HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-12 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet (B)AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 6:30 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1.TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION In an effort to help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the District will be facilitating participation in this meeting via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. Information for accessing this meeting is provided below. Public comment related to items on this agenda or other matters within the District's jurisdiction will be facilitated on the teleconference or can be submitted in writing via e-mail to the Board Secretary (bodsecretary@ylwd.com) at least two (2) hours prior to the start of the meeting. If you choose to submit comments via e-mail, please identify the agenda item you wish to address. Your comments will be shared with the Board prior to the meeting. For questions regarding participation please call 714-701- 3020. Computer/Mobile Device: https://zoom.us/j/96422354461 Telephone: 669-900-6833 or 346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 964 2235 4461 2.CALL TO ORDER 3.ROLL CALL Phil Hawkins, President J. Wayne Miller, PhD, Vice President Trudi DesRoches, Director Brooke Jones, Director 4.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or a unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2)) 6.PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board or Committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3) 7.ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board or Committee discussions are needed prior to formal action. 7.1.Candidate Interviews for Board Vacancy Recommendation: That the Board of Directors interview the top six candidates and appoint one to fill the vacant seat. Page 1 of 88 7.2.Appointment to the Board of Directors Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2021-XX appointing a candidate to fill the vacancy on the Board. 8.INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 8.1.Elected Official Liaison Reports 8.2.Federal and State Legislative Update 9.CONSENT CALENDAR All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. There will be no discussion of these items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests separate consideration. 9.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held December 8, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 9.2.Endorsement of Director Brooke Jones' Candidacy for 3rd Vice President on the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Executive Committee Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2021-XX endorsing the candidacy of Director Brooke Jones to the position of 3rd Vice President on ISDOC's Executive Committee. 9.3.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,835,163.20. 9.4.Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2020. 9.5.Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending November 30, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending November 30, 2020. 9.6.Award of Construction Contract for FY21-22 Manhole and Valve Box Adjustment Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors award the Construction Contract for the FY21-22 Manhole and Valve Box Adjustment Project to All American Asphalt for $69,524.78, Job Nos. 2020-59, 2020-59S. 9.7.Design and Construction Support Services for the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to issue a change order in the amount of $17,480 for the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station design and construction support services. 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board or Committee at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at Page 2 of 88 another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 10.1.Treatment of Groundwater Supplies to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) 11.REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1.Director's Reports 11.2.General Manager's Report 11.3.General Counsel's Report 11.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 12.COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 12.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia - Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 13.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1.Meetings from January 13 - March 31, 2021 14.ADJOURNMENT 14.1.A Board workshop meeting is scheduled Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. The next Regular Board meeting will be held Tuesday, February 9, 2021. Closed Session (if necessary) will begin at 5:30 p.m. and regular business at 6:30 p.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Prior to the Governor’s ‘Stay-at-Home’ Executive Orders regarding COVID-19, non-exempt materials related to open session agenda items that were distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors or Committee Members less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting were made available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s Administrative building during regular business hours and posted on the District’s website shortly thereafter (GC 54957.5). As the District’s lobby has been closed to the public in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Orders and to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, staff will make these materials available on the District’s website (https://ylwd.com/) as soon as possible following receipt. Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for participation in the above posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020 at least 24 hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 3 of 88 ITEM NO. 7.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Candidate Interviews for Board Vacancy RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors interview the top six candidates and appoint one to fill the vacant seat. BACKGROUND: The Board will conduct interviews with the following six candidates who were selected following review of their applications at the special meeting held on January 5, 2021. Following the interviews, the Board will deliberate and may vote to appoint one of the applicants to the vacant seat. Kim-Anh T. Le Thomas H. Lindsey Cristy L. Parker Michael A. Payne Sean Phayakapong Kenneth K. Tam ATTACHMENTS: 1.Candidate Applications Page 4 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District Independent, Reliable and Trusted Service for Mare Than Ida Years APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of directors you must be a registered voter, reside within the District's boundaries, and be willing and dedicated to serve tha public. This application, a letter of interest, and statement of qualifications and reasons for wanting to serve on the Board must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. at the address or e-mail at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 if you have questions. Contact Information f Full Name: -LEi f AIVA Last Fkat mi. Address: S&9e1Ad&ess Aeaft�nVt"I* Oe-64 LINOA' Main Phone: Alternate Phone: Email: Candidate , n I hereby apply for consideration for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. I hereby certify that aWinformMaDoniWhave i ed is accurate and trukhfus. Signature: Date: a ' SupplementalRequired In add'ion to this form,all applicants rnustsubmh the following: Letter of Interest Statement of Qualifications (resume or CV) Reasons for wanting to serve on the Board Submit MaterialsPlease return this form and the requested supplemental materials to Annie Alexander, Board Secretary.Al materials must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 12.00 PM (noon) at the address or a-mail address below. Postmarked materials will not be accepted if not received by the deadline. By email aaiexanderO.,A wd.co m By mail YLW D Board of Directors n1a Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885 Page 5 of 88 December 28,2020 Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885 (Via email to aalexander;u!yYlwd.com) Subject: Letter of Interest for Appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors Dear Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors: I am submitting this letter of interest to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. Having a deep-seated dedication for public service, I was very excited to hear about the opening of this position on the Board. My educational background and my 32 years of extensive professional experience align directly with the mission and the responsibilities required of the Board. As a resident in the City of Yorba Linda,l am passionate in bringing our constituents reliable, high-quality water supply and sewage service in a transparent, cost-effective,and environmentally responsible manner. I graduated from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Master of Science in Engineering with major course works in environmental engineering. I consider myself very fortunate to have acquired my well-rounded knowledge through my employment in both Fortune 500 private companies as well as several highly respected government agencies throughout Southern California. Although my resume details my qualifications,I would like to highlight the direct relevance of my previous employment at the Orange County Sanitation District, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, and the California Water Quality Control Board- Santa Ana Region. As a senior engineer, I managed the Wastewater Pretreatment program and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permits for four wastewater treatment plants. Among other responsibilities, my daily projects included working closely with the Operations and the Laboratory staff to ensure timely completion of the required monthly monitoring and laboratory analyses. I chaired the Regional Sewage Committee with seven member contracting agencies in the Chino Basin and met regularly with the Metropolitan Water District,the Santa Ana Watershed Public Agency, the Orange County Water District,and the Orange County Flood Control Authority to resolve water supply issues, compliance status of the wastewater discharge in the Santa Ana River,collection and discharge of stormwater from the coastal cities in Orange County, and the regional groundwater replenishment systems. I was the liaison officer who represented my employers in audits of the pretreatment program and sewage system by the Los Angeles County Sanitation District and the Environmental Protection Agency. I have gained not only substantial Page 6 of 88 knowledge in water resources, wastewater collection and treatment, stormwater prevention and collection,and but also an in-depth understanding and appreciation for the applicable rules and regulations in these areas. My additional experience of an Air Quality Engineer at the South Coast Air Quality Management District will be undoubtedly a valuable asset to the operation at the Yorba Linda Water District. I am well-versed on the air pollution control technology and applicable rules required for operations of many industries including Public-awned-Treatment- Works and water treatment facilities. My tenure as a Research Engineer at the Unocal Corporation was rewarding and resulted in co-authorship of three important patents related to oil exploration and refinery production processes. Since my teenage years,public service has always been an important part of my life. My parents had instilled in all of their children that a meaningful life is one of serving and helping. In September 1981,I arrived to the United States as a refugee with nothing in hand but a burning desire to work hard to be a productive citizen,to help others, and to give back to our community. I am forever indebted to this beautiful country and its generous people for providing me with so many opportunities to not only be successful but to also contribute back whenever I can. For more than two decades, I have been active in many community organizations including Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America, Orange County Food Bank, Children Hospital of Orange County, and American Red Cross. I enjoy working closely with school and scout troops to educate the younger generations on the importance of preserving and protecting our environment. Many of the youngsters have expressed their appreciation for the knowledge through our field trips to wastewater treatment plants and trash recycling facilities. I am a registered voter in the State of California and have lived in Southern California for over 39 years. My family and I moved to the family-friendly City of Yorba Linda in May 2014. My husband, Doug, is a native Californian and a Caltech-trained electrical engineer. Both of us are scout leaders of four scout troops in Orange County. I have three grown children who are also active in scouting and community organizations. All three are graduates of the University of California system. My son,Neil, is an environmental engineer. My older daughter,Audrey, is a third-year medical school student and my younger daughter, 'Tiffany,was the Class Speaker for her Master of Public Policy Class of 2019 of University of Riverside. Tiffany has intemed at the Department of Commerce in Washington DC and is currently working for an Assembly Member of the State of California. I have taken an early retirement in 2019 to care for my brother who had a severe stroke. With his health gradually improving, I now have more time to focus back on my work to serve the local communities in Orange County,and more importantly, the city I call home. My extensive knowledge and experience of water resources,wastewater collection and treatment, and sewage service will be an asset to the Board of Directors and the residences of the Yorba Linda Water District. Page 7 of 88 I am looking forward to discussing with the Board members my qualifications and my deep interest in serving the constituents of the Yorba Linda Water District, 1 appreciate the opportunity to compete for the appointment of this position, Thank you for your time and consideration. Best wishes to you and staff for a safe and healthy holiday and I look forward to all the success 2021 will bring. Sincerely, Kim-Anh T. Le r d228'T Page 8 of 88 Kimanh Le Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board of Directors One of the most important aspects of my life has been my dedication to serve my community. I strongly believe in contributing through any capacity to improve the lives of current residents and to build a better place for the future generations. Serving on the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District will provide a productive platform of service to the community that has given me so much. My educational background and 32 years of extensive professional experience align perfectly with the mission, the purpose, as well as the responsibilities required of the Board. My expansive knowledge of water resources, wastewater collection and treatment processes, stormwater pollution prevention, air pollution control technology, and local, State, and Federal regulations will be an asset to the Board and the entire Yorba Linda Water District as a whole. I can't wait for the opportunity to be another positive and productive voice on the Board. It would be a rewarding experience to apply my well-rounded knowledge to work together and bring a reliable, high quality water supply and sewage service in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner to the residents of the Yorba Linda Water District. I grew up in a large family who emphasized public service to be the foundation of our lives. My late parents were well-known in our hometown for their philanthropic activities. Realizing education was the key to reach and sustain social and economic mobility, my parents donated their own money to build a high school that provided free education to children from impoverished areas. Beyond the construction of schools, my family also set up scholarships for top ranked, underprivileged high school students to provide them a chance to attend college. Our weekends frequently consisted of visits to many poverty-stricken neighborhoods to provide food, medications, and school supplies. I was raised to believe that helping our community is a noble thing that needs to be done. As an immigrant, I am always grateful to this beautiful country and its kind- hearted people for giving me and my family a chance to rebuild our lives. My desire to help others is strengthened by my commitment to give back what I received. Amidst the usual responsibilities of a career and family, I have always Page 9 of 88 strived to use my time for the good of the community. While in college, as the President of the Asian Pacific Student Association, I worked hard and organized regular tutoring sessions for the English-as-a-Second-Language students to help them assimilate into the school curriculum. I raised funds for the local food banks and the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees to help relocate refugees from war-ravaged countries. Over the last two decades, I have been a scout leader and advisor of two Girl Scout troops in the City of Irvine. My son is an Eagle Scout and my two daughters are both Girl Scout Gold Award recipients. My family has been spending most of our free time volunteering at Orange County Food Bank, Orange County Beach Cleanup, Children Hospital of Orange County, hosting car wash fundraisers for the American Red Cross, and helping at nursing homes,just to name a few. I feel so much joy watching the young scouts learning and appreciating the importance of preserving and protecting our environment through our regular field trips to visit Los Angeles County and Orange County trash recycling facilities and wastewater treatment plants. More often than not, I was either requested or volunteered my personal time for public outreach programs at work which included visits and made presentations at local schools on behalf of my employer agency to educate the young students about air pollution and other environmental protection topics. In 2019, 1 retired early to care for my brother who had a severe stroke. With his health gradually stabilizing, I have more time now to do what I love the most— getting involved in the community and using my knowledge and experience to improve the quality of lives for everyone. I strongly believe that a meaningful life is doing what I can to leave the place in a better shape than when I arrived. Serving on the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District will be the highlight on my lifelong list of public service and volunteering activities. Page 10 of 88 KIM-ANH T. LE Cell: Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Email: OBJECTIVE: To continue utilizing my technical training, background, and extensive knowledge and professional experience in the field of water resources, wastewater collection and treatment, stormwater pollution prevention, and air pollution control technology to serve the local communities in the County of Orange. I am a passionate believer in public service to make our world a better place,starting from making local governments efficient,transparent, and financially responsible. EDUCATION: Master of Science in Engineering,March 1997-California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, June 1988 - California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Engineer-In-Training Certificate (License No.XE095581) California Environmental Compliance Inspector Grade IV Certificate California Licensed Real Estate Sales Agent COMMUNITY SERVICES AND VOLUNTEER Scout Leader and Advisor for Girl Scout Troops 1808 and 1809 of Orange County Volunteer for Orange County Food Bank, Orange County Beach Cleanup and Earth Day, Children Hospital of Orange County, St. Jude Hospital, American Red Cross, Nursing and Convalescent Home in Orange County. Community Speaker for South Coast Air Quality Management District on Air Emissions and Control. PROFESSIONAL WORK HISTORY: 3/2019 — present — Private Tutor for Math, English, and Chemistry for high school and college students. California Licensed Real Estate Sales Agent. 