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2020-11-10 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet (B)
AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION In an effort to help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the District will be facilitating participation in this meeting via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. Information for accessing this meeting is provided below. Public comment related to items on this agenda or other matters within the District’s jurisdiction will be facilitated on the teleconference or can be submitted in writing via e-mail to the Board Secretary (bodsecretary@ylwd.com) at least two (2) hours prior to the start of the meeting. If you choose to submit comments via e-mail, please identify the agenda item you wish to address. Your comments will be shared with the Board prior to the meeting. For questions regarding participation please call 714-701-3020. Computer/Mobile Device: https://zoom.us/j/96779459518 Telephone: 669-900-6833 or 346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 967 7945 9518 2.CALL TO ORDER 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.ROLL CALL Phil Hawkins, President Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Brooke Jones, Director J. Wayne Miller, PhD, Director Al Nederhood, Director 5.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or a unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2)) 6.INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1.Elected Official Liaison Reports 6.2.Federal and State Legislative Update 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3) 8.CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. Page 1 of 84 There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests separate consideration. 8.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held September 30, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2.Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.3.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $2,111,531.65. 8.4.Budget to Actual Reports for Month Ending September 30, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for Month Ending September 30, 2020. 8.5.Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2020. 8.6.Proclamations Related to Prior Existence of Local Emergency Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify the proclamations issued by General Manager Brett R. Barbre declaring and terminating the existence of a local emergency related to the wildfire event beginning October 26, 2020. 8.7.Terms and Conditions for Water Services with Penske Automotive Group, 1275 E Yorba Linda Blvd, Job No. 202017 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Services with Penske Automotive Group, 1275 E Yorba Linda Blvd, Job No. 202017. 8.8.Second Amendment to Agreement with North County BRS, LLC for Cielo Vista Development Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Second Amendment to the August 1, 2018 Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and North County BRS, LLC for the Cielo Vista Development Project, conditioned on the Property Owners' signatures to the Second Amendment within 30 days of this approval. 9.ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board or Committee discussions are needed prior to formal action. 9.1.Adjusting Certain Water Rates and Implementing Monthly Per and Poly- fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Impact Fee Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX adjusting certain water rates effective January 1, 2021, implementing a monthly per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) impact fee effective January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, and rescinding Resolution No. 2020-09. 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action Page 2 of 84 of the Board or Committee at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 10.1.MWDOC Request for Allen-McColloch Pipeline (AMP) Participants, Including the District, to Execute a Common Interest Agreement Regarding the AMP Sale Agreement to Metropolitan Water District 10.2.Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) 10.3.Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts 11.REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1.Director's Reports 11.2.General Manager's Report 11.3.General Counsel's Report 11.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 12.COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, November 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 12.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Hawkins/Hall) Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 13.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1.Meetings from November 11 - December 31, 2020 14.ADJOURNMENT 14.1.A Board Workshop Meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, December 8, 2020. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Prior to the Governor’s ‘Stay-at-Home’ Executive Orders regarding COVID-19, non-exempt materials related to open session agenda items that were distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors or Committee Members less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting were made available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s Administrative building during regular business hours and posted on the District’s website shortly thereafter (GC 54957.5). As the District’s lobby has been closed to the public in accordance with the Governor’s Page 3 of 84 Executive Orders and to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, staff will make these materials available on the District’s website (https://ylwd.com/) as soon as possible following receipt. Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020 at least 24 hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 4 of 84 ITEM NO. 8.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held September 30, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held September 30, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 4:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. Director Nederhood provided an invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Nederhood led the pledge. 4. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Mgr Al Nederhood Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Alison Martin, Public Affairs Manager Annie Alexander, Sr Exec Asst/Board Secretary Kaden Young, Sr Management Analyst Veronica Ortega, Executive Assistant ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 6 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held September 30, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 2 2020-XXX 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mark Monin, President for El Toro Water District (ETWD), spoke regarding his candidacy for the position of president in Independent Special Districts of Orange County’s (ISDOC) upcoming election of officers. Director Nederhood spoke in favor of supporting ETWD President Monin’s candidacy for ISDOC president. 6. ACTION CALENDAR 6.1.Task Order for Design of Timber Ridge Booster Station Rehabilitation Project Staff reviewed the original scope of the project and proposed modification to include construction of a new booster pump station adjacent to the existing station. Staff also reviewed the updated budget for the project. Discussion regarding various aspects of the project followed. Director Miller made a motion, seconded by Director Nederhood, to approve a task order for design of the Timber Ridge Booster Pump Station Rehabilitation Project to Tetra Tech under the Professional Services Agreement for on-call professional engineering services awarded on January 14, 2020. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 6.2.2020 Water and Wastewater Rate Study Sanjay Gaur, Vice President of Raftelis and Project Manager, reviewed the study objectives, project scope and schedule, legal requirements, financial policies including reserves, and next steps. Discussion touched on the proposed contingency reserve to cover increased expenses should the District have to transition to 100% import water supply and progressively funding this reserve over time. Vice President Hall disconnected from the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Discussion also touched on parameters to be included in the rate model, qualified pass-through expenses, potential collection of capital improvement project expenses on the county’s property tax roll, and proposed development of a drought rate structure based stages in the District’s Urban Water Management Plan. Page 7 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held September 30, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 3 2020-XXX Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Miller, to authorize the Finance Manager to issue a Notice to Proceed with Raftelis Consultants, Inc. to initiate the 5-Year Water and Wastewater Rate Study. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 on a roll call vote with Director Hall being absent. 7. CLOSED SESSION The Board entered Closed Session at 6:17 p.m. 7.1.Conference with Real Property Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code Property: APNs 352-181-12 Agency Negotiators: Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Negotiating Parties: That and Qui Dang Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment The Board returned to open session at 6:26 p.m. General Counsel Gagen announced that the Board took no reportable action during Closed Session. 8. ADJOURNMENT 8.1.The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 8 of 84 ITEM NO. 8.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Nederhood led the pledge and provided an invocation. 4. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Andrew J. Hall, Vice President Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Mgr Al Nederhood Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Alison Martin, Public Affairs Manager Annie Alexander, Sr Exec Asst/Board Secretary Kaden Young, Sr Management Analyst Veronica Ortega, Executive Assistant ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. Page 10 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 2 2020-XXX 6. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 6.1.Elected Official Liaison Reports Yorba Linda Mayor Pro Tem Gene Hernandez commented on the status of the City’s new library and cultural arts center. 6.2.Federal and State Legislative Update Staff briefed the Board on the status of pending legislation including AB 2560 and SB 1386, and the state’s new health equity metric to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 amongst populations who have been disproportionately impacted. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Jones requested to remove Item No. 8.4. from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 8.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held September 8, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as corrected. 8.2.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $4,208,246.74. 8.3.Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending August 31, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending August 31, 2020. Page 11 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 3 2020-XXX 8.5.Social Media Comment Policy Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve this policy as presented and direct staff to post it on all YLWD social media outlets. 8.6.Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Multiple Participants on Sandra Drive, Yorba Linda, Job No. 2020-55S Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with multiple participants on Sandra Drive, Yorba Linda, Job No. 2020-55S. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION 8.4.Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending August 31, 2020 Staff responded to questions from the Board regarding alternative investment options that may yield higher interest. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending August 31, 2020. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 9. ACTION CALENDAR 9.1.Election of Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Officers Director Nederhood spoke in favor of supporting Mark Monin, President of El Toro Water District (ETWD), for the position of president in this election. Director Jones agreed with Director Nederhood’s comments. Director Nederhood made motion, seconded by Director Hall, instructing the President to cast the District’s ballot in this election. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 9.2.Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 Kassie Radermacher, Partner for White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP, reviewed the report on the financial statements, the auditors’ unmodified opinion, report on internal controls, and communication to those in governance letter. Staff and Ms. Radermacher then responded to related questions from the Board. Page 12 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 4 2020-XXX Director Hall made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to receive and file the Yorba Linda Water District Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020, the report in Internal Control, and the Communications to Those in Governance Letter. Motion carried 5-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 10. ADJOURN TO YORBA LINDA FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING A recess was declared at 7:09 p.m. to conduct the Financing Authority meeting. The Board meeting reconvened at 7:11 p.m. 11. DISCUSSION ITEMS 11.1.Status of Engineering Activities Staff reviewed the status of various construction projects and update of the District’s Urban Water Management Plan. 11.2.Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Staff briefed the Board on the status of design and construction of the PFAS removal water treatment plant. 11.3.Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts This topic was covered during the General Manager’s report. 12. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 12.1.Directors' Reports A list of meetings and events attended was included in the agenda packet. 12.2.General Manager's Report General Manager Barbre asked each of the managers to report on activities within their respective departments. Mr. Barbre then reported on the status of late bill payments and soft collections, and where other local agencies stood in regard to reopening their business offices and Council/Board meetings to in-person interaction. 12.3.General Counsel’s Report None. Page 13 of 84 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 5 2020-XXX 12.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Miller requested an item on a future agenda to receive a security briefing from the General Manager. General Manager Barbre indicated that a presentation regarding this topic would be provided to the Board at the beginning of the next calendar year. 13. COMMITTEE REPORTS 13.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Hawkins/Nederhood) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, November 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 13.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Hawkins/Jones) Next meeting is scheduled Monday, October 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 13.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Jones/Hawkins) Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. 14. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 14.1.Meetings from October 14 – November 30, 2020 The Board made no changes to the activity calendar. General Manager Barbre invited the Board to attend a press conference for the Marc Marcantonio Heli-hydrant on Tuesday, October 27, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. He noted that if the Board desired to attend, they might consider changing the time of the workshop meeting scheduled at 8:30 a.m. the same day to a later time. He also indicated that staff was not aware of a need to conduct the workshop meeting at this time. 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1.The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 14 of 84 ITEM NO. 8.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Paige Appel, Accounting Assistant II SUBJECT:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $2,111,531.65. BACKGROUND: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. The items on this disbursement list include: a wire of $428,771.99 to MWDOC for August 2020 water purchases; a wire of $108,726.16 to So. California Edison for September 2020 electricity charges at multiple locations; a wire of $568.00 to Switch for the remote data hosting co-location; a wire of $49,177.55 to So. California Gas Co. for September 2020 gas charges at multiple locations; a check of $148,064.83 to ACWA/JPIA for November 2020 medical and dental premiums and workers compensation; a check for $72,525.68 to Aqua- Metric Sales Co. for J19-52 meter replacement program; and a check for $51,690.00 to Zetroc Electric LLC for services and material J19-57 Elk Mountain. Additional disbursements include a check of $66,724.28 to Aqua-Metric Sales Co. for J19-52 meter replacement program and a check to Anaheim Public Utilities of $75,061.93 for September 2020 electrical charges at various locations. The balance of $496,472.03 are routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $1,497,782.45, Payroll No. 20 total is $298,286.40, and Payroll No. 21 is $315,462.80; where disbursements for this agenda report total is $2,111,531.65. A summary of the disbursements is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approve bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. Page 15 of 84 ATTACHMENTS: 1.CapSheet 11-10-20 2.Check Register 10-27-20 3.Credit Card 10-27-20 4.BOD Credit Card 10-27-20 5.Check Register 11-10-20 Page 16 of 84 Summary of Disbursements November 10, 2020 CHECK NUMBERS: 10/27/20 Computer Checks 76944 - 77026 $ 554,027.50 11/10/20 Computer Checks 77027 - 77096 $ 356,511.25 $ 910,538.75 WIRES: W101520 Municipal Water District $ 428,771.99 W101420A Southern Calif Edison Co. $ 108,726.16 W101520A Switch Ltd $ 568.00 W101420 Southern Calif Gas Co. $ 49,177.55 $ 587,243.70 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 1,497,782.45 PAYROLL NO. 20: Direct Deposits $ 183,496.71 Payroll Taxes $ 50,605.81 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #20 $ 44,410.66 Third Party Checks 7445—7449 $ 19,773.22 $ 298,286.40 PAYROLL NO. 21: Direct Deposits $ 195,828.65 Payroll Taxes $ 50,681.23 EFT – CalPERS Payroll #21 $ 45,432.81 Third Party Checks 7450—7458 $ 23,520.11 $ 315,462.80 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 613,749.20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 2,111,531.65 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2020 ==================================================================. Page 17 of 84 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 76944 10/27/2020 VALERIE TRAHANOVSKYY 1,500.