HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-05 - Public Information-Technology Committee Meeting Agenda PacketAGENDA YORBALINDAWATERDISTRICT PUBLICINFORMATION-TECHNOLOGYCOMMITTEEMEETING Tuesday,May5,2009,4:00PM 1717EMiralomaAve,PlacentiaCA92870 COMMITTEE STAFF DirectorRicCollett,Chair DirectorMichaelJ.Beverage KenVecchiarelli,GeneralManager PatGrady,AssistantGeneralManager CindyBotts,ManagementAnalyst 1. PUBLICCOMMENTS Anyindividualwishingtoaddressthecommitteeis requestedtoidentifythemselvesandstatethematt eron whichtheywishtocomment.Ifthematterisonthi sagenda,thecommitteeChairwillrecognizethein dividualfor theircommentwhentheitemisconsidered.Noactio nwillbetakenonmattersnotlistedonthisagend a. Commentsarelimitedtomattersofpublicinterest andmatterswithinthejurisdictionoftheWaterDi strict. Commentsarelimitedtofiveminutes. 2. ACTIONCALENDAR Thisportionoftheagendaisforitemswherestaff presentationsandcommitteediscussionsareneeded priorto formalcommitteeaction. 2.1.CustomerOnlinePaymentsService Recommendation:ThattheCommitteesupportStaff'srecommendation to implementonlinepaymentserviceswithInfosend. 3. DISCUSSIONITEMS Thisportionoftheagendaisformatterssuchast echnicalpresentations,draftsofproposedpolicies ,orsimilar itemsforwhichstaffisseekingtheadviceandcou nseloftheCommitteemembers.Thisportionofthe agenda mayalsoincludeitemsforinformationonly. 3.1.WebsiteUpdatesandLinks 3.2.CustomerNewsletter-Spring2009 3.3.OCChildren'sWaterEducationFestivalandOCGirl ScoutsPublicEvents 3.4.FutureAgendaItemsandStaffTasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1.ThenextregularmeetingofthePublicInformation-TechnologyCommitteewillbeheld June2,2009at4:00p.m. ItemsDistributedtotheBoardLessThan72HoursP riortotheMeeting PursuanttoGovernmentCodesection54957.5,non-ex emptpublicrecordsthatrelatetoopensessionage ndaitems andaredistributedtoamajorityoftheBoardless thanseventy-two(72)hourspriortothemeetingw illbeavailablefor publicinspectioninthelobbyoftheDistrict’sbu sinessofficelocatedat1717E.MiralomaAvenue,P lacentia,CA92870, duringregularbusinesshours.Whenpractical,thes epublicrecordswillalsobemadeavailableonthe District’sinternet websiteaccessibleathttp://www.ylwd.com/. AccommodationsfortheDisabled Anypersonmaymakearequestforadisability-rela tedmodificationoraccommodationneededforthatp ersontobe abletoparticipateinthepublicmeetingbyteleph oningtheExecutiveSecretaryat714-701-3020,orw ritingtoYorba LindaWaterDistrict,P.O.Box309,YorbaLinda,CA 92885-0309.Requestsmustspecifythenatureofth edisabilityand thetypeofaccommodationrequested.Atelephonenu mberorothercontactinformationshouldbeinclude dsothe Districtstaffmaydiscussappropriatearrangements .Personsrequestingadisability-relatedaccommoda tionshould maketherequestwithadequatetimebeforethemeet ingfortheDistricttoprovidetherequestedaccom modation. ITEMNO.2.1 AGENDAREPORT MeetingDate:May5,2009 Budgeted:No To:PublicInformation-Technology Committee CostEstimate:$3,800+Monthly Costs FundingSource:WaterOperating Fund From:KenVecchiarelli,General Manager PresentedBy:PatGrady,AssistantGeneral Manager Dept:Information Technology ReviewedbyLegal:N/A PreparedBy:PatGrady,AssistantGeneral Manager CEQACompliance:N/A Subject:CustomerOnlinePaymentsService SUMMARY: TheonlinepaymentsservicewouldenableDistrictc ustomerstopaytheirwaterbillsthroughthe web,inadditiontoviewtheiraccountinformation suchaspayment,billing,andwaterusehistory. STAFFRECOMMENDATION: ThattheCommitteesupportStaff'srecommendationt oimplementonlinepaymentserviceswith Infosend. DISCUSSION: Infosend,thecompanythatprintsandmailstheDis tricts'waterbills,providesawebservicethat enablescustomerstopaytheirwaterbillsonline.Theyareabletoeffectivelyprovidethisservice sincetheDistrictprovidesInfosendwithadatabas econtainingcustomerbillingandpayment informationonaregularbasisduringthebillingp rocess. Withthisservice,customerswouldgainaccesstot heirpaymentandbillinghistory,alongwiththe abilitytopaytheirwaterbillthroughtheircheck ingaccountorcreditcard.Additionally,customers wouldbeabletosignupfortheDistrict'sAutopay program,allowingthesystemtomanagethis process,asopposedtoDistrictStaff. Currently,CustomerServiceprocessesapproximately 1,200creditcardtransactionspermonth, eitherthroughpersonalpayment,telephone,fax,or mail.Staffbelievesthataportionofthese transactionscouldbesignificantlyreducedbyimpl ementingtheonlinesolutionandencouraging customerstoutilizetheservicetomanagetheirwa teraccount. Anotheradavantagetheserviceprovidesistheabil ityforcustomerstooptoutofpaperwaterbills andsolelyreceiveemailnotificationswhentheirw aterbillhasbeengeneratedandavailablefor themtoviewordownloadfromthewebservice.Over time,Staffanticipatesasavingsofpostageas customerschoosepaperlessbillings. AstheDistrictplanstoimplementnewutilitybill ingsoftwarebythethirdquarterofthiscalendar year,utilizingInfosendatthistimewouldnotint erferewithimplementationofthenewsoftwareand Staffanticipatesaseamlessintegration. Thecostoftheserviceisthefollowing: One-timefee:$3,800 Recurringfee(basedon10%customerusage):$908/m o $595/mo–Scanningandstorage(fixedfee) $75/mo–Monthlyapplicationfee(fixedfee) $238/mo–Transactionfee(basedonregisteredcustomers) $908/mo Thecostoftherecurringfeewouldbeincludedin theupcomingFY2009/10budget.Shouldthe Committeerecommendapprovaloftheservice,Staff'sgoalwouldbetoimplementtheserviceby July1st,orsooner. ITEMNO.3.2 