10/2001 —3/2019-Air Quality Engineer II—Chemical, Mechanical, and Ports Permitting Section, Toxics and Waste Management Section, Office of Engineering and Compliance, South Coast Air Quality Management District, Diamond Bar, CA. Evaluated and approved over 2,000 permits to construct and operate equipment subject to Federal, State,and District regulations on air pollution control.Performed complex engineering calculations and analyses of the design and operation of various industrial processes and air pollution control equipment to quantify and assess air emissions impacts to the region. Prepared public notices to communities and responded to comments and inquiries from Federal, State, local agencies, and public. Conducted over 400 technical engineering research and studies;collected and analyzed data in support of rule-making activity; drafted and amended 12 rules and regulations for air quality control programs; prepared technical reports; prepared budget proposals; and prepared procedural Page 11 of 88 manuals and other engineering documents. Provided technical assistance to District Counsels and Compliance staff for 25 Orders of Abatement and Petitions for Variance at the Hearing Board. Regularly made oral presentations of complexed projects to management and peers.Lead 15 special projects and provide technical support to Compliance staff on complexed compliance issues. Mentored and reviewed work done by new engineers. Provided expert testimony at the Hearing Board and Governing Board. Represented the Department in technical audits by State and EPA. Represented the District in giving presentations to local high schools in an effort to educate the young generations on the need to protect the environment. Conducted performance review of staff. Hi2hli2hts: • As the lead Engineer, I successfully collaborated with the District Counsel, District Compliance Section, and the Permittee to contain and control the odor nuisance from a Material Recovery Facility(MRF). The project lasted for four years. The permitted facility was required to install the Best Available Control Technology for air emissions at the cost of $2.1 million dollars and was required to pay a fine of$250,000 for violating the District rules and regulations. • Conducted research and provided technical documentations and analyses to promulgate and pass Rule 410 for Odors from Transfer Stations and Material Recovery Facilities (MRF). This rule was the first-ever regulation to control the odor nuisance from the MRF industry in the State of California. The rule has been the model template for similar odor control by other Air Pollution Control Agencies within and outside of the State of California. 7/2000 — 10/2001- Water Resource Control Engineer — National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits and Storm Water Section, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region 8,Riverside, CA. Managed the NPDES program for the Storm Water Section.Provided technical services to industrial and construction sites to verify compliance with Storm Water General Permits.Reviewed,inspected, and issued storm water permits for municipal agencies. Reviewed and provided technical comments on annual reports, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, proposals for monitoring programs, selection and implementation of Best Management Practices,and municipal enforcement practices. Prepared technical documents recommending enforcement actions. Investigated and determined course of actions on reports/complaints regarding discharges of polluted storm water and unauthorized non-storm water discharges to storm drains and waters of the U.S. Provided information to the regulated community and to the general public regarding storm water regulations and other programs of the Regional and State Water Boards. Provides expert testimony at the Hearing Board. Coordinated with Federal, State, and local governmental agencies such as Orange County Flood Control Authority,Orange County Water District and LA and OC Sanitation Districts in the oversight of the Regional Storm Water Program. 1/1993- 7/2000 — Senior Engineer - Industrial Waste Department, Operations Department, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Chino, CA. Managed contracts for wastewater capital projects and studies,prepared technical reports,plans,and specifications, performed engineering plan checks, conducted technical review and approval of project plans,designs and construction,evaluated wastewater projects proposals and recommended awards of contracts, and prepared requests for proposals for wastewater projects. Responsible for Page 12 of 88 scheduling, field inspections, review and approval of contractors' work. Administered Federally regulated Pretreatment Program. Prepared quarterly and annual reports to Federal, State, and local agencies for the pretreatment programs. Reviewed and evaluated industries' compliance with wastewater discharge standards,permit requirements,and ordinances;prepared technical reports and oversaw complex enforcement actions. Lead the Regional Sewage Program Committee and maintained liaison with Federal, State, and local regulatory agencies (SAWPA, LACSD, OCSD, OCWD,and seven cities in Chino Basin)regarding water treatment and wastewater discharge issues. Represented the Department and provided technical support and expert testimony to the County District Attorney on behalf of the Agency in pursuing high level and complexed enforcement cases. Provided technical support to the four Regional Chino Basin wastewater treatment plants in their effort to stay in compliance with their National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System Permits (NPDES). Responded to industrial users and public inquiries relating to wastewater discharge regulations and other environmental issues; interpreted and explained regulatory/technical issues related to wastewater discharge to ensure understanding by contracting agencies. Responded to emergency situations. Assisted management in budget preparation and drafted proposals to Executive Management and the Agency's Board of Directors. Developed goals and objectives for the department. Developed new policies impacting department operations/procedures. Interviewed, selected,trained,supervised,and conducted performance evaluation of technical and non-technical staff. Responsible for operations of the department when management is not available. Hiahliahts: • Lead the Regional Sewage Committee to amend the Ordinances of seven cities in the Chino Basin to prohibit new installations of self-regenerated water softeners. Elimination or reduction of discharge of salt-laden wastewater to the sewer was important to support the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plants in their effort to stay in compliance with their NPDES permits. • By joining force with other government agencies in the region,I lead a project on behalf of the Inland Empire Utility Agency to successfully petition to the US Environmental Protection Agency to de-shelf the pesticides of diazinon and chlorpyrifos in the Chino Basin. These toxins had found their ways into the wastewater and caused serious problems to the operation of the wastewater treatment plants. 1/1991 - 1/1993 Associate Engineer - Source Control Division, Technical Services Department, Orange County Sanitation Districts, Fountain Valley, CA. Determined sources of non-compliance and adequacy of the industries' pretreatment system and waste management practices.Conducted inspections,prepared inspection reports,and identified non- compliant industries. Recommended enforcement actions and held compliance meetings. Provided staff reports to management.Coordinated and prepared Probation Orders,Cease and Desist Orders, and Enforcement Compliance Schedule Agreement. Provided expert testimony to enforcement hearing officers. Evaluated compliance reports,plans, and drawings regarding waste management treatment designs and practices to ensure long-term compliance. Tracked and followed-up on the industries' requirements until full compliance with limits and requirements were demonstrated. Evaluated, for conformity with Federal and State wastewater quality laws and District rules and regulations, applications for permits subject to District permitting requirements and recommended issuing or denying industrial wastewater discharge permits. Worked as a liason with State and local regulatory agencies regarding discharge of wastewater and groundwater to the sewage system. Page 13 of 88 Reviewed and issued special permits to discharge groundwater to the wastewater treatment plants. Prepared technical reports and assisted in preparing Division's annual and quarterly reports. Responsible for managing the Districts' Hazardous Waste Storage Center. Answered public inquiries relating to permits and enforcement. Interfaced with local, regional, State and Federal agencies on obtaining and applying regulations. 12/1988 - 1/1991 - Research Engineer - Technology Development Department, Science & Technology Division, Unocal Corp., Brea CA. Defined the scopes and methods, and managed multiple capital projects from start to finish. Solicited and selected bids from vendors and contractors. Coordinated and monitored work of contractors and other departments. The completed projects included: designing and monitoring the construction of the H2S gas removal pilot plant,researched the methods and selected contractors for disposing oil-contained soil, designing and testing fluidized beds for separation of mineral solids, designing and testing various heat transfer problems to improve the efficiency of hydrocracking reactors. Patent Applications: • Method for recovering oil from commercial shale retort de-asher sludge (May 1989). • Benzene and Carbon Monoxide incineration by using selective oxidation catalyst(July 1989). • Uses of fluidized beds for purifying silicon carbide (July 1990). 6/1988-12/1988-Process Engineer-Engineering Department,Quantum Chemical Corp.,Emery Division, Los Angeles, CA. Supervised the operation of the facility's steam boiler plant. Responsible for various capital projects: revamping and upgrading distillation columns, designing and replacing heat exchangers, soliciting bids, selecting contractors and monitoring the installation of all mechanical mixers in the plant, and designing the ammonia system. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIPS: Air&Waste Management Association (A&WMA) California Water Pollution Control Association National Engineering Honor Society (Tau Beta Pi) Golden Key National Honor Society Chemical Engineering Honor Society(Omega Chi Epsilon) Page 14 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District frtdependeru, Refiable and Trusted Service for More Than 100 Years APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors you must be a registered voter, reside within the District's boundaries,and be willing and dedicated to serving the public.This application, a letter of interest including your reasons for wanting to serve on the Board,and a statement of qualifications(resume or CV)must be submitted no later than Tuesday,December 29, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.(noon)at the address or e-mail at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 if you have questions. Contact / ■ Full Name: Lindsey Thomas H Last F.:sr IN.1 Address: Street Address ApartmentfUnd a Yorba Linda CA 92887 City state ZIP Code Main Phone: Alternate Phone: Email: Candidate s I hereby apply for consideration for appointment t the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. hereby certify rate and truthful. Signature: Date: SupplementalRequired In addition o this form, all applicants must submit the following. etter of Interest and Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board Statement of Qualifications (resume or CV) Submit Materials Please return this form and the requested supplemental materials to Annie Alexander, Board Secretary. All materials must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29.2020 at 12:00 PM (noon) at the address or e-mail address below. Postmarked materials will not be accepted if not received by the deadline. By email aalexander a'vlwd.com By mail YLWD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander. Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PQ Box 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885 Page 15 of 88 December 11, 2020 Dear President Hawkins, Directors and YLWD General Manager, I would like to submit a letter of interest regarding the open Board position. It would be my honor to serve on the YLWD Board of Directors. I am also forwarding my updated resume and application as requested. I hope you will consider me for this important position. It has been my great pleasure to serve our community over the 36 years I have resided in Yorba Linda. In each of the capacities listed in my resume, I have found great pleasure in serving. In particular, while on City Council I was assigned for years as Council Liaison with YLWD. During that time, I observed the YLWD Board make many sound and not always easy decisions.These included implementing a basic service rate increase to solidify the financial stability of the District for years to come, refinancing of bond debt, actions to increase the capacity of unfettered water flow through the District by investing in pumping stations and new wells, dealing with the State as they attempted to commandeer the District, and guiding the District through an unprecedented drought, to name a few. You should know that I did not disagree with any Board actions taken on these issues. know today's chall.,, 6za G. :. just as great and will demand the full attention of the Board as it directs the management of over a billion dollars of YLWD assets. I was so impressed by the tours I have taken of YLWD infrastructure,the Diemer Water Treatment Plant,the Colorado River Aqueduct system,the various local dams and the Santa Ana River projects. Frankly, I vr,rA,yu,N,,,ed at how i ,: I became in the art and science of providing safe water to our residents. I believe issues surrounding provision of water are quite fascinating! I am most defined today by my role as husband,father and especially grandfather. But a large part of me is still defined by how I serve the community where I live. For that reason, I submit my name for your consideration. Res full ."om In sey Page 16 of 88 Resume Thomas H.Lindsey Yorba Linda,CA 92887 Personal: -Married 43 years,4 children and 11 grandchildren. -Yorba Linda resident and homeowner for 36 years. -Hobbies include basketball,water sports,performing arts,numismatics. -Height 6 feet 4 inches,260 pounds,health excellent. Education: -High School Graduate 1973 Del Norte High,Albuquerque,New Mexico. -College Graduate 1980 Brigham Young University,B.S.Degree in microbiology,pre-med with minors in chemistry and Spanish. -Graduate of various business/sales seminars including Xerox,PSS, SRI,Wilson Learning,Time Management. -CBEST certified. -Former EMT Community: -1975 to 1977 Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Argentina. (Fluent in Spanish.) -Bishop for 5 years. -Youth soccer and basketball coach. -Former Business Manager for the Yorba Linda Civic Light Opera. -Counselor and former Unit Leader,Boy Scouts of America. -Yorba Linda City Council Candidate,2000. -Elected to Yorba Linda City Council,November 2010. Served 8 years on Council. Served 4 years as City Council Liaison to the YLWD. -Served twice as Mayor,City of Yorba Linda. -Serve as Board Member of SARFPA,Trauma Intervention Program(TIP),Foothill Eastern Transportation Corridor. -Chairman, "Campaign for Kids".Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District General Obligation Bond Measure Y for$102,000,000.Passed with 65%of the vote,March 2002. -Citizens Oversight Committee Member for 6 years overseeing spending of approximately$240,000,000 in school bond and State matching funds within the PYLUSD School District. -Current Board Chair,Placentia Linda Hospital Governing Board,serving 81 year on Board. Professional: -1980 to 1988 Medirec,Inc.,a Utah based medical equipment Rental Company. As a sales rep,proliferated the unique concept of Pay-Per-Use rental of diverse types of capital medical equipment to local hospitals including equipment such as ventilators,pulse oximetry,infusion devices,and incubators. Called on virtually every department within a hospital using capital equipment within my territory.This required detailed knowledge of the equipment on the level of the manufacturers'rep. Doubled territory to$950,000 annually within one year.Was transferred to southern California to open Page 17 of 88 branches in San Diego, San Bernardino,Orange County,L.A. and Honolulu,acting as Branch Manager for each.Promoted to Regional Vice President.Grew the business from zero to 13,000,000 annually in 5 years. Hired,fired,trained,coached and managed all sales and branch management personnel and had bottom line responsibility for all fiscal and operational activities and financial statements within the region.Medirec was sold to SSI,a national rental company shortly after I left. -1988 to 1998 Owner,Medical Device Services,Inc.,a Brea,CA based medical equipment and products distributor and Rental Company. Started MDS with 2 partners and expanded the creative rental concept for hospitals within the southwestern states and Hawaii.Guided the company for 10 years with direct responsibility for sales and management hiring and training,asset management and maintenance,alternative financing programs such as the Equity Acquisition Rental program and specialty leasing arrangements.Also created the Biomedical Services division which contracted with hospitals to service their equipment.Broadened the types of equipment offered to include items such as ultrasound,physical therapy devices,critical care monitoring systems,and O.R scrubs dispensing machines,to name a few. Oversaw all manufacturer relationships as an authorized distributor.Dealt with banking relationships,corporate accounting,tax issues,inventory control,computer systems and general business management. Generated contracts and negotiated with regional hospital groups. Grew to 45 employees including 12 sales reps.Achieved annual revenue of 19,000,000 the year the company was sold to Critical Care Concepts,Inc,a national medical respiratory distributor. -1998 to 2000 Critical Care Concepts,Inc.National Asset Manager and Director of Biomedical Services. After the sale of MDS,oversaw all rental and service aspects for 3CI on a national basis. Trained 85 sales reps and 8 regional managers to sell specialty rental and leasing programs to hospitals,home care companies and alternate site facilities throughout the United States.Oversaw negotiations and contracting of rentals,leasing and biomedical services with regional and national hospital concerns such as NME, Catholic Healthcare West,IHC,and Humana. Served on the 3CI strategic planning committee. 3CI was sold to Allegiance Medical in 2001 with annual sales of approximately$100,000,000. -2001 Consultant for Med One Capital,a Utah based medical equipment leasing and rental company. -2001 Owner,Advanced Energy Solutions,Inc.,an energy conservation and light retrofitting company. Owned and oversaw operations for this small company which does most of its business with school districts in the southeastern region through lease and financing programs. -2002 Western Area Vice President for Freedom Medical,Inc.,the nation's third largest Hospital equipment rental company. Oversaw all operations and sales in branches west of the Mississippi river. Hire,fire,train and develop all Branch managers, Sales Representatives,and Operations Managers for the company within my area.Develop new product releases and marketing with manufacturers on behalf of the company. -2005 to 2012. Owner,Medical Device Enterprises.Inc.,a specialty medical equipment distributor in the states of California and Nevada. Sold my Company to Med One Group. -2012 to Present. Senior Vice-President and National Sales Manager for Med One Group,a medical equipment Rental, Sales and Leasing company with annual revenues of approximately$180,000,000. Page 18 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District R'�d bie a,td Tyra tit RI&I fur,i=iry 7hao 7,0 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors you must be a registered voter, reside within the District's boundaries,and be willing and dedicated to serving the public.This application,a letter of interest including your reasons for wanting to serve on the Board, and a statement of qualifications(resume cr CV)must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.