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 76945 10/27/2020 PULTE HOMES 838.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 76946 10/27/2020 RICHARD FURTON 90.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 76947 10/27/2020 GE QU 97.38 CUSTOMER REFUND 76948 10/27/2020 CINDY GOLDSMITH 104.89 CUSTOMER REFUND 76949 10/27/2020 ELMA LOPEZ 46.92 CUSTOMER REFUND 76950 10/27/2020 PATRICIA M FARMER 65.31 CUSTOMER REFUND 76951 10/27/2020 JAE HYUN SONG 283.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 76952 10/27/2020 MARILYN FLORES 19.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 76953 10/27/2020 SUNG SUP CHOI 112.82 CUSTOMER REFUND 76954 10/27/2020 SHEA HOMES, LP 3,007.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 76955 10/27/2020 T & T MARKETING CONCEPTS CORP 22.10 CUSTOMER REFUND 76956 10/27/2020 TLG PAVING CO 1,553.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 76957 10/27/2020 MICHAEL BINDER 31.06 CUSTOMER REFUND 76958 10/27/2020 TOTAL STORAGE 1,725.40 CUSTOMER REFUND 76959 10/27/2020 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1,826.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 76960 10/27/2020 ACWA/JPIA 148,064.83 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM - NOVEMBER 2020 & WORKERS COMP 76961 10/27/2020 Al Nederhood 302.46 TRAVEL EXPENSE-ACWA CONFERENCE 76962 10/27/2020 Annie Alexander 147.05 OFFICE & DISTRICT SUPPLIES 76963 10/27/2020 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 72,525.68 OPERATIONS - METER REPLACEMENT 76964 10/27/2020 Aramark 528.82 UNIFORM SERVICE 76965 10/27/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 1,449.79 ATT CALNET 76966 10/27/2020 A & Y Asphalt Contractors Inc. 24,533.00 J19-57 PAVING WORK - ELK MOUNTAIN 76967 10/27/2020 BASE HILL INC. (JAN POINT) 4,712.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 76968 10/27/2020 Backflow Apparatus & Valve Co., Inc 1,338.27 BACKFLOW KITS 76969 10/27/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc. 6,727.01 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 76970 10/27/2020 CalCard US Bank 31,759.13 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - AUGUST 2020 76971 10/27/2020 Carlos Murillo 60.00 T2 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT-MURILLO, C 76972 10/27/2020 Carollo Engineers 2,627.00 J20-38 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - AUGUST 2020 76973 10/27/2020 CDW Government, Inc 15,909.64 VMWARE SUPPORT & SUBCRIPTION 76974 10/27/2020 CERTAPRO PAINTERS OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 16,500.00 J19-57 PAINTING WORK - ELK MOUNTAIN 76975 10/27/2020 City Of Placentia 8,433.86 SEWER COLLECTIONS - AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2020 76976 10/27/2020 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 2,050.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK 76977 10/27/2020 Culligan of Santa Ana 3,718.00 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 76978 10/27/2020 De Nora Water Technologies, Inc 1,408.92 CL2 SYSTEM PARTS 76979 10/27/2020 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 5,700.00 J20-24 ANNUAL AUDIT FY19/20 76980 10/27/2020 Doane and Hartwig Water Systems, Inc. 1,868.94 CL2 SYSTEM PARTS 76981 10/27/2020 Dean Criske Trucking 766.34 ROAD MATERIAL 76982 10/27/2020 Elite Equipment Inc 3,008.88 EQUIPMENT - WATER MAINTENANCE 76983 10/27/2020 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. 2,516.00 WATER QUALITY TESTING 76984 10/27/2020 Factory Motor Parts 638.45 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE & PARTS 76985 10/27/2020 Fluid Conservation Systems 280.00 CABLE FOR LEAK DETECTION EQUIPMENT 76986 10/27/2020 EyeMed 2,852.87 EYEMED PREMIUM - SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2020 76987 10/27/2020 Fieldman Rolapp & Associates 2,979.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 76988 10/27/2020 Fuller Truck Accessories 3,451.58 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #221 76989 10/27/2020 Grainger 1,954.65 PRODUCTION PARTS 76990 10/27/2020 Haaker Equipment Co. 837.96 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #210, #197 76991 10/27/2020 Hashtag Pinpoint 4,667.00 PA VIDEO PRODUCTION - OCTOBER 2020 76992 10/27/2020 Infosend Inc. 4,215.77 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 76993 10/27/2020 JEFF HARRIS 110.71 UNIFORM EXPENSE 76994 10/27/2020 KB Design 3,555.21 OPERATIONS - YLWD T-SHIRTS 76995 10/27/2020 Kenny Graff 140.08 SAFETY BOOTS 76996 10/27/2020 Kidman Gagen Law 24,085.65 LEGAL SERVICES - SEPTEMBER 2020 76997 10/27/2020 Managed Health Network 168.75 EAP - OCTOBER 2020 76998 10/27/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 123.71 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 76999 10/27/2020 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 695.20 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 77000 10/27/2020 NatPay Online Business Solutions 26.01 DOCULIVERY - SEPTEMBER 2020 77001 10/27/2020 New Pig Corporation 484.85 ABSORBENT MAT - SAFETY EQUIPMENT 77002 10/27/2020 NextRequest Co. 5,775.00 ANNUAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT 2020/2021 For Checks Dated: 10/14/2020 thru 10/27/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 18 of 84 77003 10/27/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 16,098.72 FUEL 8/16-9/30 77004 10/27/2020 County of Orange 5.00 ADMIN FEE-CARD REPLACEMENT 77005 10/27/2020 Placentia Chamber Of Commerce 570.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE 77006 10/27/2020 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1,397.75 ROAD MATERIAL 77007 10/27/2020 Pumping Solutions Inc 1,232.70 PARTS FOR CL2 SYSTEM 77008 10/27/2020 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC 151.96 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 77009 10/27/2020 RACHEL PADILLA 309.37 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION-WATER PROFESSIONAL WEEK 77010 10/27/2020 Resource Computer Solutions 12,675.72 J20-48 FIREWALL REPLACEMENT 77011 10/27/2020 RKI Engineering, LLC 2,800.00 J19-13 SCADA RADIO INTEGRATION & SUPPORT 77012 10/27/2020 Robertson's 1,831.75 J19-57 CONCRETE FOR ELK MOUNTAIN 77013 10/27/2020 R & S Overhead Doors of So-Cal, Inc 9,925.00 J19-57 NEW GATE INSTALL & REPAIR 77014 10/27/2020 South Coast AQMD 2,241.50 EMISSIONS FEE & AQMD PERMIT 77015 10/27/2020 Southwest Valve 5,849.00 PRODUCTION PARTS - VALVES 77016 10/27/2020 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 80.56 REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH ACCOUNT 77017 10/27/2020 Step Saver Inc 470.65 SALT FOR CL2 SYSTEM 77018 10/27/2020 Sunrise Medical Group 1,540.00 EMPLOYEE MEDICAL PHYSICAL 77019 10/27/2020 The New York Blower Company 1,585.05 COMPACT BLOWER FOR CL2 SYSTEM 77020 10/27/2020 TruckPro LLC 2,873.71 PTO FOR UNIT# 229 77021 10/27/2020 Underground Service Alert 416.20 NEW TICKET CHARGES & CA STATE FEE 77022 10/27/2020 United Water Works, Inc. 6,971.49 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 77023 10/27/2020 WIENHOFF DRUG TESTING 225.00 DER TRAINING - HR DEPARTMENT 77024 10/27/2020 Yorba Linda Chamber 2,500.00 YORBA LINDA STATE OF CITY - SPONSOR 77025 10/27/2020 Zetroc Electric LLC 51,690.00 J19-57 - MATERIAL FOR ELK MOUNTAIN 77026 10/27/2020 Delta Wye Electric, Inc. 5,563.00 J20-14 ELECTRICAL WORK W101420 10/14/2020 Southern Calif Gas Co. 49,177.55 GAS CHARGES - SEPTEMBER 2020 VARIOUS LOCATIONS W101420A 10/14/2020 Southern Calif Edison Co. 108,726.16 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - SEPTEMBER 2020 VARIOUS LOCATIONS W101520 10/15/2020 Municipal Water District 428,771.99 WATER DELIVERIES - AUGUST 2020 W101520A 10/15/2020 Switch Ltd 568.00 DATA HOSTING CO-LOCATION 1,141,271.20 10/01/2020 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 183,496.71 10/01/2020 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 50,605.81 10/01/2020 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 44,410.66 7445 10/01/2020 Colonial Life & Accident 112.13 7446 10/01/2020 Lincoln Financial Group 4,324.12 7447 10/01/2020 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 14,585.13 7448 10/01/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7449 10/01/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 384.92 298,286.40 Payroll Checks #20 Page 19 of 84 Vendor Name Amount Description City Clerks Association of California 25.00 REGISTRATION CCAC WEBINAR-ORTEGA, V Home Depot 91.57 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-BOOM LIFT CSDA 100.00 CSDA GOVERNANCE MODULE-BARBRE, B Pull Tarps Mfg 115.28 UPPER ELBOWS-TRUCK TARPS AWWA 195.00 REGISTRATION-AWWA VIDEO CONFERENCE JONES, B Home Depot 238.63 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES Home Depot 300.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-BOOM LIFT Alternative Hose Inc.315.94 HOSE ASSEMBLY FOR UNIT#168 Answer One Communications 474.55 AFTER HOURS PHONE SERVICE Home Depot 27.99 MATERIAL FOR CL2 SYSTEM Sprout Social 84.15 SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULER Red Wing Shoes 228.42 SAFETY BOOTS-MALDONADO, R Government Finance Officers 500.00 GFOA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP-LUGO, D Verizon Wireless 4,106.42 VERIZON WIRELESS - 6/21-7/20 Farmer Boys 62.55 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (5 EMPLOYEES) Tlaquepaque Restaurant 306.45 LUNCH MEETING-11 ATTEND GovernmentJobs.com Inc. DBA NEOGOV 3,785.44 SUBCRIPTION RENEWAL-NEOGOV INSIGHT Carl's Jr Restaurant 23.14 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (2 EMPLOYEES) Traffic Safety Store 104.79 OPERATIONS-CONE BARS Home Depot 162.26 HARDWARE SUPPLIES - FACILITIES IN-N-OUT RESTAURANTS 29.74 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Amazon.com 183.28 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Cafe Rio 44.89 LUNCH MEETING - 3 ATTEND Schorr Metals, Inc.60.95 LIGHT TOWER SUPPLIES-UNIT#229 Amazon.com 13.60 CLEAR LABELS-HARD HATS Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 19.93 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES Home Depot 29.04 HARDWARE SUPPLIES - FACILITIES Fullerton Paint & Flooring 76.16 OPERATIONS-MARKING CHALK Monoprice Inc 86.28 COMPUTER SUPPLIES-HDMI CABLES Home Depot 93.32 DOOR REPAIR-VALLEY & LAKEVIEW Miller Management & Consulting Group 206.00 REGISTRATION MMC ACADEMY-ALEXANDER A Alternative Hose Inc.626.05 HOSE ASSEMBLY FOR UNIT#15 FTP Today 1,242.00 FTP DATA SERVICES GovernmentJobs.com Inc. DBA NEOGOV 2,211.17 SUBCRIPTION RENEWAL-NEOGOV ONBOARD Schorr Metals, Inc.16.33 PUMP REPAIR SUPPLIES-UNIT#229 Home Depot 29.00 HARDWARE SUPPLIES - FACILITIES Amazon.com 63.04 COMPUTER SUPPLIES Home Depot 64.62 HARDWARE SUPPLIES - FACILITIES ZOOM 69.98 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION B & M Lawn and Garden Inc 133.35 PORTABLE GENERATOR REPAIR E-119 Home Depot (292.02) RETURN-TANKLESS WATER HEATER Staples 25.83 OFFICE SUPPLIES NPELRA 195.00 NPELRA MEMEBERSHIP-KNIGHT, G Reunion Kitchen & Drink 219.79 LUNCH MEETING- 9 ATTEND Red Wing Shoes 247.81 SAFETY BOOTS-MARTINEZ, J NPELRA 299.00 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE WEBINAR-KNIGHT, G Home Depot (32.22) RETURN HARDWARE SUPPLIES - FACILITIES Adobe 52.99 SOFTWARE LICENSE Amazon.com 132.48 2018 INTERNATION BUILDING CODE BOOK 27-Oct-20 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Page 20 of 84 Amazon.com 31.53 COMPUTER SUPPLIES Amazon.com 79.60 BUILDING REPAIRS-DOOR SWEEPS Amazon.com 20.60 COMPUTER SUPPLIES Pull Tarps Mfg 115.28 KIT UPPER ELBOWS-TRUCK TARPS Americoat Powder Coating 122.40 MECHANIC SHOP-POWDER COAT Farmer Boys 18.19 LUNCH MEETING-2 ATTEND RMJ Technologies 192.87 GPS UNIT FOR UNIT#228 FASTSIGNS 228.97 ADA COMPLIANT ROOL SIGN Home Depot 271.96 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT-SEWER WORK ARMA International (400.00) RETURN ARMA CONFERENCE-ARAMBARRI, T Amazon.com 22.29 OPERATIONS - TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Home Depot 45.50 HARDWARE SUPPLIES - FACILITIES CROWN CLEANERS 50.00 LINEN CLEANING FOR EMERGENCY QUARTERS A & R Floor Supply 52.80 WALL REPAIR-BASE MOLDING Amazon.com 59.70 BUILDING REPAIRS-DOOR SWEEPS KB Design 60.88 EMBROIDERY-JACKET, SHIRT, POLO Michaels Arts & Crafts, Brea #2111 64.62 OFFICE SUPPLIES-PICTURE FRAMES Home Depot 102.86 TOOLS FOR CAMERA CABLE REPAIR NPELRA 149.00 COVID ADA DISABILITY WEBINAR-KNIGHT, G Amazon.com 1,045.09 OPERATIONS - TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Harrington Industrial 34.91 MATERIAL-RESERVOIR MAINTENANCE Farmer Boys 42.62 LUNCH MEETING - 3 ATTEND CVS Pharmacy 107.73 SAFETY EQUIPMENT-NON-CONTACT THERMOMETERS Amazon.com 108.74 EMPLOYEE SERVICE RECOGNITION Paramount Sales Group 641.00 OPERATIONS-COOLING NECK GAITERS Chick-fil-A 25.58 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (3 EMPLOYEES) Real Tacoz 57.74 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (5 EMPLOYEES) Inverter Supply 609.98 OPERATIONS-BATTERY CHARGERS GSE 76 12.63 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (2 EMPLOYEES) ExxonMobil 16.44 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Chick-fil-A 25.58 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (3 EMPLOYEES) Farmer Boys 30.13 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (3 EMPLOYEES) Tom's Place 69.78 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (6 EMPLOYEES) deRose Promos 660.62 OFFICE SUPPLIES-CARD HOLDERS & BADGES Amazon.com 59.70 BUILDING REPAIRS-DOOR SWEEPS EL CANTARITO RESTAURANT 220.66 LUNCH MEETING-10 ATTEND BACKGROUNDS ONLINE 115.50 METER READER I BACKGROUND CHECK Prezi.com 180.00 ANNUAL-PRESENTATION SOFTWARE Urban Water Institute 25.00 REGISTRATION UWI WEBINAR-NEDERHOOD, A BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENNEERS & LAND SURVEYORS116.00 CA PE LICENSE RENEWAL-AFSHAR, R TrucParCo 646.28 STRIP LIGHT FOR UNIT #231 Helm Inc 899.00 FORD DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE - 1 YEAR Urban Water Institute 25.00 REGISTRATION-UWI WEBINAR HAWKINS, P Home Depot 40.86 LANDSCAPE REPAIR WORK Orange County Water Assn.70.00 OCWA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP-NEDERHOOD, A Home Depot 224.72 SOD FOR REPAIR WORK Jersey Mike's 39.42 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (3 EMPLOYEES) Farmer Boys 45.74 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Amazon.com 108.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES Time Warner Cable 218.47 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Time Warner Cable 2,028.51 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Walmart 241.61 OFFICE CHAIR Harbor Freight Tools 22.59 TOOLS FOR VALVES TRUCKS Urban Water Institute 25.00 REGISTRATION-UWI WEBINAR JONES, B Page 21 of 84 R.E. Michel Company, LLC 102.05 MATERIAL FOR A/C REPAIRS Republic Services #676 598.51 DISPOSAL SERVICE Brown and Caldwell (200.00) RETURN FOR METER READER I ADVERTISEMENT Home Depot 168.09 HARDWARE SUPPLIES - FACILITIES State of CA - Board of Equalization 479.50 2019 USE TAX PAYMENT (2.3%) Amazon.com 19.38 COMPUTER SUPPLIES SPIN POKE & GRILL 51.02 LUNCH MEETING - 5 ATTEND Duke's Cafe 214.23 INFRASTRUCTURE TOUR LUNCH MEETING-12 ATTENDED Government Tax Seminar, LLC 395.00 GOVERNMENT TAX SEMINAR-MCCANN, K Costco 242.44 J20-13 FACE COVERINGS & SUPPLIES Home Depot 389.41 J20-18 FIRE HARDENING-CAMINO Republic Services #676 598.51 DISPOSAL SERVICE ONLINE Information Services, Inc.657.45 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION - AUGUST 2020 Time Warner Cable 866.01 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Costco 52.16 FACE COVERINGS & BREAKROOM SUPPLIES ARMA International (400.00) RETURN ARMA CONFERENCE-ARAMBARRI, T 31,759.13 Page 22 of 84 BOD Vendor Name Document Amount Description Brooke Jones Urban Water Institute 25.00 REGISTRATION-UWI WEBINAR JONES, B Brooke Jones AWWA 195.00 REGISTRATION-AWWA VIDEO CONFERENCE JONES, B Phil Hawkins Urban Water Institute 25.00 REGISTRATION-UWI WEBINAR HAWKINS, P 27-Oct-20 Cal Card Credit Card Board of Directors Page 23 of 84 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 77027 11/10/2020 DONALD STINSON 27.96 CUSTOMER REFUND 77028 11/10/2020 PATRICIA LUND 303.86 CUSTOMER REFUND 77029 11/10/2020 JOHN SCHRADER 580.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 77030 11/10/2020 TONY KIM 53.79 CUSTOMER REFUND 77031 11/10/2020 JAMES BITTNER 37.89 CUSTOMER REFUND 77032 11/10/2020 CAL ATLANTIC HOMES 848.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 77033 11/10/2020 DAVID K SHAY 104.22 CUSTOMER REFUND 77034 11/10/2020 JOHN D GARCIA 17.52 CUSTOMER REFUND 77035 11/10/2020 HVI CAT CANYON INC 1,226.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 77036 11/10/2020 SARGOON KORIEL 32.77 CUSTOMER REFUND 77037 11/10/2020 STEVEN HONG 30.66 CUSTOMER REFUND 77038 11/10/2020 EMAD RAYYAN 188.03 CUSTOMER REFUND 77039 11/10/2020 STANDARD PROSPERITY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 413.36 CUSTOMER REFUND 77040 11/10/2020 REDFINNOW 299.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 77041 11/10/2020 MISSION PAVING & SEALING INC.1,896.