HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-22 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage 2249 September 22, 1988 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was called to order by Whit Cromwell, President Pro Tem, at 8:30 a.m., September 22, 1988, in the District offices at 4622 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors present were: Whit Cromwell, Arthur C. Korn and Roy Knauft. Also present were: William P. Workman, General Manager, William J. Robertson, Assistant General Manager, Robb Quincey, Executive Assistant to the General Manager, Michael Payne, Engineering Manager, Cheryl Gunderson, Business Manager, Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator, Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent, Jim Van Haun of Orange County Water District, Dave Kull of Regional Land Systems, Nick Visbeek of BSI Consultants, Charley Feddersen of Rocky Murata Landscape, and Brian Johnson of Woodcrest Development. Directors Armstrong and Fox were absent. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 3-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 1. Approval of Minutes - Adjourned Meeting of September 7, 1988. Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 3. Approval of Progress Payment No. 1 to Fred H. Woodard Co., Inc. in the amount of $123,000.00 for construction of the Chino Hills Reservoir. Item 4. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Long's Drug Stores of California, Inc., located at the northeast corner of Village Center Drive and Yorba Linda Boulevard, in the amount of $1,730.00. Item 5. Approval of Application to and Agreement for Water Service with Ahmanson Developments, Inc., a California corporation, for Tract No. 10144 in the amount of $576.00, and approve an additional allocation of $32,297.00 from the unappropriated Capital Improvement Fund balance for ID #1 to meet the $93,297.00 reimbursement obligations for this project and also authorize the release of occupancies within Tract No. 12850. r Page 2250 September 22, 1988 Item 6. Approval of reimbursement costs to C.W. Associates for Phase 6 of the Bryant Cross Feeder in the amount of $431,860.37. _ DISCUSSION CALENDAR Item 7. Proposed Xeriscaping of Fairmont Reservoir. An extensive presentation on this topic was introduced by Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator, who began by explaining the request to the Board for approval of installation of Xeriscape landscaping at the District's Fairmont Reservoir site, and the expenditure of supporting funds. Mr. Robinson explained the role of the Xeriscape Committee, and specifically cited the selection of the Fairmont Reservoir for Xeriscape landscaping, as it is near the geographic center of the District. It is located across the street from the North Orange County Community College Continuing Education Center, which is the host of the semi-annual Xeriscape Seminars. It is located at the center of an area that will soon be developed as a residential area and also in an area that lends itself well to the type of plant materials that are typical of xeriscape. Mr. Robinson introduced Jim Van Haun, a Xeriscape Committee member, who briefly explained the concepts of Xeriscape and described the proposed Xeriscape demonstration garden for the Fairmont Reservoir. Mr. Van Haun proceeded to introduce Dave Kull and Nick Visbeek, who respectively are the project's registered landscape architect and contractor. In a joint presentation, Mr. Kull and Mr. Visbeek stated that most people over water their lawns and related plants 30 - 60%. Therefore, the Xeriscape j concept was designed to plant material that requires as little water to survive as possible. The gentlemen further described the proposed demonstration garden, and addressed a number of questions posed by the Board. It was stated that the expenses for Xeriscape landscaping are no more than normal non-Xeriscape landscaping, and that it takes five to fifteen years for a project such as this to look fully lush and green. After several final questions regarding the growth patterns of Xeriscape versus non-Xeriscape plants, Director Cromwell commended the entire Committee for its efforts, not only on this project, but in general. Stating that the costs for the project have also been reduced, as dirt needed for the project has been provided free of charge due to Water District-related work, Mike Robinson said that he expected the cost for this project will probably be less than the proposed $12,563.71. Accordingly, on a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 3-0 to approve the Xeriscape Committee's plan to install Xeriscape at the Fairmont Reservoir, and approve the allocation of $12,000.00 from the District's Unappropriated Water Capital improvement for the project. ttem 8. Report on the construction service agreements for the Dual Use Reservoir. Page 2251 September 22, 1988 Engineering Manager, Mike Payne, requested that the Board approve agreements for construction management/inspection, soils testing and cement testing for the Dual Use Reservoir Project. He stated that on September 7, 1988, the Board of Directors approved the Negative Declaration and awarded the construction contract for this project to F. T. Ziebarth Company. The Board had referred the construction management/inspection, soils testing and cement testing agreements to the P.O.E. Committee for further review. Mr. Payne explained that the P.O.E. Committee had recently met and concluded that even though they felt IWA to be a reputable firm, their management and inspection service has not been fully observed and, therefore, both the P.O.E. Committee and staff felt more comfortable in awarding