(noon)at the address or e-mail at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 if you have questions. Contact Information Full Name: �cZ it fC e yt C r S 5 1-/ L_ Last First UL Address: Street Address Apatmentunit# V.,�3 c_ eA q 16 6 [c City state ZIP code Main Phone: Alternate Phone: Email: Candidate ■ hereby apply for consideration for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. I hereby certify that all information I have submitted is accurate and truthful. Sig nature: Date: �� "► 7 4' { Required Supplemental In addition to this form,all applicants must submit the following: _Letter of Interest and Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board Statement of Qualifications (resume or CV) Submit Materials Please return this form and the requested supplemental materials to Annie Alexander, Board Secretary.All materials must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29,2020 at 12:00 PM(noon)at the address ar a-mail address below. Postmarked materials will not be accepted if not received by the deadline. By email aalexander,'.vlwd.com By mail YLWD Board of Directors cla Annie Alexander,Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885 Page 19 of 88 CRISTY LOMENZO PARKER Page 1 of 2 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS FOR APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO YLWD BOARD OF DIRECTORS LETTER OF INTEREST AND REASONS FOR WANTING TO SERVE ON THE BOARD I believe that my educational background and work experience, coupled with the significant amount of time and effort I have devoted toward learning about the operations and infrastructure of YLWD and other water and water-related agencies, demonstrate my interest in water issues and position me as a strong candidate to contribute to the YLWD Board, particularly given the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions that currently impede in-person learning and networking opportunities for new YLWD Board members. I have been a Yorba Linda resident since 1972 and have been interested in government service for as long as I can remember. My formal education includes a degree in Political Science (Public Administration)with highest honors from California State University, Fullerton, and a doctorate of law with honors from University of California, Hastings College of the Law. Prior to law school, I worked in administrative management at the County of Orange Environmental Management Agency,then a 1500-employee agency that managed the County's departments of Planning; Regulation; Housing;Transportation; Public Works; and Harbors, Beaches & Parks. I primarily conducted administrative studies and formulated recommendations for approval by the agency's head. Following law school, I spent 15 years handling complex business and legal transactions at two major law firms in Orange County before retiring in 2010. As an attorney, I worked individually and as part of a team to advise large and small businesses and their owners and investors as to how to govern their businesses in compliance with federal and state rules and regulations and contractual obligations. In 2015, 1 developed a particular interest in the administration of the YLWD while the YLWD Board was grappling with difficult drought and Prop 218-related issues.To get myself educated and best take advantage of opportunities to participate in YLWD Board meetings as a member of the public, I attended nearly all YLWD Board meetings and budget workshops for a couple of years. In 2017,the YLWD Board appointed me to serve on the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee that ultimately provided recommendations to the YLWD Board regarding both the structure and sufficiency of YLWD's water rates.To prepare for that assignment, I studied numerous different methodologies by which water agencies in Orange County charged for water and sewer services. Over the past several years, I also attended many facilities and infrastructure tours offered by YLWD and various other water and water-related agencies, as described in my Statement of Qualifications. Each of those tours further enhanced my understanding of and appreciation for our water system and led to my interest in giving back to my community by serving on the YLWD Board. Page 20 of 88 CRISTY LOMENZO PARKER Page 2 of 2 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS FOR APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO YLWD BOARD OF DIRECTORS STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS WATER-RELATED ACTIVITIES Appointed member of YLWD Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee, which committee provided recommendations to the YLWD Board regarding structure and sufficiency of YLWD water rates (2017) Participated in MWD Inspection Tour of Diamond Valley Lake, Diemer Treatment Plant, and Lake Mathews (2017) Participated in MWD/MWDOC State Water Project Inspection Trip (2018) Participated in MWD/MWDOC Colorado River/Hoover Dam Inspection Trip (2018) Participated in OCWD tour of Ground Water Replenishment System facilities (2018) Attended dedication ceremony for Fairmont Booster Pump Station (2019) Participated in YLWD Open House and Inspection Trip of the Highland Booster Pump Station, Fairmont Booster Pump Station and Hidden Hills Reservoir (2019) EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, Political Science (Public Administration),with highest honors, 1992 California State University, Fullerton; President's Scholar Juris Doctor,with honors, 1995 University of California, Hastings College of the Law Certificates in Culinary Arts and Baking& Pastry Arts,2015 Cypress College School of Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)Training, 2018 WORK EXPERIENCE Partner, Senior Counsel,Associate, 1995 to 2010 Rutan &Tucker, LLP and Snell &Wilmer, L.L.P., Costa Mesa, CA • Efficiently and effectively handled transactions and resolved complex legal problems individually and as part of a team, while meeting deadlines and budgetary constraints • Negotiated, crafted and interpreted written agreements • Edited, drafted and published press releases and detailed disclosure documents • Synthesized voluminous information into organized, clear and concise work product Administrative Manager, 1991 to 1992 County of Orange Environmental Management Agency, Santa Ana, CA • Conducted administrative studies and analyses and formulated recommendations for approval by agency head • Analyzed and revised policies and procedures • Wrote and managed production of monthly newsletter for 1,500 employees Page 21 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District Independent Raliable and Trusted Service for More Than 100 Years APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors you must be a registered voter, reside within the District's boundaries, and be willing and dedicated to serving the public. This application, a letter of interest including your reasons for wanting to serve on the Board, and a statement of qualifications (resume or CV)must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29,2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon)at the address or e-mail at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 if you have questions. aInformation Pull Name: Payne Michael A First M.I. Address: Street Address Apaarnentlunit# Yorba Linda CA 92887 Ci State ZIP Code Main Phone: Alternate Phone. Email: I hereby appl"all ti for"submi e Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. I hereby certify, i n I haccurate and truthful. Signature: Date: 12129/2020 _ Required * MUgLiaW In addition to this form, all applicants must submit the following: ,1D Letter of Interest and Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board 0 Statement of Qualifications (resume or CV) Submit Materials Please return this form and the requested supplemental materials to Annie Alexander, Board Secretary.All materials must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29,2020 at 12.00 PM (noon) at the address or e-mail address below. Postmarked materials will not be accepted if not received by the deadline. By email asIexanderCcD Iwd.corn By mail YLWD Board of Directors do Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PC Sox 3339 Yorba Linda CA 92885 Page 22 of 88 December 29, 2020 Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA, 92870 President Phil Hawkins Vice President J. Wayne Miller Board Member Brooke Jones Board Member Trudi Kew DesRoches Re: Application for the Board of Director Vacancy Mr. President and Members of the Board, It is with great pleasure that I submit my application for your consideration for the appointment to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District (District). My name is Michael A. Payne and I currently reside at , Yorba Linda, CA 92887 with my wife, Teryl Payne. I have resided within the District's boundaries since 2008 and I am a registered voter in Grange County. My wife is a professional Realtor in the Yorba Linda area and has been for the past 20 years. I have three grown children, Brett, Breann and Brooke. Brooke and her family also live within the D istrict. My professional background has been in the water & sewer industry with the majority of my career as an employee of the District. I began my career at YLWD in 1973 in the Engineering Department as a draftsman/designer. In 1978, 1 was promoted to Engineering Manager. It was during these times that development in the District grew dramatically. In 1993, 1 was promoted to Assistant General Manager proudly serving under Bill Robertson's leadership and 10 years later was promoted to serve as the District's 5th General Manager. I retired from the District in 2008. Having served over 35 years of my life at the District, I have great respect and pride of the District and what we have accomplished. I have a great memories of the District's history, the infrastructure and most important the general operations of the water and sewer system of the District. The customers and employees were and are very important to me as well. There are many challenges the District is facing and will face in the years to come. I am excited to bring my expertise and passion to the Board to continue to improve its policies on infrastructure, and address issues facing the District's proposed and affordable groundwater treatment plant to treat the perfiuorooctanoic acid (PFGA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFGS), the covid epidemic, and maintaining water rates as low as possible. I am willing and will dedicate my time to serving the public in addressing these and other issues as they arise. Page 23 of 88 I understand the importance of working closely with the Cities of Yorba Linda, Placentia, Anaheim and Brea for the benefit of the District's ratepayers. I have an understanding of the past policies and issues of the Orange County Water District (OCWD), the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) and the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC). In closing, I look forward to the opportunity to serve side by side with the Board of Directors and the entire staff of the District in carrying out its Mission, Vision and Core values. Water wise, i chael A. Fra ne Yorba Linda CA 92887 C: 2 Page 24 of 88 RESUME OF MICHAEL A. PAYNE Yorba Linda, CA 82887 C: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES: MICHAEL PAYNE CONSULTING 2010 - Present I have provided consulting services to the following businesses, companies and property owners. Projects include assisting developers, industrial commercial owners, residents in water & sewer infrastructure, Police contracts, towing related issues, etc.: Current and past clients include: • Carpe Carma L.L.C. dba Pomona Valley Towing Provided consulting services in securing and maintaining Official City/Police contracts with the following Police agencies: City of Pomona, City of Claremont, City of Montclair, CHP-- LA County Branch, SANBAG- Freeway Service Patrol, San Bernardino County Sheriffs department and LA Trap. ■ Yorba Linda Water District Provided historical data and presented options on resolving a property line issues; prior rights; property related research, contract issues and more. • Brookmont Industrial Park Provided consulting services to prepare an RFP for converting a buried single check fire detector check assembly to an above ground double fire detector check assembly. This project was performed while maintaining fire protection at all times. • Yorba Linda Outpost Developer A family owned Land developer in securing water and sewer service to their project; • Other Homeowners, property owners and friends requesting advice on water and sanitary related issues, easements, water pressures, etc. pertaining to their respective properties; CALIFORNIA TOW TRUCK ASSOCIATION (CTTA) 2012 - Present Elected to serve the CTTA as a State Board of Director to represent the professional towing operators within the Inland Empire Chapter in California. As a Board member, together we worked with state Legislators and the California Highway Patrol in proposing new legislation to improve the safety, the policies, and regulations as it relates to tow truck safety, proper towing techniques, engine emissions, and education. Page 25 of 88 In 2018, l was appointed to serve on the Executive Committee of CTTA. I was also appointed to serve as "Member at Large"to serve the Southern California Region of the CTTA. POMONA VALLEY TOWING, INC.: 2005 through 2018 CEO and part owner of a family owned Professional Towing Company. Our fleet consisted of light, medium and heavy Duty tow trucks. Responsible for(24) twenty-four hour towing operations of providing towing and Roadside service for police agencies, clients, and the general public. Responsible for police contracts with the cities of Pomona, Claremont, San Bernardino Sheriffs department, CHP, Freeway Patrol Service with SANBAG, LA Trap, Montclair and Cal Poly Police department. Responsible of maintaining, protecting and securing vehicles held for Evidence holds. Our company was awarded "Small Business of the Year' in 2015 by Assemblymember (D) Freddie Rodriguez representing the 52nd Assembly District. Award was presented in the State Capital. Our family sold our business in 2018. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT— 1973 through 2048 General Manager - 2003 through 2008 Responsible for the administration of the District's operations, This included, overseeing the Administration, Business, Finance, Engineering, Personnel, and Operations departments of the District. Some of the milestones during my term, included construction of the District's Administration Building, securing funding and seeking approval of fast tracking Capital projects: such as the Quarter Horse Reservoir, Lakeview Reservoir and initiating the design of the Hidden Hills reservoir & replacement of the existing Highland Reservoir. I retired from the District in 2008 due to the passing of my father and the need to run his operate and run the family business. Assistant General Manager - 1991 through 2003 Served as backup to the General manager and assisted him with the day-to-day Administration duties and responsibilities. Worked closely with the Board of Directors on implementing District policies. In addition, duties included relationships between the Operations department and the Engineering department. Responsible for all Risk Management activities including but not limited to Liability insurance, Workers Compensation Insurance, Property Insurance and claims and law suits filed by outside parties. 2 Page 26 of 88 Enaineerina Mananer: 1978 through 1991 Responsible for the design and construction of developer projects, residential properties for water and sewer service. Also responsible for Capital projects such as reservoirs, booster stations, transmission pipelines, sewer lift stations, sewer trunk lines. During this time, responsible for the design and construction of reservoirs such as Springview reservoir and booster station, Little Canyon reservoir, Bryant reservoir and the Timber Ridge booster station. Also prepared legal descriptions for grant deeds, easements and contracts. BUSINESS AFFILIATIONS: CTTA State Board of Director: 2098 - Present Elected by my peers to represent the Professional Towing Companies located within the Inland Empire Chapter in the State of California. EDUCATION: University of Phoenix: 1998 - 2001 Diamond Bar, CA • Bachelor of Science Degree-- Business Administration REFERENCES: Professional references available upon request. December 29, 2020 3 Page 27 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District Independent, Reliable and Trusted Service for More Than 100 Years APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors you must be a registered voter, reside within the District's boundaries,and be wiiltng and dedicated to serving the public. This application, a letter of interest including your reasons for wanting to serve on the Board,and a statement of qualifications(resume or CV)must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon at the address or e-mail at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 if you have questions. Contact • • Full Name: PHAYAKAPONG SEAN Last First M-L Address: Street Address Apartrrmen&Vnit# YORBA LINDA CA 92887 City State 2!P Code Main Phone: Alternate Phone: Email: Candidate I hereby apply for consideration for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. I hereby certify that all information I have submitted is accurate and truthful. o„� 1212512020 Signature: Sean Phayakapang -—, Date: Required Supplemental In addition to this form,all applicants must submit the following: ❑ Letter of Interest and Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board ❑ Statement of Qualifications{resume or CV} Submit Materials Please return this form and the requested supplemental materials to Annie Alexander, Board Secretary.All materials must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29,2020 at 12:00 PM (noon)at the address or e-mail address below.Postmarked materials will not be accepted if not received by the deadline. By email aalexanderOviwd.corn By mail YLWD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885 Page 28 of 88 December 28, 2020 YLWD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885 RE: Letter of Interest - Board of Director Vacancy Dear President Hawkins et al. Please consider this letter as indicating my very strong interest in filling the vacant Board of Director position left by Mr. Al Nederhood. As a life-long resident of Yorba Linda and registered voter living within Yorba Linda Water District's service area, I have always been very interested in providing the highest quality water at the lowest possible rates as well as in water conservation. I believe the current vacancy may be an opportunity for me to provide my passion and expertise to the constituents of the District. I am of the opinion that if you have a particular set of skills or resources that might be employed to help and support your community, you should offer your time to preserve and enhance the community in which you live. I have body of knowledge related to the development of water projects in California and the YLWD service area. I'm capable of understanding complex financial and engineering documents to keep the integrity of the District. My background and educational experience would hopefully be of service to our District and its members. I have education in hydrology, chemistry, geography, and water science from various institutions as it relates to aquifers, water quality, and construction. I have worked for several municipalities; and as a civil servant I will provide a guiding hand on how to proceed on a variety of issues that puts the interests of the District's consumers first. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to the opportunity to interview with the remaining four Board members on January 19, 2021. Sincerely, Sean Phayakapong Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Email: Phone: lorm Page 29 of 88 Sean Phayakapon Yorba Linda, CA 92887 - - EXPERIENCE Moulton Niguel Water District Laguna Niguel, CA GIS Analyst February 2019— Present • Process changes and updates to the District's water, sewer, and recycled hydraulic models and geodatabase infrastructure in a variety of applications. • Performed spatial analysis and conversion tasks from collected field data, prepared engineer drawing packages, and inspected redlines for comprehensive decision making. • Research, input, and edit map and attribute data from various sources to construct geographic information layers. City of Oceanside Oceanside, CA GIS Specialist July 2018— February 2019 GIS Assistant February 2017—July 2018 • Created web maps using open sourced mapping framework (CMV) utilizing ESRI's JavaScript API and ArcGIS web services via HTML5 and CSS3. • Implemented standards, methods, quality assurance/control processes, and metrics. • Provided technical assistance and information to staff and the public in the administration of GIS principles and managed projects with various departments and other government agencies. • Monitor assets through Lucity, a Computerized Maintenance Management System, to track construction meters, main pipelines, and other various water utility functions. AECOM (Contract) Orange, CA GIS Technician February 2016— November 2016 • Computerized mapping and digital data conversion from CAD and other sources into GIS. • Administered GIS database management principles, methods and techniques. • Optimized data with quality control and assurances for military contracts and the Department of Defense. City of Irvine Irvine, CA GIS Intern October 2014— February 2016 • Created map documents for various civil engineering, water quality, and utility inventory projects • Performed geodatabase creation, management, and editing for collected GIS data EDUCATION California State University, Fullerton Expected August 2020 Candidate in Masters of Science, Environmental Engineering California State University, Long Beach August 2015 Masters of Science, Geographic Information Science University of California, Los Angeles August 2013 Bachelor of Arts, Geography SKILLS Proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, and Microsoft Windows. Basic in German and Thai. Page 30 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District Independent, Rei€able and Trusted Service for More Than 700 Years APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors you must be a registered voter,reside within the District's boundaries,and be willing and dedicated to serving the public.This application,a letter of interest including your reasons for wanting to serve on the Board,and a statement of qualifications(resume or CV)must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29,2020 at 12:00 p.m.