HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-08 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION In an effort to help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the District will be facilitating participation in this meeting via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. Information for accessing this meeting is provided below. Public comment related to items on this agenda or other matters within the District's jurisdiction will be facilitated on the teleconference or can be submitted in writing via e-mail to the Board Secretary (bodsecretarva.vlwd.com) at least two (2) hours prior to the start of the meeting. If you choose to submit comments via e-mail, please identify the agenda item you wish to address. Your comments will be shared with the Board prior to the meeting. For questions regarding participation please call 714-701-3020. Computer/Mobile Device: httr)s:Hzoom.us/i/91316039634 Telephone: 669-900-6833 or 346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 913 1603 9634 2. CALL TO ORDER 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL Phil Hawkins, President Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Brooke Jones, Director J. Wayne Miller, PhD, Director Al Nederhood, Director 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or a unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2)) 6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports 6.2. Federal and State Legislative Update Page 1 of 58 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3) 8. CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests separate consideration. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held August 28, 2020 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$634,236.76. 8.3. Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending July 31, 2020 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending July 31, 2020. 8.4. Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending July 31, 2020 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending July 31, 2020. 8.5. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Services with In-N-Out Burger, 18181 Imperial Highway Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with In-N-Out Burger, 18181 Imperial Highway, Job No. 2020-50. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board or Committee at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 9.1. Status of Operations Activities 9.2. Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) 9.3. Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. Directors' Reports Page 2 of 58 10.2. General Manager's Report 10.3. General Counsel's Report 10.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood) • Next meeting is scheduled Monday, November 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) • Draft minutes of the meeting held Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. are included in the agenda packet. • Next meeting is scheduled Monday, October 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 11.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Hawkins/Hall) • Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from September 9 - October 31, 2020 13. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 13.1. Conference with Real Property Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code Property: APNs 326-021-49 and 50 Agency Negotiators: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Negotiating Parties: Hilltop 3 Development LLC Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. A Board Workshop Meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meetinq Page 3 of 58 Prior to the Governor's `Stay-at-Home' Executive Orders regarding COVID-19, non-exempt materials related to open session agenda items that were distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors or Committee Members less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting were made available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's Administrative building during regular business hours and posted on the District's website shortly thereafter (GC 54957.5). As the District's lobby has been closed to the public in accordance with the Governor's Executive Orders and to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, staff will make these materials available on the District's website (httr)s://vlwd.com/) as soon as possible following receipt. Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020 at least 24 hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 4 of 58 ITEM NO. 8.1. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT: Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held August 28, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Special Board Meeting Minutes 2. Draft Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 58 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 5:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President (Joined at 5:31 p.m.) Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager Al Nederhood Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Annie Alexander, Sr Exec Asst/Board Secretary ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP Mike Payne, Consultant, Michael Payne Consulting 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. CLOSED SESSION The Board entered Closed Session at 5:31 p.m. The following items were taken out of order. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 5:30 p.m. 1 Page 6 of 58 2020-XXX 5.3. Conference with Legal Counsel —Anticipated Litigation Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One 5.6. Conference with Real Property Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code Property: APN 343-591-20 Agency Negotiators: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Negotiating Parties: Rob Knaggs Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment Mr. Payne left the meeting prior to discussion of the following matters. 5.4. Conference with Real Property Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54056.8 of the California Government Code Property: APN 351-181-12 Agency Negotiators: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Negotiating Parties: That and Qui Dang Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment 5.5. Conference with Real Property Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code Property: APNs 326-021-49 and 50 Agency Negotiators: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Negotiating Parties: Hilltop 3 Development LLC Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment 5.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Rosemary Ramirez v. American Golf Corporation, et al. (Orange County Superior Court — Case No. 30- 2020-01148198-CU-PO-CJC) Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 5:30 p.m. 2 Page 7 of 58 2020-XXX 5.2. Conference with Legal Counsel —Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One The Board returned from Closed Session at 6:32 p.m. General Counsel Gagen announced that the Board took no reportable action during Closed Session. 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The meeting ended at 6:32 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 5:30 p.m. 3 Page 8 of 58 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Mgr Al Nederhood Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Annie Alexander, Sr Exec Asst/Board Secretary Kaden Young, Sr Management Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP Pres. Hawkins welcomed Director Elect Trudi DesRoches. 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Board Secretary Alexander requested a correction to the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held July 14, 2020 (Item No. 8.1. on the Consent Calendar). She noted that Mr. Davert had not yet started in his official capacity as Assistant General Manager at the time. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 6:30 p.m. 1 Page 9 of 58 2020-XXX 6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports Yorba Linda Mayor Pro Tem Gene Hernandez congratulated Director Miller and Director Elect Trudi DesRoches and commented on the status of reopening local businesses. 6.2. Federal and State Legislative Update Assistant General Manager Davert reported on the status of pending legislation including AB 2560 and SB 414. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 14, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as corrected. 8.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$7,717,136.49. 8.3. Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2020. 8.4. Unaudited Financial Statements for Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 6:30 p.m. 2 Page 10 of 58 2020-XXX 8.5. Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2021 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 2020-XX adopting the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2021. 8.6. Ratifying Budgeted Positions and Amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors: (1) adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX ratifying previous salary adjustments for certain classifications during Fiscal Year 2020 and ratifying amendments to budgeted positions for Fiscal Year 2021, and (2) adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX amending Exhibit A of the Personnel Manual for Unrepresented Employees for Fiscal Years 2018-2023. 8.7. Authorize Director Attendance at Conferences, Seminars, and Special Events Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Director attendance at a meeting to be arranged by ACWA's Agricultural Committee in Fresno CA in September 2020. 