HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-25 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet (B)AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING  Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION    In an effort to help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID­19), the District will be facilitating  participation in this meeting via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N­29­20  issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020.  Information for accessing this meeting is  provided below.  Public comment related to items on this agenda or other matters within the District’s  jurisdiction will be facilitated on the teleconference or can be submitted in writing via e­mail to the  Board Secretary (bodsecretary@ylwd.com) at least two (2) hours prior to the start of the meeting.  If  you choose to submit comments via e­mail, please identify the agenda item you wish to address.  Your  comments will be shared with the Board prior to the meeting.  For questions regarding participation  please call 714­701­3020. Computer/Mobile Device: https://zoom.us/j/98744385631 Telephone:  669­900­6833 or 346­248­7799   Meeting ID:  987 4438 5631  2. CALL TO ORDER 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL   Phil Hawkins, President Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Brooke Jones, Director J. Wayne Miller, PhD, Director Al Nederhood, Director 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA  Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two­thirds vote of the Board, or a  unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which  came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2))  6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS  6.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports  6.2. Federal and State Legislative Update Page 1 of 83 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS  Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state  the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the  individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed  on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest  within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3)  8. CONSENT CALENDAR  All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion.  There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests  separate consideration.   8.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as  presented.  8.2.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize  disbursements in the amount of $7,717,136.49.  8.3.Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and  Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2020.  8.4.Unaudited Financial Statements for Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited  Financial Statements for Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020.  8.5.Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2021   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 2020­ XX adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2021.  8.6.Ratifying Budgeted Positions and Amending Exhibit A of the Personnel  Manual for Unrepresented Employees   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No.  2020­XX ratifying previous salary adjustments for certain classifications during  Fiscal Year 2020 and ratifying amendments to budgeted positions for Fiscal  Year 2021; and (2) adopt Resolution No. 2020­XX amending Exhibit A of the  Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2018­2023.  8.7.Authorize Director Attendance at Conferences, Seminars, and Special Events   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors approve Director attendance at  a meeting to be arranged by ACWA's Agricultural Committee in Fresno CA in  September 2020. Page 2 of 83  8.8.Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Gregory Bender, 17061 El Cajon  Avenue and 4451 Palomino Lane, Yorba Linda   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and  Conditions for Sewer Service with Gregory Bender, 17061 El Cajon Avenue  and 4451 Palomino Lane, Yorba Linda, Job No. 2020­43S. 9. ACTION CALENDAR  This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board or Committee discussions  are needed prior to formal action.   9.1.Proposal for Water and Wastewater Rate Study   Recommendation:  That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager  to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Raftelis Consultants, Inc.  to develop a 5­Year Water and Wastewater Rate Study for a not­to­exceed  cost of $80,000. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS  This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action  of the Board or Committee at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies,  or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the  District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at  another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only.   10.1. Status of Engineering Activities  10.2. Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per­ and Polyfluoroalkyl  Substances (PFAS)  10.3. Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS  11.1. Directors' Reports  11.2. General Manager's Report  11.3. General Counsel's Report  11.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS  12.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood)  Next meeting is scheduled Monday, November 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Page 3 of 83  12.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones)  Minutes of the meeting held Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. will be  provided when available. Next meeting is scheduled Monday, October 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.  12.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Hawkins/Hall)  Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR  13.1. Meetings from August 26 ­ September 30, 2020 14. ADJOURNMENT  14.1. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, September 8, 2020.   Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at  6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Prior to the Governor’s ‘Stay­at­Home’ Executive Orders regarding COVID­19, non­exempt materials related to  open session agenda items that were distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors or Committee Members  less than seventy­two (72) hours prior to the meeting were made available for public inspection in the lobby of the  District’s Administrative building during regular business hours and posted on the District’s website shortly  thereafter (GC 54957.5).  As the District’s lobby has been closed to the public in accordance with the Governor’s  Executive Orders and to help mitigate the spread of COVID­19, staff will make these materials available on the  District’s website (https://ylwd.com/) as soon as possible following receipt. Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability­related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for  participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701­3020 at least 24  hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 4 of 83 ITEM NO. 8.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 83 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Mgr Al Nederhood Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Pasquale Talarico, Director of Public Affairs Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Annie Alexander, Sr Exec Asst/Board Secretary ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 5.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA General Manager Barbre requested that the staff recommendation for Item No. 8.4. be revised to include authorizing the General Manager to execute an agreement with the County of Orange for the collection of special taxes, fees, charges, and assessments. The County has requested execution of a new agreement as the former General Manager retired. The Board agreed. Page 6 of 83 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.2 2020-XXX 6.INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1.Elected Official Liaison Reports General Manager Barbre reported on the status of CSDA’s Board of Directors Election. Yorba Linda Mayor Pro Tem Gene Hernandez commented on Governor Gavin Newsom’s emergency order to close indoor operations for some business sectors due to a recent spike in cases of COVID-19. He also commented on the County’s candidate filing period for the upcoming election. 6.2.Federal and State Legislative Update Director of Public Affairs Talarico briefly commented on the impact of Governor Newsom’s emergency order and the recent publication of the District’s monthly e-newsletter. 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 8.CONSENT CALENDAR Staff responded to questions from Director Miller regarding bids for Item No. 8.7. and encroachment on District property associated with Item No. 8.8. Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 8.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held June 23, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held June 30, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. Page 7 of 83 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.3 2020-XXX 8.3.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $884,580.85. 8.4.Collection of Sewer Maintenance Charges on Tax Roll Recommendation: That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX electing to have certain sewer maintenance charges collected on the Fiscal Year 2021 tax roll and superseding Resolution No. 2019-25; and (2) authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with the County of Orange for the collection of special taxes, fees, charges, and assessments. 8.5.Amending Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX amending Section 7.1.(F) of the Board of Directors’ Policies and Procedures Manual regarding the provision of faithful performance bonds. 8.6.New Operational Area Agreement with the County of Orange Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the new Operational Area Agreement with the County of Orange. 8.7.Purchase of 500kW Generator for Elk Mountain Pump Station Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to purchase a Generac Industrial Power Generator Natural Gas 500kW w/ Transfer Switch from The Pape Group Inc. in the amount of $263,822.06. 8.8.Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Dale and Jane Quarto Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the President and General Manager to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with property owners Dale and Jane Quarto of 4022 Elsie Drive, Yorba Linda. 9.DISCUSSION ITEMS 9.1.Status of Operations Activities Staff reviewed the status of groundwater production for FY20, fire hardening projects, water line and valve replacements, and hydrant Page 8 of 83 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.4 2020-XXX training developed for City of Placentia Fire Department. 9.2.Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Staff reviewed the status of design and construction of the PFAS removal water treatment plants. Tetra Tech has recommended the District consider consolidating treatment at the District campus rather than having plants at multiple locations. Tetra Tech is developing a revised construction schedule that should be complete in the next few weeks. 9.3.Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts This topic was covered during the General Manager’s report. 10.REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1.Directors' Reports A list of meetings and events attended was included in the agenda packet. 10.2.General Manager's Report General Manager Barbre asked each of the managers to report on activities within their respective departments. Mr. Barbre then reported on the status of late bill payments and soft collections. He also requested feedback from the Board regarding modification of the District’s design standards for business cards, PowerPoint templates, etc. Additionally, Mr. Barbre reported on MWDOC’s Board of Directors Division 1 vacancy and other local government agencies’ mitigation efforts for reducing exposure to Coronavirus. 10.3.General Counsel’s Report General Counsel Gagen briefly commented on potential cost recovery litigation associated with PFAS and a recent court ruling related to the California Voting Rights Act. 10.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. Page 9 of 83 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.5 2020-XXX 11.COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood) Next meeting is scheduled Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. (This meeting was subsequently cancelled.) 11.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 11.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. 12.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1.Meetings from July 15 – August 31, 2020 The Board made no changes to the activity calendar. 13.ADJOURNMENT 13.1.The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 10 of 83 ITEM NO. 8.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Paige Appel, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $7,717,136.49. BACKGROUND: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. The items on this disbursement list include: a wire of $2,007,604.82 to MWDOC for May 2020 water purchases; a wire of $568.00 to Switch for the remote data hosting of co-location site; a wire of $3,700.00 to Blackrock Residential Opportunity Fund for a reimbursement payment to Psomas Associates; an EFT of $615,941.00 to CalPERS for the annual UAL lump sum pre- payment pertaining to FY21; a check of $124,686.59 to ACWA/JPIA for August 2020 medical and dental premiums; a check of $183,891.24 for a new vehicle (2021 Kenworth dump truck); a check of $40,572.50 to Fairway Ford Sales Inc. for a new vehicle (2020 Ford F-350). Additionally: a wire of $799,347.18 to Orange County Water District for the semi-annual Replenish Assessment (January 2020 through June 2020); a wire of $3,883.94 to Bank of America for payment of Line of Credit commitment fee and interest accrual; a wire of $11,990.00 to Blackrock Residential Opportunity Fund for professional services for J20-20 Hidden Hills; a check of $70,080.66 to ACWA/JPIA for property insurance premiums for July 2020 through June 2021; a check for $43,617.04 to Aqua-Metric Sales for inventory operations material, a check for $41,175.00 to City of Yorba Linda for 2019 through 2020 annual sewer manhole pavement preserve project; a check for $100,807.82 to George Chevrolet for three new vehicles (two 2020 Chevy Colorado and one 2020 Chevy Silverado); Page 11 of 83 a check for $48,503.49 to Resource Computer Solutions for IT consulting and maintenance. Lastly: a wire of $1,904,850.02 to MWDOC for June 2020 water purchases; a wire of $568.00 to Switch for the remote data hosting co-location site; a wire of $33,946.71 to So. California Gas Co. for July 2020 gas charges at multiple locations; a check of $130,065.50 to ACWA/JPIA for September 2020 medical and dental premiums; a check for $48,799.50 to Aqua-Metric Sales for inventory operations material. The balance of $619,261.85 are routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $6,833,860.86, Payroll No. 14 total is $288,490.53, Payroll No. 15 total is $291,692.72 and Payroll No. 16 is $303,092.38; where disbursements for this agenda report total is $7,717,136.49. A summary of the disbursements is attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1.CapSheet 08-25-20 2.Check Register 07-28-20 3.Check Register 08-11-20 4.Check Register 08-25-20 5.Credit Card 08-11-20 6.Credit Card - Board of Directors 08-11-20 7.Credit Card 08-25-20 Page 12 of 83 Summary of Disbursements August 25, 2020 CHECK NUMBERS: 07/28/20 Computer Checks 76460 - 76530 $ 584,719.77 08/11/20 Computer Checks 76531 - 76607 $ 529,001.88 08/25/20 Computer Checks 76608 - 76669 $ 337,739.54 $ 1,451,461.19 WIRES: W071520 Municipal Water District $ 2,007,604.82 W071620 Switch Ltd $ 568.00 W071720 Blackrock Residential $ 3,700.00 EFT CalPERS $ 615,941.00 W072920 Orange County Water District $ 799,347.18 W073020 Bank Of America $ 3,883.94 W081020 Blackrock Residential $ 11,990.00 W081420 Municipal Water District $ 1,904,850.02 W081420A Switch Ltd $ 568.00 W081420C Southern California Gas Co. $ 33,946.71 $ 5,382,399.67 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 6,833,860.86 PAYROLL NO. 14: Direct Deposits $ 177,836.92 Payroll Taxes $ 47,405.39 EFT – CalPERS $ 43,679.61 Third Party Checks 7401—7405 $ 19,568.61 $ 288,490.53 PAYROLL NO. 15: Direct Deposits $ 176,867.40 Payroll Taxes $ 47,714.25 EFT – CalPERS $ 43,668.28 Third Party Checks 7406—7414 $ 23,442.79 $ 291,692.72 Page 13 of 83 PAYROLL NO. 16: Direct Deposits $ 188,485.71 Payroll Taxes $ 50,628.30 EFT – CalPERS $ 44,628.10 Third Party Checks 7415—7419 $ 19,350.27 $ 303,092.38 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 883,275.63 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 7,717,136.49 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF AUGUST 25, 2020 ==================================================================. Page 14 of 83 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 76460 07/28/2020 PACIFIC LEGACY 242.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 76461 07/28/2020 SARA LAWHORN 9.95 CUSTOMER REFUND 76462 07/28/2020 THERESA GUTIERREZ 49.99 CUSTOMER REFUND 76463 07/28/2020 YOSHIKO HAFER 167.77 CUSTOMER REFUND 76464 07/28/2020 VERONICA PEREZ 112.11 CUSTOMER REFUND 76465 07/28/2020 ZHE XU 117.66 CUSTOMER REFUND 76466 07/28/2020 NPS MANAGEMENT 231.88 CUSTOMER REFUND 76467 07/28/2020 CITADEL SERVICING CORPORATION 143.02 CUSTOMER REFUND 76468 07/28/2020 LIONS LLC 305.64 CUSTOMER REFUND 76469 07/28/2020 SULLIVAN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 130.52 CUSTOMER REFUND 76470 07/28/2020 ACWA/JPIA 124,686.59 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM - AUGUST 2020 76471 07/28/2020 AIRGAS INC 7.74 WELDING SUPPLIES 76472 07/28/2020 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 14,736.97 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76473 07/28/2020 Aramark 453.18 UNIFORM SERVICES 76474 07/28/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 1,414.47 ATT CALNET 3 76475 07/28/2020 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc. 1,269.40 METER LIDS 76476 07/28/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 1,975.00 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 76477 07/28/2020 CA Engineering, Inc 3,500.00 J20-12 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEERING 76478 07/28/2020 CB Technical 3,630.00 CMMS IT WORK - MAY 2020 76479 07/28/2020 CDW Government, Inc 729.56 CUSTOMER SERVICE-PRINTER SERVICE 76480 07/28/2020 CERTAPRO PAINTERS OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 13,000.00 PAINTING SERVICES-SANTIAGO LOCATION 76482 07/28/2020 Griswold Industries dba Cla-Val Co. 4,144.19 CLA-VAL SERVICES FOR PRODUCTION 76483 07/28/2020 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 1,260.