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 77042 11/10/2020 ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 24,245.00 2021 ANNUAL AGENCY DUES 77043 11/10/2020 AIRGAS INC 300.90 WELDING SUPPLIES 77044 11/10/2020 All County Environmental & Restoration Inc.7,880.00 PARTS FOR UNIT#234,231,229,233 77045 11/10/2020 Alternative Hose Inc.763.92 VARIOUS HOSE FOR VEHICLES 77046 11/10/2020 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.66,724.28 OPERATIONS - METER REPLACEMENT 77047 11/10/2020 Aramark 673.35 UNIFORM SERVICE 77048 11/10/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 2,791.77 ATT CALNET 77049 11/10/2020 A & Y Asphalt Contractors Inc.39,603.00 J19-57 PAVING & POWER CLEAN WORK - ELK MOUNTAIN 77050 11/10/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.6,510.48 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 77051 11/10/2020 Carollo Engineers 7,941.75 J20-38 & J09-11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - SEPTEMBER 2020 77052 11/10/2020 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 75,061.93 ELECTRICAL CHARGES SEPTEMBER 2020 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 77053 11/10/2020 Coastline Equipment 69.71 OPERATIONS - FUEL PUMP FOR BACKHOE 77054 11/10/2020 CSDA 7,805.00 2021 CSDA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 77055 11/10/2020 DICKSON 437.57 OPERATIONS - CALIBRATION OF DATA LOGGERS 77056 11/10/2020 Dion & Sons, Inc.8,587.93 STATIONARY ENGINE OIL 77057 11/10/2020 Discount Tire Centers (Andonian Enterprises Inc.)935.81 TIRES FOR UNIT#219 77058 11/10/2020 Dean Criske Trucking 763.67 ROAD MATERIAL 77059 11/10/2020 Elite Equipment Inc 542.51 OPERATIONS - REPAIR OF CUT-OFF SAW 77060 11/10/2020 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 2,650.00 ICE TESTING - WELL 7 77061 11/10/2020 Enkay Engineering & Equipment Inc 900.00 DISPOSAL SERVICE 77062 11/10/2020 Factory Motor Parts 150.23 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES & VEHICLE PARTS 77063 11/10/2020 FedEx Office 11.61 SHIPPING EXPENSE 77064 11/10/2020 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 975.90 PAINTING SUPPLIES 77065 11/10/2020 Golden Bell Products 3,724.00 PEST CONTROL 77066 11/10/2020 Grainger 498.82 SCADA POWER SUPPLY & MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 77067 11/10/2020 Haaker Equipment Co.14,145.22 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #210, SEWER TRUCK 77068 11/10/2020 Industrial Hearing 1,440.00 HEARING TEST FOR STAFF 77069 11/10/2020 Infosend Inc.5,662.50 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 77070 11/10/2020 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 93.37 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES & PARTS FOR UNIT #229 77071 11/10/2020 Jani-King of California Inc.2,160.00 J20-13 COMMERCIAL CLEANING 77072 11/10/2020 Light Bulbs Etc 499.62 FACILITIES SUPPLIES 77073 11/10/2020 Marie Pagenkopp 400.00 REIMBURSEMENT FOR BUSINESS EXPENSE 77074 11/10/2020 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 113.44 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 77075 11/10/2020 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.855.61 PRODUCTION PARTS - WELL 7 & SCADA REPAIR 77076 11/10/2020 MCR Technologies Inc.1,050.32 PRODUCTION PARTS - WELL 20 & 21 77077 11/10/2020 MedPost Urgent Care 1,040.00 EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 77078 11/10/2020 MICHAEL FRAUENTHAL & ASSOCIATES INC 2,750.00 J20-54 LAND APPRAISAL SERVICES - ATLANTIC 77079 11/10/2020 Murcal, Inc.789.90 PRODUCTION PARTS - WELL 1 77080 11/10/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 4,270.39 FUEL 10/1-10/15 77081 11/10/2020 Pete's Road Service Inc 2,272.72 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - UNIT #197 77082 11/10/2020 Psomas & Associates 2,370.00 J20-16S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8/21-9/24 77083 11/10/2020 Quinn Company 2,760.47 STATIONARY ENGINE MAINTENANCE & PARTS For Checks Dated: 10/28/2020 thru 11/10/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 24 of 84 77084 11/10/2020 Resource Computer Solutions 14,058.50 IT CONSULTING 10/15-11/14 77085 11/10/2020 Robyn Hollinshead 950.00 J20-15 BUSINESS REIMBURSEMENT 77086 11/10/2020 Safelite Autoglass 395.34 VEHICLE REPAIR UNIT #208 77087 11/10/2020 Shred Confidential, Inc.63.00 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE 77088 11/10/2020 Source 1 Environmental 4,504.50 OPERATIONS - SEWER PIPE PATCH KITS 77089 11/10/2020 Southern California Water Coalition 1,000.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 7/20-6/21 77090 11/10/2020 Step Saver Inc 2,952.44 SALT FOR CL2 SYSTEM 77091 11/10/2020 Toxguard Fluid Technologies 818.75 DISPOSAL SERVICE 77092 11/10/2020 Uline 229.61 RECYCLE SERVICE 77093 11/10/2020 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 4,473.05 LIFE,AD&D,STD<D-NOVEMBER 2020 77094 11/10/2020 USA Blue Book 230.82 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 77095 11/10/2020 United Water Works, Inc.17,150.65 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 77096 11/20/2020 Irma Munguia 400.00 J20-15 BUSINESS REIMBURSEMENT 356,511.25 10/15/2020 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 195,828.65 10/15/2020 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 50,681.23 10/15/2020 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 45,432.81 7450 10/15/2020 Colonial Life & Accident 112.13 7451 10/15/2020 Lincoln Financial Group 4,324.12 7452 10/15/2020 Nationwide Retirement Solutions 14,527.47 7453 10/15/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 366.92 7454 10/15/2020 California State Disbursement Unit 384.92 7455 10/15/2020 Allstate 1,384.10 7456 10/15/2020 Midland 200.00 7457 10/15/2020 Reliance 66.61 7458 10/15/2020 Ameritas 2,153.84 315,462.80 Payroll Checks #21 Page 25 of 84 ITEM NO. 8.4. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Budget to Actual Reports for Month Ending September 30, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending September 30, 2020. BACKGROUND: For the month-ending September 30, 2020, staff is presenting Budget to Actual Reports for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the month ending September 30, 2020, reflects an average increase of 10.17% as compared to the prior year for the same reporting period. Residential customer connections have the highest increase in consumption sales of 14.58% as compared to reported results from the prior year. Total Variable Costs results, as reported through the month ending September 30, 2020, reflect a 2.50% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The decrease in costs is predominantly reflective of the increase in groundwater water usage, which as reported, is at 81.8% of total water usage. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B – Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Financial Statements and Graphs September 2020 Page 26 of 84 FY21 Annual Budget YTD Actuals thru September 2020 YTD % of Budget Water Revenue (Residential)15,424,507$ 5,564,085$ 36.07% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,889,796 499,933 26.45% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,704,520 1,493,607 40.32% Service Charges 11,560,123 2,817,411 24.37% Other Operating Revenue 1,812,269 191,917 10.59% Total Operating Revenue 34,391,215 10,566,953 30.73% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 600,000 22,992 3.83% Property Taxes 1,950,000 33,111 1.70% Other Non-Operating Revenue 601,646 189,543 31.50% Total Non-Operating Revenue 3,151,646 245,646 7.79% Total Revenue 37,542,861$ 10,812,599$ 28.80% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water-Related Costs 16,035,929$ 3,760,472$ 23.45% Fixed Costs 1,182,773 176,773 14.95% Power-Related Costs 1,222,191 537,439 43.97% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 18,440,894 4,474,684 24.27% Salary Related Expenses 10,620,399 1,923,279 18.11% Reduction for Capital Project Labor (463,752) (64,628) 13.94% Salary Related Expenses Total 10,156,647 1,858,651 18.30% Supplies & Services Communications 205,891 22,582 10.97% Contractual Services 466,976 93,515 20.03% Data Processing 274,924 98,889 35.97% Dues & Memberships 85,670 11,317 13.21% Fees & Permits 288,635 47,082 16.31% Board Election 84,165 - 0.00% Insurance 287,343 72,537 25.24% Materials 621,700 186,599 30.01% District Activities, Emp Recognition 40,130 4,036 10.06% Maintenance 528,780 66,845 12.64% Non-Capital Equipment 137,980 37,387 27.10% Office Expense 32,003 6,223 19.45% Professional Services 988,918 145,343 14.70% Training 48,353 10,745 22.22% Travel & Conferences 42,570 (504) -1.18% Uncollectible Accounts 8,330 2,434 29.22% Utilities 163,838 83,424 50.92% Vehicle Expenses 285,260 130,078 45.60% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,591,463 1,018,532 22.18% Total Operating Expenses 33,189,004 7,351,867 22.15% Expenses (Non-Operating) Other Expense 117,994 (1,907) -1.62% Total Non-Operating Expenses 117,994 (1,907) -1.62% Total Expenses 33,306,998$ 7,349,960$ 22.07% Net Revenues 4,235,863 3,462,639 81.75% Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest)2,729,381 2,005,656 73.48% Transfer to/(from) Reserves 1,506,482 1,456,984 96.71% Net Total -$ (0)$ Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY20 ProForma - Use of Funds September 2020 Page 27 of 84 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending September 30, 2020 Annual YTD Sept YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Sept Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 Sept 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)$15,424,507 $5,076,205 $2,042,411 5,564,085$ 487,880$ 1,614,557$ $4,856,158 707,927 14.58% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,889,796 621,932 181,588 499,933 (121,999)160,526 489,785 10,148 2.07% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,704,520 1,219,158 552,868 1,493,607 274,449 453,566 1,311,620 181,987 13.87% Water Revenue (Service Charge)11,560,123 2,890,031 969,985 2,817,411 (72,620)918,422 2,678,421 138,990 5.19% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,447,582 611,896 209,941 622,645 10,750 204,770 598,406 24,239 4.05% Locke Ranch Assessments 298,525 - 157 157 157 355 355 (198) 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 1,852,814 216,299 64,001 222,395 6,096 92,934 295,617 (73,222)-24.77% Total Operating Revenue:37,177,867 10,635,520 4,020,951 11,220,233 584,713 3,445,130 10,230,362 989,871 9.68% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 705,000 101,250 7,401 33,617 (67,633)34,937 108,503 (74,886)-69.02% Property Tax 1,950,000 48,750 29,739 33,111 (15,639) 34,101 36,395 (3,284) 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 620,846 155,212 18,440 191,240 36,029 16,533 192,469 (1,229)-0.64% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,275,846 305,212 55,580 257,968 (47,244)85,571 337,367 (79,399)-23.53% Total Revenue 40,453,713 10,940,731 4,076,531 11,478,201 537,469 3,530,701 10,567,729 910,472 8.62% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)18,440,894 4,643,898 1,448,941 4,474,684 (169,214)1,435,706 4,589,196 (114,512)-2.50% Salary Related Expenses 11,895,521 2,172,863 772,163 2,057,601 (115,262)746,024 2,107,136 (49,535)-2.35% Supplies & Services 5,789,694 1,208,383 405,025 1,122,042 (86,342)456,586 1,174,362 (52,321) -4.46% Total Operating Expenses 36,126,109 8,025,144 2,626,129 7,654,327 (370,818)2,638,316 7,870,694 (216,367)-2.75% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,236,960 327,740 111,427 334,524 6,784 107,685 330,888 3,636 1.10% Other Expense 150,853 - 7,576 (1,907) (1,907)9,947 19,590 (21,497) -109.73% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,387,813 327,740 119,003 332,617 4,877 117,632 350,479 (17,862) -5.10% Total Expenses 37,513,922 8,352,884 2,745,132 7,986,944 (365,941)2,755,948 8,221,172 (234,229)-2.85% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 2,939,792 2,587,847 1,331,399 3,491,256 903,410 774,753 2,346,556 1,144,700 48.78% Special Item - - - - - - Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 3,560 3,560 3,560 504 1,266 2,294 Transaction GASB 34 Compliant)- - - Net Position Before Depreciation 2,939,792 2,587,847 1,334,959 3,494,816 906,970 775,257 2,347,822 1,146,994 48.85% Depreciation & Amortization 7,775,155 1,933,789 642,522 1,927,566 (6,223) 620,042 1,860,126 67,440 3.63% Total Net Position ($4,835,363)$654,058 692,437 1,567,250 $913,193 $155,215 $487,696 $1,079,554 221.36% (680,752) (170,188) (38,314)(69,875) 100,313 (14,641) (31,136)(38,739) 124.42% (With September 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 28 of 84 Annual YTD Sept YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Sept Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 Sept 2019) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)15,424,507$ $5,076,205 2,042,411$ 5,564,085$ 487,880$ 1,614,557$ 4,856,158$ 707,927$ 14.58% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,889,796 621,932 181,588$ 499,933 (121,999) 160,526 489,785 10,148 2.07% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,704,520 1,219,158 552,868$ 1,493,607 274,449 453,566 1,311,621 181,986 13.87% Water Revenue (Service Charge)11,560,123 2,890,031 969,985$ 2,817,411 (72,620) 918,422 2,678,420 138,991 5.19% Other Operating Revenue 1,812,269 206,163 62,558$ 191,917 (14,246) 88,596 256,951 (65,034) -25.31% Total Operating Revenue:34,391,215 10,013,488 3,809,410 10,566,953 553,465 3,235,667 9,592,935 974,018 10.15% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 600,000 75,000 5,062 22,992 (52,008) 30,389 93,829 (70,837) -75.50% Property Tax 1,950,000 48,750 29,739 33,112 (15,638) 34,101 36,395 (3,283) 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 601,646 150,412 23,129 189,543 39,132 13,778 174,409 15,134 8.68% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,151,646 274,162 57,930 245,647 (28,514) 78,268 304,633 (58,986) -19.36% Total Revenue 37,542,861 10,287,649 3,867,340 10,812,600 524,951 3,313,935 9,897,568 915,032 9.25% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)18,440,894 4,643,898 1,448,941 4,474,684 (169,214) 1,435,706 4,589,196 (114,512) -2.50% Salary Related Expenses 10,156,647 1,946,208 696,242 1,858,651 (87,557) 679,331 1,881,896 (23,245) -1.24% Supplies & Services: Communications 205,891 41,473 8,350 22,582 (18,891) 11,398 36,313 (13,731) -37.81% Contractual Services 466,976 101,744 32,740 93,515 (8,229) 34,119 102,840 (9,325) -9.07% Data Processing 274,924 81,231 32,419 98,889 17,658 8,749 42,749 56,140 131.32% Dues & Memberships 85,670 21,418 3,463 11,317 (10,101) 3,341 22,341 (11,024) -49.34% Fees & Permits 288,635 57,159 3,595 47,082 (10,077) 15,933 41,767 5,315 12.73% Board Election 84,165 - - - - - - - 0.00% Insurance 287,343 71,836 22,237 72,537 701 33,759 76,212 (3,675) -4.82% Materials 621,700 165,425 77,093 186,599 21,174 89,669 224,558 (37,959) -16.90% District Activities, Emp Recognition 40,130 10,033 2,655 4,036 (5,997) 2,691 5,229 (1,193) -22.82% Maintenance 528,780 87,195 16,966 66,844 (20,351) 48,793 150,391 (83,547) -55.55% Non-Capital Equipment 137,980 34,495 9,927 37,387 2,892 8,456 35,433 1,954 5.51% Office Expense 32,003 8,001 3,693 6,223 (1,778) 3,034 11,528 (5,305) -46.02% Professional Services 988,918 171,729 60,939 145,343 (26,386) 90,179 171,733 (26,390) -15.37% Training 48,353 12,088 1,882 10,745 (1,343) 3,604 6,541 4,204 64.27% Travel & Conferences 42,570 10,642 (504) (504) (11,146) 3,126 11,099 (11,603) -104.54% Uncollectible Accounts 8,330 2,082 2,409 2,434 352 1,452 1,311 1,123 85.66% Utilities 163,838 60,959 49,346 83,424 22,465 32,796 65,143 18,281 28.06% Vehicle Equipment 285,260 101,315 46,662 130,078 28,763 41,384 93,510 36,568 39.11% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,591,463 1,038,825 373,872 1,018,532 (20,293) 432,483 1,098,698 (80,166) -7.30% Total Operating Expenses 33,189,004 7,628,931 2,519,055 7,351,867 (277,064) 2,547,520 7,569,790 (217,923) -2.88% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,236,960 327,740 111,427 334,524 6,784 107,685 330,887 3,637 1.10% Other Expense 117,994 - 7,576 (1,907) (1,907) 9,947 8,644 (10,551) -122.06% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,354,953 327,740 119,003 332,617 4,877 117,632 339,531 (6,914) -2.04% Total Expenses 34,543,957 7,956,671 2,638,058 7,684,484 (272,187) 2,665,152 7,909,321 (224,837) -2.84% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 2,998,904 2,330,979 1,229,282 3,128,116 797,138 648,783 1,988,247 1,139,869 57.33% Special Item - - - - - - - - Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - - - - - - - GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 2,998,904 2,330,979 1,229,282 3,128,116 797,138 648,783 1,988,247 1,139,869 57.33% Depreciation & Amortization 6,335,693 1,573,923 520,406 1,561,218 (12,705) 505,190 1,515,570 45,648 3.01% Total Net Position (3,336,789)$ 757,056$ 708,876$ 1,566,898 809,843$ 143,593$ 472,677$ 1,094,221$ 231.49% Capital - Direct Labor (463,752) (115,938)(34,229) (64,628) 51,310 (13,794) (43,231) (21,397) 49.49% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending September 30, 2020 (With September 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 29 of 84 $7,019,857 $9,181,734 $9,628,327 $10,047,564 $9,897,568 … $10,812,600 $6,292,986 $7,593,409 $7,502,195 $8,067,575 $7,909,321 $7,684,484 $- $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 Sept. 2015 Sept. 2016 Sept. 2017 Sept. 2018 Sept. 2019 Sept. 2020 Water Revenues & Expenses -September (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 30 of 84 Annual YTD Sept YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Sept Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 Sept 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $2,447,582 $611,896 $209,941 622,645$ $10,750 204,770$ $598,406 $24,239 4.05% Locke Ranch Assessments 298,525 - 157 157 157 355 355 (198) 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 40,545 10,136 1,442 30,477 20,341 4,338 38,665 (8,188) -21.18% Total Operating Revenue:2,786,652 622,032 211,540 653,279$ 31,247 209,463 637,426 15,853 2.49% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 105,000 26,250 2,339 10,625$ (15,625)4,548 14,675 (4,050)-27.60% Other Non-Operating Revenue 19,200 4,800 (4,689) 1,697 (3,103)2,755 18,060 (16,363)-90.60% Total Non-Operating Revenue:124,200 31,050 (2,350)12,322$ (18,728)7,303 32,735 (20,413) -62.36% Total Revenue 2,910,852 653,082 209,190 665,601$ 12,519 216,766 670,161 (4,560) -0.68% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,738,874 226,655 75,920 198,949 (27,706)66,693 225,239 (26,290)-11.67% Supplies & Services: Communications 37,134 9,284 629 1,700 (7,584)858 2,725 (1,025)-37.61% Contractual Services 66,878 11,720 2,079 5,789 (5,931)1,737 6,303 (514)-8.15% Data Processing 41,457 10,364 2,187 7,190 (3,174)659 2,483 4,707 189.57% Dues & Memberships 15,075 3,769 261 852 (2,917)252 1,682 (830)-49.33% Fees & Permits 35,565 8,891 244 1,480 (7,411)1,033 2,397 (917)-38.27% Board Election 6,335 1,584 - (1,584) - 0 0.00% Insurance 50,708 12,677 1,674 5,460 (7,217)2,541 5,736 (276)-4.81% Materials 