HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-07-28 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesP aCt~' ~ 2G6 J:iv 28. _ I OF THE YCRBA LIND A ,'CATER f : t R3' T r~ 3C' RD OF DIRE _ 'D ~ CUR I NE~ i,~_: u TC PS D 'C 1" L ' 8, 988 The aciourned rneetin g of t(?e Boara (Di %irectors of ne Yf•or ;a L_(ia V afar Dis-7ic1 was caned to order by President .Armstrong at 2:C0 p.m., Juiv 28, X388, in the Distric offices at t~i.mn ~sa. ! i.~ Na, ^ sirr~,,s present: , JS R. ~,nrmst Cong W h, ~2~ it Cromwell, ~.~o,,~- :,,.,Fa,.~~ 4. Steriir;g Fox, and Arthur C. Korn. Alsc oresent were: Wiiiiam P, Fd~lorKmar., Generai Manager, William J. Robertson, Assistant General Manager, Robb Quincey, Executive Assistant to the General Manager, Yur! Zaslavsky, Assistant Engineering Manager, Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager, Ray rarsma, Operations Superintendent, Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator 11, ice Cowan, Assistant Operations Superintendent, Brian Johnson, with The Pacific Company, Stan Sprague, MWDOC General Manager, Karl Seckie, MWDOC Assistant General Manager, and Kenny Witt, Director of Municipal Water District of Orange County. Director Knauft was absent. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 14, 1988. E_ Item 2. Authorization fo - the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 3. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Bryant Ranch Associates 111, a California general partnership. By: Woodcrest Development of Orange County, Inc., a California Corporation, Managing Partner, for Tract No. 10657, located east of intersection Paseo De Toronto and Via Lomas De Yorba, Job No. 8825, in the amount of $5,-100.00. Item 4. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Bryant Ranch Associates Ill, a California general partnership. By: Woodcrest Development of Orange Cot.iiti✓, Inc., a California Corporation, Managing Partner, for T Tact No. 1337 located north of Pasec De Tcronto along Via Lomas De Yorca, Job No. 8810, in the amount of $6,950.CC. Item 5. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Yorba Linda Brighton Associates 1, a California generai partnership. By: Brignton Homes, a California Corpcraticr, General Partner, for Tract No. 13372, 'located west of intersection Paseo De Toronto and Via Lomas De Yorba, Job No. 8811, in the amount of $10,660.00. Item 6. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Bryant Ranch Associates 111, a California general partnership. By: Woodcrest Development of Orange County, inc., a California Corporation, iManaging Partner, for Tract No. 13375, located east of intersection Paseo De T oronto and Via Lomas De Yorba, Job No. 88,112, in the amount of 12,2 3 5.CC. Page 2_227 July 28, IC-P-8 item 7. Approval of Etchandy Waii construction agreement with iMS Instrumentation and Mechanical System, Inc. in the amount of $21,070.00 and to authorize the President and Secretary to execute the documents. Item S. Designation of certain Operations Department equipment as surplus and authorization for their sale or disposal. PRESENTATION ft .a 9. Presentation by Stan Sprague, General Manager of the Municipal Water District of -.ange County, and Karl Seckle, Assistant General Manager, regarding South County Vv.wer Supply Study and AMP augmentation. Mr. Sprague and Mr. Seckle reported to the Board that in the course of MWDOC's engineering study concerning conveyance of the splatter capacity in the AMP, downstream of Reach D-4, a potential additional project was identified which would increase the capacity of the AMP by as much as 140 cfs at an economical cost. This proposed AMP Flow Augmentation Project would consist of oversizing the parallel to Reaches S2/S3, which is already planned, to convey splatter capacity, constructing a pump station at the Diemer Filtration Plant and, if necessary, paralleling Reaches S4B/S5 to convey the additional capacity to the end of the AMP. The construction of the AMP Flow Augmentation Project is anticipated to benefit the AMP Participants by providing needed capacity, particularly in the South County, to meet interim shortfalls until Met's facility is completed, and, if any capacity is not needed by an AMP Participant, it can be provided to other agencies with credit given to the AMP Participant in the form of an offset against the cost of capacity taken, or a refund of costs already invested in the AMP. In order to be an effective source of capacity to meet interim needs pending completion of Met's facilities, this project must be pursued as quickly as possible. The District's cooperation will assist in making this project successful. The Board asked several questions and heard a brief presentation by Ken Witt, MWDOC Director. DISCUSSION CALENDAR them 10. Conditions for occupancy of Tracts 11709 and 11749 in Improvement District No. 2. William Robertson, Assistant General Manager, briefly presented a request for approval of the terms and conditions for issuance of certificates of occupancy for the two tracts in question, and explained that the request necessitates water service from an interim pump station and completion of specific on-site and off-site improvements. These alternatives were considered, as the track will be ready for occupancy prior to completion of a planned permanent reservoir in this area. Page 2228 July 28, 1988 it was discussed that 112 service sites will be served by the alternat° wat°r `cJA",Y- Furthermore, the Board discussed their desire to advise ail prospective buyers of this property regarding the alternative water supply situation, in a written format, including a notification of alternate supply which would be disseminated to all prospective buyers. On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the terms and conditions for issuance of certificate of occupancy for homes in Tract 11709 and 11747. Item 11. ACWA legal affairs deposit. William Robertson, Assistant General Manager, explained that the $110.00 expenditure made to ACWA, for support of the Paradise Irrigation Case was not used. ACWA's Board of Directors directed their staff to return the deposit to the participating districts, or endeavor to ask that the districts allow ACWA to retain the $110.00 payment for their legal affairs fund to offset future legal costs in the 1988 budget year. After a brief discussion, Director Korn made a motion to formally request a refund from ACWA, stating that if they need said additional funds in the future, they are to again request it, with the particular cause or purpose outlined. President Armstrong seconded the motion, and the Board voted 4-0 to request a $110.00 refund from ACWA. Item 12. Amending sections of the Personnel Ruler. Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator, requested that the Board approve Resolution 88-32 amending sections of the Personnel Rules pertaining to recognized holidays and bereavement periods. It was discussed that the holiday section should be removed from the Personnel Rules. On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 4-0 to approve Resolution 88-32 amending sections of the Personnel Rules. ttem 13. Santiago County Water District 25th anniversary. Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator, requested that the Board consider adoption of Resolution 88-33 extending congratulations to the Santiago County Water District upon its 25th anniversary. After a brief discussion, it was stated that President Armstrong and Mike Robinson would be representing the Board and the District at the event. On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution 88-33 recognizing Santiago's celebration. Item 14. Support of Water Awareness Week, 1989. Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator, requested that the Board provide direction regarding support to the California Water Awareness Committee (CCWAC) for the upcoming Water Awareness Week. After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to cooperate but not provide financial support for this upcoming event. Furthermore, contingent upon the Committee's a manpower needs to staff booths for the Awareness Week, the Board may consider participation of this fashion, as well. On a motion by President Armstrong and seconded by Director Cromwell, the Board voted 4-0 to decline CWAC's request for financial support, but cooperate with the program. Page 2229 juiv 28. 1988 GENERAL MAIs1AGER'S REPORT General Manager William Workman informed the Board that he had been in contact with Maloney's, a local restaurant for collection of overdue water fees. ftem 15. Alternates for Board Standing Committees. General !Manager William Workman reviewed the Board's request that a system for Board committee alternates be established. The Board discussed several options and reasons for alternates. On a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 4-0 to approve a policy of having either the President or Vice President, respectively serve as an alternate standing committee member, when necessary. STANDING COMMrFTEE REPORTS Item 16. No Executive Committee report was scheduled. Rem 17. No Finance-Accounting Committee report was scheduled Item 18. Authorization for payment of bills. On a motion by Vice President Fox and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 4-0 to approve payment of bills and rate deposits in the amount of $185,479.06 on Checks No. 15090 through 15196, Payroll Checks No. 1761 through 1828 and one wire dated July 28, 1988, in the amount of $9,476.08. Item 19. No Personnel Committee report was scheduled. Item 24. Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee. Committee member Korn advised the Board that the P.O.E. Committee met that morning and considered three issues. Mr. Korn advised the Board that the Committee and staff are continuing to evaluate the options surrounding the building. He advised the Board that the Automation Task Force has been working to select three final computer vendors, and are about to make site visits to users so as to make recommendations for a finalist. Finally, Mr. Korn indicated that the P.O.E. Committee reviewed staff work regarding new water fees and charges, and indicated that a public hearing will be held on August 11, 1988, 8:30 a.m. to discuss the new fees. Item 21. Public Information Committee report. Oral report on Xeriscape meeting of July 20. Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator, advised the Board that the annual Xeriscape Conference is scheduled for November 12, 1988, and that a number of speakers and a tour have been arranged. Mr. Robinson also discussed the Committee's interest in XLriscape landscaping in front of the Fairmont Reservoir. He indicated that this idea was being taken under further advisement. Page 2230 July 28, 1988 INTERGOVERNMEINTAL_. MEETINGS Item 22. Report an CSDA meeting of Dui ~~yo, porn advised the Board that as of August 1, 1988, the CSDA will cave imptementea itv first full time Executive Director. He indicated that there will be a graduai phase out of the existing consultant utilized in the past for administrative functions. Director Korn also indicated that there was an office move for the CSDA planned for the not too distant future. Mr. Korn concluded by informing the Board that the CSDA has implemented a new pooled bond financing fund to provide limited amounts of financial assistance to various agencies. This fund will allow agencies a funding option for specified projects wherein an agency bond offering may not be necessary. Rem 23. Report on City Council meeting of July 19. No report given. Bern 24. Report on MWDOC meeting of July 20. No report given. Rem 25. Report on OCWD meeting of July 20. No report given. Rem 26. Report on Planning Commission meeting of July 27. Prior to discussing the Planning Commission meeting, President Armstrong briefly reported on a WACO meeting that he attended on July 21, 1988. He cited the amounts of water used by Caltrans on a regular basis is an ever increasing amount; that the State Department of Water Resources has developed a new 1-1/2 gallon toilet; that there is a new potential water storage area near the San Louis Reservoir, which is known for occupancy by endangered species; and that Orange County consumes ill of all water distributed through the-Metropolitan Water - District. President Armstrong indicated that the Planning Commission designated the downtown area of Yorba Linda as the Town Center Zone. If in this area development occurs, there now shall be minimum property sizes, which are larger than any existing property size in this area currently. Furthermore, Mr. Armstrong indicated that the Planning Commission chose the northerly alternative for the extension of Bastanchury. ADJOURNMENT Prior to adjournment, the Board briefly discussed with staff the District's recourse if persons fail to pay sewer fees or illegally connect to the District's sewer connection. After a reiteration of District policy regarding this matter, on a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board voted 4-0 to adjourn the meeting. William P. Workman General Manager/Secretary