importance of safety and risk management and the value of developing appropriate policies and procedures, as well as establishing conservative fiscal controls. As a member of the JPIA's Executive Committee, I will perform my duties and make decisions to guide the organization to most efficiently benefit its member agencies. I will take my responsibility seriously and serve as a very useful and productive member of the Executive Committee. I value your trust and will honor it if elected to the Executive Committee. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions about my candidacy, feel free to contact me at (760) 208-5263 or WN6KPsbcglobal.net. RESOLUTION NO. 17-04 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT NOMINATING PAUL E. DOREY TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ("ACWA/JPIA") WHEREAS, Vista Irrigation District is a member district of the ACWA/JPIA that participates in all four of its Programs: Liability, Property, Workers' Compensation, and Employee Benefits; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the ACWA/JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to ACWA/JPIA's Executive Committee, the member district must place into nomination its member of the ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors for such open position; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Vista Irrigation District that its member of the ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors, Paul E. Dorey, be nominated as a candidate for the Executive Committee for the election to be held on May 8, 2017. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ACWA/JPIA staff is hereby requested, upon receipt of the formal concurrence of three other member districts, to effect such nomination. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the ACWA/JPIA at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661- 9082, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the following roll call vote of the Board of Directors for the Vista Irrigation District this 18th day of January 2017. AYES: Directors Vasquez, Dorey, MacKenzie, and Miller NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Director Reznicek MaAy Miller, President ATTEST: Lisa R. Soto, Secretary Board of Directors VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT Cucamonga A, -- �* �wact�er District Martin E. Zvirbulis Secretary/General Manager/CEO January 25, 2017 Dear Fellow ACWA/JPIA Member: 10440 Ashford Street • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-2799 P.O. BOX 638 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-0638 (909) 987-2591 • Fax (909) 476-8032 RECEIVED Y 0 R B A L1NEll A,VNA 'R G! T; R;CT BY On January 24, 2017 the Cucamonga Valley Water District Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 2017-1-1 nominating Director Kathleen J. Tiegs for the position of ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. We are formally requesting your support of Director Tiegs' nomination through the adoption of a concurring resolution from your agency. Director Tiegs has been actively involved in ACWA/JPIA having served the past 10 years on the board, as well as having experience as the ex -officio member on the Executive Committee. Director Tiegs is committed to continuing the great work of providing quality insurance and employee benefit services that ensure our agencies and ratepayers are receiving the most cost- effective service possible. I have attached a sample concurring resolution in support of Director Tiegs' nomination, as well as her candidate statement. The elections for ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee will be held May 8, 2017, should you desire to adopt a resolution or if you have questions please contact our Executive Assistant to the Board, Taya Victorino at 909.987.2591 or tavay ii cvwdwatencom. Thank you in advance for yo eration. 4_ lames V. Cur alo, Jr. President Attachments: Sample Concurring Resolution Candidate Statement — Director Tiegs James V. Curatalo, Jr. Luis Cetina Oscar Gonzalez Randall James Reed Kathleen J. Tiegs President Vice President Director Director Director Kathleen J. Tiegs Candidate Statement for Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA/JPIA) Executive Committee Dear ACWA/JPIA Board Members: I am pleased to share with you my interest in serving on the Executive Committee for ACWA/JPIA. I believe I am prepared and ready for the challenge to help lead the organization as we continue to grapple with providing the best and most cost-effective insurance and employee benefit services to our members. My experience with the ACWA/JPIA began over 10 years ago when I was appointed by the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD) to serve as their representative. I have also served as the ex -officio member of the Executive Committee in 2015-2016. As part of the Executive Committee I was able to provide the leadership and feedback to staff to ensure they were continuing to uphold the mission of the ACWA/JPIA: "to consistently and cost effectively provide the broadest possible affordable insurance coverage and related services to its member agencies". I have served on the CVWD board, of directors for approximately 12 years, and have served in the role as both president and vice-president of the board of directors. I am currently a member of the Legislative/Outreach and the Human Resources/Risk Management committees. The Human Resources/Risk Management Committee is responsible for overseeing employee benefits, risk management and safety programs for the organization. At CVWD, we have taken full advantage of all the programs the ACWA/JPIA has to offer to ensure our employees are working in the safest environment possible. Our board of directors has also adopted the Commitment to Excellence Program pledge putting into place best management practices which bolsters our effectiveness for loss prevention and safety. I currently serve as the President for the Association of California Agencies (ACWA). In my role as president I have focused on increasing my understanding of our members needs so that I may know how to better serve and lead the ACWA organization. I will use this same approach if elected to serve on the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. The election for ACWA/JPIA is scheduled for May 8, 2017 at the conference. Thank you for allowing me to share my experience, leadership and knowledge. I look forward to the opportunity to represent you and your agency. Please feel free to contact me directly at (909) 635-4177 should you have questions or if you would like to support my candidacy. Thank you in advance for your consideration, I R. CONSERVATIOV °�sr C'A IVAAIE IS OUR 01'' January 31, 2017 SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Established 1932 1630 West Redlands Boulevard, Suite A Redlands, CA 92373-8032 (909) 793-2503 Fax: (909) 793-0188 J. Wayne Miller Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309 Dear J. Wayne Miller, Email: info@sbvwcd.org www. sbvwcd. org RECEIVED YORBA L11WA GIJAT zI ;T BY — ---- ------ The Board of Directors of the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District has nominated its Vice -President, Melody A. McDonald, to continue in her position on the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. Enclosed is a certified copy of SBVWCD Resolution No. 542 nominating Mrs. McDonald for ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. Melody currently serves on the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee, Personnel Committee, Chairs the Liability Program Subcommittee, served on the Building & Property Ad Hoc Committee, and was past chair of the Property & Workers Compensation Program Subcommittees. Melody has an institutional knowledge of all of JPIA's programs, their history, how coverage's evolved for the JPIA membership and has helped the organization grow to 188 Million in assets. Melody participates in training at various JPIA members facilities; she has personally visited and presented rate stabilization fund refund checks back to JPIA members totaling over 25 Million, since the inception of the fund. This year, JPIA has held nearly 400 training classes resulting in more than 7,700 employees receiving training. Melody believes the best claim is the one that never happened, and that there is a direct correlation between risk management, training, and minimizing losses. She pursues all her duties with a