HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-11 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesDecember 11, 1984 page 1967
The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba
Linda County Water District was called to order by President Knauft
at 3:00 P.M. in the offices of the District at 4622 Plumosa, Yorba
Linda. Directors present: M.Roy Knauft, Jr., Howard Lindow, Whit
Cromwell and Paul Armstrong. Also present: Ralph C. Shook Qeneral
manager. Arthur C. Korn assistant general manager, William J. Robertson
planning manager, Mike Payne engineering manager, Betty Emblidge
finance manager/auditor,J.Harris office manager, Arthur Kidman Rutan &
Tucker and Paul Freeman a concerned citizen.
President Knauft announced the death of Fred G. Clodt on Novemer 27, 1984,
a member of the Board of Directors since 1958.
Motion by Director Lindow and seconded by Director Cromwell to adopt
call vote: Directors Howard Lindow, Whit Cromwell, Paul Armstrong and
M. Roy Knauft, Jr. Noes-.• None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Passed
and adopted this 11th day of December 1984.
President Knauft congratuated Diane Dalton on passing the Class 2 Water
Treatment Operator's examination.
Motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Armstrong to approve
the consent calendar as follows: Approval of the minutes as submitted
of the meeting of November 21, 1984, authorization for the Directors to
leave the State of California prior to the next meeting, routine
applications for service as follows; J$S 84-40 Lynn Sherrill 5.0 acres
8 lots E/Ohio S/ Lamplight W= $16,788.50 S=$13,580.00, J&S 84-46
John Brewster 17357 Los Angeles Street 3.35 acres 1 lot W=$15,719.80
S= $5,473.90, J&S 84-17 Michael Fredrick Tract 12192 1.96 acre 5 lots
N/Buena Vista E/Jefferson W=$2,635.00.
S=$7,520.57, J-84-50 Cundiff Steel 1760 Barcelona Circle 1.614 acres
1 lot W=$7,500.00, J-84-51 B.R.Critchfield 550 Richfiled Road 1.85 acre
1 lot W=$1,5766, J-E284-37 tract 12231 Yorba Linda Villages Condominium
Association W=$1,344.00, J-E2-84-38 tract 12247 Y-L/LaPalma Limited
Partnership W=$1,777.00 Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Payne reported on a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Agreement
with Mr.& Mrs. John Schneft 6051 Calle Cortez. Mr.& Mrs. Schneft
requested the District's permission to lower the water main so they can
install a concrete driveway and retaining wall within our easement
along the northerly side of their property. Motion by Director Armstrong
and seconded by Director Cromwell to approve staff recommendation to
approve and execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Agreement
with Mr& Mrs John E. Schneft and J-84-52 (deposit for relocation of 6"
water main) $2,000.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Robertson reported on progress payment No. 9 zone 3 reservoir Bryant.
Mr. Robertson reported on progress payment No. 7 zone 5 reservoir.
Mr. Robertson reported on the pipeline license agreement - Bryant
Crossfeeder phase V(J-83-36. Discussion followed. Motion by Director
Cromwell and seconded by Director Armstrong to authorize the general
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December 11, 1984 (continued)
manager to execute agreement, subject to review and approval
as-to-form by legal counsel, the pipeline licenase agreement
for Bryant Crossfeeder Phase V with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa
Fe Railway Company. Motion carried unanimously. The agreement
provides the District with a license to install a 24" steel
transmission main and 16" steel distribution main under the railroad
tracts at Lomas De Yorba West.
Mr. Kidman requested a closed session for attorney-client privilege.
Mr. Kidman reported the executed Easement Deed for the Rimpau
reservoir had been received from the State of California.
Secretary/general manager Shook outlined the appointment procedures
to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors due to the death
November 27, 1984 of Director Fred B. Clodt. Motion by Director
Lindow and seconded by Director Armstrong to instruct the Secretary
to post the required notice that the vacancy shall be filled by
appointment and establish a timetable and schedule for interviewing
the candidate. Motion carried unanimously. The Board vacancy shall
be filled by appointment at the regular Board meeting January 24, 1985.
Mrs. Emblidge's October Financial and Billing reports were received
and filed.
Mrs. Emblidge's November Investment report was received and filed.
Motion by Director Lindow and seconded by Director Cromwell to
approve for payment the audited bills and rate deposits in the
amount of $340,473.76 on checks No. 6676 & 6678 thru 6796. Motion
carried unanimously.
Director Lindow reported on the Yorba Linda City Council meeting of
December 3, 1984.
President Knauft reported on the MWDOC meeting of November 25, 1984.
General manager Shook, Directors Cromwell, Lindow and Armstrong
reported on the ACWA conference held November 28-30, 1984.
President Knauft directed the secretary to compose a letter to
Senator Cambell and Assemblyman Lewis Re: Insurance Liability
Future meetings: CRWUA December 12-14, 1984 Directors Lidnow,
Cromwell, Knauft, Korn, Shook. Planning Commission December 12, 1984
Director Armstrong, MWDOC Deimer December 19, 1984 Directors Cromwell
andLindow, MWDOC Board December 19, 1984 President Knauft.
The minutes of the November 14, 1984 meeting of the Retail Water
Agencies of Orange County were received and filed.
Motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by Director Lindow to
go into closed session regarding attorney-client privilege at
5:00. P.M. Motion carried unanimously.
December 11, 1984 (continued)
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Motion by Director Cromwell and seconded by be Director Lindow to
come out of closed session at 5:56 P.M.. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Director lindow and seconded by Director Armstrong to cancel
the regular meeting of December 13, 1984 and instruct the Secretary
to post notice of cancellation with the next meeting of the Board to
be December 27, 1984. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Director
Lindow and seconded by Director Armstrong to adjourn. Motion carried
Meeting adjoupped at 5:56 P.M.
Ralph C. Shook
December 27, 1984
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County
Water District was called to order by President Knauft at 8:30 A.M. in
the offices of the District at 462.2 Plumosa, Yorba Linda. Directors
present: M. Roy Knauft, Jr., Howard Lindow, Whit Cromwell and Paul Armstron
Also present: Ralph C. Shook general manager, Arthur C. Korn assistant
general manager, Juanita Harrris office manager and Gene Wisener Yorba
Linda City Councilman. Arthur G. Kidman Rutan $ Tucker arrived at 8:3SA.M.
Motion by Director Armstrong and
the consent calendar as follows:
the meeting of December 11, 1984,
the State of California prior to
forsewer service S-35-453 Naugels
single commerical lot sewer only
seconded by Director Cromwell to approve
Approval of the minutes as corrected of
authorization for the Directors to leave
the next meeting, routine applications
Inc. 18701 Esperanza Road 0.802 acres
$2874.46. Motion carried unanimously.
General manager Shook reported on the 1984 Sewer Refund program. Motion
by Director Lindow and seconded by Director Armstrong to approve the
disbursement of $21,916.80 to the refund holders in area "B: and the
disbursement of $21,121.54 to the refund holders in area "C". Motion
carried unanimously.
The Board directed the general manager request a proposal from Sam Peterson
for a restudy of draninage area "B" to verify each charge is appropriate.
General manager Shook gave a verbal update on candidates to fill the Board
vacancy. Interviews are to be held January 15, 1985 and selection will
be January 24, 1985.
Assistant general manager Korn reported on an update program of the
Rules & Regulations of the District.