HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-27 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesOctober 27, 1983 Page 1806 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President Knauft at 8:30 a.m. in the office of the District at 4622 Plumosa Avenue, Yorba Linda. Directors present were M. Roy Knauft, Howard W. Lindow Fred G. Clodt, Whit Cromwell, and Paul R. Armstrong. Also present were Ralph C. Shook General Manager-Secretary, Arthur C. Korn Assistant General Manager, Betty Emblidge Auditor, Bill Robertson Planning Manager, Michael A. Payne Engineering Manager, Jim Moore Maintenance, Arthur Kidman, Legal Counsel, Mike Beverage Yorba Linda City Councilman, and Janet Young, Yorba Linda Star. President Knauft presented Jim Moore with a Service Pin for 15 years of service with the District. There being no questions regarding the Consent Calendar, it was moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Armstrong and carried that the consent calendar be approved as follows: Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 13, 1983; Authorization for Directors to leave the State prior to the next meeting; and Routine Applications for Service #S-26-1001 (Paul Martinez 5582 Highland, 0.449 acre, sewer only = $2086.80 and J & S # 83-45 (Guy Benson, P.M.-82-1083, 3.613 acres on Highland Avenue, Water = $18228.08 and Sewer = $5806.90). Mr. Kidman reported on the status of the Rimpau Reservoir acquisition, and Mr. Shook reported that the State had informally indicated they would grant the District an easement for the site. Mr. Kidman reported that the State Legislature would be holding interim committee hearings on November 9 and 10, 1983, and Directors Knauft and Cromwell expressed an interest in attending and speaking at the hearings. A question was raised about a conflict with the Board meeting and after discussion it was a consensus that the November 10 meeting should be held at 8:00 a.m. on November 9, 1983, and the November 24 meeting should be held at 8:30 on November 23,1983. President Knauft requested the Secretary take the necessary action to reshedule the meetings. Mr. Shook reported the hearing re: OCEA vs YLCWD had been rescheduled to November 2, 1983 Mr. Shook reported that NOCCCD had requested permission to insert a message with District bills. After discussion it was a consensus of the Board that since the request was from a another local government agency serving a similiar public, permission should be granted so long as there is no additional expense to the District. Mr. Shook reported that since October 1, 1983, the District had been taking 100% MWD water under their "in-Lieu" program @ $65/ac-ft, until last week when the dry weather demand forced the start of Plant #2 to meet customer needs. Mrs. Emblidge presented the September Billing Report. It was moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Cromwell, and carried to approve the audited bills and rate deposit refunds in the amount of $111,136.03 on checks No. 4187-4189,4209-4249. Motion by Director Lindow and seconded by Director Cromwell to approve check No. 4260 for $256,932.47 to the Bank of America for Bond service. Motion carried unanimously. The Finance Committee reported that they met October 25, 1983, discussed the amount of the deposit for temporary construction meters, and recommend a change to meet page 1807 October 27, 1983 (continued) costs. It was moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Cromwell, and carried that the deposit for temporary construction meters be, raised from $350.00 to $500.00. The committee also reported on several other matters which had they had discussed but were not prepared for Board action. Mr. Korn reported the next CAC meeting is November 3, 1983. Director Cromwell reported on the Yorba Linda City Council meeting of October 17, 1983. Director Armstrong reported on the Planning Commission meeting of October 26, 1983. The Board discussed the Orange County Chamber Economic Conference of October 19, 1983, attended by Directors Knauft, Armstrong, and Lindow, and Betty Emblidge, and the AWWA Conference of October 20-21, 1983. Mr. Knauft stated the AWWA Conference was very technical. Mr. Korn reported on the Program CSDA Board meeting of October 18, 1983, the OCWD Board meeting of October 19, 1983, and the MWDOC Board meeting of October 26, 1983, which he had attended on behalf of the District. A copy of the October 13, 1983 letter from Assemblyman Lewis had been included in the agenda for information, and President Knauft requested that thank you letters be sent to all involved in assisting the District with the reservoir matter. A question was raised as to the status of the tax rate matter and the Manager responded that it was being reviewed by the Finance Committee and would be presented to the Board at a subsequent meeting. Also the status of the ID2 Bond Issue was requested and Mr. Robertson responded that it was still working with a February sale targeted. Moved by Director Lindow, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned to 8:00 a.m. November 9, 1983 at the District Office. Meeting adjourned at 10:26 a.m. 0 i Ralph' C. Shook, Secretary