8.8. Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Gregory Bender, 17061 EI Cajon Avenue and 4451 Palomino Lane, Yorba Linda Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Gregory Bender, 17061 El Cajon Avenue and 4451 Palomino Lane, Yorba Linda, Job No. 2020-43S. 9. ACTION CALENDAR 9.1. Proposal for Water and Wastewater Rate Study Staff reviewed the scope of services and responded to questions from the Board regarding pass-through expenses, collection of capital improvement project expenses on the county property tax roll, and updates to the District's rate model. Director Miller made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Raftelis Consultants, Inc. to develop a 5-Year Water and Wastewater Rate Study for a not-to-exceed cost of$80,000. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 6:30 p.m. 3 Page 11 of 58 2020-XXX 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1. Status of Engineering Activities Staff reviewed results of the District's most recent AWWA water audit and status of updating the wastewater master plan. Staff also reported on various construction projects and responded to questions from the Board regarding the District's Asset Management Plan. Staff indicated that a revised Capital Improvement Plan prioritizing the equipping of Well No. 22 may be available for presentation to the Board at the next regular meeting. 10.2. Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Staff briefed the Board on the status of design and construction of the PFAS removal water treatment plant. Staff is analyzing the cost for performing construction at night in addition to during the day to accelerate completion. Expense information and feedback from OCWD will be provided to the Board when available. 10.3. Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts This topic was covered during the General Manager's report. 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1. Directors' Reports A list of meetings and events attended was included in the agenda packet. 11.2. General Manager's Report General Manager Barbre asked each of the managers to report on activities within their respective departments. Mr. Barbre briefly commented on the status of late bill payments and soft collections and indicated his full report would be e-mailed to the Board. 11.3. General Counsel's Report None. 11.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Vice President Hall suggested the Board consider deferring its annual assessment process given the current level of activity. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 6:30 p.m. 4 Page 12 of 58 2020-XXX 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood) ■ Next meeting is scheduled Monday, November 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 12.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) ■ Minutes of the meeting held Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided when available. ■ Next meeting is scheduled Monday, October 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 12.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) ■ Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from August 26 — September 30, 2020 The Board made no changes to the activity calendar. 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held August 25,2020 at 6:30 p.m. 5 Page 13 of 58 ITEM NO. 8.2. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Paige Appel, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $634,236.76. SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. DISCUSSION: The items on this disbursement list include: a check of $45,000.00 to Azteca Systems Inc. for server AMS ELA annual fee; a check of $79,920.56 to City of Anaheim for July 2020 electricity charges for various locations. The balance of $204,471.92 are routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $329,392.48, Payroll No. 17 total is $304,844.28; where disbursements for this agenda report total is $634,236.76. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: 1. CapSheet 09-08-20 2. Check Register 09-08-20 Page 14 of 58 Summary of Disbursements September 8, 2020 CHECK NUMBERS: 09/08/20 Computer Checks 76709 - 76783 $ 329,392.48 $ 329,392.48 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 329,392.48 PAYROLL NO. 17: Direct Deposits $ 185,533.52 Payroll Taxes $ 50,202.08 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #13 $ 45,451 .61 Third Party Checks 7420-7428 $ 23,657.07 $ 304,844.28 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 304,844.28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 634,236.76 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 15 of 58 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated:08/26/2020 thru 09/08/2020 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 76709 09/08/2020 TRISH WALTZ 40.98 CUSTOMER REFUND 76710 09/08/2020 Gregory Brown 1,367.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 76711 09/08/2020 UNICORN RENTAL PROP MGMT 360.99 CUSTOMER REFUND 76712 09/08/2020 JOANNE C CUEVAS 60.82 CUSTOMER REFUND 76713 09/08/2020 MARGARET WANG 31.84 CUSTOMER REFUND 76714 09/08/2020 SEAN YOUM 30.46 CUSTOMER REFUND 76715 09/08/2020 BRIAN STILLS 30.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 76716 09/08/2020 XIAOHONG CHEN 160.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 76717 09/08/2020 TARA GALLAWAY 60.88 CUSTOMER REFUND 76718 09/08/2020 YUXIA TANG 129.98 CUSTOMER REFUND 76719 09/08/2020 HOLCOMBE FAMILYTRUST 404.49 CUSTOMER REFUND 76720 09/08/2020 TOMS PLACE RESTAURANT 418.82 CUSTOMER REFUND 76721 09/08/2020 AIRGAS INC 8.00 WELDING SUPPLIES 76722 09/08/2020 America's Instant Signs 1,088.28 BUILDING REPAIRS-YLWD FLAG&WINDSOCK 76723 09/08/2020 American Waterworks 4,187.00 AWWA MEMBERSHIP 11/1/20-10/31/21 76724 09/08/2020 Annie Alexander 46.05 OFFICE&MEETING SUPPLIES 76725 09/08/2020 A Plus Awards By Dewey 43.67 NAME PLATE FOR ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER 76726 09/08/2020 Aramark 912.48 UNIFORM SERVICE 76727 09/08/2020 Air Resources Board 735.00 REGISTRATION RENEWAL#19070 76728 09/08/2020 AT&T-Calnet3 4,141.65 ATT CALNET 76729 09/08/2020 Azteca Systems Inc 45,000.00 SERVER AMS ELA-ANNUAL FEE 76730 09/08/2020 BENNETT-BOWEN&LIGHTHOUSE INC 2,331.56 LIGHT FOR NEW VEHICLES 76731 09/08/2020 B.L.Wallace Distributor,Inc. 1,269.40 METER LIDS 76732 09/08/2020 Boot World Inc. 1,023.06 SAFETY BOOTS 76733 09/08/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 7,022.25 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 76734 09/08/2020 City Of Anaheim-Anaheim Public Utilities 79,920.56 ELECTRICAL CHARGES JULY 2020-VARIOUS LOCATIONS 76735 09/08/2020 City Of Placentia 2,708.59 SEWER COLLECTIONS-JULY 2020 76736 09/08/2020 Costco 120.00 MEMBERSHIP FEE 76737 09/08/2020 Culligan of Santa Ana 2,472.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 76738 09/08/2020 Daniels Tire Service 907.58 TIRES FOR UNIT#204,217 76739 09/08/2020 Dick's Lock&Safe Inc. 140.68 LOCK SERVICE&REPAIR 76740 09/08/2020 Dean Criske Trucking 1,150.53 ROAD MATERIAL 76741 09/08/2020 Enthalpy Analytical,Inc. 3,289.00 WATER QUALITY TESTING 76742 09/08/2020 FedEx Office 14.98 SHIPPING EXPENSE 76743 09/08/2020 Freddie Ojeda 310.00 SWRCB CERTEFICATION REIMBURSEMENT-OJEDA,F 76744 09/08/2020 Grainger 1,743.29 SAFETY SIGNS 76745 09/08/2020 Haaker Equipment Co. 784.41 CCTV REPAIRS 76746 09/08/2020 Harrington Industrial 566.68 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES&FILTERS FOR CL2 SYSTEM 76747 09/08/2020 Hydrex Pest Control 193.00 PEST CONTROL 76748 09/08/2020 Infosend Inc. 11,874.96 BILLING&POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL-AUGUST 2020 76749 09/08/2020 Jeff Jenkins Service Technician 952.83 CL2 SYSTEM SERVICE 76750 09/08/2020 Marksman Manufacturing 8,614.61 COMPRESSOR FOR UNIT#231 76751 09/08/2020 Mars Environmental Inc. 1,508.85 DISPOAL OF HAZARD MATERIAL 76752 09/08/2020 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 133.93 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 76753 09/08/2020 MICHAEL FRAUENTHAL&ASSOCIATES INC 4,750.00 J20-46 LAND APPRAISAL SERVICES 76754 09/08/2020 National Signal Inc. 2,794.88 ARROW BOARD FOR UNIT#229 76755 09/08/2020 New Pig Corporation 2,217.85 SPILL KITS-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 76756 09/08/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,234.56 FUEL 7/16-7/31 76757 09/08/2020 Nickey Petroleum Co Inc 1,429.44 EMERGENCY DIESEL FUEL 76758 09/08/2020 Office Solutions 39.86 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76759 09/08/2020 Orange County Hose Co. 1,802.30 FIRE HOSE TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 76760 09/08/2020 Orange County-HCA 706.00 HAZMAT DISCLOSURE 76761 09/08/2020 Orange County-Tax Collector 159.00 OCSD/COMMUNICATIONS COST FY 2020/2021 76762 09/08/2020 Psomas&Associates 12,315.00 J20-165 PROF SERVICES 6/26-7/23 Page 16 of 58 76763 09/08/2020 P.T.I.Sand&Gravel,Inc. 682.48 ROAD MATERIAL 76764 09/08/2020 Quinn Company 1,555.94 STATIONARY ENGINE MAINTENANCE&PARTS 76765 09/08/2020 Red Wing Shoes 4,256.74 SAFETY BOOTS 76766 09/08/2020 REED SILVESTRI 192.00 CWEA MEMBERSHIP 76767 09/08/2020 Resource Computer Solutions 14,111.00 CONTRACT SERVICES 8/15-9/14 76768 09/08/2020 RKI Engineering,LLC 3,900.00 J19-13 SCADA RADIO INTEGRATION&SUPPORT 76769 09/08/2020 Security Solutions 7,000.00 SECURITY WORK-BUILDING 4&HIGHLAND PUMP 76770 09/08/2020 Shoeteria Industrial 2,810.57 SAFETY BOOTS 76771 09/08/2020 Snap-on Incorporated 991.55 MECHANIC SHOP TOOLS 76772 09/08/2020 South Coast AQMD 1,672.26 EMISSIONS FEE 76773 09/08/2020 Southwest Valve 2,668.70 PRODUCTION