75,800 3,950 414 1,355 (2,595)245 4,064 (2,709)-66.66% District Activities, Emp Recognition 6,941 1,735 200 304 (1,431)203 394 (90)-22.84% Maintenance 180,820 35,205 12,025 26,325 (8,880)628 14,531 11,794 0.00% Non-Capital Equipment 48,691 12,173 488 6,752 (5,421)2,592 4,046 2,706 66.88% Office Expense 5,572 1,393 267 457 (936)217 830 (373)-44.94% Professional Services 482,272 25,568 3,780 21,665 (3,903)4,584 8,428 13,237 157.06% Training 14,832 3,708 121 960 (2,748)3,414 4,259 (3,299)-77.46% Travel & Conferences 5,630 1,407 (16) (16) (1,423)235 1,328 (1,344)-101.20% Uncollectible Accounts 1,470 367 435 499 132 95 57 443 783.19% Utilities 28,913 7,228 3,714 6,279 (949)2,469 4,903 1,376 28.06% Vehicle Equipment 94,140 18,535 2,651 16,459 (2,076)2,341 11,500 4,959 43.12% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 1,198,231 169,558 31,153 103,510 (66,048) 24,102 75,666 27,844 36.80% Total Operating Expenses 2,937,105 396,213 107,073 302,459 (93,754) 90,795 300,905 1,554 0.52% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest Expense - - - - - - - - - Other Expense 32,859 - - - - - 10,946 (10,946) - Total Non-Operating Expenses:32,859 - - - - - 10,946 (10,946) - Total Expenses 2,969,964 396,213 107,073 302,459 (93,754) 90,795 311,851 (9,392) -3.01% Net Position Before Capital Contributions (59,112) 256,869 102,117 363,142 106,272 125,971 358,310 4,831 1.35% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - 3,560 3,560 3,560 504 1,266 2,294 1,266 GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation (59,112) 256,869 105,677 366,702 109,832 126,475 359,576 7,125 1.98% Depreciation & Amortization 1,439,462 359,866 122,116 366,348 6,483 114,852 344,556 21,792 6.32% Total Net Position (1,498,574) (102,996) (16,439) 354 103,350 11,623 15,020 (14,667) -97.65% Capital - Direct Labor (217,000)(54,250) (4,085) (5,247)49,003 (847) (2,546)(2,701)106.09% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending September 30, 2020 (With September 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 31 of 84 $432,431 $478,690 $542,272 $607,757 $670,161 $665,601 $306,993 $319,263 $320,218 $262,673 $311,851 $302,459 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 Sept. 2015 Sept. 2016 Sept. 2017 Sept. 2018 Sept. 2019 Sept. 2020 Sewer Revenues & Expenses -September (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 32 of 84 1,460,113 1,505,340 1,358,893 1,340,186 1,143,948 1,518,953 939,601 1,019,271 788,116 1,200,582 1,311,137 1,370,194 1,671,801 1,729,514 1,512,043 1,307,477 981,384 1,019,234 657,883 460,667 590,007 945,974 1,132,782 1,305,692 1,660,561 1,492,928 1,435,706 1,361,053 1,100,471 1,058,481 772,447 1,367,226 1,231,436 1,286,293 2,065,064 2,084,721 1,469,440 1,556,303 1,448,941 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June Variable Costs Analysis FY18 Var Costs FY19 Var Costs FY20 Var Costs FY21 Var Costs Page 33 of 84 ITEM NO. 8.5. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2020. BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make monthly report of investments to the legislative body. The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments with the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last five years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending September 30, 2020 is .77%. The District's Total Cash and Investment balance as of September 30, 2020 resulted in an overall decrease from the results reported in the previous month by approximately $1,150,0001. Larger balance changes include: 1) a decrease in the in Water Operating fund of $1,108,163 due to the semi-annual Debt Service Principal and Interest payment; 2)an increase in the Sewer Operating Fund of $99,634 due to the positive net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month of the fiscal year; and 3) a decrease in the Water Capital Project Fund of $118,848 to cover the cost of pay-go capital- related expenses. The PARS Fund decreased by approximately $25,000 due to a decrease in the value of its pooled investments. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 4C - Manage cash flow to maximize investment income. Page 34 of 84 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Investment Reports & Graphs September 2020 Page 35 of 84 Market %Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: 721,578$ 721,578$ Wells Fargo Bank 721,578$ 721,578$ 1.89%Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 43$ 43$ US Bank (Revenue Bonds)0.00% 3,573,633 3,573,633 US Bank (Money Market)0.01% 1,460,112 1,460,112 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 5,033,788$ 5,033,788$ 13.18%Total 0.01% Certificates of Deposits: 251,839 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.63% 178,092 180,000 HSBC BK USA, NA MC Clean CTF 08/31/21 2.26% 251,457 248,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA Sioux Falls D 08/31/21 1.58% 254,758 247,000 PrivateBank & Tr Chicago Ill CTF 03/30/22 2.13% 248,881 245,000 Goldman Sachs Bank 06/28/21 2.17% 248,881 245,000 Morgan Stanley Private Bank 06/28/21 2.17% 253,835 245,000 Capital One Bank USA 06/27/22 2.12% 253,835 245,000 Capital One Bank NA 06/27/22 2.12% 254,048 245,000 Ally Bank 06/27/22 2.17% 254,048 245,000 Sallie Mae Bank 06/27/22 2.17% 254,300 245,000 Synchrony 05/17/22 2.36% 255,109 245,000 Morgan Stanley Bank NA 06/13/22 2.45% 2,959,082$ 2,884,000$ 7.75%Total 2.11% Corporate Notes: 504,615$ 500,000 Wells Fargo Co.03/04/21 2.48% 503,735$ 500,000 JP Morgan Chase Co.03/01/21 2.53% 1,008,350$ 1,000,000$ 2.64%Total 2.51% Pooled Investment Accounts: 28,468,551$ 28,468,551$ Local Agency Investment Fund 0.69% 28,468,551$ 28,468,551$ 74.54%0.69% 38,191,349$ 38,107,917$ 100%Total Investments 0.77% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 9/30/20 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report September 30, 2020 ________________________________ Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Page 36 of 84 Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of September 2020: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2020 Yield Maturity September 0.77%42 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 9/30/2019 9/30/2020 Monthly - September 41,396$ 7,401$ Year-to-Date 114,952$ 33,612$ Budget 2019/2020 2020/2021 Interest Budget, September YTD 203,077$ 176,250$ Interest Budget, Annual 812,306$ 705,000$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $38.19 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the Bond payment and PARS for the pension/OPEB payments. The number of Days in Cash are 320 for the Un-Restricted Water Reserve balance and 812 for the Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of September 30, 2020. FY21 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments August 2020 % Alloc September 2020 % Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 8/31/2020 Balance 9/30/2020 Levels"CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve 11,669,417$ 32.01%11,142,281$ 30.94%12,427,055$ (1,284,774)$ Water Emergency Reserve 7,313,888$ 20.06%7,309,617$ 20.30%7,115,108 194,509 Water Capital Project Reserve 6,510,825$ 17.86%6,391,977$ 17.75%7,314,221 (922,244) Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,211,490$ 11.55%4,216,560$ 11.71%4,093,400 123,160 Un-Restricted Water Reserve Balance 29,705,621 29,060,435$ 30,949,784 (1,889,349) Conservation Reserve 105,269$ 0.29%105,269$ 0.29%- 105,269 Employee Liability Reserve 307,581 0.84%307,581 0.85%400,000 (92,419) Restricted Reserve Balance 412,851 412,851$ 400,000 12,851 Sewer Operating Reserve 2,998,370$ 8.23%3,202,285$ 8.89%1,335,465 1,866,820 Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,958,683 5.37%1,957,518 5.44%1,914,347 43,171 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,376,528 3.78%1,376,528 3.82%1,909,045 (532,517) Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance 6,333,581 6,536,331$ 5,158,857 1,377,474 Total Reserve Balances 36,452,053$ 100.00%36,009,616$ 100.00%36,508,641$ (499,025)$ Water Operating 1,168,185 587,158 Sewer Operating 238,701 134,420 1,406,886 721,578 Rev. Bond 2012A & 2017A-Principal & Interest 43 43 Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted)1,485,199 1,460,112 Total Cash and Investments 39,344,181$ 38,191,349$ Cash & Investment Summary Report Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Wells Fargo Bank Checking US Bank Held (Restricted) Page 37 of 84 Checking Account:721,578$ 1.89% Money Market Accounts:5,033,788$ 13.18% Certificates of Deposit:2,959,082$ 7.75% Corporate Notes:1,008,350$ 2.64% Pooled Investment Accounts:28,468,551$ 74.54% Total 38,191,349$ 100.00% Checking Account: 1.89% Money Market Accounts: 13.18% Certificates of Deposit: 7.75% Corporate Notes: 2.64% Pooled Investment Accounts: 74.54% INVESTMENT BALANCES (AS OF 9 -30-2020) Checking Account:Money Market Accounts:Certificates of Deposit:Corporate Notes:Pooled Investment Accounts: Page 38 of 84 Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report September 30, 2020 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Local Agency Investment Fund - 28,468,551 - 28,468,551 Corporate Notes - 1,008,350 - 1,008,350 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 2,959,082 - 2,959,082 Total Investments -$ 32,435,983$ -$ 32,435,983$ Page 39 of 84 Transaction Date Transaction Description Water Operating Pension Water Operating OPEB Sewer Operating Pension Sewer Operating OPEB Account Total Beginning Balance as of 7/1/20 1,277,088.36 544,249.94 140,341.67 64,308.24 2,025,988.21 7/15/2020 Distribution to CalPERS (564,670.84)(66,721.16)1,394,596.21 7/31/2020 Management Fees (613.23)(261.33)(67.39)(30.88) 1,393,623.38 7/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss) 27,302.97 17,759.71 3,000.37 2,098.48 1,443,784.91 8/31/2020 Management Fees (512.47)(268.93)(53.08)(31.78) 1,442,918.65 8/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss) 21,644.28 16,450.81 2,241.82 1,943.82 1,485,199.38 9/30/2020 Management Fees (363.49)(276.28)(37.65)(32.65) 1,484,489.31 9/30/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss) (12,478.12)(9,485.83)(1,292.43)(1,120.84) 1,460,112.09 Account Balance by Account Type 747,397.46 568,168.09 77,412.15 67,134.39 1,460,112.09$ 51%39%5%5%100% Pension OPEB Total Initial Contribution as of 12/28/2017 247,599.00$ - 247,599.00 Additional Contribution 6/26/19 1,105,248.00$ 587,339.00 1,692,587.00 Total Contributions =1,940,186.00 Total Distribution to CalPERS (631,392.00)$ - (631,392.00) Total Gain (or Loss) from Inception 113,305.50$ 52,029.53 165,335.03 Total Management Fees from Inception (9,950.89)$ (4,066.05) (14,016.94) Balance as of 3-31-19 = 1,456,201.61$ 635,302.48$ 1,460,112.09$ PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Page 40 of 84 $26,794,629 $25,435,084 $26,355,959 $28,156,312 $28,112,936 $29,060,435 365 360 360 354 337 320 60 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 $20,000 $5,020,000 $10,020,000 $15,020,000 $20,020,000 $25,020,000 $30,020,000 $35,020,000 Sept. 2015 Sept. 2016 Sept. 2017 Sept. 2018 Sept. 2019 Sept. 2020 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) Unrestricted Reserves (Water)Days in Cash (Water) Page 41 of 84 ITEM NO. 8.6. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr Executive Assistant/Board Secretary Veronica Ortega, Executive Assistant SUBJECT:Proclamations Related to Prior Existence of Local Emergency RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify the proclamations issued by General Manager Brett R. Barbre declaring and terminating the existence of a local emergency related to the wildfire event beginning October 26, 2020. BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 2019-01 empowers the General Manager to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when the Board of Directors is not in session. Due to conditions related to the Blue Ridge Fire, General Manager Barbre declared the existence of a local emergency at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 26, 2020. After conditions improved in the District's service area, General Manager Barbre then terminated this declaration at approximately 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. Both of these actions now require ratification by the Board of Directors in accordance with Ordinance No. 2019-01. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Proclamations Declaring and Terminating the Existence of a Local Emergency Page 42 of 84 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2019-01 of the Yorba Linda Water District empowers the General Manager to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said District is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors is not in session; and WHEREAS, the General Manager of the Yorba Linda Water District does hereby find: That conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within said District, caused by a wildfire which began on the 26th day of October, 2020; and That these conditions are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of said District; and That the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District is not in session and cannot immediately be called into session. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that a local emergency now exists throughout said District; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions, and duties of the emergency organization of this District shall be those prescribed by state law, by ordinances, and resolutions of this District; and that this emergency proclamation shall expire in 7 days after issuance unless confirmed and ratified by the governing body of the Yorba Linda Water District. Dated: October 26, 2020 By: Print Name: Brett R. Barbre Title: General Manager 9 j Address: 1717 E Miraloma Ave Placentia CA 92870 MOW Proclamation of the Existence or Threatened Existence of a Local Emergency 1 Page 43 of 84 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2019-01 of the Yorba Linda Water District empowers the General Manager to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said District is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors is not in session; and WHEREAS, the General Manager of the Yorba Linda Water District proclaimed an emergency due to conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within said District, caused by a wildfire which began on the 26th day of October, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District was not in session and could not immediately be called into session. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that a local emergency no longer exists throughout said District; and Dated: October 27, 2020 By: Print Name: Brett R. Barbre A Title: General Manager Address: 1717 E Miraloma Ave Placentia CA 92870 Proclamation of the Existence or Threatened Existence of a Local Emergency 1 Page 44 of 84 ITEM NO. 8.7. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Adrian Ayala, Assistant Engineer I SUBJECT:Terms and Conditions for Water Services with Penske Automotive Group, 1275 E Yorba Linda Blvd, Job No. 202017 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Services with Penske Automotive Group, 1275 E Yorba Linda Blvd, Job No. 202017. SUMMARY: Penske Automotive Group proposes to open an Audi car dealership at 1275 E Yorba Linda Blvd, in the City of Placentia. The applicant is requesting water and sewer services for this business. An exhibit depicting the project location is attached. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding Source: Developer Funded Account No: 1/2-2600 Job No: 202017 BACKGROUND: The District has an existing Zone 2, 12-inch water main pipeline in E Yorba Linda Blvd that is adequate in size and sufficient pressure to serve the project. The applicant is conditioned by the Orange Fire Authority to provide a fire suppression system for their three new buildings. The District requires a double check detector assembly and isolation valve to separate the private fire system from the public water system, as depicted in the attached exhibit. The applicant shall abandon the existing commercial and fire service lines, and install new commercial and irrigation service lines, along with a public fire hydrant at E Yorba Linda Blvd, in accordance with the District's Rules and Regulations. Additionally, the applicant requests to abandon the 6-inch public water main pipeline within their property to allow construction to their new buildings. Staff approves the abandonment due to the District's looped water system at neighboring properties and the absence of service line connections to this water main. Page 45 of 84 The proposed project is located within Drainage Area "2" of the District's Sewer Service Area. The property has an existing 6-inch sewer lateral stub-out connection. The applicant shall provide flow calculations to determine if the sewer lateral is adequately sized for the expected wastewater generation. The Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Services with Penske Automotive Group at 1275 E Yorba Linda Blvd are attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Terms and Conditions - Penske Automotive Group 2.Exhibit - Penske Automotive Group Page 46 of 84 Date: NOVEMBER 10, 2020 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1275 E. YORBA LINDA BLVD., PLACENTIA TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: 2020-17 LOT(S): 1 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an “X” following the number. 1) ☒ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) ☒ The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) ☒ The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 4) ☒ Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. 5) ☒ The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 6) ☒ The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 7) ☒ The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. Page 47 of 84 Page 2 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1275 E. YORBA LINDA BLVD., PLACENTIA 8) ☒ The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District’s approval of the construction plans. 9) ☒ The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 10) ☒ The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 11) ☒ The applicant shall provide, per the District specifications, the "As Built" AutoCAD file (version 2016 or earlier) of the Water and/or Sewer facilities. 