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK 76484 07/28/2020 Cogsdale Services Corporation 1,260.00 CSM CUSTOMER CLASS PROJECT 76485 07/28/2020 C. Wells Pipeline 2,090.18 HYDRANT REPAIR PARTS 76486 07/28/2020 Daniels Tire Service 907.58 TIRE SERVICE EXPENSE 76487 07/28/2020 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 3,000.00 AUDIT INTERIM BILLING FY 2019/2020 76488 07/28/2020 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 2,650.00 ICE TESTING - LAKEVIEW 76489 07/28/2020 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. 4,150.00 WATER QUALITY LAB TESTING 76490 07/28/2020 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc. 40,572.50 VEHICLE - FORD 2020 F-350 76491 07/28/2020 Grainger 36.50 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 76492 07/28/2020 Haaker Equipment Co. 1,174.89 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 76493 07/28/2020 Harrington Industrial 633.81 MATERIAL FOR SCADA PROJECT 76494 07/28/2020 HARBOR TRUCK BODIES INC 6,975.39 NEW BED FOR UNIT# 180 76495 07/28/2020 Infosend Inc. 541.81 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL - JUNE 2020 76496 07/28/2020 Inland (Kenworth) 183,891.24 VEHICLE - 2021 KENWORTH DUMP TURCK 76497 07/28/2020 John Todd Howard 125.55 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 76498 07/28/2020 Kidman Gagen Law 25,798.06 LEGAL SERVICES - JUNE 2020 76499 07/28/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 190.11 CL2 PARTS 76500 07/28/2020 Minuteman Press 81.89 OPERATIONS - OFFICE SUPPLIES 76501 07/28/2020 Murcal, Inc. 1,520.88 STATIONARY ENGINE PARTS 76502 07/28/2020 NatPay Online Business Solutions 25.16 DOCULIVERY FEES - JUNE 2020 76503 07/28/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 4,418.25 FUEL 6/16-6/30 76504 07/28/2020 Office Solutions 1,968.31 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76505 07/28/2020 Orange Coast Petroleum Equip. 664.21 PARTS FOR UNIT#184 76506 07/28/2020 Orange County - Tax Collector 22,265.10 FY20/21 LAFCO ANNUAL DUES 76507 07/28/2020 County of Orange 559.45 ENCROACHMENT PERMITS 76508 07/28/2020 Praxair Distribution 452.21 WELDING SUPPLIES 76509 07/28/2020 Cal-OSHA Reporter 427.00 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION CAL-OSHA 76510 07/28/2020 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1,237.06 ROAD MATERIAL 76511 07/28/2020 Security Solutions 625.00 SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS 76512 07/28/2020 Shred Confidential, Inc. 63.00 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE 76513 07/28/2020 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 66.08 OPERATIONS - SUPPLIES 76514 07/28/2020 Step Saver Inc 3,573.57 SALT FOR CI2 SYSTEM 76515 07/28/2020 Tetra Tech, Inc. 4,128.25 J20-20 & J18-27 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - HIDDEN HILLS 76516 07/28/2020 T-Mobile 0.90 PHONE SERVICE 76517 07/28/2020 Toxguard Fluid Technologies 507.92 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL For Checks Dated: 07/15/2020 thru 07/28/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 15 of 83 76518 07/28/2020 Underground Service Alert 431.05 NEW TICKET CHARGES & CA STATE FEE 76519 07/28/2020 United Industries 34.13 SAFETY SUPPLIES - SPRAY BOTTLES 76520 07/28/2020 United Rentals 557.44 J19-13 SCADA UPGRADE RENTAL 76521 07/28/2020 Utility Systems, Science & Software, Inc. 17,649.00 J19-13 - SCADA RADIO PROJECT 76522 07/28/2020 United Water Works, Inc. 5,254.81 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76523 07/28/2020 YO Fire 2,069.63 WAREHOUSE PARTS 76524 07/28/2020 AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC 1,800.00 J19-47 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 76525 07/28/2020 Konica Minolta Business 1,650.29 COPIER LEASE - C258 & C558 76526 07/28/2020 EyeMed 1,352.83 EYEMED PREMIUM - JUNE 2020 76527 07/28/2020 Factory Motor Parts 1,735.64 MECHANIC SHOP PARTS & SUPPLIES 76528 07/28/2020 ERIN NORMINTON 41.61 CUSTOMER REFUND 76529 07/28/2020 ACWA/JPIA 31,077.50 WORKERS COMPENSATION - APRIL-JUNE 2020 76530 07/28/2020 City Of Yorba Linda 32,166.00 FY18/19 ANNUAL PAVEMENT PRESERVE PROJECT - PRIOR YEAR W071520 07/15/2020 Municipal Water District 2,007,604.82 WATER DELIVERIES - MAY 2020 W071620 07/16/2020 Switch Ltd 568.00 DATA HOSTING CO-LOCATION W071720 07/17/2020 BLACKROCK RESIDENTIAL OPPORTUNITY FUND OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, LP3,700.00 J20-20 REIMBURSEMENT FOR PAYMENT-PSOMAS ASSOCIATES EFT 07/23/2020 CalPERS 615,941.00 UAL LUMP SUM PRE-PAYMENT FOR FY 2021 2,596,592.59 07/09/2020 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 177,836.92 07/09/2020 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 47,405.39 07/09/2020 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 43,679.61 7401 07/09/2020 Colonial Life & Accident 112.13 7402 07/09/2020 Lincoln Financial Group 3,903.62 7403 07/09/2020 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 14,801.02 7404 07/09/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7405 07/09/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 384.92 288,490.53 Payroll Checks #14 Page 16 of 83 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 76531 08/11/2020 Gregory Brown 1,367.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 76532 08/11/2020 SALLY BRYANT 1.59 CUSTOMER REFUND 76533 08/11/2020 RODNEY HOLMES 1.53 CUSTOMER REFUND 76534 08/11/2020 YULIANA CONNELY 107.47 CUSTOMER REFUND 76535 08/11/2020 WEN DU 155.40 CUSTOMER REFUND 76536 08/11/2020 ALICIA K RICE 32.59 CUSTOMER REFUND 76537 08/11/2020 NUHOME INVESTMENTS LLC 746.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 76538 08/11/2020 ADRIENNE KEARNS 56.83 CUSTOMER REFUND 76539 08/11/2020 ALEX UTRIA 90.78 CUSTOMER REFUND 76540 08/11/2020 JOSHUA SIMPSON 147.49 CUSTOMER REFUND 76541 08/11/2020 BRENDAN LEE LLC 345.92 CUSTOMER REFUND 76542 08/11/2020 HARVEST REALTY DEVELOPMENT 389.33 CUSTOMER REFUND 76543 08/11/2020 DANIEL BAER 35.67 CUSTOMER REFUND 76544 08/11/2020 MARK KOCH 130.65 CUSTOMER REFUND 76545 08/11/2020 ACWA/JPIA 70,080.66 PROPERTY INSURANCE PREMIUM 7/1/20-6/30/21 76546 08/11/2020 Annie Alexander 200.00 MMC CERTIFICATE - ALEXANDER, A 76547 08/11/2020 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 43,617.04 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76548 08/11/2020 Aramark 774.97 UNIFORM SERVICES 76549 08/11/2020 ATS Communications 825.00 PROFFESSIONAL SERVICES-JUNE 2020 76550 08/11/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 2,569.17 ATT CALNET 76551 08/11/2020 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 COLONY ABATEMENT 76552 08/11/2020 BENNETT-BOWEN & LIGHTHOUSE INC 454.62 LIGHTS FOR UNIT# 232 76553 08/11/2020 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc. 269.27 METER LIDS 76554 08/11/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 7,317.54 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 76555 08/11/2020 Carollo Engineers 1,293.00 J20-38 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - JUNE 2020 76556 08/11/2020 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 33,710.63 ELECTRICITY CHARGES JUNE 2020 - VARIOUS LOCATION 76557 08/11/2020 City Of Placentia 3,549.40 SEWER COLLECTIONS-JUNE 2020 76558 08/11/2020 City Of Yorba Linda 41,175.00 FY19/20 ANNUAL SEWER MANHOLE PAVEMENT PRESERVE PROJECT 76559 08/11/2020 Coastline Equipment 200.19 PARTS FOR UNIT# 206 76560 08/11/2020 Culligan of Santa Ana 494.40 EQUIPMENT-PE SOFTENER 76561 08/11/2020 Dean Criske Trucking 1,146.58 ROAD MATERIAL 76562 08/11/2020 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 4,450.00 ICE TESTING 76563 08/11/2020 Factory Motor Parts 408.13 MECHANIC SHOP PARTS & SUPPLIES 76564 08/11/2020 FedEx Office 255.10 OFFICE EXPENSE 76565 08/11/2020 Fleet Services, Inc 1,020.32 PARTS FOR UNIT# 196, 230, 232, 210 76566 08/11/2020 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 445.78 OPERATIONS - PAINT SUPPLIES 76567 08/11/2020 George Chevrolet 100,807.82 2020 CHEVY COLORADO (2) & 2020 CHEVY SILVERADO 76568 08/11/2020 G.M. Sager Construction Co., Inc. 15,800.00 Paving Repairs 76569 08/11/2020 Grainger 554.09 PARTS FOR UNIT#230 76570 08/11/2020 Hach Company 291.21 Water Quality Material 76571 08/11/2020 Harrington Industrial 274.70 J19-13 MATERIAL FOR SCADA PROJECT 76572 08/11/2020 Hydrex Pest Control 193.00 PEST CONTROL 76573 08/11/2020 John Xanthos 423.67 CLAIM SETTLEMENT 76574 08/11/2020 Josh Mardrid 150.00 BUSINESS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT-MADRID, J 76575 08/11/2020 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 395.00 LEGAL SERVICES - JUNE 2020 76576 08/11/2020 Managed Health Network 166.50 EAP - AUGUST 2020 76577 08/11/2020 Mario S. Banuelos 1,125.00 WELDING SERVICE 76578 08/11/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 531.11 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 76579 08/11/2020 Minuteman Press 290.53 OPERATIONS - OFFICE SUPPLIES 76580 08/11/2020 Murcal, Inc. 147.02 STATIONARY ENGINE PARTS 76581 08/11/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,121.85 FUEL 7/1-7/15 76582 08/11/2020 Northern Tool & Equipment Co 2,309.60 OPERATIONS - Concrete Flat Saw 76583 08/11/2020 Office Solutions 5.18 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76584 08/11/2020 Petroleum Marketing Equipment 573.01 PARTS FOR UNIT#229 76585 08/11/2020 Psomas & Associates 27,942.50 J20-16S PROFESSIONAL SERVICS 5/29-6/25 76586 08/11/2020 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1,629.51 ROAD MATERIAL 76587 08/11/2020 Quinn Company 26,754.73 PARTS FOR HIGHLAND, PASEO FINO, WELL 5&7, SKID TEER 76588 08/11/2020 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 6,993.75 J20-22S PROFESIONAL SERVICES CAPACITY FEE 76589 08/11/2020 Resource Computer Solutions 48,503.49 CONTRACT SERVICES 7/15-8/14/20 For Checks Dated: 07/29/2020 thru 08/11/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 17 of 83 76590 08/11/2020 RKI Engineering, LLC 4,600.00 J19-37 SCADA SUPPORT & RADIO INTEGRATION 76591 08/11/2020 Robertson's 3,335.57 J19-41 Concrete for Fire Hardening 76592 08/11/2020 Security Solutions 13,815.00 J20-25 Security Upgrades 76593 08/11/2020 Siemens Industry 2,092.35 SCADA Material 76594 08/11/2020 South Coast AQMD 11,272.78 EMISSIONS FEE 76595 08/11/2020 Staples Business Advantage 95.13 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76596 08/11/2020 Step Saver Inc 5,338.46 SALT FOR Cl2 SYSTEM 76597 08/11/2020 Sunrise Medical Group 440.00 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL PHYSICAL 76598 08/11/2020 Trane U.S. Inc. 136.93 A/C REPAIR PARTS 76599 08/11/2020 Uline 99.11 OFFICE EXPENSE 76600 08/11/2020 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 4,185.80 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD-AUGUST 2020 76601 08/11/2020 Utility Systems, Science & Software, Inc. 1,820.00 J19-13 - SCADA RADIO PROJECT 76602 08/11/2020 United Water Works, Inc. 2,972.76 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76603 08/11/2020 Vivian Lim 500.00 J20-15 COVID FACE MASKS 76604 08/11/2020 YourMembership.com 100.00 JOB AD-SENIOR ENGINEER 76605 08/11/2020 Delta Wye Electric, Inc. 968.86 2019-41 - Santiago Work 76606 08/11/2020 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 575.79 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 76607 08/11/2020 CalCard US Bank 17,654.31 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - JUNE 2020 W072920 07/29/2020 Orange County Water District 799,347.18 REPLENISH ASSESSMENT JAN-JUN 2020 W073020 07/30/2020 Bank Of America 3,883.94 LOAN COMMITMENT FEE & INTEREST ACCRUAL W081020 08/10/2020 BLACKROCK RESIDENTIAL OPPORTUNITY FUND OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, LP11,990.00 J20-20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HIDDEN HILLS 1,344,223.00 07/23/2020 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 176,867.40 07/23/2020 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 47,714.25 07/23/2020 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 43,668.28 7406 07/23/2020 Colonial Life & Accident 112.13 7407 07/23/2020 Lincoln Financial Group 3,911.38 7408 07/23/2020 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 14,574.92 7409 07/23/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7410 07/23/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 384.92 7411 07/23/2020 Allstate 1,380.07 7412 07/23/2020 Midland Life Insurance 200.00 7413 07/23/2020 Reliance 66.61 7414 07/23/2020 Ameritas 2,445.84 291,692.72 Payroll Checks #15 Page 18 of 83 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 76608 08/25/2020 NANCY RINEER 1.48 CUSTOMER REFUND 76609 08/25/2020 ROBERT HERRMANN PROPERTY 408.84 CUSTOMER REFUND 76610 08/25/2020 KEUN YOO 166.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 76611 08/25/2020 BRECKENRIDGE PROPERTY FUND 2016, LLC 264.82 CUSTOMER REFUND 76612 08/25/2020 TIFFANY NAVARRO 43.67 CUSTOMER REFUND 76613 08/25/2020 HARVEST REALTY DEVELOPMENT 358.92 CUSTOMER REFUND 76614 08/25/2020 LORRAINE LE STEPHENS 27.40 CUSTOMER REFUND 76615 08/25/2020 ACWA/JPIA 130,065.50 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM - SEPTEMBER 2020 76616 08/25/2020 Alfa Laval Inc.2,620.56 PARTS FOR HIGHLAND BOOSTER 76617 08/25/2020 Allied Electronics & Automation 1,053.39 SCADA PARTS 76618 08/25/2020 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.48,799.50 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76619 08/25/2020 Aramark 228.21 UNIFORM SERVICES 76620 08/25/2020 ARMORCAST PRODUCTS COMPANY INC 828.77 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 76621 08/25/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 115.38 ATT CALNET 76622 08/25/2020 BASE HILL INC. (JAN POINT)4,062.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 76623 08/25/2020 BC Traffic Specialist 249.47 SAFETY SIGNS 76624 08/25/2020 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 COLONY ABATEMENT 76625 08/25/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.6,311.65 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 76626 08/25/2020 CalCard US Bank 11,933.08 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - JULY 2020 76627 08/25/2020 CDW Government, Inc 1,128.45 PRINTER & CMMS TABLET 76628 08/25/2020 CERTAPRO PAINTERS OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 6,500.00 OFFICE PAINTING-ADMIN BUILDING 76629 08/25/2020 City Of Placentia 375.00 ENCROACHMENT PERMITS 76630 08/25/2020 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern.1,290.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK 76631 08/25/2020 Cogsdale Services Corporation 1,260.00 CSM CUSTOMER CLASS PROJECT 76632 08/25/2020 DCL America Inc.6,729.00 PARTS FOR WELL#18 76633 08/25/2020 DICKSON 2,076.12 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT - PRESSURE LOGGERS 76634 08/25/2020 Dion & Sons, Inc.6,857.00 STATIONARY ENGINE OIL 76635 08/25/2020 Elite Equipment Inc 2,692.67 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT - WATER RAMMER 76636 08/25/2020 Factory Motor Parts 114.56 STATIONARY ENGINE MAINTENANCE 76637 08/25/2020 EyeMed 1,408.90 EYEMED PREMIUM - AUGUST 2020 76638 08/25/2020 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 459.60 OPERATIONS - PAINT SUPPLIES 76639 08/25/2020 Infosend Inc.5,264.83 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL - JULY 2020 76640 08/25/2020 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 420.04 PARTS FOR UNIT#176 & 180 76641 08/25/2020 John R Brundahl III 260.00 D5 CERT REIMBURSEMENT-BRUNDAHL, J 76642 08/25/2020 Kidman Gagen Law 28,531.31 LEGAL SERVICES - JULY 2020 76643 08/25/2020 Mario S. Banuelos 1,187.50 WELDING SERVICE 76644 08/25/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 98.82 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 76645 08/25/2020 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.217.45 PARTS FOR CL2 SYSTEM 76646 08/25/2020 Measurement Control Systems, Inc 458.17 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 76647 08/25/2020 MUNIQUIP SOCAL LLC 18,482.77 J19-55 FAIRMONT SKID REPLACEMENT 76648 08/25/2020 Murcal, Inc.677.82 STATIONARY ENGINE PARTS 76649 08/25/2020 New Pig Corporation 684.20 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 76650 08/25/2020 Occupational Health Centers of CA, A Medical Corp 208.50 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL PHYSICAL 76651 08/25/2020 Quinn Company 2,851.18 PART FOR WELL#18 76652 08/25/2020 Rescue 411 4,000.00 TRAINING-FIRST AID SMITH, J 76653 08/25/2020 Rose Paving LLC 1,650.00 J20-18 PAVING WORK 76654 08/25/2020 Schorr Metals, Inc.307.93 PARTS FOR UNIT#232 76655 08/25/2020 Shred Confidential, Inc.133.88 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE 76656 08/25/2020 Staples Business Advantage 570.35 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76657 08/25/2020 State Chemical Manufacturing 120.71 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 76658 08/25/2020 Sunrise Medical Group 235.00 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL PHYSICAL For Checks Dated: 08/12/2020 thru 08/25/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 19 of 83 76659 08/25/2020 Sunstate Equipment Co 99.13 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 76660 08/25/2020 Total Administrative Service Corp (TASC)2,134.09 EMPLOYEE FLEX PROGRAM EXPENSE 76661 08/25/2020 Toxguard Fluid Technologies 394.17 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL 76662 08/25/2020 Uline 197.94 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 76663 08/25/2020 Underground Service Alert 454.15 NEW TICKET CHARGES & CA STATE FEE 76664 08/25/2020 United Industries 431.40 SAFETY SUPPLIES 76665 08/25/2020 United Rentals 1,005.70 J19-13 SCADA BOOM RENTAL 76666 08/25/2020 United Water Works, Inc.25,158.79 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76667 08/25/2020 Western A/V 360.00 SERVICE CALL MAINTENANCE 76668 08/25/2020 YO Fire 840.03 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76669 08/25/2020 Konica Minolta Business 1,723.02 COPY CHARGES - C258 & C558 W081420 08/14/2020 Municipal Water District 1,904,850.02 WATER DELIVERIES - JUNE 2020 W081420A 08/14/2020 Switch Ltd 568.00 DATA HOSTING CO-LOCATION W081420C 08/14/2020 Southern Calif Gas Co.33,946.71 GAS CHARGES - JULY 2020 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 2,277,104.27 08/06/2020 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 188,485.71 