PARTS 76774 09/08/2020 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 300.14 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76775 09/08/2020 Step Saver Inc 958.11 SALT FOR CL2 SYSTEM 76776 09/08/2020 United Rentals 235.74 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 76777 09/08/2020 UNUM Life Insurance Co.of America 4,365.77 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD-SEPTEMBER 2020 76778 09/08/2020 USA Blue Book 868.16 PRODUCTION PARTS 76779 09/08/2020 Utility Systems,Science&Software,Inc. 17,649.00 J19-13-SCADA RADIO PROJECT 76780 09/08/2020 United Water Works,Inc. 10,248.91 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76781 09/08/2020 Vincor Construction,Inc. 26,350.20 J19-41 FIRE HARDENING-SANTIAGO 76782 09/08/2020 YO Fire 2,993.67 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 76783 09/08/2020 Delta Wye Electric,Inc. 5,820.00 ELECTRICAL WORK 329,392.48 Payroll Checks #17 08/20/2020 PAYROLL-EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 185,533.52 08/20/2020 PAYROLL-PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 50,202.08 08/20/2020 PAYROLL-CALPERS&TASC 45,451.61 7420 08/20/2020 Colonial Life&Accident 112.13 7421 08/20/2020 Lincoln Financial Group 4,321.72 7422 08/20/2020 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 14,574.92 7423 08/20/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7424 08/20/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 384.92 7425 08/20/2020 Allstate 1,384.01 7426 08/20/2020 Midland Life Insurance 200.00 7427 08/20/2020 Reliance 66.61 7428 08/20/2020 Ameritas 2,245.84 304,844.28 Page 17 of 58 ITEM NO. 8.3. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT: Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending July 31, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending July 31, 2020. SUMMARY: Presented are the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending July 31, 2020 for the District. DISCUSSION: For the month-ending July 31, 2020, staff is presenting Budget to Actual Reports for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the month ending July 31, 2020, reflects an average increase of 35.31% as compared to the prior year for the same reporting period. Landscape/Irrigation customer connections have the highest increase in consumption sales of 44.21% as compared to reported results from the prior year. Total Variable Costs results, as reported through the month ending July 31, 2020, reflect a 11.51% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. This is predominantly due to an increased use of groundwater to meet the system demand. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B — Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Financial Statements and Graphs July 2020 Page 18 of 58 Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY20 ProForma-Use of Funds July 2020 FY21 Annual YTD Actuals thru YTD%of Budget July 2020 Budget Water Revenue(Residential) $ 15,424,507 $ 1,894,871 12.28% Water Revenue(Commercial &Fire Det.) 1,889,796 171,998 9.10% Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 3,704,520 504,658 13.62% Service Charges 11,560,123 923,697 7.99% Other Operating Revenue 1,812,269 58,302 3.22% Total Operating Revenue 34,391,215 3,553,526 10.33% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 600,000 13,196 2.20% Property Taxes 1,950,000 - 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 601,646 (3,145) -0.52% Total Non-Operating Revenue 3,151,646 10,051 0.32% Total Revenue $ 37,542,861 $ 3,563,577 9.49% Expenses(Operating): Variable Water Costs(G.W., Import&Power) Water-Related Costs $ 16,035,929 $ 1,289,774 8.04% Fixed Costs 1,182,773 58,924 4.98% Power-Related Costs 1,222,191 120,742 9.88% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 18,440,894 1,469,440 7.97% Salary Related Expenses 10,620,399 464,866 4.38% Reduction for Capital Project Labor (463,752) (12,475) 2.69% Salary Related Expenses Total 10,156,647 452,391 4.45% Supplies&Services Communications 205,891 7,772 3.77% Contractual Services 466,976 24,177 5.18% Data Processing 274,924 12,626 4.59% Dues&Memberships 85,670 2,123 2.48% Fees&Permits 288,635 23,970 8.30% Board Election 84,165 - 0.00% Insurance 287,343 28,062 9.77% Materials 621,700 44,428 7.15% District Activities, Emp Recognition 40,130 1,274 3.17% Maintenance 528,780 19,589 3.70% Non-Capital Equipment 137,980 11,017 7.98% Office Expense 32,003 2,395 7.48% Professional Services 988,918 28,405 2.87% Training 48,353 4,464 9.23% Travel &Conferences 42,570 - 0.00% Uncollectible Accounts 8,330 (150) -1.80% Utilities 163,838 19,060 11.63% Vehicle Expenses 285,260 61,479 21.55% Supplies&Services Sub-Total 4,591,463 290,691 6.33% Total Operating Expenses 33,189,004 2,212,522 6.67% Expenses(Non-Operating) Other Expense 117,994 (3,501) -2.97% Total Non-Operating Expenses 117,994 (3,501) -2.97% Total Expenses $ 33,306,998 $ 2,209,021 6.63% Net Revenues 4,235,863 1,354,556 31.98% Less: Debt Service(Principal &Interest) 2,729,381 3,884 0.14% Transfer to/(from)Reserves 1,506,482 1,350,672 89.66% Net Total $ - $ 0 Page 19 of 58 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water&Sewer Funds For Period Ending July 31,2020 (With July 31,2019 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD July YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over July Actual Actual(thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 July 2019) PY Actual$ PY Actual% Revenue(Operating): Water Revenue(Residential) $15,424,507 $1,730,630 $1,894,871 $1,894,871 $ 164,241 $1,354,340 $1,354,340 540,531 39.91% Water Revenue(Commercial&Fire Det.) 1,889,796 212,035 171,998 171,998 (40,037) 141,201 141,201 30,797 21.81% Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 3,704,520 415,647 504,658 504,658 89,011 349,955 349,955 154,703 44.21% Water Revenue(Service Charge) 11,560,123 963,344 923,697 923,697 (39,647) 840,895 840,895 82,802 9.85% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,447,582 203,965 206,527 206,527 2,562 186,531 186,531 19,996 10.72% Locke Ranch Assessments 298,525 - - - - - - - 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 1,852,814 72,100 86,057 86,057 13,957 94,849 94,849 (8,792) -9.27% Total Operating Revenue: 37,177,867 3,597,721 3,787,808 3,787,808 190,087 2,967,771 2,967,771 82 ,037 27.63% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 705,000 58,750 19,295 19,295 (39,455) 37,736 37,736 (18,441) -48.87% Property Tax 1,950,000 - - - - - - 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 620,846 51,737 (9,583) (9,583) (61,320) 30,146 30,146 (39,729) -131.79% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 3,275,846 110,487 9,712 9,712 (100,775) 67,882 67,882 (58,170) -85.69% Total Revenue 40,453,713 3,708,208 3,797,520 3,797,520 89,312 3,035,653 3,035,653 761,867 25.10% Expenses(Operating): Variable Water Costs(G.W.,Import&Powei 18,440,894 1,494,068 1,469,440 1,469,440 (24,628) 1,660,561 1,660,561 (191,121) -11.51% Salary Related Expenses 11,895,521 544,952 500,015 500,015 (44,937) 594,415 594,415 (94,400) -15.88% Supplies&Services 5,789,694 399,461 316,033 316,033 (83,428) 308,041 308,041 7,992 2.59% Total Operating Expenses 36,126,109 2,438,482 2,285,488 2,285,488 (152,994) 2,563,017 2,563,017 (277,529) -10.83% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,236,960 103,080 11f 1,569 11f 1,569 8,489 11f 1,601 1111,601 (32) -0.03% 53 71 33) 2,832 OtherTotal Non-Operating Expenses: 11387 13 1155651 108,068) 108,068) ((7,583) 105,268) 1053268 2,800 42.66%0 Total Expenses 37,513,922 2,554,133 2,393,556 2,393,557 (160,577) 2,668,285 2,668,285 (274,729) -10.30% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 2,939,792 1,154,075 1,403,964 1,403,963 249,889 367,368 367,368 1,036,595 282.17% Special Item - - - - - - - Capital Contributions(Non-Cash - - - - - - Transaction GASB 34 Compliant) - - 0 Net Position Before Depreciation 2,939,792 1,154,075 1,403,964 1,403,963 249,889 367,368 367,368 1,036,595 282.17% Depreciation&Amortization 7,775,155 647,930 642,522 642,522 (5,408) 602,042 602,042 40,480 6.72% Total Net Position ($4,835,363) $506,145 761,442 761,441 $255,297 ($234,674) ($234,674) $996,115 424.47% (680,752) (56,729) (12,891) (12,891) (12,891) (8,767) (8,767) (4,124) -47.04% Page 20 of 58 Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending July 31,2020 (With July 31,2019 for comparison purposes) FY21 Budget Budget FY 1FY YTD Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual t Actual YTD BudFY20Ju Actual gelt I July Actual tl(thru vs vs ly 2019) PY Actual$ YTActual R Revenue(Operating): Water Revenue(Residential) $ 15,424,507 $1,730,630 $ 1,894,871 $ 1,894,871 $ 164,241 $ 1,354,340 $ 1,354,340 $ 540,531 39.91 Water Revenue(Commercial&Fire Det.) 1,889,796 212,035 171,998 171,998 (40,037) 141,201 141,201 30,797 21.81 Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 3,704,520 415,647 504,658 504,658 89,011 349,955 349,955 154,703 4421 Water Revenue(Service Charge) 11,560,123 963,344 923,697 923,697 (39,647) 840,895 840,895 82,802 9.85 Other Operating Revenue 1,812,269 68,721 58,302 58,302 (10,419) 81,983 81,983 23,681) -28.89% Total Operating Revenue: 34,391,215 3,390,376 3,553,526 3,553,526 {63,150 2,768,374 2,768,374 9 5,152 28.36% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 600,000 50,000 13,196 13,196 (36,804) 32,819 32,819 (19,623) -59.79% Property Tax 1,950,000 - - - - - - 0.00 Other Non-Operating Revenue 601,646 50,137 (3,145) (3,145) (53,282) 26,697 26,697 (29,842) -111.78% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 3,151,646 100,137 10,051 10,051 (90,086)I 59,516 59,516 (49,465) -83.11 