12) ☒ The applicant shall complete a Water Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 13) ☒ The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the District. 14) ☒ The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 15) ☒ The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 16) ☒ The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. 17) ☒ The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 18) ☒ The applicant’s engineer shall provide a computer hydraulic analysis report to confirm that the District’s existing water system can accommodate the project. 19) ☒ The applicant’s future water facilities, shall be conveyed to the District as indicated on applicant’s future Water Improvement Plans approved by the District. Page 48 of 84 Page 3 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1275 E. YORBA LINDA BLVD., PLACENTIA 20) ☒ The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test, and provide an approved copy to the District. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 21) ☒ The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 22) ☐ The applicant shall install water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District’s Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 23) ☒ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 24) ☐ The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 25) ☒ All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 26) ☒ The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 27) ☒ The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 28) ☒ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 29) ☒ The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all buildings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 30) ☒ The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 31) ☒ The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. Page 49 of 84 Page 4 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1275 E. YORBA LINDA BLVD., PLACENTIA 32) ☒ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly. 33) ☒ The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 34) ☒ The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District’s Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections. 35) ☒ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 36) ☐ The applicant shall complete a Sewer Service Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant. 37) ☒ The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the Yorba Linda Water District. 38) ☒ The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations for Sewer Service of the District. 39) ☒ The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and the Standard Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 40) ☒ The applicant’s engineer shall provide sewer flow calculations to confirm that the District’s existing sewer system can accommodate the peak wastewater generation from the project. 41) ☐ The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 42) ☒ The applicant’s sewer facilities (on-site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 43) ☐ The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District’s Standard Page 50 of 84 Page 5 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1275 E. YORBA LINDA BLVD., PLACENTIA Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Domestic Water and Sewer Facilities. 44) ☒ The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 45) ☒ The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 46) ☐ The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) Page 51 of 84 Page 6 of 6 NAME OF APPLICANT: PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1275 E. YORBA LINDA BLVD., PLACENTIA PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 47) ☒ The applicant shall abandon approximately 255 feet of existing 6-inch ACP water main, one commercial service and one fire service line. The applicant shall install one fire service line, one commercial service line, one irrigation service line, and one public fire hydrant, per approved plans and District Specifications. 48) ☒ The applicant shall use an existing 6-inch sewer lateral, per approved plans and District Specifications. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the November 10, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Water and Sewer Service Agreement between Yorba Linda Water District and the applicant is not executed for the project under consideration. Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Reviewed by: Rosanne P. Weston, PMP Engineering Manager ___________________________________________ Reviewed by: Reza Afshar, PE Senior Engineer Page 52 of 84 `' I I —_ I - PROJECT SITE PROP.GREASE 11 I` Ir, INTERCEPTOR I _ �o� EXISTING WATER EASEMENT { � CONNECTTO PX, . I - _JTO BE QUITCLAIMED BY DISTRICT , �6'SEINER LATERAL } REMOVE ESL ,�,,.•,x , Eft 8"SEWER MWN[_ F ' ruse 6"GV& e I~ INSTALL , i — — BLIND FLANGE -- EX.6'WATER MAIN -- TOBEABANDONED REMOVE FSC EX 6"WATER MAIN INSTALL UL BLIND FLANGE I _ m — - �„�, VICINITY NEAP M N.T.S. PROP.8" FIRE DCDA BACKFL — a i — $ r IFORPROP RP BACOMMERCIAL SERVICETrrT — . k - PROP.RP RACKFLO •; Imo_ - FOR IRRIGATION SERVICE .•' . ................. .. {. EX.?COMMERCIAL SERVICE L_ TO BEARM DONED -- = y.v- . . _- YDRBA LINDA BLVD EX.12'WATI R Iu1pJN PRt3P.2'COM�IERCWL —SERVICE CONNECTION o e a e PROP.FIRE HYDRANT) Ex.6-FIRE SERVICEI �PROP.1"IRRIGATION PROP.8"FIRE SERVICE TO BE ABANDONED SiRUICE COIdNECFION OaNNECTpN LOCATION MAP PREPARED BY EXHIBIT YORBA LINDA WATER IIISTRICT SCALE: 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVE WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS FOR QATE:N.T.S. PENSK E AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 1111012020 I'LACENTIA 92870 1275 E. YORBA LINDA BLVD, PL.ACENTIA (714) 701 -3000 FILENAME: J202017 rage 00 OT 04 ITEM NO. 8.8. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager SUBJECT:Second Amendment to Agreement with North County BRS, LLC for Cielo Vista Development Project RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Second Amendment to the August 1, 2018 Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and North County BRS, LLC for the Cielo Vista Development Project, conditioned on the Property Owners' signatures to the Second Amendment within 30 days of this approval. SUMMARY: Submitted for your consideration and approval is the Second Amendment to the Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and North County BRS, LLC for the Cielo Vista Development Project. FISCAL IMPACT: Stonehaven Pipeline and Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station Upgrades: Budget - Developer's Responsibility: $994,214 Budget - District's Responsibility: $672,977 Total Budget: $1,667,191 BACKGROUND: The Facilities Agreement was amended a second time in order to (1) extend the term of the Agreement for one year to August 1, 2021, (2) revise the scope of the project to include modifications to the Stonehaven Pipeline and the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station, (3) confirm and amend the scope of YLWD fees and costs to be reimbursed by Cielo Vista, (4) modify project schedules, (5) update the indemnification and insurance coverage requirements, (6) incorporate provision to allow Developer to construct the Stonehaven Pipeline and/or the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station upgrades in lieu of the District, and (7) incorporate provision so that the District may construct the Stonehaven Pipeline and/or the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station upgrades prior to the Effective Date of the amended Agreement and receive Developer reimbursement for the project costs. Page 54 of 84 The Stonehaven pipeline project will be fully funded by the Developer. The improvements to be made to the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station include upgrades that will be funded by both the Developer and the District. The Developer funded portion will include the replacement of an existing pump with a larger pump and a variable frequency drive to meet anticipated demands and increase fire protection. Other Developer upgrades include site, mechanical, structural and electrical improvements. The District funded scope includes upgrades to improve operations, and security, resiliency, and reliability per America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA). Specific District improvements include a natural gas backup generator, a flow meter, concrete paving, a security system, and combination wall/fence around the site. The natural gas backup generator can be used in the event of a power outage or electrical power planned shutdown. This will provide increased reliability during fires in the nearby wildfire-prone areas. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: On August 27, 2019, the Board of Directors approved the First Amendment to the Water and Facilities Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and North County BRS, LLC for the Cielo Vista Development Project. On July 24, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the Cielo Vista Project Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement Between the Yorba Linda Water District and North County BRS Project, LLC On May 22, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with North County BRS Project, LLC for Tract 17341. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Second Amendment Cielo Vista Project Page 55 of 84 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: For Recorder's Use Only SECOND AMENDMENT TO CIELO VISTA PROJECT WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES AGREEMENT BETWEEN YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AND NORTH COUNTY BRS PROJECT, LLC 1 Page 56 of 84 SECOND AMENDMENT TO CIELO VISTA PROJECT WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES AGREEMENT BETWEEN YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AND NORTH COUNTY BRS PROJECT,LLC This SECOND AMENDMENT to Cielo Vista Project Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement ("Second Amendment") is made and entered into, effective the I' day of August 2020, by and between the Parties. RECITALS A. The Parties previously entered into the Agreement titled Cielo Vista Project Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement, which has an Agreement Date of August 1, 2018. The Parties subsequently entered into a First Amendment, which has an effective date of August 27, 2019. Capitalized terms used in this Second Amendment, without being separately defined herein, shall have the same meaning as defined in either the Agreement or the First Amendment. B. Pursuant to Section 17 of the Agreement, all amendments to the Agreement must be in writing and signed by the Parties. C. When the Parties entered the First Amendment, the Parties inadvertently omitted certain rights and obligations as to the Subdivision Facilities to apply to the Shared Facility Improvements described in the First Amendment. The Parties intend to correct that omission and for the rights and obligations as to the Subdivision Facilities in Sections 6, 8 and 9 of the Agreement to apply to the Shared Facility Improvements. D. When the Parties entered the First Amendment, the Parties inadvertently failed to revise Exhibit H, which illustrates the location and alignment of the water main in Stonehaven Drive that is part of the Existiniz Offsite Facilitv Improvements defined in the Aereement. Exhibit H needs to be revised to reflect (1) the Parties prior agreement to shift the easterly terminus and(2) the final approved alignment. E. Since the terms for indemnity and insurance coverage were first memorialized in Sections 8 and 9 of the Agreement, YLWD's insurance provider (the Association of California Water Agencies / Joint Powers Insurance Authority) has modified its indemnification and insurance coverage requirements. The Parties desire to amend the Agreement to reflect the modified indemnification and insurance coverage requirements. F. Pursuant to Section 2 of the Agreement, the Effective Date term for Developer to provide (a) proof and notice of transfer of ownership from Property Owner to Developer and (b) recordation of the Project's final map was August 1, 2019. Pursuant to Section I.B. of the First Amendment, the Effective Date term for Developer to provide proof and notice of transfer of ownership from Property Owner to Developer and recordation of the Project's final map was 2 Page 57 of 84 August 1, 2020. The Parties desire to extend the Effective Date term for an additional three hundred sixty-five (365) day period to August 1, 2021. The second extension of the Effective Date term will cause the Project milestones in Exhibit 1111" and the schedule in Exhibit "K.1" to be modified. G. Due to the repeated extensions of the Effective Date term, YLWD may elect to construct certain Existing Offsite Facility Improvements prior to the Effective Date and if so, Developer intends to reimburse YLWD for the YLWD Administrative Costs and costs incurred to contract for and construct certain Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. H. Since the construction costs and fees associated with the Existing Offsite Facilities and Existing Offsite Facility Improvements were first memorialized in Exhibit "G" to the Agreement, such costs and fees have increased due to inflation and changes in the Scope of Work which will cause Exhibit 11G.1" to the First Amendment to be amended. I. The Parties desire to give Developer the option to construct the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements which will cause Section 5 of the Agreement to be amended. J. The Parties desire to revise the Scope of Work for the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements which will cause Exhibit "L" to the Agreement to be amended. In reference to Section 5.C.i. of the Agreement, the revised Scope of Work is related to changes, which are listed in Exhibit "L.1", by the Parties and the Parties' share of responsibility for costs to make those changes are listed in Exhibit "G.2" to this Second Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and accepted, the Parties agree as follows: 1. The Agreement is amended as follows: A. To reflect (1) the Parties prior agreement to shift the easterly terminus and (2) the final approved alignment for the water main in Stonehaven Drive, Exhibit "H" to the Agreement is hereby amended and replaced by Exhibit "H.1" attached hereto. B. To reflect the revised Scope of Work for the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, Exhibit "L" to the Agreement is hereby amended and replaced by Exhibit "L.1" attached hereto. C. To reflect Developer's option to construct the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, Subsection A of Section 5 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following language, which will become the new Subsection A: "A. Option for Developer to Construct Existinia Offsite Facilitv Improvements. (i) Unless YLWD and Developer agree otherwise, YLWD shall be responsible for constructing the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. If YLWD constructs the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements to completion and records a Notice of Completion pursuant to Section 3.I.(i) of the Agreement as amended, then Developer shall have no liability or responsibility for the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, except to make the payments 3 Page 58 of 84 provided in this Section 5 and the liability and responsibility for Developer's design of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. (ii) If YLWD and Developer agree that Developer shall be responsible for constructing either one or both of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, then Developer shall be liable and responsible for one or both of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. Developer-constructed Existing Offsite Facility Improvements shall be subject to Section 3 in the Agreement as amended and shall be included wherever "Subdivision Facilities" are mentioned throughout the Agreement as amended. Developer shall submit a construction schedule to District for review and approval prior to scheduling construction and issuing a contract for construction. District and its consultants shall have the right to (a) review and approve Developer's contractor submittals, including Requests for Information ("RFI") and RFI responses, and change orders, and (b) provide its own inspection services. All time and costs associated with both (a) and (b) are included as YLWD Administrative Costs under Section S.D. of the Agreement. (iii) Construction of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, regardless of which Party does the construction, shall include but not be limited to any YLWD amendments to the scope of design or scope of work for the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements attached as Exhibit "L.1" ("Scope of Work"), compliance with all federal, state and local laws applicable to the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, and obtaining all rights of way, permits and approvals required for the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements." D. To reflect Developer's option to construct the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, Subsection C.