(noon)at the address or e-mail at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 it you have questions. Contact Information Full Name: Tam Kenneth K. Last Fftt M.I. Address: Speer Address Apartment/Unit# Yorba Linda CA 92887 City state ZFP code Main Phone: Aitemate Phone: Email: Candidate E hereby apply for consideration for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. I hereby certify that all' v ccurate and truthful_ Signature: Date:12/24/2020 SupplementalRequired In addition to this form,all applicants must submit the following: L: Letter of Interest and Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board Statement of Qualifications(resume or CV) Submit Materials Please return this form and the requested supplemental materials to Annie Alexander, Board Secretary.Atl materials must by submitted no later than Tuesday, December 29,2020 at 12:00 PM(noon)at the address or e-mail address below.Postmarked materials will not be accepted it not received by the deadline_ By email aalexa nder(awlwd.com By mail YLWD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander,Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PQ Bax 309 Yorba Linda CA 92885 Page 31 of 88 December 24, 2020 YLWD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 Honorable Board of Directors of Yorba Linda Water District: Please consider this letter as my letter of interest as a candidate to succeed the Board vacancy generated by Director Al Nederhood's election as Director to Municipal Water District of Orange County. The reason I want to serve on the Board of Directors is my interest in water issues and a continued interest in ensuring that fair and equitable rates are established for the constituents/ratepayers of the Yorba Linda Water District (District). I want to serve in order to use my education and work experience to provide meaningful insight to support the other Board members in ensuring the District continues to fulfills its mission of protecting public health and the environment by providing safe drinking water and reliable sewer services in a fiscally responsible manner. In 2017, 1 was and still am humbled and appreciative to the Board of Directors for selecting me as a member of the Ad-Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee that was tasked in reviewing the water rates. It was a fulfilling experience for me to be able to work side by side with fellow citizens interested in ensuring that the water rates were properly covering cost of service and reviewing different rate structures. While there were times where the group did not always see "eye to eye," there was always a mutual respect and professionalism within the group which showed the true positive impact of community engagement. Since my service on the Advisory Committee,I was inspired to continue my involvement in the community. For the last several years I have been actively involved with the Friends of the Yorba Linda Public Library (Friends). I currently serve as a member of the Friends Board in the role of Webmaster. I created the current Friends website and continue to work with the dedicated volunteers to ensure that we maintain positive outreach to the community in support of the Library. Pre-pandemic, you would usually find me volunteering in their Book Corner Store on the lower level of the old Library on Friday/Saturday or helping out at the Friends' semi-annual book sales. I strongly believe that I am uniquely qualified to serve as a successor to Director Nederhood due to my education, current employment, and my passion for my community. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry/Material Science of the University of California, Los Angeles and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering specializing the Environmental Engineering from California State University, Fullerton. I am also currently a licensed Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering in California. I also hold other certifications in LEED Green Building, Water Distribution, and Environmental Compliance. I believe that with my educational background I would fit in well with the current members of the Board. In terms of my employment,for the last 13 years I have been employed as an environmental engineer at Inland Empire Utilities Agency(IEUA) in the Planning& Environmental Resources department. I began as Page 32 of 88 an intern and have been steadily promoted over the years to a Senior Engineer. As a Metropolitan Water District of Southern California member agency, IEUA is the imported water wholesaler for the IEUA service area which includes the cities of Chino, Chino Hills, Fontana, Montclair, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, and Upland. In addition, IEUA also serves as a regional wastewater collection and treatment agency for the service area as well. As mentioned previously, one my interests is rate setting and one of my current projects at IEUA is to support a rate study evaluation for the IEUA water, wastewater, and recycled water programs. Similar to the District, IEUA's previous rate study was performed in 2015 and we also adopted 5-year rates at that time. I believe I can provide meaningful insight and input as the District is currently underway with a new rate study with Raftelis. As IEUA is a special district with an elected Board of Directors, I fully understand the importance and fiduciary responsibility of serving as a member of the Board at the District. The Board of Directors and District staff have the sacred trust,duty,and stewardship to collect and utilize the ratepayers funds in a fiscally responsible manner. On a daily basis I am committed to those same values for IEUA's constituents/rate payers. At IEUA I am also involved in environmental compliance and pretreatment and source control issues. I am aware and also follow the Per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) issues as IEUA's wastewater treatment plants discharge treated effluent that is tributary to the Santa Ana River. As the District faces the challenges of PFAS in their groundwater wells, I was heartened to hear the constructive conversation between staff and the Board of Directors during the Board meeting on December 8. The discussions showed the dedication of the Board and District staff in their ongoing commitment to delicately balance the health and safety of the public and compliance with regulations, while being mindful of the costs to the ratepayers. I believe through my experience at IEUA I can contribute a meaningful perspective and voice to assist the Board of Directors in making tough decisions on behalf of the ratepayers they serve. As a lifelong resident in the Yorba Linda, I have always admired the professionalism,dedication, and vision of both the Board of Directors and staff at the District. My family and the extended Tam family have lived in the District service area since 1978. We had owned and Wing's Chinese Restaurant on Yorba Linda Blvd.for almost 30 years until my father and uncles retired. When growing up, my parents instilled in me the same work ethic they had to keep our family business running for all those years. They also stressed the importance of giving back to the community whenever an opportunity arose. Those values my parents instilled in me continues to drive me today and is the reason I seek to apply for the Board vacancy. I want to use the knowledge that I have gained through education and my employment to help serve the community that has provided so much to me and my family. In closing, please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation for taking the time to consider my letter of interest. As always, I want to thank the Board of Directors again for your dedicated service. Please also extend my thanks to the District staff for their tireless service and dedication to our community. Respectfully, Kenneth K.Tam, P.E. Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Page 33 of 88 Kenneth Tam Yorba Linda, CA 92887, Summary: A professionally driven environmental engineer with a wide breath of experience in air and wastewater compliance. Experienced in coordinating and corresponding with industry, regulatory agencies, and the public. Education: California State University, Fullerton M.S. degree in Civil Engineering, Concentration in Environmental Engineering, 2011 University of California, Irvine Extension Certificate in Environmental Management, 2006 University of California, Los Angeles B.S. degree in Chemistry/Material Science, 2003 Experience: • Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) Senior Engineer 07/2019 - Present - Responsible for reviewing sewer connection fee reports from IEUA member agencies - Responsible for overseeing the IEUA water meter connection fee program - Project manager for IEUA Pilot Return to Sewer flow study - Project member for the IEUA Water, Recycled Water, & Sewer Rate Evaluation Study - IEUA liaison to the San Bernardino County Local Agency Formation Commission - Responsible for issuing industrial wastewater permits for IEUA's collection systems Senior Associate Engineer, P.E. 11/2014—07/2019 - Responsible for reviewing sewer connection fee reports from IEUA member agencies - Project member to startup of the IEUA water meter connection fee program - Project manager for IEUA septic to sewer feasibility study - Project member for the IEUA sewer connection fee study evaluation - IEUA liaison to the San Bernardino County Local Agency Formation Commission - Responsible for issuing industrial wastewater permits for IEUA's collection systems Environmental Compliance Officer 10/2011 — 11/2014 - Responsible for issuing industrial wastewater permits for IEUA's collection systems - Coordinated air compliance activities on an as needed basis Assistant Engineer 06/2008— 10/2011 - Managed air compliance activities for IEUA's five wastewater treatment plants • Processed Annual Emission Reporting and permit applications to SCAQMD - Responsible for issuing industrial wastewater permits for IEUA's collection systems Engineering Intern—Pretreatment/Source Control 02/2007—04/2008 - Assisted source control staff in the processing industrial wastewater discharge permits - Monitored liquid waste haulers at IEUA Brine Line Collection Station • Beckman Coulter Senior Development Scientist 08/2006 - 02/2007 - Developed protocols for laboratory studies supporting Beckman Coulter medical diagnostic chemistry reagents. Presented data and design reviews - Performed root cause failure analysis of instruments/reagents using the DMAIC process Development Scientist 09/2004 - 08/2006 - Developed protocols for laboratory studies supporting Beckman Coulter medical diagnostic chemistry reagents. Participated in data and design reviews. Laboratory Technician 01/2004—09/2004 - Performed protocol tests for laboratory studies supporting Beckman Coulter medical diagnostic chemistry reagents. • Teco Diagnostics Quality Systems Associate 06/2003—01/2004 - Upgrading and maintaining quality system from ISO 9001 to ISO 13485. - Obtained CE marking for in vitro diagnostic products. Page 34 of 88 Licenses & Certifications: • Registered Professional Engineer(Civil Engineering) • California Water Environment Association - Environmental Compliance Inspector Grade 3 • California Drinking Water Distribution Operator— D1 • LEED Green Associate Activities: 01/2020—Present Board Member(Webmaster) - Friends of the Yorba Linda Public Library 01/2019—Present Member of Friends of the Yorba Linda Public Library 03/2017—05/2017 Yorba Linda Water District Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Page 35 of 88 ITEM NO. 7.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Appointment to the Board of Directors RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2021-XX appointing a candidate to fill the vacancy on the Board. BACKGROUND: The Board has the option of making an appointment to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors immediately following candidate interviews or at another Board meeting prior to Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Should the Board decide to make an appointment at this meeting, the Board would need to consider adoption of the attached resolution to ratify its decision. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Resolution Page 36 of 88 Resolution No. 2021-XX Appointing _______________ to the Office of Director 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT APPOINTING _______________ TO THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF SAID DISTRICT WHEREAS,former Director Al Nederhood was elected to serve as a Director of the Municipal Water District of Orange County, creating a vacancy on the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors effective Friday, December 4, 2020; and WHEREAS, Section 1780 of the California Government Code provides that a vacancy in the elective office of the governing Board may be filled by appointment by the remaining Board members; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors have determined that ______________ is qualified to hold the Office of Director of the Yorba Linda Water District. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1.Effective __________, 2021, __________ is hereby appointed to fill the vacancy on the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors for a term ending Friday, December 2, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. Section 2.The Board Secretary shall mail a certified copy of this resolution and the Oath of Office for __________ to the Orange County Registrar of Voters and mail a revised Statement of Facts to the California Secretary of State. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ____ day of __________ 2021, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Page 37 of 88 Resolution No. 2021-XX Appointing _______________ to the Office of Director 2 Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 38 of 88 ITEM NO. 9.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held December 8, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Draft Meeting Minutes (Special) 2.Draft Meeting Minutes (Regular) Page 39 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. 1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 6:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Trudi DesRoches Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones Annie Alexander, Sr Exec Asst/Board Secretary J. Wayne Miller, PhD Veronica Ortega, Executive Assistant ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. CLOSED SESSION The Board entered Closed Session at 6:02 p.m. 5.1.Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One Page 40 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Special Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. 2 2020-XXX 5.2.Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Irvine Ranch Water District v. Orange County Water District, et al. (Los Angeles Superior Court – Case No. BS168278) The Board returned to Open Session at 6:30 p.m. General Counsel Gagen announced that the Board took no reportable action related to Item No. 5.2. In relation to Item No. 5.1., the District settled its claim asserted against the City of Placentia regarding outstanding storm drain acreage fees. The monetary portion of the settlement is in the amount of $61,805 and the non-monetary portion is the reinstatement of the City’s storm drain acreage fee program within 30 days from December 7, 2020. The claim is now considered resolved pending payment and the reinstatement of the storm drain acreage fee program. 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1.The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 41 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 1 2020-XXX MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION As noted on the agenda, this meeting was facilitated via teleconference pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor of California on March 17, 2020. 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Hawkins led the pledge. 4. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Brett R. Barbre, General Manager Trudi DesRoches Doug Davert, Assistant General Manager Brooke Jones John DeCriscio, Operations Manager J. Wayne Miller, PhD Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Annie Alexander, Sr Exec Asst/Board Secretary Alison Martin, Public Affairs Manager Veronica Ortega, Executive Assistant Kaden Young, Sr Management Analyst ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, General Counsel, Kidman Gagen Law LLP 5. SEATING OF DIRECTORS 5.1.Administer Oaths of Office to Newly Elected Directors President Hawkins noted that the Oaths of Office for newly elected Directors DesRoches and Miller were performed prior to the meeting. He then offered his congratulations to both Directors. Page 42 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 2 2020-XXX 5.2.Reorganization of the Board of Directors and Appointment of Officers General Manager Barbre recommended the Board consider appointing Annie Alexander as Secretary, Veronica Ortega as Assistant Secretary, and Delia Lugo as Treasurer. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Miller, to appoint Annie Alexander as Secretary, Veronica Ortega as Assistant Secretary, and Delia Lugo as Treasurer for the next calendar year. Motion carried 4-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Director Miller made a motion to have Director Hawkins continue as president for the next calendar year. Director Hawkins explained that the Board’s tradition of rotating the presidency and vice presidency would not be possible this year as the previous vice president was no longer serving on the Board. Director Jones spoke in favor of continuing the rotation and having the next Director in line serve as president, which would be Director Miller. Director Miller explained that he was unable to serve as president next year. Director Hawkins noted that there was a previous occasion when the same Director served as president for two consecutive years to provide the District with additional stability following a natural disaster. Director DesRoches spoke in favor of having Director Hawkins continue as president. Director Hawkins asked Director Miller if was interested in serving as president the following calendar year (2022). Director Miller indicated that he would be. Director DesRoches seconded the motion. Director Hawkins opened the floor to public comment for which there was none. Motion carried 4-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Director DesRoches made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to nominate Director Miller as Vice President for the next calendar year. Motion carried 4-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Director Hawkins opened the floor to public comment for which there was none. 5.3.Adjourn to Yorba Linda Water District Public Financing Corporation and Financing Authority Regular Meetings A recess was declared at 6:42 p.m. to conduct these meetings. Page 43 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 3 2020-XXX The meeting reconvened at 6:45 p.m. 6. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 7. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 7.1.Recognition of Outgoing Directors General Manager Barbre explained that multiple elected officials were participating in the meeting to honor former YLWD Directors Andrew Hall and Al Nederhood for their four years of service on the Board. He noted that both Directors had served on the District’s Board for four years and that Director Nederhood was elected to serve on the Board for the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) Division 1. Proclamations from the Board of Directors and the following elected officials were presented to former YLWD Directors Hall and Nederhood for their service: Yorba Linda City Council Placentia City Council Assembly Member Phillip Chen Senator Diane Feinstein Senator Ling Ling Chang Representative Gil Cisneros 7.2.Elected Official Liaison Reports MWDOC Director Nederhood reported on the Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program (SARCCUP) and Larry McKenney’s resignation from MWDOC/Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Board of Directors creating a vacancy. Mayor Peggy Huang commented on collaborating with the District on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) update. 7.3.Federal and State Legislative Update Staff reported on the regional stay-at-home order issued by Governor Newsom, the distribution schedule for COVID-19 vaccinations, and pending legislation. Page 44 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 4 2020-XXX 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. 9.1.Minutes of the Board of Directors Special and Regular Meetings Held November 10, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 9.2.Amend District’s Conflict of Interest Code Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX adopting a Conflict of Interest Code which supersedes all prior Conflict of Interest Codes and amendments previously adopted. 9.3.Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $2,251,793.73. 9.4.Budget to Actual Reports for Month Ending October 31, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for Month Ending October 31, 2020. 9.5.Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending October 31, 2020 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending October 31, 2020. 9.6.Unaudited Financial Statements for the First Quarter of FY21 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for First Quarter of FY21. Page 45 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 5 2020-XXX 9.7.Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Jimmy Nguyen Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Jimmy Nguyen at 2234, 2236 and 2238 California Street, Placentia, Job No. 2020-58. 