Total Revenue 37,542,861 3,490,514 3,563,577 3,563,577 73,063 2 827 890 2,827,890 735,687 26.02% Expenses(Operating): Variable Water Costs(G-W-,Import&Power) 18,440,894 1,494,068 1,469,440 1,469,440 (24,628) 1,660,561 1,660,561 (191,121) -11.51 Salary Related Expenses 10,156,647 490,549 452,391 452,391 (38,158) 535,492 535,492 (83,101) -15.52 Supplies&Services: Communications 205,891 17,158 7,772 7,772 (9,386) 19,362 19,362 (11,590) -59.86% Contractual Services 466,976 38,915 24,177 24,177 (14,738) 34,546 34,546 (10,369) -30.02% Data Processing 274,924 22,910 12,626 12,626 (10,284) 19,604 19,604 (6,978) -35.59% Dues&Memberships 85,670 7,139 2,123 2,123 (5,016) 3,352 3,352 (1,229) -36.66% Fees&Permits 288,635 24,053 23,970 23,970 (83) 9,446 9,446 14,524 153.76 Board Election 84,165 - - - - - - - 0.00 Insurance 287,343 23,945 28,062 28,062 4,117 23,185 23,185 4,877 21.04% Materials 621,700 51,808 44,428 44,428 (7,380) 64,207 64,207 (19,779) -30.81 District Activities,Emp Recognition 40,130 3,344 1,274 1,274 (2,070) 554 554 720 129.96% Maintenance 528,780 24,065 19,589 19,589 (4,476) 29,451 29,451 (9,862) -33.49% Non-Capital Equipment 137,980 11,498 11,017 11,017 (481) 5,048 5,048 5,969 11824% Office Expense 32,003 2,667 2,395 2,395 (272) 6,075 6,075 (3,680) -60.58% Professional Services 988,918 42,410 28,405 28,405 (14,005) 31,234 31,234 (2,829) -9.06% Training 48,353 4,029 4,464 4,464 435 512 512 3,952 771.88% Travel&Conferences 42,570 3,547 - - (3,547) 2,755 2,755 (2,755) -100,00 Uncollectible Accounts 8,330 694 (150) (150) (844) it 13 ) (113) (37) 32.74% Utilities 163,838 13,653 19,060 19,060 5,407 15,307 15,307 3,753 24.52 Vehicle Equipment 285,260 53,772 61,479 61,479 7,707 27,006 27,006 34,473 127.65% Supplies&Services Sub-Total 4,591,463 345,608 290,691 290,691 (54,917)I 291,531 291,531 (840) -029 Total Operating Expenses 33,189,004 2,330,226 2,212,522 2,212,522 (117,704) 2,487,584 2,487,584 (275,062) -11.06% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,236,960 103,080 111,569 111,569 8,489 111,601 111,601 (32) -0.03% Other Expense 117,994 9,833 3,501) 3,501) (13,334) (6,333) (6,333) 2,832 -44.72% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 1,354,953 112,913 10 ,068 10 ,068 (4,845)I 105,268 105,268 2,800 2.66% Total Expenses 34,543,957 2,443,139 2,320,590 2,320,590 (122,549) 2,592,852 2,592,852 (272,262) -10.50% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 2,998,904 1,047,375 1,242,987 1,242,987 195,612 235,038 235,038 1,007,949 428.85 Special Item - - - - - Capital Contributions(Non-Cash Transaction- - - - - - - - - - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 2,998,904 1,047,375 1,242,987 1,242,987 195,612 235,038 235,038 1,007,949 428.85 Depreciation&Amortization 6,335,693 527,974 520,406 520,406 (7,568)I 487,190 487,190 33,216 6.82% Total Net Position $ (3,336,789) $ 519,400 $ 722,581 722,581 $ 203,181 $ (252,152) $ (252,152) $ 974,733 386.57 Capital-Direct Labor (463,752) (38,646) (12,475) (12,475) 26,171 I (7,473) (7,473) (5,002) 66.93 Page 21 of 58 Water Revenues & Expenses - July $4,000,000 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) 3,563,577 26.02% $3,500,000 $2,913,887 $2,981,983 $2,985,859 $3,000,000 $2,807,091 n $2,827,890 $2,829,641 Lmqk-� $2,500,000 $2,431,157 $2,592,852 $2,336,805 $2,320,590 $2,000,000 -10.50% $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 July 2019 July 2020 Total Revenue f Total Expenses Page 22 of 58 Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending July 31,2020 (With July 31,2019 for comparison purposes) Annual YTD July YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD-CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over July Actual Actual(thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 July 2019) PY Actual$ PY Actual Revenue(Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $2,447,582 $203,965 $206,527 $ 206,527 $2,562 $186,531 $186,531 $19,996 10.72% Locke Ranch Assessments 298,525 - - $ - - - - - 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 40,545 3,379 27,755 $ 27,755 24,376 12,865 12,865 14,890 115.74% Total Operating Revenue: 2,786,652 207,344 234,282 $ 234,282 26,938 199,396 199,396 34,886 17.50% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 105,000 8,750 6,099 $ 6,099 (2,651) 4,918 4,918 1,181 24.01% Other Non-Operating Revenue 19,200 1,600 (6,439) $ (6,439) (8,039) 3,449 3,449 (9,888) -286.69% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 124,200 10,350 (340) $ (340) (10,690) 8,367 8,367 (8,707) -104.06% Total Revenue 2,910,852 217,694 233,942 $ 233,942 16,248 207,763 207,763 26,179 12.60% Expenses(Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,738,874 54,403 47,624 47,624 (6,779) 58,923 58,923 (11,299) -19.18% Supplies&Services: Communications 37,134 3,095 585 585 (2,510) 1,457 1,457 (872) -59.85% Contractual Services 66,878 5,573 1,475 1,475 (4,098) 2,067 2,067 (592) -28.64% Data Processing 41,457 3,455 950 950 (2,505) 964 964 (14) -1.45% Dues&Memberships 15,075 1,256 160 160 (1,096) 252 252 (92) -36.51% Fees&Permits 35,565 2,964 982 982 (1,982) 253 253 729 288.14% Board Election 6,335 528 - - (528) - - 0 0.00% Insurance 50,708 4,226 2,112 2,112 (2,114) 1,745 1,745 367 21.03% Materials 75,800 317 289 289 (28) 171 171 118 69.01% District Activities, Emp Recognition 6,941 578 96 96 (482) 42 42 54 128.57% Maintenance 180,820 5,068 110 110 (4,958) 21 21 89 0.00% Non-Capital Equipment 48,691 4,058 879 879 (3,179) 196 196 683 348.47% Office Expense 5,572 464 180 180 (284) 431 431 (251) -58.24% Professional Services 482,272 15,189 14,208 14,208 (981) 1,341 1,341 12,867 959.51% Training 14,832 1,236 316 316 (920) 109 109 207 189.91% Travel&Conferences 5,630 469 - - (469) 130 130 (130) -100.00% Uncollectible Accounts 1,470 122 43 43 (79) (24) (24) 67 -279.17% Utilities 28,913 2,409 1,435 1,435 (974) 1,152 1,152 283 24.57% Vehicle Equipment 94,140 2,845 1,520 1,520 (1,325) 6,204 6,204 (4,684) -75.50% Supplies&Services Sub-Total 1,198,231 53,853 25,340 25,340 (28,513) 16,511 16,511 8,829 53.47% Total Operating Expenses 2,937,105 108,256 72,964 72,964 (35,292) 75,434 75,434 (2,470) -3.27% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest Expense - - - - - - Other Expense 32,859 2,738 (2,738) Total Non-Operating Expenses: 32,859 2,738 (2,738) - - Total Expenses 2,969,964 110,994 72,964 72,964 (38,030) 75,434 75,434 (2,470) -3.27% Net Position Before Capital Contributions (59,112) 106,700 160,978 160,978 54,278 132,329 132,329 28,649 21.65% Capital Contributions(Non-Cash Transaction - - - - - - - - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation (59,112) 106,700 160,978 160,978 54,278 132,329 132,329 28,649 21.65% Depreciation&Amortization 1,439,462 119,955 122,116 122,116 2,161 114,852 114,852 7,264 6.32% Total Net Position (1,498,574) (13,255) 38,862 38,862 52,117 17,477 17,477 21,385 122.36% Capital-Direct Labor (217,000) (18,083) (417) (417) 17,666 (1,295) (1,295) 878 -67.80% Page 23 of 58 $250,000 Sewer Revenues & Expenses - July $233,942 (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) 12.60% $207,763 $201,343 $200,000 $171,601 $154,072 $150,000 - $144,647 —W $100,000 $111,886 $118,515 $91,241 ' $71,001 $75,434 $72,964 $50,000 -3.27% $- July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 July 2019 July 2020 Total Revenue f Total Expenses Page 24 of 58 Variable Costs Analysis 2,500,000 2,065,064 2,084,721 \, 2,000,000 — 1,671,801 1,729,514 1,660,561 1,512,043 1,500,000 1,518,953 1,460,113 1,435,706 1,340,186 1,370,194 _ _ � 1,361,053 1,367,226 1,286,293 1,200,582 1,311\,137 1,305,692 1,469,440 1,143,948 1,058,481 1,231,436 1,358,893 111 1,505,340 1,492,9287 1,307,477 939,601 1,019,234 1,000,000 1,100,471 1,132,782 - 1,019,271 981,384 772,447 788,116 945,974 500,000007 — - , 657,883 460,667 0 — Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June t FY18 Var Costs tFY19 Var Costs tFY20 Var Costs f FY21Var Costs Page 25 of 58 ITEM NO. 8.4. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT: Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending July 31, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending July 31, 2020. SUMMARY: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make monthly report of investments to the legislative body. DISCUSSION: The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments with the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last five years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending July 31, 2020 is .96%. The District's Total Cash and Investment balance at July 31, 2020 resulted in an overall decrease in the investment balance from the previous month is approximately $1,970,278. A larger balance change includes a decrease in the Water Operating Fund by $1,469,819, primarily due to payments to OCWD for the bi-annual Replenishment Assessment and MWDOC for June 2020 water purchases. While Sewer Operating Fund had an increase of $109,203 due to a positive net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month of the current fiscal year. The PARS fund decreased by $582,203 due to a transfer to CalPERS for the Annual Unfunded Liability Lump-sum payment. Page 26 of 58 STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 4C - Manage cash flow to maximize investment income. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Investment Reports & Graphs July 2020 Page 27 of 58 Yorba Linda Water District Cash&Investment Portfolio Report July 31,2020 Market % Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account. $ 732,002 $ 732,002 Wells Fargo Bank $ 732,002 $ 732,002 1.87% Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: $ 43 $ 43 US Bank (Revenue Bonds) 0.00% 3,309,140 3,309,140 US Bank(Money Market) 0.01% 1,443,785 1,443,785 Public Agency Retirement Svcs.