(ii) of Section 5 is hereby added as follows: "(ii) If YLWD and Developer agree that Developer shall construct either one or both of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, then YLWD shall reimburse Developer (from the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements Escrow stated in Exhibit "G.2") for the pro-rata amount of the cost to construct Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. Prior to Developer beginning construction on one or both of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements, YLWD and Developer shall meet and confer in good faith to determine the pro-rata amount. If YLWD and Developer cannot agree on a pro-rata amount, then Developer forfeits its right to construct one or both of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements and YLWD shall construct the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements." E. To reflect both (1) inflation and resultant increased costs and fees associated with construction of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements and (2) the costs allocated among the Parties for the revised Scope of Work related to changes by the Parties, the reference to 11,270,000" in Sections S.C. and 5.C.i. is deleted and replaced by the dollar amount stated in Exhibit "G.2" to this Second Amendment and any future amendments to Exhibit G. As of August 1, 2020, District has approved the design amount (with a contingency) stated in Exhibit "G.2" for Developer to design the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. F. Section 7 is hereby amended to include the following sentence at the end of that Section: 4 Page 59 of 84 "If the Parties agree to accept electronic service, service of any notice may be effectuated by email to an email address provided by the Parties." G. Sections 6 (Environmental Impact Analysis and Indemnity Therefor), 8 (Indemnity), and 9 (Insurance Prior to Performance) are amended to include the Shared Facility Improvements wherever"Subdivision Facilities"are mentioned. H. Sections 8 (Indemnity) and 9 (Insurance Prior to Performance) are amended to replace the phrase "Developer's performance or non-performance (actual or alleged) of this Agreement" with the phrase "performance or non-performance (actual or alleged) of this Agreement by Developer or Developer's agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors". I. Subsection 9.A. is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following language, which will become the new Subsection 9.A.: "A. Scope of Insurance and Minimum Limits - Coverage shall be at least as broad as the following: (i) Commercial General Liability: Insurance Services Office (ISO) Commercial General Liability Coverage (Occurrence Form CG 00 01) including products and completed work, property damage, bodily injury, personal and advertising injury with limit of at least five million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence or the full per occurrence limits of the policies available, whichever is greater. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this Project/location (coverage as broad as the ISO CG 25 03, or ISO CG 25 04 endorsement provided to YLWD) or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (ii) Automobile Liability: Insurance Services Office (ISO) Business Auto Coverage (Form CA 00 01), covering Symbol 1 (any auto) with limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury and property damage each accident. (iii) Workers' Compensation Insurance: Developer shall provide workers' compensation coverage as required by the State of California, with Statutory Limits, and Employer's Liability Insurance with limit of no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease." J. Subsection 9.13. is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following language, which will become the new Subsection 9.B.: "B. Broader Coverage and/or Higher Limits: If the Developer maintains broader coverage and/or higher limits than the minimums shown above, YLWD requires and shall be entitled to the broader coverage and/or higher limits maintained by Developer. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum of insurance and coverage shall be available to YLWD." K. Subsection 9.C. is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following language, which will become the new Subsection 9.C.: 5 Page 60 of 84 "C. Other Developer Insurance Provisions: The policies specified herein are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (i) Additional Insured Status for the Commercial General Liability policy: YLWD, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers are to be given additional insured status (at least as broad as ISO Form CG 20 10 11 85 or if not available, through the addition of both CG 20 10 10 01 and CG 20 37 10 01, with respect to liability arising out of work performed by or on behalf of the Developer including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work. General liability coverage can be provided in the form of an endorsement to the Contractor's insurance. (ii) Primary Coverage for the Commercial General Liability policy: For any claims related to this Project, the Developer's insurance coverage shall be primary at least as broad as ISO CG 20 01 04 13 as respects to YLWD, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by YLWD, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers shall be excess of the Developer's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (iii) Waiver of Subrogation (also known as Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us) for the Workers' Compensation Insurance policy: Developer hereby agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against YLWD, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers, for losses paid under the terms of the Workers' Compensation Insurance policy which arise from work performed by the Named Insured for YLWD; this provision applies regardless of whether or not YLWD has received a waiver of subrogation from the insurer." 2. The First Amendment is amended as follows: A. Section I.B. is hereby amended and replaced in its entirety with the following language: "Except for (i) Sections S.D. and S.F. of the Agreement, which the Parties' rights and obligations are already in effect and will stay in effect for the term of the Agreement as amended, and (ii) Section 3 below, the Parties' rights and obligations under this Agreement shall not take effect until (a) 10 days after Developer provides written proof and notice to YLWD of the Property Owner's transfer of ownership of the Property to Developer and (b) recordation of the Project's final map ("Effective Date"). If YLWD is not provided written proof and notice of both transfer of ownership from Property Owner to Developer and recordation of the Project's final map by August 1, 2021, then .YLWD may provide written notice to Developer that the Agreement, as amended from time to time, is null and void; at which time the Agreement and any amendments will be null and void." B. To reflect both (1) inflation and resultant increased costs and fees associated with construction of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements and (2) the costs allocated among the Parties for the revised Scope of Work related to changes by the Parties, Exhibit "G.1" to the First Amendment is hereby amended and replaced by Exhibit "G.2" attached hereto. 6 Page 61 of 84 C. Pursuant to Section 5.B.iii of the Agreement and in order to reflect a change in the Project milestones, Exhibit "J.1" to the First Amendment is hereby amended and replaced by Exhibit "J.2" attached hereto. D. Pursuant to Section 5.B.iii of the Agreement and in order to reflect a change in the Project schedule, Exhibit "K.1" to the First Amendment is hereby amended and replaced by Exhibit 11K.2" attached hereto. 3. YLWD may elect to contract for and construct certain Existing Offsite Facility Improvements prior to the Effective Date established in Section 2.A. of this Second Amendment. If YLWD elects to do so, Developer agrees to reimburse YLWD, in accordance with Section 5 of the Agreement, for the costs incurred by YLWD prior to the Effective Date, including YLWD Administrative Costs and costs incurred to contract for and construct certain Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. Section 2.A of this Second Amendment and Section 5.C. of the Agreement establish the timeframe in which YLWD is to be reimbursed. Section 5.C.i. of the Agreement will continue to determine the final costs of installing the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements. The timeframe for Developer to reimburse YLWD for YLWD staff and attorney time and for fees and costs, and fees and costs associated with consultants and contractors hired by YLWD solely related to the contract for, and construction of, Existing Offsite Facility Improvements is established by Section 5.C. of the Agreement, not Section 5.D. of the Agreement. Developer's ongoing obligation under Section 5.13 of the Agreement, as amended, to reimburse YLWD for YLWD Administrative Costs related to the design of the Existing Offsite Facility Improvements is unaffected by this Section. 4. This Second Amendment shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorder's Office. 5. The Agreement and First Amendment shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms and provisions except as amended by this Second Amendment. The Parties hereby confirm and ratify each of the provisions of both the Agreement and First Amendment as amended by this Second Amendment. This Second Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, all counterparts shall be valid and binding on the Party executing them and all counterparts shall together constitute one and the same document for all purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Second Amendment on the day and year first written above. Parties have caused this Second Amendment to be executed on their behalf and the signatories represent that they have been duly authorized to enter into this Second Amendment on behalf of their respective Parties. Yorba Linda Water District, North County BRS Project, LLC a public agency a Delaware limited liability company ("YLWD") (" veloper") By: By: _ Brett R. Barbre, General Manager II g �or G �vt e`S V Page 62 of 84 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California ) County of � ��� ) On OMMR- J// )aEX before me, �I�✓�a✓a ha�, 44cegF�X-6 Date Here Insert Name and Title of th4 Officer personally appeared 'ki'q� :J Name(of Signer((4 who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personM whose name(6i Vaxe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he sh t4ey executed the same in h�sAotta&authorized capacitykL 5),and that b ?heVth&signature()on the instrument the persona, or the entity upon behalf of which the personactxecuted the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. IARIARA HINSHAW Notary Public-California z Orange County � � � �C✓/ Commission N2193aA4 Signature MyComm.Expires Apr z4,20z1 Signatureof Notary Public Page 63 of 84 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kidman Gagen Law, LLP Jackson Tidus, A Law Corp. By: By: /v Andrew B. Gagen, General Counsel Michele Staples, Attorneys for Developer REVIEWED BY: YL WD By: / Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager 8 Page 64 of 84 The undersigned Property Owner Parties agree to Section 5.1) of the Agreement as modified by the First Amendment and this Second Amendments and consent to recordation of this Second Amendment: " erl-r/Owner" AMOS A. VIS,as Trustee of the Travis Ranch Trusts for the benefit of Amos A. Travis created under an Agreement of Trust dated May 8, 1995,by Amos Travis, as Trustor, as to an undivided one-fourth(1/4) interest AMOS A. T IS, as Trustee of the Travis Ranch Trusts for the benefit of J. Coleman Travis created under an Agreement of Trust dated May 8, 1995,by Amos Travis, as Trustor, as to an undivided one-fourth(1/4) interest AMOS A. TRAVIS;as Trustee of the Travis Ranch Trusts for the benefit of William H. Travis created under an Agreement of Trust dated May 8, 1995,by Amos Travis,as Trustor,as to an undivided one-fourth(1/4) interest AMOS A. TRAVIS° as Trustee o`fthe Travis Ranch Trusts for the benefit of Ann Travis created under an Agreement of Trust dated May 8, 1995,by Amos Travis,as Trustor, as to an undivided one-fourth(1/4) interest LINDA M. RODGER, as Successor Co-Trustee of the Virginia Richards Revocable Intervivos Trust dated May 1, 1986 NANCY ANN MAGIO, as Successor Co-Trustee of the Virginia Richards Revocable Intervivos Trust dated May 1, 1986 9 Page 65 of 84 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On before before me, ANDREA ELLE CHAPPELI,,�L+a uVj�er onally / ©© (insert name and title of the officer), Appeared -AMS �l •�� 1 .�— -- _ __ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that/T' ey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(& and that by( r/t�(eir signature( on the instrument the personO, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(4acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and corr t. WITNESS m -hand and official e ^ EpeEO•ti^ANDREA ELLE CHAPPELL3 U COMM.#2332407 (� �• NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA _ \ (Seal) ORANGE COUNTY 0 r re \.e I v QF PNS COMM.EXPIRES AUG.25,2024-A Page 66 of 84 EXHIBIT "G.2" EXISTING OFFSITE FACILITIES FEE SUMMARY AND EXISTING OFFSITE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS Existing Offsite Facilities Fee Summary Existing Water Allocation Fees.........................................................................................................� $ 290,217 Existing Sewer Allocation Fees.......................................................................................................... $ 109,242 Water&Sewer Total......................................................................................................................... $ 399,459 AnnexationFees'................................................................................................................................ $ 15,644 Total All Fees................... .................................. . $ 415,103 .. ................................................................................................................................................. ... Fee per Dwelling Unit(80 DUs)......................... .. $ 5,188.79 1AMIFacilities'.................................................................................................................................I $ 40,000 Existing Offsite Facility Improvements Description Length (LF) Cost per LF($) Cost 12" Stonehaven Drive Watermain2 1,300 375 $ 487,500 (Hidden Hills Pump Station Upgrade S3 $ 994,214 JSubtotal................................................................................................................................................ $ 1,481,714 TotalFees+Offsite Costs.............................................................................................................. $ 1,936,818 Footnotes: 1)Annexation Fees per October 24,2017 memorandum from Brett R.Barbre to John Lewis. 2)12"watermain in Stonehaven Drive from just east of Devonport Circle to Project entrance just east of Via de la Roca Drive. 3)Developer allocation of Project Cost for joint design and construction project to increase capacity of and upgrade HHBPS.Detailed breakdown shown on following pages along with District allocation breakdown and total. 4)Fee for AMI Facilities previously paid per original Agreement and not included in Fee per Dwelling Unit. 1/3 Page 67 of 84 EXHIBIT "G.2" EXISTING OFFSITE FACILITIES FEE SUMMARY AND EXISTING OFFSITE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS(CONT.) HIDDEN HILLS PUMP STATION UPGRADE COST BREAKDOWN Size Description Unit Cost Quantity Amount ORIGINAL DESIGN(REVISED CONSTRUCTION COST) PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS $28,700 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS $62,200 FINISHES $17,500 EARTHWORK $43,300 EXISTING CONDITIONS $30,530 HEATING,VENTILATING,AND AIR CONDITIONING $39,100 MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS $154,740 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS $118,484 SITE IMPROVEMENTS $5,000 ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS 150 HP Variable Frequency Drive Equipment $50,000 1 LS $50,000 ATS/Switchboard(including Demolition,Relocation and Reconnection) $60,000 1 LS $60,000 Miscellaneous Conduit/Wire $12,000 1 LS $12,000 RTU/PLC Modifications/Programming $10,000 1 LS $10,000 Developer Cost $631,554 Engine Generators Standby Natural Gas Internal Combustion Electrical Generator (cost to upsize to required 350kW Generator listed in Additional District 200 KW Requested Improvement Items below) $127,000 1 EA $127,000 Acoustic Enclosure(Level 1) $18,650 1 LS $18,650 2"Natural Gas Line Installation $100 100 LF $10,000 District Cost $155,650 REVISED TOTAL ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION COST $787,204 ADDITIONAL DISTRICT REQUESTED IMPROVEMENT ITEMS SITE IMPROVEMENTS 6 ft Wrought Iron Fence $45 400 LF $18,000 6 ft Wrought Iron Swing Gate $4,500 1 EA $4,500 4 in Concrete Paving around Pump Station $200 50 Sy $10,000 HEATING,VENTILATING,AND AIR CONDITIONING Increased Rooftop Air Conditioner,Ducts and Installation (3-ton to 5-ton) $5,000 1 LS $5,000 MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS 14 in Magnetic Flow Meter $18,000 1 EA $18,000 14 in Steel Spool(CML) $1,250 2 EA $2,500 14 in Welded Butt Strap Connection $1,450 2 EA $2,900 48 in Precast Concrete Meter Vault $13,000 1 EA $13,000 4.5 ft Meter Vault Hatch(Aluminum) $8,500 1 EA $8,500 Water Quality Analyzers $10,000 1 EA $10,000 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 3 ft Unit Masonry Retaining Walls(for Meter Vault) $200 10 LF $2,000 5 ft Unit Masonry Retaining Walls(for NG Generator) $300 35 LF $10,500 Epoxy Coating of Existing Pump Station Concrete Floor $15 670 SF $10,050 ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS Increase NG Generator size from 200 kw to 350 kw $72,000 1 EA $72,000 Increase in Acoustic Enclosure $29,490 1 LS $29,490 Remove Existing MCC/Switchboard in Pump Room $5,000 1 LS $5,000 New MCC/Switchboard sized for all 4 Pumps $80,000 1 LS $80,000 RTU/PLC Relocation and associated Hardware,Conduit,Wiring,etc. $10,000 1 LS $10,000 New Transformer Pad,Conduit,Wiring,etc. $20,000 1 LS $20,000 New SCE Cabinet and Meter accessible to SCE from outside of building $20,000 1 LS $20,000 Conduit and wiring to power new 14"Mag Meter $5,000 1 LS $5,000 UPS Unit for RTU $5,000 1 LS $5,000 LED Light Conversion $15,000 1 LS $15,000 2/3 Page 68 of 84 EXHIBIT "G.2" EXISTING OFFSITE FACILITIES FEE SUMMARY AND EXISTING OFFSITE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS(CONT.) HIDDEN HILLS PUMP STATION UPGRADE COST BREAKDOWN ADDITIONAL DISTRICT REQUESTED IMPROVEMENT ITEMS COST $376,440 DEVELOPER TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST INCL.15%CONTINGENCY $726,287 DISTRICT TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST INCL.15%CONTINGENCY $611,904 ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $1,338,191 ENGINEERING DESIGN&CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES: DEVELOPER SHARE $267,927 DISTRICT SHARE $61,073 TOTAL $329,000 PROJECT COST(DESIGN+CONSTRUCTION,EXCLUDING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT): DEVELOPER SHARE $994,214 DISTRICT SHARE $672,977 TOTAL $1,667,191 3/3 Page 69 of 84 EXHIBIT "H.1" CIELO VISTA TRACT NO. 17341 o Heat Dr CD STONEHAVEN PIPELINE EXHIBIT --4, C) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT 0 co P� EXHIBIT "J.2" CIELO VISTA OFF-SITE WATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE <-1 Week 3 0 °� titin Stonehaven Pipeline I I I Advertise &Award ,,,,,,��, I I Submittals I �, Mobilization I , Pipe Construction I I I Paving I 1 Acceptance I I 1 I 1 Hidden Hills Pump Sta. I I I Advertise &Award I Submittals Mobilization I „ Construction ",,,�®®�*,]"�®*,���Iloilo Punch List&Testing Acceptance All I I I LEGEND Effective Date, Developer Funding&Grading Start Production Homes Start YLWD I CONTRACTOR I Model Homes Start In accordance with Section 5.A,as amended by the Second Amendment,both YLWD and YLWD Contractor tasks may be undertaken by Developer. Consistent with Exhibit"K.2"("Schedule for YLWD to Provide Access to Water")to the Second Amendment, Hidden Hills Pump Station may or may not be on the same Advertise and Award schedule as Stonehaven Pipeline. m CD v 0 00 10/14/2020 EXHIBIT"K.2" Schedule for YLWD to Provide Access to Water 1. Proiect Roujah Grading: YLWD shall provide temporary access to water for the Property through existing hydrants as necessary for Developer to commence Project rough grading, following the Effective Date and YLWD's receipt of Developer's deposit Pursuant to Section 5.C. of the Agreement as amended. 