strong sense of commitment and dedication. Enclosed is her Statement of Qualifications. The District respectfully requests your organization consider adopting a concurring resolution of nomination in support of Mrs. McDonald. Enclosed is a sample concurring resolution for your consideration in support of her nomination or it can be found at http://www.acwaiyia.com/ElectionNews.a . Since time is of the essence, and that this will require Board action, please include this on your agenda for your next Board meeting. Please send a certified copy to: ACWA/JPIA and San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District Attention: Sylvia Robinson Attention: Athena Monge P.O. Box 619082 1630 W. Redlands Blvd. Ste "A" Roseville, CA 95661-9082 Redlands, CA 92374 FROM iiii'lililillill'i JIM Jill Sincerely, Daniel ozad General Manager BmRD Division 1: Division 3: Oh Richard Corneille T. Milford IIarrison Division 2: Division 4: DIRECTORS David E. Raley John Longville Division 5: Melody McDonald Cil;�l%itAl, Daniel B. Cozad I�Z \N;1GER Melody.sbvwcd(d- gmail.com Melody Henriques -McDonald P.O. BOX 30197 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92413 (909) 793-2503 District (909) 499-5175 cell (909) 383-1122 fax Like @ https.llwww.facebook.conVMelodv4Water Candidate for: ACWA JPIA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Incumbent) Melody & Board receiving, District of Distinction Award, the highest governance and best practices accreditation possible. Left, Kathleen Tiegs, Special Districts Board Member & ACWA Vice -President presenting. ASSOCIATIONS Member, Board of Directors of the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District (Elected), Past President, & currently Vice - President, 1991 originally appointed, and first woman on the board Member, Executive Committee ACWA/JPIA Chair, JPIA Liability Program Committee Director, ACWA/Joint Powers Insurance Authority Voting Member, Association of the San Bernardino County Special Districts Over the 25 + Years. Experience in the Water Industry includes: Past Member, (CWA) California Women for Agriculture Past Member, ACWA Water Management Committee Past Member, ACWA State Legislative Committee Chair & Vice -Chair, JPIA Property & Workers Compensation Programs Member, Board of Directors ACWA, Region 9 Chair Chair, Water Management Certification Subcommittee Chair, California Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region 8 Years of service, Gubernatorial Appointment CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Southwest Lift & Equipment, Inc. (Heavy Duty Vehicle Lifts) Broker/Associate, Century 21 Lois Lauer Realty PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS & LICENSES Redlands Association of Realtors California Real Estate Broker's License Arizona Real Estate Broker's License ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETIES Highland Chamber of Commerce San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce Immanuel Baptist Church Highland, CA BSF International EDUCATION San Gorgonio High School, 1976 Western Real Estate School, 1989 Graduate, Special Districts Board Management Institute, 1997 I IN W1101 R a V [011Z A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT NOMINATING ITS ACWA/JPIA BOARD MEMBER TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY (""ACWA/JPIA") WHEREAS, this District is a member district of the ACWAJJPlA that participates in all four of its Programs: Liability, Property, and Workers' Compensation; and Employee Benefits; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the ACWA/JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to ACWA/JPIA's Executive Committee, the member district must place into nomination its member of the ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors for such open position; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District that its member of the ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors, Melody McDonald, be nominated as a candidate for the Executive Committee for the election to be held on May 8, 2017. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ACWA/JPIA staff is hereby requested, upon receipt of the formal concurrence of five other member districts to effect such nomination. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the ACWA/JPIA at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, California 95661- 9082, 5661-9082, forthwith. ADOPTED this 11 th day of January, 2017. President, Board of Directors A A ST: 4e SOUTH SUTTER WATER DISTRICT 2464 Pacific Avenue - Trowbridge, CA 95659.Office (530) 656-2242 - FAX (530) 656-2416 Bradley J. Arnold General Manager/ Secretary sswdohughes.net March 1, 2017 Board of Directors Yorba Linda Water District P. O. BOX 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 Subject: Request for Concurrence for Nomination of Thomas A. Cuquet for the ACWA/JPIA's Board of Directors Executive Committee. Dear Directors: The Board of Directors of the South Sutter Water District will be submitting Thomas A. Cuquet as a candidate for a position on the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. Mr. Cuquet is presently the South Sutter Water District representative on the ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors and is currently serving as a member of the ACWA/JP1A Executive Committee. Enclosed is a sample concurring resolution for your consideration in support of Mr. Cuquet's nomination Please consider supporting Mr. Cuquet by adopting the concurring resolution in his nomination to the ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee. Please send a certified copy of the adopted resolution to: ACWA/JP1A Attention: Sylvia Robinson P. O. Box 619082 Roseville, CA 95661-9082 and South Sutter Water District 2464 Pacific Avenue Trowbridge, CA 95659 The resolution must be received by the ACWA/JP1A prior to March 24, 2017. Sincerely, e44c� Q�- Bradley J. Arnold General Manager/Secretary ends BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas A. Cuquet • Matthew R, Conant • Gregory J. Nelson - David Rai . Walter P. Trevethan • James C. Van Dyke • John W. Vertrees F" 'H- 24,64 Pacific Avenue -Trowbridge, CA Bradley J. Arnold General N/lanager/Secretary sswd,a1ht,qhes.net I am a Rice Farmer from Northern California and I believe it is important to keep a balance on the executive committee and leadership positions between Northern and Southern Calif Districts. This holds true between rural agriculture and municipal districts, I represent that balance. a ori --Ey or our Vistricts - •I, Tri•j represent success. The districts had fewer and smaller claims, which are a direct result of our targeted effective training services. The claims were handed or settled in an efficient manner allowing staff to grow the organization. fls�M BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas A. Cuquet - Matthew R. Conant - Gregory J. Nelson - David Rai - Walter P-Trevethan - Janies'."zin Dvle, John Ver,rees RESOLUTION NO. 17 - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CONCURRING IN THE NOMINATION TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ("ACWA JPIA") WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District (the "District") is a member district of the ACWA JPIA; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the ACWA/JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to ACWA JPIA's Executive Committee, three member districts must concur with the nominating district, and WHEREAS, another ACWA JPIA member district, the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, has requested that this District concur in its nomination of its member of the ACWA JPIA Board of Directors to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District that this District concurs with the nomination of David A. Drake of Rincon del Diablo MWD to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the ACWA JPIA at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2017 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: J. Wayne Miller, Ph.D., President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of David A. Drake to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of David A. Drake to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee RESOLUTION NO. 17 - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CONCURRING IN THE NOMINATION TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ("ACWA JPIA") WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District (the "District") is a member district of the ACWA JPIA; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the ACWA/JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to ACWA JPIA's Executive Committee, three member districts must concur with the nominating district, and WHEREAS, another ACWA JPIA member district, the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, has requested that this District concur in its nomination of its member of the ACWA JPIA Board of Directors to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District that this District concurs with the nomination of Thomas A. Cuquet of South Sutter Water District to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the ACWA JPIA at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2017 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: J. Wayne Miller, Ph.D., President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Thomas A. Cuquet to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Thomas A. Cuquet to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee RESOLUTION NO. 17 - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CONCURRING IN THE NOMINATION TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ("ACWA JPIA") WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District (the "District") is a member district of the ACWA JPIA; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the ACWA/JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to ACWA JPIA's Executive Committee, three member districts must concur with the nominating district, and WHEREAS, another ACWA JPIA member district, the Vista Irrigation District, has requested that this District concur in its nomination of its member of the ACWA JPIA Board of Directors to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District that this District concurs with the nomination of Paul E. Dorey of Vista Irrigation District to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the ACWA JPIA at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2017 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: J. Wayne Miller, Ph.D., President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Paul E. Dory to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Paul E. Dory to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee RESOLUTION NO. 17 - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CONCURRING IN THE NOMINATION TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ("ACWA JPIA") WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District (the "District") is a member district of the ACWA JPIA; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the ACWA/JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to ACWA JPIA's Executive Committee, three member districts must concur with the nominating district, and WHEREAS, another ACWA JPIA member district, the Cucamonga Valley Water District, has requested that this District concur in its nomination of its member of the ACWA JPIA Board of Directors to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District that this District concurs with the nomination of Kathleen J. Tiegs of Cucamonga Valley Water District to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the ACWA JPIA at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2017 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: J. Wayne Miller, Ph.D., President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Kathleen J. Tiegs to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Kathleen J. Tiegs to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee RESOLUTION NO. 17 - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CONCURRING IN THE NOMINATION TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ("ACWA JPIA") WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District (the "District") is a member district of the ACWA JPIA; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the ACWA/JPIA provide that in order for a nomination to be made to ACWA JPIA's Executive Committee, three member districts must concur with the nominating district, and WHEREAS, another ACWA JPIA member district, the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, has requested that this District concur in its nomination of its member of the ACWA JPIA Board of Directors to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District that this District concurs with the nomination of Melody A. McDonald of San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District to the Executive Committee of the ACWA JPIA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the ACWA JPIA at P.O. Box 619082, Roseville, CA 95661-9082, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2017 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: J. Wayne Miller, Ph.D., President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Melody A. McDonald to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 17-_ Concurring in Nomination of Melody A. McDonald to ACWA JPIA Executive Committee Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2017 Board of Directors ITEM NO. 8.2 Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Increasing Issuance Amount of Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A to Fund Capital Improvements The Board of Directors have authorized staff to work with the "Financing Team" to pursue the advance refunding opportunity for the 2008 Certificates of Participation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider: (1) letting the advance refunding opportunity remain as approved with the adoption of Resolution No. 17-02; or (2) restructuring the advance refunding opportunity by requesting additional funding to complete construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project. DISCUSSION: At the February 13, 2017 Board Meeting Robert Porr, Financial Advisor to the District, presented to the Board an update pertaining to the 2008 COP Refunding Structuring and the Credit Rating Process. Items of discussion included, but were not limited to, use of interim debt, Lease Revenue Bonds, use of VRDOs, variable rate debt, the effects on projected annual cash flow savings due to shortening the term of debt, increasing the dollar amount of proposed refunding to include certain current capital projects, as well as the use of reserves and the effect liquidity. At the completion of the presentation the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 17-02 Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $28,000,000 Refunding Revenue Bond, Series 2017A and the legal documents associated with the refunding opportunity. Since that meeting, discussion of potentially pursuing debt by issuing bonds in the near future to fund the remaining construction costs to complete authorized capital project of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade. If this is to be a consideration it would be more cost effective, especially at this time, to include the cost to complete Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade with the current refunding opportunity. In doing so this would save the District approximately $300,000 in issuance and other related costs. The related legal documents would have to be amended and Resolution No. 17-02 would need to be rescinded and replaced. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to 5 -Year Projections Comparison.pdf Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Yorba Linda . �•:• Water District Overv *iew of 5 Yorba Linda Water District March 14, 2017 FIELDMAN I ROLAPP &ASSOCIATES Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Yorba Linda Summary/Overview Water District million2008A Refunding and $6 2008A Refunding Money RatiosFiscal Year DSC Days Cash on • Hand Hand 2016/17 2.74 345 2.74 345 2017/18 2.37 270 2.10 265 2018/19 2.58 263 2.21 253 2019/20 2.71 284 2.32 269 2020/21 2.83 306 2.42 286 Assumptions: (1) Refunding assumes 2.00% earnings on Debt Service Reserve Fund and AA+ / AA (S&P / Fitch) Ratings (2) Assumes $6 million new money has level amortization over 20 years. FIELDMAN I ROLAPP &ASSOCIATES 1 Note: Refunding and new money assumptions provided by Citigroup; based on market conditions as of March 8, 2017. Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Yorba Linda Dis1rict Disclaimer The scenarios are being provided for informational purposes only, and do not reflect any specific recommendation regarding a financial transaction. These materials include an assessment of current market conditions, and include Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Inc. assumptions about interest rates, execution costs, and other matters related to municipal securities issuance or municipal financial products. These assumptions may change at any time subsequent to the date these materials were provided. The refinancing and refunding scenarios presented herein are not intended to be inclusive of every feasible or suitable refinancing alternative. Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Inc. is an SEC-registered Municipal Advisor, undertaking a fiduciary duty in providing financial advice to public agencies. Compensation contingent on the completion of a financing or project is customary for municipal financial advisors. To the extent that our compensation for a transaction is contingent on successful completion of the transaction, a potential conflict of interest exists as we would have a potential incentive to recommend the completion of a transaction that might not be optimal for the public agency. However, Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Inc. undertakes a fiduciary duty in advising public agencies regardless of compensation structure. FIELDMAN ROLAPP &ASSOC IA 1 LS Meeting Date To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2017 Board of Directors ITEM NO. 8.3 Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Independent Audit Services Contract Staff solicited proposals for independent auditing services to perform annual audits of the District's financial statements for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2017, 2018 and 2019 with the option of auditing its financial statements for the two subsequent years. Following an evaluation of the submitted proposals, staff recommends awarding a three-year contract with two subsequent one- year options to White Nelson Diehl Evans, LLP for a fee not to exceed $112,586. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manger to execute a Professional Services Agreement with White Nelson Diehl Evans, LLP for a three-year contract with two subsequent one- year options for a fee not to exceed $112,586. DISCUSSION: On January 12, 2017, staff submitted a Request for Proposals for Audit Services to eight firms with offices in Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties, with a deadline for responses of February 10, 2017. Five firms responded by the specified deadline - all whom completed proposals and met the qualifications. The District's review team evaluated the proposals based on experience auditing similar agencies, audit approach and price. The cost for services was included in a sealed envelope, which was not opened until the mandatory elements and technical qualifications were assessed. Below are the ranking results: Consulting Firm Fee Ranking White Nelson Diehl Evans, LLP $112,586 1 Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP $119,111 2 Vasquez & Company, LLP $129,228 3 Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP $121,971 4 Teaman, Ramirez & Smith, Inc. $110,000 5 Meeting Date; To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: ITEM NO. 8.4 AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2017 Board of Directors Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Staff Cindy Botts, Water Conservation Supervisor Clarification of Roles, Responsibilities and Procedures for Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee and Potential Revision of Contract for Meeting Facilitation Services The Board of Directors established an Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee (AHCAC) on January 12, 2017. A draft of the "Roles, Responsibilities and Procedures for the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee" document was discussed by the Board on January 12, 2017 and March 1, 2017. In order to provide a committee recommendation within the time frame originally allotted by the Board, the Board will need to clarify and narrow the focus of the AHCAC, which was broadly outlined in the Roles and Responsibilities document. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: (1) clarify that the purpose of the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee is to provide input on the establishment of either a financially sufficient rate or rate structure, or both, including how to define a financially sufficient rate; (2) clarify the process for filling committee member vacancies; and (3) consider amending the contract for meeting facilitation services. DISCUSSION: During the first meeting of the AHCAC, the committee members were unable to come to a consensus on what items, specifically, they were to be providing recommendations to the Board of Directors, i.e. what is the question they are to be answering. Committee members brought up the following items for potential consideration by the Board: . Appropriate Rate Structure for YLWD . Appropriate Capital Projects - Reliability vs. Water Quality . How to Fund Potential Future Capital Projects- Bonds, Pay -Go . Appropriate Reserve Levels . What General Categories are Included in "Cost of Service" Other items, including input on the District's FY 15/16, FY 16/17 and FY 17/18 budgets were also brought up for discussion. Typically, this process is done under the Board of Directors' purview, in an open meeting, which includes public comment. The Board may wish to consider if the best use of the AHCAC, which serves as the "voice" of the community, would be to give broad guiding input on the values of the community, allowing the Board to set policies that adhere to those values; or if the committee should provide policy direction, itself. The Board -appointed facilitator has noted that if the Board should wish the AHCAC to make recommendations on multiple topics, including that of current rate justification, another 2-3 months of meetings would be necessary, with an additional fee of approximately $25,000. This would be due to the fact that discussions on multiple subjects are inherently much more detailed, with many more variables and potential sidetracks. Correspondingly, staff overtime costs and workload would be increased. In relation to the process for filing committee member vacancies, one of the originally appointed committee members has resigned from the AHCAC. The Board may wish to address filling the position with the next lowest ranking applicant only until a certain number of meetings have passed. Again, due to the short time frame given to the AHCAC to complete their recommendation, newly appointed members may not be able to "catch-up" with the information after a certain number of meeting have passed. In regards to the amending of the contract for meeting facilitation services, Brent Ives of BHI Management Consulting has requested that his contract be amended for timing and cost in accordance with the results of Item (1) of the staff recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: AHCAC Roles Responsibilities and Duties.docx Backup Material Backup Material RECOMMENDED ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE YLWD AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (AHCAC) Purpose: • Provide input, comments and feedback on the topic being considered by the YLWD Board for the purpose of establishing a financially sufficient rate and/or rate structure • Input will not be provided on matters other than the topic under consideration of the Committee. Meetings: • Meeting schedule to be determined by the Committee. • Meetings to take place in the District's Training room. • Committee meetings will be agendized and administered in accordance with the Brown Act. • All perspectives on the topic being considered should be presented (pro, con and neutral) to the Committee to provide a balanced and thorough discussion and review of the project on the table. Facilitator: • Select an impartial person, with technical background and leadership skills. • Facilitate AHCAC meetings and help guide the discussions to ensure that all Committee members have all background information they may need. • Will take and prepare meeting minutes • Will not seek to influence the Committee's discussions or decisions. • Will ensure all Committee members have ample and fair opportunity to provide input. • Ensure meetings are conducted with a level of decorum and professionalism that allows all issues to be identified and reviewed. • Will lead the preparation of any written documents summarizing