AGENDAREPORT MeetingDate:May5,2009 Subject:CustomerNewsletter-Spring2009 ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Customer_Newsletter-_Spring_2009_FINAL.pdf CustomerNewsletterSpring2009FINAL BackupMaterial - ® Yorba Linda Water District ?L o o er Zn Spring 2009 Hidden Hills Project Yorba Linda Water District is scheduled to begin construction May 11, Water Conservation is Everyone's Responsibility 2009 on a project that will add a 2.0 Million Gallon Reservoir located p y A north and east of the extension of Hidden Hills Road. This reservoir ..a. , On February27th 2009 Governor '�-�„-� will provide additional reliability to meet operational, emergency, and Current Projects fire protection needs for the highest elevations in the Hidden Hills Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed -� �• ..,. p g a State of Emergency in response Highland Reservoir Replacement Project Community. The project will also include upgrades to the Santiago to California's third straight year of Construction is now under way on a replacement Booster Pump Station which currently serves the community and will drought. In each year of this drought, for the 98-year-old Highland Reservoir — one provide replenishment water to the reservoir. the rainfall and snowpack has been of the oldest water-storage facilities in Orange significantly below the amounts County. The Highland Reservoir is a critical _ Sixteen construction bids for the project were received on February24, needed to fill California's reservoir element of the District's water supply chain 2009, with the contract awarded to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for system. The 2008 rain year experienced the driest spring and summer that has, over the last several years, gradually $S.OM on March 12, 2009.This amount is well below the engineer's on record, with rainfall 76% below average. The Colorado River begun to show its age. About a year ago, the estimate of$7.OM, a savings which is "a reflection both of the current system has dropped to 55% of total capacity, and there continues to Board of Directors awarded a contract to Schuler economy and of the overall interest in this essential project," said be a 30% restriction on water deliveries from the State Water Project Engineering for construction of the Highland 4,r Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager. and the Central Valley Project, in order to protect Delta Smelt. Reservoir Replacement Project. The aging 4.6- million-gallon reservoir will be replaced with a 6 Barring inclement weather or other unforeseen setbacks in the The effects of the drought extend beyond the availability of the million-gallon underground reinforced concrete reservoir that wi I I bring added schedule, the District anticipates a completion date of September water that is pumped into our homes and businesses. Low water supply reliability to the central portion of theYLWD service area and improve 2010. levels in the state's reservoir system have significantly reduced the views for residential customers in the western portion of Yorba Linda. The ability to generate hydropower, which has an impact on energy $11 .2 million-project will be funded Don't Plug Your Plug! costs. California farmers who provide near) half of the fresh fruits through long-term revenue bonds. If you have a fire hydrant on ■,�• s 4 p Y � g g our property, it's probably hard nuts, and vegetables consumed by Americans, have had to abandon Two temporary steel reservoir tanks Y P P Y� P Y more than 100,000 acres of agricultural land. These crop losses will have been placed at the construction not to think of it as an eyesore. certainly lead to increases in food prices, which will further strain - site to hold the Highland water while While it is truethat a fire hydrant already struggling families in California and beyond. As part of the the new reservoir is constructed. probably isn't the prettiest part State of Emergency proclamation, the Governor asked all water users of your landscaping, it can to reduce their consumption by 20%, and for all water agencies to % "Having sufficient water storage potentially save your home, or assist their customers in reducing water use through a conservation capacity is critical to ensuring that of your neighbors in the program. the reliable delivery of a low-cost event of a fire emergency. In groundwater supply," said YLWD fact, having a fire hydrant on Due to both the years of drought and ever increasing regulatory General Manager Ken Vecchiarelli. "Increasing storage capacity at our your property can lower your restrictions, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Highland Reservoir will benefit our entire service area. Having this facility fire insurance premiums. But (MWD) has cut supplies to all retail agencies by 10%. For agencies built as a buried reinforced concrete structure also allows the District to be a fire hydrant can't save your that do go over the allocation, penalties of up to 4 times the cost good stewards of the community by developing the land on top of the reservoir house if firefighters can't see or of water will occur, prompting further rate increases onto customers, for other beneficial use. The Citizens Advisory Committee, in addition to reach it. both conserving and non-conserving. helping to develop water rates and