2. Dron Lumber and Residential Framiniz for Model Homes:Before any lumber drop for Project framing and construction of the model homes, the Stonehaven water main (listed in Exhibit 11G.2" and illustrated on Exhibit "H.1") and the Subdivision Facilities up to the hydrant(s) serving the model homes shall be constructed, complete and operational, tested and approved. The Parties shall use all commercially reasonable efforts as necessary to complete the Stonehaven water main in time to provide access to construction water for lumber drop and residential framing of the model homes in accordance with the schedule in Exhibit"J.2". In addition to the scheduling contingencies in Section 5.B.iii in the original Agreement, this schedule was also contingent upon Psomas completing the Stonehaven water main final design plans and specifications and receiving YLWD acceptance, which was completed and YLWD did provide such acceptance in April 2019. Based on typical construction practices and since it is ready to go to bid when necessary, the Stonehaven water main can be constructed in the same timeframe as the onsite water improvements for the Project and all efforts will be made to coordinate the construction schedule of the Stonehaven water main with the Project onsite water improvements. 3. Drop Lumber. Residential Framin,2 and Construction of Remainder of Proiect Homes: The Developer may construct the Project's residential homes in phases. Before any lumber drop for framing and construction of the residential homes in each Project phase, the segment of the Subdivision Facilities serving such phase of residential homes shall be constructed, complete and operational, tested and approved, and the Hidden Hills Pump Station improvements (listed in Exhibit "G.2" and illustrated on Exhibit "I") shall be under construction. The Parties shall use all commercially reasonable efforts as necessary to commence construction prior to lumber drop and residential framing of the first phase of Project homes in accordance with the schedule in Exhibit"J.2". In addition to the scheduling contingencies in Section 5.B.iii in the original Agreement, this schedule is also contingent upon Psomas completing the Hidden Hills Pump Station final design plans and specifications, and receiving YLWD acceptance in accordance with the schedule in Exhibit "J.2.". Page 72 of 84 EXHIBIT "L.1" Scope of Work for Existing Off-Site Facility Improvements Stonehaven Pipeline—Construct approximately 1,300 linear feet of 12-inch diameter pipeline from just east of Devonport Circle to proposed Cielo Vista entrance just east of Via de la Roca including connection to existing Santiago Reservoir 1000 Zone pipeline on the easterly end and connection to the on-site subdivision pipeline at Cielo Vista entrance (westerly end) and ancillary valving and appurtenances as detailed on the plans and specifications for the Stonehaven Water Main Project, District Project No. 2018-28 prepared by Psomas and dated March 2019. The location/alignment of this pipeline is shown on Exhibit "H.l" and updated costs are included on Exhibit"G.2" of this Second Amendment. Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station (HHBPS) Improvements—The original project to be designed and constructed by Developer included the replacement of an existing 250 GPM jockey pump, motor and appurtenances with an 1,800 GPM fire flow pump and motor equipped with a variable frequency drive. Following preparation of a draft Preliminary Design Report (PDR), reviewed initially by District staff, it was determined the recommended way to accomplish this was to add a new electrical room to the existing pump station to house the electrical equipment for the new, larger pump. To comply with current seismic/structural codes, a new, structurally enhanced roofing system replacing the entire existing roof was also required. These improvements were to be designed and constructed by the Developer. Following a comprehensive third-party review of the PDR and project in general and in consultation with District staff and the Developer, the District decided that since the station was going to have to be taken out of service to accomplish the improvements originally required of the Developer, there were other improvements that would eventually be required to bring this old station up to current District standards, and it made sense to construct these improvements now to take advantage of the shutdown and design and construction economies of scale. Based on this thinking the scope was expanded and the breakdown of financial responsibility is shown in the table below by major element of the HHBPS. Financial Major Project Element Responsibility Replace Pump No. 4 with larger pump, motor and pump can Developer Replace suction and discharge piping for Pump 4 Developer New Electrical Room to house equipment for new pump Developer Remove and replace roof with structurally stabilized roofing system Developer including pump hatches New Roof-mounted air conditioner and ventilation system Developer New Automatic Transfer Switch in Electrical Room Developer New larger transformer pad for SCE-provided transformer to handle larger District load New 350 kW Stand-by Natural Gas Generator Set I District New Perimeter Fence and Electrically operated Gate j District 1/2 Page 73 of 84 EXHIBIT "L.1" Financial Major Project Element Responsibility New Electrical/Control Equipment for Pumps 1-3 located in electrical room District Relocate RTU/PLC and associated equipment to Electrical Room District New 14"Mag Meter, Vault and appurtenances District New SCE Cabinet and Meter accessible from outside building District A detailed cost estimate has been prepared for the revised PDR prepared by Psomas along with a cost breakdown of the project elements and this breakdown is shown on Exhibit"G.2" of this Second Amendment. 2/2 Page 74 of 84 ITEM NO. 9.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kaden Young, Senior Management Analyst SUBJECT:Adjusting Certain Water Rates and Implementing Monthly Per and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Impact Fee RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX adjusting certain water rates effective January 1, 2021, implementing a monthly per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) impact fee effective January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, and rescinding Resolution No. 2020-09. SUMMARY: Per the Board’s approval of the FY21 Operating Budget at the June 23, 2020 meeting, a 5% adjustment to the monthly water service charge became effective August 1, 2020 via Resolution No. 2020-09. Additional discussion items pertaining to rates and fees included: 1) a $0.06 pass-through adjustment on the commodity rate to be effective as of January 1, 2021 (adjusting the commodity rate to $2.86/unit); and, 2) a to-be-determined PFAS Impact Fee of approximately $10 pending future analysis of required water purchases to meet the demand on the water system. Staff has completed the analysis by reviewing the financials as reported through the first quarter of FY21 and having updated the projections for the remainder of the fiscal year. Staff’s revised projections are based on the following: FY21 Quarter 1 (July – September) water resource utilized ~82% groundwater versus budgeted 70% and the budgeted water production volume increased by 6.5%; FY21 Quarter 2 (October – December) water resource was budgeted for 100% import water and has now been updated to utilize 80%/100%/100% groundwater accordingly; Water production volume to be increased by 5% for November 2020 – February 2021 in accordance with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Winter Outlook of a warmer and drier than normal winter; FY21 Quarter 3 (January – March) and April’s water resource will remain 100% import water; May - June 2021 water resource has been updated to utilize 100% import water (versus 70% groundwater as budgeted); therefore, The recommended monthly PFAS Impact Fee per customer account meter sizes are: Page 75 of 84 Meter Size Monthly Water Service Charge Monthly PFAS Impact Fee 5/8 $22.26 $5.04 3/4 $22.26 $5.04 1 $37.18 $8.40 1 ½$74.14 $16.80 2 $118.67 $26.88 3 $259.84 $58.80 4 $467.59 $105.84 6 $1,039.15 $268.80 FISCAL IMPACT: The PFAS Impact Fee, effective on customer monthly billing statements from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, generating approximately $1.3 million in revenue, will enable the District to ensure its cost of services are met and comply with contractual coverage ratio requirements. BACKGROUND: At the June 9, 2020 Regular Board of Directors (“BOD”) Meeting, staff presented various scenarios derived from amending the proposed FY21 Operating Budget that would result varying year-end net positions and debt coverage ratios (125%, 150%, and 175%). Staff was tasked with preparing additional scenarios based on desired debt coverage ratios from the Board. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: At the June 23, 2020 Regular BOD Meeting, staff reviewed the budget assumptions for FY21 and debt service coverage ratio scenarios. The Board of Directors amended the FY21 Operating Budget by approving three items: (1) a 5% rate adjustment to the monthly water service charge, effective August 1, 2020; (2) an estimated $0.06 commodity rate adjustment, effective January 1, 2021; and, (3) a PFAS Impact Fee effective November 1, 2020 in an amount to be determined pending future analysis. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B - Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Resolution Page 76 of 84 Resolution No. 2020-XX Adjusting Water Rates Effective January 1, 2021 and Rescinding Resolution No. 2020-09 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADJUSTING CERTAIN WATER RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2020-09 WHEREAS, pursuant to Water Code Section 31007, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District (“YLWD”) is required to set water rates at a level which will yield an amount of revenue sufficient to pay for operating expenses, provide for repairs and depreciation of works, and pay the principal and interest on any bonded debt; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2015 and August 31, 2015, the Board of Directors considered the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report (“Rate Study”) and determined that the schedule of water rate increases described in the Rate Study is necessary and sufficient to cover, without exceeding, the cost to provide water service to each customer connection; and WHEREAS,pursuant to, and in compliance with, Proposition 218 (California Constitution art. XIII D), the District on July 31, 2015 mailed a notice of schedule of water and sewer rate increases (“Prop 218 Notice”) to all property owners within the District’s service area which included proposed water rates beginning Fiscal Year 2016; and WHEREAS,on September 17, 2015, and in accordance with article XIII D, the Board of Directors held a public hearing regarding its Prop 218 Notice, and adopted Resolution No. 15-22, which established water rates, effective October 1, 2015; and WHEREAS,the Board of Directors has since rescinded Resolution No. 15-22 and adopted and rescinded Resolution No. 16-10; and WHEREAS,the rescinded Resolution No. 16-10 repeated the Board of Directors’ findings, determinations, and resolutions in Sections 2 - 5 of Resolution No. 15-22, which are not repeated in this Resolution to avoid any confusion regarding the findings, determinations, and resolutions to adjust the water rates in this Resolution; and WHEREAS,on June 23, 2020, the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 2020-09, which adjusted certain water rates that took effect on August 1, 2020; and WHEREAS,at the end of the first quarter in Fiscal Year 2021, District staff prepared a cost of service analysis and revised the financial projections for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021, which includes increased cost related to treatment of per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) and compliance with AB756 (“PFAS Impact Cost”); and Page 77 of 84 Resolution No. 2020-XX Adjusting Water Rates Effective January 1, 2021 and Rescinding Resolution No. 2020-09 2 WHEREAS,the PFAS Impact Cost will be partially funded by the PFAS Impact Fees listed below in Section 4.; and WHEREAS,in accordance with the cost of service analysis and Water Code Section 31007, the Board of Directors desires to adjust certain water charges effective January 1, 2021 within the confines of the District’s water rate schedule published in its Prop 218 Notice. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District does hereby find, determine, and resolve the following: Section 1.The matters set forth in the foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 2.Resolution No. 2020-09 is hereby rescinded effective January 1, 2021. Section 3.Water rates and customer connection charges for service defined in Section 3.4 of the Rules and Regulations with Regard to the Rendition of Water Service of the Yorba Linda Water District are hereby set forth as follows and will take effect on January 1, 2021: For All Potable Water Service: All Water Usage shall be charged at $ 2.86 / 100 Cu. Ft. Monthly Service Charge for: 5/8” and 3/4” Meters $22.26 1” Meters $37.18 1 1/2” Meters $74.14 2” Meters $118.67 3” Meters $259.84 4” Meters $467.59 6” Meters $1,039.15 Section 4.PFAS Impact Fee, effective on customer monthly billing statements from January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021, are hereby set forth as follows: Monthly PFAS Impact Fee for: 5/8” and 3/4” Meters $5.04 1” Meters $8.40 1 1/2” Meters $16.80 2” Meters $26.88 3” Meters $58.80 4” Meters $105.84 6” Meters $268.80 Page 78 of 84 Resolution No. 2020-XX Adjusting Water Rates Effective January 1, 2021 and Rescinding Resolution No. 2020-09 3 Section 5.Additional rates and fees for service are as follows: The charge for Permanent Untreated Water Service as defined in Section 3.4.1 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: The current Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (“MWD”) Untreated Full rate, plus charges by the Municipal Water District of Orange County (“MWDOC”), plus any other fees, charges or penalties as may be imposed by MWD and/or MWDOC, plus $13 per acre-foot. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of November 2020, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 79 of 84 ITEM NO. 10.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP STAFF CONTACTS:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Doug Davert, Asst General Manager SUBJECT:MWDOC Request for Allen-McColloch Pipeline (AMP) Participants, Including the District, to Execute a Common Interest Agreement Regarding the AMP Sale Agreement to Metropolitan Water District RECOMMENDATION: General Counsel is recommending that the District accept the Municipal Water District of Orange County's (MWDOC) invitation to engage in discussions regarding this matter. Acceptance would include entering into a "Common Interest Agreement" with MWDOC and twelve other Orange County water agencies (Participants) so MWDOC may share its legal analysis while maintaining confidentiality. SUMMARY: MWDOC invited the District and other Participants to engage in discussions regarding MWDOC’s legal analysis of the 1996 agreements related to the sale of the Allen-McColloch Pipeline (AMP) to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MET). A primary question to be discussed is whether the Participants want to leave the existing capacity restrictions in place or whether greater value could be achieved by eliminating the capacity restrictions. BACKGROUND: In 1978, certain Participants, including the District, and MWDOC entered into agreements for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the AMP. The AMP is approximately 27 miles long and conveys water from the Diemer Plant in Yorba Linda to a point near the El Toro Reservoir. In March 1995, MWDOC and the Participants sold the AMP to MET and MET assumed AMP obligations. In July 2016, the AMP Sale-related agreements expired, but certain obligations remain. Recently, MWDOC’s Legal Counsel reviewed the AMP Sale agreements, which includes AMP capacity restrictions, and prepared a legal analysis of the on-going responsibilities and obligations on behalf of the Participants. Page 80 of 84 MWDOC staff is requesting a meeting with the Participants, including the District, to review and discuss the legal analysis to determine if any changes in the AMP agreements are warranted. According to MWDOC, a primary question is whether the Participants want to leave the existing capacity restrictions in place or whether greater value could be achieved by eliminating the capacity restrictions. Since MWDOC and the AMP Participants are aligned under the various AMP agreements and share a common interest in the reliability of the AMP, its operations, and delivery of water to the Participants, MWDOC’s Legal Counsel recommended that MWDOC and the twelve current AMP Participants enter into a “Common Interest Agreement” so MWDOC may share its legal analysis while maintaining confidentiality. Page 81 of 84 ITEM NO. 11.