(PARS) $ 4,752,968 $ 4,752,968 12.17% Total 0.01% Certificates of Deposits: 252,362 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.63% 248,218 248,000 EnerBank USA Salt Lake City 08/26/20 1.30% 180,052 180,000 HSBC BK USA,NA MC Clean CTF 08/31/21 2.23% 251,948 248,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA Sioux Falls D 08/31/21 1.57% 255,403 247,000 PrivateBank&Tr Chicago Ill CTF 03/30/22 2.13% 249,655 245,000 Goldman Sachs Bank 06/28/21 2.16% 249,655 245,000 Morgan Stanley Private Bank 06/28/21 2.16% 254,501 245,000 Capital One Bank USA 06/27/22 2.12% 254,501 245,000 Capital One Bank NA 06/27/22 2.12% 254,734 245,000 Ally Bank 06/27/22 2.16% 254,734 245,000 Sallie Mae Bank 06/27/22 2.16% 255,074 245,000 Synchrony 05/17/22 2.35% 255,920 245,000 Morgan Stanley Bank NA 06/13/22 2.44% $ 3,216,757 $ 3,132,000 8.23% Total 2.04% Corporate Notes: $ 506,330 500,000 Wells Fargo Co. 03/04/21 2.47% $ 505,850 500,000 JP Morgan Chase Co. 03/01/21 2.52% $ 1,012,180 $ 1,000,000 2.59% Total 2.50% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 29,353,551 $ 29,353,551 Local Agency Investment Fund 0.92% $ 29,353,551 $ 29,353,551 75.14% 0.92% $ 39,067,458 $ 38,970,521 100% Total Investments 0.96% Per Government Code requirements,the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy,and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. Kelly McCann,Senior Accountant 7/31/20 Page 28 of 58 Cash & Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of July 2020: Average #of Month Portfolio Days to of 2019 Yield Maturity JUIy 0.96% 47 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 7/31/2019 7/31/2020 Monthly- July $ 37,736 $ 19,298 Year-to-Date $ 37,736 $ 19,295 Budget 2019/2020 2020/2021 Interest Budget,July YTD $ 67,692 $ 58,750 Interest Budget,Annual $ 812,306 $ 705,000 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Cash&Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of$38.37 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds,Wells Fargo Checking Account,and restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the Bond payment and PARS for the pension/OPEB payments. The number of Days in Cash are 333 for the Un-Restricted Water Reserve balance and 775 for the Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve balances,as of July 31,2020. FY20 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments June 2020 %Alloc July 2020 %Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 6/30/2020 Balance 7/31/2020 Levels" CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve $ 12,561,153 33.16% $ 11,502,479 31.18% $ 12,427,055 $ (924,576) Water Emergency Reserve 7,327,385 19.34% $ 7,317,636 19.84% 7,115,108 202,528 Water Capital Project Reserve 7,221,836 19.06% $ 7,212,510 19.55% 7,314,221 (101,711) Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,215,645 11.13% $ 4,211,170 11.41% 4,093,400 117,770 Un-Restricted Water Reserve Balance 31,326,019 $ 30,243,795 30,949,784 (705,989) Conservation Reserve $ 105,426 0.28% $ 105,269 0.29% - 105,269 Employee Liability Reserve 308,039 0.81% 307,581 0.83% 400,000 (92,419) Restricted Reserve Balance 413,466 $ 412,851 400,000 12,851 Sewer Operating Reserve $ 2,800,902 7.39% $ 2,898,122 7.86% 1,335,465 1,562,657 Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,961,577 5.18% 1,960,332 5.31% 1,914,347 45,985 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,378,578 3.64% 1,376,528 3.73% 1,909,045 (532,517) Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance 6,141,057 $ 6,234,982 5,158,857 1,076,125 Total Reserve Balances $ 37,880,541 100.00% $ 36,891,628 100.00% $ 36,508,641 $ 382,987 Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating 989,746 578,601 Sewer Operating 141,419 153,402 1,131,165 732,002 US Bank Held(Restricted). Rev.Bond 2012A&2017A-Principal&Interest 43 43 Public Agency Retirement Svc.-PARS(Restricted) 2,025,988 1,443,785 Total Cash and Investments $ 41,037,737 $ 39,067,458 Page 29 of 58 INVESTMENT BALANCES (AS OF 7-31-2020) ■Checking Account: ■Money Market Accounts: ■Certificates of Deposit: ■Corporate Notes: ■Pooled Investment Accounts: P- Checking Account: Money Market Accounts: Certificates of Deposit: Corporate Notes: Pooled Investment Accounts: Checking Account: $ 732,002 1.87% Money Market Accounts: $ 4,752,968 12.17% Certificates ofDeposit. $ 3,216,757 8.23% Corporate Notes: $ 1,012,180 2.59% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 29,353,551 75.14% Total $ 39,067,458 100.00% Page 30 of 58 Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report July 31, 2020 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Local Agency Investment Fund - 29,353,551 - 29,353,551 Corporate Notes - 1,012,180 - 1,012,180 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 3,216,757 - 3,216,757 Total Investments $ - $ 33,582,488 $ - $ 33,582,488 Page 31 of 58 PARS (Public Aeencv Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Transaction Water Operating Water Operating Sewer Operating Sewer Operating •- OPEB Pension OPEB Account Total Beginning Balance as of 7/1/20 1,277,088.36 544,249.94 140,341.67 64,308.24 2,025,988.21 7/15/2019 Distribution to CaIPERS (564,670.84) (66,721.16) 111F 1,394,596.21 7/31/2019 Management Fees (613.23) (261.33) (67.39) (30.88) 1,393,623.38 7/31/2019 Investment Gain/(Loss) 27,302.97 17,759.71 3,000.37 2,098.48 1,443,784.91 Account Balance by Account Type 739,107.26 561,748.32 76,553.49 66,375.84 $ 1,443,784.91 51% 39% 5% 5% 100% Pension OPEB Total Initial Contribution as of 12/28/2017 $ 247,599.00 - 247,599.00 Additional Contribution 6/26/19 $ 1,105,248.00 587,339.00 1,692,587.00 Total Contributions = 1,940,186.00 Total Distribution to CalPERS $ (631,392.00) - (631,392.00) Total Gain(or Loss)from Inception $ 103,189.95 44,241.57 147,431.52 Total Management Fees from Inception $ (8,984.20) (3,456.41) (12,440.61) Balance as of 3-31-19 = $ 1,447,052.75 $ 628,124.16 $ 1,443,784.91 Page 32 of 58 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) $35,020,000 510 450 460 $30,020,000 386 410 $25,020,000 352 337 335 333 $31,838,936 �� 360 $20,020,000 —� � $30,243,795 310 $28,273,352 $2g,034,549 $15,020,000 $24,738,538 $27,940,124 260 210 $10,020,000 160 $5,020,000 110 $20,000 60 July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 July 2019 July 2020 Unrestricted Reserves(Water) —0—Days in Cash(Water) Page 33 of 58 ITEM NO. 8.5. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Adrian Ayala, Assistant Engineer I SUBJECT: Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Services with In-N-Out Burger, 18181 Imperial Highway RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Services with In-N-Out Burger, 18181 Imperial Highway, Job No. 2020-50. SUMMARY: In-N-Out Burger proposes to open a new business in Downtown Yorba Linda, at the site of the existing Yorba Linda City Library at 18181 Imperial Hwy. The applicant is requesting water and sewer services for this business. An exhibit depicting the project location is attached. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding Source: Developer Funded Account No-2-2600 Job No-2020-50 BACKGROUND: The District has an existing Zone 2, 10-inch water pipeline on Olinda Street that is adequate in size and of sufficient pressure to serve the project. The applicant is conditioned by the Orange County Fire Authority to provide a fire suppression system for the new building. The District requires a double check detector assembly and isolation valve to separate the private system from the public water system, as depicted in the attached exhibit. The applicant will be reusing an existing water service line to serve this business and shall construct a new water service line for irrigation purposes in accordance with the District's Rules and Regulations. Page 34 of 58 The proposed project is located within Drainage Area "2" of the District's Sewer Service Area. The applicant shall construct a new sewer lateral and cleanout to connect to the existing 8- inch sewer main on Lemon Street, and shall abandon approximately 189 feet of existing 8- inch sewer main on the proposed site in accordance with the District's Rules and Regulations. The Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Services with In-N-Out at 18181 Imperial Highway are attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Terms and Conditions 2. Exhibit Page 35 of 58 Date: SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: IN-N-OUT BURGER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, YORBA LINDA TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: 2020-50 SEWER: N/A LOT(S)-1 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an "X" following the number. 1) ® The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) ® The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) ® The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 4) ® Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. 5) ® The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1 , 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 6) ❑ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 7) ® The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. Page 36 of 58 Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: IN-N-OUT BURGER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, YORBA LINDA 8) ® The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District's approval of the construction plans. 