08/06/2020 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 50,628.30 08/06/2020 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 44,628.10 7415 08/06/2020 Colonial Life & Accident 112.13 7416 08/06/2020 Lincoln Financial Group 3,911.38 7417 08/06/2020 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 14,574.92 7418 08/06/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7419 08/06/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 384.92 303,092.38 Payroll Checks #16 Page 20 of 83 Vendor Name Amount Description Home Depot 383.09 FACILITIES BUILDING PARTS STATION DONUT 35.75 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT MEETING Schorr Metals, Inc.48.48 PARTS FOR MECHANIC SHOP Shutterstock Images LLC 49.00 MARKETING SUPPLIES Home Depot 74.68 PRODUCTION PARTS - CAMINO DE BRYANT Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 110.34 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Chefs Toys 146.75 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES Costco 626.13 J20-25 SECURITY TV CUSTOMER SERVICE CALIFORNIA SECRETARY OF STATE 5.00 LEGAL FILING FOR PUBLIC FINANCE CORPORATION Farmer Boys 21.72 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Carl's Jr Restaurant 54.31 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Sprout Social 84.15 SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULER Safelite Autoglass 398.59 WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT #216 Professional Engineer Services 550.00 SEISMIC ENG COURSE-WESTON, R Volvo Construction (80.42) CREDIT ON MECHANIC PARTS Community Lock & Safe Service, Inc.16.11 KEYS FOR LOCK BOXES Schorr Metals, Inc.186.23 EMERGENCY PROVISION SUPPLIES CMI SERVICE CENTER 313.95 MUFFLER REPLACEMENT Costco 10.76 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES Francisco Meat Co 30.00 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT MEETING Smart & Final 31.72 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT MEETING Amazon.com 54.18 SERVICE RECOGNITION AWARD Home Depot 55.36 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES FOR REPAIRS Roseburrough Tool Company 62.70 CONCRETE TOOL Smart & Final 199.49 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT MEETING Costco 324.96 BREAK ROOM & MEETING SUPPLIES Home Depot 381.16 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES FIRST AID SUPPLIES ONLINE 655.62 REFILLS-VEHICLES FIRST AID KIT Chevron 23.69 REFILL PROPANE TANK Alternative Hose Inc.110.63 COOLING SYSTEM - HIGHLAND Amazon.com 115.00 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES Home Depot 149.65 FACILITIES-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WORLD BASEBALL BATS 118.00 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Republic Services #676 662.82 DISPOSAL SERVICE Saymore Trophy 2,408.51 SANTIAGO & HELI DEDICATION PLAQUE ZOOM 69.98 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Saymore Trophy 570.96 FAIRMONT DEDICATION PLAQUE Time Warner Cable 650.00 SPECTRUM BUSINESS DECATUR Adobe 52.99 SOFTWARE LICENSE Home Depot 17.21 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES Flappy Jacks 72.81 BREAKFAST MEETING-4 ATTEND Community Lock & Safe Service, Inc.103.31 FACILITIES SUPPLIES Project Management Institute 129.00 PMI ANNUAL RENEWAL - WESTON, R Home Depot 161.58 J20-18 FIRE HARDENING CAMINO REICH USA CORPORATION 2,577.54 PARTS FOR HIGHLAND BOOSTER Home Depot 26.94 PARTS FOR SCADA ANTENNA PASEO FINO Home Depot 80.39 SCADA MATERIAL VALLEY & PASO Home Depot 12.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR SEWER Home Depot 110.51 J20-18 FIRE HARDENING MATERIAL - CAMINO CA Assn of Sanitation Agencies 125.00 CASA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - JONES, B ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECH 329.95 DIPSTICK PRO FOR FOG PROGRAM SiteOne Landscape Supply 26.51 PARTS FOR BUILDING REPAIRS Michaels Arts & Crafts, Brea #2111 40.91 OFFICE SUPPLIES Schorr Metals, Inc.42.41 PARTS FOR MECHANIC SHOP Home Depot 79.59 J20-18 FIRE HARDENING MATERIAL - CAMINO 11-Aug-20 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Page 21 of 83 Costco 130.43 J20-13 COVID FACE MASKS JRTT AUTO SERVICE 150.00 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Home Depot 197.23 J20-18 FIRE HARDENING CAMINO Chick-fil-A 14.18 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (2 EMPLOYEES) Home Depot 145.54 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS R.E. Michel Company, LLC 489.42 A/C MATERIAL FOR REPAIRS Home Depot 14.18 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES FOR REPAIRS CDW Government, Inc 66.47 ELECTRICAL UPGRADE SUPPLIES Orange County Water Assn.70.00 FY21 OCWA MEMBERSHIP-HAWKINS, P Home Depot 307.20 OPERATIONS TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Harbor Freight Tools 9.52 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES CDW Government, Inc 23.88 ELECTRICAL UPGRADE SUPPLIES Orange County Water Assn.70.00 FY21 OCWA MEMBERSHIP-JONES, B Home Depot 88.13 CONCRETE SUPPLIES B & M Lawn and Garden Inc 154.75 PARTS FOR PORTABLE GENERATOR Trane U.S. Inc.182.96 MATERIAL FOR A/C REPAIRS Time Warner Cable 208.98 SPECTRUM BUSINESS MIRALOMA Staples 269.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES ONLINE Information Services, Inc.334.30 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION - JUNE 2020 R.E. Michel Company, LLC 352.26 MATERIAL FOR A/C REPAIRS Answer One Communications 676.95 AFTER HOURS PHONE SERVICE 17,654.31 Page 22 of 83 BOD Vendor Name Document Amount Description Brett Barbre Flappy Jacks 72.81 BREAKFAST MEETING-4 ATTEND Saymore Trophy 570.96 FAIRMONT DEDICATION PLAQUE Saymore Trophy 2,408.51 SANTIAGO & HELI DEDICATION PLAQUE Brooke Jones CA Assn of Sanitation Agencies 125.00 CASA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - JONES, B Orange County Water Assn.70.00 FY21 OCWA MEMBERSHIP-JONES, B Phil Hawkins Orange County Water Assn.70.00 FY21 OCWA MEMBERSHIP-HAWKINS, P 3,317.28 11-Aug-20 Cal Card Credit Card Board of Directors Page 23 of 83 Vendor Name Amount Description FCPP PRIMARY CARE 15.00 REIMBURSEMENT BY EMPLOYEE Farmer Boys 37.24 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) CAR STEREO CONNECTIONS 450.00 LIGHTING PARTS FOR UNIT#230 SiteOne Landscape Supply 105.88 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Costco 26.09 PRODUCTION SUPPLIES Saymore Trophy 360.00 FAIRMONT/SANTIAGO/HELI HYDRANT DEDICATION PLAQUE Home Depot 32.17 J20-18 WOOD SUPPLIES - DE BRYANT Just Host 647.04 SITE HOSTING-IT North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 180.00 DISPOSAL-OLD ROAD MATERIAL North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 180.00 DISPOSAL-OLD ROAD MATERIAL Amazon.com 23.91 SERVICE RECOGNITION AWARD IN-N-OUT RESTAURANTS 52.42 TEAM BUILDING-8 YLWD EMPLOYEES ATTENDED Saymore Trophy 60.00 FAIRMONT/SANTIAGO/HELI HYDRANT DEDICATION PLAQUE Constant Contact 1,638.00 EMAIL SOFTWARE-PUBLIC RELATIONS Farmer Boys 36.59 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) GSE 76 20.02 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Harrington Industrial 86.20 CL2 SYSTEM PARTS Farmer Boys 37.46 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Amazon.com 61.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES Amazon.com 10.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES Time Warner Cable 215.26 SPECTRUM BUSINESS MIRALOMA Americoat Powder Coating 918.00 MECHANIC SHOP-POWDER COAT B & M Lawn and Garden Inc 59.72 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES-DRAIN SPADES Home Depot 62.65 LANDSCAPE REPAIR Harrington Industrial 249.68 CL2 SYSTEM PARTS Orvac Electronics 18.80 OPERATIONS-PARTS FOR HIGHLAND Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 76.72 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES IN-N-OUT RESTAURANTS 42.94 HELI HYDRANT PLANNING-5 ATTENDED Verizon Wireless 3,330.30 VERIZON WIRELESS - 5/21-6/20 BLICK ART MATERIAL 209.56 OFFICE SUPPLIES Home Depot 13.88 LANDSCAPE REPAIR Home Depot 180.35 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES-DRAIN SPADES Harrington Industrial 70.46 CL2 SYSTEM PARTS Home Depot 17.46 HARDWARE SUPPLIES PRODUCTION Home Depot 8.75 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Staples 50.80 OFFICE SUPPLIES Orange County Water Assn.10.00 OCWA WEBINAR-LUGO, D Sprout Social 84.15 SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULER-PASQUALE Amazon.com 182.67 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT CCTV VEHICLE Amazon.com 50.01 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES-ADAPTER Time Warner Cable 2,020.75 SPECTRUM BUSINESS MIRALOMA 11,933.08 25-Aug-20 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Page 24 of 83 ITEM NO. 8.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2020. BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make monthly report of investments to the legislative body. The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments with the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last five years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending June 30, 2020 is 1.18%. The District's Total Cash and Investment balance at June 30, 2020 resulted in an overall increase from the previous month by approximately $1,602,670. Larger balance changes include: an increase in the Water Operating Fund of $1,059,884 and $143,055 in the Sewer Operating Fund due to positive net effects between operating revenues and expenses for the reporting month; a net increase of $307,945 in the Water Capital Project Reserve Fund due to a second draw on the Line of Credit with Bank of America; and an increase of approximately $41,000 in the PARS Fund due it's gain in market value. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: Page 25 of 83 G2 4C - Manage cash flow to maximize investment income. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Investment Reports and Graphs for June 2020 Page 26 of 83 Market %Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: 1,131,165$ 1,131,165$ Wells Fargo Bank 1,131,165$ 1,131,165$ 2.76%Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 43$ 43$ US Bank (Revenue Bonds)0.00% 3,308,931 3,308,931 US Bank (Money Market)0.01% 2,025,988 2,025,988 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 5,334,962$ 5,334,962$ 13.00%Total 0.01% Certificates of Deposits: 252,578 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.63% 248,461 248,000 EnerBank USA Salt Lake City 08/26/20 1.30% 179,991 180,000 HSBC BK USA, NA MC Clean CTF 08/31/21 2.23% 252,144 248,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA Sioux Falls D 08/31/21 1.57% 255,650 247,000 PrivateBank & Tr Chicago Ill CTF 03/30/22 2.13% 250,005 245,000 Goldman Sachs Bank 06/28/21 2.16% 250,005 245,000 Morgan Stanley Private Bank 06/28/21 2.16% 254,707 245,000 Capital One Bank USA 06/27/22 2.12% 254,707 245,000 Capital One Bank NA 06/27/22 2.12% 254,952 245,000 Ally Bank 06/27/22 2.16% 254,952 245,000 Sallie Mae Bank 06/27/22 2.16% 255,351 245,000 Synchrony 05/17/22 2.35% 256,206 245,000 Morgan Stanley Bank NA 06/13/22 2.44% 3,219,710$ 3,132,000$ 7.85%Total 2.04% Corporate Notes: 506,985$ 500,000 Wells Fargo Co.03/04/21 2.47% 506,245$ 500,000 JP Morgan Chase Co.03/01/21 2.52% 1,013,230$ 1,000,000$ 2.47%Total 2.50% Pooled Investment Accounts: 30,338,670$ 30,338,670$ Local Agency Investment Fund 1.22% 30,338,670$ 30,338,670$ 73.93%1.22% 41,037,737$ 40,936,797$ 100%Total Investments 1.18% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 6/30/20 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report June 30, 2020 ________________________________ Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Page 27 of 83 Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of June 2020: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2019 Yield Maturity June 1.18%48 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 6/30/2019 6/30/2020 Monthly - June 124,778$ 89,342$ Year-to-Date 819,522$ 694,705$ Budget 2018/2019 2019/2020 Interest Budget, June YTD 358,000$ 812,306$ Interest Budget, Annual 358,000$ 812,306$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $38.37 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the Bond payment and PARS for the pension/OPEB payments. The number of Days in Cash are 368 for the Un-Restricted Water Reserve balance and 1,491 for the Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of June 30, 2020. FY20 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments May 2020 % Alloc June 2020 % Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 5/31/2020 Balance 6/30/2020 Levels"CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve 12,269,261$ 33.24%12,561,153$ 33.16%12,427,055$ 134,098$ Water Emergency Reserve 7,306,766 19.79%7,327,385$ 19.34%7,115,108 212,277 Water Capital Project Reserve 6,913,890 18.73%7,221,836$ 19.06%7,314,221 (92,385) Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,194,482 11.36%4,215,645$ 11.13%4,093,400 122,245 Un-Restricted Water Reserve Balance 30,684,399 31,326,019$ 30,949,784 376,235 Conservation Reserve 104,911$ 0.28%105,426$ 0.28%- 105,426 Employee Liability Reserve 306,534 0.83%308,039$ 0.81%400,000 (91,961) Restricted Reserve Balance 411,444 413,466$ 400,000 13,466 Sewer Operating Reserve 2,486,781$ 6.74%2,800,902$ 7.39%1,335,465 1,465,437 Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,961,096 5.31%1,961,577$ 5.18%1,914,347 47,230 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,371,839 3.72%1,378,578$ 3.64%1,909,045 (530,467) Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance 5,819,715 6,141,057$ 5,158,857 982,200 Total Reserve Balances 36,915,558$ 100.00%37,880,541$ 100.00%36,508,641$ 1,371,900$ Water Operating 221,753 989,746 Sewer Operating 312,484 141,419 534,237 1,131,165 Rev. Bond 2012A & 2017A-Principal & Interest 43 43 Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted)1,985,228 2,025,988 Total Cash and Investments 39,435,066$ 41,037,737$ Cash & Investment Summary Report Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Wells Fargo Bank Checking US Bank Held (Restricted) Page 28 of 83 Checking Account:1,131,165$ 2.76% Money Market Accounts:5,334,962$ 13.00% Certificates of Deposit:3,219,710$ 7.85% Corporate Notes:1,013,230$ 2.47% Pooled Investment Accounts:30,338,670$ 73.93% Total 41,037,737$ 100.00% Checking Account: 2.76% Money Market Accounts: 13.00% Certificates of Deposit: 7.85% Corporate Notes: 2.47% Pooled Investment Accounts: 73.93% INVESTMENT BALANCES (AS OF 6 -30-2020) Checking Account:Money Market Accounts:Certificates of Deposit:Corporate Notes:Pooled Investment Accounts: Page 29 of 83 Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report June 30, 2020 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Local Agency Investment Fund - 30,338,670 - 30,338,670 Corporate Notes - 1,013,230 - 1,013,230 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 3,219,710 - 3,219,710 Total Investments -$ 34,571,610$ -$ 34,571,610$ Page 30 of 83 Transaction Date Transaction Description Water Operating Pension Water Operating OPEB Sewer Operating Pension Sewer Operating OPEB Account Total Beginning Balance as of 7/1/19 1,235,837.20 526,669.64 135,806.94 62,230.97 1,960,544.75 7/31/2019 Investment Gain/(Loss)6,734.69 2,716.09 339.13 320.93 1,970,655.59 7/31/2019 Management Fees (272.06)(109.72)(13.70)(12.97) 1,970,247.14 7/31/2019 Investment Gain/(Loss) - Adjustment (361.18)361.18 1,970,247.14 7/31/2019 Management Fees - Adjustment 14.59 (14.59)1,970,247.14 8/31/2009 Investment Gain/(Loss)(5,050.10)(2,151.57)(553.40)(254.23) 1,962,237.84 8/31/2019 Management Fees (258.81)(110.27)(28.36)(13.03) 1,961,827.37 9/30/2019 Investment Gain/(Loss)9,114.79 3,884.40 1,001.64 458.98 1,976,287.18 9/30/2019 Management Fees (257.63)(109.80)(28.31)(12.97)1,975,878.47 10/31/2019 Investment Gain/(Loss)14,236.16 6,066.94 1,564.44 716.87 1,998,462.88 10/31/2019 Management Fees (259.48)(110.58)(28.51)(13.07) 1,998,051.24 11/30/2019 Investment Gain/(Loss)20,875.28 8,896.31 2,294.02 1,051.18 2,031,168.03 11/30/2019 Management Fees (607.78)(259.01)(66.79)(30.61) 2,030,203.84 12/31/2019 Investment Gain/(Loss)21,409.30 9,123.89 2,352.71 1,078.07 2,064,167.81 12/31/2019 Management Fees (962.97)(410.40)(105.82)(48.49) 2,062,640.13 1/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss)4,243.88 1,808.60 466.37 213.70 2,069,372.68 1/31/2020 Management Fees (631.28) (269.02) (69.37) (31.79) 2,068,371.22 2/29/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss)(42,572.34) (18,142.83) (4,678.36) (2,143.74) 2,000,833.95 2/29/2020 Management Fees (1,008.44) (429.78) (110.82) (50.78) 1,999,234.13 3/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss)(125,690.52) (53,564.85) (13,812.37) (6,329.19) 1,799,837.20 3/31/2020 Management Fees (636.87) (271.43) (69.99) (32.07) 1,798,826.84 4/30/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss)77,883.71 33,191.29 8,558.79 3,921.86 1,922,382.49 4/30/2020 Management Fees (594.64) (253.42) (65.35) (29.94) 1,921,439.14 5/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss)40,776.28 17,377.42 4,480.98 2,053.30 1,986,127.12 5/31/2020 Management Fees (567.06) (241.66) (62.31) (28.55) 1,985,227.54 6/30/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss)26,291.40 11,204.44 2,889.21 1,323.91 2,026,936.50 6/30/2020 Management Fees (597.76) (254.74) (65.69) (30.10) 2,025,988.21 Account Balance by Account Type 1,277,088.36 544,249.94 140,341.67 64,308.24 2,025,988.21$ 63%27%7%3%100% Pension OPEB Total Initial Contribution as of 12/28/2017 247,599.00$ - 247,599.00 Additional Contribution 6/26/19 1,105,248.00$ 587,339.00 1,692,587.00 Total Contributions =1,940,186.00 Total Gain (or Loss) from Inception 72,886.61$ 24,383.38 97,269.99 Total Management Fees from Inception (8,303.58)$ (3,164.20) (11,467.78) Balance as of 3-31-19 = 1,417,430.03$ 608,558.18$ 2,025,988.21$ PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Page 31 of 83 $33,422,349 $27,997,128 $30,280,309 $30,253,433 $31,326,019 455 396 399 425 368 60 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 510 $20,000 $5,020,000 $10,020,000 $15,020,000 $20,020,000 $25,020,000 $30,020,000 $35,020,000 $40,020,000 Jun. 16 Jun. 17 Jun. 18 Jun. 19 Jun. 20 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash Unrestricted Reserves (Water)Days in Cash (Water) Page 32 of 83 ITEM NO. 8.4. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Unaudited Financial Statements for Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020. BACKGROUND: For the period, ending June 30, 2020, staff is presenting “unaudited” statements in the CAFR format. We have included a Statement of Net Position, a Debt Service Ratio Calculation, Consolidated Budget to Actual Statement, as well as the individual Water and Sewer Budget to Actual Statements. As reported in the Balance Sheet of the Statement of Net Position, the District’s Net Position reflects a negative result when compared to that of the same reporting period of the prior fiscal year by approximately $1,156,048. This is prominently due to an increase in Net Pension and OPEB Liabilities and the additional debt incurred with the Bank of America Line of Credit. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the Period Ending June 30, 2020, reflects an average increase in customer consumption of approximately 7.32% as compared to prior year for the same reporting period. Residential classified customer connections had the largest increase in consumption for this reporting period. Total Variable Water Costs results reflect 26.93% increase when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The increase in these costs is predominantly due to the District utilizing import water to meet demands on the system from February 7, 2020 - June 25, 2020. The cost of import water is greater than that of ground water by $591 per acre foot. Page 33 of 83 With the issuance of the Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A the District covenanted “…to fix, prescribe and collect rates and charges for Water Service which will be at least sufficient to yield during each Fiscal Year, Net Revenues equal to 125% of the Debit Service for such Fiscal Year.” To confirm the covenant is upheld, staff calculates the Debt Service Ratio on a quarterly basis, which is received and filed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the “unaudited” Debt Service Ratio Calculation of the Water Enterprise Fund for the Period Ending June 30, 2019 is being projected at 199%. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B – Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Financial Reports and Graphs for 4th Qtr FY20 Page 34 of 83 ASSETS June 2020 June 2019 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents 36,806,047$ 33,940,979$ Investment 4,232,940 4,108,975 Accounts receivable - water and sewer services 4,752,277 3,855,394 Accrued interest receivable 115,399 105,086 Prepaid expenses & other deposits 272,863 288,064 Inventory 331,648 283,523 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 46,511,174 42,582,021 NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs 325,897 350,727 Deferred Pension Plan 2,224,306 2,335,328 Deferred OPEB Plan 539,981 462,680 Capital assets: Non-depreciable 3,656,486 2,730,750 Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 183,657,557 188,179,823 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 190,404,227 194,059,308 TOTAL ASSETS 236,915,401 236,641,329 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 6,068,442 5,394,276 Accrued expenses 1,572 1,608 Accrued OPEB - - Accrued interest payable 382,114 393,864 Refunding Revenue Bond(s) - current portion 1,230,000 1,175,000 Compensated absences 424,842 390,465 Customer and construction deposits 1,096,449 582,444 Deferred revenue 170,539 224,267 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 9,373,958 8,161,924 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue 12,617,886 13,112,931 Compensated absences 1,274,525 1,171,396 Net Pension Liability 9,372,305 8,449,114 Net OPEB Liability 1,461,264 2,046,040 Deferred Pension Plan 418,786 430,507 Deferred OPEB Plan 374,225 43,597 Deferred Inflow - Gain on Bond 92,981 98,076 Refunding Revenue Bond(s) 36,205,104 37,691,080 Line of Credit 1,443,751 - TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION)63,260,827 63,042,741 TOTAL LIABILITIES 72,634,785 71,204,665 NET ASSETS:164,280,616$ 165,436,664$ YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS June 30, 2020 (With June 30, 2019 Actuals for comparison only) Page 35 of 83 June 2020 June 2019 OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales 32,192,312$ 29,819,532$ Sewer revenues 2,731,285 2,528,020 Other operating revenues 934,367 1,051,906 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 35,857,964 33,399,458 OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs 16,916,388 13,327,859 Personnel services 10,890,406 9,538,169 Supplies and services 4,754,719 4,592,527 Depreciation and amortization 7,757,140 7,322,754 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 40,318,653 34,781,309 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS)(4,460,689) (1,381,851) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes 1,961,003 1,874,688 Investment income 694,704 819,522 Interest expense (1,309,883) (1,350,616) Other nonoperating revenues 1,066,369 977,285 Other nonoperating expenses (137,569) (1,550,377) TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES 2,274,624 770,502 NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS, SPECIAL/EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S)(2,186,065) (611,349) SPECIAL ITEM(S) - CONSERVATION CREDIT - - SPECIAL ITEM(S) - RATE CREDIT - - CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1,030,017 171,144 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (1,156,048) (440,205) NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR 165,436,664 165,876,869 NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END JUNE 30, 2020 164,280,616$ 165,436,664$ YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS June 30, 2020 (With June 30, 2019 Actuals for comparison only) Page 36 of 83 YTD Debt Prior YTD PY Debt Actual Service Actual Service FY20 Calculation FY19 Calculation Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)15,987,147$ 15,987,147$ 14,672,463$ 14,672,463$ Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,622,176 1,622,176 1,687,905 1,687,905 Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,609,735 3,609,735 3,411,077 3,411,077 Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,973,254 10,973,254 10,048,087 10,048,087 Other Operating Revenue 863,918 863,918 981,071 981,071 Total Operating Revenue:33,056,230 33,056,230 30,800,603 30,800,603 Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 595,315 595,315 687,320 687,320 Property Tax 1,961,003 1,961,003 1,874,688 1,874,688 Other Non-Operating Revenue 993,083 993,083 938,778 938,778 Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,549,401 3,549,401 3,500,786 3,500,786 Total Revenue 36,605,631 36,605,631 34,301,389 34,301,389 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)16,916,388 16,916,388 13,327,859 13,327,859 Salary Related Expenses 9,838,891 9,838,891 8,614,442 8,614,442 Supplies & Services 4,303,126 4,303,126 4,068,320 4,068,320 Depreciation 6,314,950 - 5,947,042 - Total Operating Expenses 37,373,355 31,058,405 31,957,663 26,010,621 Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,309,883 - 1,350,616 - Other Expense 109,564 109,564 1,454,302 1,454,302 Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,419,447 109,564 2,804,918 1,454,302 Total Expenses 38,792,802 31,167,969 34,762,581 27,464,923 Net Position Before Capital Contributions/Special Items (2,187,171) 5,437,662 (461,192) 6,836,466 Special Item - Conservation Credit - - - - Transfers (To)/From - - - - Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -430,143 - 75,845 - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position (1,757,028)$ 5,437,662$ (385,347)$ 6,836,466$ DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues 5,437,662$ 6,836,466$ Debt Service 2,726,956$ 2,738,256$ %199% 250% Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Water Enterprise Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending June 30, 2020 (With June 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 37 of 83 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending June 30, 2020 Annual YTD June YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over June Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 June 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,548,758$ 16,548,758$ 2,488,010$ 15,987,147$ (561,611)$ 1,970,612$ 14,672,463$ 1,314,684$ 8.96% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,872,073 1,872,073 122,341 1,622,176 (249,897)128,819 1,687,905 (65,729)-3.89% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,917,982 3,917,982 375,942 3,609,735 (308,247)250,477 3,411,077 198,658 5.82% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,988,263 10,988,263 922,457 10,973,254 (15,009)841,006 10,048,087 925,167 9.21% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,421,665 2,421,665 212,662 2,408,310 (13,355)204,479 2,229,374 178,936 8.03% Locke Ranch Assessments 324,173 324,173 2,556 322,975 (1,198) 1,179 298,646 24,329 8.15% Other Operating Revenue 964,708 964,708 119,666 934,367 (30,341)143,592 1,051,906 (117,539)-11.17% Total Operating Revenue:37,037,622 37,037,622 4,243,634 35,857,964 (1,179,658)3,540,164 33,399,458 2,458,506 7.36% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 812,306 812,306 89,342 694,705 (117,601)124,778 819,522 (124,817)-15.23% Property Tax 1,820,471 1,820,471 68,790 1,961,002 140,532 31,431 1,874,688 86,314 4.60% Other Non-Operating Revenue 632,909 632,909 243,443 1,066,369 433,460 112,333 977,285 89,084 9.12% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,265,685 3,265,685 401,575 3,722,076 456,391 268,542 3,671,495 50,581 1.38% Total Revenue 40,303,307 40,303,307 4,645,209 39,580,040 (723,267)3,808,706 37,070,953 2,509,087 6.77% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)15,110,810 15,110,810 2,084,721 16,916,388 1,805,578 1,319,092 13,327,859 3,588,529 26.93% Salary Related Expenses 11,664,922 11,664,922 1,689,052 10,890,406 (774,516)610,820 9,538,169 1,352,237 14.18% Supplies & Services 5,449,301 5,449,301 109,239 4,754,719 (694,582)652,907 4,592,527 162,192 3.53% Total Operating Expenses 32,225,033 32,225,033 3,883,012 32,561,513 336,480 2,582,819 27,458,555 5,102,958 18.58% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,303,967 1,303,967 115,208 1,309,883 5,915 111,601 1,350,616 (40,733) -3.02% Other Expense 13,520 13,520 (46,390) 137,569 124,048 563,990 1,550,377 (1,412,808) -91.13% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,317,488 1,317,488 68,818 1,447,452 129,964 675,591 2,900,993 (1,453,542) -50.10% Total Expenses 33,542,521 33,542,521 3,951,830 34,008,965 466,444 3,258,410 30,359,548 3,649,416 12.02% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 6,760,787 6,760,787 693,379 5,571,075 (1,189,711)550,296 6,711,405 (1,140,330) -16.99% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 1,024 1,030,017 1,030,017 132,588 171,144 858,873 0.00% Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 6,760,787 6,760,787 694,403 6,601,092 (159,694)682,884 6,882,549 (281,457)-4.09% Depreciation & Amortization 7,720,659 7,720,659 642,522 7,757,139 36,480 602,042 7,322,754 434,385 5.93% Total Net Position ($959,872)($959,872)51,881 (1,156,047) ($196,174)$80,842 ($440,205)($715,842)-162.62% (295,000) (295,000) 231,185 - 295,000 315,944 - - (With June 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 38 of 83 Annual YTD June YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over June Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 June 2019) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)16,548,758$ $16,548,758 2,488,010$ 15,987,147$ (561,611)$ 1,970,612$ 14,672,463$ 1,314,684$ 8.96% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,872,073 1,872,073 122,341 1,622,176 (249,897) 128,819 1,687,905 (65,729) -3.89% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,917,982 3,917,982 375,942 3,609,735 (308,247) 250,477 3,411,077 198,658 5.82% Water Revenue (Service Charge)10,988,263 10,988,263 922,457 10,973,254 (15,009) 841,006 10,048,087 925,167 9.21% Other Operating Revenue 902,996 902,996 116,017 863,918 (39,078) 127,466 981,071 (117,153) -11.94% Total Operating Revenue:34,230,072 34,230,072 4,024,767 33,056,230 (1,173,842) 3,318,380 30,800,603 2,255,627 7.32% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 698,777 698,777 81,641 595,315 (103,462) 99,489 687,320 (92,005) -13.39% Property Tax 1,820,471 1,820,471 68,790 1,961,003 140,532 31,431 1,874,688 86,315 4.60% Other Non-Operating Revenue 608,430 608,430 214,904 993,083 384,653 108,045 938,778 54,305 5.78% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,127,678 3,127,678 365,335 3,549,401 421,723 238,965 3,500,786 48,615 1.39% Total Revenue 37,357,750 37,357,750 4,390,102 36,605,631 (752,120) 3,557,345 34,301,389 2,304,242 6.72% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)15,110,810 15,110,810 2,084,721 16,916,388 1,805,578 1,319,092 13,327,859 3,588,529 26.93% Salary Related Expenses 10,528,255 10,528,255 1,516,884 9,838,891 (689,364) 542,664 8,614,442 1,224,449 14.21% Supplies & Services: Communications 228,183 228,183 3,663 175,757 (52,426) 10,821 151,127 24,630 16.30% Contractual Services 496,717 496,717 37,595 400,521 (96,196) 49,463 390,442 10,079 2.58% Data Processing 324,069 324,069 17,606 227,356 (96,713) 28,008 264,280 (36,924) -13.97% Dues & Memberships 78,862 78,862 2,606 87,376 8,514 (85) 73,970 13,406 18.12% Fees & Permits 290,271 290,271 31,658 312,996 22,725 35,162 269,225 43,771 16.26% Board Election - - - - - 52,742 (52,742) -100.00% Insurance 304,468 304,468 22,427 284,209 (20,259) 19,403 263,807 20,402 7.73% Materials 948,195 948,195 (315,655) 485,136 (463,059) 119,522 907,620 (422,484) -46.55% District Activities, Emp Recognition 43,371 43,371 3,848 34,863 (8,509) 7,186 36,079 (1,217) -3.37% Maintenance 565,165 565,165 (3,425) 505,250 (59,915) 17,208 435,489 69,761 16.02% Non-Capital Equipment 200,778 200,778 10,656 132,377 (68,401) 10,421 133,959 (1,582) -1.18% Office Expense 33,950 33,950 3,980 38,367 4,417 4,847 38,495 (128) -0.33% Professional Services 585,971 585,971 101,968 950,423 364,452 138,011 466,033 484,390 103.94% Training 78,301 78,301 435 32,822 (45,479) 4,239 39,887 (7,065) -17.71% Travel & Conferences 126,278 126,278 (1,781) 49,922 (76,356) 13,218 88,298 (38,376) -43.46% Uncollectible Accounts 4,185 4,185 (27) 3,703 (482) 226 2,727 976 35.77% Utilities 179,258 179,258 19,147 194,946 15,689 9,941 172,299 22,647 13.14% Vehicle Equipment 335,600 335,600 34,851 387,102 51,502 20,829 281,841 105,261 37.35% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,823,620 4,823,620 (30,448) 4,303,126 (520,494) 488,420 4,068,320 234,806 5.77% Total Operating Expenses 30,462,685 30,462,685 3,571,157 31,058,405 595,719 2,350,176 26,010,621 5,047,784 19.41% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,303,967 1,303,967 115,208 1,309,883 5,916 111,601 1,350,616 (40,733) -3.02% Other Expense 13,520 13,520 (34,120) 109,564 96,044 477,289 1,454,302 (1,344,738) -92.47% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,317,487 1,317,487 81,088 1,419,447 101,960 588,890 2,804,918 (1,385,471) -49.39% Total Expenses 31,780,172 31,780,172 3,652,245 32,477,852 697,680 2,939,066 28,815,539 3,662,313 12.71% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 5,577,578 5,577,578 737,857 4,127,779 (1,449,799) 618,279 5,485,850 (1,358,071) -24.76% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 430,143 430,143 41,345 75,845 354,298 467.13% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 5,577,578 5,577,578 737,857 4,557,922 (1,019,656) 659,624 5,561,695 (1,003,773) -18.05% Depreciation & Amortization 6,289,903 6,289,903 520,406 6,314,950 25,047 487,190 5,947,042 367,908 6.19% Total Net Position (712,325)$ (712,325)$ 217,451$ (1,757,028) (1,044,703)$ 172,434$ (385,347)$ (1,371,681)$ -355.96% Capital - Direct Labor (225,000) (225,000)201,775 - 225,000 247,086 - - Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending June 30, 2020 (With June 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 39 of 83 Annual YTD June YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over June Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY20 FY20 FY20 FY20 YTD Budget FY19 June 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue 2,421,665$ 2,421,665$ 212,662$ 2,408,310$ (13,355)$ 204,479$ 2,229,374$ 178,936$ 8.03% Locke Ranch Assessments 324,173 324,173 2,556 322,975 (1,198) 1,179 298,647 24,329 8.15% Other Operating Revenue 61,712 61,712 3,648 70,449 8,737 16,127 70,836 (387) -0.55% Total Operating Revenue:2,807,550 2,807,550 218,866 2,801,734 (5,816)221,785 2,598,857 202,877 7.81% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 113,528 113,528 7,700 99,389 (14,139)25,289 132,202 (32,813)-24.82% Other Non-Operating Revenue 24,480 24,480 28,539 73,286 48,806 4,287 38,507 34,779 90.32% Total Non-Operating Revenue:138,008 138,008 36,239 172,675 34,667 29,576 170,709 1,966 1.15% Total Revenue 2,945,558 2,945,558 255,105 2,974,409$ 28,851 251,361 2,769,566 204,844 7.40% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,136,668 1,136,668 172,168 1,051,515 (85,153)68,156 923,727 127,788 13.83% Supplies & Services: Communications 13,412 13,412 276 9,321 (4,091)788 8,582 739 8.61% Contractual Services 30,764 30,764 2,368 26,031 (4,734)2,295 23,794 2,237 9.40% Data Processing 21,382 21,382 1,325 12,870 (8,512)1,940 17,438 (4,568)-26.19% Dues & Memberships 5,928 5,928 196 6,577 649 2,016 7,590 (1,013)-13.34% Fees & Permits 15,509 15,509 1,336 17,123 1,614 570 10,477 6,647 63.45% Board Election - - - - 3,970 (3,970)-100.00% Insurance 22,917 22,917 1,688 25,376 2,459 1,460 19,786 5,590 28.25% Materials 65,206 65,206 978 17,608 (47,598)5,880 52,569 (34,961)-66.50% District Activities, Emp Recognition 3,264 3,264 284 2,516 (748)466 2,572 (56)-2.19% Maintenance 171,135 171,135 69,231 138,110 (33,025)108,633 191,846 (53,736)-28.01% Non-Capital Equipment 39,542 39,542 10,719 33,011 (6,532)1,283 27,462 5,549 20.20% Office Expense 2,555 2,555 300 2,839 284 172 2,488 351 14.09% Professional Services 156,229 156,229 46,911 96,065 (60,164)33,483 76,433 19,632 25.68% Training 8,569 8,569 231 7,485 (1,083)(175) 17,602 (10,116)-57.47% Travel & Conferences 14,362 14,362 (134) 5,268 (9,094)782 7,040 (1,772)-25.17% Uncollectible Accounts 315 315 (9) 315 (0)52 133 182 136.47% Utilities 13,493 13,493 1,223 14,197 705 662 13,247 950 7.18% Vehicle Equipment 41,100 41,100 2,764 36,881 (4,218)4,180 41,172 (4,291)-10.42% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 625,681 625,681 139,687 451,593 (174,087) 164,487 524,201 (72,608) -13.85% Total Operating Expenses 1,762,349 1,762,349 311,855 1,503,108 (259,240) 232,643 1,447,928 55,180 3.81% Expenses (Non-Operating): Other Expense - - (12,270) 28,005 28,005 86,701 96,075 (68,071) -70.85% Total Non-Operating Expenses:- - (12,270) 28,005 28,005 86,701 96,075 (68,071) 0.00% Total Expenses 1,762,349 1,762,349 299,585 1,531,113 (231,236) 319,344 1,544,003 (12,890) -0.83% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 1,183,209 1,183,209 (44,480) 1,443,296 260,087 (67,983) 1,225,563 217,734 17.77% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 1,024 599,874 599,874 91,243 95,299 504,575 529.47% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 1,183,209 1,183,209 (43,456) 2,043,170 859,961 23,260 1,320,862 722,309 54.68% Depreciation & Amortization 1,430,756 1,430,756 122,116 1,442,190 11,434 114,852 1,375,711 66,479 4.83% Total Net Position (247,547) (247,547) (165,572) 600,981 848,527 (91,592) (54,849) 655,830 1195.70% Capital - Direct Labor (70,000)(70,000) 29,410 0 70,000 68,858 (0)0 0.00% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending June 30, 2020 (With June 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 40 of 83 ITEM NO. 8.5. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager SUBJECT:Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2021 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 2020-XX adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2021. SUMMARY: In 1977, California voters passed Proposition 13, which limited property tax assessments to 1% of a property's market value and limited assessed value increases to 2% per year. Concurrent with the reduction of property taxes, the voters also passed Proposition 4, the Gann Spending Limit Initiative, which added Article XIIIB to the California Constitution. Under Article XIIIB, a government agency is restricted in the amount of annual appropriations from the proceeds of taxes, except taxes to pay voter-approved bond debt service. If proceeds of taxes exceed allowed appropriations, the excess proceeds must either be refunded to the State Controller or returned to the taxpayers through revised tax rates or through revised fee schedules. District staff performed the required calculation to determine the Appropriations Limit for FY21 in compliance with the terms of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and the Government Code Section 7900. The starting point for computing the Appropriations Limit is the Appropriations Subject to Limitation in the Base Year of FY79. This number is multiplied by the controlled factors each successive year to determine the current year's appropriation limit. The State Department of Finance, Population Research Unit, provides inflation and population figures each year. These two are multiplied together to determine the final percentage by which the prior year's limit is increased or decreased. The District's property tax revenue of $1,950,000, budgeted for FY21, is substantially lower than the calculated limitation of $7,938,209. Therefore, there are no excess appropriations that must be returned to the taxpayers within the District's service area. Page 41 of 83 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Resolution No. 2020-XX - Appropriations Limit 2.Calculation and Supporting Docs Page 42 of 83 Resolution No.2020-XX Adopting the Appropriations Limit for FY21 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 WHEREAS,under the terms of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 7900 et seq., all local agencies are required to establish, by resolution, an appropriations limit for each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, in June 1990, voters in the State of California approved Proposition 111 which amended Government Code Section 7900 et seq., modifying the method of calculation for the appropriations limit and requiring all local agencies to select, by resolution, the annual adjustment factors used to perform the calculations; and WHEREAS, the District staff has performed the required calculations to determine the limit for Fiscal Year 2021, in compliance with the above provisions and made the documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit and other necessary determinations available to the public at least fifteen days prior to the date of this meeting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1.That there is hereby adopted, pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 7900 et seq., as amended by Proposition 111, an appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2021 of $7,938,209. Section 2.The annual adjustment factors are the weighted average percentage change in the population of the cities within the District’s jurisdiction, and the percentage change in the California Per Capita Income. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of August 2020 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District Page 43 of 83 Resolution No.2020-XX Adopting the Appropriations Limit for FY21 2 ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 44 of 83 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ARTICLE XIIIB APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT CALCULATION FY 2020/21 Fiscal Year: 2020-2021 Budget vs.Actual: Budget FY 2019/20 Appropriations Limit $ 7,637,486 Adjustment Factors: 2020/21 Price Factor 3.73% 1.0373 2020/21 Population Factor 0.20% 1.0020 1.0394 FY2020/21 Appropriations Limit $ 7,938,209 Appropriations Subject to Limitation Proceeds of Property Taxes $ 1,950,000 FY2020/21 Appropriations Limit $ 7,938,209 Less Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 1,950,000 (Over)/Under Limit $ 5,988,209 In accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and California Government Code Section 7900 et. seq.,the attached calculation for the District's Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 2021 has been posted and made available to the public as of July 07, 2020. Del' ugo Finance a ger t�rba Lireda Water Vistri c t Page 45 of 83 ItNT OIL, �� �Z I " z W IIII n O nJ * DEPARTMENT OF GAVIN NEwSoM - GOVERNOR CA�lFOi�H�PFINANCE STATE CAPITOL■ Room 1 145■SACRAMENTO CA■ 9581 4-4998 N WWW.DOF.CA.GOV OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR May 2020 Dear Fiscal Officer: Subject: Price Factor and Population Information Appropriations Limit California Revenue and Taxation Code section 2227 requires the Department of Finance to transmit an estimate of the percentage change in population to local governments. Each local jurisdiction must use their percentage change in population factor for January 1, 2020, in conjunction with a change in the cost of living, or price factor, to calculate their appropriations limit for fiscal year 2020-21. Attachment A provides the change in California's per capita personal income and an example for utilizing the price factor and population percentage change factor to calculate the 2020-21 appropriations limit. Attachment B provides the city and unincorporated county population percentage change. Attachment C provides the population percentage change for counties and their summed incorporated areas. The population percentage change data excludes federal and state institutionalized populations and military populations. Population Percent Change for Special Districts Some special districts must establish an annual appropriations limit. California Revenue and Taxation Code section 2228 provides additional information regarding the appropriations limit. Article XIII B, section 9(C) of the California Constitution exempts certain special districts from the appropriations limit calculation mandate.The code section and the California Constitution can be accessed at the following website: httr)://Ieainfo.leaislature.ca.gov/faces/codes.xhtml. Special districts required by law to calculate their appropriations limit must present the calculation as part of their annual audit. Any questions special districts have on this requirement should be directed to their county, district legal counsel, or the law itself. No state agency reviews the local appropriations limits. Population Certification The population certification program applies only to cities and counties. California Revenue and Taxation Code section 11005.6 mandates Finance to automatically certify any population estimate that exceeds the current certified population with the State Controller's Office. Finance will certify the higher estimate to the State Controller by June 1, 2020. Please Note: The prior year's city population estimates may be revised. The per capita personal income change is based on historical data. Given the stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19, growth in the coming years may be substantially lower than recent trends. If you have any questions regarding this data, please contact the Demographic Research Unit at (916) 323-4086. /s/ Keely Martin Bosler KEELY MARTIN BOSLER Director Attachment Page 46 of 83 May 2020 Attachment A A. Price Factor: Article XIII B specifies that local jurisdictions select their cost of living factor to compute their appropriation limit by a vote of their governing body. The cost of living factor provided here is per capita personal income. If the percentage change in per capita personal income is selected, the percentage change to be used in setting the fiscal year 2020-21 appropriation limit is: Per Capita Personal Income Fiscal Year Percentage change (FY) over prior year 2020-21 3.73 B. Following is an example using sample population change and the change in California per capita personal income as growth factors in computing a 2020-21 appropriation limit. 2020-21: Per Capita Cost of Living Change=3.73 percent Population Change =0.22 percent Per Capita Cost of Living converted to a ratio: 3.73 + 100 = 1.0373 100 Population converted to a ratio: 0.22 + 100 = 1.0022 100 Calculation of factor for FY 2020-21: 1.0373 x 1.0022= 1.0396 Page 47 of 83 Fiscal Year 2020-21 Attachment B Annual Percent Change in Population Minus Exclusions* January 1,2019 to January 1, 2020 and Total Population,January 1,2019 Total County Percent Chanae --- Population Minus Exclusions --- Population City 2019-2020 1-1-19 1-1-20 1-1-2020 Orange Aliso Viejo 0.46 49,815 50,044 50,044 Anaheim 0.18 356,652 357,308 357,325 Brea 1.67 44,879 45,629 45,629 Buena Park -0.51 82,422 81,998 81,998 Costa Mesa 0.20 114,543 114,772 114,778 Cypress 0.60 48,976 49,272 49,272 Dana Point -0.20 33,212 33,146 33,146 Fountain Valley -0.39 56,099 55,878 55,878 Fullerton -0.05 141,931 141,863 141,863 Garden Grove -0.14 175,052 174,801 174,801 Huntington Beach 0.02 201,239 201,281 201,281 Irvine 1.53 277,462 281,707 281,707 Laguna Beach -0.45 22,445 22,343 22,343 Laguna Hills -0.52 31,674 31,508 31,508 Laguna Niguel -0.07 65,363 65,316 65,316 Laguna Woods -0.53 16,329 16,243 16,243 La Habra 0.08 63,319 63,371 63,371 Lake Forest 0.16 84,576 84,711 84,711 La Palma -0.51 15,572 15,492 15,492 Los Alamitos -0.08 11,576 11,567 11,567 Mission Viejo -0.53 94,766 94,267 94,267 Newport Beach 0.09 85,706 85,780 85,780 Orange -0.25 140,410 140,065 140,065 Placentia -0.49 51,750 51,494 51,494 Rancho Santa Margarita -0.53 49,051 48,793 48,793 San Clemente 0.06 64,541 64,581 64,581 San Juan Capistrano 0.47 36,149 36,318 36,318 Santa Ana -0.77 337,639 335,052 335,052 Seal Beach -0.42 24,480 24,376 24,992 Stanton -0.05 39,097 39,077 39,077 Tustin -0.14 80,491 80,382 80,382 Villa Park -0.35 5,786 5,766 5,766 Westminster -0.34 92,737 92,421 92,421 Yorba Linda 0.28 68,458 68,650 68,650 Unincorporated 0.26 128,082 128,421 128,421 County Total 0.04 3,192,279 3,193,693 3,194,332 *Exclusions include residents on federal military installations and group quarters residents in state mental institutions,state and federal correctional institutions and veteran homes. Page 48 of 83 ITEM NO. 8.6. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager SUBJECT:Ratifying Budgeted Positions and Amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX ratifying previous salary adjustments for certain classifications during Fiscal Year 2020 and ratifying amendments to budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021; and (2) adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2018-2023. BACKGROUND: On May 28, 2019 the Board of Directors adopted a 2-year budget for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 which was subsequently amended for Fiscal Year 2021 on June 23, 2020. In compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and the Public Employees' Retirement Law (PERL), the Board also ratifies the District's budgeted positions prior to each fiscal year or more often as needed. As such, the Board ratified seventy-nine (79) regular, full-time positions for Fiscal Year 2021 on June 9, 2020. Since that time, staff became aware that the following salary adjustments were not ratified during Fiscal Year 2020 or reflected in Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2020-06 ratifying the budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021: Sr. Engineer (R30) to (R31) effective January 19, 2020 Principal Engineer (R32) to (R35) effective June 21, 2020 Additionally, the following amendments will become effective in August and September 2020: Addition of One (1) Public Affairs Manager (R29) effective August 25, 2020 Deletion of One (1) Director of Public Affairs (R34) effective September 11, 2020 Page 49 of 83 The fiscal impact to the budget for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021 will be a savings of approximately $55,000 in salaries. Staff has prepared the attached resolutions for the Board to ratify the salary adjustments made during Fiscal Year 2020 and amendments for Fiscal Year 2021. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G5 1A - Retain a highly skilled and capable workforce; G5 1B - Provide pathways to training and career progression; G5 1D - Establish and maintain a comprehensive succession plan (internal promotions); review and revise job specifications as needed. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Resolution No. 2020-XX - Budgeted Positions 2.Resolution No. 2020-XX - Budgeted Positions Exhibits A1 and A2 3.Resolution No. 2020-XX - UN Personnel Manual 4.Resolution No. 2020-XX - UN Personnel Manual Exhibits A1 and A2 Page 50 of 83 Resolution No. 2020-XX Amending and Ratifying Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2021 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT RATIFYING PREVIOUS SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR CERTAIN CLASSIFICATIONS DURING FISCAL YEAR 2020 AND RATIFYING AMENDMENTS TO BUDGETED POSITIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 WHEREAS,the Board of Directors adopted a 2-year budget for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 on May 28, 2019, which was subsequently amended for Fiscal Year 2021 on June 23, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is required to ratify the budgeted positions for each fiscal year in compliance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and the Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL); and WHEREAS,the Board of Directors previously adopted Resolution No. 2019-27 on October 22, 2019 ratifying the budgeted positions for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2020; and WHEREAS,salary adjustments for certain classifications authorized by the General Manager occurring in January and June 2020 for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2020 need to be ratified by the Board of Directors and were not carried over or reflected on Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2020-06 ratifying the budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021; and WHEREAS,the General Manager has authorized further amendments to the budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021 effective in August and September 2020; and WHEREAS,it is the desire of the Board of Directors to ratify the salary adjustments authorized by the General Manager in January and June 2020 and amend Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2020-06 to correct these omissions in the budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021; and WHEREAS,the Board of Directors also desires to ratify further amendments to the budgeted positions for Fiscal 2021 as authorized by the General Manager which will become effective in August and September 2020. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1.The following salary adjustments approved by the General Manager during Fiscal Year 2020 for these classifications are hereby ratified: Sr. Engineer (R30) to (R31) effective January 19, 2020 Principal Engineer (R32) to (R35) effective June 21, 2020 Page 51 of 83 Resolution No. 2020-XX Amending and Ratifying Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2021 2 Section 1. The budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021 effective July 1, 2020 as reflected in Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2020-06 are hereby amended and ratified as set forth in Exhibit A1 and attached hereto. Section 2.Effective August 25, 2020, the budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021 are hereby further amended as set forth in Exhibit A2 and attached hereto. Section 2.Reaffirm that the General Manager is hereby authorized to employ up to the number of employees budgeted and funded in each fiscal year without further approval of the Board of Directors. Section 3.Reaffirm that the General Manager is hereby authorized while this Resolution is active to fill a budgeted position that is vacated with a new employee at a lower or equal classification and/or with a part time employee or contract staff. The General Manager is further authorized to fix and alter the compensation of employees subject to budget limitations. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of August 2020 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 52 of 83 Exhibit A1 Resolution No. 2020-06 Budgeted Positions for FY21 Effective July 1, 2020 Page 1 of 4 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 06/21/20 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 07/01/20 16 Meter Reader I 2 2 Customer Service Rep II 3 3 Maintenance Worker I 9 -4 5 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Assistant Engineer I 0 1 1 Field Customer Services Rep/Meters II 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 6 2 8 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Electrical/SCADA Technician 0 1 1 Facilities Maintenance 1 -1 0 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)1 1 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Facilities Maintenance 0 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 5 1 6 Mechanic III 1 1 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Sr. Field Customer Service Rep/Meters 1 1 Assistant Engineer II 0 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 2 -2 0 25 Accountant 1 1 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 1 -1 0 Associate Engineer 1 1 Executive Assistant 0 1 1 Customer Service Billing Administrator 1 1 IS Administrator 1 -1 0 Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 Operations Superintendent 1 1 Records Management Administrator 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 31 Production Superintendent 1 1 Sr. Engineer 2 2 19 20 22 17 21 26 23 27 30 28 24 Page 53 of 83 Exhibit A1 Resolution No. 2020-06 Budgeted Positions for FY21 Effective July 1, 2020 Page 2 of 4 32 Sr. Executive Assistant/Board Secretary 1 1 33 Sr. IS Administrator 1 -1 0 Sr. Management Analyst 1 1 34 Director of Public Affairs 1 1 Sr. Project Manager 1 -1 0 35 Sr. IS Administrator 0 1 1 Principal Engineer 1 1 37 IT Manager 1 -1 0 39 Engineering Manager 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources and Risk Manager 1 1 Operations Manager 1 1 42 Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 82 -3 79 Salary Set by Board Page 54 of 83 Exhibit A2 Resolution No. 2020-06 Budgeted Positions for FY21 Amended August 25, 2020 Page 3 of 4 Salary Range Position Classification Budgeted as of 07/01/20 Proposed Change Budgeted as of 08/25/20 16 Meter Reader I 2 2 Customer Service Rep II 3 3 Maintenance Worker I 5 5 Public Affairs Representative 1 1 Customer Service Rep III 2 2 Records Management Specialist 1 1 Assistant Engineer I 1 1 Field Customer Services Rep/Meters II 1 1 Maintenance Worker II 8 8 Accounting Assistant II 2 2 Electrical/SCADA Technician 1 1 Facilities Maintenance 0 0 Mechanic II 1 1 Operator I (Operator In Training)1 1 Information Systems Tech I 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Maintenance Worker III 6 6 Mechanic III 1 1 Operations Assistant 1 1 Plant Operator II 3 3 Sr. Field Customer Service Rep/Meters 1 1 Assistant Engineer II 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Technician II 0 0 25 Accountant 1 1 GIS Analyst 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Worker 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Safety and Training Analyst 1 1 Sr. SCADA Technician 0 0 Associate Engineer 1 1 Executive Assistant 1 1 29 Public Affairs Manager 0 1 1 Customer Service Billing Administrator 1 1 IS Administrator 0 0 Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 Operations Superintendent 1 1 Records Management Administrator 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 31 Production Superintendent 1 1 23 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 30 Page 55 of 83 Exhibit A2 Resolution No. 2020-06 Budgeted Positions for FY21 Amended August 25, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Sr. Engineer 2 2 32 Sr. Executive Assistant/Board Secretary 1 1 33 Sr. IS Administrator 0 0 Sr. Management Analyst 1 1 34 Director of Public Affairs *1 -1 0 Sr. Project Manager 0 0 35 Sr. IS Administrator 1 1 Principal Engineer 1 1 37 IT Manager 0 0 39 Engineering Manager 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources and Risk Manager 1 1 Operations Manager 1 1 42 Assistant General Manager 1 1 General Manager 1 1 Total 79 0 79 * Effective September 11, 2020 Salary Set by Board Page 56 of 83 Resolution No. 2020-XX Amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for FYS 2018-2023 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING EXHIBIT A OF THE PERSONNEL MANUAL FOR UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2018-2023 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously adopted the Personnel Manual (Manual) for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2018-2023 (Resolution No. 18-11); and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors adopts amendments to the Manual and associated Exhibits from time to time; and WHEREAS,the Board of Directors desires to further amend Exhibit A of the Manual to reflect modifications authorized by the General Manager and ratified by the Board to the budgeted positions for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1.The classifications and salary ranges in Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2018-2023 effective July 1, 2020 are hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit A1 and attached hereto. Page 57 of 83 Resolution No. 2020-XX Amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for FYS 2018-2023 2 Section 2.Effective August 25, 2020 the classifications and salary ranges for Fiscal Years 2018-2023 are hereby further amended as set forth in Exhibit A2 and attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of August 2020 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 58 of 83 Exhibit A1 Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2020 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager* UN 42 Exempt Associate Engineer UN 28 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Director of Public Affairs* UN 34 Exempt Engineering Manager* UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 28 Exempt Finance Manager* UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources and Risk Manager* UN 39 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Operations Manager* UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 35 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 31 Exempt Sr. Executive Assistant/Board Secretary UN 32 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Information Systems Administrator UN 35 Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt * Management Classifications Page 59 of 83 Exhibit A2 Yorba Linda Water District – Unrepresented Employees Classifications and Salary Ranges Amended August 25, 2020 CLASSIFICATION TITLE SALARY RANGES FLSA Accountant UN 25 Exempt Accounting Assistant II UN 21 Non-Exempt Assistant General Manager* UN 42 Exempt Associate Engineer UN 28 Exempt Customer Service Billing Administrator UN 30 Exempt Engineering Manager* UN 39 Exempt Executive Assistant UN 28 Exempt Finance Manager* UN 39 Exempt Human Resources Analyst UN 27 Exempt Human Resources Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Human Resources and Risk Manager* UN 39 Exempt Maintenance Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Operations Manager* UN 39 Exempt Operations Superintendent UN 30 Exempt Principal Engineer UN 35 Exempt Production Superintendent UN 31 Exempt Public Affairs Manager UN 29 Exempt Records Management Administrator UN 30 Exempt Records Management Specialist UN 19 Non-Exempt Safety and Training Analyst UN 27 Exempt Safety and Training Technician UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Accountant UN 30 Exempt Sr. Engineer UN 31 Exempt Sr. Executive Assistant/Board Secretary UN 32 Exempt Sr. Field Customer Service Representative/Meters UN 23 Non-Exempt Sr. Information Systems Administrator UN 35 Exempt Sr. Maintenance Worker UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Management Analyst UN 33 Exempt Sr. Mechanic UN 26 Non-Exempt Sr. Plant Operator UN 26 Non-Exempt * Management Classifications Page 60 of 83 ITEM NO. 8.8. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Ricardo Hipolito Jr., Assistant Engineer II SUBJECT:Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Gregory Bender, 17061 El Cajon Avenue and 4451 Palomino Lane, Yorba Linda RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Gregory Bender, 17061 El Cajon Avenue and 4451 Palomino Lane, Yorba Linda, Job No. 2020-43S. SUMMARY: Mr. Bender is building a new home at 17061 El Cajon Avenue and has requested sewer service to his property and to his son's existing home located in a private street at 4451 Palomino Lane. The existing home at 4451 Palomino Lane is currently utilizing a septic system. The two (2) properties consist of approximately 0.719 acres and are located within the District's Western Service Area. Staff has advised Mr. Bender that in order to provide sewer service to both properties he would have to build a sewer main in Palomino Lane from the existing sewer in El Cajon Avenue. This will require an easement from the property owner of the private street, Palomino Lane, who resides at 4376 Palomino Lane. An exhibit depicting the project location is attached as a reference. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding Source: Developer Funded Account No: 2-2600 Job No: 2020-43S BACKGROUND: The proposed project is located within Drainage Area "2" of the District's Sewer Service Area, and will include the construction of approximately 600 linear feet of 8-inch sewer main, three Page 61 of 83 manholes, two 4-inch sewer laterals and two sewer stub-outs for potential future connection of two (2) other properties on Palomino Lane. The sewer will extend northwesterly from El Cajon Avenue to 4376 Palomino Lane. This sewer main extension will require securing an easement from the property owner at 4376 Palomino Lane. This property owner has been approached by the District staff and is willing to grant the District rights of way necessary for the project. In addition, Mr. Bender has agreed to waive future reimbursement for frontage fees from properties at 4431 and 4376 of Palomino Lane, in exchange for that property owner's agreement to grant the District the required easement. The Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Mr. Gregory Bender, Job No. 2020-43S, are attached for your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: 1.202043S Terms & Conditions 2.202043S Exhibit Page 62 of 83 Date: July 28, 2020 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: GREGORY BENDER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 17061 EL CAJON AVENUE AND 4451 PALOMINO LANE TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: 2020-43S LOT(S): 2 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an “X” following the number. 1) ☒ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) ☒ The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) ☒ The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 4) ☒ Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. 5) ☒ The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 6) ☐ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 7) ☐ The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. Page 63 of 83 Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: GREGORY BENDER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 17061 EL CAJON AVENUE AND 4451 PALOMINO LANE 8) ☒ The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District’s approval of the construction plans. 9) ☒ The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 10) ☒ The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 11) ☒ The applicant shall provide, per the District specifications, the "As Built" AutoCAD file (version 2016 or earlier) of the Water and/or Sewer facilities. 12) ☐ The applicant shall complete a Water Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 13) ☐ The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the District. 14) ☐ The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 15) ☐ The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 16) ☐ The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. 17) ☐ The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 18) ☐ The applicant’s engineer shall provide a computer hydraulic analysis report to confirm that the District’s existing water system can accommodate the project. 19) ☐ The applicant’s future water facilities, shall be conveyed to the District as indicated on applicant’s future Water Improvement Plans approved by the District. Page 64 of 83 Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: GREGORY BENDER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 17061 EL CAJON AVENUE AND 4451 PALOMINO LANE 20) ☐ The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test, and provide an approved copy to the District. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 21) ☐ The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 22) ☐ The applicant shall install water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District’s Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 23) ☐ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 24) ☐ The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 25) ☐ All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 26) ☐ The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 27) ☐ The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 28) ☐ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 29) ☐ The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all buildings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 30) ☐ The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 31) ☐ The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. Page 65 of 83 Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: GREGORY BENDER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 17061 EL CAJON AVENUE AND 4451 PALOMINO LANE 32) ☐ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly. 33) ☐ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 34) ☐ The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District’s Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections. 35) ☒ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 36) ☒ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 37) ☒ The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 38) ☒ The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the District. 39) ☒ The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 40) ☒ The applicant’s engineer shall provide sewer flow calculations to confirm that the District’s existing sewer system can accommodate the peak wastewater generation from the project. 41) ☒ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 42) ☒ The applicant’s sewer facilities (on-site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 43) ☒ The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District’s Standard Page 66 of 83 Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: GREGORY BENDER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 17061 EL CAJON AVENUE AND 4451 PALOMINO LANE Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 44) ☒ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 45) ☒ The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 46) ☒ The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 47) ☒ The applicant shall construct approximately 600 feet of new 8-inch PVC sewer main, three (3) manholes, two (2) sewer laterals and two (2) sewer lateral stub-outs per approved plans and District Specifications. 48) ☒ The applicant shall set the elevation of two (2) manhole covers to be located in the dirt road (Palomino Lane) at 6-inches below the finished grade. The manhole covers to be installed shall be visqueen plastic per approved plans. These manhole covers shall be covered with a layer of decomposed granite and the manhole locations shall be marked designated by the District. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the July 28, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Sewer Service Agreement between Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant is not executed for the project under consideration. Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Page 67 of 83 Page 6 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: GREGORY BENDER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 17061 EL CAJON AVENUE AND 4451 PALOMINO LANE Reviewed by: Rosanne P. Weston, PMP Engineering Manager Page 68 of 83 I 4362 \ .I I �se�ua o I 4376 d w 0 I z I \ – I P JECTj— W I PROP. \ \ PROP.20 FEET •� I � E LATERAL Q I � `v vv EASEMENT U STUB-OUT COQ. `\ \ PROP. i y W m Q \ 20 LATERAL y ? a- I \ `\ STUB-OUT c U) + — V A or PROPOSED 8" ' SEWER MAINl n \ \ \ (APPROX.600 L.F.) �I —1-------I— -- f—�--r -- Ee_ oNw�L — — VICINITY MAP N.T.S 4451 I 0.292 Acres 4b,� LEGEND ��s 0000 PARTICIPATING PROPERTY S" ~ 0000 POTENTIAL FUTURE CONECTIONS PROP.4"� 17061 \ SEWER LATERAL 0.427 Acres _—PROP.4" SEWER LATERAL s I PROP.SMH wt �/ T !� w w w w w w n mss- -= ss- - =ss- - - ss- - o ss— — ss— — — ss— = EX.SMH VJ EL CAJON AVENUE EX.8"WATER MAIN EX.8"SEWER MAIN LOCATION MAP PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: N.T.S. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PALOMINO LANE SEWER EXTENSION DATE: El 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE FOR 07/28/2020 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 17061 EL CAJON &4451 PALOMINO LANE FILENAME: (714) 701-3100 2�a0P F�,t�,f R ITEM NO. 9.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kaden Young, Senior Management Analyst SUBJECT:Proposal for Water and Wastewater Rate Study RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Raftelis Consultants, Inc. to develop a 5-Year Water and Wastewater Rate Study for a cost not to exceed $80,000. SUMMARY: While presenting the budget analysis for FY20 and FY21, staff informed the Board of Directors (BOD) that the current Water and Wastewater Rate Study (Study) will reach its 5-year term by June 2020. Although the 5-year term will be met, the Study will remain in effect until another rate study is adopted by the BOD. At the BOD’s direction, staff has been working with Raftelis Consultants, Inc. (Raftelis) to develop the scope of services and determine the deliverables pertaining to the next water and wastewater rate study. The Scope of Services as stated in the Proposal include: (1) project initiation, management, and quality assurance/control; (2) financial plan development; (3) cost of service analysis for water and wastewater service; (4) water and wastewater rates development; and (5) development of a budget allocation model. In addition, Raftelis will hold multiple on-site or web based rate development workshops with staff, develop the water and wastewater rate study report, and assist with the Proposition 218 Public Hearing to be held in June 2021. Staff will work closely with Raftelis during development of the Study, especially with the upgraded water and wastewater model that will be utilized for determining future rate adjustments. BACKGROUND: Page 70 of 83 The 2015 Water and Wastewater Rate Study Report of August 25, 2015 prepared by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. provides the rationale in support of the Study approved by the BOD on September 17, 2015. The water and wastewater industries have changed drastically within the 5-year (2015-2020) term of the current Study and with new legislation being implemented or pending at the State level, a new and updated study is required for the District to function optimally. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: At the regular Board of Director’s meeting on August 27, 2019, the Board of Directors directed staff to engage Raftelis to conduct a new water and wastewater rate study rather than issue a formal Request for Proposals. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2: Fiscal Responsibility; I3: Equitable Rates ATTACHMENTS: 1.Proposal for Water and Wastewater Rate Study Page 71 of 83 445 S Figueroa Street Suite 2270 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Phone 213 262 9300 Fax 213 262 9303 www.raftelis.com 1 | P a g e July 15, 2020 Ms. Delia Lugo Finance Manager Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Subject: Proposal for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Dear Ms. Lugo: Raftelis Consultants, Inc. (Raftelis) is pleased to submit this proposal to assist Yorba Linda Water District (District) in conducting the Water & Wastewater Rate Study (Study). Raftelis has a broad range of experience in conducting water & wastewater rate studies. In fact, Raftelis has the largest water rate consulting practice in California and the nation. We have assisted numerous utilities throughout California and across the U.S. conducting thousands of such studies. We are excited to have the opportunity to assist the District in this important Study. The scope of services is presented below. Scope of Services TASK 1 –PROJECT INITIATION, MANAGEMENT AND QA/QC Task 1.1 Project Initiation and Data Collection A productive on-site kick-off meeting is the most effective way to begin a rate study. The goals for the kick-off meeting include:  Acquainting District staff with our Project Team  Establishing goals and objectives  Finalizing the work plan and schedule  Discussing the data request and any additional data requirements Prior to the kick-off meeting, we will prepare a detailed data request that identifies the information needed. If possible, Raftelis will review the initial data before the kick-off meeting and discuss any additional data requirements to complete an updated model. Page 72 of 83 Scope of Services for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Yorba Linda Water District 2 | P a g e Task 1.2 Project Management and QA/QC Competent project management ensures a successful project. The project management task involves client correspondence, progress updates, timely billing, and internal management of Raftelis staff. A well-defined QA/QC program fosters work products that meet or exceed our clients’ standards. To ensure robust quality control, one member of the Raftelis team (the Technical Reviewer) reviews the model and results to ensure they are based on sound rate-making principles. The Technical Reviewer provides an outside review and comment from someone who is not involved in the project. Meetings: One (1) webinar kick-off meeting with District staff Deliverables: Kick-off meeting agenda materials, meeting minutes, data request list TASK 2 – FINANCIAL PLAN DEVELOPMENT Raftelis will develop a financial plan for the Water & Wastewater Enterprise Fund. The financial plans will assess the Water & Wastewater Fund’s current financial status and suggest revenue adjustments to ensure long term fiscal sustainability. Raftelis will project expenses and revenue requirements over a 5 to 10 years planning horizon. Multi-year financial forecast and revenue adjustment projections illustrate future rate impacts and potential challenges to the Fund’s financial health, so the District can plan expenses, reserve balances, or capital project scheduling to smooth rate impacts. We will project revenue requirements based on the current budget, the District’s long-term capital funding strategy, and existing debt service. As part of the financial plans we will review and discuss reserves for operating, capital, rate stabilization, and emergency purposes for the Water & Wastewater Fund. Raftelis understands the importance of developing a user-friendly, flexible model that the District can use for future financial planning such as inputting actual expenses and assessing the impact on rates. Once completed, the model will serve as a comprehensive, yet flexible, planning tool that will incorporate the District’s operating budget, forecasted demand projections, capital financing plan, revenue requirements, revenue projections, reserve balances, and customer impacts The dashboard is the graphical interface which displays the model’s results in an easily understandable format. As denoted with corresponding letters in Figure 1 on the following page, the dashboard contains several features, including the ability to show or indicate: A. Revenue adjustments required for the study period in order to meet debt coverage and target reserve balance(s) (blue bars in the Revenue Adjustments and Debt Coverage chart) B. Projected operating costs and revenue streams (shown in the Water Operating Financial Plan chart) C. Different funding sources of CIP, PAYGO, or debt financed (shown in the CIP and Funding Sources for Water Funds chart) D. Reserve balances and target levels according to District financial policies (shown in the Projected Ending Fund Balances) with flagging features when projected balances fall below target levels Page 73 of 83 Scope of Services for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Yorba Linda Water District 3 | P a g e It is an easy-to-understand format which shows the impacts of various assumptions so that decisions regarding revenue adjustments, capital financing through pay-go or debt, and reserve balances can be made quickly and efficiently. Upon the completion of the financial plan model, Raftelis will hold three web-based workshops with District staff to review the model and the assumptions for appropriateness and finalize the financial plan to be used for the rate design model. Meetings: Three (3) web-based financial plan workshops with District staff Deliverables: Presentation materials in Microsoft PowerPoint™ and draft financial plan model in Microsoft Excel™ Figure 1: Sample Financial Plan Dashboard Raftelis will develop customized financial model for the District that incorporates a Dashboard to allow District Staff to easily run scenarios and see the impacts simulated instantaneously A B C D Page 74 of 83 Scope of Services for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Yorba Linda Water District 4 | P a g e TASK 3 – COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS FOR WATER & WASTEWATER SERVICE The cost of service study (COSS) provides rate defensibility in light of Proposition 218 and determines the total cost to serve each customer class. The cost of service analysis will follow industry standards provided in the Manual M1: Principles of Water Rates, Fees and Charges, 6th Edition (Manual M1) published by the American Water Works Association (AWWA). Our cost of service methodology includes three steps: Step 1: Review Customer Class Usage Patterns and Determine Customer Classifications Raftelis will review historical water consumption to assess class water use patterns. Using this data, we will determine peaking characteristics for each customer class and tier and discern whether new classes may be warranted. Step 2: Allocate Costs to Cost Components Raftelis will functionalize costs into water service functions such as supply, transmission & distribution, storage, and customer service. We will then allocate these functions to cost components such as water supply, base demand, capacity (demand), customer service, and more. From here, we will determine the unit cost for each cost component. Step 3: Distribute Costs to Customer Classes Next, we distribute costs to the customer classes using the unit costs developed in Step 2. This results in the cost to serve each class which is based on how each class uses water. Meetings: Two (2) web-based workshops with District staff Deliverables: Cost of service analysis in Microsoft Excel™ TASK 4 – WATER & WASTEWATER RATES DEVELOPMENT Raftelis understands that the District prefers to maintain its existing rate structures (uniform rates). Therefore, the financial plan model will calculate water and wastewater rates based upon the existing rate structures. The model will calculate water rates under different revenue and rate scenarios as desired by Staff. The Dashboard has proven to be particularly useful when making presentations to a Board, allowing them to fully and instantly appreciate the impacts of their decisions. Page 75 of 83 Scope of Services for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Yorba Linda Water District 5 | P a g e We will analyze the bill impacts as a result of the new rates. Leaving the rate structure unchanged this task will be straight forward. The model will include a summary of customer bill impacts resulting from the proposed rates, using water as an example, is shown in the two figures below. Figure 1 shows Single Family Residential (SFR) bill impacts at various use levels: The model will have the ability to select a particular meter size and see how bills are affected at different usage levels. This tool has proven particularly useful for public outreach campaigns and during the Proposition 218 process. Class wide customer impacts are shown in Figure 2: it shows how customers will see changes in their bills if the proposed rates are adopted. For example, approximately 68% of the customers (2.7 + 30.2 + 35 percent) will see monthly increases of less than $5. This is an invaluable tool to facilitate informed decision making. Meetings: Three (3) web-based workshops with District staff Deliverables: Draft water & wastewater rate model in Microsoft Excel™ TASK 5 – BUDGET ALLOCATION MODEL Raftelis will develop a Water Budget Allocation Model for the District to utilize in the case that a declaration of drought occurs. The model will utilize data developed in conjunction with the District and will project how many customers are outside their water budget allocation and in which month this occurs. The Water Budget Allocation Model will have the ability to change the default values for all water allocation factors, including indoor gallons per capita per day and the default value for residential household, the percent of evapotranspiration (ET) allowed, and any potential cap on landscape area. The model will have the ability to change the percent of ET for outdoor water use by different water use sectors (residential and dedicated landscape). The model will include a Drought Factor field for potential District use to manage water during times of restrictions. Raftelis will utilize this model to develop drought stages that are consistent with the District drought contingency plan. Raftelis assumes that the District has acquired the appropriate landscape area and has Page 76 of 83 Scope of Services for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Yorba Linda Water District 6 | P a g e merged this database with the account level billing database. If needed, Raftelis can merge these databases. Meetings: Two (2) webinar with District Staff Deliverables: Water Budget Allocation Model in Microsoft Excel TASK 6 – RATE WORKSHOP Following the completion of the rate model, Raftelis will hold on-site or web based workshops with District Staff to develop different rate scenarios. The goal of this workshop is to identify the water & wastewater rates that will be presented to the District Board. Raftelis will present the interim proposed rates and discuss the benefits and challenges associated with each proposed rate alternative, demonstrated through the water & wastewater rate model. Changes and suggestions from Staff will be incorporated into the analyses prior to District Staff presenting the results to the Board. Meetings: Two (2) webinar Workshop to discuss draft and final water rates Deliverables: PowerPoint presentations for the Workshop TASK 7 – WATER & WASTEWATER RATE STUDY REPORT DEVELOPMENT The process for developing the proposed rates will be described in a draft water & wastewater rate study report. This draft report will include an executive summary highlighting the major issues and decisions and an overview of operations, CIP, the financial plan and the final rates resulting from the Study. A comprehensive section on the rate design assumptions and methodologies used to develop the user-rate calculations and financial planning will be included as part of administrative record in compliance with Proposition 218. Comments from District Staff will be incorporated into the Final Report. The Final Report will be submitted to the District and will include appropriate supporting data from the Model to address the requirements of Prop 218. Due to the legal environment for water & wastewater rates, it is imperative that the Report clearly show the nexus between the proposed charges for service and the cost to provide said service. The Report will lead the reader through Raftelis’ methodology to arrive at rates that are equitable, reflect the District’s policies and values, and are driven by the District’s revenue requirements. The Report’s ability to explain the rate development process and in a clear and understandable manner will promote financial transparency, heighten legal defensibility, and uphold the District’s strong reputation with the public. Meetings: One (1) webinar with District Staff Deliverables: Draft Report, Final Report in Microsoft Word and pdf TASK 8 – PROPOSITION 218 PUBLIC HEARING ASSISTANCE Raftelis will attend Proposition 218 Public Hearing to support District Staff and to answer questions to the District Board and the public related the Rate Study. Raftelis has presented at hundreds of public hearings Page 77 of 83 Scope of Services for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Yorba Linda Water District 7 | P a g e and therefore has experience with typical concerns raised by the public. We have cost of service experts that can explain the rate derivation that is needed in this post. Meeting(s): One (1) Proposition 218 Public Hearing Deliverable(s): PowerPoint Presentation material Project Fees & Hours Raftelis proposes to complete the scope of work outlined above on a time-and-materials basis as shown below. The following work plan provides a breakdown of the estimated level of effort required to complete each task described and the hourly billing rates for the personnel scheduled to complete the project. Expenses include a $10 per hour technology charge covering computers, networks, telephones, postage, etc. Hours SG TR SC Admin Total 1. Project Initiation, Management, and QA/QC 1 8 12 8 28 $5,620 2. Finanical Plan Development 3 12 4 45 61 $13,755 3. Cost-of-service Analysis 2 8 4 20 32 $7,600 4. Water & Wastewater Rates Development 3 9 4 30 43 $9,870 5. Budget Allocation Model 2 10 10 45 65 $14,825 6. Rate Workshop 2 8 2 16 26 $6,250 7. Water & Wastewater Rate Study Report Development 1 12 8 50 70 $15,870 8. Proposition 218 Public Hearing 1 12 4 16 $5,246 Total Estimated Meetings / Hours 14 1 79 32 222 8 341 Hourly Billing Rate $310 $275 $185 $80 Total Professional Fees $24,490 $8,800 $41,070 $640 $75,000 Total Fees $75,000 Total Expenses $4,036 Total Fees & Expenses $79,036 Total Fees & ExpensesTasks Web Meetings Number of Meetings SG - Sanjay Gaur TR - Technical Reviewer SC - Staff Consultants Admin - Administrative Staff Page 78 of 83 Scope of Services for Water & Wastewater Rate Study Yorba Linda Water District 8 | P a g e We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to assisting Yorba Linda Water District on this project. Please contact me at (213) 262-9304 regarding any questions. This letter proposal may be used to form an agreement by signing and sending a copy for our records. Respectfully submitted, Accepted by: RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT By: By: Sanjay Gaur Vice President Title: Date: Page 79 of 83 ITEM NO. 11.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Directors' Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1.MWDOC Board - July 15, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 2.OCWA Webinar - July 15, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood 3.OCWD Board - July 15, 2020 (Jones) 4.YL Planning Commission - July 15, 2020 (Hawkins - As Needed) 5.WACO Planning Committee - July 21, 2020 6.SAWPA Commission - July 21, 2020 7.YL City Council - July 21, 2020 (Hall) 8.MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee - July 22, 2020 9.Placentia Veterans Village Grand Opening - July 22, 2020 (Hawkins/Nederhood) 10.OCSD Board - July 22, 2020 (Jones) 11.ISDOC - July 23, 2020 (Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 12.ACWA-JPIA Conference - July 27, 2020 (Jones) 13.ACWA Conference - July 29-30, 2020 (Jones/Nederhood) 14.ISDOC Executive Committee - August 4, 2020 (Nederhood) Page 80 of 83 15.FIRO Weather and Water Workshop - August 4-6, 2020 (Jones) 16.YL City Council - August 4, 2020 (Miller) 17.MWDOC Board - August 5, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 18.OCSD Operations Committee - August 5, 2020 (Jones) 19.OCWD Board - August 5, 2020 (Jones) 20.Helihydrant Dedication Ceremony - August 6, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones/Nederhood) 21.WACO - August 7, 2020 22.OC LAFCO - August 12, 2020 23.YL Planning Commission - August 12, 2020 (Hawkins - As Needed) 24.CASA Conference - August 12-13, 2020 (Jones) 25.WACO Planning Committee - August 18, 2020 26.SAWPA Commission - August 18, 2020 27.YL City Council - August 18, 2020 28.MWDOC Board - August 19, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 29.OCWA Webinar - August 19, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 30.OCWD Board - August 19, 2020 (Jones) 31.WaterNow Alliance Town Hall - August 24, 2020 (Hawkins) Page 81 of 83 ITEM NO. 13.