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Director's Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1. OC LAFCO - October 14, 2020 2. YL Mayor's State of the City - October 14, 2020 (Hawkins/Nederhood) 3. YL Planning Commission - October 14, 2020 (Hawkins as needed) 4. ACC-OC Innovation Awards - October 15, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 5. Yorba Linda State of the City - October 15, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 6. WACO Planning Committee - October 20, 2020 7. YL City Council - October 20, 2020 (Miller) 8. MWDOC Board - October 21, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 9. UWI Webinar - October 21, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones/Nederhood) 10. OCWA Webinar - October 21, 2020 (Jones/Miller/Nederhood) 11. OCWD Board - October 21, 2020 (Jones) 12. CA-NV AWWA Fall Conference - October 26, 2020 (Jones/Nederhood) 13. CA-NV AWWA Fall - October 27, 2020 (Jones/Nederhood) 14. CA-NV AWWA Fall - October 28, 2020 (Jones/Nederhood) 15. MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee - October 28, 2020 16. OCSD Board - October 28, 2020 (Jones) 17. CA-NV AWWA Fall - October 29, 2020 (Jones/Nederhood) 18. ISDOC - October 29, 2020 (Hawkins/Nederhood) 19. OCSD State of the District - October 30, 2020 (Jone/Hawkins/Miller/Nederhood) 20. ISDOC Executive Committee - November 3, 2020 (Nederhood) 21. SAWPA Commission - November 3, 2020 22. YL City Council - November 3, 2020 (Nederhood) 23. MWDOC Board - November 4, 2020 (Nederhood/Miller) 24. OCSD Operations Committee - November 4, 2020 (Jones) 25. OCWD Board - November 4, 2020 (Jones) 26. WACO - November 6, 2020 Page 82 of 84 ITEM NO. 13.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:November 10, 2020 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Sr. Executive Asst/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Meetings from November 11 - December 31, 2020 ATTACHMENTS: 1.BOD - Activities Calendar Page 83 of 84 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendees November OC LAFCO Wed, Nov 11 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Nov 11 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) CSDA COVID-19 and the Workplace Webinar Thur, Nov 12 10:00 AM Jones SCWC Virtual Awards Presentation Thur, Nov 12 3:30 PM Hawkins/Jones WACO Planning Committee Tue, Nov 17 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Nov 17 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Nov 17 6:30 PM Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Nov 18 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWA Webinar Wed, Nov 18 11:30 AM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Nov 18 5:30 PM Jones OCBC Virtual Awards Thur, Nov 19 4:00 PM Jones Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Mon, Nov 23 4:00 PM Hawkins/Nederhood OCSD Board Wed, Nov 25 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Nov 25 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) ACWA-JPIA Board Meeting Mon, Nov 30 10:00 AM Jones December Date Time Attendees ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Dec 1 7:30 AM Nederhood ACWA Committee Meetings Tue, Dec 1 8:00 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Dec 1 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Dec 1 6:30 PM Hawkins ACWA Fall Conference Wed, Dec 2 8:00 AM Jones MWDOC Board Wed, Dec 2 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Dec 2 5:00 PM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Dec 2 5:30 PM Jones ACWA Fall Conference Thu, Dec 3 8:00 AM Jones OC LAFCO Wed, Dec 9 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Dec 9 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Fri, Dec 11 7:30 AM WACO Planning Committee Tue, Dec 15 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Dec 15 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Dec 15 6:30 PM Hall MWDOC Board Wed, Dec 16 8:30 AM Nederhood/Miller OCWA Webinar Wed, Dec 16 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Dec 16 5:30 PM Jones OCSD Board Wed, Dec 23 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Dec 23 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) As of November 3, 2020 Page 84 of 84 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING • 1 A r •- � r I r 10. 2 . PFAS and Groundwater + * r � I r Treatment Update r � � Presented by: . . + . . ,AV r + I Rosanne Weston ' I Ir s + + Engineering ManagerIWW r r . + + r J ? YL ITEM NO. 10.2. F' Ff Cr f Update / Sampling • • . • All Producers' wells sampled except New Monitoring Orders: YLWD • 33 new wells • YLWD wells to be sampled 11 /18/2020 • Issued late November or early • Other Producers' PFAS Treatment December Plants underway: • Wells located within 2 miles of DOD o Fullerton o Garden Grove sites o Santa Ana • No update on setting PFBS o Serrano Notification Level o Tustin o Anaheim o EOCWD o Orange o IRWD Yorba Linda 'Mater District. -- Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2020 �y y 4i T. ITEM NO. 10.2. � c c I ff Ff f C ff F 0 A 0 rf : :-� - _ - ,� .:. tiFl:'BLOCIC WALL - 4� � � ice- � •+g�'q IADD TO EXIST WALL 21, 00 oo 7I _ - •Y- ,. 1, PROPOSED IX VESSELS -. .i1PCSP.AT: r`r I. PROPOSED BAG FILTER$ PROPOSED BP1M1f � T r I s� - Yorba Linda - Water Dist r i Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2020 ITEM NO. 10.2. �� ♦ !~' f� F C ECS RFAS Water Treatment Plant fT f` rt C '' Treatment Pant r Jim C�Cl 41 R Headquarters fr Yorba Linda y Water Dist r i Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2020 .T_ y y • 1 PFAS Water Treatment Plant r Work RecentlyCompleted : + + r � • Geotechnical Borings at new Plant location } • Structural evaluation of north Headquarters wall • Capital and O&M Cost comparison 0 3 plant locations: $32M, $ 164/AF o New Headquarters location: $24.2M, $ 144/AF J r + r Jr + r + J ? r s + f r YL A W -_ N r • 1 OCWD Manganese Evaluation IL • OCWD & YLWD Pilot Studies show no detrimental affects on resin o YLWD Wells 20 and 21 - 19 to 47.9 ug/L o OCWD Bessie Well - 200 ug/L . - Capital and O&M Costs for treatment �. r J o Well 21 - $ 16.5M, $295K/yr ($23/AF) o Wells 20, 21 , 22 at Well 20 - $ 13M, 295K/yr ($23/AF) o Treatment at HQ for Wells 20, 21 , 22 - $ 13M, $295K/yr ($23/AF) o OCWD conducting Pilot Study at Well 21 ' ' o No pre-treatment. OCWD to adjust O&M share '. W '�' � ' 'Nip r J ? YL • 1 OCWD Mini Pilot Study at Well 21 10/20/2020 to 12/31 /2020 Flow indicator, totalizer and pressure gauges _ 5 micron pre-filter _ =r • Water Quality Influent Monthly ' Y testin g J o Anions (Cl, SO4, NO3) — EPA Method 300 J r � ► °oma o Alkalinity — EPA Method 2320 _P 'M o PFAS — EPA Method 537 Rev 1 .1 � o Manganese } o TOC • - � s ,K , V Water Quality Effluent a ♦' I o Test every 14 days r _ KIo PFAS — EPA Method 537 Rev 1 .1 YL ITEM NO. 10.2. f fff fCff � � r f C - f f t f f F t f r f t • • 11 /12/20 90% Plan Review f f E 11 /24/20 DDW Submittal 12/02/20 OCWD Board Approval for Notice to Invite Bids 12/15/20 Advertisement of Bid 02/04/21 OCWD Board Approval and Notice of Award f r 02/25/21 Notice to Proceed 07/20/21 Install IX Vessels 10/25/21 Commence Water Production 11 /22/21 Final Project Acceptance Yorba Linda � _ - Water Dist r i �t� Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2020 ` 'FIL y rt • Ap • r # r r s r r J 11 . 2 . A tow to lip + ! r ! r J a r ♦ a � r r a r I p� � ,r ,► • r I � r � J J r I Jr + r + J a � � J YL i . • � f � r • J if-.J J r ♦ J J J r J. J CY _ J • J s J I s r ♦ I J � ♦ J J / J i J i I + J J.i j J r J i i J a . � 9 J J pOtw .! '+�;r ♦ ' J + r J J ♦ 'i ♦ J • -J• ♦ i r � J J • J ♦ ♦- .ii '� J r i J♦ J J J i I s '' J J I 7 J 11 J i ✓ � i ii i ♦ J ♦ r J s '� J J 'wo ♦ � J i ' r J r �' ♦ ' r + ' J J ♦ �+ J � .rJ s i r a ♦ i > J YLoff lip � • � . � s ITEM NO. 11.2. _ r ff f f, f Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers r February 2020 $62.94 ----- $62.94 ----- March 2020 $1,756.38 ----- $1,756.38 ----- c April 2020 $705.60 ----- $705.60 ----- May 2020 $4,099.51 ----- $4,099.51 ` June 2020 $5,507.21 ----- $5,507.21 ----- E July 2020 $5,315.21 ----- $5,315.21 : ' ----- Au ust 2020 $27,344.08 $904.00 $28,248.08 - ' s • September 2020 $26,051.54 $7,687.07 $33,738.61 • r October 2020 $101,549.46 $4,817.91 $106,367.37 • November 2020 $94,187.86 $11,095.27 $105,283.13 • Outstanding Balances by Typc Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $291,084.04 or 2,667 customers Current Total Residential - $266,579.79 or 2,590 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $24,504.25 or 77 commercial customers r.. ". All data as of November 10, 2020 r APO= - Yorba Linda - Water Districtl4w Jk... ..... Item 1 1.2. - General Managers Report — November 10, 2020 ` -T- } * � y } ITEM NO. 11.2. � c c I f f Ff f C � Ff err rC �l�' f f r f t f Total Residential Delinquent Bills rf f f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $300K +5% +3% I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------±12%----------------- ---------- $250K +16% +11% I $266,579.79 ---------------8%------------------I---- ---1---- ---1---- $200K ---------- ---------- £ I -10% $259,614.98 $247,392.95 � $223,083.01 F $221,703.91 E -- ------- --------- $100K $200,160.14 C $192,488.08 $177,427.31 _____ $50K $OK May 26 June 8 June 23 July 13 Aug. 24 Sept.8 Oct.13 Nov. 10 Yorba Linda �.o*—.k Water District"' Item 11.2. - General Managers Report— November 10, 2020 ~ * 'FIL y y�i.w ITEM NO. 11.2. � c c I f f Ff f C � Ff r f t f rf f Total Commercial Delinquent Bills f --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $70K +73% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $60K --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $50K ---- ------------------- -- ---- ------------------------ -2Z%- ---6% -- --- ----- -------------------------- $40K -10% -19% ---------- ------- -- $30K $44,107.38 $42,936.40 -------- ------- $42,950.61 _=41_°_/0__ $38,669.41 $41,629.54 ---------- ---------- $10K ------- $34,890.98 ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- _ $24,504.25 $OK May 26 June 8 June 23 July 13 Aug. 24 Sept.8 Oct.13 Nov. 10 Yorba Lindax1!F-- - �� Water Districf'� Item 11.2. - General Managers Report— November 10, 2020 ~ * 'FIL y y ITEM NO. 11.2. � c . F c Ff Cr C Total Outstanding Delinquent Bills F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350K +3% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t3°O/a----------------- $300K +20% I I---- ----I -3% -------------------------------------I--- $250K E' +5% ------------------------------ ---------- -- 301,244.52 ------ ----------' I -12% $291,500.33 --------- --------- --------- -� --� $291,084.04 -------- $200K $282,196.23 $266,033.62 C $231,157.49 $235,051.12 ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- $100K M $220,363.71 ---------- $50K t L $OK May 26 June 8 June 23 July 13 Aug. 24 Sept.8 Oct.13 Nov. 10 1 _ Yorba Linda - Water Distfic - Item 1 1.2. - General Managers Report— November 10, 2020 } * 'FI y Z ITEM NO. 11.2. ► c r tF c FCS' EC f r. r c Date Residential Commercial Total October 13, 2020 $259,614.98 $41 ,629.54 $3011244.52 November 10, 2020 $266,579.79 $24,504.25 $291 ,084.04 Difference +$6,964.81 2.68% -$171125.29 41 .14% -$101160.48 3.37% r Date Residential Commercial Total r f October 13, 2020 2,547 83 2,630 rr. f November 10, 2020 2,590 77 2,667 Difference +43 (l .69%) .6 (7.23%) +37 (l.41%) Ilk,I Yorba Linda t. Water DistrictL"'* WO - - Item 11.2. - General Managers Report — November 10, 2020 ` -T- } * y } ITEM NO. 11.2. r c r rr rr r c rrrr r rrc trrr E rr s �! C R r �f t ft C Historic Payments Days f - Month Cycle Total Bills % Paid 27 Days f r e Yorba Linda Water Dist r i ct� �- ,� Item 11.2. - General Managers Report — November 10, 2020 ` ITEM NO. 11.2. r rfi r� r c� rrr ��r �r rrc trrr E Fr s c - r c March 2020 Cycle 1 71943 91.4% March 2020 Cycle 2 51623 91.0% March 2020 Cycle 3 51882 87.9% March 2020 C cle 4 59749 89.4°/a April 2020 Cycle 1 7,933 90-VL April 2020 Cycle 2 5,630 91 .4% April 2020 Cycle 3 5,898 91.2% April 2020 Month 255208 91.0% Aril 2020 C cle 4 5,747 90.7% - Yorba Linda r Water District.L"O'* -.2 777 �� Item 1 1.2. - General Managers Report - November 10, 2020 ` -T- } * � y } ITEM NO. 11.2. r rfi r� r c� rrr ��r �r rrc trrr E Fr s c - r c May 2020 Cycle 1 7,942 90.5% May 2020 Cycle 2 51627 92.0% May 2020 Cycle 3 55899 88.9% ,. Ma 2020 C cle 4 51747 90.3% 1 1 . ' 1 June 2020 Cycle 1 75940 89.3% June 2020 Cycle 2 59631 91.0% June 2020 Cycle 3 51889 89.0% June 2020 C cle 4 51740 91.7% Yorba Linda -_ .� Water Dist r i ,11� Item 1 1.2. - General Managers Report - November 10, 2020 ` -T } * � y } ITEM NO. 11.2. r rfi r� r c� rrr ��r �r rrc trrr E Fr s c - r r • • / • c r July 2020 Cycle 1 7,950 90.3% July 2020 Cycle 2 5,630 92.4% July 2020 Cycle 3 5,906 89.8% Jul 2020 C cle 4 51739 91.8% 1 1 . , 1 ' 1 Au ust 2020 Cycle 1 75966 91.3% Au ust 2020 Cycle 2 51626 90.5% August 2020 Cycle 3 5,898 90.8% August 2020 Cycle 4 5,745 90.5% 1 1 • ' 1 1 - Yorba Linda - r ip- Water Dist r i ct? �� � Item 1 1.2. - General Managers Report - November 10, 2020 ` -T- } * � y } ITEM NO. 11.2. r rfi r� r c� rrr ��r �� fry trrr * r. rfr - t Sept. 2020 Cycle 1 71969 91 .2% Sept. 2020 Cycle 2 51625 91 .5% f. Sept. 2020 Cycle 3 53896 90.6% Se It. 2020 C cle 4 53743 91.1% October 2020 Cycle 1 73979 89.8% October 2020 Cycle 2 51630 92.0% October 2020 Cycle 3 5,900 Pending October 2020 C cle 4 51741 Pending t • • • - 1 1 • I ' 1 ' ' , Yorba LindaF �4ffl - _ _ -r = — Water Dist r i ct? - Item 11.2. - General Managers Report — November 10, 2020 ` • # r r s r _ • � r • r r s r ' J J ITEM 20 i i r r Soft � J � � 'v x .I r! ♦r • rJ Iwo a�� ! ♦ r J a r J # J r J' r ! s r ,• r r J ♦ r J ♦ a • r r r � r r ( . ._ i J j • �+ r r r r + r r _ J ,� r • • • •• � • i �� � rIr r r J YL -ANN---mmm � • � . � W • a i - - ITEM NO. 11.2. IP c c I f f Ff f rC 1!f f Cff f Cfr r y Soft Collection Calls Started with 4 or more COMM . jow calling 3 or more RES and COMM Made 1 , 212 calls Collected '14 or 59% of calls Total Collected - $247 - 15 1 . t Total added to Auto Pay - 129 MIL AOL Yorba Linda � Water District.L"'*� Item 11.2. - General Managers Report — November 10, 2020 ` ITEM NO. 11.2. � c c c �r rr Current Past , ue, f E qF r 1 - RES 1 - COMM 2 - RES 2 - COMM 3 - RES 3 - COMM 4 - RES 4 - COMM 5 - RES 5 - COMM 951 34 312 6 125 9 52 1 24 0 C f total 1 985 Total 2 318 Total 3 134 Total 4 53 Totals ' Yorba Linda �aber District Item 1 1.2. - General Managers Report— November 10, 2020 } * � y } • ; + r � i � r J � r• + = J ITEM • + i r _ J J J Coronctv'i* rusMi*t'i* gat'i* on Ef f orts A vow r J 1 * • I J � ,t • J ; J • a Iwo I I I S 3 I + 1 ! J YL � • � . � w Owl- r • COVID 19 Update.". Three positive tests for members of the YLWD Team NONE ACQUIRED AT WORK J + a r s + J _ Patient 1 — acquired on vacation in Idaho J 7 in Contact Trace — all double negative tests J Patient 2 — acquired on vacation in Washington State 2 in Contact Trace — all double negative tests + + s + a a �r r Patient 3 — acquired on vacation in Las Vegas + 7 in Contact Trace — all double negative tests YL • rrentlyinStage4 of • AGM Davert and GM Barbre take temperature daily from 4:00 am until 7:00 am • AGM Davert and GM Barbre take PCR test every Tuesday All three tests - to date NEGATIVE J • YLWD takes temperature of anyone entering the campus • YLWD encourages testing . . .voluntary testing arranged for anyone wishing to be tested • We anticipate returning to stage 3 on Monday as the final COVID+ 40 patient returns (must be cleared by personal physician in order to return) , YL A Wi0 Far m • iPr' dtect*Lve Policies - • MASKS r s • DISTANCING • Anti-COVID fogging — weekly either ADMIN or BLDGS 1 , 2 & Warehouse • CLEANLINESS • COMMON SENSE �� J • We want to continue to provide a safe and healthy workplace for everyone as we are essential workers. 1WW R V► J • r r � r � r J � J J r r J J J r r J ? � J YL r • t Y OF YORBA LINDA ' • • City Hall is open on an appointment only during normal operating hours. All visitors must wear a mask. • Council Meetings still virtual. • All indoor recreation centers are closed. Some walk-ins permitted ' • Yorba Linda Community Center is closed. _ • Yorba Linda Police Services Station is closed to the public. • The Yorba Linda Public Library closed on Thursday, October 15 in J order to move to the new facility. Library item due dates have been extended and no fines are being accrued until the new library is open. T. , J J J I + J f YLi • � . �`A • t Y OF PLACE-NT [A • City Hall is currently open with precautions in place. J • Council Meetings still virtual. • Guests are to wear face coverings and practice social distancing. ' • Police Department Lobby/Front Counter is closed. - .69 • All Commission and Committee Meetings are cancelled. • Rental Halls, Picnic Shelters, Playgrounds and Fields are all J closed. •0 • The Library is open with social distance protocols and a • , ,� maximum capacity of 30. .J '' - , , . • i J �4 SCHOOL DISTRICT • NTIA YORBA LINDA Implemented in-person hybrid instruction at all schools: • Elementary Schools/Preschools J Wednesday, October 21 , 2020 - .. J • Middle Schools Monday, October 26, 2020 ' • High Schools/Adult Transition Program J i i i Monday, November 9, 2020 , J i i I i i v i i i J YL A r • t COUNTY OF ORANGE • Board of Supervisors meetings open to public with social distance and face coverings. • Hall of Administration Building open. -r • Old County Courthouse Open. _ • Courts Open. ' • All Clerk/Recorder offices open. • County Admin South Open (Vital records and Fictitious Business). J • Most OC Parks and Beaches are open with restrictions. • OC libraries remain closed but offer curbside pickup and physically distanced single-user computers by reservation for one-hour sessions. • D, MWD and I r r • All offices closed to the public. • All meetings virtual. s , J I J .' J r + I r I • # • r + ! + ! J r a r r ! s a ,• I r a ♦ �. + ♦ a • J I a a r + 3 J a �+ p� � ,r ,► • r J � r � J r • r ' ,� r • � r � • J r s • + r + YL W - r