9) ® The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 10) ® The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 11) ® The applicant shall provide, per the District specifications, the "As Built" AutoCAD file (version 2016 or earlier) of the Water and/or Sewer facilities. 12) ® The applicant shall complete a Water Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 13) ® The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the District. 14) ® The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 15) ® The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 16) ® The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. 17) ® The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 18) ® The applicant's engineer shall provide a computer hydraulic analysis report to confirm that the District's existing water system can accommodate the project. 19) ❑ The applicant's future water facilities, shall be conveyed to the District as indicated on applicant's future Water Improvement Plans approved by the District. Page 37 of 58 Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: IN-N-OUT BURGER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, YORBA LINDA 20) ® The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test, and provide an approved copy to the District. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 21) ® The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 22) ❑ The applicant shall install _ water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District's Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 23) ® The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 24) ❑ The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 25) ® All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 26) ® The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 27) ® The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 28) ® The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 29) ® The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all buildings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 30) ® The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 31) ® The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. Page 38 of 58 Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: IN-N-OUT BURGER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, YORBA LINDA 32) ® The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly. 33) ® The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 34) ® The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District's Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections. 35) ® The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 36) ❑ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 37) ® The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 38) ® The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the District. 39) ® The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 40) ® The applicant's engineer shall provide sewer flow calculations to confirm that the District's existing sewer system can accommodate the peak wastewater generation from the project. 41) ❑ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 42) ® The applicant's sewer facilities (on-site) shall be Privatelv owned and maintained. 43) ❑ The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District's Standard Page 39 of 58 Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: IN-N-OUT BURGER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, YORBA LINDA Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 44) ❑ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 45) ❑ The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 46) ❑ The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 47) ® The applicant shall abandon and remove approximately 189 feet of existing 8" VCP sewer main and shall install one sewer lateral, one domestic water service line and meter, one irrigation water service line and meter, and one fire service line, per approved plans and District Specifications. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the September 8, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Water and Sewer Service Agreement between Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant is not executed for the project under consideration. Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Page 40 of 58 Page 6 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: IN-N-OUT BURGER LOCATION OF PROJECT: 18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, YORBA LINDA Reviewed by: Rosanne P. Weston, PMP Engineering Manager Page 41 of 58 SITE p _ o i — eo so I E.'ISTINGB8"SEWER MAINZ LEMON DRIVE \ kS PROPOSEDOFEXISTING 10"WATER MAIN IRRIGATION CITY(III LI x _ SERVICEArruu u. ; AND METERPROPOSEDRAL SEWER LATEEXISTING 8 PRO SEWERMAIN TO �� i POSED IL ILBE ABANDONED \ i REDUCEDPRESSURE BACKFLOW � XISTING WATER SERVICE TO BE Q - �, ABANDONED labk EXISTING WATER VICINITY MAP a -a-� SERVICE �, --- R N.T.S. I AND METE �►�\ iz� a FOR DOMESTIC 4. EXISTING FIRE SERVICE EXISTING �\ � \` W TO BE ABANDONED SEWER o' W LATERAL TO BE ABANDONEDH�° I .Baa PROPOSED GREASE INTERCEPTO) Z �V /• �I ° �, _ I N PROPOSED FIRE SERVICE ( PROPOSED \= \\ DCDA =� LOCATION MAP PREPARED BY EXHIBIT SCALE: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT N.T.S. WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS DATE: 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVE 701-30 FOR IN-N-OUT BURGERS 9/8/2020 PLAC18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, YORBA LINDA FILE NAME: (714)701 30000 92870 J202050 ITEM NO. 9.1. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: John DeCriscio, Operations Manager SUBJECT: Status of Operations Activities Staff will provide the attached presentation during the meeting. 1. Status of Operations Activities Page 43 of 58 � Status of Operations Activities .Elk Mountain Generator Presented by: John DeCriscio Operations Manager VL � � • � • F"M� , Elk Mountain Generator —�:• Elk Mountain Booster Station ■ 3 Electric Booster Pumps ■ Supplies water to Camino cle Bryant Reservoir ■ Portable Electric Generator Connections on site ■ No natural gas pump on site ■ Districts Portable Generator is to small to power all pumps YL W - - - -:r Elk Mountain Generator Project Budget rAIrr / ti b r y � �•� fir- � �� , � , t Whit a -J YL / 1 • 1 . _ - w - - -.r • • • • • • • �p t T i I Yorba Linda 10-:t:--Water Distri 972/2020 Yorba Lin a atm ict Page 47 of 58,. _ 40,. Elk Mountain Generator Project Budget —�:• Budget Details ■ Fiscal Year 2020 Planning and Design $44,000 ■ Fiscal Year 2021 Construction $275,000 ■ Fiscal Year 2021 Equipment $266,855 ■ YLWD Capitalized Labor $27,500 ■ Total Budget $617,455 YL r . -:r Elk Mountain Generator Pro 'Oect I YL ' r w • • • • • • k r t r t` Y J .. •Allow:Yorba Linda - v -- ` later Distri - �- -�=- 4 9%2/2020 Yorba Lines Iva ict ` Page 50 of 58 Questions Yorba Linda - Water District-,Im ' - Y 9%2/2020 Yorba Li do a f1Va ict ` Page 51 of 58 ITEM NO. 10.1. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT: Directors' Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1. OCWD GRWS Expansion Webinar -August 26, 2020 (Hawkins) 2. OCSD Board - August 26, 2020 (Jones) 3. YL Planning Commission - August 26, 2020 (Hawkins - As Needed) 4. ISDOC Executive Committee - September 1, 2020 (Nederhood) 5. SAWPA Commission - September 1, 2020 6. MWDOC Board - September 2, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 7. OCSD Operations Committee - September 2, 2020 (Jones) 8. OCWD Board - September 2, 2020 (Jones) 9. ACWA Leadership Session - September 3, 2020 (Hawkins/Miller) Page 52 of 58 ITEM NO. 11.2. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary SUBJECT: Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) • Draft minutes of the meeting held Monday, July 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. are included in the agenda packet. • Next meeting is scheduled Monday, October 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. The draft minutes from this meeting are attached for reference. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2020-07-27 - Draft Meeting Minutes Page 53 of 58 CITY OF YORBA LINDA h O� toRBq�Zo i cm PQRAIEO 1yb Land of Gracious Living YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT/ CITY COUNCIL JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES July 27, 2020 4:00 p.m. 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION In an effort to help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Committee will be facilitating participation in this meeting via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. Information for accessing this meeting is provided below. Public comment related to items on this agenda or other matters within the District or City's jurisdiction will be facilitated on the teleconference or can be submitted in writing via e-mail to the Board Secretary at bodsecretarvCa.vlwd.com by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, July 27, 2020. If you choose to submit comments via e-mail, please identify the agenda item you wish to address (if applicable). Your comments will be shared with the Committee prior to the meeting. For questions regarding participation please call 714-701-3020. Computer/Mobile Device: https://zoom.us/j/99178023172 Telephone: 669--900--6833 or 253--215--8782 Meeting ID: 991 7802 3172 2. CALL TO ORDER The Yorba Linda Water District/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting convened at 4:04 p.m. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Gene Hernandez 4. ROLL CALL Committee Members City Council: Beth Haney, Mayor YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Minutes July 27,2020 Page 1 of 3 Page 54 of 58 Gene Hernandez, Mayor Pro Tem Water District: Phil Hawkins, President Brooke Jones, Director 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. ACTION CALENDAR 6.1 Minutes of the YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting held on April 20, 2020. The YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee approved the minutes of the April 20, 2020 meeting. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7.1 Pending and Recently Chaptered Water Related Legislation Director of Public Affairs Pasquale Talarico, said the District is monitoring AB 1916 and AB 4241 as well as the Clean, Safe, and Reliable Drinking Water bill and there were no updates as of now. 7.2 Strategies for Addressing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Engineering Manager Rosanne Weston announced that the Water District received a schedule for the design and construction of a PFAS treatment plant to be built at regional headquarters with an approximate date of completion of July 2021 . Upon inquiry from Mayor Beth Haney, Ms. Weston responded that the estimated cost was $33,000,000 - $35,000,000. General Manager Brett Barbre said it will be the largest PFAS treatment plant in the country. 7.3 Formation of Sewer Assessment/Community Facilities Districts Engineering Manager Weston introduced new Assistant General Manager, Doug Davert, who was recently hired by the District and has expertise with forming sewer assessments and Community Facilities Districts (CFD). Mr. Doug Davert spoke on his previous experience with the process and gave a brief overview of a past sewer connection project in which he participated. John Koeller, resident on Sandra Drive, said he would like to meet with Mr. Davert in the near future and said that this project will require marketing and communication with residents. YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Minutes July 27,2020 Page 2 of 3 Page 55 of 58 7.4 Proposed Property Transfer Near YLWD Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station in Exchange for Water Filling Stations in City of Yorba Linda General Manager Barbre introduced the item and said the District would like to make improvements to the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station in compliance with America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA): Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plan requirements. In particular, the District would like to construct an 8-foot wall consistent with AWIA and District standards at the back of the existing sidewalk on Hidden Hills Road. General Manager Barbre stated that the District is proposing to install water filling stations around the City in place of the use of construction water meters. This would result in a water cost savings for the City and also would comply with District standards. Operations Manager John DeCriscio provided a PowerPoint presentation on the water filling stations including construction meters costs, existing construction meters, existing irrigation connections, and the potential charges. A discussion ensued among committee members and staff regarding drafting a formal proposal and MOU, bringing the matter before the full City Council and expediting the process. Director Brooke Jones added that this project brings additional safety and is of great benefit to the residents. 7.5 Future Meeting Date and Agenda Items The Committee agreed to meet again on October 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. No additional items for the next Agenda were discussed. 8. ADJOURNMENT 8.1 City Manager Mark Pulone adjourned the meeting at 4:38 p.m. to the next Yorba Linda Water District/City of Yorba Linda Joint Agency Committee meeting on October 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Minutes July 27,2020 Page 3 of 3 Page 56 of 58 ITEM NO. 12.1. Yorba Linda Wat ir District AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT: Meetings from September 9 - October 31, 2020 ATTACHMENTS: 1. BOD - Activities Calendar Page 57 of 58 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendees September OC LAFCO Wed, Sep 9 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Sep 9 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Fri, Sep 11 7:30 AM WACO Planning Committee Tue, Sep 15 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Sep 15 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Sep 15 6:30 PM Hawkins MWDOC Board Wed, Sep 16 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWD/OCSD Virtual Tour Wed, Sep 16 10:00 AM Hawkins OCWA Luncheon Wed, Sep 16 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Sep 16 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Sep 22 8:30 AM AWWA Virtual Summit Wed, Sep 23 9:00 AM Jones MWDOC Water Policy Forum Wed, Sep 23 10:30 AM Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood OCSD Board Wed, Sep 23 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Sep 23 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) AWWA Virtual Summit Thu, Sep 24 9:00 AM Jones October WACO Fri, Oct 2 7:30 AM ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Oct 6 7:30 AM Nederhood SAWPA Commission Tue, Oct 6 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Oct 6 6:30 PM Hall MWDOC Board Wed, Oct 7 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Oct 7 5:00 PM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Oct 7 5:30 PM Jones Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Oct 13 5:30 PM OC LAFCO Wed, Oct 14 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Oct 14 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Oct 20 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Oct 20 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Oct 20 6:30 PM Miller MWDOC Board Wed, Oct 21 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWA Luncheon Wed, Oct 21 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Oct 21 5:30 PM Jones CA-NV AWWA Fall Conference Mon, Oct 26 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood Joint Committee Meeting with City of Yorba Linda Mon, Oct 26 4:00 PM Hawkins/Jones CA-NV AWWA Fall Conference Tue, Oct 27 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Tue, Oct 27 8:30 AM CA-NV AWWA Fall Conference Wed, Oct 28 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee Wed, Oct 28 8:30 AM OCSD Board Wed, Oct 28 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Oct 28 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) CA-NV AWWA Fall Conference Thu, Oct 29 8:00 AM Jones/Nederhood ISDOC Thu, Oct 29 11:30 AM As of September 1, 2020 Page 58 of 58 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING ITEM NO. 9.2. p— CD25 MGD PFAS Treatment Plant IV � rt MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 ITEM NO. 9.2. Ir 11 Vessel TrainsT6 Pre-Filters Booster Pumps I.L 1 11 III j EXIST WELL J _ III i ERISTYYELLI i BUILDING III + III } Nd-3 YORBA LINDA WATERT �� I ! i!i ❑ IIS �x�L� DISTRICT{YLWD} HEADQUARTERS j III IIS�\ A1 1 ---------- C3 '���1 --------------------------mo---� — _. , 000� 11 � 11l1lf1llllllll11111l In I r 1 12 BUILDING NO.2 Il } "„ f PROP PRETREATMENT L PROP IXTREATMENTPROP'TAT1O R FILTERS PUMP Sl'AT70N MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 ITEM NO. 9.2. WPM a z� AI Irow 1-- 1 ililllil Ir„�_ 11111111 r r - 1 ,: IIINNut � � 1 r l;l r— s. l 1� �� IN1111 fer � r K i Str��lli�sr!i111aF,l ' ' u I'd!_ l r- F"7lla�hhh� _ r - r MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 ITEM NO. 9.2. PFAS Treatment Plant Schedule • Work to be Completed In September/October • Engineer's Estimate • Updated Construction Schedule • CEQA Documents • Operations, Monitoring & Maintenance Plan (OMMP) • 90% Design for YLWD Review • Construction Start - January 2021 • Construction Completion - July 2021 • Permitted and Operational - July to September 2021 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Rosanne Weston MEETING DATE: September 8, 2020 Topics of Interest for Meeting to be Arranged by ACWA Agricultural Committee in Fresno CA • Delta Tunnel 9 Cooperation within San Luis • Fed vs State issues and Delta-Mendota Authority • Impact of SGMA Flood-MAR • Dealing with subsidence Practicality of Israeli approaches • Incidental Take Permit Steps needed to keep CA • New Biological Opinion Agriculture at the head of the pack 10. 2 . General Manager 's 'Report Ir September . ............ 7V Yorba Linda = %Vater District `�"� - Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 - ` At _ 4F-W ITEM 1 Delionquent Water Bills r Yorba Linda 7jC _b7- -P .ater Disti A-tW -Mons Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` At _ Delinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 2 RES February 2020 $2,220.53 $192.42 $2,412.95 55 RES----5 COMM March 2020 $53,373.19 $10,918.72 $64,291.91 782 RES----45 COMM April 2020 $75,464.33 $52,086.89 $127,551.22 962 RES----168 COMM { , f r Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $194,333.39 or 2,019 customers F Total Residential - $131,135.36 or 1,801 residential customers Total Commercial - $63,198.03 or 218 commercial customers NOTE: JAN - Last month prior to SB998; FEE - first shut-offs under SB998 - May 4, 2020 Governor's order to suspend all shutoffs - March 4, 2020 All data as of April 28, 2020 Y0 rba Linda %Vater District. - Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 r�. 