the comments and concerns of the AHCAC prior to YLWD Board consideration. • Ensures YLWD staff will provide administrative and technical support to the facilitator and Committee as needed. If Board chooses to appoint a Chairperson for the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee in lieu of an outside Facilitator, the responsibilities and roles are as follows: Chairperson: • Will be selected by a majority vote by the Committee to assume the responsibility as Chairperson • Facilitate AHCAC meetings and help guide the discussions to ensure that all Committee members have all background information they may need. • Will not seek to influence the Committee's discussions or decisions. • Will ensure all Committee members have ample and fair opportunity to provide input. • Ensure meetings are conducted with a level of decorum and professionalism that allows all issues to be identified and reviewed. • Will lead the preparation of any written documents summarizing the comments and concerns of the AHCAC prior to YLWD Board consideration. • Ensures YLWD staff will provide administrative and technical support to the facilitator and Committee as needed. Meeting Date To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT March 14, 2017 Board of Directors ITEM NO. 9.1 Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Annual Review of Financial Reserve Policy Attached is a draft reserve policy updated for the 2017/18 budget year. DISCUSSION: When the financial reserves policy was adopted last June, staff indicated that it would be reviewed annually to determine of updates or changes were needed. Staff is currently working with staff from Fieldman Rolapp and is proposing this initial draft with the recommended changes. Staff recommends a number of proposed changes to the current reserve policy. The primary change would be to eliminate the Debt Service Reserve that is currently funded at approximately $2.76 million. These funds would be used to establish a Rate Stabilization Reserve and an Administrative Reserve. The maximum target level for the Rate Stabilization Fund would be set at 20% a budgeted water sales for the current fiscal year. The purpose of this reserve would be to assist in smoothing out water rate increases. The Administrative Reserve maximum target level is suggested to be set at $200,000. The purpose of this reserve is to provide funding to partially or fully fund certain general and administrative project on a pay-as-you-go basis. Other recommended changes include changing the minimum and maximum target levels of both the water and sewer funds for the following reserves: Operating Reserve, Emergency Reserve and the Capital Replacement Reserve. In addition, there is a recommendation to reclassify the Conservation Reserve as a Contractually Restricted Reserve rather than a Board Designated Reserve. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Financial Reserves Policy - FY 16-17 6 23 16.docx Financial Reserve Policy FY 2016/17 Financial Reserve Policy Update March 2017.docx Proposed Draft of Financial Reserve Policy Invst Aaenda Backup - January 2017.xlsx January 2017 Cash and Investment Backup Report Type: Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material RESERVE POLICY A. GENERAL POLICY: Maintaining adequate reserves is an essential part of sound financial management. The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors realizes the importance of reserves in providing reliable service to its customers, financing of long-term capital projects and funding availability for emergencies should the need arise. Interest derived from reserve balances shall be credited to the reserve account from which it was earned. B. CATEGORIES: YLWD shall accumulate, maintain and segregate its reserve funds into the following categories: Restricted and Designated Reserves 1. Board Designated Reserves; and 2. Contractually Restricted Reserves. C. SCOPE: This policy will assist the Board of Directors in establishing: 1. Target levels for reserve funds; 2. Requirements for the use of reserve funds; and 3. Periodic review requirements for each reserve. D. PERIODIC REVIEW: Staff and the YLWD Board shall review the reserve balances and targets annually as a part of the annual budget process. The Finance Staff will continue to review all reserve and investment balances monthly, with a quarterly report going to the full Board. E. RESTRICTED AND DESIGNATED RESERVES: 1. Board Designated Reserves: These are reserve funds earmarked for the purpose of funding such items as new capital facilities, repair or replacement of existing facilities and general operating reserves designated for a specific purpose and use by the Board of Directors. 1.0 Operating Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to cover temporary cash flow deficiencies that occur as a result of timing differences between the receipt of operating revenue and expenditure requirements and unexpected expenditures occurring as a result of doing business. June 23, 2016 Page 1 of 4 B. Target Level — The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends that funding should be no less than one to two months (or 8% - 17%) of the District's annual operating budget. The District's current target will be a minimum of 8% and a maximum of 17% of the annual operating budget for both the water and sewer funds. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Operating Reserve — This reserve may be utilized as needed to pay outstanding operating expenditures prior to the receipt of anticipated operating revenues. 1.1 Emergency Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide protection recovery to the District and its customers for losses arising from an unplanned event or circumstance. The reserve level combined with YLWD's existing insurance policies should adequately protect YLWD and its customers in the event of a loss. B. Target Level —Established at a minimum level equal to $1,000,000 for the water fund and shall accumulate interest and annual contributions as determined by the District's annual operation to a maximum level of $4,000,000. The target for sewer will be a minimum of $250,000 and a maximum of $1,000,000. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Emergency Reserve — This reserve shall be utilized to cover unexpected losses experienced by the District as a result of a disaster or other unexpected loss. Any reimbursement received by the District from insurance companies as a result of a submitted claim shall be deposited back into the reserve as replenishment for the loss. 1.2 Capital Replacement Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide capital repair and replacement funding as the District's infrastructure deteriorates over its expected useful life. B. Target Level —The Board -approved 2010 Asset Management Plan recommended that the annual contribution to this reserve be at a minimum level of $1,820,000 for the water fund and $345,000 for the sewer fund, less money set aside for the Maintenance Reserve. Funding with available funds based on the District's operations shall be allocated quarterly. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Capital Replacement Reserve — Through the annual budget process, staff shall recommend anticipated asset replacement projects. The Board of Directors shall take action to approve recommended project appropriations from the capital replacement reserve. Should unplanned replacement be necessary during any fiscal year, the Board of Directors may take action to amend the budget and appropriate needed funds as required. June 23, 2016 Page 2 of 4 1.3 Maintenance Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding for non-scheduled capital asset repair and replacement. B. Target Level — $200,000 subject to an annual review. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Maintenance Replacement Reserve — Unplanned failure of assets including but not limited to pumps, motors and major facility repairs. 1.4 Debt Service Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding for semi-annually scheduled debt service payments. B. Target Level — The District's highest annual debt service payment — currently $2,723,509. C. Events or Conditions Promntina the Use of the Debt Service Reserve — Semi-annual debt service payments will be made out of this fund, with funding on the water rate replenishing the fund annually. 