10. ACTION CALENDAR 10.1.Adjusting Certain Water Rates and Implementing Monthly Per and Poly- fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Impact Fee Staff reviewed the adopted water production budget for FY21, revisions to the water production plan based on multiple variables and adjusted projections, and the recommended monthly PFAS Impact Fee structure for the remainder of FY21 effective February 1, 2021. Discussion followed regarding options for continuing to pump groundwater in January and/or February, the Division of Drinking Water’s (DDW) PFAS notification levels, and potentially working with DDW to modify the District’s water operating plan and sampling schedule. Staff noted that while the resolution for this item indicated the PFAS Impact Fee would be collected through the end of CY21, the Board could choose to adjust it at the beginning of FY22 as the new rate study will have been completed. Ken Tam, resident, thanked the Board and staff for their efforts in maintaining public trust while fulfilling their fiduciary duties. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches, to approve the water production plan, subject to Board instruction to staff as described below, and adopt Resolution No. 2020-XX adjusting certain water rates effective February 1, 2021, implementing a monthly per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) impact fee effective February 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, and rescinding Resolution No. 2020-09. Staff was instructed to contact DDW regarding the feasibility of modifying the District’s water operating plan and sampling schedule in order to continue pumping groundwater for the month of January and/or February and report back to the Board. Motion carried 4-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. Page 46 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 6 2020-XXX 10.2.Procedures for Filling a Vacancy on the Board of Directors Staff reviewed the required notifications and options available for filling the vacancy. The Board discussed whether to move forward with appointing someone to the empty seat or calling a special election. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director DesRoches to notify the Orange County Registrar of Voters of a vacancy on the Board and move forward with the process of appointing someone to fill the vacancy. Ken Tam, resident, expressed an interest in applying for appointment. Motion carried 4-0-0-0 on a roll call vote. The Board then discussed the candidate recruitment and interview process and determined to post a notice soliciting applications with a deadline for submission of December 29, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. The Board scheduled special meetings on January 5, 2021 and January 19, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. to review candidate applications and conduct interviews respectively. The Board instructed staff to notify previous members of and applicants for the District’s Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee of the vacancy. 11. DISCUSSION ITEMS 11.1.Board of Directors’ Compensation The Board discussed the Directors’ current compensation rate and determined not to make any changes at this time. 11.2.Board of Directors’ Committee, Agency, and Intergovernmental Meeting Assignments Director Hawkins suggested the Board consider keeping the same assignments for the next calendar year and having Director DesRoches take on one of the former Directors’ assignments. Staff will redistribute the list of meetings to the Board. General Manager Barbre requested feedback from the Board regarding continuation of the District’s interagency and joint agency committees. The Board determined to keep the committees as previously established and have them meet as needed rather than on a set schedule. President Hawkins requested the Directors e-mail him their desired assignments for Board consideration and approval at the next regular meeting. Page 47 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 7 2020-XXX 11.3.Status of Engineering Activities and Construction of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Removal Groundwater Treatment Plant Staff briefed the Board on the status of multiple engineering projects and construction of the treatment plant. 11.4.Status of Operations Activities Staff briefed the Board on the status of the Elk Mountain Backup Generator Project. 11.5.Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts This topic was combined with the General Manager’s report. 12. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 12.1.Directors' Reports A list of meetings and events attended was included in the agenda packet. 12.2.General Manager's Report General Manager Barbre stated that due to the length of the meeting he would email his report to the Board. He also informed the Board of a request from Kidman Gagen Law for a modest rate increase beginning next calendar year. He noted that their rates have not changed since 2011. 12.3.General Counsel’s Report None. 12.4.Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks General Manager Barbre explained that he would be bringing an agenda item to the next regular meeting for the Board to consider engaging limited term representation in Sacramento for the purposes of securing funding for construction of additional heli-hydrants and addressing issues related to air quality and emergency backup generators. 13. COMMITTEE REPORTS 13.1.Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD Next meeting yet to be scheduled. Page 48 of 88 Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 8 2020-XXX 13.2.Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 13.3.Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 14. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 14.1.Meetings from December 9, 2020 – January 31, 2021 The Board determined to cancel the workshop meeting on December 28, 2020 and made no other changes to the activity calendar. 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1.The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. Annie Alexander Board Secretary Page 49 of 88 ITEM NO. 9.2. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Endorsement of Director Brooke Jones' Candidacy for 3rd Vice President on the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Executive Committee RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2021-XX endorsing the candidacy of Director Brooke Jones to the position of 3rd Vice President on ISDOC's Executive Committee. BACKGROUND: ISDOC has issued an official notice and call for candidates to fill the vacancy for the position of 3rd Vice President on its Executive Committee for the unexpired term ending December 31, 2022. Director Brooke Jones has expressed an interest in being nominated as a candidate for this position which requires a resolution of endorsement from the Board of Directors which is due Friday, January 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. The appointment will be made by the ISDOC Executive Committee at its meeting on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. Responsibilities of the position include chairing the Legislative Committee which involves providing legislative updates, making legislative position recommendations to the Executive Committee, and in the absence of the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President, performing all duties of the President. The Executive Committee typically meets on the first Tuesday of each month in the offices of the Municipal Water District of Orange County. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, these meetings are currently being conducted via teleconference. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G1 5B - Actively participate with existing water/sewer organizations on regulatory and emerging issues. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Call for Candidates 2.Resolution Page 50 of 88 Mailing Address P.O. Box 20895 Fountain Valley, CA 92728 Meeting Location MWDOC/OCWD 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 963-3058 (714) 964-5930 fax www.mwdoc.com/isdoc Executive Committee President Hon. Mark Monin El Toro Water District 1st Vice President Hon. Arlene Schafer Costa Mesa Sanitary District 2nd Vice President Hon. Larry Dick Municipal Water District Orange County 3rd Vice President Secretary Hon. Greg Mills Serrano Water District Treasurer Hon. Bill Green South Coast Water District Immediate Past President Hon. Saundra Jacobs Santa Margarita Water District Staff Administration Heather Baez Municipal Water District of Orange County Christina Hernandez Municipal Water District of Orange County December 11, 2020 PLEASE DISSEMINATE TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS Re: ISDOC Executive Committee 3rd Vice President Vacancy This email shall serve as official notice and call for candidates to fill the vacancy for the 3rd Vice President position on of the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC).The ISDOC Executive Committee will fill the vacancy by appointment. Per the ISDOC bylaws, Article lll Section ll Point E: “With the exception of the immediate past president, if a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the Committee shall, within 60 days from the commencement of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy. A person appointed or elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the former incumbent.” Nominations will close on Friday, January 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Any Board Member/Trustee of a regular ISDOC member agency is eligible for nomination for this open position. Individuals who wish to be considered should submit a letter of interest, together with a resolution from their Board authorizing their candidacy. The appointment will be made by the ISDOC Executive Committee on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Responsibilities of the positions are as follows: THIRD VICE PRESIDENT: The Third Vice President chairs the Legislative Committee. Duties include providing a legislative update, making legislative position recommendations to the Executive Committee, and in the absence of the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President, shall perform all duties of the President. Meetings of the Executive Committee typically occur on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in the offices of the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) in Fountain Valley. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, meetings are currently being held via teleconference until further notice. If you are seeking nomination to the 3rd Vice President position on the Executive Committee, please send your letter/email of interest and a copy of your Board's authorizing resolution to Heather Baez at Hbaez@mwdoc.com. All nomination requests must be received by January 22, 2021. If you have any questions about the any of the positions or the election process, please contact either Heather Baez at Hbaez@mwdoc.com or Christina Hernandez at Chernandez@mwdoc.com Sincerely, Saundra F. Jacobs Saundra F. Jacobs, President Independent Special Districts of Orange County Page 51 of 88 Resolution No. 2021-XX Endorsing Candidacy of Brooke Jones for 3rd Vice President of ISDOC Executive Committee 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ENDORSING THE CANDIDACY OF DIRECTOR BROOKE JONES TO THE POSITION OF 3RD VICE PRESIDENT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY WHEREAS,the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) is a county water district organized and operating according to California law; and WHEREAS, YLWD is a member district of the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC); and WHEREAS, ISDOC has issued an official notice and call for candidates to fill the vacancy for the position of 3rd Vice President on its Executive Committee for the unexpired term; and WHEREAS,ISDOC bylaws requires officials who wish to seek appointment as an officer to secure an endorsement of their candidacy in the form of a resolution adopted by the officer’s governing body; and WHEREAS,Director Brooke Jones has expressed an interest in being nominated as a candidate for this position. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1.That the candidacy of Director Brooke Jones for the position of 3rd Vice President of ISDOC’s Executive Committee is hereby endorsed. Section 2.That the Board Secretary is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to ISDOC forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of January 2021, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District Page 52 of 88 Resolution No. 2021-XX Endorsing Candidacy of Brooke Jones for 3rd Vice President of ISDOC Executive Committee 2 ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Andrew B. Gagen, Esq. Kidman Gagen Law LLP Page 53 of 88 ITEM NO. 9.3. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Keri Hollon, Accounting Assistant I SUBJECT:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,835,163.02. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Section 31302 of the California Water Code, staff is submitting a list of disbursements to the Board of Directors for approval. Items on this disbursement list include: a wire of $84,065.01 to So. California Edison for November 2020 electricity charges at multiple locations; a wire of $360,312.19 to MWDOC for October 2020 water purchases; and a wire of $568.00 to Switch for the remote data hosting co-location. Additional disbursements include: a wire of $4,835.26 to Orange County Water District for year 9 of the Warner Basin Lease; a wire of $3,923.71 to Bank of America for December 2020 interest accrual payment; a wire of $132.52 to Hoil Ji for a customer refund; a check of $139,494.32 to ACWA/JPIA for January 2021 medical and dental premiums; a check of $65,898.37 to Aqua-Metric Sales for J19-52 meter replacement program; a check of $77,665.46 to Anaheim Public Utilities for November 2020 electrical charges at various locations. The balance of $454,777.22 are routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $1,191,672.06, Payroll No. 24 total is $334,441.20, and Payroll No. 25 is $309.049.76; where disbursements for this agenda report total is $1,835,163.02. A summary of the disbursements is attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1.CapSheet 01-12-21 2.Check Register 12-22-20 3.Check Register 01-12-21 4.BOD Credit Card 01-12-21 5.Credit Card 01-12-21 Page 54 of 88 Summary of Disbursements January 12, 2021 CHECK NUMBERS: 12/22/20 Computer Checks 77255 - 77323 $ 263,872.91 01/12/21 Computer Checks 77324 - 77398 $ 473,962.46 $ 737,835.37 WIRES: W121620 Southern Calif Edison Co. $ 84,065.01 W121620 Switch Ltd $ 568.00 W121520 W122920 W123020 W011221 MWDOC Orange County Water District Bank of America Hoil Ji $ $ $ $ 360,312.19 4,835.26 3,923.71 132.52 $ 453,836.69 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $ 1,191.672.06 PAYROLL NO. 24: Direct Deposits $ 208,458.34 Payroll Taxes $ 56,451.95 EFT – CalPERS $ 44,836.98 Third Party Checks 7470-7479 $ 24,693.93 $ 334,441.2 PAYROLL NO. 25: Direct Deposits $ 194,176.87 Payroll Taxes $ 49,107.52 EFT – CalPERS $ 44,836.99 Third Party Checks 7465--7469 $ 20,928.38 $ 309,049.76 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 643,490.96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 1,835,163.02 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 12, 2021 ==================================================================. Page 55 of 88 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 77255 12/22/2020 IRENE SINOHUI 19.82 CUSTOMER REFUND 77256 12/22/2020 BERNARDS 1,519.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 77257 12/22/2020 BRENT FINKE 101.96 CUSTOMER REFUND 77258 12/22/2020 HEATHER CONNELLY 120.02 CUSTOMER REFUND 77259 12/22/2020 TAMARA GLANVILLE 94.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 77260 12/22/2020 MANOLO MARTINEZ 225.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 77261 12/22/2020 BERNARDS 1,246.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 77262 12/22/2020 JENNIFER VENTURA 64.99 CUSTOMER REFUND 77263 12/22/2020 RELIEF HOUSING SOLUTIONS 244.46 CUSTOMER REFUND 77264 12/22/2020 MONICA NETRO 189.94 CUSTOMER REFUND 77265 12/22/2020 AIRGAS INC 198.91 WELDING SUPPLIES 77266 12/22/2020 Aljon Graphics, Inc 551.83 WINDOW ENVELOPES 77267 12/22/2020 Alternative Hose Inc.317.88 HOSE ASSEMBLY FOR UNIT #229 77268 12/22/2020 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.16,708.97 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 77269 12/22/2020 Aramark 355.47 UNIFORM SERVICE 77270 12/22/2020 ATS Communications 1,760.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - SEPTEMBER 2020 77271 12/22/2020 AT & T - Calnet3 1,465.09 ATT CALNET 77272 12/22/2020 Blue Ribbon Nursery 5,608.39 OPERATIONS MATERIAL-CONCRETE BLOCK 77273 12/22/2020 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.11,134.91 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 77274 12/22/2020 Carlos Murillo 192.00 CWEA CERT REIMBURSEMENT-MURILLO, C 77275 12/22/2020 Carollo Engineers 8,988.25 J20-38 & J09-11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - OCTOBER 2020 77276 12/22/2020 CB Technical 3,300.00 GIS & CMMS IT WORK - SEPTEMBER 2020 77277 12/22/2020 CDW Government, Inc 2,345.00 SINGLEWIRE INFORMCAST 1YR 77278 12/22/2020 Chameleon Beverage Company, Inc.4,115.50 YLWD PROMOTIONAL WATER BOTTLES 77279 12/22/2020 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern.2,740.00 WATER QUALITY LAB WORK 77280 12/22/2020 Dell Marketing L.P.10,541.71 EXTENDED WARRANTY FOR SERVERS 77281 12/22/2020 Dick's Lock & Safe Inc.171.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE-LOCKS 77282 12/22/2020 Dion & Sons, Inc.857.49 PRODUCTION EQUIP-TURBO T68 77283 12/22/2020 Don Wolf & Associates Inc.1,089.63 MECHANIC SHOP-TESTO PROBE/HOSE 77284 12/22/2020 Factory Motor Parts 2,000.74 PARTS FOR UNIT #208, 195 & VEHICLE MAINENANCE 77285 12/22/2020 EyeMed 1,476.27 EYEMED PREMIUM - DECEMBER 2020 77286 12/22/2020 Graybar Electric Co 3,882.28 SCADA SUPPLIES-APC BACKUP & SUPPORT RENEWAL 77287 12/22/2020 Hydrex Pest Control 386.00 PEST CONTROL 77288 12/22/2020 Infosend Inc.8,538.64 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 77289 12/22/2020 Jani-King of California Inc.1,690.96 J20-15 COMMERCIAL CLEANING 77290 12/22/2020 Jeff Mc Donald 192.00 CWEA CERT REIMBURSEMENT-MCDONALD, J 77291 12/22/2020 Kidman Gagen Law 32,179.23 LEGAL SERVICES - NOVEMBER 2020 77292 12/22/2020 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 425.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - OCTOBER 2020 77293 12/22/2020 LPR-Laser Printer Repair Co 95.00 SERVICE CALL- HP PRINTER 77294 12/22/2020 MAGNATROL VALVE CORP 2,072.00 STATIONARY ENGINE MAINT 77295 12/22/2020 Managed Health Network 168.75 EAP - DECEMBER 2020 77296 12/22/2020 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.45.48 PRODUCTION TOOLS & EQUIP 77297 12/22/2020 MICHAEL FRAUENTHAL & ASSOCIATES INC 500.00 J20-46 LAND APPRAISAL SERVICES - LITTLE CANYON 77298 12/22/2020 Municipal Water District 12,169.44 J20-34 WATER LOSS CONTROL SHARED SERVICES FY20/21 77299 12/22/2020 NatPay Online Business Solutions 26.69 DOCULIVERY - NOVEMBER 2020 77300 12/22/2020 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 3,301.16 FUEL 11/16/20-11/30/20 77301 12/22/2020 Office Solutions 56.83 OFFICE SUPPLIES 77302 12/22/2020 County of Orange 995.89 LANDFILL FEES 77303 12/22/2020 Pape Material Handling Inc 1,388.91 J19-57 ATS FOR PUMP STATION-ELK MOUNTAIN 77304 12/22/2020 Praxair Distribution 231.67 WELDING SUPPLIES 77305 12/22/2020 Psomas & Associates 22,591.50 J20-16S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9/25-10/22 WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 77306 12/22/2020 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.2,751.58 ROAD MATERIAL 77307 12/22/2020 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC 280.60 LEASE PAYMENT 12/27/20-3/26/21 77308 12/22/2020 RKI Engineering, LLC 2,400.00 J19-57 GENERATOR INSTALL-ELK MOUNTAIN 77309 12/22/2020 Sergio D. Fierro 2,330.00 SCADA MAINTENANCE 77310 12/22/2020 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 160.40 J20-60 VOTING POLL MEALS-RAYA 77311 12/22/2020 Step Saver Inc 239.53 SALT FOR CL2 SYSTEM 77312 12/22/2020 CA State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)5,659.00 ANNUAL PERMIT FEE 77313 12/22/2020 The Bee Man 180.00 COLONY ABATEMENT 77314 12/22/2020 Titus Industrial Group 19,667.69 J20-51S MANHOLE COVER For Checks Dated: 12/9/2020 thru 12/22/2020 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 56 of 88 77315 12/22/2020 T-Mobile 0.35 T-MOBILE 10/21-11/20 77316 12/22/2020 Total Administrative Service Corp (TASC)577.50 FSA-ADMIN FEES 1/1/21-3/31/21 77317 12/22/2020 United Industries 228.06 OPERATIONS PPE-VESTS & GLOVES 77318 12/22/2020 Utility Systems, Science & Software, Inc.17,649.00 J19-13 RADIO UPGRADES 77319 12/22/2020 United Water Works, Inc.7,066.59 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 77320 12/22/2020 West Coast Batteries Inc 1,703.06 OPERATION SUPPLIES-BATTERIES 77321 12/22/2020 Konica Minolta Business 643.32 COPY CHARGES-C258 & C558 77322 12/22/2020 CITY OF PLACENTIA 4,877.83 SEWER COLLECTIONS - NOVEMBER 2020 77323 12/22/2020 E&M Electric and Machinery, Inc 26,775.00 WONDERWARE SOFTWARE RENEWAL W121420 12/14/2020 Southern Calif Edison Co.84,065.01 ELECTRICITY CHARGES - NOVEMBER 2020 VARIOUS LOCATIONS W121520 12/15/2020 Municipal Water District 360,312.19 WATER DELIVERIES - OCTOBER 2020 W121620 12/16/2020 Switch Ltd 568.00 DATA HOSTING CO-LOCATION 708,818.11 11/25/2020 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 208,458.34 11/25/2020 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 56,451.95 11/25/2020 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 44,836.98 7470 11/25/2020 COLONIAL LIFE 112.13 7471 11/25/2020 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 4566.63 7472 11/25/2020 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 15462.78 7473 11/25/2020 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 7474 11/25/2020 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 384.92 7476 11/25/2020 MIDLAND 200 7477 11/25/2020 RELIANCE 66.61 7478 11/25/2020 AMERITAS 2149.93 7479 11/25/2020 ALLSTATE 1384.01 334,441.20 Payroll Checks #24 Page 57 of 88 Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 77324 01/12/2021 VICKIE NIMMO 13.93 CUSTOMER REFUND 77325 01/12/2021 KEITH HENNIG 148.36 CUSTOMER REFUND 77326 01/12/2021 WING CHI YIP 113.27 CUSTOMER REFUND 77327 01/12/2021 ARACELLA GANT 122.52 CUSTOMER REFUND 77328 01/12/2021 XI LIU 70.87 CUSTOMER REFUND 77329 01/12/2021 PRISCILLA MUZYKA 40.19 CUSTOMER REFUND 77330 01/12/2021 OPEN DOOR LABS INC 409.99 CUSTOMER REFUND 77331 01/12/2021 KARL STADLMAYR 63.67 CUSTOMER REFUND 77332 01/12/2021 REMAX UNIVERSAL PROPERTY 260.68 CUSTOMER REFUND 77333 01/12/2021 BRYAN KRUEGER 1,754.