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:August 25, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Meetings from August 26 - September 30, 2020 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Board of Directors' Activities Calendar Page 82 of 83 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendees August OCSD Board Wed, Aug 26 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Aug 26 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) September ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Sep 1 7:30 AM Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Sep 1 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Sep 1 6:30 PM Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Sep 2 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Sep 2 5:00 PM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Sep 2 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Sep 8 6:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Sep 9 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Sep 9 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Fri, Sep 11 7:30 AM WACO Planning Committee Tue, Sep 15 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Sep 15 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Sep 15 6:30 PM Hawkins MWDOC Board Wed, Sep 16 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWA Luncheon Wed, Sep 16 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Sep 16 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Sep 22 8:30 AM AWWA Virtual Summit Wed, Sep 23 9:00 AM Jones MWDOC Water Policy Forum Wed, Sep 23 10:30 AM Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood OCSD Board Wed, Sep 23 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Sep 23 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) AWWA Virtual Summit Thu, Sep 24 9:00 AM Jones Page 83 of 83 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING ITEM NO. 10.1 ArA Yorba Linda Water District Status of Engineering Activities 8/25/2020 Presented by: Rosanne Weston Engineering Manager Owl -� Borba t nca4Va ,mss �r � I fry MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.1 AWWA Free Wat r Audit Software, WA _..Sri'.l1 ®� Click to access definition Water Audit Report for:Yorba Linda Water District click to add a comm=_nt Reporting Year: 2019 11 112019-122019 Flease enter data in the white cells below.Where available,metered values should be used,if metered values are unavailable please estimate a value Indicate your confidence in the accuracy of the input data by grading each component(nle or 1-10)using the drop-down list to the left of the input cell.Hover the mouse over the cell to obtain a descriAon of the grades All volumes to be entered as:ACRE-FEET PER YEAR To select the correct data grading for each input,determine the highest grade where Water Audit Data the utility meets or exceeds all criteria for that grade and all grades below it. Master Meter and Supply Error Adjustments WATER SUPPLIED <-----------Enter grading in column'E'and'J-----------> perd: Value: Validity Score Volume from own sources: e 14,735.320 O O 1-46.149 acrre-f Water imported: 2,582.740 acre DO ae-ftvvr nr0.000 aelyOWater exported: ff-1 acre-ftivr nn� Enter negative%or value for under-registration - WATER SUPPLIED: 17,364.2)acre-fuyr Enter positive%or value for over-registration AUTHORIZED CONSUMPTION Clickhere. ® 2019 75 t Billed metered:0® n 16,035.04 acre-fuyr for help using option Billed unmetered:0® n�a acre-fuyr buttons below Unbilled mete.red:00 s 3.657,acre-fuyr Pc!l Value: Q Unbilled unmetered:00 rn 74.60 acre:fuyr �� �) ��) 174.895 acre-ftivr 2018 71 ._ Use buttons to se ect AUTHORIZED CONSUMPTION: ® 1 16,113.5951 acre-fuyr L percentage of otter =uORed 2017 64 WATER LOSSES(Water Supplied-Authorized Consumption) 1,250.6141 acre-fuyr value Apparent Losses Pcnf: Value: Unauthorized consumption:00 43.411 acre-fuyr 225%1 (0) I lacre-favr Default option selected for unauthorized consumption-a grading of 5 is applied but not displayed Customer metering inaccuracies:00� 1§ JJJJ acre-fuyr 1.00% acre-ft/vr Systematic data handling errors:00 ,(t $I acre=fuyr 1 0.25%1 acre-favr Default option selected for Systematic data handling errors-a grading of 5 is applied but not displayed Apparent Losses: ® 1 245.505 acre-fuyr Real Losses(Current Annual Real Losses or CARL( Real Losses=Water Losses-Apparent Losses: ® 1 1,005.1091 acre-fuyr WATER LOSSES: 1,250.6141 acre-fuyr NON-REVENUE WATER NON-REVENUE WATER: 1,329.166 acre-fuyr -Water Losses+Unbilled Metered+Ur lled Unmetered SYSTEM DATA Length of mains:0® e 369.5 Number of active AND ifctivp,service connections: ® to 25,300 mites Service connection density: ® 6b conn ilemain Are customer meters typically located at the curbstop or property line? Yes( (length cf service line,beyond the property Average length of customer service Zine:00 boundary,that Is the responsibility of the utility) Average length of customer service line has been set to zero arl a data grading score of 10 has been applied Average operating pressure:0 5 11 80.11 psi COST DATA Total annual cost of operating water system: ro $26,416,0641$!Year Customer retail unit cost(applied to Apparent Losses):0® to $2.60+II 3/100 cubic feet(ccfl Variable production cost(applied to Real Losses):0 0 0 $762.34 Macre-ft 0-se customer Retail Urrteoatto Value ret loss 4VATERAIJDIT DATA VALIDITY SCORE: ***YOUR SCORE IS:75 out of 100*'* A weighted scale for the components ofconsumpfion and wafer loss is included in thecalculation of the Wafer Audit Daia Validity Score MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.1 Pei jot _ Yorba Linda Water District 2020Sewer Master - Plan Update i Legend Flow Monitored Basins 2-1 • Flaw Mam,onng Location 34 IJ W+E 5 a saa,.2oa 2400 .Feet 1-2 _ J _ FIGURE I 2-1 WEST FLOW MONITORING LOCATIONS 1 B. I t P S 0 M A S MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.1 Wastewater Master 1 • MonitorinR 1 _ Yorha Linda Water District 2020 Sewer Master Plan Update Legend �5 6 Favi Mamtornng L..I,.n � r N 1 W+E S a a 600 1200 2, ) 2 Feet 6 FIGURE - - _ EAST FLOW MONITORING LOCATIONS AT s / j P S O M A S MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.1 Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station Upgrade LMAD Local Improvements Planter Sloped Proposed Equestrian Trail igg ht-of-Wa V tion Parcels r8'm hack of sidewalk ^ter Y Pro used ROWValion Apprnximatefy Ft.wide - r Street View of Proposed ROW vacation tiv �� 513 I2 Hitlden Hills Rd 1,� 352:052.-1 Existing Property Area 1Q =1d3, Sq t i5 R Storm Tarn asement Existin rstorm Drain n let;%�ccaation. MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 • t' .-r Ile' Well 22 Equipping =- = -- LA PALMA AVENUE r �• a. H � W . N i Q Qi W ,•j I Y. W_ u W PROPOSED TRANSFORMER AND ANAHEIM ELECTRICAL k �•�- ��� EASEMENT CONNECT TO EXISTING -- 20"TANSMIS$1' MAIN -� _ P USED DUMP Aw R W"L�SITE AREA PROPOSED AIR •, `fit t f GAP STRUCTURE PROPOSED —PROPOSED �.� :"• r �� PUMP-TO-WASTE t•..-.. it DISCHARGE DISCHARGE PIPE PIPE • - r7Tl,'l!T/ rmi�ar iAT1;7TirTi7i/llia,'- .cs�7i/ i7illuD3ilAi,C7l✓TniTi7imllT.'ir/ry `�i PROPOSED DISCHARGE .. ..... '.�'. /g171(!r6`1r �ruf�r�lc7l�:![rr![i✓[cr�l�/l�%F� STRUCTURE HUCKLEBERRY BASIN ITEM NO. 10.1 Well 22 Equipping a IAyi Nlrvi rtll rx r•w;-, Ib'I•CI RI In+�j ,]-IICH.Ei IQ.PFtiQ P�}PLI� LLLC 7EL. =ERG AP2 CASCHM=?IP�kG. IG Siff DOM. HQ. W-I 'OP, DEM �a• i-RU5'Ye,ld. PA � � IGIaHGra�fAI c N¢cer4IH vI Gec u�W �d .a lv.kF r-Ulk+-Il} I L N20 _ 9a.:x:• •A=G LIk,T--,._ wlsr r 9 2.521- Jr._SL FFVCF P09f. LUC14�CN JJ A :rm sr��_e-w,.._W 4 a"_'x LWLIM. 111.4 PRIM '. NCH CRTC. I.G.+:4 I Ilk- o N. ;rpPo„EL i] 9Q1:40..hY• MF3'+LL f"� . i .:i '.1. M,-OJ I lWn:x:w:AZ ur. lig ■: ON -I IYIL W. kC� NF [ �} CHuaN=U ., ce�� 7CR:_4 QH �h�. AIC. �L(HC o� 'E,�CkSCIIR'tiAEr, wIR RFQL RF-) 'r�c Z. W'7;IH '3"st?vT SLJ4R M.M' ?i-' LEE ON.CNO. n- CR+4R P NYC A 6'��. ¢ LEE U%`�.NO. C-2 -JR I"1kF ftMl tir¢r-el�llh SIIL yu'.HGA tr -; l MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM • 10.1 �t - MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Timber Ridge BPS Upgrade Project I� r. Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.1 Lakeview Reservoir FiGoster Pumpstation r i MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.1 l Lakeview Reservoir .. * _ - • mss.. _• � ; r . tiff-._..... ,'v- .. .4 -. • f t �, - a-Sepa+atinn in Retaining Wall Panels br Separation in Retaining Wall Panels c-Cracks and Separation in all d.Separation in 1Nall Panel a - - - �.• 4.:':- .�'.,_'' _ :�, 'µ`Mk :g •'yam. X. IL e.Bending Damage In Iran Fence t,langltudinal Crack In Asphalt Pavement g-Longitudinal Cracks in Asphalt Pavement h.Separation in Epoxy Sealer-loint between Near Parallel to Reservoir Close up View Wall Panel MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 r Z a LU m aaltaia . -� • 1� tis o�.'.'N,.:,.*� t C N AlAd (a 04 N r. m N r t + W N LU � s NQ � N o � W - aW ITEM NO. 10.1 GardeniaReservoir >ti�' r .-Y.. I - _.. a.Top of Slope Erosion Failure 4.Eroded Upper Portion of Slope c.Slope Erosion/Surficial Slope d.Slope Erosionf Suffitial Slope Failure Failure L ;3 .l i.Vi� �%:'=- ,. •1.1'_x,_ - 1� .'r.�" .. - "��� e.Eroded Slope view from MWD facility(At the toe of Slope) f.f}eposit of Washed Fine Materials at g.Deposit of Washed Fine h.Desiccation Cracks in Fine Sails(Clay) Deposit the toe of Slape Materialsand Clay NsIccation Cracks mIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM • 10.1 4 • •1 Well 11 Abandonment °ryMR _ f'���'� ,^; -�a •- � ! offsite Wells �;��� �,•��; yiiol�4a Ar Uf1 . u.:: J _ �� Warner i'•- �' - 2 3• �� r qj ,-,er MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: 1 . Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.1 Well 11 Abandonment I ' I t i r �, - _ _ •K tat. v Y ' MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM • 4 ' y SIL• 'tL' IL71il 25 MGD PEAS Treatment Plant Y .x: r : .i. MATERIALS Rosanne • MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.2 Booster • exisr rveu s ■ _LJ { Exp LL 19 ! BUILDING l j j r { NO.3 �+ fl f!I .{� !O] YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT(YL.WDj { SII fl HEAOOUARTERS -� --------= l j ------ ____ - _ r r BUILDING l ❑ NO.2 ❑ ❑ ell - ----- -_�- I 9' r 1 rt\ PROP BOOSTER ' PROP PRETREATMENT L PROP IXTREATMENT FILTERS AIM P STATION MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.2 Update Work Recently Completed : ✓ 30% Design Plans ✓ 30% Technical Specifications ✓ Draft Engineer's Report ✓ Hydraulic Analysis ✓ SCA DA System Review ✓ Disinfection System Review MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.2 PFAS Treatment Plant Schedule • Work to be Completed Next Month • Engineer's Estimate • Updated Construction Schedule • CEQA Documents • Operations, Monitoring & Maintenance Plan (OMMP) • 90% Design for YLW D Review • Construction Start - January 2021 • Construction Completion - July 2021 • Permitted and Operational - July to September 2021 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: August 24, 2020 1 Yorba Linda Water District General Manager's Report August 25, 2020 Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report —August 25, 20 711 I � f Or- ITEM 1 : Delinquent Water Bills 0 Ipw Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25, 202 '=r�� y -� CI ibL L Delinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 z Ktb February 2020 $2,220.53 $192.42 $2,412.95 55 RES----5 COMM March 2020 $53,373.19 $10,918.72 $64,291.91 782 RES----45 COMM April 2020 $75,464.33 $52,086.89 $127,551.22 962 RES----168 COMM Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $194,333.39 or 2,019 customers Total Residential - $131,135.36 or 1,801 residential custcn,,C,* Total Commercial - $63,198.03 or 218 commercial customers NOTE: - Last month prior to S13998; - first shut-offs under SB998 - May 4, 2020 Governor's order to suspend all shutoffs - March 4, 2020 All data as of April 28 2020 __MI167 OVA Alls Item 11 .2 - General Managers Report - August 2&;T00 � Current Delinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 2 RES February 2020 $1,385.64 $116.20 $1,501.84 31 RES----3 COMM March 2020 $28,477.54 $7,879.79 $36,357.33 418 RES----32 COMM April 2020 $33,776.00 $5,891.12 $39,667.12 415 RES----32 COMM May 2020 $113,710.82 $29,049.29 $142,760.11 1,514 RES----105 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $220,363.71 or 2,542 customers Current Total Residential - $177,427.31 or 2,380 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $42,936.40 or 172 commercial customers All data as of May 26 , 2020 Item 11 .2 - General Managers Report - August 2& 2020- 9 p 9 �� ,.- Current Delinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 -, RE; February 2020 $1,322.97 $116.20 $1,439.17 28 RES----3 COMM March 2020 $23,828.45 $7,613.12 $31,441.57 341 RES----29 COMM April 2020 $26,255.68 $4,378.43 $30,634.11 314 RES----26 COMM May 2020 $100,638.25 $24,342.48 $124,980.73 1,371 RES----89 COMM June 2020 $40,365.42 $2,219.18 $42,584.60 460 RES----12 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $231,157.49 or 2,675 customers Current Total Residential - $192,488.08 or 2,516 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $38,669.41 or 159 commercial customers All da. as of June 8 2020 f All Item 11 .2 - General Managers Report - August 25; 2020 r_- ,.- Current Delinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 -, RE; February 2020 $1,182.57 $116.20 $1,298.77 26 RES----3 COMM March 2020 $20,384.72 $4,406.75 $24,791.47 286 RES----26 COMM April 2020 $21,755.52 $1,516.94 $23,272.46 254 RES----15 COMM May 2020 $72,364.78 $16,856.13 $89,220.91 958 RES----57 COMM June 2020 $107,318.11 $20,054.59 $127,372.70 1,144 RES----64 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $266,033.62 or 2,835 customers Current Total Residential - $223,083.01 or 2,670 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $42,950.61 or 165 commercial customers �. . rata as of June 23 , 2020 27r <-4 All�--" T000 Item 11 .2 - General Mana ers Re ort - Au ust 2& ��9 p 9 �� .- Current Delinquent Water Bills 6 Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $63.26 $0.00 $63.26 1 RES 0 COMM February 2020 $439.26 $70.10 $509.36 9 RES 2 COMM March 2020 $7,609.59 $999.66 $8,609.25 111 RES 6 COMM April 2020 $8,785.15 $562.23 $9,347.38 104 RES 6 COMM May 2020 $31,078.60 $2,272.12 $33,350.72 426 RES 22 COMM June 2020 $71,612.44 $13,459.83 $85,072.27 856 RES 47 COMM July 2020 $80,571.84 $17,527.04 $98,098.88 941 RES 51 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $235,051.12 or 2,582 customers Current Total Residential - $200,160.14 or 2,448 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $34,890.98 or 134 commercial customers All data as of July 13 , 2020 ......... Item 11 .2 - General Managers Report - August 2�; 2020 '= .- Current Delinquent Water Bills 6 Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers March 2020 $7,609.59 $999.66 $8,609.25 111 RES 6 COMM April 2020 $8,785.15 $562.23 $9,347.38 104 RES 6 COMM May 2020 $31,078.60 $2,272.12 $33,350.72 426 RES 22 COMM June 2020 $71,612.44 $13,459.83 $85,072.27 856 RES 47 COMM July 2020 $80,571.84 $17,527.04 $98,098.88 941 RES 51 COMM August 2020 $154,226.79 $46,804.00 $201,030.79 1409 RES 55 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $201,030.79 or 1,464 customers Current Total Residential - $154,226.79 or 1409 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $46,804.00 or 55 commercial customers All-- data as of August 24, 2020 Item 11 .2 - General Managers Report - August 2&; 2020 CN wr Current Delinquent • Late Payments Date Residential Commercial Total July 13, 2020 $2003160.14 $343890.98 $2353051 .12 August 24, 2020 $2213703.91 $603492.32 $2823196.23 Difference +$21,543.77 +$25,601.34 +$471145.11 Date Residential Commercial Total July 13, 2020 23448 134 23582 August 24, 2020 23213 83 23296 Difference -235 -286 " �� �, �� tib! � •--[ - ` . Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — Au ust 25; 2020 9 p 9 �� � i + r sr Vii ,. I 1•'� .f � � Historic Payments Days Month Cycle Total Bills % Paid 27 Da s July 2019 Month 253082 93.3% August 2019 Month 253111 92.8% September 2019 Month 253142 93.3% October 2019 Month 253186 92.9% November 2019 Month 253185 93.3% December 2019 Month 253172 93.8% January 2020 Month 253214 93.8% lb ` �� rJ tires •--r Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25; 202(T - `� LAI, 1•'� .f � � Historic Payments Days Februa 2020 Cycle 1 71947 94.5% Februa 2020 Cycle 2 51630 93.9% Februa 2020 Cycle 3 51889 90.4% FebruaN 2020 Cycle 4 51755 92.0% February ii Month 25,221 92.9% March 2020 Cycle 1 71943 91.4% March 2020 Cycle 2 51623 91.0% March 2020 Cycle 3 51882 87.9% March 2020 Cycle 4 51749 89.4% March ii Month 25,197 89.7% _ .rir ,� '�" �- - ter►• � •--• �, � '� � Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25; 202(T Milk- VP Historic Payments in 27 Days April 2020 Cycle 1 71933 90.8% April 2020 Cycle 2 51630 91.4% April 2020 Cycle 3 51898 91.2% April 2020 Cycle 4 51747 90.7% April 2020 Month 25,208 91.0% May 2020 Cycle 1 71942 90.5% May 2020 Cycle 2 51627 92.0% May 2020 Cycle 3 51899 88.9% May 2020 Cycle 4 51747 90.3% May 2020 Month 25,215 90.4% All Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25; 202(T CN LAI,1•'� .f � � Historic Payments Days June 2020 Cycle 1 71940 89.3% June 2020 Cycle 2 51631 91.0% June 2020 Cycle 3 51889 89.0% June 2020 Cycle 4 51740 91.7% June 2020 Month 25,200 90.2% July 2020 Cycle 1 71950 90.3% July 2020 Cycle 2 51630 92.4% July 2020 Cycle 3 51906 89.8% July 2020 Cycle 4 51739 91.8% July 2020 Month 25,225 91.0% Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25; 202(T -� 711 Or- ITEM 2 : Soft Collection Calls Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25, 202 '=r�� y -� .: :•;aFP.__..- - ^...�:: -- - �_ . � � Soft Collection Calls Started with 4 or more COMM Now calling 3 or more RES and COMM Made 591 calls Collected 465 or 79% of calls Total Collected - $ 1509872 .o85 Total added to Auto Pay - 99 Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25, 202 "-= 1 Current 1 - RES 1 - COMM 2 - RES 2 - COMM 3 - RES 3 - COMM 4 - RES 4 - COMM 5 - RES 5 - COMM 1,022 45 213 5 78 2 47 1 34 1 Total 1,067 Total 218 Total o0 Total 48 Totals 3 Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25� 1 ITEM 3 : Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 2.5� CITY OF YORBA LINDA • City Hall is open on an appointment only during normal operating hours. • Council Meetings still virtual. • All visitors must wear a mask. • All indoor recreation centers are closed . Some walk-ins permitted • Yorba Linda Community Center is closed. • Yorba Linda Police Services Station is closed to the public. • The Library is currently closed to public but offering curbside service. • Senior Grocery and Lunch programs still continuing on a modified basis. All other senior programs are cancelled. Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25� 202 -- y CITY OF PLACENTIA • City Hall is currently open with precautions in place. • Council Meetings still virtual. • Guests are to wear face coverings and practice social distancing. • Police Department Lobby/Front Counter is closed. • All Commission and Committee Meetings are cancelled. • Rental Halls, Picnic Shelters, Playgrounds and Fields are all closed. • The Library is currently closed to public but offering curbside service. Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25�T026-' - �- y 1 .. __••! `� �i tit � Ir t•- - �� COUNTY OF ORANGE • Board of Supervisors meetings open to public with social distance and face coverings. • Hall of Administration Building open. • Old County Courthouse Open. • Courts Open. • All Clerk/Recorder offices open. • County Admin South Open (Vital records and Fictitious Business) . • Most OC Parks and Beaches are open with restrictions. • OC libraries remain closed but offer curbside pickup. low Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25, 1 .. __••! �`� �i tit � OCWD, MWD and MWDOC • All offices closed to the public. • All meetings virtual. Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 25� 202 � y Item 11 .2 — General Managers Report — August 2&; 2020' -� `� Yorba Linda Water District Item 11 .2 — General —Managers Report August 25 202ff 9 p 9