1.5 Employee Liabilities Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — The purpose is to cover employees' accrued vacation and other compensatory time and to ensure the complete funding associated with the liability incurred for employees whom have met the requirements necessary for district paid health benefits at retirement. B. Target Level — The annual contribution will be $100,000 ($93,000 for water and $7,000 for sewer) to be evaluated and/or adjusted annually thereafter based on an analysis of current employees' vacation and sick time accrued and actuarial determinations of future retiree costs. As of July 1, 2015, an actuary determined that the District's Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) liability was $2,136,644. When combined with a liability on the District's books for vacation, compensatory and sick time of $1,204,595 at June 30, 2015, the target is projected to be approximately $3,341,239 for the combined water and sewer enterprises. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Employee Liabilities Reserve — This reserve may be used in the event that operating funds are not adequate to meet vacation, compensatory and sick time paid out or retiree medical cost obligations within the current year. June 23, 2016 Page 3 of 4 1.6 Conservation Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding for district -wide conservation efforts. B. Target Level — Funding shall be established as the net result of administrative penalties assessed less allowed expenditures of each fiscal year. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Conservation Reserve — This reserve may be used to fund district -wide conservation efforts in relation to, but not limited to, salary and related, maintenance, and material expenses for leak detection, conservation efforts, and other allowable expenses outside the normal cost of service for each fiscal year. 2. Contractually Restricted Reserves: These are funds held to satisfy limitations set by external requirements established by creditors, grant agencies or law. Examples include stipulated bond covenants and reserves held with a fiscal agent. 2.0 US Bank 2008 COP Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to cover reserve requirements held with a designated fiscal agent (US Bank) for the 2008 Certificates of Participation. B. Target Level — Funding shall be held in an amount equal to $2,147,096. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Contractually Restricted Reserve — This reserve may be utilized as needed by the fiscal agent to pay any outstanding debt service payments not covered by the District within the specified billing and due dates. End of Policy Document June 23, 2016 Page 4 of 4 RESERVE POLICY A. GENERAL POLICY: Maintaining adequate reserves is an essential part of sound financial management. The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors realizes the importance of reserves in providing reliable service to its customers, financing of long-term capital projects and funding availability for emergencies should the need arise. Interest derived from reserve balances shall be credited to the reserve account from which it was earned. B. CATEGORIES: Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD or District) shall accumulate, maintain and segregate its reserve funds into the following categories: 1. Board Designated Reserves; and 2. Contractually Restricted Reserves. C. SCOPE: This policy will assist the Board of Directors in establishing: 1. Target levels for reserve funds; 2. Requirements for the use of reserve funds; and 3. Periodic review requirements for each reserve. D. PERIODIC REVIEW: Staff and the YLWD Board shall review the reserve balances and targets annually as a part of the annual budget process. The Finance Staff will continue to review all reserve and investment balances monthly, with a quarterly report going to the full Board. E. RESTRICTED AND DESIGNATED RESERVES: 1. Board Designated Reserves: These are reserve funds earmarked for the purpose of funding such items as new capital facilities, repair or replacement of existing facilities and general operating reserves designated for a specific purpose and use by the Board of Directors. 1.0 Operating Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to cover temporary cash flow deficiencies that occur as a result of timing differences between the receipt of operating revenue and expenditure requirements and unexpected expenditures occurring as a result of doing business. 2017 Page 1 of 4 B. Target Level — The District's current target will be a minimum of 25% and a maximum of 50% of the annual operating budget, including interest expense, for both the water and sewer funds. In the event this fund falls below its minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Operating Reserve — This reserve may be utilized as needed to pay outstanding operating expenditures prior to the receipt of anticipated operating revenues. 1.1 Emergency Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide protection recovery to the District and its customers for losses arising from an unplanned event or circumstance (i.e. fires, earthquakes or financial emergencies). The reserve level combined with YLWD's existing insurance policies should adequately protect YLWD and its customers in the event of a loss. B. Target Level — Established at a minimum level equal to 1 % and a maximum level equal to 2% of the net capital assets for both the District's water and sewer funds. In the event this fund falls below its minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Emergency Reserve — This reserve shall be utilized to cover unexpected losses experienced by the District as a result of a disaster or other unexpected loss. Any reimbursement received by the District from insurance companies as a result of a submitted claim shall be deposited back into the reserve as replenishment for the loss. 1.2 Capital Replacement Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding for general use on capital projects as well as capital repair and replacement funding as the District's infrastructure deteriorates over its expected useful life. B. Target Level — The Board -approved 2010 Asset Management Plan recommended that the minimum level equal $1,820,000 for the water fund and $345,000 for the sewer fund. The target level for each reserve fund is at least 100% of the current Fiscal Year capital budget plus 100% of the subsequent Fiscal Year capital budget. The target levels in these reserve funds will fluctuate depending on the capital improvement plan and timing of the projects. Therefore, no maximum level will be established. In the event these fund falls below the minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Capital Replacement Reserve — Through the annual budget process, staff shall recommend anticipated asset 2017 Page 2 of 4 replacement and capital improvement projects. The Board of Directors shall take action to approve recommended project appropriations from the capital replacement reserve. Should unplanned replacement be necessary during any fiscal year, the Board of Directors may take action to amend the budget and appropriate needed funds as required. Q 1.3 Maintenance Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding for non-scheduled capital asset repair and replacement. B. Target Level — Established at a minimum level of $200,000 for the water fund and $100,000 for the sewer fund. In the event this fund falls below its minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. The maximum target levels for this reserve fund is $300,000 for the water fund and $200,000 for the sewer fund. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Maintenance Reserve — Unplanned failure of assets including but not limited to pumps, motors and major facility repairs. 1.4 Administrative Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding to partially or fully fund certain general and administrative projects on a pay-as-you-go basis. B. Target Level — $200,000 subject to an annual review. In the event this fund falls below its minimum funding level, the Board will act to restore the balance above the minimum funding level within twelve (12) months from the date that the fund fell below the minimum level. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Administrative Reserve — Planned or unplanned replacement of short-term assets including but not limited to software, computers and office furniture. 