conservation incentives will also work with District staff on developing the best use for this land." Construction on "It is vitally important that neighborhood fire hydrants be both easily In light of the Governor's proclamation and the response of MWD, the the project is expected to be completed in September of 2010. visible and unobstructed for firefighters," says OCFA Assistant Fire Yorba Linda Water District, in conjunction with the Citizens Advisory Marshal Kevin Bass. "International fire code requires the maintenance Committee, recently appointed by the Board of Directors to gain Zone Reconfiguration Project of a 3-foot radius around these fire hydrants to prevent obstructions." further community input, has drafted a water conservation ordinance. The Zone Reconfiguration Project is a project designed to improve areas of A good choice for ground cover around a fire hydrant is grass, mulch, Some of the ideas being considered are; Limits on watering hours & low pressure identified in the 2005 Domestic Water System Master Plan. or any other ground cover that will not hinder firefighters, or be easily duration; Watering restrictions during periods of rain; Restrictions System improvements will bring water from a higher elevation to areas damaged by foot traffic and fire hoses. on washing down hard / paved surfaces; Obligations to fix leaks & currently identified as experiencing low pressures. breaks; Limits on washing vehicles, and other limitations. The draft In addition to keeping fire hydrants free of obstructions, it is also ordinance is scheduled to go before the Board for a public hearing and A total of 19 bids were submitted for the completion of this project, with Ken important not to alter or tamper with them in any way, which includes possible adoption on May 14, 2009. While the final ordinance will Thompson, Inc. being awarded the contract on February 12, 2009 for just any kind of painting or covering. Only Orange County Fire Authority not become effective until July 1 st 2009, in the meantime, we urge all under $1 .1 M. Construction is scheduled to begin in early May 2009, with and Yorba Linda Water District employees are permitted access to of our customers to enact these and other water saving practices on a completion estimated by December 2009. water via a fire hydrant. Any unauthorized use (including use by voluntary basis. home contractors) is punishable under applicable fire code laws. L-MT1 Yorba Linda ® Yorba Linda V ® Water District Water District comerAcross A,RB6RETUM 2. A 10 Minute shower uses up to 55 of water. Water Wisdom Crossword 6. Firemen need have a clear, )Oa)e open path to thihi s. Partnership with Fullerton Arboretum 7. We need to all do our part to keep Z",n�g these from going dry. The Fullerton Arboretum is your passport to the world of plants. F 9. California has been suffering from Without going far from home, you can inhale the fragrances of the —� one of these for 3 years. Mediterranean, feel the cool shade of the redwood forest, delight 10.Your friendly, neighborhood Spring 2009 YLWD.com in the glorious fall colors of the Northeast United States, laugh at water district! the funny forms of succulents, and breathe in the perfume of old fashioned roses. This collection of more than 4,000 plants on their f Down 26 acre property is important for other reasons as well.The Fullerton f 1. Everyone needs to do their part to as much water as Arboretum helps us to understand the diversity of the world's plant possible. life and the importance of protecting the earth's plant treasures. — 3. faucets should always be fixed immediately. Partnering with Yorba Linda Water District, the Fullerton Arboretum _ _ 4. Our most valuable resource. will be offering a series of six classes per year sponsored by YLWD _ 5. A place in Fullerton where you and free to YLWD customers who bring in their water bill. The _ can learn how to fill your garden classes are designed to teach participants how to grow beautiful with drought tolerant plants. gardens with no added water beyond natural rainfall. These classes �lo s. California has experienced will begin in the fall of 2009. record low levels of this over the last three years. The first class of the series will be a basic class geared towards the beginning gardener, titled: "Alternatives to Lawns." This class will Water Lines is produced quarterly to keep Did you Know? feature such topics as lawn removal options, soil preparation, design Yorba Linda Water District customers Turning ofthe water while options, irrigation basics, plant selection, planting techniques, and informed about water-related issues and you brush your teeth can mulching/plant care. upcoming events. If you have any story save up to 4 gallons of water Look for class schedules for the upcomingYLWD sponsored classes at ideas or suggestions,please mail them to per minute. That's up to 200 ment the Fullerton Arboretum, including Water Efficient Gardening with the YLWD Communications Department, gallons per week of savings California Friendly Plants; Water Saving Irrigation Made Simple, 1717 E. Miraloma Ave., Placentia, CA, for a family of four. – and Low Water Landscape Designs at www.fullertonarboretum.org. 92870 or email to info@ylwd.com. r-- ' W-A ILWA o.Y rx n ,' V C ' co o y — �y Wow! 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