1 0 elinquent Water Bills jot"- I Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 Z RES February 2020 $1,385.64 $116.20 $1,501.84 31 RES----3 COMM March 2020 $28,477.54 $7,879.79 $36,357.33 418 RES----32 COMM April 2020 $33,776.00 $5,891.12 $39,667.12 415 RES----32 COMM May 2020 $113,710.82 $29,049.29 $142,760.11 1,514 RES----105 COMM .ending ,alances by Tvi)e Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $220,363.71 or 2,542 customers Current Total Residential - $177,427.31 or 2,380 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $42,936.40 or 172 commercial customers r All data as of May 26, 2020 Yorba Linda %Vater DistrictvftL%�� - Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 -..111111111111reirinquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 z RES February 2020 $1,322.97 $116.20 $1,439.17 28 RES----3 COMM March 2020 $23,828.45 $7,613.12 $31,441.57 341 RES----29 COMM = 1 April 2020 $26,255.68 $4,378.43 $30,634.11 314 RES----26 COMM May 2020 $100,638.25 $24,342.48 $124,980.73 1,371 RES----89 COMM June 2020 $40,365.42 $2,219.18 $42,584.60 460 RES----12 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $231,157.49 or 2,675 customers Current Total Residential - $192,488.08 or 2,516 residential customers r Current Total Commercial - $38,669.41 or 159 commercial customers All data as of June 8, 2020 F�* Yorba Linda later District-5, - Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 r W H L e inquent Water Bills Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $77.31 $0.00 $77.31 2 RES February 2020 $1,182.57 $116.20 $1,298.77 26 RES----3 COMM = March 2020 $20,384.72 $4,406.75 $24,791.47 286 RES----26 COMM April 2020 $21,755.52 $1,516.94 $23,272.46 254 RES----15 COMM - May 2020 $72,364.78 $16,856.13 $89,220.91 958 RES----57 COMM June 2020 $107,318.11 $20,054.59 $127,372.70 1,144 RES----64 COMM Outstanding Balances py i ype Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $266,033.62 or 2,835 customers Current Total Residential - $223,083.01 or 2,670 residential customers r Current Total Commercial - $42,950.61 or 165 commercial customers All data as of June 23, 2020 Yorba Linda later District. - w��-Nmlrm Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 f r " f Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers January 2020 $63.26 $0.00 $63.26 1 REQ----0 COMM February 2020 $439.26 $70.10 $509.36 9 RES----2 COMM March 2020 $7,609.59 $999.66 $8,609.25 111 REb----6 COMM April 2020 $8,785.15 $562.23 $9,347.38 104 RES----6 COMM r May 2020 $31,078.60 $2,272.12 $33,350.72 426 RES----22 COMM June 2020 $71,612.44 $13,459.83 $85,072.27 856 RES----47 COMM J u ly 2020 $80,571.84 $17,527.04 $98,098.88 941 RES----51 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $235,051.12 or 2,582 customers Current Total Residential - $200,160.14 or 2,448 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $34,890.98 or 134 commercial customers All data as of July 13, 2020 4K%v Y _ Yorba Linda%Vater Districting 0e; :7 . y Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 - ` At Trefinquent Water Bill f Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers March 2020 $7,609.59 $999.66 $8,609.25 111 I%LZS----6 COMM April 2020 $8,785.15 $562.23 $9,347.38 104 RES----6 COMM May 2020 $31,078.60 $2,272.12 $33,350.72 426 RES----22 COMM Ir June 2020 $71,612.44 $13,459.83 $85,072.27 856 RES----47 COMM July 2020 $80,571.84 $17,527.04 $98,098.88 941 RES----51 COMM August 2020 $154,226.79 $46,804.00 $201,030.79 1409 RES----55 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type f Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $201,030.79 or 1,464 customers Current Total Residential - $154,226.79 or 1409 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $46,804.00 or 55 commercial customers All data as of August 24, 2020 Y _ Yorba Linda %Vater Districts Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` At4F-w- f Rr r " Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers April 2020 $8,785.15 $562.23 $9,347.38 104 RES----6 COMM May 2020 $31,078.60 $2,272.12 $33,350.72 426 RES----22 COMM June 2020 $71,612.44 $13,459.83 $85,072.27 856 RES----47 COMM July 2020 $80,571.84 $17,527.04 $98,098.88 941 RES----51 COMM E August 2020 $154,226.79 $46,804.00 $201,030.79 1409 RES----55 COMM September 2020 $59,421.74 $2,586.24 $291,500.33 2497 RES----79 COMM Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $291,500.33 or 2,576 customers Current Total Residential - $247,392.95 or 2497 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $44,107.38 or 79 commercial customers All data as of September 8, 2020 4 �jW Y _ Yorba Linda � �%Vater Districtus's Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 - ` At 1 E 6"w Current Delinquent & Late eayAammi l Date Residential Commercial Total August 24, 2020 $221 ,703.91 $60,492.32 $282,196.23 ; September 8, 2020 $247,392.95 $44,107.38 $291 ,500.33 c. r Difference +$25,689.04 -$161384.94 +$9,304.1 Date Residential Commercial Total August 24, 2020 21213 83 21296 F F September 8, 2020 21497 79 2,576 Difference ,! F Yorba Linda F C W.- - W- ater Distri c t � —:ME Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` At4F_W- r es Payments - 27 • • Days ort C ♦ C C Month Cycle Total Bills % Paid 27 Da s r t July 2019 Month 259082 93.3% r. August 2019 Month 259111 92.8% September 2019 Month 25,142 93.3% October 2019 Month 25,186 92.9% November 2019 Month 25,185 93.3% December 2019 Month 25,172 93.8% January 2020 Month 25,214 93.8% r - Y Yorba Linda%Vater Districts*�:,- -. �' W . �1--;i fr y S F,�r_- Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` At4F-W- February 2020 Cycle 1 7,947 94.5% February 2020 Cycle 2 51630 93.9% February 2020 Cycle 3 51889 90.4% Februa 2020 C cle 4 51755 92.0% ii March 2020 Cycle 1 71943 91.4% March 2020 Cycle 2 51623 91.0% March 2020 Cycle 3 5,882 87.9% March 2020 C cle 4 5,749 89.4% ii Y _ y0 rba Linda %Vater District Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` At Historic Payments in 27 Days April 2020 C cle 1 7,933 90.8% April 2020 C cle 2 5,630 91.4% A ril 2020 C cle 3 5,898 91.2% April A ril 2020 C cle 4 5,747 90.7% 2020 Month 25208 91 .0% Ma 2020 C cle 1 7,942 90.5% Ma 2020 C cle 2 5,627 92.0% Ma 2020 C cle 3 5,899May Ma 2020 C cle 4 5,747 90.3% 2020 Month 25215 90.4% IF Y Yorba Linda - --._ %Vater District. ROT,� Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` Ak June 2020 C cle 1 7,940 89.3% June 2020 C cle 2 5,631 91.0% June 2020 C cle 3 5,889 89.0% Historic Payments in 27 Days June 2020 C cle 4 5,740 91.7% June 2020 Month 25,200 90.2% Jul 2020 C cle 1 7,950 90.3% July Jul 2020 C cle 2 5,630 92.4% lul 2020 C cle 3 5,906 89.8% Jul 2020 C cle 4 5,739 91.8% ii � , i r Yorba Linda W- ater Districttt-'� M�Mh Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 - ` At Historic Payments 27 • ys Au ust 2020 C cle 1 7,966 Au ust 2020 C cle 2 5626 90.5% Au ust 2020 C cle 3 5,898August Pendin Au ust 2020 C cle 4 5,745 Pendin ii Month 25,235 Pending Yorba LindaW- -4ter _ DistricVE-- Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ^~� - ITEM 20 0 Soft Collection Calls r Yorba Linda 7iC _b7- -P .ater Disti A-tW -Mons Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` At _ Soft Collection Calls Started with 4 or more COMM Now calling 3 or more RES and COMM Made 667 calls Collected 516 or 77% of calls Total Collected - $ 169 , 131 . 53 Total added to Auto Pay - 114 Yorba Linda IL Water District Item oo.,_ General Managers Report September ,. ,o,e F f f r r f S f F r • r F n f • _ Ire f F r � 1 - RES 1 - COMM 2 - RES 2 - COMM 3 - RES 3 - COMM 4 - RES 4 - COMM 5 - RES 5 - COMM 1 ,135 35 302 12 71 1 30 1 36 0 Total 1 11170 Total 2 314 Total 3 72 Total 4 31 Total f Yorba Linda W- ater Distr -Mon- Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 - -4-9 - ITEM 30 Coronav*irus M *it*igat*ion Efforts r Yorba Linda Water Dista t� . _ s Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 ` At _ 4F-W CITY OF YORBA LINDA • City Hall is open on an appointment only during normal operating hours. • Council Meetings still virtual. • All visitors must wear a mask. • All indoor recreation centers are closed. Some walk-ins permitted • Yorba Linda Community Center is closed. • Yorba Linda Police Services Station is closed to the public. • The Library is currently closed to public but offering curbside service. • Senior Grocery and Lunch programs still continuing on a modified basis. • The Senior Mobility Transportation program resumed August 3, $ 1 for one- way trips, lam- 8pm Daily. • All other senior programs are cancelled. YL i 1 . 1r _ - -- VI► _ _. r _ ;� - - f CITY OF PLACENTIA • City Hall is currently open with precautions in place. Council Meetings still virtual. • Guests are to wear face coverings and practice social distancing. • Police Department Lobby/Front Counter is closed. • All Commission and Committee Meetings are cancelled. • Rental Halls, Picnic Shelters, Playgrounds and Fields are all closed. • The Library is currently closed to public but offering curbside service. YL i 1 . 1rMOM _ - - - - f = f;d . -T fir' COUNTY OF ORANGE • Board of Supervisors meetings open to public with social distance and face coverings. • Hall of Administration Building open. • Old County Courthouse Open. • Courts Open. • All Clerk/Recorder offices open. r • County Admin South Open (Vital records and Fictitious Business). • Most OC Parks and Beaches are open with restrictions. • OC libraries remain closed but offer curbside pickup. • School opening waivers reviewed by County Health Office in consultation with CDPH. YL i 1 . 1r - f OCWD, MWD and MWDOC All offices closed to the public. up— All meetings virtual. . ...........11: 1771W _ A f Yorba Linda t =%Vater District- Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 - r Questions,,-*,. .. , .- Yorba Linda W- ater Districttt-'� Item 10.2. - General Managers Report - September 8, 2020 - ` At