1.5 Rate Stabilization Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to assist in smoothing out water rate increases. This reserve is governed by the District's bond covenants and funds deposited into this reserve are treated as operating revenues in the fiscal year designated by the District and will be treated as such in fiscal years of such designation for the purposes of computing the District's debt service coverage ratio. B. Target Level — Established at a maximum level of 20% of budgeted water sales for the current fiscal year. The District has the option of not funding the Rate Stabilization Reserve if such is deemed appropriate by the Board based upon a recommendation from Staff. 2017 Page 3 of 4 C. Events or Conditions Promoting the Use of the Rate Stabilization Reserve — The reserve can be used during any year where other revenues are not sufficient to meet the required debt service coverage ratio or when the maximum level in the reserve is reached. 1.6 Employee Liabilities Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — The purpose is to cover employees' accrued vacation and other compensatory time and to ensure the complete funding associated with the liability incurred for employees whom have met the requirements necessary for district paid health benefits at retirement. B. Target Level — The annual contribution will be $100,000 ($93,000 for water and $7,000 for sewer) to be evaluated and/or adjusted annually thereafter based on an analysis of current employees' vacation and sick time accrued and actuarial determinations of future retiree costs. As of July 1, 2015, an actuary determined that the District's Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) liability was $2,136,644. When combined with a liability on the District's books for vacation, compensatory and sick time of $1,204,595 at June 30, 2016, the target is projected to be approximately $3,341,239 for the combined water and sewer enterprises. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Employee Liabilities Reserve — This reserve may be used in the event that operating funds are not adequate to meet vacation, compensatory and sick time paid out or retiree medical cost obligations within the current year. 2. Contractually Restricted Reserves: These are funds held to satisfy limitations set by external requirements established by creditors, grant agencies or law. Examples include stipulated bond covenants and reserves held with a fiscal agent. 2.0 US Bank 2008 COP Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to cover reserve requirements held with a designated fiscal agent (US Bank) for the 2008 Certificates of Participation. B. Target Level — Funding shall be held in an amount equal to $2,147,096. C. Events or Conditions Prompting the Use of the Contractually Restricted Reserve — This reserve may be utilized as needed by the fiscal agent to pay any outstanding debt service payments not covered by the District within the specified billing and due dates. 2.1 Conservation Reserve A. Definition and Purpose — Established to provide funding for District -wide conservation efforts. 2017 Page 4 of 4 B. Target Level —Funding shall be established as the net result of administrative penalties assessed less allowed expenditures of each fiscal year. C. Events or Conditions Promoting the Use of the Conservation Reserve — This reserve may be used to fund district -wide conservation efforts in relation to, but not limited to, salary and related, maintenance, and material expenses for leak detection, conservation efforts, and other allowable expenses outside the normal cost of service for each fiscal year. End of Policy Document , 2017 Page 5 of 4 Cash & Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of January 2017: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2017 Yield Maturity January 1.02% 164 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 1/31/2016 1/31/2017 Monthly - January $ 26,066 $ 35,614 Year -to -Date $ 133,734 $ 187,786 Budget 2015/2016 2016/2017 Interest Budget, January YTD $ 54,250 $ 67,083 Interest Budget, Annual $ 93,000 $ 115,000 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: Total of $35.2 million in cash and investments which is split between minimum reserve requirements and what is available to meet current year obligations (operating costs, debt service, capital costs). Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments December 2016 % Alloc January 2017 % Alloc "Conditional Available for Fund Description Balance 12/31/2016 Balance 1/31/2017 Use" CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve $ 7,992,291 21.24% $ 5,943,349 17.05% $ 4,132,257 1,982,025 Water Emergency Reserve 1,041,422 2.77% 1,042,811 2.99% 1,042,888 (77) Water Capital Project Reserve 17,315,011 46.02% 16,633,179 47.71% 1,820,000 14,813,179 Water Reserve for Debt Service 2,762,681 7.34% 2,765,424 7.93% 2,723,509 41,915 Maintenance Reserve 200,884 0.53% 201,165 0.58% 200,000 1,165 Water Employee Liability Reserve 372,000 0.99% 372,011 1.07% 372,000 11 Conservation Reserve 1,445,497 3.84% 1,380,723 3.96% 0 1,380,723 COP Revenue Bond 2008 - Reserve 2,162,169 5.75% 2,163,231 6.20% 2,147,096 16,135 Sewer Operating Reserve 423,277 1.12% 423,753 1.22% 239,825 428,412 Sewer Emergency Reserve 996,526 2.65% 997,605 2.86% 1,000,000 (2,395) Sewer Employee Liability Reserve 28,088 0.07% 28,128 0.08% 28,000 128 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 2,886,157 7.67% 2,915,048 8.36% 345,000 2,570,048 $ 37,626,003 100.00% $ 34,866,426 100.00% $ 14,050,575 21,231,268 Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating 151,574 170,933 Sewer Operating 184,120 244,484 335,694 415,417 Totals $ 37,961,698 $ 35,281,843 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2017 Subject: General Manager's Report ATTACHMENTS: Description: Engineering Dept Projects Report - March 2017.docx Backup Material ITEM NO. 10.2 Type: Backup Material ENGINEERING DEPT. PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2017 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Blue IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Fairmont Booster Pump Station Contractor installing pump Contractor will continue Budget: $7M Job No.: 201011B station shoring/earth retention until the shoring system is Project Contact: Joe Polimino system, including piles, lagging complete. Planned Completion: Jan 2019 and excavation. 2 Richfield Road Water Main Pipeline installed from south Pipeline installation will Budget: $1.115M Job No.: 201423 end of Richfield to northerly continue north on Project Contact: Joe Polimino end of La Palma intersection. Richfield Road. Planned Completion: Mid 2017 3 Well 21 Equipping Contractor completed all Finish Punch List items Budget: $1M Job No.: 200922#21 improvements with exception of and close-out project. Project Contact: Joe Polimino some punchlist items. Planned Completion: April 2017 ENGINEERING DEPT. PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2017 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Blue IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 PRS Rehabilitation Phase II Design is 90% complete. Finalize design, prepare bid Budget: $726,000 Job No.: 201411 documents, and solicit bids. Project Contact: Bryan Hong Planned Completion: Mid 2018 2 2018 Waterline Replacement Camino Verde pipeline Reconnaissance work started Estimated design completion, Budget: $1M Job. No.: TBD design 50% complete. Will to confirm other urgent fall 2017. Estimated Project Contact: Anthony Manzano begin John Bixby DIP replacement locations. construction completion, late Planned Completion: Late 2018 repl. design mid -2017. 2018. 3 Well 22 Drilling Consultant is preparing a Finalize hydrogeologic Budget: Job No. 200922#22 hydrogeologic assessment. assessment and begin Project Contact: Bryan Hong preliminary well design. Planned Completion: Mid 2018 ENGINEERING DEPT. PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2017 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Blue IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Lakeview Booster Piping Conceptual design complete. Prepare survey and utility Budget: $154,000 Job No.: TBD investigation. Project Contact: Bryan Hong Planned Completion: Late 2018 2 Timber Ridge BPS Rehabilitation Staff discussing conceptual plan Complete conceptual plan Design estimated to be Budget: $900,000 Job No.: TBD and preliminary cost estimate. and begin design phase. complete late 2017. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Design will be completed in- Construction estimated to Planned Completion: Early 2019 house. be complete early 2019. ENGINEERING DEPT. PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2017 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Blue PROPOSED/CURRENT DEVELOPMENT Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 YL Outpost Dev't Co., T16488 (N. CR Rd.) District approved Water & District to draft Declaration Developer to start grading Job No.: 200911 Sewer Improvement Plans of Restrictive Covenants Spring 2017. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani & Agreements. regarding low pressures & private pump requirement. 2 Pulte Homes, T17459 (Prospect Ave.) Continuing home District to generate job Pulte Homes purchased the Job No.: 201506 construction. closing forms. tract from City Ventures. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani 3 Brandywine Homes, T17608 (Richfield Rd.) Developer continuing District to generate job Anticipate 28 -unit condo tract Job No.: 201425 home construction. closing forms. completion by late 2017. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani 4 Rezai & Son, LLC - 4042 La Palma Ave. Water Improvement Plans District to generate job Warehouse/Office Building Job No.: 2015-08 approved by District closing forms. Estimate completion 2017. Project Contact: Ricardo Hipolito Jr. 5 Brandywine Homes, T17793 (Highland Ave.) Developer to provide District to approve Water & Anticipate start of water & Job No.: 201511 Mylar set of Water & Sewer Improvement Plans & sewer facilities construction Project Contact: Ariel Bacani Sewer Improvement Plans Agreements & Final Map. Spring 2017. & Final Map. 6 ActivCare Living — 4725 Valley View Ave. Water Improvement Plans Construction in progress. Estimate completion 2017. Job No.: 2016-01 approved by District. Project Contact: Ricardo Hipolito Jr. 7 Yorba Linda Apartments — Recreation Building Water Improvement Plans Construction in progress. Estimate completion 2017. Job No.: 2016-03 approved by District. Project Contact: Ricardo Hipolito Jr. 8 Zelman Development Co. — YL Town Center District approved Water & Developer to schedule Pre- City anticipates start of water & Job No.: 2016-10 Sewer Improvement Plans Const. Meeting & provide sewer facilities construction in Project Contact: Ariel Bacani & Agreements. shop drawing submittals. Spring 2017. ENGINEERING DEPT. PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2017 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Blue 9 YL West Estates, LLC Continuing plan check of Developer to execute W&S 4 -Lot Single Family Residential Job No.: 2016-12 W&S Improvements & Agreements & Parcel Map. Tract - 16941 Nightingale Ln. Project Contact: Ricardo Hipolito Jr. Parcel Map. Provided Fee Provide Fee Schedule. Schedule. 10 National CORE — Oakcrest Heights District approved Water & Developer to schedule Pre- Anticipate start of water & Job No.: 2016-13 Sewer Improvement Plans Construction Meeting & sewer facilities construction Project Contact: Ariel Bacani & Agreements. provide shop drawing Spring 2017. submittals. 11 HQT HOMES 215, LLC Board awarded Terms & Continuing plan check of 6 -Lot Single Family Residential Job No.: 2016-14 Conditions on December, W&S Improvements. development on Lathrop Drive. Project Contact: Ricardo Hipolito Jr. 2016. 12 Javier Brito — 5192 Mountain View Ave. Sewer District approved Sewer Developer to schedule Pre- Anticipate start of sewer main Job No.: 2016-175 Improvement Plans & Construction Meeting & construction Spring 2017. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani Agreement. provide shop drawing submittals. ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 14, 2017 Subject: Meetings from March 15, 2017 - June 30, 2017 ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: March 2017 Tue, Apr 4 6:30PM Nederhood MWDOC Wed, Mar 15 8:30AM Nederhood OCSD Board Orientation Wed, Mar 15 3:OOPM Jones OCWD Wed, Mar 15 5:30PM Jones Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Mar 15 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Mar 21 4:OOPM Jones (All Directors PA) TENTATIVE - AHCAC Meeting Tue, Mar 21 7:OOPM Jones/Nederhood YL City Council Tue, Mar 21 6:30PM Miller OCSD Wed, Mar 22 6:OOPM Hawkins/Jones Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Thu, Mar 23 4:OOPM Miller/Nederhood Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Mar 28 5:30PM Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Mar 29 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) ISDOC Thu, Mar 30 11:30AM Jones/Miller/Nederhood (All Directors PA) MWDOC Water Policy Forum Thu, Mar 30 5:30PM Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood LAFCO Fri, Mar 31 9:OOAM Nederhood (As Needed) April 2017 TENTATIVE - AHCAC Meeting Mon, Apr 3 6:30PM Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Apr 4 6:30PM Nederhood MWDOC Wed, Apr 5 8:30AM Nederhood OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Apr 5 5:OOPM Hawkins OCWD Wed, Apr 5 5:30PM Jones MWDSC Hoover Dam Tour Fri, Apr 7 7:15AM Jones/Nederhood WACO Fri, Apr 7 7:30AM Jones (All Directors PA) MWDSC Hoover Dam Tour Sat, Apr 8 7:OOAM Jones/Nederhood MWDSC Hoover Dam Tour Sun, Apr 9 7:OOAM Jones/Nederhood CA -NV AWWA Spring Conference Mon, Apr 10 8:OOAM Nederhood CA -NV AWWA Spring Conference Tue, Apr 11 8:OOAM Nederhood Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Apr 11 5:30PM CA -NV AWWA Spring Conference Wed, Apr 12 8:OOAM Nederhood LAFCO Wed, Apr 12 8:OOAM Nederhood (As Needed) Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 12 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) CA -NV AWWA Spring Conference Thu, Apr 13 8:OOAM Nederhood TENTATIVE - AHCAC Meeting Mon, Apr 17 6:30PM Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Apr 18 4:OOPM YL City Council Tue, Apr 18 6:30PM Hall MWDOC Wed, Apr 19 8:30AM Nederhood OCWD Wed, Apr 19 5:30PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Apr 25 5:30PM MWDOC Elected Officials' Forum Wed, Apr 26 6:OOPM OCSD Wed, Apr 26 6:OOPM Hawkins/Jones Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 26 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) PA = Preauthorized AHCAC = Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee 3/10/2017 11:46:22 AM Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: May 2017 TENTATIVE - AHCAC Meeting Mon, May 1 6:30PM Yorba Linda City Council Tue, May 2 6:30PM Hawkins MWDOC Wed, May 3 8:30AM Nederhood OCSD Operations Committee Wed, May 3 5:OOPM Hawkins OCWD Wed, May 3 5:30PM Jones WACO Fri, May 5 7:30AM Jones (All Directors PA) ACWA/JPIA Spring Conference Mon, May 8 8:OOAM ACWA/JPIA Spring Conference Tue, May 9 8:OOAM ACWA Spring Conference Tue, May 9 8:OOAM Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, May 9 5:30PM LAFCO Wed, May 10 8:OOAM Nederhood (As Needed) ACWA Spring Conference Wed, May 10 8:OOAM Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, May 10 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) ACWA Spring Conference Thu, May 11 8:OOAM ACWA Spring Conference Fri, May 12 8:OOAM YL City Council Tue, May 16 6:30PM Jones MWDOC Wed, May 17 8:30AM Nederhood OCWD Wed, May 17 5:30PM Jones Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, May 18 4:OOPM Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, May 23 5:30PM OCSD Wed, May 24 6:OOPM Hawkins/Jones Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, May 24 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) District Offices Closed Mon, May 29 7:OOAM June 2017 WACO Fri, Jun 2 7:30AM Jones (All Directors PA) Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Jun 6 6:30PM Miller MWDOC Wed, Jun 7 8:30AM Nederhood OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Jun 7 5:OOPM Hawkins OCWD Wed, Jun 7 5:30PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jun 13 5:30PM LAFCO Wed, Jun 14 8:OOAM Nederhood (As Needed) Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Jun 14 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) OC Water Summit Fri, Jun 16 7:30AM YL City Council Tue, Jun 20 6:30PM Nederhood MWDOC Wed, Jun 21 8:30AM Nederhood OCWD Wed, Jun 21 5:30PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Jun 27 5:30PM OCSD Wed, Jun 28 6:OOPM Hawkins/Jones Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Jun 28 6:30PM Hawkins (As Needed) ISDOC Thu, Jun 29 11:30AM Hawkins (All Board) PA = Preauthorized AHCAC = Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee 3/10/2017 11:46:22 AM