HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-10 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes-Page 2M June 10, .1993 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING June 10, 1993 The June 10, 1993, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Sterling L. Fox at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. ROLL CALL Directors present at Roll Call: President Sterling L. Fox Vice President Carl T. Scanlin Paul R. Armstrong Michael J. Beverage Arthur C. Korn Directors absent at Roll Call: None Visitors Present: Barbara Prosser Dorothy McKenney Richard Deverin Robert Hillskemper Gwen Hillskemper Tony Cardoza John Lorand Joan Lorand Barbara Moore Dick Sparrow Kitty Sparrow William Au J. Minton Brown Jr. Staff present: William J. Robertson, Secretary / General Manager Barbara Bower, Secretary to the General Manager Charles Gray, Engineering Manager Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent Beverly Meza, Business Manager Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator 4588 Danita Lane 4551 Danita Lane 18771 Oriente Drive 4501 Danita Lane 4501 Danita Lane 4502 Danita Lane 4598 Danita Lane 4598 Danita Lane 4581 Danita Lane 18811 Oriente Drive 18811 Oriente Drive 4532 Danita Lane 18781 Oriente Drive INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Item 1. Correspondence and Presentation by Mr. Richard Sparrow , 18811 Oriente Drive, Yorba Linda, regarding Sewer Assessment District No. 92-01. Mr. Sparrow summarized the events that have transpired to date in trying to bring sewer mains into the area of Oriente Drive and Danita Lane. Mr. Sparrow stated that there were enough signatures to form a sewer assessment District and that the Water District should proceed forward with the formation of a Assessment District. Mr. Arthur G. Kidman came into the meeting at 8:40 a.m. President Fox requested each homeowner to present their views. Homeowners in support of the Assessment District were: Richard Daverin, Mr. Brown, William Au, John Lorand, Ms. Moore, Joan Lorand and Kitty Sparrow. Homeowners opposing were Tony Cardoza and Dorothy McKenney, Ms. Prosser stated she signed the-petition under duress. Ms. Lora J. Stovall of Bartle Wells Associates came into the meeting at 9:27 a.m. Page 1AW - June 10, 1993 The Board of Directors requested that the homeowners try to resolve their differences. President Fox requested staff to assist the property owners and to bring the matter back to the Board at a later date. President Fox declared a recess at 9:38 a.m. All of the Danita Lane and Oriente Drive property owners left the meeting at this time. The meeting reconvened at 9:44 a.m. with all Directors and staff present. CONSENT CALENDAR Prior to voting on the Consent Calendar, Director Korn requested that Item No. 28 of the May 27, 1993 minutes be changed to reflect that the meeting was SDWCA and not CSDA. Vice President Scanlin asked if Agenda Item No. 5 was the project that the City withdrew their request for Measure M funds from the County of Orange. Engineering Manager Charles Gray responded that the project Vice President Scanlin was questioning is on Lakeview Avenue, but north of Yorba Linda Boulevard. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 27, 1993, as corrected. Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to the next meeting. Item 4. Approval of payment of bills, payroll and refunds in the amount of $419,185.93 on Check Nos. 13643 through 13703 and 13706; and Payroll Check Nos. 5373, 5375 through 5413, 5452 through 5470, 5472 through 5482. Item 5. Approval to advertise for public bids for the construction of the Lakeview Avenue and Mountain View Avenue Water Facility Improvement Projects, Job Nos. 9218 and 9219. Item 6. Approval of Progress Payment No. 7 in the amount $41,135.90 to Taymech Corporation for construction of Lomas de Yorba Booster Station, Job No. 8933. Item 7. Approval to release the Cash Bond with Mrs. Joy Wiggins in the amount of $4,000.00 for the Water and Sewer Facilities for P.M. 87-163. ACTION CALENDAR Item 8. Consideration of MSC and Unit Employee Compensation Resolutions. Administrative Assistant Michael Robinson explained that the meet and confer with the Teamsters and the MSC group had been completed and that all of the terms of the agreement were within the parameters set forth by the Board of Directors. Mr. Robinson concluded his report by stating that there were two Resolutions that needed to be adopted by the Board of Directors. President Fox stated that the Resolutions did not include any compensation for the General Manager and that the Board should consider adjustments to his contract. Director Armstrong questioned whether the MSC agreement should be for a one or two year period. Following a general discussion, the Board agreed that the agreement for the MSC group should be for two years. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Vice President Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 4-1, Director Korn voting no, to adopt Resolution No. 93-12 adopting the Management, Supervisory and Confidential Employee Compensation Letter. Director Korn requested that the record show that he was opposed to the classification study only. Page 201 June 10, 1993 On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Vice President Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 4-1, Director Korn voting no, to adopt Resolution No. 93-13 adopting the Memorandum of Understanding with the California Teamsters and the Pay Plan for Bargaining Unit employees. Director Korn requested that the record show that he was opposed to the classification study only. The Board then discussed compensation adjustments for the General Manager. The Board agreed to amend the General Managers terms of employment but referred the review of a contract with the General Manager to the Executive Committee. On a motion by President Fox, seconded by Director Korn, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to amend the General Managers terms of employment by approving items 3 through 8 and 11 through 13 of the MSC letter for the General Manager. Item 9. Consideration of Financial Master Plan prepared by Bartle Wells Associates. Assistant General Manager Michael Payne summarized the purpose for the Financial Master Plan and then introduced Ms. Lora Stovall of Bartle Wells Associates. Ms. Stovall gave a presentation on the Financial Master Plan that their firm prepared. Ms. Stovall then reviewed all of the financial options along with the pros and cons of each option. A question and answer period followed related to the various financial options. The Board of Directors also discussed some of the projects in the Financial Plan and General Obligation bonds in Improvement District No. 1 and 2. Ms. Stovall concluded her report by stating that the District might consider refinancing the General Obligation Bonds in Improvement District No. 1. Director Korn was concerned that approval of the Financial Master Plan also included approval of the projects identified in the plan. Michael Payne responded that each project would be presented to the Board of Directors along with a recommendation at the time the project is undertaken. The Board requested that the second phase of the Financial Master Plan be undertaken to determine the best way to generate the funds to pay for the financing of the projects. Director Armstrong requested that language be added to the charts indicating that the projects identified in the Financial plan were taken from the 1993-94 Five Year plan. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by President Fox the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to accept the Financial Master Plan as corrected. President Fox declared a recess at 11:06 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 11:14 a.m. with all Directors and staff present. Ms. Stovall left the meeting at 11:19 a.m. Item 10. Consideration of Financial Statements for the ten months ended April 30, 1993. Business Manager, Beverly Meza presented the Financial Statements to the Board of Directors. Ms. Meza outlined some of the numbers in the water and sewer statements. The Board of Directors discussed uncollectible accounts, depreciation and other services. The Board also reviewed the Rate Stabilization Fund and discussed whether action should be taken to transfer funds into the Water Operating Fund. General Manager Robertson stated that staff would bring a recommendation to the next Board meeting in regards to the Rate Stabilization Fund. On a motion by Vice President Scanlin, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to accept the Financial Statements for the ten months ended April 30, 1993. Mr. Kidman left the meeting at 11:32 a.m. Page : ? June 10, 1993 DISCUSSION CALENDAR Item 11. Report on the District's 1993-94 Annual Budget. General Manager Robertson began the presentation by summarizing the proposed Budget for fiscal 1993-94. Secretary to the General Manager Barbara Bower then presented the Board of Directors proposed budget followed by William Robertson who presented the Administration Departments budget. Business Manager Beverly Meza then presented the Business Departments budget followed by Engineering Manager Chuck Gray who presented the Engineering Departments budget. Operations Superintendant Ray Harsma then presented the Operations Department budget. Chuck Gray concluded staff presentation by reviewing the Capital Improvement and Replacement programs for the upcoming year. A discussion followed regarding the preliminary budget. Mr. Robertson advised the Board that staff will present the Budget at the June 24, 1993 Board of Directors meeting. This item was for information only and no action was taken. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 12. General Manager's oral report and comments. General Manager Robertson reported on the following: 1. That the District would have an information booth at the Main Street Arts and Craft fair on Sunday June 13, 1993. 2. The next District tour is planned for August 14, 1993. 3. Received a fax requesting that the Chamber of Commerce continue opposing the Governors proposed tax shift. LEGAL COUNSEL'S REPORT Item 13. Legal Counsel was not present. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 14. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting was held. Item 14-A. An Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting was scheduled for June 18, 1993. Item 15. Finance-Accounting Committee meeting on May 25, 1993. President Fox reported that the committee discussed the Financial Master Plan, Water Rates and the 1993 Annual Budget. Item 16. A Finance-Accounting Committee meeting was scheduled for June 16, 1993. Item 17. Personnel-Risk Management Committee meeting on May 26, 1993. Director Beverage reported that the Personnel-Risk Management Committee reviewed employee discipline matters and the MSC employees meet and confer meeting. Item 18. No Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting was held. Item 19. A Public Information Committee meeting was scheduled for June 16, 1993. INTERGOVERNMENTAL. MEETINGS Item 20. Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting on June 1, 1993. Director Beverage reported that the City Council awarded a contract for the widening of the Lakeview Avenue Bridge at Imperial Highway and that they passed a Resolution regarding a franchise to operate wastewater pipelines within the City. Director Beverage then reported that the City Council adopted the General Plan and that they held a public hearing on imposing a traffic growth fee. Page- June 10, 1993 Item 21. Report on MAD meeting on June 8, 1993. President Fox reported that he did not attend the meeting. Item 22. Report on OCWD meeting on June 2, 1993. Vice President Scanlin reported that they discussed the local water conditions and that they are planning to store MWD water. Director Scanlin also reported on new Debt issuance and the Foothill Dam. Item 23. Report on WACO meeting on June 4, 1993. Director Armstrong reported that the Committee discussed AB 1838 by Acosta and vision 2000. Director Armstrong also reported on local water supply conditions and MWD's Policy and Principal of growth management. Item 24. Report on Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting on June 9, 1993. Director Armstrong stated that there was nothing to report. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Item 25. Director Armstrong reported on a Christian Science monitor cleanup in Massachusetts. Director Armstrong also reported that he obtained a video that talks about using islands in the Delta as storage reservoirs and that if any one wanted to borrow the tape to contact him. Director Armstrong announced that he would be out of the United States from August 8, to September 4, 1993. Item 26. Director Beverage reported on an editorial that was in the Yorba Linda Star. Director Beverage suggested that the District meet with the Editorial Writer to discuss privatization. Item 27. Director Korn did not have any comments. Item 28. Vice President Scanlin reported on the visitors center at Castaic Lake that couldn't open because the water was bad. Item 29. President Fox announced that it was his anniversary today. The other Directors congratulated him and his wife. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar. There were no changes made to the calendar. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5- 0, at 1:04 p.m. to adjourn to Thursday, June 24, 1993, at 8:30 a.m., at the District headquarters on Plumosa Drive. William J. Robertson General Manager/Secretary