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 77334 01/12/2021 INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES 2,137.40 CUSTOMER REFUND 77335 01/12/2021 SIGNPOST HOMES INC 684.93 CUSTOMER REFUND 77336 01/12/2021 EDDIE OROSCO 31.44 CUSTOMER REFUND 77337 01/12/2021 BIG BEN ENGINEERING 1,759.60 CUSTOMER REFUND 77338 01/12/2021 MELISSA RAMIREZ 184.65 CUSTOMER REFUND 77339 01/12/2021 ACWA/JPIA 139,494.32 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM - JANUARY 2021 77340 01/12/2021 AIRGAS INC 11.61 WELDING SUPPLIES 77341 01/12/2021 Alternative Hose Inc.156.79 HOSE ASSEMBLY FOR UNIT #139 77342 01/12/2021 Annie Alexander 68.82 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MILEAGE 77343 01/12/2021 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.65,898.37 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 77344 01/12/2021 Aramark 709.01 UNIFORM SERVICE 77345 01/12/2021 ATS Communications 1,090.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - NOVEMBER 2020 77346 01/12/2021 AT & T - Calnet3 2,825.24 ATT CALNET 77347 01/12/2021 A & Y Asphalt Contractors Inc.13,336.00 ASPHALT WORK - 2 LOCATIONS 77348 01/12/2021 BASE HILL INC. (JAN POINT)3,812.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 77349 01/12/2021 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 COLONY ABATEMENT 77350 01/12/2021 BENNETT-BOWEN & LIGHTHOUSE INC 617.86 LIGHTS FOR VEHICLES 77351 01/12/2021 B.L. Wallace Distributor, Inc.1,923.34 METER LIDS 77352 01/12/2021 BrightView Tree Care Services Inc.2,206.25 LANDSCAPE SERVICE 77353 01/12/2021 CalCard US Bank 25,996.95 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - NOVEMBER 2020 77354 01/12/2021 City Of Anaheim - Anaheim Public Utilities 77,665.46 ELECTRICAL CHARGES NOVEMBER 2020 - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 77355 01/12/2021 City Of Placentia 2,095.00 ENCROACHMENT PERMITS 77356 01/12/2021 CLIMATEC, LLC 3,291.73 AC REPAIRS & PARTS 77357 01/12/2021 Coastline Equipment 1,764.20 REPAIR OF BACKHOE #145 77358 01/12/2021 Culligan of Santa Ana 1,483.20 EQUIPMENT PE SOFTENER 77359 01/12/2021 Dell Financial Services LLC 6,094.64 LAPTOPS FOR DISTRICT (4) 77360 01/12/2021 Discount Tire Centers (Andonian Enterprises Inc.)1,347.68 TIRES FOR UNIT# 184, 205, 223 77361 01/12/2021 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc.2,574.00 WATER QUALITY TESTING 77362 01/12/2021 Factory Motor Parts 1,242.76 SUPPLIES FOR WATER VEHICLES AND STATIONARY ENGINE 77363 01/12/2021 Georgina Knight 3,147.81 EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS - KNIGHT, G 77364 01/12/2021 Gladwell Governmental Services Inc.250.00 RECORD RETENTION LEGAL REVIEW 77365 01/12/2021 G.M. Sager Construction Co., Inc.18,500.00 PAVING REPAIRS - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 77366 01/12/2021 Haaker Equipment Co.4,603.24 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PARTS 77367 01/12/2021 Infosend Inc.3,588.84 BILLING & POSTAGE CUSTOMER BILL 77368 01/12/2021 Inland (Kenworth)168.64 PARTS FOR UNIT #210 77369 01/12/2021 Irma Munguia 687.45 EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT SANTIAGO CANYON COLLEGE - MUNGUIA, I 77370 01/12/2021 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 447.22 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES & PARTS FOR UNIT #186 77371 01/12/2021 Jani-King of California Inc.9,698.72 J20-15 COMMERCIAL CLEANING - SANITIZATION 77372 01/12/2021 Jesse Diaz 192.00 COLLECTIONS 1 CERTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT - DIAZ, J 77373 01/12/2021 John R Brundahl III 96.00 COLLECTIONS 2 CERTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT - BRUNDAHL, J 77374 01/12/2021 Jorge Lopez 105.00 D4 CERFTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT - LOPEZ, J 77375 01/12/2021 KB Design 185.32 OPERATIONS - YLWD T-SHIRTS 77376 01/12/2021 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 214.77 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 77377 01/12/2021 Norman A. Traub Associates 11,850.66 INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES-OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2020 77378 01/12/2021 Office Solutions 1,099.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES 77379 01/12/2021 Pres-Tech 1,043.47 FILTER & VACUUM HOSE FOR UNIT #229 77380 01/12/2021 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.6,636.59 ROAD MATERIAL 77381 01/12/2021 Pump Check 6,000.00 PUMP EFFECIENCY & WATER METER TEST 77382 01/12/2021 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc.13,842.50 J20-45/S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2020 - RATE STUDY 77383 01/12/2021 RKI Engineering, LLC 5,400.00 J19-57 GENERATOR INSTALL-ELK MOUNTAIN 77384 01/12/2021 Shred Confidential, Inc.794.25 MONTHLY SHRED SERVICE 77385 01/12/2021 Southern California Upholstery 710.31 CARPET MAINTENANCE - UNIT #180 For Checks Dated: 12/23/2020 thru 1/12/2021 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register Page 58 of 88 77386 01/12/2021 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 10.41 STATIONARY - SEGURA, J 77387 01/12/2021 Step Saver Inc 4,209.73 SALT FOR CL2 SYSTEM 77388 01/12/2021 The Bee Man 180.00 COLONY ABATEMENT 77389 01/12/2021 Titan Water Technology Inc 295.00 QUARTERLY SERVICE 77390 01/12/2021 Tony Arambarri 1,124.25 CERTIFIED INFORMATION GOVERNANCE OFFICER TRAINING - ARAMBARRI, T 77391 01/12/2021 Underground Service Alert 493.75 NEW TICKET CHARGES & CA STATE FEE 77392 01/12/2021 United Industries 333.59 OPERATIONS PPE - SAFETY GLASSES 77393 01/12/2021 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 4,347.69 LIFE,AD&D,STD&LTD-JANUARY 2020 77394 01/12/2021 U.S. ENERGY RECOVERY LLC 3,487.73 OUTSIDE LED LIGHTS 77395 01/12/2021 USF Fabrication Inc.1,648.63 HATCH SPRINGS 77396 01/12/2021 United Water Works, Inc.4,231.53 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 77397 01/12/2021 YO Fire 525.03 OPERATIONS WORK MATERIAL 77398 01/12/2021 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 161.85 OPERATIONS STAFF PETTY CASH W011221 01/12/2021 Hoil Ji 132.52 CUSTOMER REFUND W122920 12/29/2020 Orange County Water District 4,835.26 WARNER BASIN LEASE- YEAR 9 W123020 12/30/2020 Bank Of America 3,923.71 INTEREST ON BOA LOC-DECEMBER 2020 482,853.95 12/10/2020 PAYROLL - EMPLOYEE DIRECT DEPOSIT 194,176.87 12/10/2020 PAYROLL - PAYROLL TAX PAYMENT 49,107.52 12/10/2020 PAYROLL - CALPERS & TASC 44,836.99 7480 12/10/2020 COLONIAL LIFE 112.13 7481 12/10/2020 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 4566.63 7482 12/10/2020 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS 15497.78 7483 12/10/2020 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 366.92 7484 12/10/2020 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 384.92 309,049.76 Payroll Checks #25 Page 59 of 88 BOD Vendor Name Document Amount Description Brooke Jones AWWA 286.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES - JONES, B 286.00 12-Jan-21 Cal Card Credit Card Board of Directors Page 60 of 88 Vendor Name Amount Description Chipotle Mexican Grill 35.88 NEW HIRE LUNCH - 3 ATTEND Government Finance Officers 85.00 CAPITAL ASSETS TRAINING-MCCANN, K Home Depot 208.04 FACILITIES-BUILDING REPAIR PARTS STATION DONUT 28.05 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT MEETING Red Wing Shoes 111.51 SAFETY BOOTS-NEVILLE, J Ferguson Enterprise Inc 261.39 COPPER FITTINGS Ferguson Enterprise Inc 152.12 COPPER FITTINGS Amazon.com 43.48 PHONE SUPPLIES AWWA 286.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES - JONES, B Home Depot 22.71 FACILITIES-PIPE CLAMP & SILICONE Republic Services #676 723.55 DISPOSAL SERVICE ONLINE Information Services, Inc.571.20 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION ONLINE Information Services, Inc.45.73 ONLINE UTILITY EXCHANGE & COLLECTION Answer One Communications 455.00 AFTER HOURS PHONE SERVICE Amazon.com 26.08 FACILITIES-DRYWALL SPRAY STATION DONUT 25.30 SUPPLIES FOR DISTRICT MEETING Home Depot 51.05 TOOLS & SUPPLIES-SEWER CREW Cobra Solutions, Inc 445.00 COBRA SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE LEHR 476.52 COMPUTER MOUNT FOR UNIT #228 American Backflow Prvn Assn-SC Chapter 25.00 BACKFLOW WEBINAR-MALDONADO, R Time Warner Cable 657.03 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Apola Gyro Grill 76.42 NEW HIRE LUNCH - 4 ATTEND Farmer Boys 38.19 NEW HIRE LUNCH - 4 ATTEND Home Depot 182.70 WAREHOUSE MATERIALS Home Depot 342.00 WAREHOUSE MATERIALS ZOOM 69.98 VIRTUAL MEETING SUBSCRIPTION Amazon.com 132.62 OFFICE SUPPLIES KB Design 19.93 UNIFORM EXPENSE KB Design 204.73 UNIFORM EXPENSE KB Design 20.28 UNIFORM EXPENSE Amazon.com 63.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES Home Depot 172.32 AIR TOOLS & SOCKETS UNIT#174 CVS Pharmacy 80.79 J20-15 OFFICE SUPPLIES Covid Clinic 400.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE Freedom Racing Tool and Auto LLC 344.23 CYLINDER LINER INSTALLER ComplianceSigns, Inc.30.25 LAKEVIEW BOOSTER NO SMOKING SIGN Adobe 52.99 SOFTWARE LICENSE Weathertech Direct LLC 137.57 FLOORLINER FOR UNIT #180 Alternative Hose Inc.21.30 REPAIR PART FOR JACKHAMMER Home Depot 101.45 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS Home Depot 20.10 SUPPLIES EXPENSE CVS Pharmacy 161.59 J20-15 OFFICE SUPPLIES Covid Clinic 550.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE VitalVault 203.56 LOCK REPAIR-WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM Amazon.com 82.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES America's Instant Signs 66.45 DISTRICT SIGN FOR GARDENIA 12-Jan-21 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank Page 61 of 88 Home Depot 124.45 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES Total Administrative Service Corp (TASC)544.50 FSA ADMINISTRATION FEES 10/1-12/31 QC Supply 178.22 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES Amazon.com 271.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES Amazon.com 163.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES Covid Clinic 450.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE Amazon.com 50.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES Amazon.com 69.56 OFFICE SUPPLIES Del Taco 11.71 J20-57 BLUE RIDGE FIRE RESPONSE Tom's Place 21.51 J20-57 BLUE RIDGE FIRE RESPONSE Stater Bros. Markets 106.16 J20-57 BLUE RIDGE FIRE RESPONSE Del Taco 57.42 J20-57 BLUE RIDGE FIRE RESPONSE Tom's Place 89.20 J20-57 BLUE RIDGE FIRE RESPONSE Pacific Urgent Care Center 750.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE Covid Clinic 475.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 16.36 CABLES-UNIT #229 Del Taco 28.71 J20-57 BLUE RIDGE FIRE RESPONSE 76 Gas Station 12.26 J20-57 BLUE RIDGE FIRE RESPONSE Amazon.com 83.72 J20-15 CLEANING SUPPLIES Home Depot 146.11 J20-15 CLEANING SUPPLIES CAR STEREO CONNECTIONS 150.00 INSTALL BED PARTS FOR UNIT#229 Amazon.com 233.92 OFFICE SUPPLIES Treetop Products Consulit 125.67 BIKE RACK Amazon.com 191.39 J20-15 FOGGER/SPRAYER O.C. Driveline 390.00 REBUILD DRIVESHAFT-HIGHLAND #5 North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 180.00 DISPOSAL-OLD ROAD MATERIAL North American Recycling and Crushing, LLC 180.00 DISPOSAL-OLD ROAD MATERIAL Home Depot 213.00 PAINTING PARTS-HIGHLAND #5 Home Depot 126.07 PAINTING PARTS-HIGHLAND #5 Time Warner Cable 212.18 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Orange County Register 489.16 ANNUAL NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION Pacific Urgent Care Center 750.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE Amazon.com 112.88 OFFICE SUPPLIES Inland (Kenworth)175.28 FITTINGS-UNIT #210 Cal Society-Municipal Finance Officers 75.00 WASTEWATER WEBINAR REGISTRATION - 6 ATTEND Grainger 30.13 OPERATIONS MATERIALS CAR STEREO CONNECTIONS 308.00 CAR STEREO CONNECTIONS Los Angeles Times 307.48 ANNUAL NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION Codekas Tools & Equipment 309.94 COOLING SYSTEM TESTER Americoat Powder Coating 306.00 MECHANIC SHOP-POWDER COAT Home Depot 58.94 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS Pacific Urgent Care Center 150.00 J20-15 TESTING EXPENSE Home Depot 72.68 PAINT SUPPLIES-HIGHLAND #5 Home Depot 49.49 PARTS-GATE AT RESERVOIR Home Depot 17.23 REPAIR PARTS-DOORS/CAB GovernmentJobs.com Inc. DBA NEOGOV 6,309.06 SUBCRIPTION RENEWAL-NEOGOV ONBOARD Time Warner Cable 218.47 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Farmer Boys 60.38 GFOA/GAPP UPDATE WEBINAR LUNCH-5ATTEND Time Warner Cable 2,029.74 INTERNET & DISTRICT TV SERVICES Carl's Jr Restaurant 50.85 OPERATIONS-MAIN BREAK OT MEALS (4 EMPLOYEES) Home Depot 11.79 IRRIGATION PARTS Page 62 of 88 YourMembership.com 100.00 JOB AD-SENIOR ENGINEER P K Safety 36.24 SAFETY SUPPLIES COUNTY OF ORANGE RECORDER 5.00 TIMBER RIDGE GRANT-DEED COPY 25,996.95 Page 63 of 88 ITEM NO. 9.4. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Budget to Actual Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2020. BACKGROUND: For the month-ending November 30, 2020, staff is presenting Budget to Actual Reports for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds. Cumulative Volumetric Water Revenue, as reported through the month ending November 30, 2020, reflects an average decrease of .43% as compared to the prior year for the same reporting period. Commercial customer connections have the highest decrease in consumption sales of 4.06% as compared to reported results from the prior year. Total Variable Costs results, as reported through the month ending November 30, 2020, reflect a 1.13% decrease when compared to prior year for the same reporting period. The decrease in costs is predominantly reflective of the increase in groundwater water usage, which as reported, is at 83.4% of total water usage. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3B – Regularly assess net position and steps to meet strategic goals. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Financial Statements and Graphs November 2020 Page 64 of 88 FY21 Annual Budget YTD Actuals thru November 2020 YTD % of Budget Water Revenue (Residential)15,424,507$ 8,065,865$ 52.29% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,889,796 794,142 42.02% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,704,520 2,281,724 61.59% Service Charges 11,560,123 4,756,019 41.14% Other Operating Revenue 1,812,269 320,889 17.71% Total Operating Revenue 34,391,215 16,218,639 47.16% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 600,000 87,403 14.57% Property Taxes 1,950,000 378,461 19.41% Other Non-Operating Revenue 601,646 357,926 59.49% Total Non-Operating Revenue 3,151,646 823,790 26.14% Total Revenue 37,542,861$ 17,042,429$ 45.39% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) Water-Related Costs 16,035,929$ 5,742,449$ 35.81% Fixed Costs 1,182,773 294,622 24.91% Power-Related Costs 1,222,191 934,231 76.44% Variable Water Costs Related Expenses Total 18,440,894 6,971,302 37.80% Salary Related Expenses 10,620,399 3,904,325 36.76% Reduction for Capital Project Labor (463,752) (116,502) 25.12% Salary Related Expenses Total 10,156,647 3,787,823 37.29% Supplies & Services Communications 205,891 65,253 31.69% Contractual Services 466,976 185,622 39.75% Data Processing 274,924 86,788 31.57% Dues & Memberships 85,670 56,338 65.76% Fees & Permits 288,635 122,747 42.53% Board Election 84,165 - 0.00% Insurance 287,343 112,838 39.27% Materials 621,700 253,528 40.78% District Activities, Emp Recognition 40,130 7,655 19.08% Maintenance 528,780 118,781 22.46% Non-Capital Equipment 137,980 54,753 39.68% Office Expense 32,003 10,451 32.66% Professional Services 988,918 281,425 28.46% Training 48,353 12,125 25.08% Travel & Conferences 42,570 (599) -1.41% Uncollectible Accounts 8,330 3,498 42.00% Utilities 163,838 114,490 69.88% Vehicle Expenses 285,260 240,326 84.25% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,591,463 1,726,019 37.59% Total Operating Expenses 33,189,004 12,485,144 37.62% Expenses (Non-Operating) Other Expense 117,994 (29,397) -24.91% Total Non-Operating Expenses 117,994 (29,397) -24.91% Total Expenses 33,306,998$ 12,455,747$ 37.40% Net Revenues 4,235,863 4,586,682 108.28% Less: Debt Service (Principal & Interest)2,729,381 1,915,720 70.19% Transfer to/(from) Reserves 1,506,482 2,670,962 177.30% Net Total -$ 0$ Yorba Linda Water District Water Enterprise FY20 ProForma - Use of Funds November 2020 Page 65 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending November 30, 2020 Annual YTD Nov YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under) Over Nov Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 Nov 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)$15,424,507 $7,744,645 $1,401,684 8,065,865$ 321,220$ 1,436,581$ $8,235,930 (170,065)-2.06% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,889,796 948,867 140,119 794,142 (154,725)154,855 827,742 (33,600)-4.06% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,704,520 1,860,039 365,289 2,281,724 421,685 373,778 2,176,765 104,959 4.82% Water Revenue (Service Charge)11,560,123 4,816,718 968,507 4,756,019 (60,699)920,083 4,519,706 236,313 5.23% Sewer Charge Revenue 2,447,582 1,019,826 204,562 1,017,971 (1,855)203,440 1,000,636 17,335 1.73% Locke Ranch Assessments 298,525 65,500 59,354 59,747 (5,753) 66,313 66,720 (6,973) 0.00% Other Operating Revenue 1,852,814 360,498 65,512 354,212 (6,286)90,369 488,331 (134,119)-27.46% Total Operating Revenue:37,177,867 16,816,093 3,205,027 17,329,680 513,587 3,245,419 17,315,830 13,850 0.08% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 705,000 268,750 7,464 111,280 (157,470)29,402 261,563 (150,283)-57.46% Property Tax 1,950,000 360,750 340,710 378,461 17,711 305,248 346,606 31,855 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 620,846 313,686 145,550 365,471 51,785 51,632 327,007 38,464 11.76% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,275,846 943,186 493,724 855,212 (87,974)386,282 935,176 (79,964)-8.55% Total Revenue 40,453,713 17,759,279 3,698,751 18,184,892 425,613 3,631,701 18,251,006 (66,114) -0.36% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)18,440,894 7,309,173 1,103,786 6,971,302 (337,871)1,100,471 7,050,719 (79,417)-1.13% Salary Related Expenses 11,895,521 4,495,749 937,768 4,181,731 (314,018)820,321 4,027,773 153,958 3.82% Supplies & Services 5,789,694 2,032,904 286,674 1,919,516 (113,389)445,789 2,057,963 (138,448) -6.73% Total Operating Expenses 36,126,109 13,837,826 2,328,228 13,072,549 (765,277)2,366,581 13,136,455 (63,906)-0.49% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,236,960 533,900 106,547 547,785 13,885 107,685 546,257 1,528 0.28% Other Expense 150,853 30,735 - (23,742) (54,477)78,476 162,845 (186,587) -114.58% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,387,813 564,635 106,547 524,043 (40,592) 186,161 709,102 (185,059) -26.10% Total Expenses 37,513,922 14,402,461 2,434,775 13,596,592 (805,869)2,552,742 13,845,557 (248,965)-1.80% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 2,939,792 3,356,818 1,263,976 4,588,300 1,231,483 1,078,959 4,405,449 182,851 4.15% Special Item - - - - - Capital Contributions (Non-Cash - - 87,950 87,950 - 143,488 (55,538) Transaction GASB 34 Compliant)- - - Net Position Before Depreciation 2,939,792 3,356,818 1,263,976 4,676,250 1,319,433 1,078,959 4,548,937 127,313 2.80% Depreciation & Amortization 7,775,155 3,229,648 655,829 3,274,001 44,353 648,988 3,233,618 40,383 1.25% Total Net Position ($4,835,363)$127,170 608,147 1,402,249 $1,275,080 $429,971 $1,315,319 $86,930 6.61% (680,752) (283,647) (20,928)(127,963) 155,684 (23,433) (96,390)(31,573) 32.76% (With November 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 66 of 88 Annual YTD Nov YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior YTD YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Nov Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 Nov 2019) PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)15,424,507$ $7,744,645 1,401,684$ 8,065,865$ 321,220$ 1,436,581$ 8,235,930$ (170,065)$ -2.06% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)1,889,796 948,867 140,119$ 794,142 (154,725) 154,855 827,742 (33,600) -4.06% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)3,704,520 1,860,039 365,289$ 2,281,724 421,685 373,778 2,176,765 104,959 4.82% Water Revenue (Service Charge)11,560,123 4,816,718 968,507$ 4,756,019 (60,699) 920,083 4,519,706 236,313 5.23% Other Operating Revenue 1,812,269 343,604 64,055$ 320,889 (22,715) 87,894 442,205 (121,316) -27.43% Total Operating Revenue:34,391,215 15,713,873 2,939,654 16,218,639 504,766 2,973,191 16,202,348 16,291 0.10% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 600,000 225,000 5,218 87,403 (137,597) 25,535 222,920 (135,517) -60.79% Property Tax 1,950,000 360,750 340,710 378,461 17,711 305,248 346,606 31,855 0.00% Other Non-Operating Revenue 601,646 305,686 137,321 357,926 52,240 49,106 304,320 53,606 17.61% Total Non-Operating Revenue:3,151,646 891,436 483,249 823,790 (67,646) 379,889 873,846 (50,057) -5.73% Total Revenue 37,542,861 16,605,309 3,422,903 17,042,429 437,120 3,353,080 17,076,194 (33,766) -0.20% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)18,440,894 7,309,173 1,103,786 6,971,302 (337,871) 1,100,471 7,050,719 (79,417) -1.13% Salary Related Expenses 10,156,647 4,073,220 851,173 3,787,823 (285,397) 742,294 3,643,116 144,707 3.97% Supplies & Services: Communications 205,891 73,788 7,564 65,253 (8,535) 60,011 104,069 (38,816) -37.30% Contractual Services 466,976 194,573 32,864 185,622 (8,951) 33,550 162,282 23,340 14.38% Data Processing 274,924 94,552 (21,617) 86,788 (7,764) 52,024 110,071 (23,283) -21.15% Dues & Memberships 85,670 48,196 7,332 56,338 8,142 2,569 57,276 (938) -1.64% Fees & Permits 288,635 120,265 30,775 122,747 2,482 16,692 89,444 33,303 37.23% Board Election 84,165 - - - - - - - 0.00% Insurance 287,343 119,726 20,089 112,838 (6,888) 22,566 117,500 (4,662) -3.97% Materials 621,700 259,042 34,551 253,528 (5,514) 68,774 402,123 (148,595) -36.95% District Activities, Emp Recognition 40,130 16,721 514 7,655 (9,066) 1,721 11,197 (3,542) -31.63% Maintenance 528,780 135,325 11,362 118,781 (16,544) 46,316 210,501 (91,720) -43.57% Non-Capital Equipment 137,980 57,492 7,307 54,753 (2,739) 28,212 71,915 (17,162) -23.86% Office Expense 32,003 13,335 902 10,451 (2,884) 3,473 19,721 (9,270) -47.01% Professional Services 988,918 306,549 71,680 281,425 (25,124) 42,778 277,985 3,440 1.24% Training 48,353 20,147 406 12,125 (8,022) (343) 7,694 4,431 57.59% Travel & Conferences 42,570 17,737 92 (599) (18,336) 6,233 24,567 (25,166) -102.44% Uncollectible Accounts 8,330 3,471 1,321 3,498 27 (151) 3,287 211 6.42% Utilities 163,838 93,266 9,803 114,490 21,225 10,938 90,958 23,532 25.87% Vehicle Equipment 285,260 178,858 28,464 240,326 61,467 27,639 166,247 74,079 44.56% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 4,591,463 1,753,041 243,409 1,726,019 (27,022) 423,002 1,926,837 (200,818) -10.42% Total Operating Expenses 33,189,004 13,135,434 2,198,368 12,485,144 (650,290) 2,265,767 12,620,672 (135,528) -1.07% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,236,960 533,900 106,547 547,785 13,886 107,685 546,257 1,528 0.28% Other Expense 117,994 24,164 - (29,397) (53,561) 80,115 138,580 (167,977) -121.21% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,354,953 558,064 106,547 518,388 (39,676) 187,800 684,837 (166,449) -24.30% Total Expenses 34,543,957 13,693,497 2,304,915 13,003,532 (689,965) 2,453,567 13,305,509 (301,977) -2.27% Net Position Before Capital Contributions 2,998,904 2,911,811 1,117,988 4,038,897 1,127,085 899,513 3,770,685 268,211 7.11% Special Item - - - - - - - Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - - - 81,810 (81,810) 81,810 GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation 2,998,904 2,911,811 1,117,988 4,038,897 1,127,085 899,513 3,852,495 186,401 4.84% Depreciation & Amortization 6,335,693 2,629,872 533,054 2,660,402 30,530 582,212 2,639,588 20,814 0.79% Total Net Position (3,336,789)$ 281,939$ 584,934$ 1,378,495 1,096,555$ 317,301$ 1,212,907$ 165,587$ 13.65% Capital - Direct Labor (463,752) (193,230)(18,421) (116,502) 76,728 (18,859) (79,267) (37,235) 46.97% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending November 30, 2020 (With November 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 67 of 88 $12,833,882 $15,041,668 $15,992,354 $16,498,624 $17,076,194 $17,042,429 -.20% $10,360,510 $11,750,506 $12,164,707 $13,007,096 $13,305,509 $13,003,532 -2.27% $- $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 Nov. 2015 Nov. 2016 Nov. 2017 Nov. 2018 Nov. 2019 Nov. 2020 Water Revenues & Expenses -November (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital ) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 68 of 88 Annual YTD Nov YTD YTD Actual Prior Year Prior Year YTD Actual YTD - CUR Budget Budget Actual Actual (Under)Over Nov Actual Actual (thru vs vs FY21 FY21 FY21 FY21 YTD Budget FY20 Nov 2019)PY Actual $PY Actual % Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $2,447,582 $1,019,826 $204,562 1,017,971$ ($1,855)$203,440 $1,000,636 $17,335 1.73% Locke Ranch Assessments 298,525 65,500 59,354 59,747 (5,753) 66,313 66,720 (6,973) -10.45% Other Operating Revenue 40,545 16,894 1,456 33,324 16,430 2,475 46,126 (12,802) -27.75% Total Operating Revenue:2,786,652 1,102,220 265,372 1,111,042$ 8,822 272,228 1,113,482 (2,440) -0.22% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 105,000 43,750 2,246 23,877$ (19,873)3,866 38,643 (14,766)-38.21% Other Non-Operating Revenue 19,200 8,000 8,229 7,545 (455)2,526 22,686 (15,141)-66.74% Total Non-Operating Revenue:124,200 51,750 10,475 31,422$ (20,328)6,392 61,329 (29,907) -48.77% Total Revenue 2,910,852 1,153,970 275,847 1,142,464$ (11,506)278,620 1,174,811 (32,347) -2.75% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 1,738,874 422,529 86,595 393,907 (28,622)78,027 384,657 9,250 2.40% Supplies & Services: Communications 37,134 10,473 599 4,941 (5,532)617 3,925 1,016 25.89% Contractual Services 66,878 17,866 1,905 11,233 (6,633)2,122 10,248 986 9.62% Data Processing 41,457 17,274 697 8,604 (8,670)1,423 5,058 3,546 70.11% Dues & Memberships 15,075 6,281 473 4,162 (2,119)193 4,311 (149)-3.46% Fees & Permits 35,565 14,819 3,898 6,892 (7,927)3,700 7,451 (559)-7.51% Board Election 6,335 2,640 - - (2,640) - 0 0.00% Insurance 50,708 13,628 1,645 8,626 (5,002)1,699 12,828 (4,202)-32.76% Materials 75,800 16,583 694 6,746 (9,837)266 5,095 1,651 32.40% District Activities, Emp Recognition 6,941 2,892 35 573 (2,319)130 843 (270)-32.03% Maintenance 180,820 38,442 784 31,759 (6,683)3,146 18,778 12,981 69.13% Non-Capital Equipment 48,691 15,288 158 7,494 (7,794)1,697 10,723 (3,229)-30.11% Office Expense 5,572 2,322 277 984 (1,338)248 1,434 (450)-31.38% Professional Services 482,272 65,947 29,537 56,699 (9,248)2,402 13,975 42,724 305.72% Training 14,832 6,180 233 1,237 (4,943)1,243 5,828 (4,591)-78.77% Travel & Conferences 5,630 2,346 (92) (122) (2,468)787 2,625 (2,747)-104.65% Uncollectible Accounts 1,470 612 99 543 (69)(36) 307 237 77.16% Utilities 28,913 12,047 1,029 8,909 (3,138)823 6,846 2,063 30.13% Vehicle Equipment 94,140 34,225 1,296 34,221 (4)2,326 20,849 13,372 64.14% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 1,198,231 279,863 43,267 193,501 (86,362) 22,786 131,124 62,378 47.57% Total Operating Expenses 2,937,105 702,392 129,862 587,408 (114,984) 100,813 515,781 71,628 13.89% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest Expense - - - - - - - - Other Expense 32,859 6,571 - 5,655 (916) (1,638) 24,265 (18,610) -76.69% Total Non-Operating Expenses:32,859 6,571 5,655 (916) (1,638) 24,265 (18,610) -76.69% Total Expenses 2,969,964 708,963 129,862 593,063 (115,900) 99,175 540,046 53,018 9.82% Net Position Before Capital Contributions (59,112) 445,007 145,985 549,401 104,394 179,445 634,765 (85,365) -13.45% Capital Contributions (Non-Cash Transaction -- - - 87,950 87,950 - 61,678 26,272 42.60% GASB 34 Compliant) Net Position Before Depreciation (59,112) 445,007 145,985 637,351 192,344 179,445 696,443 (59,093) -8.48% Depreciation & Amortization 1,439,462 599,776 122,775 613,598 13,822 120,776 594,030 19,568 3.29% Total Net Position (1,498,574) (154,769) 23,210 23,753 178,522 58,669 102,413 (78,661) -76.81% Capital - Direct Labor (217,000)(90,417) (2,506) (11,461)78,956 (4,574) (17,123)5,662 -33.07% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending November 30, 2020 (With November 30, 2019 for comparison purposes) Page 69 of 88 $748,505 $913,105 $938,545 $1,074,559 $1,174,811 $1,142,464 -2.75% $507,436 $510,133 $591,274 $525,569 $540,046 $593,063 9.82% $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 Nov. 2015 Nov. 2016 Nov. 2017 Nov. 2018 Nov. 2019 Nov. 2020 Sewer Revenues & Expenses -November (excludes Depreciation, Special Items, and Contributed Capital) Total Revenue Total Expenses Page 70 of 88 1,460,113 1,505,340 1,358,893 1,340,186 1,143,948 1,518,953 939,601 1,019,271 788,116 1,200,582 1,311,137 1,370,194 1,671,801 1,729,514 1,512,043 1,307,477 981,384 1,019,234 657,883 460,667 590,007 945,974 1,132,782 1,305,692 1,660,561 1,492,928 1,435,706 1,361,053 1,100,471 1,058,481 772,447 1,367,226 1,231,436 1,286,293 2,065,064 2,084,721 1,469,440 1,556,303 1,448,941 1,392,832 1,103,786 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June Variable Costs Analysis FY18 Var Costs FY19 Var Costs FY20 Var Costs FY21 Var Costs Page 71 of 88 ITEM NO. 9.5. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant SUBJECT:Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending November 30, 2020 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending November 30, 2020. BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to provide a monthly report of investments to the legislative body. The Cash & Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Summary Report includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The Fair Value Measurement Report categorizes investments with the fair value hierarchy established by generally accepted accounting principles. The Unrestricted Reserves and Days in Cash Graph presents Water Unrestricted Reserve Balances and Days in Cash at a particular point in time for the last five years. The average portfolio yield for the month ending November 30, 2020 is .67%. The District's Total Cash and Investment balance as of November 30, 2020 resulted in an overall increase in the investment balance from the previous month is approximately $1,825,971. A larger balance includes an increase in the Water Operating fund of $1,495,664 and Sewer Operating Fund increase of $230,722 due to the positive net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month of the fiscal year. PARS fund increased by $103,460 due to a decrease in the value of investments STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 4C - Manage cash flow to maximize investment income. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Investment Reports & Graphs November 2020 Page 72 of 88 Market %Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: 832,999$ 832,999$ Wells Fargo Bank 832,999$ 832,999$ 2.01%Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 1$ 1$ US Bank (Revenue Bonds)0.00% 3,577,456 3,577,456 US Bank (Money Market)0.01% 1,550,226 1,550,226 Public Agency Retirement Svcs. (PARS) 5,127,683$ 5,127,683$ 12.37%Total 0.01% Certificates of Deposits: 251,241 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.64% 180,202 180,000 HSBC BK USA, NA MC Clean CTF 08/31/21 2.23% 250,869 248,000 Wells Fargo Bank NA Sioux Falls D 08/31/21 1.58% 253,946 247,000 PrivateBank & Tr Chicago Ill CTF 03/30/22 2.14% 248,033 245,000 Goldman Sachs Bank 06/28/21 2.17% 248,033 245,000 Morgan Stanley Private Bank 06/28/21 2.17% 253,009 245,000 Capital One Bank USA 06/27/22 2.13% 253,009 245,000 Capital One Bank NA 06/27/22 2.13% 253,203 245,000 Ally Bank 06/27/22 2.18% 253,203 245,000 Sallie Mae Bank 06/27/22 2.18% 253,396 245,000 Synchrony 05/17/22 2.37% 254,143 245,000 Morgan Stanley Bank NA 06/13/22 2.46% 2,952,287$ 2,884,000$ 7.12%Total 2.11% Corporate Notes: 502,890$ 500,000 Wells Fargo Co.03/04/21 2.49% 501,870$ 500,000 JP Morgan Chase Co.03/01/21 2.54% 1,004,760$ 1,000,000$ 2.42%Total 2.52% Pooled Investment Accounts: 31,531,447$ 31,531,447$ Local Agency Investment Fund 0.58% 31,531,447$ 31,531,447$ 76.07%0.58% 41,449,176$ 41,376,129$ 100%Total Investments 0.67% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 11/30/20 Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report November 30, 2020 ________________________________ Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Page 73 of 88 Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of November 2020: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2020 Yield Maturity November 0.67%33 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 11/30/2019 11/30/2020 Monthly - November 29,402$ 7,464$ Year-to-Date 261,563$ 111,280$ Budget 2019/2020 2020/2021 Interest Budget, November YTD 338,461$ 293,750$ Interest Budget, Annual 812,306$ 705,000$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: The table below displays the District's Cash and Investment balance of $41.44 million which is allocated between the established reserve funds, Wells Fargo Checking Account, and restricted funds held at U.S. Bank for the Bond payment and PARS for the pension/OPEB payments. The number of Days in Cash are 350 for the Un-Restricted Water Reserve balance and 850 for the Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve balances, as of November 30, 2020. FY21 Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments October 2020 % Alloc November 2020 % Alloc "Target Available for Fund Description Balance 10/31/2020 Balance 11/30/2020 Levels"CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve 12,566,888$ 33.36%13,866,893$ 35.50%12,427,055$ 1,439,838$ Water Emergency Reserve 7,317,549$ 19.43%7,313,213$ 18.72%7,115,108 198,105 Water Capital Project Reserve 6,404,058$ 17.00%6,405,054$ 16.40%7,314,221 (909,167) Rate Stabilization Reserve 4,223,286$ 11.21%4,224,550$ 10.81%4,093,400 131,150 Un-Restricted Water Reserve Balance 30,511,780 31,809,710$ 30,949,784 859,926 Conservation Reserve 105,502$ 0.28%105,502$ 0.27%- 105,502 Employee Liability Reserve 308,261 0.82%308,261 0.79%400,000 (91,739) Restricted Reserve Balance 413,763 413,763$ 400,000 13,763 Sewer Operating Reserve 3,407,360$ 9.05%3,508,336$ 8.98%1,335,465 2,172,871 Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,956,373 5.19%1,954,572 5.00%1,914,347 40,225 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,379,569 3.66%1,379,569 3.53%1,909,045 (529,476) Un-Restricted Sewer Reserve Balance 6,743,303 6,842,478$ 5,158,857 1,683,621 Total Reserve Balances 37,668,846$ 100.00%39,065,950$ 100.00%36,508,641$ 2,557,309$ Water Operating 473,775 669,434 Sewer Operating 33,818 163,564 507,593 832,999 Rev. Bond 2012A & 2017A-Principal & Interest 1 1 Public Agency Retirement Svc. -PARS (Restricted)1,446,765 1,550,226 Total Cash and Investments 39,623,204$ 41,449,176$ Cash & Investment Summary Report Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Wells Fargo Bank Checking US Bank Held (Restricted) Page 74 of 88 Checking Account:832,999$ 2.01% Money Market Accounts:5,127,683$ 12.37% Certificates of Deposit:2,952,287$ 7.12% Corporate Notes:1,004,760$ 2.42% Pooled Investment Accounts:31,531,447$ 76.07% Total 41,449,176$ 100.00% Checking Account: 2.01% Money Market Accounts: 12.37% Certificates of Deposit: 7.12% Corporate Notes: 2.42% Pooled Investment Accounts: 76.07% INVESTMENT BALANCES (AS OF 11 -30-2020) Checking Account:Money Market Accounts:Certificates of Deposit:Corporate Notes:Pooled Investment Accounts: Page 75 of 88 Yorba Linda Water District Fair Value Measurement Report November 30, 2020 Quoted Observable Unobservable Prices Inputs Inputs Investments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Local Agency Investment Fund - 31,531,447 - 31,531,447 Corporate Notes - 1,004,760 - 1,004,760 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit - 2,952,287 - 2,952,287 Total Investments -$ 35,488,494$ -$ 35,488,494$ Page 76 of 88 Transaction Date Transaction Description Water Operating Pension Water Operating OPEB Sewer Operating Pension Sewer Operating OPEB Account Total Beginning Balance as of 7/1/20 1,277,088.36 544,249.94 140,341.67 64,308.24 2,025,988.21 7/15/2020 Distribution to CalPERS (564,670.84)(66,721.16)1,394,596.21 7/31/2020 Management Fees (613.23)(261.33)(67.39)(30.88) 1,393,623.38 7/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss) 27,302.97 17,759.71 3,000.37 2,098.48 1,443,784.91 8/31/2020 Management Fees (512.47)(268.93)(53.08)(31.78) 1,442,918.65 8/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss) 21,644.28 16,450.81 2,241.82 1,943.82 1,485,199.38 9/30/2020 Management Fees (363.49)(276.28)(37.65)(32.65) 1,484,489.31 9/30/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss) (12,478.12)(9,485.83)(1,292.43)(1,120.84) 1,460,112.09 10/31/2020 Management Fees (370.27)(281.46)(38.35)(33.26) 1,459,388.75 10/31/2020 Investment Gain/(Loss) (6,461.91)(4,912.31)(669.30)(580.44) 1,446,764.79 11/30/2021 Mangement Fees (154.29)(117.28)(15.97)(13.86)1,446,463.38 11/30/20201 Investment Gain/(Loss) 53,115.96 40,373.94 5,499.41 4,773.07 1,550,225.76 Account Balance by Account Type 793,526.95 603,230.98 82,187.93 71,279.89 1,550,225.76$ 51.19%38.91%5.30%4.60%100% Pension OPEB Total Initial Contribution as of 12/28/2017 247,599.00$ - 247,599.00 Additional Contribution 6/26/19 1,105,248.00$ 587,339.00 1,692,587.00 Total Contributions =1,940,186.00 Total Distribution to CalPERS (631,392.00)$ - (631,392.00) Total Gain (or Loss) from Inception 164,789.66$ 91,683.79 256,473.45 Total Management Fees from Inception (10,529.78)$ (4,511.91) (15,041.69) Balance as of 1130-20 = 1,507,106.88$ 674,510.88$ 1,550,225.76$ PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services) Funding Reconciliation Page 77 of 88 $29,025,573 $27,283,364 $27,539,269 $29,320,649 $30,792,320 $31,809,710 395 386 376 375 369 350 60 110 160 210 260 310 360 410 460 $20,000 $5,020,000 $10,020,000 $15,020,000 $20,020,000 $25,020,000 $30,020,000 $35,020,000 Nov. 2015 Nov. 2016 Nov. 2017 Nov. 2018 Nov. 2019 Nov. 2020 Unrestricted Reserves & Days in Cash (Water) Unrestricted Reserves (Water)Days in Cash (Water) Page 78 of 88 ITEM NO. 9.6. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne P. Weston, Engineering Manager Danielle Logsdon, Principal Engineer Jeannette Guereca, Senior Engineer SUBJECT:Award of Construction Contract for FY21-22 Manhole and Valve Box Adjustment Project RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors award the Construction Contract for the FY21-22 Manhole and Valve Box Adjustment Project to All American Asphalt for $69,524.78, Job Nos. 2020-59, 2020-59S. SUMMARY: On November 12, 2020, the District solicited bids for the adjustment of 50 manholes and 110 valve boxes to grade. On December 8, 2020, bids were received from two contractors. The two bids are shown in the summary below. No. Contractor Total Bid Amount 1 All American Asphalt $69,524.78 2 EBS Utilities Adjusting, Inc. $113,740.00 Following review of the bids, staff recommends award to the low-bidder, All American Asphalt for $69,524.78. BACKGROUND: Each year, cities within the District's service area perform pavement improvement and preservation projects. In cases where the improvements alter the pavement grade, the District's manholes and valve boxes require adjustment. Previously, the cities performing the pavement improvements included this cost as part of their improvement project and billed the District at their contractor's cost. This project will provide the District with the ability to administer a separate contractor for the adjustment of manholes and valve boxes at a lower cost. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G2 3A - Manage expenses to achieve the strategic goals of the District; and G3 2B - Address the District's future infrastructure needs. Page 79 of 88 ITEM NO. 9.7. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Rosanne Weston, Engineering Manager Danielle Logsdon, Principal Engineer SUBJECT:Design and Construction Support Services for the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to issue a change order in the amount of $17,480 for the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station design and construction support services. SUMMARY: District Staff has requested design changes be made to the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station (“HH BPS”) beyond the design requirements and upgrades that were to be covered by North County BRS Project, LLC, the Developer of the Cielo Vista project. The developer’s requested change order of $17,480 causes the budget for the design and construction support services for the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station (“HH BPS”) to exceed the General Manager’s procurement authority of $75,000 under Section 2 of the District’s Purchasing Policy. Specifically, the $17,480 change order in addition to the previously authorized design cost of $67,000 will bring the total District design cost for the HH BPS to $84,480. Accordingly, District Management seeks Board authority to authorize the change order of $17,480. The additional design work covered under this change order will include: - Security fencing around the property that matches the neighboring community and YLWD standards; - Site grading to allow better access for vehicles to turn around; - Motorized gate to allow staff to access the facility safely; and - Intrusion alarms. FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted: $67,000 Change Order: $17,480 Total Budget: $84,480 Funding Source: Water Fund Job No: 2020-20 Page 80 of 88 BACKGROUND: The Hidden Hills Booster Pump Upgrade project was initiated due to the new Cielo Vista Development Project. The design and construction of the improvements needed to serve this development are being paid for by the Developer. Operations and Engineering identified additional improvements that are necessary to improve site security, fire hardening, and functionality. The District will realize cost savings by making these improvements now, rather than constructing them in the future under a separate project. Psomas has been tasked by the Developer to design the developer improvements. The additional work will also be designed by Psomas to establish a single point of responsibility for the design of this project. A breakdown of the additional design costs is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: On August 27, 2019, the Board of Directors approved the First Amendment to the Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and North County BRS, LLC for the Cielo Vista Development Project. On November 10, 2020, the Board of Directors approved the Second Amendment to the Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and North County BRS, LLC for the Cielo Vista Development Project. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES: G1 3A - Maintain and update security and aesthetics (as needed) for facilities and digital resources; G1 3B - Maintain and update security and aesthetics (as needed) for fire protection; G1 4B - Address infrastructure needs by updating/implementing the Capital Improvement Plan; G1 6B - Maintain distribution system and its capability to provide 100% groundwater and/or import water to the entire service area; G3 2B - Address the District's future infrastructure needs. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Change Order Request Page 81 of 88 4400 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 700 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tel 949-623-0700 www.blackrock.com Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E Mira Loma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 RE: Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station Change Order #3 Per the enclosed Change Order from our engineer, Psomas, the Yorba Linda Water District (“YLWD”) has requested additional design changes be made to the Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station (“HHBPS”) in excess of the design requirements and upgrades that were to be borne by North County BRS Project, LLC, the Developer of the Cielo Vista project. An allocation of costs, which we believe to be fair and accurate, is provided in the attached and shows that $17,480 of the total cost increase shall be alloc ated to YLWD. With the previously authorized cost of $67,000, this will bring the total YLWD cost responsibility for the HHBPS to $84,480. Once YLWD approves of the additional costs, we will authorize Psomas to complete the remaining design work. North County BRS Project, LLC will continue to bill YLWD for their allocation of costs. Please advise once this additional work is authorized. Sincerely, Rory Ingels North County BRS Project, LLC Page 82 of 88 5 Hutton Centre Drive Suite 300 Santa Ana, CA 92707 Tel 714.751.7373 Fax 714.545.8883 www.psomas.com December 16, 2020 Ms. Rory Ingles Director BlackRock 4400 MacArthur Boulevard, Ste 700 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station Final Design Change Order #3 Request Dear Rory: On February 13, 2020, Change Order #2 was executed between Psomas and North County BRS Project, LLC (Developer) authorizing Psomas to provide additional design and construction support services for the subject booster pump station which was a condition of development for the Cielo Vista project. In conjunction with the Yorba Linda Water District (District) review of Psomas’ 90% design submittal, the District requested some changes in the design of this station that were not included in Psomas’ current scope of services. Most of these items are somewhat minor in scope but in total they are estimated to require an additional $18,805 for design, management and construction services for the completion of the project as described below. 1. Site fencing plan including pilaster details which are non-standard now due to requirement for 8’ high fence as opposed to 6’ previously assumed, air vac relocation due to conflict with fence along parkway, and preparation of fencing exhibit for District use in obtaining City approval (since portion of wall, pilasters, and foundations along parkway are now in City right-of-way); 2. Grading, Drainage and Site Paving Plan revisions to increase paved area to facilitate turning radius and access to Generator behind building, including plan for reconnection to existing storm drain outlet; 3. Additional retaining wall design; 4. Addition of motorized gate with key card access and intrusion alarms on building; 5. Pump can improvement modifications (section and details); Page 83 of 88 Ms. Rory Ingles Page 2 of 3 December 16, 2020 HHBPS Change Order #3 Request 6. Additional specification sections; 7. Additional project management and QA/QC; and 8. Additional construction support services (submittals, RFIs). Psomas has prepared a detailed estimate for the additional design and construction costs including subconsultants, which is shown on Table 1. Other than item 5, which relates to the actual increase in pumping capacity that was a condition of the Developer agreement and the original purpose of the project, Developer and District agree that these additional services are not directly related to the increase in pumping capacity but improve the overall site to the benefit of the District in terms of aesthetics, security, maintenance and operational efficiency. Therefore, the District has agreed in principal that they will be responsible for all of these additional fees except item 5 or $17,480; and the Developer will be responsible for $1,325 as shown in the inset at the bottom left of Table 1. Formal District approval will be forthcoming. Colu Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column12 Task No.Task Description Sr. Proj. Manager Proj. Engineer Prof. Engineer Proj. Asst. Total Hours Total Fee Rates $245 $155 $115 $100 1 Site Fencing Plan, Air Vac Reloc, and Pilaster Details 2 5 8 15 $2,185 2 Grading, Drainage, and Site Paving Plan 4 12 18 34 $4,910 3 Additional Retaining Wall Design 1 4 6 11 $1,555 4 Motorized Gate and Intrusion Alarms 1 5 6 $1,020 5 Pump Can Improvement Mods (Section and Details)1 4 4 9 $1,325 6 Additional Specifications 1 6 3 10 $1,475 7 Additional Project Management and QA/QC 8 2 1 11 $2,370 8 Additional Construction Services (Submittals, RFIs)1 4 1 6 $965 Psomas Totals 19 42 36 5 102 $15,805 $2,000 Developer Responsibility (Item 5)$1,325 $1,000 District Responsibility $17,480 $0 Total $18,805 $18,805 Geotech Fee Total with Subs Table 1 Hidden Hills BPS Additional Work per 90% Review Comments Fee Estimate Electrical Fee Structural Fee These additional design elements will increase the construction cost estimate as well with the District’s percentage likely to increase with the single most expensive construction cost increase related to the additional grading, paving and drainage work. At the 60% design level, the Developer’s share of the $1,338,191 estimated total construction cost estimate was $726,287 or approximately 54% and the District’s share was $611,904 or 46%. In conjunction with completing these additional services and submittal of the 100% plans and specifications, Psomas will prepare an updated Page 84 of 88 Ms. Rory Ingles Page 3 of 3 December 16, 2020 HHBPS Change Order #3 Request opinion of probable construction cost and revised split between District and Developer responsibilities. Based on the above, Psomas would respectfully request that our contract be amended by $18,805 to cover the total estimated additional design and construction support services fees with the understanding the District would be responsible for reimbursing the Developer for these additional design and construction support fees up to $17,480, following District’s formal approval of this cost allocation, and upon receipt of Psomas invoices from Developer. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I you have any questions or we can provide additional information. Sincerely, Michael D. Swan, P.E. Vice President Senior Project Manager cc: Rosanne Weston, YLWD Danielle Logsdon, YLWD Page 85 of 88 ITEM NO. 11.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Director's Reports The Directors will report on their attendance at the following events: 1. OC LAFCO - December 9, 2020 2. YL Planning Commission - December 9, 2020 (Hawkins) 3. WACO Planning Committee - December 15, 2020 4. SAWPA Commission - December 15, 2020 5. OCWD & OCSD Virtual Tour - December 15, 2020 (Hawkins) 6. YL City Council - December 15, 2020 7. MWDOC Board - December 16, 2020 (Miller) 8. OCWD Board - December 16, 2020 (Jones) 9. OCWD Stormwater Capture Webinar - December 17, 2020 (Hawkins/Jones) 10. OCSD Board - December 23, 2020 (Jones) 11. ISDOC Executive Committee - January 5, 2021 12. SAWPA Commission - January 5, 2021 13. MWDOC Board - January 6, 2021 (Miller) 14. OCSD Operations Committee - January 6, 2021 (Jones) 15. OCWD Board - January 6, 2021 (Jones) 16. WACO - January 8, 2021 Page 86 of 88 ITEM NO. 13.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Board of Directors FROM:Brett R. Barbre, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS:Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT:Meetings from January 13 - March 31, 2021 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Board of Directors' Activity Calendar Page 87 of 88 Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendees January OC LAFCO Wed, Jan 13 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Jan 13 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Jan 19 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Jan 19 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Jan 19 6:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Jan 20 8:30 AM Miller OCWA Webinar Wed, Jan 20 11:30 AM DesRoches/Jones OCWD Board Wed, Jan 20 5:30 PM Jones OCSD Board Wed, Jan 27 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Jan 27 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) ISDOC Thu, Jan 28 11:30 AM Hawkins/Jones February ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Feb 2 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Feb 2 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Feb 2 6:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Feb 3 8:30 AM Miller OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Feb 3 5:00 PM OCWD Board Wed, Feb 3 5:30 PM Jones WACO Fri, Feb 5 7:30 AM OC LAFCO Wed, Feb 10 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Feb 10 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Feb 16 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Feb 16 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Feb 16 6:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Feb 17 8:30 AM Miller OCWA Webinar Wed, Feb 17 11:30 AM UWI Conference Wed, Feb 17 12:00 PM Jones OCWD Board Wed, Feb 17 5:30 PM Jones UWI Conference Thu, Feb 18 8:30 AM Jones OCSD Board Wed, Feb 24 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Feb 24 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) March ISDOC Executive Committee Tue, Mar 2 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 2 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Mar 2 6:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 3 8:30 AM Miller OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Mar 3 5:00 PM OCWD Board Wed, Mar 3 5:30 PM Jones WACO Fri, Mar 5 7:30 AM OC LAFCO Wed, Mar 10 8:15 AM YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 10 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) WACO Planning Committee Tue, Mar 16 7:30 AM SAWPA Commission Tue, Mar 16 9:30 AM YL City Council Tue, Mar 16 6:30 PM MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 17 8:30 AM Miller OCWA Webinar Wed, Mar 17 11:30 AM OCWD Board Wed, Mar 17 5:30 PM Jones OCSD Board Wed, Mar 24 6:00 PM Jones YL Planning Commission Wed, Mar 24 6:30 PM Hawkins (As Needed) As of January 6, 2020 Page 88 of 88 BACKUP MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING • 1 i 1 J 0. 1 . PFAS Treatment Plant Update ,, ♦ i + • + i Presented b •. ' i+ - ♦ Rosanne Weston - Y • ♦ ' J J J J J J J J + J Engineering Manager J J J . J J • J J � * +J J J YL - - • 1 PFAS Water Treatment Plant Schedule i i • Project Advertised 12/ 15/20 � • Pre-Bid Meeting 12/22/20 • Job Walkthrough 12/29/20 • Bid Opening 1 /27/21 • .� • ' • Bid Award 2/4/21 ' + + • • Notice To Proceed 2/25/21 + , r► s i ; . • . • Operational 10/25/2021 • J 2 . YL �; s • 1 Virtual 3D Tour of PFAS Plant J i • IF 1 • 3 Sets of Virtual Goggles • Scheduling virtual tours now! slip J J J � J J J J J J J YL _� _ • J + i w 10 lwvJ ' i • + • .0 + ,0♦ + lwv • -� .r .I ♦ i ♦ i r.r t + eneral MRepo-Irt + J ♦, i i i J '� J '+ J J + J ♦ + J I J� J J J ! ♦ ,, � J J. J ,�, � �• � J J � �J J ! J J ! J • J • I i J � + YL W • J - i r - • fi -,i J 'tip i r ' i J - �,� r ITEM 1 0 'o .0 a '& • ♦ - - I ei *inquent WB *1 I IS , -.& - i ,� j 'J J J r i J • J J J , J , J. + ,�, �• X11 J +' J r '" J J '� J ' J ' J i ♦ J ' � J J ♦ J .� J , 'oJ r ♦ J J J J r r I' , J JJ J J , J '� J J J I .0 J J i J ' J A • ' j r J , J J _ J ♦ ' J J IIA , r YL • fill -- _ - - W . _ ITEM NO. 11.2. r Payment Due Residential Commercial Total Past Due # Customers April 2020 $555.26 ----- $555.26 ----- May 2020 $3,641.77 ----- $3,641.77 ----- June 2020 $4,251.41 ----- $4,251.41 ----- July 2020 $3,829.88 ----- $3,829.88 ----- Au ust 2020 $15,760.90 $564.18 $16,325.08 September 2020 $10,788.27 $499.47 $11,287.74 October 2020 $29,020.97 $1,822.52 $30,843.49 • November 2020 $60,308.30 $4,212.54 $64,520.84 • December 2020 $58,011.86 $15,257.88 $73,269.74 • January 2021 $108,415.04 $36,953.99 $145,369.03 ' ' • l Outstanding Balances by Type Current Total Outstanding Bill Amounts - $355,571.03 or 3,130 customers Current Total Residential - $296,260.45 or 2,978 residential customers Current Total Commercial - $59,310.58 or 152 commercial customers All data as of January 12, 2021 Yorba Linda - AP Mme--�� - Water DistricO"* .� Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, '=-- 2021 ITEM NO. 11.2. Total Residential Delinquent Bills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $350K +15% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T 1------------------------- $300K 11 -3% +5% +3 +12% I +11% 11 $305,573.82 T $296,260.45 $223,083.0-1----1--- $-200,160 ---- -1---$221,703.9-1-- ------- --------- $200K 10% $266,579.79 ---------- --------- --------- $150K $247,392.95 --------------------------- --------- ---------- $100K9 .14------- --------- ---- ---- $50K - $OK June 23 July 13 Aug. 24 Sept.8 Oct.13 Nov. 10 Dec.8 Jan. 12 Yorba Linda Water District!- j-:� Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2021 �' ITEM NO. 11.2. r Total Commercial Delinquent Bills r --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $70K +73/ ----=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+69%-----r----------------------------------- + 3 $60K --------------- ; ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $50K -2 ---- ----------------- 7-°/n- 1 -6% +44 $40K .. $60,492.32 -19% $59,310.58 $44,107.38 -41% $34,890.98 $41,629.54 $35,194.59 _________ ------ $24,504.25 $10K $OK June 23 July 13 Aug. 24 Sept.8 Oct.13 Nov. 10 Dec.8 Jan. 12 R ,- � Yorba Linda Water Districtt* Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2021 �' ITEM NO. 11.2. Total Outstanding Delinquent Bills --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- $400K +4% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------i - - $350K 0 -----------------------------------20%-------------_+_31------------ - + $300K j -3/ $355,571.03 - - - --------------- - - $340,768.41 - - - - 250K -12% --- ------ ------ ----------- $200K $291,500.33 $291,084.04 ---------- $282,196.23 $266,033.62 --------- ---------- --------- $100 K ---------- ---------- $235,051.12 ----- ------ ---------- $OK June 23 July 13 Aug.24 Sept.8 Oct.13 Nov. 10 Dec.8 Jan. 12 ,- � Yorba Linda _ � Water Distric-:O�- j�-- - -, Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2021 �' ITEM NO. 11.2. c r r r Date Residential Commercial Total December 8, 2020 $305,573.82 $35,194.59 $340,768.41 C. r January 12, 2020 $296,260.45 $591310.58 $3551571 .03 Difference -$95313.37 3.05% +$24,115.99 68.52% +$14,802.62 4.34% Date Residential Commercial Total December 8, 2020 37071 118 3,189 January 12, 2020 2,978 152 3,130 Difference .93 (3.03%) +34 (28.81%) .59 (l .85%) Yorba LindaWater Dist r i ct=- Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, =� 2021 ITEM NO. 11.2. � r Historic Payments in 27 Days Sept. 2020 Cycle 1 7,969 91 .2% Sept. 2020 Cycle 2 5,625 91 .5% _ Sept. 2020 Cycle 3 5,896 90.6% Sept. 20�� C cle 4 5,743 91.1 Sept. 1 1 Month91.1% October 2020 Cycle 1 7,979 89.8% October 2020 Cycle 2 5,630 92.0% - October 2020 Cycle 3 5,900 90.4% October 2020 Month 259250 90.9% October 2020 C cle 4 5,741 91.7% Yorba Linda Water Distric�..- Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2021 , ITEM NO. 11.2. � r Historic Payments in 27 Days r Nov. 2020 Cycle 1 7,980 91 .4% Nov. 2020 Cycle 2 5,628 90.6% Nov. 2020 Cycle 3 5,898 90.6% r Nov. 2020 C cle 4 5,743 a� �% rNov. 1 1 Month 25249 91.3% c Dec. 2020 Cycle 1 7,977 87.4% � Dec. 2020 Cycle 2 5,635 90.9% Dec. 2020 Cycle 3 5,905 Pending Dec. 2020 C cle 4 5,739 Pendin Dec. 2020 Month • Yorba LindaWater District!7 Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, =� _ 2021 • i i • - r Iwv Wft- ITEM • ♦ • , • • A i oft Calsio - - i . J _ s i ; , • . • J J � Ji i • i IIIP •J YL o • - - ITEM NO. 11.2. � � r rr c r r r rr r r� rrr � r r r r rcrrr r r. r r rrfir rrrr r rr r rCrr rr rAL- r r r Soft Collection Calls C Started with 4 or more COMM Now calling 3 or more RES and COMM c r Made 1 ,425 calls `r Collected 866 or 61 % of calls cy f Total Collected - $293 , 906 . 28 Total added to Auto Pay - 139 r a Yorba Linda A7 Water District-;:-- Board of Directors Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, =-- 2021 — • Curre ast Due + i i IIIP ♦ • J♦ 1 I r ,� j 'i J J ♦ i i i r r ♦ / J .3 t r ♦ ♦ r ♦ + r J J • J ♦ ♦ r ♦ � i � ♦ r �r � � i r r ♦ i r r �, J • ♦ r r i r J i i ♦ 'J r J ♦ ♦ � • I i i r ' - i _ i _� ♦ ♦ r r r J r r YL o • - - .�r • � r i W X41 • i lr ITEM 30 r J ' i r r r j i i • r J I • i oronavirusM *It*lgat*ion r • i YL - - W - - i TIER UPDATE J ' • On December 29, 2020, the Governor announced an extension of the Stay-At-Home Order for the Southern ♦ California Region. ' • The Stay-At-Home Order will not be lifted until the Southern California Region can reach at least 15% available ICU bed capacity. ♦ J. • During this time, the County is not subject to the Blueprint for . ,A • a Safer Economy tier system but is impacted by the more i J restrictive measures of the Regional Stay-At-Home Order. C-4-T- Y r • City Hall is open on an appointment only during normal operating hours. All visitors must wear a mask. • Council Meetings still virtual. • All indoor recreation centers are closed. Some walk-ins permitted. • Yorba Linda Community Center is closed. • • Yorba Linda Police Services Station is closed to the public. - r • The new Library is open and operates under the State guidance for retail services, and currently offers Grab and Go services. • TY OF PLACENTIA • City Hall is currently open with precautions in place. Guests ` are to wear face coverings and practice social distancing. Council Meetings still virtual. • Police Department Lobby/Front Counter is closed. • All Commission and Committee Meetings are cancelled. • • Rental Halls, Picnic Shelters, Playgrounds and Fields are all closed. J. • The Library is open with social distance protocols and a ,,, *0 maximum capacity of 30. J a a YL - - COUNTY OF ORANGE • Hall of Administration Building open. • Board Meetings are In persor • The courthouses of Orange County Superior Court are open for limited in-person services. Members of the public should NOT visit a courthouse unless they have been notified by the Court that they have an in-person hearing or they have scheduled an appointment to enter the building for counter services. • The Clerk-Recorder main office in Santa Ana is open for appointments, only the person requesting service can enter the office. Marriage Services will continue virtually and in-person • branch offices in Anaheim, Laguna Hills, and the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana by appointment only. • Most OC Parks and Beaches are open with restrictions. Restrooms are open but other buildings are closed. Campground sites are temporarily closed in accordance with the Regional Stay at Home Order. • OC libraries remain closed but offer curbside pickup and physically distanced single-user computers by reservation for one-hour sessions. OVWD, MWD and MWDOC + i i 1 • All offices closed to the public. - • Ali meetings virtual. J J + J ✓ J i J ✓ ; J i J J J J - i J / ✓ J J YL _ - NMI, . �r