the construction management/inspection service agreement to James M. Montgomery due to their extensive experience with buried concrete reservoirs. Mr. Payne stated that the Committee also recommended that staff undertake a survey of other Water Districts to determine how they typically handle this size of a project. Mr Payne said that the staff would solicit a larger number of proposals on future projects to insure that the District can select the most comprehensive proposal at a favorable cost. Mr. Payne stated that the P.O.E. Committee reviewed proposals for soil testing and cement testing services. Upon review of the proposals, it was determined that the proposal submitted by Smith-Emery would result in the lowest cost for soils testing and that the proposal submitted by Twining Laboratories, would result in the lowest cost for cement testing. On a motion by Director Korn and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 3-0 to approve the Dual Use Reservoir Construction Service Agreements with James M. Montgomery for construction management/inspection service in the amount of $109,150.00; with Smith-Emery for soils testing, based on their rates contained within their written proposal dated August 1, 1988; and with Twining Laboratories for cement testing, based on their rate schedule contained within their written proposal dated July 29, 1988; and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the Agreements. them 9. Proposed Federal Water Regulations. Assistant Administrator, Mike Robinson, explained that the Association of California Water Agencies is asking its member agencies to review the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed regulation regarding levels of lead in drinking water. Mr. Robinson stated that the EPA Proposal could cost the District $60,000 for each well. He concluded by stating that lead levels in Orange County and regional drinking water, particularly Yorba Linda Water, are minute and well within existing local State and Federal standards. He stated that staff recommended that letters be sent to legislators and the EPA concerning this issue. Page 2252 September 22, 1988 i After a brief discussion regarding what should be reflected in these letters, on a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 3-0 to approve the drafted letters that are to be sent out to legislators and the EPA. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 10. No General Manager's report scheduled. STANDING COtdIM TTEE REPORTS Item 11. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee report was scheduled. Item 12. No Finance-Accounting Committee report was scheduled. Item 13. Authorization for payment of bills. On a motion by Director Knauft and seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 3-0 to approve payment of bills and rate deposits in the amount of $727,089.18 on Check Nos. 15450 through 15599, Payroll Check Nos. 2053 through 2116 and two wires dated September 22, 1988 to MWDOC, in the amount of $9,707.40 and $93,150.00, and one wire dated September 27, 1988 to A(-,VA, in the amount of $9,797.34. Item 14. No Personnel Committee report was scheduled. Item 15. No Planning-Operations-Engineering Committee report, as the meeting of September 12, 1988 was discussed previously in Item 8. Item 16. No Public Information Committee report scheduled; however, a meeting was scheduled for September 26, 1988. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 17. Report on CSDA Conference, September 7,8,9 and 10, 1988. Director Korn stated that in addition to himself, Directors Cromwell, Armstrong, Fox and General Manager Workman attended the conference. He felt that it was a good conference, and that better programs have generated increased membership in CSDA. Director Korn concluded by mentioning that he has again been elected to a two-year term on the CSDA Board of Directors. Item 18. Report on the Planning Commission meeting of September 14, 1988. Director Korn reported that the highlight of this meeting was discussion of the horse corral that S&S, a home builder, would like to construct near a residential area. Director Korn mentioned that the decision on this issue was continued. Item 19. Report on City Council meeting of September 20, 1988. Director Cromwell Page 2253 September 22, 1988 reported that the main issue discussed at this meeting was the changes in ordinances, which allow auto sales and service dealerships to locate in the Savi Ranch Area. He mentioned that after there was a lengthy discussion regarding this issue, the Council voted 4-1 to allow the auto sales and service businesses in this area. ttem 20. Report on MWDOC meeting of September 21, 1988. Director Knauft reported that the keynote speaker at this meeting was Rich Atwater, a planning department member from the Metropolitan Water District. Mr. Atwater reviewed a list of 25-30 possible ways of obtaining water for Southern California, such as, more oft-season reservoirs, lining the Imperial Canal, etc. Director Knauft stated that a good deal of the conversation at this meeting focused on the fact that Southern California is thankfully able to use ample amount of water from the Colorado Aqueduct, as Arizona is not using the total quota that they are entitled to. Director Knauft also reported that the Allen McCulloch pipeline was discussed, and that he felt the Yorba Linda Water District would be in a very good position concerning this project as a result of where the District is located relative to the pipeline. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Knauft, the Board voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m. M P-A /d7 I wdk~ William P. Workman General Manager/Secretary i